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Cahyono Hendri Susila as illustrator Muhammad Yusuf Habibi as videografer

Koskow is a lecturer in Institute art of Yogyakarta he is teaching in department of Visual communication design. He was also active in several design forums like DGI and he was also active in the field of books like the book fair, editor or book layouter. Koskow is a unique lecturer he is so little of the other lecturer were terrible, he was a lecturer who is able to blend in with the students like as a good friend. So, we enough frequent discussions with him about the things related to design, culture, education, etc.. we will try to summarize it into a good interview

What your background, before become a lecturer? student? artist?

I was a young boy like many others. I was playing music when in high school, making sticker to get money, climbing mountain, and making a tattoo on my right hand.
How does your experience as a lecturer?

Im enjoyed as a lecture. Its very important for me. My father was a lecture. My mother was a lecture in kindergarten. Become a lecture is not easy. I have read any books. I have writing some articles. A have to make design, artworks, exhibitions, and discussion.
Why you choose a lecturer, rather than art practitioners ? For a young soul ? or contribution to your country?

We can be a lecture is an artist too. So dont separate them. I dont think about my contribution to my country. But I believe we need our country to live and works. We can translate term country into civilization, environmental, or public. So we can contribute in these field to realization our designs, artworks, or opinions.
Could slightly tell your experience work with DGI? Like a community ? or only good Indonesian designer ?

DGI is a place to publish my articles. I don't have many contributions to DGI except article. It means if you share your article in internet you share your opinion, experience, and perspective.
Can you tell us about your thoughts are on 3 campuses that have different cultures, can slightly be explained? way of teaching? habit or perhaps the pattern?

Every campus has its own culture. Sometime theyre same, sometime theyre different. In STDI (Sekolah Tinggi Desain Indonesia) I was starting become a lecture in a small campus, in Bandung. In Despro ITS I learned how to create art academic atmosphere because this campus is very industrialized. In DKV ISI Yogyakarta I got many experience especially how art become inspiration for graphic design.

How do you respond to the culture of teaching at your campus (ISI) as a communication designer?

DKV ISI Yogyakarta, or FSR ISI Yogyakarta is a campus that has long history and culture. Its a place that gives me many things like friendship, discussion, exhibition, art project, and many more. In DKV ISI Yogyakarta I just not teach student but I learn from them too. I learn from students and colleagues.
How do you think about the phenomenon of artisan design in your campus ?

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Development of young designers in Indonesian (general), according to how lecturer of design to see?

Every year many students graduate from campus. Many of them success, but many may be not yet. This situation is very difficult. I feel restless with that situation. But I believe the students who active since theyre studied will get a way to live and work, especially if they started it with read some books, write some articles, making relation with clients, and job or art experience.

How do you think about the phenomenon of artisan design in your campus ?

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Depending on the designer's ability insights, and the insights derived from the books they read, how do you think the

If we read a book, we will get information or idea. Books give inspiration for us. Book is important but the most important. The most important is how you read the book, how you evaluate it.

How important books in your personal life?

Good question. Book, in any genres and forms, are an idea. Book gives us information and perspective. Some books are amazing like poet, philosophy, or novel.
We heard you launch a new book, Can you tell us about that ?

"Teman Merawat Percakapan" is an autobiography. The autobiography is about my experience in art project, graphic design, and my experience as a lecture. Something that you have to know " Teman Merawat Percakapan" is not just as an art books, its the art of book. You can read more in my Facebook or my blog. Its not the book of art. Its the art of book.

He shows that the role of the faculty as a lecturer to change the culture and development of the students, who will be a change in the future. we also understand the book is not just writing a meaningful, the book also contain implicit information, that we can learn, such as author perspective, approach and mindset of someone its latest book is an auto biography titled "Teman Merawat Percakapan" This book was made about 10 years as marker flashbacks he has lectured and written through the eyes of artists

Live Interview with FX. KOSKOW

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