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Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings.

Important: required, substantial, vital, essential, primary, significant, requisite, critical Weak: frail, anemic, feeble, infirm, languid, sluggish, puny, fragile

Beautiful: Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, Stunning Fair: Just, Objective, Impartial, Unbiased Funny: Humorous, Comical, Hilarious, Hysterical Happy: Content, Joyful, Mirthful, Upbeat Hardworking: Diligent, Determined, Industrious, Enterprising Honest: Honorable, Fair, Sincere, Trustworthy Intelligent: Smart, Bright, Brilliant, Sharp Introverted: Shy, Bashful, Quiet, Withdrawn Kind:Thoughtful, Considerate, Amiable, Gracious Lazy: Idle, Lackadaisical, Lethargic, Indolent Mean: Unfriendly, Unpleasant, Bad-tempered, Difficult Outgoing: Friendly, Sociable, Warm, Extroverted Rich: Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, Well-to-do Strong: Stable, Secure, Solid, Tough Unhappy: Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable Lucky: Auspicious, Fortunate Positive: Optimistic, Cheerful, Starry-eyed, Sanguine Bossy: Controlling, Tyrannical Baffle: confuse, deceive Hypocrisy: duplicity, falseness Pacify: appease, placate Recalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn Turbulent: disordered, violent Valid: authorized, legitimate Old: antiquated, ancient, obsolete, extinct, past, prehistoric, venerable, aged True: genuine, reliable, factual, accurate, precise, correct, valid, real

Antonym is one of a pair of words with opposite meaning.

Fat and skinny Young and old Happy and sad Hard and soft Last and first Foolish and wise Fast and slow Warm and cool Wide and narrow Abundant and scarce Joy and grief Dark and light Dangerous and safe Clever and foolish Early and late Empty and full Smart and dumb Risky and safe Bad and good Pretty and ugly Best and worst Simple and challenging Soft and hard Worried and calm Sane and crazy Rich and poor Cool and hot

Wet and dry Late and early Ignorant and educated Big and small Optimistic and pessimistic Excited and bored Dull and interesting Man and woman Push and pull Dead and alive Off and on Day and night Absent and present Exit and entrance Sink or float True or false Pass and fail Former and latter Input and output Interior and exterior Exhale and inhale Input and output Occupied and vacant Leave and arrive Pre and post Question and answer Single and married Hired and fired Brother and sister Before and after Crooked and straight Identical and different Natural or artificial

Silence or noise Identical or different Yes and no Wet and dry Sharp and dull Raise and lower Fantasy and reality Husband and wife Doctor and patient Buy and sell Predator and prey Above and below Give and receive Teach and learn Instructor and pupil Servant and master Borrow and lend Come and go Toward and away Divisor and dividend Parent and child East and west North and south Seller and buyer Mother and daughter Slave and master Floor and ceiling Front and back Up and down Win and lose Part and whole Offense and defense Behind and ahead

Before and after On or off Trap and release Lost and found Left and right Give and get Employer employee

Elicit (to bring out) and Illicit (unlawful) Emigrate from (leave one country) and Immigrate to (enter another country) Fair (even-handed) and Fare (payment) Fairy (imaginary magic person) and Ferry (river-crossing boat) Gilt (gold-plated) and Guilt (did wrong) Gorilla (large ape) and Guerrilla (military soldier) Knead (working bread dough) and Need (must have) Mail (postal delivery) and Male (masculine person) Principle (a basic truth) and Principal (head of a school/sum of money) Scene (visual location) and Seen (past tense of saw) Than (a comparison) and then (shows time) There (a place) and Their (belongs to them) and They're (they are) To (a preposition) and Too (an adverb) and Two (a number) Your (possessive pronoun) and You're (yo are)

Homonym is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meaning

Accept (to receive) and Except (excluding) Acts (things done) and Ax (chopping tool) Ad (advertisement) and Add (short for addition) Affect (to influence) and Effect (result) Aid (to assist) and Aide (an assistant) Air (stuff we breath) and Heir (one who will inherit) Aisle (walkway) and Isle (island) Allusion (an indirect reference) and Illusion (a misconception) Ant (insect) and Aunt (parent's sister) Bald (hairless) and Bawled (cried aloud) Band (a group) and Banned (forbidden) Capital (city) and Capitol (wealth and resources) Climactic (great intensity) and Climatic (weather conditions) Days (more than one day) and Daze (to bewilder) Die (to become dead) and Dye (coloring agent)

Common Analogies and Their Meanings Analogy examples with corresponding meanings are the best way to show the meaning of the word analogy. The following is a list of some common analogies and an explanation of their meaning.

Bing Crosby had a velvet voice. Since voices are not made of velvet, this implies that his voice was smooth and soothing. Life is like a box of chocolates. This has many meanings and is a great analogy for life

The relationship between them began to thaw. This means that the relationship was changing. You are as annoying as nails on a chalkboard. You must be pretty annoying for someone to say that. I am going to be toast when I get home. This is usually said when someone is in trouble with their significant other. He is like a rock. This means he is steadfast and strong. She attended the celebrity roast. The person being roasted is being honored by people making harmless jokes about him or her. I feel like a fish out of water. This implies that you are not comfortable in your surroundings. She was offended when I said she was as flaky as a snowstorm. That isnt a very nice comparison to make. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Unless you really are a fish, this encourages you to move on and find another potential mate. She was as quiet as a mouse. It is hard to hear a mouse, so that means she was very quiet.

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