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NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010


Swetanjali Gupta and Atul Bansal Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka
Abstract: Cardiac disease is a big reason of premature dying. A significant amount of research and development effort has been devoted on detection of cardiovascular disease but still cannot get the control on death rate of cardiac disease. In this paper, we successfully analyze the parameter, which is helpful in detection of Heart disease. Diseases can be categorized according to- 1) action potential (such as arrhythmia) and 2) excitation pattern. Every bio-signal is combination of action potential and excitation patterns. Doctor will know the abnormality of patients by check this category of disease. Using cepstrum technique, successfully separate the basic wavelet (action potential) from excitation pattern, which occurs during cardiac muscle, of ECG signal. This feature is essential for identification of disorder of cardiac rhythm, extremely used for diagnosis of heart abnormalities. This paper will help to understand the concept of signal processing of ECG signal using Cepstrum technique, to understand the various heart problems. KeywordsCepstrum, Electrocardiogram, Action potential,Signal Processing.

1. INTRODUCTION Cardiac disease (especially Heart attack) is major cause of premature dying. The death rate due to Myocardial Infarction is- India - 30%, USA- 28.5% and Europe 80%. WHO estimates, India lost 9 billion dollars in national income from premature deaths due to heart disease, diabetes, stroke and etc. Indian populations are succumbing to heart attack, diabetes and high blood pressure, 5-10 years earlier than western Counterparts in their most productive years. Electrocardiogram is the standard way to measure the electrical activity of heart. Physicians diagnose the problems of heart by analyzing its ECG & comparing it to the ECG of healthy heart. Cardiovascular disease is number of specific diseases that affect the heart itself and the blood vessel system. If any patient is diagnosed at early stage of Heart disease, doctor can save his/her life. Heart diseases are categorized according to action potential and excitation pattern. Disease due to action potential is arrhythmia and heart block. Arrhythmias are life threatening that cause cardiac arrest and sudden death. The symptoms of arrhythmia are abnormal heartbeat. Heart block is occurs due to SA nodal blocks. Sinoatrial (SA) node is the origination of action potential. ECG signal represent the convolution of basic wavelets (action potential generated by heart) and excitation function. Action potential (AP) tells about the electrical activity of heart, which is generated by Sinoatrial (SA) node. If patients action potential is not normal then doctor can rule out arrhythmia and heart block problem. Excitation pattern is the pattern of the muscle, which

occurs due to the fire of neurons on the muscles, thus doctor will know, in which sample of signal subject muscle have in excited or resting state. Cepstrum is a method for deconvolving a train of impulses from a basic wavelet. Thus the form of the wavelet or the echo impulse train or both can be recovered. This paper explains signal processing using cepstrum technique, which has found application in the cardiac signal [1]. A good deal of what follows is based upon our own experiences but we have tried to incorporate and synthesize the results and experiences of the numerous other investigators in this field as well nonetheless, investigators appear to be obtaining satisfactory results from the processing of their data by Cepstrum techniques. By this paper, reader will gain some new insights ideas and perspectives. . 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 Processing of Signal Data MATLAB was used for processing of ECG data. Proceed by re-sampling of ECG data by 1/10th of its original size [5] (shown in Fig. 1(a)). Baseline correction of every data was done using 0.1*Sampling Rate of original signal, so that median value will give baseline. By subtracting Baseline from re-sampled signal, obtain baseline corrected signal (shown in Fig.1 (b)). This process is easy and accurate methodology [3].


NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010
2.2 Cepstrum The Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal is a combination of basic wavelets (action potential generated by Heart) and excitation function (excitation pattern of heart muscle). Cepstrum techniques are suited for the analysis of signal that contains echoes. The application area encompasses such as- Speech (where speaker fundamental frequency is estimated), Electroencephalograph (EEG) (where correlates of electrophysiological events are derived) etc. Cepstrum is a technique, which is used to separate out the excitation pattern of heart muscle from basic wavelets. This process is also known as ''Homomorphic filtering'' [1] [2]. This filtering is used in the log-spectral domain to separate out the filter effects from excitation effects and it is generalized for signal and image processing (involve a nonlinear mapping to a different domain in which linear filter techniques are applied) followed by mapping back to the original domain.
Re-sampled ECG Signal 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 lit d 0

Cepstrum of the signal is defined as the "Inverse Fourier transforms (IFT) of the logarithm of the magnitude of the Fourier transform (FT) of the data sequence"[1] [4].

(1) Where, x(n) is a data and n is number of sample. Cepstrum consist of two types, namely Real and complex Cepstrum. Real Cepstrum is the Inverse Fourier transform of the logarithm of the magnitude

of the Fourier transform. Magnitude is real but phase (2) is missing. Complex Cepstrum is used because it does retain the phase information of composite data. It can be used for echo detection and also for wavelet recovery. The Mathematical expression are(3) Where, X (Z) is the z-transform of x (nT) data sequence. Complex cepstrum separate the two signal (action potential and excitation pattern) convolved with each other (ECG signal). The submissions must be in a black and white. The authors are recommended not to use color traces in graphical data or color photographs. Place figure and photograph captions directly below each figure and photograph. The captions numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals should be centered.

-0.2 A -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Samples/second 5000 6000

Baseline Corrected ECG Signal 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8

3. RESULT Proposed techniques, separate the action potential of heart signal from excitation pattern (Fig. 2). It is useful for doctors for detection of heart disease. Action potential tells about electrical activity of heart, which is generated by SA node. If any change occurs in action potential or excitation pattern, doctor will know the patients have cardiac problem.



3000 4000 Samples/second



(b) Fig. 1: (a) Re-sampled signal of original ECG and (b) Base-corrected signal of re-sampled signal

4. CONCLUSION The principles of Homomorphic deconvolution have been applied to effect a transformation of the independent variable rather than to effect a deconvolution of two signals because of its signal dependency can filter out superimposed noise on a signal, leaving large peaks of the signal unattenuated. This technique is applied on abnormal ECG signal. Thus, successful separation of action potential from excitation pattern of cardiac signals is helpful in the prediction of cardiac problem.


NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010

Action potential generated by heart


lit d A









Excitation pattern occurs due to cardiac muscle 3.5 3 2.5 2 lit d A 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1



1500 Quefrency




(b) Fig, 2: (a) Action potential generated by Heart and (b) Excitation pattern occurs during cardiac muscle 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors thank Dr. G. K. Prabhu, MIT, Manipal, for helpful discussion and Authors also thank all staff of Department of Biomedical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal (Karnataka), India for their cooperation and support. 6. REFERENCES [1] Donald G. Childers, David P. Skinner and Robort C. Kemerait, The Cepstrum: A Guide to Processing, The IEEE, Vol. 65, No. 10, October 1977. [2] Metin Akay, "Nonlinear Biomedical Signal Processing", Academic press, 1994. [3] Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, "Biomedical Signal Analysis: A case study approach", Wiley-IEEE press, December 2001. [4] Glass & Zue, "A Cepstral Analysis", MIT, USA [5] T. Lahiri, S. Sarkar, S. Sanyal, A.A. Morzov, and Yo. V. Obukhov, "Clustering of signal components within most likely ECG episodes to analyze the ECG waves", Pattern recognitation and image Analysis 2009, ISSN 1054-6618, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 30-34.


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