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Womans mind.

her social contacts increasingly become other pregnant women or brand new mothers, and her interest and activities focus on pregnancy, child bearing and preparation for a new role. this social shift crates the need for a certain amount of grief wwork, which in turn serves a catalyst for assumption of her new role. the grief involves letting go of former relationships, attachment, as significant aspects an events of her former role. they will be affeted by the forthcoming baby and new role. this does not mean discarding all these relationship and ties but does involve a change in them. for a multipara, this includes a certain disengagement from established ties with her othrer children as she prepares her home and family for the changes a new baby will create. Much of womans new or changed role is tried out, developed, and refinrd in fantasy, imagination and day dreaming. Quickening enables the woman to conceptualize her baby as and individual separate from herself. This new awareness starts a change in her focus form her self for the baby. Frequently the change is manifested by dreams that someone else, ususally a stranger, is being injured. These dreams generally are interpreted as expressing the mothers concern about the harm to her baby. At this poin, the sex of the baby is unimportant. The concern of the babys wellbeing and welcome in the family group.

Most women feel more erotic during the secong trimester; approximately 80 percent of pregnant women experince a significant improvement in their sexual relationship as compared with both their first semester and before pregnancy. The second trimester is relatively free of physical discomforts; the size of the woman abdomen is not yet insuremountable problem; vaginal lubrication is greater; teh relatid anxieties, worries, and concerns causing the womans previous ambivalence and depression have sibsided; and she has shifted from seeking caretaking from her mother to seeking caretaking from her partner- all th ese factors contribute to an increase in libido and sexual satisfaction.

Thir trimester The third trimester is often referred to as the period of watchful waiting. Now that the woman is aware of the babys presence as a separating being, se becomes impatient for the babys arrival. There is an uneasy sense that the baby could arrive at anytime, a fact that places the woman on edge as she watches and waits for the signs and symtomps of labour. The third trimester is a time of active, visible preparation for childbirth and parenthood as the woman

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