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ISSUES AND EVENTS Form the opinion on the issues

Prelim History Geography Economy Polity Pratiyogita Darpan polity economy mcqs Mains- statistics part in mental ability. Statistics Statement type of questions true/false and why?

Hobbies, medals won team/pref, post/state preference, home state, Prepare for your interviews based on your mains form. Background engineering, they will have some idea about things you must know in college. Learn from others mistake as well. Upsc prep 9 months before the exam for prelims.

IAS EXAM prelims Books and study material: Current Events of National & International importance: The Hindu. Wizard Current events for pre Spectrum Modern India HISTORY Bipin Chandra. Old NCERT Geography: Refer to atlas and globe on everyday basis, finding places. Wikipedia/youtube LaNina current. Complete Idiots guide to Geography

INDIAN POLITY & GOVERNANCE Laxmikanth(specially for IAS) DD BASU Intro to Constitution of India Our Constitution by Subash Kashyap NCERT start from 9th

Economic and Social Development Indian Economic development class 11th Economic Survey 2010-11 (comes in march-april) Uma Kapila Economy Vaji Ram and Ravi economy notes. Repo rate-liquidity maintained by rbi-how money moves-2 types of gdp-budget-purchase security from the marketRead the hindu, the economic times and the businessline. Budget period is important.

Ecology-spectrum book-biodiversity-


Get a copy of employment news in dec Civil services chronicle Competition success review.

Prelims: GS PAPER: history and ind national movement, science, geography, polity. Comprehensive paper. Continuous mental process. 1yr fresh beginner.

Optionals: political science and philosophy. Feminism, gandhism, social justice, Have writing practice.

Give importance to each n every word of the syllabus prescribed by upsc. Refer to prev year ques ppr. Methodological preparation. Prev yr ppr refer time to time, see which portion was questioned, prelim n mains, use it as the guide for the preparation. Before choosing the option, refer the syllabus, material availability of the subject, seniors who have come out successfully for the subject, subj is scoring, are you inclined towards the subject. Writing is very important. Testing is also very important, right from the beginning. Make a set of notes, revise it regularly.

Prelims is an exhaustive study level exam. Start with basic book thoroughly and then go for the other books. Start writing mock test. Mains: present your answers neatly, format, underlining, heading then the points, 2 colours, points, answer to the question point-to-point, dont write what you know but what ques asks, Use lot of diagrams, flowcharts, neatly and to the point, stand different.

Which other alternatives the Engineers look for? Geography is top of mind subject among engineering graduates. Among other optional subjects Public Administration or Political Science & International Relations, literature of languages, particularly Pali and of late History, Sociology and Philosophy have also come on their radar.

Application of knowledge is important. You must have knowledge in all the subjects and have the ability to apply it in day to day use. Cause-effect relation should be known, basics should be known and then upgraded frequently. So basic knowledge should be complemented with current affairs knowledge for complete knowledge. GS prep process is an ultimate personality development process. Person should know why he succeeded and why did he fail. SUPPOSE TO UNDERSTAND, ANALYZE THE CONCEPTS AND IMPLEMENT.

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