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WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No. 232409

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Dearest Crusader friend,

It is great to have the opportunity to write to you again

and share our latest news with you. We have doubled
the size of this publication in order to share more
information with you. There are new aspects as well
so we hope that you enjoy the new format and look
forward to receiving your comments.

You will know from reading the latest editions of our magazines that we
have been really struggling financially. Your help in this area is
absolutely vital to the continued existence of your Charity.
Regrettably we can no long afford to publish our magazines. If our
financial situation improves then we might be able to publish them again.
For now we can only publish the ‘Crusader’ and ‘Power Lines’ on the

Please will you help us in any way that you can. Just a small regular
donation from you could be a life saver! Just imagine, if everyone was as
generous as you are then the Crusade’s financial difficulties would be
over! We really don’t like asking for cash, it almost seems rude but
needs must! As you might expect we have prayed about this matter
and we do have faith that God working through you will bless us and
allow us to continue to serve you and your loved ones.
Yours sincerely,


Divine healing is an expression of God’s love for us! It involves our love
for each other, which can unite world communities.

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath
anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted.” – Isaiah 61:1
“Love one another as I have loved you.” - Jesus

Thank You Father for our diversity and blessings of our lives. We are
grateful to You for the continued wisdom and guidance, that You are
sharing with us here and now.

The truth will set you free when you follow in the Christ way!

God is the labourer and we are merely His humble servants.

The Spirit of God moves in and through all things and we are essential
parts of the greater whole.

God continually demonstrates His love for all creation, moment by
moment forever. His light shines out for all to see and eliminates the
darkness from our lives.

We Can Change The World!
Now is the opportunity for you to take your part in the redemption of
mankind starting with yourself and carrying it on with all people whose
lives touch yours. We are a worthy Crusade. We are completely non-
sectarian and non-political. We are a universal expression of faith and
love. We are not seeking to empty the churches but to fill them, seeking to
find those who have no church and bringing them back into the churches.
In our Crusade we are interested in people. We are not interested in
theological arguments of any kind. We are seeking to apply the principles
of Jesus using every facility that is available. I want you to know that you
are part of us and unite with us in prayer and if you need to be put on the
prayer list we will pray for you. We will meet you in every way we can. All
our services are free. We are longing to gather all the people up before the
Father so that they may be blessed. When in difficulty say:

I am lifted up,
My needs are met.
In God's perfect spirit
I have no pain, I am perfect.
I am awakened into a new life.

You will wake in the morning with a new inspiration and joy. You will go to
work in His divine strength. It is an experiment worth trying. Practise the
Presence of God in all we do. The results you will thus bring about will
absolutely astound you. We are lifted up. We need this message that the
Father is waiting to give us. There is no such thing as perfection away
from God. You can become a Crusader for God wherever you may be. By
having perfect faith in the Father all things are possible to you. We will be
channels of faith and love to those who want them. If you only lift one
person up through your prayer it is a priceless blessing because you
cannot help one human soul without helping yourself as well. Keep that
love bright and go to great lengths of sacrifice to lift even one soul up. It is
worth while, for we are all precious in God’s eyes.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid provides a great opportunity for U.K. donors to increase the
value of their donations to the Crusade by up to 25%.

We are entitled to reclaim tax made on gifts by U.K. tax payers under the
Gift Aid scheme. For every £1 you give to us, we currently get an extra
25p from HM Revenue & Customs for every £1 you give to us.

As you will appreciate the additional money we would receive through Gift
Aid would be an enormous boost to the funding of our support services,
helping us to continue to be there to support the thousands of people!

If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also reclaim additional tax relief
on the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate
of tax at 20% against the donations you have made. Please ensure that
your cheque/postal order is payable to: ‘The World Healing Crusade.’
- Thank you very much!

A Change In Status?
Brother Andrew

Have you noticed how easy it is to change

your status? Here are a few examples for
you. You get on a bus and you become a
passenger; attend a doctor’s appointment

Enter an examination and you become a candidate. Have children and

you become a parent; find a job and become an employee, and the list
is endless! These are all human categories which label people and
note their ‘status.’

It’s not like that with God, we are His children and that is it! Now that is
‘Status’ with a capital ‘S.’ You didn’t have to work for the title or be
awarded it, it was granted as a gift of love at birth and lasts through this
life and into life eternal!

I believe that we need to have faith and love for ourselves in order that
we can have faith and love in others. Call it respect if you will but is
vital that we have it. Just think of what that word means; amongst other
definitions it refers to being considerate and thoughtful. Ask yourself
the question: ‘Am I being considerate and thoughtful to myself and to
another, when I speak or act?’ The answer will avail itself immediately
and you will know what to say and do in any situation.

God’s almighty love is all forgiving! It says that you have a chance to
redeem yourself and then you will be welcomed into Heaven. Clearly
then, forgiveness is not only the Lord’s gift but it is a blessing for us to
share with all in the world. The words of the Bible strike a chord in my
mind, “Only God is good,” and I recognise that we humans are far from
perfect. Each and every day provides us with an opportunity to improve
and learn from the last day. Look forward with divine insight for you are
an expression of God and are guided by Him. Spiritual status that lasts

Healing Recordings for You

A 3 – Love God / The Holy Spirit – Brother Conrad

BT 6 – The Power of Love / Abiding in God – Brother Mandus

DHS 5 - Opening Doors To Go God Within – Brother Andrew

C 1 – The Comforter – Brother Conrad

E 13 – In God’s Presence – Brother Andrew

HC 160 – Help You in Spiritual Service – Brother Mandus

HM 8 – Meditate With Me – Brother Andrew

M 3 – Secrets of The Kingdom/Closer Than Hands & Feet – Brother


MMW 2 Co-operating With God/God Loves You – Conrad, Ken & Tim

All are recordings are priced at £5 + £1.00 p. & p. They are available on
CD and audio tape. When you make your order please specify if you
require tape or CD, thank you.

Your Testimonies
God has been so good!

“Good morning Brothers,

God has been so good. I have been promoted to an officer so kindly join
me to thank the Good Lord.


Y. Q.” Email received 01/04/09

I am feeling better!

“Dear Brother Andrew,

I am feeling better, thank you for your prayers!

Your friend in Christ,

S.” – Email received 30/04/09

Remarkable Prayer Power!

“Beloved Ones,

Thank you so much for your prayers. they are so wonderful. I spoke to
J. in the afternoon, and she said that the mouth pimple ulcer had gone -
and it did not realise that it was healing day - Thank you Father. She has
decided not to worry about what the dentist has said and is going to leave
off taking the tablets and see what happens. The tablet leaflet said could
have several different things happen even after stop taking them. I will
keep you informed. Thank you all for your very strong prayers. Amazing.
God Bless you Andrew, and thank you all for remarkable prayer power.
Love and Light to ALL,

C. Y.” – Email received 29/04/09

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