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Playing the Changes

Choose a tune that is At the Edge of Your Ability. You also might start with a II-7 V7 IMA7 progression in a familiar key, the blues or rhythm changes. Getting Control of the Chord Tones!

Chord Tone Workout

Start by practicing, internalizing and memorizing the roots of the chords. Practice in small chunks (2 chords at a time, phrases, etc) until you can play the roots without thinking, using your ear to guide you.

On a piece of blank manuscript paper write out the form and write in the changes above the staff. On the staff below each chord write in the target notes . These will be whatever chord tone you are targeting for this particular exercise Create a Practice Sheet on Manuscript Paper
Youll move through all the basic chord tones of the chord. Dont rush through this material. Take your time and get to the point that you can easily target any chord tone. Again practice until its easy.

Choose Tune or Progression and Get Lead Sheet

Finally finish up with 5ths. Completing this exercise will give you excellent control of the chord tones and give you a strong foundation to build upon. Well come back to this later using simple improvisation exercises.

Start With Roots

The next step would be to go back through each chord tone target exercise but this time using approach notes played on the eight note or quarter note before every chord.

Next youll move on to 3rds and play through the tune playing just the 3rd of each chord. Again practice until you can easily play this without thinking about it.

Chromatic Approach Notes: Half Step Above Once youve practiced approaching each chord tone from a half step above practice approaching from a half step below.

Repeat with 5ths

Repeat with 7ths

Repeat with 3rds

There are many possibilities for using approach notes. Use your imagination and come up with some of your own. Double Chromatic Below is one option. If the chord tone is G your approach notes would be F,F# to G Chromatic Approach Notes: Double Chromatic Below

Double Chromatic Above would mean approaching the chord tone from above using two half steps. So again G would be A, Ab to G. Play these approach notes as eighth notes.
Chromatic Approach Notes: Double Chromatic Above

Go through this material patiently. No need to rush. The stronger you are with these nuts and bolts the stronger youll be as an improviser! Chord Tone Control!

Chromatic Approach Notes: Half Step Below

2012 Next Level Music Media LLC All rights reserved.

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