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A dvancing knowledge C ultivating potentials C reating success

Recollection for Juniors and Sophomores 2012 Program of Activities

5:00 Arrival and get settled 5:30 Welcome and Introductions/ Opening prayer/ Expectations/ Perfect Square 6:00 Getting to know you activity 7:00 Team building activities/ PROCESSING 8:30 Dinner 9:00 Session #1: with classmates (to be done inside the classroom) to be facilitated by the adviser 10:00 Initiative activities 11:30 Session #2: with classmates (to be done inside the classroom) to be facilitated by the adviser A.M. 5:00 6:30 7:30 8:00 9:30 Breakfast and clean-up Wake Up games and exercise Community building activities Session #3: SAY SOMETHING POSITIVE! Ending Prayer/ Departure/Clean Up


OPENING A. Prayer/ Class Mantra B. Class Expectations C. 8 Classroom Rules/ Rules and Regulations D. Perfect Square The objective is that the group must try to keep their adviser at the center of a perfect square. No matter where he/she is or where he/she moves. The line in front of him/her must always be the line in front of him/her no matter where he/she goes. The same goes for the lines in his/her back, left and right. Getting to Know you Activities A. Icebreaker: SHOE FACTORY Have the group stand in a large circle shoulder to shoulder. Then have everyone remover their shoes and put them in the center. After the group has formed a pile with their shoes, the FACILITATOR has everyone choose two different shoes other than their own. They should put them on their feet and they have to successfully match the shoes and put them in proper pairs by standing next to the individual wearing the other shoe. B. Where I Am Now/ Autobiography Poem Give the students 15 minutes to finish the Where I am Now worksheet. Tell them that they could use Filipino. Contents: 1. The three things I like about being in High School are 2. The three things I would like to change about being in High School are 3. I have made some friends. Two of them are I like them because 4. I have noticed a lot of personal changes and these include 5. The three things I want to accomplish this year are C. Concentric Circle (Sharing) Divide the class into two groups. Have one group make a circle facing outward. The second group then makes a circle around the first group faces inward. Everyone should be facing someone from the other circle. Each person talk to the person across from him/her for a minute or two, before the FACILITATOR yells Switch!. Topics for the sharing are the content of the Where I Am Now worksheet.



TEAMBUILDING ACTIVITIES A. Paper Airplanes Set Up: Explain to the group that their task is to determine the best model for a paper airplane. Each person gets several sheets of paper and 5 minutes to create their plane. Process: After the initial five-minute design process, invite people to step up to a line on the floor and try out their planes. Their goal is to hit a hand-drawn bulls-eye poster on the opposite wall. Participants take turns launching their planes for 3 minutes, followed by discussion. Debrief Questions: What happened out there? Did you work individually or in teams? Did you each make one airplane or several airplanes? When someone succeeded in hitting the bulls-eye, did that person proceed to help others with their design? Did anyone ask the successful person to share their design? The point: We exist in a culture, both business and societal, that automatically imposes a competitive element on our simplest endeavors. In this activity, people tend to assume that they are involved in a personal competition, with all that this implies: winners and losers, me against them, etc. In fact, nothing prevented the participants from working together in teams, sharing ideas and expertise. Nothing prevented the skillful "designers" from assisting others. Nor was there any limit on how many planes a person could try out - although most people simply assumed that one shot was all they got - an attitude of scarcity. How much more effective we could all be if we began each work task with an attitude of cooperation rather than competition, asking for help - offering help in return, and treating each other as "partners" rather than as "rivals"! Teachers must stress the difference between healthy and unhealthy competition inside and outside the classroom. B. Giant Stick Figures Each section forms a series of circles and lines to make up a stick figure. i.e. a small circle of girls for the head, small line for the neck, longer line of girls for body, 2 arms and 2 legs. When they're assembled, you give them a series of directions, one at a time, and they must act as a group and performs the actions, such as: 1. Your head is itchy - scratch it! 2. There's a soccer ball at your feet - kick it! 3. Your shoe is untied - tie it up! 4. Your nose is running - blow it! 5. Your pants fell down - bend down and pull them up! C. Inventors Machine The Challenge and Objectives: a team of three people devises a human machine that can move a designated distance . Each group must form a machine following the rules below: 1. No more than two legs and two arms of each team may touch the ground at any time . 2. Only one machine at a time will be allowed to move down the course . 3. If a machine breaks down en route, that team must wait until all other teams have had a try before making a second attempt . 4. Once a machine has successfully covered the designated distance, that team will be given a patent on its design, and no other team may copy that exact machine . 5. A team may stack only a maximum of two people high. Facilitation/debriefing of participants: 1 . Lead a group discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the groups method . 2 . Have the group explore the possibility of a better or different way to achieve the challenge . D. PROCESSING (to be facilitated by the adviser & co-teacher) Give the students ten minutes to answer the TEAM worksheet. After ten minutes, start the processing process by asking the following questions: 1. How did you work as a group?

2. Which activity was the most difficult? Why? How did you feel after you have done all the challenges? 3. Why is teamwork important for these activities? 4. Did everyone participate in the activities? Did you feel that you were part of the group? What did you do to contribute to the teamwork on your team? 5. How did communication or lack of it affect the work of the group? Then, ask volunteers to share their answers to the worksheet. Try to connect whatever they are saying with their actuations in your class. Contents of worksheet: 1. I think working with a group is (important/ not important) because 2. I like working in a group because 3. I dont like working in a group because 4. Whenever I am working with my classmates, I usually 5. When I see someone not participating or contributing in a group work, I usually feel 6. When I cant finish a task or when I find a task too difficult, I usually II. DINNER

III. SESSION No. 1: Knots: A Progression Materials: 1 sheet of flipchart paper and 1 coin Description: This activity consists of 3 separate activities that lead into one another. 1) Electricity (10 minutes)- Divide the group into 2 equal teams and have each team line up as shown in the following diagram. If you have an unequal number ask for one volunteer to help you judge and position them behind the object. XXXXXXXXXXX Leader O O Object XXXXXXXXXXX The people in each line hold hands and the only people who are allowed to have their eyes open are the first person in each line (next to the leader). The leader flips a coin and shows the first two people. If heads comes up, they squeeze the persons hand next to them and the squeeze is passed down the line. When the squeeze (message) reaches the last person, that person opens their eyes and tries to grab the object before the other team grabs it. There may be no talking during the activity. Score one point for each successful message. If they send a wrong message (if they squeeze when a tails is flipped), one point is subtracted. Rotate the lines so that all players get to position 1. The first team to reach 6 wins. Keep score on a sheet of flipchart paper. Debrief with any or all of the following questions: 1. When did you feel the most involved or under pressure? 2. What did it take for your team to be successful? 3. What was the most frustrating aspect of the activity? 2) Impulse (5 minutes)- Tell everyone that they will now be working together in one big group. This activity involves timing the group multiple times to see how quickly the squeeze can go around the circle. Standing in a circle facing in, grab hands with the group members next to you. Starting with one person, have them send a pulse around the circle by gently squeezing the hand of one of the group members next to them. When that group member feels their hand being squeezed, s/he gently squeezes the hand of the next person, and so on until it gets back to the starting squeezer. This system is needed to check for a circle later on. Perform this activity multiple times until time runs out. Have the group keep trying to beat their record. Now move on to 3) Knots (15 minutes)- Gather the group into a circle. Each person crosses his/her arms and holds out their hands into the center. Then, each person should grab the hands of other group members (but not two hands from the same person). Now that the group is in a large knot, the challenge is to become untangled without anyone letting go of the hands that they are holding onto. The group should end up in a large circle facing in, but on occasion is may work out that two circles form instead of just one because of the way people grabbed hands. Now, do a Squeeze Check to see if the untangled group will make a circle. If they dont all receive and give a squeeze, let go and re-grab. (You may end up with two small circlesand if youre ok with that, and they are ok with thatgo for it!) Allow people to readjust handgrips to make it a little easier and more comfortable. Make sure they know, though, that now that they are tangled they cant let go, other than to slightly

readjust. When they are ready, they need to try to untangle the group back into a circle without letting go of hands. Discussion Questions: 1. What do you think the knots in this activity symbolize? Why? 2. How do you feel about the close proximity that you were in with the other group members? 3. Did anyone lead the group at any time or did everyone work on his/her own? 4. Do some groups work better when there is a leader? Why? 5. Are you more likely to be a leader or a follower? Do you like this about yourself? **Reassure those who dont like that they are the leader or the follower. This activity is showing us to recognize these traits about ourselves and provide us with skills on how to develop into stronger, successful individuals. 4. GOAL SQUARES Give each person a piece of paper. Instruct them to fold the paper in half, then in half again, and once more. They should have eight squares on their paper. Ask the group to think back at a time in their life when they said to themselves, I wish I could do that. Tell them it is time to start doing something about it. On one side of the paper they are to write one thing they want to learn, try, create, (e.g. climb a mountain, eat sushi) in each square. They should have eight items written down, one in each of the 8 squares. After they are finished, instruct the participants to then flip their papers over and write one word behind each square that describes why they want to do that respective action. What is the motivation? What is the draw? For example, I want to run a marathon is in one square, on the back of that same square I write the word adventure because that best describes why I want to run the marathon. Using flip chart paper or a blackboard, record as people shout out those words they wrote that describe why they want to accomplish a certain task. Write about 10- 15 words down. They do not need to tell you the action at this point, just the descriptive word. Discuss with the group any similarities and differences in the words. Typically, the words we write down are things that are missing in our lives and we find concrete ways to bring those feeling to our lives. The problems we run into are that we do not follow-up with our dreams and get so bogged down with daily tasks that we forget to take care of our desires. Challenge the group to choose at least two of the 8 items to accomplish within the next six months Discussion Questions: 1. How difficult was it to come up with 8 goals? 2. Which two goals can you focus on first? (Encourage them to star those two items.) 3. Where can you keep your list to remind you of your goals? (Explain that its okay if the lists change because people often discover new things they want to do.) 4. Why is it important to set goals and dreams? 5. What one thing can you do to make one dream come true soon? IV. INITIATIVE AND COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES A. Sightless Height Alignment Objectives: While blindfolded or with eyes closed, group members must align themselves according to height. Participants will become acquainted with one another and start working together as a team . RULES: 1. No one may talk . 2. Blindfolds must remain in place 3. Blindfolded participants must keep their hands out in front of their bodies at all times to act as protective bumpers during the activity B. PASS THE MESSAGE CHARADE STYLE C. The Marshmallow Challenge The Marshmallow Challenge is a remarkably fun and instructive design exercise that encourages teams to experience simple but profound lessons in collaboration, innovation and creativity. The task is simple: in eighteen minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top.

Surprising lessons emerge when you compare teams performance. Who tends to do the worst? Why? Who tends to do the best? Why? What improves performance? What kills it? V. VI. BREAK SESSION 2: DEEPENING OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS 1. TRUST WALK 2. Cast your Troubles Away Materials: Paper and pen

Part 1: Ask students to write one thing they are troubled about on each sheet of paper. They can also write something that concerns them, worries them, or gives them difficulty. They might write "grades," "family," or "friends." Anything that upsets or discourages them is acceptable. Tell them to NOT put their name on the paper or share it with anyone else. This is strictly between them and God. While kids are writing, tape a line down the middle of the floor. When each person has at least three to five things written, each on a separate page, have kids wad their pages up into a ball. Form two equal teams of participants. Have the teams face each other standing on opposite sides and approximately three feet (1 meter) from the tape line. If you have more than twenty kids, you might want to consider forming additional teams. On your signal, they must throw all of their troubles onto the other team's side while trying to keep that teams concerns off your side. The object is to get as many concerns as possible on the other team's side before the time is up. Give them about 1 minute. Part 2: When the time is up, put a large trash can in the middle of the room. This time, give them thirty seconds to work together to get all of the concerns into the trash can. Debrief 1. How was the way you treated your troubles in this game like or unlike the way kids really treat their troubles? 2. What happened when you dumped your troubles on each other? 3. What thoughts go through your mind when your friends dump troubles and problems on you? 4. What do you think about dumping your troubles on Christ? 5. How can you help your friends bring their troubles to Christ? 6. What are your thoughts about how Christ can help you with your troubles? 7. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus has overcome the world? Application: Gather around the trash can and ask for several people to pray that group members will be able to let go of their troubles. If you have a dumpster, you may hold a ceremonial trash dumping after the prayer. 3. READING OF PALANCA LETTER/ SHARING/ BULL SESSION THE NEXT DAY VII. VIII. IX. Breakfast of the Champions Morning Prayer/Morning Exercise COMMUNITY BUILDING GAMES A. Turn the Circle Inside Out A circle is formed using all the players. Everyone joins hands and faces the middle of the circle. Everyone closes their eyes and tries to turn the circle inside out so that everyone is facing the opposite direction (outside of the circle) without letting go of each others' hands. B. Bound Together Material: bandanna Divide your students into teams of six or seven; each group forms a circle, facing out. Then everyone's ankles are tied to their partners' on either side of them. The object of the

game is to shuffle around the room as a ring and to perform a series of tasks while bound together. Some possibilities are: Race across the room, pick up a coin from the floor and return it to you. Leave the room through a doorway (tight fit) and then return to the room Hop across the room as a group Everyone in the group remove their shoes Spin around in a circle three times Get on their knees Sing a song with hand motions. Everyone must sing and do the motions. C. Our House (15 minutes) For this activity, you will need an index card for each person in your team, tape, scissors, and markers. Distribute the index cards; making sure that every person in your team has one. Explain to them that they must create a house out of the cards by taping, folding, cutting or anything else they can think of to do with the cards in order to form a small model of a house.

Each person in the group must be represented in the construction of the house by having his or her name written on a part of the house that reflects his/her role within the group. Someone who is a good leader may be the foundation of the house, while someone who welcomes newcomers may be the door of the house. People may also be items in the house, such as comfy chairs or lamps. Give your team about 10 minutes to build the house. Make sure that everyone in the team is represented somewhere in the house. Once it is built, display so all can see and ask the following questions: How did you decide what the house was going to look like? Why did you pick the role that you did? Does it ever change? Why is it important that everyone be involved/represented in the house? How does this relate to your team? To your class?


SESSION 3: Take the Challenge and then Say Something Positive! 1. Take the Challenge! Objective: For people to contribute their individual talents and skills to the group. Materials: Paper, pens or pencils Description: Divide the class into two. Give each group paper and pen or pencil and give them five minutes to come up with five challenges for the other groups to attempt to successfully accomplish. The group creating the challenge must be able to demonstrate that they can do it before another team is challenged. The challenges may be physical (build a pyramid, one person can carry five people, everyone stands on his/her head, etc.) Or the challenge may be anything else (our group has the most birthdays in one month, our group can sing any TV theme song you name, etc.). The challenge must not be obviously impossible for the other groups to accomplish (our group has the person with the longest hair). Once the challenges are written down, each group gives out one challenge at a time and demonstrates it, then the other groups get a chance to try to accomplish this task in a given amount of time. You may give points to teams who can "take the challenge" successfully. Reflection/Discussion Prompts: Was it easy for your group to find things that everyone could successfully do? Why or why not? Did you have to rely on the talents of the group members? Did any team feel like it was hard to find talents within your group? If so, why? How much do you rely on the talents of others or of yourself when you are in a group? Do you always let your talents be known? Why or why not? 2. SAY SOMETHING POSITIVE! Purpose: Build greater team cohesion, increase trust on the team and create a "feel good" moment. It can be used with any size group - the larger the group, the more time it will take. Materials: Colored paper, pens and a piece of masking tape for each participant. How:

1. Provide a paper, pen and piece of masking tape to each participant. 2. Have participants tape one large index card to their back making sure it is secure. 3. Give instructions to participants to write something positive about each participant on his or her back. Tell them that the positive comments must be sincere and that they can't use the same positive statement that someone else used on that persons card. 4. Once all participants have written on every ones backs ask them to remove the index card and go somewhere quiet in the room and read them. Ask all participants to be silent during this part of the activity and give them ample time to complete it. 5. One everyone has read their comments bring them back together for a debrief. Ask them how the activity made them feel. Emphasize that we all need positive feedback about ourselves and challenge them to do this with each other every day. Share a personal story or have someone in the group share a personal story. Things to note: This team builder activity is very effective with working teams. It creates great positive energy among participants. XI. Feedback/Closing

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