Anda di halaman 1dari 119

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l' .
W"itll occasional references to some of the verbal
terminations used in Lumen.
The8e two letters forn::. the radical of the verb -t ct to do. In the following
in order to get the termination, they should be removed &nd re-
placed by the mdical of tile vorb whose terminations (formed from the In-
finitive) ll>re desired.
i- Hav'ing done. Participle, Past and Present.
Expresses the cause motive, rel1,son. "By the fact that having dono". h
bl% i" 6 t-% 11 -t ct .'\fan having seell (or scsi?' g) that
their domestic ani?nai8 were usrjul, worshiyped them. ::1:'1 6F'::J
C>f.:t c-l w vJ-. Having paid attention (or paying attention) he
does not inju1'e the busincss of the house. Sometimes used as a comma am!,
in counting, is interca.lated with Jl to give the meaning of the end of
a period. This form and the four 'following forms are only ussd for
words whose t ermination c.:J of the past- is preceded by a vowel l-ll ct.
lf1o:f, l-{1
See Lumen i, 13; ii, .9; xi, 9,14; xxxi, 22; xlii, 19 ; lvi, 17, 18.
-i i" q be practicable, 8asy. From i'"
Inii.nitive of a N cuter verb whose Participle forms the Adjective -t t. .
Good tor dO'ing ; thet which can be made to do. i' is used here as 1\
Present for! and is for euphony. It is formed from the Plst by
adding p q"tct (v. q-tct)
Having done. (Same mea.ning as -t From -t
Used frequently in because in talking thf.lY use l' "By thQ
having dOLe."
See LumeK xvi, 5.
i" Having done (v. 1"<1'4). Fromi"t
Used fr equently in conversation.
'i' s: I did; Though I may have done. Present and Imperfect
Subjunctive for all persons singular and plural. Fwm i"' 6t.
H has the meaning of though it be; thOltgh I may have done, he may hav.
done; although I have done; though he d'id.
See Lumen xli, g i" <1.5:. ; xvi, 9 !if
i" (v. a.) Having done. Past Participle.,
Expresses cause, motiVE;, reason. The Formation of this tense being
very complicated the French dictionary gives it in the case of every verb,
and the French grammar gives the rules. Most of the past t enses are
formad from it. These different tenses mlly be formed by replacillg i" o.i
by the Past of the verb which is t o be conjugated, and aading . to it th9
termination which in -the following alphabetical list comes immediately
after i" 0 t- .
See Lumen viii, 21 c.:J ; ix, 12, '4 ; x, 18, 1-J i!.i ; xi, 9, .!! <1
xiv, 16, .!ll ; xxiii 15, \fcl-1-l1
i" t4 (v. a). It is only ajteT having done. Past and Present . From 1" ot
It has the meaning of "only," of "necessity for," having done, only after
having done, it is only by doing, there is no other way.
This form is a.lways followed by the F uture : i" <1 oti":J1 e} It is only
by doing (or ajteT h'Y.ving done) so and so .... ..... '" that we shall do ........ .
1" c.:J e} we c-annot do othe1'wise, we must do. Acting only in
such a way it will be well.
1" 1 q Honorific (v i" .2.l e} and i" l>l et).
l' 7r "t. To be in the humonr f01' doing; to be done. Infinitive. From 1" cx:J
} is conj ugated. 1" <1 TIe} I t is on the point oj being done !if o:f llet
It is ready to happen; to be done. t:} white o:f to whiten, grow
white. to get ow"
i" '. q Doing or having done, to go. Ccmpound verb. From i" <if
} to go up. IJ-A4 Iret to bring i" o:f et Having done, while
doing, to come i!l et to go down O"f to enter.
i J4} ')'1 tf It is he who has done, he hr*! done: Able to be, worthy of
being, clone. Adjective Partici'Jle. From?;- fd k ?;-:..2-et..
J: ,Ci'1"l::J r
"f 1 to be, worthy oJ being done. Present Infinitive honorific.
from i" q i- et Formed like i" q i" e} ..
t 1 Practicable. Adjectival Participle from i" :q i"'t:l From

i" l' i- c:t to be pl'flcticable, capable oj doing. Easy. (v. i" 1"
erl Present Infinitive. This is formed from the Past Participle by adding
o i" e}. It is foum} however in cases where, for the sake of euphony,
certain vowels arc cut off, especia'!ly when there are t hree in succession. e.g.
<">J- (erst) becomes <">J- "tet, instead of
i" ct, the regular fo rmation.
oj l' WO'l'thy oj being done. Adjectival Participle from 1"
:q L-.. iii et From i" :q .
"i ej 9- To be worthy oj being done. Infinitir;/'
Meaning and formation the same as -V :q if et ,
-t '+ * v} Though he has or though he has not done. In the
3rd person singular and pluml .E:. ;g. Though thou mayed
have hea1'd 01' not (v. tf* c3J tfl
i' or o:f Like o:f of
'l Seldom Same meu.ning e.s t ,:1 From 1: ext
- 36
'"' t1 .J.. Or 4 "Having done see; m&ke to see; doing see." Tn/ .
Imperative of ""..!Lct From
6:f J1. 't "Having done to see," i.e. to try. Infinitive.
c.:f Past part. ..!Lct 10 see is conjugated. '4 cl- "Raving
done I will see" i.e. I wi ll try. t:!:l o.J..!L c} " Having eaten to see," i.e. #0
taste. . ..!L c} "Hl1ving I1sked to see" i.e. to inq!tire
1" ..i fol A form of '4..!L ct Imperative. o:f
Try. Let us try. Or question and answer, Dost thou try? I t1Y. Or
Infinitive '--Q 9 Jl. Do not try. For this form Bee --Q):1
O:f Do. Imperative singular. From if Cl9
A superior speaking to an inferior. It is formed by adding to the P"st
Participle, except in the 0ase of Irc} to go bl1s ,J-r-} arGo . ..2. c} to
come, has at Come. ):J-c}-, to sleep, has at, Sleep. Oi all
forms this one is tbe most peremptory and least respectful.
See Lumen ii, 9 :::-7;'4 aJ-; xxii, 15, xxxiii,
x![xiv, 7, 41 c.:f at; xxxv, 10, .s at
l' t1 -a- tt Honorific. (Epistolary style.) From o:J
!it c.:f h 1--J, Since we have come so jar as to. h 14, not being. 011ly
takes certain forms.
"i" "By the having done." In having done. In doing. ""1 (participle
of M.. ct to make use oj, to avail oneself oj.) is translated in.
"in the giving" by the gijt. From l' c.:f
1 Having done; because one hl1.$ done. "For thehaviug done." Pfost
From 1" c.:J
Same meaning as 1" c.:J
i" e:] "If having done as to ......... " Even if it should be. Even if he
should have done. Expects a negative to follow. t-J o-J J4 k Even
if they should not have eaten.
1 O:f .).1 If I have; thou hast, he has, we have, done etc. Conditional
Perfect for singular and plural; in speaking of an inferior or an equa.l.
From 1" c.:J
The particle ).J is not an 'honorific in this case. It seems io be inserted
for the sake of euphony. The honorific is 1" J4).1 '?1 From 1").1 ct
"t .).1 ;1 ,} Because l , do, etc. Perfect for all persons ling. and pl.
).1 is for eupMny, 'Jt marks 0. reason.
"t .).1 54 I shall have done, etc. Future Perfect for all persons sing.
r.nd plural . From 1" c.::J
1" c.:J Past; ).12.1 or;'.1 Future; 2.} termination. Used at the end of
a phrase.
i /oJ. .).1 "i That is what he ought to have done. "As he shall have
owed to do." "As he ought to do. 1" c.:J;'J Future Perfect; the thing;
t>1 t-J from the Terb cr marks an unfinished mel!.ning, a comm-a, the
or motive doing the thing, expressed by that part of the sentenoe
which must necessarily follow.
'f bf ;'.J. 4 .s;. "Although he shall done" (has done) "evon if he
shall have done" (he sholtld have done). Future for,all persons singular and
pl. From i"9
Means although, even ij; %'fJ.J,:lat.s:. Even though he $1zquld not
have known.
i" .:t: v. i"1"1.'E:. From 1" o:J
i" . Tholtgh I had done, etc. From 1" o:J
Present and Imperfect Subjunctive for all perSODS sing. loud pl.
,:l.;r-il Ali" 9..s:. Tholtgh there be ve'ry j ew.
See oJ:.s:.
. i" 1 7i "If I shall have done," etc. From 1" o:f
Fat. Perf. Conditional for all persons ling and pI.
-t 1 71 Because he shall have done, etc. From o:f
Fut. Perf. for all persons sing. and pI. 1101) shows a reason, a motiTe.
,-f ?ll o} I shot/,ld have done, but ......... ullder the
form of& Future. From 1f 9.
't 'f Sha II I have done? etc. From i" 9
A question between equals. Future Perfect fo1' all persons sing and pI.
"i" 01 9- I have done, etc. From i" 9
Very respectful reply by an inferior to a superior speaking of an equal or
an inferior. Future Perf. First and third sing and pI.
i" ::n. ,t Shall I have done? etc. From i" 9
Very respectful question by an inferior to a superior in speaking of an
equal or an inferior. Fat. Perf. First and third person sing. and pl.
l' j. "'"]: Shall [have done, etc. From 1" o:t
if he
Question (in conversation) by a superior to an inferior. In speaking of an
equal or an inferior. Fut. Perf for all persons sing. and pl.
i' "l Shall I done? etc. From 9
Friendly by a superior to an inferior In speaking of an inferior
or an equal. Future Perfect for all persons sing. and pI.
l' )!. Shall I have etc. From 9
Question in books by a superior to an In speaking of an eqnal or
an inferior Fut. Perf. for all persons sing and plural.
i' 7} Shall I hpve done? etc. From 1"-9
Question (1) by a man speaking to himself (2) by a superior to an equal Of
speaking of an equal or inferior. Fut. 1'er for oJl persons sing. and pi.
i' ::11 J!. Shall I have done? I shall have done.. From 't 9
Question and reply (v l'
o;l 7ll 7-1 Shall I have done? (v by changing the tense.
..A :A )
1711 Shall] have done? I shall have etc. From 9
Qnestion and reply between equals speaking of an equal or inferior. Fut.
Perf. for all persons sing. and pI.
i' !i :lll Shall I ha ve done? I shall ha De done, etc. From"t 9
Question and reply between equals speaking of all inferior or an equal.
Fut Perf for all persons sing. and pi.
i' -1 t:t I shall have done. etc. From 9
Very respectful reply from an inferior to a superioT. Speaking of aU
or an inferior. Fut. Perf. First and third person, sing. and pl.
- 6
l' -1 ": Shall I ha'Cc done? etc. Fromi'" txf
Very respectful question by an inferior to a luperior speaking of an equal
or an inferior. Fut. Perf. First and third person sing snd pI.
"t ..A.l t[ If I shall have done etc. From i'" txf
In lipeaking of an equal or an inferior. Fut. Perf. Conditionsl for all
persons sing. and pI.
'i" 1'101 7} Because I shall have done, eto. Prom txf
Fut. Perfect for &11 persons sing. and pI. In speaking of Il.n equal or sn
inferior implies the resson, motive, t he wherefore .
..go... il] h Shall I have done? I shall have done , etc. - From 1" txf
fiA- .
Question and reply between equals conoerning and when spea.king about.
an inferior or an equal. Fut. Perf. for all persons sing. and pI.
'i" tf I shall have done, etc. From 1"
A. superior to an inferior. Speaking of an equal or lion inferior . .Future
Perf. for all persons.
,1' "t t 'd: I shall have done, but ... ... ? From 1" txf
'i" '11 Should I have done? I should have done, eto. From"t" txf
Question and reply between equals spea,king of an equal or inferior. Fut.
Imperfect or conditional Perfect for &11 persons sing. or pI.
'i' 1:11 -q. I should have done. etc. From 1" txf
Very respectfull'eply by an inferior to a supel'jor. speaking of an equal or
an inferior. Future Imperfect or conditional Perfect for first and third
persons sing. and plural.
i" trl If I s':ould have done., etc. From 't txf
In speaking of an equal or an inferior. ;rut. Imperfect. Conditional for aU
pereons sing. and pl. This tense having no couoter plrt in English an eltll,oi
From o:f D-trh
Question of a sllperiot to a. n inferior speaking of an equal or an \J:eri: j' .....,
trlliUslation calln ot be give:l.
-t ?J! v1 vJ: Should J have done? etc.
Fut. Imperfect or l) l>st condi tional for all persons, sill 0:(. or p1.
t1 '1 SILOuld J helve done ? ete. From 9
Q118Sti(\1l of 11, superior s[l?:lking in a fri endly way to an inful'ior or equal
li' ut. 1ml er fect or Past conditional for all persons, sing and 1'1.
711 c1 7} S hou)d J have clone ? etc. From i" o:f
A ..
Vcr y ql! estioll by an 'inferior t o [1, suporior spe[l king of an
inTeri or or n. il C(lm, 1. Fut. I mperfcct or I)<\st Conc1iLional for 1st and Brd
pcrsoll s , , il 'g. and pI.
'C1 3t Sh ould J ha 1' 6 done? etc. From -t 9
Qu;)st,ion of a to ,m inferior speitking of an inferior or a superior
(in buok:,) . Fut. II!; perfect or l'o,st conditi onal for all persons.'
i" OJ. 7} Shull J have dOIIe? et c. From -t 9
Que! t. ion oy a superi or to an inferior or between equals speaking of an
equa. J Or :111 inferior. F ut. Imperfect or Past conditi oJl[l,l for all persons
sill.'" lLlILl pI. .
-t t1 Jl Shodd I have dOlte? etc. From 1" <4
Questio n by a superi or to an inferior or between equILls speaking of au
inferi ul' Ol' an equ,ll, or speaking to himself. Fut. Imperfect or PILst
conc1i t ional for all persons sing and pI.
,'1 9 4 J shall don,. etc. From
, Narra.tive or bist ory form in speaking of an infer'io!' or.n eqnal. Filt.
lmpcrfsct or Pil., t conditional for a.ll persons si ng. and pi,
. 14
- 34
- 36
Shall I have done?' I shall have done. From 1" a:f
Respectful question l1nd reply between equa,ls Fpeaking of all inferior or an
equal. Fut. Perfect for all persons bing and pI..
'1 .!l. Shall I have done? I shall have done. From i" o:j
Respectful question and reply between equals speaking of an inferior or au
equtLl. Fut Perfect for all persons sing. and pI.
o} (s'l.OuZd!) havedone,but ... ..... . etc. Fromi"
Speaking of an eqm.-l or -an inferior a rp.servation, hesit:;;ti oll.
Fut. Perfect for all perSOllS siug. and pI.
'i" 7i Though I may have done, etc. o:j
A doubt when speaking of IHI ' 01' an inferior. Participle 'of douht
"t ''1- 8- Though one mayor may not h.ave done
Since h:IS dOlle . From 1" "4
, Marks 0.- r,eason ; then, on a comparison being made, opposition, a motive.
1f "l .s.l- Though he has done. Neve?'theless, etc. From l' o:j
For all p'3rsons sing and pI.
Ai o} Though I may ve done. From't o:j
7i ..!: If I hat'e done. etc. From l'
In speaking of an equal or an inferior r1 shows that & command shoulil
follow. If he has done, come: The "if" implies.
doubt whereas 7; M J.l-q:f is merely conditional. P0rfect conditional
This word is also a kiud of exclamation, denoting surprise, astonishment
"See what 'they doue". ' "If perchance they done".
r or au

. douM
'i" Jl To ha:ve done it. :From 1" c.:f
Speaking of an equal or inferior. Infin. Substanti ve,
l' 71 Because I have done. etc. From 1" c.:f
. Iu speaking of an equal or an inferior. Perfect, causati;e (often used).
;. 71 0-114 "Of the tobiLve done." Of that which 1 have done.
:F rom"" c.:f
In speaking of an inferior or an equal. Substantive of the Perfect
tlve. A kll1,d of Ablative (ex) from 1" 11 :
71 "From the to bave done." From 1"c.:f
In speaking of n,n inferior or an equal, Substantive of the Participle Infin i.
tive, Gellitive of 1" 11
i" 7, '''Io the to have done." From o:t
In speaking of an inferior or a.n equal. Substantive of the Perfect Infini.
tive. D"tive of 1" 11
-t 71 1} "The to h:we done." From '"t c.:f
In of an eqlml or an mferio.r. Substantive of the Perfect Infinitive.
1'\<lWillD:tive ef 11
'i' 71 "As to the to have done." From '"t c.:f
III srhmking of ltll inkriot or an equo.l. Substantive of the Perf. Iufin.
of 1" 11
7l 5:. "By the to "For the tobave done." From '1' c.:f
In of an eqm.1 or!tn inferior. Substantive of the Perfect Infini
tive. Instrumental of i' 1" i:=4-tl1 115:... oJ ct In baving
drunk too much wine, he is sick.
l' 7J For having done because I have done etc. From 1" o:t
In speaking of an equal or an inferior, Perfect, denoting caUie 11 \-1
becaltSe. It is a kind of euphony for 11 OJ1
- 36
.:it "l Tndy he has done. Ste what yuu hine done. Is d
that he hru done. etc. t4
In speaking of an equa.l Of al1 inferior. Perfect for all pef'lO us ,iug uud pl.
Denotes surprise, reproach.
'f H'l-ve I done.? From i" 9
Question between equals speaking of ltn equal or Perfed for ''on
persons sing and p1. i' Has he Ot' haB be not dOll l]. cr.c
'1 "t ..!t q I have daM, perhaps iJ,1/l heLve done . Have' we dUll e
d c
From 'tat
In speaking of an inferior or by an equal to all inferiOl. "t <;l p orf;ecL ("r ;1.11
persons sing and pI. interrogative or implying a C.('lllJt. cl- umrks
yrobability. It is not conjugated but t,,.kes different f(lr,,,, fcccOldill .C: (, 0 the
person s,'ldressed,2!. ct if an if an equal , aud ctif a slI l", ril'r
01 4 I have dGlle. etc. He, We, From i" <1
Very respectful reply of 1\l1 inferior to a s uperior SP (;lt\, ing of iUl eq u,d dr
an iuferior. Perfect of 1st 'Illd 3rd person;. sing l111rl pI.
See Lumen, page 11, col. 7.
Haye I done? Tie. We. They. l ;' rom 1" <4
Very respectful questi<'Jll of an inferior to a superior sneCl.king of 11 11 ellUill
or an inferior. I' crfoct of 1st and 3r<1 persons sing anll V!.
l' lIdving ,jane. lhom 1: 9
SaIDe meaning as ! Adjective of tbe redect Participle.
-t 't I done? etc. FrOID 1" 9
of a superior to au inferior .peaking
Perfect for all persons sing aHd pI.
See Lumen xxviii, 'l " xl, 11 ; xli, 8.
of au eq llal 0 r all infc' rior





-s 0:

<lUll pI.
fo r
i ll : , l 'tc
. I J! 1trks
II equal
inr _' rior
l' ''1 " I hace sai d etc, From -t c.:t
A kind of exhorta.tion expressive of aston'ishment ClM.
':.11:- 'I.J What! you hl!.ve said that you will write the whole of
this book to-day! Perfect for aU persona sing. and plu.
See L umen v, HI .
i" :2 "'1 Have I dO?le ? etc, F rom -t ut
Question of '" superior to an inferi or speaking of an equal or an inferior,
l' erfect for all persons. Sing. and piu.
i" "'l I have done. etc. From c.:t
Of an equal or an inferior. l-J denotes a colon : Perfect for all perllons
Sina:. and pi.
i' 4 I have dOllc. etc. From -t ut
In spen,king of an equal or inferior. l-J at denotes 0. full stop. The end
of 0. phrase. Perfect for all penons. Sing, and phI..
See LI.mer; xxxvii, 3; I vii ,
Have I done? He. We. The" . From ut
Very respectful question by an inferi or to a superior concerning !!on equal
or an inferior. Perfect for lst and Srd person sing. and pi.
i' Have I done? etc. From"t ut
Question by a. superior to an inferior of an inferior or .an equal. Perfect
for n.1l persons Sing and pi.
i" 7} What have Idone? etc.
What! " HlI.ving done? Wh&t is it?
An interrogative form implying doubt in speaking to one self. In spea.king
of others it has the same meaning but is very familiar. an inferior or
equal, of an equal or an inferior. Past participle for all persons. Sing.
and pi.
"'f 7} If I have done or . ..... etc. FroID i" '4
Past participle implying doubt; for all persons Sing. and pI. Of "ll equal
or an inferior. A meaning of contrast. l' "J J- 0 r Y V 7 J-
'Of hl.ving done or of not laving done; whetber he has aone or not (It i.
useless)." R 7J-oJ-y R 7;- "Whebcr he done it
or not (it is of little consequence)." 1 7J-
"'Whether it is true or false" .
.J!. Have I I have dOlle, etc," From '4
'What? having done? 'What is it having done?" "Questioll n,nd in
speaking to oneself or familiarly To{]'n inferior o.J1U an cqunJ 8pe,(k-
ing of an inferior or an equal. Past Participle for all perci ons sing. and pI.
"How waiti ng Iw.le tlley
desired ?"
. . .:i!. I have donectc. From i" '4
Sa;id of an equal or an inferim is added to different tenses and
mMks the reason or motive. Or again we may call the Lermillation
of the parti"iple and ..J!.1t. the instrumental of the wdrd Jl reaSOll. Past
Participle for all persons sing. 'and pI.
,'i" But Ihad done it. B ecause or since he has done.
From i" o:j
'i' !i fiJ Have I ? etc. From 1" c.:f
"What has he done? What is it having done." Question used in speaking
of an inferior or an equal. p &!t Participle interrogative. It is conjugated.

I !



11 eqnal
t (It i.
done it
and pl.
Ie tlJey
.ses and
[1. P ast
l' ;1.1 If I have done 01 . ... " etc. OJ haeing donc or ...... From i" a:t
In of an inf<1rior or a,n equo,] ; for all persons ,sing, or plural. Mean-
ing of contrast, of doubt . Perfect P;u- ticiple.
0 t i" ;r.1 If I have or haw dOJ4e. etc. 01
having a Oll e 01' not done. F rom i" o:f
A rm,aning of OPFostion, besitatioll, doubt. In speaking of an idetior or
:en eq l1al. l'eJ'fect Participle for 1011 persons sing pI.
:1 4 I have done. etc. 0 '1' be call'e I have done. etc. From
Marb (1) .. h .. lf close, a eolon (2) the realon, the motive til J.} tll1f
4f'3l a} T his ?nan has deceved me' or Because' this .an ha's de-
ceired me or "This man for paving deceived me." Between equals of an
eql1!ll or an inierior. Perfect Par ticiple for all persons.
-' vll Have I done? I have done. etc. From i" c.:J
Question and reply between eqnals speaking of an equn.j or an inferior.
l'erfect for ,1,11 pcrsol1B. Sing and pI.
-t J} Because I have done etc. From '"t o:f
. In of an equal or an iuferior. to a superior . 1t iii added to
different tenies Dond marks the reason or motive, the "why." Participle for
all persons sing. and pI.
H ave I done? I have done. etc. From i" o:f
Question and reply between equal. of an equal or an inferior. Perfect for
all persons Sing. and pI.
I have done. We have done . F rom -t a:t
vr . d
End of .. phrase when apeaking of oneself. Perfect. 1st pei:sol1. an
pl. In narrations the conclusion. i" at 11 ct "I haTe done, be
says; He I have done. "
""'{ In having done, because I have done. etc F'rom 1" 1
1" c;! j: I have done.
..J:l for 1" jl laying. b,eanae he lay,';.
Marks a reason, motive.
-'t. '-l Because I have dOllt. He had From -t
1st and 3rd person. An inferior to a superior of .tn cquf\l .or an illferioL.
A Because I have done. Erom"t
Honorific. Speaking to a superior.
--t jl Because I have done. He has done. From <4
To .. superior of an equal or I\n inferior. The same as the next (-t c;! -;?j
l-fl '1:t) but marks a comma.
I haye done. et.c. From -t ''4
Very respectful reply by an inferior to a superior speaking of an equal Of
.Il.n inferi(!)r. Perf. l'si; a.nd 3rd person Sing. and pI.
'i" 7} Havel done? He, We, They. From i"
Very respectful question by an inferior to a superior speaking an equal
or an inferior. Perfect 1st fwd 3rd p.erson sing a.nd pI.
--t -1 Honorific of c;! Very respectful; by an inferior
to a superior speo.king of an equal or an inferior. From 1" ttl
'i' .A] Have I done? etc. Ha. he done? He, Wc, They. From 1" <.cf
Respectful questiQJn by an inferior to a superior speaking of (1n equal or all
inferior. Perfect 1st a.nd 3rd person sing. ",nd pI.
. !1 q I had don'. He had done. From 1" ttl
Answer to the question -fi ci 1f
Inferior to a superio'r speaking of an equal or an inferior. 1st <:1.11([ Srd






'iol.' :'

uRl or

r or all
i -1 I hacl done. A. he had done, From i" t4
To a superior speaking cf an inferior or an eCIua!.
i" -1 Have j dOire? I have done etc. He,. They. From i" c;
Question ani! answer ' slightly respectfuL An inferior to a superior speak-
ing of a11 iilferior or an equal. Perfect 1st a:ld 3rd persons, Sing anCi pL

Ai s:-
Though I have clo'l1:e. Prom c9

q III! ioill probably havI clone. From o:J
fl \::J
A ...
He will be-ve been able to do. 5: i" ct He will probably bave come,

Having done, see i"n:f

If I ha ce done, etc. Eroll i" c9
hi speahng of an equal or an inferor. Conditional perfect for all persons .
Sing. ani! pI. 'i1 the condit jon. if. It is a. ' kind of snbjunctive.}.'
appears to bA only fo r eupbony.,
Sec LU17ien xxxi , 15.
i" Though I have done. From i"9
Used with SOlIl etimes equivalent If I have or
See Lumen, x. !iii, 2.
'1 As I have clone. or etc. From i" ecf
In speakiug of an equal or an inferior. Marks first a pause or colon; secorid,
a r0ason, motive; perfe.ct for all persons, sing and pI. i" the participlo
of i" c;1 ct ""1 for euphony instead of 1" 1.-J. 1-) a terminl!.tion:
See Lwnen, ii 1 ; v, 12; xxxii,.8 ; lvi, Ill ,
i" /-.1 7t Because I have done . etc. From o:t
. In speaking of an equal or art inferior, rnarks the reason; rnotive lind is
joined to different tenses. }.l appeail's to be only for euphony. Perf; for all
persons sing and pI.
;;! Although having done. Althou,gh I have done. etc. (it IS vam.
useless). ]'rom i" o:f
In speaking of an equoJ. inferior. Perioct for all persons sing [\l1U pI.
'i" Has lie done
3rd person Sing. and pI. P[,rticiple Intcrrog2,ti'{C Yl :;! Al iC:llL
How should he J&ave produced?
"1 7i . He has done. He shonld have done.
Srd person Sing and pI. To au equal or:Jon inferior [lnd spct,king of llll
equal or an inferi or.
"f 7"1 I shall have done etc, "The l"ct of ha,vin;:; done."
o:f ' Perfect. I have done. etc.
.J.J for euphony.
Al thing, is declined (1-1
J.J or l>1 is CO]"ljugated }.l t-J. "1'-1..2.. t-l c.t (v. tIle verb cb
"i' rJ. 7l.Al Though I have done, etc ...... Frqm "1
Preceded by Although. Of an equal or inferior. bl h/l,s the
meaning of althOltgh. from the verb ct
"i' 31 Has he done it? (No. he has not).
i' ';'./-J...;;tJ. oll When he did. From i" o:f
At the time that he was doing.


, 6:1
;l ,



Same meaning li,S i" , only it marks the perfect instead of .
the present. From :;!
See Lumen xxxv, 20.
IS valll,
of 'Ill
'as tbe
i" .jt. Have I done I have done. etc. From i" .
AnSW0f of a superior to an inferior spea.king of an equal or an inferior.
Perfect for all perwns Sing. and pL Formed from the past participle of
the verb by adding A c}.
q I have done, eto. I did, etc. From i"
Answer by [\ superior to an inferior speaking of an' equal or a.n inferior
l'er[ect for all persons Sing. and pluraL Formed fro III the Pt\st Partieiple
by adding A ct.
. .:i q 7t Ha1'dlJ/ had I done, He had done when suddenly ..... . Having
already done. From i" i i-)
Speaking of an inferior or an equaL c}7r marks a. sudden !l
thi n!; unexpected. Perfect for t\ll persons Sing. and pL . 1'''''''1
t;ce 0nmm xXXTii, 9. V
4..J!. I say that he hal done. YOlt say
II'rom <4
c}.:il. has still a meaning of irony, reproach, surprise. Perf. for all
bing. pI.
1f t I have done, but ... ... I have, hotoevBr, d?ne. From o:J
-t 'il 'OJ- OJ 1 Do thel/ say that he ha& Halle ,aid !hat hI
has done ? From I"t'
Mad,s also indignation, Can thel/ say that he has done tha,t? Can they have
done so?
. . (
. Superior to an inferior. A questIOn or a reproach. Perfect, coming from
! c} Is conjugated. c} termination. 1- for euphony;
Dl Y= question from the verb c}
'OJ- i" Does he say that he has clone, etc. From c.:t
Question by a supcrior to an inferior speaking ?f an equal or an illferior.
-t ct H e has done. .
l{ Do Y OIi say? .\- inserted for euphony.
9- v1 JIe sat:d that he had donc. Yon . aid that Y OIl et c.
From -t ext
if c1- perfect.
t:-J t-l for -q t:.-J t-l he said.
:;! "C11 JIad I done? I had done. From u:J
Question and reply between equals speaking cf al; inferi or or an eqllal.
Pluperfect for all persons, Sing. and pl.
"4 I have clone, JIe haddoll c. TVe. They. From --Q <4
Respectful reply fr OID an inferior GO a supel'ior, or 1) et ween equals
of an equal or an inferior. Pluperfect , for 1st (md iird person! Si llg. and pl.
Answer to the question -t ra Jr
-t ti q I had done: He. They. From"Q '4
Very respectful answer from fl.n ipferior to a Buperior, speaki ng oi' an
or an inferior, Pluperfect 1st and 3,d persons ging. and pI.
t1 t:[ If I h"cl donelitc. From <1
In "Speaking of an inferior or an equal. Pluperlect conditional, expresses
regret n..t not .paving doue ; for all persOns Sing. and pI.
45 0:1 .. l
"" ..A "'J. That wh'ich they had ,jane. From c.:t
Participl e adjective of pluperlect .
F()r meaning see -t ra ; the tense only is altered.
"i' t1 "'l: Hacl I done? etc. From -t c.:t
() a superior to an inferior speaking of an equal or an inferior;
Pluperfect for all persor,s Sing. and p1.
and p l.
nferior ,
of rd 01 Had I done? etc. From"t ext
Question of a superior to an inferior speaking of an equal or an inferior.
Pluperfect for all persons Sing. and pI.
8eeLumen xxxvi, 21, xl , 20, Iii, 4 . .
. . i' cd. "'l I had done . eic. From"t ext
In speaking of an inferior or an equal.
Pluperfect for all persons Sing. and pI.
See IAtmen xxxv, 21.

-t>. o:J .,.,. t.l ot
A .. r -- I had done but """'" From 1" a:f
i" 'ci ,t Had Idone? He? We? They? N'even the meaning
of becau.e I had done . From"t f
Very respec tiul q ues Lion of an inferior to a. superior speaking of an equ&l
or an inferior. Pluperfect of lSt and 3rd persons. Sing and pI..
i' rd BecaltSe I had done. etc. From"t ext:
In speaking of an inferior or an equal. Pluperfect for .. n pel:BQnS Sing.
und pl . It has also the meaning of Had I dcme?
:t Had I done? etc. From"t a:f
Question (in books) of a snperior to an inferior speaking of an equal or .. n
{nferior. Pluperfect for all persons Sing and pI.
i' cd.7t Had I etc. From "4' a:f . ,
Question of & Buperit'lr to an inferior or between: spea.king of an
equal or an inferior. Pluperfect for all persons Sing. and pI.
l' rd..:it Had I don, 1 etc. From 1" a:f
Question of a superior to an inferior or between equals of an
eq ua.l 01 an inferior
i" td - I} I had done. etc. From "I' a:t
Allilwer. Pluperfect for all persons Sing. a.nd pI.
"i" 'ct It appears that he has dmte. :From i" er.f
Affirmative termination used in-nllrro.tions to &11 inferior. I'erfcct .
See Lumen :xliv, 17.
4 J done . etc. From . i" <4
Termination of: a phraee used in books. Perfect for all PCTE()llEl. Sill!i.
and pI.
See Lumen xvi,. 9; xxix, 15; xxi, 18.
Have I done? Have we etc. -t c9
Quelti?n and reply between equals speaking of an eqnaJ or an idcrior.
Perfect for all persons-, Sing. and pI.
01 tt I have done. etc. From
Fine.l conclusion of:l. phraee uled in prayere. Perfect for all persons
:!ond pI. Denotes a desire, 110 pra.yer or supplication. 4--l ':11)1 t;:f Ma,)' he
i" )Po, ....i. I ltave done. H, : We. They ek From
Question of aD inferior to 11 superior, speaking ?f an eqatll or sn inferior,
Perfed of Is' and 3rd persons Sing. and pI.
i' ..3. I have done , etc. From -p
Anlwer between equals who a. great respect; for other, of
equal or an inferior. Perfect for al! perSOIlS Sing. and pI.
i' Jl' 'O} I have done. but, etc. -From 1" crt
tit denotes a reserve.
Perfect for a.ll persons Sing. and })1. (v 1'];1 tli"

'1 . ,,;.
8 . Sillg.

18 Sitig' .
Ma,y he
inferi or,
ler, of n. n
i Shall I have done, etc. From i" <4
'1'0 a su.perior or betwee n equals of :tn rsu!l l or inferior. .l kind of
fut ure perfect for all pers OD8 Si l1 g or rl.. (a p()viocialiFID or incorred
'way of saying i" 'L::' 1f)
oi)tl OJ 9- Active and passive. same 'as i" 1>1 -ci-
a that 'it may be dOlle! 141 III 4- <9,:1 1>1 -Ct May it be donll to mt:.
:From "t <9
i" 4 That I might aie t>i,:1 r.}i" .11 To lav, Let me die.
i" t1 (v. i" "J}-cP To tn the way of being dot/e . Or if doing.
From i" <9 . <9 the past. ,:1 -c} infinitive. It is conjugated and used
only for neuter verbs and adjechves <9,:1 -c} He grew whiter
.2f- q To give . This ha.s the me:!oning of Making lor another, in his
-ct to gr&.nt life (to lO criminal) to life.
\:l.14 -9- c} to announce.
t>f c} To wrap up, to wrap up anyone (e. g. a sick baby.)
?l ...,.}
'( --. Being done. Having been done.
Of aD inierior or an equal. pa.rticiple of the p&.ssive i" D1 et To be
done. Expresses the reason, motive.
"f Done. Having been done.
Of an equal or an inferior
Past participle adjective from the passiTe i" 01 ct It goes before the
noun with which it agrees and on which it has the effect of a. qualifying
- 36
t &1 Being done, Ha,,'"g been done.
Of IJ, superior. Past Partieiple . of 01)of ct honorific passive of ct
Expresses the motive, reason.
'i' 61 Done. Having been done.
Of a superior. Past Participle adjective of the passi ve"t b1 )of of
bl ct which is itself the passive of"t ct
1 61 )\l"t (not "t }of 01 ct) to be done .
Said of a superior.
Infinitive passive honorific of "t 01 cr
"f radical; passive ; )oJ honorific ; cl- infmit ive.
It is conjugated in all cases .
jl Is done. Being done, Participle, present , passive. %1i A thing
' which is loved. Being loved.
i" 61 't (Honorific b1 <4, 1" see 1" bl )of ct)
To make to do. '1'0 order to do. To be donI .
Infinitive, Oausative and Passive form of 'he verb 1" ct Conjugated in
all tenses.
S&id of an equal or an imferior. Cansative verbs gentrally form their infin-
itive in 01 ct and passive verba in 01 01 ct but these terminations are
often modified for the sake of euphony, following the lasb- letter of the
radical, in,j.. ct, 4-
h -tl ch ,1 ch t.l ct for causative verbs; in
olc}, '*1 blch 11 blch t.l olct for paseive verbs.
The rules which govern these changes ale 'Tery complex and subject to
many exceptions. (Vide. grammar on the cauaative &nd passive verbs.)
I i
Jritic of
l thing
ated in
ons are
of the
bs; ih
>jed to
bs .)
-f i Am I doing? I do. etc.
Question and reply amongst equals, slightly respeotful, in speaking of an
inferior or :1.11 equal. Present indicatiTs for all persons sing. and pi. This
mood is, in all verbs, derived from the participle adjective, by (changing 1.-
-&, -. of the participle adjective are contracted
with the in such a way that one might almost say that they end in
yet one ca,n generally hear a slight sound of the vowel before ..2..
&:. or :ft. are found as equivalents i!lf this form. They are used in the
same cases, between equals II.nd slightly polite, so that the letter ).
is for euphony and the same rules of formation may be applied 8.8 are used,
for the word 1" et for adjective. and t he word t t.ll et for verbs.
e. g. Ji..ii: It i. well. J;!.ii: I walk.
'f ...!J.. Do thou or Do From i-..2..
BeGween slightly polite. Impemtive ling. a.nd pI.
i' Past of i" -&et * J.: (fol' -t>:-.:lL.s;.) Having hcmd.
i- 6J q Honorific termination for From
'I'o a superior. v. 1" ste }. Verbs are formed thus (i" 9) r>l et (v.
1"9]:) r>lc.P (1 o-t):ll>lcl-l
Sl. 4 Termil1ation of verbal adjectives placed after the words' thay qualify
An.inferior to a superior. A kind of adjectival infil1itive. ct is put after
the adjecti ve whose r(ldical ends with a vovrel. If the radic(ll end I with a
consonant c} is added. If it ends in the 2. is lHiDally removed a.nd
.2.l ct added . .li c} makes c} because ol,C}
i" . ..t (v. P olite for
- 36

Infgrior to a superior, of an equal or an inferior.
If he dati. Polite for if" . To II of an equal or inferior
Able; feasible
Formed from the adjecti ve of words in %ct. Placed before the.
word it qualifies. h 71"1" -& '.:! g a lovable ch&racter:
See Lumen viii, 17
'i' .!. q. Though I be. Though I do. From:t
, Honorific for if" 1.f. From if" %c1-.
An inferior to a auperior, spea,lI:ing of an equal or an inferior.
..;:r;. ... , I do. He. We. ThW From if"
It. . U
An inferior to a superior, of an equal or inferior. Present indic. 1st and
31'<1 person sing. and pI. From ij %ct if radical. particle
deu"oting respect; '1 termination marking end of phrase.
See L-umen v, 21
""t 't , .. (T. t. <Jl Ib frQm %cl-. From
'i' (v. t. It) from i"%c} From 1"
That is tohat has been done.
"H!Lving been done
the thing it ia."
l' lCl (v. t. from 1"%c1' From 1"
-1i 4" (v, .!l. '1) ]<'rorn
- J
,ferior .
11 or inferior
before the
lC. 1st ana
deil p<?rticle
il1g been done
i' ...! Jll Honorific for t fol To a superior.
't -& Same meaning as 1"..2.. Interrogllotive.
i' -& -1! -1 "l 9- I &hall do. He. We. They . From 1" ...2-
An inferior to a superior apellking of an equal or an inferior. Polite
answer. Future of first an,d Srd persons. Sing and pI. From 1"% ct
1" -&-.:it I do, He does , We . They. From1"..2..
Polite reply from an inferior to a superior about an equal or inferior.
Present indicative. 1st and 3rd person Sing. and pl . From 1" %c}.
i' -% \,;1 4 I do, He. We , They. From "t..2..
Heply from an inferior '0 a superior about an equal or infer ' .
indicative, 1st and Srd persons. Sing. and pI.
OJ do. May Y Olb do. He. We. They.
Conclusion of a prayer. An inferior to a superior about an
Indicative. 1st and Srd Sing. and pI.
i" 7t Do I do? Does We. They. From 1"..2..
Question from an inferior to a superior of an equal ?r inferior . Present
indicative 1st and 3rd person Sing. and pI. F rom i'% c}
't -a-,hi ..1.. Have the gC?odness to do. From ..2-
Very polite request and respectful imperative . . From i' % c}.
i' %,hl .:it From i' %J.l c} ( v. -1J jl).
i" Past Participle of i'}. From 1f..2..
i" % ;! 'r Are you doing.
Polite question !Lnd honorific when speaking to a superior, about a superior.
2nd person Sing. and pI. .From "'t %}.l ct. Another meaning is As he
does. does.
-ct Honorific of -t%ct. Inferior to superior o,bout a superior.
Infinitive, conjugated. ]'rom i"
.'"f 4 Do. Be good enol/ph to do. I<'rolll -Q
Very polite request, Prayer, entreaty. Infm';oi' to a superior.
-t -&: 't Honorific for -q ct Epistolary style.
Inferior to a. superior about an equal or inferior. Infinitive, It is conjugftted.
I do not know . I do not know. "Jo}1.f,&cr
He hal survived. In all these exampl es and analogous cases -8-
. I
like its derivatives, inserted between the radical and termination, is.a polite
padicle which shows, that a superior is beill g addressed.
"i" t q To be jeasible, w01thy to be done, worthy to be. From i"
An adjective aLtd so not to be confounded with the previous word which
IS a verb. Termination of an adjective placod ... Iter the "8rb it qualifies.
Infinitive. %ct answers. to aMI'i. in Latiu ,"nd the able and
tbe meaning of power, desert etc. 1".s:t 0;)(1 -& past from 1" ..&c}.
k %cr to be lovable-worthy of bein;; loved, if %c} is added to
tbe radical of certain verbs to gi ve theil I1clj cct i ves this rneH,lling.
l' OJ q or 1" %C-I) c} I do. He. Hit. They, etc. Prom -Q
An inferior to a superior about IOU equal 01' inferior. 1'r88en L indicatiye. 1st.
and 3rd person Sing. and pI. FrolU 1"
an eq
..;c. ..2. t7
'< \I \.
be w(


he wi,
It a superior.
ing is As he
, a superior.
30n.i ugn,ted.

I, is a polite
'ord which
,it qualifies.
Ie [tlld bl1s
s added to
i 'OJ t.l I was ioing. He. We. They,
I mperfect 1st and 3rd person Sing. and pI. An inferior to a superior about
an equ:l.! or an inferior.
"f -3- rd .7} Was I doing, He. We. They. From -t.2-
Question of an inferior to a superior. Imperfect Indicative 1st and 3rd person
Sing. pI. From g -8- ct.
i" From %ct ( v.
'f What one shall do, ought to do. What can or ought to be done, From l' .2-
F uture Infinitive of if -8- cr Adjective. .::g.1I i" i'j-ff- God worthy to
be worshipped.
i' t.l J shall do, but.. .... From 1'.2-
Optative of -& Cr, !9 t-J .2f.
i' ....2. Shall I do. etc. From i"
Honorific qUfstion in books from i" -&c}
i' t4 'l'/,at is the way I shall do.
Future for all persons, between equals, polite.
i" '* I sliall do. etc.
End of a phrase in books, honorific. From Futute for all persons
Sing and pI. From i" -8-ct
i" ..9- Do I? Shall I do? Will he? OUf;ht he do? From 't .2-
Honorific questil'ln, spoken language, It bas also the meaning of Perh aps.
he will probaqly do. From -8-c}
- 34
- 36
c} A termination ad<1cd to substantives, pronouns, certain verbs
them this meal1 ing.
Answer of an inferior to a S11]W1';or . Aftel! s llbsLantives 1>J of the nomina-
tive is alway. used. )./- c} It is a man.
1" -% d:. 0' 9- I do. etc.
For all persons Sing. and pl.
Full close of a phrase.
'-t ..i. ct To be capa.ble, worth!J of being done. l."l'Oln i"
Of a.superior. Honorific of if -8-
} Infinitive cOlijugf,Lecl.
Inferior to a superior an equa,] or infcr ior. From -&c} From i"
ii ! D) Substantival termilMtioll of those verbal adiectivcs or ver bs;
which the acljecti ve.
Formed by cbanging iuto ,!ol
i" j:, ,1.1 c} I nfinitival terminat ion of the honorific of or ve l' bs:
whioh bave for tbe pal'ti cipjp adjedive.
Formed by changing cr
T -t.} or T D 1 Adverbial t Cl'miuabion of verbal ad jcctives or verbAls,
which have' tbeir ac1.jectivc in or !.
A great nnmber take -51 or 01 witbout any distinctioll. But we often fi nd
words in -& cr, ! wbich ha\'<o their adverbial forlD in 01 -4:'kl-1i c},.
t, til E xtreme, Extremely. These adverbs luwe a passive sense and denote'
a cbange not in tbe government but iJl the subject of the verb i. e. they
agree with tbe subject. c} To Ulldentfmd in, anot he1' sense.
-f 17} "\
the t

a con
ertain verbs
the nomina-
:8 or velhs;
as or verbs:
Jr verbars,
oft en fi nd
-k! ct,.
tnd dcnote'
i. e. they
"i' 17} " What t o do"'? Wht shall I , ought I to do?
Question marking hesitation, doubt . .A future for all persons Sing and pI.
Formed from the par ticiple adj ective by changing '- .
l' 4 F uture i or -t ct. We find;>1 also written for 711 (future) .
'>1 Jr.. for -t 1jJ 1:: Jr..
'i')'ll Brj o?'e doi ng.
Verbal participle. Future. It is formed from the Infi nitive by changing '
the terminat ion ct into' "til and cr into 1'11 Verbs, ending in a vowel
which do not t ake C 'in th" infinitive but do in the perfect , take it in this
tanse R ch R ,'<'1 i!l ,. R
"i')11 Do.
Fa.nli liar beh, een egaalS, I Hlperativc Sing from 1" 711
"i 711 For doing. From i"111
Sf- i'li1 Why dO'ing.
1-f U! i' !i.l Fo?' a Ie his take t he tree, If to make
a compa?'ison I take tlt e t7ee .
.... J. 'lil !9 1[ -i t OCCU?'3 to orne to say.
i" it I f one comes to di e. From 'lit
Aclverbial t ermi nati ons of adjectives in cr. Thooe enc1ing in cr have
711. These &c1verbs have an active sense. They mark a change in the
government noh n the subj ect of the verb. i. e. they agree with that which
,governs it Ji.1fl 01 c} to armnge well, to adam with taste. From i" 1fl.
- 36
. l' Jll:.2 Do. Sing. alid pI. FJ'Om i" 'iiI
Polite between equals. A kiud of impcl'.Iti vc or cOllllliand. Also a question.
i" ?1 i' 't To wis7;. to make to do.
J.; hi nl rll i" c4 't o:J II(t oi'!1q wishul to make 1IS become
children oj God. 'iiI i" to make. of adjective 1-1 Til 't
ctt 0 .anctify to ma,lce holy. cr to purify. Frcm i"111
i" "1 1" '1- To make to do. From 11)
radical, 111 cr a tefJoination 'whieh is added to the r adical of
to give them the sense of making. COllj ugated in all tenses 8/UO tal,es all
the forms.
't"llJ to make to work.
lJr]:l]:1 111 "9 J.I jl "make noi. to fail "
J.J 111 i" 1r.,kf 111akdo give us. j lll liS.
1l1"tf 1r.,kf Make >ne to get.
J.J 711 i" cr (J.J i. honorific).
\ See Lumen i, 12; ii, 12; iii, 13 ; vi, 22 ; xii , 4; xiii, 4; XiI', 6; xxiii, 21.
]f} 9- (v. --Q11I1i cl- ). I thall do. He, We. etc.
Reply of an inferior to s snporior of an equal or an inferior. Future, First'
and Third person Sing and pI. Frequently used for 't 1iJ
'i" 711 "To be before doing" To be on the point oj doing.
before doing. to become (conjuge.ted). He was at
the point of cleath. 4-. 111 "9 r1II sq tl! For the .sake of a comparison,
let Ine make use of the n-umbe7'. i: e: For example I make ute of the 1wrnber.
'" .

i' ?J! :
of wo:ds
takes all
i, 21.
e. First
. was at
11l11nber .
jl1i1 s:l Ifone comes (or cam.e) t o chn.l,r!"'.
.s:.t If he sho'll.ld oco1l!:e to give hi) o1l [lht to (jive.
i" 7i)1t tf 1 shallp?'Obably do. et c.
i""Jfl future of ,reuphony (thcy mcre [reAllently say t-f)
marks probability. (v. "! Future for flil persons, speaking of an
jnferior' or an equal. Seldom used; It is better to say 111 t-f .Y..
i" ff} 7J at "Though he will do." Futul'C.
7i "If I shall do" etc. foJ' If I do. etc.
Conditional future for a1J persons. l"l'olll "(>-"!1! tf
71 "The llccesliity to do". From "'"!1!
Substan.tival Infinitive for the future. Declined seldom used.
ilJi cr "Tomorrow the driuking of wine will he good."
In speaking of an equal or an inferior.
"'t 71 Oil Beca.use I shall do. etc. From
;] OJ) Eccau.e, since. Future of the ca.use for all persons.
i' 71 -.t:f "From the necessity to do (E x). "
Abla.tive of the subst[1ntival infinitive. Future"t"!1! 1]. 1":J!
- ,
'f ?1! 'J "Of the necessity to do". Genitive of the liubstanti'val In-
finitive. .,1 From"t"!J!
i' 71 Jf1 "To the necesliity to M.
Dative of the substantivaiInfinitive. Future"t:J! 1] In spca'dng of [1U
equal or an inferior. From 't"!1! 'Ct
7Jl 71 "The neciOs sity to: no". From -r:J1ct
Kominatlve of i Le snb"tntltiva,lIufi llitive. Future i" :J1rl
i" ::rl 71 5:. ' '' ]5". to do". From -Q:J1ct
IntrumenLltl oft be Lui1nitive i":J1rl
"f 7J Becallsc J 8" ,dl do. :From i"":J1 ct
Of an equal or all inferior Fu111rc of the cause for all persons
the meaning of
-t -12 Perhaps I shall do (v. 1"l-1 J.l) From t:J1
Meani ng ofuncert:1inty, likdihood. In spetLking of an inferior or an
Future for all persons ..
"i' .3!. '+ I shall do. But he is going to (lo. etc. Fl'om 't:J1 ct
Has a mea.ning of reproach, astonishment. Future for all persons.
1" ?Jl at I shall do, Out ... .... ..... From i":J1 ct
Conditional in :1 future fonn .
.,. 'f Shall I do. etc. Fronr i":J1 ct
Question between equals of a.n inferior or an equa.l. Future for :111 persolli
't "'"* i":J1 l.+ Shall you or Sltall you not do. etc.
i- 1-


i" ".

11 '>"1 gi ve
or an equR
r all persolll
i- 1 '+..Y.. 't I shall perhaps do. etc. From i"1J1 ct
Of an equal or It superior to an inf;-i nr. -t 111 Future. '-t expresses a doubt
or it is for the sake of euphony; .-'i!.. cl- '"Lotes likelihood, it is not oon-
juga.ted but btkes different Rccording to the person addressed. (v.
i" '31 '-t .!1. t:b Future 'for all .
i" OJ tf I shall do. etc.
From '* cl.'
.A: r
Very respectful r"ply of a.n inferi or to a n :pcrior about l\n equal I or &n In"
ferior. Future for 1111 persons.
i' 7t S;Jwllldo? He. W.:: . They. Fronl i"1J1
Very question. An infbriur to:t superior. Of an equal or inferior
I'\ltlll."d 1st and 3rd person Sing 3.11d pi.
i" ::il Shall I do l' etc. From i" 1J1 c}
Question of a, superior to an inferior of :111 equal or an inferior. Future for
all peroons.
See Lumen- xxxv, 15 ..
1'" "'l Sltall I do? etc. From i" 1J1
Question by a superior to an inferior of:111 equal or an inferior.
Future for a.ll persons.
1'?Jl "l I shllll do. etc. From 1J1 ct
In speaking of an equal or a.n inferior. t-l mArks a full !top ; (.) the end
of a sentence. (Books). Future for all persons.
i' .:n do ' J He. TVc. 'i. 'hey. From 1)1 ct
Questi on by an infc; ,.ilJr of" s uperi or "hout. fOn eqUtd or inferiur.
and 2ud persou. ;'il,g H.n<i pI.
i" .:1 )t Sbl i [ d,,') et.c. From 1""1J1 c}
Ql1estion by:t of all inferior spcl1king of 1m equal or a.n in
(in books). l!' uture for ,dl' pcrst'lls.
"i" .7t What shall J do '/ etc. From"t"!JJ ct
An intimate with otlJer homls, spcI!.ki
1g to himself.
a.mongst equals, of I'n equal or ,m inferior. Future pa.rticiple for &11
i' 7t Ol-"'l i"'7Jl 7r Shallldoornot.'? etc.
Of an inferior or an egnal. It conveys the meaning of doubt.
participle for a.ll persolls. Froll1 ct
i" .:it Shall I do ? etc.
Question of cne spea.king to himself or fa.militlrly with uthers to a.n
or an equal about all elJua.i or inferior. Fulure participle for &11
From ct
..J!. I shall do? etc. From "ti"!JJ ct
Said of an equal or an infCl"ior.
k.3l.. is added to different tenses and denotes the rea,son, motive. "t
Future; k termilla.t.ion of the p,uticiple ; .3l.. Instrumental of the
.3l. reaSOll; Future participle for all persons.
'i" If I shall do, or ..... .. .. etc. I do not know.
From' i" 1)1 c}
In speaking of an inferi or 0 1' an equal; has a sell se of doubt .
pu,rticiple for D.11
; L1re ht
rior or
a do?"


-t ?J!' Shall I do ? etc. Wha.t will he do ? ,"What is he about to do?"
Question in speaki"lIg of an inferior or all equal. Future pa.rticiple for all
persons. 1fT Future (has, all the tenses) kJ;l remu.inl constant for
different t omes.
i' ot 1" fiJ Of doing 01'1wt doing. Thenecessity
of doing or not doing. If I shall or shall not do. Shall I do or noi? etc,
From -t"!jJ er
Meaning of hesitation or doubt In speaking of an inferior or an equal
Future participle for all persons.
i" !!! I sha II do From -t"!jJ er
Future. The end of a sentence. For &.ll pers@ns.
i' ?,fJ vi) ?hall I (;o? I will 11,0. etc. From -t"!jJ et
Question or between equals speaking of a.n equal or inieriQI.
for all persons.
i' ?jJ. i}' Becauae 1 &hall do, etc. From 1""1iJ er
In spcll.king of an equal or an inferior 1} is joined to different tenses.
a,nd denotes cause, motive, reason, the wherefore.
(v. l-J 7b. Future for all persons.
7lJ .2:i:. Sha II I do ? I will do. etc'. From -t"!jJ er
... A
Questi::m and reply between equals. Of an equal or an inferior. Future
for all persons.
i" '* I shall do. We shall do. etc. From -t-?J1 el-
End of 3. sentence in speaking of one's self or of a part of a
quoting some one's words. Future 1st person Sing. and pI.
- 36
.2 as the next but marks a comma of a. full stop.
i" -1i q I shall do. JIe. Tht-y. From i"1j] c}
Very polite reply from an inferior to a superior of an equal or an inferior.
Future 1st and 3ri! person Sing and pl.
i" 7JJ -1i 71- Shall I do? He. We. 'They. c}
Very polite question of an illfcri(1r to a supel:ior about Ml equal or inferior
Future 1st and :Srd person Sillg. n.nd pI.
"i' tt I should do. He would do.
1st and person reply to the question i" 1j] ci 1{ By an inf8rior ' to a
superior of an inferior or equo,l.
i" ?J1 i Shall I do? I will do. He. We. They. From i":l! ct
Question and reply slightly respectful from a.n inferior a
an equa.! or inferior. 1
.AJ uJ Future (v. the p\esent t9) From i""!JJ cr
'i" td "If I shall do" for' If I did. etc, From i"1j]
In speaking of an equal or inferior. Future conditiona.l for all persons.
?Jl.A1 't Though Ldo, yet .... ..
"'l Since I shall do etc. From i" 1j] cr
. In speaking of an equal or an inferior. Ma.rks,(I) a re3.son, a motive, (2). a.
pause, a comma or semicolon etc. Future for lI.ll persons Sing. and pl.
'i' ?J!.A1 7} Since or because I shall do. etc. From 11j]
In speaking of an equal or an inferior. Future for all persons.
3top. i" -i! Though bejore doing (it is of no Though he does (It is to
no purpose). From i" ijJ t:}
r to a

Meaning howeqer, although.
In speaking of an equpJ or an inferior. Future for s.,n persons.
S;,me meaning as ; only instead of the present it marks
the future.
1 Shall I do? I shall do. etc. From i""!jJet
Question and reply between equal!, polite and speaking of an equal or
inferior. Future for all persons.
1n I shaU do. etc. From ""
.,.<.:. -r
RepJy of a superior to an inferior speaking o( an equal or inferior. Future
for "all persons. 'The future is formed from the infinitive by changinget
into ttnd c} into t:t. Verbs ending in a vowel which" have no
C in the infinitive but take itin the perfect haTe it in the future: R "E e}
R Cl, "!jJ t:}. If these had ended in C they would noi
tlLke C in the future: . *t:t, SCl, *"!jJ t:}: t:h J.I Cl, "!jJet '
i" t:}?} When I shall do. When you are on the point of doing
Whilst he is doing. From "t"!jJ t:t
future. t:}"Jt denotes surprise, an unexpected event. Future for
all persons.
i' ?J1 9-..3! I say that he will do, but . ..... From et
t:}.:it h&s a sense of disapprobr.tion, reproach, irony. .Future {or all
40 '
'i' 9- or I shall do. but etc. 1'ro111 ct
For all persons.
t:f OJ 61 '1= Do they say Cl' have they sa'id that he will do ?
Can they say tha t they will do?' 11\0IlJ -t:1J cl
A meaning of reproach. Superior La illferior. Future or!I. rd: Ct.
"y .... 1 nl. '* v vi: Does he suy that ,'w will do'! Do the,; say thai ,
etc. From ct
Question by a superior to all inferi or 01 an equal or inferior. Future.
'4 'Ci "l Because yon S(ty that he 7ci ll do. etc. From if 1J! c.\-
'?J! ct Future; c-J '1 for -t ci t-i he says, .aid, have wid; or '1 with
the meaning of because.
i" '11 Shall I do? I should do. etc. From -Q" 1J! ct
Qucstion and reply eq'uals speaking of an inferior or an equ:l,1,
Future impedect or conditional for all persons.
?l! t-11 q shollid do. He. We. They. From ct
Very polite answcr between equals. From an inferior to a snperior of an
equ:.l or inferior. Future Imperfect or conditional 1st and anI person
Sing and pI. l\eply to cpestio.p. 1)} ltJ. It
i' 't-l 01 "t I 3hall do. He. We. They. From
Very respectful reply fr om an i nlori or t o a -superior of an equal or an
inferior. Future Illlperfect 1st and 3rd pen;on Sing. pI.
-t 1jf td If I shonld do. (For in aid) etc. From -?r:J! ct
I n spea1,ing of iuferi or or an cqUl1,l . Futurc imperfect conditional for all
t 7
II do ?
I that ,
r of an
I or an
I for all
t:11ShollldI do etc. Shall you be capable of doing ?
Question of iO superior to an inferior of an equal or an inferior.
imperfect or conditionrtl for all persons.
i" 'ttl ShOldd I do? etc. From et
. ,
Question of a superior to an inferior of an equal or inferior. Future
Imperfect or conditional for [tIl persons. .
i t1 "'l I do etc. From i" 1J! et
From an inferior or an equal. Future imperfect or conditional for all
i" ;;! Jt Gunld I do? He. We. They. From i""t;l! et
(For Will he be a ble to do '?) Very respectful question from an inferior to s
superior of l\n equa.! ur inIurior. Future Imperfeet or ConditIOnal 1st and
3rd pe!'wn Sing. ;llld pI.
1 tj 7 r Because I should do. etc. From '1" 1J! et
Of equal or inferior. Fnture imperfect or conilitional for all persons.
:1 )!. Sho/.ld I do etc. From 1J! et
Question (in books) by a superior to an inferior of a.n equal or inferior.
Ft;ture imperfect or conditional for all persons.
i ?J! v;i 7} Should Ido? etc. Canhedo? !obeable. From "t'lj)et
Question by a superior or an equal speaking of an equa.l or inferior or
speaking to himself. Future imperfect or condition!ll for all persons.
v;i..i2 Like 1J! ttl ., t From i" 1J! et
4 I ShOldcl do. etc. Abo, in history, He will do. He says that he
1vill do . From el-
Of an equal or an inferior. Future imperfect or conditional for all persons.
. 14
'-ol 4 n seems that he will do. From
.:x q I shall do ete. Fn III 't 1)] t::l-
End of a'phrase in booh. }'IILUl'8 :'01' all persolls.
See Lltmen xxxi, iG; xxxviii, 1:3 .
'i" Shall I do? I shall (;0. , etc. From i'1J1t::}
" . qu\,s spea(1ng o. an equal or inferior.
Question anel answer betm ce'11 '0 t J ' 1 ' ,
Future 'for all persons,
i: .?J! fil 01 t:-} I shall do etc From 1)] t::}
Fuil stop in books of prayers, petitions. Future for all persons,
i' fil ..!J- I shall do. He, TVe . They. From -If 1)] t::}
Answer by an inferior to a superior of an equal or inferior. Future 1st 'lnd
3rd parson Sing. and pI. .
1" fil ..2. I shall do. etc, From 't 1)1 t::}
Polite answer between eqlmls :lnd spl'[tking of an equal or inferi or. Future
for all persons.
i' ?Jl;r.l 'O} I shall do, bllt ...... , From 1jl t::}
tlt points to an obstacle. F uturc for all persons
'i' Jl 'f If I do, Whether yo" or ... ", .. , From 't"!:ll c}
Present subjunctive, hypothetical *.k 't v}]:J.k i" vt Whether
you devote yourself to agricu/tu7'e or engage in c01mnerc'ial' bUS'iness .. , .... "
(you 1il M vtJ-J -1j vt ..J:.:J.\ Jl Study or work (which
-you please) but do not remain ,idle.
i' it 't';[ Jl q To clo 01' not to do. From 't1)1 ct
(I know not) I dQ or not do", Wheth" one Sh01Lld do 01' not. Hypo-
thetical Infinitive implying h<lsitation. Present, past and future.
-t' .71 Because, Sinee'he does. Though (followed by) still. Marks a reason, a.
motive; in books a kind of exclamation; used in comparisons, contrasts.
i'dcJel:rltr-l Thouyh Heaven is so
br,autifltl Ud 17/.en think only oj this wOl'ld. Saying. Having said.
See Lumen v. 4; viii, 16; ix 4; xi 12; xv, 21 ; xvii, HI ; xxiii, 15; xxv, 9;
xl, 17.
i" 7l "ll/3eaeause I shall do. From i":n ct
Future for all persons. Marks a reason, motive, or a pause, semicolon.
(v. i""1).
i" 7J "l h Ido, Tholtgh you work hard (it is of no lIse) .
Subjunctive for i?:n ct
See Lumen xii, 19; xxix, 16 ; xlix, 11 . .
i" 7i tl{ 11 Whether I do 01'1wt. (It is no bu)Siness of yours). For
Iture all persons. From ct
7J. Tho!lge I do. ;present
i }j I do then. Gonsequeutly you do etc...... From -fj -m ct
A meaning of conseqltence. For all persons.
11 tl hope, then. =r -q.1:! ask, therefore. uJ 1:! then.
they done. Same meaning as i" 11.
i' 7J. Because I do. etc. If I do etc. I do then. From i":n ct
In consequence of. Pres. indicative for all perllons (v. 1:! t:ij).
See Lumen xxi, 8 xxiii, 17.

- ill Co -t; 1 '
"V A -c If I do eto. From cr
. Of all eg ual" or inferior.
Present conditiomd for all persons.
"1"1 denotes a conditi on followct1 I,y a command. Almost the s,une [ts

"tl simple condition lmt it some til lies i mplies [t doubt [ts well as [t coudi-
tion. ,Vhence we may crill it bY\,vtiJdi(;,d, cond iton,,1.
See xi, 10; xhii, 21 ; 22-
7i When I do, AmJdoil!!]? Doc.d, c1IOtseeilwt? From
A kind of questi9n of (l RtiouisllmclJt (II"
See LU1ILenxxvii, 2; xxix, 20; xliii, 5.
o} (v.
-t 71 A form of the infinitive in nse uefllre certain words if I, k! 011 Before -t
doing. ':Jo}1}11.x. 01"11 s:. JL eJ'I) pro(!ecd to arrc.\ t (Old
death. I, 1-1 E uen to clecdh. From if 1Jl cr
See L1i7nm xxiv, 4.
'i' 71 "The act of doing." Action. Froll.l -t:ll c}
Substantival present mfinitive. Used (;iJieily ill (;01lVersl1tlOn. They do not
S8.y 1'..2.. aB they do ! 01.!L
i' 71 Beca2tSe J do etc. ]'1"Om -t 1)1 c}
In speaking of an eq u(ll or an mferlGt".
l' 0J1 implies a reason, motive.
Caus8.tive present for all persons.
71 "At the fect or point of doing," ,
Substantival present infiniti' ve. Locative of -t I, 011 y tg. "Arrived
at the point of doing." ej -t ,1 OJ1 :i:i::r1l -t'rJ 01 yIt is to m.ake it easy
to 1 eceive:
ae [IS
.0 not
: easy
i" J 1 1 '''F.rom tife act of doing" From l' et
Ablative of the substantival Present Infinitive of 11 It I
, . .. expresses
the comparative. Bather than have. 11 ()jl 14 It is
better to die than to sin.
i' 7 J "Of the act of doing." From '!JJ ct
Genitive of the substantival Present infinitive .... 11
l' 71 "1 "To the act of doing." F"rom It'!JJ t;::t
Dative of the Bubstantival present infinitive of 11
i" 71 7 t "The act of doing". From "t ct .
Nominative of substantival Infin:tive of 1'11
i" 71 "As to the doing". From '!JJ ct
For that which there is to be done. appositive of substantival present in-
'finitive of -t 11
i' 71 '-l or 1'111' 1-) . Though I do. 1"'!JJ ct
rresent for all persons. This form takes the place of H1 l' t.f
111 or 111 k 12... t.f Though I eat.
"t11 k and 11 are 'f From t
l' 71 i" The act of doing." From l' ct
l\. .lightly future force expressing desire. Accusative of substantival
infinitive from "t 11 . 1" 11 ',:1'! ct I want to do. l' 11 ;?J
c} I hope to do.
See Lmnen xiv, 12, xvii, 21 ; xxviii, 6; xl, 18 ; xlii 12.
. 10
. 14
7 J i 0 Fo?' doill g or to do, -ct
'i' 71 i Of ]}'cr doi ll gto dn. 'tIl It isjol' doi llg,
'1l !f11 oJ 1'11?r It is nolj"" do ill ] HL\JlI l tj"7Jl cr
'i" 71 3:. "By the ad of doing." I,' ron! cr
Instr umental of Sl1bf;Lallti"aI present infinitive of -S'1l,
7J Because I do. olc. 1'""7Jl
In speaking of an equal 0)' an inferi ur. pros en t for all persons,
11 has tho Inealling of becouse.
.jl And, also, with. F rom "7Jl cl"
A conjunction marking a comma pllt fLfter the word when it Ims this mean.
mg. It is pnbably not a, of the verb i" -cr but a simpl e
See Lwnen ii, 17; iii , 1 ; iii , 7; v, 3 ; x.xiii, xi,
i" J!. To do. From
'l.' ennination of a part of a sentence uSllully cl er.oting a comma orsemiccll on,
In numeration it ta,kes the place of and answers to the tense o[ tbe
last verb of the numeration.
See Lumen i, 6; i, 18; ii , 9; ix, 7 ; ix, 11 ; ix, 15; xv, 17 ; xv, 19; A:V, 22,
J!. Havoing done. B oing done. From 1"
Implies that something ought to follow. By abbreviation they put simply
5!. a contraction. of "'"..:il.. into compounds.
See Lmnin xiii, 1; xiv, 14; xiv, 20; xv, 21; xvi, 7; xvii, l1;xyii, 15; xxxii, 4, -q. "To say to do." To tell to do. From 1""!j!-ct
'i' ...3!. ./.;' I do. eLe. From i" 1)1 ct
.mpl e

of the
i' j!..AJ '1- I liave 'Uris-heel to. do. etc. From 'If! ct
A superior to an inferi or spea.king of an equal or an infel,'ior, Perfect of
JL hI -- ct. Foi' (l!1 p e-1'8011S.
i" jl.Al 4- -a- -Cl Honorific of l' jlhT --cl-
:hJE;;'l jl hI --...2.. tf Thu1I9h I des'ire to gi-r e a letter.
i" ;t.Al 4- '9-(hJlJ-l, /Qwishto clo , etc, From
jl" f -V- ct is joined to the ra.dioal of verbs to express r ire, will. It is
conjngated. jl for euphony, union, J.l-- ct to wfsh ao ga.te
J.I [tccording to will . . CI ........... U
i" . .:s:. "Though be does not" or a7lOulcl not.
i' .J!. -t ,'1 '1'0. w'i,h to do. have the i ntention of dig. (v.
l' cl- ) l' jl to do . :At for let us do., From i"?JJ t;:.r
See Lwnen vii 1, xxii, lG, lviii, 10.
i' 6 t '-l 4 Not to wish to do. From 1"?JJ l:;}-
-sq rt1 ';J oj r1.-};;.t ' to wish it not to be. It is nat that he
no dcs-i1'e to agree .
See L-n1)!en vi , 22.
J!. 7! To wish to do. 7'0 say (to oneself) L et us do,
imply From i"?JJ ct
jl A4 i" t:+ expresses the will. It is joined to the ![tdical of verbs to ex-
xi i,4. pres;; desire. is conjugated. for J.Jt{l"t.3l
A4 Ft to wish to make trial. 5!.A4 1" cJ. contracted for JI.A4 1" cl-
See ii, 18, 'Xxii, 13, xxx, 1, xxxi, 1, xxxiii, 17 xxxvi , 18 ltxxvi, 19
,;lvi, 15
, .
- 36
-f j! fil J!.. Please God I do. etc. From 1jJ cr
Of -an equal or inferior. ,.3l J;J.3l ]][tS the meaning of ntnam.
. .::::J verbs ending in cr change the 7 of the previous ending into
. j: cr, j: cr .. ")" """. 711 . Adverbial termination of adjecti ves ill
cr or rather of those which form their adjectival past participle in .:g.
and their adverb by changing .:g. into 711 and -tl . ::1ll cJ. is formed
by abbreviation or contraction trom -q 1lJ "t cy 3:,?:i711 ct for
1il ct to puri fy. (v. 1" 1" c1-). 1:;- bl cr for
t. for
for 1" ct .. " ........ (v: 1""l-f
.. " ........ abbrevi"tion or coutradion foJ.' "t 11
='a Consequently ask
.::t !!..J::.. lfJ 11 To compare. let us take a panting. A painti:llg f OI'
""''''''' ' ;fl Contraction for ,1 .
5!. Abbreviation or Contraction for if .3l (g. v) .
............ 5!. for 1".3l. ttJ:5! It is done (without doubt). Take. Lhe
place of.;it in verbs in cr
' ''''''''''' 1" ct Contraction for ct (g. v.)
'1 " Doing. The act of aoing," con"idered in the most abstract seDse.
Radical of the subst&ntiTe 1: b 1 .. U sed especially in books. Formed like
1: b1 or rather.
1. Verbs whose radical ends in a vowel or e add a to this radical verbs
in cr add -%
2. Verbs whose mdical ends in 7 , b , 1- , B, ,A , are formed from
the participial adjective ly changiRg 1- into a
es 1ft

Ig f or
e. Lho
i like
3. All verbs in are formed from the participial adjective by chaIi,ging
1- into 0.
4. Verbs ending in a vowel, which, though they do not have 2 in the
infinitive have it in the perfect.
't 'Of I shall do. First person. From J?:
A promise. I engage to do, I promise you to do. FutUl'e in speaking to
oneself. A permissive form, I allow to be done.
i" Having done (he has ' done) Aftel' they had done. Used chiefly in
Perfect. Denotes a mot:ve and points to a consequence which ought to
follow. ttl ct. Having pmyed to God, I received.
Formed like !
See Llt1nen ix, 8; ix, 13; x, 16; xii!, 1; xviii, 12; xxvi, 19; xxvii, 19,
xxviii, 9 ; xlvi,l O.
-;r 'Or ..:it I say that I shall do . (' tc. From I
Question ftl1 cl reply -?[ tl t 1::[ He says he will do. l' at I shall
do, otc., for if ..ll. he says. I shall do says he.

When they do. If they do it. From g'
Prosen t for all perSDn s.
See Lumen vi, 19. xxxii, 8;
1 611 4 "By tho act of doing". From g
,\blative of t l>l
To do. From g
Present. Termination of a pa,rt of'a or of a numeration indicating
a semicolon or comma. In a numeration it answers to the tense of the
fast' verb. (v. the creed).
See Lumen i, 6; i, 12; xiii, 2; xvi, 3; xviii, 22; l"i, 1.
- 36
' \
Having done. Have you done? Has he done? From g
Participle present or past. Sometimes II question to an equ:1l or inferior.
See Lumen xxvii, 10.
i" If I do, etc.
Present conditional for all persons. Of an equal or inferior. Sometimes
has something of the meaning of When, Though. 61' 4'- c.l .J.J OJ} J.J
Ttl OJ, 'lll J.' 11 o}1.-} 1.f. When Jes!ts Ghrist is on the altar is He not
also in Some call this form in Ttl subjunctive as weHas the form in
Formed from l' by changing t1 into Ttl
See Lumen xiv, 5, 11, xliii; 10.
i: tft -4 In doing. In contimtation of the action. 'From i"Ttl From g
(Without breaking off in place of c.t?} which supposes a.n int.errup-
tion) Indicates continued action. Corresponds to the Ger.undive in do.
u:r ..x. Though I do., etc.
:eresent subjunctive for all persons. Formed from g by changing t1
into of.s: indicates that more should follow.
1 "Of the I!.ct of doing." Genitive of 01. From &
1 Sl711 "To the act of doing." Dative of & 1. From t
1 "As to the act of doing." Oppositive of t oJ From t
See Lumen i, 12; v, 4; xvi,
1 -% act of doing" Accusative of & oJ
See Lumen viii, 21; ix, 15; xviii, .12 .
. ,
t2 I
l In
1 !!.. "By the act of doing."
Instrumental of ]" bl -9-'" ct (to give) (honorific).
(By the act of giving). By the gift. '<1 % ct}o1 J-J1il "t
}oJ ct ("By the giving grace.") By the gift of gra:ce to live again.'
See Lumen ii, 2, 17; iii, 8; xxv, 13.
1 01 The act oj doing. Action, state.
$ubstlmtival form of the verb "tct. It is declined, and governs the
case of' the verb. Used in,books, seldom in conversation, generally H,n
abstract noun meaning condition, quality. It is formed like *& by adding
bl. In conversation it is generally repJaced by t 1"1}o1, t 1"1 }oT
}oJi"cl- to Injm'y. Blind.
to become bl'ind. it. 01 Blind . . From that is to say.
1. Verbs ending iLl a vowel or C add 01 to the radical ofthe infinitive.
2. Verbs enc1ing in 7, 0, 1-, \:l ', A form the substantive from the
adjectival peded p[lrti cipie by changing 1- into 0 Q.l.
3. Verbs ending in the aspirate ct form the substantive from the
participial [lc1jective by changing L into 0 01
4. Verbs eBc1ing in a vowel wbich have no C in the infinitive but have
it in the perfect take it in this tense (like the future) and' are formed from
the participial adjective by changing 1- into C 0 bJ: R ct, R
Cl, R R 01 g 01 o-J tf. g 01 o-J l{. Either to do or the
action, or. g 01 01 at "It is the act of doing" 01 a substantival form.
o-J '-t termination which implies c10ubt or opposition: b1 at from the verb
ct to be. at a termination indicating the end of a sentence. A full
See L-umen xv, 21; xvi, 9; xviii, '10, 13.
1 oJ "The act of doing." From i'
"i substantival form: bl.... from tho verb etto be: ..2. termination
equivalent to a 'D gb 1..2. It is for doing.
'1 OJ "It is the act of doing." Since the doing is." From t
& substantival forIIi. bllf from the verb e1- to be. t-J terminatoin
equivalent to a colon or to a Teason.
1 01 "'1 '* "It is the act of doing."
'& substantival form from bl y at from the verb e1-to
yat the usual termination of a sentence equivalent tp a full stop.
See Lumen xvi, 6; xxi, 14; xxviii, 7; xxix, 18; Iii, 20.
'i 01 4 Like g t.-} at FrolD"&
See Lumen iv, 2, 20; vii, 4.
1 01 ( v. i"' o:t "It is only by the act of cloing." 1t t Dl
at cJ t!l.s;, It is only by being thankjzd that all will go right.'
& bl.s::. at It is that which is done. An historical term iRati on used in
books. From g
1 tlJ et It is that which is done. From l
Usual ending of a sentence especially in songs.
See Lumen xxxv, 22.
s hi "'l 4 Like g bl Y a} From g
1 -q. It is the doing. ! the doing. ct to be. From '
, ,
1 ct I do . He. We . They.
An inferior to a superior, of an equal or an inferior. Present indicative
1st and Srd person. Very polite answer. Formed from the participial ad-
jective by changing 1- into t1 c}
Ltoin 1 i1- AmI doing. Ishe? They.
Very polite qnestion by an inferior of a superior of an equal or an inferior.
Present indicative 1st and Srd persons. Used in books. In conversation
they say&, 1::- 7}a contraction for1i' % \:- 1} Formed like g cl-
) be.
1 .s:. I do. etc. From 'g
o-fJd o-f hl e.J g- Z::r.J;s1h. f!11
. A good mother then;;!; she loves he?' yet does no more than
feed them with her milk. al -t {J.s:. Though you have re-
deemed 1.S.
-i; Does. He who does. Being done. Having done. done. Used like "*
of an equal or an inferior. Parti cipial adj ective. Perfect going before the
noun with which it agrees. It is used to form certain tenses which the
Dictionary forms for <ilach verb.
See Lumen xvi, 2.
"'i; Having done. .. For the sin of having built a house.
. . For the sin oj having received presents.
-i; Being done. That which one does .
Form of the qualifying adjective in -t C}going before the noun with which
it agrees and which it qualifies.
- 36
1. Verbs whQse radical enl!S in 2, vowel add 1.- under the ra:dical.
'2. Ver bs ill t: lose their 2. an<.l rflplace it by 1.- excepting
to bore wbich has 4'- '14 cJ- to look on high which has {E.
3. ill 1::l c];au;e of tlJeir pcr.fe;t into into.g or -8:,
o into 0 l ill to.9- 01'...<2.. lH into .9- ... -1 i nto M -t;l and..J:1 into
1..:-' I t-- L- ' . , 1_" TI,' "'l

4. Verbs in "7 , '0, 1.-and .A change the last letter of tlJe t into
or '" Minto " or .9- 0-1 into.9- " and sometimes <:>1
-L- l.:,.. - , t:- L- 1 1.:.. ..-
5. Verbs ending in 2} in the infinitive change the last vowel of the per-
fect into .9- ... ct '.- til '.-:1L
1.-' -.l- i r, -'- J, --- t-'
See Lumen iii, 5; ix, G; xi , 13; xvi, (I, 10.
If Though I (10. (I cannot ......... ) etc.
0t Go} i' do 0)' they have done tl(eir best.D} Go} if 1.f
Go} i' 1.-f J.. c} They may do it either way it comes to thcsamc thing.
Present subjunctive for all persons. From 1I. by changing 1.- into \.f.
See Lumen ii, '2'2; xxxii, 1'2; xlviii, \4; liii, '2.
Do I do? A 7'e Y02( ? etc.
Question between equals about and equal or inferior. Present indicative
for all persons. 1 11.-f.
i '+* "f 1f Are you doing? Are you not doing?
Present for all persons. They also say i' \.fottf with the same mean-
mg. From 1I. or by changing 1.- or k into \.f.
., .
t into

the per-
e thing.
nto '-to
\of",! -ct He p'e?'haps does. You look as if were going to do.
Present indicative for all persons of all equal or inferior to an inferior (v.
i" '-t.Y... lOl, '-t.y... cl-) From present participle by changingk
into '-t
,'1 Am I doing. etc.
A,superior to ::111 infcr:or, of an egual or inferior (familiar). Present indica-
tive for all pe!sons. Formed from present indicative t ct by chang-
ing 1- ct into tf, k c1-, k tf. The same as 1- tf but not
so generally used.
See Lumen xlii, 16.
i' 1 Isit?
After adjectives. .a. 11 i'" t-f: Is it useful? From the
t by changic g' 1- into 1{
See Lumen xix, 17.
i' "" OJ q. I am doing. He. We. They.
Answer from an inferior to a superior of an equal or inferior. Present indic-
ative lst aHd Brd' persons. Often used in prayer books at the end of a sen-
tence. In the sign of the cross bJct may mean "In". In the Dame of
etc. '& bJ '-t bl ct Hope springs. From 1" k by ch!tDging k
into ?J ct
See Lumen v, 1, 21. xi, 3 ; xxxiv, 21.
i; """ 01 7} Am I doing? He. We. They. From 1" k
by an inferior of a superior, of an equal or inferior. Preseni
indicative 1st and 3rd persons.
See Lumen xxxi, 1; xxxv, 5.
- 14
"Doing, being dOEe; i.e. what ope is doing" What I arn doing etc.
Present of an equal or inferior. Adjectives do not take this
' form. Formed by adding to the radical, verbs ending in 2. lose
this letter and add Verbs in cr whose radical cnds in a consonant or
2. add k to the radical, if ill a vowel they add A
See Lurnen i, 6 ; iii, 7; iv, 20.
i" To do.
't1 -::t :J:l etTa teach the way to meditate. This form
is used to express the relative pronouns who, what, WhOM, ana the adverbs
wh6re, whence.
See Lumen iv, 4.
'1 Arn I doing? etc.
Pre.sent indicative all persons. Question of a superior to an inferior, of
an e'qual or inferior. Formed from Present participle 1" hy changing:
into 1- 1..1-.
't::- - -r
In verhal adjectives the is formed from the participial
by changing 1- into 1{. From fi"e (from .::ret to b, fine)
Jl i!..'1= Is it fin& ?
See Lumen xi, 2; xxxv, 6; xl, 18.
1" '-l The same as if '1=
"'l I am doing. etc From
Marks a comma or colon. In books.
See Lumen xxxv, 11 ; lvi, 2, 7.

. t or
'i' U DoilJg. "The olte doing." "The doer." From -L
PI -!:
Present participie. It is declined. 1" Dl1h
1" D 1.$!l tll He who does. To him who does .
-q "'1 cr "There is one who does. "
'i' 7t Are you doing?
Present. A respectful question. From by into
1--J 1t
See xxxi, 2.
01 q There are those who do.
:J.1 01 '-t Ie thcre anyone who ?
See L umen xxi, 4; xxiv, 8.
01 JL "The doer ." He who does. From 1"
:, of __ I
ging Nomina.tive of Present participle 1" D1 In speaking, form is clearer
and not likely '0 be confused with 1--J whose sound it resembles.
fine)' i' 01 As to him who does. From 1"
oppositive of the present participle 1" l-J. .:g. As to
those who hav, merit . As to thole who have sins.
i' 4 I am doing etc. From 1" ..
Termination, end of a sentence. A full stop. In speaking of!tn equal or
an \nferior. Present indicative for all persons.
See Lumen v, 20; xxiii , 18; lvi, 19.
- 36
i" 7r Am I doi/1g? He. We. They. From 1"
Question by all inferior of a snperior of an equal or inferior. Present
indicative of 1st and 3rd persons. Or we can say "t Doing anu
form the verb c} Is he '1 Am I doing? etc.
What are you duing? (Province of Kyeng Sang).
.It Like i' \- '-t. In books .k is rather more respectful t!ll.D t.t
See Lumen xxix, 12; 15 ; xxx, 1; xxxiii, 20.
What arc you doing? etc. From "t
Present interroglttive participle for all persons (familiar). It is conjugated.
A common question in speaking to oneself or amongst friends or equals.
The reply is V11
il. Whether he does or does not.
\;.. I .
k 1}.ot'1"t k I}'
Does he aT not? From "t
Present participle expressing doubt a.nd opposition. Conjugated.
i' 7}...1 9- J-Ieprobably does. (v. "S:1}..Y..
Present. From "t
7[ b} What are you doing? (Naihpo langul\ge those
of like rank.)
The thing one is doing. That which we do
resent Participle, }! , }l thing, declinable. From 1"
1!- S6e Lumen i, 18 ; viii , 22; xiv, 'I; xvi, 5, 11; xviii, 10, xx, 2 ;' liii, 12.

i" r[ hat i5 he doing? From 1"
hlterrogative Present Participle. Conjugated.
]:11" k Dl k.3L . Why are there any who do?
Who is then who knows?
i' Same as 1" 1t From
..::it tfr I do, but.. ........ ..... ... etc.
A seuse of complaining, reproach. From '!
i" J!. What! He is doing ...... ...... etc.
Present for all persons sense of complaint, astonishment, sUT]Jrise, wonder,
':J: k.3L ttl 1:: 1f What! he is doing so well, why are gou
scolding him. From"t k
l' 2 The same as 1" k.3L To do.
,:J:1" k.3L But he is doing well !
To this form belongs D 1....3'- Ah! that i 9 that! From i' ls:
l' 'f He is doing. There doesn't he see that? From 1" h:
Sensc of rcproach, Present ParticiFle joined to.3L tf Dl J..r
Dl .::l.1i!4 at 1" '4.s:..::l. tf This man though I told him to
lea ve off does it all the same.
- 36
-t J!. $.. Because I do . F rom i"
-q 1:::. Present Participle Jl... is joined to different tenses and points to
a motive, reason . .Jl... .is the instrumental .Jl. which is only used in COIll-
position. For all per50ns .' * E.Jl.... Bec/wse he cannot prodace.
See Lumen i, 6; ii, 10, 16; v, 20; xxiv, 6; xxviii, 10.
t:: ll} What one does . He who does. From i" E
i[ E Present Parti ciple. This, that, which, who. In books. ta fi-
Sl l i" J..l E s:.J ct To become an cbject oj contempt to God. Literally
"God despises that which to become." The subject is in the genitiTe.
iti-frSl ..... " .. That 'Which. not only of things but of
persons esp'ecially ill. speaking of oneseif with humility.
'i' t:: "l It i s wh,d they do. It is he who does. From"t b:.
In E Present P:l.rticiple that which. DJ t.f verb substantive
c}l-} a termination implying a reason, comma, of-semicolon.
The means. Way at doing .
t:: The time/or doing. When 10e clo. From i[ E '
Formed from the Present Participle by adding Seldom )lsed. t
is preferred.
t:: Because I clo. Though, etc. From"t E
Present for all persons "t Present P",rticiple. IS about equal to a
colon. .::La} 't Ah! It i s because you an acting thus.
.. \!.
i '
'- .
... 1

.. \!.

* "
... \.

ts to
ut of
to a
t ~ ~ fil To do $.8 if. (v. 11. ~ j.J, ~ ~ j.J, and i' 5:.)
"t 5: ~ c.t He pj'obably does. It ~ e m s that he does. From"t
t ~ % nt ~ -% Whether he does or not. From i'
To do secretly, without saying anything, to act with dislike. Used for say-
ing that something is done without care., with disgust.
t ~ .s:. tf He does. From l'
Termination of a sentence, used specially in songs and poetry. Present
indicativc. i' }.J E.s:. c.t lIe does. You do (Honorifio). Full atop,
implying wonder, astonishment.
Scc Lumen xxviii, 5 i xxxv, 19 i xliii, 8.
i- ~ ~ 1 i" 9- To act like doing. From i'
'* Pl'esent Participle doing. 1::41'* c.1. To act like. Conjugated.
, t..:- "'II I
5!-. ~ c41 ~ ~ ~ to pretend not to know.
-? fi} He who docs. "Doing he who." From 't
i' Prc,ent P'Lrticiplc. ; ; : ~ JIe who but used in the sense of that which
s.c. thing wMch but is only of people.
Sec Lumen ix. 10 i xii, 7 i xiv, 5 ixvii, 10.
- ~ ~ ~ '1 It is he who does. Since it is he who does. From i'
7; Present Participle. ; ; : ~ he who ell y the verb to be 1--J 0. ter.
, ~
mination showing a reason or a comma. l-J i!}- would shew a full stop.
As to him who does. Fromi'
i' "'-Yhat doing." Whflt is he doing? From :::
Interrogative Present Participle. Conjugated for all persons !f- if
7-1 !f 2.i .y.. 0 2.t Ask what he is doing. !f 't Go ct What
he is doing I do not klW1V .
-Whether he does or not; to do or not to do. From
Pl'esent Pllrticiple implying a doubt. _ A meaning of opposition.
jugatcd for all persons 7-1 0 y a:. 7-1 .
i" fil 0t Like the Feceeding. From 't:::
It is bcermse of ... .... that I do etc. From 't
II '16 force of a colon fI]1(l also points to a reason or motive .
. , 1;,n of a Helltence (historical or narrative) v. 1[ Go
Sec L1WLCil viii, 1G; xxvii, 8; xxxiii, 13; xxxvii, IG ; ]iv, 3.
k (1 know) that I am doi/lg etc. From 7j Go
See Lumen iii, 7.
-;r --i % (I Imow) that I ({'Ill cloing. From 't
of i' .
.;c. (I know) that I am doing. From if Go
(v 1.:-: 'L ct) Polite between equals. From
(v. i' Go.y.. -cr) Between equals. From 't


i' 2L "'7 or 1" 1f .!.cr I am perhaps doin
1" Present iudicative for all persons. A superior to an inferior in
speaking of an equal or inferior. Conjugated. 1;;' a doubt ..!L cr exp,ress.
ing probability. Cannot be used with different tenses but has different
forms according to tho peJ:son addressed. From 1" by changing
into 1- l'I ct.
t.:- .... -L r'
i' ": q End of character v. 1"].J 1;;' cr.
vll Am I doing? I am doing. From! k
Question and answer bet:woon equals of an equal or inferior. Present
illdicfttive for all persons by changing Is:. into l-lJ.
i' vll Present indicfttive 3rd person sing. and pI. Expresses surprise,
envy, perh<1ps vex:1tion b-f o-f t1 k o}lli;;J l-lJ Mother only gives
toJathel' (not to others and especially not to me)
-i; 01 '''rhe having :lone." He who has done.

1f.. Participial adjective. bl a kind of nominative or pronoun which is
declined, he 10710. etc 7}\!-! bl ..g*l].J WR bJ o} if}
Yon aTe a bmejacto1' to the pOOl' and a father to the orphal.s.
:S'-10l1 til Those who have entered a society. From! by adding bJ.
See Lzmten, xix, 2.
- 14

'1 Because he does. etc
l'wsent indicative for all persons, 11 shows a reason, a pause, commll,
colon or semicolon. From 1f. by changing 1- into 11
See Lumen ix, 7; 0, 12, 15.; x, 21; xi, 2, 11 ; xiii, 1, 4; xxiv, 2; xliv, 17.
1 1 'r (1f. 0') Determiuation. A clearer word in speaking because
1I. 01 is apt to be confounded wi th t By the addition of 7 r
alUoiguity is avoided. From 1I.
v} 77}
Because I am doing. etc .
From 1f.

"} 1,.1
Because I am doin{J .
etc. From 1I.

1,.1 77} c.
u. --
Same as "t 1.-f .
FJ."Om 1I.
vi \J 1..-1 1. ce?to inly do etc. or 1 have dune. I 2vill do. For all persons,
"('Ilt. perfect or future. Indicates certainty. There is no doubt.
() It 11e who hus dOllG. or ... .. .... !
1I. I'm:Liciplc adjective 01 Pronoun. he who tf a doubt or nether
tion sj OJl ;:: ;:: ol0- Those who have entcmZ ell!
associnliol! and those who have not.
See Llnnen, xi, 22; X;Y, 8, 20; xvii, 18; xviii, 11.
4 I do etc. From t
Of 1m Cqllill or inferior. Presellt indicative for all persons \..-J c} points
to the nld of a sentence. A full stoF. End of a period in his Lory or a
lory. Frclll 1I.. by changit:g 1- iuto Y cr

i 7rBecause I do. etc. From 1f
Present In3icative for all 1:ersol1s. It is formed by changing the final
of t he tenses of verbs into Jh' 1h 01 7}-, 01' J.i
which is joined to the different tenses to indicate the reasons, motive
! 7} .:LCl} S- It is because he is in an exalted position that h;
is so.
i" ..x. Am I doing? I aut doing. etc.
Question and reply a.mongst of .,n ,_qual or an inferior. 1'resen*
inaicative for all perseR . From t by ehll.nging k into ..r..
i' "'l I do.
Present indi cative ht pei'ion like the .x. of oX. i" radiool. .x.
indicat es the 1st person. t-J a comma like the t-J of 1" t-J. From
i" by chnging into.x. t-Jo'
See iii, 1; viii, 18; xxxvii, 8; lv, 18.
t I do. I dec/are that I do.
In speaking of ollese]f. End of a sentence or It quotation between
invert ed i" radical. .x. 1st person. at end of a sentence.
Present indicative 1st person. From if tr. by changing into .x.
See Lumen xxxviii, 8, 17 ; xlv, 1; Iii, 16.
S- is an honorific termination. would also use % J;!l c}, % 1;-1 ct ,
% 1;-1 c}, :From 1i
i' 4 i" ..:it I say. I do. etc. "for I say that I do."
..I. t!} I do. i".Jl I say. FroID i"
-t 4 J! To do (that) because I do. Using it as a pretext. Indicates
the first person and a rel\son. 'i1 ..I. a}.Jl 01-1-1 "Q t;]- I did not go
out because I was smoking; because I liked better. "t..I. at.1L
"t '3! 1jJ c} tl *' s:t '3! c:r I tried in vam it did /Wt succeed.
"2 ..I. aJ- I du .:11., fur .Jl saying. I<'rolll i" h:.
See Lumen x, HJ; xxi, 3, 8.
i 3f- "After (a tbing) done." Afte?' having done. When I sholl have
done'. (v. ! s:t 611 ).:From R.
i. :7 B ecause I do . From R'
i 7t Have I dune? Ir1terrogative. (v i" 7}) From!.
'! 7} I have p1'obably dmle, etc. Fro1;1!.
Between eql1"ls. Of an Pq Hal or an lllfepor. Perfect fuf all persono.
7t i I have perhaps done, etc.
dOIlG. From 1I.
It appears to me that they have
By a supcri N to an inferior of an eqnal or an inferior. (Infin. i" 2L ct)
1I is conjugated. 7} expresses'the
doubt. cJ- tue probab!lity. It is not conjugated but takes different
forms accon:i .'g to the persons M1dressed.
u. J
t 7 t J1.. ct T1'uly I have well done.
For all persons. 't rf ll} or
-i; Provincialism for 1i "1;l. From 1;. 1 _.,...._
! 7i /.1 Because he has done. etc. From t
Indicates a reason, motive, contrast. In contrasts it concludes the first
part of the phrase and leads one to expect "on the other hand" to follow.
Perfect. v. i"rf
"i 7f /.1..2. Likethe next.
t 7f ""J "i That is what has been done. E:om t
S. thing done l--J to be. From t:t
See Lumen xlix, 10.
t 7f /.J j!, He has probably done. I suppose fOU have done.
From t
-&' 7J Thing done, what they use has done, the doing. From t
! past palticipial adj. thing that which, declinable.
cJ II 1 t rf -- T t 11 aJ- we must ask for what is good
11. rf -- is the acc. of "J g .::kJ14 -- "the cold thing to
prevellt" i.e. to warm.
See Lumen vii, 7; i, 2.
..:it Question beiweetl equals or to oneself. a} t.31
"Wby do you act thus." From. '&
See Lumen v, 4.
J!. Because I have dono etc. From1.
1!.. Participial adjective perfect . .:il..5:. Instrumental of Teason,
it is only used in composition and joined to different participles to point
out a reason or motiv3.
See Lumen x, 21.
i l)} '''l'hat which having done." What one has done. He who has done.
1. Perfect Pnrticiple adj ectival that which, he who. Declin::tble and
sometimes governs the genitive 01 I-}- -T 1f. -T 1. Cr' I
what it is that this ma,1 has asked. i.e. the request of this 111 n.
1-l1-hll-lr c>l I w((s created by God. Lit. "God hnving produced
what I &rn." i .e. I am God' s creature. From 1.
See Lumen ix, 9, 11, 16; xi, 12 ; xiv, 8; xv, 21.-
t "l That i s what w:!s done. I t is he who has eIone. From R
R Past Participle adjective. 010 verb to be. y termination mal'killg
. n comll1n, colon, liclllicolon or reason. '1 t:} would mCM] a full stop.
1; d.. r elo. etc.
\!. r
Answer of a superior to a.n i1Jferior of an equ:l.l or inferior. Present Ul -
dicl1tive for all persons. }<'ormll.tiol1 :-
1. Verbs whose railicnJ ends in a vowel or C f(ll'm thoir present Inc1icf1-
t ivc froll! the p,tst pitrticiple of the ndject ive byadc1ing cJ-
'2 . Vrrbs whose l'(1c1icl\l ends in a COltsonant other t hnll 2 form it from
the pres(,11 t parLici pIe by adJiug c
3. Verbs which have their infinitive in eel- (whether they end in a vowel
or consonant) form it from the Present Participle by adding t:t
K. B. Adjectives have no form for this tense. Its place is taken by the in-
fi nitive. So the verbs t:h cl-. ! t:} followed by a noun R
v. R From. 1I.
See Lumen v, ]8; Xi T, 1'l: xliii, 10.
q In adjectives has the meaning of growing. k t:t It lS
growing cold.
-:;; rrll The time of doing. When he d065 . Was doing, did. "II 'Present snd
u. n'l
perfect Time. Declined. Seldom uied. is preferred as having
the sam. meaning and C being easier to pror.')1lnce. Formation.:-
1. '}'he Past is formed from the past rllrticirle hy a.dding
2. The Present is formed form the preeent 1f. t:t by chang-
ing cr into
See Lumen xxix, 11.
t e}-'[ Though he says he does. From t ct
R t:} Present Indicative.
i q 'i' tf To sag 01' report that anyone has done. From Ret
1I. cl- Present Indicative. i" t:} Infinitive. Conjugated.
See Lumen i, 19; xxxi, 5.
. 10
. 14
'1 Cl .::i!. I do indeed etc ...... hut From tel
Of an equal or an inferior. Present indicative for all persons t et
present indicative. Jl for "t Jl and also for "t !.ftf, .:LJ.}-
jl "t '4 oJ- c: - bl !.fer Y t!} This ?nan in-
deed says he knows chara,te1's but there is no between him and
me who knows them not. eJ-..J!. has an ironical mellning or implies re-
proach, astonishment! is conjugated. '3.1
i q at I do but ...... Fromtet
1i. eJ- Present Indicative.
q vll "He does he says". He says tll,l1t he does.
1 'OJ "Let me say that he does." For They say that I do. ! er
Present Indicative 1.- for euphony. R for t et
From t cr
i t:J: oJ 01 Do they say that he does? Can they say? Can they do?
Rathcr a mark of exclam!l.tion. By a superior to an inferior 7-1 "t
o t- -qJ % 711 ! 'it b 1 tf Why do they say that you behave so?
word for word "vVhy conduct them you 3.0 word is it". From t ct
i 'OJ tt They say he does. From 1.. e}
"I do etc. the saying is." t ct Present Indicative for all persons con-
jugated of an equal or an'inferior 1.- euphonic ct "the saying is".
Thell say. Present Infinitive or indicative. By a superior to an inferior.
i i" vf Does he say that I do. From 1. ct
Question by a superior of ar; inferior, of an equal or inferior. Present
Indicati {e for [ti l persons.
\1: i 1 q I say that I do. From t cr
From a superior to an inferior of an equal or inferior. Present Indicative
for rtll persons.
"1 t:J: tiJ i" q To say that I do.
t ct and ct are conjugated. t ct Present Indicative. 1" ":t-
to say. Present Infini tive 1- euphonic 1"
he sa id the wate?' 200 S not warm.
'i> ",1 d. Si?lce they say t"at 7'e does. \!.. .If -r ' h '" The news has ceme that he does.
Abbreviation for t ct t ch From t ct"'9 ct Some times used for
boasting. From t d
1. tt t}i "'l I, Thou, He said that I do. From 1. ct
io ? Marks another reason. Because I said that I do. t ct Present Indica-
i" tive. r:i 1--1 for ci 1--1 Imperfect He said. Was saying. For all
so? persons. It also expresses a motive ..
is" .
Jr .
I have done etc. For all persons. Suggests
1. As Becottse. Since.
a reason, motive. Especially in books. Seldom used in conversation. 't
Past Participial adjective. Equivalent to a colon !lnd points to a
phrase to follow.
2. The place where one has done a thing t. Participle Placo.
From t
. 10
- 36
i Also written t..s.J.l) As if one had done. FIe has probably
done. "&"'2 J.J ct or t E. J.l i" c;- To act as if one had to.
-S lj- (v. h)
\::. .,...
j:...j t h i" j:.JlJ i" Jl A lthoug h they appeared good they were
really bad.
-S In spite of being done. (It 1S useless). Whatever one does' =cPresent
subj uncti ve. ();-.. i!l t Th01l{J h you act you act to no purpose.
t <;! tf Though you sorrow you sorrow in vain. Is it of
any use? What purpose is it to sorrow.? From t
.s -5' t".J.. To act as if one had done.
u..A ... -r
Past (v. ""fi i"c;-) also written i"}: J: -qct.
% oJ: % To have done or 9101. To hace done secretly without saying
anything. From. "&
'1 "After (a thing) done." After haoing Like I shall have
done. Fa?' all pe1'Sons. t. Past Partioiple lOJ1 after. v. t + 6JJ
From t
t He who has done. ("having done he who") From t
'!1. Past Participle of the adjective. the pe'rson who, Of an equal or
See Lumen v, 16, 18; vii, 4 ; xvi, 3, 4, 10.
IZy "1 He it is who has done From t

P ast Participle ofailjective /-} 1M who. 1)1 y to be. termmation
equivalent to a C8mma or rather a reason. 1--J tq. would be equivalent to
a fnll stop. From
-6.2':-, Because I have done.
1I Past Participle of Gdjcc",ive, having done; points to the reason or
n,oti ve. Til * ::r-1I * c:;J t:} I have not 7eceio2d becattse I did
not p?'Gy well. I); i{f q B ecause it is so. Expresses D, CiIdden action
1.l:.:?t See he has gone. In the event of doing it. Ij J GO. ']'he same
sense. as i" but more spirited. fVl,.ate oer it i s.
See Lumen xli, 5; liii , .7.
-5 Xl To i,ave doue. If he has done. From "&
I'r.Et Participle or Infinitive. Expresses douh-t::;;l before certain words is
l1 seLl to express doabt. t y.l oJ>t-llI;r.'I Fvhether he has or has not
done. 1I ;r.l...!E t:} I do not know if they have dOlle.
;:.1 oJ: I have rion'e 01' not . From 1-
"'ir;r.l comes from
.J.l 4 I huve done . et c. F rom 1I.
Of an equal or infe:ior. End 01 8. sentence, especiall y after a quotation.
!,dLer inverttd cornmas. iJ. }., ?l-t "J ;r.l at
H"- snys "He mu.\t live. in me." he ha3 srziJ. ld ):1 c.r honorific for
...... '1:i "'-r ;<;1 a A.I .9- /.1 ['.1. I have committed sin.
LlHlleil x.i, 13; xvii, 16; xxiii, 13; xxvi 20.
- 36
-5 -? (I know) that I have done. From R
u. G
Perfect for ali persons. R Perfect a termination has the:accusativ,tJ
and Instrumental.
See Lumen xl, 20; Iii, 18 ; lv, 13.
-5 .q. (I know) that I have done. From "&.
c:.. c ,
Accusative of
1I. "i Instrumental of t
tf I do etc. He. We . They.
Answer by an inferior to a superior of an equal or Present in-
dicative for ; st and 3d F )rsons. Formation-Verbs ending iB v9wel or
consonant whether the infinitive is in t::f or . cr (i . e. all verbs) form
this tense of the participial adjective by chl\ngir:;g 1..- into 1:J t::f
Moreover '\7erbs in 7, t1, '-, 1:J and A. with infinitives in t::f
change of the Present Participle into 11 t+l t::f a form which has a
simi lar meaninf", the }. being for euphony ,and .not honorific. And so
with all verbs in cr. In other words all ve,rhs, which have a consonant
before tbe termination of the Present Participle can take this form
by changing into 1; I-q t::} . besides changing 1..- of their participle
adjectives into 1:J t+j t::r
if We. They. From tlflct .
Question by an infmior 10 a superior of all equai or inferior. Present In-
dicative 1st aud 3rd person.
vll , Am I doing? I am doing. From t
Ques tion and answer. Present Indicative. Least polite.
if v11 9- I (1m doing. He. We. They. From "s c.1-
Question and answer by an inferior or a superior of an eq:lal or inferior
Present Indicative 1st and Srd perwn.
it tf Let do.
Very polite amonbst equals. First person plural. Formed like t !H ct
Al _2.. 1 Am I doing? Does he do. We. They.
Question by an inferior of a superior of an equal or inferior.
Present Indicative 1st a.nd .3rd pees on sing. and 'p!.
2. Do. WilllJou do. ?
Imperative. Formed like. t lflct
if Al 9- Illfinitive honorific of -tct conjugated. v. "t J.lct Formed
like t lflc}
if Imperative, used frequently, especially among women. Polite and
familiar. Formed like t ct
till t:l I do. He. We. They.
Answer from an inferior to a superior of an equal or inferior. Present In-
dicative 1st and 3rd persons. They also say t ct
- 36
t:1 OJ q. I do. He. Woo TheV
Ansvl'er from an inferi' r to a superior- of . an equal or inferior. Present
Indicative 1st anc1 ilnl person. Formed like "S c}
9 '} .Becmlse I did . . etc.
or au or inferior. Imperfect for all persons. like "3 G}
ilL -,:1 o} .,1- Did I do. He. We. They.
l:j ,"-A-,
Qnestion from an inreriot to a. superior of an equal or inferior. Imperfect
Imtic!ltive 1st :1nil 3rd persons. Formed liked c}
"1 Of doing. To do. What should be done. Befo1'e doing. B efore being
done. Infinitive and future participle. Passive and active. Not used
alone. Presen', Perfect and Fnture 1 -".;j 1..f 01 The tho:tght of doing
1 7.{ -t c} to think of doing. Used before 7 (1:i, 1 1I) a
'- (1 '0 (1 ) 13 (1 1\3J) .A t:
(1/'1 the time of doing. When they do.) "'" C& 01) (t
:ForIDp.d frOID 1I by cbanging t- into C
See Lumen xxv, 6, 10; lv, 14.
i" ot Do or say.
Imper:1tive of :1 sup prior speaking to an inferior. Formeo like t
EXCE'pt vcrbsillc, expressed or understood which
do not take this form but :1re formed like -t '9 c.t i. t. they have only
the form den vec1 from the perfect by adding c.t
See Lumen \' iii, 17; xi, 10; xiv, 18; xxii, 10 ; xxxiii, 9.


" "J" To do. "factoru." or rather "ad fl.ciendum." Infinitive. A.nswers
to the gerundive ir. "dum." T at net I am going to do. Denotes
only the inten\ion, aim, From this form come nearly an the in-
sta.ncel following in this list. Formed like t by changing into at.
Verbs in (expressed or understood) add 1f or t.i the participial
relative future (t); e.g. 'II et, '!! t.i ; . et, 1f
See Lumen iii, 2; xi ; !J; lvi, 16.
i" Make to do, Tell to do. From ! at
For T at c.:t at.
(1) Do you tell to do? Question polite and at the lame time
familiar, Do, do vou say?
(2) to ' do. Imperative.
The ..2.. is either Imperative or Interrogative. . Formed hke ,.'t at
i" i" ""I t;f. "He is having said do," "They are having
said do." etc., i.e. He told us to do, they told U& to do. Formed like "t at.
'i' eJ. l' 4 Tell to do. Mako to do. From at
1st, l' Infinitive; 2nd, l' c.:t at Imperative. A superior to an .
inferior .
..2.. at -tj c.:t at Tell him to co,",.
i' 4 Tell to do. From l' at
1st T atInfinitive. 2nd l' e}Imperative. for 1" et "t c.:t et A
to an inferior.
See Lumen T, 7 ; vii, 6.
4 -t?1 1 To intend to make to do, or intend telling to do.
4 i" To tell to do, to orde1' to do. From 1" et.
1s*. l' et Infinitive, 2nd ct InfiniiiTe, capable of cODjugation.
- 36
tf ,t.-ct To go and do. To go for the purpose of doing. From"'f at i
-V -q. "Do, I will say." "I will say do."I shall tell to do. From"f at
Superior to an htferiar. Future for all persons. Ist,1" atImperative, 2nd,
ct 'or 1" ct I 3hall iJo.
"f I speak 01 doing, he speaks of doing, etc. bItt ... ... . ,. From 1"
Same tense l' .3l. equivalent to a comma, for It a.lso
expresses contempt. For all persons. Future Participle or Gerundive
in "dum". vide 1" at
'f 4..:it i' tf To tell to make do. From 1" at
For 1" ati".3l. i"ct "To tell (or make) to say, do." ht, at Im-
perative. 2nd,.3l.for1.3l. to do. 3Id, 1"t:t Infinitive to do or say. Con-
See Lumen xlvii 11.
-t u
i -t "t To do without attention or ca?e. To do with jrequmt
interruptions. From 1" at
l' 4 "If I say do." If I bid to do. From 1" at
Present conditiona.l from i" iftt:t. For all persons.
i '9- "Do, I say." I tell to do. From i" at
Present Indicative for all persons. Contraction for 1" at t t:t
tJide i" at"t of
4- !!- He speaks of hidi1fg.
i ?J- ,;.1 01 "l YOtt told to do,
1:1 'perfect, 2nd person sing and pI. Inferior to & Buperior of a superior.
i" f -0'1 "l He told to do
Imperfect, 1st and Srd persons. In ferior to a superior of an equal or an
'7!- Did he tell to do? Imperfect i;terrogative.
I told to do, he told to do, etc., or As I lola to do, as he told
to do, etc. From 1" at
Imperfect of 1" r.Jct for all persons; or it may suggest a reason, Or
represellt a pause, or a comma.
"i' if I have told to do. "Do, I have said." of 1" r.Jct for all
persons. From 1" i!} .
'"i Must one do? Shlllllyo!l do or say? Will he do? Will you, do?
To an inferior. }!,ct 1: you say it u like?
Interrogative future sing. and plural. To an inferior of an equal or in-
ferior Will he come aglJi,. or will he not
From 1f i!}
III See Lumll,.. xli 6; lvii 16
"i' For the PU1'pose of doing "ad faciendum" (v.
Marks the beginning of an action and a future mer.ning: "facturus."
Formed like 1'i!}
i HafJe you the intention oj doinf!? From i!}
Present for all persons. For t c), Speaking to inferiors, 1 .it
a nd are said for short instead of 1" .!t.
if -ct To wish to do, to be jU$t on the point of beginninf
Infinitive, conjugated in all tenses. -V ct To come to do.
Formed like i" at
See Lumen xxix 6.
- 14
l' 9- I should like to @. From 1" at
A superior to an inferior. Of a.n ,equal or a.n inferior. Future of 1" iitct
for all persons.
-f of 9- Literally, "To do wIshing to do." To wi.", to do.
From 'tat
1st, 't wish "ad faciendum." 2nd,.lL for1".lL to do (comma) ; Srd,
T ct to or say. Infinitive,capable of conjuga.tion,
-- aJ i 1..J:"What wishing to do," or "to do whaUhua
are you doing ?" W'ith wha,t aim a,e you 'nUl doing ?
i' If I wisl, to do. From 't et
conditional of for all persons.
't 'if ct I wa"t to do.
Present Indic&tive 1st and Srd person. An inferior to a superior of IW equal
or iuierior.
i" 'f, ... -t etc.
See:the corresponding forms 't '-t, "' 1t. Here is added the 1
idea of contain lid in the particle '*
See Lumen xxvii, 2.
1" Wishing to do.
i" I wish to do, he wishes to do, etc. From "" et
Only a contraction for l' t ct. Present Indicative for all persons .
Conjugated. Tbis verb is defective and much less used than .,
i" ct i" a} 'fDa f OU wish to do ?
"t ct "The wOl1d is he wishes to do." They say he Mants to do.
Composed of '*al-"* c1:- "he wants to do" followed by"* "said" or*
'" t tL .....
i:t "saying" "word, report," ct "is." From 'f at
ns .
t 6J J!.. v. t Cl ,E>1 '-J. From t
1 oJ OJ v. t 9 l>1 II I do or did. From t
.:L r.i t OJ l> 1 If it were $0.
'J OJ l> 1 If there were.
-eJ: "l I wished to do. From 1" at
Imperfect of if for all persons., or it may suggest a. reason, be-
Calt.e !-wished to do, or a [ullstop.
t I have wanted to do. From :t at
Psrfect of l' for all persons.
'i' 14 Contraction generally used in cotll'ersation forl' at.n of o:f at
-ir 5!" Eo at for of 5!"ci at.n l' at Tell him to shuqke door.
From "tat
1 t>-1 7} 4 ,To go to do. From "t at
t future. 1tct Infinitive to go. Conjugated.
l' To go to do. From "tat
is the plural.
1'?1 To do. Wanting to do. From "t at
v. at, to do.
See Lume,. xxxix, '5
- 36
'f ..t v.
From "t at to do by changing into 2:J..!.
l' i" bf 4 Please do, the ",inil to do. From l' at
Imperative singular. A superior to an inferior. Reproach or exhortation
Make up your mind to do.
- - Co
"'f YJ l: -e: However I should wish to tlo. From l' at
For all persons.
l' ?1 l' 9- To wish to do. To be dispo$ed to do. From T '*
v. for "tel- Conjugated.
See Lumm x, 21 ; xvi, 6, xlii, 19. ',
l' .2. i" 9- To w.ish to do. From 1" et
v. ct
l' Do. From l' et
A kind of imperative.
'i' l' .2. II Iwis1r. to do, . I do. From "tit}
W: '4 ttl W:.lL I] I do not want to do, I do not do.
i" .., 'i- Do if you like. Do if yow wil",. From i It ;
A kind of imperative with a. sense of repro&Ch, annoyance. I told row to do
a.nd yet......... Though I told you to do. 1
i" 9-,. 'f Do. Well, do theft. From l' et
Imperative, a sense'<,! reproach, annoya.nce.
i" "'l I-hall but .........
l' 1fd u} I should do, but ... From T e.}
For all persons. I shall do (tomorrow) but (to-day I can not) .
l' I wish to do. etc. From
for l' t et
Present indicative for an persons. A superior to an inferior. v. "t
... '1 n} I wish to do, but ..... : . From
l' 1(! ct I wish to do. "t implie, he3itation
l' es. 9- 12J v. From
l' !l 'Ot He would do, but ...... : .. From
For all v. "f 1M .
l' v.
II "- I want to do, but. ... From -r e.}
'Or \!. . .
l' To wish to do. "t but.
""t il To do.WluIt OM ou,ltt to do. Future Infinitive.
1 61 Some Olt. to do. "The auty to do." He who will do. From t
Nominative of the substantival infinitive t or future participle. Dl
he 10M. D1 ct There i,. no one to kill him or 'WM could kill him.
See Lume1t xxv, 13. .
- 36
i" 6r I shall do. From"'" zt
. For all persons. F.uture termination of a sentence in books of prayers.
Optative. Fiat. vf }.t:i 1.f:J;l aJ llJ c:t I will not leave you.
L et me not leave you. aJ OJ t;t Di?'ectly be healed
See L llmen xxxii, 14, 17 ; xli, 14. ,
-t 'el ,t Shall I do.? From "t zt
J:l ttl J:"t aJ <3! How shall I make it like. Honorifie question by
an inferior to a superior.
.2 What shall I do.? From l' zt
HOllorific inferior of a superior.
1: 0' 7} "Being what one ought to
1{ t o} <3!;.J Sincs there are some oj th,m of whom 'one ought to
'i" Bow to do. How shall I do.? From.'"
Question of embal;l'assment, despair, astonishment, disappoint-
ment. J:l-t aJ.2. How lhall I do. What .hall I do.? Future con-
ditional and present for all persons. ZJ..2. How could they
produce. ?.!f- O-f J.I c:t ii! t!J -2. What difference. is there. ?
See Lume" v, 13; xxii, 19 ; xxxix, 11.
l' '-l I shall do. From, '"
Future for all persons. Equiyalent to a semicolon or colo .
See v, 6, ] 5; vii, I); viii, 21 ; xxxiv, 8.
1 "To do thing." From t
,ts t cr "'ro do thing to be or is." There is a pos.ibility of doin,.
ou. One can do. It is a thing to do' t ct "to do thing not to be or is
not." The1'e i, no way of doing. It is not a thing to do .
, by
t to
. I do. From zt .
Future for all persons, very positive, threatening, end of a sentence .
.:L al1" al at If you' ao 30 will dis.
See Lumen v, 8; vii, 7; ix, 6; xi, 11; ' xxv, 15.
1 OJ..).l There is nothing to do. There is no way. There i, no doubt.
From 1'at
A kind of adverb. t future to do. Thing J.I is not.
i' el Al I shall do. From at
Futnre for all persons.
i' il 9- I shall do. From 1" at
Future for all persons. End of 0. sentence in songs.
See Lumen xi, 4; xvii, 17 ; xlviii, 11. .
tt Fllture 1st and 3rd person fori" al 01 ct An inferior to
.. Ii
they l' .,,} Nw.ll I do? From i" at
Question in spoken language, fori" al 1t
i' A1 I shall do. From t . ., . .
' (Seldom usea-the form t Jill IS used In preference
Future for a persons. . .
. 11 . all verbs whose radical ends in i!)
espeCla y 1ll
2. v. 1; a1- . From *al.
.. ....!L ,.r "
1 17} L est he do, following words expregsive of fear, anxiety. From t
1 7r What to do?-What shall I do? Ought I to do? .From t '
F ut ure for all persons. Used especially in speaking to oneself. I
better do this or that?" . ..2.. 1l1!1t Shall I take the journey to-day?
See Lumen xxix, B ; lv, 14 ; lvii , H . .
t 17} -f q. To wonder what to do. From t
J.:If 1" l:t To do because pel'haps it will be 3Ucc.ssful.
r nl I do or shall I not do? Ought he to do or not? From t
F uture denoting indecision. Question especially when ta.lking to oneself .
..2.. Shall I go to.daYornot?
1: 7f.l. ct Perhaps Ishall do . .
I 7}.J.l.l. "t To wish to do. v.
1j What one ought to do. From 't
Contracted for t..1-l used especially after the termination C-J
1: Perhaps he will do. Will he not do? Future
1 71 The thing to do, that ought to. be done? From t
Accusa.tive of t.. t.. rl t>} 1-J 't ct Not to do what has 10 be done.
See Lumen xl:vi, 22, present form.

IIod I
1 1l !::. By the tibing which must be done. From t
Instrumental of t
1 rl h 5::... 1>1 rl t c} He uses for that what ought to be used
for som.ething else. - rl k .s;. ct I know what shouzi be done.
a'll?' 1 7i.Ai The thing to do, that must be done. From "1
Nominative of t

(1) t future to do. (2) }! thing (3) J.J Nominative or verb ct,
of which it takes all the forms.
See Lumen xxviii, 4.
t 7i ..Ai That is what I ought to do. From t
The A of is for the sake of euphony attached to the 01
1 7i ..A1 t>1 That is what he should do, nevertheless (he does not).
Though he ought to do it, still (he doeS\ not) . From t U sed in books.
(1) t rl J.! that iswhathe ought to do. (2) o.J nevertheles$, showing tllat
a negative should follow. When he should have done, ought to
done .... , ... . 'wt, points to a. contrast and shows that in the p&rt of the
sentence which follows the expression on the contrary may be expected.
1: 7i..A1 '+ Though one could do. From t
(1) t rl J.1 "thing to do" (2) 1f although. Although it is a thing to do.
Used with though lIJ-*'ti;l.:r t 1tJ.11f th01tgh one ma'll ask.
- 36
1 7i /.1 t-l That is what one ought to do. As I am going to do. From t
(1) t future. (2) ' )! thing (3) tll Y Present indicative for all persons
it is. Y is either equivalent to a comma or else gives the rsason or motive
foy: doing a expressed in the sentence following.
t, r-J J.i t1 one can do.
'if ct.J.J cJ bl t"li .J.l yime must do.
See Llmien xxiv, 2'2; !iii, 17.
-'"1 "l That is what he will do, 01: ought to do.
Future for all persons, final close of a sentence.
See Lwrnen lv, 4; xii, 8; xxix, 13.
7l A} '* End of a se!).tence. From t -tl /oJ
See L1l?nen viii, 18.
171 q Itisathingtodo. FrGlll t .
(1) t)! thing to do. (2) c} it is. Conjugated . .A put in the of
C for euphony.
t z;t Thing to do, thing that O!!g ht to be done. From t
(1) t future, to Jo. (2) )! thing declinable.
To this is added the verb to be which is conjugated. t"li "T y
As I'1mst do that t"li "I If it is a tking to do.
"1 7l or t"li -e As to that which has to be From t
Oppositive of t 31

13t- .,j,ll to do. an db'emity, a nothing.
'* nl at "to doubt the extremity the end of So
hair even is not." There is not the shadow of a doubt.
1 7J They 10UY to do. The means of doing. t fuiure. to do. 11 way; .
means. From"t
See Lumen xxxiii, 21.
17J bJ ct There is flO means of doing. We cannot do. From t
t 11 the means of doing. 1:t is not. '1l1l Dl at There is
no way of creating.
t 7J ct There is a means of doing. We can Jo. From t
t 11 means oj doing. '?J 1:t The,.e is.
1..:i!. What to do. I shall do. What ought I to do.? From t
Future for all persons, suggests doubt, hesitation and question. td
nl')tcJD1.3I. tJL Who are they who ought to confess?
c:i 711 c:t .k JL How will he or should he treat. ?
. See Lumen xxxvii, 15, !iii, 15.
1 oJ 'i' tt Feasible. Capable of being done or of doing what is pOlsible.
ttl-tc:t an adjectival form corresponding to the Latin "abilis." Con-
jugated. -%'llt Plenary indulgence which can be had.
t "1 "'l 4 v. at at
See Lumen xlviii, 1.
'1 tf It is likely that he will do. From t
Future of presumption or probability. Will he do.? Question for all
persons. 01 J.j- ~ 0 1 ~ ~ l1f This man tpill perhaps do his work
to-day. Will he likelJ! do it. '1
1: 't Do. U sed for "t at From t
'1 t-} You are going to do. (take care). From t
Suggests Feiitr, danger. l..>f o-J rJ.1f You are going to fall. (Cave ne
cadas). 0 t t-J }.lIt 7=J.1f Take care not to fall .
l: - } . 7 ~ e
"Te do to go." To ?nake go and do. From t
(1) "t. \.fto ?nake (2) 1tt:f' to go. Infinitive conjugated.
1 i..3!. Do you think that he will do.? (He will not) From "t.
Future. Sense of opposition. A denial. 41) .:1.J.j- ~ 1! \.f.Jl o} 1-J ?t
"!j] ct What! this man go. ? He will not go.
l: 'f..3!. I wish to do. From"t
Indicates tbe will, intention. ~ ~ ~ \.f.Jl I want to eat food.
t ~ 1 1" l' t v. " t ~ ~ ~ . From "t
'1 't 1 't Let me do i t or not. From t
Present for all persons.
t ~ ..3!. . ..a Will he do? (be will not do) meaning of opposition. Future, a
negation. Honorific, From t
b 1'+ 0 1.:1. t \.f.Jlll '* "t "!Jl ct Will men do this thi1fg.? The.y
will not.
1 fil or t Wh(lt ought I to do.? (I know well, but) From "(
Future interrogative or of hesitation and doubt.
How ought I to do I know not. From t.
ci 7lJ t
1: 6f "l 1 fil To do or not to do. Senseofhesitatiqn,'doubt.
1 ""l i" -ct To do. (Ad faciendum) From t
t 11 To go and do. To go with the intention oj doing.
11 1.f
t To go and look jor.
:e, a
1 '-1 "l He did. etc.
Perfect for all persons.
'1 6} The power to do. From 'i
t l>l el- I cannot do .
t '0 l> 1 <?! e} I can do.
7-1 -q !'>, .J-J 2.} ...2.. How should he be able to p,roduce.? How the
power ot doing. ?
See Lumen v, 15; liii, 20.
What one will do. From t
11 ra- 61 The hope ofdoi'lig. From t
z:: l>11.f l>l er"the hope ofreceiving benefit springs
up." eJ Jt-&'t! 1 OJ.:1:. l>l eJ:- It il the hope of escaping hell.
- 36
"1 't! 'i' 1 To be on the pointo! doing, to fail to do. From "t
"t future to do. 1fl i" -ct to fail in, on the point of. Conjugated.
1fl o:f -ct He is at the point of death.
1 Means ofdving. From t
t Future, to do. 'U means way, law, manner.
1 oJ cti1lThere is lID way a/doing. From t
1 't There is a way of doing. From t
1 ()t '-l 4 It is not only that. That is not all. From t
'I!\t 6J. ct It is only that . It is nothing more. That's all. Fromt
-c)- Conjugated. J.T tll...2. You -hall remove it. That is all.
That is all that can be done. 11 tll. Though ,he does no more
than bring them up.
1 -ol It is not enough to do. From t
it It is too little. tll"?J. it ci -Y<J at "These thi1'gs to
write are too few. Get more written."
1 Al When he does. While he was doing. From 1
"In the time of doing."
See Lumen vii, 1; xi, 5, 12.
"1 A t-i The m01'e he doe', the more ............ From t
t more. ci4- more.
The more wine he drinks the mort he wants to drink.

to do. Fr0m t
, .
"1.Ail 4 I,hall 'ao, etc.
Expresses fear, da.nger, talee care oj. v. "t. \f
1 A] I.shall do. etc. Fromt
For all persons.
1-1 Jf- .5. -ct He will perhaps do. He is going to do. To be capable at
doing, To ,be feasible. From"t
11- Means of doing. FroID t
t future. -+ means. vl li, t From t
'1 l'bJ ct There is no way of doing. From t
"1 l' "'t Then is a way oj doing . From"t: -
lltll The time of doing. From 't
"The time of to have time. DeClinable. Stands for the 3
times when an acton is done. Present, Past and Future. For sake of
euphony it is n.sed in preference to l and 1"'
:See Lumen XXlV, 3, XXV, 7.
"1 When he does, has do:Jte, will do. From t .,
"At the time to do. " Locative of 't!.tlf.
1 t;l To do. ,
.k % 1 PI} 't i'i- "Kind to compare not being Lord;'.
LOTd whose love is beyond comparison.
1 t;'J Becmtse I shall do. From 'i
Future. v. '1
6t "l 4 "To do this alone thing is not". From t
t tmure to do. only et is not. There is yet something
else to do. I have yet -something mOTe tO$ay.
1 >1 "l do .lone thing is". From t
t to do. this only thing l>11-J et is.
There is .othing else to do. I have nothing lrtore to sa".
"1 .i As if one werB going to do. From t
t;: 1"1iJ As if one did it. Adverbial form.
Tha.t', all.
1 i" 9- or t;:"[ ct He will probably do. From t
"I future. ;: "[ct indicates the probability, a bare possibility, the in-
, 1 J} t:t It iSllot ceTtain that I do it is likelV From t .1
t to do cJ 11 the position, ct or 5:l ct il.
115:l He will ce1tainly die.
1 % l Shall I do or not? From t
Future marking uncedainty, a difficulty. v. t,:J and t,:J VI",:J
1 Thing to do. Thing whick ought to be done. From t
t future 9 thing, intention. Declinable. Same meaning as
1.: t q. It is a thing to do. Only used with the Terb q.
t 0' i "l A$ you ought to do. From t
ng Honorific. To a superior. v. t 9 bl"'f Sometimes' we find t
. '1 OJ '::! It you 01tght to do. If ke 'must do. From t
t future 9 thing Present conditional from. ct
See Lumen xxxiv, 2.
'1 1 "f .&8 gOlt are going to do. From"t,
He ought to do, cOlliequently ......... ..
t future 9 thing oIl.-} Present indicative, of cl- for all persons.
l-J marks a pause, or a reason or motive for doing a thing
in the part of the sElntence immediately following.
See Lumen ii, 12; xix, 19.
1: teJ Whelt he should do ......... (he does not). From t
.1 4tl, Since he must do.. From t
, .
1: i7l q He must do. v. t'9 t-J From. t
i He who shall do.
See Lumen x, 19; xix, 17. A t the time of doing. Whm one does .
.l-J 11741 ,Vhen he is formed.
1 At the time of doing. When he does. From t
Locative. Like 1 bJl
1 01 The time oj doing.
1;q What to do. (I how not, I know well, but) From
or a kind of future infinitive implying a. doubt.
!f t]:l !l.-% et "What to do I do not know".
t]:l tj-9'tl!. "What to do I know well, but .......... ..
1-1 t ]:1 t]:l 0t]:l * 1" t-J "If it is advantageous, if it is disadvan-
tageous as I cannot tell.
t fil ti or t]:l ttl Even though I should do. Rather do than ......
From t
ctJ.lit-t1 tt-J -tel ole} Better to
die than, make again a sacrilegious communio,.. Even though I should
die (I would not dare to make). I ,halt not dare to make a .acrilegiou8
See Lumen xxxii, 16.
'1;tJ tt Let us do. We must do. From t
[mperative ,and {Jptative. End of a sentence or phrase asserting positively.
l!J];1 e>i l:t Let us pml/. ::r t ];1 o-J l:t L et ttl aik.
See Dumenxxxiii, 18; xxxiv, 2; xlvii, 14.
1 n{ Will he do? Will he not do ? From t
Future implying d'oubt, indecision. ..:t As he wght to do. From 1
As I am before doing". l-l deno$es a reason or simply a pause, comma.
Preceded by "'3t cJ "'3t cJ t ];1l-l One must do.
See Lurnen xxix, 13 ; Iii, 16; lvii , 14.
1 '-l 4 One must do. That is what I shall do. From t
End of a sentence denoting a full stop. 1Jt bl t ];1l-l at That is
what ,he must do.
See Llt1lten ii., 3; xliii, 4.
'1 When he sholdd have done . If he does. For doing. (ad faciendum) .
From t
.;L t:ij I} i t is so. Ij '!I9
to gain pleM'rY indulgences you must . ........ .3l 1'."11 -t:I l' .:a c"
If or when th.y tvant wconfess .
See Lltrnen xxii , 13.
t v. t:r.lo-Jt:t
See Lumen xxxi, 15 ; xl, 22.
1 4 v. "" et I shall do.
For all persons.
4.!i- "Though he wtll do." From t
(for lhough he does). Though "eought to do. Present and futUl'i sub.
junctive for all persons. Meaning of although.
See L umen xxii, 18.
1: "t End of a sentence. Future. From"t
J:14l J:l J:l.s;. ct He will not celebrate. (of festivals)
See L umen 10.
'1 a What one will do . What olle ought to do. Fl:om t
Future for all persons. t I know what we .hall do. t
I knew what they ought to do. Present, signifying the way 0/
Joing. How ..... t-t-&...s;..JlI do not know
how to ?'ecognise stich a blessing.
See Lumen xli, 11.
- ,..
'1 a What one will do. What one ought to do. From t
Future for all persons. t i:-& "I know the ought to do" for I
know what one ou,ght to do t OJ et "I know the duty to do for
I know what to do. Accusative of
1 -t..!t:. WhClt we Ihall do, Ought to do. From t
"tbe duty to do, to be done." Instrumental of For all persons'
tUc.l- I know what they will do, (tUc." governs the instrumen-
tal as well as the accusative) I kltcw what the?! ought
to do.
Having done. From 1").J
Expresses the reason, mo1i1'e. "By tha.t which hl!.ving done". Honorific
of "Q Perfect Participle of 1" ).} In speaking of a superior.
Having come. Denotes sometimes a comma. and is inserted in 1").T.31
honorific of 1" .31.
See Lumen i, 11 ; ii, 12; v, 9; 14.
h 6} tf Lel do,
See LumM xxiii, 18.
-t..J.1 i nJ . Disused for the ' ... erb "'t and others. Epistolary style,
honorific. k ni, k ni' ;: k n:f, k is euphonic, -& et
v. of, v. 1"ni
i'-1 tf v.
i' j.: OJ tt For 1" 1;: 01 cJ- Honorific of 'f 91 1.:" 01 ct
i" -1 Hacing done. From 1").1 ct
c I Pm'fRct Participle of 1').1 c;t honorific of "f ct ; points to a cause, rea.
for 1'011, in speaking of a superior. This tense serves to form the greater part
oBhe Past tense of the verb. 1" ).1 ct
See Lumen ii, 7
. i' loll Let us do. From").l ct
l11S' Between equals. Imperative. 1st person Plural.
"i- Has he done? Have thell done? From 1").1 ct
Question between equals speaking of a superior. Perfect for the 3rd.
person sing. and pI.
" OJ ,1. Have you done? Has he done? From1" J.J t:t
" fi ... A r
Question by an inferior of a superior in speaking of" superior. Perfect.
2nd and 3rd person Sing. and pi
i' -1 .J!. H8norific of 't' J.l t:t v. k3L.
-1 vtl He has done.. T.lIey have done. From 't' ,J.Jt:t -
Answer equals speaking of a superior Perfect 3rd persons,
Sing. and pl.
-1 )tl Have Jloudone ':' :r:m. have done. Has he dOffe? He has
done. From l' J.l t:t
Question and answer an interior 'speaking to a and of a superior
Perfect. 2nd and 3Id person Sing, and pI.
-t Have you done? Has he done. From l' J.l t:t
Question (very polite) between equals and speaking 9f a superior or an
equal whom they c6nsider as a superior although an equ!!.!. 2nd
a.nd 3d peson. Sing,' and pI.
-1 Has he done? He has ,dolle. Havether done? The" hlJve done,
From 1" J.l t:t
Question and answer between equa,ls speaking of a superior, Perfect 3rd
person Sing. &nd pI.
"t -1 Has he done? He ha$ done. Have they done? They have done.
From 1"
Question and answer between equals speaking of a superior. Perfect 3rd
oerson Sing and pI.
,ct .
ct 3rd
""t -?t "l..9. He has do.e .. " ..... etc. You have done. From J.JC}
Answer (very polite) amongst equals. Perfect, 2nd and ord persons Sing.
and pI. Have you done? You haTe done. Question and answer of 'an
inferior to a superior in speaking of a superior. Perfect, 2nd lind Srd
'i' .J.l..9. Do. Please do. From"t J.let
Polite amongst equals. ImperatiTe singular.
... .Jol.!. Does he do T He does. Do yon do? Yon do. Prom tJ.let
. Ques'ion and answer (rather polite) between equals and speaking of a
superior. Present indicatiTe, third, and perhaps second, person Sing. and
. 'i'.J.J ..!. Do yon do ? Does he do? They. etc. Fro.m "t J.I e}
Very polite question between equals and speaking of an equal whom they
respect or of a superior. Present Indicative, 2nd and Srd persons. Sing
an;} plural.
'f .Joy ...t.. AretlOU doing? Is hG doing? From 1"' J.I et
Question by an inferior of a supllrior speaking of a superior. Present
indicative, 2nd and 3Id person. Sing. apd pI.
:f.J.l ..i. 6J "'t for 1'SJ q.. From 't J.J c,1-
1" . .J.1 ..!. Do. Plea" have the ioodnesl to do. From J.I et
Imperative. An inferior begging of a, superior .
1" .J.J --I- &r. Do. Do I beseech you. From 1" J.l e}
Imperative or rather a very respectful request in the form of 9,
- 26
~ ~ J t ~ l ~ Do you do? You do. Does he do? He does. From ~ J.l ct
Qurstion and answer by an inferior of '.1 superior speaking of a superior
Present Indicative. 2nd and 3rd person Sing. and plural.
i" -'-} 7J! tf Will he do ~ Will they do. From -t ,.J ct
Questi on between equals speaking of a superior. Future. 3rd person
Sing. and pI.
~ -'-f ~ vi} He will do. They will do. From -t }-I ct
Answer between equals speaking of a superior. Future. 3rd person Sing.
and pI.
~ -'-1 ~ ~ Will he do? Will YOti do 1 From 't J.l ct
Question between equals (very polite) speaking of an equal or superior.
Future. 2nd and 3rd person Sing. and pI.
l' -'-1 ~ ~ Will he dO? He will do. They, etc. From'" J.l q
Question and answer between equals (polite) and speaking of a superior
Future. 3rd person Sing. and plural.
-i' -'-l 7Jl ~ l Will he do? He will do. They. etc. From "t J.l ct
Question and answer amongst equals speaking of a superior. Future. 3rd
person Sing. and pI.
,i -'-J 7Jl ~ l iHewilldo. They will do. Also you will do. From"tJ.l
Very polite reply between equals and speaking of an equal or a superior.
Future. 2nd and 3rd person, Singular alld plural. Will you 40? You
will do. Will he do? He will do. Question and answer by an inferior
of a superior speaking of a superior. Future. 2nd and 3rd person Sing.
and pI.
'f "1 q You do. He does. You. etc. From 1" ).Jct
Answer by an inferior to a superior speaking of a superior. Present in-
dicative.. 2nd and 3rd person Sing. and pI.
't .AJ. Having d04'le. Having been done. From 1"
Past Participle <Of the adjective for i" J.J ct Honorific of i"ct
See Lumen i, 4; v, 1 ; v, 8 ; v, 15; vi, 2.
'"f.Al 't Does .he d.o? Do they do. From 1" J.Jct
Ques tion between equals speaking of a superior. Present Indicative.
::Ird person Sing. and pI.
- .Al .1 ,t Imperative. Very respectful and beseeching .. v. "tirkJ.1.
From l' J.] ct
l' .AJ 9- He does . He says.
End of a sent ence. Honorific form of Present Indicative. Termination
added !'Ifter a certain number of characters (usually four) as a conclusion.
.Al ,vll He does. They do. From 1" J.Tct
Answer between equals speaking of a superior. Present indicative. 3rd
person Sing. and pI. Answer to :t').J 'f
See Lumen i, 5; i, 17.
i .Al "l Because y02t do. Since he does. From 1 ).1 ct
In speaking of a superior. Present indicative. 2nd and 3ri! person Sing.
and pI. '"' points to a comma, a reason.
See Lumen viii, 20, 22; xi, 22; xii, 7 ; H, 14, 16, 17, 19, and 21.
- 26
- 36
"'t -"'J. 4 He does. He lays or lays he. From -g];1 et
Honorific termination. End of 3. sentence v. 't];1 et
See Lumen vi, 21; xiv, 8, U; xvii, 12.
"t 1 "t YO!' do. He does. From l' J.lct
Answer of an inferior to a superior, of a superior. Present In-
dicative, 2nd and Srd person Sing. and pI.
'1' 1 A} 9- Do. Would you hil1Je the goodness to do. From l' J.lct
An inferior to superiors. Very respectful Imperaiive.
"t .J.J .J. Do. Oblige lite by doing. From 1" J.l c:t
Inferior to a superior. Very respectful imperative. 2nd person. Precatory.
;-.1.1 9- You will do. He will do. From 1" J.J c.t
Futufe termination for 1" 2,' ct
See xxii, 12.
l' .J.19- v. 1"14, 1" to do.
Honorific infinitive of 1" ct l!sed II.lways when speaking of a superior.
Consequently not found in the first person. iE radical J.J honorific
particle or perhaps sometimes simply the For example ; 1" -M 1:}-,
"l ct, 1" J.11Jl ct, "f '1j! ct, he will do. 1" '.i1 ch l' cl-, he has
done. l' J.1 ct being conjugated regularly like "tct We have only
given here a few of the terminations. It can take all except those belong-
ing to the fir st person.

.t In-

he has
Ive only
F ,Oflllation :-
1. It is formed from the past participle of the :1djective t. by changing
l- into ).J ct exct)pt in the ca'se of elldill g in t! which change l-
of their P!1st pafticiple of the adjective into j;,,).J ?).1 'C+
Tll other words they are formed from the radical of the infinitive by adding
Verbs which having t! neither in the infini t ive nor in tbe p:1rticipl e
of the adjective yet have it ill the past take it for the honorific Thus}:i ct,
hecomes :J:i ? ).1 ct.
i' .s:. OJ 't He does. He is. From 1").1 et
HOllorific termination of the present. v. '!.5:.::1:.. Dl ct
See v, 3.
!i. 9- Honorific of l' .x,et (See this termination) . From"t.J.J ct
i' fil Does he do'? He does. They do. From 1'.J.I et
and answer amongst equals speaking of -a sllperior. Present
In(\icative Brd person Sing. and pI.
fil ..2. You do . . He does. You. From 1').J ct
Answer between equals (very polite) or speaking of a superior. ' Answer
of an inferior to a superior speaking of a superior. Present Indicative 2nd
and 3r,a person Sing. and, pl.
_ _ or v. 1"
__ tt, v. l' ct. ct for a::ljectives whose radical ends m a vowel
'a,nd et for those ending in a COllsor.ant or in
- 26
5;. Do. Frow j-I c.r
Between F lI lIlili <1J'. N,',L r8" pc0tfcll. Impcrati\'e Singuhtr.
i" 5r. A1 Do. ],'Wll1 i" )1.1 "l
Inicrior to fL supr-riO!: . V cry respectful. . Imperative or mther Preca-
tivc. )1.1 h From -';l t:.r to (l1oli) cJ.
See L umen, xxi, B; xxxiii, 16.
9- To do. and sometimes to say.
In adjectives it means to be, infi nitive, ftud also present. I am, et c.
Present infinitive. i" radical which is invariable for all the tenses
t:.} termination susceptible of a crowd of variations. T!!e infinitive is \l sed
to form a number of tellses. It is under this form that a great nuniber l,f
verbs and tldjectives are to be in the dictionary. By contractiou 111
compounds is put crfori' t:.r, cr for \-1 t:.l-.
""t "t ,t Doing. When I was doing ....
.. Iluldenlll .
Denotes a sunden interruption, unexpected, in what being done.
Present for all persons. t:.llrmarks surprise 'and an unxpected event .
t:.t "Playing be was struck by lightning."
EFe was playing when suddenly he was 8truc7c b,i lightl;itlg. Formed
by adding I }to the iufinitive of all verbs, even those 111 cr
"l J!. He cloes indeed but.. .... ...... B.e says that he does. From d
Present for all per30ns. t:.l-.:if.. has a sense of irony, reproach, reserve, or
perbaps .:it is from i" jl. JIl jl ott:.} 1:;- t.f Does he 'refuse
saying it is too d(ffiwlt ?
It .
---- -.- - ------- ._-- - ---
(W w01'd being llndorstood)
}(E."ti 'it 01 ITt- Sfl yS it is hot . 1{ ttl: 01..2. you S(JI/ thal fir tS
Fro111 '.1
-&"" ai. 9.:rt <;J 'it <j 7t Do !JUIl SCly tiwt 1,,; is here.
.;:1 Thongh d'illlg. 1'1101/.lJ h 1 do.
Present subjunctivG for all persons. This form is use,} speciall y after
It is alRo used fu r Lb e past .
F Ol'l llfltioll :-
L. By eiHLIJglt1:,( t iJO Cr 01 inlln iti vo and 2}
'2 F rom tlw p({rticiple of the adj ecti ve l- into
Either for m is llscd witbont di stillction .
a ce Llt/nen Y, 19 ; xxxiii, '21.
here seems onl y to occupy tIN place of lhe termination which .is delay-
ed by a shon incidental phrase. -:tll '1 J.l 2.11i-.:1-
t it J4 Give 1M yout blessing by our Saviour Jesus
Christ: not
See Lumen xxvii, 1; xxix, 6; xxxvi, 19.
He says, he spoke, he ha.s said, he will From 1"
'l'he colon which precedes inverted commas showing that a qnoh.tion, is to
follow. These inverted commas &Ie gC1iemlly followed by 1" 1.-J which
marks a reason, or by 1.-J at which marks the end of a sCBtence, a
full stop, the of the meaning. 1" lCl ........... . "'" 1.-J
heanswe?'S as follows ....... , . . . To give
thanks you say .... , .... .. . . ....... .
fJ11,1n en 1, 19 ; .." 5 ; xxi , 2; xxi] , 3.
- 36
'i" AJ To do //i>e. . . .. ...... ". to resemble. From 1"
t:!:j 'E J..j ct TG drink wine as an ox drinks wa ter.
'i" .x To du like.......... ........ v. -t 'E J..I From "'1
i' "'1 Dii J a,,? 1 did do. From l' ci ':f
Question ?nd reply bet ween eqmds of an equ>11 OJ' inferior. Imperfect.
For all persons.
'i t:i 01 tt J duo H e. /-li e. T hey . From ci t-J
Answer from a. n infel' iol' LO g, superior, of an equal or iuferioL'. Preseut
Indicativ., lst and 3rd person Si llgul &r and plllr>ll.
t1 ..3!. q. He did. e'e. v. l' ci zt
i' td 1/ I did, etc. F rom "tr.f l--J
In speaking of ,Lll equal or an .inffc'l'l ol'. Imperfect condit.ional for3:i l perSOllii.
tit DoIng. H ar ing ,z",.,c. one did. Having befn done . lfrom 1f ci '1
Active !Ind Passive. A :; ort of past participial adjecti ve (impel-fect)
14 '3 11 t(! J..t 01 "Tbe mPH you hiLving waited upon" Who were
waiting on you. 1:1 l' t(! 1:lt What we 'were 'wanting. H
hat was wanteel
1ft(! Affect'Ion 'which was paying }o'), love . Adjectival form of
t he imperfect c.-f '-t . U sec1 in the sllmes caoSes as :9 k . The te1l3e
o"l y is differellt.
See Lumen v, 4; xi , 8; xv, 17 ; xxvii, 5.
'i t1 't Did J do'? etc. From 1" ci ""
Question of [j, superior to an inferior of an equal or inferior. Imperfect f OJ:
' all persons.
~ t .
'Je r e
It ted
~ 1 of
t for
"1' ti 'i Did I do. etc. ?
Question of a superior to an inferior of an equal or inferior. Imperfect for
all persons. Formation. From the infinitive by changing the termination
ct into "C.-j "" and ct into 91-J. .
See Lumen viii, 14.
i' 'ol '-l I did, etc.
In speaking of an equal or inferior. Imperfect for all persons. Formation:
Whatever the radical is change the termination -t:t into J:i "l
and cr into 9 '"
See Lume;;, vii , 1; xl , 15 ; xliv, 16.
~ 'e>l "'l nt ~ I did, but .... .. .. ...... .. .
Imperfect fo,! all persons. In speaking of an equal or inferior . at It yet
denotes a reservatipn.
i' 'OJ ~ .7t B3cause I did. From ~ rJf t.f
Imperfect for all ;persons. ~ 1t marks a reason, motiye, the why or
i' 1ft -'l ,t Didl do? He. We. The'y. From '"trot 1-J
Very respectful question by an inferior of a sup&rior, of an equal or inferior.
Imperfect for lSt and ard person Sing. aod pI.
l' It. Did I do? etc. From ~ t; l-J
Question by a superior of an i:aferior, of an equal or inferior (In books)
Imperfect for all persons.
l' rd ?} Did I do? etc. From '"t r.J 1-)
. Question by a superiOlf of an inferior. or between equals when speaking of
" '1> 1
an equal or inferior. Imperfect for 3011 persons. Answer .... t:1 .
1" rd 7}..1 I p1'obably did. etc. From 1"' C-J t-J
A superior to an inferior of an equal or inferior.
rd 2! The thing which we did. What we were doing .
i' td.:z Did I do? etc. From "'Q r:J '1
Qllestion by a superior. of an inferior or between equals speaking of au
equal or. inferior. Imperfed for all persons.
'i' rd;tl Did he. do? It he did (I h"IlOW not). I know not (i f he did).
How did he (I know not) From if c-ll-J
Imperfect participle. having the meaning of dOllbt. hindrance. etc .
. 'i' rd )tl :l 'i' rd Jtl Whether he did or not I,et him do or not do
(who cares) . ...2.. l1l11}JJ.JIt 1f Let him Gome or
not what is tkat to you.
i' 'ot 4 I did or have done. From l' ci "'l
Imperfect or perfect for all persons. Marks a fllll stop. Of an equal or
inferior. Ji <U-..lL at It is John who was say'ing it. John who
said it. Imperfect Indicative for all persons. He was saying or he Said
that he did.
See ix. 4, 8, 13, 16 ; xii. 20.
l' "1.101 He did. Heltas done. From i"ci "-l
Imperfect or past honorific for all persons. (in books) . . A superior to an
inferior speaking of an inferior. .

,1 or
"i' Useg before a negative. From C-f Y
lJ} ?t*Jt11 1" !: *" 1";.f Though they dare not l'eceive the
Holy Eucharist. jThough they do not clea"ly
unJerstand the meaning (or intention) .
. l' For 1"):1 to duo From "t ci 1.-]
Infinitive. ,before a negative. *' Not being ju.ll.
'i' :i v. 1" X To do as if. ..... ........... . Appealing to do.
Fr6m -t c-J 1-)
'"t Sl Though I do. etc ............ ..... (it is useless)
Present s:Ubjunctive for all persons. Of an inferior or equal. Much
used in convel'sation. W;l (in books). Present and past of the suhjunc-
tive. v. 1" W;l Formed like 1" W;r 1st and 2nd persons.
See Lumen, ix, 10 ; xxiv. 6.
-t .x. As far as doing. In coming as lar as' .. . .. .. .... . ... :From -g'Cil-J
5:.,* No t:.t To kill himself with work. ,To exert oneself beyoud
one's strength.
'i' !i 9- I do. From 1 C-J l.J
Present indicative for all persons. End of a sentence. Used especially
in books for sake of elegance, .
See Lumen, xxvii, 13, 15 ; xxxiii, 01.
- 36
-to if. termination of cerl; verbs. II' til .. conjugation the a i
is alwa.ys changed an aspimte, ::::} ,7: and 7 , ,A
For words in cr Iik; 1" 1:.1
1" -'4 Let !I-S do.
A superior to au equal or inferior, also in talking to himself. Imperative.
1st person, A kind of exclamation. V,erbs in c. make *t. Formed
from the infinitive by changing t!;1- into and into
'i' 2 Wishing to do. To do.
l' 2 l' 9- . To propose to do. "to counsel." "to say (to another) let
us do."
l' Not to rk. -t
A kind of nega.tive infinitive of she verb 1" et eompounded from 1"]:1
a,nd ofl.-J Conjugated 1" et I shall not for
-r '?Jl ct verbs in ct make j:Jct; li ct, It is not good.
'i' 4 Let tlS do.
Termination of songs.
l' -a- 9- or 1" ct Sl-. Honorific termination. Not . used
with the verb 1" cl- which has 't%ct to ask. i'
"the to receive" (for --& 11 'itt>-J the hope of receiving.
(for ;: 1: 4having hearcl These are the only three verbs usually
this form.
, -.::
:) let
i' fiJ To do. From
Infinitive forUl of the verb ct, before certain words in negative
sentences ct to be unable to do. Don't do.
Take care not to do. In certain cases by contraction they put ;J;J for
't ]:1 for .9.l-E- "t]:1 aJ There is
an advantage in doing. Literally. to ilo, advantage is". The verbs in
cr make -*1 i;J;J Don't let loose.
See Lumen, i, 5; ii, 3; xxii, 8; xl, 22.
i' Do. Let us do. From 1".;:t
Between equals. Imperative Sing. and pI.
i" .:1-1 . Do I do? I do. From
Question and answer between equals. Of equal or inferior. Present
indicative fo all persons. Familiar language amongst equals .. or half
language halfway between polite and respectful talk and that which is used
in speaking to inferiors.
ot "} Not to do.
4-1]:lotl{ Without truce or 1CSt .
ot\.f: Soon.
See Lumen, xlix, 11.
t '-l l' -ct Not to do. From"t.;:t
to do. 1Wt. Almost always followed by ct which IS
See L!tmen, ix, 16; 14; xx, 2. lviii, q.
. 6
- 26
- 36
i" ;r.l 'd..?t "The thing of not doing". FtOlll i":;::t
1J to do. r\! not. participial adjective from }t.-Jcl-. J;l thing.
-T-"Q:;::l or-\! 3112.;- It is he doesn't pray. .!l--tl i!i 4-
).17-, c}r- \!"li )., k "On the other hand to us a thing
which he has not given where is it." "For where to find a thing which
h<' has not given us." i.e. he has given us every thing.
"'l i" 9- Not tr; want to do.
l' He who dues not.
"t)tl OJ -ct "Fiat". Please God does .
A kind of optative.
'i' ..2. Do.
Imperative: Polite between equals.
...J. I do. He. We. They ..
Answer by an inferior to a superior speaking of an equal or inferior.
Present indicative 1st and 3rd person Sing. and pl.

I do. You do. etc. From
Answer between equals, (very polite). Of an equal or inferior. Present
indicative for all persons.
i' k I do, but ... ..... . .. ..... .. From
1" radi cal, conjugated in all tenses
]:1 for euphony, connexion or sign of infinitive
,1 which before certain letters is ]:J for euphony
tJ E but, yet expressing a reservation.
1" k he has done, but ............ ........ .
\! he will do, but ................... ..
k he di d, but .... ..................... ..
i")tt -2. Do not do. From J:t
'An inferior to :;, superior Imperative of i"]:l
i" )tl at 4 Do not do.
A Auperior to an inferior. Imperative. 1"]:1 to do. Imperative
of the verb -c:t to stop not. negatiye meaning.
See Lumen, vii," 4.
'f )tl U1..2..AJ -2. Do not, I beg o/vou. From i"J:t
Precatory imperative, between equals.
See Lumen, xxii<8
)tl '01 "1 tt Not to make Jo. '1'0 prevent doing. From "t J:t
"(f]:l infinitive. not. 7ll'tct to do. 'tct to hinder.
tJ:1J:l "l.:n. "Do not to fall". P1'event jro'flL talling.
fil OJ pl 1'1- To hinder from. doing. From
End of a sentence.
.J7.1 'OJ e} . To stop doing. T.:Fbe hindeTedf?'O?n doing. From
Not to do. 1',:1 InfinitiYe. '?fct Infinitive to stojJ. W Jl not doin1j
not. Without. W Jl Without hesitation. Without exception ,
fil l)tl "l 4 He will hinder froln doing. From
End of a sentence.
i" )tl * 9- To be do. Not to do. From i"':r
,:1 * i" ct sign of inability.
,:1 * 1-l i!f We cannot obta'in.
See Lum.en, xi, 14 ; xxi, 17 ; xxiv, 2 i xxvii, 1; xxxiii, 20.
i v. or i",l
...... ...... :*. Verbs ending III a instead of:A 2r:. cr,

. ............ ;:1 Contraction for
iJ'-tl ct}o, 7:1 for i" ,:l'W Jl .
0<1 14, JL for l:lJ i":>:1 W Jl.
Verbs ending in ct all have ;:1 instead of "1 . ..r.. ct, .x.;:l ; ct
Ji ct, Ji;:l

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