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14th KONIKA (Indonesia Pediatricians Congress) , Shangrila – SURABAYA

On last July 5 to 9, 2008, 14th KONIKA has been held professionally and successfully by
KONIKA committee (IDAI-East Java team), at Shangrila hotel in Surabaya. Main theme of
KONIKA which was also participated by different Pharmaceutical and Nutritional firms is
“Competence-Based Professionalism in Pediatrics”. It is attended by more than 3000
pediatricians all over Indonesia.

At this very strategic event, USAID-POUZN Indonesia Country Coordinator – Dewi Utari
Nugrohowati with advise of POUZN US Director – Camille Saade cooperated with the Head
of KONIKA Scientific Event ,Prof. DR. Subijanto MS, dr., SpA(K). Together we coordinated the
speaker from World Health Organization (Geneva) – Department of Child and Adoslecent
Health and Development, Dr. Olivier Fountaine to present topic of New Management of
Diarrhea Treatment in KONIKA, this is part of Zinc promotion.

Picture -1 (Right-Left): Dr Olivier Fontaine – WHO Geneva,

Prof Dr Subijanto, SpAk –University of Airlangga, Dr Martin Weber – WHO Indonesia.
After New Management of Diarrhea presentation at KONIKA-14 Plenary Hall Shangri-La 7 July ‘08.

Picture -1 Picture -2


Dr. Olivier Fontaine presented Diarrhea Management for children where besides Oralit Low
Osmolarity, ZINC is given for 10 consecutive days as treatment for diarrhea and also to
continue breast feeding or feeding, providing antibiotic selectively and the last one is giving
advice to mothers. Health Department P2ML Diarrhea Sub Directorate supported by IDAI
created its Indonesian version which was launched in Plenary Session in the form of LINTAS
DIARE fan and displayed of vertical banners.

LINTAS DIARE or FIVE STEPS TO TREAT DIARRHEA mentions the following diarrhea
treatment for children:

1. Oralit with new formula (Low Osmolarity ORS), it can reduce nausea and vomiting.
Give it soon to children with diarrhea case to prevent and treat dehydration.
2. ZINC is provided for 10 consecutive days to reduce duration and severity of diarrhea
and improve body immunity towards recurrence of diarrhea for the next 2 to 3
months. ZINC can also restore child’s appetite.
3. Breastfeeding and food feeding are continued depending on the child’s age with the
same menu during healthy period of the child to prevent losing weight and nutrition.
4. Should not give antibiotic unless for such indications: bloody diarrhoea, cholera
5. Advice for mothers or care givers: please return immediately (to doctor or health
service) whenever appears fever, bloody feces, repetitious vomit, (kid) eat or drink
less, extreme thirst, or diarrhea is getting more often or it has not got better in 3

LINTAS DIARE fan was distributed as souvenir to participants of KONIKA in Plenary Hall and
CPD- Diarrhea events .

Besides presentation at Plenary Session on July 7 which was attended by 2200

paeditricians, a lecture and discussion on ZINC as diarrhoea treatment were carried out in
CPD (Continuous Professional Development) event on July 6 which was attended by 186
members and on July 8 attended by 86 members. Besides Dr. Olivier Fountaine – WHO


Geneva, there were also other speakers i.e Prof. Dr. Agus Firmansyah, SpAk from Indonesia
University (Head of Gastro task Force IDAI Jakarta) and Dr. Juffrie, SpAk PhD from Gadjah
Mada University (Head of Gastro task Force IDAI Yogyakarta). The discussion mentions
about Diarrhea medicines with blue dot which have been available until recent days i.e.
DIAZINK from PT. Kimia Farma and ZINKID from PT. Indofarma Tbk.

Picture – 3 Picture - 4

Discussion about ZINC as Diarrhea treatment between Health Department -

Head of Sub Directorate Diarrhea, De worming &GI, Head of Sub Dit under 5 year of Children Health,
and Head of Sub Dit Infant HealthCare with WHO Geneva and POUZN US Director.
During breaks of seminars at KONIKA 14th, Shangri-La Hotel Lobby – Surabaya

POUZN Indonesia also plans a press coverage on Dr. Olivier Fountaine’s presentation on
ZINC as diarrhea treatment and LINTAS DIARE advertisement. There will also be opinions
from “ZINC Champions” such as Prof. Dr. Yati Soenarto SpA(k) PhD, Prof. Dr. Agus
Firmansyah SpA(k), and Dr. Jufrie SpA(k) PhD. The report will be publicized in the following
medical magazines:

- MEDIKA : in August to December 2008

- CMP – Medical Tribune : in August

- CMP-JPOG: in August

- Ethical Digest: in August


Other pharmaceutical firms are expected to launch ZINC product as diarrhea medicine by
next year, to expand the product distribution at the hospital, pharmacy, drug store, as well
as supplying Puskesmas.

Picture-5: LINTAS DIARE ( Lima Langkah Tuntaskan Diare)- Five Steps To Treat Diarrhea

- Vertical Banner

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