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The Impacts on the friends and families of people in prison What is the purpose of this research?

I am investigating the impacts on families and friends of people in prison. Why have you been approached? You have been approached because you may be visiting someone close who is in prison. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary and you have every right to refuse to participate. You do not need to do anything if you do not want to take part and I will not approach you about this again. What does taking part involve? If you decide you would like to take part, information about yourself and your experiences of having someone close in prison will be gathered via a short questionnaire. You can simply fill these questionnaires out now. All other participants are answering the same questions as you. Some questions require answers about the number of children you may have, mental health, suicide and sexual frustration. How long is the study for? A number of family/friends of prisoners will fill out these questionnaires. Your participation will last approximately 10 minutes. Participation does not require anything further from you. What are the risks of taking part? There are no major risks but the questionnaires will require you to think about sensitive issues regarding mental health and suicidal feelings. This questionnaire has been ethically approved. What are the benefits? There are no immediate benefits to you but the information studied may help you or other people, in the future, who have to deal with the secondary effects of prison. What are the costs to you? Taking part in this study will not be of any cost to you. Who else will know you are taking part? Your information will be kept anonymous and only I will know who the original information came from. What if you change your mind? You have the right to withdraw at anytime. It is completely voluntary and if you wish you can just leave out a question that you dont want to answer. Who should you contact for more information? Please contact: Lisa Perrygrove or Craig jackson Email: Phone: 0121 445 5970 0121 331 6369

The Impacts on the family members and friends of prisoners.

Participant Consent Form
Please read below and tick the necessary boxes if you wish to participate in the study.
Type yes or no in the boxes to the side

I confirm that I have read and understood the participant information sheet for this study and have had the opportunity to ask questions which have been answered satisfactorily. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, and without my legal rights being affected.

I agree to take part in the above study.

Name of Participant Principal Researcher

Lisa Perrygrove

Date Date

Signature Signature
Lisa Perrygrove

Please continue and answer the questions

My name is Lisa Perrygrove and I am doing research for my dissertation to find out some of the issues that family members/friends of prisoners have to face. I would be very grateful if you could answer the questions below. Thank you. 1. How old are you (in years)? 2. Gender: Male Female (Delete where appropriate)

3. How are you related to (or how do you know) the person in prison that you are visiting? 4. How long have you known the person in prison (in years)? 5. How old is the person in prison (in years)? 6. How long is their sentence (Please specify months or years)? 7. What were they convicted of? 8. In your opinion do they think that they are innocent or guilty? 9. In your opinion do you think that they are innocent or guilty? 10.How many times have they been in prison? 11.How often do you visit them? 12. How many miles away from the prison do you live? 13.What is your main form of transport to the prison? 14. Do you have children? 15.If so how many are under the age of 5? 16. Have you seen a doctor in the past year about mental health difficulties? 17.Do you believe you have any mental health issues?

18.Have you experienced any episodes of depression within the last year? 19.Have you experienced any episodes of anxiety within the last year? 20. Tick any of the issues named below which you have experienced while your family member/friend has been in prison. Money issues community Low self-esteem Physical illness Sexual frustration Disapproval from Emotional issues Childcare problems Isolation

Instructions: Please check (or fill colour) the number beside the statement or phrase that best applies to you. 1. Have you ever thought about or attempted to kill yourself? (Check one only) 1. Never 2. It was just a brief passing thought 3. I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it 4. I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die 5. I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die 6. I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die 2. How often have you thought about killing yourself in the past year? (Check one only) 1. Never 2. Rarely (1 time) 3. Sometimes (2 times) 4. Often (3-4 times) 5. Very often (5 or more times) 3. Have you ever told someone that you were going to commit suicide, or that you might do it? (Check one only) 1. No 2. Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die 3. Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die 4. Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it 5. Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it 4. How likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday? (Check one only) 0. Never

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

No chance at all Rather unlikely Unlikely Likely Rather likely Very Likely

Thank you for taking part in this study. I just want to remind you that you can still withdraw at any point and your data will be kept anonymous. Please e-mail your answers to If you feel you need support for being a family member or a friend of someone in prison please use these websites for information

If you feel you need support on dealing with any issues relating to suicide than please use these websites or phone number for information Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

I hope that this study will discover results that may be important in understanding the needs of families/friends of prisoners and help to improve support services. If you need any further support service contacts e-mail/phone at: 0121 445 5970

0121 331 6369

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