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Escuela Nacional Preparatoria Directora General: Mtra. Silvia E. Jurado Cullar Secretario Acadmico: Bil. Alejandro Martnez Prez

Diseo de portada: DCV. Cintia Amador Saloma Actualizacin de la edicin: DCG. Edgar Rafael Franco Rodrguez 4 edicin: 2011 Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico Escuela Nacional Preparatoria Direccin General Adolfo Prieto 722, Col. Del Valle C. P. 03100, Mxico, D. F. Impreso en Mxico

La Escuela Nacional Preparatoria ha trabajado durante casi 145 aos en la formacin de jvenes llenos de ideales y metas por cumplir, con deseos de superacin y comprometidos con su pas, a quienes tenemos que guiar y conducir hacia el logro de sus xitos acadmicos, factores que reforzarn su seguridad personal. Las herramientas que adquieran los estudiantes, durante esta etapa escolar, sern fundamentales, columna vertebral que sostenga sus estudios profesionales, con lo que el desarrollo de habilidades y actitudes se ver reflejado en su futuro prximo. Es nuestra responsabilidad dotar a los alumnos de todos los materiales didcticos que ayuden a enfrentar los retos de adquisicin del aprendizaje, para que continen con sus estudios de manera organizada, armnica y persistente. Por lo mismo, los profesores que integran esta dependencia universitaria, trabajan de manera colegiada; ponen toda su energa en desarrollar las Guas de estudio para aquellos alumnos que, por cualquier razn, necesitan presentar un examen final o extraordinario y requieren elementos de apoyo para aprobarlos y concluir sus estudios en la Preparatoria. La presente Gua de estudio es un elemento didctico que facilita la enseanza y el aprendizaje. Se puede utilizar de manera autodidacta o con la ayuda de los muchos profesores que a diario brindan asesoras en cada uno de los planteles de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Continuaremos buscando ms y mejores elementos didcticos: presenciales y en lnea, con el objetivo de ayudar a nuestros alumnos a que aprueben y egresen del bachillerato. Slo me resta desearles xito en su camino personal y profesional. Juntos por la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Mtra. Silvia E. Jurado Cullar Directora General

La presente gua est dirigida a ti alumno y tiene como objetivo principal ayudarte para la preparacin de tu examen extraordinario de ingls. Por favor, sigue las recomendaciones que sta te brinda y dedcale el tiempo suficiente para su estudio. Esta gua est diseada para darte oportunidad de practicar, en forma adicional, las estructuras y funciones que viste a lo largo del curso. Esta gua sirve tambin como refuerzo de lo visto en clase y, sobre todo, para prepararte para tu examen extraordinario. Los ejercicios que se incluyen son slo ejemplos, y no reactivos que aparecen en los exmenes. Probablemente, te enfrentes a ciertas problemticas como: comprensin de vocabulario, de gramtica, etc., por lo cual te sugerimos consultar la bibliografa mencionada al final de esta gua, un buen diccionario o solicitar ayuda de un profesor de Ingls. La gua consta de: una introduccin en cada unidad donde sabrs lo que se espera que realices una explicacin gramatical de cada uno de los temas que conforman el programa actividades con ejercicios parecidos a los que encontrars en el examen extraordinario, los que te ayudarn al logro de los aprendizajes esperados de manera autnoma y eficiente ejercicios de autoevaluacin con un examen modelo que te permitirn conocer tu grado de avance en el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa, y saber que es lo que necesitas reforzar o repasar para poder aprobar tu examen ligas a las que podrs acceder para que puedas ampliar tu informacin o reforzarla de manera independiente bibliografa de consulta hoja de respuestas para todos los ejercicios incluidos en la gua

Te deseamos mucha suerte en esta tarea que hoy emprendes y esperamos que adems de prepararte para el examen te vuelvas autnomo, independiente y autorregulado en tu manera de aprender, lo que te ayudar en tu vida futura.

Objetivo general Programa de estudios de Ingls VI Unidad 1: Para qu leo? Propsitos Tipos de lectura Pre-lectura Bibliografa y Mesografa Unidad 2: Cmo obtengo el significado de palabras que no conozco? Propsitos Cognados Contexto Definicin Puntuacin Sinonimia Clarificacin Ejemplificacin Gramtica Relaciones semnticas Opuestos Continuo Afijos Bibliografa Unidad 3: Cmo puedo aumentar mi vocabulario? Propsitos Memorizar o no memorizar Word Map Funciones de las palabras Uso de los afijos Grupos de palabras. Aprendizaje cooperativo Palabras que aparecen juntas. Palabras compuestas Expresiones Bibliografa Unidad 4. Cmo obtengo la idea general de un texto? Pgina 7 7

8 9 10 16

17 18 20 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35

36 36 37 40 41 42 46 49 50

Skimming Expresiones Bibliografa

51 51 54 60

Unidad 5. Cmo obtengo informacin especfica de un texto? Propsitos Cmo realizar el scanning? Bibliografa Unidad 6: Cmo se establecen las relaciones entre los elementos de un texto? Propsitos Qu es la cohesin? La referencia La sustitucin Tipos de pronombres Uso de los pronombres Los pronombres demostrativos La sustitucin por medio de sinnimos La antonimia Mesografa Unidad 7: Cmo se establecen las relaciones entre los componentes de un texto: recursos retricos y conectores lgicos? Propsitos Oracin y clusula La puntuacin El prrafo Los conectores Bibliografa y mesografa Unidad 8. Cmo hago el resumen de un texto? Propsitos Qu es un resumen? Para qu sirve? Para quin? Cmo se hace? Bibliografa y mesografa Ejemplo de examen extraordinario Respuestas

61 61 67

68 68 68 69 70 71 82 86 87 88

90 91 92 93 103 124

126 126 127 127 127 135 136 142

Objetivo general
Desarrollar las habilidades de lectura de los estudiantes para que el egresado de este curso se desempee como lector de textos en ingls en el nivel de educacin superior. No hay duda que la lectura es uno de los modos ms apasionantes de acceder al conocimiento del mundo. La lectura de textos literarios nos lo permite de manera muy especial, ya que nos ofrece el acceso a otros mundos posibles, nos permite vivir otras vidas y comprender la propia vida desde el conocimiento de otras. Tambin es un instrumento social utilizado por los individuos para dar sentido a la experiencia; para entender el presente, el pasado y el futuro, para iluminar su propia entidad como personas y como miembros de una comunidad. Por ello, tambin debes saber que tienes:

Derecho a leer literatura Derecho a leer todos los gneros Derecho a conocer diversos autores Derecho a descubrir que vale la pena leer Derecho a descubrir que los libros prolongan la vida Derecho a descubrir que eres capaz de realizar interpretaciones ms complejas

Escritor esperando lectores







por medio de



para elaborar




identif icando U-6 REFERENTES U-7 CONECTORES Y MARCADORES detectando

y/o para leer

a trav s de empleando













Para qu leo?
El estudiante ser capaz de conocer, diferenciar y valorar los diversos objetivos de lectura: lectura global, lectura detallada, lectura por placer. Como se mencion anteriormente, entre los objetivos del programa de estudios de ingls VI de la ENP, se incluye el de formar lectores competentes, autnomos y crticos; que adquieran una dinmica de lectura en la que al abordar un texto, lo hagan con un propsito definido: entretenerse, encontrar respuesta a una pregunta, averiguar cmo se hace algo, etc.; y cuyo resultado sea lograr ese propsito; quiz descubrir que lo que se buscaba no est en el texto. Probablemente sepas que un lector competente es aquel que sabe que existe una gran variedad de tipos de textos y que cada uno de ellos tiene caractersticas definidas: una diagramacin particular, un tipo de contenido particular, un uso del tipo de lenguaje particular, etc. As que, el lector competente sabe que cada tipo de texto le exige estrategias de lecturas particulares. Recordars que el trabajo del lector no consiste en extraer informacin del texto decodificando letra a letra, palabra a palabra, sino ver que el lector construye el significado del texto a partir de su intencin de la lectura y de todo lo que sabe del mundo. Por lo anterior, es muy importante que reconozcas la necesidad de poner en prctica las estrategias metodolgicas que te permitan lograrlo. A continuacin te presentamos lo que Daniel Penca considera como los Derechos del lector. Cuando leemos como parte de un trabajo de investigacin o, en general, con fines acadmicos, no podemos considerarlos seriamente. Solamente cuando leemos por placer, podemos incluso decidir dejar de lado la lectura de algn material. De otra forma, escoger el lugar donde leer, ojear, saltarse fragmentos, etc, se convierten en estrategias para la lectura. De esta manera, es muy importante saber el propsito que tenemos al leer para hacer uso de las estrategias adecuadas para hacer una lectura ms eficaz. Derecho a no leer Derecho a leer en cualquier lugar Derecho a releer

Derecho a hojear

Derecho a leer de todo

Un pas de lectores

Derecho a saltarse las pginas

Derecho a no terminar un libro

Derecho a leer en voz alta

Tipos de lectura
Es muy importante resaltar que cuando leemos, lo hacemos de diversas maneras pues esto depende del propsito que tengamos en mente. Por ejemplo, cuando necesitamos informacin muy detallada sobre algn tema, leemos cuidadosamente sin perder detalles (intensive reading), en cambio, cuando slo necesitamos encontrar algn dato, leemos muy rpidamente sin detenernos a ver detalles del texto; (scanning). Por otro lado, a veces damos un vistazo u ojeamos y hojeamos una revista, un peridico, etc. para darnos una idea de su contenido (skimming), ms no leemos as una novela, un cuento o un artculo cuyo tema es de nuestro inters (extensive reading). Ejercicio 1.1. MATCH THE TYPES OF READING WITH THEIR PURPOSES. 1. Extensive reading 2. Detailed reading 3. Global reading 4. Pleasure reading 5. Selective reading _____ Skimming a text quickly to get the general idea _____ Scanning a text quickly to find specific information _____ Reading quantities of material or long texts _____ Reading a text carefully to get the details _____ Reading a text for fun

De la misma manera, hay que recordar que nuestro propsito de lectura es el que determina el tipo de texto que elegimos y cmo lo abordamos. En la siguiente tabla te proporcionamos algunos ejemplos de propsitos de lectura y los recursos o fuentes que por lo general elegimos: 1 Propsito de lectura 1. Encontrar informacin cuando necesitas hacer algo. 2. Por gusto o placer. 3. Enterarte de las noticias o de la opinin de otros. 4. Aprender sobre tus materias de estudio. 5. Descubrir cosas acerca de lo que te interesa. Fuentes o recursos directorios, listas, anuncios, Internet, catlogos, trpticos, etc. revistas, cuentos, novelas, historietas, poesa, etc. peridicos, revistas, Internet, boletines, etc. libros de texto, enciclopedias, Internet, diccionarios, etc. libros, revistas, Internet, instructivos, etc.

Puedes ampliar el tema consultando Reading Styles, Unidad 1.

Como sabes, los textos que leemos pueden contener algunas imgenes, por ejemplo fotografas, y con slo observarlas, rpidamente podemos deducir el tema que tratarn. Esto lo puedes comprobar en los textos 1 y 2 que se presentan en las pginas 5 y 6. El tema que tratan est relacionado con el cine y tambin podrs deducir que las preguntas que se te hacen (aun sin leerlas) probablemente tienen que ver con el mismo tema.


1. What kind of films do you prefer? ________________________________ 2. Who is your favourite actor? ________________________________ 3. Who is your favourite actress? ________________________________ 4. Do you usually go to the cinema? ________________________________ 5. Do you like seeing films at home? _______________________________


Cuando abordemos las unidades 4 y 5 se te explicarn con detalle los conceptos de skimming y scanning; te ayudaremos a desarrollar estrategias para que apliques estos tipos de lectura y te proporcionaremos varios textos con ejercicios para que las pongas en prctica. A continuacin te presentamos algunos textos para que observes sus caractersticas, predigas su contenido e identifiques o determines el propsito por el cual los leeras. Ejercicio 1.3. A) OBSERVA RPIDAMENTE LOS TEXTOS 1 A 5 Y ESCRIBE SOBRE LA LINEA QUE SE ENCUENTRA ARRIBA DE CADA UNO EL PROPSITO POR EL CUAL LOS LEERAS. USA COMO REFERENCIA LOS PROPSITOS INCLUIDOS EN NUESTRA TABLA DE PROPSITOS. B) CONTESTA BREVEMENTE LAS PREGUNTAS DE ACUERDO CON LA INFORMACIN DE LOS TEXTOS. Text 1 Propsito de lectura: _______________________________________________

Rhys Meyers Arrested for Airport Tirade 19 November 2007 (WENN) Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers has been arrested by police after a drunken clash with airport staff. The Tudors star is reported to have launched into an angry tirade at Dublin airport on Sunday after being told he was "unfit to travel." He was then charged and spent the night in the cells. The incident took place as the handsome 30-year-old - who entered rehab citing alcohol as the problem earlier this year tried to check in for a flight back to London, where he is now based, after appearing on an Irish chat show hours earlier. According to British newspaper The Sun, witnesses saw the star being verbally abusive to a female airport worker, and repeatedly insisting: "I will get on this flight, no matter what." A police spokesman said he was due to face two public order charges in court in Dublin on Monday. His agent was unavailable for comment. 1. Who spent the night in prison? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Why? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Where did this incident take place? _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Where was this text taken from? _______________________________________________________________________


Text 2

Propsito de lectura: _______________________________________________

Julia Roberts 'still top earner'

Oscar-winner Julia Roberts still ranks as the highest-paid actress in Hollywood, a poll has suggested. Hollywood Reporter's annual Women in Box office attraction Entertainment Power list suggests she earns $20m (11.6m) a film, despite her Roberts became the first actress to join the likes of Tom Cruise in the ranks of the $20mrecent career-break to have twins. per-movie stars after scooping the best actress Oscar in 2001 for her role as the campaigning Erin Brockovich. She picked up the People's Choice Award on nine occasions between 1991 and 2004 - an illustration of her enduring popularity with film-goers. Nicole Kidman is second on $17m (9.8m) per movie followed by Reese Witherspoon The 38-year-old, who is married to cameraman Danny Moder, gave birth last and Drew Barrymore on $15m (8.7m). November to twins Phinnaeus and Hazel. Roberts, whose last film was Ocean's Twelve, will return to acting in 2006 making Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz - with salaries estimated her B She will appear next April alongside Paul between $10m (5.8m) and $15m (8.7m) Rudd, who played actress Lisa Kudrow's per film make up the next positions on husband on TV's Friends, in a revival of Hollywood Reporter's list, followed by Jodie Foster, Charlize Theron and Jennifer Three Days of Rain. Aniston. The 1997 play written by Richard Greenberg features two interlocking stories taking place in different decades.
1 3 5 7 9 POWER LIST TOP 10 Julia Roberts 2 Nicole Kidman Reese Witherspoon 4 Drew Barrymore Renee Zellweger 6 Angelina Jolie Cameron Diaz 8 Jodie Foster Charlize Theron 10 Jennifer Aniston

1. Who is considered #1 actress in Hollywood? ___________________________________ 2. How old is she? __________________________________________________________ 3. What is her husbands name? _______________________________________________ 4. When did she win the Oscar for being the best actress? __________________________ 5. How much does Cameron Diaz earn per film? __________________________________


Text 3

Propsito de lectura: ____________________________________________ HENRY VIII (r. 1509-1547) Henry VIII was born at Greenwich on 28 June 1491, the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. He became heir to the throne on the death of his elder brother, Prince Arthur, in 1502 and succeeded in 1509. In his youth he was athletic and highly intelligent. A contemporary observer described him thus: 'he speaks good French, Latin and Spanish; is very religious; heard three masses daily when he hunted ... He is extremely fond of hunting, and never takes that diversion without tiring eight or ten horses ... He is also fond of tennis.' Henry's scholarly interests included writing both books and music, and he was a lavish patron of the arts. He was an accomplished player of many instruments and a composer. Greensleeves, the popular melody frequently attributed to him is, however, almost certainly not one of his compositions. As the author of a best-selling book (it went through some 20 editions in England and Europe) attacking Martin Luther and supporting the Roman Catholic church, in 1521 Henry was given the title 'Defender of the Faith' by the Pope. From his father, Henry VIII inherited a stable realm with the monarch's finances in healthy surplus - on his accession, Parliament had not been summoned for supplies for five years. Henry's varied interests and lack of application to government business and administration increased the influence of Thomas Wolsey, an Ipswich butcher's son, who became Lord Chancellor in 1515.

Portrait of Henry VIII after Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8-1543) The Royal Collection 2006, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Hampton Court Palace, one of Henry VIII's residences Historic Royal Palaces

Wolsey became one of the most powerful ministers in British history (symbolised by his building of Hampton Court Palace - on a greater scale than anything the king possessed). Wolsey exercised his powers vigorously in his own court of Chancery and in the increased use of the Council's judicial authority in the court of the Star Chamber. Wolsey was also appointed Cardinal in 1515 and given papal legate powers which enabled him to by-pass the Archbishop of Canterbury and 'govern' the Church in England. Henry's interest in foreign policy was focused on Western Europe, which was a shifting pattern of alliances centred round the kings of Spain and France, and the Holy Roman Emperor. (Henry was related by marriage to all three his wife Catherine was Ferdinand of Aragon's daughter, his sister Mary married Louis XII of France in 1514, and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was Catherine's nephew.)


1. Where could you find a text like this? _________________________________________ 2. Would you read the whole text or just scan it? __________________________________ 3. What kind of information would a reader want to get from this text? _________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Texto 4

Propsito de lectura: _____________________________________________

1. What kind of text is the first one? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who are the main characters in it? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who wrote it? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. How do you know? ________________________________________________________________________


Texto 5

Propsito de lectura: _____________________________________________

Top Ten reasons to Read, Read, Read

Reading helps you become an interesting person. (Impress your friends, dates, and future in-laws!) Reading helps you learn how to write correctly. (Get good grades, make your grandmother happy when she reads your well-written thank-you notes, and impress your future boss who'll promote you because you express yourself so well.) Reading develops your imagination. (Write terrific stories for school, cook up funny ideas for friends, and maybe even earn big bucks writing screen plays for Hollywood!) Reading entertains you. (No more long boring car rides, waits in the dentist's office, or too-long summer vacations when you can't think of anything to do.) Reading teaches you about things unfamiliar to you. (Write A+ reports for school, impress your friends, and earn big prizes on TV game shows!) Reading takes you to places you've never visited. (Read about actors on Broadway, bullfighters in Spain, and astronauts in space.) Reading takes you to times you've never experienced. (Spend a week in Colonial times, or experience the burial ceremony of an Egyptian king, or learn what life was like when William Shakespeare was writing Romeo and Juliet.) Reading introduces you to people you've never met. (Find out how the Amish live, or how a fireman in New York City spends his day, or what an NFL football player's practice is like.) Reading introduces you to new ideas. (Learn about the beliefs of the world's religions, why some physicists believe that time is circular instead of linear, and how scientists speculate that our thoughts can influence the outcome of experiments.) Reading is FUN! (Laugh out loud! Gasp in disbelief! Feel your heart beating in suspense!) 1. How do you know what the previous text is about without reading it? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. How much information can you find out without reading the main text? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Can you get an idea of the writers point of view without reading the text? _______________________________________________________________________ 4. How can you decide if you want to read the text? _______________________________________________________________________


Rogers Mickey and A. Llanas, Reading Styles, MacMillan, Mxico, 2007



Cmo obtengo el significado de palabras que no conozco?
El estudiante ser capaz de utilizar estrategias para obtener el significado de palabras desconocidas.

En esta unidad aprenders a utilizar estrategias que te servirn para entender el significado de palabras nuevas para ti al leer un texto en ingls. En cada una de ellas te ofreceremos ejercicios para que pongas en prctica cada estrategia. Es necesario que participes activa y crticamente para que obtengas el mejor provecho. Para entender un texto en un idioma extranjero son necesarias varias competencias y una de ellas, de primordial importancia, es un manejo adecuado de vocabulario. Estudios sobre el idioma ingls indican que el conocimiento de 5000 palabras idealmente capacita a un lector para entender casi el 90 % de cualquier material impreso. Por supuesto que adems hay que entender cmo funciona la gramtica pero, sin tratar de profundizar en el tema, podemos considerar que, aunque parece un nmero muy grande, 5, 000 palabras es una meta relativamente fcil de alcanzar. Lamentablemente, despus de esa cifra, tendrs que aprender muchas ms palabras para llegar a una total comprensin de los textos. Recuerda que cuanto ms leas, mayor ser tu vocabulario. Para consultar un listado de las 5 000 palabras ms frecuentemente usadas en los materiales impresos en ingls, puedes visitar la pgina web En ella encontrars una serie de vietas. Una de ellas es la que sigue: List 2.3: Rank frequency order: written English (not lemmatized) list key Da clic en la palabra list y te llevar a la lista. Si das clic en la palabra key, vers el significado de las abreviaturas usadas en ella. Intenta dar el significado de las palabras. Cuntas de ellas conoces perfectamente? Cuntas te faltan para completar las 5 000? Al leer un texto en espaol, de cualquier ndole y con cualquier propsito, es poco frecuente mantener un diccionario a la mano para revisar una a una las palabras que desconocemos. El hecho de leer desde la infancia nos ha permitido ampliar nuestro vocabulario de manera natural y aunque no descartamos el uso del diccionario, en general lo que hacemos antes, es echar mano de una serie de estrategias que nos permiten adivinar el significado de las palabras desconocidas. Por ejemplo, la repeticin de una palabra en diferentes instancias te puede dar idea de su significado. Los escritores frecuentemente usan sinnimos, dan ejemplos o incluso definiciones. En casos extremos, podemos prescindir del significado de una palabra sin entorpecer el entendimiento de lo que leemos. Al leer un texto en ingls debemos aplicar estrategias similares. Hazlo! El nico riesgo que corres es el de incrementar tambin tu vocabulario en espaol!


La primera estrategia que veremos para entender un texto en ingls consiste en identificar los cognados. Estos son palabras de dos idiomas que tienen un parecido en cuanto a forma y sonido, por provenir de un idioma comn. En el caso que nos interesa, no hay solamente un idioma comn sino dos: el latn y el griego. Sabas que ms del 50 % de las palabras en ingls tienen races griegas o latinas? Que en el caso de textos cientficos, aumenta el porcentaje? Muchas de las palabras inglesas que tienen origen grecolatino no nos son familiares a simple vista. Por ejemplo, fork, que significa tenedor, viene del latn furca (horca, de donde viene horquilla, horqueta, que, si alguna vez viste una resortera, es la "Y" (de madera, en sus mejores tiempos), que sujeta las ligas). Furca pas a forka, luego a forke para llegar a su forma actual. Pues en espaol antiguo, forqueta (little fork) era el vocablo para referirse al tenedor. Pero aunque existen muchos casos en que es difcil identificar el origen comn, la mayora son muy claros. Ejercicio 2.1. LAS SIGUIENTES TABLAS FUERON DESARROLLADAS POR LA PROFESORA JILL KERPER MORA, DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN DIEGO Y APARECEN EN SU PGINA:; AH SE MUESTRAN 14 GRUPOS PARA QUE ESCRIBAS SUS EQUIVALENTES EN INGLS. SI NO ESTS SEGURO DE LA ORTOGRAFA, VERIFCALA EN UN DICCIONARIO. Group 1 Atlntico democrtico patritico romntico sarcstico Group 4 artista florista moralista pianista turista Group 7 clsico cmico histrico metdico tcnico Group 10 comunidad necesidad prosperidad publicidad universidad Group 2 cliente equivalente indiferente patente suficiente Group 5 argumento monumento sacramento suplemento testamento Group 8 ambicioso famoso gracioso laborioso religioso Group 11 diagrama Idioma problema programa sistema Group 3 atencin circulacin edicin Indicacin proposicin Group 6 abundante constante elegante importante significante Group 9 aniversario disciplinario itinerario literario salario Group 12 aristocracia democracia eficacia farmacia urgencia


Group 13 abundancia conciencia distancia obediencia permanencia

Group 14 admirable animal central director noble

Estos grupos no son los nicos que existen y t puedes formar otros. Para darte una pista solamente, qu tal resist resistir? O, tal vez, participate participar. Cuntos grupos ms puedes formar? Una nota de advertencia sobre el uso de cognados. En ocasiones, dos palabras similares pueden tener significados diferentes. A este tipo de palabras se les llama (y no discutiremos aqu la pertinencia del trmino) falsos cognados; por ejemplo, apologa, en la Apologa de Scrates o en el artculo es una apologa del uso de las drogas, significa defensa, mientras que en ingls, an apology es normalmente una disculpa o excusa. En otras ocasiones, el significado puede coincidir en ciertos contextos y diferir en otros; es el caso de molest, que puede significar molestar pero que en la mayora de los casos tiene una connotacin sexual que no tiene molestar. Otro ejemplo de este tipo es apply, que se puede traducir como aplicar pero que en el enunciado "Many people have applied for the job", se traduce como solicitar. Lamentablemente es muy comn or decir (en una mala traduccin) que alguien va a aplicar para un trabajo. A pesar de estos pequeos escollos, podemos considerarnos afortunados de que haya tantas coincidencias lxicas en ambos idiomas ya que la tarea de formarnos un vocabulario amplio en ingls no resultar tan ardua. Ejercicio 2.2. Ahora que ya has visto y formado tus propios grupos, escribe el significado de las siguientes palabras: abundant abundance abundantly audacity audacious authorize athletic defunct falsify falsity grotesque picturesque historian jar mediate nerve nervous pearl

Ejercicio 2.3. AHORA HAZ UNA TABLA DE FALSOS COGNADOS PARA LA CUAL HEMOS INCLUIDO LAS PRIMERAS ENTRADAS. LA PUEDES IR AMPLIANDO CONFORME TE ENCUENTRES CON PALABRAS DE ESTE TIPO. molest apology apply library actually acosar disculpa / defensa aplicar / solicitar biblioteca en realidad


Junto con la puntuacin y la tipografa, el contexto, es decir, todas las dems palabras que rodean (aquellas que estn antes y despus) a una palabra; nos permite en muchas ocasiones inferir el significado de una palabra nueva, como se desglosa a continuacin.

En ocasiones el mismo texto nos da la definicin de la palabra, como en el enunciado que abre este prrafo (sobre contexto). El primer elemento que veremos como introductorio de una definicin es el verbo to be: A salmon is a fish. A cutlass is a short, curved sword. At its most basic, an SOA is a collection of services on a network that communicate with one another. Adems del verbo to be, tenemos expresiones como which means, meaning, or, in other words, that is o abreviaturas como i.e. (es decir). The husky, or sled dog, of the North is a hardy breed. El significado de la palabra huskey queda identificado por las palabras sled dog que se encuentran enseguida de la palabra or. Researchers speculate that time travel can occur within a kind of feedback loop where backwards movement is possible, but only in a way that is "complementary" to the present. In other words, you can pop back in time and have a look around, but you cannot do anything that will alter the present you left behind. En este caso, adems de explicar el significado particular de complementary, mediante el uso de la expresin in other words, se est explicando toda la idea del prrafo previo. Es decir, se est diciendo lo mismo pero con otras palabras. Se dice que se est parafraseando. Ejercicio 2.4. IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES, FIND THE DEFINITION OF THE UNDERLINED WORD. 1. Hypoxia is an illness caused by a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues of the body. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. A porcupine is a large climbing rodent that is covered with sharp spines for defense. 3. The Celtic religion centered on the worship of a pantheon of nature deities. Their religious ceremonies included animal sacrifices and various forms of magic. Druids were the priests who led the people in this highly ritualistic worship. _____________________________________________________________________


En el enunciado 1 tienes los cognados caused, deficiency y oxygen; por otro lado, seguramente sabes que body significa cuerpo. En caso de que no conozcas el significado de illness, a partir de esta informacin puedes "adivinar su significado (eso es hacer uso del contexto!): __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Altitude, i.e. the height above the sea level, is a factor that determines climate. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Vespers, or evening worship, can be heard at St. Mathew Cathedral. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. In seagoing vessels, bulkheads, that is the internal walls, form watertight compartments and strengthen the overall structure. _______________________________________________________________________

Ya apuntamos el uso del verbo be para hallar la definicin de una palabra nueva pero el autor puede hacer uso de signos de puntuacin tales como las comas, parntesis, comillas o guin: Mercury, the silver-colored metal used in thermometers, is usually in a liquid form. In laser printing, the greater the number of dpi (dots per inch), the higher the quality of the image produced. Ejercicio 2.5. FIND THE WORD THE AUTHOR IS DEFINING AND ITS DEFINITION. 1. The use of carved birds, decoys, is not a new idea in hunting. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. If you are ectomorphic (the slender type), you are likely to be good in such sports as track, tennis, and basketball. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. A path to the chieftains headquarters winds through ancient petroglyphs inscriptions in stone. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Pacemakers, small electrical devices that stimulate the heart muscle, have saved many lives. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Many residents of Hawaii used to believe that the volcano's flarings were tirades of their goddess, Pele. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. Studying supernovas, the catastrophic explosions of dying stars, may give answers to questions of modern cosmology. _______________________________________________________________________


En otros casos, el autor del texto hace uso de sinnimos para no repetir la misma palabra ad infinitum. En este mismo prrafo hemos usado la palabra casos para no repetir ocasiones despus de haberla usado dos veces. A continuacin encontrars una traduccin de un fragmento de una pgina web en donde nos habla el autor del uso de los sinnimos. La repeticin puede resultar aburrida. Los redactores de noticias evitan este problema usando formas nuevas de decir lo mismo. Uno de sus recursos ms comunes es el uso de los sinnimos (palabras con el mismo significado o con significado muy similar). El reconocimiento de estos sinnimos es uno de los mtodos ms eficaces que puedes usar para adivinar el significado de palabras desconocidas. Si sabes una de las palabras del par (corruption y graft, por ejemplo) inmediatamente sabrs el significado de la otra, ahorrndote as el tiempo de recurrir a tu diccionario. Probemos con un ejemplo tomado de un reportaje aparecido recientemente en el Bangkok Post. A partir del encabezado y de los dos primeros prrafos, se puede fcilmente adivinar el significado de la palabra burglar. Intntalo.

Burglar picks the wrong address

Rennes, France, AFP He couldnt have picked a worse house to rob. A 28-year-old thief on Saturday unwittingly broke into the house of a policeman who had arrested him the previous day in an unrelated case.

Obviamente burglar debe ser una clase de ladrn; es decir, un ladrn especializado. Puedes decir cul es su especialidad? (1) ______________________________________

Al continuar leyendo el reportaje encontramos otro sinnimo, esta vez de la palabra arrested. Cul es? (2) ______________________________________________________________

Verifica las respuestas al final de la gua bajo el encabezado Burglar picks the wrong answer. The thief, who had been nabbed and released by the officer the previous day for shoplifting, managed to escape but was arrested a few hours later while enjoying coffee at an outdoor cafe in the town centre. 2

Adaptado de el 19 de noviembre de 2007, al igual que los ejercicios a), b) y c) que siguen.



TV ban on dozing MPs

The Cambodian government has barred local television crews from filming MPs having a snooze in parliament, Information Minister Lu Laysreng said yesterday. "We have released advice to TV stations not to film sleeping MPs, because it looks bad for the whole country and the institution of parliament is insulted," the minister argued.

1. A synonym for dozing in the story is ___________. 2. A short phrase with the same meaning is _______ ____ ________. 3. Use a word from the story to complete this sentence: If you put a ban on something it means you have _______ people from doing it. b) PM orders ministries to ferret out source of huge miscalculation On orders of the prime minister, the Education and University Affairs ministries will set up a committee to investigate this years failure of the new entrance examination system. Deputy Education Minister Arkhom Engchuan said the prime minister demanded at yesterdays cabinet meeting that the two ministries form a panel to find those responsible for the miscalculation of Mathayom 6 students grade point average (GPA) and percentile ranking (PR) for more than 300 high schools nation-wide, which had led to the cancellation of the new entrance exam system in the 1999 academic year. 1. The word probe is a noun so there is no direct synonym in the story. But there is a verb in the story that can be changed into a noun to become a synonym. What is the verb and what is its noun form? (Incidentally, the word probe is one of the most common headline words to appear in the Bangkok Post.) verb: ____________________ noun: ________. c)

Probe on entrance exam fiasco

Party given two weeks to settle feud

The cabinet reshuffle was postponed for at least two weeks yesterday as the Democrats hope time might heal the Social Action Party rift. Sanan Kachornprasart, the Democrat secretary-general, said yesterday he would ask coalition partners to give SAP rival factions a chance to iron out their differences and stay.

Ejercicios 6-8 adaptados o tomados de el 19 de noviembre de 2007.


Maj-Gen Sanan had acted as a go-between to end the feud over cabinet posts between an alliance of Rakkiat Sukthana and Somsak Thepsuthin and the faction of Suvit Khunkitti, who quit as leader before quitting the cabinet this week. Maj-Gen Sanan invited the rivals for talks on Tuesday and asked them to reconcile but made clear the party would be dropped if the row persisted. 1) The word feud has two synonyms in the story, _______ and _______. 2) Even though you may not be familiar with any of the three synonyms, it is clear from that story that they refer to a ________. 3) If the two sides can settle a feud, they reconcile. There is a four-word phrase in the story that is a synonym for reconcile. Use it to complete this sentence: If they reconcile, it means that they will _____ _____ _____ _________. Ejercicio 2.7. READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE AND CHOOSE THE SYNONYM FOR THE BLUES. a) symptom b) depression c) sadness d) nothing

Depression ... or Just the Blues?

Signs and Symptoms of Clinical Depression Can Be Hard to Self-Diagnose
The most obvious symptom of depression is the abnormal mood, which is often sadness. But surprisingly, your mood does not have to be sad. Often, rather than being sad, when they are depressed, people say they feel empty, or feel nothing, or feel numb. Rather than bad feelings, there are no feelings.

Pero a veces resulta que lo que nos ayuda a entender una palabra nueva no es un sinnimo sino un antnimo: Mile is a very tidy student, but Tom is so disorganized you couldnt believe they are brothers. Si no conocas el significado de tidy, despus de leer este enunciado ya sabrs que significa ordenado. Aqu las palabras que te ayudan a inferir el significado (nuevamente el contexto!) son but, disorganized y you couldnt believe they are brothers. One of Indonesia's busiest airports closes after severe fire razes passenger terminal
One of Indonesia's busiest airports was closed indefinitely Saturday after a fire razed the domestic passenger terminal, a top airport administrator said. There were no immediate reports of injuries. Fortunately the international terminal was not damaged.

En el encabezado de este ejemplo tenemos que un aeropuerto cierra luego de un grave incendio. Ya en el cuerpo de la informacin vemos que a fire razed the domestic terminal pero afortunadamente, the international terminal was not damaged. Con base en los


antnimos domestic-international y en la oposicin entre razed y was not damaged, podemos deducir que raze probablemente significa destruir. Ah!, pero eso es solamente si antes no encontraste la similitud entre raze y arrasar. Adivinaste? Raze viene del latn y significa nivelar hasta el piso; demoler. Por cierto, quiz has odo o visto la palabra razor. Puedes adivinar qu significa? Pues se trata de un artculo muy comercial cuyos fabricantes presumen siempre de su corte al ras. Cuando veamos la funcin de prefijos y sufijos, y en particular la del sufijo -or, te quedar ms claro cmo se llega de raze a razor. Cuando nos basemos en antnimos, deberemos poner atencin en palabras como but, unlike, however, etc. Estas palabras se ven con mayor detenimiento ms adelante. Tendrs una oportunidad de practicar esta estrategia en el apartado de Relaciones semnticas en un ejercicio que incluye antonimia (opuestos). Como habrs visto hasta aqu, usar el contexto requiere de un mnimo conocimiento de palabras. Y aqu refutars: pero si no conozco muchas de las palabras! Efectivamente, es algo que debemos tener muy claro: cuanto mayor vocabulario manejemos, mayor ser nuestra posibilidad de inferir el significado de nuevos vocablos. De ah la importancia de aprender cuantas palabras sea posible; en la siguiente unidad veremos cmo aprender vocabulario nuevo.

Aunque no haya un sinnimo especfico para la palabra cuyo significado queremos identificar, dicho significado puede resultar claro si seguimos leyendo. Veamos el siguiente ejemplo, tomado de la misma pgina, cuyas instrucciones y texto explicativo hemos traducido para ti. Aqu se trata de deducir el significado de gag order.

Gag order lifted in Anwars trial

Kuala Lumpur, AFP The Malaysian judge hearing the second trial of jailed deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim lifted a sweeping gag order yesterday. "Ive decided to set aside the order. The order goes against the freedom of speech and the constitution," Justice Ariffin Jaka told the court. "You are free to say what you like but keep it within the limits of the law." De lo dicho por el juez, resulta claro que una gag order debe impedir que la gente hable de algo (en este caso, un juicio). Observa tambin que lifting the order significa setting aside (hacer a un lado) the order para que deje de usarse.


Ejercicio 2.8. IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE, FIND OUT THE MEANING OF THE VERB TO FOOL AND WRITE IT ON THE LINE. ____________________________________ The robots - built by Jose Halloy, from the Free University in Brussels, Belgium, and colleagues - do not look at all like cockroaches. But by covering the robots in filter paper infused with cockroach pheromones, the researchers were able to fool the animals into thinking the automatons were genuine members of their group. Ejercicio 2.9. IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE FIND OUT THE MEANING OF FAILURE. _____________________________________________

US prison system 'costly failure'

The US prison population has risen eight-fold since 1970, with little impact on crime but at great cost to the taxpayer, researchers say. 4

Otra manera que tiene el autor para dejar claro el significado o sentido de una palabra que considera podra causarle problemas al lector es la ejemplificacin. Nuevamente es importante identificar el tipo de palabras, frases o abreviaturas que utilizar. A continuacin, algunas solamente de ellas: as for example such as e.g. (example given) like for instance

Percussion instruments, such as drums, cymbals, and tambourines, were the preferred instruments in the study. Floods, droughts and earthquakes illustrate the natural disasters which are the agencys concern. Pero cmo utilizaremos esta informacin? Tomemos el primero de nuestros ejemplos: al saber que drums, cymbals y tambourines son ejemplos de instrumentos de percusin, podremos continuar nuestra lectura sin detenernos a investigar lo que significa cada uno de los ejemplos. Si en algn momento necesitamos el significado preciso, entonces podremos recurrir a otras estrategias que incluyen el uso del diccionario. Todo depende del nivel de comprensin que busquemos. De la misma manera sabremos que floods, droughts y earthquakes son ejemplos de desastres naturales. En otras ocasiones, el mecanismo funcionar al revs: los ejemplos nos permitirn adivinar el trmino general: Psychologists often use lower animals (rats, monkeys, pigeons, etc.), as subjects in their experiments. En este ejemplo, los ejemplos, junto con la palabra entrecomillada sujetos, nos permite inferir que lower animals significa animales inferiores (en contraposicin a los animales pensantes). Ver ms ejemplos y ejercicios en la Unidad 7.

Text taken from


Enseguida anotaremos la importancia de un manejo adecuado de la gramtica para adivinar significados y as delimitar las posibilidades para un vocablo nuevo. Por ejemplo, la estructura bsica y tpica en ingls para un enunciado es Sujeto- Verbo Complemento. Sabiendo esto, podemos inferir que la palabra que falta en el siguiente enunciado: A kid _____________ the window, es un verbo. Visto en contexto, podramos decidir si se trata del verbo romper o de saltar o de pintar, etc. Si el enunciado es A ___________ kid ______________ the window, Sabemos que la palabra que falta antes de kid es un adjetivo que nos da ms informacin sobre el chico de nuestro enunciado. En el enunciado A typical _________________ (13 19 years old) _____________s more than the recommended 8 hours a day. sabemos que el primer espacio debe ser ocupado por un sustantivo, ya que tenemos el artculo indefinido A y el adjetivo typical. La informacin adicional que se haya entre parntesis tambin debe guiarnos para inferir el tipo de sustantivo que necesitamos. Ese sustantivo terminara por completar el sujeto del enunciado, por lo que podemos asegurar que en el segundo espacio tenemos un verbo, y por la ese final sabemos que est en presente simple, ya que en este tiempo gramatical se le agrega una -s al verbo cuando el sujeto es tercera persona del singular. De la misma manera, adivinamos que en el enunciado: The _________________________s ______________________ed. El primer espacio debe ser ocupado por un sustantivo (o frase sustantiva) y en el segundo, tenemos un verbo regular en pasado. Por otro lado, si sabemos que la sintaxis (el orden de las palabras) de una pregunta en ingls es como sigue: PALABRA INTERROGATIVA + AUXILIAR + SUJETO + VERBO + COMPLEMENTO, entonces deduciremos que en la pregunta: How many hours do the energy of these batteries last? la palabra last no es el adjetivo ltimo, sino un verbo y, si ponemos atencin a las dems palabras, podremos inferir el significado preciso: durar. Puedes ahora adivinar el significado de an ever-lasting tattoo? _____________________ Aqu la sugerencia entonces es poner atencin a los aspectos gramaticales del ingls. Tambin ayuda tener conciencia de cmo funciona la gramtica de nuestro propio idioma, el espaol.


Ejercicio 2.10. EN ESTE EJERCICIO CADA ENUNCIADO CONTIENE UNA PALABRA QUE NO CONOCES Y QUE NO ENCONTRARS EN EL DICCIONARIO (PORQUE ES UNA PALABRA INVENTADA!). USANDO EL CONTEXTO, DETERMINA CUL DE LAS OPCIONES ES EL SIGNIFICADO MS PROBABLE DE LA PALABRA. (SI QUIERES, PUEDES ANOTAR LA PALABRA QUE CREAS QUE ES, ANTES DE VER LAS OPCIONES). 5 1. An average prongid begins to talk after about a year, and has a good command of the language by age five. a. person b. child c. dolphin 2. The 1975 earthquake in Guatemala caused a lot of nambickist. There were many deaths, and numerous buildings were destroyed. a. unhappiness b. problems c. damage 3. Smoking has been shown to be extremely kroon to the health. a. dangerous b. sick c. expensive 4. In January and February, the gradsfig months of the year, people try to stay indoors as much as possible. a. coldest b. driest c. nicest 5. The summer months are the gradsfig of the year. With them comes the risk of flooding. a. wettest b. hottest c. nicest 6. Large-scale vaccination programs have helped reduce the trasdric so much that cases are becoming quite rare. a. death b. disease c. disaster 7. The rapid increase in yugfristy has brought jobs and foreign currency to the island, but also several unsightly hotels, organized crime, and, most seriously, the widespread abandonment of traditional occupations. a. unemployment b. literacy c. tourism 8. Unlike its plant-eating relative, the polar bear is tygraic. a. carnivorous b. herbivorous c. white 9. The young cubs yerdarg close to their mother during the first six months. a. eat b. learn c. stay 10. Improved medical care, better dietary practices and economic change have led to a troiper in the infant mortality rate. a. rise b. fall c. deterioration

Relaciones semnticas. Clase-elemento

La semntica es la parte de la gramtica que estudia los significados de las palabras. Algunas relaciones especficas entre las palabras, tambin nos pueden ayudar a adivinar el significado de nuevo vocabulario al leer en ingls. Veamos los siguientes diagramas: (a) American states (A) (b) geometric shapes (B)

California, Texas, Florida (B)

circle, square, triangle (B)

Tomado de Reading English for Academic Study.


Tanto California como Texas y Florida son American states. Decir esto es lo mismo que decir que son elementos de la clase American states. En esta relacin clase-elemento de la clase, American states es el trmino superordinado o superior, mientras que California, Texas y Florida son trminos subordinados o inferiores. El trmino superior (A) contiene a los trminos inferiores (B). En el diagrama (b) tenemos la misma relacin. Ahora ve el siguiente ejemplo: Orims early work shoes the artists preoccupation with geometric shapes of all kinds. the paintings contain circles, squares, triangles, pirrles, cylinders and cubes. Seguramente no conoces la palabra pirrles ya que en realidad no existe. Supongamos que no lo sabemos y que nos la encontramos en nuestra lectura. Si reconocemos la relacin clase-elemento de la clase que existe entre geometric shapes y circles, squares, etc., sabremos, sin la ayuda de un diccionario, que pirrles significa alguna clase de forma geomtrica. Este tipo de relacin es muy til al leer y la forma en que aparece puede variar. Es posible que el trmino superordinado aparezca despus de los subordinados: The conference was attended by prime ministers, ministers, helliers, presidents and other important national dignitaries. Aqu es posible saber que helliers son algn tipo de important national dignitary, como embajadores quiz o monarcas. Otras veces ser el trmino superordinado el que tendremos que adivinar: The tribe still uses very primitive struckers: sharpened sticks, pointed stones, and hammers of heavy stones tied to strong pieces of bamboo. Aqu struckers probablemente significa herramientas. Observa cmo procedimos para adivinar esto: Lemos los trminos subordinados y los entendimos. Reconocimos la relacin clase -elemento de la clase. Clasificamos la lista de palabras que conocamos como una categora que formamos: herramientas. (Observa que como ya hemos mencionado, continuar leyendo sin detenernos en la palabra desconocida nos ayud a entender su significado.)

A veces resulta que una clase tiene un nmero limitado de elementos: Males in the community are responsible for looking after the home and taking care of children; braddles hunt, fish, and settle interfamily disputes. Aqu podemos suponer que braddles es lo que queda del grupo pueblo (people) luego de quitar el elemento males (los hombres); slo nos queda el elemento mujeres (females). Otros ejemplos de este tipo son: north south east west, married single, married single divorced separated. Weekdays on the weekend, etc.

Otra clase de relacin se da entre pares de opuestos como hot cold o left - right (que es la que aprovechamos en la seccin de antonimia): There were no fillip seats available, so they were forced to buy expensive ones. Fillip significa probablemente cheap o inexpensive (baratos).


Tambin nos podemos encontrar con continuos como good average poor o rare medium well done. Si reconocemos un continuo en este enunciado: The music appeals to the young, middle-aged and praddle. podremos adivinar que praddle significa viejo (old). En ocasiones no se trata exactamente de un continuo o de un par de opuestos pero sigue habiendo una relacin: The Ontics, a trading people, buy the wool cheaply and then brunt it for a large profit. Lo que hacemos aqu es usar nuestro conocimiento del mundo, que nos dice que ciertos sucesos, acciones u otros fenmenos implican sucesos, acciones o fenmenos que estn relacionados con los primeros. Esto es precisamente lo que nos dice que brunt probablemente significa vender (sell). Ejercicio 2.11. THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES CONTAIN WORDS WHICH DO NOT EXIST IN ENGLISH. USE YOUR ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE SEMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THESE NONSENSE WORDS AND THEIR CONTEXT TO GUESS THEIR MEANINGS. CIRCLE THE MOST PROBABLE MEANING IN EACH CASE FROM THE ALTERNATIVES LISTED. 1. Penny sends her mother a letter each week. The old woman usually bergs it on Friday mornings. a. writes b. receives c. sends 2. The climbers took various kinds of equipment, daffs, thick sleeping bags and heatretaining clothing, to protect themselves against the subzero temperatures a. open-neck shirts b. arctic tents c. ice-axes 3. The iguanas daytime occupations are well-known. Its hughis activities are still a mystery. a. mating b. recreational c. night-time 4. The company is proud of its record of fighting pollution, paying its employees decent wages, contributing to various charities and clidging vanders for members of ethnic minorities. a. providing job opportunities b. making products c. exporting 5. If houses are too expensive, we will simply have to look for an porger. a. car b. apartment c. cheap-house 6. The working classes generally live in the inner city; the rich inhabit the drooks. a. suburbs b. expensive apartments c. villages 7. He could not find a grey sweater, so he bought a grappen one. a. shirt b. cheap c. brown 8. The peoples attitude towards capital punishment ranges from total rejection through crizolrunad to passionate support. a. favorable b. hostility c. indifference 9. David spends his money as fast as he can. Jeremy, on the other hand, druggers everything he earns. a. saves b. wastes c. buys things with 10. When Peter was prond, he had a lot of money to spend on himself. Now that he is married, he has to be more careful. a. young b. rich c. single


Imagina a unos estudiantes de medicina que no supieran elegir el instrumental adecuado para una colonoscopia de rutina. Peor aun, que no eligiera el orificio adecuado! Algunos tal vez iran directamente a los rganos reproductores femeninos con el fin de cortar alguna protuberancia extraa. Ahora que, la confusin podra ir en el sentido contrario si alguno de esos estudiantes confundiera una colposcopia (inspeccin de la vagina y su cuello) con una colectoma (la remocin del intestino grueso). Tales confusiones no tendrn lugar (esperemos) si conocemos la utilidad de los afijos. Si adems de estar interesado en adquirir estrategias de lectura, ests planeando estudiar medicina, entonces una buena pgina electrnica para consultar los afijos usados en esta ciencia es, de donde adaptamos el prrafo que abre este apartado. Existen varias clases de afijos pero aqu solamente incluiremos la definicin de prefijos y sufijos. Los prefijos son partculas que se agregan al principio (pre = antes) de una palabra. Ejemplos: bi- [que significa two (dos) o twice (dos veces)], como en la palabra biannual (dos veces al ao o cada dos aos) o en bilateral (que tiene o incluye dos lados, recproco, o que incluye dos lados o partes en igual medida). Inter.- [between o among (entre)], como en interlay (poner entre) o en interlude (algo que cubre el tiempo entre dos sucesos). Los sufijos se agregan al final de la palabra. Ejemplos: -er (la persona que) como en painter (el que pinta = pintor) o en miner (una persona que trabaja en una mina extrayendo carbn, oro, etc. = minero). -ize (ser o hacer como) y se encuentra palabras como economize (ser o hacer que algo sea econmico) o hypothesize (hacer una hiptesis). La parte a la que se le agrega el afijo se llama raz. Ejemplos de races son: Mit (enviar), con la cual se forman transmit o submit. Tract (jalar), con la cual se forman traction o retract. Los afijos utilizados en ingls provienen del latn o del griego, exactamente igual que en espaol, como seguramente ya viste en los ejemplos anteriores cuyos significados es fcil obtener porque la mayora (si no todos) son cognados. Hey! As que finalmente encontrars una aplicacin a lo que aprendiste en etimologas grecolatinas! El manejo de afijos es til en general cuando leemos en ingls (o en espaol), pero en particular en las cuestiones relacionadas con la ciencia, como en el caso de la medicina, aunque no exclusivamente. Como ya habrs notado, ambos modifican la funcin de la palabra (en ingls se llama a esta funcin part of the speech). Por ejemplo, se modifica un sustantivo para formar un adjetivo o un adjetivo para formar un adverbio o un adjetivo para formar un sustantivo, etc. (usualmente la funcin de un sufijo). Pero el efecto puede ser cambiar el significado de la palabra (prefijos). A continuacin, algunos ejemplos de estas transformaciones (todo el texto de la tabla aparece en ingls; una buena idea es que t escribas en espaol lo que consideres importante):


Prefijos que cambian el significado: prefix antiusual meaning against examples antimagnetic antiseptic antithesis decarbonate decrease depopulate misbehave mismanage misunderstand unaware unemployed unqualified meaning of the example given resisting magnetism stopping infection contrast of two ideas, theories remove carbon dioxide from lessen, reduce reduce population behave wrongly, inappropriately manage badly, dishonestly misinterpret, understand wrongly not aware, not conscious not used, not employed absolute, without qualifications


lower, reduce, reverse bad, wrong




Sufijos que cambian la funcin de la palabra part of speech suffix a. verb -ize -ate -fy b. adverb -ly part of speech c. noun suffix -ance -ence -tion -dom -ism -ist -er -ness -ship -able -ible -ful -less -ic -ical -ious -ish -ive

examples theorize resuscitate satisfy Slowly examples contrivance coincidence suction wisdom communism capitalist researcher consciousness leadership memorable divisible eventful careless eclectic historical religious reddish responsive

d. adjective

El reconocimiento de los afijos y el conocimiento de sus significados habituales puede ser til al encontrar palabras nuevas. Si te encuentras con demystify, por ejemplo, el anlisis sera ms o menos como sigue: la parte myst parece venir de mystery; de- normalmente significa lower, reduce or reverse y el sufijo -fy nos indica que se trata de un verbo. Debe significar algo as como sacar o quitar el misterio de. Y tendras razn! Adems podras averiguar lo preciso de tu conclusin viendo si concuerda con el contexto.


Las dos tablas anteriores no son exhaustivas pero podrs encontrar otras en diferentes fuentes impresas o electrnicas. Una sugerencia es que t vayas formando tus propias tablas. De hecho, en algunos de los siguientes ejercicios tendrs que investigar algunos afijos. Aqu podrs encontrar una larga lista de algunos de ellos: Muchos seguramente los conocers a partir de tus clases de etimologas o de tus experiencias como lector! Ejercicio 2.12. UNDERLINE THE PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES. 1. circumnavigate 2. repossession 3. disrespectful 4. quickly 5. carelessness 6. desalinate 7. autobiographical 8. interchangeable 9. unilaterally 10. impossibility 11. intangibly 12. underemployment 13. overestimation 14. religiously 15. unfortunately 16. reinvestigate 17. antisocial 18. introspective 19. interdependent 20. retroactively 21. synthetic

Ejercicio 2.13. FIND TWO EXAMPLES FOR EACH PREFIX. USE YOUR DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. prefix 1. ante2. bi3. co4. ex5. hyper6. in7. intra8. macro9. micro10. mono11. multi12. post13. pre14. re15. semi16. sub17. trans18. ultra19. un20. uniusual meaning before, in front of two, twice with, together from, out of, away from above normal, excessive not, without inside, within large, large-scale small, small-scale one, single, alone many after, behind before again half, partly under, below, lower across, over, change excessive, extreme not one antecedent biennial, coauthor, examples anteroom binary coexist


Ejercicio 2.14. COMPLETE THE TABLE. USE YOUR DICTIONARY WHERE NECESSARY. noun verb adjective adverb 1. description 2. hypothesize 3. theoretical 4. informatively 5. economy 6. liberalize 7. central 8. repeatedly 9. tolerance 10. activate 11. clear 12. successfully 13. inclusiveness 14. understand 15. tight 16. justifiably 17. analysis 18. demonstrate 19. valid 20. explanatory Ejercicio 2.15. CHOOSE THE CORRECT FORM OF EACH WORD TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCE THAT FOLLOWS. THE FIRST HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU AS AN EXAMPLE. 1. fortunate, unfortunate, fortunately, unfortunately The mistake unfortunately meant that the experiment had to be repeated. 2. understand, misunderstand, understanding, misunderstanding The vagueness of the instructions caused him to _________________ the task. 3. sensitive, hypersensitive, sensitivity, hypersensitivity The mans overreaction to innocent remarks suggested he was ___________________. 4. include, exclude, inclusion, exclusion Cultural differences often lead to _________________ from some social events. 5. mistakable, unmistakably, mistakably, unmistakably The two animals' similarity of coloring makes them easily ___________________. 6. unilateral, bilateral, unilaterally, bilaterally The two countries are engaged in _______________________ negotiations. 7. model, remodel, modeled, remodeled The unpredicted research findings forced him to __________________ his theory. 8. respect, disrespect, respectful, disrespectful The president threatened military action if they refused to _____________________ the terms of the treaty. 9. social, antisocial, socially, antisocially Her frequent exclusion from group meetings was due to her __________________ behavior. 10. monolingual, bilingual, trilingual, multilingual A child exposed to two languages from birth roughly equally grow up ________________.


Blanchard, K & C. Root. (2005). Get Ready to Read. E.U.A.: Longman. Kirn, Elaine & P. Hartmann. (1990). Interactions II. Mxico: McGraw Hill. Long, M. et. al. (1980). Reading English for Academic Study. U.S.A.: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. Taylor, J. et. al. (2000). Reading, Structure and Strategies 2. Mxico: Macmillan.


Cmo puedo aumentar mi vocabulario?
El estudiante ser capaz de utilizar estrategias para facilitar su aprendizaje de palabras desconocidas. En esta unidad aprenders a utilizar estrategias que te servirn para aprender el significado de palabras nuevas al leer un texto en ingls. Podemos decir que en trminos generales, a cada estrategia de la unidad anterior, corresponde una estrategia para aprender vocabulario nuevo. El primer consejo en este punto es empezar a hacer conciencia y a analizar la manera en que adquieres conocimientos en general, es decir la manera en que aprendes, y en particular, la manera en que aprendes ingls. No nos detendremos a discutir aqu esta idea reciente de las inteligencias mltiples y los estilos personales de aprendizaje, pero seguramente ya has estado en contacto con ella. Quiz las sugerencias que aqu te presentamos no se ajusten todas a tu propio estilo. Es tu responsabilidad primero, probarlas y adoptar o adaptar las que te convengan y hacer un inventario de alguna otra que ya hayas verificado o que te encuentres en el camino al estudiar con esta gua. La primera idea que apuntamos en la unidad previa, tiene que ver con un dominio de un nmero mnimo de palabras, as que lo primero que te sugerimos es plantearte una meta de aqu a que termines de trabajar con esta gua, en cuanto a un nmero especfico de palabras por dominar cada da. Ejercicio 3.1. a. En la unidad anterior te sugerimos consultar una lista con las 5 000 palabras ms comunes en ingls. Revisa las primeras 1000 y registra cuntas te falta dominar. b. Planea un calendario de aqu a la fecha de tu examen extraordinario, anotando cuntas palabras dominars diariamente. Recuerda plantearte una meta realista y sensata.

Memorizar o no memorizar
Ya apuntamos en la unidad anterior que un lector eficaz no se detiene necesariamente a verificar cada palabra nueva que se encuentra en el curso de la lectura de un texto, sino que aplica diversas estrategias para entenderlo a pesar del vocabulario desconocido. Sin embargo, como el objetivo de esta unidad es precisamente aprender vocabulario, aqu unos sencillos pasos para inventariar y tener una referencia rpida de tus nuevas palabras. El simple hecho de anotarlas siguiendo un mtodo, har que se conserven en tu memoria de corto plazo por lo menos. El siguiente paso es ponerlas en prctica ya sea de manera escrita u oral. 1. Divide una hoja de papel en tres columnas. Escribe palabras o expresiones nuevas en la columna de la izquierda. Debajo, escribe la pronunciacin (familiarzate y usa la notacin que aparece en el diccionario que normalmente uses). En la columna de en medio, escribe enunciados que ilustren los significados de las palabras o expresiones. es importante que uses enunciados personalizados; con esto queremos decir que sean enunciados que de algn modo te sean familiares porque tienen que ver con tus gustos, aficiones o intereses. Los enunciados humorsticos son muy eficaces para estimular la memoria.


2. Busca y escribe en la misma hoja, palabras relacionadas, junto con sus definiciones y ejemplos. 3. Di en voz alta las palabras, tratando al mismo tiempo, de grabar en tu memoria su ortografa. Repite los ejemplos e inventa otros. 4. Cubre las palabras y ejemplos y trata de recordarlas al leer las definiciones. 5. Revisa tu lista con frecuencia. 6. Si quieres, puedes incluir en cada hoja solamente elementos que empiecen con la misma letra, o haz una tarjeta de trabajo para cada elemento. 6

nostalgia nostalja nostalgic


(n.) homesickness; longing for the past


The cable car rails on Tlalpan give me nostalgia.


(adj.) feeling homesick Cancin mixteca is an or longing for the past obviously nostalgic song. (adv.) (n.) need; condition that makes something necessary (v.) make necessary (adv.) Many people go to work illegally in the US out of necessity. The critical situation necessitated radical action.*

nostalgically necessity nesessti necessitate nesesstt necessarily

* Recuerda usar ejemplos personales.

Word Map
Otra sugerencia es hacer tarjetas con diagramas para cada palabra como se indica a continuacin. Escribe la palabra nueva en el centro del diagrama. Luego, completa el resto del mapa con una definicin, un sinnimo, un antnimo y una ilustracin de la palabra o un enunciado en donde se use la palabra, siempre recordando que debe ser algo que apele a tu persona. A continuacin se ilustra una tarjeta para la palabra simple. 7

6 7

Adaptado de Interactions II. Adaptado de Get Ready to Read.




not difficult or complicated VOCABULARY WORD SIMPLE





Learning vocabulary is nor simple, but can be rewarding.

Un error comn de los estudiantes al resolver un examen es ignorar las instrucciones o entenderlas parcial o errneamente. Cuando las leas pon atencin a todo, incluyendo signos de puntuacin y diferente tipografa. Los dos siguientes ejercicios te ayudarn a tener en cuenta algunos verbos e instrucciones de frecuente aparicin. Ya desde que lees el ttulo de un texto, esperas encontrar cierto tipo de vocabulario. Por ejemplo, si el ttulo es, What to do in case of an accident, seguramente esperars encontrar palabras como error, concentracin, riesgo, prevencin, etc. Se dice que un grupo de palabras relacionadas de esta manera forman un grupo semntico. Es muy importante la habilidad para formar grupos semnticos para entender vocabulario nuevo.



Ejercicio 3.3. MATCH THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE LEFT WITH THE WORDS ON THE RIGHT. WRITE THE LETTERS OF THE WORDS ON THE LINES. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE VERBS. 1. Circle the word. __m___ 2. Underline the word. ______ 3. Put a box around the word. _____ 4. Put a check by the word. ______ a. attention

b. Candian c. activities d. politics

5. Cross out the word. ______

e. social business

administration science

6. Cross out the mistakes and correct the word. _____ 7. Fill in the blank. _____

f. high, free, popular _3_

g. major in a ____subject consider practical anthropology h. diffi culties i. study j. an

8. Choose the correct word and circle it. _____ 9. Divide the word; draw lines. _____ 10. Number the words in alphabetical order. _____ 11. Match the words; connect them with lines. _____ 12. Count the words and write the number. _____



k. memorization l. ejucashun m. original


13. Complete the word. _____

14. Change the word. (Write the past tense). _____

n. __2__ society __1__ school __3__ system o. OFTEN WORK TOGETHER IN SCHOOL STUDENTS

15. Write the words in order. _____

Students often work together in school.


Funciones de las palabras

Ya dijimos en la unidad anterior que es importante conocer la funcin que desempea una palabra nueva. Si no conoces los nombres que se asignan a las palabras con base en sus funciones, es buena idea que revises esta informacin en un libro de gramtica. Los diccionarios te indican con abreviaturas que parte del discurso es una palabra particular. Si revisas un diccionario, te dars cuenta de que algunas palabras pueden funcionar como sustantivo o como verbo, por ejemplo. Esto sucede tanto en ingls como en espaol. Por ejemplo, la palabra fro puede ser adjetivo: El aire fro hace que la llovizna se congele. (fro nos dice cmo es el aire) o sustantivo: El fro de esta zona se combina con la humedad del ambiente. (en cambio aqu, fro es sustantivo) Un par de ejemplos en ingls: He tried to answer the question. (answer es un verbo; de hecho est en infinitivo, to answer = responder.) Its difficult to find an answer to the problem. (answer es un sustantivo: respuesta.) La estrategia es, entonces, hacer tablas con palabras que pueden tener ms de una funcin sin ningn cambio en su forma. A continuacin, un ejemplo de una tabla que te servir como modelo para las que t hagas. Noun answer cause change contrast crowd Verb answer cause change contrast* crowd Noun dream house increase study worry Verb dream house increase* study worry

* En el sustantivo la slaba tnica es la primera y en el verbo, el acento recae en la ltima. El sustantivo en singular termina con una sonido sordo (como nuestra ese) y el verbo termina con un sonido sonoro (como suena la z en zoo). Ejercicio 3.4. COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE WITH WORDS FROM THE PREVIOUS CHART. USE THE SAME WORD FOR BOTH BLANKS OF EACH ITEM, AND WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH (N FOR NOUN OR V FOR VERB). 8 1. What __________s ( ) air pollution? One __________ ( ) is traffic. ) of people who

2. Some people avoid subways because of the big __________s ( __________ ( ) onto the trains of the mass-transit system twice a day.

3. Can we solve the problem of overcrowding? No one can __________ ( We dont have the __________ (

) this question.


Tomado de Interactions II.


4. In some cities, people without __________s ( difficult to __________ (

) may have to sleep in the streets. It is

) all the people who need apartments. ) every year. Often old people ).

5. The cost of housing doesnt go down; it __________s ( with little money have to move because of the __________ ( 6. A recent __________ ( Experts are __________ing (

) has shown that indoor air pollution is a growing problem. ) the situation and trying to find solutions. ) about crime. __________ ( ) can

7. People who live in big cities often __________ ( cause illness. 8. The _________ ( ) of moving to a city.

) of some people is to move to a rural area. Other people _________ (

Uso de los afijos

Siempre que te encuentres con una palabra nueva, trata de derivar otras palabras a partir de ellas usando los afijos que vas aprendiendo. Cuando un nio dice juegar, nicamente est aplicando los patrones que ha observado en el lenguaje. Ms tarde aprender que hay excepciones, pero es as como aprende a usar el idioma. En el siguiente ejercicio tendrs que aventurarte a usar palabras derivadas. Cuando no ests seguro de la forma que has creado, consulta tu diccionario o las tablas que has hecho desde la unidad anterior. Ejercicio 3.5. COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE WITH A WORD DERIVED FROM THE ONE UNDELINED AND WRITE THE PART OF SPEECH IN THE PARENTHESES AFTER EACH BLANK (N FOR NOUN, V FOR VERB, ADJ FOR ADJECTIVE, AND ADV FOR ADVERB). 9 1. solve: They are trying to find a is a difficult problem to


(n) to the problem of overcrowding, but this


2. pollute: Most people know about air __________ (

) in big cities, but theyre just

beginning to learn about the many __________s ( ) that we have inside buildings. 3. crowd: There are __________s ( especially __________ ( ). 4. safe: The city is not __________ ( ) because of crime. People cant leave their homes ) of people everywhere; the mass transit system is

__________ ( ) at night, and the police dont provide for their __________ ( ). 5. live, suburb: Many people prefer to __________ ( ) in the __________s ( ); they say

that __________ ( ) __________ ( ) is more pleasant than city living. 6. predict, worse: Some people __________ ( ) that urban life will get __________ ( );

according to their __________s ( ), conditions will __________ ( ) every year.


Tomado de Interactions II.


7. differ: The causes of indoor air pollution __________ ( ) from area to area. One reason for the __________ ( ) is that people heat their homes __________ ( ). People in some areas burn wood for heat; in other areas they use something __________ ( ). A veces, se puede saber qu funcin tiene una palabra nueva a partir del sufijo o terminacin de la palabra. Esto nos puede ser til en el momento de adivinar su significado. A continuacin tienes algunos sufijos comunes junto con la funcin que normalmente indican. En ocasiones el equivalente en espaol tiene una terminacin parecida (action-accin; fracture-fractura) y a veces la terminacin vara (player-jugador; protective-protector) Nouns -er/-or -ist -sion/-tion -ment -ee -(i)ty -ance/-ence -ure Adjectives -ive -able/-ible -(u)al -ic(al) -ful -ant/-ent -ous -ar(y)

Ejercicio 3.6. COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE WITH WORDS RELATED TO THE UNDERLINED WORDS. THEN LOOK BACK AT THE LIST OF SUFFIXES TO CHECK YOUR ANSWERS. 10 1. Every person has his or her own __________ in relation to money. A persons __________ opinions and values form the basis of his or her habits. 2. Bargain __________s are always hunting for discounts and low prices. For some addictive personalities, shopping for bargains is a kind of __________. 3. specialty shops often sell __________ items from different countries of the world. Shopping in these pleasant stores can be a __________. 4. A money-back guarantee __________ __________s. People who buy merchandise from mail-order houses should have this protection; if they send products back before they consume them, the company will return their money. 5. Through computerized methods of shopping, you can order items in an instant. For __________, you can touch a videoscreen that sends information to a __________. 6. Advertising is a kind of __________ that has a strong __________ on consumers; it should not only influence people to buy products, but also inform them of basic facts.

Grupos de palabras. Aprendizaje cooperativo

Una estrategia que debes poner en prctica para aprender en general lo que se te ensea en la escuela, y en particular para aprender vocabulario, es trabajar con tus mismos compaeros. En este caso, la sugerencia es realizar ejercicios con las palabras que ests estudiando (y las que tus compaeros estn estudiando) para intercambiar informacin. Disea grupos de palabras para "retar" a tus compaeros a encontrar la palabra que no pertenece al grupo. A continuacin un ejemplo para que t lo resuelvas. Existen muchas variaciones a esta actividad, las cuales puedes ir sugiriendo t mismo. A continuacin algunos ejemplos para que te ejercites.

Tomado de Interactions II.


Ejercicio 3.7. WHICH WORD IN EACH GROUP DOES NOT BELONG? CROSS IT OUT. EXPLAIN THE REASONS FOR YOUR ANSWERS. 11 1. psychologist 2. stores 3. computers 4. cash 5. comfort 6. shopping 7. merchandise 8. complete 9. values 10. spend scientist shops telephones credit bargain businessman products power accounts claim company markets video center discount salesclerk systems influence beliefs waste therapist checks specialty money sale advertiser items strength opinions save

Ejercicio 3.8. CROSS OUT THE WORD IN EACH LINE THAT DOES NOT BELONG. EXPLAIN YOUR DECISIONS: TELL THE CATEGORY OR CONTENT AREA OF THE WORDS THAT BELONG TOGETHER. 12 1. stones monuments rocks caves 2. astronomy archeology psychology theory 3. satellite planetarium shooting star supernova 4. architect monkey deer camel 5. beliefs knowledge functions customs 6. Mayas Aztecs Venus Apaches 7. priests inhabitants soldiers conductors 8. planet sun moon pyramid 9. solstice North Pole South Pole Equator Ejercicio 3.9. CIRCLE THE WORDS IN EACH ITEM THAT BELONG IN THE CATEGORY. 13 1. body parts: target tooth 2. emotions: anger sadness 3. symptoms of illness: insomnia blood 4. things that cause disease: patient virus 5. groups of people: organization tribe
11 12

exorcism effect trance bacteria

throat cure rash supernatural society hatred


Tomado de Interactions II. Tomado de Interactions II. 13 Tomado de Interactions II.


6. methods of diagnosis: blood test relaxation X-ray stomachache 7. places to live: suburbs village mosque solstice 8. kinds of structures: pyramid amulet cave monument 9. kinds of meetings: evil spirit ceremony celebration 10. words in medicine: patient priest physician treatment 11. words in astronomy: planet universe drug space 12. words in religion: prayer soul faith worship Ejercicio 3.10. What categories (content areas) are the following words usually connected with? Write ___ed___ on the lines before the words about education; ___rel___ before the words about religion; ___med___ before the words about medicine; ___l___ before the words about law; and ___bus___ before the words about business and money. In a few cases, more than one answer may be correct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. _ed__ __l__ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ classroom jury virus budget justice blackboard courtroom sue priest account symptoms prayer ceremony treatment patient merchandise 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____ 21. _____ 22. _____ 23. _____ 24. _____ 25. _____ 26. _____ 27. _____ 28. _____ 29. _____ 30. _____ 31. _____ 32. _____ bargain crime disease advertise worship instructor judge lesson dispute assignment punishment lecture memorize marketing cure illegal 33. _____ 34. _____ 35. _____ 36. _____ 37. _____ 38. _____ 39. _____ 40. _____ 41. _____ 42. _____ 43. _____ 44. _____ 45. _____ 46. _____ 47. _____ 48. _____ credit sin worship physician prison salesclerk faith charge exam cash deterrent consumer hospital graduate surgery discount

Ejercicio 3.11. IN THE FOLLOWING LISTS, CHECK THE WORD WHICH INDICATES THE CLASS AND CROSS OUT THE WORD WHICH IS NOT A MEMBER OF THAT CLASS. 14 Example: stamp postcard letter bill mail 1 food 2 hepatitis 3 cardiologist 4 plumber 5 butterfly restaurant influenza pediatrician occupation cockroach meat sickness doctor electrician spider bread doctor neurologist vacationer moth beans pneumonia hospital carpenter insect

Tomado de Reading, Structures and Strategies II


Ejercicio 3.12. Read the passage, Insects: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful, and complete the table below.





_____________ (cockroaches) _____________ (moths and butterflies) _____________ (butterflies)



_____________ (most moths)


_____________ (hummingbird moths)


_____________ (true butterflies) _____________ (only one species)


The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful With over a million species, the class of insects (Insecta) is larger than all other
classes of animal combined. Insects have existed for hundred of millions of years, and the oldest, the cockroaches, from the order Blattoidea, have been in existence for about 250 million years. In fact, the only thing which has stopped insects from destroying all living things is the fact that so many insects kill other insects! Insects belong to the phylum Arthtopoda, all of which have external skeletons. Arthropoda include such other classes as Crustacea (shrimps, lobsters, etc.) and Arachnida (spiders, scorpions, etc.). Insects are characterized by their small size, three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Other characteristics which most insects have in common include: poor eyesight; hearing that is very different from ours (male mosquitoes cannot hear a pistol shot, but they can certainly hear the buzz of female mosquitoes, -which they probably find more attractive than we do!); and very highly developed taste and smell (butterflies can taste with their feet as well as with their


mouths and the male luna moth can smell the scent of the female from 30 kilometers away). Perhaps the order of insects which man finds most attractive in fact, so attractive that many people forget they are insects is the Lepidoptera: moths and butterflies. Moths, most of which belong to the sub-order of Jugatae, generally have fatter bodies than butterflies, are not so brightly colored, and tend to be nocturnal, while butterflies are active in the daytime. Even though they are less popular with human beings than butterflies, moths still have their supporters. Some families of moths, such as the Saturnidae (giant silk moths) are very useful to us. others, such as Sphingidae (hummingbird moths) are very beautiful; and many types of moth help in pollinating flowers. unfortunately, other moth families, such as the Tineidae (clothes moth) and the Gelechiidae (grain moth), have made moths in general less popular because they are terribly destructive. On the other hand, butterflies, all of which belong to the less primitive sub-order of Frenatae, are not usually so destructive, are very helpful in pollination, and make our lives a little more beautiful. Butterflies are found on every continent and are divided into about six families and numerous sub-families. Papilonidae (true butterflies) is an example of a family. One of its three sub-families is Baroniinae which has only one species, found only in southwestern Mexico.

Palabras que aparecen juntas. Palabras compuestas

Otro aspecto en el que debes poner atencin es el referente a las palabras compuestas. Haz tu propio inventario de palabras compuestas o de aquellos pares de palabras que normalmente aparecen juntas (a veces separadas por un guin). To get merchandise from a mail-order company, you dial a toll-free telephone number. City life (sustantivo + sustantivo). En estos casos, normalmente la ltima palabra es un sustantivo o un adjetivo. La primera palabra puede ser un sustantivo, un adjetivo o un adverbio pero su funcin es darnos ms informacin sobre el sustantivo que preceden: En el primer ejemplo tenemos a mail-order company, que es una empresa a la que se le pueden hacer pedidos por correo y a toll-free telephone number, que es un nmero telefnico gratuito. En el segundo ejemplo estamos hablando del sustantivo vida y el sustantivo que le antecede nos precisa el tipo de vida del que hablamos: vida en la ciudad o vida citadina.


Ejercicio 3.13. COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE WITH THE MISSING WORDS. CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING: 15 financial air city self specially mass socially quitting shopping business office traffic 1. Most workers work only for financial security, and they count the hours until _________ time. 2. People who enjoy their work may have a lot of _________-confidence. They might spend a lot of time at work because it is a _________ acceptable way to meet people. 3. During the famous New York blackout, when there was no _________-conditioning in their _________ buildings, many people had _________ meetings outside. 4. Some advantages of big _________ life are the _________ centers with their interesting _________ shops, and their _________ transportation systems. A disadvantage is the _________ jams. Ejercicio 3.14. MAKE PAIRS BY WRITING A NOUN FROM THE BOX. THEN WRITE THE EQUIVALENT EXPRESSION IN SPANISH. 16 administration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. high business drinking public bargain charge behavior selfschool ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ hunting discipline therapy account school water transportation

preparatoria_____________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Ejercicio 3.15. DRAW A LINE BETWEEN THE TWO WORDS OF EACH COMPOUND. THEN MATCH THE WORDS WITH THE DEFINITIONS BY WRITING THE CORRESPONDING LETTERS ON THE LINES. 17 1. __h__ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____
15 16

blackboard teenage overcrowding classroom yardwork downtown videotape paperwork paycheck undercover

a. room in a school b. the center of a city c. a recording with television pictures d. money for work e. between the ages of thirteen and nineteen f. jobs that require reading and writing g. acting secretly h. a surface on the wall to write on i. jobs in the garden j. too many people in one place

Tomado de Interactions II. Adaptado de Interactions II. 17 Tomado de Interactions II.


De nuevo, te invitamos a formar tus propias palabras compuestas, como en el siguiente ejercicio. Ejercicio 3.16. HOW MANY COMPOUND WORDS OR PHRASES CAN YOU MAKE FROM THESE WORDS, IN ANY ORDER? WORK AS FAST AS YOU CAN. WRITE THEM ON THE LINES, ADD HYPHENS IF NECESSARY, AND THEN CHECK THEM IN YOUR DICTIONARY. 18 high net office college self work exam public police tuition science transportation life planning confidence school service city

1. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 10. __________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 11. __________________________________ 4. _________________________________ 12. __________________________________ 5. _________________________________ 13. __________________________________ 6. _________________________________ 14. __________________________________ 7. _________________________________ 15. __________________________________ 8 _________________________________ 16. __________________________________

Ejercicio 3.17. Complete the sentences with the missing hyphenated words. Choose from these: 19 part-time self-discipline X-rays inch-deep one-third old-fashioned up-to-date well-known realistic-looking

1. This mystery takes place in a hospital. A doctor kills patients by taking


2. When performers become famous, they do not forget their difficult pasts. One ____________ actor friend of mine, for example, remembers that he used to spend about ____________ of each day looking for work. He had to take many ____________ jobs in fields other than entertainment. Acting is difficult work that requires a lot of ____________. 3. In the past, illusions were created simply; in one war movie, for instance, miniature ships were put in bowls of ____________ water. Nowadays, however, audiences expect that ____________ special effects will be created by ____________ technology. They are no longer satisfied with simple, ____________ stories and good acting.

18 19

Tomado de Interactions II. Tomado de Interactions II.


Ejercicio 3.18. IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, CIRCLE THE WORD THAT INCLUDES THE MEANINGS OF THE OTHERS. 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. art painter actor statue painting designer entertainer tourist artist

musician passenger transportation king

traveler bus royalty Christianity murder

subway prince

religion Islam crime theft

En ciertos tipos de textos, es muy comn encontrarse con frases hechas y expresiones idiomticas. Existen diccionarios especializados en expresiones idiomticas pero tambin en un diccionario de uso comn aparecen algunas de ellas. Aqu un par de ejercicios para que practiques con algunas. Ejercicio 3.19. COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE WITH THE MISSING WORDS. CHOOSE FROM THESE EXPRESSIONS. 21 play a role behind schedule at the end of his rope take photographs half asleep burst into tears private eye take advantage of in a hurry turn in lose his temper

1. People who are always in a hurry complain when their plane is ______________. 2. Tourists like to travel slowly so that they can ______________ the beautiful places of their tours; they often stop with their cameras to ______________. 3. The detective knew that the woman he was talking to was lying; she wasnt a rich princess at all, but she knew how to ______________. Even her crying was an act; she didnt really need to ______________ at all. 4. That was a great book, said the passenger as he put down his mystery novel. Some day Id like to become a ______________ and solve crimes myself. 5. Im too sleepy to talk anymore, Grimsley said. In fact, Im ______________ already, so I'm going to go to my compartment and ______________. 6. The man was so upset about the crime that he didnt know what to do; he was ______________; he was also angry, so he began to ______________ as he talked.

20 21

Tomado de Interactions II. Tomado de Interactions II.


Ejercicio 3.20. READ THESE SENTENCES. LOOK UP THE MEANINGS OF THE UNDERLINED IDIOMS IN YOUR DICTIONARY. THEN MATCH THE IDIOMS ON THE LEFT WITH THEIR MEANINGS ON THE RIGHT BY WRITING THE LETTERS ON THE APPROPRIATE LINES. 22 I think Id be good at it; I hit the nail on the head in this one. They like to take their time. She was crying only crocodile tears. Im dead tired.

Finally he hit the roof. They like to get the show on the road as quickly as possible.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____

take ones time hit the nail on the head crocodile tears get the show on the road dead tired hit the roof

a. b. c. d.

not hurry; move in a relaxed way very sleepy start an activity figure out something; get it exactly right e. get very angry f. fake (not real) tears

Blanchard, K & C. Root. (2005). Get Ready to Read. E.U.A.: Longman. Kirn, Elaine & P. Hartmann. (1990). Interactions II. Mxico: McGraw Hill. Long, M. et. al. (1980). Reading English for Academic Study. U.S.A.: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. Taylor, J. et. al. (2000). Reading, Structure and Strategies 2. Mxico: Macmillan.


Tomado de Interactions II.


Cmo obtengo la idea general de un texto?
El estudiante ser capaz de utilizar las estrategias para obtener la idea general de un texto. En esta unidad estudiars qu hacer antes de leer un texto, lo cual consiste en obtener la idea general del mismo. En ingls a esto se le llama Skimming. Hay textos que por su naturaleza deben leerse en detalle, como por ejemplo: poemas, instrucciones, material de un libro de texto, etctera. De hecho, la manera normal de leer un texto es precisamente leerlo. Pero esto no siempre es as. Antes de leer un texto debemos decidirr si es necesario leerlo detalladamente o no; para tomar esta decisin utilizamos la estrategia llamada skimming. Como recordars, skimming significa ojear, rastrear superficialmente, y es muy importante que aprendas a realizarlo correctamente, ya que con ello obtendrs la idea general del texto, a la vez que te ayuda a determinar dnde empiezas a buscar informacin especfica, es decir, como un preludio a scanning (este concepto se desarrollar en la unidad siguiente). Quizs te preguntes por qu es necesario hacer skimming de un texto. Existen cuatro razones fundamentales para ojear una lectura: a. Cerciorarse del contenido general. b. Asegurarse de si ser til, o de inters, la lectura de un texto completo o tan slo una parte especfica de l. c. Obtener la idea general. d. Descubrir dnde empezar la bsqueda de informacin especfica. Skimming es echarle un vistazo al texto para ver de qu se trata, sin leerlo detalladamente.

Cmo se hace el skimming de un texto?

Segn tus propios propsitos, se puede ojear de varias maneras y atendiendo varios aspectos del texto, como: a. La tipografa. En una lectura puedes encontrarte con tipografa (tipo de letra) distinta, donde se resaltan con letras ms grandes: el ttulo, encabezados y algunas frases claves. Por ello, es muy importante que reconozcas que el ttulo salta a la vista con una tipografa ms grande para que te des una idea de qu tratar el texto que vas a leer. Asimismo, para distinguirlas de las dems, las palabras clave, extranjeras o tcnicas; al igual que algunos nombres, se escriben con cursivas o negritas b. Elementos visuales. Las palabras expresan las ideas en forma simblica; por su parte, los elementos visuales pueden ayudarte a entender los conceptos vertidos en palabras por el autor. Una representacin visual bien pensada puede valer mil palabras, por eso debes aprovechar los elementos visuales que el autor utiliza para apoyar la exposicin de sus ideas.


Grficas y tablas. Son especialmente tiles para presentar informacin numrica; por ejemplo, no hay nada ms confuso que una explicacin textual del clima y, en cambio, no hay nada ms claro que una grfica que presenta los mismos datos en forma visual. Mapas y planos. Explicar la localizacin relativa de Montevideo y la Ciudad de Mxico sin hacer referencia a un mapa sera buscar problemas intiles. Diagramas. Explican el funcionamiento de algo. Fotografas y dibujos. Se utilizan con frecuencia, no slo para dar informacin, sino adems puede crear un ambiente, o hacer ms emotiva o inmediata una situacin, lo cual facilita la comprensin.

c. Puntuacin: Es un sistema de sealamiento que se utiliza para guiarte a travs de una lectura. Lee este fragmento sin puntuacin: Le habl a Juan no habl con Mara l est de viaje y no quiere ir Pudiste descifrar el sentido? No es fcil. Sin embargo, con el sealamiento no es tan complicado. Le habl a Juan? No, habl con Maria (l est de viaje) y no quiere ir. Lo mismo pasa en ingls; no es tan complicado como parece, toma en cuenta lo siguiente: Comma (coma) Semi-colon (punto y coma) Period (punto) Two commas (dos comas) Parentheses (parntesis) Dashes (guiones largos) Colon (dos puntos) Question mark (interrogacin) Exclamation mark (admiracin) Ejemplifican o dan ms informacin Introducen ejemplos, listados, definiciones, etc. Indican pregunta o duda Indican admiracin

Sirven para separar ideas. Separan principal la clusula subordinada de la

De esta manera sabes que si en una lectura te encuentras con parntesis, sin duda ests frente a una definicin o ejemplo de algo; si hay punto y coma tienes dos oraciones que aunque separadas, estn muy ligadas entre si; los dos puntos tambin te ayudan a encontrar ejemplos, definiciones, listados, etc. Observa que es de especial importancia entender la funcin de los dos puntos en ingls, la cual consiste en especificar. Su uso es muy comn en los textos acadmicos e informativos.


Analiza las siguientes oraciones: There are four basic forces in nature: the strong nuclear force, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and gravity. Gracias a los signos de puntuacin te dars cuenta que segn la oracin existen 4 fuerzas bsicas: a) La fuerza nuclear mayor. b) El electromagnetismo. c) La fuerza nuclear menor. d) La gravedad. Three meteor showers are due this month: The Tanrids (on the 5th), the Andromeids (on the 14th), and the Leonids (on the 18th) Como lo mencionamos anteriormente, los dos puntos en esta oracin te especifican cules son las tres lluvias de meteoros que ocurrirn este mes y entre parntesis te agregan cundo pasar cada una de ellas. Resumiendo, aplicar la estrategia de Skimming a un texto es muy fcil, si sigues estos pasos: 1. Fjate en los diferentes tipos de letra, las cursivas y las negritas, pues son indicativos de la importancia del texto as resaltado. 2. Lee el ttulo. Qu es lo que te dice? Qu tanto sabes de ese tema? 3. Localiza los signos de puntuacin, sobre todo las comillas, los parntesis, los dos puntos, etctera, recuerda la funcin de cada uno de ellos. 4. Localiza los elementos visuales como los que citamos anteriormente, enriquecen tu lectura y facilitan la comprensin. 5. Identifica el tipo de texto; si es un poema, un artculo de revista o peridico, extracto de un texto, carta personal, artculo de Internet, etc. 6. Apyate en las palabras que saltan a la vista, cuyo significado inferimos rpidamente por su transparencia morfolgica; a estas palabras les llamamos Cognados, pero no te confundas, recuerda que hay cognados verdaderos y falsos; por ejemplo, family es un cognado verdadero, significa lo que te imaginas: familia; sin embargo actual no significa actual, es un cognado falso que significa real. 7. Localiza en el texto nombres, cantidades, fechas o lugares, stos tambin te ayudarn a comprenderlo mejor. 8. Lee el primer prrafo; es clave en la lectura, ya que te presenta la introduccin de la misma, y en algunas ocasiones la idea general del texto. 9. Lee la primera oracin de cada prrafo subsecuente, con esto te dars cuenta de que esto bastar para obtener una idea general, lo cual te ayudar a una mejor comprensin cuando realices una lectura ms detallada. 10. Lee el ltimo prrafo, donde, la mayora de las veces, encontrars la conclusin del texto y tambin podras encontrar la idea general del mismo, quizs con palabras diferentes a las que aparecen en el primer prrafo. Como habrs visto, el realizar el skimming de tu texto te ayudar a comprenderlo mejor. Si lo practicas, tendrs una idea general del texto, que es el propsito de esta unidad, y esto te facilitar la comprensin del mismo. Si cada vez que tienes una lectura en tus manos te acostumbras a ojearlo siguiendo los pasos anteriores, te dars cuenta de que para obtener una idea general: No necesitas leer el texto por completo.


No necesitas entender palabra por palabra. No llegars a la lectura sin idea de lo que se trata; al contrario, comenzars una lectura ms detallada con una idea bastante clara de su contenido general o descartars su lectura en caso de que no contenga la informacin que necesitas. El skimming es el preludio al scanning. A continuacin, te presentamos un diagrama de cmo se hace el skimming de un texto:
Ttulo Subttulos Tipo de texto

tipografa elementos visuales signos de puntuacin


1er prrafo 1era oracin de cada prrafo ltimo prrafo

cognados nombres fechas lugares

Ejercicio 4.1. SKIM THE FOLLOWING TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Metals 23 More than three-quarters of the elements are metals, about 80 in all. Some, like iron, are very common; others, like platinum, very rare. Some gold and copper for example, have been used by man since ancient times. Others, such as titanium and germanium, have only become important in the last 25 years. Only about two-dozen metals are widely used, but it is hard to imagine life without them. At home you will find aluminium pots and pans, chromium-plated taps, germanium transistors in the television set, lead and copper pipes, tin-plated cans of food, tungsten filaments in light bulbs, a dustbin or water tank of iron galvanized with zinc, and perhaps a mercury-filled thermometer, a silver teaspoon, and a piece of gold jewellery. A whole range of items from bed-springs to cutlery are made of different types of steel, which is iron mixed with carbon, manganese, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, or vanadium.

Tomado de: Reading,Structure And Strategy Intermediate.


Metals are not usually found as free elements in the earth, but are combined chemically with other elements. Before they are available for use a great deal of work is necessary. Geologists find the metal-bearing rocks, engineers mine them, and chemists extract the metals from them. Even when the pure metal elements have been won from the earth they are not always very useful. Pure iron, for instance, is not very strong and rusts very easily. Mixed with small quantities of other elements such as carbon and 1. What is the text about? ____________________________________________________ 2. The type of text is: a. A poem. b. A chapter in a book. c. An internet page d. A personal letter. 3. Write five cognates you may find in the text. ___________________________________ 4. What is the topic of the first paragraph?_______________________________________ 5. In which paragraph can you find the introduction of the text? ______________________ 6. In which one can you find the conclusion of the text? ____________________________ 7. What is the general idea of the text? a. Titanium and germanium are important. b. More than three-quarters of the elements are metals. c. Iron is not common, d. There are 80 elements. Ejercicio 4.2. Skim the text and answer the questions 1: This text is about: a) library resources b) opening hours c) fines and other fees d) membership conditions 2: Information is given about borrowing CDs. a) false b) true 3: Which category of video isn't listed? a) educational b) exercise c) film d) travel 4: A telephone number is provided. a) true b) false 5: This text tells you where to get more information about how many items you can borrow from the library. a) Yes, it gives you a phone number where you can get more information. b) Yes, it says that this information is available online. c) Yes, it tells you about the enquiry desk in the library. d) No, this information isn't included.


6: What types of fictional books are listed? a) romantic, horror, science-fiction and adventure b) historical novels c) sporting adventures d) Spanish fiction 7: Members can also borrow CD Roms. a) true b) false c) The text doesn't say. 8: Which month is 'library month'? a) November b) August 9: What is the name of the library? a) Frimsborough Town Library b) Frimsborough County Library 10: What type of text is this text? a) informative text b) descriptive text

c) September d) April c) Frimsborough Village Library d) Framborough District Library c) persuasive d) instructive


London congestion charging

The charge was introduced on Monday 17 February 2003 to encourage people to leave their cars behind and use public transport when travelling in central London. It was introduced due to the high pollution levels and traffic congestion. The Inner Ring Road forms the congestion zone boundary and includes roads such as Marylebone Road, Euston Road, Park Lane and Edgware Road. Drivers can travel along these roads without incurring the charge. Maps of this zone are published in the national press and are available from a range of outlets as well as online. Commuters have to pay 5 for each day they wish to travel through or within the charge zone between the hours of 7.00am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Commuters have a choice about how they pay the 5. They can pay online, via the Internet, phoning, texting on their mobile phones and over the counter at petrol stations and convenience stores. Commuters also have a choice about how often they pay. They can pay daily, weekly, monthly or annually. Not everyone has to pay the 5. Those exempt include residents, emergency services, registered-disabled drivers, taxis and those using alternative energy vehicles. These people/organisations have to apply for exemption, which can be done online. The London Congestion Charge works by using around 900 cameras at the boundary and within the zone. The cameras read the registration plates and send the information to a computer, which checks whether the owner has paid the charge and, if not, whether the owner has claimed exemption. If drivers have not paid the charge by 10pm that day (and are not exempt) a penalty notice is sent to his/her home address. The longer that the penalty is not paid, the larger the fine. Persistent offenders have their vehicles clamped and removed. For more information, call 0845 900 1234 or visit Transport for London's congestion charge website at 1: This article tells you about a charge that has been around since: a. January 2003 c. March 2003 b. February 2003 d. April 2003


2: The article doesn't give information about: a. people who are exempt from paying the charge b. how London's residents were consulted about the charge c. the roads that form the boundaries of the zone d. the process to check whether drivers have paid the congestion charge 3: Is there more than one way to pay the congestion charge? a. yes b. No - the method of payment depends on where you live. c. No - everyone has to pay online. d. Yes - but you cannot change your preferred method of payment once you have chosen. 4: Does the article inform the reader about why the charge was introduced? a. yes b. no 5: This text is aimed at: a. businesses c. London residents b. students d. everyone 6: What type of text is this? a. descriptive c. instructive b. informative d. persuasive 7: How does the text suggest that can you find out more about the London Congestion Charge? a. Speak to your local MP. b. Write a letter to 'Transport for London'. c. The text doesn't say. d. Call a telephone number or visit a website. 8: Can you find out about the different methods that are being used to check whether drivers have paid the congestion charge? a. no b. yes 9: Are maps of the congestion zone available to the public? a. Yes and this text tells you where you can get them. b. Yes, but this text doesn't say where you can get them from. c. No, maps aren't available. d. The text doesn't say. 10: This text does give information about: a. the weather in London. b. the days and times the Congestion Charge applies c. the number of drivers who evade paying the charge each day d. the names of shops where you can get Congestion Charge maps



(An extract from 'The path that led nowhere') The mist clouded Harry's view as he woke up early that morning. Looking out of his sash window, he had expected to be greeted with the promised view of rolling hills and animals grazing in the meadow below. Instead, the mist meant that he couldn't see for more than 20 metres. Harry had looked forward to his annual holiday. Working hard in the city centre, the daily grind had started to get to him and he had had little time for pleasures such as relaxation. The holiday had been booked for weeks. He had looked forward to a country retreat, far away from the hustle and bustle of work. This apartment in an eighteenth-century mansion had caught his eye as it promised exquisite cuisine, beautiful interior decor and a range of country pursuits such as clay pigeon shooting and horse riding. This Sunday morning though, many activities were cancelled due to the low-lying mist. Anxious not to let the day slip away, Harry decided that a walk through the nearby forest would enable him to relax. So he set off just after breakfast. He headed towards the forest with a small packed lunch in case the mist prevented him from returning to the mansion before lunchtime. As he walked along the path, the twigs snapped under his feet and the dew from the trees dripped on to his shoulder. Harry heard the birds sitting in the trees above him, letting him know that he wasn't alone. He had been told about a clearing in the middle of the forest that would greet him with a comfortable bench, often used in the warmer summer months. Harry thought he was heading in the right direction but, over an hour later, he still hadn't reached it. By now he was getting worried. Another hour passed...then another hour...he was still walking amongst the tall oak trees. He decided to rest and sat on a fallen tree to enjoy his lunch. Feeling better after a rest and some food, Harry continued to try to find his way back to the comfort of his holiday accommodation. Surely, he would be back there soon? 1: This piece of text can be described as: a) informative b) persuasive c) instructive d) descriptive 2: The weather in this story can best be described as: a) sunny b) misty c) humid d) cold 3: Why was Harry in the apartment? a) It was his own apartment. c) It was his best friend's apartment. b) It was his parents' apartment. d) He was on holiday. 4: At this hotel you can normally do clay pigeon shooting and horse riding. a) true b) false


5: This extract doesn't mention: a) the birds in the forest b) how Harry got to the hotel in the first place c) why Harry wanted to go to this hotel d) the weather 6: What kind of story is this? a) a romance b) a horror story c) a mystery d) a comedy 7: How many people are featured in this story? a) one b) three c) two d) four people and a dog 8: Which of these has the right events in the right order? a) Harry eats his lunch, then decides to go for a walk. However, he gets lost and has to stay overnight at a hotel. b)Harry goes on holiday, decides to go for a walk, looks for a clearing but doesn't find it, stops for lunch. 9: Apart from the birds, there were lots of animals in the forest. a) true b) false c) The text doesn't say. 10: By the end of this piece of text, Harry has found his way out of the forest. a) true b) false Ejercicio 4.5. 24 SKIM THE TEXT AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS

Portham Village Primary School

ABSENCE Illness If your child is absent from school you should telephone the school office on the first day. When he/she returns to school, a written explanation about the nature of the illness must be provided so that school records can be kept up-to-date. All medical and dentist appointments should be made outside School hours unless unavoidable. Holidays The Board of Governors states that annual holiday should not be taken during term time although, at the discretion of the headteacher, pupils may take up to two weeks off school. If possible, this should be avoided as it is important that children do not miss out on their education (see page 9 regarding examinations). SCHOOL UNIFORM It is not compulsory for children to wear school uniform although it is strongly encouraged so that the children feel part of the school community. Boys Boys should wear blue shirts (long or short sleeved) with grey trousers and the school jumper. They should wear the blue and the grey striped school ties at all times.



Girls Girls should wear grey pinafores with white blouses and the school jumper. Footwear and accessories All children should wear black school shoes. At not time must they wear trainers. Girls may wear studs which must be removed for PE. The school operates a budget shop once a term so that parents may purchase second-hand clothing. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES There is a wide range of clubs for children according to their age. Reception Year children may attend football, ballet and/or swimming. Year 2-7 children mey also attend the following clubs: archery, short-tennis, French and homework. Participation in clubs is strongly encouraged. 1. Is the prospectus aimed at the children or the parents? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Would you use this text to: a) find directions to the school? b) find out what time the school opens? c) find out about school uniform? 3. As well as illness, which issue does the Absence section deal with? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Does the text give details of the curriculum? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. True or False? You can find out about school clubs from this text. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. True or False? This text tells parents about the issues of bullying? ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Does the prospectus give parents information about school examinations? ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Does this text tell parents how to purchase second-hand uniform? ______________________________________________________________________ 9. Does this text tell you about school lunches? ______________________________________________________________________ 10. True or False? This text gives you the telephone number to call if your child is ill. ______________________________________________________________________

Craven, Miles. (2004). Extending Reading Keys. Thailand: Macmillan. Taylor, James, et al.(1995). Reading, Structure and Strategy Intermediate. Mexico: Macmillan. Craven, Miles. (2004). Developing Reading Keys. Thailand: Macmillan.


Cmo obtengo informacin especfica de un texto?
El estudiante ser capaz de utilizar estrategias de localizacin de informacin especfica. En esta unidad aprenders estrategias para localizar informacin especfica de un texto. En ingls a esto se le llama scanning. Como viste en la unidad anterior, el skimming te ayuda a darte una idea general del texto. En esta unidad aprenders otra estrategia, consistente en rastrear el texto para encontrar informacin especfica. A esto se le llama scanning. Para utilizar esta estrategia, tienes que tener claro lo que buscas. Una vez cubierto este requisito, puedes empezar a aplicar el scanning ya que mediante el skimming, ya habrs identificado en el texto la seccin que probablemente contenga la informacin especfica que requieres. El hecho es que ciertos textos estn diseados para ojearse o rastrearse y no para leerse detalladamente. Este es el caso de textos como la cartelera cinematogrfica, un directorio telefnico, mapas, boletos de transporte, ndices de libros, etc., en los cuales tienes que localizar informacin especfica como a qu hora comienza la pelcula, en qu sala; cul es el nmero telefnico del museo; en qu pgina est el tema que buscas, etc. Con este objetivo en mente, realizas una lectura de slo aquellos elementos que te permiten obtener dicha informacin. As, cuando quieres identificar el nmero de telfono de un negocio o establecimiento, recorres con la vista (rastreas) rpidamente el directorio hasta encontrar la informacin que necesitas. Lo mismo puede aplicarse al caso particular de un examen de comprensin de lectura. Se recomienda que antes de leer el texto en su totalidad, leas las preguntas para saber con precisin qu informacin debes encontrar y entonces apliques el scanning al texto para responder las preguntas. Sera ridculo leer ciertos tipos de textos, como el directorio telefnico; tampoco tendra sentido ojearlo a fin de tener una idea general de su contenido. Un directorio se utiliza cuando necesitamos el nmero telefnico de alguna persona. Los diseadores saben que los usuarios rastrean el directorio, por lo que, para facilitar la bsqueda, ordenan el contenido alfabticamente con base en el primer apellido.

Cmo realizar el scanning?

Puedes empezar ojeando el texto (skimming) para ver dnde iniciar tu bsqueda del dato especfico. Esta es una estrategia particularmente til cuando se aplica a textos que contienen encabezados o indicaciones tipogrficas que indican el contenido de secciones o prrafos; es decir, aprovechamos el skimming para descubrir el sistema general de ordenamiento, prerrequisito para un rastreo eficaz de textos largos. En resumen: Skimming significa ojear para obtener la idea general de un texto. Scanning significa rastrear para obtener informacin especfica. Ejercicio 5.1.


READ THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND SCAN THE TEXT WHATS ON TV? IN ORDER TO ANSWER THEM. 1. What does NTVS stand for? _______________________________________________ 2. What percentage of television programs contain some violence? ____________________ 3. What percentage of violent scenes show: a. humor? ____________________________________________________________ b. no pain? ____________________________________________________________ c. no harm? ____________________________________________________________ d. no blood? ____________________________________________________________ e. the real consequences of violence? ________________________________________ 4. What do these numbers refer to? a. four hours _____________________________________________________________ b. twenty to twenty-five ____________________________________________________ c. 8,000 ________________________________________________________________ d. 100,000 ______________________________________________________________ WHATS ON TV? A National Television Violence Survey (NTVS) found that 61% of television programs contain some violence, 43% of violent scenes involve humor, 58% show no pain, 47% show no harm, 86% feature no blood. Only 16% of violent programs feature the realistic result of violent actions. American children and youths spend more then four hours a day with television, computers, videos and video games. Saturday morning childrens programs in the U.S.A. feature twenty to twenty-five acts of violence per hour. The average sixth grader has seen 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence. Ejercicio 5.2. READ THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND SCAN THE TEXT NAZCA LINES IN ORDER TO ANSWER THEM. 1. Where are the Nazca Lines? ________________________________________________ 2. What are they? __________________________________________________________ 3. How many animal figures are there? __________________________________________ 4. How old are the most recent lines? ___________________________________________ 5. How can the figures be seen? _______________________________________________ 6. Who made the lines? ______________________________________________________ 7. Give five possible reasons why the lines were made. a. ___________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________ e. ___________________________________________________________________ NAZCA LINES One of the most amazing mysteries on earth can be found in the desert of southwest Peru. Here, enormous shapes, complex patterns and thousands of perfectly straight lines are cut into the deserts surface. They are known as the Nazca lines and they cover 500 kilometers. There are about fifty animal figures up to 275 meters long, including a monkey, a spider, and an owl man.


ste y los siguientes dos textos estn tomados de la serie Reading Keys.


The last of these lines were drawn about 1,000 years ago. More amazing is the fact that they can only be viewed from the air. Some people believe the Nazca Indians were somehow able to fly, perhaps in balloons. Others say the lines were landing areas for alien spaceships, or perhaps an enormous map of the stars. Maybe the lines were to carry water for farming, or were used as a calendar. Perhaps they were sacred roads to walk along on a religious journey. The only thing that is certain is that the Nazca lines remain one of the worlds most fascinating unsolved mysteries. Ejercicio 5.3. READ THESE QUESTIONS. THEN SCAN THE TEXT BELOW TO FIND THE ANSWERS. a. How many children does Madonna have? b. How many times has she been married? c. What did she want to be when she was young? d. How long has she been pop star? e. Did Elvis have more number one hits than Madonna? f. How has she changed with the times? g. What does she have complete control of? Madonna Madonna is a twice-married mother of two, in her forties. She is also the successful female singer in history. Believe it or not, she originally wanted to be a ballet dancer! Today, she has been at the top of pop for over twenty years. She has had more number one hits then the Beatles or Elvis Presley. But exactly how has she been able to stay at the top for so long? The answer is easy she has changed with the times, by regularly changing her image. She also has complete control of every part of her music career. Ejercicio 5.4. SCAN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE, THEN CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION. Lowood School 26 Lowood School was in an unhealthy place, where the weather was often bad. The buildings were wet and cold. Mr. Brocklehurst, who owned the school, was a rich man. But he did not buy warm clothes for us, and we never ate any good food. Everybody hated him. That spring the weather was very bad, and many of the girls became sick. Some of them left the school and never came back. Many of the girls who stayed died. We had a terrible time. There were no lessons because Miss Temple and the other teachers were busy taking care of the sick pupils. Mr. Brocklehurst had to buy better food for us, and warm clothes. He never came to the school, though. Not once. The next year, Lowood School moved to a better, more healthy place. There were new schoolrooms, new bedrooms, and a new dining room. The new buildings were bright and clean, and the teachers were happy. After that, I was happy at Lowood School. I was a pupil at this school for six years. Then I became a teacher at the school for two years. 1. Mr. Blocklehurst a. was the owner of the school 2. In the Spring a. many girls became ill and died. 3. Miss Temple a. became sick.

b. was a teacher in the school. b. all the girls left the school. b. helped children.

Tomado de: Developing Reading Keys, pgina 8.


4. In the end, Lowood School a. became worse. b. became better. 5. The girl who is narrating the story a. left the school as soon as she could. b. stayed at the school and became a teacher. Ejercicio 5.5. SCAN THE STORY. THEN CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION BELOW AND UNDERLINE IT.

The Old Man and the Bearl A Traditional Ukranian story

One day, an old man was planting lettuce seeds in a forest. Suddenly, a big bear arrived. Old man, I`m going to kill you! said the bear. The old man said, Please let me live, Bear. If you let me live, when my plants are ready, I will give you all of the roots to eat. The bear agreed, went deep into the forest. He came back when the lettuces were ready. The old man gave the bear all the roots, but when the bear tasted them, he became angry and roared, Old man, you tricked me! The tops are better than the roots! I`m going to kill you! To save his life, the old man offered to give the bear the tops of the plants next year. The bear agreed and went away. When the crop was ready, the bear came back. Where are my tops, old man? roared the bear. Here they are. Eat all you want, replied the old man. But when the bear ate the tops he was angry. They tasted terrible. I planted carrots this year, explained the man, and ran back into the village. And that`s how bears and men first became enemies. a. In this story,... 1. the old man tricks the bear. 2. the bear tricks the old man. b. In the second year, the old man... 1. plants a different type of seed. 2. plants the same type of seed. c. The old man... 1. kills the bear. 2. escapes from the bear. The story explains... 3. why men and bears don`t like each other. 4. why bears are always looking for food. d. The origin of this story is... 1. worldwide. 2. from one country.




After my wife died a year ago, my son and daughter started to ask questions like Are you going to stay in this big house all alone? and Dont you think a small apartment would be better for you, now? They still ask me these same questions all the time. I know that they want me lo leave so they can sell the house and share the money. But I dont want to move. Although Im eighty-two, I am independent and able to look after myself. They think I am being selfish, but all my memories are here. This is where I spent all my life and I dont want to go to a strange place. I have some good friends who live near here, and I would miss them. My children seldom visit. Why would I want to live in a strange place away from my friends? I know one day I might have to leave if Im ill, but not yet. My health is good, and I want to stay here. I wish my children would stop trying to force me out. I dont want to argue with them, but I dont want to move out of this house. I feel so miserable.

1. The mans wife is sick. _____ 2. His children want him to sell the house. _____ 3. The man feels his children care about him and are trying to help. 4. The mans children dont visit often. _____ 5. The man will move to a small apartment. _____ Ejercicio 5.7.


SCAN THE TEXT. THEN CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION BELOW AND UNDERLINE IT. So many people are frustrated in their relationships. They love their partners, but when there is tension, they do not know what to do to make things better. Through understanding how completely different men and women are, you will learn new ways for successfully relating with, listening to, and supporting the opposite sex, You will learn how to create the love you deserve. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus is a manual for loving relationships in todays world. It reveals how women differ in all areas of their lives. Not only do men and women communicate differently, but they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need, and appreciate differently. They almost seem to be from different planets, speaking different languages and needing different nourishment. Adapted from Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, by John Gray. a. Many people... 1. are happy in their relationships. 2. are unhappy in their relationships. b. The problem is... 1. they don`t try to make things better. 2. they don`t know how to make things better.


c. The solution is .... 1. to understand that men and women are different. 2. to listen and support your partner. d. Men and women are... 1. different in many ways. 2. different in a few important areas. e. This text in an extract from... 1. a news article. 2. a book. Ejercicio 5.8. 27 FILL IN THE FOLLOWING CHART BY SCANNING THE READING PASSAGE BELOW FOR INFORMATION. Title Author Write the number of paragraphs When was the article written? Make a list of places that start with capital letters. Make a list of people's names. Make a list of numbers. What does each number refer to? Make a list of numbers written in letters. How many times does the word tsunami appear? Write the different forms of the word devastate. How many times does the word collapse appear? Canary Islands Earthquake Could Trigger Monster Tsunami The eruption of a volcano in the Canary Islands could trigger a ''mega-tsunami'' that would devastate Atlantic coastlines with waves as high as 330 feet, scientists said on Wednesday. They said an eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma, part of the Spanish island chain off West Africa, was likely to cause a massive chunk of rock to break off, crashing into the sea and kicking up huge walls of water higher than any other in recorded history. The tsunami would be capable of traveling huge distances at up to 500 miles an hour, the scientists said in a research paper to be published in September's Geophysical Research Letters. Simon Day, of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Centre at the University College of London, said that as the volcano was not erupting at present, the short-term and mediumterm risks were ''negligible.'' However, Cumbre Vieja should be monitored closely for any signs of activity so that emergency services could plan an effective response, he said. ''Eruptions of Cumbre Vieja occur at intervals of decades to a century or so and there may be

Adapted from a news report by Susan Schlachter (2003)


a number of eruptions before its collapse,'' said Day, who collaborated on the research with Steven Ward of the University of California. ''Although the year-to-year probability of a collapse is therefore low, the resulting tsunami would be a major disaster with indirect effects around the world.'' The effects would spread north, west and south of the Canaries, with the west Sahara bearing the worst of the wave's energy. The energy released by the collapse would be equal to the electricity consumption of the entire United States in half a year. Immediately after the landslide, a dome of water 93,000 feet high and tens of miles wide would form, only to collapse and rebound. As the landslide rubble moved deeper under water, a tsunami would develop. Within 10 minutes, the tsunami would have moved a distance of almost 155 miles. On the west Saharan shore, waves would probably reach heights of 330 feet. Florida and the Caribbean, the final north Atlantic destinations to be affected by the tsunami, would have to brace themselves for 165-foot waves some eight to nine hours after the landslide. Wave heights toward Europe would be smaller, but substantial waves would hit the coasts of Britain, Spain, Portugal, and France. The research paper estimated water would penetrate several miles inland and that the devastation would cause trillions of dollars in damage.

Craven, Miles, 2004, Developing Reading Keys. Thailand: Macmillan. Craven, Miles, 2004, Extending Reading Keys. Thailand: Macmillan. Taylor, James, et al, 1994, Reading, Structure and Strategy Intermediate. Mexico: Macmillan.


Cmo se establecen las relaciones entre los elementos de un texto?
Reconocer el uso de los pronombres y sinnimos como elementos de la cohesin textual. En esta unidad reconocers las relaciones entre las oraciones de un texto por medio de referentes.

Las relaciones entre los elementos de un texto tienen que ver con la forma en que se conectan los enunciados entre s y de cmo se enlazan las distintas partes de un texto, lo cual hace posible comprender la informacin que se transmite. Algunos recursos que se utilizan para lograr la cohesin son los conectores (conjunciones) y la sustitucin de palabras por medio de pronombres o de sinnimos.

Qu es la cohesin?
La cohesin es la unin de las palabras o componentes de un texto. La cohesin te permite interpretar palabras y expresiones haciendo referencia a otras palabras y expresiones que se encuentran en otras oraciones y prrafos del texto En un texto, los elementos recurren en cada nueva oracin retomando los anteriores anfora o anticipando los que siguen catfora. La identificacin de los referentes y las persistentes indicaciones de tiempo y lugar, contribuyen a formar un texto cohesivo y coherente. Los aspectos de la cohesin que aqu mencionaremos son: la referencia y la sustitucin. La conjuncin ser tratada en la siguiente unidad.

La referencia
La referencia es un tipo de relacin donde el significado de un elemento dado se interpreta a travs de la identificacin de un referente dentro o fuera del texto. Existe referencia endofrica dentro del texto y exofrica fuera del texto. Si la identificacin del referente es endofrica, esta puede ser anafrica interpretable en relacin al texto que precede o catafrica interpretable en relacin con el texto que sigue. Gramaticalmente se manifiesta a travs pronombres personales y posesivos, adjetivos posesivos, as como pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos.





fuera del texto (exofrica)

dentro del texto (endofrica)

hacia atrs (anafrica)

hacia adelante (catafrica)

En el siguiente ejemplo, la referencia de usted / yourself es exofrica, puesto que se refiere al lector, quien est fuera del texto: Compruebe usted mismo la eficacia de esta herramienta. Check yourself the efficacy of this tool.

Los siguientes apartados tratan y ejemplifican las referencias endofricas.

La sustitucin
La sustitucin es una relacin que se establece cuando un elemento es reemplazado por otro con el fin de evitar la repeticin de una determinada forma lingstica o con el fin de redefinir el elemento sustituido. En ella el elemento que cumple la funcin de sustituto tiene la misma funcin estructural que el sustituido. Por ejemplo: Los juguetes pueden variar en calidad. Nosotros le ofrecemos uno de madera natural. Toys quality could vary. We offer you one made out of natural wood.

Aqu se utiliz el pronombre indefinido uno / one para sustituir a juguetes / toys. Dicho de la manera ms simple, podramos decir que los pronombres van en lugar de los nombres (sustantivos) y los determinativos que acompaan al nombre. Por ejemplo, en la siguiente oracin no se utilizaron pronombres para sustituir a los nombres Alan was excited when the editor for The Utne Reader called Alan to ask for permission to reprint an article Alan wrote for Atlantic Monthly about Alan's experiences in the Philippines. La repeticin de Alan resulta incmoda. Pero si usamos pronombres, eliminamos la incomodidad. Revisa la oracin que aparece a continuacin, en la que se utilizaron pronombres:


Alan was excited when the editor for The Utne Reader called him to ask for permission to reprint an article he wrote for Atlantic Monthly about his experiences in the Philippines.

Tipos de pronombres
Los tipos de pronombres son: personales, objetivos, posesivos, reflexivos, demostrativos, indefinidos, relativos expletivos y, por otro lado, los adjetivos posesivos. Tabla 1 de Pronombres
Personal Pronouns Nominative Case Objective Pronouns Objective Case Possessive Adjectives Conjoint Form Possessive Pronouns Absolute Form Reflexive Pronouns

1 persona singular 2 persona singular 3 persona singular 1 persona plural 2 persona plural 3 persona plural

I You He She It We You They

Me You Him Her It Us You Them

My Your His Her Its Our Your Their

Mine Yours His Hers Its Ours Yours Theirs

Myself Yourself Himself Herself Itself Ourselves Yourselves Themselves

Affirmative sentences Some Somebody Someone Something

Tabla 2. Pronombres indefinidos y negativos Questions; Negative +not in Negative sentences sentences Any None + Noun Anybody Nobody Persons Anyone No one Anything Nothing Things, abstract notions

Tabla 3. Pronombres demostrativos y relativos Demonstrative Pronouns Relative Pronouns Singular This A person Who (when referring to the subject) That Whom (when referring to the Plural These object) Those A place, thing or idea Which, That


Uso de los pronombres A. Concordancia entre pronombre y antecedente

El pronombre debe concordar con el nmero de la palabra o palabras que reemplaza. Si la palabra a la que el pronombre se refiere est en singular, el pronombre deber estar en singular; si la palabra est en plural, el pronombre debe estar en plural. La palabra a la que el pronombre se refiere es su antecedente. En la oracin: Harold, after saying goodbye to his family, discovered he had lost his wallet. Harold es el antecedente singular de los pronombres his, he had lost, y his. Fjate en el siguiente ejemplo: Peterson and Mancini took their cue from the senator. Aqu, Peterson and Mancini constituyen un antecedente compuesto, el cual requiere del pronombre plural their. Ejercicio 6.1. Concordancia entre pronombre y antecedente SELECT THE PRONOUN THAT AGREES WITH ITS ANTECEDENT. 1 Harvey brought (his, their) camera on the trip. 2 Each person is taking (his or her, their) own photographs. 3 Neither of the boys wants (his, their) picture taken. 4 Susan and Louise develop (her, their) own film. 5 Everyone enjoyed (his or her, their) vacation. 6 Janes kitten is the one (that, who) hid under the steps. 7 Either the coach or his players will give (his, their) views. 8 That group of musicians practiced (its, their) program every day. 9 Look for the blanket with the flower designs on (it, them). 10 The committee proposed a solution at (its, their) last meeting. B. Referencia pronominal ambigua Los pronombres deben hacer referencia clara a los sustantivos que reemplazan. Por ejemplo, Kenneth dropped a hammer on his toe. Then he bandaged it. En la segunda oracin, el uso del pronombre it no es claro, porque puede referirse tanto a hammer como a toe. Sin embargo, esa confusin queda aclarada por el sentido comn, el cual nos dice que normalmente no se aplica vendaje a un martillo. Veamos otro ejemplo en el que la confusion s es grave: job. Mary told Sue that she had the

Puesto que no tenemos un contexto que nos ayude a saber a quin se refiere el pronombre she, no sabemos quin fue la que obtuvo el trabajo. Para eliminar la confusin debera decirse: Mary told Sue that Sue (or Mary) had the job. O bien podra citarse entre comillas lo que Mary dijo: Mary told Sue, You have the job. En este primer caso se entiende que la que obtuvo el trabajo fue Sue. En cambio, en el segundo caso: Mary told Sue, I have the job. Se entiende que la que obtuvo el trabajo fue Mary.


Ejercicio 6.2. Referencia pronominal ambigua. REWRITE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES TO MAKE CLEAR THE VAGUE PRONOUN REFERENCE. ADD, CHANGE, OR OMIT AS NECESSARY. 1 The defendant told the judge he was mentally ill. 2 Frances moved the blanket from the chair and folded it. 3 Before the meeting, they distributed booklets. 4 The students saw a film on cancer, which really bothered them. 5 Because I didnt rinse the dishes, it smells like a garbage can. Ahora bien, cuando el pronombre hace referencia a una persona o cosa que funciona como sujeto, al pronombre se le denomina pronombre personal; cuando el pronombre funciona como objeto (directo, indirecto o de preposicin) se le conoce como pronombre objetivo; cuando el pronombre indica posesin, se le designa como pronombre posesivo; cuando introduce una proposicin adjetiva se le nombra como pronombre relativo; cuando su significado es indeterminado o impreciso, se le seala como indefinido; cuando se quiere indicar que el sujeto y el objeto son la misma persona se le llama reflexivo; cuando sustituyen a personas, lugares o cosas a las que se hace referencia y funcionan como sujetos, objetos (directo e indirecto) u objeto de preposicin se les conoce como pronombres demostrativos. Tambin existe otro tipo de pronombre que no hace referencia a nadie ni nada, pues carece de significado lxico y se le denomina expletivo. En ingls se emplea el pronombre expletivo para cubrir la carencia de un sujeto en oraciones impersonales, como por ejemplo el pronombre it en la oracin It rains (Llueve). 1. Los pronombres personales de sujeto son los que hacen referencia a alguna de las tres personas gramaticales (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, who) y se utilizan como sujetos. A diferencia del espaol, en ingls el pronombre de sujeto debe figurar siempre en lugar del sujeto, es decir, en el lugar anterior al verbo. Ejemplos: Sujeto Verbo Complemento are hungry. You es el sujeto de la oracin. You received the application form today. She es el sujeto de la oracin. She Ejercicio 6.3 28. Sustitucin con pronombres personales. FILL IN THE CORRECT PERSONAL PRONOUN INTO THE GAPS. THE WORDS IN BRACKETS TELL YOU WHICH YOU SHOULD USE. Example: ___ often reads books. (Peter) Answer: He often reads books. 1. ________ is reading a book. (Willy) 2. ________ is green. (The blackboard) 3. ________ are on the wall (The posters) 4. ________ is running. (The dog) 5. ________ are watching TV. (My mother and I) 6. ________ are in the garden. (The flowers) 7. ________ is riding his bike. (Tom) 8. ________ are dirty. (Robin's shoes) 9. ________ has got a brother. (Diana) 10. Have ________ got a computer, Mandy?



2. Los pronombres objetivos o de objeto (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them, whom) se utilizan en el lugar del objeto directo, del objeto indirecto y del objeto de la preposicin. El pronombre de objeto se coloca despus del verbo que complementa, es decir, en lugar del objeto (directo o indirecto): Sujeto He Andy Sujeto Mother Verbo saw took Verbo gave Objeto Complemento directo circunstancial her. to lunch. us Objeto directo a lecture

her es el objeto directo de la oracin. us es el objeto directo de la oracin.

Objeto indirecto to me.

me es el objeto indirecto de la oracin.

Sujeto She

Verbo told me

Objeto indirecto

Objeto directo something.

me es el objeto indirecto de la oracin y something es el objeto indirecto.

Usamos las preposiciones to o for cuando hay dos pronombres de objeto, uno en funcin de directo y otro en funcin de indirecto. Sujeto I Verbo want Objeto directo it Objeto indirecto for me. it es el objeto directo y me es el objeto indirecto.

En muchos verbos se coloca una preposicin antes del pronombre de objeto. They listen to her. El pronombre de objeto tambin se utiliza para sustituir el objeto de una preposicin, como se muestra en el siguiente ejemplo: Sujeto Johnny Verbo ride Preposicin with Objeto de preposicin them

Ejercicio 6.4 29. Sustitucin con pronombres objetivos REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES, CHANGING THE OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION TO A PRONOUN. For example: He lived on a small allowance. He lived on it. I sided with my brother. I sided with him.



1. We are counting on our friends. ______________________________________________ 2. Will you stick to the agreement? ______________________________________________ 3. She takes after her grandmother. _____________________________________________ 4. No one has tampered with the letters. __________________________________________ 5. Yesterday I ran into your uncle. _______________________________________________ 6. They saw through the plot. __________________________________________________ 7. He cut across the vacant lot. _________________________________________________ 8. I confided in my niece. _____________________________________________________ 3. Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos Los adjetivos posesivos se incluyen en la tabla 1 que se encuentra en la pgina 60, sin embargo, no debes confundirlos con los pronombres, puesto que son palabras que modifican al sustantivo en lugar de sustituirlo. Ejemplo: Los pronombres posesivos van en lugar de un nombre (sustantivo) Julie's car is red. Mine is blue. En este ejemplo, Mine sustituye al sustantivo car. Tambin, los pronombres posesivos (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs, whose) indican posesin. This paper is hers. Por su parte, los adjetivos posesivos se utilizan para describir (modificar) a un sustantivo y se ponen antes de ste como cualquier otro adjetivo en ingls. My car is bigger than her car. Aqu, los adjetivos My y her describen al sustantivo car diciendo a quin pertenece el automvil, pero no sustituyen al sustantivo car. Como podrs darte cuenta, los pronombres posesivos sustituyen la estructura adjetivo posesivo + nombre: This is your bed, it is yours. En esta oracin, yours sustituye a your bed (adjetivo posesivo + nombre). Ejercicio 6.5. Sustitucin con pronombres posesivos. FILL IN THE GAP WITH THE APPROPRIATE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. 1. It belongs to me, it's ___ 2. It belongs to my father, it's ___ 3. It belongs to her, it's ___ 4. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's ___ 5. It belongs to me and my wife, it's ___ 6. It belongs to my mother, it's ___ 7. It belongs to him, it's ___ 8. It belongs to you, it's ___ 9. It belongs to the dog, it's ___ 10. It belongs to them, it's ___


Ejercicio 6.6 30. Sustitucin con pronombres y adjetivos posesivos. USE THE FOLLOWING PRONOUNS AND FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT PRONOUN Her their hers his His my our ours

The Mysterious Volkswagen Last week, we had a party at ________ house. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was. Eric said it wasn't ________ car. ________ is a Chevrolet pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was ________, she said no -________ car is a Ford Explorer. I knew it wasn't ________ car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from ________ driveway and left it on ________.

4. Los pronombres relativos

Relative Pronouns

Los pronombres relativos introducen clusulas relativas (adjetivas).

pronombre relativo

That is the person whom I love.

clusula adjetiva

pronombre relativo

The person who gets the highest score gets the gold medal.

clusula adjetiva pronombre relativo

The car that we bought doesn't run well.

clusula adjetiva

Nota: Utiliza who, whom, y whose para hacer referencia a personas. Utiliza that y which para hacer referencia a cosas.



Los pronombres relativos se relacionan con el sustantivo que los precede en la oracin y, al hacerlo, conectan la clusula subordinada a algn antecedente (por ejemplo, el sustantivo que precede al pronombre). Por lo tanto, el pronombre relativo funciona como el sujeto o el objeto de la clusula subordinada. Veamos la siguiente oracin, en la que el pronombre relativo es el sujeto:

The chef who won the competition studied in Paris.

En esta oracin, who se relaciona (o es relativo a) con el sustantivo chef que lo antecede. Who tambin acta como el sujeto de la clusula subordinada y del verbo won. La clusula subordinada es who won the competition y la clusula principal es The chef studied in Paris. En la oracin siguiente, el pronombre relativo es el objeto de la clusula principal The shirt that Carl bought has a stain on the pocket. En esta oracin, that se relaciona (o es relativo a) con el sustantivo shirt. Aqu that tambin es el objeto del verbo bought. La clusula subordinada es that Carl bought y la clusula principal es The shirt has a stain on the pocket. Tanto el antecedente como el hecho de que la clusula subordinada contenga informacin esencial o no, con respecto a la clusula principal, es lo que determina el tipo de pronombre relativo que debe usarse Cuando se hace referencia a personas deben utilizarse los siguientes pronombres relativos: (Una persona) Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever

El caso de estos pronombres depende del hecho de que el pronombre relativo sea el sujeto o el objeto de la clusula subordinada. Ejercicio 6.7. Pronombres relativos FILL IN WHO, WHOSE OR WHICH. 1 The man _______ spoke is my father. 2 The car _______ he bought last Thursday was very cheap. 3 Tom _______ is my brother won the match. 4 The waiter _______ we gave the tip was very pleased. 5 That's the man _______ house was destroyed by a tornado. 6 The man over there _______ face is dirty saved the child. 7 The chair on _______ I was sitting broke down. 8 The pupils _______ he was speaking to were very noisy. 9 _______ are you speaking to? 10 The crowd _______ was very angry began to shout. 11 The man _______ you saw yesterday is my uncle. 12 The cupboard _______ we bought last Saturday was expensive. 13 This is the bike _______ I told about you last Sunday. 14 My friend _______ I have been waiting for two hours hasn't returned. 15 Thank you for the present _______ you sent me.


Ejercicio 6.8 31. Pronombres relativos. CHOOSE THE RIGHT RELATIVE PRONOUNS (WHO(M), WHICH, THAT). 1. The office ________ they're moving to used to be mine. a) who b) whom c) which d) that 2. The most popular karaoke song request is "The girl ________ I marry". a) who b) whom c) which d) that 3. A woman ________ is ambitious will do well in this job. a) who b) whom c) which 4. The man ________ Im waiting for is usually late. a) who b) whom c) which

d) that

d) that

5. This tram, ________ is the only one of its kind left in Hong Kong, is only used on special occasions. a) who b) whom c) which d) that 6. The latest film about ________ there has been a lot of controversy has been banned. a) who b) whom c) which d) that 7. The film to ________ I'm referring directly criticizes the government. a) who b) whom c) which d) that 8. Something ________ happened last week could have serious consequences. a) who b) whom c) which d) that (En la siguiente oracin la clusula relativa podra o no definir al referente. Ve la nota en la clave de respuestas) 9. My sister ________ sings in a pop group was on television last week. a) who b) whom c) which d) that 10. I changed my money just before the devaluation, ________ must be one of the smartest things Ive done. a) who b) whom c) which d) that

5. Los pronombres indefinidos

Los pronombres indefinidos hacen referencia a personas, lugares o personas desconocidas o indeterminadas. Debes tener cuidado de aclarar si el pronombre es singular o plural de acuerdo con la adecuada conjugacin del verbo. Algunos pronombres indefinidos siempre son singulares, lo cual significa que el verbo se conjuga en concordancia con un sujeto en singular. Por ejemplo: Neither of the doctors plans to solve Aaron's injury with surgery. En esta oracin, neither es el sujeto; y puesto que el sujeto neither es singular, su correspondiente verbo tambin es singular. Dicho con otras palabras, el verbo se conjuga como si el sujeto fuera una sola persona: decimos neither plans (la s corresponde la tercera persona del singular) como si dijramos The doctor plans.



Another, Anyone, Anybody, Anything, Everyone, Everybody, Siempre Everything, Nothing, Each, Either No One, Neither, Nobody, One, singulares Someone, Somebody, Something En los ejemplos siguientes, el pronombre indefinido aparece en negritas y el verbo est subrayado. Every season another of the players attempts to break McGuire's record. Whatever anyone says about Clinton's veracity about his private life, when it came to the economy he absolutely kept his word Someone on Gore's staff mumbles that Tipper isn't feeling well and that the Vice President has to take her home. Another is that Bill Clinton seems particularly unsuited to passively letting his last year slip by uneventfully. Algunos otros pronombres indefinidos siempre son plurales, lo cual implica que el verbo se conjuga en concordancia con un sujeto en plural. Por ejemplo: Both of the divers claim responsibility for finding the treasure first. En esta oracin, both es el sujeto; y puesto que both es plural su correspondiente verbo tambin es plural. Es decir, el verbo se conjuga como si el sujeto correspondiera a ms de una persona: decimos Both claim como si dijramos The divers claim. Siempre plurales Both, Few, Many, Several

En los ejemplos siguientes, el pronombre indefinido aparece en negritas y el verbo est subrayado. Both have paid tacit homage to this new reality. Many concede that the party had to change. A few make the same point but much more forcefully. Several of the bills that he signed contain provisions he abhorred but promised to fix. En ocasiones, los pronombres indefinidos pueden ser singulares o plurales. Con algunos de ellos el verbo se conjuga en singular o en plural, dependiendo del significado. Por ejemplo: Some of the money remains unclaimed. Aqu, some es el sujeto y el objeto de la preposicin of. Por su parte, money indica si el verbo debe estar en singular o en plural. En esta oracin, money es una unidad en singular, razn por la que el verbo se conjuga en singular. Some remains (la s corresponde la tercera persona del singular). Pero en esta otra oracin: Some of the children hide from the teacher. Some es el sujeto y el objeto de la preposicin of. Por su parte, children indica si el verbo debe conjugarse en singular o en plural; y como en esta oracin children es plural, el verbo est en plural. Some hide (hide corresponde la conjugacin plural). Ya sea plural o singular All, Most, None, Some


En los ejemplos siguientes, el pronombre indefinido aparece en negritas y el verbo est subrayado. All of the traditional groups we count on to re-elect us are against NAFTA. Almost all of the money in the budget is being diverted from those programs. None of the ways of looking at a President's legacy is simple. It would seem as if none of the relief supplies were actually delivered. Some of the pundits say that Bush is in danger of being made into Dan Quayle. Experts believe some of the negative campaigning appears to have run its course.

Uso de los pronombres indefinidos negativos.

Las palabras nothing, nobody, nowhere ya son negativas; por lo tanto, no utilices estas palabras cuando en el enunciado ya existe not. Formas Correctas I didn't bring anything to drink. I don't know anybody at the party. There isn't anywhere else to go. Errores Comunes I didn't bring nothing to drink. I don't know nobody at the party. There isn't nowhere else to go.

Por ejemplo, los siguientes pares de oraciones son intercambiables. I do not know anybody in my apartment building. I know nobody in my apartment building. I don't know anything about it. I know nothing about it. Por lo general utilizamos anything, anybody, anywhere cuando hacemos preguntas. Formas Correctas Did you understand anything I said? Errores Comunes Did you understand something I said?

Las palabras combinadas (compuestas) somebody, something, somewhere, etc. no se escriben como dos palabras, sino como una sola. no one es la nica excepcin a esta regla. Ejercicio 6.9 32. Pronombres indefinidos. READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND THE FILL THE BLANKS WITH THE MISSING WORDS. Call This a Party! I know so many people who just don't know how to enjoy themselves. They have no idea. Take this guy, for example. He's at a party where he doesn't know too many people. What a perfect opportunity to make some new friends. But no! This is what the guy is thinking as the evening progresses. 1. I'm going to enjoy this party. I don't know ____________ at all, but I'm going to have fun. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody 2. Hey, there's ____________ that I know. He's in my Computer Science class. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody



3. I think I'll go talk to him. He doesn't seem to be with ____________ in particular. He's probably alone, like me. a) someone b) anyone c) no one d) everyone 4. No. Maybe not. If he's all alone, then ____________ is ignoring him, probably because he's very boring. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 5. That's a nice-looking woman over there. I should go over and talk to her. No, I don't think so. She's probably very vain and has ____________ interesting to say. I know her type. I'll keep my distance. a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 6. I need a drink. I think I'll head to the kitchen. There must be ____________ beer or something in the fridge. a) some b) any c) no 7. That's strange. There's ____________ beer in the fridge. What is one supposed to drink in this stupid party? a) some b) any c) no 8. Ah! There's the beer, over there, in the corner. ____________ had the sense to put it in the fridge. Now it's probably very warm. a) Someone b) Anyone c) No one d) Everyone 9. The music's not very good. ____________ should change it. Let's get some action here. a) Somebody b) Anybody c) Nobody d) Everybody 10. Finally! Some good music. But why isn't ____________ dancing? Don't people know how to have fun anymore? a) someone b) anyone c) no one 11. Hey! That woman's looking at me. I wonder if there is ____________ else interested in me. After all, I am kind of cute. a) someone b) anyone c) no one d) everyone 12. No, there's ____________ who really turns me on. Too bad! But the evening is still young. I'm not giving up. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody 13. I'm really hungry. I don't see ____________ food. What kind of party is this? a) some b) any c) no one 14. No food! Warm beer! ____________ seems to know how to organize decent parties anymore. a) Somebody b) Anybody c) Nobody d) Everybody 15. I don't want to stay here. There must be ____________ more interesting than this. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere


6. Los pronombres reflexivos (myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) se utilizan para mostrar que el sujeto realiza una accin que recae sobre s mismo. Sujeto He Verbo groomed Objeto directo himself Complemento circunstancial before the date.

El sujeto y el objeto son la misma persona De hecho, los pronombres reflexivos se usan cuando: 1) El sujeto y el complemento del verbo son el mismo: I saw it for myself. 2) Cuando se quiere destacar quin hace la accin (intensive pronouns), se puede eliminar el pronombre reflexivo, puesto que slo se usa para reiterar de manera enftica quin realiza la accin: The new colour in your house is very nice. Who painted it? I did it. Se podra contestar I did it., puesto que en este caso se entiende claramente quien hizo la accin, sin embargo, si se quiere poner nfasis en el hecho de que l mismo realiz la accin, entonces se agregar myself, como se muestra a continuacin: -I did it myself. Ejercicio 6.10 33. Pronombres reflexivos. FILL IN THE CORRECT REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS. 1. I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO myself. 2. The girl looked at _________ in the mirror. 3. Freddy, you'll have to do your homework _________. 4. You don't need to help them. They can do it _________. 5. I introduced _________ to my new neighbour. 6. Boys, can you make your beds _________? 7. She made _________ a pullover. 8. What happens when a fighting fish sees _________ in the mirror? 9. The father decided to repair the car _________. 10. We can move the table _________. Ejercicio 6.11. Pronombres reflexivos. FILL EACH BLANK WITH A SUITABLE REFLEXIVE PRONOUN. 1. He rewarded _____ with an ice-cream. 2. They agreed amongst _____ that they would not tell anyone. 3. I taught _____ to draw. 4. You must explain _____ more clearly. 5. He has a bad temper so he must learn to control _____. 6. We thoroughly enjoyed _____ at the party on Sunday. 7. That monkey is scratching _____. 8. One must defend _____ against bullies. 9. My brother and I bought _____ some apples. 10. She cooks for _____ every day.



7. Pronombres demostrativos (Demonstrative Pronouns) Los pronombres demostrativos sustituyen a personas, lugares o cosas a las que se hace referencia. Funcionan como sujetos, objetos (directo e indirecto) u objeto de preposicin. Cuando hagas referencia a un lugar, cosa o idea en singular utiliza los siguientes pronombres demostrativos: Pronombres demostrativos singulares: This, That Ejemplos: Como sujeto: o This has been a difficult decade for the U.S. Presidency. o That is whom you should meet at the dinner at the Corcoran Gallery. Como objeto directo: o Would you deliver this? o The demands on the President's time had knocked that off the schedule. Como objeto de preposicin: o Does the shirt you bought go with this? o Steve will put a new coat of paint on that if necessary. Cuando hagas referencia a un lugar, cosa o idea en plural utiliza los siguientes pronombres demostrativos: Pronombres demostrativos plurales: These, Those

Como sujeto: o These are the preferred pens in this department. o Those attempting to purchase handguns must wait seven days. Como objeto directo: o Will Alan find these in time? o Beth donated those to the team. Como objeto de preposicin: o Please climb over these before you continue the course. o Chris can work with those.

CUIDADO! Recuerda que como otros pronombres, los pronombres demostrativos sustituyen al nombre (sustantivo). Sin embargo, las mismas palabras que funcionan como pronombres demostrativos pueden funcionar como adjetivos cuando se utilizan para modificar al sustantivo, en lugar de sustituirlo. Por ejemplo:


Singular THIS Demonstrative pronoun: o This will lead us to the car. Adjective o This path is taking us in the wrong direction. THAT Demonstrative pronoun: o That is not the best approach. Adjective o That approach will not work.

Plural THESE Demonstrative pronoun: o These look edible. Adjective o These berries are delicious. THOSE Demonstrative pronoun: o Those will work just fine. Adjective o Those plants were damaged by the frost.

Ejercicio 6.12 34. Pronombres demostrativos. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BELOW TO FILL THE GAP. 1. Did you see ___________ motorbikes that just went by? a) those b) these c) this d) that 2. The red shoes are awful. I like ___________ shoes here. a) that b) these c) this d) those 3. I don't like this chair. I like ___________ one over there. a) that b) these c) those d) this 4. Do you remember ___________ black jeans I'm always wearing? I got bleach on them. a) those b) this c) that d) these 5. Look at ___________ earrings I'm wearing. I bought them in the market. a) that b) this c) those d) these 6. If ___________ kid doesn't stop screaming, I'm going to another restaurant and quickly! a) those b) this c) that d) these 7. Don't do it like that. Do it like ___________. a) these b) those c) this d) that 8. ___________ house is old but that one on the other side of the street is quite new. a) these b) those c) this d) that 9. Waiter. ___________ coffee tastes funny. a) This b) That c) Those d) These 10. Sean is ___________ boy at the back of the class. a) those b) these c) that d) this 11. Where did you buy ___________ hat you're wearing? a) that b) these c) this d) those 12. I wish ___________ people at the next table would stop talking so loudly. a) these b) that c) those d) this




Autoevaluacin para sustitucin por medio de pronombres

Ejercicio 6.13 35. Diferentes tipos de pronombres. CHOOSE THE BEST PRONOUN(S). 1. Despite her parents complaints, she decided to live by ___ in New York City. her herself 2. If you happen to see your parents this weekend, give ___ my best regards. him her them 3. I can't understand ___ when she speaks German with ___ . her, me him, me 4. He should be ashamed of ___. himself him 5. Mary was worried about the children, so she convinced ___ husband not to accept the job abroad. his her 6. We came across a friend of ___ at the mall yesterday. ours us 7. I can't find ___ pencil. Can I use ___, Mary? my, yours mine, your 8. I cut ___ when I was peeling the potatoes. me myself 9. This house is too expensive for ___. We can't pay such a high rent. us we 10. Each plan has ___ merits. it its 11. He ___ said so. herself himself 12. I do my work and they do ___ . their theirs 13. Give it back to ___ . It's ___. me, mine me, my 14. Despite ___ old age, he is very active. his its 15. They enjoyed ___ a lot at the cocktail party. theirselves themselves Ejercicio 6.14 36. Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Reflexive Forms (US English). FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH PERSONAL PRONOUNS (I, HE, SHE, ETC.), POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (MY, YOUR, HIS, ETC.), POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS (HERS, OURS, HIS, ETC.), OR REFLEXIVE FORMS (MYSELF, HERSELF, ETC.). (1) _____ am a singer and this is about a person like (2) _____. Jennifer Lang is one of (3) _____ favorite singers. (4) _____ is a jazz singer and often performs in clubs like (5) _____, but (6) _____ voice is very different from (7) _____. I consider (8) _____ a singer of standard jazz songs. Jennifer, on the other hand, considers (9) _____ a singer of original material only.
35 36

Fuente: Fuente:


One thing is certain: (10) _____ both consider (11) _____ lovers of great music! (12) _____ both went to the Julliard School of Music in New York. (13) _____ teacher, Jeannie Sax, continues to teach other students at the school. She gives (14) _____ three lessons a week - just like (15) _____ did when (16) _____ went to school. Another similarity of (17) ______ is that (18) ____ are both from Wisconsin. Jennifer grew up in Green Bay while (19) _____ grew up in Plainfield, a much smaller city than (20) _____. Jennifer is married and (21) _____ husband, Andy, works as an investment banker in New York. (22) _____ office is on 5th Avenue where (23) _____ arrives every morning at seven thirty. (24) _____ have very different professions, but (25) _____ feel (26) _____ marriage is successful for this very reason. (27) _____ am not jealous of (28) _____ success, but (29) _____ am jealous of (30) _____ wonderful marriage. Maybe someday (31) _____ will meet a man just like (32) _____. Ejercicio 6.15. COMPLETE WITH THE APPROPRIATE PRONOUNS. Fuente: Two days ago, (1) __________ saw Mary wearing (2) __________ coat. (3) __________ knew (4) __________ was (5) __________, because (6) __________ had a coffee stain on the left sleeve. (7) __________ explained to (8) __________ that (9) __________ was (10) __________, but (11) __________ said (12) __________ was (13) __________, refused to give (14) __________ back and stormed off. (15) __________ followed (16) __________ as (17) __________ took the liberty of going shopping in (18) __________ coat. First of all, (19) __________ purchased cigarettes and put (20) __________ in the pocket of (21) __________ coat. Ugh! How dare (22) __________! (23__________ hate the smell of cigarettes! Next, (24) __________ popped into a "Greasy Spoon" cafe. (Due to the greasy atmosphere and rancid cooking smells, all working men's cafes have that nickname, because all (25) __________ food is fried in oil or lard.) (26) __________ peered in through the window and noticed (27) __________ was sitting down on one of the greasy chairs. Oh, no! Not only is (28) __________ coat going to stink of fried food, but (29) __________ is also going to have greasy stains on (30) __________! As (31) __________ watched, (32) __________ started to undo (33) __________ coat and then took (34) __________ off. (35) __________ waited until (36) __________ had removed (37) __________ and hung (38) __________ up with some grubby workmen's coats on coat hooks in the corner. (39) __________ decided (40) __________ would be a good idea to wait until (41) __________ wasn't looking, then (42) __________ could rush in and grab the coat. (43) __________ glanced away for a few minutes to blow (44) __________ nose and when (45) __________ looked back, the coat had gone. Racing into the cafe, (46) __________ looked frantically about (47) __________ and noticed an old tramp limping out of another door with (48) __________ coat gracing (49) __________ rounded shoulders. (50) __________ desperately shouted, "Stop! Thief!" Mary looked up in surprise. "Quick Mary," (51) __________ yelled, "That tramp has walked off with (52) __________ coat!" "No, (53) __________ hasn't," she replied. " (54) __________ looked so cold, poor thing, (55) __________ told (56) __________ (57) __________ could have (58) __________" "What! (59) __________ gave (60) __________ coat away!" "Of course not! Although (61) __________ coats are similar, that was a green coat; (62) __________ one is brown, so that one was definitely not (63) __________! Can't (64) __________ get special glasses or tablets for (65) __________ colour-blindness?"


Sustitucin por sinnimos

La sinonimia La sinonimia es una forma de sustitucin lxica en la que se reemplazan palabras o frases por otros equivalentes (sinnimos). La sinonimia ayuda a evitar repeticiones y a proporcionar mayor fluidez al discurso.

Los sinnimos son palabras que tienen igual significado o que aunque compartan el significado en forma exacta, su reemplazo dentro de la oracin no ocasiona modificaciones en el significado completo de la misma. Su uso es muy til para evitar la repeticin de ciertas palabras dentro de un texto.

Ejercicio 6.16. Sinnimos. UNDERLINE THE WORD OR PHRASE IN EACH SENTENCE THAT MEANS THE SAME AS THE UNDERLINED WORD IN THE SENTENCE. USE YOUR DICTIONARY. 1. Her job was to dump the food scraps into the pigs trough. shelter feedbox garbage She plunged ahead even though she was afraid and wanted to hold back. rushed swam hesitated Athletic ability was the inheritance he received from his grandfather. good luck something handed down something needed She meant no harm. It was simply a careless mistake. planned cruel thoughtless They blundered in and had trouble getting out of the messy situation. walked quietly accidentally got involved protested with eagerness

2. 3. 4. 5.

Ejercicio 6.17 Sinnimos. Find Word Relationships. BELOW THERE ARE GROUPS OF WORDS. THINK ABOUT WHAT THE WORDS IN EACH GROUP HAVE IN COMMON. THEN CHOOSE A WORD (SYNONYM) THAT BEST FITS IN EACH GROUP. WRITE THE WORD ON THE LINE. USE YOUR DICTIONARY IF YOU NEED IT. ____________ 1. sad, unhappy, upset 2. angrily, fiercely, violently 3. fear, terror, shock 4. sadly, hopelessly, joylessly 5. hated, disliked, scorned ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________


Ejercicio 6.18 37. Sinnimos. IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE SYNONYMS ARE USED AS TRANSITION DEVICES. SELECT THE WORDS IN THE PASSAGE WHICH ARE SYNONYMS WITH THE WORDS PRINTED AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE AND WRITE THEM IN THE SPACES PROVIDED. Editing a movie is the process of putting it into final form by removing some parts and fitting the remaining portions together for the best effect. The film itself, the substance on which the pictures are printed, is a strip only 1 3/8 inches wide, but it is sometimes very long. To get the best pictures, a scene is filmed from several camera views, or angles, and some scenes are photographed many times. The best of these photographs are selected for the final film. 1. movie 2. parts 3. pictures 4. filmed 5. views _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

La antonimia
Es la reiteracin del contenido de una unidad lxica por oposicin de significado: Joven y viejo, por ejemplo. Los antnimos son palabras que tienen significado opuesto respecto de un eje de sentido. Se debe tener cuidado ya que algunas palabras tienen varios significados y el antnimo correspondiente a cada uno de ellos es diferente.

Ejercicio 6.19. Antnimos. IDENTIFY THE ANTONYMS IN THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. 1. Which word is the antonym of "sunny", as in "it is sunny outside, today"? a) Wet b) Hot c) Cloudy d) Windy 2. Which word is the antonym of "bad", as in "he was bad today"? a) Terrible b) Unlucky c) Good

d) Ugly

3. Which word is the antonym of "happy", as in "you make me very happy"? a) Laughing b) Sad c) Joyful d) Content 4. Which word is the antonym of "liquid", as in "this water is a liquid"? a) Hard b) Wet c) Smooth

d) Solid




Ejercicio 6.20 38. Antnimos. COMPLETE THE QUESTION/ANSWER SETS BY CHOOSING THE APPROPRIATE ANTONYM FROM THE BOX BELOW. asset easy chaste innocent opulent adore unfair rational flow promote beneficial truth joyfulness robust friend construct hope lasting extravagant altruism 1. What is the antonym of _________________? It is liability. 2. What is the antonym of _________________? It is lewd. 3. What is the antonym of _________________? It is lie. 4. What is the antonym of _________________? It is demented. 5. What is the antonym of _________________? It is demolish. 6. What is the antonym of _________________? It is demote. 7. What is the antonym of _________________? It is despondency. 8. What is the antonym of _________________? It is despair. 9. What is the antonym of _________________? It is detest. 10. What is the antonym of ________________? It is destitute.





Cmo se establecen las relaciones entre los componentes de un texto: recursos retricos y conectores lgicos?

Propsitos: Identificar las relaciones entre las unidades de discurso (por ejemplo, idea principal, generalizaciones, hiptesis, ideas de apoyo, etc.). Adems, reconocer los tipos de organizacin textual y los modos de desarrollar las ideas principales como: orden cronolgico, comparacin y contraste, causa-efecto, narracin, definicin, clasificacin, persuasin.

En el caso de la interaccin oral, el hablante enva un mensaje al oyente mediante la palabra hablada; y para ello se vale de recursos adicionales como los gestos, la entonacin, y la situacin en la que se encuentra. Por otra parte, en la comunicacin escrita, el escritor enva un mensaje al lector mediante el texto impreso. En este caso, no se usan los recursos adicionales mencionados en el prrafo anterior. Estos son sustituidos por signos propios de lo escrito, tales como signos de puntuacin y los elementos de cohesin tales como la deixis (referencias a la persona, el tiempo y el lugar) las sustituciones pronominales anafricas (el referente del pronombre aparece antes) o catafricas (el referente pronombre aparece despus), la sustitucin lxica por medio de sinnimos, y las palabras y frases de conexin, etc. Por lo tanto, el lector y el escritor deben conocer las convenciones de la lengua escrita, tanto a nivel de produccin (escritura) como a nivel de comprensin (lectura), para que se d la interaccin efectiva texto- lector.


Para que asumas un papel de lector protagnico y activo son necesarios tanto los conocimientos que llevas al texto como las pistas que aparecen en ste; as como el que tengas claro el propsito de la lectura.

Ahora bien, para que logres una lectura eficiente debes aplicar estrategias para: procesar la informacin, seleccionar la estrategia apropiada, establecer relaciones entre conceptos, ideas, oraciones, prrafos, Identificar el mtodo que el autor sigue para presentar la informacin, generar inferencias.

A continuacin, se explicarn algunos de los elementos que intervienen para que elabores estrategias de lectura que te ayuden a una mejor comprensin del texto escrito.

Oracin y clusula
Empecemos esta unidad aclarando los conceptos de clusula y oracin para que puedas ver con claridad las palabras de conexin y los recursos que los autores utilizan para unir y desarrollar sus ideas.

Clusula u oracin: frase que contiene verbo y sujeto y forma parte de una oracin completa. Ejemplo: Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz. Clusula principal: generalmente, la primera clusula de una oracin compuesta siempre es la ms importante y expresa un pensamiento completo. Ejemplos: Whenever lazy students whine, Mrs. Russell throws chalk erasers at their heads. Main clause Clusula subordinada. La clusula subordinada no tiene sentido completo por s misma, para cobrar su sentido completo depende de la clusula principal. La clusula subordinada es introducida por una conjuncin de subordinacin (although, because, if, etc.) por un pronombre (who, that, which) o por una coma y se utiliza como adjetivo, como adverbio o como sustantivo. Ejemplos:


The meeting was scheduled for five oclock because other times were inconvenient.

Clusula subordinada que, sola, no forma oracin completa.

The young man whom I saw in my office has registered for fall quarter classes.

Oraciones simples, compuestas y complejas.

Oracin incompleta: frase sin verbo. Oracin completa (Simple Sentence) La oracin simple o independiente es un enunciado con sujeto y verbo que se sostiene por s mismo como una oracin completa. Ejemplos Sujeto Roses I Robert and Martha predicado Verbo Complemento are red. like giant clams are very nice people.

Oracin compuesta (Compound Sentence)

La oracin compuesta contiene dos ms oraciones independientes, cada una con verbo y sujeto que pueden unirse con una coma o con una conjuncin de coordinacin (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so). Ejemplos: Oracin independiente The sun is out, I ate breakfast, Conjuncin de coordinacin and but Oracin independiente the sky is blue. I skipped dinner.

Para unir dos oraciones independientes se necesita tanto la coma como la conjuncin de coordinacin. La conjuncin de coordinacin que se utilice cambia radicalmente el sentido de la oracin. Veamos los ejemplos siguientes: A. George came to see me this weekend, but I was sad. B. George came to see me this weekend, so I was sad. El hecho de que el autor haya utilizado la conjuncin but, en A, hace que la oracin signifique que l estaba triste cuando George lo visit; pero si el autor utiliza la conjuncin so en la misma oracin, como en B, entonces la oracin significar que l estaba triste por el hecho de que George lo haya visitado. Oracin compleja (Complex Sentence)


La oracin compleja contiene una clusula principal (clusula independiente) y una o ms clusulas subordinadas. Los subordinadores (conjunciones de subordinacin) because, since, although, when, after o los pronombres relativos who, which, that, preceden a la clusula subordinada. Ejemplos: A. When the sun is down, the birds go to sleep.


clusula subordinada

B. The universe is still after the wolves howl. Si la clusula subordinada aparece antes que la clusula independiente se usa coma; si la clusula subordinada aparece despus de la clusula principal no se usa coma. La interpretacin de oraciones subordinadas es de suma importancia para la comprensin de los textos.

Ejercicios de clusulas y oraciones.

Ejercicio 7.1. Independent or dependent clauses IDENTIFY THE UNDERLINED CLAUSE AS INDEPENDENT OR DEPENDENT. 1 I heard the telephone ringing before you did. 2 After the rain stopped, I ran to the car. 3 When my family traveled to New York last summer, we visited the Theodore Roosevelt museum. 4 The children whom you met are mine. 5 What you say during an interview is important. 6 I heard the announcement early this morning. 7 John will stay with us while his parents are away on business. 8 Listen carefully. 9 The book that I lost has been found. 10 You are known by what you do and say.

La puntuacin
Uso de comas con punto y coma en oraciones mixtas Las oraciones o clusulas independientes son un grupo de palabras que expresan una idea completa y que contienen un sujeto y un verbo. Algunas veces estas clusulas independientes estn "solas" y forman una oracin simple; otras veces, dos de ellas estn unidas en lo que se conoce como una oracin mixta o compuesta. Dependiendo de las circunstancias, existen algunos signos de puntuacin que pueden usarse entre clusulas independientes en una oracin mixta. Estos son: la coma y el punto y coma.


Usa una coma despus de una clusula independiente cuando la quieras ligar a otra clusula independiente con alguna de las siguientes conjunciones coordinadas: and, but, for, or, nor, so y yet. Por ejemplo: I was aware that it was a long trip, but I never thought it would take that long! The manager finally took a decision, and the employees will have to adapt. She started to write the score last week, so I guess itll be ready on time.

Usa el punto y coma cuando quieras unir dos clusulas independientes cuando no vayas a usar conjunciones. Por ejemplo: It was a cold morning; the city was covered with snow. Bicycle riding is my favorite sport; in fact, I try to do it every day. She studied very hard for the exam; unfortunately, she didn't get a good grade.

Tambin puedes usar el punto y coma cuando quieres unir clusulas independientes con alguno de los siguientes adverbios conjuntivos (adverbios que unen clusulas independientes) como: however, moreover, therefore, consequently, otherwise, nevertheless, thus, etc. Por ejemplo: We're back home; however, we can't wait to visit Paris again! I am having a good time; nevertheless, I have to leave for home early. He started to work on the project early this month; consequently, I guess it will be ready on time. Ejercicio 7.2. Puntuacin. INSERT THE APPROPRIATE PUNCTUATION MARKS IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. 39 When Robert Frost entered the classroom he saw a big pile of students papers on his desk Is there anything here that anyone wants to keep? he asked No the students replied Well if you don't value them enough to keep them I don't value them enough to want to read them he said Then he took all the papers and threw them into the waste paper basket

El prrafo
Un prrafo constituye una unidad de sentido y no slo un encadenamiento de oraciones que tengan algo que ver entre s. El prrafo es una estructura que expresa el desarrollo de una idea central que se le conoce como oracin temtica y todas las dems oraciones (de apoyo) giran en torno a esta, la amplan y la desarrollan.




Oracin temtica (Topic Sentence)

En cada prrafo hay una oracin que expresa la idea central. sta es la oracin temtica, misma que resume la idea a ser desarrollada en el prrafo y puede aparecer al principio, en medio o al final del prrafo. Las funciones de la oracin temtica son las de informar al lector, controlar y limitar el tema, as como dar un sentido de organizacin al prrafo. Cabe aclarar que en ocasiones la oracin temtica slo est implcita, es decir, no aparece escrita en el prrafo; sin embargo, cada prrafo siempre desarrolla una idea.

Oraciones de apoyo (Support Sentences)

Las oraciones de apoyo desarrollan la oracin temtica (o idea central).y se organizan de acuerdo al tipo de desarrollo que conviene al texto. El autor puede escoger un orden cronolgico siguiendo el orden temporal de lo que sucedi, un orden espacial en referencia al lugar en que las cosas se localizan o un orden de contenido que puede ir de lo menos a lo ms importante, por ejemplo. Nota: Aunque el prrafo desarrollado por un solo mtodo es el que menos abunda. Se emplean generalmente varios mtodos, los cuales pueden clasificarse de las formas que aparecen a continuacin.

Topic and support sentences for a descriptive paragraph Examples: 40 En seguida te presentamos un ejemplo de una oracin tema para un prrafo descriptivo: My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped, blond guitar the first instrument that I ever taught myself how to play. Esta oracin no solo identifica el valor sentimental de la guitarra, ("an old, slightly warped, blond guitar") sino que tambin siguiere el por qu el escritor la valora ("the first instrument that I ever taught myself how to play"). Algunas de las oraciones siguientes funcionan como apoyo de la oracin tema (arriba) con detalles descriptivos. Otras, sin embargo, dan informacin que puede ser inapropiada en un prrafo unificado. Ejercicio 7.3. Read the sentences carefully, and then pick out only those that support the topic sentence (above) with precise descriptive details. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It is a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and finger-printed. My grandparents gave it to me on my thirteenth birthday. I think they bought it at the Music Lovers Shop in Rochester where they used to live. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. Although copper strings are much harder on the fingers than nylon strings, they sound much better than the nylon ones. The strings are stretched down a long slim neck. The frets on the neck are tarnished, and the wood has been worn down by years of fingers pressing chords. It was three months before I could even tune the guitar properly, and another few months before I could manage the basic chords.


Fuente: 15/11/2007 11:12:50 a.m.


9. You have to be very patient when first learning how to play the guitar. 10. You should set aside a certain time each day for practice. 11. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one that has been slightly damaged in shipping. 12. A guitar can be awkward to hold, particularly if it seems bigger than you are, but you need to learn how to hold it properly if you're ever going to play it right. 13. I usually play sitting down because it's more comfortable that way. 14. The blond wood has been chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell off years ago. 15. I have a Gibson now and hardly ever play the Madeira any more. Mtodos de desarrollo del prrafo Existen varios mtodos de elaboracin de un prrafo, dichos mtodos incluyen los detalles que son tiles para transmitir una idea clara al lector. En cualquier composicin en formato de prrafo, el autor puede utilizar prrafos como los que aparecen a continuacin para el desarrollo de su tema o idea central. Tipos de prrafos Prrafo expositivo: sirve para explicar o desarrollar ms ampliamente el tema que se est presentando. Se utilizan para explicar la idea, la historia, la situacin o la noticia que se est presentando a los lectores. Ejemplo: This family was a victim of a problem they could have avoided a problem that, according to Florida park rangers, hundreds of visitors suffer each year. "Several times a month," ranger Rod Torres of O'Leno State Park said, "people get scared and leave the park in the middle of the night." Those people picked the wrong kind of park to visit. Not that there was anything wrong with the park: The hikers camped next to them loved the wild isolation of it. But it just wasn't the kind of place the couple from New Jersey had in mind when they decided to camp out on this trip through Florida. If they had known about the different kinds of parks in Florida, they might have stayed in a place they loved 41. Prrafo narrativo: tiene como propsito relatar la secuencia de ciertos sucesos, la evolucin de un asunto o problema, el desarrollo de un evento, las consecuencias de ciertas acciones o los resultados de la combinacin de ciertas condiciones. Es decir, todo lo que transcurre en un tiempo y en un espacio, de modo que el lector comprenda una causa y un efecto; un principio y un final; un origen y un destino. La narracin es la relacin escrita de un hecho, una historia, una ancdota, un acontecimiento o cualquier suceso que el escritor considera digno de contar, a fin de exponerlo mediante un relato pormenorizado de lo que quiere narrar, en donde puede utilizar varias formas de expresin literaria. En la narracin se hace una reflexin sobre los acontecimientos, con el propsito de seleccionar lo que el escritor considera como lo ms significativo y desecha lo que le parece secundario o irrelevante al relato.




Narracin Objetiva: Es aquella en que el narrador describe los hechos tal y como los observa sin omitir ni agregar interpretaciones personales, sino como suceden los acontecimientos. Tambin se interpreta como la observacin fra de los hechos. Ejemplo: "I was seven years old when I first became aware of the terrible power of guilt. For piling our toys into a box, Mother rewarded my brother and me with five shiny pennies. If I had ten pennies instead of five, I could have bought a gingerbread man with raisin eyes and sugar-frosted hair." Narracin Subjetiva: Donde el escritor agrega al hecho narrado su interpretacin personal, dando a lo que cuenta un mutis especial, en donde justa, interpreta y califica lo descrito. En literatura, se dice que es la narracin a travs de un personaje, el cual participa en el relato y por medio de l se describen los acontecimientos observados. Ejemplo: Around 2 a.m. something woke Charles Hanson up. He lay in the dark listening. Something felt wrong. Outside, crickets sang, tree-frogs chirruped. Across the distant forest floated two muffled hoots from a barred owl. It was too quiet. At home in New Jersey, the nights are filled with the busy, comforting sounds of traffic. You always have the comforting knowledge that other people are all around you. And light: At home he can read in bed by the glow of the streetlight. It was too quiet. And much too dark. Even starlight failed to penetrate the 80-foot canopy of trees the camper was parked beneath. It was the darkest dark he had ever seen. He felt for the flashlight beside his bunk. It was gone. He found where his pants were hanging and, as he felt the pockets for a box of matches, something rustled in the leaves right outside the window, inches from his face. He heard his wife, Wanda, hold her breath; she was awake, too. Then, whatever, was outside in the darkness also breathed, and the huge silence of the night seemed to come inside the camper, stifling them. It was then he decided to pack up and move to a motel 42.

Prrafo descriptivo: es el esbozo pictrico de un lugar, de un hecho, de una persona o un grupo de ellas, de una situacin o de cualquier acontecimiento que el autor trata de dibujar, por medio del lenguaje, lo ms detalladamente posible, abundando en uso de los adjetivos que califican, de sinnimos, homnimos, sustantivos y todo aquello que le permitir pintar un cuadro mental para tratar de hacer entender al lector las cualidades concretas, abstractas y especficas que el escritor encuentra en lo que quiere describir. Es decir, presenta una imagen sensorial a los lectores, buscando que el lector utilice todos sus sentidos para delinear los atributos de los objetos, sucesos, eventos o situaciones descritos. Ejemplos: Ejemplo 1. Never before had Pedro experienced such a depth of despair and such a sense of isolation, he began to avoid those nearest to him, returning their friendly greetings with rough and indifferent replies. Often he sat in his room staring vacantly into space with hollow eyes. His hands were cold and clammy most of the time; yet his forehead burned hot with a mysterious fever. Ejemplo 2. O'Leno is a good example of a state park in Florida. Surrounded by the tall, shaded woods of a beautiful hardwood forest, the Santa Fe River disappears in a large, slowly



swirling, tree-lined pool. After appearing intermittently in scattered sinkholes, the river rises three miles downstream in a big boil, then continues on to meet the Suwannee and the sea. Nearby, stands of cypress mirror themselves in the still waters, walls of dense river swamp rise before you, sudden sinkholes open in the woodlands-rich with cool ferns and mosses. Farther from the river, expanses of longleaf pinelands stretch across rolling hills. In the midst of this lovely setting, you find 65 campsites, 18 rustic cabins, and a pavilion for group meetings. A diving platform marks a good place to swim in the soft, cool waters of the Santa Fe, and canoeing up this dark river is like traveling backwards in time in the direction of original Florida 43. Prrafo de definicin: explica el significado o el concepto de la palabra clave o idea principal del texto. Es decir, aclara un trmino o concepto que el lector podra desconocer. Los diferentes modos de definir incluyen: la situacin de un concepto dentro de una clase, la ilustracin por medio de ejemplos, el uso de sinnimos y la etimologa. Ejemplos: Ejemplo 1. Guilt is the remorse that comes from an awareness of having done something wrong. The origin of guilt is psychological. From childhood, we have all been conditioned by family and society to act within defined standards of reasonableness and decency. Ejemplo 2. "Park" is difficult to define in Florida, because there are so many kinds of parks. Basically, a park is a place to go for outdoor recreation-to swim, picnic, hike, camp, walk the dog, play tennis, paddle your canoe, and, in some places take rides in miniature trains or swish down a waterslide. Florida has a rich variety of parks, ranging from acres of RVs ringed around recreation halls, to impenetrable mangrove wilderness. To make things more complicated, not all of them are called "parks," and even the ones called "parks" come in several varieties 44. Prrafo de ejemplificacin: cita ejemplos individuales que ilustran o completan el concepto, la explicacin o la definicin que se presenta. Los ejemplos pueden aparecer en el texto despus de dos puntos o despus del adverbio como. Ejemplo: Although they dont consider it stealing, many people regularly take things from their companies. The most common items to disappear are pens and pencils that employees almost unconsciously stuff into their purses, knapsacks, or briefcases. Over time, they may accumulate quite a stash of them. Another big item is all kinds of paper: pads of lined paper, handy little notepads that can be used for shopping lists and phone messages, and file folders to organize home records. Yet another innocent theft is the long-distance personal phone call. Those calls cost the company in two ways: They use company time for personal business, and the company has to pay for the calls. Even though companies may have special discounted telephone rates, no call is free. Finally, one of the more significant ways people steal is by taking home samples of the products the company makes: food, clothing supplies, and so on. Employees seem to think they are entitled to these products and even give them to friends. By doing so, they hurt the company by robbing it of a product it depends on for revenue. These examples may not seem like stealing, but the results are the same: extra costs to the company, which may result in lower pay raises 45.

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Prrafo de comparacin: establece analogas o contrastes entre dos o ms objetos o fenmenos para conocerlos de manera profunda o simplemente para demostrar sus semejanzas o rasgos diferenciales. Ejemplo: Forest and river dominate O'Leno State Park. By contrast, Lloyd Beach State Recreation Area, near Fort Lauderdale, is dominated by the oily bodies of sunworshippers who crowd into it every summer weekend. Where O'Leno gives you so much quiet you can hear the leaves whispering, Lloyd Beach is a place of boisterous activity. You can walk a few yards in O'Leno and pass beyond every sign of human civilization. When you walk at Lloyd Beach, you have to be careful to step over the picnic baskets, umbrellas, jam boxes, and browning bodies. At night, O'Leno wraps itself with the silence of crickets and owls. Lloyd Beach is busy with fishermen till well past midnight. If you want to fish near town, or dive into the busy bustle of an urban beach, Lloyd Beach is the place to go. But if you want to stand at the edge of civilization and look across time into an older natural world, O'Leno is the park to visit 46. Prrafo de argumentacin: trata de persuadir al lector con relacin a un dato o razonamiento, para ello se vale de la presentacin de una tesis, describe los datos, premisas, hechos y dems argumentaciones que sostienen su tesis y finalmente defiende su punto de vista. La argumentacin a menudo se manifiesta como la relacin de causa y efecto; esta relacin puede presentar primero la causa terminando con los efectos que produjeron, o comenzar por los efectos dejando la causa al final. Ejemplo: Before you go camping in Florida, plan ahead. Don't wind up in the wilds when you want to be near Disney World, and don't wind up on a concrete RV pad when you really want the forest primeval. Find out what parks are available, and what they are like. Get good information on what to expect, and what your options are. This can make all the difference in the quality of your vacation 47. Prrafo de proceso: proporciona los pasos para hacer algo o explica cmo se hace algo. Ejemplo: The architectural style of a home is crucial to the future satisfaction of the owner. First of all, the owner should decide whether comfort or elegance is more important. This decision will help to eliminate some possibilities. For example, if comfort is very important, a relaxed style such as country might be the best choice. However, if elegance is more to the style of the owner, contemporary or classic designs would be more appropriate. Secondly, the owner may want to survey the prospective neighborhood. Although the house should not be a duplicate of its neighbors, the style should be compatible with the other homes in the area. For instance, a log cabin would not be a good choice for an upper class suburban neighborhood 48. Prrafo de causa y efecto: examina o analiza las razones y consecuencias de algo. Ejemplo: In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth's population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which tended to be located in cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted many people from rural areas. Second, there were
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many schools established to educate the children of the new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people established places of leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural communities 49. Fjate cmo cada oracin de apoyo representa una causa que explica el efecto mencionado en la oracin temtica. En la tabla que aparece a continuacin aparecen clasificadas las ideas del prrafo anterior, con el propsito de ayudarte a entender mejor las relaciones que se establecen. EFFECT (Topic Sentence) Cities have grown very large. [There are several reasons for this.] (Cities have grown very large.) (Cities have grown very large.) CAUSES (Supporting Sentences) Factory jobs attracted people.

Better schools attracted families to move to the city. Places of leisure, entertainment, and culture made city life appear more interesting. Prrafo de clasificacin: divide algo en sus partes o agrupa en categoras cosas relacionadas. Es decir, presentan objetos o actividades que comparten una misma caracterstica o circunstancia que, a veces, se convierten en criterios para clasificar en grupos, subgrupos o gneros. Ejemplos: Ejemplo 1. The Bible identifies three kinds of guilt: guilt of the unpardonable sin, redeemable guilt, and guilt of innocence. First, the guilt of the unpardonable sin. Second, redeemable guilt is guilt that can be erased. Finally, the guilt of innocence is the guilt that Jesus bore. Ejemplo 2. When people walk through a hardware store or home improvement center, they will notice how many kinds of paint are available. The various kinds of paint can be grouped according to finish: glossy, semi-gloss, and flat. First of all, most kitchens and bathrooms are painted with glossy or semi-gloss enamel which is the easiest to clean and holds up well to scrubbing. Enamels are also used on interior trim for the same reasons. Sometimes they are even used on children's bedroom walls where they might get scuff marks or be written on accidentally. The other kind of paint is flat latex; this paint is used for walls and ceilings of regular bedrooms and living areas as it is less likely to show the imperfections of rough walls due to poor putty jobs, scratches, or uneven surfaces under the paint and it is less likely to need frequent scrubbing. In conclusion, the finish of the paint is as important as the color 50. Prrafo de mtodo mixto: emplea ms de un mtodo de desarrollo del prrafo. Como habamos mencionado anteriormente, los prrafos, por lo general, se desarrollan utilizando varios mtodos. El siguiente prrafo es un ejemplo de un prrafo bien desarrollado. Las oraciones en negritas son la oracin temtica y la oracin de conclusin. Las oraciones subrayadas constituyen las tres razones principales que apoyan a la oracin temtica. Las
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Fuente: Fuente: 05/01/2008 15:58:23.


otras oraciones constituyen los detalles especficos y ejemplos que ilustran las tres razones principales. Shopping malls are becoming popular gathering places for many citizens. The convenience of finding many kinds of shops under one roof is in itself enough to draw crowds. Department stores, drug stores, boutiques, book shops, tobacco shops, bakeries, and many more try to entice shoppers. Shops that provide services such as pet grooming, hair styling, and optical services add to the convenience. Entertainment has not been overlooked, either. Movie theaters and amusement arcades can be found in almost any mall worthy of its name. For hungry shoppers, there are restaurants and ice cream parlors, fast-food booths and candy counters. Last, but certainly not least, shopping malls provide a place for people of all ages to go, whether they are interested in buying or not. Even if they have no money to spend, they are welcome to stroll, look at window displays, or just sit on the benches that are conveniently placed throughout the malls. They can relax and feel that they are part of the bustling world around them. When considering all of these advantages, it is easy to understand why people are flocking to the shopping malls 51. Ejercicio 7.4. Tipos de prrafos. CONNECT THE PARAGRAPHS IN THE COLUMN CLASSIFICATION IN THE COLUMN ON THE RIGHT: 1.






There are two philosophies of medicine: the primitive or superstitious and the modern or rational. They are in complete opposition to one another. The former involves the belief that disease is caused by supernatural forces. Such a doctrine associates disease with sin; it is an aspect of religion which conceives diseases as due to certain forms of evil and attempts to control them by ceremonial and superstitious measures or to drive them away by wishful thinking. On the other hand, rational medicine is based on the conception that disease arises from natural causes; it associates sickness with ignorance. Civilized man tries to control the forces causing disease by material, not spiritualistic, means; he does not view disease as supernatural or the outcome of sin against moral laws, but rather as resulting from the violation of sanitary laws. He recognizes that knowledge is the sole means of preventing it. The measures he relies upon both to prevent and cure disease are those which have resulted from scientific investigation and which have been proved to be effective by experience. Sukiyaki (pronounced by the Japanese in three syllables with no accent--shee-yah-kee) is the dish that has proved most popular among American visitors to Japan. It is not, as it is sometimes described, a Japanese imitation of chop suey, but is a native concoction with a long and honorable history. Its ingredients may vary, but they consist usually of raw beef sliced paper-thin, onions, spinach, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, bean curd, and a kind of gelatinous noodle, with sugar and rice wine and soy sauce as seasonings. It is the cooking and eating of sukiyaki, however,

A. Definition


B. Narration




rather than the food itself, that makes it an experience to remember. The guests gather round a thick skillet set on a charcoal burner, and the raw ingredients (brought in beautifully arranged on a huge plate, for the Japanese believe in eating first with their eyes) are cooked in their presence. After part of the food has been allowed to simmer with its seasonings for a tantalizing while, the guests reach into the common skillet with their chopsticks, taking out whatever pieces please them and dipping them into a beaten raw egg. Sukiyaki is not just a food, it is a social experience; for all evening long the guests sit around the pan "cooking and eating," as the Japanese say, "and eating and cooking." 3. In the 1950s French fries were an unimportant side dish that brought in little profit at most restaurants. The McDonald brothers, however, lavished considerable attention on their fries. Many customers were fiercely devoted to the product. Kroc believed the McDonalds fries were the best he had ever tasted. Convinced that they would be crucial for his chain he set out to master French fry production. "The French fry would become almost sacrosanct for me, its preparation a ritual to be followed religiously," he wrote in his autobiography, The new earth, freshly torn from its parent sun, was a ball of whirling gases, intensely hot, rushing through the black spaces of the universe on a path at a speed controlled by immense forces. Gradually the ball of flaming gases cooled. The gases began to liquefy, and Earth became a molten mass. The materials of this mass eventually became sorted out in a definite pattern: the heaviest in the center, the less heavy surrounding them, and the least heavy forming the outer rim. This is the pattern which persists today a central sphere of molten iron, very nearly as hot as it was 2 billion years ago, an intermediate sphere of semiplastic basalt, and a hard outer shell, relatively quite thin and composed of solid basalt and granite. Light and all other forms of radiation are analogous to waterripples or waves, in that they distribute energy from a central source. The suns radiation distributes through space the vast amount of energy which is generated inside the sun. We hardly know whether there is any actual wave-motion in light or not, but we know that both light and all other types of radiation are propagated in such a form that they have some of the properties of a succession of waves. Work tends to be associated with non-work-specific environments, activities, and schedules. If asked what space is reserved for learning, many students would suggest the classroom, the lab or the library. What about the kitchen? The bedroom? In fact, any room in which a student habitually studies becomes a learning space, or a place associated with thinking. Some people need to C: Analogy


D. Exemplification (illustration)


E. Contrast And Compare


F. Chronology


engage in sports or other physical activity before they can work successfully. Being sedentary seems to inspire others. Although most classes are scheduled between 8:30 and 22:00, some students do their best work before the sun rises, some after it sets. Some need a less flexible schedule than others, while a very few can sit and not rise until their task is completed. Some students work quickly and efficiently, while others cannot produce anything without much dust and heat. 7. The broad range of positive characteristics used to define males could be used to define females too, but they are not. At its entry for woman Webster's Third provides a list of "qualities considered distinctive of womanhood": "Gentleness, affection, and domesticity or on the other hand fickleness, superficiality, and folly." Among the "qualities considered distinctive of manhood" listed in the entry for man, no negative attributes detract from the "courage, strength, and vigor" the definers associate with males. According to this dictionary, womanish means "unsuitable to a man or to a strong character of either sex." G. Cause-Effect


I have to watch my snake, Jake, more closely. Yesterday, I took him H. Combined out of his cage to clean It. He got away when I was not looking. He method slithered as fast as lightning into the kitchen. My mom screamed loudly and jumped on a chair. Jake hid under the stove. I looked for a long time before I found him. Now he is back in his cage. Next time, I plan to put him in a box while I clean his cage! Three types of circuits are used in automotive electricity: series I. Enumeration circuit, parallel circuit, and series-parallel circuit. In series circuit, the current flows in one path: from the battery through the switch and through the two light bulbs. In the series-circuit, current must pass through all the electrical devices, one after another. If any device fails to work, it will act as a switch and open the whole circuit on. In the parallel circuit, the other hand, there are two or more paths for current flow. If one device fails to work, the current still goes to the other devices, and they continue to works. Most automotive electrical circuits, however, use the series parallel circuit, which is a combination of a series and parallel circuit. The parallel part works like the parallel circuit described above; the series part, like the series circuit.


10. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed J. Classification my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. (b) These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.


Los conectores.
Un texto no slo consta de una serie de oraciones sueltas. En el siguiente ejemplo: Escrib una carta a mi ta ayer. En la casa viven cinco personas. No hay ninguna coherencia. Para que un texto pueda considerarse como una unidad debe haber una relacin lgica, ya que las oraciones de un texto son como piezas de un rompecabezas: toda oracin debe encajar en la oracin anterior. Para desarrollar las ideas centrales los autores utilizan diferentes recursos retricos (o mtodos de desarrollo), los cuales pueden identificarse por las palabras de unin y de transicin. Estas palabras que sirven para conectar de manera lgica las diversas partes de un texto se llaman conectores, conocidos tambin como enlaces, nexos, marcadores textuales o conectivos. Ejemplo del uso de los conectores en contexto. Lee el prrafo siguiente y fjate cmo se usan los diferentes tipos de conectores para relacionar las oraciones de apoyo con la oracin temtica.

Introduce el argumento
(oracin temtica)

There are those who suggest that Bram Stokers idea of driving a stake through his vampire came from Vlads liking for impalement. But other opinions see this as too far-fetched. Those supporting the

Conectivos que oponen el argumento

argument point to the evidence that the Count is based on a portrait of Vlad as a bloodthirsty berserker called Dracula. However, Elizabeth Miller argues there is no proof, adding that Bram Stoker may have read countless descriptions of Gothic characters. Finally, some even claim that Vlad actually drank his victims blood, although there is nothing in the historical data that refers to Vlad as a vampire.

Se refiere a las pruebas o razones

Aumenta algo a lo que ya se ha dicho Concluye con el argumento

Es de gran importancia conocer el valor de cada conector, es decir, el sentido del enlace conceptual que representa, puesto que nos indican que se explicar, ejemplificar, justificar, contrastar, modificar o resumir la(s) oracin(s) anterior(s).


Ahora bien, dado que existen diversos tipos de relacin entre los conceptos, tambin existen varias clases de conectores discursivos. Los conectores se distinguen en los de coordinacin y los de subordinacin. Los primeros son nexos que funden en un solo enunciado dos o ms oraciones que por s mismas podran manifestarse aisladas como enunciados. Los conectores de subordinacin, en cambio, supeditan la oracin en que se insertan y la convierten funcionalmente a una unidad de rango inferior que cumple alguna de las funciones propias del sustantivo, del adjetivo o del adverbio.

Recursos de conectividad
Subordinacin relativas completivas temporales causales consecutivas concesivas condicionales ejemplificacin finales comparativas locativas Coordinacin aditivas adversativas disyuntivas Yuxtaposicin. Se dice que dos o ms oraciones estn yuxtapuestas cuando entre ellas no existe nexo alguno, pese a lo cual podemos interpretar que la relacin entre ellas es del mismo tipo que la que hay entre las coordinadas o las subordinadas. Dicho de otra manera, son oraciones compuestas por coordinacin o por subordinacin pero entre ellas no hay ningn nexo explcito.

Clases de conectores
Segn el tipo de relacin que establecen, los conectores, pueden clasificarse en dos grandes categoras: marcadores lgicos o conectivos propiamente dichos, y marcadores estructurales (palabras de enlace, linking words en ingls). A. Marcadores lgicos (conectivos) Los marcadores lgicos son los conectivos que indican la relacin que existe entre dos frases u oraciones, o dos grupos de oraciones contiguas. B. Palabras de enlace (linking words) Los llamados marcadores estructurales o de organizacin textual sealan las distintas partes de un texto, denotando la funcin que cumplen con respecto a todo o a otra parte del discurso. Ahora bien, segn su funcin y la clase de relacin que establecen, tanto los marcadores lgicos (conectivos) como los marcadores de organizacin textual (palabras o frases de enlace linking words) pueden clasificarse en las siguientes categoras principales. De acuerdo a su funcin, los conectores que aqu te proporcionamos aparecen en orden alfabtico, de modo que puedas revisar slo aquellos de los que tienes duda, sin necesidad de que revises todos. Con la intencin de que veas cmo funcionan los conectores, en cada una de las clasificaciones slo se presentan algunos ejemplos, ya sea en oraciones o en contexto, puesto que incluir ejemplos de todos y cada uno de los conectores rebasa el propsito de esta gua. Los ejercicios aparecen despus de esta clasificacin.


Ingls after again also although and as as a result as an example

Espaol despus (de) que, luego que, tras nuevamente tambin aunque, si bien y, e as, como como consecuencia / resultado como ejemplo

Ingls included in comparison in conclusion in contrast indeed in fact in my opinion in other words

Espaol incluso contrario a en conclusin, para terminar contrario a ciertamente, en realidad, por cierto en realidad, de hecho en mi opinin en otras palabras, es decir, que equivale a decir en especial en resumen creo que en resumen en cambio como asimismo mientras tanto adems a saber no obstante enseguida, despus por un lado al contrario por otro lado con tal (de) que, siempre que en segundo lugar similarmente as, as que tal(es) como es decir por eso, por lo tanto estar de acuerdo con as, as pues por desgracia a menos que mientras que mientras que no obstante, pero

as well as according to at last because because of this besides both...and but certainly consequently despite due to (this) equally even though eventually except for excepting finally firstly for example for instance fortunately from my point of view furthermore given that however / nevertheless if in addition in actual fact

as como, tan... como segn , de acuerdo con por fin porque por eso adems as .... como, tanto...como pero ciertamente, por cierto en consecuencia a pesar de (que) debido a esto por igual aunque a la larga, a la postre excepto a excepcin de finalmente En primera instancia por ejemplo por ejemplo afortunadamente desde mi punto de vista Adems, an ms, es ms, ms an puesto que sin embargo si adems en realidad

in particular in summary I think that... in short instead like likewise meanwhile moreover namely nevertheless next on the one hand on the contrary on the other hand provided that secondly similarly so such as that is ( to say) therefore (that is why) to agree with thus unfortunately unless whereas while/as long as yet


Adicin (incluyen las llamadas conjunciones copulativas): Indican que una idea se aade a la otra, que se le suma. Cuando son conjunciones compuestas (both...and) se les conoce como correlativas. Pueden distinguirse diversos matices de significacin. For adding information: and, again, also, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, in fact, likewise, moreover, similarly, too. Ejemplos: We have tickets for the symphony and the opera. The writer has used techniques such as informal language and personal anecdotes in order to persuade the reader. Both my sister and my brother play the piano. The authors are critical of the illusions many organisations have of teamwork. In addition, they suggest that there are some common misunderstandings about 'how' teams actually work. The authors are critical of the illusions many organisations have of teamwork. Moreover, these illusions lead to the use of teams in situations that fail to utilise their potential. The authors are critical of the illusions many organisations have of teamwork. Furthermore, they suggest that these illusions are costing businesses large losses in productivity. The author makes some insightful translations, besides capturing the poetic tone of the original piece. Long term memory stores vast quantities of information; in fact it is regarded as the source of our intellectual prowess. The author's translation is insightful, also capturing the poetic tone of the original piece.

Ejemplo en contexto: Childcare The government should provide more financial assistance to parents who use childcare. Firstly, childcare centres may assist children in their early development. They give children an opportunity to mix with other children and to develop social skills at an early age. A whole range of learning occurs in childcare centres. Moreover, parents and children need to spend some time apart. Children become less dependent on their parents and parents themselves are less stressed and more effective caregivers when there are periods of separation. Recent studies indicate that the parent-child relationship can be improved by the use of high-quality childcare facilities. In addition, parents who cannot go to work because they don't have access to childcare facilities cannot contribute to the national economy. They are not able to utilise their productive skills and do not pay income tax. Non-working parents can become a drain on the tax system through dependent spouse and other rebates. Government support for childcare services assists individual families and is important for the economic well-being of the whole nation.


Causa y de efecto: muestran que la idea que introducen es la causa, la razn o la explicacin de otra; o bien, denotan que la idea que introducen es consecuencia o efecto de la anteriormente expresada. To show cause: as, because for, now that, since. To show effect: accordingly, as a result/consequence, because of this/that, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus. Los conceptos de causa y de consecuencia son inversos, as que puede transformarse fcilmente una relacin causal en una consecutiva, y viceversa, dejando intacta la relacin lgica causa-efecto. Como en el caso siguiente: No puedo comprar el libro porque no me alcanza el dinero. No me alcanza el dinero; por tanto, no puedo comprar el libro.Ejemplos: The conclusion is flawed because the survey failed to use a random sampling technique. The conclusion is flawed as the survey failed to use a random sampling technique. The conclusion is flawed since the survey failed to use a random sampling technique. The conclusion must be rejected now that it has been revealed random sampling was not followed. The conclusion must be rejected for it has been revealed that random sampling was not followed. He was angry because the food was cold. It's usually quite simple to cross the border between the USA and Canada because these two countries have friendly relations. I love Matisse's works because he uses colour so brilliantly The food was cold. Therefore he was angry. Dennis went to the symphony; consequently, he was suspended from the band. I need an office to myself so that I can get some work done. The job is badly paid so I'm looking for another one. I hate living in London so I'm moving to the country. The driver of the bank robbers cars kept the engine running so that he could make a quick get-away. Nota: So that aqu muestra propsito. No puede decirse: The driver of the bank robbers car kept the engine running in order to he could make a quick get-away. Para que pueda utilizarse in order to, debe eliminarse he could. Smith fails to provide evidence for her argument: as a result this text is flawed. The subjects were not randomly distributed to groups; as a consequence the conclusion they have drawn is flawed. No control group was included in the experiment: consequently, the conclusion they have drawn is invalid. Smith fails to provide evidence for her argument; therefore, it is hardly convincing. No control group was included in the experiment; thus, the conclusion drawn is rather ambiguous. Smith fails to provide evidence for her argument; hence, her opinion has been widely criticised. The subjects were not randomly distributed to groups. Accordingly, the implications of the conclusion are limited.


Comparacin y contraste: indican comparacin entre elementos y tambin sealan semejanzas y diferencias entre dos o ms conjuntos o entidades. To compare: as, as with, both...and, equally, in the same way, like, likewise, similarly. Ejemplos: Sensory memory, like working memory, has a limit upon the duration it can maintain stimuli. Sensory memory, as is the case with working memory, has a limit upon the duration it can maintain stimuli. Both sensory memory and working memory have a limit upon the duration they can maintain stimuli. The Reserve Bank's long term view of economic activity is grim. Similarly many economic indicators forecast a drop in current activity. Although the first two words may seem to share some connotations, guilt is not a synonym for blame. Guilt must be felt; blame must be assessed. Guilt implies selfreproach that comes from an internal consciousness of wrong. Blame hints at fault that has been externally assessed.

Conclusin: sealan que se ha terminado con una secuencia de ideas o que se ha concluido la exposicin o el escrito. To conclude: in conclusion, in summary, finally. Ejemplos: In conclusion, teamwork has increasingly become the business strategy of the nineties. In summary, the dietary needs of patients are important and should be the domain for trained nurses. Finally, each of the memory systems operates in tandem to allow learning and cognition to occur.

Condicin: Significan que la oracin que introducen es una condicin, de cuyo cumplimiento real o supuesto depende lo expresado en otra oracin. To express condition: if, in case, provided that, unless. Ejemplos: If you have already bought your ticket, you will still need to wait in line If I had known how much I would disappoint him, I wouldnt have done it. The conclusion must be rejected if random sampling techniques were not used in the administration of the survey. The conclusion will be accepted unless the administration of the survey was flawed. The team is ready to administer another survey in case the results of the first were flawed. The conclusion will be accepted provided that the administration of the survey was not flawed.

Confirmacin o afirmacin probativa: destacan que la verdad o realidad de un enunciado resulta la prueba o corroboracin de lo ya dicho. To emphasise: above all, certainly, especially, indeed, in particular, notably, significantly. Ejemplos:


Pamela will certainly win the match. Smith tends to use emotive language; indeed, this makes her case highly persuasive. Contraste y oposicin (incluyen las llamadas conjunciones adversativas): Indican que la idea que introducen se opone o es contraria, en algn respecto, a otra, generalmente ya expresada en la oracin o frase anterior. Pueden distinguirse diversos matices. Contrast and Comparison: although, but, by comparison, by the same token, contrast, conversely, despite, even though, however, in alternatively, in comparison, in contrast, instead, instead of, likewise, nevertheless, on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, rather, similarly, still, unlike, whereas, while, yet. Ejemplos: Although he was the best qualified candidate, he didn't get the job. I don't know him very well, although I have met him socially on a couple of occasions. Although she was exhausted, she continued to study. Nota, en lugar de esto, puede decirse: Despite/In spite of being exhausted, she continued to study. O bien: Despite/In spite of the fact that she was exhausted, she continued to study. The food was cold, but he was angry. The orchestra rehearses on Tuesday, but the chorus rehearses on Wednesday. The food was cold. Nevertheless, he was angry. The West underwent industrialization many years ago, while/whereas/but most of Asia is still in the process of developing. Our horse is a great jumper; on the other hand, he isn't very good in the races. The writer used a formal academic style but also included personal anecdotes in order to persuade the reader. The writer used informal language yet a more formal style is required in this context. The writer included personal anecdotes although examples of a more technical nature would have been more appropriate. The writer uses an informal style even though this technique is unsuitable for the academic context. The writer included personal anecdotes while examples of a more technical nature would have been more appropriate. The writer used informal language whereas more formal language is required in this context. The writer included personal anecdotes despite the traditional conventions of academic writing disallowing this technique. Long term memory stores vast quantities of information; in contrast the storage capacity of working memory is much more limited. The author's translation is insightful; nevertheless the piece sounds at its most poetic in the original Spanish. Long term memory has a vast storage capacity; however the storage capacity of working memory is more limited. Smith is critical of the overuse of teamwork in large organisations. On the contrary, Ferguson suggests productivity would be improved if they were further utilised. The Reserve Bank's long term view of economic activity is grim despite the current healthy outlook of many economic indicators.


The dramatic staging of the play enhanced the suspense of the piece; by comparison the original version was much less sinister.

Ejemplificacin: se utilizan para dar ejemplos de las ideas o conceptos que se estn exponiendo. To give examples: as an example, as an illustration, as revealed by, chiefly, especially, for example, for instance, for one thing, illustrated with, including, in particular, in the case of, in this case, such as, markedly, namely, particularly, specifically. Ejemplos: The writer has used techniques such as informal language and personal anecdotes in order to persuade the reader. The team can administer several surveys simultaneously; for example intelligence and aptitude tests are usually done together. There are a number of users of this type of accounting information; for example, trade unions and their members. The chef required many ingredients to prepare her banquet; for instance, fresh herbs and many types of mushrooms. There are two ways to slide easily through life: namely, to believe everything, or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking. Alfred Korzybski. Seneca once said, "Every guilty person is his own hangman." The truth of this observation can be illustrated by the lives of countless villains. Once such is Macbeth, from Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name. At the instigation of his wife, Macbeth kills the king of Scotland and usurps his throne an act of treachery for which Macbeth and his wife suffer torments of guilt.

Explicacin, reformulacin y rectificacin: indican que una idea puede o debera expresarse de otro modo. To further explain an idea (clarification and reformulation): a better way of putting it is, in other words, in particular, it would be better to say, namely, that is, that is to say, that means, to put it another way. Ejemplos:

I have not been able to find the words that will get Google to give me a bunch of reading
on this subject. It seems to me that temporal awareness is related to ones ability to do things like save money. If you cant regularly be aware of the future you stand little chance of putting aside money for it. Maybe a better way of putting it is not spending money. If you are aware of future needs then you are less likely to buy that Grande Latte. The most general way I can think of putting it is delayed gratification. The size of the delay is one of the interesting parts. I often see others and myself looking ahead in small or very large units of time. When I take timeout to figure on the situation I often find that there is a middle ground. Many times there is more than one middle ground. And whats more, one or more of these middle grounds holds the most important consequences. The Melbourne Cup is Australia 's most famous race. In other words, this is the one race that everyone in Australia knows about. The patient is still alive; the surgeons have retired while anxious relatives hover at the bedside. In other words, the pound has survived another day without intervention. (Blakemore, 1996: 328). Does she have the right work experience and skills in other words, can she do the job?


The writings of the Saxons, in particular, portray herbs as being used for this, and for other functions, such as medical ones in the treatment of disease. Herb drinks were mixed, with ale, milk, or vinegar; many of the potions were made with herbs mixed with honey. Instead of how to improve memory it would be better to say how to exercise this brain capacity in a way that its natural possibilities of learning are made the most of. But confining myself more to the particular, I say that a prince may be seen happy to-day and ruined to-morrow without having shown any change of disposition or character. This, I believe, arises firstly from causes that have already been discussed at length, namely, that the prince who relies entirely on fortune is lost when it changes. I believe also that he will be successful who directs his actions according to the spirit of the times, and that he whose actions do not accord with the times will not be successful. Because men are seen, in affairs that lead to the end which every man has before him, namely, glory and riches, to get there by various methods; one with caution, another with haste; one by force, another by skill; one by patience, another by its opposite; and each one succeeds in reaching the goal by a different method. One can also see of two cautious men the one attain his end, the other fail; and similarly, two men by different observances are equally successful, the one being cautious, the other impetuous; all this arises from nothing else than whether or not they conform in their methods to the spirit of the times. This follows from what I have said, that two men working differently bring about the same effect, and of two working similarly, one attains his object and the other does not. The Prince by Machiavelli, Nicolo A typical example is Ma Tai Sien Koo, namely water chestnuts and mushrooms blended in a light vinegar and lemon sauce, seasoned with chilli, sesame seeds and cherry tomatoes, served on a bed of lemon bean curd. (Asian Times, 11th May 1993). namely explains the term Ma Tai Sien Koo. The republicans, that is, the third party in the centre-left coalition, disagreed with the legislation. (Blakemore, 1996: 329) Psychologists are directly interested in the mental representation and processing of categories. To investigate these issues, they take as their primary data observations about human behavior; that is, the responses of subjects engaged in various types of categorization tasks. But to get you started weve decorated a selection of small boxes which would make ideal gifts for friends at Christmas, that is, if you can bear to give them away! (House Beautiful, November 1993) Explaining economics is probably the most difficult thing for any writer to undertake, especially if ones take on things is not in the mainstream, that is to say, not what they call classical economics, which is another way of saying that capitalism is the only possible system, so its interesting to see how the mainstream media deal with the current credit crisis or perhaps a better way of putting it is to say we have a crisis because the credits run out. Just too many bad debts which wouldnt be so bad except nobody knows who owns the debts or even where the hell they are! William Bowles Peace is merely an interlude; when it is over, life, that is to say war, goes on.(The Times, 18th November 1995) The population is ageing. That is to say, there is a higher percentage of people over the age of sixty than at any rime previously this century. Urban Australia was founded by English convicts, or to put it another way, England's rejects.


Opcin o alternativa (de disyuncin): expresan la posibilidad entre una u otra idea, de poder escoger una cosa u otra, de que un hecho ocurra en vez de otro. Cuando son conjunciones compuestas (either...or, neither...nor) se les conoce como correlativas. Expressing an alternative: alternatively, another possibility would be, on the other hand, rather, the alternative is. Ejemplos: Have you seen or heard the opera by Scott Joplin? You can go to Ibiza, or you can have a nice week in Dorset. Tonight's program is either Mozart or Beethoven. The Irish famine of 1846-50 took a million lives, nor was there a single household spared its hardship. Neither the orchestra nor the chorus was able to overcome the terrible acoustics in the church. Nota: La conjuncin or tambin puede ser un marcador de explicacin o reformulacin, para indicar equivalencia de sentido. Secuencia temporal de ideas o eventos: sealan el orden cronolgico o temporal en que se presentan las ideas o en que ocurren los eventos. For sequencing ideas or events: after, after that, afterwards, at first, before, before that, eventually, finally, firstly, gradually, lastly, meanwhile, next, secondly, since, since then, then, thirdly, when, whilst. Ejemplos: Since Alice began sailing, she has hardly spent a weekend on shore. Population in the industrialized nations is on the decline; meanwhile, third-world countries are experiencing an explosion in their populations. Students were expected to hand in typed assignments after many computers became available on campus. Few students typed their assignments before computers became available on campus. The number of typed assignments has increased dramatically since many computers became available on campus. Students were expected to hand in typed assignments when many computers became available on campus. Trade opened between Japan and Europe; after that artists were exposed to Asian culture for the first time. Trade opened between Japan and Europe. Before that artists had had little exposure to Asian culture. Trade opened between Japan and Europe; then the art world began to acknowledge this new partnership. Trade opened between Japan and Europe. At first, the art world did little to acknowledge this new partnership. Trade opened between Japan and Europe; since then, the art world has done much to acknowledge this new partnership. Firstly, trade opened between Japan and Europe; secondly, trade between China and Japan resumed. Trade opened between Japan and Europe. Next, trade between China and Japan resumed; lastly, Japan sought to dismantle trade embargoes with the United States. After the trade embargoes were abolished, eventually both parties realised the benefits of a trade partnership. After the trade embargoes were abolished, gradually trade between Japan and Europe increased. After the trade embargoes were abolished, finally both parties could capitalise upon their trade partnership.


Relativos: los pronombres y adverbios relativos pueden incluirse tambin entre los conectores, pues su funcin gramatical es a la vez reproducir conceptos ya mencionados y servir de nexo subordinante entre proposiciones. To subordinate: that, which, when, where, who, whom, why. Ejemplos: Do you think this is something that can be learned? I think I know why he left the job. My friend John, who lives in California, has a car with a New York license. When a university professor returns from a sabbatical leave, he should be better qualified.

Nota general sobre el uso de los conectores: como habrs notado, existen, dentro de una misma clase, varios conectores de significado equivalente, por ejemplo., entre los consecutivos: por tanto, por consiguiente, as pues, as que, conque, por eso. Sin embargo, no siempre son intercambiables, pues hay entre ellos diferencias de connotacin y de estilo. Unos se usan casi exclusivamente en la lengua escrita o muy formal (por consiguiente, no obstante, con objeto de, ora... ora), otros son propios del lenguaje comn (por tanto, sin embargo, aunque, en fin), y otros aparecen en contextos de menor formalidad (entonces, por eso, as que, por ms que). Slo la lectura constante y la consulta de libros de gramtica o de estilo te proporcionarn un conocimiento ms preciso de estos matices semnticos. Ejercicios de conectores Para realizar los ejercicios siguientes pregntate cul es la relacin ms precisa que hay entre las partes de la oracin, las oraciones o las partes del texto que se relacionan. Para hacerlo puedes plantearte algunas preguntas como las siguientes: exigen una deduccin?, introducen una idea, ejemplo o prueba contradictoria?, sealan una causa, un efecto?, etc. (Puedes consultar la tabla de conectores.) Ejercicio 7.5. Contrasting information 52. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER AND FILL IN THE BLANK. 1: Phillipa is really thin _____ eating like a horse! a) however b) in spite of c) although d) in addition to 2: I didn't really enjoy myself. Steve, ______, seemed to be having the time of his life. a) however b) although c) in spite of d) despite




3: Whenever they go on holiday John likes to drive, _______ Susan prefers to fly she says it's quicker. a) although b) in spite of c) despite d) whereas 4: In spite of never having played cards before, she _______ won all the money! a) yet b) never c) didn't d) still 5: Sue went to work ______ feeling ill. a) despite b) although c) whereas d) however 6: Kevin's been a vegetarian for years, _______ he still eats fish! a) despite b) in spite of c) although d) however Ejercicio 7.6. And / But / So / Because 53. CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION: 1. I like coffee ___ I don't like tea. a) and b) but 2. I cannot swim __ I can ski. a) and b) but

c) so

d) because

c) so

d) because

3. I want a new TV __ the one I have now is broken. a) and b) but c) so 4. I had to work on Saturday __ I couldn't go to John's party a) and b) but c) so 5. My name is Jim __ I'm your new teacher. a) and b) but 6. I was cold __ I turned on the heater. a) and b) but

d) because

d) because

c) so

d) because

c) so

d) because

7. We'll have to go shopping __ we have nothing for dinner. a) and b) but c) so


d) because



8. The history test was difficult __ the English one was easy. a) and b) but c) so 9. We didn't go to the beach yesterday __ it was raining. a) and b) but c) so 10. We have a test on Monday __ I'll have to study this weekend. a) and b) but c) so

d) because

d) because

d) because

Ejercicio 7.7. Cause and Effect 54. SELECT THE CORRECT CONNECTOR TO FILL IN THE BLANK. MORE THAN ONE ANSWER MAY BE CORRECT. 1. ______________ my computer froze, I had to restart it. a) Since b) Because c) Consequently d) For 2. I couldn't get it to start again, ______________ the battery was dead. a) so b) for c) because of d) therefore 3. I had left it on all day; ______________, it was dead. a) consequently b) because c) so that 4. ______________ I needed to work, I had to go find the power cord a) For b) Since c) Due to

d) therefore

d) Therefore

5. I had a "splitting headache" today. It got ______________ bad that I had to take a tablet. a) such b) therefore c) so much d) so 6. ______________ technology is advancing, we will have to spend more time keeping up. a) Now that b) Since c) Because d) In asmuch as 7. People choose Apple computers ______________ their ease of use. a) Because b) due to c) due to the fact that d) because of 8. Other people prefer to use PCs ______________ they are more universally used. a) Because b) due to c) due to the fact that d) because of 9. Why did Jack buy an iMac? He bought one ______________ he could easily access the Internet. a) so b) so that c) due to d) for 10. He had lots of free time, ______________ he spent it 'surfing' the Internet. a) so b) so that c) for that reason d) since


Fuente, adaptado de:


Ejercicio 7.8 55. CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORD(S) TO COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE. 1. Her salary is higher than mine ____________ we do the same work. a) although b) despite c) however 2. It must be finished before tomorrow __________ long it takes. a) whatever b) no matter c) however 3. The rule applies to all employees __________ of their position. a) whatever b) irrespective c) inconsiderate 4. It will take place outdoors, __________ it rains or not. a) if b) in spite of c) whether 5. He organized the trip ___________ of the danger. a) regardless b) inattentive c) remindless 6. You must attend the meeting ____________ he'll be very annoyed. a) otherwise b) nevertheless c) unless 7. The country is at war. ______________ it is underdeveloped. a) Because b) Furthermore c) Then 8. Nobody was listening anymore; __________ the recital continued. a) notwithstanding b) regardless c) nevertheless Ejercicio 7.9 56. CIRCLE THE RIGHT OPTION 1. Amanda will get her birthday card in time, as long as / so long you send it today. 2. It looks as although / as though it's going to rain. 3. Nina left work early for / so she could go to the dentist. 4. In addition / besides to a spacious apartment in Manhattan, the family owns a house in the South of Spain. 5. It was so / such an awful film that many people left the cinema halfway through it. 6. They managed to win the match, as a result / even though they played really badly. 7. Schools and businesses stayed open yesterday despite / in spite the terrible weather. 8. Patrick did very well in most of his exams. Although / However , he failed his German exam and will have to take it again in September. Ejercicio 7.10 57. CIRCLE THE RIGHT OPTION 1. They are reducing bus and train fares in order / so as to encourage more people to use public transport. 2. Since / Therefore we have got an hour until the plane leaves, let's go for a coffee. 3. Even so / Even though Pamela is still at school she's already a bestselling novelist. 4. You can use my laptop computer, as long / provided you promise to take very good care of it. 5. Mrs. Smith wants to go snorkelling in Florida this summer, however / whereas Mr Smith wants to go and play golf in Scotland.

Fuente: Fuente: 57 Fuente:


6. As / Though Julian had the necessary qualifications, he didn't get the job. 7. The photography exhibition was a great success in the United States. The organizers have decided, so / therefore , to take the exhibition to the UK. 8. Studying a second language can be very good for your career. As well as / Furthermore , it can introduce you to fascinating cultures. Ejercicio 7.11 58. CIRCLE THE RIGHT OPTION 1. We arrived late because of / due the traffic. 2. It was a lovely day. However / Although , we had to stay indoors and paint the living room. 3. Though / Even they were going on holiday for just a week she took two suitcases. 4. They found him guilty however / despite the fact there was very little evidence. 5. He would rather spend his money on CDs as / than on clothes. 6. The exam was really tough. He managed, despite / nevertheless , to come top of the class. 7. I'll go to the party as long / provided you go too. 8. I went to the party. It wasn't much fun, although / though. Ejercicio 7.12 59. INSERT THE BEST OPTION 1. Polls show that Tony Blair is the most popular Prime Minister this century. ________________, there are even members of his own party who are uneasy with his approach. a) In particular b) However c) For instance 2. There are some slight variations in temperature, but ________________ 26 to 27C should be expected. a) consequently b) otherwise c) as a rule 3. The two main Channel Islands, ________________ Jersey and Guernsey, are much closer to France than to England. a) for example b) namely c) in particular 4. It was announced that nurses' working hours would be increased by 25%. ______________, even fewer trainee nurses are expected to join the profession. a) As a result b) So that c) Likewise 5. Sales of CDs have experienced a small but steady fall over the past 12 months. _____________, vinyl records have seen an increase in their share of the market, up to 1.7%. a) Above all b) Correspondingly c) In contrast 6. The Vice Chancellor explained that in light of the current financial climate and because of unexpected bad debts, it would be necessary to peg salary levels at their current level for all grades of staff. ______________, no-one was getting a pay rise. a) Nevertheless b) In other words c) Similarly

58 59

Fuente: Fuente:


7. It is clear, therefore, that the situation in Brazil will improve only slowly. ______________ the economic problems being experienced in Japan, the outlook is slightly more optimistic. a) Furthermore b) In comparison c) With reference to 8. In order to try to reduce car use in the inner cities, the government has announced new restrictions on company parking spaces and ______________, a new tax on individual car use. a) as well as b) in addition c) in the same way 9. Essays must be handed in by the deadline, ______________ they will not be marked. a) obviously b) otherwise c) as a result 10. ______________ it has been shown that fractures can occur at even relatively low pressures, the use of the material should not be completely discounted. a) Nevertheless b) Because c) Even though Ejercicio 7.13 60. INSERT THE BEST OPTION 1. You won't be able to run that programme on your computer ____________ you upgrade it. a) Unless b) If c) Provided d) Providing 2. ____________ you use one word processor or another doesn't make much difference. a) Unlike b) Whether c) If d) Provided 3. ____________ it is illegal, lots of people duplicate software programmes. a) Because b) Whereas c) Unlike d) Although 4. ____________ I was surfing the web, I came across a very interesting site. a) Because b) Whereas c) Meanwhile d) While 5. ____________ you use a Mac or you use a PC, it's up to you. a) Since b) Either c) Or d) Whether 6. ____________ my ADSL connection, it takes quite long to download videos! a) Because b) In spite of c) Although d) Even though 7. ____________ WINDOWS, LINUX is free! a) Like b) As

c) Contrary

d) Unlike

8. ____________ what Bill says, Microsoft has infringed quite a few laws. a) Though b) In spite of c) Whereas d) As 9. Read the instructions before installing this programme, ____________ it won't work properly. a) but b) because c) otherwise d) provided 10. Why didn't you reformat your hard disk ____________ I had told you to? a) as b) like c) since d) that




Ejercicio 7.14 61. WHICH CONNECTOR CAN LOGICALLY COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE? CHOOSE THE ANSWER THAT BEST COMPLETES THE SENTENCE. 1. It was gray and rainy. _______________, we went sailing on the Bay. a) Consequently b) Nevertheless c) Even though d) In spite of 2. I turned on the air-conditioning _______________ the room was hot. a) due to b) despite c) even though d) since 3. Mario and I will come to the party tonight _______________ we can get a taxi. a) although b) unless c) otherwise d) only if 4. Carol came to my house _______________ I asked her not to come on a school night. a) even though b) despite c) provided that d) because 5. You must eat the last little piece of pie. _______________, I will have to throw it away. a) Consequently b) Nevertheless c) Otherwise d) Although 6. The traditional pumpkin pie is low in fat _______________ you put whipped cream on it. a) as long as b) unless c) providing that d) since 7. The roles of men and women were not the same in the Northern American Indian tribes. For example, men were both participants and spectators in hunting rituals. Women, _______________, were forbidden to participate. a) nevertheless b) on the other hand c) therefore d) otherwise 8. The windows were all left open. ___________, a lot of mosquitoes came into the room. a) Nevertheless b) However c) Consequently d) Otherwise 9. _______________ I can't be at the board meeting myself, I have asked my assistant to be prepared to go there for me. a) In the event b) Unless c) Only if d) On the other hand 10. I think the board meeting will go well _______________ our present difficulties. a) despite b) because of c) even though d) yet 11. _______________ he is usually very honest, I wonder if he is telling us the truth now. a) In spite of b) Since c) Though d) In the event that 12. My instructor told me that I am doing well, _______________ my grammar use seems to be getting worse. a) so b) therefore c) in spite of d) yet 13. _______________ you know how to use your computer better, you can include your computer skills on your resume. a) Now that b) While c) Although d) In case 14. You had better answer his e-mail quickly, _______________ he will leave his office and he won't check his e-mail until next Monday morning. a) although b) nevertheless c) even though d) or else 15. I have to go to the meeting _______________ I want to or not. a) provided that b) whether c) even if

d) only if



Ejercicio 7.15 62. UNDERLINE ANY CONNECTIVE WORDS (CONJUNCTIONS AND TRANSITION SIGNALS) THAT YOU FIND IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Passage 1 Fox's argument seems valid: appropriate feeding and hydration are essential to the provision of adequate patient care. However, the author fails to acknowledge the excessive demands placed on nurses and the potential usefulness of nursing assistants. In addition, the evidence used in this article is anecdotal and the language is highly emotive. Ideally, nurses would always use their knowledge and skills in attending to patients' dietary needs and they would use feeding times to intervene and refer as appropriate; however, this is not always possible. Nurses in many hospitals are required to perform the jobs of more than one person due to understaffing. Therefore they do not have enough time to personally feed every patient and to monitor the patient while doing this. As a result, feeding duties may have to be handed to untrained assistants. Fox fails to acknowledge this fact. Furthermore Fox's argument is weakened by the nature of the evidence which she uses to illustrate it. This evidence comes from personal experiences and a newspaper article written by a friend of the subject's. It is thus highly subjective. Fox does not refer to any research that could support her argument, nor does she refer to any formally documented cases. In fact, the author herself questions the validity of her evidence. Additionally, Fox's argument is weakened by the language she uses to present it. This language is highly emotive, for example the use of phrases such as 'extremely moving' and 'incredibly shocking' leads the reader to think that the article is a subjective response rather than an objective observation of the facts. In summary, it is true that the dietary needs of patients are extremely important and that nurses should draw on their knowledge, theory and experience when attending to these needs. However, in today's nursing contexts this is not always possible. Often, these responsibilities must be handed to untrained assistants. Thus Fox's argument is an attractive one, but not necessarily a valid one. Ejercicio 7.16 63. UNDERLINE ANY CONNECTIVE WORDS (CONJUNCTIONS AND TRANSITION SIGNALS) THAT YOU FIND IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. Passage 2 The gradual migration of life from the ocean to the land was another major step that made many advances possible. Eventually, plants and animals are divided into males and females. After that the possibilities increased for the development of new and varied species. To date, more than 400,000 species of plants and 1,200,000 species of animals have developed. Gradually, the senses of sight and hearing improved in animals and brains grew and developed. Finally, intelligence progressed, leading to the development of human beings.

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Ejercicio 7.17 64. FILL IN EACH BLANK WITH THE APPROPRIATE LOGICAL CONNECTOR CHOSEN FROM THE LIST BELOW. for example as a result although probably in addition on the other hand

The London-based World Radio Network is one of the first companies to relay radio programs over the Internet. Academics are one group of people who are interested in the WRN. ____________________, school teachers and even pupils use the WRN. People who want to listen in English tune in to WRN1. ____________________ those who listen in other languages tune in to WRN2. ____________________ it has been possible to save digitized audio since the mid-1980s, certain problems prevented broadcasting radio programs over the Internet at that time. ____________________, the modems were too slow. These problems have now been solved. ____________________, Internet broadcasting is now possible when a faster modem is used. ____________________ when modems become more efficient, it will be possible to transmit even high-quality music over the Internet. Ejercicio 7.18 65. CHOOSE THE BEST LINKING WORD FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST TO FILL THE GAP: particularly, as, but, or, once, however, often, and, because, next, sometimes.

Essay Preparation Several stages are involved in essay preparation, choosing which points are to be considered, deciding how you will deal with them, _______________ the actual writing. _______________ you gain more experience you will find methods _______________ ways of working which suit you, your personality _______________ lifestyle. Generally, _______________, the process will involve the following. You should examine carefully the statements made in the essay question, making sure you understand each word _______________ what is being asked, _______________ misreading _______________ misunderstanding at this stage can be fatal. Essay questions can be very general, very specific _______________ _______________ deliberately provocative, _______________ an understanding of them is essential. Read through notes you may have made in class, start to gather other relevant source material, _______________ make notes about the literary text you are examining. Ask yourself the questions suggested earlier in the introduction to this booklet, concerning style, content, _______________ imagery etc. _______________ you will probably want to identify the key points that you want to discuss. There may be many points you find generally interesting, _______________ ask yourself if they are relevant to the essay in question. In order to do this it can be useful to try to think of a title for your essay. This is not to be confused with the essay question _______________ title, _______________ is concerned with your response to the task set. What title would best give the reader an overview of your approach _______________ analysis, _______________ highlight the main points you examine _______________ the conclusions you reach? You should not assume that an essay has to include _______________ cover all the possible points an interpretation may offer up. A short, well organised _______________ structured essay focusing on some
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of the main points is far better than an over-long _______________ unwieldy attempt to say a little about everything. You may find it useful to state in the introduction which points you are focusing on _______________ why. Keep your reader informed of the development of your argument. Let your reader know which direction is being taken _______________ the reasons why. _______________ the main points have been identified you need to consider in which order they will be examined. Students _______________ do not make the most of the good ideas they have _______________ they get lost if the argument does not develop coherently. Good points are also _______________ thrown away _______________ wasted _______________ students do not say enough about them. Make sure the relevance of each point to the main argument is clearly stated _______________ demonstrated. You should dwell _______________ linger on the points: _______________ this requires no more than two _______________ three extra sentences, _______________ if your writing is concise _______________ focused. Ejercicio 7.19. WRITE THE CORRECT TRANSITION WORD THAT LOGICALLY COMPLETES THE SENTENCE. (MORE THAN ONE ANSWER IS POSSIBLE). USE THE WORDS AND PHRASES THAT ARE IN THE FOLLOWING BOX. for this reason because main so much that as a result consequently caused by cause however so therefore

Causes of Teen Smoking A 13-year-old boy, standing in the doorway of his school, puffs on a cigarette. He holds it carelessly, like an adult, yet in plain view. He looks around to make sure that the other guys are watching. If you ask how long he has smoked, you will find out that he started when he was eleven. By now, he is an addicted smoker. If you ask him why he smokes, he will probably say that he enjoys it. _______________ you wonder if that is really the reason. It seems to me that the causes for teen smoking are more complex. More specifically, they have more to do with the ambiguous role of teenagers in society. Teenage smoking is_______________ by personal insecurity, a desire to be like adults, and peer pressure. The main _______________ of teenage smoking is the personal insecurity young people often feel. They are at a difficult age. They are no longer children, _______________ the ways in which they have behaved in the past are inappropriate. On the other hand, they are not yet adults; _______________, they do not know the ways of the adult world. This conflict can_______________ feelings of insecurity_______________, if children want attention from their parents or a toy or sweet, they can cry to draw attention to their desires. For teenagers, _______________, crying will be labelled childish and they will be told to "act their age." Often_______________, the teenager does not know how to act his or her age, _______________ teenagers do no know what to do, they often turn to smoking as a way to hide their nervousness and insecurities. As we have just seen, teenagers need to learn how to behave as adults. They of course realize this and spend time emulating adults. _______________, they try to adopt more adult attitudes and manners. They pay attention to their dress and the opposite sex. One thing that young teenagers perceive as "very adult" is smoking cigarettes. Perhaps a boy sees his father or older brother smoke. He thinks of his father as a man and_______________ he wants to be "a man" like his father, he starts to smoke, _______________ beginning a habit that most adults know is unhealthy. While it is true that teenagers are attempting to become adults, this effort is often not fully conscious, _______________ they often see the adults closest to them, their parents


and teachers, as enemies. _______________, they turn to their peer group for support. We are all familiar with the teenagers who want to look, act, and dress exactly like all of the other teenagers in their peer group. This peer group can exert_______________ pressure_______________ often teenagers do things in the group that they would not normally do. One of these things is smoking cigarettes. Imagine a group of guys playing pool together after school. One says to the others, "I'm gong to buy a pack of cigarettes. Do you want to smoke one with me?" The peer pressure here is great_______________ most normal boys will succumb. We can see that personal insecurity, desire to be like adults, and peer pressure can cause many teenagers to start something that they will later regret. Ejercicio 7.20 66. READ THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AND PUT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING LINKING WORDS OR PHRASES IN THE GAPS. in contrast yet on the contrary furthermore at the same time despite/In spite of unlike an example of this both on the other hand a case in point 1 The McNuggets menu is hardly an example of healthy eating. _________, it offers a choice of everything that should normally be avoided. The fishburger is particularly high in fat, with 2 added salt and sugar. __________, the College refectory, whose menu was completely 3 revised early this century, offers much more nutritious food. _____________, its kitchens and the way food is caught and prepared have been transformed by a revolutionary new chef. 4 ____________, the decor and pretensions of the refectory are calculated to appeal to the 5 serious academic rather than the six-year old child. ______ it is not uncommon in McNuggets to enter a restaurant and find yourself in the middle of a large birthday party, with 6 music, games and food out of all proportion to the number of partygoers. ____________ is the McBanquet offered to ten year olds: it caters for ten guests, has ten times too much food and lasts ten hours. 7 ______ McNuggets and the College refectory have undergone many changes since the millennium. Some say that College management completed the work started by the fast food chains in the last century by destroying what was left of the traditional English puddings. 8 _____________, according to others the new in-house catering team has enhanced and extended the health value and interest of the lunch menu with their exciting new organic 9 options. The Quorn and Vegetable Bake, served on Wednesdays, is ___________.

_______ McNuggets, the College refectory seems to have quietly and steadily transformed itself into an elegant, spacious and modern cafeteria, seamlessly combining ancient and modern. The cashiers desk at the far end of the servery is a perfect illustration of this point. 11 ________ their differences, both eateries offer the hungry visitor much that is stimulating and should be visited at least once, if only for reflection and contrast, by all students of Education.


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Archakis, Argiris, (2001). On discourse markers: evidence from Modern Greek. Journal of Pragmatics 33, 12351261. Ascher, A. (1993) Think About Editing: A Grammar Editing Guide for ESL Writers. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers Bate, D. and Sharpe, P. (1996) Student writer's handbook: How to write better essays. Sydney: Harcourt Brace. Barrass, R. (1978). Scientists must write: A guide to better writing for scientists, engineers and students. London: Chapman and Hall. Blakemore, Diane, (1987). Semantic Constraints on Relevance. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Blakemore, Diane, (1996). Are apposition markers discourse markers? Journal of Linguistics 32, 325 347. Blakemore, Diane, (1997). Restatement and exemplification. A relevance theoretic reassessment of elaboration. Pragmatics & Cognition 5, 119. Blakemore, Diane, (2002). Relevance and Linguistic Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Cuenca, Maria-Josep, (2003). Two ways to reformulate: a contrastive analysis of reformulation markers. Journal of Pragmatics 35, 10691093. Fraser, Bruce, (1990). An approach to discourse markers. Journal of Pragmatics 14, 383395. Fraser, Bruce, (1996). Pragmatic markers. Pragmatics 6, 167190. Ifantidou-Trouki, Elly, (1993). Sentential adverbs and relevance. Lingua 90, 6990. Matsui, Tomoko, (2002). Semantics and pragmatics of a Japanese discourse marker dakara (so/in other words): a unitary account. Journal of Pragmatics 34, 867891. Murillo, Silvia, (2000a). A Contribution to the Pragmalinguistic Study of Explicatory Reformulative Discourse Markers in English: A Survey of Contemporary Journalistic Written Usage. UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Murray-Smith, S. (1987). Right words: A guide to English usage in Australia. Ringwood, Vic.: Viking. Northedge, A. (1990) The good study guide. Giving a presentation. Gran Bretaa: BPC Paulton Books, Pg. 63. Onieva, J. L. (2000). Comprensin y expresin de textos en espaol: Taller de textos 1. San Juan: Editorial Plaza Mayor. Pgs. 268 276. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (1991) Writing Academic English (2nd Ed). California: Addison Wesley. Pp.3940 Williams, J. (1994). 10 lessons in style and grace. New York: Harper Collins.


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Cmo hago el resumen de un texto?
Propsitos de la unidad:
El estudiante ser capaz de transferir la informacin de un texto al formato de resumen en su lengua materna. Para alcanzar los propsitos de esta unidad, cmo elaborar resmenes, consideramos muy importante que recuerdes qu es un resumen, para qu puede servirte y para quin lo haras.








Qu es un resumen?
El resumen es la redaccin de un texto nuevo a partir de otro, exponiendo las ideas principales o ms importantes del original de manera abreviada. Generalmente, tiene el formato tpico de cualquier texto, con prrafos y oraciones gramaticalmente completas, y puede tener una longitud variada.


Para qu sirve?
La elaboracin de resmenes es muy til, porque te permite: a) Seleccionar y organizar las ideas o datos ms importantes del texto original (una leccin, un captulo de un libro, etc.), ya sea para estudiar, para presentar una exposicin oral o para hacer un trabajo acadmico. b) Definir y esquematizar la informacin esencial de un tema, de manera que puedes comprobar si has entendido bien su contenido o bien si tienes dificultades en algn aspecto concreto. c) Facilitar la comprensin y el aprendizaje de nuevos conocimientos, y, al mismo tiempo, la preparacin de tus apuntes y exmenes.

Para quin?
Al hacer un resumen, es preciso te plantees primero con qu finalidad lo realizars, quin ser su destinatario, qu espera el destinatario del resumen, o en qu medio laboral o acadmico se desarrolla la actividad de resumir el texto en cuestin.

Cmo se hace?
Para resumir un texto, es recomendable que sigas el siguiente proceso: 1. Anlisis del contexto. Conviene analizar las caractersticas del texto original, determinar su destinatario, concretar los propsitos del resumen y, con base en eso, definir su extensin. Para ello, puedes plantearte estas preguntas:

Qu caractersticas presenta el original? Para quin es el resumen? Para m? Para el profesor? Para otra persona? Qu se pretende hacer con el resumen? Qu voy a hacer despus con l?

2. Comprensin del original y seleccin de los datos. Este paso consiste en comprender el texto original que hay que resumir y discriminar los datos relevantes de los irrelevantes, de acuerdo con la finalidad del resumen. Se pueden hacer varias lecturas y marcar el texto subrayarlo, identificar las partes que lo componen, etc. Para esto, puedes responder a estas preguntas: Cul es su mensaje o significado esencial? Intenta reducir el sentido global del tema a una frase. El ttulo o alguna frase especialmente significativa del texto te pueden ayudar. Cules son las ideas o los puntos fundamentales del texto? Qu datos del original deben incluirse en el resumen, de acuerdo con el objetivo final de ste? Qu datos del original se pueden omitir en el resumen? Identifica las ideas principales y diferncialas de los ejemplos y las ideas secundarias. Qu estructura tiene el texto? Se trata de descubrir la estructura del texto, ver su articulacin lgica; es decir, cmo se van relacionando las diferentes ideas de una manera lgica. Observa la disposicin del texto en prrafos: con frecuencia, cada prrafo desarrolla una idea central. Es muy til subrayar las palabras clave de cada idea esencial y sealar los conectores que te pueden mostrar cul es la articulacin lgica del texto.


Cul es el esquema del texto? Estos primeros pasos se tendran que reflejar en un esquema que puede tomar la forma de un cuadro sinptico, por ejemplo, que ser el paso previo a la redaccin final del resumen. Cmo se estructurarn los datos en el resumen? Si observas el esquema del texto, seguramente podrs identificar nuevas relaciones entre las ideas que has anotado. Esto te puede sugerir nuevas formas de organizar estas ideas y reflejarlas en la redaccin del resumen, aplicando con eficacia las operaciones de la reduccin. Te recomendamos consultes la pgina, donde encontrars ejemplos de resmenes en espaol, incluyendo el proceso de elaboracin, y ejercicios para que puedas practicar y autoevaluarte: A continuacin te proporcionaremos algunos ejemplos y ejercicios para que distingas las ideas principales de las de apoyo. Ejercicio 8.1. ONE SENTENCE IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS IS THE MAIN IDEA. THE OTHER TWO ARE SUPPORTING DETAILS. WRITE MI IN FRONT OF THE MAIN IDEA AND SD IN FRONT OF THE SUPPORTING DETAILS. REMEMBER THAT SUPPORTING DETAILS ARE NOT AS GENERAL AS MAIN IDEAS. Example SD Carnivores, such as lions and dogs, have sharp teeth for grabbing their prey and tearing its flesh. SD Herbivores, like cows and horses, have broad grinding teeth for eating plants. MI Mammals, which eat a wide variety of foods, have developed special kinds of teeth to suit their needs. 1. _____ One of the oldest newspapers in the world is The Times, which is printed in London, England. _____ The Times was started by John Walter in 1785. _____ The paper was first called the Universal Daily Register, but the name was changed to The Times in 1788. 2. _____ Jazz, including blues, ragtime, and swing, became popular in the early 1900s. _____ Many different types of music have developed in the past 100 years. _____ Electronic music is one of the latest trends in music. 3. _____ The Andes Mountains are full of minerals such as silver, copper, and tin. _____ South America is rich in a variety of natural resources. _____ Venezuela is a source of large quantities of oil. 4. _____ Telephones, textiles, CDs, paints, boats, and furniture are all products made of plastics. _____ Cars, computers, recreational equipment, and buildings all include plastic components. _____ Plastics are very important to our modern way of life.



Example The Internet provides a format for a huge range of activities. __ a. Thousands of companies have websites where customers can see, order, and pay for products. __ b. Radio stations can play their programs over the Internet. ___ c. The first e-mail was sent in 1971. __ d. Millions of people send and receive messages by e-mail every day. __ e. Museums can display their exhibits on the Internet.

1. Some insects, such as ants, bees, and termites, live in highly organized colonies, and members have specific jobs to perform. ___ a. All insects have three body parts and three sets of legs. ___ b. Still others, whose job is to defend the colony, grow large, with big heads and powerful jaws. ___ c. Some insects in the colony take care of the queen and feed and care for the young. ___ d. The task of some members is to gather food. ___ e. Insects feed on a variety of both plants and animals ___ f. The queens job is to mate and lay eggs ___ g. Repairing and guarding the nest is the duty of other members

2. With their special adaptations, camels are ideally suited to carry heavy loads across dry, hot, sandy deserts. ___ a. There are two types of camels, the Dromedary or single-humped camel, and the two-humped or Bactrian camel. ___ b. Camels are able to go for days without food as they live off of the fat stored in their humps. ___ c. They are very strong and can carry up to 1,000 pounds. ___ d. Camels will eat almost anything including thorny shrubs and thistles that grow in the desert. ___ e. They have padded feet that are able to grip well on sandy ground. ___ f. Rugs, tents, and cloths are made from camel hair. ___ g. They have slit like nostrils that can be closed down tightly and heavy eyebrows and eyelashes to protect their eyes from sand.



April 30 Mad about graffiti All of those who claim that graffiti is an art form must not have children because graffiti has about the same aesthetic value as a childs scribbles on the wall of a house. What kind of a world do we live in when the art community protects vandals who deface public and private property whenever and wherever they want to? I could hardly believe it when I heard that the city council had announced an exhibit of graffiti art with a list of lacations around the city where this so-called art form can be admired. Rather than encouraging this sort of vandalism, the city should be arresting the people who do it and making them do community service by painting over their primitive attempts at art. Lets make our city clean and attractive again.

Letters to the editor:

May 3

Dear editor: I couldnt agree more with your editorial about the terrible problem of graffiti in our city. The city authorities should be ashamed of themselves for allowing these abominations to remain in place. I own a business downtown, and some graffiti artists started painting one of their weird pictures on my wall. Of course, I called the police immediately. I believe that more citizens of this city should react in the same way to this type of vandalism.
Clyde Watkins


Dear editor: May I remind you that many great artists, Van Gogh for one, were also disliked and misunderstood in their lifetimes? Your narrow-minded attitude is typical of ultraconservatives who resent anything new and innovative. I applaud the city for recognizing the talent of these young artists and allowing them to add color and excitement to our city streets. Mary Clark

1. The editorial a) If graffiti is considered art, then childrens scribbles should be considered art. b) Graffiti should not be promoted as art, and graffitists should be punished. c) The city should encourage graffitists to do real art. 2. Letter 1 a) Painting graffiti on public and private buildings should be treated as a crime. b) The citizens of the city all agree that people shouldnt paint graffiti. c) Business owners dont want graffiti on their walls. 3. Letter 2 a) Graffiti art is similar to the art of Van Gogh. b) Graffiti is a legitimate art form and good graffiti art benefits the city. c) People should accept anything that is new. Ejercicio 8.4. a) READ THE TEXT A CASE STUDY AS FAST AS YOU CAN.

A Case Study
A patient went into her doctors office. She lay down on his sofa. The doctor sat in a large chair and opened his notebook. Oh, Dr. Brainstorm, she said sadly, Im so unhappy. Whats wrong with me? I dont know, he replied. What are your symptoms? Well, she began, Im not really sick, but Im just so depressed all the time! My daily life is terribly boring. Although I do everything right, Im not very popular, and I dont have any boyfriends. What do you mean, do everything right? asked the doctor. Oh, you know. I use Everywhite toothpaste and Perfect Shine shampoo. I wear Lovely Lady makeup and Extremely Slinky jeans. But nobody seems to like me. I cant understand it. Im so confused! Hmmm. I see, said Dr. Brainstorm. What else is worrying you? My life isnt the same as other peoples. I think theres something terribly wrong with me.


What do other people do? Well, Karen, for example, is married to a successful microbiologist, but shes secretly in love with a computer expert whom she met at a health club. This computer expert, Max, still has a wife, a laboratory scientist, who is hiding on a mountainous island in the Caribbean because she killed a young man in a car accident four years ago. Shes afraid that the police will find out and look for her. Karen and Max dont know that the young man was actually Karens brother, a foreign student at a college in the Midwest. Amazing! said Dr. Brainstorm. How much time do you spend with these friends of yours? Oh, about four hours a day. And how is your life different from theirs? I just go to work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed. Nothing exciting ever happens to me. I see, said the doctor. I think I know your trouble. You have a fairly common problem with reality. However, I know exactly how to solve it. Get rid of your TV set. Observa que en el texto anterior se da cierta informacin y a travs de sta podemos inferir o imaginar otra. En la historia, la idea principal slo est implcita, esto es, la paciente conduce a los lectores a la idea principal, pero no la expresa con palabras. b) SUMMARIZE THE STORY COMPLETING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH. (Different answers are possible; you will find a set of suggested answers in the answer key). A patient went to ____________________ because she ____________________. In answer to his questions, she explained that although she __________________ ________________________, she was worried about two things. First, she _____ _________________________________________________________________. Second, her life ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. After he thought about her symptoms, the doctor told her the solution to her problem was to ____________________________________________________. The point of the story is that __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.

Para resumir una historia de ficcin corta, primero relata brevemente lo que sucedi y despus menciona el mensaje implcito (el significado) de la ancdota. A continuacin te presentamos unos textos y ejemplos de cmo podran resumirse.


Text 1

So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don't Want To

by Roger Sipher A decline in standardized test scores is but the most recent indicator that American education is in trouble. One reason for the crisis is that present mandatory-attendance laws force many to attend school who have no wish to be there. Such children have little desire to learn and are so antagonistic to school that neither they nor more highly motivated students receive the quality education that is the birthright of every American. The solution to this problem is simple: Abolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend. This will not end public education. Contrary to conventional belief, legislators enacted compulsory-attendance laws to legalize what already existed. William Landes and Lewis Solomon, economists, found little evidence that mandatory-attendance laws increased the number of children in school. They found, too, that school systems have never effectively enforced such laws, usually because of the expense involved. There is no contradiction between the assertion that compulsory attendance has had little effect on the number of children attending school and the argument that repeal would be a positive step toward improving education. Most parents want a high school education for their children. Unfortunately, compulsory attendance hampers the ability of public school officials to enforce legitimate educational and disciplinary policies and thereby make the education a good one. Private schools have no such problem. They can fail or dismiss students, knowing such students can attend public school. Without compulsory attendance, public schools would be freer to oust students whose academic or personal behavior undermines the educational mission of the institution. Has not the noble experiment of a formal education for everyone failed? While we pay homage to the homily, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink," we have pretended it is not true in education. Ask high school teachers if recalcitrant students learn anything of value. Ask teachers if these students do any homework. Quite the contrary, these students know they will be passed from grade to grade until they are old enough to quit or until, as is more likely, they receive a high school diploma. At the point when students could legally quit, most choose to remain since they know they are likely to be allowed to graduate whether they do acceptable work or not. Abolition of archaic attendance laws would produce enormous dividends. First, it would alert everyone that school is a serious place where one goes to learn. Schools are neither day-care centers nor indoor street corners. Young people who resist learning should stay away; indeed, an end to compulsory schooling would require them to stay away. Second, students opposed to learning would not be able to pollute the educational atmosphere for those who want to learn. Teachers could stop policing recalcitrant students and start educating. Third, grades would show what they are supposed to: how well a student is learning. Parents could again read report cards and know if their children were making progress.


Fourth, public esteem for schools would increase. People would stop regarding them as way stations for adolescents and start thinking of them as institutions for educating America's youth. Fifth, elementary schools would change because students would find out early they had better learn something or risk flunking out later. Elementary teachers would no longer have to pass their failures on to junior high and high school. Sixth, the cost of enforcing compulsory education would be eliminated. Despite enforcement efforts, nearly 15 percent of the school-age children in our largest cities are almost permanently absent from school. Communities could use these savings to support institutions to deal with young people not in school. If, in the long run, these institutions prove more costly, at least we would not confuse their mission with that of schools. Schools should be for education. At present, they are only tangentially so. They have attempted to serve an all-encompassing social function, trying to be all things to all people. In the process they have failed miserably at what they were originally formed to accomplish. Example summary of text 1 Roger Sipher makes his case for getting rid of compulsory-attendance laws in primary and secondary schools with six arguments. These fall into three groupsfirst that education is for those who want to learn and by including those that don't want to learn, everyone suffers. Second, that grades would be reflective of effort and elementary school teachers wouldn't feel compelled to pass failing students. Third, that schools would both save money and save face with the elimination of compulsory-attendance laws. Text 2

School and life

In my experience the problem of what to do in life was not made any easier by those who were entrusted with my education. Looking back, it seems most odd that never once in all the years that I was at school was there any general discussion about careers. As presumably the main object of going to school is to prepare for after life, it surely would have been very easy and relevant to organise lectures or discussions designed to give boys a broad view of the enormous variety of occupations open to men of average intelligence? Of course many boys were destined from birth to follow their fathers careers, but even these would have benefited by glimpse of a wider horizon. Often and often in after life I have come across people doing jobs that I had never dreamed of before, and which would have thrilled me had I been told about them at school. I suppose the reason for this extra-ordinary omission is that so many schoolmasters had themselves such a restricted view. Spending all their time working to a rigid curriculum, the passing of examinations by their pupils gradually became the whole object of their working life. I recognize the importance of being made to learn things that one does not like, but surely it was not good to give the young mind the impression that all education was a form of mental gymnastics. For example, I used to find geometry rather fun, and, when I still had the nave idea that what I was being taught might have some practical value, I asked what geometry was for. The only answer I ever got was that it taught one how to solve problems. If, instead, I had been told the simple fact that the word was derived from the Greek ge, the earth, and metron, a measure, and that the meaningless triangles that I was


asked to juggle with formed the basis of geographical exploration, astronomy and navigation, the subject would immediately have assumed a thrilling romance, and, what is more, it would have been directly connected in my mind with the things that most appealed to me. My experience in this connection may have been unfortunate, but it was by no means unique; many of my friends who went to different schools confess to a similar experience, and complain that when they had completed their school education they had not the remotest idea of what they wanted to do. Moreover I do not think that this curiously detached attitude towards education was confined to schools. It had been intended that I should go to one of the great universities. I was tepid about the idea myself, for I had developed a dislike for the very thought of educational establishments. However, the prospect of three extra seasons in the Alps was a considerable incentive, and by dint of an enormous mental effort I succeeded in cramming sufficient Latin into my head to pass (at my second attempt) the necessary entrance examination. In due course I went to be interviewed by the master of my prospective college. When I was asked what subject I propose to take when I came up to the university, I replied, somewhat diffidently, that I wanted to take Geology - diffidently, because I still regarded such things as having no reality in the hard world of work. The answer to my suggestion confirmed my fears. What on earth do you want to do with Geology? There is no opening there unless you eventually get a first and become a lecturer in the subject. A first, a lecturer - I, who could not even learn a couple of books of Horace by heart! I felt that I was being laughed at. In fact I am sure I was not, and that my adviser was quite sincere and only trying to be helpful, but I certainly did not feel like arguing the matter. I listened meekly to suggestions that I should take Classics or Law, and left the room in a state of profound depression. Oh Lord, I thought, even here I won't be able to escape from Kennedy's Latin Primer, with which I had been struggling for ten years. (From Upon that Mountain by Eric Shipton) Example summary of text 2 The author talks about how difficult it is to choose your studies and the career you would like to have. Notice how the author's feelings about the value of his education, according to the passage can be summed up in just one sentence.

Anderson, J. Neil. Active, (2003). Skills for Reading: Book 3. Singapur: Thomson-Heinle. Blanchard, Karen & Christine Root. (2006). Ready to Read More; A Skills Based Reader. New York: Pearson-Longman. Kim, Elaine & Pamela Hartman. (2004). Interactions One Reading. New Cork: McGraw-Hill.

Mesografa 15/11/2007; 11:12:50 a. m.


Ejemplo de examen extraordinario

Have you ever wondered what drives one person to succeed in business, while another is perfectly happy to lead an easy-going and relaxed life? The answer may lie in their personality types. In the 1950s, two cardiologists, Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, made the distinction between two personality types, Type A and Type B. A Type A personality is often excessively aggressive, hostile, and highly competitive all traits that can lend themselves well to being successful in business. People who display this personality type are often workaholics, preoccupied with the speed of their performance and obsessed by schedules. Crucially though, they have a low self-esteem, thought to be the root cause of the syndrome. However, a Type B personality is often patient, creative, and philosophical. These kinds of people have a more relaxed attitude toward timekeeping and are not easily angered. They also tend to be more secure about their status in life. And if aspects of both these personality types apply to you, you are an AB personality type someone (like many people) who falls somewhere in the middle. So what, if any, are the consequences of having a Type A or Type B personality? Friedman believed there was a correlation between Type A personality and heart disease, although modern researchers dispute this on the whole. And although having a Type A personality can help a person succeed in business, some of the most famous world leaders are said to have been Type B personalities. Both, it seems, have their advantages. 1. Which is the main idea of the text? a) There are more than two distinct personality types. b) People with a Type A personality are often workaholics. c) Type A and Type B personalities have very similar characteristics. d) Both Type A and Type B personality types have advantages. 2. Where could you find a text like this? a) In a novel. c) In a reference book. b) In an advertisement. d) In a magazine 3. The suffix ly is added to the noun perfect (line 2) and then it becomes a(n) ___. a. verb c. adverb b. adjective d. noun 4. The word However in line 10 works as a a. Sequence c. Compare and contrast b. Listing d. Cause and effect 5. These in line 10 refers to a) World leaders. c) Type B b) Workaholics. d) Type A 6. The word although in line 17 works as a a. Sequence c. Compare and contrast b. Listing d. Cause and effect 7. The suffix er is added to the verb research (line 17) and then it becomes a(n) ___. a) noun c) adverb b) adjective d) verb


Read the text and answer the questions. The Ig Nobel Prizes 1 At the end of the last century, in the early 90s, the Ig Nobel Prizes were set up. Like their famous namesake, they are given for achievements in different disciplines, such as science, literature, and economics. However, these prizes honor research, inventions, and discoveries which first make people laugh, and then make them think. Some of these inventions are actually in use today, such as scent strips, which apply perfume to magazine pages, or AutoVision, an image-projection device that makes it possible to drive a car and watch television at the same time. Other more unusual inventions include the inside-the-shell egg scrambler and antibear armor. Theres also a spiceless jalapeno chili pepper, invented by a scientist in New Mexico. For dogs, theres Bow-Lingual, a computer-based automatic dog-tohuman language translation device. And for cats, theres PawSense, a cat-detection device for computer keyboards. Other prizes are given for research, such as that done by Schwab and May, which focuses on why woodpeckers dont get headaches. Or, theres Audoly and Neukirch, who showed why, when you bend spaghetti, it often breaks into more than two pieces. There is no doubt that the Ig Nobel Prizes are fun, if not a little tongue-in-cheek. However, they do have one important aim to increase interest in science.

8. When were the Ig Nobel Prizes set up? a) 1900 b) 1990 c) 1991 d) 1999 9. What are they given for? a) Achievements in different disciplines. c) Honor research inventors. b) Famous name sakes. d) Honor discoveries. 10. Which two inventions are in use today? a) A spiceless jalapeno chili pepper and Bow-Lingual. b) PawSense and dog translator. c) An egg scrambler and anti-bear armor. d) A scent strips and AutoVision. Use the context to help you choose the correct meaning of these words. 11. namesake (paragraph 1) a) with the same name b) creator c) inventor d) researcher 12. scent (paragraph 2) a) sense b) delivered c) smell d) sent 13. woodpecker (paragraph 4) a) a type of mammal b) a type of bird c) a type of tree d) a type of forest 14. tongue-in-cheek (paragraph 5) a) ironic b) very serious c) sad d) a kiss Look at these relative pronouns from the text. What they refer to? 15. that (paragraph 2) a) research, inventions, and discoveries c) an image-projection device b) scent strips d) Audoly and Neukirch 16. who (paragraph 4) a) research, inventions, and discoveries c) an image-projection device b) scent strips d) Audoly and Neukirch


Title and subheadings: 1) Globalization for both players and viewers 3) The effect on teams and competitions

2)The longer-term consequences 4) The globalization of sport

____________________________ ____________________________ Over the last few decades, interest in sport has shifted from local to national and international level. Many top sportsmen and women now play abroad, lured by the kind of money only the best teams can offer. Thanks to advances in cable and satellite technology, viewers can watch sport from around the world in the comfort of their own home, rather than pay for a ticket to a stadium. The public eye is on the teams with the best talent, and it is these teams that capture the media interest, and hence the money. ____________________________ The outcome of this globalization of sport is a serious decline in local-based competitions, and an ever-increasing gap between large and small teams. Small teams, which once had a chance of winning competitions, struggle to even qualify. Year after year, the same giants dominate the major competitions and leagues. ____________________________ So, is this a problem? Certainly one could argue that it is a simple case of meeting demand. However, the flipside is that it is undoubtedly making sport dull and predictable, and threatening many smaller teams with extinction. 17. The correct order of the title and subheadings is a) 4, 1, 3, 2 b) 1, 4, 2, 3 c) 1, 4, 3, 2 Find synonyms of the words below. 18. shifted a) moved b) started c) increased d) returned 19. abroad a) constantly b) angrily c) overseas d) desperate 20. gap a) problem b) similarity c) program d) space A Teens Guide to Business by John Mitchell, MBA As someone who started up several successful businesses in his early twenties, I was curious to read Michael Randalls A Teens Guide to Business. Michael Randall was briefly famous in the early 1990s as the first teen entrepreneur to make $1 million. At the age of 14, he set up an Internet marketing company from his bedroom. The company rapidly became very successful and Randall expanded it very quickly somewhat too quickly. Despite making a profit of $1 million in 1992, the company eventually collapsed. Since then, Michael has turned his hand to motivational speaking and business coaching. This book is his first step into the world of publishing. A Teens Guide to Business is marketed as a self-help guide for all potential teen entrepreneurs. Written mostly in point form no doubt with the type of reader in mind the book is a step-by-step guide to starting up your own business, using Michaels own experience as a basis. However, the business theories that are outlined in the text are oversimplified and (1) ________ many important aspects of starting up your own business are overlooked. In basing the book mainly on his own experience, Michael also fails to d) 4, 1, 2, 3

recognize that other problems could occur upon the way. (2) ________, the book doesnt address anywhere the significant issue of bankruptcy; what can happen if the business fails. Furthermore, this is one of the only self-help books on the market right now aimed at younger businesspeople. (3) ________ its weak points, it is easy to read and understand. Moreover, by using Michaels own experience to illustrate points, it shows how many of the theories translate into real-life situations. I would certainly recommend this as a starting point for any up-and-coming entrepreneur, but would caution anyone against using it by itself. 21. Skim the text. What kind of text it is. a) an advertisement for a book b) a description of a book from its back cover c) a summary of an article d) a book review 22. In number (1) the conector is a) Moreover b) However 23. In number (2) the conector is a) Moreover b) However 24. In number (3) the conector is a) So b) However

c) In spite of d) As a result c) In spite of d) But c) In spite of d) As a result

Answer the questions about the text. 25. What do you think is the job of the author of the text? a) Businessman. c) Business coaching. b) Motivational speaker. d) Publisher. 26. Why do you think the author was curious to read Michael Randalls book? a) Because he wanted to publish a book. b) Because he was also a young entrepreneur. c) Because he wanted to sell books. d) Because he was going to work with him. 27. Why do you think the book is written mostly in point form? a) Because the company eventually collapsed. b) Because it show many theories translate into real-life situations. c) Because the target audience are teens, it is easier for them to read. d) Because the target audience are millionaires, they want to earn more money. Read the text and answer the questions below. Forget recycling, the latest way to help save our planet is through Freecycling. Set up in 2003, Freecycle was the brainchild of Deren Beale in Tucson, Arizona. Alarmed by the amount of trash being dumped in landfills, he created a scheme aimed at reducing waste and preserving the desert landscape. So, just what is Freecycle? Essentially its an electronic forum which helps people exchange unwanted items. Those who are interested can join a local network where people offer things for free that they no longer require. Have an old washing machine that you dont need anymore? No problem, theres probably someone out there who wants it. Need a new sofa? Take a look on Freecycle chances are that someone is offering one. Swapping unwanted items for free reduces both landfill and the need to buy new items.


As Freecycle is a worldwide program, its made up of lots of smaller groups. Each of these is moderated by a local volunteer, who is responsible for ensuring that the items advertised are within the Freecycle rules. These can include anything from cars to pets, but cannot include (obviously) alcohol or drugs and (less obviously!) oneself or other people. The moderators also make sure all the ads are genuine, although that is sometimes easier said than done, and indeed some spoof ads do occasionally get through. So, is this the answer for the future? Given that Freecycle is now running in almost 4,000 communities and has over three million members, the figures surely speak for themselves. 28. What is Freecycle? a) An electronic forum that allows people to give and received unwanted items for free. b) Something that reduces landfill and the need to buy new items. c) An association to make sure that the items advertised are within the rules. d) An association with nearly 4,000 communities and over three million members. 29. La coma despus de la frase Forget recycling (lnea 1) funciona como a) aclara la informacin. c) aumenta informacin b) da una definicin d) ejemplifica la informacin 30. Why do you think the scheme is successful? a) It is an electronic forum that allows people to give and received unwanted items for free. b) It helps to reduce landfill and the need to buy new items. c) Its items advertised are within the rules and make sure that the ads care genuine. d) Because there are nearly 4,000 communities and over three million members. 31. Those (line 6) refers to a) People b) Someone c) Freecycle d) D. Beale and his friends 32. These (line 13) refers to a) other people b) cars and pets c) freecycle rules d) items advertised 33. that (line 15) refers to a) making sure ads are genuine b) alcohol or drugs c) the program d) spoof ads 34. this (line 17) refers to a) making sure ads are genuine b) buy new items c) Freecycle d) spoof ads From the text, use context clues to circle the letter of the best definition of the underlined words and phrases 35. Set up in line 1 means a) jugado c) conjuntado b) puesto d) establecido 36. Figures in line 18 means a) figuras c) clculos b) cifras d) miembros


Look at these graphs and charts from a survey about CD sales and songs downloaded.
CD Sales
12 10

CD Sales (x 1000)

8 6 4 2 0







Songs Downloaded
Songs Downloaded (x 10,000)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0







37. How many CDs were bought in 2005? a) 7,500 c) 8,500 b) 8,000 d) 9,000 38. How many songs were downloaded in 2006? a) 60 c) 600,000 b) 59 d) 590,000 39. What can you infer about CD sales in 2007? a) They will go up. b) They will go down. c) They will sell more. d) They will sell as much as in 2006. 40. What do you think the reason is for the trend in CD sales? a) The increase in the number of songs downloaded. b) The increase in the number of songs bought. c) The increase in the number of songs sold. d) The fall of the number of songs downloaded.


Respuestas Answer Key

Ejercicio 1.1.: 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 Ejercicio 1.2.: Personal answers. Ejercicio 1.3.: Text 1: Propsito de lectura: enterarme de las noticias o de la opinin de otros. 1. Jonathan Rhys Meyers; 2. Because of a drunken clash with airport staff; 3. At Dublin airport; 4. A magazine, a newspaper or Internet. Text 2: Propsito de lectura: por gusto o placer, enterarme de las noticias, etc.; 1. Julia Roberts; 2. 38 years; 3. Danny Moder; 4. In 2001; 5. Between $10m (5.8m) and $15m (8.7m) Text 3: Propsito de lectura: aprender sobre mis materias de estudio / por placer / para encontrar informacin especfica; 1. In an encyclopedia, a history book or Internet. 2. Depende del propsito; 3. Past important events, their causes and consequences; people involved; time and places where they happened, etc. Text 4: Propsito de lectura: por gusto o placer; 1.A play, a tragedy; 2. Romeo and Juliet; 3. William Shakespeare; 4. I know it. / It is written on the cover. Text 5: Propsito de lectura: Descubrir cosas acerca de lo que me interesa. Aprender sobre mis materias de estudio; 1. Reading the title; 2. Top Ten reasons to Read; 3. Yes, the author wants to convince people to read; 4. If I want or need to know more about the theme.

Ejercicio 2.1. Las respuestas pueden variar. Ejercicio 2.2. abundante, abundancia, abundantemente, audacia, audaz, autorizar, atltico, difunto, falsificar, falsedad, grotesco, pintoresco, historiador, jarra, mediar, nervio, nervioso, perla. Ejercicio 2.3. Las respuestas pueden variar. Ejercicio 2.4. 1. illness caused by a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues of the body; 2. large climbing rodent that is covered with sharp spines for defense; 3. the priests who led the people in this highly ritualistic worship; 4. the height above the sea level; 5. evening worship; 6. the internal walls. Ejercicio 2.5. 1. decoys = carved birds; 2. ectomorphic = the slender type; 3. petroglyphs = inscriptions in stone; 4. Pacemakers = small electrical devices that stimulate the heart muscle; 5. Pele = (Hawaiians) goddess; 6. supernovas = the catastrophic explosions of dying stars. Burglar picks the wrong address, (1) ladrn en casas; (2) nabbed. Ejercicio 2.6. a.1. sleeping; 2. having a snooze; 3. barred. b. verb: to investigate; noun: investigation. c. 1. rift, row; 2. fight; 3. iron out their differences. Ejercicio 2.7. c) sadness. Ejercicio 2.8. engaar. Ejercicio 2.9. fracaso. Ejercicio 2.10. 1. child; 2. damage; 3. dangerous; 4. coldest; 5. wettest; 6. disease; 7. tourism; 8. carnivorous; 9. stay; 10. fall. Ejercicio 2.11. 1. b, 2. c, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. c, 8. c, 9. a, 10. c.


Ejercicio 2.12. 8. interchangeable 15. unfortunate ly 1. circumnavigate 9. unilaterally 16. reinvestigate 2. repossession 10. impossibility 17. antisocial 3. disrespectful 11. intangibly 18. introspective 4. quickly 12. underemployment 19. interdependent 5. careless ness 13. overestimation 20. retroactively 6. desalinate 14. religiously 21. synthetic 7. autobiographical Ejercicio 2.13. Hay varias posibilidades. Consulta tu diccionario. Ejercicio 2.14. Consulta tu diccionario donde tengas dudas. Ejercicio 2.15. 1. unfortunately; 2. misunderstand; 3. hypersensitive; 4. exclusion; 5. mistakable; 6. bilateral; 7. remodel; 8. respect; 9. antisocial; 10. bilingual.

Ejercicio 3.1. Las respuestas pueden variar. Ejercicio 3.2. Diferentes posibilidades. En el ejercicio 3 encontrars ms de 10 opciones. Ejercicio 3.3. 1. m; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. l; 7. o; 8. g; 9. k; 10. n; 11. e; 12. f; 13. h; 14. i; 15. j. Ejercicio 3.4. 1. cause; 2. crowd; 3. answer; 4. house; 5. increase; 6. study; 7. worry; 8. dream. Ejercicio 3.5. 1. solution, solve; 2. pollution, pollutants; 3. crowd, crowded; 4. safe, safely; 5. live, suburb, suburb, living; 6. predict, worse, predictions, worsen; 7. differ, difference, differently, different. Ejercicio 3.6. 1. personality, personal; 2. hunter addiction; 3. special pleasure. 4. protects consumers; 5. instance, computer; 6. information, influence. Ejercicio 3.7. 1. company: las dems palabras tienen que ver con la sicologa; 2. checks: las otras tres palabras son lugares para comprar bienes; 3. specially: no es un ejemplo de tecnologa; 4. center no est relacionado directamente con cuestiones econmicas; 5. comfort no tiene necesariamente que ver con transacciones de compra-venta; 6. shopping es la actividad, mientras que las dems palabras se refieren a personas que intervienen en la comercializacin de productos o servicios; 7. systems: los dems vocablos se pueden usar para referirse a la misma cosa; 8. complete: los dems vocablos se pueden usar para referirse a la misma cosa; 9. accounts: las dems tienen que ver con las creencias de un individuo; 10. claim: las dems se relacionan con el uso de dinero, tiempo o recursos. Ejercicio 3.8. 1. monuments no son formaciones naturales del terreno; 2. theory no es una ciencia; 3. planetarium no es ejemplo de cuerpos celestes; 4. architect no es un animal; 5. knowledge es un sustantivo que no tiene plural; 6. Venus no es una cultura americana; 7. inhabitants designa solamente a los habitantes de un lugar pero no su funcin u ocupacin; 8. pyramid es una construccin; no un cuerpo celeste; 9. solstice no define un punto o rea de la Tierra. Ejercicio 3.9. 1. tooth, throat; 2. anger, sadness, hatred; 3. insomnia, rash; 4. virus bacteria; 5. organization, tribe, community, society; 6. blood test, X-ray; 7. suburbs, village; 8. pyramid, monument; 9. ceremony; 10. patient, physician, treatment; 11. planet, universe, space; 12. prayer, soul, faith, worship Ejercicio 3.10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. _ed__ __l__ _med_ _bus_ _law_ _ed__ _law_ _law_ _rel__ _bus_ _med_ _rel__ _rel__ _med_ _med_ _bus_ classroom 17. _bus_ bargain 33. _bus_ credit jury 18. _law_ crime 34. _rel__ virus 19. _med_ disease 35. _rel__ worship budget 20. _bus_ advertise 36. _med_ justice 21. _rel__ worship 37. _law_ prison blackboard 22. _ed__ instructor 38. _bus_ courtroom 23. _law_ judge 39. _rel__ sue 24. _ed__ lesson 40. _bus_ priest 25. _law_ dispute 41. _ed__ exam account 26. _ed__ assignment 42. _bus_ cash symptoms 27. _law_ punishment 43. _law_ prayer 28. _ed__ lecture 44. _bus_ ceremony 29. _ed__ memorize 45. _med_ treatment 30. _bus_ marketing 46. _ed__ patient 31. _med_ cure 47. _med_ merchandise 32. _law_ illegal 48. _bus_ sin physician salesclerk faith charge

deterrent consumer hospital graduate surgery discount


Ejercicio 3.11. 1. food , restaurant; 2. sickness , doctor ; 3. doctor , hospital ; 4. occupation , vacationer ; 5. insect , SPIDER Ejercicio 3.12. _arthropoda_ Phylum






_blatoidea_ (cockroaches)

_lepidoptera_ (moths and butterflies) _frenatae_ (butterflies)


_jugatae_ (most moths)


_sphingidae_ (hummingbird moths)


_papilonidae_ (true butterflies) _baroniinae_ (only one species)

Ejercicio 3.13. 1. financial, quitting; 2. self, socially; 3. air, office, business; 4. city, shopping, specialty, mass, traffic. Ejercicio 3.14. 1. high school = preparatoria; 2. business administration = administracin de empresas; 3. drinking water = agua de tomar; 4. public transportation = transporte pblico; 5. bargain hunting = bsqueda de ofertas; 6. charge account = cuenta de cargo; 7. behavior therapy = terapia de conducta; 8. self-discipline = auto disciplina. Ejercicio 3.15. 1. h; 2. e; 3. j; 4. a; 5. i; 6. b; 7. c; 8. f; 9. d; 10. g Ejercicio 3.16. Use your dictionary to check. Ejercicio 3.17. 1. X-rays; 2. well-known, one-third, part-time, self-discipline; 3. inch-deep, realisticlooking, up-to-date, old-fashioned. Ejercicio 3.18. 1. art; 2. artist; 3. entertainer; 4. tourist; 5. transportation; 6. royalty; 7. religion; 8. crime. Ejercicio 3.19. 1. in a hurry, behind schedule; 2. take advantage of, take photographs; 3. play a role, burst into tears; 4. private eye; 5. half asleep, turn in; 6. at the end of his rope, lose his temper. Ejercicio 3.20. 1. a; 2. d; 3. f; 4. c; 5. b; 6. e.

Ejercicio 4.1. 1. The text is about metals. 2. b 3. elements, metals, common, others, platinum, rare, example, titanium, germanium, important, dozen, imagine, aluminium, transistors, television, filaments, tank, galvanised, thermometer, piece, carbon, manganese, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, usually, combined chemically, necessary, geologists, rocks, chemists, extract, pure, quantities, resistant, corrosion. 4. Almost all elements are metals.


5. First paragraph. 6. Third paragraph. 7. b. Ejercicio 4.2. 1. a; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a; 7. c; 8. d; 9. b; 10. a. Ejercicio 4.3. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. d; 6. b; 7. d; 8. b; 9. a; 10. b. Ejercicio 4.4. 1. d; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. c; 10. b. Ejercicio 4.5. 1. Its aimed at parents. 2. c. 3. Holidays 4. No, this infomation isnt given. 5. True. 6. False. 7. Yes. 8. Yes. 9. No. 10. False

Ejercicio 5.1. 1. National Television Violence Survey; 2. 61%; 3. a. 43%, b. 58%, c. 47%, d. 86%, e. 16%; 4. a. The time American children and youths spend on TV, computers, videos and video games per day; b. The number of acts of violence per hour on Saturday morning childrens programs in the U.S.A., c. The number of murders the average American sixth grader has seen, d. The number of acts of violence the average American sixth grader has seen. Ejercicio 5.2. 1. In the desert of southwest Peru; 2. They are enormous shapes and patterns cut into the deserts surface; 3. There are about 50; 4. They are about a thousand years old; 5. They can only be seen from the air; 6. The Nazca Indians did; 7. a. a landing area for alien apaceships, b. an enormous map of the stars, c. to carry water for farming, d. as a calendar, e. to walk along on a religious journey. Ejercicio 5.3. a. two; b. twice; c. a ballet dancer; d. over twenty years; e. no; f. by regularly changing her appearance; g. every part of her music career. Ejercicio 5.4. 1.a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b; 5. b. Ejercicio 5.5. a.1; b,1; c,2; d,1; e,2 Ejercicio 5.6. 1, F; 2, T; 3, F.; 4, T; 5, F

Ejercicio 5.7. a. 2; b. 1; c. 1; d. 1; e. 1. Ejercicio 5.8. Title Canary Islands Earthquake Could Trigger Monster Tsunami Autor Susan Schlachter Write the number of 6 paragraphs When was the article 2003 written? Make a list of places that Canary Islands, Atlantic coastlines, The Cumbre Vieja start with capital letters. volcano, La Palma, West Africa, London, California, Sahara, United States, Florida, Caribbean, Europe, Britain, Spain. Portugal, France Make a list of people's Simon Day, Steven Ward. names. Make a list of numbers. 330 feet, 500 miles, 93,000 feet, 165-foot waves, 10 minutes, 155 miles What does each number 330 feet (the height of waves), 500 miles (the tsunami`s refer to? speed per hour), 93,000 feet (height of the dome of water), 165-foot waves (size of the waves), 10 minutes (the time the


Make a list of numbers written in letters. How many times does the word tsunami appear? Write the different forms of the word devastate. How many times does the word collapse appear?

tsunami will take to move the distance of 155 miles), 155 miles ( the distance) Decades, century, year-to-year, half a year, tens of miles, eight to nine hours, trillions of dollars. 5 times.

Collapse, disaster, consumption, devastation, damage.

3 times

Ejercicio 6.1. Concordancia entre pronombre y antecedente 1. his; 2. his or her; 3. his; 4. their; 5. his or her; 6. that; 7. their; 8. its; 9. it; 10. its. Ejercicio 6.2. Referencia pronominal ambigua. Pronoun Reference (Answers vary). 1. The defendant told the judge, I am mentally ill; 2. Frances removed the blanket from the chair and folded the blanket; 3. Before the meeting, the leaders distributed booklets; 4. The students saw a film on cancer, a film which really bothered them; 5. Because I didnt rinse the dishes, the kitchen smells like a garbage can. Ejercicio 6.3. Sustitucin con pronombres personales. 1. He, 2. It, 3. They, 4. It, 5. We, 6. They, 7. He, 8. They, 9. She, 10. you. Ejercicio 6.4. Sustitucin con pronombres objetivos 1. We are counting on them. 2. Will you stick to it? 3. She takes after her. 4. No one has tampered with them. 5. Yesterday I ran into him. 6. They saw through it. 7. He cut across it. 8. I confided in her. Ejercicio 6.5. Sustitucin con pronombres posesivos. 1. mine, 2. his, 3. hers, 4. theirs, 5. ours, 6. hers, 7. his, 8. yours, 9. its, 10. theirs. Ejercicio 6.6. Sustitucin con pronombres y adjetivos posesivos. Last week, we had a party at our house. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was. Eric said it wasn't his car. His is a Chevrolet pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was hers, she said no -her car is a Ford Explorer. I knew it wasn't my car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from their driveway and left it on ours. Ejercicio 6.7. Pronombres relativos 1. who, 2. which, 3. who, 4. who, 5. whose, 6. whose, 7. which, 8. who, 9. Who, 10. which, 11. who, 12. which, 13. which, 14. who, 15. which. Ejercicio 6.8. Pronombres relativos.

1. which .We use which to refer to things - here the referent is office. Or
That . We can use that to refer to office as this is a defining clause.

2. whom . We can use whom to refer to girl as this is the object of the relative clause. Or
That . We can use that to refer to girl as this is a defining clause.

3. who . We use who to refer to people - here the referent is woman. Or

That . We can use that in defining relative clauses, which this is.

4. who . We use who to refer to people - here the referent is man. Or

That . We can use that in defining relative clauses, which this is. 5. which . We use which to refer to things - here the referent is tram. 6. which . We should use which after a preposition to refer to things - here the referent is film.


7. which . We should use which after a preposition to refer to things - here the referent is film.

8. which . Yes, that's right. Use which to refer to something. Or

That . We can use that in defining relative clauses, which this is. 9. who . We can only use who to refer to people when the referent is the same as the subject of the relative clause - here the referent is sister. This clause could be defining if I have more than one sister and only one sings in a pop group. It could be non-defining if it is simply adding information. The latter case is normally written with commas to delimit the relative clause. e.g. My sister, who sings in a pop group, was on television last week. Or That . Right or wrong, depending on whether the clause is interpreted as defining or nondefining. In a defining clause we can use that, if it is a non-defining clause, then we should use who. 10. which . We use which to refer to something that happened - here it refers to changing money. This is a non-defining clause. Ejercicio 6.9. Pronombres indefinidos 1. anybody, 2. somebody, 3. anyone, 4. everybody, 5. nothing, 6. some, 7. no, 8. No one, 9. Somebody, 10. anyone, 11. anyone, 12. nobody, 13. any, 14. Nobody, 15. somewhere. Ejercicio 6.10. Pronombres reflexivos 1. myself, 2. herself, 3. yourself, 4. themselves (note: in plural self becomes selves), 5. myself, 6. yourselves (note: in plural self becomes selves), 7. herself, 8. itself, 9. himself, 10. ourselves (note: in plural self becomes selves). Ejercicio 6.11. Pronombres reflexivos 1. himself, 2. themselves, myself, 4. yourself, 5. himself, 6. ourselves,7. itself, 8. oneself, 9. ourselves, 10. herself.Ejercicio 6.12. Pronombres demostrativos. 1. a) those, 2. b) these, 3. a) that, 4. a) those, 5. d) these, 6. c) that, 7. c) this, 8. c) this, 9. a) This, 10. c) that, 11. a) that, 12 a) these. Ejercicio 6.13. Diferentes tipos de pronombres. 1. herself, 2. them, 3. her, me, 4. himself, 5. her, 6. ours, 7. my, yours, 8. myself, 9. us, 10. its, 11. himself,12. theirs, 13. me, mine, 14. his, 15. themselves. Ejercicio 6.14. Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Reflexive Forms (US English). 1. I, 2. me, 3. my, 4. She, 5. I, 6. her, 7. mine, 8. myself, 9. herself, 10. we, 11. ourselves, 12. We,13. Our, 14. them, 15. she, 16. we, 17. ours, 18. we, 19. I, 20. hers, 21. her, 22. His, 23. he, 24. They, 25. they, 26. their, 27. I, 28. her/their, 29. I, 30. her/their, 31. I, 32. hers/him. Ejercicio 6.15. 1. I, 2. my, 3. I, 4. it, 5. mine, 6. it, 7. I, 8. her, 9. it, 10. mine, 11. she, 12. it, 13. hers, 14. it, 15. I, 16. her , 17. she, 18. my, 19. she, 20. them, 21. my, 22. she, 23. I, 24. she, 25. their, 26. I, 27. she, 28. my, 29. it, 30. it, 31. I, 32. she, 33. my, 34. it, 35. I, 36. she, 37. it, 38. it, 39. I, 40. it, 41. she, 42. I, 43. I, 44. my, 45. I, 46. I, 47. me, 48. my, 49. his, 50. I, 51. I, 52. my, 53. he, 54. He, 55. I,56. him, 57. he, 58. it, 59. You, 60. my, 61. our, 62. yours, 63. yours, 64. you, 65. your. Ejercicio 6.16. Sinnimos. 1. feedbox, 2. rushed, 3. something handed down, 4. thoughtless, 5 accidentally got involved. Ejercicio 6.17. Sinnimos. Find Word Relationships. 1. miserable, 2. furiously, 3. horror, 4. gloomily, 5 detested. Ejercicio 6.18. Sinnimos. 1. movie g film 2. parts g portions 3. Pictures g photographs 4. filmed g photographed 5. Viewsg angles Ejercicio 6.19. Antnimos. 1. c) Cloudy, 2. c) Good, 3. b) Sad, 4. d) Solid. Ejercicio 6.20. Antnimos. 1. asset, 2. chaste, 3. truth, 4. rational, 5. construct, 6. promote, 7. joyfulness, 8. hope, 9. adore, 10. opulent.


Ejercicio 7.1. Independent or dependent clauses. 1. independent, 2. dependent, 3. dependent, 4. dependent, 5. dependent, 6. independent, 7. independent, 8. independent, 9. dependent, 10. dependent. Ejercicio 7.2. Punctuation. When Robert Frost entered the classroom, he saw a big pile of students papers on his desk. Is there anything here that anyone wants to keep? he asked. No, the students replied. Well, if you dont value them enough to keep them, I dont value them enough to want to read them, he said. Then he took all the papers and threw them into the waste paper basket. Ejercicio 7.3. Topic and support sentences for a descriptive paragraph. The following sentences support the topic sentence with precise descriptive details: 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, and 14. Ejercicio 7.4. Tipos de prrafos. 1. E, 2. A, 3. B, 4. F, 5.C, 6, D, 7. H, 8. G 9. J, 10. I. Ejercicio 7.5. Contrasting information. 1. in spite of, 2. however, 3. whereas, 4. still, 5. despite, 6 although. Ejercicio 7.6. And / But / So / Because. 1. b, 2. b, 3. d, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. b, 9. d, 10. c. Ejercicio 7.7. Cause and Effect. 1. Since /Because, 2. so, 3. consequently / therefore, 4. Since, 5. so, 6. Now that /Since / Because / Inasmuch as, 7. due to / because of, 8. because / due to the fact that, 9. so that, 10. so / for that reason. Ejercicio 7.8. 1. a, 2. c, 3. b, 4: c, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. c. Ejercicio 7.9. 1. as long as; 2. as though; 3. so; 4. In addition; 5. such; 6. even though; 7. despite; 8. However. Ejercicio 7.10. 1. so as to; 2. Since; 3. Even though; 4. provided; 5. whereas; 6. Though; 7. therefore; 8. Furthermore. Ejercicio 7.11. 1) because of 2) however 3) though 4) despite the fact 5) than 6) nevertheless 7) provided 8) though. Ejercicio 7.12. 1. Polls show that Tony Blair is the most popular Prime Minister this century. However, there are even members of his own party who are uneasy with his approach. However indicates that what follows is something of a contradiction or an exception. 2. There are some slight variations in temperature, but as a rule 26 to 27C should be expected. As a rule shows you are about to make a generalisation. 3. The two main Channel Islands, namely Jersey and Guernsey, are much closer to France than to England. You are actually naming the two islands mentioned, so namely is used. 4. It was announced that nurses' working hours would be increased by 25%. As a result, even fewer trainee nurses are expected to join the profession. The second sentence is a result or consequence of the first. 5. Sales of CDs have experienced a small but steady fall over the past 12 months. In contrast, vinyl records have seen an increase in their share of the market, up to 1.7%. The second sentence contrasts vinyl with CDs. 6. The Vice Chancellor explained that in light of the current financial climate and because of unexpected bad debts, it would be necessary to peg salary levels at their current level for all grades of staff. In other words, no-one was getting a pay rise. The second sentence says the same as the first, but in a much simpler way (reformulation). 7. It is clear, therefore, that the situation in Brazil will improve only slowly. With reference to the economic problems being experienced in Japan, the outlook is slightly more optimistic. The second sentence deals with a new aspect/point.


8. In order to try to reduce car use in the inner cities, the government has announced new restrictions on company parking spaces and in addition, a new tax on individual car use. Reinforcement of the idea; an extra point. 9. Essays must be handed in by the deadline, otherwise they will not be marked. The second part is a consequence of the first. 10. Even though it has been shown that fractures can occur at even relatively low pressures, the use of the material should not be completely discounted. The idea of concession again; the second part is somewhat unexpected. Ejercicio 7.13. 1: a; 2: b; 3: d; 4: d, 5: d, 6: b; 7: d; 8: b; 9: c; 10:a. Ejercicio 7.14. 1. b) Nevertheless, 2. d) since, 3. d) only if, 4. a) even though, 5. c) Otherwise, 6. b) unless, 7. b) on the other hand, 8. c) Consequently, 9. a) In the event, 10. a) despite, 11. c) Though, 12. d) yet, 13. a) Now that, 14. d) or else, 15 b) whether. Ejercicio 7.15. Passage 1 Fox's argument seems valid: appropriate feeding and hydration are essential to the provision of adequate patient care. However, the author fails to acknowledge the excessive demands placed on nurses and the potential usefulness of nursing assistants. In addition, the evidence used in this article is anecdotal and the language is highly emotive. Ideally, nurses would always use their knowledge and skills in attending to patients' dietary needs and they would use feeding times to intervene and refer as appropriate; however, this is not always possible. Nurses in many hospitals are required to perform the jobs of more than one person due to understaffing. Therefore they do not have enough time to personally feed every patient and to monitor the patient while doing this. As a result, feeding duties may have to be handed to untrained assistants. Fox fails to acknowledge this fact. Furthermore Fox's argument is weakened by the nature of the evidence which she uses to illustrate it. This evidence comes from personal experiences and a newspaper article written by a friend of the subject's. It is thus highly subjective. Fox does not refer to any research that could support her argument, nor does she refer to any formally documented cases. In fact, the author herself questions the validity of her evidence. Additionally, Fox's argument is weakened by the language she uses to present it. This language is highly emotive, for example the use of phrases such as 'extremely moving' and 'incredibly shocking' leads the reader to conclude that the article is a subjective response rather than an objective observation of the facts. In summary, it is true that the dietary needs of patients are extremely important and that nurses should draw on their knowledge, theory and experience when attending to these needs. However, in today's nursing contexts this is not always possible. Often, these responsibilities must be handed to untrained assistants. Thus Fox's argument is an attractive one, but not necessarily a valid one. Ejercicio 7.16. The gradual migration of life from the ocean to the land was another major step that made many advances possible. Eventually, plants and animals divided into males and females. After that the possibilities increased for the development of new and varied species. To date, more than 400 000 species of plants and 1 200 000 species of animals have developed. Gradually, the senses of sight and hearing improved in animals and brains grew and developed. Finally, intelligence progressed, leading to the development of human beings. Ejercicio 7.17. The London-based World Radio Network is one of the first companies to relay radio programs over the Internet. Academics are one group of people who are interested in the WRN. In addition, school teachers and even pupils use the WRN. People who want to listen in English tune in to WRN1. On the other hand those who listen in other languages tune in to WRN2. Although it has been possible to save digitized audio since the mid-1980s, certain problems prevented broadcasting radio programs over the Internet at that time. For example, the modems were too slow. These problems have now been solved. As a result, Internet broadcasting is now possible when a faster modem is used. Probably when modems become more efficient, it will be possible to transmit even high-quality music over the Internet.


Ejercicio 7.18. Essay Preparation Several stages are involved in essay preparation, choosing which points are to be considered, deciding how you will deal with them, and the actual writing. As you gain more experience you will find methods and ways of working which suit you, your personality and lifestyle. Generally, however, the process will involve the following. You should examine carefully the statements made in the essay question, making sure you understand each word and what is being asked, as misreading and misunderstanding at this stage can be fatal. Essay questions can be very general, very specific and sometimes deliberately provocative, and an understanding of them is essential. Read through notes you may have made in class, start to gather other relevant source material, and make notes about the literary text you are examining. Ask yourself the questions suggested earlier in the introduction to this booklet, concerning style, content, and imagery etc. Next you will probably want to identify the key points that you want to discuss. There may be many points you find generally interesting, but ask yourself if they are relevant to the essay in question. In order to do this it can be useful to try to think of a title for your essay. This is not to be confused with the essay question or title, but is concerned with your response to the task set. What title would best give the reader an overview of your approach and analysis, and highlight the main points you examine and the conclusions you reach? You should not assume that an essay has to include and cover all the possible points an interpretation may offer up. A short, well organised and structured essay focusing on some of the main points is far better than an over-long and unwieldy attempt to say a little about everything. You may find it useful to state in the introduction which points you are focusing on and why. Keep your reader informed of the development of your argument. Let your reader know which direction is being taken and the reasons why. Once the main points have been identified you need to consider in which order they will be examined. Students often do not make the most of the good ideas they have because they get lost if the argument does not develop coherently. Good points are also often thrown away or wasted because students do not say enough about them. Make sure the relevance of each point to the main argument is clearly stated and demonstrated. You should dwell and linger on the points: often this requires no more than two or three extra sentences, particularly if your writing is concise and focused. Ejercicio 7.19. Causes of Teen Smoking A 13-year-old boy, standing in the doorway of his school, puffs on a cigarette. He holds it carelessly, like an adult, yet in plain view. He looks around to make sure that the other guys are watching. If you ask how long he has smoked, you will find out that he started when he was eleven. By now, he is an addicted smoker. If you ask him why he smokes, he will probably say that he enjoys it. However you wonder if that is really the reason. It seems to me that the causes for teen smoking are more complex. More specifically, they have more to do with the ambiguous role of teenagers in society. Teenage smoking is caused by personal insecurity, a desire to be like adults, and peer pressure. The main cause of teenage smoking is the personal insecurity young people often feel. They are at a difficult age. They are no longer children, consequently the ways in which they have behaved in the past are inappropriate. On the other hand, they are not yet adults; therefore, they do not know the ways of the adult world. This conflict can cause feelings of insecurity because , if children want attention from their parents or a toy or sweet, they can cry to draw attention to their desires. For teenagers, however, crying will be labelled childish and they will be told to "act their age." Often as a result, the teenager does not know how to act his or her age, because teenagers do no know what to do, they often turn to smoking as a way to hide their nervousness and insecurities. As we have just seen, teenagers need to learn how to behave as adults. They of course realize this and spend time emulating adults. For this reason, they try to adopt more adult attitudes and manners. They pay attention to their dress and the opposite sex. One thing that young teenagers perceive as "very adult" is smoking cigarettes. Perhaps a boy sees his father or older brother smoke. He thinks of his father as a man and because he wants to be "a man" like his father, he starts to smoke, consequently beginning a habit that most adults know is unhealthy. While it is true that teenagers are attempting to become adults, this effort is often not fully conscious, because they often see the adults closest to them, their parents and teachers, as enemies. For this reason, they turn to their peer group for support. We are all familiar with the teenagers who want to look, act, and dress exactly like all of the other teenagers in their peer group. This peer group can exert so much pressure that often teenagers do things in the group that they would not normally


do. One of these things is smoking cigarettes. Imagine a group of guys playing pool together after school. One says to the others, "I'm gong to buy a pack of cigarettes. do you want to smoke one with me?" The peer pressure here is reat so most normal boys will succumb. We can see that personal insecurity, desire to be like adults, and peer pressure can cause many teenagers to start something that they will later regret. Ejercicio 7.20. 1 The McNuggets menu is hardly an example of healthy eating. On the contrary, it offers a choice of everything that should normally be avoided. The fishburger is particularly high in fat, with added salt 2 and sugar. In contrast, the College refectory, whose menu was completely revised early this century, 3 offers much more nutritious food. At the same time, its kitchens and the way food is caught and 4 prepared have been transformed by a revolutionary new chef. Furthermore, the decor and pretentions of the refectory are calculated to appeal to the serious academic rather than the six-year 5 old child. In contrast, it is not uncommon in McNuggets to enter a restaurant and find yourself in the middle of a large birthday party, with music, games and food out of all proportion to the number of partygoers6 . A case in point is the McBanquet offered to ten year olds: it caters for ten guests, has ten times too much food and lasts ten hours. 7 Both McNuggets and the College refectory have undergone many changes since the millennium. Some say that College management completed the work started by the fast food chains in 8 the last century by destroying what was left of the traditional English puddings. Yet, according to others the new in-house catering team has enhanced and extended the health value and interest of the lunch menu with their exciting new organic options. The Quorn and Vegetable Bake, served on 9 Wednesdays, is an example of this. 10 Unlike McNuggets, the College refectory seems to have quietly and steadily transformed itself into an elegant, spacious and modern cafeteria, seamlessly combining ancient and modern. The 11 cashiers desk at the far end of the servery is a perfect illustration of this point. Despite/In spite of their differences, both eateries offer the hungry visitor much that is stimulating and should be visited at least once, if only for reflection and contrast, by all students of Education.

Ejercicio 8.1. Main idea and supporting details 1. MI, SD, SD 2. SD, MI, SD 3. SD, MI, SD 4. SD, SD, MI Ejercicio 8.2. 1. c, d, f, g; 2. b, c, e, g Ejercicio 8.3. 1. b) Graffiti should not be promoted as art, and graffitists should be punished. 2. a) Painting graffiti on public and private buildings should be treated as a crime. 3. b) Graffiti is a legitimate art form and good graffiti art benefits the city. Ejercicio 8.4. b) Summarize the story completing the following paragraph:

A patient went to her doctors office because she was very unhappy and depressed . In answer to his questions, she explained that although she did everything right , she was worried about two things. First, she used many products advertised on TV, but she wasnt popular, and she didnt have any boyfriends . Second, her life was terribly boring because it wasnt the same as other peoples . After he thought about her symptoms, the doctor told her the solution to her problem was to get rid of her TV set . The point of the story is that activities . the woman watched TV a lot, and she didnt do any exciting


Respuestas al ejemplo de examen extraordinario

1. d) Unidad 8. Identificacin de la idea principal 2. d) Unidad 1. Identificacin de tipos de texto. 3. c) Unidad 3 Funciones gramaticales y sufijos 4. c) Unidad 7 Establecen las relaciones entre los componentes de un texto; recursos retricos y conectores lgicos 5. c) Unidad 6. Referentes contextuales 6. c) Unidad 7 Establecen las relaciones entre los componentes de un texto; recursos retricos y conectores lgicos 7. a) Unidad 3 Funciones gramaticales y sufijos 8. c); 9. a); 10. d) Unidad 5. Bsqueda de informacin (scanning) 11 d), 12 a), 13 c), 14 b), 15 a) Unidad 2. Estrategias lingsticas 16. c); 17. d) Unidad 6. Establecer relaciones entre elementos de un texto 18. a) Unidad 8. Identificacin de idea principal 19. a); 20. c); 21. d) Unidad 2. Estrategias lingsticas 21. d) Unidad 4. Estrategias de lectura global 22. d); 23. a); 24. c) Unidad 7 Establecen las relaciones entre los componentes de un texto; recursos retricos y conectores lgicos 25. a); 26. c); 27. c); 28 a); Unidad 8. Inferencia 29. a) Unidad 2 Puntuacin 30. d) Unidad 8. Inferencia 31. a); 32. d); 33. a); 34. c) Unidad 6. Referentes contextuales 35. d); 36. b) Unidad 3. Estrategias de aprendizaje de palabras desconocidas 37. b); 38. d); 39. b); 40. a) Unidad 5. Estrategias de localizacin especfica


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