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Theory Supplement Section L



In this section we give proofs of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line Integrals and Greens Theorem.

Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line Integrals

Suppose that C is a curve from point P to point Q. Then the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line Integrals says

grad f dr = f (Q) f (P ).

The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals can be derived from the Fundamental Theorem for ordinary denite integrals. Suppose that (x(t), y (t)), for a t b, is a parameterization of C , with endpoints P = (x(a), y (a)) and Q = (x(b), y (b)). Thus, the values of f along C are given by the single variable function h(t) = f (x(t), y (t)). Using this parameterization of C we have
b C

grad f dr = =

a b

(fx (x(t), y (t))i + fy (x(t), y (t))j ) (x (t)i + y (t)j )dt (fx (x(t), y (t))x (t) + fy (x(t), y (t))y (t))dt.

By the chain rule f dx f dy dh = + = fx x (t) + fy y (t). dt x dt y dt By the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, this gives us
b C

grad f dr =

h (t)dt

= h(b) h(a) = f (Q) f (P ).

Proof of Greens Theorem

In this section we will give a proof of Greens Theorem based on the change of variables formula for double integrals. Suppose that C is a simple closed curve surrounding a region R in the plane and oriented so that the region is on the left as we move around the curve. Assume the vector eld F , dened at every point of R, is given in components by F (x, y ) = F1 (x, y )i + F2 (x, y )j , where F1 and F2 are continuously differentiable. We wish to show that F dr = F1 F2 x y dx dy.


Theory Supplement Section L

y d C4 c a C3


x b Figure L.46: A rectangular region R with boundary C broken into C1 , C2 , C3 , and C4


Proof for Rectangles

We prove Greens Theorem rst when R is a rectangular region, as shown in Figure L.46. The line integral in Greens theorem can be written as

F dr = =

C1 b a d

F dr +


F dr +
d c


F dr +
b a


F dr

F1 (x, c) dx +

F2 (b, y ) dy
b a

F1 (x, d) dx

F2 (a, y ) dy


(F2 (b, y ) F2 (a, y )) dy +

(F1 (x, d) + F1 (x, c)) dx.

On the other hand, the double integral in Greens theorem can be written as an iterated integral. We evaluate the inside integral using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. F2 F1 x y dx dy =
R d

F2 dx dy + x
b a

F1 dx dy y
b a c d

c d

F2 dx dy + x

F1 dy dx y
b a


(F2 (b, y ) F2 (a, y )) dy +

(F1 (x, d) + F1 (x, c)) dx.

Since the line integral and the double integral are equal, we have proved Greens theorem for rectangles.

Proof for Regions Parameterized by Rectangles

t d D4 c a T D3 y C3

D2 C4 D1 b s


C1 x

Figure L.47: A curved region R in the xy -plane corresponding to a rectangular region T in the st-plane

Now we prove Greens Theorem for a region R which can be transformed into a rectangular region. Suppose we have a smooth change of coordinates x = x(s, t), y = y (s, t).

Theory Supplement Section L


Consider a curved region R in the xy -plane corresponding to a rectangular region T in the stplane, as in Figure L.47. We suppose that the change of coordinates is one-to-one on the interior of T. We prove Greens theorem for R using Greens theorem for T and the change of variables formula for double integrals given on page 823. First we express the line integral around C F dr ,

as a line integral in the st-plane around the rectangle D = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 . In vector notation, the change of coordinates is r = r (s, t) = x(s, t)i + y (s, t)j and so F dr = F (r (s, t)) r r ds + F (r (s, t)) dt. s t

We dene a vector eld G on the st-plane with components G1 = F r s and G2 = F r . t

Then, if u is the position vector of a point in the st-plane, we have F dr = G1 ds+G2 dt = G du . Problem 5 at the end of this section asks you to show that the formula for line integrals along parameterized paths leads to the following result: F dr = G du .

In addition, using the product rule and chain rule we can show that G2 G1 = s t F2 F1 x y
x s x t y s y t

(See Problem 6 at the end of this section.) Hence, by the change of variables formula for double integrals on page 823, F1 F2 x y dx dy =

F1 F2 x y

x s x t

y s y t

ds dt =

G2 G1 s t

ds dt.

Thus we have shown that


F dr = dx dy =

G du G1 G2 s t ds dt.

and that

F1 F2 x y

The integrals on the right are equal, by Greens Theorem for rectangles; hence the integrals on the left are equal as well, which is Greens Theorem for the region R.

Pasting Regions Together

Lastly we show that Greens Theorem holds for a region formed by pasting together regions which can be transformed into rectangles. Figure L.48 shows two regions R 1 and R2 that t together


Theory Supplement Section L

y C1 R1 C C

R2 C2 x

Figure L.48: Two regions R1 and R2 pasted together to form a region R

to form a region R. We break the boundary of R into C1 , the part shared with R1 , and C2 , the part shared with R2 . We let C be the part of the boundary of R1 which it shares with R2 . So Boundary of R = C1 + C2 , Boundary of R1 = C1 + C, Boundary of R2 = C2 + (C ).

Note that when the curve C is considered as part of the boundary of R2 , it receives the opposite orientation from the one it receives as the boundary of R1 . Thus F dr + F dr = =

Boundary of R1

Boundary of R2

C1 +C

F dr +

C2 +(C )

F dr

F dr + F dr +

F dr + F dr

F dr

F dr



Boundary of R

F dr .

So, applying Greens Theorem for R1 and R2 , we get F2 F1 x y dx dy =


F1 F2 x y

dx dy +

F1 F2 x y F dr

dx dy

Boundary of R1

F dr +

Boundary of R2

Boundary of R

F dr ,

which is Greens Theorem for R. Thus, we have proved Greens Theorem for any region formed by pasting together regions that are smoothly parameterized by rectangles.

Example 1

Let R be the annulus (ring) centered at the origin with inner radius 1 and outer radius 2. Using polar coordinates, show that the proof of Greens Theorem applies to R. See Figure L.49. In polar coordinates, x = r cos t and y = r sin t, the annulus corresponds to the rectangle in the rt-plane 1 r 2, 0 t 2 . The sides t = 0 and t = 2 are pasted together in the xy -plane along the x-axis; the other two sides become the inner and outer circles of the annulus. Thus R is formed by pasting the ends of a rectangle together.


Theory Supplement Section L


t 2

1 r=1 2

t=0 t = 2 x

r=2 r 1 2 Figure L.49: The annulus R in the xy -plane and the corresponding rectangle 1 r 2, 0 t 2 in the rt-plane

Problems for Section L

1. Let R be the annulus centered at (1, 2) with inner radius 2 and outer radius 3. Show that R can be parameterized by a rectangle. 2. Let R be the region under the rst arc of the graph of the sine function. Show that R can be parameterized by a rectangle. 3. Let f (x) and g (x) be two smooth functions, and suppose that f (x) g (x) for a x b. Let R be the region f (x) y g (x), a x b. (a) Sketch an example of such a region. (b) For a constant y0 , parameterize the horizontal line segment in R where y = y0 . Choose your parameterization so that the parameter starts at 0 and ends at 1. (c) By putting together the parameterizations in part (b) for different values of y0 , show that R can be parameterized by a rectangle. 5. Use the formula for calculating line integrals by parameterization to prove the statement on page 65: F dr = G du .

(a) Sketch an example of such a region. (b) For a constant x0 , parameterize the vertical line segment in R where x = x0 . Choose your parameterization so that the parameter starts at 0 and ends at 1. (c) By putting together the parameterizations in part (b) for different values of x0 , show that R can be parameterized by a rectangle.

6. Use the product rule and the chain rule to prove the formula on page 65: G1 G2 = s t F2 F1 x y
x s x t y s y t

4. Let f (y ) and g (y ) be two smooth functions, and suppose that f (y ) g (y ) for c y d. Let R be the region f (y ) x g (y ), c y d.

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