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[Actualizado el 25 de enero de 2012] Semestre enero-mayo de 2012 CEIICH, Vier., 10:00hrs. Horas de oficina: mircoles de 12 a 14hrs o previa cita CEIICH, Torre 2 de Humanidades, 6 piso Dr. Jorge Cadena-Roa 5623-0495 y 42 Fax 5616-2988

iDisk: Laboratorio de Anlisis de Organizaciones y Movimientos Sociales y @cadenaroa y @laomsceiich

Por favor piensa en el medio ambiente antes de imprimir este programa

Descripcin del Seminario Este seminario ha sido diseado para introducir a los alumnos de los posgrados en Ciencias Polticas y Sociales y en Estudios Latinoamericanos de la UNAM en el debate terico acerca del estudio de los movimientos sociales y la accin colectiva que est orientando la investigacin emprica a escala internacional. Una rpida hojeada a este programa permitir ver que la literatura producida en este campo del conocimiento ha registrado un aumento considerable en los ltimos aos, tanto desde el punto de vista del nmero de trabajos publicados, como de la variedad y sofisticacin en las teoras y mtodos de investigacin. Para decirlo con Melucci, durante los ltimos veinte aos, el anlisis de los movimientos sociales y la accin colectiva han evolucionado hasta hacerse un sector autnomo de la teora y la investigacin en la ciencias sociales, a la vez que la cantidad y calidad de los trabajos en esta rea se han

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incrementado y mejorado.* Por ello no es posible agotar en un solo semestre la variedad de enfoques tericos y metodolgicos vigentes ni, por supuesto, incluir todos los trabajos acadmicos disponibles que han hecho alguna contribucin al conocimiento del tema. Este seminario se propone un objetivo ms modesto: dar a los estudiantes una visin de conjunto del campo de conocimiento, un examen ms profundo de algunos de los enfoques tericos dominantes, y presentar diversos modelos de produccin acadmica a partir de los cuales puedan continuar aprendiendo e investigando por su cuenta. Para la seleccin de las lecturas he optado por trabajos recientes de alta calidad acadmica elaborados por especialistas que no se contentan con describir movimientos y procesos sino que tienen la intencin de producir, poner a prueba o refinar teora. De las quince sesiones que incluye el semestre, la primera est dedicada a introducir el seminario y, de acuerdo con el proyecto de investigacin que est desarrollando en ese momento y los intereses y necesidades de aprendizaje de los alumnos inscritos, considerar la posibilidad de hacer algunos ajustes al presente programa. La ltima sesin estar dedicada a la presentacin de los avances de investigacin de los alumnos inscritos en los que muestren la incorporacin de alguno de los temas o enfoques estudiados a lo largo del semestre en su reflexin conducente a la elaboracin de sus tesis de maestra o doctorado, segn sea el caso. Las trece sesiones restantes estarn dedicadas a discutir los temas sustantivos del seminario de acuerdo con el calendario que se presenta ms abajo. A lo largo del semestre suelo aadir algunos trabajos ms al presente programa. Las actualizaciones del mismo y el calendario de actividades actualizado estarn a su disposicin en mi pgina electrnica. Este seminario no est enfocado a un pas o regin en particular ni a un movimiento o conjunto de movimientos especficos aunque, como podr apreciarse, las lecturas hacen referencia a pases con una variedad de regmenes polticos y niveles de desarrollo econmico y a diferentes actores sociales. Las lecturas y las discusiones del seminario estarn centradas en los enfoques tericos, ms que en pases o actores, en las ventajas y limitaciones de dichos enfoques para orientar investigacin emprica y responder preguntas de investigacin especficas. Los estudiantes estn invitados a poner a prueba o aplicar esos enfoques, tanto en las presentaciones en clase como en sus trabajos escritos, en los movimientos sociales que conozcan, que les interesen, o sobre los que estn realizando investigacin. Sin embargo, las lecturas y discusiones del seminario sern ms provechosas para todos en la medida en la

Melucci, Alberto. 1999. Accin colectiva, vida cotidiana y democracia. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico, p. 11. nfasis mo.

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que se centren ms en los problemas tericos que en su aplicacin, ms en problemas analticos e interpretativos que en la descripcin de casos particulares. Las lecturas incluidas en este programa se centran principalmente en el anlisis de las actividades y las prcticas concretas de las organizaciones del movimiento social y de los movimientos sociales (MS). Salvo algunos casos notables, no hay intentos por producir una teora general de los MS o de ofrecer una caracterizacin de las sociedades contemporneas a partir de las innovaciones culturales, sociales y polticas introducidas por los MS. La mayora de los trabajos que aparecen enseguida se plantean preguntas muy especficas y bien delimitadas desde el marco de diversas teoras de alcance medio con la intencin de elaborar respuestas a las mismas fundadas en evidencias empricas. En este sentido se sitan a medio camino entre ambiciosas teoras generales y la descripcin casustica de experiencias histricas. No son lo uno ni lo otro, sino que buscan poner en comunicacin y tensin ambas. Desde este punto de vista, el problema no consiste en construir un objeto de estudio, sino de formular y responder preguntas precisas, elaboradas teniendo en consideracin el estado del conocimiento terico, emprico y metodolgico acerca de un tema o problema. De otra manera, no se trata de estudiar, conocer o comprender todo lo relacionado con tema o problema sino de hacer investigaciones claramente dirigidas hacia la ampliacin de la frontera del conocimiento y el desarrollo terico. La perspectiva desde la que se hace la investigacin puede ser holistica, sistmica o de la totalidad, pero no por ello cada investigacin ha de proponerse investigar el todo, el sistema en su conjunto o la totalidad. La generacin de conocimientos parciales que puedan integrarse al conocimiento producido por la comunidad cientfica es un objetivo deseableno todo mundo puede proponerse la investigacin de grandes temas, es ms viable que nos hagamos preguntas parciales acerca de relaciones e interacciones determinadas. El problema no consiste tampoco en encontrar la especificidad de un proceso o de un conjunto de relaciones. De lo que se trata es de llegar a formular proposiciones generales que puedan ponerse a prueba empricamente en la investigacin de diversos casos del mismo tema o problema genrico. La prctica ideogrfica de las ciencias sociales no debe renunciar a la formulacin de teoras y herramientas que ayuden a la comprensin de problemas generales, ni contentarse con la descripcin pormenorizada de casos seleccionados con algn criterio especfico. Debe plantearse preguntas generales y poner a prueba modelos tericos en condiciones contextuales diversas a fin de desarrollar las teoras. Finalmente, no se trata de formular teoras generales y leyes universales vlidas para todo tiempo y lugar siguiendo la prctica nomottica de la ciencia

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modelada en el paradigma newtoniano, mecaniscista, lineal, sin historia y sin procesos de auto-organizacin y creacin. De lo que se trata, en cambio, es de formular teoras de alcance medio, de identificar y analizar mecanismos especficos que sean significativos por la amplitud de su capacidad explicativa, que generen hiptesis que puedan validarse o falsarse mediante investigacin emprica y que, en consecuencia, permitan, segn el caso, la confirmacin, refutacin, modificacin y extensin de modelos tericos que guan la investigacin. Las preguntas que se plantean la mayora de los trabajos considerados en este seminario tienen la siguiente forma: porqu los movimientos sociales (ms) surgen en ciertos momentos y no en otros? Por qu solo algunas personas participan en los ms y otras no? Cules son las condiciones internas, organizacionales, que favorecen o dificultan el surgimiento de ms? Cules son las condiciones externas, ambientales, que favorecen o dificultan su surgimiento? Qu actividades realizan los ms para conseguir objetivos? Qu actividades para interpretar la realidad? De qu manera los ms afectan las definiciones colectivas de la realidad? Cmo construyen su identidad? Cmo producen, reproducen y transmiten cultura? Qu dimensiones emocionales son relevantes para el estudio de las prcticas de los ms? Qu caractersticas tienen como sector y de qu depende su ciclo de vida? Por qu declinan los ms? Qu tipo de relaciones e interacciones establecen los ms con otros movimientos, con el estado, con contramovimientos, con los medios de comunicacin, con redes internacionales de solidaridad, en fin, con diferentes pblicos e instituciones presentes en el ambiente en el que desarrollan sus actividades? Qu polticas pblicas han implementado histricamente los estados en relacin con diferentes ms y cmo han coevolucionado los estados, los sistemas polticos y el sector de los ms? Qu papel tiene la represin en la continuidad, desarrollo y transformaciones de los ms? Cules son las consecuencias sociales, polticas y culturales de los ms? De qu dependen algunas esas consecuencias, como institucionalizacin o democratizacin por ejemplo? Qu tan nuevos son los nuevos ms? A quin le importa eso? Qu problemas de mtodo plantea la investigacin emprica de las actividades de los ms as como la produccin terica en este campo? A partir de las caractersticas sealadas hasta aqu, sugiero que al leer, evaluar y discutir estos trabajos desarrollemos sistemtica y explcitamente las siguientes tareas: a) identificar las preguntas de investigacin que se plantean; b) evaluar sus argumentos, modelos y resultados de investigacin desde el punto de vista de las respuestas que ofrecen a las preguntas que se plantearon en primer lugar, su consistencia

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metodolgica, la operacionalizacin de variables, fundamento emprico, etc.; c) considerar si hay factores contextuales o histricos que limiten el alcance de las generalizaciones tericas que ofrecen, particularmente desde el punto de vista de las condiciones prevalecientes en los pases del rea latinoamericana; d) en su caso, considerar si hay respuestas superiores, desde el punto de vista terico o emprico, a las que nos proporcionan los autores que estamos discutiendo, y cules son; e) finalmente, identificar explcitamente y con la mayor precisin posible en qu consisten sus aportaciones y limitaciones, particularmente para plantearnos cmo aprovechar las primeras y superar las segundas en la resolucin de preguntas de investigacin que los participantes en el seminario nos hagamos. Un conjunto de lecturas obligatorias de alrededor de cien pginas ser asignado semanalmente. Se ha preferido materiales traducidos al espaol cuando ha sido posible, sin embargo varios estn en su idioma original. Una copia de las lecturas estar disponible en el Centro de Fotocopiado de la FCPyS localizado en el Edificio A. La calidad del seminario y el aprovechamiento que todos tengamos de las sesiones depender de que los materiales sean ledos por todos y de que la discusin se concentre en torno a los problemas tericos sustantivos. Cuando sea posible se programarn conferencias invitadas a cargo de investigadores o estudiantes de posgrado que estn realizando investigacin en esta rea del conocimiento. Evaluacin La evaluacin acadmica de los estudiantes considerar los siguientes factores: 1. La calidad del seminario depender fundamentalmente de que las lecturas sean hechas y discutidas por todos, por lo que la asistencia es indispensable. Para acreditar el seminario se requiere de la asistencia a por lo menos el 80% de las sesiones, o sea, 12 de las 15 sesiones programadas. 2. Se requiere tambin participacin en clase: las sesiones del seminario son para discutir tomando como punto de partida las lecturas obligatorias. Los estudiantes presentarn en clase las lecturas obligatorias asignadas

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para una semana en aproximadamente 20-25 minutos y dirigirn la discusin en esa sesin. 3. Todos los estudiantes, excepto los que presenten esa semana, debern enviar una reaccin educada sobre las lecturas obligatorias en una cuartilla (350-400 palabras) a mi direccin electrnica antes de la medianoche del jueves anterior a la reunin del seminario. Si estn inspirados pueden escribir u poco ms, si no un poco menos. El viernes temprano re-enviar las reacciones a los participantes para que tengamos un primer intercambio de opiniones que facilite la organizacin de la discusin presencial. (Por favor, envenme un mensaje desde la direccin a donde quieran recibir las reacciones educadas de sus compaeros para que prepare la lista de distribucin.) Como todos vamos a leer los mismos materiales, no se trata de resumirlos sino de registrar por escrito las ideas que les provocaron, de formular opiniones educadas o notas reflexivas sobre las mismas, particularmente en trminos de su utilidad para realizar investigacin acerca del tema o problema que ms le interese a cada quien. Para acreditar el seminario debern enviar a la lista de distribucin del seminario por lo menos diez reacciones educadas. 4. Un artculo breve (15 cuartillas a doble espacio, tamao carta, fuente de 12 puntos, mrgenes de una pulgada por los cuatro lados) sobre uno de los problemas tericos en el estudio de los movimientos sociales y la accin colectiva que les interese en particular. Puede ser el mismo tema que presenten en clase. Para este trabajo debern hacer una bsqueda bibliogrfica y hemerogrfica exhaustiva que refleje el estado del arte en el estudio del problema particular que les interese. Para ello les sugiero que hagan bsquedas mediante las interfases electrnicas disponibles (ms adelante se proporcionan algunas direcciones para empezar la bsqueda). Este artculo deber ser entregado en la sesin correspondiente a la novena semana. Hacia la semana 4 infrmenme va correo-e acerca de su proyecto de trabajo breve a fin de que les pueda hacer sugerencias con suficiente anticipacin. 5. Un artculo largo (25-30 cuartillas a doble espacio mximo, fuente de 12 puntos, mrgenes de una pulgada por los cuatro lados) basado en las perspectivas tericas y temas discutidos en las lecturas en el que se analice algn tema sustantivo, organizacin del movimiento social, movimiento social, alguna de sus prcticas o consecuencias. La intencin es que en el artculo largo se pongan a prueba los enfoques tericos identificados en el artculo breve mediante el anlisis de un tema sustantivo. Hacia la semana 12 infrmenme va correo-e acerca del tema que van a desarrollar para que les pueda hacer sugerencias con

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anticipacin. Este trabajo deber ser entregado una semana despus de la ltima sesin del seminario. El artculo breve deber contestar las siguientes preguntas: a) Cules son los diferentes enfoques tericos para el estudio del problema seleccionado? Por ejemplo, Cules son los diferentes enfoques para el estudio de las consecuencias de los movimientos sociales? En qu consisten las diferencias y coincidencias entre un enfoque y otro? Cules son los autores y trabajos ms representativos de cada enfoque? b) Cmo evalas cada uno de esos enfoques? Contestan satisfactoriamente las preguntas de investigacin que se plantean al inicio? Cules son sus mritos y sus limitaciones? Plantean preguntas adecuadas o es necesario revisar las preguntas mismas? c) Qu limitaciones tienen los enfoques existentes? En que direccin debe avanzar la investigacin y la construccin de teora para resolver esas fallas y atender esas preocupaciones? El artculo largo ser la aplicacin de los enfoques tratados en el artculo breve al anlisis de un caso o casos empricos que interesen al estudiante. Por ejemplo, Qu enfoques permiten comprender mejor la coevolucin de movimientos sociales y estado en Mxico? Adems de la discusin y evaluacin de los enfoques alternativos se espera que el estudiante considere las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de ellos para responder a preguntas de investigacin especficas. Estas actividades han sido diseadas para introducir a los alumnos en los debates tericos, metodolgicos y para familiarizarlos con conocimientos orientados a la prctica de la investigacin sobre movimientos sociales y accin colectiva, afinar sus habilidades crticas de productos de investigacin (de manera que esas mismas habilidades sean aplicadas al trabajo propio), de presentacin oral y de conduccin de discusiones. Se busca tambin desarrollar habilidades de anlisis y sntesis de la informacin terica y emprica as como estimular la prctica de la abstraccin para pensar eventos y situaciones de manera terica. Se espera que los estudiantes trabajen preferentemente sobre los enfoques tericos disponibles para formular y contestar las preguntas de investigacin que se plantearn en la investigacin conducente a su tesis de maestra o de doctorado.

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NO se aceptarn reacciones a las lecturas ni trabajos despus de las fechas y horas indicadas. Las reacciones educadas tienen como fin preparar la discusin del seminario. Despus de que sta pas, no tiene sentido envirmelas. Los artculos breve y largo debern ser entregados en el seminario, en las fechas indicadas, impresos en papel a doble espacio, letra de 12 puntos y mrgenes de una pulgada por los cuatro lados. Estos trabajos NO se aceptan por email. La propuesta de temas para los artculos breve y largo puede ser por email. Algunas de las lecturas que haremos en el seminario han sido reproducidas en los siguientes volmenes, donde encontrarn tambin otros artculos muy citados: Aminzade, Ronald R., A. Jack Goldstone, Doug McAdam, Elizabeth J. Perry, William H. Sewell Jr., Sidney Tarrow, and Charles Tilly. 2001. Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press. Buechler, Steven and F. Kurt Cylke Jr., eds. 1997. Social Movements. Perspectives and Issues. California: Mayfield. Coy, Patrick G. 2001. Political Opportunities, Social Movements and Democratization. Amsterdam: JAI Press. Curtis Jr., Russell L. and Benigno E. Aguirre. 1993. Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Dalton, Russell J. and Manfred Kuechler. 1990. Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies. New York: Oxford University Press. della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani. 1999. Social Movements. An Introduction. Oxford: Balckwell. della Porta, Donatella. 1995. Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Foweraker, Joe. 1995. Theorizing Social Movements. London: Pluto Press. Garner, Roberta and John Tenuto. 1997. Social Movement Theory and Research. An Annotated Bibliographical Guide. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press. Goldstone, A. Jack, ed. 2003. States, Parties, and Social Movements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Goodwin, Jeff and James M. Jasper, eds. 2003. The Social Movements Reader. Cases and Concepts. Cornwall: Blackwell. Goodwin, Jeff and James M. Jasper, eds. 2004. Rethinking Social Movements. Structure, Meaning, and Emotion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Goodwin, Jeff, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta, eds. 2001. Passionate Politics. Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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Jenkins, Craig J. and Bert Klandermans, eds. 1995. The Politics of Social Protest. Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Johnston, Hank and Bert Klandermans, eds. 1995. Social Movements and Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Johnston, Hank and John A. Noakes, eds. 2005. Frames of Protest. Social Movements and the Framing Perspective. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Johnston, Hank and Paul Almeida, eds. 2006. Latin American Social Movements. Globalization, Democratization, and Transnational Networks. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. Laraa, Enrique, Hank Johnston, and Joseph R. Gusfield, eds. 1994. New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Laraa, Enrique. 1999. La construccin de los movimientos sociales. Madrid: Alianza. Lofland, John. 1996. Social Movements Organizations. Guide to Research on Insurgent Realities. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Lyman, Stanford M., ed. 1995. Social Movements. Critiques, Concepts, CaseStudies. New York: New York University Press. Marx, Gary T. and Doug McAdam. 1994. Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. McAdam, Doug and David A. Snow, eds. 1997. Social Movements. Readings on Their Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Los Angeles: Roxbury. McAdam, Doug, John D. McCarthy, and Mayer N. Zald, eds. 1996. Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Meyer, David S., Nancy Whittier, and Belinda Robnett, eds. 2002. Social Movements. Identity, Culture, and the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nash, June. 2005. Social Movements. An Antropological Reader. Oxford: Blackwell. Smith, Jackie and Hank Johnston, eds. 2002. Globalization and Resistance. Transnational Dimensions of Social Movements. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Snow, David A., Sara A. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi, eds. 2004. The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell. Traugott, Mark, eds. 1995. Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action. Durham: Duke University Press. Otros libros individuales y colectivos importantes vienen citados en las bibliografas obligatoria y optativa de cada apartado. Mobilization: An International Journal es una revista especializada en movimientos sociales y accin colectiva que se empez a publicar en 1996 por la seccin de Comportamiento colectivo y

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movimientos sociales de la American Sociological Association (ASA) y cuenta tambin con el respaldo del Grupo de Trabajo sobre movimientos sociales de la International Sociological Association (ISA). Ah se estn publicando investigaciones recientes de gran calidad. El Centro de Documentacin del CEIICH (6 piso, Torre 2 de Humanidades) recibe la publicacin y cuenta en su acervo con un ejemplar de Mobilization a partir del volumen 5 (1), 2000. Muchos de los artculos citados en este programa se pueden conseguir a travs de: la Biblioteca Digital de la Biblioteca Central ( o bien y de la Direccin General de Bibliotecas ( seleccionando Revistas de Texto Completo y realizando la bsqueda correspondiente; del Sistema Regional de Informacin en Lnea para revistas Cientficas de Amrica Latina, el caribe, Espaa y Portugal (Latindex) de la DGSCAUNAM.; el servicio Journal Storage (Jstore en del que la UNAM es suscriptor y que est disponible en varias instituciones acadmicas de la Ciudad de Mxico; la Red de Revistas Cientficas de Amrica Latina y El Caribe, Espaa y Portugal (Red ALyC) de la Universidad Autnoma del estado de Mxico (UAEM),; de la Scientific Electronic Library on Line (SciELO) DE bRASIL; la Biblioteca virtual del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), Ocasionalmente SAGE permite descargar gratis (en formato pdf) artculos de todas las revistas que publica. Su direccin es: Tambin les recomiendo que en funcin de sus intereses consulten las siguientes reseas de libros y articulos publicados recientemente (aunque con el paso del tiempo eso de recientemente dejar de ser cierto, pero en el momento en que agrego la referencia lo es): Oxhorn, Philip. 2001. "From Human Rights to Citizenship Rights? Recent Trends in the Study of Latin American Social Movements." Latin American Research Review 36 (3):162-182. El propsito de este programa no es nada ms consignar las actividades que desarrollaremos durante el semestre acadmico, sino tambin servir de gua para el auto-aprendizaje en diversos temas, problemas, enfoques y mtodos relevantes para el estudio de los movimientos sociales y la accin colectiva. De

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ah que sern muy apreciadas las sugerencias temticas y bibliogrficas que puedan enriquecerlo.

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CALENDARIO DE ACTIVIDADES Semana 1. PRESENTACIN Y ORGANIZACIN DEL SEMINARIO Sean bienvenidos. No hay lecturas asignadas para esta semana. Presentacin de los participantes, de sus proyectos de investigacin y del grado de avance dentro de su programa de posgrado. Descripcin del campo de estudio y del presente programa. Propuestas de otros temas que los estudiantes estn trabajando o quieran discutir. Reprogramacin de sesiones que caen en das feriados. Ajustes al programa de acuerdo con los intereses de los alumnos inscritos. No olviden enviarme un mensaje desde la direccin electrnica en la que deseen recibir las reacciones educadas de sus compaeros. Sem. # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tema VoBo artculo breve Fecha Presentacin de

Entrega de artculo breve

SEMANA 15 y LTIMA La ltima sesin estar dedicada a la presentacin de los avances de investigacin de los alumnos inscritos en los que muestren la incorporacin de alguno de los temas o enfoques estudiados a lo largo del semestre en su reflexin conducente a la elaboracin de sus tesis de maestra o doctorado, segn sea el caso. Una semana despus deber entregarse el trabajo final. TEMAS QUE PODRIAMOS CONSIDERAR (El temario semestral se definir de acuerdo con el proyecto de investigacin que el profesor est desarrollando en ese momento y los intereses y necesidades de aprendizaje de los alumnos inscritos) Cada uno de los temas indicados abajo una carga de lectura para una semana, ms bibliografa complementaria que podrn consultar quienes deseen profundizar sus conocimientos por su cuenta.

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de las oportunidades polticas y la contencin trasnacional Lecturas obligatorias: Tarrow, Sidney. 2004 [1998]. El poder en movimiento. Los movimientos sociales, la accin colectiva y la poltica. Madrid. Alianza Editorial (segunda edicin). Completo. Si tienen que seleccionar captulos les recomiendo que no dejen de leer la introduccin (pp. 21-32), cap. 1 (pp. 33-53), caps. 4-9 (pp. 89226), cap. 11 (247-271) y conclusin (pp. 273-291). [Copia en la carpeta del seminario]


sntesis comparativaestructura de las oportunidades polticas, Marcos de anlisis y estructuras de movilizacin Lecturas obligatorias: McAdam, Doug, John D. McCarthy y Mayer N. Zald. 1999 [1996]. Introduccin (pp. 21-46) y Cap. 1, Orgenes terminolgicos, problemas actuales y futuras lneas de investigacin (pp. 49-70), Cap. 6, Adoptar, adaptar e inventar lmites y oportunidades (pp.205-220), y Cap. 11, Cultura, ideologa y creacin de marcos estratgicos (pp. 368-388) en McAdam, Doug, John D. McCarthy y Mayer N. Zald. 1999 [1996]. Movimientos sociales: perspectivas comparadas. Madrid: Istmo. [Copia en la carpeta del seminario]


reseas comprensivas Lecturas obligatorias: Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 1999. "Accin colectiva y creacin de alternativas." Chiapas 7: 163-189. McAdam, Doug, John D. McCarthy, and Mayer N. Zald. 1988. "Social Movements." Pp. 695-737 in Handbook of Sociology, edited by N. Smelser. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. McAdam, Doug, Sidney Tarrow, and Charles Tilly. 1996. "To Map Contentiuos Politics." Mobilization 1:17-34. [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Oliver, Pamela E., Jorge Cadena-Roa, and Kelley D. Strawn. 2003. "Emerging Trends in the Study of Protest and Social Movements." Pp. 213-244 in Political Sociology for the 21st Century. Research in Political Sociology, vol. 12, edited by B. A. Dobratz, T. Buzzell, and L. K. Waldner. Greenwich, CT: Elsevier Science Ltd. [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Tavera-Fenollosa, Ligia. 2000. "Movimientos sociales." Pp. 450-460 en Lxico de la poltica, editado por L. Baca Olamendi, J. Bokser-Liwerant, F. Castaeda, I. H. Cisneros y G. Prez Fernndez del Castillo. Mxico: FCE.
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voces Lecturas obligatorias: Aminzade, Ronald R., A. Jack Goldstone, Doug McAdam, Elizabeth J. Perry, William H. Sewell Jr., Sidney Tarrow, and Charles Tilly. 2001. Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.


contencin Lecturas obligatorias: McAdam, Doug, Sidney Tarrow, and Charles Tilly. 2001. Dynamics of Contention. New York: Cambridge University Press. Traducido al espaol como Dinmica de la contienda poltica. Madrid: Hacer, 2005. Prlogo de Pedro Ibarra y Salvador Mart.


contenciosa Lecturas obligatorias: Tilly, Charles and Sidney Tarrow. 2007. Contentious Politics. Boulder: Paradigm. (Resea en: Karen Stanbridge, 'Review of Charles Tilly and Sidney Tarrow, Contentious Politics,' CJS Online November - December, 2006 <>)


recientes: emociones, estrategia, contingencia Lecturas obligatorias: Jasper, James. 2009. After the Big Paradigms: Social Movement Theory Today, Chapter 1 of Passion and Purpose: Action Theory of Social Movements Lecturas complementarias: Cisneros Sosa, Armando. 2001. Crtica de los movimientos sociales. Debate sobre la modernidad, la democracia y la igualdad social. Mxico: MAP. Cohen, Jean L. y Andrew Arato. 2000. [1992]. Los movimientos sociales y la sociedad civil. Pp. 556-635 en Sociedad Civil y Teora Poltica. Mxico: FCE. Crist, John T. and McCarthy John D. 1996. "'If I Had a Hammer': The Changing Methodological Repertoire of Collective Behavior and Social Movement Research." Mobilization 1:87-102. Dalton, Russell J. and Manfred Kuechler, eds. 1990. Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies. New York: Oxford University Press.
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Davis, Diane E. 1992. "The Sociology of Mexico: Stalking the Path Not Taken." Annual Review of Sociology 18:395-417. della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani. 1999. Social Movements. An Introduction. Oxford: Balckwell. de Sousa Santos, Boaventura. 2001. "Los nuevos movimientos sociales." Revista OSAL Septiembre:177-188. Foweraker, Joe. 1995. Theorizing Social Movements. London: Pluto Press. Frank, Andr Gunder y Marta Fuentes. 1990. Diez tesis acerca de los movimientos sociales. Pp. 43-80 en El juicio al sujeto. Un anlisis global de los movimientos sociales, R. Guido Bjar, O. Fernndez Reyes y M. L. Torregrosa, comps. Mxico: FLACSO-MAP. Guadarrama Olivera, Roco. 1997. Paradigmas y realidades de los movimientos sociales. Estudios Sociolgicos 14 (44):559-576. Guido Bjar, Rafael, Otto Fernndez Reyes y Mara Luisa Torregrosa, comps. 1990. El juicio al sujeto. Un anlisis global de los movimientos sociales. Mxico: Flacso-MAP. Gusfield, Joseph R. 1981. "Social Movements and Social Change: Perspectives of Linearity and Fluidity." Pp. 317-339 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 4, edited by L. Kriesberg. Greenwich: JAI Press. Jenkins, J. Craig and Michael Wallace. 1996. "The Generalized Action Potential of Protest Movements: The New Class, Social Trends, and Political Exclusion Explanations." Sociological Forum 2:183-207. Jenkins, J. Craig. 1983. "Resource Mobilization Theory and the Study of Social Movements." Pp. 527-553 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 9. Klandermans, Bert and Sidney Tarrow. 1988. "Mobilization into Social Movements: Synthesizing European and American Approaches." Pp. 1-38 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Accross Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Koppen, Elke, comp. 1988. Fuentes para el estudio de los movimentos sociales en Mxico. Mxico: CIIH-UNAM. Koppen, Elke. 1985. "Bibliografa de movimientos sociales en Mxico." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 47:261-298. Lofland, John. 1996. Social Movements Organizations. Guide to Research on Insurgent Realities. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Marx, Gary T. and Doug McAdam. 1994. Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Process and Structure. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Marx, Gary T. and James L. Wood. 1975. "Strands of Theory and Research in Collective Behavior." Annual Review of Sociology 1:363-428. Snow, David A. and Pamela Oliver. 1995. "Social Movements and Collective Behavior: Social Psychological Dimensions and Considerations." Pp. 571599 in Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology, edited by K. S. Cook, G. A. Fine, and J. S. House. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

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Tarrs, Mara Luisa. 1992. "Perspectivas analticas en la sociologa de la accin colectiva." Estudios Sociolgicos 10:735-757.


ACCIONALISMO (1). TOURAINE Lecturas obligatorias: Touraine, Alain. 1997. Podremos vivir juntos? Iguales y diferentes. Mxico: FCE. Touraine, Alain. 1995 [1973]. Produccin de la sociedad. Mxico: UNAM-IFAL. De ambos libros introduccon, capitulo sobre movimientos sociales y conclusiones. Lecturas complementarias: Caldern, Fernando y Mario R. dos Santos, comps. 1987. Los conflictos por la constitucin de un nuevo orden. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Caldern, Fernando. 1995. Movimientos sociales y poltica. La dcada de los ochenta el Latinoamrica. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Camacho, Daniel y Rafael Menjvar. 1989. Los movimientos populares en Amrica Latina. Mxico: Siglo XXI-UNU. Davis, Diane E. 1998. "La fuerza de la distancia. Hacia una nueva teora de los movimientos sociales en Amrica Latina." Pp. 105-145 in Anuario de Espacios Urbanos. Historia, Cultura, Diseo. Mxico: UAM-A. Gimnez, Gilberto. 1994. "Los movimientos sociales. Problemas terico metodolgicos." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 56 (2):3-14. Pichardo, Nelson A. 1997. "New Social Movements: A Critical Review." Annual Review of Sociology 23:411-430. Tarrs, Mara Luisa. 1992. Notas sobre la sociologa de los movimientos sociales y la obra de Alain Touraine. Revista Interamericana de Sociologa 6 (2-3): 59-274. Touraine, Alain. 1987 [1984]. El regreso del actor. Buenos Aires: Eudeba. Touraine, Alain. 1986 [1984]. Los movimientos sociales. Pp. 101-126 en Touraine y Habermas: ensayos de teora social, compilado por F. Galvn Daz. Puebla: UAP-UAM. Touraine, Alain. 1986. Introduccin al mtodo de la intervencin sociolgica. Estudios Sociolgicos 4 (11):197-213. Touraine, Alain. 1989 [1988]. Amrica Latina. Poltica y Sociedad. Madrid: Espasa Calpe. Touraine, Alain. 1993. La sociologa de la accin en Amrica Latina, pp. 27-41 en R. Pozas Horcasitas, coord. Las ciencias sociales en los aos noventa. Mxico: UNAM. Zapata, Francisco. 1992. Premisas de la sociologa accionalista. Estudios Sociolgicos 10 (29):469-487. Zermeo, Segio. 1996. La sociedad derrotada. Mxico: Siglo XXI.

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ACCIONALISMO (2). MELUCCI Lecturas obligatorias: Melucci, Alberto. 1999. Accin colectiva, vida cotidiana y democracia. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico. Completo. Lecturas complementarias sobre Melucci: Melucci, Alberto. 1980. "The New Social Movements: A Theoretical Approach." Social Science Information 19:199-226. Melucci, Alberto. 1985. "The Symbolic Challenge of Contemporary Movements." Social Research 52:789-816. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Melucci, Alberto. 1988. "Getting Involved: Identity and Mobilization in Social Movements." Pp. 329-348 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Across Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1988. "Social Movements and the Democratization of Everyday Life." in Civil Society and the State: New European Perspectives, edited by J. Keane. London: Verso. Melucci, Alberto. 1989. Nomads of the Present. Social Movements and Individual Needs in Contemporary Society. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1991. "La accin colectiva como construccin social." Estudios Sociolgicos 9 (26):357-364. Melucci, Alberto. 1992. "Liberation or Meaning? Social Movements, Culture and Democracy." Development and Change 23:43-77. Melucci, Alberto. 1994. "A Strange Kind of Newness: What's "New" in New Social Movements?" Pp. 101-130 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1995. "The Process of Collective Identity." Pp. 41-63 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1996 [1991]. The Playing Self. Person and Meaning in the Planetary Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1996. Challenging Codes. Collective Action in the Information Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1998. "La experiencia individual y los temas globales en una sociedad planetaria." in Movimientos sociales, edited by P. Ibarra and B. Tejerina. Madrid: Trotta. Melucci, Alberto. 1998. "Third World or Planetary Conflicts?" Pp. 422-429 in Cultures of Politics, Politics of Cultures, edited by S. E. Alvarez, E. Dagnino, and A. Escobar. Boulder: Westview Press. Melucci, Alberto. 2001. Vivencia y convivencia. Teora social para una era de la informacin. Madrid: Trotta.

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Melucci, Alberto and Timo Lyyra. 1998. "Collective Action, Change and Democracy." Pp. 203-227 in From Contention to Democracy, edited by M. Giugni, D. McAdam, and C. Tilly. Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield.


ACCIONALISMO (3). CASTELLS Castells, Manuel. 1975. La lucha de clases en Chile. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI. Castells, Manuel. 1977 [1973]. Movimientos sociales urbanos. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Castells, Manuel. 1977. "Apuntes para un anlisis de clase de la poltica urbana del Estado mexicano." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 1977 (4). Castells, Manuel. 1979. City, Class, and Power. London: Macmillan. Castells, Manuel. 1981. Crisis urbana y cambio social. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Castells, Manuel. 1983. The city and the grassroots: a cross-cultural theory of urban social movements. London: E.Arnold. Castells, Manuel. Ciudad, democracia y socialismo: la experiencia de las asociaciones de vecinos en Madrid. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.


ACCIONALISMO (11). ALBERONI Lecturas obligatorias: Alberoni, Francesco. 1984 [1977]. Movimiento e institucin. Teora general. Madrid: Editora Nacional.


INTERACCIONISMO SIMBLICO Lecturas obligatorias: Lofland, John. 1996. Social Movements Organizations. Guide to Research on Insurgent Realities. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Cap. 1. Introduction: What SMOs are and why people study them (pp. 1-20); cap.3. Asking questions (pp. 47-61); cap 6. How are SMOs organized (pp. 139-172); cap. 7. What are the causes of SMOs (pp. 175-200); cap. 10. What are reactions to SMOs (pp. 305-344); cap. 11. What are effects of SMOs (pp. 345-354).


DRAMATURGIA Lecturas obligatorias: Aguilar, John L. 1980. "Egalitarianism as Dramaturgy: Ideology and Social Interaction in MesoAmerica." Symbolic Interaction 3:105-121. Benford, Robert D. and Scott A. Hunt. 1992. "Dramaturgy and Social Movements: The Social Construction and Communication of Power." Sociological Inquiry 62:36-55.

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Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 2002. "Strategic Framing, Emotions, and Superbarrio--Mexico City's Masked Crusader." Mobilization 7:201-216. Esherick, Joseph W. and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom. 1990. "Acting out Democracy: Political Theater in Modern China." The Journal of Asian Studies 49:835865. Hunt, Scott A. 1992. "Critical Dramaturgy and Collective Action Rhetoric: Cognitive and Moral Order in the Communist Manifesto." Perspectives on Social Problems 3:1-18. Kitahara, Michio. 1986. "Commodore Perry and the Japanese: A Study in the Dramaturgy of Power." Symbolic Interaction 9:53-65. Manning, Phil. 1991. "Drama as Life: The Significance of Goffman's Changing Use of the Theatrical Metaphor." Sociological Theory 9:70-86. McAdam, Doug. 1996. "The Framing Function of Movement Tactics: Strategic Dramaturgy in the American Civil Rights Movement." Pp. 338-355 in Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings, edited by D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Merelman, Richard. 1969. "The Dramaturgy of Politics." Sociological Quarterly 10:216-241. Messinger, Sheldon L., Harold Sampson, and Robert D. Towne. 1962. "Life as Theater: Some Notes on the Dramaturgic Approach to Social Reality." Sociometry 25:98-110. Miller, G. 1986. "Unemployment as a Dramaturgical Problem: Teaching Impression Management in a Work Incentive Program." Sociological Quarterly 27:479-493. Snow, David A. 1979. "A Dramaturgical Analysis of Movement Accomodation: Building Idiosyncrasy Credit as a Movement Mobilization Strategy." Symbolic Interaction 2:23-43. Snow, David A., Louis A. Zurcher, and Robert Peters. 1981. "Victory Celebrations as Theater: A Dramaturgical Approach to Crowd Behavior." Symbolic Interaction 4:21-42. Stebbins, Robert A. 1979. "Comic Relief in Everyday Life: Dramaturgic Observations on a Function of Humor." Symbolic Interaction 2:95-112. Tseelon, Efrat. 1992. "Self Presentation through Appereance: A Manipulative vs. a Dramaturgical Approach." Symbolic Interaction 15:501-513. Young, T. R. and Garth Massey. 1978. "The Dramaturgical Society: A MacroAnalytic Approach to Dramaturgical Analysis." Qualitative Sociology 1:7898. Zurcher, Louis A. 1982. "The Staging of Emotion: A Dramaturgical Analysis." Symbolic Interaction 5:1-22. Lecturas complementarias sobre el estado del arte: Alvarez-Junco, Jos. 1994. "Social Movements in Modern Spain: From the PreCivil War Model to Contemporary NSMs." Pp. 304-329 in New Social

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Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple Univeresity Press. Johnston, Hank. 1994. "New Social Movements and Old Regional Nationalisms." Pp. 267-286 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Kitschelt, Herbert. 1990. "New Social Movements and the Decline of Party Organizations." Pp. 179-208 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York. Brand, Karl-Werner. 1990. "Cyclical Aspects of New Social Movements: Waves of Cultural Criticism and Mobilization Cycles of New Middle Class Radicalism." Pp. 23-42 in Challenging the Political Order, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press. Buechler, Steven M. 1995. "New Social Movement Theories." The Sociological Quarterly 36:441-464. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Calhoun, Craig. 1995. ""New Social Movements" of the Early Nineteenth Century." Pp. 173-215 in Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action, edited by M. Traugott. Durham: Duke University Press. Dalton, Russell J. and Manfred Kuechler, eds. 1990. Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies. New York: Oxford University Press. Dalton, Russell J., Manfred Kuechler, and Wilhem Burklin. 1990. "The Challenge of New Movements." Pp. 3-20 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press. Eder, Klaus. 1993. The New Politics of Class: Social Movements and Cultural Dynamics in Advanced Societies. London: Sage. Inglehart, Ronald. 1990. "Values, Ideology, and Cognitive Mobilization in New Social Movements." Pp. 43-66 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press. Klandermans, Bert. 1986. "New Social Movements and Resource Mobilization: The European and the American Approach." International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 4:13-38. Kriesi, Hanspeter. 1995. "The Political Opportunity Structure of New Social Movements: Its Impact on Their Mobilization." Pp. 167-198 in The Politics of Social Protest. Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements, vol. 3, Social Movements, Protest, and Contention, edited by C. J. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Kriesi, Hanspeter. 1996. "The Organizational Impact of New Social Movements in Political Context." Pp. 152-18 in Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural

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Framings, edited by D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kriesi, Hanspeter, Ruud Koopmans, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Marco G. Giugni. 1992. "New Social Movements and Political Opportunities in Western Europe." European Journal of Political Research 22:219-244. Kriesi, Hanspeter, Ruud Koopmans, Jan Willem Dyvendak, and Marco Giugni. 1995. "New Social Movements in Western Europe. A Comparative Analysis.". Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Kuechler, Manfred and Russell J. Dalton. 1990. "New Social Movements and the Political Order: Inducing Change for Long-term stability?" in Challenging the Political Order. New Social Movements in Western Societies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. Laraa, Enrique, Hank Johnston, and Joseph R. Gusfield, eds. 1994. New SociaMovements. From Ideology to Identity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Mainwaring, Scott and Eduardo Viola. 1984. "New Social Movements, Political Culture, and Democracy: Brazil and Argentina in the 1980s." Telos 61. Muller-Rommel, Ferdinand. 1990. "New Political Movements and 'New Politics' in Western Europe." Pp. 209-231 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press. Offe, Claus. 1985. "New Social Movements: Challenging the Boundaries of Institutional Politics." Social Research 52:817-868. Pichardo, Nelson A. 1997. "New Social Movements: A Critical Review." Annual Review of Sociology 23:411-430. Rochon, Thomas R. 1990. "The West European Peace Movement and the Theory of New Social Movements." Pp. 105-121 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press. Rucht, Dieter. 1990. "The Strategies and Action Repertoires of New Movements." Pp. 156-175 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press. Scott, Alan. 1990. Ideology and the New Social Movements: Unwin and Hyman. Wilson, Frank L. 1990. "Neo-corporatism and the Rise of New Social Movements." Pp. 67-83 in Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. New York: Oxford University Press.

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(crowds) Lecturas obligatorias: McPhail, Clark. 1991. The Myth of the Madding Crowd. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Lecturas complementarias: Berk, Richard A. 1974. "A Gaming Approach to Crowd Behavior." American Sociological Review 39:335-373. Berk, Richard and Howard Aldrich. 1972. "Patterns of Vandalism During Civil Disorders as an Indicator of Selection of Targets." American Sociological Review 37. Le Bon, Gustave. 1969 [1895]. The Crowd. A Study of the Popular Mind. New York: Ballantine Books. Lofland, John. 1985 [1982]. "Crowd Joys." Pp. 71-88 in Protest. Studies of Collective Behavior and Social Movements, edited by J. Lofland. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. Milgram, Stanley and Hans Toch. 1969. "Collective Behavior: Crowds and Social Movements." Pp. 507-610 in Handbook of Social Psychology, edited by G. Lindzey and E. Aronson. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. Moscovici. [1981]. The Age of the Crowd. A Historical Treatise on Mass Psychology. Nye. 1975. "The Origins of Crowd Psychology." Park, Robert E. [1904] 1972. "The Crowd and the Public." in The Crowd and the Public, and other essays. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Quarantelli, E. L. and James R. Hundley Jr. 1975. "A Test of Some Propositions about Crowd Formation and Behavior." Pp. 370-385 in Readings in Collective Behavior, edited by R. R. Evans. Chicago: Rand McNally. Rud, George. 1964. The Crowd in History. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Rud, George. 1964. The Crowd in History. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sighele, Scipio. 1891. "La folla delinquente." Archivio di Psichiatria 12:10-53,222267. Snow, David A. and Leon Anderson. 1985. "Field Methods and Conceptual Advances in Crowd Research." in Conference on Research Methods in Collective Behavior and Social Movements Research. Bowling Green State University. Snow, David A. and Ronelle Paulsen. 1992. "Crowds and Riots." Pp. 395-402 in The Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by E. a. M. Borgatta. New York: Mcmillan. Snow, David A., Louis A. Zurcher, and Robert Peters. 1981. "Victory Celebrations as Theater: A Dramaturgical Approach to Crowd Behavior." Symbolic Interaction 4:21-42.
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Steinberg, Mark W. 1995. "The Roar of the Crowd: Repertoires of Discourse and Collective Action among Spitalfields Silk Weavers in Nineteenth-Century London." Pp. 57-87 in Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action, edited by M. Traugott. Durham: Duke University Press. Taine, Hippolyte. [1875-1893] 1974. The Origins of Contemporary France. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Tarde, Gabriel. 1892. "Les crimes des foules." Actes du Troisieme Congres d"Antropologie Criminelle:79-90. Tarde, Gabriel. 1893. "Foules et sectes au point de vue criminel." Revue des Deux Mondes 15:349-387. Tarde, Gabriel. 1901. L'opinion et la foule. Paris: Alcan. Tarde, Gabriel. 1903 [1890]. The Laws of Imitation. New York: Henry Holt. Turner, Ralph H. and Samuel J. Surace. 1956. "Zoot-Suiters and Mexicans: Symbols in Crowd Behavior." American Journal of Sociology 62. Van Ginneken, Jaap. 1992. Crowds, Psychology, and Politics, 1871-1899. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Comportamiento colectivo Lecturas obligatorias: Blumer, Herbert. 1939. "Collective Behavior." Pp. 219-288 in Principles of Sociology, edited by R. E. Park. New York: Barnes and Noble. Park, Robert E. 1930. "Collective Behavior." in Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. 3, edited by E. R. A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan. Lecturas complementarias: Blumer, Herbert. 1957. "Collective Behavior." Pp. 127-158 in Review of Sociology: Analysis of a Decade, edited by J. B. Gittler. New York: Wiely. Blumer, Herbert. 1969. Symbolic Interactionism. Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Blumer, Herbert. 1971. "Social Problems as Collective Behavior." Social Problems 18:298-306. Blumer, Herbert. 1978. "Social Unrest and Collective Protest." Pp. 1-54 in Studies in Symbolic Interaction, vol. 1, edited by N. K. Denzin. Park, Robert E. [1904] 1972. "The Crowd and the Public." in The Crowd and the Public, and other Essays. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Park, Robert E. 1955. Society: Collective Behavior, News and Opinion, Sociology and Modern Society. Glencoe: Free Press. Park, Robert E. 1967. Robert E. Park On Social Control and Collective Behavior. Selected Papers, Edited by R. H. Turner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Park, Robert E. and Ernest E. Burgess. 1921. Introduction to the Science of Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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B3. TEORAS ESTRUCTURAL-PSICOLGICAS (1). La sociedad de masas

(mass society) Lecturas obligatorias: Adorno, Theodor W., E. Frenkel-Brunswik, D.J. Levinson, and R. N. Sanford. 1959. The Authoritarian Personality. New York: Harper. Arendt, Hannah. 1973 [1948]. The Origins of Totalitarism. New York: The Free Press. Kornhauser, William. 1959. The Politics of Mass Society. New York: Free Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Davies, James C. 1962. "Toward a Theory of Revolution." American Sociological Review 27:5-19. Davies, James C. 1969. "The J-Curve of Rising and Declining Satisfaction as a Cause of Some Great Revolutions and a Contained Rebellion." in Violence in America: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, edited by H. D. Graham and T. Gurr. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office. Davies, James C. 1971. When Men Revolt and Why. New York: Free Press. de Tocqueville, Alexis. 1955. The Old Regime and the French Revolution. Translated by S. Gilbert. New York: Anchor Books. de Tocqueville, Alexis. 1987. Recollections: The French Revolution of 1848. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. Gurr, Ted. 1970. Why Men Rebel. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Killian, Lewis M. 1964. "Social Movements." Pp. 426-455 in Handbook of Modern Sociology, edited by R. E. L. Faris. Chicago: Rand McNally. Killian, Lewis M. 1980. "Theory of Collective Behavior: The Mainstream Revisited." Pp. 275-289 in Sociological Theory and Research, edited by H. Blalock. New York: Free Press. Killian, Lewis M. 1984. "Organization, Rationality and Spontaneity in the Civil Rights Movement." American Sociological Review 49:770-783. Lang, Kurt and Gladys Engel Lang. 1961. Collective Dynamics. New York: Crowell. Lofland, John. 1968. "The Youth Ghetto." Journal of Higher Education 39:1210143. Lofland, John. 1981. "Collective Behavior: The Elementary Forms." Pp. 378-446 in Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives, edited by M. Rosemberg and R. H. Turner. New York: Basic Books. Lofland, John. 1985. Protest. Studies of Collective Behavior and Social Movements. New Brunswick: Transaction Books.

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Lofland, John. 1997. "Systematizing Research Findings on Collective Behavior and Social Movements." Mobilization 2:1-20. Turner, Ralph H. 1964. "Collective Behavior." Pp. 382-425 in Handbook of Modern Sociology, edited by R. E. L. Faris. Chicago: Rand McNally. Turner, Ralph H. 1969. "The Public Perception of Protest." American Sociological Review. Turner, Ralph H. 1981. "Collective Behavior and Resource Mobilization as Approaches to Social Movements: Issues and Discontinuities." Pp. 1-24 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 4, edited by L. Kriesberg. Greenwich: JAI Press. Turner, Ralph H. and Lewis M. Killian. 1957. Collective Behavior. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Turner, Ralph H. and Lewis M. Killian. 1972. Collective Behavior. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Turner, Ralph H. and Lewis M. Killian. 1987. Collective Behavior. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Turner, Ralph H. and Samuel J. Surace. 1956. "Zoot-Suiters and Mexicans: Symbols in Crowd Behavior." American Journal of Sociology 62. Turner, Ralph. 1964. "Collective Behavior and Conflict." Sociological Quarterly V:122-132 Turner, Ralph. 1994. "Race Riots Past and Present: A Cultural-Collective Behavior Approach." Symbolic Interaction 17:309-324. Shibutani, Tamotsu. 1970. "Human Nature and Collective Behavior. Papers in Honor of Herbert Blumer." Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Weller, Jack M. and E. L. Quarantelli. 1973. "Neglected Characteristics of Collective Behavior." American Journal of Sociology 79:665-685.


Lecturas obligatorias: Smelser, Neil J. 1963. Theory of Collective Behavior. New York: Free Press. [Traduccin al espaol por el FCE]


Lecturas obligatorias: Gusfield, Joseph R. 1955. "Social Structure and Moral Reform: A Study of the Women's Christian Temperance Union." American Journal of Sociology 61:221-232. Messinger, Sheldon L. 1955. "Organizational Transformation: A Case Study of Declining Social Movement." American Sociological Review 26:3-10. Selznick, Philip. 1952. The Organizational Weapon. New York: McGraw-Hill. Zald, Mayer N. and Patricia Denton. 1963. "From Evangelism to Social Service: The Transformation of the YMCA." Administrative Science Quarterly 8:214234.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Fireman, Bruce and William A. Gamson. 1979. "Utilitarian Logic in the Resource Mobilization Perspective." Pp. 8-44 in The Dynamics of Social Movements. Resource Mobilization, Social Control, and Tactics, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy. Cambridge: Winthrop. Marx, Gary T. 1973. "Conceptual Problems in the Field of Collective Behavior." in American Sociological Association Meeting. Boston. McPhail, Clark and Cynthia Rexroat. 1979. "Mead vs. Blumer: The Divergent Methodological Perspectives of Social Behaviorism vs. Symbolic Interactionism." American Sociological Review 44:449-467. McPhail, Clark and Cynthia Rexroat. 1980. "Ex Libris Mead or Ex Cathedra Blumer?" American Sociological Review:420-429. McPhail, Clark and David Miller. 1973. "The Assembling Process: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination." American Sociological Review 38. McPhail, Clark. 1978. "Toward a Theory of Collective Behavior." in Symposium on Symbolic Interaction. University of South Carolina. McPhail, Clark. 1989. "Blumer's Theory of Collective Behavior." The Sociological Quarterly 30:401-423. McPhail, Clark. 1991. The Myth of the Madding Crowd. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Snow, David A. and Leon Anderson. 1985. "Field Methods and Conceptual Advances in Crowd Research." in Conference on Research Methods in Collective Behavior and Social Movements Research. Bowling Green State University. Snow, David A. and Pamela Oliver. 1995. "Social Movements and Collective Behavior: Social Psychological Dimensions and Considerations." Pp. 571599 in Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology, edited by K. S. Cook, G. A. Fine, and J. S. House. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Snow, David A. and Phillip W. Davis. 1995. "The Chicago Approach to Collective Behavior." Pp. 188-220 in A Second Chicago School? The Development of a Postwar American Sociology, edited by G. A. Fine. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Snow, David A. and Ronelle Paulsen. 1992. "Crowds and Riots." Pp. 395-402 in The Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by E. a. M. Borgatta. New York: Mcmillan. Weller, Jack M. and E. L. Quarantelli. 1973. "Neglected Characteristics of Collective Behavior." American Journal of Sociology 79:665-685.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Olson, Mancur. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Leer: Introduccin (pp. 13), Cap. 1 (pp. 5-52) y 2 (pp. 53-65). [Traduccin al espaol: 1992. La lgica de la accin colectiva. Bienes pblicos y teora de grupos. Mxico: Limusa. Leer: Introduccin (pp. 11-13), Cap. 1 (pp. 15-61) y 2 (pp. 63-75)] Oliver, Pamela E. and Daniel J. Myers. 2002. "Formal Models in Studying Collective Action and Social Movements." Pp. 32-61 in Klandermans, Bert and Suzanne Staggenborg. Methods of Social Movement Research. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Oliver, Pamela E. 1993. "Formal Models of Collective Action." Pp. 271-300 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 19.


Lecturas obligatorias: Oliver, Pamela E. and Gerald Marwell. 1988. "The Paradox of Group Size in Collective Action. A Theory of the Critical Mass. II." American Sociological Review 53:1-18. Marwell, Gerald and Pamela Oliver. 1993. The Critical Mass in Collective Action. A Micro-Social Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lecturas complementarias: Chong, Dennis. 1991. "All-or-nothing games in the Civil Rights Movement." Social Science Information 30:677-697. Chong, Dennis. 1991. Collective Action and the Civil Rights Movement. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Chwe, Michael Suk-Young. 1999. "Structure and Strategy in Collective Action." American Journal of Sociology 105:128-56. Heckathorn, Douglas D. 1990. "Collective Sanctions and Compliance Norms: A Formal Theory of Group-Mediated Social Control." American Sociological Review 55:366-384. Heckathorn, Douglas D. 1993. "Collective Action and Group Heterogeneity: Voluntary Provision versus Selective Incentives." American Sociological Review 58:329-350. Heckathorn, Douglas D. 1996. "The Dynamics and Dilemas of Collective Action." American Sociological Review 61:250-277. Heckathorn, Douglas. 1988. "Collective Sanctions and the Creation of Prisoner's Dilemma Norms." American Journal of Sociology 94:535-562. Kim, Hyojoung and Peter Bearman. 1997. "The Structure and Dynamics of Movement Participation." American Sociological Review 62:70-93.

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Macy, Michael. 1990. "Learning Theory and the Logic of the Critical Mass." American Sociological Review 55:800-826. Macy, Michael. 1991. "Chains of Cooperation: Threshold Effects in Collective Action." American Sociological Review 56:730-747. Oliver, Pamela E., Gerald Marwell, and Ruy Teixeira. 1985. "A Theory of the Critical Mass. I. Group Heterogeneity, Interdependence and the Production of Collective Goods." American Journal of Sociology 91:522-556.

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D. ORGANIZACIONES Y RECURSOS D1. ORGANIZACIN Y RECURSOS. Teora de la movilizacin de recursos

(1). La formulacin original Lecturas obligatorias: McCarthy, John D. and Mayer N. Zald. 1973. The Trend of Social Movements in America. Professionalism and Resource Mobilization. Morristown: General Learning Press. McCarthy, John D. and Mayer N. Zald. 1977. "Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory." American Journal of Sociology 82:12121242. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993 y Buechler y Cylke 1997] Jenkins, Craig J. 1983. "Resource Mobilization Theory and the Study of Social Movements." Pp. 527-553 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 9. Lecturas complementarias: McCarthy, John D. 1987. "Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Mobilization: Infrastructure Deficits and New Technologies." Pp. 49-66 in Social Movements in an Organizational Society, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy. McCarthy, John D. and Mark Wolfson. 1992. "Consensus Movements, Conflict Movements, and the Cooptation of Civil and State Infrastructures." Pp. 273297 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. McCarthy, John D. and Mark Wolfson. 1996. "Resource Movilization by Local Social Movement Organizations: Agency, Strategy, and Organization in the Movement Against Drinking and Driving." American Sociological Review 61:1070-1088. Zald, Mayer N. 1988. "The Trajectory of Social Movements in America." Pp. 19-41 in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vol. 10. Greenwich: JAI Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Zald, Mayer N. and John D. McCarthy, eds. 1987. Social Movements in an Organizational Society. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. Zald, Mayer N., ed. 1970. Power in Organizations. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.

D2. ORGANIZACIN Y RECURSOS. Teora de la movilizacin de recursos

(2) Cress, D. M. and C. P. Snow. 1996. "Mobilization at the Margins: Resources, Benefactors, and the Viability of Homeless Social Movement Organizations." American Sociological Review 61:1089-1109. Edwards, Bob and Sam Marullo. 1995. "Organizational Mortally in a Declining Social Movement: The Demise of Peace Movement Organizations in the End of the Cold War Era." American Sociological Review 60:908-927.

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Haines, Herbert H. 1984. "Black Radicalization and the Funding of Civil Rights: 1957-1970." Social Problems 32:31-43. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Oliver, Pamela E. and Mark Furman. 1989. "Contradictions Between National and Local Organizational Strength: The Case of the John Birch Society." Pp. 155-177 in International Social Movement Research, vol. 2. Greenwich: JAI Press. Petras, James and Maurice Zeitlin. 1967. "Miners and Agricultural Radicalism." American Sociological Review 32:578-586. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Schwartz, Michael and Shuva Paul. 1992. "Resource Mobilization versus the Mobilization of People: Why Consensus Movements Cannot be Instruments of Social Change." Pp. 205-223 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Staggenborg, Suzanne. 1988. "The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-Choice Movement." American Sociological Review 53:585-606. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993 y McAdam y Snow 1997] Taylor, Verta. 1989. "Social Movement Continuity: The Women's Movement in Abeyance." American Sociological Review 54:761-775. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993 y McAdam y Snow 1997]

D3. ORGANIZACIN Y RECURSOS (3). Crticas a la teora de movilizacin

de recursos Buechler, Steven M. 1993. "Beyond Resource Mobilization? Emerging Trends in Social Movement Theory." The Sociological Quarterly 34:217-235. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Jenkins, Craig J. and Charles Perrow. 1977. "Insurgency of the Powerless: Farm Worker Movements (1946- 1972)." American Sociological Review 42:249268. Jenkins, J. Craig and Craig M. Eckert. 1986. "Channeling Black Insurgency: Elite Patronage and Professional Social Movement Organizations in the Development of the Black Movement." American Sociological Review 51:812-829. Lo, Clarence Y.H. 1992. "Communities of Challengers in Social Movement Theory." Pp. 224-247 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. McAdam, Doug. 1982. Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency: 1930-1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Morris, Aldon D. 1981. "Black Southern Sit-In Movement: An Analysis of Internal Organization." American Sociological Review 46:744-767. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993 y McAdam y Snow 1997] Morris, Aldon D. 1984. The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement. Black Communities Organizing for Change. New York: The Free Press.

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Oliver, Pamela E. and Gerald Marwell. 1992. "Mobilizing Technologies for Collective Action." Pp. 251-272 in Frontiers of Social Movement Theory, edited by A. Morris and C. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Piven, Frances Fox and Richard A. Cloward. 1991. "Collective Protest: A Critique of Resource Mobilization Theory." International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 4:435-458. [Tambin en Lyman 1995] Piven, Francis Fox and Richard A. Cloward. 1992. "Normalizing Collective Protest." Pp. 301-325 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Hirschman, Albert. 1986. El avance en colectividad. Mxico: FCE. Hirschman, Albert. 1996. Tendencias autosubversivas. Mxico: FCE. Hirshman, Albert O. 1977 [1970]. Salida, voz y lealtad. Respuestas al deterioro de empresas, organizaciones y estados. Mxico: FCE. Hirshman, Albert O. 1984. Getting Ahead Collectively: Grassroots Experiences in Latin America. New York: Pergamon Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Davis, Gerald F., Doug McAdam, W. Richard Scott, and Mayer N. Zald. 2005. Social Movements and Organization Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. McAdam, Doug and W. Richard Scott. 2005. "Organizations and Movements." Pp. 4-40 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Campbell, John. 2005. "Where Do We Stand? Common Mechanisms in Organizations and Social Movements Research." Pp. 41-68 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Davis, Gerard and Mayer N. Zald. 2005. "Social Change, Social Theory, and the Convergence of Movements and Organizations." Pp. 335-350 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Clemens, Elisabeth S. 2005. "Two Kinds of Stuff: The Current Encounter of Social Movements and Organizations." Pp. 351-365 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Zald, Mayer N., Calvin Morrill, and Hayagreeva Rao. 2005. "The Impact of Social Movements on Organizations: Environment and Responses." Pp. 253-279 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Lecturas complementarias: Armstrong, Elizabeth A. 2005. "From Struggle to Settlement: The Crystallization of a Field of Lesbian/Gay Organizations in San Francisco, 1969-1973." Pp. 161-187 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005).

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Lounsbury, Michael. 2005. "Institutional Variation in the Evolution of Social Movements: Competing Logics and the Spread of Recycling Advocacy Groups." Pp. 73-95 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). McCarthy, John D. 2005. "Persistence and Change Among Nationally Federated Social Movements." Pp. 193-225 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Scully, Maureen A. and W. E. Douglas Creed. 2005. "Subverting our Stories of Subversion." Pp. 310-332 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Schneiberg, Marc and Sarah A. Soule. 2005. "Institutionalization as a Contested, Multilevel Process: The Case of Rate Regulation in American Fire Insurance." Pp. 122-160 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Smith, Jackie. 2005. "Globalization and Transnational Social Movement Organizations." Pp. 226-248 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Strang, David and Dong-Il Jung. 2005. "Organizational Change as an Orchestrated Social Movement: Recruitment to a Corporate Quality Initiative." Pp. 280-309 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005). Vogus, Timothy J. and Gerald F. Davis. 2005. "Elite Mobilizations for Antitakeover Legislation, 1982-1990." Pp. 96-121 in Davis, McAdam, Scott, and Zald (2005).


Lecturas obligatorias: Repasar cap. 8 (Las estructuras de movilizacin) de Tarrow. Clemens, Elisabeth S. 1999. La organizacin como marco: identidad colectiva y estrategia poltica en el movimiento sindicalista norteamericano. Pp. 288319 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. Kriesi, Hans Peter. 1999. La estructura organizacional de los nuevos movimientos sociales en su contexto poltico. Pp. 221-261 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. McCarthy, John D. 1999. Adoptar, adaptar e inventar lmites y oportunidades. Pp. 205-220 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. Rucht, Dieter. 1999. La organizacin como marco. Pp. 262-287 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. Voss, Kim. 1999. El colapso de un movimiento social: estructuras de movilizacin, creacin de marcos interpretativos y oportunidades polticas en el caso de los Knights of Labor. Pp. 320-365 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. Lecturas complementarias: Gerhards, Jurgen and Dieter Rucht. 1992. "Mesomobilization: Organizing and Framing in Two Protest Campaigns in West Germany." American Journal of Sociology 98:555-595. Piven, Frances Fox. 1979. Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail. New York: Vintage. [Seleccin en Buechler y Cylke 1997]

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Klandermans, Bert and Dirk Oegema. 1987. "Potentials, Networks, Motivations and Barriers: Steps Toward Participation in Social Movements." American Sociological Review 52:519-531. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Klandermans, Bert. 1984. "Mobilization and Participation: Social-Psychological Expansions of Resource Mobilization Theory." American Sociological Review 49:583-600. Oegema, Dirk and Bert Klandermans. 1994. "Why Social Movements Sympathizers Don't Participate: Erosion and Nonconversion of Support." American Sociological Review 59:703-722. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Oliver, Pamela. 1989. "Bringing the Crowd Back In. The Non-Organizational Elements of Social Movements." Pp. 1-30 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 11, edited by L. Kriesberg. Greenwich: JAI Press. Oliver, Pamela E. 1984. ""If You Don't Do It, Nobody Else Will": Active and Token Contributors to Local Collective Action." American Sociological Review 49:601-610. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Opp, Karl-Dieter and Wolfgang Roehl. 1990. "Repression, Micromobilization, and Political Protest." Social Forces 69:521-547. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Walsh, Edward J. and Rex H. Warland. 1983. "Social Movement Involvement in the Wake of a Nuclear Accident: Activists and Free Riders in the TMI Area." American Sociological Review 48:764-780. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997]

D7. REDES (1)

Lecturas obligatorias: Diani, Mario. 2002. "Network Analysis." Pp. 173-200 in Methods of Social Movement Research, edited by B. Klandermans and S. Staggenborg. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Podolny, Joel M. and Karen L. Page. 1998. "Network Forms of Organization." Annual Review of Sociology 24:57-76. Emirbayer, Mustafa and Jeff Goodwin. 1994. "Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency." American Journal of Sociology 99:1411-1454. Faust, Katherine. 2002. Las redes sociales en las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento, pp. 1-14 en Gil Mendieta, Jorge y Samuel Schmidt, eds. Anlisis de redes. Aplicaciones en ciencias sociales. Mxico: IMAS. Lecturas para profundizar en aspectos prcticos: Knoke, David. 1990. Political Networks. The Structural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wasserman, Stanley and Katherine Faust. 1994. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Wasserman, Stanley and Joseph Galaskiewicz. 1994. Advances in Social Network Analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

D8. REDES (2)

Lecturas obligatorias: Gould, Roger V. 1991. "Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871." American Sociological Review 56:716-729. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] McAdam, Doug and Ronnelle Paulsen. 1993. "Specifying the Relationship between Social Ties and Activism." American Journal of Sociology 99. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Mueller, Carol. 1994. "Conflict Networks and the Origins of Women's Liberation." Pp. 234-263 in New Social Movements: From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfiled. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Snow, David A., Louis A. Zurcher Jr., and Sheldon Ekland-Olson. 1980. "Social Networks and Social Movements: A Microstructural Approach to Differential Recruitment." American Sociological Review 45:787-801. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993 y McAdam y Snow 1997] [Copia en la carpeta del seminario]

D9. REDES (3)

Lecturas obligatorias: McAdam, Doug and Roberto Fernandez. 1989. "Microestructural Bases of Recruitment to Social Movements." in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 11, edited by L. Kriesberg. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. McAdam, Doug. 1986. "Recruitment to High-Risk Activism: The Case of Freedom Summer." American Journal of Sociology 92:64-90. McAdam, Doug. 1988. "Micromobilization Contexts and Recruitment to Activism." Pp. 125-154 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Accross Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. McAdam, Doug. 1989. "The Biographical Consequences of Activism." American Sociological Review 54:744-760. McAdam, Doug. 1999. "The Biographical Impact of Activism." Pp. 119-146 in How Social Movements Matter, edited by M. Giugni, D. McAdam, and C. Tilly. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press.

D10. REDES (4)

Lecturas obligatorias:

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Gould, Roger V. 1993. "Collective Action and Network Structure." American Sociological Review 58 (2):182-196. Gould, Roger V. 1995. Insurgent Identities. Class, Community, and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

D11. REDES (5)

Lecturas obligatorias: Broadbent, Jeffrey. 1986. "The Ties that Bind: Social Fabric and the Mobilization of Environmental Movements in Japan." International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 4:227-253. Broadbent, Jeffrey. 1998. Environmental Politics in Japan. Networks of Power and Protest. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

D12. REDES (6)

Lecturas obligatorias: Diani, Mario. 1997. "Social Movements and Social Capital: A Network Perspective on Movements Outcomes." Mobilization 2 (2):129-147. Diani, Mario. 2001. "Social Capital as Social Movement Outcome." Pp. 207-218 in Beyond Tocqueville. Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Comparative Perspective, edited by B. Edwards, M. W. Foley, and M. Diani. Hanover: Tufts University. Mische, Ann. 1996. "Projecting Democracy: The Formation of Citizenship Across Youth Networks in Brazil." Pp. 131-158 in Citizenship, Identity and Social History, edited by C. Tilly. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Passy, Florence. 2001. "Socialization, Connection, and the Structure/Agency Gap: A Specification of the Impact of Networks on Participation in Social Movements." Mobilization 6:173-192.

D13. REDES (7)

Lecturas obligatorias: Diani, Mario and Doug McAdam, eds. 2003. Social Movements and Networks. Relational Approaches to Collective Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anheier, Helmut. 2003. "Movement Development and Organizational Networks: The Role of 'Single Members' in the German Nazi Party, 1925-30." Pp. 4976 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Ansell, Christopher. 2003. "Community Embeddendness and Collaborative Governance in the San Francisco Bay Area Environmental Movement." Pp. 123-144 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Broadbent, Jeffrey. 2003. "Movement in Context: Thick Networks and Japanese Environmental Protest." Pp. 204-232 in Diani and McAdam 2003.

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Diani, Mario. 2003. "Introduction: Social Movements, Contentious Actions, and Social Networks: 'From Metaphor to Substance'?" Pp. 1-20 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Diani, Mario. 2003. "'Leaders' or Brokers? Positions and Influence in Social Movements Networks." Pp. 105-122 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Diani, Mario. 2003. "Networks and Social Movements: A Research Programme." Pp. 299-318 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Gould, Roger V. 2003. "Why do Networks Matter? Rationalist and Structuralist Interpretations." Pp. 233-257 in Diani and McAdam 2003. McAdam, Doug. 2003. "Beyond Structural Analysis: Toward a More Dynamic Understanding of Social Movements." Pp. 281-298 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Mische, Ann. 2003. "Cross-talk in Movements: Reconceiving the Culture-Network Link." Pp. 258-280 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Oliver, Pamela E. and Daniel J. Myers. 2003. "Networks, Diffusion and Cycles of Collective Action." Pp. 173-202 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Osa, Maryjane. 2003. "Networks in Opposition: Linking Organizations Through Activists in the Polish People's Republic." Pp. 77-103 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Passy, Florence. 2003. "Social Networks Matter. But How?" Pp. 21-48 in Diani and McAdam 2003. Tilly, Charles and Lesley J. Wood. 2003. "Contentious Connections in Great Britain, 1828-34." Pp. 147-172 in Diani and McAdam 2003.

D14. REDES (8)

Lecturas obligatorias: Barkey, Karen and Ronan Rossem. 1997. "Networks of Contention: Villages and Regional Structure in the Seventeeth-Century Ottoman Empire." American Journal of Sociology 102:1345-82. Caniglia, Beth Schaefer. 2001. "Informal Alliances vs Institutional Ties: The Effects of Elite Alliances on Environmental TSMO Networks." Mobilization 6 (1):3754. della Porta, Donatella. 1988. "Recruitment Processes in Clandestine Political Organizations: Italian Left-Wing Terrorism." Pp. 155-169 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Accross Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. della Porta, Donatella. 1992. "Introduction. On Individual Motivations in Underground Political Organizations." Pp. 3-28 in Social Movements and Violence: Participation in Underground Organizations, vol. 4, International Social Movements Research, edited by D. della Porta. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

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Fernandez, Roberto and Doug McAdam. 1988. "Social Networks and Social Movements: Multiorganizational Fields and Recruitment to Mississippi Freedom Summer." Sociological Forum 3:357-382. Franzosi, Roberto. 1999. "The Return of the Actor: Interaction Networks among Social Actors during Periods of High Mobilization (Italy, 1919-1922)." Mobilization 4 (2):131-149. Friedman, Debra and Dough McAdam. 1992. "Collective Identity and Activism: Networks, Choices, and the Life of a Social Movement." Pp. 156-173 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Hedstrom, Peter and R. Sandell. 2000. "Messolevel Networks and the Diffussion of Social Movements: The Case of the Swedish Social Democratic Party." American Journal of Sociology 106:145-172. Kitts, James. 2000. "Mobilizing in Black Boxes: Social Networks and Participation in Social Movement Organizations." Mobilization 5:241-257. Klandermans, Bert and Dirk Oegema. 1987. "Potentials, Networks, Motivations and Barriers: Steps Toward Participation in Social Movements." American Sociological Review 52:519-531. Klandermans, Bert. 1990. "Linking the 'Old' and the 'New' Movement Networks in the Netherlands." Pp. 122-136 in Challenging the Political Order, edited by R. J. Dalton and M. Kuechler. Marwell, Gerald, Pamela Oliver, and Ralph Prahl. 1988. "Social Networks and Collective Action: A Theory of the Critical Mass. III." American Journal of Sociology 94:502-534. Opp, Karl-Dieter and Christiane Gern. 1993. "Dissident Groups, Personal Networks, and Spontaneous Cooperation: The East German Revolution of 1989." American Sociological Review 58:659-680. Riechmann, Jorge y Francisco Fernndez Buey. 1994. Redes que dan libertad. Introduccin a los nuevos movimientos sociales. Barcelona: Paids. Zhao, Dingxin. 1999. "Ecologies of Social Movements: Student Mobilization during the 1989 Prodemocracy Movement in Beijing." American Journal of Sociology 103:1493-1529.

D15. REDES (9). Internacionales

Lecturas obligatorias: Keck, Margaret E. and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. "Transnational Advocacy Networks in the Movement Society." Pp. 217-238 in The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by D. S. Meyer and S. Tarrow. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Keck, Margaret E. and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Activists beyond Borders. Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Keck, Margaret E. and Kathryn Sikkink. 2000. "Historical Precursors to Modern Transnational Social Movements and Networks." Pp. 35-53 in

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Globalizations and Social Movements, edited by J. A. Guidry, M. D. Kennedy, and M. N. Zald. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

D16. REDES (10). Internacionales

Lecturas obligatorias: Carmin, Joann and Barbara Hicks. 2002. "International Triggering Events, Transnational Networks, and the Development of Czech and Polish Environmental Movements." Mobilization 7:305-324. Evans, Peter. 2000. "Fighting Marginalization with Transnational Networks: Counter-hegemonic Globalization." Contemporary Sociology 29 (6):230241. Khagram, Sanjeev, James V. Riker, and Kathryn Sikkink. 2002. "Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks and Norms." Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Kidder, Thalia. 2002. "Networks in Transnational Labor Organizing." Pp. 269-293 in Restructuring World Politics, edited by S. Khagram, J. V. Riker, and K. Sikkink. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Kumar, Chetan. 2000. "Transnational Networks and Campaigns for Democracy." Pp. 115-142 in The Third Force, The Rise of Transnational Civil Society, edited by A. Florini. Washington: Japan Center of International Exchange. Nelson, Paul. 2002. "Agendas, Accountability, and Legitimacy among Transnational Networks Lobbying the World Bank." Pp. 131-154 in Restructuring World Politics, edited by S. Khagram, J. V. Riker, and K. Sikkink. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reimann, Kim D. 2001. "Building Networks from the Outside In: International Movements, Japanese NGOs and the Kyoto Climate Change Conference." Mobilization 6 (1):69-82. Riker, James V. 2002. "NGOs, Transnational Networks, International Donor Agencies, and the Prospects for Democratic Governance in Indonesia." Pp. 181-205 in Restructuring World Politics, edited by S. Khagram, J. V. Riker, and K. Sikkink. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

D17. REDES (11). Estudios sobre Amrica Latina

Lecturas obligatorias: Hawkins, Darren. 2002. "Human Rights Norms and Networks in Authoritarian Chile." Pp. 47-70 in Restructuring World Politics, edited by S. Khagram, J. V. Riker, and K. Sikkink. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Holzner, Claudio A. 2006. "Clientelism and Democracy in Mexico: The Role of Strong and Weak Networks." Pp. 77-94 in Latin American Social Movements, edited by H. Johnston and P. Almeida New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

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Johnston, Hank and Paul Almeida 2006. "Latin American Social Movements. Globalization, Democratization, and Transnational Networks." New York: Rowman & Littlefield. Subramaniam, Mangala, Manjusha Gupte, and Debarashmi Mitra. 2003. "Local to Global: Transnational Networks and Indian Womens Grassroots Organizing." Mobilization 8 (3):335-352.

D18. REDES (12). Desde los contramovimientos

Lecturas obligatorias: Ronfeldt, David F. and John Arquilla. 2001. "Networks, Netwars and the Fight for the Future." First Monday 6. Ronfeldt, David F., John Arquilla, Graham E. Fuller, and Melissa Fuller. 1998. The Zapatista Social Netwar in Mexico. Washington, DC: RAND Corporation.

Chabot, S. 2000. "Transnational Diffusion and the African American Reinvention of Gandhian Repertoire." Mobilization 5 (2):201-216. Hedstrom, Peter. 1994. "Contagious Collectivities. On the Spatial Diffusion of Swedish Trade Unions, 1890-1940." American Journal of Sociology 99:1157-79. Klein, Ethel. 1987. "The Diffusion of Consciousness in the United States and Western Europe." Pp. 23-43 in The Women`s Movements of the United States and Western Europe, edited by M. F. Katzenstein and C. M. Mueller. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. McAdam, Doug and Dieter Rucht. 1993. "The Cross-National Diffusion of Movement Ideas." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 528:56-74. McAdam, Doug. 1995. ""Initiator" and "Spin-off" Movements: Diffusion Processes in Protest Cycles." Pp. 217-239 in Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action, edited by M. Traugott. Durham: Duke University Press. Scalmer, Sean. 2002. "The Labor of Diffusion: The Peace Pledge Union and the Adaptation of the Gandhian Repertoire." Mobilization 7:269-285. Strang, David and Sarah A. Soule. 1998. "Diffusion in Organizations and Social Movements: From Hybrid Corn to Poison Pills." Annual Review of Sociology 24:265-290.


Lecturas obligatorias: Fendrich, James M. 1977. "Keeping the Faith of Pursuing the Good Life: A Study of the Consequences of Participants in the Civil Rioghts Movement." American Sociological Review 42:144-157. Fendrich, James M. 1993. Ideal Citizens: The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement. Albany: State University of New York Press.

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Fendrich, James M. and Kenneth L. Lovoy. 1988. "Back to the Future: Adult Political Behavior of Former Student Activists." American Sociological Review 53:780-784. Marwell, Gerald, M. T. Aiken, and N. J. Demerath III. 1987. "The Persistence of Political Attitudes among 1960's Civil Rights Activists." Public Opinion Quarterly 51:383-399. Marwell, Gerald, N. J. Demarth III, and Michael Aiken. 1993. "1960s Civil Rights Activists Turn Forty: A Generational Unit at Mid-Life." in Research in Political Sociology, vol. 6, edited by P. C. Wasburn. Marwell, Gerald, N. J. Demerath III, and Zena O'Leary. 1990. "Trajectories of Activism: 1960's Civil Rights Workers from their 20s to their 40s." in Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Asociation. McAdam, Doug. 1989. "The Biographical Consequences of Activism." American Sociological Review 54:744-760. Whittier, Nancy. 1995. Feminist Generations: The Persistence of Radical Women's Movement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Whittier, Nancy. 1997. "Political Generations, Micro-Cohorts, and the Transformation of Social Movements." American Sociological Review 62:760-778.


Lecturas obligatorias: Jenkins, Craig J. and Craig M. Eckert. 1986. "Channeling Black Insurgency: Elite Patronage and Professional Social Movement Organizations in the Development of the Black Movement." American Sociological Review 51:812-829. Kleidman, Robert. 1986. "Opposing the Good War': Mobilization and Professionalization in the Emergency Peace Campaign." Pp. 177-200 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change, vol. 9. Kleidman, Robert. 1994. "Volunteer Activism and Professionalism in Social Movements Organizations." Social Problems 41:257-276. McCarthy, John D. 1987. "Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Mobilization: Infrastructure Deficits and New Technologies." Pp. 49-66 in Social Movements in an Organizational Society, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy. Oliver, Pamela E. 1983. "The Mobilization of Paid and Volunteer Activists in the Neighborhood Movement." Pp. 133-170 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 5, edited by L. Kriesberg, M. Dobkowski, and I. Walliman. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Oliver, Pamela E. and Gerald Marwell. 1992. "Mobilizing Technologies for Collective Action." Pp. 251-272 in Frontiers of Social Movement Theory, edited by A. Morris and C. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Oliver, Pamela E. and Mark Furman. 1989. "Contradictions Between National and Local Organizational Strength: The Case of the John Birch Society." Pp.

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155-177 in International Social Movement Research, vol. 2. Greenwich, Ct: JAI Press. Staggenborg, Suzanne. 1988. "The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-Choice Movement." American Sociological Review 53:585-606. Taylor, Verta. 1989. "Social Movement Continuity: The Women's Movement in Abeyance." American Sociological Review 54:761-775.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Einsinger, Peter K. 1973. "The Conditions of Protest Behavior in American Cities." American Political Science Review 67:11-28. Jenkins, Craig J. 1985. The Politics of Insurgency: The Farm Worker Movement in the 1960s. New York: Columbia University Press. McAdam, Doug. 1982. Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency: 1930-1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Seleccin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Tarrow, Sidney. 1983. Struggling to Reform: Social Movement and Policy Change during Cycles of Protest. Western Societies Program. Occassional Paper 15. Ithaca: Cornell University. Tilly, Charles. 1978. From Mobilization to Revolution. Reading: Addison-Wesley. Lecturas complementarias: Jenkins, Craig J. 1986. "Stirring the Masses: Indigenous Roots of the Civil Rights Movement." Contemporary Sociology 15:354-357. Lipsky, Michael. 1968. "Protest as a Political Resource." American Political Science Review 62:1144-1158. Lipsky, Michael. 1970. Protest in City Politics. Chicago: Rand McNally. Tilly, Charles, Louise Tilly, and Richard Tilly. 1975. The Rebellious Century: 18391930. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Tilly, Charles. 1964. The Vendee. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Tilly, Charles. 1982. "Britain Creates the Social Movement." in Social Conflict and the Political Order in Britain, edited by J. E. Cronin and J. Schneer. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Tilly, Charles. 1985. "Models and Realities of Popular Collective Action." Social Research 52. Tilly, Charles. 1986. The Contentious French. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Tilly, Louise A. and Charles Tilly, eds. 1981. Class Conflict and Collective Action. Beverly Hills: Sage. Wilson, John. 1973. Introduction to Social Movements. New York: Basic Books.


Lecturas obligatorias: Repasar caps. 1, 2, 4 y 5 de Tarrow. Della Porta, Donatella.1999. Movimientos sociales y estado: algunas ideas en torno a la represin policial de la protesta. Pp. 100-142 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario]

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McAdam, Doug. 1999. Orgenes terminolgicos, problemas actuales y futuras lneas de investigacin. Pp. 49-70 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] Obershall, Anthony. 1999. Oportunidades y creacin de marcos en las revueltas de 1989. Pp. 143-181 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] Tarrow, Sidney. 1999. Estado y oportunidades: la estructuracin poltica de los movimientos sociales. Pp. 71-99 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] Zdravomyslova, Elena. 1999. Oportunidades y creacin de marcos interpretativos en la transicin a la democracia: el caso de Rusia. Pp. 182-202 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario]


Lecturas obligatorias: Andrews, Kenneth T. 1997. "The Impacts of Social Movements on the Political Process: The Civil Rights Movement and Black Electoral Politics in Mississippi." American Sociological Review 62:800-819 Brockett, Charles D. 1991. "The Structure of Political Opportunities and Peasant Mobilization in Central America." Comparative Politics. Kitschelt, Herbert. 1986. "Political Opportunity Structures and Political Protest: Anti-Nuclear Movements in Four Democracies." British Journal of Political Science 16:57-95. Lecturas complementarias: Amenta, Edwin, Bruce G. Carruthers, and Yvonne Zylan. 1992. "A Hero for the Aged? The Townsend Movement, the Political Mediation Model, and U.S. Old-Age Policy, 1934-1950." American Journal of Sociology 98:308-339. Amenta, Edwin, Kathleen Dunleavy, and Mary Bernstein. 1994. "Stolen Thunder? Huey Long's 'Share Our Wealth,' Political Mediation, and the Second New Deal." American Sociological Review 59:678-702. Barkan, Steven E. 1984. "Legal Control of the Southern Civil Rights Movement." American Sociological Review 49:552-565. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Clemens, Elisabeth S. 1993. "Organizational Repertoires and Institutional Change: Women's Groups and the Transformation of US politics, 1890-1920." American Journal of Sociology 98:755-798. Dalton, Russell J. and Manfred Kuechler. 1990. Challenging the Political Order. New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies. New York: Oxford University Press. Dalton, Russell J. 1995. "Strategies of Partisan Influence: West European Environmental Groups." Pp. 296-323 in The Politics of Social Protest, edited by J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

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Harding, Susan. 1985. "Reconstructing Order Through Action: Jim Crow and the Southern Civil Rights Movement." Pp. 378-402 in Statemaking and Social Movements, edited by C. Bright and S. Harding. Jenkins, J. Craig and Charles Perrow. 1977. "Insurgency of the Powerless: Farm Worker Movements (1946- 1972)." American Sociological Review 42:249268. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993 y McAdam y Snow 1997] Kriesi, Hanspeter. 1995. "The Political Opportunity Structure of New Social Movements: Its Impact on Their Mobilization." Pp. 167-198 in The Politics of Social Protest, edited by C. J. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Kriesi, Hanspeter, Ruud Koopmans, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and Marco G. Giugni. 1992. "New Social Movements and Political Opportunities in Western Europe." European Journal of Political Research 22:219-244. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Kriesi, Hanspeter, Ruud Koopmans, Jan Willem Dyvendak, and Marco Giugni, eds. 1995. New Social Movements in Western Europe. A Comparative Analysis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Kurzman, Charles. 1996. "Structural Opportunity and Perceived Opportunity in Social Movement Theory: The Iranian Revolution of 1979." American Sociological Review 61:153-170. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Maguire, Diarmaid. 1995. "Opposition Movements and Opposition Parties: Equal Partners or Dependent Relations in the Struggle for Power and Reform?" Pp. 199-228 in The Politics of Social Protest, edited by J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Nollert, Michael. 1995. "Neocorporatism and Political Protest in the Western Democracies: A Cross-National Analysis." Pp. 138-164 in The Politics of Social Protest, edited by J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. McCarthy, John D., David Britt, and Mark Wolfson. 1991. "The Institutional Channeling of Social Movements by the State in the United States." Pp. 4576 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 13.


Lecturas obligatorias: Meyer, David S. 2004. "Protest and Political Opportunities." Annual Review of Sociology 30:125-145. Meyer, David S. and Debra C. Minkoff. 2004. "Conceptualizing Political Opportunity." Social Forces 82 (4):1457-1492. Tarrow, Sidney. 1988. "National Politics and Collective Action: Recent Theory and Research in Western Europe and the United States." Pp. 421-440 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 14.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Repasar cap. 7 (La creacin de marcos para la accin colectiva) de Tarrow. Snow, David A. and Robert Benford. 1988. "Ideology, Frame Resonance, and Participant Mobilization." Pp. 197-217 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Across Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich: JAI Press. [Tambin en Chihu 2006] Snow, David A., E. Burke Rochford Jr., Steven K. Worden, and Robert D. Benford. 1986. "Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation." American Sociological Review 51:464-481. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997, Buechler y Cylke 1997 y Chihu 2006] Snow, David A. and Robert Benford. 1992. "Master Frames and Cycles of Protest." Pp. 133-155 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. [Tambin en Chihu 2006] Hunt, Scott A., Robert D. Benford, and David A. Snow. 1994. "Identity Fields: Framing Processes and the Social Construction of Movement Identities." Pp. 184-208 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. [Tambin en Chihu 2006] Benford, Robert D. 1997. "An Insider's Critique of the Social Movement Framing Perspective." Sociological Inquiry 67:409-430. Lecturas complementarias: Chihu Amparn, Aquiles. 2006. Introduccin: construccin de marcos interpretativos (pp. 9-30); La marcha del color de la tierra: un anlisis de los marcos del discurso del EZLN (pp. 189-214); Conclusiones: el anlisis delos marcos, un enfoque multidisciplinario (pp. 215-235), en El 'anlisis de marcos' en la sociologa de los movimientos sociales Mxico: MAP. Ellingston, Stephen. 1995. "Understanding the Dialectic of Discourse and Collective Action: Public Debate and Rioting in Antebellum Cincinnati." American Journal of Sociology 101:100-144. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Noonan, Rita K. 1995. "Women Against the State: Political Opportunities and Collective Action Frames in Chile's Transition to Democracy." Sociological Forum 10:81-111. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997]


Lecturas obligatorias:

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Gamson, William M. y David S. Meyer. 1999. Marcos interpretativos de la oportunidad poltica. Pp. 389-412 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] Klandermans, Bert y Sjoerd Goslinga. 1999. Discurso de los medios, publicidad de los medios y creacin de marcos para la accin colectiva: ejercicios tericos y empricos sobre la construccin de significados. Pp. 442-474 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] McAdam, Doug. 1999. Marcos interpretativos y tcticas utilizadas por los movimientos: dramaturgia estratgica en el Movimiento Americano ProDerechos Civiles. Pp. 475-496 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] McCarthy, John D. Jackie Smith y Mayer N. Zald. 1999. El acceso a la agenda pblica y a la agenda del gobierno: medios de comunicacin y sistema electoral. Pp. 413-441 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario] Zald, Meyer N. 1999. Cultura, ideologa y creacin de marcos estratgicos. Pp. 369-388 en McAdam, McCarthy y Zald. [Copias en la carpeta del seminario]


Lecturas obligatorias: Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 2005. "Strategic Framing, Emotions, and Superbarrio-Mexico Citys Masked Crusader." Pp. 69-86 in Frames of Protest. Social Movements and the Framing Perspective, edited by H. Johnston and J. A. Noakes. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Hewitt, Lyndi and Holly McCammon. 2005. "Explaining Suffrage Mobilization: Balance, Neutralization, and Range in Collective Action Frames." Pp. 33-51 in Johnston and Noakes. Johnston, Hank and Pamela E. Oliver. 2005. "Breaking the Frame." Pp. 213-216 in Johnston and Noakes. Johnston, Hank. 2005. "Comparative Frame Analysis." Pp. 261-265 in in Johnston and Noakes. Kenney, Padraic. 2005. "Framing, Political Opportunities, and Eastern European Mobilization." Pp. 143-161 in Johnston and Noakes. Noakes, John A. 2005. "Official Frames in Social Movement Theory: The FBI, HUAC, and the Communist Threat in Hollywood." Pp. 89-111 in Johnston and Noakes. Noakes, John A. and Hank Johnston. 2005. "Frames of Protest: A Road Map to a Perspective." Pp. 1-29 in Johnston and Noakes. Oliver, Pamela E. and Hank Johnston. 2005. "What a Good Idea! Ideologies and Frames in Social Movement Research." Pp. 185-203 in Johnston and Noakes. Schneider, Cathy. 2005. "Political Opportunities and Framing Puerto Rican Identity in New York City." Pp. 163-183 in Johnston and Noakes.

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Snow, David A. and Robert D. Benford. 2005. "Clarifying the Relationship Between Framing and Ideology." Pp. 205-211 in Johnston and Noakes. Valocchi, Stephen. 2005. "Collective Action Frames in the Gay Liberation movement, 1969-1973." Pp. 59-67 in Johnston and Noakes. Walgrave, Stefaan and Jan Manssens. 2005. "Mobilizing the White March: Media Frames as Alternatives to Movement Organizations." Pp. 113-140 in Johnston and Noakes. Westby, David. 2005. "Strategic Imperative, Ideology, and Frames." Pp. 217-235 in Johnston and Noakes. Lecturas complementarias: Babb, Sarah. 1996. "A True American System of Finance`: Frame Resonance in the U.S. Labor Movement, 1866 to 1886." American Sociological Review 61:1033-1052. Benford, Robert D. 1993. "Frame Disputes within the Nuclear Disarmament Movement." Social Forces 71: 677-702. Diani, Mario. 1996. "Linking Mobilization Frames and Political Opportunities: Insights from Regional Populism in Italy." American Sociological Review 61:1053-69. Eyerman, Ron and Andrew Jamison. 1991. Social Movements: A Cognitive Approach. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. [Seleccin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Ferree, Myra Marx. 1992. "The Political Context of Rationality: Rational Choice Theory and Resource Mobilization." Pp. 29-52 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven Yale University Press. Ferree, Myra Marx. 1991. "Political Strategies and Feminist Concerns in the United States and Federal Republic of Germany: Class, Race and Gender." Pp. 221-240 in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vol. 13, edited by M. Spencer. Greenwich: JAI Press. Gamson, William. 1995. "Constructing Social Protest." Pp. 85-106 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Gamson, William A. 1992. "The Social Psychology of Collective Action." Pp. 53-76 in Frontiers of Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven Yale University Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Johnston, Hank. 1991. "Antecedents of Coalition: Frame Alignement and Utilitarian Unity in the Catalan Anti- Francoist Opposition." Pp. 241-259 in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vol. 13. Klandermans, Bert. 1992. "The Social Construction of Protest and Multiorganizational Fields." Pp. 77-103 in Frontiers of Social Movement

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Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Klandermans, Bert. 1988. "The Formation and Mobilization of Consensus." Pp. 173-196 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Accross Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich: JAI Press. Snow, David A. and Pamela Oliver. 1995. "Social Movements and Collective Behavior: Social Psychological Dimensions and Considerations." Pp. 571599 in Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology, edited by K. S. Cook, G. A. Fine, and J. S. House. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Tarrow, Sidney. 1992. "Mentalities, Political Cultures, and Collective Action Frames: Construction Meanings Through Action." Pp. 174-202 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Hunt, Scott A., Robert D. Benford, and David A. Snow. 1994. "Identity Fields: Framing Processes and the Social Construction of Movement Identities." Pp. 184-208 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Johnston, Hank, Enrique Laraa, and Joseph R. Gusfield. 1994. "Identities, Grievances, and New Social Movements." Pp. 3-36 in Laraa, Johnston, Gusfield. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Melucci, Alberto. 1995. "The Process of Collective Identity." Pp. 41-63 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Polletta, Francesca and James M. Jasper. 2001. "Collective Identity and Social Movements." Annual Review of Sociology 27:283-305. Taylor, Verta and Nancy Whittier. 1992. "Collective Identity in Social Movement Communities: Lesbian Feminist Mobilization." Pp. 104-129 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Tilly, Charles. 1998. "Political Identities." Pp. 3-16 in Challenging Authority. The Historical Study of Contentious Politics, edited by M. P. Hanagan, L. P. Moch, and W. t. Brake. Minneapolis-London: University of Minnesota Press.


Laraa, Enrique, Hank Johnston, and Joseph R. Gusfield. 1994. New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

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Laraa, Enrique. 1999. La construccin de los movimientos sociales. Madrid: Alianza.


Chihu Amparn, Aquiles. 2002. Introduccin, pp. 5-33 en Chihu, A. coord. Sociologa de la identidad. Mxico: UAM-I. Gimnez, Gilberto. 2002. "Paradigmas de identidad." Pp. 35-62 en Sociologa de la identidad, edited by A. Chihu Amparn. Mxico: UAM-I. Gimnez, Gilberto. 2007. La concepcin simblica de la cultura (pp. 25-51), Cultura e identidades (pp. 53- 91), y Cultura poltica e identidad (pp. 195-214), en Gimnez, G. Estudios sobre la cultura y las identidades sociales. Mxico: CNCA-ITESO. Maffesoli, Michel. 2002. "Tribalismo posmoderno. De la identidad a las identificaciones." Pp. 223-242 in Sociologa de la identidad, edited by A. Chihu Amparn. Mxico: UAM-I. Lecturas complementarias: Bernstein, Mary. 1997. "Celebration and Suppression: The Strategic Uses of Identity by the Lesbian and Gay Movement." American Journal of Sociology 103:531-65. Bernstein, Mary. 2002. "The Contradictions of Gay Ethnicity: Forging Identity in Vermont." Pp. 85-104 in Social Movements, edited by D. S. Meyer, N. Whittier, and B. Robnett. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Calhoun, Craig. 1993. "Nationalism and Ethnicity." Annual Review of Sociology 19. Cohen, Jean L. 1985. "Strategy or Identity: New Theoretical Paradigms and Contemporary Social Movements." Social Research 52:663-716. Drury, John and Steve Reicher. 2000. "Collective Action and Psychological Change: The Emergence of New Social Identities." British Journal of Social Psychology 39:579-604. Dubet, Francois. 1989. "De la sociologa de la identidad a la sociologa del sujeto." Estudios Sociolgicos 7:519-545. Evers, Tilman. 1989. "Identity: The hidden side." in New Social Movements and the State in Latin America, edited by D. Slater. Netherlands: CEDLA. Friedman, Debra and Doug McAdam. 1992. "Collective Identity and Activism: Networks, Choices, and the Life of a Social Movement." Pp. 156-173 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Haber, Paul Lawrence. 1996. "Identity and Political Process: Recent Trends in the Study of Latin American Social Movements." Latin American Research Review 31:171-188. Hunt, Scott A. 1991. "Constructing Collective Identity in a Peace Movement Organization." Dissertation Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln.

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Klandermans, Bert. 1994. "Transient Identities? Membership Patterns in the Dutch Peace Movement." Pp. 168-184 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Kondo, Dorinne K. 1990. Crafting Selves: Power, Gender, and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese Workplace. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Mainwaring, Scott. 1987. "Urban Popular Movements, Identity and Democratization in Brazil." Comparative Politics 21:131-159. Melucci, Alberto. 1988. "Getting Involved: Identity and Mobilization in Social Movements." Pp. 329-348 in From Structure to Action: Comparing Social Movement Research Across Cultures, vol. 1, International Social Movements Research, edited by B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Meyer, David S., Nancy Whittier, and Belinda Robnett, eds. 2002. Social Movements. Identity, Culture, and the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oberschall, Anthony. 1993. Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities. New Brunswick: Transaction. Pizzorno, Alessandro. 1978. "Political Exchange and Collective Identity in Industrial Conflict." Pp. 277-298 in The Resurgence of Class Conflict in Western Europe since 1968, vol. 2, edited by C. Crouch and A. Pizzorno. London: Macmillan. Somers, Margaret. 1992. "Narrativity, Narrative Identity, and Social Action." Social Science History 16 (4):591-630. Stryker, Sheldon, Timothy Owens, and Robert W. White, eds. 2000. Self, Identity, and Social Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Taylor, Verta and Nancy Whittier. 1992. "Collective Identity in Social Movement Communities: Lesbian Feminist Mobilization." Pp. 104-129 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Tilly, Charles. 2002. Stories, Identities and Political Change. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Turner, Ralph H. 1991. "Reading Melucci: The Dynamics of Collective Identity." in Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association. Warren, Kay B. and Jean E. Jackson. 2002. Indigenous Movements, SelfRepresentation, and the State in Latin America. Austin: University of Texas Press. White, Harrison C. Identity and Control: A Structural Theory of Social Action: Princeton University Press. Zermeo, Sergio, coord. 1997. Movimientos sociales e identidades colectivas. Mxico: CEIICH-La Jornada.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Sewell Jr., William H. 1999. "The Concept(s) of Culture." Pp. 35-61 in Beyond the Cultural Turn, edited by V. Bonnell and L. Hunt. Swidler, Ann. 1986. "Culture in Action, Symbols and Strategies." American Sociological Review 51:273-286. Swidler, Ann. 1995. "Cultural Power and Social Movements." Pp. 25-40 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnestota Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Hart, Stephen. 1996. The Cultural Dimension of Social Movements: A Theoretical Reassessment and Literature Review. Sociology of Religion 57: 87-100. Johnston, Hank and Bert Klandermans. 1995. "The Cultural Analysis of Social Movements." Pp. 3-24 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnestota Press. McAdam, Doug. 1994. "Culture and Social Movements." Pp. 36-57 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Polletta, Francesca. 1997. Culture and Its Discontents: recent Theorizing on the Cultural Dimensions of Protest. Sociological Inquiry, 67: 431-450.


AMRICA LATINA Lecturas obligatorias: Alvarez, Sonia E., Evelina Dagnino, and Arturo Escobar. 1998. "Introduction: The Cultural and the Political in Latin American Social Movements." Pp. 1-29 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Cultures of Politics Politics of Cultures. Revisioning Latin American Social Movements. Boulder: Westview Press. Baierle, Sergio Gregorio. 1998. "The Explosion of Experience: The Emergence of a New Ethical-Political Principle in Popular Movements in Porto Alegre, Brazil." Pp. 118-138 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Dagnino, Evelina. 1998. "Culture, Citizenship, and Democracy: Changing Discourses and Practices of the Latin American Left." Pp. 33-63 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Paoli, Maria Celia and Vera da Silva Telles. 1998. "Social Rights: Conflicts and Negotiations in Contemporary Brazil." Pp. 64-92 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar.

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Schild, Vernica. 1998. "New Subjects of Rights? Womens Movements and the Construction of Citizenship in the "New Democracies"." Pp. 93-117 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar.


Lecturas obligatorias: Jelin, Elizabeth. 1998. "Toward a Culture of Participation and Citizenship: Challenges for a More Equitable World." Pp. 405-414 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Krischke, Paulo J. 1998. "Final Comments: Challenges to Cultural Studies in Latin America." Pp. 415-421 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Melucci, Alberto. 1998. "Third World or Planetary Conflicts?" Pp. 422-429 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Pratt, Mary Louise. 1998. "Where To? What Next?" Pp. 430-436 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Lecturas complementarias: Buechler, Steven M. 2000. Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism. The Political Economy and Cultural Construction of Social Activism. New York: Oxford University Press. Emirbayer, Mustafa and Jeff Goodwin. 1994. "Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency." American Journal of Sociology 99:1411-1454. Escobar, Arturo. 1992. "Culture, Economics, and Politics in Latin American Social Movements. Theory and Research." Pp. 62-85 in The Making of Social Movements in Latin America, edited by A. Escobar and S. E. Alvarez. Boulder: Westview Press. Fantasia, Rick and Eric L. Hirsh. 1995. "Culture in Rebellion: The Appropriation and Transformation of the Veil in the Algerian Revolution." Pp. 144-159 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Goode, Erich and Nachman Ben-Yehuda. 1994. "Moral Panics: Culture, Politics, and Social Construction." Pp. 149-171 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 20. Guidry, John A., Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald. 2000. Globalizations and Social Movements. Culture, Power, and the Transnational Public Sphere. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. Hart, Stephen. 1996. "The Cultural Dimension of Social Movements: A Theoretical Reassessment and Literature Review." Sociology of Religion 57:87-100. Jasper, James M. 1997. The Art of Moral Protest. Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movements. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Johnston, Hank. 1991. Tales of Nationalism: Catalonia, 1939-1979. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

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Lofland, Johm. 1995. "Charting Degrees of Movement Culture: Tasks of the Cultural Cartographer." Pp. 188-216 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Melucci, Alberto. 1992. "Liberation or Meaning? Social Movements, Culture and Democracy." Development and Change 23:43-77. Meyer, David S., Nancy Whittier, and Belinda Robnett, eds. 2002. Social Movements. Identity, Culture, and the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nash, June. 1989. "Cultural Resistance and Class Consciousness in Bolivian TinMining Communities." Pp. 182-202 in Power and Popular Protest. Latin American Social Movements, edited by S. Eckstein. Berkeley: University of California Press. Nez Gonzlez, Oscar. 1990. Innovaciones democrtico-culturales del movimiento urbano-popular. Mexico: UAM. Pfaff, Steven and Guobin Yang. 2001. "Double-edged Rituals and the Symbolic Resources of Collective Action: Political Commemorations and the Movilization of Protest in 1989." Theory and Society 30:539-589. Sewell Jr., William H. 1995 [1980]. Work and Revolution in France. The Language of Labor From the Old Regime to 1848. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Stokes, Susan C. 1995. Cultures in Conflict. Social Movements and the State in Peru. Berkeley: University of California Press. Taylor, Verta and Nancy Whittier. 1995. "Analytical Approaches to Social Movement Culture: The Culture of Women's Movement." Pp. 163-187 in Social Movements and Culture, edited by H. Johnston and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Zald, Mayer N. 1996. "Culture, ideology and strategic framing." Pp. 261-274 in Comparative perspectives on social movements. Political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings, edited by D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lecturas obligatorias: Moaddel, Mansoor. 1992. "Ideology as Episodic Discourse: The Case of the Iranian Revolution." American Sociological Review 57:353-379. [Tambin en Lyman 1995] Oliver, Pamela E. and Hank Johnston. 2000. "What a Good Idea!: Frames and Ideologies in Social Movements Research." Mobilization 5:37-54. Rud, George. 1995 [1980]. Ideology & Popular Protest. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.


Lecturas obligatorias:
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Klandermans, Bert. 1997. The Social Psychology of Protest. Oxford: Blackwell. Lecturas complementarias: Ferree, Myra Marx. 1992. "The Political Context of Rationality: Rational Choice Theory and Resource Mobilization." in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Gamson, William A. 1992. "The Social Psychology of Collective Action." Pp. 53-76 in Frontiers of Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. Hirsch, Eric L. 1990. "Sacrifice for the Cause: Group Processes, Recruitment, and Commitment in a Student Social Movement." American Sociological Review 55:243-254. Klandermans, Bert. 1992. "The Social Construction of Protest and Multiorganizational Fields." Pp. 77-103 in Frontiers of Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Aminzade, Ronald and Doug McAdam. 2002. "Introduction: Emotions and Contentious Politics." Mobilization 7:107-109. Barbalet, J.M. 2002. "Secret Voting and Political Emotions." Mobilization 7:129140. Gould, Deborah B. 2002. "Life During Wartime: Emotions and the Development of ACT UP." Mobilization 7:177-200. Kim, Hyojoung. 2002. "Shame, Anger, and Love in Collective Action: Emotional Consequences of Suicide Protest in Soth Korea, 1991." Mobilization 7:159176. Perry, Elizabeth. 2002. "Moving the Masses: Emotion Work in the Chinese Revolution." Mobilization 7:111-128. Taylor, Verta and Leila J. Rupp. 2002. "Loving Internationalism: The Emotion Culture of Transnational Womens Organizations, 1888-1945." Mobilization 7:141-158.


Lecturas obligatorias: Aminzade, Ron and Doug McAdam. 2001. "Emotions and Contentious Politics." Pp. 14-50 in Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics, edited by R. Aminzade, A. J. Goldstone, D. McAdam, E. J. Perry, W. H. Sewell Jr., S. Tarrow, and C. Tilly. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goodwin, Jeff, James Jasper, and Francesca Polletta. 2000. "The Return of the Repressed: The Fall and Rise of Emotions in Social Movement Theory." Mobilization 5:65-84.
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Jasper, James. 1998. "The Emotions of Protest: Affective and Reactive Emotions in and around Social Movements." Sociological Forum 13:397-424.


Lecturas obligatorias: Goodwin, Jeff, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta, eds. 2001. Passionate Politics. Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Barker, Colin. 2001. "Fear, Laughter, and Collective Power: The Making of Solidarity at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdnask, Poland, August 1980." Pp. 175194 in Goodwin, Jasper, and F. Polletta. Berezin, Mabel. 2001. "Emotions and Political Identity: Mobilizing Affection for the Polity." Pp. 83-98 in Goodwin, Jasper, and F. Polletta. Goodwin, Jeff, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta. 2001. "Why Emotions Matter?" Pp. 1-24 in Goodwin, Jasper, and F. Polletta. Gould, Deborah. 2001. "Rock the Boat, Don't Rock the Boat, Baby: Ambivalence and the Emergence of Militant AIDS Activism." Pp. 135-157 in Goodwin, Jasper, and F. Polletta. Polletta, Francesca and Edwin Amenta. 2001. "Conclusion: Second That Emotion? Lessons from Once-Novel Concepts in Social Movement Research." Pp. 303-316 in Goodwin, Jasper, and F. Polletta. Wood, Elisabeth Jean. 2001. "The Emotional Benefits of Insurgency in El Salvador." Pp. 267-281 in Goodwin, Jasper, and F. Polletta.


Lecturas obligatorias: Emirbayer, Mustafa and Goldberg. forthcoming. "Collective Emotions in Political Contention." Goodwin, Jeff. 1997. "The Libidinal Constitution of a High-Risk Social Movement: Affectual Ties and Solidarity in the Huk Rebellion, 1946 to 1954." American Sociological Review 62:53-69. Kemper, Theodore D. 1990. Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions. New York: State University of New York. Robnett, Belinda. 1998. "African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement. Spontaneity and Emotion in Social Movement Theory." Pp. 65-95 in No Middle Ground. Women and Radical Protest, edited by K. M. Blee. New York: New York University Press. Taylor, Verta. 1995. "Watching for Vibes: Bringing Emotions into the Study of Feminist Organizations." Pp. 223-233 in Feminist Organizations: Harvest of the New Women's Movement, edited by M. M. Ferree and P. Y. Martin. Philadelphia: Temple University Press

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Lecturas obligatorias: Levine, Daniel H. and Scott Mainwaring. 1989. "Religion and Popular Protest in Latin America: Contrasting Experiences." Pp. 203-240 in Power and Popular Protest. Latin American Social Movements, edited by S. Eckstein. Berkeley: University of California Press. Swatos Jr., William H., ed. 1995. Religion & Democracy in Latin America. New Brunswick: Transaction. Pattillo McCoy, Mary. 1998. "Church Culture as a Strategy of Action in the Black Community." American Sociological Review 63:767-784. Zald, Mayer N. and John D. McCarthy. 1987. "Religious Groups as Crucibles of Social Movements." in Social Movements in an Organizational Society, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. Lecturas complementarias: Billings, Dwight B. and Shaunna L. Scott. 1994. "Religion and Political Legitimation." Pp. 173-201 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 20. Billings, Dwight. 1990. "Religion as Opposition: A Gramscian Analysis." American Journal of Sociology 96:1-31. Burdick, John. 1992. "Rethinking the Study of Social Movements: The Case of Christian Base Communities in Urban Brazil." Pp. 171-184 in The Making of Social Movements in Latin America. Identity, Strategy, and Democracy, edited by A. Escobar and S. E. Alvarez. Boulder: Westview Press. Carden, Maren Lockwood. 1989. "The Institutionalization of Social Movements in Voluntary Organizations." Research in Social Movements. Conflict and Change 11:143-161. Della Calva, Ralph. 1989. "The 'People's Church,' the Vatican, and Abertura." Pp. 143-167 in Democratizing Brazil. Problems of Transition and Consolidation, edited by A. Stepan. New York: Oxford University Press. Keck, Margaret E. 1989. "The New Unionism in the Brazilian Transition." Pp. 252296 in Democratizing Brazil. Problems of Transition and Consolidation, edited by A. Stepan. New York: Oxford Universisty Press. Levine, Daniel H. 1990. "Popular Groups, Popular Culture, and Popular Religion." Comparative Studies in Society and History 32:718-764. Lofland, John and J. T. Richardson. 1984. "Religious Movement Organizations: Elemental Forms and Dynamics." Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change 7:29-51. Muro Gonzlez, Vctor Gabriel. 1994. "Grupos cristianos y movimientos campesinos en Mxico." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 56 (2):165-175. Muro Gonzlez, Vctor Gabriel. 1994. Iglesia y movimientos sociales en Mxico, 1972-1987. Los casos de Ciudad Jurez y el Istmo de Tehuantepec. Puebla: RNIU-Colegio de Michoacn.

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Smith, Christian. 1991. The Emergence of Liberation Theology. Radical Religion and Social Movement Theory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Wood, Richard L. 1994. "Faith in Action: Religious Resources for Political Success in Three Congregations." Sociology of Religion 55:397-417.

Lecturas obligatorias: Jasper, James M. 1997. The Art of Moral Protest. Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movements. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Turner, Ralph. 1996. "The Moral Issue in Collective Behavior and Collective Action." Mobilization 1:1-15. Lecturas complementarias: Gusfield, Joseph R. 1955. "Social Structure and Moral Reform: A Study of the Women's Christian Temperance Union." American Journal of Sociology 61:221-232. Gusfield, Joseph R. 1963. Symbolic Crusade: Status Politics and the American Temperance Movement. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Benford, Robert D. and Scott A. Hunt. 1992. "Dramaturgy and Social Movements: The Social Construction and Communication of Power." Sociological Inquiry 62:36-55. Esherick, Joseph W. and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom. 1990. "Acting out Democracy: Political Theater in Modern China." The Journal of Asian Studies 49:835865. McAdam, Doug. 1996. "The Framing Function of Movement Tactics: Strategic Dramaturgy in the American Civil Rights Movement." Pp. 338-355 in Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements, edited by D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Zurcher, Louis A. 1982. "The Staging of Emotion: A Dramaturgical Analysis." Symbolic Interaction 5:1-22. Lecturas complementarias: Hunt, Scott A. 1992. "Critical Dramaturgy and Collective Action Rhetoric: Cognitive and Moral Order in the Communist Manifesto." Perspectives on Social Problems 3:1-18. Snow, David A. 1979. "A Dramaturgical Analysis of Movement Accomodation: Building Idiosyncrasy Credit as a Movement Mobilization Strategy." Symbolic Interaction 2:23-43.

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Snow, David A., Louis A. Zurcher, and Robert Peters. 1981. "Victory Celebrations as Theater: A Dramaturgical Approach to Crowd Behavior." Symbolic Interaction 4:21-42. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993]


(desde la psicologa social) Lecturas obligatorias: Brewer, Marilynn B. 2001. "The Many Faces of Social Identity: Implications for Political Psychology." Political Psychology 22 (1):115-125. Gimnez, Gilberto. 2005. "La discriminacin desde la perspectiva del reconocimiento social." Revista de Investigacin Social 1 (1):31-45. Sidanius, Jim, Felicia Pratto, Colette van Laar, and Shana Levin. 2004. "Social Dominance Theory: Its Agenda and Method." Political Psychology 25 (6):845-880.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 2003. "State Pacts, Elites, and Social Movements in Mexico's Transition to Democracy." Pp. 107-143 in States, Parties, and Social Movements, edited by J. A. Goldstone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Glenn, John K. 2003. "Parties Out of Movements: Party Emergence in Postcommunist Eastern Europe." Pp. 147-169 in Goldstone. Goldstone, A. Jack. 2003a. "Introduction: Bridging Institutionalized and Noninstitutionalized Politics." Pp. 1-24 in Goldstone. Tilly, Charles. 2003. "Afterword: Agendas for Students of Social Movements." Pp. 246-256 in Goldstone. Lecturas complementarias: Desai, Manali. 2003. "From Movement to Party to Government: Why Social Policies in Kerala and West Bengal are So Different." Pp. 170-196 in States, Parties, and Social Movements, edited by A. J. Goldstone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Van Dyke, Nella. 2003. "Protest Cycles and Party Politics: The Effects of Elite Allies and Antagonists on Student Protest in the United States, 1930-1990." Pp. 226-245 in States, Parties, and Politics, edited by A. J. Goldstone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lecturas obligatorias: Markoff, John. 1997. "Peasants Help Destroy an Old Regime and Defy a New One: Some Lessons from (and for) the Study of Social Movements." American Journal of Sociology 102:1113-1142. Pichardo, Nelson A. 1995. "The Power Elite and Elite-Driven Countermovements: The Associated Farmers of California During the 1930s." Sociological Forum 10 (1):21-49. Caniglia, Beth Schaefer. 2002. "Elite Alliances and Transnational Environmental Movement Organizations." Pp. 153-172 in Globalization and Resistance, edited by J. Smith and H. Johnston. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. Lecturas complementarias: Caniglia, Beth Schaefer. 2001. "Informal Alliances vs Institutional Ties: The Effects of Elite Alliances on Environmental TSMO Networks." Mobilization 6 (1):37-54.


REPRESIN (1) Lecturas obligatorias:

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della Porta, Donatella and Herbert Reiter, eds. 1998. Policing Protest. The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies. University of Minnesota Press.


REPRESIN (2) Lecturas obligatorias: Davenport, Christian and Marci Eads. 2001. "Cued to Coerce or Coercing Cues? An Exploration of Dissident Rhetoric and irs Relationship to Political Repression." Mobilization 6:151-171 Davenport, Christian. 2000. Paths to State Repression. Human Rights Violations and Contentious Politics. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.


REPRESIN (3) Lecturas obligatorias: Cunningham, David. 2003. "State versus Social Movement: FBI Counterintelligence against the New Left." Pp. 45-77 in States, Parties, and Social Movements, edited by A. J. Goldstone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Loveman, Mara. 1998. "High-Risk Collective Action: Defending Human Rights in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina." American Journal of Sociology 104:477525. Marx, Gary T. 1979. "External Efforts to Damage or Facilitate Social Movements: Some Patterns, Explanations, Outcomes, and Complications." Pp. 94-125 in The Dynamics of Social Movements. Resource Mobilization, Social Control, and Tactics, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy. Cambridge: Winthrop. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Rasler, Karen. 1996. "Concessions, Repression and Political Protest in the Iranian Revolution." American Sociological Review 61:132-152. Lecturas complementarias: Davis, David R. and Michael D. Ward. 1990. "They Dance Alone: Deaths and the Disappeared in Contemporary Chile." Journal of Conflict Resolution 34: 449-475. della Porta, Donatella, Oliver Fillieule, and Herbert Reiter. 1998. "Policing Protest in France and Italy: From Intimidation to Cooperation?" Pp. 111-130 in The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by D. S. Meyer and S. Tarrow. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Gupta, Dipak K., Harinder Singh, and Tom Sprague. 1993. "Government Coercion of Dissidents: Deterrence or Provocation?" Journal of Conflict Resolution 37:301-339. Henderson, Conway W. 1991. "Conditions Affecting the Use of Repression." Journal of Conflict Resolution 35: 120-142.
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Hoover, Dean and David Kowalewski. 1992. "Dynamic Models of Dissent and Repression." Journal of Conflict Resolution 36:150-182. Jones, Charles E. 1988. "The Political Repression of the Black Panther Party 1966-1971: The Case of Oakland Bay Area." Journal of Black Studies 18:415-434. Lichbach, Mark Irving. 1987. "Deterrence or Escalation? The Puzzle of Aggregate Studies of Repression and Dissent." Journal of Conflict Resolution 31:26697. Marx, Gary T. 1975. "Thoughts on a Neglected Category of Social Movement Participant: The Agent Provocateur and the Informant." American Journal of Sociology 80:402-442. [Tambin en Curtis y Aguirre 1993] Muller, Edward N. 1985. "Income Inequality, Regime Repressiveness, and Political Violence." American Sociological Review 50:4-61. Discusin sobre este artculo en: Hartman, John and Wey Hsiao. 1988. "Inequality, Repression, and Violence: Issues of Theory and Measurement in Muller." American Sociological Review 53:794-806. Muller, Edward N. 1988. "Inequality, Repression and Violence: Issues of Theory and Research Design." American Sociological Review 53:799-806. Scott, James C. 2000 [1990]. Los dominados y el arte de la resistencia. Discursos ocultos. Mxico: Era. Scott, James C. 1985. Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press. Scott, James C. and Benedict J. Kerkvliet, eds. 1986. Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance in South-East Asia. London: Frank Cass. Timberlake, Michael and Kirk R. Williams. 1984. "Dependence, Political Exclusion, and Government Repression: Some Cross-National Evidence." American Sociological Review 49:141-146.


Lecturas obligatorias: McAdam, Doug. 1983. "Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency." American Sociological Review 48:735-754. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Traugott, Mark, ed. 1995. Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action. Durham: Duke University Press. Lecturas complementarias: Burnstein, Paul. 1991. "Legal Mobilization as a Social Movement Tactic: The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity." American Journal of Sociology 96:1201-1225. Offe, Claus. 1985. "New Social Movements: Challenging the Boundaries of Institutional Politics." Social Research 52:817-868. Offe, Claus. 1988. Partidos polticos y nuevos movimientos sociales. Madrid: Sistema.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Jasper, James M. and Jane D. Paulsen. 1993. "Fighting Back: Vulnerabilities, Blunders, and Countermobilization by the Targets in Three Animal Rights Campaigns." Sociological Forum 8. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Meyer, David S. and Suzanne Staggenborg. 1996. "Movements, Countermovements, and the Structure of Political Opportunity." American Journal of Sociology 101:1628-1660. Mottl, Tahi L. 1980. "The Analysis of Countermovements." Social Problems 27:620-634. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Zald, Mayer N. and Bert Useem. 1987. "Movement and Countermovement Interaction: Mobilization, Tactics, and State Intervention." in Social Movements in an Organizational Society, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy.


Lecturas obligatorias: Repasar caps. de Tarrow Hipsher, Patricia L. 1998. "Democratic Transitions as Protest Cycles: Social Movement Dynamics in Democratizing Latin America." Pp. 153-172 in The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by D. S. Meyer and S. Tarrow. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Koopmans, Ruud. 1993. "The Dynamics of Protest Waves: West Germany, 1965 to 1989." American Sociological Review 58:637-658. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Minkoff, Debra C. 1997. "The Sequencing of Social Movements." American Sociological Review 62:779-799. Snow, David A. and Robert Benford. 1992. "Master Frames and Cycles of Protest." Pp. 133-155 in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, edited by A. D. Morris and C. M. Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Tarrow, Sidney. 1993. "Cycles of Collective Action: Between Moments of Madness and the Repertoire of Contention." Social Science History 17:281-308. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Taylor, Verta and Nicole C. Raeburn. 1995. "Identity Politics as High RiskActivism: Career Consequences for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Sociologists." Social Problems 42:252-273. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997] Lecturas complementarias: Frank, Andr Gunder and Marta Fuentes. 1994. "On Studying the Cycles of Social Movements." Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change 17:173-196.

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Koopmans, Ruud. 1997. "Dynamics of Repression and Mobilization: The German Extreme Right in the 1990s." Mobilization 2:149-164. Minkoff, Debra C. 1997. "The Sequencing of Social Movements." American Sociological Review 62:779-799. Whittier, Nancy. 1997. "Political Generations, Micro-Cohorts, and the Transformation os Social Movements." American Sociological Review 62:760-778.


Lecturas obligatorias: de Sousa Santos, Boaventura. 2003. Democracia y participacin. El ejemplo del Presupuesto Participativo. Espaa: El Viejo Topo. Swartz, Heidi J. 2003. "Setting the States Agenda: Church-based Community Organizations in American Urban Politics." Pp. 78-106 in States, Parties, and Social Movements, edited by A. J. Goldstone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Alberoni, Francesco. 1984 [1977]. Movimiento e institucin. Teora general. Madrid: Editora Nacional. Caps. 1-3. Beck, Ulrich. 1999. La invencin de lo poltico. Mxico: FCE.Cap. 7, La invencin de lo poltico. Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 1999. "Accin colectiva y creacin de alternativas." Chiapas 7:163-189. Castoriadis, Cornelius. 1989. "La institucin imaginaria de la sociedad." in El imaginario social, edited by E. Colombo. Motevideo: Altamira. Castoriadis, Cornelius. 1999. Figuras de lo pensable. Madrid: Frnesis. Cap. Imaginario e imaginacin en la encrucijada Guattari, F. 1976. Psicoanlisis y transversalidad. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Lindholm, Charles. 1997. Carisma. Barcelona: Gedisa. Cap. 2.


Lecturas obligatorias: Van Cott, Donna Lee. 2005. From Movements to Parties in Latin America. The Evolution of Ethnic Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lecturas complementarias: Van Cott, Donna Lee. 2002. "Movimientos indgenas y transformacin constitucional en Los Andes. Venezuela en perspectiva comparativa." Revista Venezolana de Economa y Ciencias Sociales 8 (3):41-60.

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Van Cott, Donna Lee. 2004. "Los movimientos indgenas y sus logros: la representacin y el reconocimiento jurdico en Los Andes." Amrica Latina Hoy 36:141-159. Van Cott, Donna Lee. 2005. "Building Inclusive Democracies: Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities in Latin America." Democratization 12 (5) 820-837. Van Cott, Donna Lee. 2006. "Radical Democracy in the Andes: Indigenous Parties and the Quality of Democracy in Latin America." Working Paper # 333.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. 1996. Theoretical Overview. Pp. 3-83 en Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation. Southern Europe, South America, and Post - Communist Europe. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press. Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 2002. State Pacts, Elites, and Social Movements in Mexico's Transition to Democracy. in Movements, Parties, and States: Protest and the Dynamics of Institutional Change, edited by J. Goldstone. New York: Cambridge University Press. Giugni, Marco. 1998. "Was it worth the Effort? The Outcomes and Consequences of Social Movements." Annual Review of Sociology 24:371-293. Burstein, Paul, Rachel L. Einwohner, and Jocelyn A. Hollander. 1995. "The Success of Political Movements: A Bargaining Perspective." Pp. 275-295 in The Politics of Social Protest, edited by J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Lecturas complementarias: Burstein, Paul, Rachel L. Einwohner, and Jocelyn A. Hollander. 1995. "The Success of Political Movements: A Bargaining Perspective." Pp. 275-295 in The Politics of Social Protest, edited by J. C. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Cress, D. M. and David A. Snow. 2000. "The Outcomes of Homeless Mobilization: The Influence of Organization, Disruption, Political Mediation, and Framing." American Journal of Sociology 105:1063-1104. Foweraker, Joe and Todd Landman. 1997. Citizenship Rights and Social Movements: A Comparative and Statistical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gamson, William A. 1975. The Strategy of Social Protest. Homewood: Dorsey. Gamson, William A. 1990. The Strategy of Social Protest. Belmont: Wadsworth. Giugni, Marco, Doug McAdam, and Charles Tilly, eds. 1998. From Contention to Democracy. Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield. Giugni, Marco, Doug McAdam, and Charles Tilly, eds. 1999. How social movements matter. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Gusfield, Joseph R. 1981. "Social Movements and Social Change: Perspectives of Linearity and Fluidity." Pp. 317-339 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, vol. 4, edited by L. Kriesberg. Greewich: JAI Press. Hanagan, Michael and Charles Tilly. 1999. Extending Citizenship, Reconfiguring States. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Hipsher, Patricia L. 1996. "Democratization and the Decline of Urban Social Movements in Chile and Spain." Comparative Politics 28:273-297. Hipsher, Patricia L. 1998. "Democratic Transitions and Social Movement Outcomes: The Chilean Shantytown Dwellers' Movement in Comparative
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Perspective." Pp. 149-167 in From Contention to Democracy, edited by M. G. Giugni, D. McAdam, and C. Tilly. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Meyer, David S. and Nancy Whittier. 1994. "Social Movement Spillover." Social Problems 41:277-298. Tarrow, Sidney. 1995. "Mass Mobilization and Regime Change: Pacts, Reform, and Popular Power in Italy (1918-1922) and Spain (1975-1978)." Pp. 204230 in The Politics of Democratic Consolidation. Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective, edited by R. Gunther, P. N. Diamandouros, and H.-J. Puhle. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Lecturas obligatorias: Taylor, Verta and Nicole C. Raeburn. 1995. "Identity Politics as High RiskActivism: Career Consequences for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Sociologists." Social Problems 42:252-273. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Meyer, David S. and Nancy Whittier. 1994. "Social Movement Spillover." Social Problems 41:277-298. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997] Amenta, Edwin, Bruce G. Carruthers, and Yvonne Zylan. 1992. "A Hero for the Aged? The Townsend Movement, the Political Mediation Model, and U.S. Old-Age Policy, 1934-1950." American Journal of Sociology 98:308-339. [Tambin en McAdam y Snow 1997]

Lecturas obligatorias: Lecturas complementarias: Aguirre, Benigno E. 1984. "The Conventionalization of Collective Behavior in Cuba." American Journal of Sociology 90:541-566. Bizberg, Iln y Marcin Frybes. 2000. Transiciones a la democracia: lecciones para Mxico. Mxico: Cal y Arena. Cansino, Csar y Angel Sermeo. 1997. Amrica Latina: una democracia toda por hacerse. Metapoltica 4:557-571. Cansino, Csar. 1993. La consolidacin de la democracia en Amrica Latina: problemas y desafos. Foro Internacional 134:716-736. Cansino, Cesar. 2000. La transicin mexicana, 1977-2000. Mxico: CEPCOM. Constain, Anne N. and Andrew S. McFarland. 1998. Social Movements and American Political Institutions. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. Di Palma, Giuseppe. 1990. To Craft Democracies. An Essay on Democratic Transitions. Berkeley: University of California Press. Garretn, Manuel Antonio. 1990. La democracia entre dos pocas: Amrica Latina en 1990. Foro Internacional 125:47-64. Garretn, Manuel Antonio. 1997. Revisando las transiciones democrticas en Amrica Latina. Nueva Sociedad 148:20-29.
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Higley, John and Richard Gunther, eds. 1992. Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America and Southern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Labastida Martn del Campo, Julio y Antonio Camou, coords. 2001. Globalizacin, identidad y democracia. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Lijphart, Arend and Carlos H. Waisman. 1996. Institutional Design in New Democracies. Eastern Europe and Latin America. Boulder: Westview Press. Loaeza, Soledad, comp. Xxxx. Reforma del Estado y democracia en Amrica Latina. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico. Lynn Karl, Terry. 1991. Dilemas de la democratizacin en Amrica Latina. Foro Internacional 123:388-417. Meyer, David S. and Sidney Tarrow, eds. 1998. The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Nohlen, Dieter. 1993. Los sistemas electorales en Amrica Latina y el debate sobre la reforma electoral. Mxico: UNAM. Nohlen, Dieter. 1996. Democracia, transicin y gobernabilidad en Amrica Latina, vol. 4. Mxico: IFE. O'Donell, Guillermo, 1997. Contrapuntos. Ensayos escogidos sobre autoritarismo y democratizacin, Buenos Aires: Paids. O'Donnell, Guillermo and Philippe Schmitter. [1986]. Transiciones desde un gobierno autoritario. 4. Conclusiones tentativas sobre las democracias inciertas. Argentina: Paids O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Laurence Whitehead. 1988. Transiciones desde un gobierno autoritario. 2. Amrica Latina. Argentina: Paids. Olvera Rivera, Alberto y Leonardo Arvitzer. 1992. El concepto de la sociedad civil en el estudio de la transicin democrtica. Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 54 (4):227-248. Ortega Ortz, Reynaldo. 2001. Caminos a la democracia. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico. Smith, Peter H. 1988. Sobre la democracia y la democratizacin en Amrica Latina: especulaciones y perspectivas. Foro Internacional 113:5-29. Smith, Peter H. 1997. Ascenso y cada del Estado Desarrollista en Amrica Latina. Pp. 74-102 en El cambio del papel del Estado en Amrica Latina, editado por M. Vellinga. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Sotelo Valencia, Adrin. 1991. Crisis de transicin y democratizacin en Amrica Latina: mitos y realidades. Estudios Latinoamericanos 10:40-43. Vellinga, Menno, coord. 1997. El cambio del papel del Estado en Amrica Latina. Mxico: Siglo XXI.


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Cadena-Roa, Jorge. 2003. "State Pacts, Elites, and Social Movements in Mexico's Transition to Democracy." Pp. 107-143 in States, Parties, and Social Movements, edited by J. A. Goldstone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Oberschall, Anthony. 2001. "Los movimientos sociales y la transicin a la democracia." Pp. 23-58 in Caminos a la democracia, edited by R. Ortega Ortiz. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico. Olvera Rivera, Alberto and Leonardo Arvitzer. 1992. "El concepto de la sociedad civil en el estudio de la transicin democrtica." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 54 (4):227-248. Sandoval, Salvador A. M. 1998. "Social Movements and Democratization: The Case of Brazil and the Latin American Countries." Pp. 169-201 in From Contention to Democracy, edited by M. G. Giugni, D. McAdam, and C. Tilly. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Lecturas complementarias: Hipsher, Patricia L. 1998. "Democratic Transitions as Protest Cycles: Social Movement Dynamics in Democratizing Latin America." Pp. 153-172 in The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by D. S. Meyer and S. Tarrow. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. Stepan, Alfred, ed. 1989. Democratizing Brazil. Problems of Transition and Consolidation. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Lecturas obligatorias: McAdam, Doug, Sidney Tarrow, and Charles Tilly. 1997. "Toward an Integrated Perspective on Social Movements and Revolution." Pp. 142-173 in Comparative Politics. Rationality, Culture, and Structure, edited by M. I. Lichbach and A. S. Zuckerman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P. 1992. Guerrillas and Revolution in Latin America. A Comparative Study of Insurgents and Regimes since 1956. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Caps. 1, Introduction (pp. 1-18); 4, Variables and models (pp. 51-59); 6, The sources of peasant support I: Agrarian structure and its transformations (pp. 92-129); 7, The sources of peasant support II: Rebellious cultures and social ties (pp. 130-153), y 8, Regime weaknesses and the emergence of dual power (pp. 154-206).

Goldstone, A. Jack. 2001. Toward a Fourth Generation of Revolutionary Theory. Annual Review of Political Science 4:139-187. Lecturas complementarias: Foran, John, ed. 1997. Theorizing Revolutions. London and New York: Routledge. Goldstone, Jack A., ed. 1986. Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Studies. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace & Co. Goldstone, Jack A., Ted Robert Gurr, and Farrokh Moshiri, eds. 1991. Revolutions of the Late Twentieth Century. Boulder: Westview Press. Kim, Q. Y. 1996. "From Protest to Change of Regime: The 4-19 Revolt and the Fall of the Rhee Regime in South Corea." Social Forces 74:1179-1209. Skocpol, Theda and Jeff Goodwin. 1994 [1989]. Explaining Revolutions in the Contemporary Third World. Pp. 259-278 in Social Revolutions in the Modern World, edited by T. Skocpol. New York: Cambridge University Press. Skocpol, Theda. 1994 [1976]. Explaining Revolutions: In Quest of a SocialStructural Approach. Pp. 99-119 in Social Revolutions in the Modern World, edited by T. Skocpol. New York: Cambridge University Press. Skocpol, Theda. 1994. Reflections on Recent Scholarship about Revolutions and How to Study Them. Pp. 301-344 in Social Revolutions in the Modern World, edited by T. Skocpol. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Keck, Margaret E. y Kathryn Sikkink. 2000 [1998]. Cap. 1, Una presentacin de las redes transnacionales de defensa en la poltica internacional (pp. 1765), cap. 3, Las redes de defensa de los derechos humanos en Amrica Latina (pp. 118-169) y cap. 6, Conclusiones. Las redes de defensa y la sociedad internaiconal (pp. 267-290), en Activistas sin fronteras. Redes de defensa en poltica internacional. Mxico:Siglo XXI Editores. Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. Trasnational Contention. Pp. 176-195 en Power in Movement. Social Movements and Contentious Politics. 2d ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: Alvarez, Sonia E. 1998. "Latin American Feminisms "Go Global": Trends of the 1990s and Challenges for the New Millennium." Pp. 293-324 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Lins Ribeiro, Gustavo. 1998. "Cybercultural Politics: Political Activism at a Distance in a Transnational World." Pp. 325-352 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Ydice, George. 1998. "The Globalization of Culture and the New Civil Society." Pp. 353-379 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar. Slater, David. 1998. "Rethinking the Spatialities of Social Movements: Questions of (B)orders, Culture, and Politics in Global Times." Pp. 380-401 in Alvarez, Dagnino & Escobar.


Lecturas obligatorias: Ayres, Jeffrey M. 2001. "Transnational Political Processes and Contention against the Global Economy." Mobilization 6 (1):55-68. [Tambin en pp. 191-205 en Smith & Johnston] Giugni, Marco G. 2002. "Explaining Cross-national Similarities among Social Movements." Pp. 13-29 in Smith & Johnston. Maney, Gregory M. 2001. "Transnational Structures of Protest: Linking Theories and Assessing Evidence." Mobilization 6 (1):83-100. [Tambin en pp. 31-50 en Smith & Johnston] Rothman, Franklin Daniel and Pamela E. Oliver. 1999. "From Local to Global: The Anti-Dam Movement in Southern Brazil, 1979-1992." Mobilization 4 (1):4158. [Tambin en pp. 115-132 Smith & Johnston] Smith, Jackie and Hank Johnston, eds. 2002. Globalization and Resistance. Transnational Dimensions of Social Movements. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

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Smith, Jackie and Hank Johnston. 2002. "Globalization and Resistance: An Introduction." Pp. 1-10 en Smith & Johnston. Smith, Jackie. 2001. "Globalizing Resistance: The Battle of Seattle and the Future of Social Movements." Mobilization 6 (1):1-19. [Tambin en pp. 207-227 en Smith & Johnston] Tarrow, Sidney. 2002. "From Lumping to Splitting: Specifying Globalization and Resistence." Pp. 229-249 in Smith & Johnston. Lecturas complementarias: Carlsen, Laura, Tim Wise, and Hilda Salazar. 2003. Enfrentando la globalizacin. Respuestas sociales a la integracin econmica de Mxico. Mxico: MAP. Caniglia, Beth Schaefer. 2001. "Informal Alliances vs Institutional Ties: The Effects of Elite Alliances on Environmental TSMO Networks." Mobilization 6 (1):3754. [Tambin en pp. 153-172 en Smith & Johnston] Chabot, S. 2000. "Transnational Diffusion and the African American Reinvention of Gandhian Repertoire." Mobilization 5 (2):201-216. [Tambin en pp. 97-114 en Smith & Johnston] Hanagan, Michael P. 1998. "Irish Transnational Social Movements, Deterritorialized Migrants, and the State System: The Last One Hundred and Fourty Years." Mobilization 3 (1):107-126. [Tambin en pp. 53-73 en Smith & Johnston] Lewis, Tammy L. 2002. "Conservation TSMOs: Shaping the Protected Area Systems of Less Developed Countries." Pp. 75-94 in Smith & Johnston. Nepstad, Sharon Erickson. 2002. "Creating Transnational Solidarity: The Use of Narrative in the U.S.- Central America Peace Movement." Mobilization 6 (1):21-36. [Tambin en pp. 133-149 en Smith & Johnston] Reimann, Kim D. 2001. "Building Networks from the Outside In: International Movements, Japanese NGOs and the Kyoto Climate Change Conference." Mobilization 6 (1):69-82. [Tambin en pp. 173-187 en Smith & Johnston]


Lecturas obligatorias: Hill, Kevin A. and John E. Hughes. 1998. Cyberpolitics. Citizen Activism in the Age of the Internet. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.


Lecturas obligatorias: Smith, Jackie, Charles Chatfield, and Ron Panuco, eds. 1997. Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics: Solidarity Beyond the State. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.


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Guidry, John A., Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald, eds. 2000. Globalizations and Social Movements. Culture, Power, and the Transnational Public Sphere. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.


Lecturas obligatorias: O'Brien, Robert, Anne Marie Goetz, Jan Aart Scholte, and Marc Williams, eds. 2000. Contesting Global Governance. Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lecturas complementarias: Boudreau, V. 1996. "Northern Theory, Southern Protest: Opportunity Structure Analysis in Cross-National Perspective." Mobilization 1:175-189. Caniglia, B. S. 2001. "Informal Alliances vs Institutional Ties: The Effects of Elite Alliances on Environmental TSMO Networks." Mobilization 6:37-54. Chabot, S. 2000. "Transnational Diffusion and the African American Reinvention of Gandhian Repertoire." Mobilization 5:201-216. Giugni, Marco. 2001. "The Other Side of the Coin: Explaining Cross-National Simmilarities between Social Movements." Mobilization 3:89-105. Gupta, Devashree, Sidney Tarrow, and Melanie Acostavalle. 2001. "Transnational Politics: A Bibliographic Guide to Recent Research on Transnational Movements and Advocacy Groups."Cornell: Cornell University. Hanagan, Michael P. 1998. "Irish Transnational Movements, Deterritorialized Migrants, and the State System: The Last One Hundred and Fourty Years." Mobilization 3. Keck, Margaret E. and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Transnational Advocacy Networks in the Movement Society. Pp. 217-238 in The Social Movement Society. Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by D. S. Meyer and S. Tarrow. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Loveman, Mara. 1998. "High-Risk Collective Action: Dedending Human Rights in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina." American Journal of Sociology 104:477525. Maney, Gregory M. 2001. "Transnational Structures of Protest: Linking Theories and Assessing Evidence." Mobilization 6:83-100. McAdam, Doug and Dieter Rucht. 1993. "The Cross-National Diffusion of Movement Ideas." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 528:56-74. Risse-Kappen, Thomas, ed. 1995. Bringing Trasnational Relations Back In: NonState Actors, Domestic Structures and International Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rothman, Franklin Daniel and Pamela E. Oliver. 1999. "From Local to Global: The Anti-Dam Movement in Southern Brazil, 1979-1973." Mobilization 4:41-58.

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Schock, K. 1999. "People Power and Political Opportunities: Social Movement Mobilization and Outcomes in the Philippines and Burma." Social Problems 46:355-375. Smith, J. 2001. "Globalizing Resistance: The Battle of Seattle and the Future of Social Movements." Mobilization 6:1-19. Smith, Jackie. 1995. "Transnational Political Processes and the Human Rights Movement." in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vol. 18. Greenwich: JAI Press. [Tambin en Buechler y Cylke 1997]


Lecturas obligatorias: Amitav, Archarya. 2004. "How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change in Asian Regionalism." International Organization 58:239-275. Finnemore, Martha and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change." International Organization 52 (4) 887-917. Moravcsik, Andrew. 2000. "The Origins of Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe." International Organization 54 (2):217-252. Tarrow, Sidney. 2008. "Outsiders Inside and Insiders Outside: Linking Transnational and Domestic Public Action." in Prepared for the Contentious Politics Workshop, Columbia University and for the Workshop on NonGovernmental Public Action, London School of Economics.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Koopmans, Ruud and Dieter Rucht. 1999. "Protest Event Analysis--Where to Now?" Mobilization 4 (2):123-130. Koopmans, Ruud and Dieter Rucht. 2002. "Protest Event Analysis." Pp. 231-259 in Klandermans, Bert and Suzanne Staggenborg. Methods of Social Movement Research. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Rucht, Dieter. 1998. "Introduction: Protest as Subject of Empirical Research." Pp. 7-30 in Acts of Dissent, edited by D. Rucht, R. Koopmans, and F. Neidhardt. Berlin: Sigma.


METODOLGICOS Lecturas obligatorias: Franzosi, Roberto. 1987. "The Press as a Source of Socio-historical Data: Issues in the Methodology of Data Collection from Newspapaer." Historical Methods 20:5-16. Franzosi, Roberto. 1989. "From Words To Numbers: A Generalized and Linguistics-Based Coding Procedure for Collective Event-data from Newspapers." Sociological Methodology 19:263-298. Rucht, Dieter and Friedhelm Neidhardt. 1998. "Methodological Issues in Collecting Protest Event Data: Units of Analysis, Sources and Sampling, Coding Problems." Pp. 65-89 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart. Smith, Jackie and John D. McCarthy. 2001. "From Protest to Agenda Building: Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest Events in Washington, D.C." Social Forces 79:1397-1423. Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. "Studying Contentious Politics: From Event-ful History to Cycles of Collective Action." Pp. 33-64 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart.


Lecturas obligatorias: Beissinger, Mark. 1998. "Event Analysis in Transitional Societies: Protest Mobilization in the Former Soviet Union." Pp. 284-316 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart. Ekiert, Grzergoz and Jan Kibik. 1998. "Protest Event Analysis in the Study of Democratic Consolidation: Poland, 1989-1993." Pp. 317-348 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart. Fillieule, Oliver. 1998. "`Plus ca change, moins ca change; Demonstrations in France During the Nineteen-Eighties." Pp. 199-226 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart.

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Franzosi, Roberto. 1999. "The Return of the Actor: Interaction Networks among Social Actors during Periods of High Mobilization (Italy, 1919-1922)." Mobilization 4 (2):131-149. Gentile, Pierre. 1998. "Radical Right Protest in Switzerland." Pp. 227-252 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart. Kousis, Maria. 1999. "Environmental Protest Cases: The City, the Countryside, and the Grassroots in Southern Europe." Mobilization 4 (2):223-238. McCarthy, John D., Clark McPhail, and Jackie Smith. 1996. "Images of Protest: Dimensions of Selection Bias in Media Coverage of Washington Demonstrations, 1982 and 1991." American Sociological Review 61:478499. Mueller, Carol. 1997. "International Press Coverage of East German Protest Events, 1989." American Sociological Review 62:820-832. Oliver, Pamela E. and Gregory M. Maney. 2000. "Political Processes and Local Newspaper Coverage of Protest Events: From Selection Bias to Triadic Interactions." American Journal of Sociology 106:463-503. Oliver, Pamela E. and Daniel J. Myers. 1999. "How Events Enter the Public Sphere: Conflict, Location and Sponsorship in Local Newspaper Coverage of Public Events." American Journal of Sociology 105 (1):38-87. Rucht, Dieter. 1999. "Linking Organization and Mobilization: Michelss Iron Law of Oligarchy Reconsidered." Mobilization 4 (2):151-169. Soule, Sara A., Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy, and Yang Su. 1999. "Protest Events: Cause or Consequence of State Action? The US Women's Movement and Federal Congressional Activities, 1956-1979." Mobilization 4 (2):239-255. White, Robert W. 1999. "Comparing State Repression of Pro-State Vigilantes and Anti-State Insurgents: Northern Ireland, 1972-75." Mobilization 4 (2):189202. Wisler, Dominique and Marco Giugni. 1999. "Under the Spotlight: The Impact of Media Attention on Protest Policing." Mobilization 4 (2):171-187.


COMPARATIVOS Lecturas obligatorias: Koopmans, Ruud. 1999. "The Use of Protest Event Data in Comparative Research: Cross-National Comparability, Sampling Methods and Robustness." Pp. 90-110 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart. Olzak, Susan and Johan L. Olivier. 1998. "Comparative Event Analysis: Black Civil Rights Protest in South Africa and the United States." Pp. 253-283 in Rucht, Koopmans & F. Neidhart.


POLITICAS Lecturas obligatorias:
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Koopmans, Ruud and Paul Statham. 1999. "Political Claims Analysis: Integrating Protest Event and Political Discourse Approaches." Mobilization 4 (2):203221. Koopmans, Ruud. 2000. "Political Claims-Making against Racism and Discrimination in Britain and Germany." Pp. 139-170 in Comparative Perspectives on Racism, edited by J. Wal and M. Verkuyten. Aldershot: Ashgate.

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L1. PROBLEMAS DE MTODO. Lecturas obligatorias: Blee, Kathleen M. and Verta Taylor. 2002. "Semi-Structured Interviewing in Social Movement Research." Pp. 92-117 in Klandermans, Bert and Suzanne Staggenborg, eds. Methods of Social Movement Research. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Clemens, Elisabeth S. and Martin D. Hughes. 2002. "Recovering Past Protest: Historical Research on Social Movements." Pp. 201-230 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. della Porta, Donatella. 2002. "Comparative Politics and Social Movements." Pp. 286-313 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Diani, Mario. 2002. "Network Analysis." Pp. 173-200 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Johnston, Hank. 2002. "Verification and Proof in Frame and Discourse Analysis." Pp. 62-91 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Klandermans, Bert and Jackie Smith. 2002. "Survey Research: A Case for Comparative Designs." Pp. 3-31 Klandermans and Staggenborg. Klandermans, Bert, Suzanne Staggenborg, and Sidney Tarrow. 2002. "Conclusion: Blending Methods and Building Theories in Social Movement Research." Pp. 314-349 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Klandermans, Bert, Suzanne Staggenborg, and Sidney Tarrow. 2002. "Conclusion: Blending Methods and Building Theories in Social Movement Research." Pp. 314-349 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Koopmans, Ruud and Dieter Rucht. 2002. "Protest Event Analysis." Pp. 231-259 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Lichterman, Paul. 2002. "Seeing Structure Happen: Theory Driven Participant Observation." Pp. 118-145 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Minkoff, Debra C. 2002. "Macro-Organizational Analysis." Pp. 260-285 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Oliver, Pamela E. and Daniel J. Myers. 2002. "Formal Models in Studying Collective Action and Social Movements." Pp. 32-61 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. Snow, David A. and Danny Trom. 2002. "The Case Study and the Study of Social Movements." Pp. 146-172 in Klandermans and Staggenborg. L2. METODO COMPARATIVO. Lecturas obligatorias: Bartolini, Stefano. 1996 [1986]. Metodologa de la investigacin poltica. Pp. 3978 en Manual de Ciencia Poltica, S. Bartolini, M. Cotta, L. Morlino, A. Panebianco, y G. Pasquino. Madrid: Alianza. Cansino, Csar. 1997. Las relaciones gobierno-partido en Amrica Latina. Lineamientos tericos para el anlisis comparado (pp. 17-44) y

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Conclusiones (pp. 225-238) en Gobiernos y partidos en Amrica Latina. Un estudio comparado, C. Cansino, coord. Mxico: CEPCOM. della Porta, Donatella. 2002. "Comparative Politics and Social Movements." Pp. 286-313 in Methods of Social Movement Research, edited by B. Klandermans and S. Staggenborg. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Geddes, Barbara. "How the Cases You Choose Affect the Answers You Get: Selection Bias in Comparative Politics."131-150. Lijphart, Arend. 1971. "Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method." American Political Science Review 65:682-693. Morlino, Leonardo. Problemas y opciones en la comparacin, Pp. 13-28; Sartori, Giovanni. Comparacin y mtodo comparativo, Pp. 29-49; Collier, David. El mtodo comparativo: dos dcadas de cambios, Pp. 51-79; Panebianco, Angelo. Comparacin y explicacin, Pp. 81-104; Bartolini, Stefano. Tiempo e investigacin comparativa, Pp. 105-150. Todos estos artculos estn en Giovanni Sartori y Leonardo Morlino, coords. 1994 [1991]. La comparacin en las ciencias sociales. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Ragin, Charles C. 1987. The Comparative Method. Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press. Skocpol, Theda. 1984. "An Annotated Bibliography on Methods of Comparative and Historical Sociology." Pp. 392-403 in Vision and Method in HIstorical Sociology, edited by T. Skocpol. New York: Cambridge University Press. L3. ESTUDIOS DE CASO. Lecturas obligatorias: Smith, Peter H. 1995. The Changing Agenda for Social Science Research on Latin America, Pp. 1-29 en Latin America in Comparative Perspective. New Approaches to Methods and Analysis. Boulder: Westview Press. [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Walton, John. 1992. Making the Theoretical Case. Pp. 121-137 in What is a Case? Exploring the Foundations of Social Inquiry, edited by C. C. Ragin and H. S. Becker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Yin, Robert K. 1994. Case Study Research. Design and Methods. California: Sage. Leer pp. 1-17, 19-53, 147-153. [Copia en la carpeta del seminario] Lecturas complementarias: Easton, David. 1997 [1966]. Enfoques sobre teora poltica. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. Ragin, Charles C. 1994. Constructing Social Research. The Unity and Diversity of Method. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. Ragin, Charles C. and Howard S. Becker. 1992. What is a Case? Exploring the Foundations of Social Inquiry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1996. Abrir las ciencias sociales. Mxico: Siglo XXI.

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Zemelman, Hugo. 1989. De la historia a la poltica. La experiencia de Amrica Latina. Mxico: Siglo XXI-UNU.

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de Sousa Santos, Boaventura. 2003. Democracia y participacin. El ejemplo del Presupuesto Participativo. Espaa: El Viejo Topo. Selecciones de documentos publicados en Osal. Observatorio Social de Amrica Latina. Publicacin cuatrimestral de CLACSO.


Antn Melln, Joan, coord. 2002. Las ideas polticas en el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Ariel. Arrighi, Giovanni, Terence K. Hopkins, and Immanuel Wallerstein. 1998. Movimientos antisistmicos. Madrid: Akal. Bauman, Zygmunt. 2001. En busca de la poltica. Mxico: FCE. Born, Atilio. 2002. Imperio & imperialismo. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Harnecker, Marta. 2002. La izquierda despus de Seattle. Madrid: Siglo XXI. Holloway, John. 2002. Cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder: El significado de la revolucin hoy. Buenos Aires: Herramienta. Houtart, Francois and Francois Polet, coords. 2000. El otro Davos. Globalizacin de resistencias y de luchas. Mxico: Plaza y Valds. McCaughan, Edward. 1999. Reinventando la revolucin. La renovacin del discurso de la izquierda en Cuba y Mxico. Mexico: Siglo XXI. Mouffe, Chantal. 1995. Dimensions of Radical Democracy. Pluralism, Citizenship, Community. London: Verso. Moulin, Toms. 2000. Socialismo del siglo XXI. La quinta va. Santiago: LOM. Petras, James. 2000. La izquierda contraataca. Conflicto de clases en Amrica Latina en la era del neoliberalismo. Madrid: Akal. Rodrguez Araujo, Octavio. 2002. Izquierdas e izquierdismo. De la Primera Internacional a Porto Alegre. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Semo, Enrique. 2003. La bsqueda. La izquierda mexicana en los albores del siglo XXI. Mxico: Oceano. Seoane, Jos y Emilio Taddei. 2001. Resistencias mundiales. De Seattle a Porto Alegre. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Touraine, Alain. 1999. Cmo salir del liberalismo? Barcelona: Paidos. Vallespn, Fernando. 2000. El futuro de la poltica. Madrid: Taurus.

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Gamson, William A. and Andre Modigliani. 1989. "Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power: A Constructionist Approach." American Journal of Sociology 95:1-37. Gamson, William A., David Croteau, William Hoynes, and Thodore Sasson. 1992. "Media Images of the Social Construction of Reality." Pp. 373-393 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 18. Gitlin, Todd. "News as Ideology and Contested Area: Toward a Theory of Hegemony, Crisis, and Opposition.". Goode, Erich and Nachman Ben-Yehuda. 1994. "Moral Panics: Culture, Politics, and Social Construction." Pp. 149-171 in Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 20. Hug, Simon and Dominique Wisler. 1998. "Correcting for Selection Bias in Social Movement Research." Mobilization 3:141-161. Klandermans, Bert y Sjoerd Goslinga. 1999. "Discurso de los medios , publicidad de los movimientos y la creacin de marcos para la accin colectiva: ejercicios tericos y empricos sobre la construccin de significados." Pp. 442-474 en Movimientos socials: perspectives comparadas, editado por D. McAdam, J. D. McCarthy, y M. N. Zald. Madrid: Istmo. McCarthy, John D. 1994. "Activists, Authorities, and Media Framing of Drunk Driving." Pp. 133-167 in New Social Movements. From Ideology to Identity, edited by E. Laraa, H. Johnston, and J. R. Gusfield. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. McCarthy, John D. and C McPhail. "Images of Protest: Dimensions of Selection Bias in Media Coverage of Washington Demonstrations." American Sociological Review 61:478-499. Molotch, Harvey. 1979. "Media and Movements." Pp. 71-93 in The Dynamics of Social Movements. Resource Mobilization, Social Control, and Tactics, edited by M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy. Cambridge: Winthrop. Mueller, Carol McClurg. 1997. "International Press Coverage of East German Protest Events, 1989." American Sociological Review 62:820-832. Mueller, Carol McClurg. 1997. "Media Measurement Models of Protest Event Data." Mobilization 2:165-184. Oliver, Pamela E. and Daniel J. Myers. 1999. "How Events Enter the Public Sphere: Conflict, Location and Sponsorship in Local Newspaper Coverage of Public Events." American Journal of Sociology 105:38-87. Oliver, Pamela E. and Gregory M. Maney. 2000. "Political Processes and Local Newspaper Coverage of Protest Events: From Selection Bias to Triadic Interactions." American Journal of Sociology 106:463-503. Roscigno, V. J. and W. F. Danaher. 2001. "Media and Mobilization: The Case of Radio and Southern Textile Worker Insurgency, 1929-1934." American Sociological Review 66:21-48.

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Sampedro, Victor. 1997. "The Media Politics of Social Protest." Mobilization 2:185205. Smith, J. and John D. McCarthy. 2001. "From Protest to Agenda Building: Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest Events in Washington, D.C." Social Forces 79:1397-1423.

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Lecturas obligatorias Alvarez, Sonia E. 1990. Engendering Democracy in Brazil. Women's Movements in Transition Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


Klatch, Rebecca E. 1987. Women of the New Right. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. O3. MOVIMIENTOS DE MUJERES (3) Lecturas obligatorias Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod and Carol McClurg Mueller, eds. 1987. The Women's Movements of the United States and Western Europe. Consciuosness, Political Opportunity, and Public Policy. Philadephia: Temple University Press. O4. MOVIMIENTOS DE MUJERES (4) Lecturas obligatorias West, Guida and Rhoda Lois Blumberg, eds. 1990. Women and Social Protest. New York: Oxford University Press.


Lecturas obligatorias Hellman, Judith Adler. 1987. Journeys among Women. Feminism in Five Italian Cities. New York: Oxford University Press. Lecturas complementarias: Ferree, Myra Marx and Beth B. Hess. 1985. Controversy and Coalition: The New Feminist Movement. Boston: Twayne. Jaquette, Jane S. 1994. The Women's Movement in Latin America. Participation and Democracy. Boulder: Westview Press. Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod and Carol McClurg Mueller, eds. 1987. The Women's Movements of the United States and Western Europe. Consciuosness, Political Opportunity, and Public Policy. Philadephia: Temple University Press. Robnett, Belinda. 1996. "African-American Women in the Civil Rights Movements, 1954-1965: Gender, Leadership, and Micromobilization." American Journal of Sociology 101:1661-93. Robnett, Belinda. 1998. "African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement. Spontaneity and Emotion in Social Movement Theory." Pp. 65-95 in No Middle Ground. Women and Radical Protest, edited by K. M. Blee. New York: New York University Press.

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Stephen, Lynn. 1997. Women and Social Movements in Latin America. Power from Below. Austin: University of Texas Press. West, Guida and Rhoda Lois Blumberg, eds. 1990. Women and Social Protest. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Lecturas obligatorias Arato, Andrew and Jean Cohen. 1994. Civil Society and Political Theory. Cambridge: MIT Press. [Traduccin al espaol: Sociedad civil y teora poltica. Mxico: FCE, 2000] Leer: Prefacio (pp. 7-18), Introduccin (pp. 2150), captulos 1 (pp. 53-112), 9 (pp. 476-555) y 10 (pp. 556-635).


Lecturas obligatorias Arato, Andrew and Jean Cohen. 1999. "La sociedad civil y la teora social." Pp. 83-112 en Olvera. Arato, Andrew. 1999. "Surgimiento, ocaso y reconstruccin del concepto de sociedad civil y lineamientos para la investigacin futura." Pp. 113-131 en Olvera. Olvera Rivera, Alberto. 1999. "Los modos de recuperacin contempornea de la idea de sociedad civil." Pp. 27-53 en Olvera. Serrano Gmez, Enrique. 1999. "Modernidad y sociedad civil." Pp. 55-81 in Olvera. Olvera Rivera, Alberto. 1999. "Introduccin. Pp. 11-25 en Olvera. Olvera Rivera, Alberto, coord. 1999. La sociedad civil. De la teora a la realidad. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico.


Lecturas obligatorias Dagnino, Evelina, coord. 2002. Sociedad civil, esfera pblica y democratizacin en Amrica Latina: Brasil. Mxico: FCE. Ver: Chaves Teixeira, Evelina Dagnino y Carla Almeida Silva. "La constitucin de la sociedad civil en Brasil" (pp. 21-76); Avritzer, Leonardo. "Sociedad civil espacio pblico y poder local. Un anlisis del presupuesto participativo en Belo Horizonte y Porto Alegre" (pp. 120-153); de Sousa, Maria Antonia. "Relaciones MSTEstado: Encuentros y desencuentros en la educacin de jvenes y adultos de los asentamientos rurales" (pp. 200-248); Dagnino, Evelina. "Sociedad civil, espacios pblicos y construccin democrtica en Brasil: lmites y posibilidades" (pp. 369-395). Olvera, Alberto, coord. 2003. Sociedad civil, esfera pblica y democratizacin en Amrica Latina: Mxico. Mxico: FCE. Ver: "Introduccin (pp. 13-41); "Las tendencias generales de desarrollo de la sociedad civil en Mxico" (pp. 4270); "Movimientos sociales prodemocrticos, democratizacin y esfera pblica en Mxico: el caso de Alianza Cvica" (pp. 351-409); "Conclusiones y propuestas" (pp. 410-438). Panfichi, Aldo, coord. 2002. Sociedad civil, esfera pblica y democratizacin en Amrica Latina: Andes y Cono Sur. Mxico: FCE. Ver: Panfichi, Aldo.

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"Sociedad civil y democracia en los Andes y el Cono Sur a inicios del Siglo XXI" (pp. 13-46); Peruzzotti, Enrique. "Emergencia, desarrollo, crisis y reconstruccin de la sociedad civil Argentina" (pp. 78-117); de la Maza, Gonzalo. "Sociedad civil y democracia en Chile" (pp. 211-240); Romero, Mauricio. "Paz, reformas y cambio en la sociedad civil colombiana" (pp. 331-358); Romero, Mauricio. "Sociedad civil, cooperacin y movilizacin por la paz en Colombia" (pp. 359-380); Kahatt, Farid. "Sociedad civil y gobernabilidad democrtica en Per" (pp. 449-483). Lecturas complementarias: Oxhorn, Philip D. 1995. Organizing Civil Society. The Popular Sectors and the Struggle for Democracy in Chile. Pennsylvania: The University of Pennsylvania Press.


Lecturas obligatorias Landim, Leilah. 1987. Organizaciones no gubernamentales en Amrica Latina. Pp. 270-289 en La democracia en Amrica Latina, Roderic Ai Camp, coord. Mxico: Siglo XXI.

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Lecturas obligatorias sobre capital social: Bourdieu, Pierre. 1986. "The forms of capital." Pp. 241-258 in Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, edited by J. Richardson. New York: Greenwood Press. Coleman, James S. 1988. "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital." American Journal of Sociology 94:95-120. Portes, Alejandro. 1988. "Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology." Annual Review of Sociology 24:1-24. Putnam, Robert D. 1993. "The Prosperous Community: Social Capital and Public Life." The American Prospect 13:35-42. Putnam, Robert D. 1995. "Bowling Alone: Americas Declining Social Capital." Journal of Democracy 6:65-78. Putnam, Robert D. 1995. "Turning In, Turning Out: The Strange Disappearance of Social Capital in America." PS: Political Science and Politics 29:664-683. Milln, Ren y Sara Gordon. 2004. "Capital social: una lectura de tres perspectivas clsicas." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 64 (4):711-747.


Lecturas obligatorias sobre puentes entre capital social y movimientos sociales: Diani, Mario. 1997. "Social Movements and Social Capital: A Network Perspective on Movements Outcomes." Mobilization 2 (2):129-147. Diani, Mario. 2001. "Social Capital as Social Movement Outcome." Pp. 207-218 in Beyond Tocqueville. Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Comparative Perspective, edited by B. Edwards, M. W. Foley, and M. Diani. Hanover: Tufts University. Edwards, Bob, Michael W. Foley, and Mario Diani, eds. 2001. Beyond Tocqueville. Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Comparative Perspective. Hanover: Tufts University. Foley, Michael W., Bob Edwards, and Mario Diani. 2001. "Social Capital Reconsidered." Pp. 266-280 in Edwards, Foley, and Diani. Minkoff, Debra C. 2001. "Producing Social Capital: National Social Movements and Civil Society." Pp. 183-193 in Edwards, Foley, and Diani.. Portney, Kent E. and Jeffrey M. Berry. 2001. "Mobilizing Minority Communities: Social Capital and Participation in Urban Neighborhoods." Pp. 70-82 in in Edwards, Foley, and Diani. Smith, Jackie. 2001. "Global Civil Society? Transnational Social Movement Organizations and Social Capital." Pp. 194-206 in Beyond Tocqueville. Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Comparative Perspective, edited by B. Edwards, M. W. Foley, and M. Diani. Hanover: University Press of New England.

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Stolle, Dietlind and Thomas R Rochon. 2001. "Are all Associations Alike? Member Diversity, Associational Type, and the Creation of Social Capital." Pp. 143156 in Beyond Tocqueville. Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Comparative Perspective, edited by B. Edwards, M. W. Foley, and M. Diani. Hanover: University Press of New England.


Eastis, Carla M. 2001. "Organizational Diversity and the Production of Social Capital." Pp. 157-169 in Beyond Tocqueville, edited by B. Edwards, M. W. Foley, and M. Diani. Hanover: Tufts University. Edwards, Bob and John D McCarthy. 2004. "Strategy Matters: The Contingent Value of Social Capital in the Survival of Local Social Movement Organizations." Social Forces 83 (2):621-651. Putnam, Robert D. 2000. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon and Schuster.

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Lecturas obligatorias: Marshall, T. H. and T. Bottomore. 1998. Ciudadana y clase social. Madrid: Alianza. Tilly, Charles. 1998. "Where Do Rights Come From?" Pp. 55-72 in Democracy, Revolution and History, edited by T. Skocpol. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Tilly, Charles. 1997. "Democracy Is a Lake." Pp. 193-215 in Roads from Past to Future, edited by C. Tilly. Boston: Rowman & Littlefield.


Lecturas obligatorias: PNUD. 2004. La democracia en Amrica Latina. Hacia una democracia de ciudadanas y ciudadanos. Buenos Aires: Aguilar.


Lecturas obligatorias: Tilly, Charles, ed. 1996. Citizenship, Identity and Social History. International Review of Social History 40, Supplement 3. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Cohen, Miriam and Michael Hanagan. 1996. "Politics, Industrialization and Citizenship: Unemployment Policy in England, France and the United States, 1890-1950." Pp. 91-129 in Tilly. Ebbinghaus, Bernhard. 1996. "The Siamese Twins: Citizenship Rights, Cleavage Formation, and Party-Union Relations in Western Europe." Pp. 51-89 in Tilly. Ikegami, Eiko. 1996. "Citizenship and National Indentity in Early Meiji Japan, 18681889: A Comparative Assessment." Pp. 185-221 in Tilly. Melbourne. Marx, Anthony W. 1996. "Contested Citizenship: The Dynamics of Racial Identity and Social Movements." Pp. 159-183 in Tilly. Mische, Ann. 1996. "Projecting Democracy: The Formation of Citizenship Across Youth Networks in Brazil." Pp. 131-158 in Tilly. Steinberg, Marc W. 1996. ""The Great End of All Government...": Working Peoples Construction of Citizenship Claims in Early Nineteenth-Century England and the Matter of Class." Pp. 19-50 in Tilly. Tilly, Charles. 1996. "Citizenship, Identity and Social History." Pp. 1-17 in Tilly. Tilly, Charles. 1996. "The Emergence of Citizenship in France and Elsewhere." Pp. 223-236 in Tilly.


Lecturas obligatorias: Hanagan, Michael and Charles Tilly, eds. 1999. Extending Citizenship, Reconfiguring States. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

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Hanagan, Michael. 1999. "Introduction: Changing Citizenship, Changing States." Pp. 1-16 in Hanagan and Tilly. Hanagan, Michael. 1999. "The Right to Work and Struggle against Unemployment: Britain, 1884-1914." Pp. 123-147 in Hanagan and Tilly. Markoff, John. 1999. "From Center to Periphery and Back Again: Reflections on the Geography of Democratic Innovation." Pp. 229-247 in Hanagan and Tilly. Tilly, Charles. 1999. "Conclusion: Why Worry about Citizenship?" Pp. 247-259 in Hanagan and Tilly. Wong, R. Bin. 1999. "Citizenship in Chinese History." Pp. 97-122 in Hanagan and Tilly. Lecturas complementarias: de Swaan, Abram. 1999. "The Prospects for Transnational Social Policy: A Reappraisal." Pp. 179-194 in Hanagan and Tilly. Hobson, Barbara. 1999. "Womens Collective Agency, Power Resources, and the Framing of Citizenship Rights." Pp. 149-178 in Hanagan and Tilly. Prak, Maarten. 1999. "Burghers into Citizens: Urban and National Citizenship in the Netherlands during the Revolutionary Era (c. 1800)." Pp. 17-35 in Hanagan and Tilly. Salzmann, Ariel. 1999. "Citizens in Search of a State: The Limits of Political Participation in the Late Otoman Empire." Pp. 37-66 in Hanagan and Tilly. Shanahan, Suzanne. 1999. "Scripted Debates: Twentieth-Century Immigation and Citizenship Policy in Great Britain, Ireland, and the United States." Pp. 6796 in Hanagan and Tilly. Wiener, Antje. 1999. "From Special to Specialized Rights: The Politics of Citizenship and Identity in the European Union." Pp. 195-227 in Hanagan and Tilly.


Lecturas obligatorias: Eckstein, Susan Eva and Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley. 2003. What Justice? Whose Justice? Fighting for Fairness in Latin America. Berkeley: University of California Press. Chernick, Marc W. 2003. "Colombia: Does Injustice Cause Violence?" Pp. 185214 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Eckstein, Susan Eva and Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley. 2003. "Struggles for Justice in Latin America." Pp. 1-32 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Karl, Terry Lyn. 2003. "The Vicious Cycle of Inequality in Latin America." Pp. 133157 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Oxhorn, Philip. 2003. "Social Inequality, Civil Society, and the Limits of Citizenship in Latin America." Pp. 35-63 in Eckstein and T. P. Wickham-Crowley. Lecturas complementarias:

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Hilbink, Lisa. 2003. "An Exception to Chilean Exceptionalism? The Historical Role of Chiles Judiciary." Pp. 64-97 in Eckstein and T. P. Wickham-Crowley. Manz, Beatriz. 2003. "Reflections on Remembrance: Voices from an Ixcn Village." Pp. 313-336 in Eckstein and T. P. Wickham-Crowley. Nash, June. 2003. "The War of the Peace: Indigenous Womens Struggle for Social Justice in Chiapas, Mexico." Pp. 285-312 in Eckstein and WickhamCrowley. Palmer, David Scott. 2003. "Citizen Responses to Conflict and Political Crises in Peru: Informal Politics in Ayacucho." Pp. 233-254 in Eckstein and WickhamCrowley. Payne, Leigh A. 2003. "Perpetrators Confessions: Truth, Reconciliation, and Justice in Argentina." Pp. 158-184 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Peeler, John A. 2003. "Social Justice and the New Indigenous Politics: An Analysis of Guatemala, the Central Andes, and Chiapas." Pp. 257-284 in Whta Justice? Whose Justice?, edited by S. E. Eckstein and T. P. Wickham-Crowley. Berkeley: The University of California Press. Prez-Lin, Anbal. 2003. "Presidential Crises and Democratic Accountability in Latin America, 1990-1999." Pp. 98-129 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Rhodes, Sybil Delaine. 2003. "Progressive Pragmatism as a Governance Model: An In-Depth Look at Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1989-2000." Pp. 217-232 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley.


Lecturas obligatorias: Eckstein, Susan Eva and Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley, eds. 2003. Struggles for Social rights in Latin America. New York: Routledge. Anner, Mark S. 2003. "Defending Labor Rights across Borders: Central American Export-Processing Rights." Pp. 147-166 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Berger, Susan A. 2003. "Guatemaltecas: The Politics of Gender and Democratization." Pp. 193-207 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Eckstein, Susan Eva and Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley. 2003. "Struggles for Social Rights in Latin America: Claims in the Arenas of Subsistence, Labor, Gender, and Ethnicity." Pp. 1-56 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Pallares, Amalia. 2003. "Under the Shadows of Yuruques: Gaining Indigenous Autonomy in Cacha, Ecuador." Pp. 273-292 in Eckstein and T. P. WickhamCrowley. Pecheny, Mario. 2003. "Sexual Orientation, AIDS, and Human Rights in Argentina: The Paradox of Social Advance amid Health Crisis." Pp. 270 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. New York: Routledge. Portes, Alejandro and Patricia M. Fernndez -Kelly. 2003. "Subversion and Compliance in Transnational Communities: Implications for Social Justice." Pp. 167-189 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley.

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Ros, Jaime and Nora Claudia Lusting. 2003. "Economic Liberalization and Income Distribution in Mexico: Losers and Winners in a Time of Global Restructuring." Pp. 125-145 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Lecturas complementarias: Chollett, Donna L. 2003. "In Defense of Social Justice: From Global Transformation to Local Resistance." Pp. 59-79 in Eckstein and WickhamCrowley. Dueas, Alcira. 2003. "Social Justice and Reforms in Late Colonial Peru: An Andean Critique of Spanish Colonialism." Pp. 293-311 in Eckstein and T. P. Wickham-Crowley. Haen, Nora. 2003. "Risking Environmental Justice: Culture, Conservation, and Governance at Calakmul, Mexico." Pp. 81-101 in Eckstein and WickhamCrowley. Hau, Catherine. 2003. "The Musical Expression of Social Justice: Mexican Corridos at the End of the Nineteenth Century." Pp. 313-333 in Eckstein and T. P. Wickham-Crowley. Medina, Martin. 2003. "The Cardboard Collectors of Nuevo Laredo: How Scavengers Protect the Environment and Benefit the Economy." Pp. 103121 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Schneider, Judith Morganroth. 2003. "Literary Representations of "Maids" and "Mistresses": Gender Alliances across Class and Ethnic Boundaries?" Pp. 231-251 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley. Wood, Cynthia A. 2003. "Adjustment with a Womans Face: Gender and Macroeconomic Policy and the World Bank." Pp. 209-230 in Eckstein and Wickham-Crowley.


Lecturas obligatorias: Foweraker, Joe and Todd Landman. 1997. Citizenship Rights and Social Movements: A Comparative and Statistical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lecturas complementarias: Bell, Daniel. cap. 6. The revolution of rising entitlements. Bellah, Robert N., Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton. 1985. Habits of the Heart. Individualism and Commitment in American Life. New York: Harper & Row. Cap. 8.

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Tilly, Charles. 2003. The Politics of Collective Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Barkan, Steven E. and Lynne I. Snowden. 2001. Collective Violence. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Mueller, Carol McClurg. 1978. "Riot Violence and Protest Outcomes." Journal of Political and Military Sociolgy 6:49-63. Muller, Edward N. 1988. "Inequality, Repression and Violence: Issues of Theory and Research Design." American Sociological Review 53:799-806. Snyder, David and Charles Tilly. 1972. "Hardship and Collective Violence in France, 1830 to 1960." American Sociological Review 37:520-532. Senechal de la Roche, Roberta. 1996. "Collective Violence as Social Control." Sociological Forum 11 (1):97-128. Senechal de la Roche, Roberta. 2001. "Why Is Collective Violence Collective?" Sociological Theory 19 (2):126-144.


Lecturas obligatorias:


Lecturas obligatorias:


Lecturas obligatorias:


Lecturas obligatorias: En un Lecturas complementarias: CNDH. 2003. Linchamiento: justicia por propia mano. Mxico: CNDH.

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Alvarez, Sonia E. 1990. Engendering Democracy in Brazil. Women's Movements in Transition Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Avritzer, Leonardo. 1999. "Modelos de la sociedad civil: un anlisis de la especificidad del caso brasileo." Pp. 133-156 in La sociedad civil: de la teora a la realidad, edited by A. Olvera. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico. Burdick, John. 1992. "Rethinking the Study of Social Movements: The Case of Christian Base Communities in Urban Brazil." Pp. 171-184 in The Making of Social Movements in Latin America. Identity, Strategy, and Democracy, edited by A. Escobar and S. E. Alvarez. Boulder: Westview Press. Dagnino, Evelina, coord. 2002. Sociedad civil, esfera pblica y democratizacin en Amrica Latina: Brasil. Mxico: FCE. Franco Braga, Elza Ma. 1996. "La accin de la ciudadana en Brasil: un nuevo diseo de prcticas organizativas en los aos noventa." Estudios Latinoamericanos 3 (5):183-195. Gorlier, Juan Carlos. 1992. "Democratizacin en Amrica del Sur: una reflexin sobre el potencial de los movimientos sociales en Argentina y Brasil." Revista Mexicana de Sociologa 54 (4):119-151. Guidry, J. A. 2003. "Trial by Space: The Spatial Politics of Citizenship and Social Movements in Urban Brazil." Mobilization 8:189-204. Kowaric, Lucio. 1989. "The Pathways to Encounter. Reflections on the Social Struggle on Sao Paulo." in New Social Movements and the State in Latin America, edited by D. Slater. Netherlands: CEDLA. Mainwaring, Scott and Eduardo Viola. 1984. "New Social Movements, Political Culture, and Democracy: Brazil and Argentina in the 1980s." Telos 61. Mainwaring, Scott. 1987. "Urban Popular Movements, Identity and Democratization in Brazil." Comparative Politics 21:131-159. Rothman, Franklin Daniel and Pamela E. Oliver. 1999. "From Local to Global: The Anti-Dam Movement in Southern Brazil, 1979-1992." Mobilization 4 (1):4158. Seidman, Gay W. 1994. Manufacturing Militance. Workers' Movements in Brazil and South Africa, 1970-1985. Berkeley: University of California Press. Wolford, Wendy. 2003. "Families, Fields, and Fighting for Land: The Spatial Dynamics of Contention in Rural Brazil." Mobilization 8:157-172.

Davis, David R. and Michael D. Ward. 1990. "They Dance Alone: Deaths and the Disappeared in Contemporary Chile." Journal of Conflict Resolution 34. Garretn, Manuel Antonio. 1989. "Popular Mobilization and the Military Regime in Chile: The Complexities of the Invisible Transition." Pp. 259-277 in Power and Popular Protest. Latin American Social Movements, edited by S. Eckstein. Berkeley: University of California Press.

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Hipsher, Patricia L. 1996. "Democratization and the Decline of Urban Social Movements in Chile and Spain." Comparative Politics 28:273-297. Hipsher, Patricia L. 1998. "Democratic Transitions and Social Movement Outcomes: The Chilean Shantytown Dwellers' Movement in Comparative Perspective." Pp. 149-167 in From Contention to Democracy, edited by M. G. Giugni, D. McAdam, and C. Tilly. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Loveman, Mara. 1998. "High-Risk Collective Action: Defending Human Rights in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina." American Journal of Sociology 104:477525. Noonan, Rita K. 1995. "Women Against the State: Political Opportunities and Collective Action Frames in Chile's Transition to Democracy." Sociological Forum 10:81-111. Oxhorn, Philip D. 1995. Organizing Civil Society. The Popular Sectors and the Struggle for Democracy in Chile. Pennsylvania: The University of Pennsylvania Press. Prudhomme, Jean Francois. 1994. "Accin colectiva y lucha por la democracia en Mxico y Chile." Pp. 77-105 in Transformaciones sociales y acciones colectivas: Amrica Latina en el contexto internacional de los noventa, edited by CES. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico. Schneider, Cathy Lisa. 1995. Shantytown Protest in Pinochet's Chile. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Stillerman, Joel. 2003. "Space, Strategic, and Alliances in Mobilization The 1960 Metalworkersand CoalminersStrikers in Chile." Mobilization 8:63-84.

T3. MXICO (1).

Cook, Maria Lorena. 1996. Organizing Dissent. Unions, the State, and the Democratic Teachers Movement in Mexico. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press. de la Garza, Enrique, coord. 1992. Crisis y sujetos sociales en Mxico. 2 vols. Mxico: CIIH-MAP. Favela Gavia, Margarita. 2002. "La estructura de las oportunidades polticas de los movimientos sociales en sistemas polticos cerrados: examen del caso mexicano." Estudios Sociolgicos XX:91-121. Foweraker, Joe and Ann L. Craig, eds. 1990. Popular Movements and Political Change in Mexico. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. Foweraker, Joe. 1993. Popular Mobilization in Mexico. The Teacher's Movement 1977-87. Canada: Cambridge University Press. Ramrez Siz, Juan Manuel. 1994. Los caminos de la accin colectiva. Guadalajara: El Colegio de Jalisco. Zermeo, Sergio, coord. 1997. Movimientos sociales e identidades colectivas. Mxico: CEIICH-La Jornada. Zermeo, Sergio y Aurelio Cuevas, coords. 1990. Movimientos sociales en Mxico durante la dcada de los 80. Mxico: CIIH-UNAM.

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Zermeo, Sergio. 1996. La sociedad derrotada. El desorden mexicano del fin de siglo. Mxico: Siglo XXI.


Fox, Jonathan. 1994. "The Difficult Transition from Clientelism to Citizenship: Lessons from Mexico." World Politics 46:151-184. Fox, Jonathan and Luis Hernandez. 1992. "Mexico's Difficult Democracy: Grassroots Movements, NGOs, and Local Government." Alternatives 17:165-208. Holzner, Claudio A. 2004. "The End of Clientelism? Strong and Weak Networks in a Mexican Squatter Movement." Mobilization 9 (3):223-240.


Tamayo, Sergio. 1999. Los veinte octubres mexicanos. La transicin a la modernizacin y la democracia, 1968-1988. Mxico: UAM-A. Wada, Takeshi. 2004. "Event Analysis of Claim Making in Mexico: How Are Social Protests Transformed into Political Protests." Mobilization 9 (3):241-257.


Lecturas obligatorias: Snchez, Consuelo. 2001a. "Cronologa del movimiento estudiantil de 1968. Primera parte, febrero-julio." Memoria 151:27-50. Snchez, Consuelo. 2001b. "Cronologa del movimiento estudiantil de 1968. Segunda parte, septiembre." Memoria 152:25-45. Snchez, Consuelo. 2001c. "Cronologa del movimiento estudiantil. Tercera parte, octubre-diciembre." Memoria 153:25-34. Zermeo, Sergio. 1978. Mxico: Una democracia utpica. Mxico: Siglo Veintiuno.


de Grammont, Hubert C. 2001. El Barzn: clase media, ciudadana y democracia. Mxico: Plaza y Valds. Williams, Heather L. 1996. Planting Trouble: The Barzon Debtors' Movement in Mexico. San Diego: University of California-San Diego. Williams, Heather L. 2001. Social Movements and Economic Transition. Markets and Distributive Conflict in Mexico. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Williams, Heather L. 2001. "Of Free Trade and Debt Bondage: Fighting Banks and the State in Mexico." Latin American Perspectives 28 (4):30-51.


Legorreta Daz, Mara del Carmen. 1998. Religin, poltica y guerrilla en Las Caadas de la Selva Lacandona. Mxico: Cal y Arena.

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Prez Ruiz, Maya Lorena. 2005. "Todos somos zapatistas! Alianzas y rupturas entre el EZLN y las organizaciones indgenas de Mxico." Tello Daz, Carlos. 1995. La rebelin de las Caadas. Mxico: Cal y Arena Velasco Cruz, Sal. 2003. El movimiento indgena y la autonoma en Mxico. Mxico: UNAM.


Chvez Becker, Carlos Gabriel. 2004. "Estudio y anlisis comparativo sobre los movimientos estudiantiles en la UNAM en 1986-1987 y 1999-2000." Tesis de licienciatura en Ciencias Polticas y Administracin Pblica, FCPyS, UNAM, Mxico. Chvez Becker, Carlos Gabriel. (en prensa). "Dilogo no es negociacin. Representacin, toma de decisiones y operacin poltica: los lmites organizacionales del CGH." Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Polticas y Sociales. Milln, Ren. 2000. "El CGH: obsesiones contra la modernidad." Pp. 279-291 in El dilogo: solucin para los universitarios, edited by R. Prez Pascual. Mxico: UNAM. Milln, Ren. 2000. "El CGH: obsesiones contra la modernidad." Pp. 279-291 in El dilogo: solucin para los universitarios, edited by R. Prez Pascual. Mxico: UNAM. Prez Pascual, Rafael. 2000. "Dilogo o negociacin." Pp. 263-279 in El dilogo: solucin para los universitarios, edited by R. Prez Pascual. Mxico: UNAM. Rodrguez Araujo, Octavio. 2000. "El conflicto en la UNAM (1999-2000). Anlisis y testimonios de Consejeros Universitarios Independientes." Mxico: El caballito.Sobern, Xavier. 2000. "El lenguaje del CGH. Ingerencia de grupos extremistas." Pp. 251-262 in El dilogo: solucin para los universitarios, edited by R. Prez Pascual. Mxico: UNAM.


Hernndez Santiago, Javier. 2004. "El movimiento de San Salvador Atenco contra el proyecto del nuevo aeropuerto de la Ciudad de Mxico, 2001-2002. Orgenes, trayectoria y resultados." Licenciatura en Sociologa Thesis, FCPyS-UNAM, Mxico. Davis, Diane E. and Christina A. Rosan. 2004. "Social Movements in the Mexico City Controversy: Globalization, Democracy, and the Power of Distance." Mobilization 9 (3):279-293. Peattie, Lisa R. 1991. Planners and Protesters: Airport Opposition as Social Movement. Maryland: University of Maryland at College Park. Rosan, Christina A. 2002. "No al aeropuerto en Texcoco! Regional Decisionmaking and Community Countermobilization: The Siting of Mexico Citys New Airport." Master Thesis, Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, Cambridge.

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McClintock, Cynthia. 1989. "Peru's Sendero Luminoso Rebellion: Origins and Trajectory." Pp. 61-101 in Power and Popular Protest. Latin American Social Movements, edited by S. Eckstein. Berkeley: University of California Press. Opp, Karl-Dieter, Steven E. Finkel, Edward N. Muller, Gadi Wolfsfeld, Henry A. Dietz, and Jerrold D. Green. 1995. "Left-Right Ideology and Collective Political Action: A Comparative Analysis of Germany, Israel, and Peru." Pp. 63-95 in The Politics of Social Protest. Comparative Perspectives on States and Social Movements, edited by C. J. Jenkins and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Stokes, Susan C. 1995. Cultures in Conflict. Social Movements and the State in Peru. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Eckstein, Susan, ed. 1989. Power and Popular Protest: Latin American Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press. Escobar, Arturo and Sonia E. Alvarez, eds. 1992. The Making of Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy, and Democracy. Boulder: Westview Press. Foweraker, Joe. 1997. Movimientos sociales y derechos del ciudadano en Amrica Latina. Pp. 364-396 en El cambio del papel del Estado en Amrica Latina, M. Vellinga, ed. Mxico: Siglo XXI. Leff, Enrique. 1988. El movimiento ambientalista en Mxico y Amrica Latina. Ecologa 2:28-38.

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Bolos, Silvia, coord. 1995. Actores sociales y demandas urbanas. Mxico: Plaza y Valds. Bolos, Silvia. 1999. La constitucin de actores sociales y la poltica. Mxico: Plaza y Valds. Hanagan, Michael P., Leslie Page Moch, and Wayne te Brake. 1998. Challenging Authority. The Historical Study of Contentious Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Maheu, Louis, ed. 1995. Social Movements and Social Classes. The Future of Collective Action. London: Sage.

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A. EL ESTADO DEL ARTE SOBRE ACCION COLECTIVA Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES 1. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (1). La estructura de las oportunidades polticas y la contencin trasnacional 2. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (2). Hacia una sntesis comparativaestructura de las oportunidades polticas, marcos de anlisis y estructuras de movilizacin 3. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (3). Algunas reseas comprensivas. 4. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (4). Silencios y voces 5. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (5). Dinmicas de contencin 6. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (6). Poltica contenciosa 7. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (7). Debates recientes: emociones, estrategia, contingencia. 8. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (8).El accionalismo (1). Touraine 9. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (9).El accionalismo (2). Melucci 10. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (10).El accionalismo (3). Castells 11. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (11).El accionalismo (4). Alberoni 12. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (12).El interaccionismo simblico 13. El estado del arte en de estudio de los MS (13).Enfoques dramatrgicos B. TEORAS ANTERIORES. COMPORTAMIENTO COLECTIVO 1. Teoras del contagio y de la convergencia (1). Multitudes (crowds) 2. Teoras del contagio y de la convergencia (2). Comportamiento colectivo 3. Teoras estructural-psicolgicas (3). Sociedad de masas (mass society) 4. Teoras estructural-psicolgicas (4). Privacin relativa 5. Teoras de la norma emergente 6. Estructural funcionalismo 7. Enfoques institucionales 8. Crticas a las teoras anteriores C. MODELOS FORMALES DE ACCIN COLECTIVA (MFAC) 1. MFAC (1) 2. MFAC (2) D. ORGANIZACIONES Y RECURSOS 1. Organizaciones y recursos (1). Teora de la movilizacin de recursos 2. Organizaciones y recursos (2). Teora de la movilizacin de recursos 3. Organizaciones y Recursos (3). Crticas a la teora de movilizacin de recursos 4. Organizaciones y Recursos (4). 5. Organizaciones y Recursos (5). 6. Estructuras de movilizacin 7. Redes (1) 8. Redes (2) 9. Redes (3) 10. Redes (4) 11. Redes (5) 12. Redes (6) 13. Redes (7) 14. Redes (8) 15. Redes (9). Internacionales 16. Redes (10). Internacionales 17. Redes (11). Estudios sobre Amrica Latina 18. Redes (12). Desde los contra movimientos 19. Teora de las oportunidades polticas 20. Difusin 21. Efectos generacionales 22. Profesionalizacin y voluntariado

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E. PROCESO POLITICO Y ESTRUCTURA DE LAS OPORTUNIDADES POLITICAS 1. Teora del proceso poltico 1. Movimientos-elites 2. Polticas pblicas hacia las actividades de protesta y represin (1) 3. Polticas pblicas hacia las actividades de protesta y represin (2) 4. Polticas pblicas hacia las actividades de protesta y represin (3) 5. Repertorios de contencin 6. Contra-movimientos 7. Continuidad y ciclos de protesta 8. Movimientos sociales y agenda de gobierno 9. Movimiento e institucin. Lo dndose y lo dado 10. Estado, movimientos y partidos en Amrica Latina H. CONSECUENCIAS 1. Democratizacin 2. Institucionalizacin 3. Transformacin 4. Transiciones a la democracia I. GUERRILLAS Y REVOLUCIONES 1. Guerrillas 2. Revoluciones J. DIMENSIONES TRASNACIONALES 1. Redes trasnacionales de solidaridad 2. Globalizacin de los movimientos y la cultura 3. Globalizacin y resistencia 4. Activismo virtual 5. Movimientos trasnacionales y poltica global 6. Globalizaciones y movimientos sociales 7. Instituciones multilaterales y movimientos sociales 8. Difusin trasnacional K. ANLISIS DE EVENTOS DE PROTESTA (AEP)

2. Teora de las oportunidades polticas (1) 3. Teora de las oportunidades polticas (2)
F. CONSTRUCTIVISMO 1. Marcos de interpretacin (1). Planteamiento original 2. Marcos de interpretacin (2). Desarrollos recientes (1) 3. Marcos de interpretacin (3). Desarrollos recientes (2) 4. Identidades (1) 5. Identidades (2) 6. Identidades (3) 7. Cultura (1). Qu es cultura? 8. Cultura (2). La cultura en los ms 9. Cultura (3). El debate sobre cultura y ms en Amrica latina 10. Cultura (4). Perspectivas 11. Ideologa 12. Psicologa social 13. Emociones (1) 14. Emociones (2) 15. Emociones (3) 16. Emociones (4) 17. Religin 18. Moral 19. Enfoques dramatrgicos 20. Teoras de la dominacin, la discriminacin y la opresin (desde la psicologa poltica) G. RELACIONES E INTERACCIONES

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AEP (1). De que se trata? AEP (2). Aspectos metodolgicos AEP (3). Hallazgos AEP (4). Estudios comparativos AEP (5). Anlisis de demandas polticas 5. La lucha contra la injusticia en Amrica Latina 6. Las luchas por derechos sociales en Amrica Latina 7. Derechos ciudadanos y ms en Amrica Latina S. VIOLENCIA COLECTIVA 1. Violencia colectiva 2. Linchamientos 3. Revueltas (riots) 4. Vigilantismo 5. Terrorismo T. PAISES Y REGIONES 1. Brasil 2. Chile 3. Mxico (1). 4. Mx (2). Asociacionismo y clientelismo 5. Mx (3). La lucha por derechos ciudadanos 6. Mx (4). El mov. estudiantil de 1968 7. Mx (5). El Barzn 8. Mx (6). El EZLN 9. Mx (7). El mov. est. 1999-2000 10. Mx (8). SS Atenco 11. Per. 12. Resto de Amrica Latina U. OTROS TEMAS 1. Otros temas

L. PROBLEMAS DE METODO 1. Problemas de mtodo 2. Mtodo comparativo 3. Estudios de caso

M. LAS IDEAS POLTICAS DE LOS MS CONTEMPORNEOS 1. Las prcticas alternativas de los ms contemporneos 2. Los anlisis y las propuestas alternativas N. MEDIOS 1. Medios de comunicacin O. MOVIMIENTOS DE MUJERES 1. Movimientos de mujeres (1) 2. Movimientos de mujeres (2) 3. Movimientos de mujeres (3) 4. Movimientos de mujeres (4) 5. Movimientos de mujeres (5) P. SOCIEDAD CIVIL, TERCER SECTOR 1. Sociedad civil (1) 2. Sociedad civil (2) 3. La sociedad civil en Amrica Latina 4. Organizaciones civiles, ONGs, Tercer sector... Q. CAPITAL SOCIAL 1. Capital social (1) 2. Capital social (2) 3. Capital social (3) R. LAS LUCHAS POR DERECHOS CIUDADANOS 1. Ms y derechos ciudadanos (1) 2. Ms y derechos ciudadanos (2) 3. Ms y derechos ciudadanos (3) 4. Ms y derechos ciudadanos (4)

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