Anda di halaman 1dari 292


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O'Neil Software. Inc.
lI\ir1l', C,\ c ))(,lB
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\\'\\\\. orlf'ils< ,II. Corl'<
Inlernatlonal Ollice
O'Neil Software. ltd,
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RS- SQL i s li c ensed "as i s" wi thout war r anty of any ki nd, ei ther expr ess or i mpli ed, i nc ludi ng, but not li mi ted to the
i mpli ed war r a'nti es of mer c hantabi li ty and f i tness f or a par ti c ular pur pose. O'Nei l sof twar e and i ts author i zed sales agents
have no li abi li ty or r esponsi bi li ty to you or any other per son or enti ty wi th r espec t to any li abi li ty, loss, or damage c aused
or alleged to have been c aused di r ec tly or i ndi r ec tly by the RS- SQL system (har dwar e, sof twar e, user 's gui des, and
labels), nor f or i ndi r ec t, spec i al or c onsequenti al damages.
In no event wi ll O'Nei l Sof twar e, Inc . and i ts af f i li ates be li able to you f or any damages, i nc ludi ng any lost pr of i ts,
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O'Nei l Sof twar e, Inc . , or any author i zed dealer . No per son has the author i ty to modi f y suc h li mi tati ons, unless obtai ned
i n wr i ti ng and si gned by a c or por ate of f i c er of O'Nei l' Sof twar e, Inc . Ac c eptanc e of RS- SQL i s c ondi ti onal on the
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Har dwar e pr ovi ded wi th RS- SQL i s war r anted to be f r ee f r om def ec ts i n wor kmanshi p and per f or manc e by the
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RS- SQL i s a tr ademar k of O'Nei l Sof twar e, Inc . All other br and and pr oduc t names ar e tr ademar ks or r egi ster ed
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Thi s manual and any examples c ontai ned hc r ei n ar c pr ovi ded "as i s" and ar e subj ec t to c hange wi thout noti c e. O'Nei l
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COPYRIGHT@ O'NEIL SOFTWARE, INC. 1999,2000,2001,2002
Febr uar y, 2002
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Contents .i
Reports from Tables , 2-1
Loadi ngIn fonnati on :..: 2- 2
Formatting : 2-2
CoIlllllns ............................................................................................................... 2-2
Sort 2-3
Saving Fonnats 2-3
Container !Fil~~~! 3-1
, {:'.!,"." ....,.... i:'. ' . _ . . . . i
Containers : : : 3-1
Urgent Noti fication 3-1
Creating an Urgent Noti fication List 3-2
Loading an Urgent Notification List 3-2
Removing Items from the Urgent NotificationList.. 3-2
Deleting Urgent Noti fication List 3-2
Refi IeLi sts , 3-3
Load Refi IeList From , 3-3
Print Rcfi IeList 3-4
2. Printing fromTables
\ 3
'\ 1. Queries/~'" 1':1
.' /.,
About Quenes : 1-1
Query Parts '1-1
Creating Queries :., ; 1-2
Examples , 1-3
Current Date I Current Time .................................................................................... 1-4
Current Term : 1-5
Search Results 1-5
Saving and Loading Queries ;;............................ 1-6
Wi ldcard Searches :., , : 1-7
Searching with Wildcard Characters ....................................................................... 1-8
Query Fi Iters : 1-9
Fi It~r Style ;..:....................... 1-10
Quick Queries : : ~ 1-10
Creating aQuick Query 1-10
Quick Query Editor Dialog Features :.1-11
Accessing aQuick Query 1-12
Example #I: Load many Containers by Alternate ID 1-13
Example #2: Containers with a status of out for more than a week : 1-14
Run Last Quiek Query (F7) : 1-14
Predefined Queries (F6r 1-15
Defin itions , 1-16
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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\ .
User's Guide RS-SOL Operations
Filefolders .4- I
Urgent Noti fication : .4- I
Creating an Urgent Noti lication List ; .4-2
Loading an Urgent Noti lication List .4-2
Removing Items from the Urgent Notification List..
Deleting Urgent Noti fication List.. .4-2
Refil e Lists 4-2
Load Refile List From ; 4-3
Print Refile List 4-4
Save Refile List ; ; 4-6
Global Edit Description 4-6
Key Word Search on Descriptions .4-7
Global Edit Contents 4-8
Con tents Pushbutton 4-8
Searching on Key Words '" 4-8
Description 4-8
Activi ty 4-9
Schedu ling 4-10
Alias 4-10
Adding / Editing Filefolders .4-10
Save Refi Ie Li st 3-4
Global Edit Description : 3-5
~. Key Word / Text Scarch 3-7
GlobaI Edi IContcnts , : 3-R
Key WORt Search .................................................................................................... 3-<]
Pushbullons 3-9
Files 3-9
Tapes.~ .- 3-9
A lias 3-10
Activity T................................................ 3-10
Schedule _ : 3-I I
.l1')cscription : 3-11
Fea'lures 3-1 1
Searching on Descriptions 3-12
Contents 3-12
Features 3-13
Searching on Key Words 3-13
Add/Edit Containers 3-14
~onla iner Codc 3-14
AItcmatc Code~ 3-14
4r'Account Level Codes 3-14
...:>eLocationCodc .::,.; 3-15
Object.Codc.< 3-15
Containee TyPl;:., 3-15
Security Code ........................................................................................................ 3-15
Category Code : 3-15
Set , 3-16
: . : : : : l ~ ~ ~ ; ~ , i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : : : : . . : : : : : : : : : ' : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : : ~
User Defined 3-16
Charge for Storage ~ : 3- 17
Charge for Add - Charge for Move and/or Status Change ~ : 3-17
.... 4.
ii Contents
Filefolder Eilin,9
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Fi Icfolder Code ' 4-1 1
A'lternale (\)de , 4-1 1
lJ escription 4-12
Contained In 4-12
Account 4-12
Location Code , 4-12
Security Code ; 4-12
Category 4-13
Sel. 4-13
1tenl Status ':,'".4-13
Sequenee Range 4-13
Date Range ..: : : 4-13
User Defined 4-14
Charge for Storage 4-14
Charge for Add - Charge for Move and/or Status Change : .4-14
Conversion Notes: 4-14
Tapes : 5-1
Urgen t Noti ficati.on 5-1
Creating an Urgent Noti fication List 5-2
I.oading an Urgent Nol ificat ion List , 5-2
Rcmoving Items froni the Urgent Notification List.. 5-2
Deleting Urgent Noti fication List 5-2
Refile. Lists : : 5-2
Load Reftle List Froln ...................................... : 5-3
Save Refile List : 5-6
Global Edi t Description :................................................................................ 5-6
Key Wonl Search : 5-6
Global Edi[Conlcnts , 5-7
Key Word Search :: 5-7
Contents .Pushbutton : : : 5-7
Features : 5-8
Description 5-8
Features 5-8
Searching on Descriptions , .' 5-9
Activi ty : 5-9
Schedul e 5-9
Alias :' 5-10
Adding / Editing Tapes 5-10
Tape Code 5-11
Alternate Code , , 5-11
Description 5-11
Contained In 5-12
Account 5-12
Location Code 5-12
Obj eet Code : 5-12
Security Code 5-13
Category Code 5-13
Set 5-13
Status 5-13
Sequence Range 5-13
Date Range 5-14
User Defined ; 5-14
Charge for Storage 5-14
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5. TapeFiling
User's Guide RS-SOL Operations
Contents iii
Charge for Add - Charge for Move and/or Status Change ,.......; 5-14
User's Guide RS-SOL Operations
iv Contents
6. Workorders 6-1
( .
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, -
{ .
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f . , , , " , , ,
. . . . _ . . . " ,
Do\vnload List to PDT31 00 6-36
Route api-to' PDT3 100 c 6-38
Rc10ad froln PDTTI 00 6- 38
Update Workorder Priori ty 6- 39
Purge Workorders : : 6-39
Print Options 6-39
-Printer Setup 6-39
Account Links 6-40
Posting Items from Linked Accounts 6-41
Transactions, 6-42
Activi ty 1-1istory : 6-42
9. WandProcessing , , \ f J \ 9-1
Overview ~ : 9-1
Communicate 9-2
Port Setup 9- 3
Raw Data - Datawand 9-4
Session - PDT3 100 9-4
Scanner/PC Date and Time 9- 5
Retransm it 9-5
For Remote 9-5
Order of Operation 9-6
Process 9-6
Total Database Updates 9- 7
Transactions 9- 7
Exceptions 9- 8
Commun icati on Sessions TabIe 9-8
Process Code ......................................................................................................... 9-11
Exception Codes 9-1 I
Using aSymbol Datawand lib and Datawcll.. 9-20
Iteln Process Control 7-1
System-Wide Configuration 7-2
8. Scheduling -:--'f'?~t-".j.r'''"~i 8-1
Scheduler Overview 8-1
Short Tenn Schedules (One-Time / One-Item Activities) 8-2
Advanced Use of Fields 8-4
Long Tenri Rolation Schedules 8-4
Exalnple: 8-5
PDT3 100Commands 8- 7
Schedul ing a Return 8-7
Calculated Review Dates 8-8
Exalnp Ie 8-8
Schedult:; Table 8- I 0
Editing a Schedule , : 8-10
Ilnp_orting Schedules : 8-10
Remote Customers Creating a Sclledule 8-11
Generating Workorders for ScI~eduled Activities 8-11
Froln the Scheduling Table 8-11
From Workorder Table 8-13
HoI idays 8-14


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7. ItemProcessControl l '
User's Guide RS- SOL Operations
7- 1
Contents . v
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User's Guide RS-SOL Operations
Setting up the Oata\vell 9-2\
Charging the Data\vand 9-2\
The Six-Pack Charger. : 9-21
How to Use the Datawand 9-21
Oatawand Warning Tones 9-22
Resetting Datawand Parameters ; 9-22 .
Basic Scanning RuIcs 9-22
Sending Data to the COlnputer. 9-23
POT3 \00 : 9-23

., .
10. PDT3100 10-1
. ' . , . .-..
Overview ; I 0-1 ",.:.
PDT3100 Functions 10-2 ':.
Menus 10-3
Login 10-3 .
Electronic Picklist 10-4
Special Barcodes : : 10-6
Uploading a Picklist from the ponl00 to RS-SQL , 10-7 I:, :.
Record Center Operations ; I 0-8
Alternate ID : : 10-8 (:.
Route Ops ~' '" 10-9
Validating your Load 10-9 C\
Validate / Pickup , '0......................... 10-11 ...
Pickup Items ~ 10-12 ('
Schedule aReturn : , 10-14
Quick Check : ; 10-14
Refiling CLondtaRinefirsl' FLi~efofildersp' Danl~3TI oaPoes ~., 10-14 .
oa e Ie 1st rOln ; 10-15
Refiling Containers, Filefolders, and Tapes , 10-15
Comlnunications , 10-17 .'.
Setup : 10-17
Company Name , 10-18 (.'.
Tin1e Out ...................................................................................... : 10-18
Barcode Accuracy :.-: 10-18 :.
Beeper Tone 10-19
Printer : 10-19 ...
Baud Rate .I0-19
Available Space / Version 10-20
Barcode Symbology 10-20 :.
Test Scan ~ ; 10-20
Wann and Cold Boot 10-20 \;:~:.
Wann Boot 10-20 .'
t Cold Boot I 0-21 (;;~.
Download Barcode Length List 10-21
Batteries 10-22
Scan Techniques 10-23 .
Freez ing PDT3100 : 10-23
Updating Your PDT3100 : 10-23 ..
Update Program I 0-24 ~~.~:"
PDT3100 Scanning - Prefix/Su ffix Option 10-24
Prefix/Suffix Processing Rules ., 10-25
Scanning Sequence 10-25
Special Barcodes 10-27
LS4004 Tri-Optic Scanner Setup 10-28
vi Contents
Overview 13-1
Examples of Using Lists 13-1
System-Generated Reports 12-1
Report print Dialog ; 12-2
Container Reports ; 12-7
. Containers By Account , 12-7
Container Activity 12-7
Containers to be Destroyed : 12-8
Containers Out of the Warehouse 12-8
Alternate 10Cross Reference 12-8
Fi1efolder Reports 12-9
Filefolders by Account I 2-9
.Filefolder Activity 12-9
Filefolders to be Destroyed : 12-10
Fi1efolders Out of the Warehouse 12-10
Tape Reports 12-10
Tapes by Account.: : 12-10
Tape Activity 12-1 I
. Tapes "tobe Destroyed ; 12-11
Tapes Out of the Warehouse 12-12
()thcr Rep! 1I'ls................................................................................................................... 12-12
Lpcation Reports , 12-12
Contracts Expiring 12-12
Custom Reports 12-12
Transaction Reports 12-13
PDT3 100 Rel110te I I-I
ExatnpIF'" : , 11-1
Remote Elnployee : : 11-1
Setting up Renlote Users 11-2
Installation on the Remote Employee's Workstaiion ........................................................... I 1-3
Setting the Remote Site Number 11-4
RSCOMM ( 16-bit Versions) 11-4
RSCOM M32 (32-bit Version) : 11-5
Terminal Server :- : 11-7
What the Host Site Can Do 11-7
Sending Pieklists and Route Ops to Remote Sites 11-7
Processing Data from Remote Sites 11'-7
What Relnote Elnployees Do 11-8
Access and Use RS-SQL 11-8
Download Barcode Lengths to the PDT31 00 11-8
Send Information from the PDT31 00 to the Database 11-10
Send 1nfonnation to the Remote PDT31 00 11-11
Remote Reload Wotkord6r 11-16
Creating an RSWxxx.Rxx File 11- 16
Transfe'\ring File to Host ,........................... 11-17
Reloadirfg Workorders From the RSWxxx.Rxx Files : 11-18
PDT) I 00 Communication Session Files ................................................... : 11-19
The RSBROWSE Utility :..~..................... 11-19
Contents vii
13. Lists
11. Remote Communications
12. Reporting
User's Guide RS-SOL Operations
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Load ing a List 13-I
Loading Irol11 a Fi Ie : 13-2
Saving a List 13-5
Public Access 13-6
No Owner 13-6
Browse 13-6
Saving to a File I 3-6
Cornpari ng Lists 13-6
I.(lad Sillli Iaril its 1J -(,
I.oad Dj ncrellces 11-7
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User's Guide RS-SOL Operations
Overv iew :: 14-1
Importing Data from Customer Transmittal 14-2
Fi IeName _ 14-3.
Data Format - Fixed 14-3
Data Format - De!ilni ted : 14-3
Account - 14-4
Include Subaccounts , 14-4
A Ilow Account Edits : 14-4
Contents Text 14-4
Description Text : 14-4
Generic Text '.' , 14-5
Importing the Customer's Files 14-5
Exceptions : ,.............................................................. 14-5
Fi IeFormats 14-5
RS- Web Overview : 15-1
Tracking Numbers and Batch Numbers : 15-I
Viewing Web Orders I 5-2
Add/Edit Dialog for Hem Related Order : , 15-3
Aggregate Service Oroor : 15-7
Materials Order , 15-8
Report. Order 15-9
Other Services Order I 5-11
Posting Web Orders to Workorders ................................................................................... I 5-1I
Creating a New Workorder I 5-11
Posting Orders to an Existing Workorder. 15-13
Ful fill ing a Report Ordered by Web Uscr. 15-14
RS- Web Report Order Email Notification : 15-16
Setup , 15-16
RSW IN.IN!. : 15-16
14. Customer Transmittal
15. RS-Web
16. Glossary of Terms
17. Index
viii Contents
Queries 1-1
,- Search Resuns] I Query
o: J Elapsed 0.00.0
Matched 0 .Cancel
Added. '0 -----
.: J ------_._-, LoadQuery I
.Save Query I
.~.. .":.',
""i ,\
3 IEqual
.. ~ IContainer
A "query consists of several parts. Consider this example query entered into the
Query dialog for the Container table:
Containcr"Status[)ate ="12/31/94"
This statement retrieves all Containers that have a Status Date of 12/31/94_ This
statement consists of a single Tenn. A Term has three basic parts: "
See Definitions section below for complete descriptions of al1parts of this dialog.
Queries allow you to load the exact items you want onto tables. Through Query
dialogs, you can detennine exactly what criteria are needed to access exactly what
you need 10 load onlo your table. In eaeh table, the Que~y dialog is customized to
refleet the penllutations of that table.
You ean access a Query dialog through any table's Search menu, Load option_ It
appears as shown here.
1. Queries
About Queries
Query Parts-.
r . - - - - - - - -

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1-2 Queries
Creating Queries
'. The right side. In this example, the right side is a Constant,
"12/31/94." The right side can be a Constant, a runetion (Current Date
or Current Time), a'Visible File/Visible Field pair, or, in the case of
Account Codes, a range.
For descriptions on using Substring and Like, sec the Wildcard Characters section
later inthis chapter.
The Query dialog gives you away to fill tables with data that match a given set of
criteria. You specify these criteria by filling in the query using buttons, pull-down
list-boxes, and optionaIly by typing aquery directly into the Query text box.
Below is an example to walk you through entering a query into the Query dialog.
Suppose you want to see all Containers added after 12/31/98. From the Operations
program, Options menu, select Filing and Containers. From the Container
table, Search menu, select Load. The dialog appears as shown.


: . ' .
" .
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( .
' .
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; ; .

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" ' - - . . . . . . .
Not equal
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Greater than
< >
>=AND <=
The Left Side. In this example the left side is aVisible FilcNisible
rield pair. A Visible File and Visible Field arc always separated by a
caret ("). A Visible File represents a database file. In this example,
"Container" represents the database file that contains all the data
pertaining to Containers. A Visible Field represents a field in the given
Visible File. [n this example, "StatusDate" represents the status date
field in the "Container" File..
The CompaJ 'isoll Operator. In this example, the Equal Operator (=) is
used. A Comparison Operator specifics how the len side or a Term is
compared to the right side. Comparison Operators available ate shown

Load Query I
,Save Query I
Query text
Ter m style 1 0 0 0 0 0 . f ; j t j t . l g . l h i @ i M i l
o: J I " Search Re$ults - : ' - ' - - ' 1 ,1
Elapsed: 0: 00.0 '
Matched: 0 _' _
.: J l_ _ ~~~~d .~~1
- '
File AField
~ IContainer
il IEqual
; ,.
': .

' ; ' : - ' : ' ..

: - : : .: : ; : .=
To load the Container table with the containers you want, the final query statement
in the Container table Query dialog would look like this:
Container" AddDate >" 12/31/98"
One way to perform this query would be to enter it directly into the Query text box
exactly as.shown. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to remember what the rules are
for creating a valid query, or what the Visible Files or Visible Fields are ealled. Also,
typing in a query manually in this way is prone to error. That is where the rest of
Query dialog comes in.
Notice the two drop-down list-boxes under the " File" Field" label. The top drop-
down list-box contains a list of valid Visible Files for the Container table. Select
" Container" if it is not already selected. The bottom drop-down list-box now contains
II list OfVlllid Visible fields for the selected Visible file. Find "AddDate" in this list
and select it. You may have to scroll through the list-box to find it.
Now that you have selected the correct Visible FilelVisible Field pair, it is time to
select the correct Comparison Operator. Under the " Comparison" 'label is a drop- .
down list-box that contains a list of all the allowable Cmnparison Operators. Find
and select the "Greater than" Comparison, since we are interested in Add Dates after
Now that you have selected the correct Comparison Operator, the last step is to enter
the date. Under the " Constant" label is an edit-box for the Constant in your Term.
Click in the edit-box and enter the Constant, in this case " 12/31/98."
Do not type in the quotation marks, as the interface takes care of this detail for you.
As you type in this Constant, you see that the query text is appearing in the Query
text box. When you have finished typing the Constant, the Query text box should
have the desired query statement as shown above.
When you click Query, the system conducts the query and all containers added after
December 3I , I 998.are loaded onto the table.
Consider the following example. Suppose you want to see all containers that have
not changed status since they were added. The final query would look like this:
Containcr" Statusnate = Container" AddOate
Queries 1-3
1-4 Queries
You already know how to form the left side and Comparison Operator of this Term.
Select "Container" as the Visible File if it is not already selected, select "StatusDate"
as the Visible Ficld, and select "Equal" as the Comparison Operator.
Now, find the drop-down list-box next to the label "Term style:". This controls what
the right side of the Tenn looks like. To enter the Visible FileNisible f;eld pair on
the right, select "Compare to.file-fleld." The right side changes to show another set of
drop-down list-boxes under another "File /\ Field" .Iabel. Now, select "Container" as
the Visible File if it is not already selected. Select "AddDate" as the Visible Field.
The Query text box should have the desired query statement as shown above.
Multiple tenns can be strung together using the "AND" and "OR" Operators.
Consider the following example entered into the Query dialog for the Container
COlltaincr/\StatusDatc> "12/31/98" AND Containcr/\AcccssCount >"5"
This statement retrieves all Containers that have a Status Date greater than 12/31/98
AND an Access Count greater than 5. The "AND" Operator between two Terms
means that the condition of BOTH Terms must be satisfied for a record to match. In
this example, each record in the Container Database file is checkcd against both
Tcrms. A match only occurs if a Container record has a' status date greater than
12/31/98 AND an Access Count greater than 5.
Consider the fi.l!lowing example also entered into the Query dialog for the
Container table:
Containcr/\StatusDatc> "12/31/98" OR Containcr/\ AcccssCount >"5"
This statement retrieves all Containers that have a Status Date greater than 12/31/98
.OR an Access Count greater than 5 or both. The "OR" Operator between two Terms
means that the condition of alleast ONE Term needs to be satisfied for a record to
match. In this example, each record in the Container Database file is checked against
both Terms. A maleh occurs if a'Container record has a status date greater than
12/31/98 OR ifit has an Access Count greater than 5.
Suppose you want to sec Containers added after 12/31/98 AND with a status of "lI!."
The final query statement in the d:lI1tainer table query interface would look like this:
Containcr/\ AddDate >"12/31/98" AND Container/\ ItemStatus ="In"
Create the first Term as in the first example above. To add the second Term, click
the AND button at the right of the query interface. This adds the "AND" operator to
the end of the Term and clears the constant edit-box. It is now prepared to accept the
next Term.
In the same way that you created the first Term, create the second Term. Select
"Col,tainer" as the Visible File if it is not already selected,.select "ItemStatus" as the
Visible Field, select "Eqllaf' as the Comparison Operator, and finally type "In" as
the Constant.
When you have finished, the Query text box should have the new query statement
as shown above. Don't forget that you might have to scroll up and down the list-
boxes to select the appropriate Visible File, Visible Field, and Comparison Operator.
Current DateI Current Time
A handy option, especially inqueries that you save to use for reports is the Current
Date / Current Time function. The Term Style "Compare to Function" allows you to
compare your File/\Field to the Current Date, Current Time or Current Year.
C .
( t

f , .

\: , . . '
( I )
( <e
C .
( .
( .
( ::. ~~
"':. ":
( .
. f :.
( .
', ( i
{ ; l.
Queries 1-5
Search Results
Query . : 1
Cancel, , I
....Search Results._ _._~-
Elapsed: 0: 00.0.
Matched: 0
Added: 0 ----
.: : J ------ Load Query I
Save QllelY ,' I
: : : oJ ICullDafe.7d
0 : 1 I Less than 0 1 equal
0: 1
File A Field
~ I Container
Term style I Compare. to function 0 : 1
Query text
l: ontainerADestro~.,Date <= CurrDate().7dAND
ContainerAltemStatus <> destro}'ed()
Current Term
Once you have entered a legal query statement, the next thing to do is perform the
query. To do this, click Query. This passes the query in the Query text box to the
query engine. The query engine is in charge of finding all the records that match the
criteria specified in the query statement.
The progress of the query engine is shown in the group box labeled Search Results.
The time that passes as the query processes is shown next to the Elapsed label with
minutes, seconds and tenths of a second showing as they increment. Every record
that matches the cr~teria in the statement is counted with the number next to the
Matched label. Every record that is added to the underlying table is counted with
the number next to the Added label.
The controls in the lower half of the Query dialog, including all the controls
exercised in the examples so far, always act on the Current Term (that which is
highlighted). "Only one Term iQa query statement is the current Term and it is
highlighted in the Query text box to let you know which one it is.
The Parenthesis buttons, "(" and tI)", also work on the current Term. Click the left
parenthesis, "(", to place a parenthesis to the left of the current Term. Click the right
parenthesis, ")", to place a parenthesis to the right of the current Term. Any number
of parentheses can be placed by clicking thc Parenthesis buttons more than once.
Following every left parcnthesis there must be amatching right parenthesis.
In addition to using the current date or time, you can also add or subtract days,
months, or years from and to the date, and you can add or subtract hours or mi;lUtes
from and to the time. To create a query using Current Date, Current Time or Current
Y ear, simply choose Compare to Function as your Term Style, then select Current
Date, Current Daterrime or Current Time as your function. To add or subtract a
period of time liulll the Current time, type -I or - the numher and d for days, w
weeks, y for years, h for hours, or m for minutes.
Example: Create a query to find all containers that have a Destroy Date before 7
days ago, ycl do llot have a status of DESTROY ED. Y our query would appear as
showll below.

; .

: .
.: .

, .
: .
: .

, .
, , .
" <: " .: :

': ~~
1-6 Queries
NOTE: After you have closed the Query dialog, to view the total number of items
on the table click the MarkSummary button in the tbolbar, or under theMark
menu select Mark Summary.
Oncetfle query is complete, the Matched and Added counts in the Status Box, can
be di fferent for a number of reasons:
I f a record matches but is already on the table, that record is not added
to the table again and the Added count is not incremented.
I fa record matches bUl the currel}tuser docs not have the proper
security to access that record, that record is not added to the table and
the Added count is not incremcnted.
For efficiency reasons, the query engine sometimes breaks aquery
down into partial queries. These partial queries are then run separately,
each partial query counting its matched records in the Matched count.
The query engine then combines the answers from the partial queries
and only adds the records to the underlying table that match the entire
query. In this case, the Matched count can be significantly higher than
the Added count.
Because of the underlying database structure, some records match that
arc not part of the subset of records implicit to the selected table. These
records are not added to the table and the Added count is not
The Close button that appears under the Query button is the way to exit the Query
dialog and return to the underlying table.
When Query is clicked, the Close button changes to Abort until the search is
complete. "rhis allows you 10 stop a search if you determine that it docs not match
your needs. However, since the program adds items to the table during the search, if
the "Added" count has incremented before you click Abort, the items that the
program has already found are added to the table.
Saving and Loading Queries
Some queries wiIl be used over and over again, so once you have composed aquery,
you can save it to use again. To save a query, fill out the Query dialog and click
SaveQuery. The following dialog appears.

" .

.( :.
'/ .

i .
- -
( .
- .
r . . . .
I ~ :::::J
( .
C .
I: .
~" .
",i~~ I , , c v

RS-SQL Queries allow you to usc wildcard characters in queries to help you create
useful searches. Wildcard characters are only "wild" when used with the Like or
Substring operator. They are defined below:
Cancel Delete
Square brackets that have a caret immediately folIowing the open square
bracket are aplaceholder for a single character not in the set of characters
appearing betwecn the square brackets. For example [Aabc] can represent
an)' character except "a", "b", or "c". This can also bc written [Aa-c].
Square brackets are a placeholder for a single character in the set of
characters appearing between the square brackets. For example ''[abc)''
can represent an "a", "b", .or "c" in the position where it appears.
Character ranges can be specified using the dash, so that "[a-c]" can also
represent an "a", "b", or "c".
Underscore is a placeholder for any single character.
Percent is aplaceholder for any number (zero or more) of arbitrary
l~,cc~ss COlmt
[A... ]
Any previously saved queries appear in the middle section of the dialog box. Enter
the name you would like to call the query inthe top Description field. When you
click OK the' system saves the query fonnat and closes the Save Configuration
To load a previously saved query fonnat, from the Query dialog, click Load
Query. The same Configuration dialog appears with all saved fonnats listed in the
middlc-section field. Use Ihe mouse to select asaved fonnat, and click OK. The
saved query format fills in the fields of the Query dialog, and you can conduct the
query by clicking Query.
Wildcard Searches

( .


'- : '; '.


: .
" .

, .
, , : e
: .
Querie~ . 1- 7
Sea~chingwith Wildcard Characters
The Like operator works just like the equal operator (=) except that it can accept
wildcard characters. You ViIIfind it most useful for code searches and specific
J J hrases.
Filefolder"Codc LIKE "90050"
This only matches code "90050".
Filcfoldcr"Code LIKE "9005_" .
This matches any code that is exactly five characters long and can have
any character as its last character. This includes codes like "90050",
"90059", and "9005A".
Filefolder"Code LIKE "9%50"
This matches any code that starts with "9" and ends with "50", This
includes "2.00~Q", "20150", "2875Q", and "2AB50". Because percent
matches zero or more characters, it could also match "950", ".2050",
"2.0123450", and "2.ABOI50".
Filefoldcr"Code LIKE "_0%5_"
This matches any code that starts with any single character followed by
a "0" followed by zero or more arbitrary characters followed by a "5"
followed by any single character. This includes "9QI~0", "IQ2~3",
"1052", and "IQI234~9".
The Substring operator works to find a phrase within a larger body of text. This
operator is most useful for searches on descriptive information.
Filefolder"Description SUBSTRING "Steven"
This matches any description that has "Steven" anywhere within it.
This includes "Steven", "Steven J ones", "J ones, Steven", and "Mr.
Steven J ones".


1 .
,.,- @ ;
: : "' l I . >
( j .

\ , .
! .
Filefolder"Description SUBSTRING "Ste_en"
This matches any description that has an "Ste" followed by any single t < t
character followed by "en" anywhere within it. This includes "Mr.
Steven J ones", "Stclen Smith". ('.
1- 8 Queries
Filefolder"Description SUBSTRING "Ste%en"
This matches any description that has an "Ste" followed by zero or
more arbitrary characters followed by "en" anywhere within it. This
includes "Mr. Steven J ones", "Stelen Smith", "Stephen Smith", "Roger
Steenly, and "Pasted on the tenth".
Searching for the Wildcard Characters Themselves
When the actual text you arc searching for includes wildcard characters and you are
using the Like or Substring operator, you must use a special syntax.
I\ "'
. l.
~': '~: ~: ; : .'
\. ~ ' J
! : ~.
; ft.
. : ; : f '

Once you have items on any table that contains the standard Load option, from the
Search menu select Filter. The following Query dialog appears.
Filcfi.)lderl'>l)escriplioll SUBSTRING "10[%]"
This matches any description that has" 10%" anywhere within it. This
includes "There is a 10% discount", "10% of the total cost", "Total
markup: 10%".
Filefolderl'>Description SUBSTRING "imum% I 0[%]%discount"
This matches any description that has "imum" followed by zero or
more arbitrary characters followed by" I 0%" followed by zero or more
arbitrary characters followed by "discount." This includes "Maximum
10% discount", and "A minimum of 10% will be discounted." ".: ' ,ii' ~,,:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - : - - ; ' ." - ~ ] ' .... : ; , t~ , K ~ ? ~
Query Filters ": : \ ; ~ t; ' f
Once you have loaded a table from a query, you maywant to unmark just a specific
group of items. If there is a large number of items on the table, unmarking specific
items manually can be time consuming. To help you in this, the Query function
offers you a search option to unmark all items that don't match specified criteria.
This is called the Query Filter:
The Query Filter COl/siders Ol/~}'marked items al/d ul1mark. ~those specif ied. It will
I/ot mark al/ item .
~ I-FillerRe;;UIt;;'---l I .
Elapsed: 0:00,0
Considered: 0 ----
I Unmarked: 0 ----
2.J !_-_._- __.-' Load Query I
Save Query I
Filt.erstyle I Unmark failingrows :::J
Type this:
[ ' Y o 1(percent inside of square brackets)
LJ (under$core inside of square brackets)
[ I' > ] (caret inside of square brackets)
[[] (left square bracket inside of square brackets)
] (just a right square bracket)
3 I Equal
% (percent)
I' > (caret)
[ (left square bracket)
] (right square bracket)
To get this:
Termstyle I Compare to constant
QueI}' leld
J I Container


' .



, .

This dialog appears just like the standard Query dialog, except that Filter Results
are offered instead of Search Results, and there is an extra field available for Filter
Queries 1-9
Quick Queries
1-10 Queries
Filter Style
The Filter style determines whether the items that match or do not match the search
criteria become unmarked. If you choose Unmark Failing Rows, the items that do
not match the criteria become unmarked. Items that meet the criteria remain
marked. This is the default style.
If you choose Unmark Passing Rows, the items that match the search criteria
become unmarked. Items that do not meet the search criteria remain marked.
Say you have all the containers for City Hospital on a table. This is acumbersome
amount of data. You would like to print various reports for City Hospital, but don't
want to keep clearing and reloading the table. First you need to print atable with just
the containers that are out of the facility. Mark all of the items on the table, and then
conduct a Filter search for containers with astatus of Out. Use the Filter Style,
"Unmark Failing Rows." This causes all theco.ntainers out of the facility to
remain marked. All others become unmarked. Print your table and all marked items
(those out of the facility) appear on your report. .
Ncxt you want to print all containers that left the building morc than amonth ago.
Without marking or unmarking any of the itcms from the last scarch, conduct a
Qucry Filler for all containcrs with a status date Lcss Than or Equal To one month
ago. With a filter style of Unmark Failing Rows, all containers that left the facility
over a month ago remain marked. Print the table and all marked items (those that
have been out of the facility for oVer a month) appear on your report.
The Quick Query Tcmplate option allows you to crcate aqucry that is used regularly,
with slight variations, and access it with a few simple keystrokes. Using this option,
you can easily load a table with often-used criteria. For example, let's say you create
weekly reports for several of your customers that show all Containers that have been
out of the facility for more than a\veek. You could create the query for each
customer each time you needed to print the reports, or you could save aseparate
query for each customer. 80th options are quite cumbersome. With Query Templates
you can savc an open-ended query, leaving aquestion mark for the Constant(s)
which varies (Customer and Date), and save it. Then, instead of calling up the
Query dialog and conducting a search, you can call up the template Quick Query
dialog, and just fill in the missing part(s).
Access quick queries by pressing the Control key and the name of the quick query
template. To access aquick query called "A" just press and hold the Control key,
press the A key, then release both keys. Quick queries are available on every table
that offers the Query function. They are each exclusive to the table they were created
for. Therefore, you could have a template called "A" on two different tables and they
would, obviously, load different data onto each table.
Creating a Ouick Ouery
Create your own quick queries through the Quick Query Template dialog. It is
accessed through the Search menu, Quick Query Editor option of any table. As
you can see below, this dialog is very similar to the Query dialog. You fill in a
quick query just like anormal query, but to specify adynamic text blank that needs
to be filled in, place aquestion mark in the query Constant field.
..... (1
. ~
< .(f)
( .
( .
c { j i
l~:a ...
Load lampLI
. Saye lempl...1
load gue,y __.1
3 [YCUllom'", IllI
-Search results ---I
Elapsed: 0:00.0 I
I Matched: 0 I
I Added' 0 I
L ~ _.J
Customer 10... 11 _
.:J LEqual
. . : 1
Cnntaine,AAccountCode = "cilyho;sp" At~O1 trnj1 1 ;i!,f4Ii. ,Irn;ff{E 1 trnirtlS iJ liTt1i.]ut4.
File ~Field
~ -'-Conlain<ll
yle: ICompa,e ;0constant . . : 1 1
Container~AccountCode ; "cityhosp"
ANDContairier~AlternateCode ; "?
Customer 10"
There are many options available when you create atemplate. You can view and edit
existing templates, or view existing queries and edit them tobetemplates. Each
button islisted and defined below.
Note: "Customer Ion is the dynamic text, which waS determined by aquestion mark
in the query.
QuickQuery . ',' -. . . -". '. . . . <, . . . . ": -. ' . - . . a
Quick Query E ditor Dialog Features
The Done button tclls the system that you have finished with thisdialog. It returns
you to thecurrent table.
Queries. 1 -1 1
Cantllnllr Quick QUlrll Editor -,,;., " , ., ,- . -.-.' ., . ,,"'. - . ,. 1 3
Clicking Test causes the system to try the query that has been entered. If it isthe
correct query format, the Quick Query dialog appears asitdoes when you access it
Note: The question mark in the Constant field denotes aQuick Query fill-in field.
Your query for aquick query template can be ascomplex asyou need it to be. If
there ismore than one field that needs to bedynamic, you can fill asmany fields as
you want with question marks. Each field islisted on the Quick Query dialog to be
filled inon-the-fly inthe table.
If you want to give thc dynamic field aname that isnot the same asthe RS-SQL
field name, you can do so by entering the name after the question mark. For
example, if your standard terminology for Alternate 10 isCustomer 10, you can
enter that inthe dynamic field, after the question mark, and itappears inthe Quick
Query dialog. Inthe Quick Query Editor dialog shown above, we ent~red
"Customer IO" after the question mark, so it shows inthe Quick Query dialog that
isaccessed fromthe table.

,. t



'>~. .

fl. ..

1 <: ': 0 '"


~ : f..: .- :
. . . . . . . . . . ~.
. ~
' ( i
with quick keys. You may continue testing by filling in the field(s) at the bottom of
thc dialog. Whcn you click Query, thc query takcs place and your table is loaded
with the items that meet the criteria.
Load Template
Allows you to view a list of all existing quick query templates for the current table.
You may select one and load it into the d-i-alog.
Save Template
To save thc templatc that is currently defined in the Template dialog, click Save
Template. Name.the Template with just a couple letters. Use a name that is easy to
remember, but thatuscs only a minimum number of keystrokes. These are the keys
you use to call it up from the table with the Control key.
, ( i
Load Query
Allows you to view all existing quick queries for the current table. You may select
one: and load it into the dialog. Then you can use it, change it and/or save it as a
- quick qucry tcmplate.
' ( i
Accessing a Quick Q'uery
Once aquick query template has been saved in a table, it can be loaded simply by
pressing the Control key, and the template's name. If you have a template named
"ALT" you would press and hold the COl)trol (CTRL) key on your keyboard, then
the A key and release, the L Keyand release, and the T key and release. When all the
alphabetical keys have been pressed and released, let up on the Control key. As
soon as thc Control kcy is releascd, the Quick Q'uery dialog appears.
NOTE: Only the kcys A through Z arc recognized for calling up a quick query
template from a tabIe.
The information in thc Query Template box at the Icft of the dialog is the query as
you saved it. The field at the bottom of the dialog is the field that remains dynamic,
and was established as such with the question mark in the query. If you followed the
question mark with a field name, that name appears next to the field. If you do not
type aname next to the question mark, the field name from RS-SQL is listed. In the
dialog shown above, we named the field 'customer id.' If we had not given it aname
in thequery, the system would have called it 'Alternate Code.'
Enter the dynamic infonnation needed in the field(s) at the bottom of the dialog,
Enter or click Query and the query takes place. All matching items are loaded onto
the table. The Quick Query dialog remains open until you click Cancel.
Cudomer 1 0 I ~I _
I e!)
( 8
( .
C : . - :
0:00.0 i
o L
" Search results .-------.--,
Container~AccounlCode = "cil}'hosp"
ANDContainer~Alte,"aleCode ="?
Customer 1 0"
1 -1 2 Queries
~(!J D
1 1
Conlalnal Quick QuaI I ' Editor'- ",' ,;:. ~. .', ' . .'.- . --' Ei
Example#1: Load manyContainers byAlternate ID
j_ I~ ..= -o.= -oo_ e -= ..-= =
.:J II? last Monday. Datcj
.:J IEqual
T.elm!.tyle : ICompare to constant .:J I
QUt1I Y i(J K t:
Contdtne .-AccounlCocJ e =.'1Acr.ount Code " ANOConla;ne ,-Ue mSI atur ="ou'" AND
File AFie ld
~ -Containe r
Slalu.Dale "
.1 .load te mpt.. I
L- - I . . . : . . J
Saye le lApl.~,I
Load gue r, ... 1
. '
Click the SaveTemplate button and save it with the name "CI D" for Custome r D.
Click OK . The n, from the Editor dialog, click Done to re turn to the e mpty
Container table .
City Hospital faxe s in a list of containe rs and wants a re port listing the ir Add Date s,
Status and Status Dalcs. The se containe rs arc liste d by Alte rnate I D. since this is
what the y use intcrnally. Ente r the Container table and fromthe Search mcnu
se le ct Quick Query Editor. The Container Items Quick Query Editor dialog
appe ars and you can cre ate a Qne ry Te mplate that looks like this:
ContaincrI lAe coun(( ~odc -- "CITYIIOSP" AND
Contaille rllAlte rnatcCo<!e "" "'!CUSTOMER /I )"
~. ," .
,"" .

t ' .

r . - - -

Quick Que rg c.','.:.' f,:'.:: ' . ;. . ' , .' ' Ei

AccounlCode II
~= = = ~
la.t Mondays Date I
Pre ss and hold the Control button, the n pre ss Cand re le ase , the n I and re le ase , the n
Dand re le ase . Whe n you re le ase the Control button, the following Quick Query
dialog appe ars.
Ente r the Custome r's numbe r for the first containe r, and the n pre ss the Enter ke y. I n
the background, the Containe r loads onto the Container table , and the Quick
Query Template dialog re mains with the Alternate Codefie ld highlighte d, Ente r
the ne xt Custome r I D and pre ss Enter again. Continuc for all containe rs on the list.
This way you can quickly and e asily e nte r all the Custome r numbe rs and load the
Containe rs onto the table without cre ating comple x que rie s. loading the n marking
and cle aring containe rs that don't apply, and risking e rror. Whe n you have finishe d,
click Cancel to le ave the Quick Query dialog. Format your table to me e t City
Hospital's re quire me nts and print the table .
QUe f l
Cance l
Que r, le mplate : ,.' Se arch ,e sulls ,.c. _ ."f
( Containe ,AAccounlCode = "7" IAND i '1
Containe ,Alle mSlalu. = "out" AND I Elapse d: 0:00.0
Containe ,ASlatusDale = "?lasl ! Matche d: 0 i
LM_ o_ nd_ a_ "_ s_ D_ al_ e '_ ' ~-I.-:.J i Adde d: ._ _ .... ~.1


c .
( ,.
( .
auerie~ 1-13
Example #2: Containers with astatus of out for
morethan aweek
Let's say that you send a report to several of your customers each week that lists
containers that have been out of the facility for more than aweek. From the .
Operations program, Options menu, select Filing and Containers to access the
Container table. Then, from the Search menu, select Quick Query Editor. The
Container Items Quick Query Editor dialog appears.
To create a query that will load all of an account's containers that have been out for
more than a week, you would enter the following:
Container"'AecountCode ="?" AND
Container"'ltemStatus ="Out" AND
Container"'StatusDate <="?Last Monday's Date"
NOTE: You can give a field adifferent name by entering something after the
question mark. Using the example above, the first field in the Quick Query dialog
would be called "Account Code" (the default) because we did not specify another
name. Next to the second field, the title "Last Monday's Date" would appear instead
of Container Status Date.
Click the Test button to make sure that the system recognizes your query. If it does,
the Quick Query dialog appears. I f not, you receive aprompt and you can try
again. Click Cancel to return to the Quick Query Editor dialog. Click the Save
TempJ ate button and call this template 'CO' for Containers Out. Cli~k OK to save,
and Cancel to return to the Quick Query Editor dialog. Then, from this table, at
any time, you qmcall up the Quick Query dialog with this query just by holding
the Control key and pressing C then 0 then letting up on Control.
The resulting Quick Query dialog would appear as shown below.
Query lemplot,,:
r-Seorch results
( Container .... AccountCodc 0: "1" ) AND
,.!. Considered:
Container"ltcmStntus :0 "ou'" AND
: I I
Con1a.iner... Ste1u:;Oate ="
I- Mtched:
Monday's Oatc"
- Added: 0
lost Monday'sDote
To conduct your query, just enter the account code for your first account, and last
Monday's date. Press Enter and the table loads with the appropriate containers.
Run Last Quick Query (F7)
In any RS-SQL table, run aquick query as you nomlally would. You can then press
the F7 key to invoke the last quick query. llle previously entered search criteria
remains filled in.
1-14 Queries
( C D
G >
Queries. 1-15
NOTE: The previous quick query is not remembered after exiting the application.
0 1
0 1
..... " ... ,..... .-1
S80 1Ch ,c.ullc
Data Type l~p_ ic_ k_ u_ ps _
Qumy 1" " '1)10 10 :
CommunicalionS essions AD ala 1ypc =
"7" '
rClea, G,id BcfOle Running Que,y
ri\pplv \.',1.l Used !:;Ol!
Table Ouery Name Query D efinition
Web Order D etail zReports D elivered Loads all report orders which
have been run AND have been
retrieved from the Web.
zReportsScheduled Loads all report orders which
are scheduled to be created.
Monitors zSeheduled
Loads all monitors which are
Loads all monitors which are
NOT scheduled.
The focus is on the Query button, so you can press Enter and immediately execute
the quick query. Or, you may review and edit the previous criteria before clicking
Query. The Quick Query dialog immediately goes away so that you can view the
Several tables in RS-SQL are programmed with aset of predefined queries. These
queries are not readily available for you to create on your own, so O'Neil offers them
through the use of the F6 key. When you press the F6 key from the table, aLoad
Query dialog appears with the predefined queries listed. Select the query you want
and click OK. The Query dialog box appears with the query already loaded for you.
Click the Query button to complete the query.
The following predefined queries are available for use:
When using the F7 key, the Quick Query dialog box has two new check boxes. To
clear the existing table before mnning the query again, select the Clear Grid
Before Running Query check box. Selecting the second check box tUrnson
Apply Last Used Sort. This'applies the last used sort criteria for data when
running the query. This second option is grayed out if you have not done any
previous sorts. .
NOTE: Your selections for the check boxes remain saved for the duration ofth'e
session .
Predefined Queries (F6)


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1-16 Queries
zFailcd Loads all monitors which have
run and failed within the last
"?Enter number of days:"
and/or "?Enter number of
User zUsersCurrentl yUsingRS- Load~ all users currently logged
SQL on to RScSQL. (For security
purposes, users with a higher
level of security than the user
executing this query wjll not be
Container zlnContainer ASOSequence Loads all containers that belong
Range to a specified account for which
a specified Sequence Number is .
between the ASO Sequence
Begin and the ASO Sequence
Filefolder zlnFi lefoIderASOSequence This query loads all filefolders
Range that belong toa specified
account for which a specified
Sequence Number is between
the ASO Sequence Begin and
the ASO Seauence End.
Tape zlnTapeASOSequcnce This query loads all tapes that
Rmige belong to aspecified account
for which aspecified Sequence
Number is between the ASO
Sequence Begin and the ASO
Sequence End.
Invoice (Reprint) zlnvoicesF orSpecified
This query will find all Invoices
InvoiceCycle for a specified Invoice Cycle
Code and Invoice Begin Date.
Query Text Box: The Query Text box shows you the query Terms as you have
selected them through the other fields, or as you typed them manually.
Term: A query statement. One or more can make up a full query.
Term Style: The Tenn Style determines the right side ofthe"query. You may
compare the left side of the query to aConstant, or to another Visible File and Field.
Visible File: The Visible File represents adatabase file. It refers to the file for the
table from which you accessed the Query dialog. There are sometimes additional
files that can be accessed for searches. Inthe Container Items Query, the options
include the Container Activity, Container Contents, Container Description, Container
Description Keyword, and Container Item Alias.
Visible Field: Visible Fields are the fields that are available within the Visible File.
All fields that refer to the chosen Visible File are available when you click the Down
Arrow key next to the second field under Filel\Ficid.

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Comparison Operator: The Compari son Operator speei fi es how theleft si de of a
Term i scompared to theri ght si de. Compari son Operators avai lable arc: =Equal, <>
Not Equal, <=Less than or Equal to, >=Greater than or Equal to, <Less than, >
Greater than, Between and LIKE Substri ng .
Constant Fields: When theTerm Stylechosen i s "Compare to Constant," the
Constant fi elds allow you to enter freetext to defi ne your query. When the fi le
chosen on theleft si de of your query i s a Date fi eld, the data you enter i n the
Constant fi eld must bea date, but thesystem allows you to enter anythi ng. When the
Term Style chosen i s "Compare to Fi le-fi eld," fi elds appear on theri ght si de of the
Term to match thelen si de orthe Term. You are then able to enter another Vi si ble
Fi le and Vi si ble Fi eld.
AN/)/Oll Operatars: There wi ll beoccasi ons when one Term i s not suffi ci ent to
properly defi ne your search cri teri a. When thi s i s the case, you may choose AND or
OR to conti nue your query. For example; you may want to fi nd Contai ners that
belong to ABC Company, that were added to the system thi s week. Thi s query would
contai n two Terms (Contai ner"AccountCode=ABC Corp AND Contai ner"AddDate
<8/15/94 (Monday's date .
Parentheses: As i n standard mathemati cal equati ons, parentheses cause theequati on
wi thi n them to becompleted and thetotal of that equati on then appli ed to therest of
theequati on.
Query / Abott buttons: Cli ck theQuery button once thequery shown i n theQuery
textbox matches your desi red search cri teri a. Thi s starts thesearch. The Close
button becomes theAbort button once Query has been cli cked, and thequery i s
taki ng place. lfthe query seems to betaki ng too long, and you feel your cri teri a may
bei ncorrect, cli ck Abort to stop thesearch. Once thesearch i s over, thebutton
reverts to theCI 9se button, whi ch allows you to leave theQuery di alog.
Query Results: When a query i s taki ng place, the system tells you what i t i s doi ng. It
tells you how long thesearch i s taki ng, how many i te. ms matched thesearch cri teri a,
and how many i tems were loaded onto thetable.
Sav. e & Load1iuttons: When you fi nd yourself conducti ng thesame searches over
and over i n thesame table, you may want to save thequery so you don't have to keep
creati ng i t over and over. Once thecorrect query i s showi ng i n theQuery Textbox,
cli ck Save Query and gi ve that query aname. Once thequery i s saved i n the
system, i t i s avai lable for future searches.
To load aprevi ously saved query, si mply cli ck Load Query. All queri es saved for
that table appear and you can select one.
Oueries . 1-17
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Repor~sfrom Tables
Printing fromTables. 2-1
NOTE: When you print a table, remember that only marked items on the table print.
Cancel I
,-.---.----.--- Font ,
I Font name IUnive;sco~(j~nse;r--'--'---!
I Point size is-- .
. ----. -._ . !._ _ - _ . :~'~~:~
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Setup printer I
............ _ ................
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Defauil Prinler'(HP LaserJ et 5on
-~e7targinS t~c~"I~~tl~'----'-'----I~:~:~~~~----- Heading -.----.-------.1
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Hight I 1.0C@ i DesCliption j Ail containers taken out more than once .,
T~ I 10c ~1 I
BoUom I 1.0~ !
... ___ _. __ !1 _ -- _ _ _ _ . .. _ _ . . . _ _ ._ ..-,- ~
You have complete control overthe printer you are set to print to and can change the
font type and size. You can determine the margins on the paper, which can be very
helpful if you plan to bind the report in any way. You can set a larger margin on the
left side of the paper to accommodate the extra space needed for the binding. A very
useful tool is the ability to give the report aheading. This can describe thereport,
give it a date, or define the report in any other way. RS-SQL tries to fit as many
fields as possible on the printed page. To fit as many columns as possible, you can
RS-SQL offers a powerful reporting tool with its ability to print information from
every table in the system. This enables you to manipulate your chosen data so that it
fils your needs pcrlcclly, then prinl il with your chosen print crileria.
By printing a table configured to suit your needs, you can create reports of your own
design. Once your table is sorted and formatted to your preference, and all items that
you want printed are marked, select the Print Table option under the Options
menu. The following dialog box appears .
Printing from Tables 2 .

" .
'~':'::' .

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,(' .." .

r , . '
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make the colulllns on the table narrower (or wider to accommodate longer fields). To
do this, lllove your cursor to the vertical line at the right of acolumn. When it
becomes aright and left arrow, hold down the button on the mouse and move the line
to the right or left.
NOTE: Before you print a large report, be sure that the information you are printing
will fit on your paper. If your printer alIows it, you can tell the printer to print on
larger paper or Landscape (horizontally on the page). You can also adjust the
margins, or select a smalIer font size.
Loading Information
See Queries to detemline the best way to load the information you need onto your
Once you have loaded the infonnation you want onto your table, you can sort it and
format the columns in any way you like. Onee you have determined the exact Sort
Order and Column Fonnat you need for a, you can save the format and
retrieve it at any time
t:,. :. :. '



. ~
Cancel Save l o a d
t: i , - . _. > 11 ).i ," ',~ .
. t > . d d Date Time
Add Time
._ . ._ . ._ ._ _ . . . _ _ - _ ._ .
. ~:~t~. !. r:t<:l~~. c:;5?~~. . . . . . . . . . . . .
,6.S0 Alternate Code
ASO Code
._ . . . . . - . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ ._ ._ _ ._ . . . . - - ~._ - _ ._ ,_ . . - _ . . -
~g. ?~9U~~1(;~~~gin
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c:;~t~g~'r.v [)e~c:~ip~i()r~_ _ .
c,:;~:3 r2 .t:!f()r. ~~(J r?9",
. Available Fields
r;.,@ ttm1tOt1attm'l ~\ 1!J ~1:"i;it1 iJ 'Y ~g. !i;g;:,,;. ;,:;. ' ~
'. "; .
To change the order of the columns on your table, select the Columns option un~er
the Format menu in your table. A dialog box similar to the folIowing one appears.
The Fields Chosen list at the right shows all columns currently chosen to display
on your table. The Available Fields list on the left displays columns that are
available, but have not becn chosen to display on your table. To edit the columns'
order, mark Available Field names and insert them before or after existing
Chosen Fields. To remove field names from the Fields Chosen list, mark them
and cliek Remove.
2-2 Printing from Tables

Fields Chosen
2 I>.counl Description
.Save L o a d
Available Fields
.~.s()?,:gll"llce Begin
~~~1.-~~gll.~I:!.C.~.~~~." _".,
~.uil~!~lg .._ .
. Cii~~.2.?!)'. .. ~()~~." _ .
C:iit"gr:J rypt:~(:ription
Printing fromTables. 2-3
Notice that you can cI ick the Mark buttons to the left of each field name, or you can
click the field name itself to cause it to become highlighted. To actually move an
item from one list to another, the item must be marked with the button to the left.
When you are focusing on a field as a position in which to plaee another field (Insert
Befor~/Insert After) it just needs to be highlighted .
Saving Formats
!. ! '~;
To change the criteria by which your table is sorted, select the Sort o~tion under the
Format menu in your table. A dialog box similar to the one b.elow appears.
The Sort button allows you to choose the fields in the table that you want to sort the
infom1ation by. You can sort them in ascending or descending order. To choose a
field for sorting, mark the field name from the Available Fields list by clicking the
Mark button to the left of it. Highlight an option in the Fields Chosen list and
click Insert Before or Insert After. This causes the field name to move to the
Fields Chosen list on the left.
To toggle from ascending to descending order, simply double-click Yes/No under
the Ascend header.
In both the Columns and Sort functions, you can save and load special formats. Say
ABC Corporation has requested that you supply a certain report every week. The
format and sort order for this report can be saved and recalled each time it is needed.
To save a column fonnat, detennine the order of the columns, and click Save. The
Save Configuration dialog appears, and you can enter the name of your format in
the Description field.

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Rhonda's Invoice Lisl
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C .
Rescription: .
IABC W{~~j.d}'RepOIl
To access apreviously saved format, click Load, and the Load Configuration
dialog appears. .
When you click OK, the format is saved, and appears inthe bottom list next time
you access this window. YOll can complete the same process for the Sort function,
and even save the sort criteria with the same descriptive name as the Column

r ,

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Cancel Oelele OK
,A~,~"w..~,~~I."B.,~p..9.~~, ,., ..,..,., .., j
Rhonda's Invoice Lisl
( .
( .
( .

Click the format you want, and then click OK. Your format appears inthe Choose
Column Fields Order dialog box or the Choose Sort Fields dialog box. Click
OK again, andyour table rearranges toreflect your saved format.
2-4Printing fromTables
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3. Container Filing
The RS- SQL Container table allows you to view and manipulate Container data in
many different ways . It includes three 'Table Specific' menu items - Urgent
Notification, Global Edit Des criptiqn and Global Edit Contents - - as well as
s everal 'Table Specific' pus h buttons . Menu functions and toolbar buttons apply to all
Marked items in the table. Pus hbuttons at the bottom of the table apply only to the
item that has the Focu~(is highlighted). All menus and buttons are des cribed in detail
llUiM@(iHZ. HJ $\f1'ljg_fiA!iii'iiiiiMJ ~~~~ .. r ~~C f{~r :~t:a ~~; :,:. ; :. ; :~T ~'. <'. _\,. ; ~:'T
Options s earch lis t Format Marl, Clear He~
Urgent Notification
Urgent Notification allows you to create a lis t of items that you need to find. This lis t
is downloaded into the PDT31 00 whenever it communicates with RS- SQL. When
any item on the Urgent Notification lis t is then s canned with the PDT3100, the
PDT3100 notifies the us er with awarble s ound. Then when the PDT31 00
Container Filing. 3- 1
cOlllmunicates with RS-SQL after scanning an item from the Urgent Notification list,
an exception is generated (Acknowledge Only). A list can be created in the "
Filefolder /terns table as weIl as in the Container /terns table. Both lists are
downloaded to the PDT3 I 00. '
Scanning ali Urgent Notice itcm causes an exception to occur in PDT3! 00
processing. The exception needs only to be acknowledged.
We recommend keeping the-total of both containers and filefolders on the Urgent
Notice list to a number less than 100. Any more than this will become cumbersome
during PDT31 00 wand processing.
Creating an Urgent Notification List
In thc Operations program, Options menu, select Filing, and Container (or
Filefolder) Items. The Container Items table appears. Load the items you want
on your Urgent Notification list onto the table.
To save the list click Urgent Notification Save, or through the Options menu,
select Urgent Notification, then Save. All marked items on the table are saved to
the Urgent Notification List.
NOTE: If there is an existing Urgent Notification list, whatever you save overwrites
the existing list. Therefore, wesuggest that before you save an Urgent Notification
List, you load whatever existing list exists in the system~
,"Q " : '~,
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. . ~
Loading aA Urgent Notification List '@
To load the current Urgent Notitieation list, click Urgent Notification Load at the
top of your window, or under the Options menu, select Urgent Notification and ,0
Load. Whatever items are currently saved to the Urgent Notification list are loaded
onto your table. ,',e
When an item from the Urgent Notification list has been located, and you have been
informed, you need to remove the item from the list. RS-SQL does not remove an ; G)
item from the Urgent Notification List when it is found.
3-2 Container Filing
Removing Items from the Urgent Notification List
RS-SQL does not delete an item from the Urgent Notification list when it has been
located. To do this, load the Urgent Notification list, unmark all the items, mark the
item to be removed, and clear it from the table. Then mark all the rest of the items
and save your ~rgent Notification list again.
Deleting Urgent Notification List
To delete your whole Urgent Notification list either click Urgent Notification
Delete, or, from the Options menu, select Urgent Notification and Delete.
Even if the items from the Urgent Notification list are not on the table, the list is
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Refile Lists
RS- SQL allo ws yo u to s can the barco des o f co ntainers that need to be returned to
their previo us lo catio n and create arepo rt that tells yo u tho s e lo catio ns . This is called
a Refile Lis t. To generate a Refi1 e Lis t, yo u need to firs t lo ad all the co ntainers to be
refi1 ed o nto the Co ntainer Items table. Yo u can do this by s imply s canning the
co ntainers needing to be refiled, then dO\\' lIlo ading them to the s ys tem. Yo u can als o
lo ad the table with a Refile Lis t fro maremo te s ite via trans fer file, o r fro m a
previo us ly do wnlo aded text file.
Yo u may print a hard' co py o f a Refile Lis t that dis plays o n paper all the co nt~iners
by lo catio n. Or yo u can s end the refile lis t to a PDT31 00 that then directs yo u aro und
the fiu.: ilityand validates that the co ntainers have been rdilcd .
Load Refile List From
Once all co ntainers are s canned, they need to be lo aded into the s ys tem. Fro m the
Operatio ns pro gram, Optio ns menu, s elect Filing and Co ntainer Items . The
Co ntainer table appears . fro m thc Optio ns mcnu, Lo ad Refile Lis t Fro m
s ubmcnu, s elect PDT31 00. The PDT31 00 Co mmunicate R.efile Lis t dialo g bo x
appears .
NOTE: Suppo rt fo r the Datawand lIB in the Co ntainer table, Optio ns menu,
Lo ad Refile Lis t Fro m o ptio n (which is currently available in the co rres po nding
Filefo lder and Tape tables ) is no t available fo r Co ntainers .
Once the PDT31 00 is in the Co mmunicate mo de, ins ert it into its cradle and pres s its
Enter key. Co mmunicatio ns begin. When yo u clo s e the dialo g bo x, all co ntainers
that were s canned appear o n the Co ntainer table. When yo u a~eback at the lo aded
table, yo u can re- s o rt the table, s ave it fo r future us e, print it, o r s end it to the
PDT31 00.
NOTE: The s canned co ntainers mus t be lo aded into the Co ntainer table in o rder to
detennine their lo catio ns . Once the s ys tem has determined their lo catio n, the refile
lis t can bes ent back to the PDT31 00 fo r refiling .
Froma Remote Site
When aremo te s ite has co ntainers that need to be refi1 ed, it can fo llo w the s ame
pro ces s as at the lo cal s ite with s light variatio ns . The pro ces s fro m the remo te s ite is
as fo llo ws :
Scan all co ntainers needing to be refiled (either PDT31 00 o r Datawand
lIb) ...
Acces s the PDT31 00 Remo te pro gram.
Select Receive New Refile Lis t Only, and click OK .
Do wnlo ad the PDT31 00 .
Fro m the Terminal Server s es s io n, lo gin to Operatio ns .
Co ntainer Filing. 3- 3
( .
.J I J
Select the Remote Refile List, and click OK. After the file is loaded,
the containers appear on your table.
At this point, when the containers needing to be refiled are on the table, you can print
a copy of the list, save it, or download it to a PDT3100. To download to a PDT3100,
the following steps must be completed:
From the Options menu, select Refile List to PDT3100.
From the Options menu, select Filing, then Containers. Click the ..Cit
Load Refile List from Remote Site toolbar icon.
i , .

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L ..
Cancel I
Netrlork.,: I
127 e:\
Verify your Remote Site Number and click OK. The system tells you
that a file has been created for transmission to your remote site. (*
.' Run the PDT3100 Remote program. Select the Refile List and click
OK. Put the PDT31 00 into the cradle and communicate.
. List files of !.vpe:
. J ASCU T,e~:tFiles (',txtl 3
From a Text File
Save Refile List
RS-SQL allows you to scan all items that need a refile report, then save the dump as
a text file for future printing (see Save Refi l e Li st below). When you choose this
option, you access the window below.
Select a file from the list on the left and click OK. All the items on the refile list
appear on the Container table. You may add another refile list to the table, or click
Cancel to return to the loaded table. Once the table is formatted to meet your needs,
you can print the report.
You may save your rerilc list as a text file to be printed at your convenience. Mark
all files on the Container table that you want saved on your Refile List, and select
Save Refile List from the Options menu. The following standard dialog box
Print Refile List
To print the refile list, under the Options menu, select Print Refile List. Give your
Refile List a title and a description by entering them in the Heading text box,
change your printer setup, font or margins if desired, and click OK.
Your Refile list prints in Location order.
3-4 Container Filing
Sava Refile Liit :- '",', ,',";).' .. , , ", ... ', , :'" ; 613
Global Edit Description
Give your file a name by highlighting the asterisk (*) inthe top file name box and
typing up to 8characters. When you click OK your text file is create,d and saved iIi
the same directory as your RS-SQL program.
Ne~ork, ..
.. Cancel
e. e:\
E ::7 RSSQLT-l
1 1 6 e: .6.LRJ ITFs'O
File!J ame:
5ave fileas !ype:
"IASCII Te:<! Files (',txl) 3
A description may be associated with any or all Containers on a table. Through this
function, the same description can be entered for many Containers, or descriptions
can be entered individually, using the Description button at the bottom of the table
window while the table row focus is on the Container inquestion.
RS-SQL allows you to create or edit the Description of more than one Container at
a time using the Global E dit Description menu option. You may enter new
descriptive text through this option, you may replace existing tcxt, or you may
append onto existing text.
For example, say ABC Corp. gives you 1 0 Containers with their Accounts Payables
files for the last decade (1 980 - 1 989). Once they're scanned into the system, you can
caIl them up on the Container Items table, then Mark All through the Mark menu
and select Global E dit Description from the Options menu. In the dialog box,
you would type:

> .
r .

i'e. "
J' . ,

( .
d ! t
{ .
Container Filing. 3-5
_.~~~g~)1.~;:;:~:.r~7; .. , i ' : ' . . . :.i .
File Edit Search Ke~/word Help
.".. ~.,.."-. - - - ... - - . - _. . .... _.... _._- ~...- - ..- .p. - .... _ .._ -
~ ~.I ~I EG 1 1~ ~lfr;l-!J
19:::'- ' . Accounts Payable
: (jj)
Matches E~.\:'~'1l?rcl_
t o .
"Accounts Receivable"
Append / Replace
When you click OK, you are given the option to append the new description onto
any existing description or to replace existing description with the new (see
Append/Replace below). Select Yes or No. Your description is entered into the
Description windows for all 10 Containers. Unmark all 10 Containers and set
the screen focus on the Container that holds 1981's documents. Click Description
and change the 1980 to 1981, then click OK Continue in the same manner for the
other cight years' descriptions.
i < i )

Current line: 1 1 --' Total lines: rr--
P Highlight Ke}lwords
When you usc the Global Edit Description, you can choose to replace existing
text or to append the new text onto any existing text.
Say that ABC Corp. calls you after you have completed entering descriptive text for
their Accounts Payable Containers and wants to let you know that the Containers that
hold files from 1980, '81, '82, and '83 also contain Accounts Receivable information.
To add this description, you could Mark those Containers and select Global Edit
Description. In the empty dialog box, type:
3-6Container Filing
When you click OK, the system asks you if you want to replace current text with the
new text (Yes) or append it to the existing text (No). In this instance you would
want to append, and the new description reads as shown below (with the year
changing for each individual container).
(:- ti
". . . IQ
{ ~.
/ ' .
, ' .

. -

4 .
~ ! ! ! ! '
fila. Edit Scorch Koyword Help
~983 . , 6, ccounts P- wable
.6.ccoun\s Receivat~e
' Cancel. " ,
Container Filin9 3-7
~KeyWord I Text Search
Current line: [1-'-- Total lines: 12- -
W Highlight Keywords
Case Files for attorney Stephen W elch, 01/ 01193 - 06/ 30/ 93
W ith this description YOll arc able to search for all the firm' s files that Stephen
W elch worked on, or for all cases for the period of 01101193 - 06/ 30/ 93, or for all
case files in the facility .
Any word or group of words in a Container' s description can be marked as a Key
W ord and then searched upon .
To mark a Key W ord, in the Description dialog box for a Container, highlight a
word or phrase in the top box and click the Mark Keyword toolbar button (or click
the Keyword menu and select Mark). The word or phrase you marked then appears
in bold print.
To search on a Key W ord, from the Container table, click the Search menu, and
select Load . . . The Container Items Query dialog box appears. Under the
Filel\Field box, click the down arrow to select Container Description
Keyword. Then, in the box below that, click the down arrow to select Key W ord.
In the Constant field, enter the Key W ord(s) you want to search on.
Say one of your clients is a law firmwho stores their case files by lawyer. You may
want to enter a description for a Container and mark words as follows:
' .

" .

: .
., .
., .
, '
, ~:-
, .


t." }5 ':
-'<>" '
Global Edit Contents
< I >
'(I '

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; .
1_ _ oK_
J anuary
t... farch
J une
J uly
You may also search on text that has not been marked as Key. The Load function
searches on all descriptive text in the whole database, and can therefore be quite time
consuming. To search on plain text, in the File"Field box, choose Container
Description and in the lower box choose Text.
TIP: Highlighting Key Words
~ress <SHIFT> and either the left or right arrow keys to highlight a character at a time.
Press <SHIFT>, <CTRL> and either the left or right arrow keys to highlight a word at atime.
Double-click on a word to highlight it.
This menu option works exactly like Global Edit Description, except that you
want to enter a list of the contents for the Container rather than descriptive free text.
Let's say that you received those Containers of Payables files from ABC, and they
each have a file for each month of the year. But don't forget that some of them also
have those Receivables files. Start by making sure that all ten Containers are marked
on the table, and then select Global Edit Contents from the Options menu.
In the free-text box, type each file's name (J anuary through December), press Enter
between each name, and click OK.
Current line: ~ Total lines: ~

3- 8 Container Filing
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Once all t he Cont aincrs have t hcsc cont ent s, you ean sct t he sercen focus on
individual Cont aincrs and click Cont ent s t o edit t helll. Thcn ent er t he name of t he
receivablcs files for each Cont aincr.
Key Word Search
RS-SQL allows you t o search on t cxt wit hin t he Cont ent s dialog box for
Cont ainers. The Cont ent s dialog box differs fromt hc Descript ion dialog for
searching in t hat each linc of t ext - delineat ed by pressing Ent er - is considcred a
Keyword. Therefore, in t he example above, wit h each file name depict ing a mont h,
you could search on t he word "September," and get every Cont ainer on t he syst e"m
t hat has a file wit h t hat name. To do asearch on Sept ember, your query in t he
Cont ainer t able would rcad as:
ContainerContents/\Keyword =September
You can also complet e a search on aport ion of a line of cont ent s in a t ext search. For
example, if you have a cont ainer of files and one of t he files is named "Surber vs.
Turner" you could complet e a search onjust Surber by using t he following search
crit eria:
ConlainerContentsl\Texl - Surber
The Pushbut t ons along t he bot t om of t he Cont ainer t able affect only t he Cont ainer
t hat has t he screen focus - or is"highlight ed. Ot her it ems on t he t able, eit her marked
or not , are not affect ed by changes made wit h t hese but t ons. .
If t his but t on is grayed out , only t apes are allowed in t he highlight ed cont ainer. This
is det ermined by t he Cont ainee Type set t ing in t he Cont ainer AddlEdit dialog.
J ust as Cont ainers are cnt ered int o t he syst em and can be given Descript ions,
Cont ent s, ct c. so ean files ( see Filefllider Filing chapt er). Click Files t o ent cr t hc
Filefolder It ems t able for t hat Cont ainer. You are t hen able t o view all t he files t hat
are cont ained in t he Cont ainer t hat has current focus. Through t his t able you can add
new files, and have access t o t heir Cont ent s, Descript ions, Ret ent ion
Schedules, Act ivit y Files and view any Aliases.
If t his but t on is grayed out , only files are allowed in t he highlight ed cont ainer. This is
det ermined by t he Cont ainee Type set t ing in t he Cont ainer Add/Edit dialog.
J ust as Cont ainers and Files are ent ered int o t he syst em and can be given
Descript ions, Cont ent s, et c. so can Tapes ( see Tape Filing chapt er). Click t he
Tapes but t on t o ent er t he Tape It ems t able which holds all t he t apes t hat are
cont ained in t hat Cont ainer. Through t his t able you can edit t apes and add new ones
Cont ainer Filing. 3-9
3-10Container Filing
to the container. You have access to the tapes' Contents, Descriptions, Activity
Files and view any Aliases. '. .
If a barcode label on a Container is destroyed, you don't have to worry about
replacing the label with the same number. You can re-number the Container with
Y9ur next available Container label, and both numbers are associated with that
To assign another number to aContainer, simply se~the screen focus on that
Container, and click Edit. Then change the Container 10 Number. When you
click OK, the following prompt appears:
'(f@1II'L ~\r'M~sr~L t ,i'~~-~' 'k"";C4fS " i''-.~,'~,'t'Qrr' ~~W:M' ~:. if:e;~ 'J'.~W 4 . ,it ;~$~.} -. (,k" 1 3,1'xl
(t>'~~ve changed the ID of this Item. Doyou wish to s<,ve.lI>eoldvalue ~ an additional jdentif~,(aliasi.~~em
When you click Yes, the new number appears as the Container 10 number,.but
the old number remains in the system and is permanently linked to the new number.
TIP: If you hold down the Alt and Shift key and press E for edit you get the Edit
dialog box, but without any selected Container.You can enter either the current ID
or an "alias-" ID for that Container to load it for editing.
Click Alias to view all alias numbers associated with the Container. Within this
table, you can add, modify, or delete aliases for an item.
The Activity button accesses the Activity History table for the highlighted
container. You can view infonnation about what has happened to aContainer, when
it happened, and who was responsible for it happening.
As arepository of what has been done by whom and when, the Activity table can
provide information to resolve problem issues such as misplaced Containers or
unfulfilled service requests. It can also provide the raw data for auditing and
evaluating record center performance. And, perhaps most important, the Activity
table is grist for your revenue-generating mill. Virtually anything captured in the
Activity table can have a charge associated with it in theTransaction table. When
you do your invoicing in RS-SQL , the software looks to the Transaction table for
any charge you've associated with a particular type of activity and dutifully tallies it.
When the Activity table for aContainer is accessed, all activity associated with that
Container can be viewed. There are many column headings to choose from to access
activity, as you need. Manipulating the columns of this table and sorting them to fit
your needs can create valuable reports.
CAUTION: Functions accessed from the Activi~v table should be protected
from unauthorized editing through the security area of the system. It is rare that
you will want to manua/(v change anything itt an Activity File. Once changed,
original activity cannot be retrieved. W e suggest that you stop access to the Add,
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,PtJ .ighlighl Keywords
Container Filing. 3-11
I. Keywords canbeadded and removed using thetoolbar buttons, or the
Add and Delete buttons. Existing keywords canalso beedited using
the Edit button.
2. Keywords are showninboldface within thetext
h~! ~:(.~:; . ::;::~t~l~( ~'.; ;~:~;~: :~~f~~~~/~~ ~.~ .;;; _ ; :.I~;,:~.~:"';!~\ ~~:~hl:':~I:~,1tt~~i'
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. ::~,,";..',.::C -,;,~':,I. -" :,-"" -"" ._ :"; ',,,,,.,-, "
Edit ami Delete fUllctions (global and pushbutton) of this table, then just tum
them ollforyourselfifyou need to make a change. Be sure to tum access off
again wlrenyou Irapefinished.
The Schedule button allows youtoschedule activities tobeadded to future
workorders for the selected container. For more information, seethe Scheduling
RS-SQL offers youthe option of entering free text todescribe eachContainer. Your
customers will define what descriptions are to be entered for eachContainer, and this
information canbe searched onlater tohelp youfind it Therearetwo different ways
to search uponthis information - Key Word and Text Searches.
EachContainer inthe system canbegivenaunique description. When youclick this
button, theDescription dialog box appears and youcantypeinwhatever would
best describe this Container.


: .

".... ~


( .
3. Lines that exceed the line limit for descriptions are shown in red. If the
user tries to save with a line that exceeds the line limit, a message is
displayed and the cursor is placed on the offending line.
4. The keyword list includes a count of the number of times the keyword
appears within the text.
5. Keywords do not have to appear in the text. These keywords are added
using the Add button. Keywords thanlo not appear in the text have a
zero match count in the keyword list.
6. You can tum off highlighting of keywords with the check box in the
lower left-hand comer of the window.
7. Search and replace is availab'le from the toolbar and the menu.
8. There are an unlimited number ofundos and redos. Undo and redo are
available from the toolbar, menu, or with CTRL-Z and CTRL-Y.
9. The text that is part of one line but wraps because it hits the end of the
.. window can be distinguished by the hanging indent.
10. The current line being edited and the total number of lines are
displayed in the lower right hand side of the window.
To search on a key word, fromthe Container table, click the Search menu, and
select Load ... The Container Items Query dialog box appears. Under the
File"Field box, click the down arrow to select Container DescriptionKeyword.
Then, in the box below that, click the down arrow to select Key Word. Inthe
Constant field, enter the Key word(s) you want to search on.
NOTE: RS-SQL accepts up to 40 characters as a Key Word. Any characters
beyond that limit are not included i" the Key Word file, and are not searched upon
whe" a search is co"ducted.
S~arching on Descriptions
. ( j
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(: 2 '@
3-12 . Container Filing
~/ You may also search on plain text that has not been marked as Key. This eauses the
system to search through all descriptive text for every Container in the whole
database. Obviously, this can be quite time consuming. To search on plain text, from
the Query dialog, in the File"Field boxes, choose ContainerDescription and
Text. You could search on any string of characters to find acontainer. If the
container description is "Case Files for Attorney Stephen H. Welch," you could
choose "Attorney," "Welch," "Case Files," or any other combination you can think
In the Contents window you can enter the name of each item within another item. G J )
A standard example would be the name of each file stored in a Container. Although
the Contents window is a free-text field, each line of text entered is indexed and can ..@
be searched upon as 'Keyword Text.' You just have to enter each item of the contents 'i? :=';
as a separate line of text. (,,@
Container Filing. 3-13
r~l 1111: 1._',' " J "H:,!.,. '. r:,_..!.'",:.~ T!",. ~':I','I'.J o:-l,.:tl'::. :"1;,"
'r,'" '" '''. h,,'
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2. The text that is part of one line but wraps because it hits theend of the
window can bedistinguished by thehanging indent.
3. There arean unlimited number Ofundos and redos. Undo and redo are
available from thetoolbar, menu, or with CTRL-Z and CTRL-Y.
4. The current linebeing edited and thetotal number or lines arc
displayed inthelower right hand side or thewindow.
5. Search and replace is available from thetoolbarand themenu,
I. Lines that exceed theline limit for contents areshown inred. If theuser
tries to save with alinethat exceeds thelinelimit (80 characters), a
message is displayed and thecursor is placed ontheoffending line. The
entire line is indexed for faster searches.
; : < ~ ' t :
'Currf~rnlml" t " , " . ' '~'r.i:~rtl'ine:;~:I~"""""~'
ContainerContentsf\Text =Puitt
and find thefile.
Searching on Key Words
If you havealist of files that arethemonths of theyear, you can search with aquery
o f
ContainerContentsf\Keyword = '~eptember
and every Container that has afilewith that name entered lnto the system appears on
your table.
You canalso search for lext within aline of contents. If you have aline of text that
reads "Puitt vs. Fulton" you cansearch for

~ .
"':.. ,


...- ~.

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( '

Add/Edit Containers
Each Containcr in the systcllIltas quite a bit of inf(lrI11ation associated with it, and
this inl(lrInation can all be fi.lllndin the Container Items Add and Edit dialogs.
Containers are normally added to the system using scanners. However, they can be"
added manually and all data entry should be done here.
Alternate Code
! ( j j
' ( I
c: .
_ _ . .i
!: Ietp
,- Date nange
1 Flam I
i To I
" ;;.
: "Segucnce Range _..... _..--~""-
. From = ' = = = = = = = 1i
. T
,- I ... - .... - ..... - .... - ..... - .... - ..... - ' J J
Contcnh I
_ - - - - - - - - - - I
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~= = = = = = = = ~I i
= = = = = = = = = = = 11
:====;;- - - - - - - '
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I Use.;!
I Uter3
I Ur.
i U.erOate I IlEI
L- _ _. ~ _ _ ._ . ._ . ,.".._ _.._ _ ._ _..
I Cuntaincc
Cancel OK I
l;ode II
~ltefOate Code I
j"ocalionCode I lI I
Objecl Code [CONTAmEiiJI]
Conlojnec Type I ill
Securill(Coda I III
Calegor, Code I II I
li.el L.I ,
I ItemSlalu. lin (I I !
i Slaly' D ole 1
lilJ i
i AddD ale 13/5/99 IS I
i !====~
IOe.II01' D ot" I lilil i
! Acc~ss Count Qill I
j PJl.rrn flog ~ i
.<!: ..;.": .~ : "'-'-,-- ' _._.--1
P ' i;h. tl"q~.'f~u' ~;lOi .. l~if~'
po Chmge for Add
Container Code
Your customers may have their own internal identifying scheme for their Containers.
If this is the case, you can enter their identifier for a Container here, and use it when
you discuss this Container with them. They can order delivery, access and
destruction using this number. Searches can be conducted using it.
Alternate Codes must beunique within each account (even between files and
containers), but don't need to be unique throughout the system. For example, two
different customers can have an Alternate ID ofPER007.
The Container code is the barcode number that is attached to it. This number is
random and has no meaning but; obviously, must be unique to each Container. It
does determine the owner of the Container when barcodes are assigned to customers
(see Account Ranges chapter in the Administration manual). This number is entered
automatically when a Container is added to the system with a scanner and
Ac c ount L ev el Codes
The Account Level codes are entered into the system automatically when anew
Container is scanned into the facility, and identify the owner of this Container. This
Account (at all levels) isassigned to the Container ID when the Account Range is
determined (see Account Ranges chapter in the Administration manual).
: .;: ~
: : @
3-14. Container Filing
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Locati on Code
The Location Code shows wher e the Container is at any given time. If the Container
is out of the facility, the location code shows the lastlocation it held in the facility.
The Location Code field is filled inby the system when the Container is scanned into
position and the data is downloaded into the pr ogr am. When the Container is added
to the system, this location code deter mines the size and kind of the Containec(see
Locati ons chapter in the Administr ation manual) .
Object Code
The Object Code defines the type of container that this is. It can bejust a Container
with no mor e definition, or it can be aContainer Sub-type (see Objects section in
Administr ation manual). I f the container came into the facility for the fir st time and
was placed into a location that was assigned an object code with aContainer Sub-
type, then that object code appear s in this field. Likewise, if it was fir st placed into a
location with the Object Code "Item" or "Container ," and the war ehouse oper ator
assigned it asub-type with his PDT31 00, it appear s in this field. However , if it was
fir st placed into a location with the Object Code "Item" or "Container " and no
fur ther definition was given to it, the Object Code "Container " is in this field. It can
be edited to better r eflect the container 's type by clicking the down ar r ow. This
enables you to sec a listing of all available container sub-types. Double-Click the
appr opr iate Object Code to enler it in the Object Code field.
Contai neeType
The Containee Type defines ~hat is kept in this container . You can keep both files
and tapes in acontainer by using aContainee Type of Item or bYleaving the field
blank. You can keep either filefolder sor tapes in a container using a Containee Type
of Filefolder s or Tapes. Specifying the Containee Type asTape allows you to put
any type of tape in the container . If you want to keep only one type of tape in a
container , you can specify the Containee Type as a Tape-Sub-type (see Objects
section in Administr ation manual). Click the doWn ar r ow to view a list of all
available Containee Types. If the Containee Type is Filefolder , the Files button is
available at the bottom of the table when this container is highlighted. If the
Containee Type is Tape or a Tape Sub-type, the Tapes button is available. If the
Containee Type is Item or blank, both buttons ar e available.
Securi ty Code
As discussed in the Secur ity Code section, the code assigned to the Container
deter mines which user s have access to it. The code assigned to the User must be
equal to or higher than the Code assigned to the Container . Secur ity Codes ar e set up
in the Administr ation pr ogr am, Options menu, Setup submenu, Secur ity
Level option.
Category Code
Categor y Codes define what is contained within the Container . They can be used
independently tojust tell you what is ther e (per sonnel files, gener al ledger s, etc.), or
they can be associated with Review Reasons to cr eate Review Dates. Categor y
Codes ar e set up in the Administr ation pr ogr am, Options menu, Setup submenu,
Categor y Code option. (See Category section in Administr ation manual.)
Container Filing. 3-15
3-16. Container Filing
. The Set field allows you toassign anumber of containers toagroup toensure that
they all travel together. If acontainer(s) that is part of aset is delivered or picked up
without all theother containers th~t belong tothat set, an-exception is generated in
thesystem: For alist of all sets that areavailable for this account, click the arrow to
theright of the Set field.
All ficlds inthe Status Box arc filled inby the system except for Destroy Date and
Item Status: The status is assigned toaContainer when it enters the system. Itcanbe
In, Out, Destroyed or Perm Out. This status is changed by the system when a
workorder is created affecting achange inthe Container's status.
Status Date: The date that thestatus was last changed.
Add IJate: The date that thesystem first acknowledged thepresence of theContainer
Destroy Date: This field is determined by thecustomer and filled inmanually. Itcan
also bechanged manually.
Access Count: The system increments thecount inthis field whenever the
Container's status changes from intoout.
Perm Flag: There are times when acustomer wants aContainer to exist indefinitely.
This field is filled inmanually.
Sequence Range
The sequence range is entered manually from information given to you by the
customer. Ithelps to identify theContainer's descriptions. For example, if you have a
Container of personnel files, theSequence might be"From: ABERCROMBIE To:
Date Range
The Date Range serves two purposes. The first is to further define the contents of the
Container. Inthe example above, thepersonnel files could also have termination
dates associated with them. Thebeginning and ending dates can beentered inthese
fields. When adate is entered intothese fields, it is used with Category Codes, and
Review Reasons to determine theRetention Schedule for theContainer. This is the
date that thesystem uses as thestart from date. If aContainer needs tobereviewed
after fiveyears, it is calculated as fiveyears from the"To" date inthe Date Range
User Defi ned
You may create four free-text fields and one date field with your own field names,
and they appear in the bottom, right comer of theContainer Items dialog box.
These fields are completely user defined. You can set upjust one or two, or all five.
You can also search on the information contained inthefields (see User Defined
Fields section of the Maintenance chapter intheAdministration manual).
':(1 ~

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WIt"11 flit"'" Ih,ldll 11I1I't. 11<"'11 1111II It,d IIy Iltl' "'WI l111d lilt' II I'l1ll 01' lh~ Nyull'''l, lhry
aplleai' 011 the Conlainer Add/Edil dialog box with those lield names, However, in
Query dialogs, the fields appear under their system names of UserDefinedDate and
UserDelinedField I - 4,
If the User Defined Fields are not defined, they do not appear in the Container
Add/Edit dialog box, but still appear in queries .
Charge for Storage
This option allows you to charge for storage of files or tapes in a container but not
for the container itself: o'r for the container but not for the files or tapes within it. It
allows you to tell the system not to charge for the storage of this item. The default is
Yes (checked). Tum it off and tell the system not to charge for this container by
clearing the check box. Be careful with this option. You don't want to inadvertently
not charge for something that should be charged for.
The ability to change this option is determined in the RSWIN. ini file (see
Maintenance chapter, RSWIN.ini section in the Administration manual), so it may be
grayed out on your screen. In the RSWIN. ini file, the options for this setting are
Auto and Manual.
When set to AUTO, the following applies:
I f the item is a Container, the Charge for Storage flag for that item is
TRUE or turned on.
If the item is aTape or Filefolder, the Charge for Storage flag for that
item is: -
FALSE (turned oft) iftIJ e item is contained in a Container, or
TRUE (turned on) if the item is not contained in a Container but stored
directly in a location.
In this case, you do not have the ability to change the Charge for
Storage flag. '
When set to MANUAL, the following applies:
All Items - Containers, Tapes and Filefolders - have the Charge for
Storage flag set to TRUE. You can manually override this either
through the AddlEdit dialog box or through Global Edit. The setting
applies until manually changed. Of course, if you are not charging for
Filefolders or Tapes with aTransaction (Base or Account), no charge is
generated even though the flag is set to TRUE (or turned on).
Charge for Add - Charge for Move and/or Status
If you are in the Add Container dialog, this box is labeled, "Charge for Add," if
you are editing acontainer it is labeled, "Charge for Move and/or Status Change. "
This box is checked automatically by the system, unless you choose not to charge for
the action taking place. To remove the action from invoicing, clear the check box.
Keep in mind that RS-SQL only invoices for moves if you've established a
transaction for moves. Don't worry about accidentally charging for amove if you
edit a location and forget to clear the charge check box. I f you don't have pricing set
up for a move, the system won't charge for it.
Container Filing. 3-17
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Urgent Notification
Close I Contents I Descrip I Schedulel Activity I Alias " I Add I Edit I Delete I
Access C
I ---J .1
The RS-SQL Filefolder table allows you to view and manipulate Filefolder data in
many different ways. It includes eight 'Table Specific' menu items -- Load Refile
List, Urgent Notification, Print Refile List, Refile List to PDT3100, Global
Edit Description, Global Edit Set Name, Global Edit Contents and Save
Refile List-- as well as many extra 'Table Specific' buttons at the bottom of the
table. Menu functions apply to all marked items inthe table. Buttons at the bottom of
the table apply only to the item that has the Focus (is highlighted). All menus and
buttons are described in detail below. Toolbars on the top of the table reflect the
options available through the top menu bar.
4. Filefolder Filing
," .

, .


" .
: .

, .

' .
{: ;'" ,
' .
\. . -':'-'
\, , " . "

, .

, " , :;. <r'
I . -
Urgent Notification allows YOll tocreate alist of items that you necd to find. This list
is downloaded into the PDT3l 00 whenever it communicates with RS-SQL. When
any item on the Urgent Notification list is then scanned with the PDT3l 00, the
PDT3100 notifies the user. Again, when the PDT3l 00 communicates with RS-SQL
after scanning an item from the Urgent Notification list, the PDT3100 generates an
exception that must be acknowledged. A list can be created in the Filefolder table
Filefolder Filing. 4-1
Refile Lists
4-2Filefolder Filing
as well as in the Container and Tape tables. All lists are downloaded tothe
Creating an Urgent Notification List
In the Operations program, Options menu, select Filing, and Filefolder Items.
The Filefolder Items table appears. Load the items you want on your Urgent
Notification list onto the table.
To save the list click Save Urgent Notification List, or through the Options
menu, select Urgent Notification, then Save. All marked items on the table are
saved to the Urgent Notification List.
NOTE: If there is an existing Urgent Notification list, whatever you save overwrites
the existing list. Therefore, we suggest that before you save an Urgent Notification
List, you load whatever existing list exists in the system, if any.
Loading an Urgent Notification List
To load the current Urgent Notification list onto the Filefolder Items table, click
Load Urgent Notification List at the top of the table, or under the Options
menu, select Urgent Notification and Load. Whatever files are currently saved to
the Urgent Notification list are loaded onto your table. .
When an item from the Urgent Notification list has been located by the PDT31 00,
and you have been informed, you need to remove the item from the list. RS-SQL
does not remove an itemji-ofllllze Urgent Notification List wizen Uhas beenfound.
Removing Items from the Urgent Notification List
RS-SQL does not delete an item from the Urgent Notification list when it has been
located. To do this, load the Urgent Notification list, unmark all the items, mark-the
item to be removed, and clear it from the table. Then mark all the rest of the items
and save your Urgent Notification list again.
Deleting Urgent Notification List
To delete your whole Urgent Notification list either click Urgent Notification
Delete, or, from the Options menu, select Urgent Notification and Delete.
Even if the items from the Urgent Notificat.ion list are not on the table, thelist is
RS-SQ~ allows you to scan the barcodes of ftlefolders that need to be returned to
Containers and create areport that tells you what Containers they should be in, and
where those Containers are currently located. This is called a Reftle List. To generate
a Refile List, you need to first load all the filefolders to be reftled onto the
Filefolder Items table. You can do this by simply scanning the files needing to be
refiled, then downloading them to the system. You can also load the table with a
Reftle List from a remote site via transfer file, or from a previously downloaded text
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Filefolder Filing. 4-3
From the Terminal Server session, login to Operations.
From the Options menu, select Filing, then Filefolders. Click the
Load Refile List from Remote Site toolbar icon.
From a Remote Site
Datawand lib
When a remote site has filefolders that need to be refiled, it can follow the same
process as at the local site with slight variations. The process from the remote site is
as follows:
Scan all files needing to be refiled (either POT31 00 or Datawand lib).
Access the POT3100 Remote program.
Select Receive New Refile List Only, and click OK.
Download the POT31 00.
YOli may print a hard copy of a Rel}le List that displays on paper all the filefolders
by location. Or you can send the refile list to a POT3l D O " that then directs you around
the facility and validates that the file! ! have been refiled .
Load Refile List From
To create aRefile List using the Symbol Datawand lIb, simply use the Datawand to
scan all the barcodes on the files that need to be refiled, then, from the Filefolder
Ilems table. select the Options menu, Load Refile List From submenu, then
Data wand lib.... Scan the Send barcode on the Command Card with the Datawand,
then insert the Datawand into the Datawell and follow the instructions on your
screen. The information downloads into the system. All the scanned Filefolders are
listed on the table with their Containers and their Containers' locations. The table
appears formatted and sorted as for arefile list, but can be reformatted and sorted to
your preferences. The report prints by:
Building - Floor - Room - Location - Container - Container Status - Filefolder -
Filefolder Status - Description "
To generate arefiIc list using a POT3100, simply choose Scan Refile Folders
rrom the PDT11O O 's Main mcn! . and scan all. the barcodes on the files that peed to be
refiled. Then, from the Operations program, Options menu, select Filing and
Filefolder Items. The Filefolder Items table appears. From the Options menu,
Load Refile List From submenu, seleet PDT3100. The PDT3100
Communications Refile List dialog box appears.
Once the P0T31 00 is in the Communicate mode, insert it into its cradle and press its
Enter key. Communications begin. When you close the dialog, all files that were
scanned appear on the Filefolder Ilems table. When you are back at the loaded
table, you can re-sort the table, save it for future use, or you may choose to Print the
Refile List, or to Send the Refile List to the P0T31 00. The report prints in the
following order. .
Building - Floor - Room - Location - Container - Container status ~Filefolder-
Filefolder Status - Description



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From a Text File
RefileRepllrtfroinFile." ,.., co ,' : , <.,,', : DEI
Print Refile List
RS-SQL allows you to scan all items that need a refile report, then save the dump as
a text file for future printing (see Save Refile List below) ... When you choose this
option, you access the following window.


( .


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, OK
Ne1w>rk ...
- =- 1-
-= -I
List files of h'pe:
I ASC I I Text Files ('.lxl) :::I
File nam03:
Select the Remote Refile List, and click OK . After the file is loaded,
the filefolders appear on your table.
At this point, when the files needing to be refiled are on the table, you can print a
copy of the list, save it, or download it to a P0T31 00. To download to a POT31 00,
the following steps must be completed:
From the Options menu, select Refile List to PDT31 00.
Verify your Remote Site Number and click OK . The system tells you
that a file has been created for transmission to your remote site.
Run the PDT31 00 Remote program. Select the Refile List and click
OK . Put the PDT31 00 into the cradle and communicate.
Select a file from the list on the left and click OK . AI l the items on the refile list
appear on the Filefolder table. You may add another refile list to the table, or click
C ancel to return to the loaded table. Once the table is formatted to meet your needs,
you can print the report.
To print the refile list, under the Options menu, select Print Refile List. Give your
Refile List a title and a description by entering them in the Heading text box,
change your printer setup, font or margins if desired, and click OK .
4- 4 Filefolder Filing
rHeading-------.----- -.-------- ---- -- ------- ---- - ' - - = = l
l ~~~~~~~:~i st _00_00 ._. J
Al though you woul d nonnal l y set up your communi cati ons setti ngs from the Wand
Processi ng area of the system, you can al so confi rm or change them through the
Refi l e Li st Report functi on. When downl oadi ng data from the Datawand, just cl i ck
Port Setup to access the fol l owi ng wi ndow .
.- Margins (inches)
Left '10
Right 10.00
Top 10.00
Bol tom 10.00
_ _ H_ e_ l p_ _ 1
- - .- - - - - - - ' - ' - .- ' - - - 1
SetDefaul l s I
Sel ect font I
OK _ _ I .
\ .......:c . _
- c~:::~:t~t; ::~- ~- - - - - l
Baud Rate: \.9600o.:J
Data bi ts: 17 o.:J
Stop bits: 11 3
Pari ty: IE \l en 3
Your Refi l e l i st pri nts i n Locati on order.

--' .

- - - .

- .
-; ".
- ' ..- ~:>.

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: .
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You may change the communi cati ons setti ngs. Cl i ck Set Defaul ts to return to the
defaul t setti ngs shown above. When you cl i ck OK, any changes you have made are
saved to your workstati on onl y .
Fi l efol der Fi l i ng. 4- 5
SaveRefile List
Global Edit Description
Give your file a name by highlighting the asterisk (*) in the top file name box and
typing up to 8 characters. When you click OK your text file is created and saved in
the same directory as your RS-SQL program.


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Save file as !ype:
1. 6,SC II Te~tFiles ("M) 3
You may save your refile list as a text file to be printed at your convenience. Mark
all files on the Filefolder table that you want saved on your Refile List, and select
Save Refile List from the Options menu. The following standard dialog box
Descriptive text can be entered and associated with one or anumber of files. The
Global Edit Description dialog box allows you to enter new descriptive-text,
replace or append existing text to all marked Filefolders on your table. Within that
text, key words can be marked arrd searched upon to help you to find the files later.
For acomplete description of the Global Edit Description dialog boxand its
components, see the Container Filing chapter.
4-6 Filefolder Filing
( '

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<' S'
- Delete
Current line: 1 - 1 - - " Total lines: ~
PHighlight Keywords
Filefolder Filing. 4-7
Cancel J
File Edit Search Keyword Help
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_" M _" !t.~h~:>_.._. I_ _ E ~1 ''l:J.9..r.Q . .. . J_~_ A dd
NOTE: RS-SQL accepts up to 40 characters as a Key Word. Any characters
beyond that limit are not itrcluded in the Key Word file, and are not searched upon
wizen a search is conducted.
To search for a Key Word in a Filefolder's Description, from the Filefolder table,
Search menu, select Load ... The Search Q uery dialog box appears and you can
cntcr the query for your scarch. In the File" Field field, use the down arrow to select
FilefolderDescriptionKeyword. In the field below that, use the down arrow to
select Keyword. In the Constant field, enter the keyword you are searching for.
To search for text within a Filefolder's Description, from the Search Q uery dialog
box, your query appears as shown below:
FoldfolderDescription/\Tcxt =_ __ _
Key Word Search on Dessriptions
When descriptive text has been entered for a filefolder, key words can be marked
and indexed for fast searching, or text searches can be conducted that search the
entire database for a specified string of text. To mark key words, highlight the
text, select the Keyword menu, and choose M ark.
Keep in mind that when searches are conducted on text that is not indexed, and the
text search is not combined with an indexed field, the search will be quite time
consuming, since the system has to go through every character of descriptive text to
find matches.


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Global Edit Contents

A contents list can be entered for a Filefolder or group of Filefolders. This option
allows you to enter the same contents for all marked Filefolders on the table, or to
overwrite or append contents onto exhting Contents lists. For more information
on Global Editing Contents see the Container Filing chapter. For more information
on entering Contents, see the section later in this chapter.
Contents Pushbutton
In the Contents window you can enter the name of each item within a filc. A
standard example would be the name of eaeh document kept in a Filefolder.
Although the Contents window is a free-text field, each line of text cntered is
indexed and can be searched upon as 'Keyword Text.' You just have to enter each
item of the contents as a separate line of text, with the Enter key pressed between
each line.
Searching on KeyWords
For instance, if you have a list of documents that are the months of the year, you can
search for a key word of 'September' and every file that has a document with that
name entered into the system appears on your table.
RS-SQL offers you the option of entering free text to describe each filefolder. Your
customers will define what descriptions are to be entered for each file, and this
information ean be searched on later to help you find it. There are two differeilt ways
to search upon this information - Key Word and Text Searches.
Each Filefolder in the system can be given a unique description. When you click this
button, a free text box appears and you can type in whatever would best describe this
Keywords in the description can be Marked to allowyou to seareh on them. 1;0
mark a key word, simply highlight the key text and click the Mark tool bar button.
Or, under the Keyword menu, select Mark. The word'or phrase you markcd is
highlighted in the top section and appears in the lower section.
4-8Filefolder Filing
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Filefolder Filing. 4-9
Current line: [2--Total lines: [2--
J F~}'I,,'.Olq
This is a keyword. Keyword:, can appear an}".... )here in
the text in this top bo:.:.The v.)ordsthat have been
marked as keyword:, appear inthe bottom box with
the number of times they appear in the fieldto the left
of the v.)ord.
\.\I'hel1you start a ne.... ) lineby pressing the Enter key. the
line beains at the-far left margin, Othero.... lise it wraps.
tm1(.jdMml[1J .~nd is indented.
P' Highlight Keywords
File Edit Search Keyword Help
Searching on Key Words
The Activity File is key to the working of RS-SQL. When the Activity button is
pushed, the Activity File for the Filefolder with screen focus is accessed and all
activity associated with that Filefolder can be viewed. Manipulating the columns of
this table and sorting them to fit your needs can create valuable reports.
Searching on Description Text
1"0 search on a key word, from the Filefolder table, click the Search menu, and
select Load ... The Filefolder Items Query dialog box appears. Under the
File"Field box, click the down arrow to select FiI~folderDescriptionKeyword.
Then, in the box below that, click the down arrow to select KeyWord. In the
Constant ficld,cntcr the Key word(s) you want to search on. .
You may also search on plain text that has not been marked as Key. This causes the
system to search through all descriptive text for every Filefolder in the whole
database. Obviously, this can be quite time consuming. To find the filefolder whose
description is shown above, we could search on any of the words that are not
marked. In the File"Field box of the Search - Query dialog, choose
, FilefolderDescription in the top box and Text in the bottom one .
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CA UT/ON! Functions accessed from the Activity File table should he protected
ji'om liiwlit/wrizet! cl/i(;nK (ltmuKh the Fll1;ctioll Access area o/the system. It is
rare tit at you willwallt to manually change anythillg ill tlte Activity File.
The Schedule button allows you to schedule activities to be added to future
workorders for the selected lilcfolder. For more information, see theScheduling
< ( [ I )
If abarcode label on aFilefolder is destroyed, you don't have to worry about
replacing the label with the same number. You can re-number the file with your next
available Filefolder label and both numbers are associated with that Filefolder.
To assign another barcode number to a file, set the screen focus on that Filefolder,
and click Edit. Then change the Filefolder 10 number. When you click OK, the
following prompt appears:
- . .
'You have changed the10of t~dSItem. Do you . ishto save the oldvalue as an additional identilier{alias) IOf item '
34000A', "::,;f'{) ..."
.~ ' .. '"J '-' .
When you click Yes, the new number appears as the Filefolder 10 number, but
the old number remains in the system and is permanently linked to the new number.
All activity associated with both numbers appears in the activity file and on arty
applicable invoices. All references to the old number are changed to the new number.
You can search for alias numbers through the Query dialog box. When adding
filefolders to aworkorder, the system recognizes the entry of either number.
Click Alias to view all alias numbers associated with the Filefolder.
.. "@
Adding I Editing Filefolders
Each Filefolder in the system can have quite abit of information associated with it,
and this information is found in the Filefolder Add and Edit dialogs. All data entry
for filefolders is done from the Filefolder Edit dialog box.
"'.( tiD
4-10. Filefolder Filing l~-g:-::
O O r n m n m t i ' . " ~i1WI i~~1i~~:I ~Y :~~'~ffi-~'~.:~~~~~:';Ft\'<.
- Contained-I n--
NOTE: I f you try to add a Filefolder I D that is not an established length for
filcfolders the dialog warns you that thc length is incorrect, but it allows you to use
the number. '
The Filefolder Code is the barcode number that is attached to it. This number is
random and has no meaning but, obviously, mu"Stbe unique to each Filefolder. This
number is entered automatically when a Filefolder is added to the system via scanner
and downloaded. The number of characters in your Filefolder 10 is up to you. The
only requirement is that the number of characters must be unique to filefolders.
Help I
Contents I DesCfip I
l ,
r ' Sequet,ce Range---:-----l 1 '- Date Range 1
I FromI ' I FromI .::J i
i ! r '
I _ _ _ :.~_ I _ _ ~ i t T
I .:J I
--User Defined,------------'----------------------_ --j
Cod':l I '
AI lI D I 1
Datel:.J i
---::- ----= -~-= = ~-= --:_ :'----- --------------- - - - =:!
LocationCode I [! ]
I I1 J
I I1 J
Calego! }'Code
Cancel I
L':lvell I
FilefolderCode II
AlternateCode I
Pfll/)! I.:1 (' (fIr ~:,l.(>r .::I'.:F
r - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,,- '- - '- .
litem Status lin I1 JI
: StatusDate 12/18/2002.::J I
I p.ddDate 12/1812002 .:J !
I DestroyDate I .::J 1
I Acces~Count I0 ffi -
I PermFlag I r'jo m I
I '
Filefolder Code
r ,.


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Alternate Code
Y our custom'ers may have their own internal identifying scheme for their files. I f this
is the case, you can enter their identifier here, and use it when you discuss this
Filefolder with them. They can order delivery, access and destruction of the file
using this number. Searches ean be conducted using it.
Alternate I Ds must be unique for an account, but don't need to be unique throughout
the system. For example, two different customers can have an Alternate 10 of
: ..~
Filefolder Filing. 4-11
4-12. Filefolder Filing
Till' I k~;cliplioll liJ rII I:jklilldcr issilllply (hellilfllCorit. A persollllel filelIIay be
called SMITH, JOliN. A payroll file may be called September. This description does
not nced to bc unique, but can bc scarched on.
Notc that this description is only one line. For acomplete description, use the multi-
line description window as described above.
Contained In
Containid In is not arequired field. It is filled in by the' system if and when the file is
scanned into its container. It shows the barcode identifier of the Container that holds
the Filefolder. When you enter a container barcode number, today's date appears in
the date field below. The Account and Location for that Container appears in the
Account box and is grayed out. (Obviously, the owner of the Container is also the
owner of the Filefolder.) When the 10 field is filled in, the status of the container
appears ncxt to it.
If you only know the container's altemate number, you may enter it in the
Contained In Alt ID field. The systcm finds all containers with that Alternate 10.
Iftherc is only one such container in the system, its barcode is entered in the
Contained In IO field. If there is more than one container with that Altemate 10, you
are given a list of all containers with that Alternate IO. Select the one for the
Account with which you are working.
Be aware that ifyou have already entered an Account for the file, and select a
Container number assigned to another account, the Account Name changes. Be
sure you ente.r the correct Container number or rely on the scanner tofill in this
blank for you.
The Account code is entered into RS-SQL automatically when anew Filefolder is
processed into RS-SQL with a scanner, if that Filefolder barcode has been assigned
to an Account (see Account Ranges chapter of Administration manual). It is also
assigned an account ifit is given a Contained Invalue (see above) or ifitis scanned
into a container that is assigncd to an account. Ifit is not automatically assigned to an
account and" you are placing the barcodc on the file yoursclf, cntcr the Account code
here. Be sure to enter all aPlJ licable levels.
,Location Code
The Location Code shows where the file is at any given time. If the file or its
Container is out of the facility, the Location Code shows the last location it held in
the facility. The Location Code field is filled in by the system when the file or its
Container is scanned into position and the data is downloaded into the program. If
this Filefolder is given a Contained In value, its loc~tion matches that of the
container and it is grayed out (inaccessible). .
Security Code
As discussed in the Security Levels section inthe Administration manual, the code
assigned to a Filefolder detennines which users have access to it. The code assigned
to the User must be equal to or higher than the Code assigned to the file.
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A Category Code defines what the Filefolder contains. It can be used independently
tojust tell you what type of file it is (personnel file, general ledger, etc. ), or it can be
associated with a Review Reasons to help you to create aRetention Schedule .
The Set field allows you
to assign a number of filcfolders to a group to ensure that
they all travel together. If a filclolder(s) that is part of aset is delivered or picked up
. without all the other filefolders that belong to that set, an exception is generated in
the system. For a list of all sets that are available for this account, click the arrow to
the right of the Set field. To create a new set name for this account, simply enter it
in the Set field. It is added to the Account' s list of available sets.
Item Status
All lields in the Status Box are filled in by the system except lor Destroy Date and
Item Status: The status is assigned to a Filcfolder when it enters the system. It can be
In, Out, Destroyed or Penn Out. This status is changed by the system when a
workorder is created aflccting a change in the file' s status. When the Container that
holds the file is accessed, the status of the file does not change. It is still considered
"IN" the Container. I f the container' s status is changed to "Destroyed" or "Permout,"
the file' s status changes accordingly .
However, if you try to create a workorder for a Filefolder whose Container is OUT,
the system tells you that the Container is out. It gives the date and the workorder
Status Date: T' he date that the status was last changed.
Add Date: The date that the system first acknowledged the presence of the Filefolder
in the facility.
Destroy Date: This field is detennined by the customer a. ndfilled in manually. It can
be changed manually.
Access C ount: The system increments the count in this field whenever the Filefolder
is pulled from the Container. The eount does not change when the Container is
, accessed.
Perm Flag: There are times when a customer wants a file to exist indefinitely. This
field is filled in manually.
Sequence Range
The sequence range is entered manually from information given to you by the
customer. It helps to identifY the Filefolder' s descriptions.
Date Range
The Date Range serves two purposes. The first is to further define the contents of the
Filefolder. Any appropriate beginning and ending dates can be entered in these
fields. When a date is entered into these fields, it is used with Category codes; and
Review Reasons to determine the Retention Schedule for the Filefolder. This is the
date that the system uses as the start from date. If a Filefolder needs to be reviewed
File f olde r Filing. 4- 13
after five years, it is calculated as five years from the "To" date in the Date Range
User Defined
You may create four free-text fields, and one date field with your own field names,
and they appear inthe bottom right corner of the Filefolder Items dialog box.
These fields are completely user defined. You can set up'just one or two, or all five.
You can also search on the information contained in the fields (see User Defined
Fields section of Maintenance chapter in Administration manual).
When these fields have been named by the user and are a part of the system, t~ey
appear on the Filefolder Add/Edit dialog with those field names. However, in
Query dialogs, the fields appear tinder their system names of UserDefinedDate and
UserDefinedField I - 4.
If the User Defined Fields are not defined, they do not appear in the Filefolder
Add/Edit dialog, but still appear in queries.
Charge for Storage
This option allows you to charge for storage of files or tapes in acontainer but not
for the container itself, or for the container but not the files or tapes within it. It
allows you to tell the system not to charge for the storage of this item. The ability to
change this option is determined in the RSWIN.ini file (see Maintenance chapter,
RSWINini section inthe Administration manual), so it may be grayed out on your
screen. If the RSWIN.ini option is turned on, this flag is set to YES automatically -
even if the item was added through wand processing. Turn it off and tell the system
not to charge for this filefolder by clearing the check box. Be careful with this
option. You dOIl't want to inadvertently not charge for something that should be
charged for.
Charge for Add - Charge for Move and/or Status
At the bottom of the Filefolder Filing dialog is acheck box. If you are in the Add
Filefolder dialog, the box is labeled, "Charge for Add," if you are editing a
Filclolder it is labeled, "Charge lor Move and/or Status Change." This box is
selected automatically by the system, unless you choose not to charge for the action
taking place. To remove the action from invoicing, Clear the check box.
Conversion Notes:
Unlike other RS-SQL barcodable objects such as Containers or Locations, Filefolder
IDs can be any length. For backward compatibility with the DOS Record Storage,
RS-SQL supports t~e $character in front of barcodes to identity the currently
scanned thing as afilefolder no matter what the length of the barcode and no matter
what is set up in Barcode Lengths. RS-SQL recognizes any scanned itemthat has
a $preceding it as a filefolder, but does not hold the $as a characterln the ID of the
item. (When you look it up in the Filefolder table, the $does not appear.)
To keep the adding of Filefolders in Filing consistent with the adding of Filefolders
from the PDT31 OO/Datawand, you may enter an identifier of any length (do not enter
the $). If the length of the identifier is not set up as a filefolder in Barcode
4-14 Filefolder Filing
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Lengths, you ar e war ned that the length is invalid, but you ar e allowed to add the
filC folder if you c ontinue thr ough the war nings.
If you ar e using the $c onvention, you c an avoid the war nings by establishing an
.additionallength for filc foldc r s, whiC h does not inc lude the $. When you enter an ID
with a bar c ode length for fi1c foldc r s that is established, the war ning does not oc c ur .
If adding a length that inc ludes $c annot be done bec ause another item uses that
length, you have to wor k with the war nings. Example: suppose you have established
bar c ode lengths as follows:
Loc ation Length 5
C ontainer Length 6
Filefolder Length 7
Filefolder Length 8
However , if you use the $c onvention and, in addition to lengths 7 and 8, you have
bar c ode lengths of 6 onc e the $c har ac ter is r emoved, you must r etain the $on your
filefolder bar c odes to differ entiate them fr om c ontainer s when they ar e sc anned.
When you tr y to add a filc folder manually thr ough Filing, and it has a length other
than 7 or 8, RS-SQL lets you, but only after war ning you that the bar c ode length is
not set up as a valid filefolder bar c ode length.
Filefolder Filing. 4-15

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5. Alternate. Sort Order
AlternateSort Order offers analternativesorting optionwherepriority ranking of
c harac ters isevaluated inanorder other thanthe standard left-to-right,dic tionary
For example,you have two barc odes,123456789 and987654321: These would
normally besorted with 123456789prec eding 987654321 instandard dic tionary
ordering.WithAlternate Sort Order,rather than proc eeding fromleft-to-right, the
order of evaluation may betotaketheright-most threec harac terSas having the
greatest signific anc e,themiddlethreewith sec ondary signific anc e,and thefirst three
with theleast signific anc e. Sorearranged inorder of signific anc e:
123456789 bec om' es789456 123
987654321bec omes 321654987
Sortingbythisnew arrangement, 321654987 (whic h isac tually987654321) would
now c omefirst.
Set up a Template
IntheAdministration program,Options menu, Setup submenu,selec t
Alternate Sort Order, thenTemplate. The Alternate Sort Order Template
Alternate Sort Order. 5-1
" ' W >
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\' @
". . :. '
' 6D
: ( D
" {jJ )
I[ :~::6:~1 . ::::::::::] 1
,-~~i ez :~:~~:~~i 9 h t . o ~e~;~:i :~- - . . I
r Ri qh t - To - Lef t Ori ent at i o nj
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> . " <' ~" ' :' <' . . . ~:i , . . :>. :. . . . .~':. ;:>f . ,. ~\':,<':.i
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i f . ~L I . " . . .. . . . . :. . . . 1 . . <'
, " ;::r' t
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p ~==:~:::- =- =- - ,~
[f 5~:~TCE~c~~~f ~- Eci J
To creat e a new t emplat e, cli ck Add. Th e ASO Templat e Add di alo g appears.
Altemate Sort Order Template Code - I n t h i s sect i o n t ype t h e name yo u want t o
gi ve t h e t emplat e.
Altemate Sort Order Template Description - Here yo u can t ype a descri pt i o n o f t h e
t emplat e.
Alternate Sort Order Template - I n t h ese bo xes, t ype t h e o rder i n wh i ch yo u want
t h e exi st i ng ch aract ers so rt ed. Fo r example, i f yo u h ave a 5 ch aract er co de (2539 6)
and yo u want t o so rt by t h e last t wo ch aract ers f i rst t h en t h e remai ni ng t h ree, yo u
wo uld t ype t h e f o llo wi ng i nt h i s f i eld: 4 5 I 23. Th e result i ng ASO co de wo uld be
9 6253.
Orientation - Select ei t h er Lef t - To - Ri gh t , o r Ri gh t - To - Lef t Ori ent at i o n. Th i s allo ws
yo u t o ch o o se wh et h er t h enumber I ch aract er i n t h e so urce value begi ns o n t h e lef t
5- 2 Alt ernat e So rt Order
r :
or right. Typically, and hy delilllll, il will he the len,J )IIt therc nrc potcntially useful
'l'I!HOWI iiI"doillg tl'\I.dl" illgfiolll till' I iglli.
When you have completed all fields, click Add. Continue with another template, or
click Cancel to exit the dialog .
Assign a Template to an Account
o.r~~)UCSe~n:h liq [OUM! M~~ Dt-1II Ijelp
~lfQ11~~~ljjllJ lttil:finlt~11I1 ~1~1~1~1~I~rsmiS
1\cccM.~ ASO1.",ol,,'o(('J . tOl>e<;ICodo ASO0'" Eb."". IA$O0L."':". t
1 11:1 ASO I lCmn.6J IIER '(r..Q(l I i
.' j amf it.J t.i,tl1\Mmf J tt,.ttttl em:ca.rn .."q.i,!
Once a template is created, it must be assigll'Cd to an account. In Administration,
Options menu, Setup submenu, select Alternate Sort Order, then
Assignment. The Alternate Sort Order Template Assignment table appears.

~{ :.

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..,'C.: ...
To assign a new template, click Add. The ASq~Template Assignment Add
dialog appears,
: .
( .
:~J iJ :.
f : '
I iii'
Alternate Sort Order. 5-3
Once all fields are complete, click Add. The assignment is added to the table. You
can then assign another template, or click Cancel to exit the dialog.
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118"181111 ' illI ,
1" ... d : ' I ,
I . . ":,:,,,! 3 I
,. a'eObiect---.---"----l
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1-~I ter nate Sor tOr d er Template -----
f'.: ,} tJ ~: c~~_~L : " .. ""~.. __: _...... ,._~_.: .: : .~_:
. . Alter nate Sor tOr d er Data Element TYP]
I :0 ::1
~-_._.-. -~---
ft< nateS~tO,d"DataL eng~l
'r Upd ateASO C od e for I tems
. Accoullt - Use the drop down arrow to select the.L evel I account to which you are
assigning the template. Select L evel 2 and 3accounts if applicable.
Base Object -'Use the drop down arrow to select the object type (container,
filefolder, or tape).
Altemate Sort Order Template - Use the drop down arrow make your selection
from a list of all templates that have been created.
Altemate Sort Order Data Element Type - Use the drop down arrow to select an
element type for the sort (ASO can only be used with code, alternate code, or
sequence range).
Altemate Sort Order Data Length - Type the number of characters in the code you
are using for sort. For example, if you have 7and 10character container barcodes,
and for this template you only want to include the 10character barcodes, type the
number 10.
Update ASO code/or items - Select this check box if you want existing items in the
database to be assigned alternate sort order codes based on this template. I f the check
box is not selected, only new items added to the database will be assigned alternate
sort order codes.
5-4 Alter nate Sor t Or d er
00290 I-J OHNSON
Example 1
Examples of Use
(was 100123-SMITH)
(was 332280-LEE)
(was 002901-J OHNSON)
You want to sort on the first six digits rearranged for sorting so that characters 4-6, "
have higher sorting precedence than characters 1-3. For alternate sorting, you don't;
care about the characters after the hyphen. To do this, you would first create asingie
template with the Alternate S~rt Order Template field viilue as 4- 5- 6- 1- 2- 3. Ne~t, '
you need to assign this template to the appropriate Account, Base Object, and Data .
Lengths. Remember, atemplate can have more than one assignment. For example,
you may want to assign this template to the same a'ccount eight different times using
lengths of 8-15 (depending on the number of characters in your longest name).
This is much easier than creating a new template for each different length, coming up
with unique names (or them, and then assigning them.
Our exampJ e above, sorted numerically by the ASO value, would become:
A template does not need to be the same data length as the code. The length of tl1e
code is one of the qualifiers that determines the selection of the template, but the
template itself does not need to use or manipulate all the characters in the code. This
allows for more flexibility.
Let's say you have alternate cqdes similar to this:
Four new column headings have been added to all tables where items are
displayable: ASO Code, ASO Alternate Code, ASO Sequence Begin, ASO Sequence
End. They can be viewed and sorted by the same as all other column headings.
Viewing/Sorting by Alternate Sort Order Codes



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r.::" ,c,
. . . . . . . . -
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By not tying the data length to the template length, you can emulate numeric-like
sorting on non-numeric, variable length columns. For example, let's say you have
the alternate codes 2, II, 56,104, 4096. In traditional, dictionary-order sorting for
alphanumeric characters, these would sort as:
Alternate Sort Order. 5-5
You can do this by crcating templatcs likc the following (assuming you have a
maximum length of six characters).
The quotation mark tells RS-SQL to insert the following character into this position
(in this case the character is zcro). While the Icngth ofthc template in all six cases is
6, each template is associated with a different data length. This creates the following
alternate sort order values for the values inour example:
But you may prefer that they sort:
And if you sort by the ASO value, the results are:
2 (000002)
II (000011)
56 (000056)
104 (000104)
4096 (004096)
r .
; ~ .
t':'., .

i .
" .

; .
(:~ .

and assign this tcmplate tb data length I
and assign this tcmplate to data length 2
and assign this tcmplate to data length 3
and assign this template to data length 4
and assign this tcmplate to data length 5
and assign this template to data Icngth 6
"0- "0- "0- "0- "0- I
"0- "0- "0- "0- 1- 2
"0- "0- "0- I - 2- 3
"0- "0- 1- 2- 3- 4
"0- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6
Predefined Queries
The Contai ner , Fi lefolder , and Tape tables, like some other tables in RS-SQL are
programmed with a set of predefined queries that you might find useful. These
queries are not readily available for you to create on your own, so O'Neil offers them
through the use of the F6key. When you press the F6key from the Contai ner
table, the following dialog box appears.
i .
C'. ':



5-6 Alter nate Sor t Or der
. .
.c .
. . . ':.-
~ ~ ~ :!

I }
Alternate Sort Order. 5-7
1 2 1 nC:ontainer.6.S 0 SequenceR ange
Cancel OK
searCh Results---i
Thisquerywill find.all Containersthat.... Ela sed: 0:00.0J
belong10 an specIfiedaccountfor p i
whicha s.peCifiedSequenceNumberis Malched: 0 I'
betweentheASO Seq' J enceBegin . Add d. 0
andtheASO Sequence End. ~ __. e~.~ .
EnterSequenceNumber: 1000500
EnterLevell Account: 1 2 000
~- - - - - - - - -
Enler Level 2Account: 1 1 0 4 : 1
EnterLevel3Account: ,-----------
. 6 . L L
C.6.D D
C . 6 . L T
f:l~i:~I-' U~(rt~=J ;' ;tr~l~.1I II II
The predefined query that is available on this table is
zlnContainerASOSequenceRange. This query loads all containers that belong
to a specified account for which a specified Sequencc Number is betwecn thc ASO
Sequence Begin and the ASO Sequence End. When you select the query name and
click OK, the Query dialog box appears with the query already loaded.
Type the Sequence Number you want, as well as the Account. Click Query to
.complete the query.
You can access these same predefined queries while creating a workorder for
Containers, Filefolders, or Tapes. For example, enter the Workorder table, and
under the Options menu, choose Create Workorder - Delivery. The Create
- Delivery Workorder dialog appears. Under the Options menu, select
Containers. The Containers for (W/O#) table appears. From the Options
menu, select Container Query and Post. Once the Container table appears, you
can use the F6 key to access the predefined query .

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E l 2 ~i~
6. Workorders
The workorder area or RS- SQL is quite comprehensive. You can create Pre-
Workorders for work that is to be done in the future. and create standard
Workorders for del ivering and picking up. accessing and receiving items,
destroying containers. fil es and tapes as wel l as sel l ing services and suppl ies to your
In Workorders. you can al so tum charges off and on. and charge items on one
account's workorder to another account through the Override Charge function and
the Charge Detail tabl e. You'can Add and E dit pickup and del ivery Addresses
for an account as you generate a workorder. Once you have created a workorder and
you want to add containers: fiIefol ders. or tapes to it. you can use the Query &Post
function to find al l items that match certain criteria. Through the Workorder Detail
tabl e, you can view al l items that have been added to a workorder ( i. e. containers,
tapes, fil es, services. and suppl ies).
Through the Administrative options in the Workorder tabl e. you can view al l
information for an account. incl uding bil l ing infonnation ( View Account) and
pricing ( View Account Transactions). An Authorized List is avail abl e so you
can ensure that the appropriate peopl e at your customers' offices are ordering items,
and Customer Service Instructions pop up to remind your CU8tomer Service
p_copl c of important fil ets ahol l t cach account. 'y'011CHIt update a cl l sl ol l l er's
Account Item Summary to view a tabl e that recounts each type of item that the
customer has in the system.
Pickl ists can be generated and either printed in hard copy. or dO\'ml oaded to the
PDT3100 { or el ectronic val idation. Through the Workorder tabl e, you al so
downl oad Route Ops information for your drivers. and if for some reason the route
or pickl ist was not compl eted. you can Rel oad Workorders to the Workorder
tabl e without generating exceptions.
Workorders are generated through the Operations program. Opl ionsmenu,
Workorder option. Pre- workorders are generated through the Operations
program, Options menu. Pre- Workorder option.
When you create a workorder in RS- SQL. the stal us of the items pl aced on the order
is changed. So. if you were to create a workorder { or an item to be del ivered next
Workorders. 6- 1
I r. 1 J f. . t:lj)l!, !f. l .
6-2 Workorders
Thursday. then needed to look f'or it on Tuesday. the status of the item in RS-SQL
would hc 'our evcn thoug.h thc item is still on the shelf.
Therc/()re. RS-S()L offers a pre-work order option that allows you to create
workorders in advance. without changing the status of the item. Thc status of the
itcm is changed when the pre-workorder is converted to a workorder.
To create a pre-workorder. from the Operations program. Options menu, select
Pre-Workorders. The Pre-Workorder table appears. Create your pre-workorder
in exactly the same way that you create aregular workorder (see sections below).
The only variance in creating a pre-workorder is that you have thc opportunity to
enter the date and time that'you want the pre-workorder to be converted to a
workorder. This appears in the Status box as shown,below:
' I ~ tatu~ " L , , / " ' 2 ' "1 ' . . /. . . . 2. . . . 0. . . . 0. . . . 2. . . . 9. . . . . 44 At. , . j . . .. . . . . 1 , . "
, J c' :..I r,,:';I ,
i Schedule
I r Print
l~.C('I ',\rl
Enter the date and time that you would like to have this pre-workorder converted to
workorder status. Then you Call use this field in queries to load pre-workorders that
need to be converted to workorders.
A number is assigned to each pre-workorder as it is saved. This number comes from
the same sequence of numbers as regular work orders do. For example: if you create a
workorder that is assigned number 030000 I . then create a pre-workorder, it is
assigned the number 0300002.
Converting Pre-W<?Jkorders to .Workorders
When you are ready to fill an order. you must convert the pre-work order to
workorder status, To convert a pre-workorder to workorder status. load it (and any
others being converted) onto the Pre-Workordertable. (As an example. you could
create aquery ()r all pre-workorders with aschedule datc equal to today.) With all
thc pre-workorders to be converted marked. under the Options menu, select
Convert Pre-Workorders. Once the pre-workorders have been converted, treat
thcm as you would any other workorder needing 'attention.
The converted pre-workorders now appear in thc Workorder table when called up
in a query. However. they also continue to be available in the Pre-Workorder
table. You can tell if a pre-workorder has been converted by fonnatting your
columns on the table to include Converted Date. I f the field is empty, the pre-
workorder has not been converted. I f it lists adate, then the pre-workorder was
converted to a workorder on that date.
You may delete converted pre-workorders from the system with no adverse reactions
from the system. Ensure that they have. indeed been converted (by checking the
Converted Date field). Mark them. and from the Options menu. select Global
Delete. Or. set the screen focus on a single pre-workorder to be deleted and click
Delete at the bottom of the table.
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Other Servic es: Servic es suc h as photoc opying and 1~lxingc all be plac ed on illl
Olher Servic es Workorder;or c an he inc luded on a Delivery or Ac c essWorkorder .
PermOut Workorder: Used for items that have been seilt out on a Deliv~ry or
Ac c ess workorder, and the c llstomer later dec ides to keep them pennanently
When you selec t the Create Workorder option from the Options menu of the
Workorder table, and c hoose Delivery, Ac c ess, Destroy, Servic es, or
PermOut, a Create Workorder dialog appears as shown below. This dialog' s
puq10se is to c reate the header for the workordc r. You c nter the Ac c ount Code. and
the Servic e Priority. Onc e you have entered this information. you c an selec t spec ific
Containers. Fikfoldc rs' :lIld Tapes to. bc posted to the workorder through the
Options menu. .
NOTE: When an ac c ount has been established for aworkorder and the workorder
number is assigned. the Customer Servic e Instruc tions automatic ally appear on
the sc reen.
Canc el
Not ' hnnized
S. "1l1v!imilh
1111 Jul A"r. nut~
Sc ottie. WA 90140
~~i!j. 39~' l
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0310911999 8:52AM;
AI:c ount
levd 1 {J iirn=rrJ
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,,," ,i:l I I
When you c reate a Delivery or Ac c ess Workorder, and know thal an ilem going out
is not c oming bac k. you should mark it ' -PermOuf' on the Delivery or Ac c ess
PennOut work orders are dillc rent li' OI11 other workorders in that they do not generate
c ontac l with a c ustomer. They simply c hangc lhe status of an itc m that is OUT to
Other Servic es and Charges and Credits c an be added to any type of
workorder if you like(but you c annot c ombine Delivery, Ac c ess or Destroy)
requests on the same workorder. l3uild a workorder by selec ting the Containers,
Filefolders, Tapes, Supplies, Servic es and Charges/Credits to be posted to
the work order. Through the Options menu you c an ;lIso enter Notes (II' this
workorder. go direc tly into the Detail table (See Workorder Detail sec tion below) or
to the Charge Detail table (see Charge Detail sec tion below). You c an view the
Ac c ount Information and the Authorization list, c hec k Customer Servic e
Instruc tions for this c ustomer, view Ac c ount Transac tions, Ac c ount Item
Summary, and Print the Workorder.
6-4 Workorders
" . (.

: .

" .
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c ,

. -.
( ," '; ': @
If any pre-workorders could not be converted to workorders. an exception is
generated. To view the exceptions. in the Pre-Workorder table. under the Options
menu. select Exceptions. The Exception table appears with the pre-workorders
listed that were not converted.
m: mw M ttQ1tttftfi.-dQtKJ %M P! @ ~;, "~~. '. :t-b;; ,.S '. iiia: - e
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13:tjt:::jI : m,.ltl'tt: ti' .'lho, FtI,
To find out why a pre-workorder was not converted. highlight it and click Detail.
The Pre-Workorder Exceptions table appears for that pre-workorder. Any errors
that arc applicable f(lr that pre-workorder appears. The only reason that a pre-
workorder can not be converted to aworkorder is if it has already been converted. If
one or more of the items on the workorder is out of the facility, then that item is not
included inthe new work order. This can happen when an itemis on apre-workorder
that has not yet been converted. Then a work order is generated for the item. When
this happens. you are notified that the item is on a pre-workorder. but you can
oven.ide it and continfle with the \\Iorkorder. If the item has not been retumed when
the pre-workorde," is converted. the workorder is converted. hut the exception is
generated and the offending item(s) is not illc1uded on the new workorder.
Workorder. Table
In the Workorder table you can load. manipulate. add. edit and delete workorders.
From this table there arc seven things you can do:
Create workorders, print work orders. generate a picklist (then print it or send it to a
PL1T3100). send Route Ops instructions to a PDT31 00; update workorder priority
fields, purge workordcrs. or reload workorders from the PDT3l 00..
Creating Workorders
Five types of work orders can be generated through RS-SQL.
Delivery Workorder: used when the customer wants items delivered to his facility.
This workorder is also used when your customer wants you to pick items up from his
facility and take them back to your's.
Access Workorder: Used when your customer wants to come pick items up and
either look at them at your fncility. or take them back to his own. This workorder is
also used when the customer brings items to you that he wants you to keep.
Destruction Workorder: Used when items are no longer needed and your
customer wants them to he destroyed
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Workorders 6-3 '<it

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workorder. This causes the system to charge f or all actions associated with the
delivery or access, as well as the charge f or PellllOut. It also changes the status of
the itemto PennOut. not just Out.
However. if a customer decides to keep an item alier he has received it, and it went
out on astandard Delivery or Access workorder without the PennOut f lag checked,
you should create a Pennout workorder f or that item. This allows you to have and
keep paperwork justif ying the status change. The PennOut charge on the invoice
then has a cOITesponding workorder number.
Due to the nature of a PermOut workorder: certain rules apply that do not apply to
other workOl: ders: bef ore an itemcan be added to a PennOut workorder, itsstatus
must be OUT: and you cannot schedule a Pickup or Receive with a PennOut
workorder. No contact with the customer is made due to a PermOut workorder .
Create Workorder Dialog
Workorder #
When you f irst access the CreateWorkorder dialog, no number appears inthis
_ licld. A number is assigned to a new workorder when it is saved. or when items are
added to it.
Vou can set the next workorder number in the Administration program's
Maintenance menu. Workorder option. If ,llOwever. you reset this number so that
the next workorder number already exists. RS-SQL will not create the workorder.
You will have to go back and reset the number beyond the range f or which
workorders already exist. This will also be necessary if you have converted
workorders f rom another soli ware package .
CONVERSION NOTE: During conversion f rom the O'Neil RSWin program, the
conversion program f inds the last work order number used in RSWin and sets RS-
SQL's workorder number to f ollow. This number shouid be verif ied in RS-SQL af ter
the conversion .
Bcli. lreyou ean enter any other inli. mnation on the workorder, you must select an
Account f rom the standard 3level Account dialog. (For inf ormation on Account
Links. allowing one account to access containers and f ilef olders f rom another
account, please see Account Links section later in this chapter. ) Once you enter all
appropriate Account levels and press the Tab key, the def ault delivery address
Authorized By (mayor may not be applicable)
If this account has been set up to Force Authorization, the f ollowing dialog appears:
Work orders 6- 5
first name:
] Cancel
Fill inthe names and password of theperson requesting the workorder. As in other
Name and I'ass\vonl fields. the password does not appear as you type it, but appe~lrs.
as asterisks. You must fill this dialog out completely and correctly (but the match is
not case sensitive) to proceed with the workorder. The information must be entered
exactly as it was entered inthe Authorized List for that account (Administration
program, Accounts table or Setup option). or the system will not allow you to
continue with the workorder.
If the Authorized By dialog docs not appear. then this account does not require
authorization. You can sti II check the name and password of the person requesting
the workorder through the Options menu, Authorized List option.'The .
Authorized List table appears for theaccount. To have the requester's name appear
on the work order, click the name and then click OK. The name appears inthe
Authorization field.
The Status box shows what has been done tothis workorder. All of the following
fields show inthe Status box inall \vorkorders except for PermOut workorders.
The only fields that appear in Pel1110ut workorders are Open. Print and Close.
There is always at:edcheck mark next to Open, and the date and time the workorder
was created appears next to the word Open.
If the workorder has been printed, ared check mark appears inthe check box labeled
Print along with thedate and time the printing occurred. .
If an Electronic Picklist for this workorder has been transferred to aPDT31 00
scanner, or if ahard copy picklist has been printed. Picklist is checked and the date
and time of the occun'ence appears next tothecheck box.
If the "vorkorder has becnuploaded toaPDT3100 through the Route Ops option.
the check box labeled Route is checked and thedate and time the upload occurred
appears next to it.
I I'you use a PDT31 00 to val idate your deliveries or pickups. the date and time that
the first item was scanned into the PDT31 00 as delivered or picked up appears next
to the Deliver check box. 77iis does /1ot necessariZl' mea/1 that all the items on the
1l'orkorder were delivered. This is the date and time that the first item was delivered.
Vou may manually select or clear the Print. Picklist, and Route check boxes if
you need to override acurrent setting.
The Close check box isselected manually. and you may enter any date and time. It's
intended to represent thecompletion of all work on the workorder. but it is up to you
if and when you fill it out. RS-SQL does not automatically select this check box.

: <8



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Service Priority
He re yo u can e nte r the prio rity status o f the wo rk o rde r, and the date and time that it
is due . If yo u have se t up prio rity o ptio ns in the Admin pro gram, Se tup me nu .
Actio ns, Prio rity Subl isl . the y are avail abl e fo r yo u to cho o se fro m whe n yo u
cl ick the do wn arro w .
Ho w the syste m bil l s fo r the Se rvice Prio rity yo u e stabl ish is de te nnine d by the way
the Bil l ing Info rmatio n was se t up whe n yo u cre ate d the acco unt. It co ul d be se t up
to Appl y Prio rity Se rvice to the Wo rko rde r. o r to Appl y Prio rity Se rvice to
Each Ite m o n the Wo rko rde r. Se rvice Prio rity is fo r the mo st part a simpl e
co nce pt. Ho we ve r . . the re are se ve ral things to co nside r whe n yo u se t it up. so the re is
an e xte nde d de scriptio l l o f it l ate r inthis chapte r:
Pickup/Delivery Address
Afte r yo u se l e ct an Acco unt. RS- SQL auto matical l y e nte rs the de faul t
Pickup/De l ive ry Addre ss fo r that Acco unt. This addre ss was e nte re d thro ugh the
Acco unt Se tup scre e n (se e Pickup/De/h'e,:!' Address se ctio n inSetting lip
Accounts . chapte r o f the Administration manual . ) This addre ss can be change d o n a
pe r wo rko rde r basis using the Cho o se and Add butto ns. Cho o se al l o ws yo u to
cho o se fro m e xisting addre sse s. Add al l o ws yo u to add ne w addre sse s. Since
Pe rmo ut Wo rko rde rs do no t re quire ade l ive ry. no addre ss appe ars in the se fie l ds
whe n yo u cre ate a Pe rmo ut Wo rko rde r. .
If this is a De l ive ry wo rko rde r, numbe rs in the se fie l ds l e t the drive r kno w that he
has ite ms to pick up at the custo me r site . It l ists ho w many the re are to pick up and, if
spe cifie d. which ite ms to pick up. If this is an Acce ss wo rko rde r. it l e ts the
facil ity guys kno w ho w many ite ms to re ce ive whe n the custo me r arrive s and, if
spe cifie d. which ite ms are e xpe cte d. .
Yo u can e nte r the numbe r o f co ntaine rs. fil e s, and/o r tape s to be picke d up o r
re ce ive d. yo u can cre ate a l ist o f the spe cific ite ms that ne e d to be picke d up, o r yo u
can do bo th. If ite ms are be ing picke d up who se ide ntifie rs yo u do n't kno w, o r if ne w
ite ms are be ing picke d up which are n't in the syste m ye t. use the No t Ite mize d
fie l ds to simpl y e nte r the l l l l mbe ro fthe ite ms to pick up. If yo u are picking up
spe cific ite ms that ne e d to he ide ntifie d o n the wo rko rde r, use the Ite mize d Pickup
o ptio n to add the m to the wo rko rde r. Yo u can use o ne o r bo th o ptio ns.
Itemized Pickup
To e nte r the spe cific ite ms that ne e d to be picke d up o r re ce ive d o n a wo rko rde r,
fro m the Optio ns me nu, se l e ct Ite mize d Pickup. The Ite mize d
PickupfRe ce ive tabl e appe ars. This wo rks just l ike the Wo rko rde rDe tail tabl e ,
whe re YOl l can add ite ms to the tabl e thro ugh the Optio ns me nu, Add o ptio n. o r
yo u can Que ry and Po st Co ntaine rs. Fil e fo l de rs and/o r Tape s to use que rie s
to find the ite ms yo u are l o o king fo r. the n po st the m to the wo rko rde r. Whe n yo u
cl o se the Ite mize d PickupfRe ce ive tabl e . the numbe r o f ite ms that yo u e nte re d
appe ars in the Ite mize d fie l ds unde r the appro priate ite m cate go rie s .
Not Itemized
Ofte n whe n yo u re ce ive co ntaine rs, fil e fo l de rs, o r tape s. yo u do no t kno w what the
co ntaine r ide ntifie rs are until yo u actual l y re ce ive the m. Whe n this is the case , yo u
Work orders 6-7

C i
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. O~~uide '
rOvenido delivcny/pickup chorBo j
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I temized Not I temized C harge
C ontainer I 21
[ilelolde 1
Tapel 0
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, AM'""
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03/00/1999 11:01AI
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can simply enter the number of C ontainers. Filefolders. and Tapes to be picked up or
received inthe Pickup fields.
You can choose whether or not to charge for theNOll-itemized items you arepicking
up or receiving. This check box applies only to theNon-I temized pickup items (to
change the charge status of I temized Pickup items. seeOverride Pickup/Delivery
C harge section below.) The default is to charge for them, but you can select either
check box to cause the system not to charge for thepickups of those items. I f you
override the Delivery / Pickup C harge (or Access / Receive in Access Workorders)
the check mark in this box disappears. The override charge amount is applied. (See
Override Delive,y I Pickup Charge section below). You can select either to tum
themback on if you want to charge for pickups inaddition to the override amount
you enter inthe Override field.
This field does not appear on Destroy, Services Only, or Perm out workorders.
Note: This workorder shmvs that there are itemized and un-itemized items to pick
up. A total of 23 containers. one filefolder and 15tapes are to be picked up.
~hen you use aPDT3) 00to validate the items you pick up on this workorder, then
download the PDT3I 00to thesystem. the number inthe Non-I temized field goes
back to zero and the items that actually were picked up are added to the I temized
Pickup table. This is the case regardless of how many non-itemized items were
picked up. I nthe example above. if only 10tapes were picked up. the the
Non-I temized Pickup field for Tapes would drop to zero. the I temized Pickup
field for Tapes would increment to 10. and the tapes that were picked up would
appear inthe I temized Pickup table. However. anexception would begenerated in
the Exception table that you can simply acknowledge that would let you know that
not as many tapes were picked up as were expectcd. I fhowever. you do not validate
pickups. and the number of itcms you picked UJ l do not match those on the
workorder, you must manually edit the pickup values entcred in the workorder.
6- 8 Workorders
There may be occasions when your customer wants you to deliver items to some
place other than the standard pickup/delivery address. For example. say your
customer occupies five floors in ahigh-rise building downtown. The standard
Pickup/Delivery address is the fileroom on the 8th floor. However. when the
president of the company requests a container. he may want you to deliver it to the
reception area on the 6th floor. When Personnel requests containers. they could be of
Workorders 6-9
This prompt is asking you if you want to NOT charge for the items you are adding to
the workorder. If you click YES. none of the items you add are charged for. If you
click NO, your customer is billed the flat rate you entered on the previous screen,
plus the cost for each individual itemon the workorder.
Additional instructions lor Oveniding Workorders and examples of charging for
selected ilems can be 1(H1ndin the Charge Detail section later in this chapter.
OverrideCharge::-;,',-,- ',' ',. ',"', "'.,',,, ','-' ,
(~i Do you want to turn OFF theApply Chalge flag on e;.:istingwOlkoldel items? ..
Override Delivery I Pickup Charge
IIowever. if you want 10 charge for some items on the workorder. the override itself
can he overridden, For exmilple. you can charge a I1lltfee for the workorder. but
click Charge \(1I' pickups. Then the cuslomer is charged Ihe l1at fcc. plus your
pickup charge for the number of items picked up.
You can also override the oven'ide for individual items on the workorder by
accessing them through the Charge Detail table and tuming their charges back on
(see Charge De/aU section later inthis chapter), This causes the flat override amqunt
to be charged as well as the standard charges for individual items that you tum on.
When you select the Override function and accept the workorder. you receive-the
If you entered nn authorized nmllc ;lI1dpassword for this workordcr. the lnst and first
IlHllleSlIppclIr ill this licld, The)' IIlslI IIppear 011 the workllnkr. The password docs
not appear anywhere, You cannot manually enter a name in this lield; it nnrst be
entered through the Authorized List function in the Account Setup area of the
Administration program .
(Also shown as: "Override Access / Receive Chnrge."' "Override Destroy Charge,"
and "Override' Pennoul Charge."' on Access. Destroy. and Permout workorders
respectively.) This function alluws you to charge a flat rate for aworkorder.
When the Override function is checked. nil Pickup and Delivery charges~ Access
and Receive charges. Destroy. or Pennout charges associated with the workorder are
ignored by the system. The amount you enter in the charge field is charged to your
customer on his next invoice. But. if you add supplies or olher services to the
work order. Ihey arc charged for inthe normal manner.
Picltup I Delivery Addresses
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asensitive nature, and therefore need to be delivered directly to the personnel
department on the 10th floor. Through the Choose and Add buttons in the
PickuplDelivery Address portion of the Workorder dialog, you can view.
alternate .addresses and add or edit existing a9dresses.
." P ickup/D eliver}' Address _'''_-c'.' __'-'-'-'~-'-''_''_'_'_---_'''~_''':''''-''''.''.'
Contact I . ... , I
IAddress 1-----------1
I ' l~-----
Phone 1------------
Fax ,--------------
I Route '-I --------------
I Choose... I __p_,d_d_ ..._
When you click Choose at the bottom of the Pickup/Delivery Address area of
the Workorder dialog. you get a table that displays all available addresses for this
company. The addresses that appear are all the addresses that are available to the
company that is ordering something. When an account is first set up. there are two
delimit addresses in the list: Default Mail Address and Default Pickup / Delivery
Address. These are the addresses that you defined inthe Account Set up (see
Administration manual). If this account has access to another account's information
(through Account Links). or if this is a higher level account that has an open lower
level account, the other account's addresses appear as well.
Workorder Account Links
(For detailed information about Links, please see the section later in this chapter.) If
the account you are working~has Workorder Account Links to another account,
that account's addresses appears on the Delivery Address table as well. For
example: City Hospital has several account levels: a Level 2 account is
Administration; a Level 3account under Administration is Payroll. Payroll
information is sensitive. so that account is closed to access from the Level I and 2
Accounts. However. ABC Corporation owns City Hospital. and their Executives
need access to the Payroll inf(mnation. There/()re. wecreated a Workorder Account
Link between I\BCCorp/Execs and Cityllosp/I\dmin/I'ayroli.
Now, when ABC Corp Executives place an order. and you click Choose in the
Address area. you see addresses for ABCCorp/Execs. as well as the addresses for
CityHosp/ Admin/Payroll.



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Delivery Address Table
Adding aDelivery Address
I nlxl
Unt.,," Mill Acldu,
I I d.un 1'1(k'l11':l Aif'flre
f1flf.utt Melli Afll!I r.
Vel.un Pick.(J f:1 Addre
.........__'.. ~yr~_I I .l!~~~.~.!Y.~~_ .....h : _ ..... _ .... _ ~ ~ .... _ .... _ _ ..h ._ .. :.~~~~.!~!.~~.~~ ..... ~_
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CI I ytlOSPV\I I MU .. 'AvnOI .l.
~ ~ .(~ .~ 9~ .~ .~ .~ i!~ : ;.~ .~ ~ y~ ~ ~ (
When you Edit an address through this table. the changes are reflected throughout
the system .
Whether you click Add in the Workorder dialog, or Add or Edit in theDelivery
Address table. you receive the same Pickup / Delivery Address Add/Edit
The Delivery Address table (shown above) is astandard RS-SQL table without
any table specific options or buttons, You may Add. Edit or Delete Delivery
addresses through this table.

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Work orders 6- 11
...PickuplDelivery Address.. .
Enter the new or amended address. and click OK. When you edit aDefault address,
the new information is reflected throughout the system.
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_ _ H _ e_ I P _ _ 1 Cancel
8t. lason
,. ...- - 1
- - _.- - - - - - - - _._ .. -- - - - - - ~- - - - - ~j
I rvine, Cft. 9261 8
I .A ,BC Corporate Executives
.. Account " " --" " '1
............ _ .... 1
Address Receivin~l
Contact J ohnPearlman
I Level 1
I Level 2
I .~.:~'''l :;
You may give each address a description so you can more easily recognize it i.nthe
future. This name appears in the Delivery A ddress table.
When you edit an address. the existing A ccounf levels appear inthc A ccount'fields.
You can change this information, but ooly within the A ccounts and Levels that the
currcnt account has access to.
Service Priority
6-12 Workorders
When you establish a Service Priority level on a workorder, it is dependent upon the
way the A ccount was set up in the A ccount Setup - Billing lnfonnation area of the
system (see Account Set Up. Billing Injormation section, Workorders subsection in
A dministration Manual).
I f- the account was set up to APP~l' Priority Service to the Workorder, the established
charge (set up inBase or A ccount Transactions) is charged just one time for the
whole workorder.
I f the account was set up to Apply Priority Se'Tice to Each Item 011 the Workorder,
the established charge (set up in Base or A ccount Transactions) is charged on the
invoice for each item on the workorder.

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For accollnts that YOII hm'e set lip to A""~,, Priority Service to lVorkorder, )'011IIIlist
set III' TUIII.\'actiol/.\'./l)f'the Ohject - '
a: Client
AND tht! Actiolls-
a: Priority Sen'ice (llser-defined sllblist items).
For Accollnts that ,l'olll/{II'e sct lip to AI'I'~I' l'I'iori(l' Sen'ice to Eacll Item 011 tile
JV(II'kol't1el',YOII IIIl1stset lip transactions/or the Object!>'-
a: Itellis - OR
b: Containel:~ ond File/olders, OR
c: Container Types and File/olders
AND the ActiollS -
a: Priority Sen'ice (user-defined sublist items).
Update Workorder Priority
If you have created workorders for Accounts that were set up to be invoiced for
Pl'iori(1' Serl'ices per Work order. then decided to change the Accounts to be invoiced
for Priority Services/or Each Itelll 017 the Work order, you can load the workorders
onto the Workorder table and under the Options menu select Update
Workorder Priority. The system double-checks the Billing Information set up for
each account and updates the activity history accordingly.
The Charge Detail table allows you to view all activities associated with a
workorder. This table can be used when you Override Charges on a workorder. then
choose to charge for some individual actions. It is also used when you change the
account to be charged for an activity (or activities) on a workorder.
This table can be accessed in both the Administration program and the
Operations program. The Administration-accessed table allows you to load and
view workorder activities that match any chosen crjteria. Also, activities that do not
pertain to a specific workorder are included for access in this table (Adds, Moves,
etc.). The Operations-accessed program allows you to load and view activities for
only the one workorder you are editing. Through the Operations program, enter the
Workorder table, In the Create or Edit Workorder dialog, click Charge Detail.
In the Administration program. the Charge Detail table is found through the
Options menu, Maintenance submenu. Charge Detail option.
Override Delivery I Pickup Charge
Also shown as: "OvelTide Access / Receive Charge," "Override Destroy Charge,"
and "Override Pennout Charge" on Access. Destroy, and Permout workorders
respectively. This function allows you to charge a flat rate for a workorder.
This function is found in the Workorder Add I Edit dialog. When the Override
function is checked, all Pickup and Delivery. Access and Receive, Destroy or
PemlOut pricing associated with the workorder is ignored by the system. The amount
you enter in the charge field is charged to your customer. If you add supplies or
services to the workorder. Lheyare also charged for.
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{;:,,:_6-14. Workorders'
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NOTE: Any items picked up on a Priority Delivery Workorder also generate a
Priority-Service charge (irthe account is set up to Apply Priority Service to Each
Item on the Workorder). To avoid this, create two workorders ~one for the delivery
and one for pickups.
Activity History
Irthe account is set up to App~1' Priority Se/Tiee to the Work order, the established
eharge for priority service is applied to the whole work order. Inthe Activity History
luI' each container, no priority action is applied. A priority action is only applied to
the workorder itself. This can be viewed in the Maintenance menu, Activity
I f the Account has been set up to App~1' Priority Sen' ice to Each Item 011 the
Work order, in the Activity History. a Delivery (or Access or Destroy) Action
appears for each item on the workorder. and so docs a Priority Action. (This is an
.activity sel estahlished hy the system when you select the "Apply Priority Service to
Each Itemon the Workorder" option.)
When you established prices (transactions) for Priority Service Actions, you had the
ability to aUach the Priority Service Actions to the objects: "Client," "Item,"
"Container." Container "Sub-Types", "Tapes:' Tape "Sub-types" and "Filefolder."
Also, when you set UI) your customer, you had the opportunity to set them up for
billing to APP~l' Priority Se/Tiees at the Workorder Level 01' -10 Apply Priority
Services to Each Item 0/1 the Workorder. -
When you App~1' Priority services at the Workorder Level, you must establish
Priority Service Transactions fur the object "Client:' This causes the system to
charge this flat rate for each workorder created with a Service Priority established.
When you ApjJ(1' Priority SelTices 10 Each Item 017 the Workorder, you should
est<~~lishPriority Service Transactions for the object "Item." This causes the system
to charge this amount luI' each item on the workorder, regardless of what it is. If you
want to be more detailed, you can establish Priority Service Transactions for the
objects "Containers" and "Filefolders" to differentiate prices for them, or you may
establish thcm for your individual Containcr and Tape subtypes to charge differe!lt
Priority Service rates fiJ r each type of container and tape. In most cases, it is
sufficient and less complicated to create Priority Service Transactions just for the
Object "ITEM." ,
If you have created Transactions for all objects, the system looks for Transactions to.
connect Activities to Objects in the following order. If the first is not established in
the system, the system looks for the next. If none exist, the system does not charge
for the activity.
1. Account Transaction for sub object (Container Types)
2. Base Transaction for sub object (Container Types)
3. Account Transaction for object (Container, Filefolder)
4. Base Transaction for object (Container, Filefolder)
5. Account Transaction for Hem(Item)
6. Base Transactions for Item(Item)

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Workorders 6-13 \~' (ij
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Workorders 6-15
Create a Delivery workorder.
Doyou want to turn OFF theApply Charge flag on existing workorder items? ! '!,',),
At the bottom of the Workorder Create Delivery Workorder
dialog, YOll click Override PickuplDelivery Charge. Don't enter a
cost in the field: leave it at 0.00. At the Override Charge prompt shown
above. click YES. You do not want any containers charged for. .. yet.
Add the IS containers that they want to the workorder.
The customer then decides to buy 25 new I cU.ft. containers. You go to
Add Supplies to Worl<order 'and add 25 new containers to the
workorder. These containers will be charged for! They are not a pickup
or delivery charge. They are Supplies.
In the Workorder Detail table, notice that in the Apply Charge
column. all the containers' deliveries say NO. The Supplies item says
You have acustomer who. in his contract. receives one pickup/delivery per day. In
that delivery. you will deliver up to 10containers. The cost for this service is built
into the Account Transactions for storage. (We recommend that you enter Customer
Service Instructions for this customer, so your customer service representative
receives anote saying that this customer is to receive one free delivery/pickup a day:
Sec the Account Set Up chapter inthe Administration manual.)
Today the customer calls in-and wants 15boxes delivered. This is 5more than are
included for free. You do the following:
Go back to the Delivery Workorder dialog and click Charge Detail
(or in the Options menu. select Charge Detail). The Charge Detail
However, the override can he ovelTidden, For example. you can charge a flat fce for
Ihl~\\'orkonler, hut did, Charge f(lr ('ont:lincr pickups. Then the custolller is
charged the lIat lCe. plus your pickup charge flU'the number of containers picked up.
You can also override the override for individual items on the workorder by
accessing them through the \Vorkorder and turning their charges back on. This causes
lhe override :unount to he charged as \Veil as individual charges for any items thaI
you turned on.
When you click Override and accept the workorder. you receive the (lll/owing
Override Charge -,:,T'; ': ;, /: - ' - -,' "", - ,," , -', , -, . ,- . .' '.
This prompt is asking you if you want to turn off charges for any items that already
exist on lhe workorder. If you click YES. all items that arc already on the workorder
arc not charged Illr. If you want existing items to he charged (Ir. select NO. How
you answer this question has no eflcct on future items that you may add to the
work order. What does have an effect is the Override Charge check box itself. Ifit
is ON. then the default for the Charge check box in the Add dialog is OFF. If it is
OFF. the charge flag is ON by default. .
' .

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table lists every action that is associated with that workorder.lfyou
have Activity Sets set up. every activity associated with each action
will appear.
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tfllt! N"
.rrIlY,'1 fwxnl IlIffllIR" ( 100Ur" "
lt1m N.
,.,..,.~ fun:.(t1 " lilt lew' n,..,
tllll'l N" ~" ollt'.' nn)'u.' ,.tIM'#'{ t1WJ 0"
lU'O N_
(1" '.(11 " Oil 1 IlIr.) O,,~n
1(,l10 N_
.OX(J l OI\MI~Y 1000,..,.
~rol. l
" 1111 1 rill fir
" .l(" " Vi urn',fI' \Il'-M((~ \ IJ fJ Uyt'n
Iota ..- ~..:.;.: flOXOl l'Utt t,OO 0" .,.
~W~:(,I 00" " (11 "Ql.t '\ll,l Qp~n
J OtD .., ) ( Y Ar n OOl<(r,J OUMRY Ulr.l Up.
mIlt H. :cl""..o10 l'!Ol(U'l " HlI tN. 0.." "
UHU N_ ~rlJf1 tHJ Xtll titlMII'( 1.00Up" "
10111 .., : . 0 " . . . 0 1 1 OOXQl I'U(I ',~J 0" ."
101'" H Vr/ll' fhh:tll ',fCM~Y t'lll fIJ I"
",Ir.II". bOHJ } ,.utl t,OCt-Orton
,ow ro. 11" 001'; llOXnJ till M R'" " .1 OP~I'I
ll1lU N. ~,."J 1r; H~lX/J } .'tnl I.DJ 0, . "
IDtO N, ~~f/ 80XU1 (;.tIMlr( 1.00Or."
,.ltO ... -..t"J'l1J OOIM !'lill tWIOp." ,
Il1nt N. ~l",lm HUX/J '/ OtIMUY 1 ,OJ u "
BOXOJ ('lIll 1-00Op."
" " 0
y" atA" U foil I ;lih.O,. .n
; : r 4
.. , ..,.
Unmark All, then mark 5 of the deliveries and 5 of the pulls. (You want
to charge the customer for the whole delivery Activity, so be sure to
mark all activities associated with Delivery.) In the Options menu,
select Global Edit. Change the Apply Charge field to YES .
Level 1 IA [!J I!
Louel' I II:
LI~t'd:; 1;=:=====::::;11
L....- ---' i
....J Apply Chorgo
Cancel I.
6-16 Workorders
NOTE: Do not change the Account without understanding what you are doing. See
the section below for more information.
Now your customer will receive his 10containers for free. He will be
charged for theadditional containers he ordered. He will also be
charged for the supplies he ordered.
ChangeBill-To Account forItems
The RS-SQL system allows you to change the bill-to account for individual items on
aworkorder. Actually, it allows you to break down the billing by each action
associated with a workorder and bill them individually. If you are using Activity
Sets, each activity associated with an action can be billed to a different account
Workorders 6-17
The Illost common and ~onvenicnt place to change the account being billed for items
is in the Add Container or Edit Container dialog,
The Add Container dialog is accessed through (he Workorder table, Create
Work order. Choose the type of items to add and click Add. The Container
Delivery dialog appears.
..._._._...~~~~u~t..... _._~:rge 1 .
'I'Charge Account ... --------.--- ,
Action Charge Account , i
I PlJ LL 1 E_J A~~~ci3_i:jp=:::=~:~
Cancel I
Container Code II
Allernate Code I
Cost Center
Item Status IOpen
\'lOlkOlder It 00000056'
: Requestor
Notice the Charge Account table within the dialog. This displays all the actions
associated with thc current itcm. No containcr numhcr has occn cntered yet. but since
any containcr entcrcd herc is added to the workorder as an itelll to be delivered. all
actions associated with aDelivery are shown in the Charge Account table. In this
examplc.' the account whose workorder is being created has an activity set that adds a
pull activity every timc acontainer is delivered. Likewise. if the account had been set
up to charge I()r Priority Delivery per Item, the Service Priority assigned to the
workorder would also appear in the Charge Account table.
Using this dialog. you can change the account being charged for each individual
activity on the workorder. B e aware that through this dialog you may only select
accounts that the workorder account is linked to (see Account Links later in this
chapter), However. through the Charge Detail table in the Operations program,
Workorder area. you can charge any account for any activity on the selected
workordcr. In the Charge Detail table found in the Administration program, you
can load activities for multiple workorders and multiple accounts and change the
accounts to be billed I()rthem,
NOTE: I ryou changc thc bill-to account while adding an itcm to aworkorder, you
Call only change it to an account that is linked to the workorder account. If you
change the bill-to account through the Charge Detail table (either inthe
Administration program or through the Workorder Add/Edit dialog) you can
select any account in the system. (For information about the Charge Detail tables,
see the section later inthis chapter). Use caution when allowing access to
these tables.


...~: ..;.



: .
Be aware that when you change the bill-to account for activities on a wOl:korder, the
account being billed is charged their own transaction costs.
Example: Say that your cljstomer - Calc ~ccounting Agency - is conducting an audit
on another one of your customers - ABC Corp. You create an Account Link between
the two companies that allows Calc to access ABC's containers. Then you generate a
workorder for Calc Accounting. and post a number of containers to it. When you
change the Charge Account from Calc Accounting to ABC Corp, the pricing you set
pp for Calc will no longer apply to these boxes. ABC will be charged ABC's
pdces. Calc will be ch3l'ged Calc's prices. Be sure that you have the appropriate
transactions set up for the account being charged. .
Charge Detail Table
This table is very powerful and can change the integrity oryour billing. Be sure
to res!de! access to .this table for mas! of your user's!
The Activity Charge Detail table appears in two places inthe RS-SQL program.
The first is in the Administration program. Options menu. Maintenance
subnwnll, Charge Detail option. This table can access all actions for any
workorders. Through this table YOllcan even load and view activities that do not
pertain to a workorder (Add, Move, etc.) There is a system-offered quick query that
allows YOllto load activities by workorder. J ust click the Load by Workorder
buHon, or through the Options menu, select Load by Workorder.
The second place to access the Activity Charge Detail table is in the Operations
program, Workorder option. From the Workorder table, highlight a workorder
and click Edit at the bottom df the table. Click the Charge Detail. The Activity
Charge Detailtablc appears as ShO\\11below:
.$!ett'3ifll@mtjj(Mtnltnffi!!t~dJ 1t~~~g:?!IXj~I~~1f~;~~E~tT;"~'
Options, Search Format Mark Clear Help
._.-.-_ ..... _ .... -._ .._~.._.
Close I Edit
For all intents and purposes. this is an Activity table. It lists all activities associated
with the chosen workorder.
Using the Edit button at the bottom of the table. you can change the Apply Charge
status and the account being billed fiJ I' the selected activity. Using the Global Edit
option in the Options menu. yotl can change the Apply Charge status and Account
being billed for alll11arked activities.


\:':. ~~ ~



Activit; Charge Detail GLOBAl"EDI T ", " . - -: ,,' 13
Help Cancel
, Apply Charge
The apply charge that appears next to any activity on this table depends on whether
you selected to oven-ide the charges offhe workorder. I f you selected Override, the
Apply Charge status i~set toNo.
To oven.ide the override and charge the standard fee for activities. mark those you
want tochange. From the Options menu. select Global Edit. The same Activity
Charge Detail Global Edit dialog shown above appears: Click the down an-ow
next tothe Apply Charge field. Select Yes and click OK to save the change.
You can also change Apply Charge status for individual activities by highlighting
one and clicking Edit at the bottom of the table.
Y pu may select any account to be billed 1()r the marked activities. Through this table
you can select accounts that arc not Linked through the system. Ue sure to select all
levels necessary to ensure correct billing.
You can also change the Bill-to Account1()r individual activities by highlighting one
activity and clicking Edit at the bottom of the table.
Through the Options menu. accessed in the Create Workorder dialog. you can
add goods and services to the workorder. The first several options in the menu are
for adding those items to your workorder. The available items are: Containers,
Filefolders, Supplies, Services, Charges/Credits, Notes, Detail and
Charge Detail. To add any of the first five items to a workorder, select that option.
To add notes to the header of the workorder. select Notes. Detail allows you to add
and view different types of items (Containers. Filefolders. Tapes. Supplies, Services
and Charges/Credits) on a single table. For more information on this option, see the
section later in this chapter.
I .. I I I
U,velJ r= I
- Leu"l:. I I
When you access this option through the Options menu. the Delivery (or Access,
Destroy. etc.) Container table appears. I t lists all Containers that are to be posted
to the workorder. To add a Container to the table. and therefore to the workorder .
click Add. The Container Delivery dialog box appears. as shown below:
Override the Override Pickup / Delivery Charge
Change BiI/- To Account
To change the Bill-to Account. mark thc activities whose bill-to accountnceds to be
changed and. under the Options nll.:nu. select Global Edit. Thc following dialog
box appears:
Adding Goods andServices to a Workorder

,: .


; .

< .
( .

( .' -.
~.: : : .: .

"- .. '

I i
l< ; $
You can mark an item being delivered to the cuslomer as pennanently out by
selecting the check box entitlcd Permout.
If for some reason. you do not want the customer to be charged for the service you
are providing. you can clear Ihe check box labeled Charge. and no service charge is
tallied lor this Containcr during invoicing.
Thc ItemStatus defaults to Open. II: in the future you lind Ihat you need to edit a
workorder hccause only part of it has been complcled. you can cnter this dialog for a
Containcr and change thc status to Closed. mcaning that this Containcr's Activity
has been completed and it needs no more attention.
You may enter special Comments regarding aContainer. These comments appear
on the work order.
To add a Container to your workorder. enter aContainer barcode number in the
Container field. or. if the customer does not have your barcode number. but knows
his own intemal identifier. enter it in the Alternate 10 field. Also. if the customer
knows the first few characters of his Allemale ID. you can enter those and choose
from all containers whose first characters match those you entered. The system still
finds the Container. (See Que!)' & Post section below for conducting searches.)
If you enter avalue into the Alternate 10 field that is not unique within the current
account and its "opcn" suh-accounts (a partial AIlID). RS-SOL displays a choicclist
of matching itcms with that Alternate ID. If you cnter a partial value for the
Alternate ID. say A72 where the Alternate lD is really A72B47. RS-SQL displays all
possibilities beginning wilh A72 in a choicelist. If there is only one match. RS-SQL
does not display achoicelist. but automatically chooses the partially entered
Altemate 10 and fills inthe remaining characters.
Tab to the Requestor field (optional). and enter the name of the person requesting
this Containcr. If you need to enter a Cost Center for searching. sorting. and
reporting. you can do so.
- ,


f '

{ .
. 1 1 1
' .
( ; .
, .tW
' .
r .. ChargeAccount ...... ....~-:":~:' 2' -----; ~' ' -' :_' ' ' ' ' -' i
Action i
~G [ [ V E F rc. I
Cancel I OK
~I O - p e - n - - - 3 ~ I I
,------------ t... _.... __ .. __ ~~~~~~.L. __ ..... _ ._ ch_ a_ r~_ e_ '_ ' ._ ''_ ' ... _ J
Container .. - __ .._-_.
Container Code II
Alternate Code I
Workorder tI 00000056
Cost Center
6-20 W ork orders
Workorders 6-21
'. :~'"
. '.~
Charge I
Account I
Cancel I
Requestor ._1-----------1
Cost Center I I
ItemStatus l_o_p_er_' iJ 1
Comment L
Workorder If 00000056
i Alternate Code
L ._~_
,- Filef older._ ...._ .. _-_..
1."Filef olderCode II
If you are looking f or a f ile entitled Smith vs. J ones, you enterSmith in the
Description f ield and ItS-SQL tries to lind a match. If it lim1s more than one
description with Smith as part of the description, a table is displayed showing all
matches. (See the paragraph above describing partial lookups f or Container Alternate
This convention works f or Filef older Descriptions as well as Filef older Alternate
If you enter a Filef older 10 that does not exist. RS-SQL immediately brings up an,.
Add dialog box f (lr that Filelolder.
When you access this option through the Options menu, the Delivery (or Access,
Destroy, etc.) Tape table appears. It lists all Tapes that are to be posted to the
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a Container/Filef older is placed on a workorder to be
d6livered. accessed. or destroyed. RS-SQL immediately changes the status of the
item to Out, Pennout. or Destroyed depending on the request. For example, when a
workorder is generated that says a Container is to be delivered to a customer, the
status of that Container becomes "Out." It does not become "In" again untit it is
scanned back into the f acility. But depending on your needs and how you conf igure
and use RS-SQL , you can capture much more detail about the chain of events
involved in f ulf illing a customer request. Using the PDT31 00 and validation actions,
you could validate each step in the progression of a Container f rom the time it leaves
your shelf until it is delivered to the customer. (See PDT3JOO.)
You may add Filef olders to a workorder in much the same way as you do
Containers. J ust as YOll do f or Containers. you may look up a Filef older by its
Allcrnate I D. You may also look lip a Filcf (llder by its .Description. (See Query &
Post section (II' searching on Filclolders).
z .
; .
I .......
". i '.

~; .
( .
: .
(.:': .

(:~'. ".

~ .
C .
\:0,. ,
Enter Alt Id
Enter Description
To add aTape to your workorder. enter aTape barcode number in the Tape 10field.
- ~.
- ' .
~: .
(:\I )
C .
l : .
'( .
f ' : ; ; '
..,' (4)

, < t
i: 'i' t
< ( I

(;' ft

r .
( 'tII
Hel p
Account I
L-- --l 1
Charge ... 1 ... 1
Cancel I OK
Cost Center
Il em Status IOpen
Workorder I I 00000056
r ~:::~~::- - _ ._ - - - _ -
I Al ternate Code ~~~~~_-_-_-_-_- __
I Description
You may also look up a Tape by its Description. I f you are looking for atape entitled
Wed2- 1 08- 0I , you can enter "Wed" in the Description field and RS- SQL tries to
find a match. I f it finds more than one description with Wed as part of the
description. a table is displa)' ed showing all matches.
Tab to the Requestor field (optional), and enter the name of the person requesting
this Tape. I f you need to enter a Cost Center for searching. sorting. and reporting.
you can do so.
The Item Status defaults to Open. I f, in the future you find that you need to edit a
workorder because only part of it has been completed, you can enter this dialog for a
Tape and change the status to Cl osed meaning that this Tape' s Activity has been
I f your customer does not know your barcode number. but knows his own internal
identifier. enter it in the Al ternate 10field. Also. if he knows only the first few
characters of his Alternate I D, YOll can enter those and choose from all tapes whose
first characters match those you entered. The system still finds the Tape. ' (See Que1)'
&Post section below for conducting searches.)
I f you enter a value into the Alternate il l field that is not unique within the current
account and its "open" sub- accounts, RS- SQL displays a choicelist of matching
items with that Alternate I D. I f you enter a partial value for the Alternate I D. say
A72 where the Alternate 10 is really A72B47. RS- SQL displays all possibilities
beginning with A72 in a choicelist. I f there is only one match, RS- SQL does not
display a choicelist. but automatically chooses the pmtially entered Alternate il l and
fills in the remaining characters.
workorder. To add aTape ( 0(he table. and (herci()re ( 0the workorder. click Add.
Thc Tape Del ivery dialog box appears. as sho\\' n below:
Enter Barcode Number
6-22 Workorders
1 1
Cancel I
L C'- /!:.::l ~.
i L 'c"/,,,ij
L .... __.."..,~.... _.... _. .... ,_.~ .._.. _. .... _._~_,. __.._."
r------.,--.,-- ..AccOllnl-----: '-'---,
i 1 .-.------ Ii
!6BC corw
If il is appropriate for you 10 add a special charge or credit to the workordcr, you can
do it through the Charges/Credi ts menu option. When you access this option, the
Charges/Credi ts for WO#table appears. To add anew charge or credit, click
Add. When the Charges/Credi ts Add dialog appears, enter an amount (apositive
amount for a charge. a negative amount for a credit) and a description of the charge
or credit. This appears on the workorder, and on the invoice that includes this
Charg~s/Credi ts
You may add a note to the workorder that prints immediately below the header
information. To add a note to a workorder. from the Workorder dialog, Opti ons
menu, select Notes. A free-text dialog box appears and you are able to type any
instructions or notes associated with the workoidcr.
Object Code
I. Add
\i Vorkorder '#
Qllanti ty
Cos! Center
Other Servi ces include such things as photocopies. faxing and labor. They are set
up in the Setup option of the Admi ni strati on program (see Actions/Objects
section in Setup chapter of Administration manual). Services are ordered by your
customers. they arc added onlo a \Vorkorder in the sallle manner as supplies.
Other Services
To enter an object for sale. enter an Object Code in the Object Code field, or
click the down arrow to access the Object list that you set up in the
Admi ni strati on program (See Actions Gnd Objects section in Setup chapter of
Administration manual). Once YO~1 have selected the Object you are selling to your
customer. enter the Quanti ty. You may also enter the Requester, the appropriate
Co~t Center - for the customer's use - and any Comment that you want to have
appear on the work order.
{ .

". C'.

i .



~::. .
( .
( .



You may cnter special Comments regarding a Tape. These comments appear on
the workorder.
complctcd and it nceds no more attention. or to NIC meaning that the tape was not
(bund inthc container thc custolllcr said it was in. (If a transaction is established for
NIC tapes. changing the status to NIC causes the system to charge the customer for
the NIC.
You can mark an item being delivered to the customer as permanently out by
selecting the check box entitled Permout.
If for some reason', you do not want the customer to be charged for the service you
are providing, you can clear the check box labeled Charge, and no service charge is
tallicd for this Tapc during invoicing.


- .
;~ ;.

_ co.
J : : .
~_ c_ .'- . .-

( .
(: .: .
G .
( ' .

\ : : : '0 :
C .
r : .
\,~ . :
IMI' ORTANT NOTE: Once a Container. Filefolder or Tape is placed on a
workorder to be delivered. accessed. or destroyed. RS- SQL immediately changes the
status of the item to Out. Permout. or Destroyed depending on the request. For
cxamplc. whcn aworkordcr is gcncrated that says a Containcr is to be delivered to a
customcr. thc status orthat Containcr be~omes "OuL" IIdoes not become "In" again
until it is scanncd back into the facility. But depending on your needs and how you
conligurc and use RS- SQL, you can capture much more detail about the chain of
events involved in fulfilling a customer request. Using the PDT31 0 0 and validation
actions, you could validate each step in thc progression ofa Containcr from the time
it leaves your shelf until it is delivered to the customer. (See PDT3100.)
Supplies are ordered for customers through the same Work~rder dialog that
Containers, Filefolders and Tapes are. Under the Options menu, select the
Supplies option. When this option is chosen. the Sell Materials for (W/O#) table
appears on the screen. Any materials ordered on this workorder appears here. To add
materials to the table, and therefore to the workorder, click Add and the Materials
Add dialog appears: .
(: .
"- -
Workorders 6-23
( ~ ;.
~: ~.
0 .
~ ~
~ ~
lJ t:lel.e I
Edit I Oele~e. I '
Filefolders ...
Tapes ..
Charges/Credits ...
Close I label I
I Close I Lahel 1 _ _ I _ :f_ !l_ 'I _
F:\/)(:rt T"hk",.
Frinl: T.:lbk.. ,
Query and Post ~
ProcessNon-Validations ~
Options Search Format f"1ark Clear Help
-----_ ._ -----------_ ._ -----------_ ._ ._ ------
Work orders 6-25
m~~~~p~~j:~-\~~n7 ~';}:~'-~'-
! option; Search Format f'l1ark Clear Help
Containers ..
As each item is added to the workorder, it appears on thetable as shown below .
I f you are generating a purchase order that requires you to post more than one type of .
object to the workorder. you can post them all from the Workorder Detail table.
For example, if you are creating a workorder that includes delivering containers and
filefolders and some supplies. you don't have to access theContainer table, the
Filefolder table and the Supplies table. From the Create Workorder dialog.
Options menu. select Detail. The Workorder Mise Activity for (W/O #) table
appears. From the Options menu. you may add Containers, Filefolders, Tapes
Supplies. Services. andCharges/Credits as shown below.
Workorder Detail

'I t


.W I



~ .

Process Non-Validations
If you do not want to sct up your RS-SQL program to automatically process Not
Founds (sec Automated PDT3100 Processing inAdl1linistratiol/manual,
Mail/tel/a/1ce chapter), you can do it manually through the Workorder process. Once
you have downloaded apicklist fi'om the PDT3100 to the RS-SQL system, you can
tell the system to unmark all items that have been validated, leaving all un-validated
items marked. These arc the items you want to process. From the Workorder Misc
Activity table, Options mcnu, Process Non-Validations submenu, select
Unmark Validations. The following dialog appears:
_.._ ._ _ ._ _ ._-_._.,. _ _ ._ ._ ._ _ .... _ .._ .._ ._ '-----_ .._--._-,
( '1 ." ) .In ~d.dition to the options s~lected here, all non.item I
~' actiVIt}' on the workorder will be unmarked. I
.:- _ _ ..'" _....... _ . ~_ ._ .._ ,~_ . ._ _ ._ .ri._ _ _ _ ; _ ..._ .~ ..'";H _._. ._. __ H __ <
C- Unmark all Items that have been Pick Validated


( ;. Unmark all Items which have not been explicitly scanned

as Not Found
'1 ... OK
1_ _ C _ a_ nc_ e_ l_
,..( 1 ... . .
6-26 Workorders
If you select the first option, the system unmarks all the items on the table that have
been properly Pick Validated. That is. all items that were scanned during the picking
process. This leaves marked only iteins that were scanned as Not Found, and items
that were not Pick yalidated. These are the items you want to have marked when you
go to Process.
If you choose the second option, Unmark All items which have not been
explicitly scanned as Not Found, you find that the only items left marked on
your table are the one that were scanned as Not Found during the picking process.
This option differs from the first option in that it does not include (in the marked
items) any items that were not scanned in the electronicpicklisl. It only includes
items specifically scanned using the special O'Neil Not Found barcode.
Once the items are unmarked. frolll the Options menu. Process Non-
~~Iidations submcnu, sclect Process Marked. The following dialog appears.
.. it
. :( 1 )
( '@
''C ~


c .

, .

: .
i .
{ .
C. ,

f .
, e
( '
, s ,
"':<~, . .
. -
. . . . ;~. . .
Query & Post
r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - - . 1
ll~i"Using the options selected here, all marked items will . I
I '. , , /be processed. . '. .
< , . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . , . - '. _ . _ " 1 . '.
rPost to OtherService
rPost Inf ormation to \Alorkorder Notes
rDelete f rom\\lorkorder
rDelete f rom Inventor}'
OK Cancel
Post to OtherService:This option allows you s elec t whic h Other Servic e appear
on the workorder. In the dialog above. we us ed the Item Not Found ac tion whic h we
s et up in the Ac tions /Other Servic es Sublis t area of RS-SQL's Adminis tration
program. All Other Servic es that you have s et up i~ your s ys tem appear in the drop
down menu. You may s elec t the one you prefer. One Othe'rSerVic eis added to the
Workorder foreac h marked item.
Post Inf ormation to Workorder Notes:This option tells the s ys tem to inc lude a
note in the Workorder Notes area of your work order. telling your c us tonier that the
item they were looking for was not found.
, Delete f rom Workorder: When this option is s elec ted. any marked items are
deleted fromthe work order as long as there are not validations forthis item on this
workorder. If. forexample. a delivery validation exis ted forthe item. then it would
not be deleted from the workorder.
Delete f rom Inventory: When this option is s elec ted. any marked items are
deleted fromthe databas e. The as s umption is that s inc e they were not found. they do
not exis t in inventory.
NOTE: An Item is not deleted Ii'ominventory:
If the Hemwas added to the databas e over 7days ago.
If there is an)' ac tivity I{)rthc IIc m on any other Workorder.
Irthere is any "non-add" ac tivity I{)rthe itc m that is not as s oc iated with
a workordc r. (Ac tivity not as s oc iated any workorder mus t be "add"
ac tivity. otherwis e the Item s hould not be deleted from inventory. )
If there is any ac tivity forthc Item on this workorder other than
'Access'. 'Deli very', 'Destroy' or 'Perm ali t'.
When you c lic k OK. the items marked on your table are proc es s ed.
While c reating aDelivery. Ac c es s . Des troy or Permout workorder. through the table
where you add itc ms to he inc luded in the workorder. you may s elec t an option in the
Options mc nu c alled Query &Post. This enahles you to c reatc a query to load a
Workorders 6- 27
group of items onto atable. Then you can mark the appropriate items on that table
and post just those items to the Workorder. This sounds more complex than it really
is, so let's create an example .
.J ennifer Smith Ii-omABC Corp. calls you to ordcr somc Containers for delivery. Vou
enler IIll'Worf<ordcr l:thle, 1I11l11llldcl' lJ w Options nlellli. choose Create
Workorder - Delivery. The Create Delivery Workorder dialog appears and
you enter the company name and priority level. Under the Options menu in this
dialog, you choose Containers. The Delivery Container for (W/O #) table -
appears. If you knew the Containcr nllmber that you want to add. you could click
Add at the b<ll1omof the table and enter them one at a timc. However, you can also
select Query '&Post li'Olll the Options menu to access the Container table. From
this table. you can access the Load ... option li'om the Search menu to create a
<J uery.This Query dialog is the sallie as the one accessed through Container
Filing. Through this dialog, you can create queries and load any Containers in the
system onto the table.
So, continuing with our example . .J ennilCr isn't sure about the Containers she needs.
She says, "What Containers of ours do you have that hold Personnel Files in them?"
Simple enough to find out; you create a query that says to find all Containers with an
Account Code equal to ABC CORP .. AND a Content Category equal to PERS. The
system linds them all and loads them to the table. Vou tell J cnnilCr that you have 20
Containers that meet those criteria.
Then she asks you which ones were sent to you during this fiscal year. Well, you
could clear the table and create another query, but since there arejust 20 Containers,
you decide to sort the table by Add Date. Vou can now tell J ennifer that there were
only three added this year. "Great!" She says, "Why don't you send them all over?"
To Post just those three Containers to the workorder. you Mark them, and under the
Options menu, select Global Post. The system offers you the Delivery
Container dialog to give you achance to e.nter J ennifer's name as the requester, a
Cost Center and.any Comments. When you click OK, the system tries to add the
Containers to the workorder. but gives the following dialog: .
Click OK and return to the Container Items table. Vou.notice that only one of the
Containers that you added is still marked. Set the screen focus on that item and click
Post at the bottom of the table. The system tells you why it was not posted to the
workorder. "J el1nifer," you say. "Container 123400 was sent to your office on August
15. Stacy Collins requested it." You continue to process the workorder as usual.
The Query &Post option is available for Delivery, Access, Destroy and Permout
workorders, and for Containers, Filefolders or Tapes. Remember that you can load
any item in the system to the table. but the system won't let you post an item that
belongs to one company to another company's workorder.
The Post button at the bottom of the table can also be used to post individual items
from the search results to the workorder. Rather than using Global Post, you could
post any items one at a time using the Post button.
6-28 Workorders
'. , * ,
" ( J t

. ~
[:( 9
'( J jD
. ( 1
Add Items on the Fly
Since the container was selected when you clicked tile Add button, the top box
"Add to container __ ' " is selected. Thc contailter in our example is set up to
hold filefolders, so that is the only type of iteni available to add, If you un-check the
top box, all item types become available and Y O'u could add any type of itein to the
database. Click OK. /\ Filefolder Add dialog appcars: .
If you have set up the Auto-Incrementing Barcodes feature (see Admin manual.-
Maintenance chapter), atemporary barcode number appears inthe Filefolder Code
field whcn you Ollt of the Filefolder Code fiera, as shown below:
T )lpe of Item:
(- 1.....J I',I.'J il;"1
(. Filefolder
r Tape
P Add to container 134602
In the Query &Post Items table, an Add button allows you to add an item to thc
databasc as you create a workorder. Y ou can add a container, a filefolder or atape.
Y ou can use an existing barcode to identify the item (Item Code), or the system can
automatically assign a number to it. When the item is found, you can reassign the
item to a physical barcode that you then attach to the item. The-I2DT3100 tells the
system what the new code is. .
From the Create Workorder dialog, click Detail, or select Detail from the
Options menu. The Workorder Miscellaneous Activity table appears. Click the
Query and Post Items toolbar button. and create a query to load the container that
holds the non-indexed filcfolder requcstcd. Select that containcr and click Add at the
hottom of the table. The 1()lIowingdialog appears: .


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' .
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" . f
:" .
\ .:..~ .:.

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Work orders 6-29

.. (t
, ( I
. ( ( I
1 - ~T:: lange .... - - - - ; ] - l
I Tol . .:1
~._.,:-~----_ .._. '--'---"
UseT Defined. - - .- .... ... - .- - ..- c._._. .,.. .
r . Sequence Range .'--.--."0"."'1
~- - - - - - !
i FT~::- - - - - - - . I
L _ __ __ __..__ l
Location COele
Sewrity Code
Category Code
I .
...~..- - .-- ..- . - .- - - - - - 1 rContaine.d.,n :- ::- - I J
' I Code 1
,:':- 1 1 ,< '.. I n
I ' .
! AltiD I ~i -i .l-.;~~(l,-': -.--
I i Dille 1 1 2/ 1 B / 2002 .:J .'
I .. . __~____________ _ . _
I tem 5tatus- - I ; ~- '- - m'J
Status Date '1 2/ 1 8/ 2002.:I 1
Add Date 1 2/ 1 8/ 2002.:1 I
Deshoy Date I .:J i
Access Count I 0 ffi
Perm Flag I N o [f]
,.- - . - .- ...- Account - - - - - - - - 1
. 1 :::::; :""" I
~---.___ I
j L e ..',:,3 I I
I N hN " . _ _.h _ __ .~ .~,_._ j
r ';;I ~;:'I ~:T ~~:~~ ..... I ~~~~~~;~'.
I Alternate Code I
I .
I .O'escription I
",",' - .....
f7 ; h... :.; '.!; .: "'.i ";,:I '')L !'';
P " Ch.; lTgefor Add
OK Cancel I Oescrip I Contents I Help
Notice that the Account information is also filled in for you. The Account and
location information for the container you are adding the filefolder to appear in these
fields. Y.ou may continue to fill in any other fields as you need to. When you click
OK. the filefolder is added to the database with the auto- incremented barcode
number as its filefolder Code. Click Cancel to retum to the I tem table. The new
filefolder appears and can now be posted to the workorder.
NOTE: This featurc also works when adding items in the
Container/ FilefolderlTape I tem tables. When you add an item to the system, if
the I tem Code field is left blank, then loses the focus (press Tab or click into'
another field), the next auto- incrementing code appears in the I tern Code field.
Posting Request Exceptions to Workorder Notes
This feature allows you to place Exception messages that arise when you try to post
an item to a workorder to either Workorder Notes or to the Comments field of a
selectable "Other Service." The selectable Other Service will/ can be charged for on
an invoice. This allows you to automatically make note of and/ or invoice a customer
for situations such as "Requested container out of the facility" (with requestor,
workorder and date included), or a filefolder that was not found in a container.
from the Workorder functioll, we try to post a filcfoldcr to the workordcr that was
already out. The following dialog appears.
' Q)
{ ..
~- ."(- .
I .
'- '0"
6-30Wo r ko r der s
i .(i )
"tI >

I .

TheExceptionmessage maybe saved ascommentsfora

selected 'OtherService' and/or appended toV.J orkorder
Workorders 6-31
F { ~::.q: ..f(I ~:1('I
View Account Information
Cancel OK
r Options-------.---- ... ---- ..-~---'
I . . . . ~, . ::~::~~:::~~~~:, N~: . ._. . . . . _ ~._ I
There will be times when you are creating awork order for a customer and you need
to access information about that customer. When you select the ViewAccount
I nformation function. you are shovm the Account dialog for the customer you are
helping. This dialog lets you view all the inli.)rmation about the account, but the data
is grayed out, making it impossible for you to change it.
C(I f"I !, :;;iru:;'[ .1 :;4(;Cn 1.{" .U ..\'ri'~t. ~. l!. j~''::'!I f'(-l: "~1. ;J . !U2 \, I . /I . J U
!. I I I !I ! I !I !H. I 1:"1
When you are inthe Create Workorder dialog. you can access windows that can
help you administratively. These include ViewAccount I nformation, View
Authorization List, Customer Service I nstructions and Account I tem
Summary. These options are also available through buttons on the tool bar at the top
of the dialog.
The Exception Message appears in the bottom box. I n the top box. you have the
option to Post to Other Service. When this box is checked, all Other Services that
you have set up in your system becomc availablc in the drop down list. When you
click OK, the Other Service ar~ applied and appear on the workorder along with one
line of text from the exception message as the comment. .
I f you select the Append to Workorder Notes check box. the Exception Message
that appears at the bottom of this dialog is appended to the end of any other Notes on
this workorder.
Administrative Options

. , .
I : ' .


., .
( .
, , -
( .
( .
~. . .;.::. .'
_ .
Billing Information
Authorized List

' .


, .
; .-

' .
: .
' .
I .

i .
, e
: .

' e
i: ': ',\

c : - : ; .


t<; ~; .: )
Canc el.
I I nvoi c e I nformati on I . .~, . . ' I
I Defi ni ti onFi le ; , ", I : : ' ' ' I , ! ' - : . J
I I nvoi c e . c yc le I I . i
I : .
tl~~: i c e, c D~~~~~~~ I ~"- ~: - !I ' - ' _ _-_ _. - . . . . . - "~ j
What you see when you choose this option. the system's response, depends on
whether you force authorization for this account. If Force Authorization is set to
Yes inthe Account Add/Edit dialog, you are given adialog where you must enter
the requestor's first and last name, as well as his password. If Force
Authorization is set to No in the Account Add/Edit dialog, you are shown a list
of authorized people for the account. Use this list to perform amanual check to
detennine if the person requesting g60ds is qualified to do so.
The Authorization List is originally created in the Setup area of the
Administration program. It can also be edited or viewed fromthe Account table.
- Bi lli ng I nformati on - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - -
rPro~31. ~t' !1c mtl' i rBi ll FlY ""i ard
1 r. ' 1, ( ' 1. 1. 1' 1 CI,,:M1('<, stat1 Month 1' "; [ , , I , ", ", ' 2J
I rli lQi )watp' SloI 8( V" stat1 Year 1- ( - ' - - - - 3- .
I r. Cubic root Stc ; tWW Peri od Length 11 : 8'
1 _ ... - - - - - - - - _ ._ - - _ .. _ - - .._ ..... _ ... - ... ,..- - - ..- - - - .- - - - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - .
[ : : : : : : : : m~' ~: ~~- c : ===- =- ~J . .
; ( - VVorkorders - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
il,: c; - .~,.f,Pf.,; prl0rit'.; Sl': 1 'iit: '"' tc....'.!O~kG, der
I I . . ~\pplvPri oli ty: ~, c ! . . . ' lc ~' tel ' ~' : Ki ' .I ~ernon th8 ".''1 '0''1 0: 01 der
' . . . i .
, . '
fRe~~t' do. ~~- Si te/Off- Si teAc ti Vi tY- ~~- "' - k- " . - . . J. . . - - : '
I r. ,<onhLk: r . , ~ F,Ir; ; .I,_ "._ ,."r,c. rl", J ' ; ": ' . ' : .
1. . . . . , ' - - - - - - - - - , ' - . - . . . '
While in the Account Information dialog, you may access and view Billing
Information for the account. When you click Billing Info at the bottom of the
Account Information dialog, the following Billing Information dialog appears:
This dialog is discussed in detail in the Accounts chapter inthe Administration
6- 32Workorders



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Customer Service Instructions
All c ust o mers are different and have different preferenc es and requirement s. RS-
SQL allo ws yo u t o c nlc r t hc sc preferc nc c s and requirc mc nt s ina Customer
Service Instructions windo w 0t hey c an be r. eadand t aken int o ac c o unt when a
wo rko rder is generat ed. This . isa free- t ext windo w. so t ext c an be ent ered in any
fo rmal.
Fo r example, if yo ur c ust o mer requires t hat a c o st c ent er be referenc ed o n every
invo ic e. yo u c an ent er t hat here and be reminded t o request t hat info rmat io n when
yo u t ake t he o rder. Or. if t he file ro o m at t he c ust o mer's lo c at io n c lo ses at 3:09 every
aft emo o n, yo u c an ent er t hat and make sure t hat t he delivery t ime o n t he wo rko rder
is befo re t hat .
C uslo mer Servic e Inslruc lio nslo r 0001 0. :. . - " ,:. : . ' '. ' - 13
file Edil liearc h Help
'1/1/~l(t "lw. ,\ " . . . . k 1 ()Jd~l~ (klflJ f" " J llIllt.t" ,'mr1 1 1 1 l':" l~'. pt )n'. d,l" OK
,,11(111 If"'\ ' If',..bhi'''l .
C anc el
1 /1 /99 ta,Dd,;!rv'(:lle-:: fIlU'.1 b~ fllZ,.j(, b~'3 onPM ~J o (.It1 (" I';,'In II'~
lilelOomallel 3:00 PM,I
C unent fine: r:i0". . . . T01 al t ines: [j- -
Customer Service Instructions c an be added o redit ed hc re. o rt hro ugh t he
Instructions but t o n at t he bo t t o m o f t he Account Information dialo g (see
Ac c ounts).
View Transactions
If yo ur c ust o mc r nc eds t o kno w t he c o st s fo rgo o ds and servic es he is o rdering, t hey
c an be viewed t hro ugh t his func t io n. BaseTransactions appearunless spec ial
Account Transactions have been est ablished fo rt his ac c o unt . In t hat inst anc e,
t he Account Transactions appear.
Fo rdet ails abo ut Baseand Account Transactions, please see t he Transac tions
c hapt er in t he Administ rat io n manual.
Account ItemSummary
At any t irile during t he wo rko rder pro c ess, yo u may have t he need t o kno w ho w
many C o nt ainers, Filefo lders. and Tapes yo ur c ust o mer has int he syst em. Thro ugh
t he Create Workorder dialo g. Options menu. Account ItemSummary o pt io n,
yo u c an view t o t als fo rall it ems t hat a c ust o mer has in t he dat abase. Yo u c an t ell t he
syst em t o sho w a t o lal fo reac h it em t ype (BOX- I, BOX- 2. BOX- 3, Files, et c . ), o r
just t hree t o t als - o ne fo rall c o nt ail1er t ypes, o ne fo rall t ape t ypes. and o ne fo rall
Workorders 6-33
filcs: Thc systcm displays how man)' of thcm are cun'ently In the f~lcility. how many
arc Out. Dcstroyed. and I'CrIllOutas wcll as (hc tolals IiII' cach typc.
Whcn you selcct Account Item Summary. the systcm asks you if you want to
tally subaccounts for your account. I I'you choose Yes. all items for the account on
1 1 1 1 ' wOl"liordt'l'lllld llll ill"III';fill' nn~'or ils ~ilil\ll('l'(ltlIIlsllrt' illdtllkd ill lh(' folnlfj, If
~01 1 dlOO'i(' No.III:H IIII' 111'111', lhlll llll' Il"::,,dltll'lf \\"llhIllIft ('.\ltd Ill,(,OIIIlI lilt'
indlllkd. '1hc lollo\\ing dialog appcars.
Tally Data
. ~
' \ 1 . , '
. "
; .
::::J '&
..J ;!!I'
_ :;_ j Object:
I Keep .t.cparalc lolalt lor each object Iype.
I .
i rkombine lolatt lor CONTAINER. FIlEFOlDER. and TAPE.
Tally Data
OK Cancel
'; .
6-34 Workorders
The information in the Tally Data box pertains to any time in the past that the
system calculated totals for the accouilt (and subaccounls where applicable). The
date that the last tally took place appears. If there is more than one account being _
totaled, the date of the most recent tally appears, along with the date of the oldest
tally. If you decide you want the system to retally at this time, click Retally.-The
system gives you this option because a complcte retally can be time consuming for
. larger accounts. If you choose not to recalculate the container totals, whatever totals
have been calculated in the past appear in the Account Summary table. If there
has been more rccent activity than the last tall).'. the totals may not be accurate. If an
account has not cver becn tallied. the;)'stem tallies it whether you fell it to or not.
The Objects box olkrs YOll thc option of combining all containcr and tape types
illto onc total or separating each type into its own total. Choosing Keep Separate
Totals for Each Object Type gives you several totals; one for each type of
container and one for each type of tape that your customer has in the system. It also
gives you a total for all of his files.
Choosing Combine Totals for CONTAINER, FILEFOLDER, and TAPE gives
you just thrcc totals: onc for all Containers. one for all Filcfoldcrs, and one for all
When you click OK, the system either tallies the account totals, or pulls information
from previous tallies (depending on your criteria). The Account Item Summary
table appears as shown below.
". ),

( a
t b '

\" .. _ 1
'-:'; ,'::
'. 1"'-:"
Note that the table above shows totals 1(lrall itcm types .
I _ .

: ~: ' .


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. ' .7" ' " "
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. ' .: 121' "
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. . . .
. . . ,
-tttft-b'- t - a' ..f a tt') ,. .;it
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tIO. u )) .
IIQ.t; .1
Workorders 6-35
Print All I tems
This option allows you to print ahard copy picklist f or Marked workorders on the
Workorder table. It sorts all items by Location (Building/FloorlRoom/Location),
then lists the type of workorder (Delivery. Access. etc.) Container #. Filef older #,
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 '
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
Oelete I
0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9
_ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ , . . 'Q Q Q 9 0061 __ ~9 Q _ _ '_
Close I . Edit
GlobalEdit. ,.
Print Table. "
Route Opsto PDT3100. "
Update Workorder Priorit'(
PurgeWor~,f. )rders
ReloadWorkorder from PDT3100 12000
~Z2M:rnut. (I 4~1!~tJ ti~mJ ;~~~~~\l"" ,,' "'-J Q J ~
! Options Search List Format
Create Workorder
Print Workorders . . .
A picklist is a report that takcs all the Containcrs. Filef oldcrs and Tapcs on all the
marked workorders on the Workorder table and sorts them in Location order. This
enables your f acility workers to make one ef f icient sweep of the warehouse to gather
all the Containers. Filef olders and Tapes f or delivery to various customers.
When printing picklists. you have the option of Printing All Items, sending All
Items to the PDT3100, or selecting just some of lhe items f or aseparate picklisl.
If you choose Selected Items. you may send your amended picklist to print or
download to the PDT3 100.
{;' , :



e: ~o_.

,. '
''(. . ''

E j
~: . : - : .
';;::::= -
Tape If. Priorily nne! Work order IllIl11her. AI the hollol11 oflhe picklisl.lhc tolnl
numher or< 'ontaincrs. hldilldcl's lind Tapes is listed.
All Items to PDT3100
I\s an allel'llative to carrying a hard copy of a picklisl. RS-SQL allows you to
download an electronic picklisl directly into your PDT31 00. Then the PDT31 00
directs you through the warehouse in Location order and automatically 'checks ofr
the Containers, Filcf()lders and Tapes as YOllcollect them (sec DOlI'nload List to
PDT3100 section below lor details).
Selected Items
This option allows you to access a table that lists all the containers. filefolders and
tapes on marked workorders, and select just the ones that you wa.nt to print on the
pick list. from the Workorder table, mark the workorders you want a picklist
printed Ihull. Thel,l. under the Options menu, choose Selected Items. 1\11items
from every marked workorder arc displayed on the Picklist tabU:. They are all
marked. To select items fromthat table to be placed on a separate picklist. use the
Mark menu to.unmark all of them, then click the box to the left of the items you
want on your picklistto mark them.
For example, say you want one person to pull all the filefolders and tapes, and
another persoll t9 pull all the containers for four workorders that will be delivered
this afternooll. On the Workorder table, mark those four workorders. Under the
Options menu, select Picklist, and in the sublist, choose Selected Items. The
Pick list table appears with all the items from all four workorders listed. You can
sort or fonllat the data to fit your purposes, then unmark a'lI of the containers on the
list, leaving the filefolders and tapes ma~ked. Then. under the Options menu select
. Print Picklist. A picklist prints that lists only the marked items. Then, from the
Pick list table, Mark menu. select Invert Mark, causing all Filefolders and Tapes to
become unmarked, and all Containers to become marked. Select Print Picklist once
again, and a picklist withjust the Containers prints. The same principle can be,
applied foi' picking items fr()mspecific rooms, floors. or buildings.
Y~u can choose to have any picklist printed on paper, or be sent to the PDT3100 in
electronic formal.
Download List to PDT3100
To download a picklist to the PDT3 100, from the Workorder table, mark the
work orders whose contents need to be picked then. under the Options menu, select
Picklists. then Picklist to PDT3100. (If printing a Selected Items picklist, choose
Selected Items. mark your selected items, then from that Options menu, choose
Picklist to PDT3100.) The Communicate dialog appears (shown below) and you
are instructed to insert the PDT31 00 into its well. On the PDT3 100, from the Main
menu, highlight Communications and press Enter. The scanner beeps and offers
the following message:
Insert PDT3JOO Into Cradle, Press ENTER key when ready
Put the PDT31 00 into its cradle and press its Enter key. You see the communication
process begin on the screen of your Pc.
, Q t
, Q t
('" C,',
Workorders 6-37
NOTE: You cannot load Route Ops into aPDT3l 00 that has aPicklist still in it. The
Picklist. conftmled or not. must be do\'mloaded back into RS-SQL.
for Remote I
f.oJt setup... I
Ae! I
POT3TOO/PC Dale end Time
SucceS's-ful cessions: 0
St.atus Action
In progress... Send begin
Recv POT3100 vel.ion
Recv common data
necv updated pick li'St
Recv updated derive" list
Recv new pickup Jist
Recv itemized pickup list
Rccv updated .elite lid
Recv record center Opt
Send elf",
Send ba,code length.
Send cOntfJ any name
Send rcdate <lind time
Send end
.Differenceinminutes: 0
f~'ielticinsed PDT 3100 into cradle ...
t I I ~;
Every time RS-SQL communicates with the PDT3l 00, several interactions occur.
Each 'packet' of information that is transferred back and forth is listed on the RS-
SOL Communicate window. and its status is updated as the communications take-
place. First, RS-SQL sends a start command to the PDT31 00. When the PDT31 00
acknowledges it. communications begin and the other actions on the list take place.
When the transmission is complete, the RS-SQL screen tells you that it has ftnished
communicating with the POT31 00. and all Status ftelds show OK or
TRANSMITTED as shown above .
Once the picklist is downloaded to the PDT3100. the POT31 00 leads you through
the warehouse. in Location order. to pick all the items on the list. From the Main
menu in the P0T31 00. select Electronic Picklist. The first location appears, with
the Container and/or Filefolder and/or Tape that you need to pick. The total number
of items that you need to pick shows in the bottom right comer. Scan the.barcode on
the first item you pick. The PDT3l 00 beeps. the number in the bottom comer
decreases by one, and the next Location and Item Number appear.
You may scroll through the pick list by pressing the Up and Down Arr-ow keys. If
you want to move to the top of the list. hold the Function key and press the up
arrow. This does not take you to the very top of the list, but to the ftrst item on the
list that has not yet been scanned. When you reach the very top of the list. and press
the Up Arrow. the PDT3l 00 beeps. All items that have been scanned show an
asterisk (*)to the len of the number. When all items on the picklist have been
scanned, the PDT3100 emits a long beep and it displays the following message:
AlIlJems Picked
Press ENTER 10COllI.
When you press Enter. you are retumed to the Main menu. The next step is to
download the conftl111edpicklist back to the system. To do this simply follow the
same Communicate and Process procedure.

( .
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: .

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_ .
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: .
Route Ops to PDT3100
Route Ops allows your driver 10 verify Ihat a route operation has been completed.
When you download Roule Operations to the PDT3100, each workorder is loaded
with all items that are to be dClivered. As each delivery takes place; you confirm that
it has been done by scanning the delivered items and printing the customer a receipt
confirming the action. If a customer has an unexpected pickup, you can either create
a new workorder or modify the existing one to include it.
To load Route Ops into your PDT3l 00, from the Workorder table, mark the
workorders that are being delivered and select Route Ops to PDT3100 fr0111the
Opti~ns menu. The Communicate and Process dialog appears on the screen.
On the PDT3l 00, select Communications from the Main menu. Insert the
PDT3100 into its cradle. When you are ready to begin communications, press the
Enter button on the PDT3l 00. For information on using the PDT3l 00 during
deliveries, and printing receipts, see PDT3100 chapter.
Reload from PDT3100
When you load workorders from RS-SQL to a PDT3100, either through Route Ops
or a Picklist, RS-SQL expects to see those items validated for the appropriate
actfons. But say that you have downloaded work orders to the PDT3l 00 through
Route Ops and your customer calls to ask you to bring one more box? How can you
add that container to a work order that is already considered out? If you edit the
workorder and do\'mload it to the PDT3l 00 again. you'll receive all kinds of
exceptiOli~for the items that weren't delivered.
RS-SQL allows you to 'undo' the unfinished part orthe process through Reload from
PDT3100. Two cxamples arc dcscrihed bclow:
Example #1 You download lour workorders into Ihc PDT3100 for a Picklist. The
itcms are being picked. whcn (l\1eof the customers calls and says Ihat he needs to add
two more conlainers to his order. You call back the person doing the picklist and
Reload the PDT3l 00 back to RS-SQL. If you do a regular communication, you will
receive errors for all ilems that haven't been picked yet. Complele the Reload
Workorder from PDT3100. and the four workorders appear on yo~r Workorder
table. The items that have already been picked are processed and receive a 'Picked'
Validalion inthe syslcm. Hcms that have not bccn pickcd are not aHeeled. Add thc
two additional containers to the' workorder and download the picklist again. The
PDT3100 displays the picklist including thetwo additional containers.
Example #2 You dovvnload f<)lJ rworkorders into the PDT3l 00 as Route Ops and the
driver takes off on his rounds. Aller he leaves, one of the customers calls with a
super emergency order. They need a container \vithin the hour. You page or radio
your driver to relulll to the Ihcilily. but he has alrcady complctcd Ihe first delivery. If
you were to dovmload thc POT31 00 undcr normal communication procedures, all
the items lor the other three workorders would be seen as exceptions. So you Reload
Workorders from PDT31 00. The items that have been delivered are processed and
receive Delivery Validations. All the others arejust taken back to the Workorder
step. All four workordcrs are loaded onto your Workorder table. Edit the workorder
for the emergency delivery. Now you can either go get the additional container
manually, or you can dO\,,o11loadaSelected Picklist if your policy requires a Picklist
Validation. Load just the three workorders that need to be delivered into the
PDT3100 for Route Ops.
6-38 Work orders
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To Reload a Workorder to PDT3 100, bring the PDT31 00 back to the computer.
Return to the Main menu of the PDT31 00 and select C ommunications. Place the
1'01'3100 into the cradle. In RS-SQL Operations program. click the Options
menu and select Workorders. Either click the Reload Workorder from
PDT3100 button. or from the Options menu click Reload Workorder from
PDT3100. The PDT3100 C ommunicate Only dialog appears. Press the Enter
key on the 1'01'3100 and the workorders are downloaded back to RS-SQL. Any
completed work is processed into RS-SQL. Any uncompleted work is returned to the
workorder step. All workorders that were downloaded to the 1'01'3100 are loaded
onto the Work order table.
Update.Workorder Priority
This option refers to the area of the system \vhieh allows you to charge for priority
services by 1I'0rkorder or by item 0/1the lI'orkorder (see Service Priority section
above). I I'you have created workorders for Accounts that were set up to be invoiced
for Priority Services per Work order, then decided to ch;lIlge the Accounts to be
invoiced (or Priority Serl'ices for Each Item on the Workorder, you can load the
workorders onto the Workorder table and under the Options menu select Update
Workorder Priority. The system double-checks the Uilling Information set up for
each account and updates the activity history accordingly. . .
Purge " Vorkorders
This option allows you to delete old workorders (over 90 days) and old workorde'r .
activity in order to free up disk space on your computer. It does not reverse ~he
Status of an item on the Workorder. Purge varies fi-omDelete in the following way:
Deleting an Item frolll a \Vorkorder: If an Item is deleted ft'oma workorder and
there has been no new activity since the Item was put on the workorder. the Status of
the Item is changed back to IN. The Status DatelTime is set to the current Status
Date/Time and the Activitv record(s) is deleted. If there is more rccent activity. the
Workorder Activity record is deleteJ : but the Status is not changed. and the Status
Date/Time is not set back.
Deleting an Enti,'c Workorder: If an entire workorder is deleted. the above
paragraph is applied to each Item on the Workorder. Then the Workorder header
record is deleted.
Print Options
You may print all marked work orders on the Workorder table by selecting Print
under the Options menu. You may print just one Workorder by entering its
Add/Edit dialog and selecting Print Workorder under the Options menu.
Printer Setup
To change the printer selection. the font or the margins of your workorder. highlight
the work order on thc Workorder tablc. click Edit, and select Print Options under
the Options menu. The Print Setup dialog appears and you are able to make your
modifications. .
Workorders 6- 39
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Edit / . ., Delete
Close IAuth list IInstruct ISummar Y ! Address I Add
f!1tJ ii@tmtttiDtt~ ~ ~ , r~ ~ : J 1!f~ ITf: : '~ f~ ~ . ; j)i; 'i~ - " " " (: <>~ : '. !: ~ 7{ .
Options Search list Format Mark. Clear Help
Under no r mal c ir c umstanc es. the Payr o ll Depar tment Ac c o unt wo uld no t be- 0pen,
due to its sensitive natur e. Ho wever . the exec utives sho uld beable to ac c ess payr o ll
data. Ther efo r e. using Ac c o unt Links. yo u c an allo w the exec utives ac c ess. It wo r ks
like this:
In the Administr atio n pr o gr am, Optio ns menu, Setup submenu, selec t
Wo r ko r der Ac c o unt Links. The Wo r ko r der Ac c o unt Links table appear s. To
add a new link, c lic k Add at the bo tto m o f the table. The Wo r ko r der Ac c o unt
Link Add/Edit dialo g appear s. and to c o iltinue the example abo ve. yo u fill it inas
sho wn belo w:
RS- SQL o ffer s flexibility in the , vay an ac c o unt c an ac c ess items fr o m o ther
ac c o unts. In theA ccount Set Up c hapter in the Administr atio n manual we disc ussed
ho w an ac c o unt c an have thr ee levels. and the lo wer levels c an be o pen to ac c ess
fr o m the higher level ac c o unts. This is o ne way to allo w ac c ess between ac c o unts.
Ano ther way to o pen ac c ess is thr o ugh the RSWIN. lNI fileo ptio n (see M. aint enal 7Ce
c hapter in Administr atio n manual). Ther e yo u c an o pen ac c ess between all r elated
ac c o unts (Level I. 2 and J ) o r even between all ac c o unts (even tho se unr elated) in
the system. The Ac c o unt Links o ptio n also allo ws yo u to o pen ac c ess between
unr c lat~d ac c o unts o n a o ne- by- o ne basis. Thr o ugh the Ac c o unt Links o ptio n. yo u
c an give any level o f o ne ac c o unt ac c ess to the items assigned to any level o f ano ther
ac c o unt.
Ac c o unt Links ar e set up in the Setup ar ea o f the Administr atio n pr o gr am, and
used in the Wo r ko r der ar ea o fthe Oper atio ns Pr o gr am.
Let' s use an example (hun C ity Ho spital. Y o u have a Level) Ac c o unt o f
C ITY HOSP. Y o u have Level 2 ac c o unts fr o m C ITY HOSP o f ADMIN and EXEC . A
Level 3Ac c o unt under ADMIN c o uld be PAY ROLL. Y o ur Ac c o unts lo o k like this:
6- 40Work orders
Account Links
.'. Help' ' < I
r.-----1tem Account -----.-
Level 1 .I CI TYHOSP rn
Level2 I ADMI N rn
L.. ~ ._ -'-_ . _ _ .J
Yes to All I NotoAll I
Add '1
r-"-Workorder Account .-....,
I Level1 I CI TYHOSP' mI l
Level 2 I E><EC I I I
Level3 I rn 1
i.. _ _ .._ _ ._ ._ ._ : - J
I tem 800008 is available for posting because of a
VVorkorder Account Link override. Do you wish to post
this item?
/tern Account
Posting I tems from linked Accounts
Permitworkorderslor theWorkorderAccount toaccess itemsfromtheI tem'
Account. '
This allows you to let your customer know that they do have access to the item, but
that it is not one of theirs.
To post items to the Workorder Account. create a workorder for the Workorder
Account and add items to it inthe nonnal way. When the system adds an item that
belongs to the I tem Account to theworkorder, the following prompt appears:
The I tem Account (shO\vn on the right side of the dialog above) is the account whose
data is accessed hythe Workorder Account. The I tem Account cannot access items
li' OI I l the Workorder Account. This account does not need to have an Open status. but
it can.
The ' Workorder Acco.unt.andll1 eltem Account do not have to have the same Level I
Account; this isjust an example. I f the hospital was owned by ABC Corp. and the
executives' account was through ABC. the Workorder Account would show as ABC
Corp. and the I tem Account could still be City Hospital.
The Workorder Account (shown on the left side of the dialog above) is the account
that is able to access items from another account on their own workorders. This
account wfll be generating workorders to access information from the I tem Account' s
Once the system isset up like this. any Payroll data can be ordered on a workorder
generated for Executives.
Workorder Account
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Query &Post
Thc Qucry & Post function allows you to load and post itcms ii'om the Item Account
onto the table. then conduct a Global P9St. You are also prompted when this occurs.
Item 800008 is available for posting because of a
VVorkorder Account Link override. Do you wish to post
this item?
; :.

Selecting No to All causes the system to reject all items that belong to any account
other than the Workorder Account. You are not prompted again.
Selecting No causes the item noted in the dialog box to be eliminated from the
global post. I f another item is being posted that belongs to an Item Account, this
prompt appears again.
Selecting Yes causes the item noted in the dialog box to be posted. If another item
being posted in the global post is from an Item Account. you receive this prompt
Selecting Yes to All tells the system to continue with the global post without issuing
this prompt again. All items are posted. regardless of whether they belong to the
Workorder Account or to the Item Account.
Yes Yes to Alii No to .A.l1 No
( .0 .

When items from the Item Account are ordered by the Work order Account, all
transactions involved. including refiles. are posted to the Workorder Account's
invoiccs. If the Workorder Account has Account Transactions set up for the activities
taking place. they are charged according to their own rates. not those of the account
that owns the items.
Activity History
Thc Activity History of an item that belongs to one account hut was accessed by
another rcflccts the account that gcncrated the activity. As you can see on the
Activity table shown below. this container was added to City Hospital's Payroll
Account, but has been accessed by ABC Corp. Executives.
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Workorders 6-43
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OK Cancel
P.b.llow Item Activities already on another Pick List to
be added to this Pick List?
PSort by Building, Floor, Room
This table displays the same information as the Item Activity table but includes
four additional columns: Task Assigned Date, Task Assigned Time, Task Completed
Date, and Task Completed Time. Task Assigned columns reflect the time of the
picklist download to the PD1'3100. Task Completed columns reflect the scan time of
the item. Both Date and Time values can be manually edited if necessary.
At the start of adO\vnload or print. you can choose whether to allow items that are
already on a picklist to be added to the current pickJ ist.
dl;t3@fi;':i+iJ irnnWJ .t:;nml._~~1D~~~:ffi~{frI:'~'C:: 1:;,;~1;~~i;~;J ~~.T ;.' '. <~dQ J ~
Optlons.Search list F",mat Marlo, Clear He~ ._-'"~ .._~ _ _._._..
From the Operations program. Options menu. select Item Process Control.
The Item Process Status table appears.
7. Item Process Control
Item Process Control

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Regardless of the choice you make. an exception will be generated for each item
already on a picklist. If you chose not to allow duplicates and one is downloaded,
you receive an exception stating that the item was already added to another picklist
ItemProcess Control. 7-1
and therefore was not included. If you allow duplicates. an exception IS generated
stating that the item was already added to another picklist. but it ,isstill added to the
current picklist. To view exceptions, click on Options, then Exceptions. The
Item Process S tatus Exception table appears.
You can also choose to sort by building. floor. and room.

; Q t
System-Wide Configuration
Ilem Process Control has a system-wide conliguration oplion. which can be set li'om
the RS WIN.lNI Contig option under the Maintenance menu in the
Administration program. Click on the S ystem-Wide button to display the
S ystem- Wide Options list. .
System-V',olde Options

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IWorkstation I
Options .PrintWOPicl~l1pReceiveLines
Options .Query AncfPostLir.nitSearchResults
Options .sendOb.iectList
Options .V\lorkorderCharges
Rotation. CheckltemSetNames
Scheduling .Pl1tV"iO#lntc,CornmentF orf':et urnDat
Invoice .Print'o,I\'henlnvoiceZero
Invoice .saveV\~lenlnvoice Zero
Invoice .spool.!l.sOne.J ob
Items .ChargeF or-Storage
Options ./-I.ccol1ntDe8C1ip
Options .AccmmtLinks
["New Setting'--~"""'" -.-.----- ....--- ....--- ..--.----.1
__ D_e_.f_8_U_1t --,I i
1__ __ _.__ .._._ ..__ .__ __ _.._._ _.~ .. ._-._-._- __ --- i
r Current Setting
i <blanl(>
: ...~,~" ..._ --- "~'-'-_.."------''''-'-'' .-..... _ .,,_ .
To change the setting. highlight Options.ltemProcessControl in the Options list.
Click the drop down arrow next to the New S etting field and select Yes or No.
Whcn set to No (which is thc default). itcm process control is only in effect when
PDT dovmload or picklist printing' is initiated from the Item Process Control
table. When set to Yes. it is always in efleet, so that any PDT picklist download or
printing uses Item Process Control.
7-2Item Process Control
("rc-atcd h, RI.'fnotc
Cu:;tt('lIh., R{'lIlotc

A .-
PDD lOti(olnm:tT1d.. (:t1..:11!:lIed Rt.'\I.:wfhles
tl.1;lllll;tl{lt7i tli llll
Scheduli ng. 8-1
Shorl 'Icrm SChl'lhllin:;
Your customer service rep takes an order front acustomer a~d creates a
workorder through the Workorder function (see Workorders chapter).
You oriel' your customcr thc Remote Customcr module and he creatcs
it himself (see Remote ComJllunications chapter).
The system creates workordcrs for you as requested through the
Scheduler functioll. . .
In servicing your customer. the ultimate goal is to create aworkorder, thereby
ordering services for which you can charge money. There arethree ways to generate
a workorder:
8. Scheduling
Scheduler Overview
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Hems can be added to the Scheduler - and ultimately placed on a workorder - in six
Items can be put on an individual. one-time schedule (Short-Term
Schedul ing)
Long Term Rotation schedules can be created by your employees
The PDT31 00 can be programmed to add an item to the schedule when
it is picked up or delivered using Route Ops (or when refiled or moved
in Record Ccntcr Ops)
The systcm can calculatc Rcvicw Datcs automatically using RevieW
Reasons paired with Category Codes and 'To' dates (see Calculated
Revie1l'Dates). .
Scheduling data can be imported from a file.
Schedules can be updated by Remote Customers.
Short Term Schedules '(One-Time lOne-Item Activities)
You can schedule an activity to occur to an object just one time. For example, your
customer may call to request that atape be. delivered on Monday, and picked up
l:lgainon Tuesday. This is not aregular pickup or delivery, just a one-time
occurrence. To ensure that the services are scheduled as requested, you will add two
activities to. the schedule - adelivery on Monday and apickup on Tuesday. Then on
those d~ys. the appropriate workorders will be generated.
NOTE: If you want to create aone-time Delivery or Itemized Pickup schedule for
more than one item. use the Long Tenn Rotation Schedule.and set the date to reflect
just the day the activity is to take place.
Let's create the schedule for delivery of aContainer on Monday. In the Operations
program. Options .menu. select Scheduling. When the Scheduling table
appears. click Add. The Scheduling Add dialog box appears:
' .

, .


, : .

~ .
' .

( .

~: . ~-~

( .
Scheduling. 8-3
Posted Date
Posted Time
. Cancel
Workorder ~-_._----
[-_ .... W'orkorder Account--l I
! Level 1 I ttl I I
i .. r---
J "",'J ,I. I I
I Le.,.d:: I I
i.... ... .. .. :-.__ ._.._ .._ ._.~l I
._._ ChargeAccount._._. -. -' .i,
. .' '. I
ILevel 1 I lBI
; ,......---.....; .- I
! 1., .\'<'1 2 I . II
I ------
I Lr; ~"e: .:'~.L _ I - ,
I Workorder tt , 1 ..., .,.., .
l_.. _._ ~_....... ':~.~.. --
..Schedule ..-..... ..
Action ~ ..-
Date I
1 12:00,0.t,,'1
r Item'
I Type
, Time
I Description
i.. _ ~' .
r"WOlkorder Reference'
Requeswr I
Cost Center I
I Comment I
L __._..
"'; ] 1
I AllCod, I
.Lp ~~~.Charge __... _.~_~~~~~~~~_. .!
Alternate 10:As mentioned above. usethis field when you don't know thebarcode
Container (or Tapeor Filefolder): Enter thebarcode number for theitem being
scheduled inthis field. L iketheWorkorder function. if you don't havethecontainer's
barcode. youcanenter theAlternate I I > inthenext field and thesystem uses it. along
with theAccount. to lind thecontainer.
Type: Enter thetypeof item you arehaving delivered (container, filefolder or tape).
I nour example, wewould usethedown a1TOWto select Container. Onceyou select
theType, thefields below change to reflect your choice. Wewill continue with our
Containcr example.
Action: Click thedOWI larrow to select thea<.:lionto take place. I nour example. we
would choose Delivery.
Date: Bnter thedatethat you want theaction to take place:'For our example, it
would betheupcoming Monday. You canalso click thedO\Hl arrow to access a
calendar where youcanview and select theappropriate date.
Time: Enter thetimc that thedelivery is totakc place.
Description: Enter adescriptioll or theSchedule here. This fieldcanbesearched
Oil, so enter adescription that helps to identifY this ordcr.

t .

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Description: (f()r Files and Tapes only) If you don't know the barcode number or
Allernate ID of a tape or filef()lder, you can enter all or the first part of a description,
Press TAB and the system senrchcs for the itcms ",hose descriptions match whnl YOli
hllH' l'lIlcrnl. YOIIl'lIl1l'hoosl' hdl\'cclIlIlllhosc Ihal BlaIch.
Apply Charge - Perrnout: J ust like a workorder. you c('\ntell the system to not
charge for this action. The default is for the box to be checked - and a charge to
apply. If this container will not he returning. to your facility. check the Pennout box.
Pennout charges will he incurred.
Workorder Reference
. The Requestor. Cost Center, and Comment fields allow you to enterthis
information oilto the workorder that is placed.
Workorder Account: The Workorder Account is the account that is ordering the
service. This account's delivel)' address is the def:lUlt on the workorder.
Charge Account: The Charge Account is the account that is to be charged for the
action taking plaee on the workorder that is generated by this Schedule.
The Posted Date, Posted Time and Workorder fields are filled in automatically
when the schedule is posted to a workorder.
Advanced Use of Fields
The information posted to the Posted Date. Time and Workprder fields can be
edited or deleted if you know what you are doing. and what the consequences will
Posted Date & Time: If you delcte the date that RS-SQL has put in this field, you
can generate another workorder from this schedule.
Workorder #: If you want to put this item on an existing workorder, you can enter
the workorder number here. This allow's you to add a previously scheduled item to a
workorder you are generating today for an unscheduled activity.
You can also put severa!" diflcrent records on the same workorder by entering thc
samc text here for all the appropriate retention records. After this record has been
added to a workorder. the system puts the actual workorder number that it was
posted to.
When you have finished filling out the information in this dialog box, click OK to
retum to the Scheduling table.
Long Term Rotation Schedules
Long Term Rotation schedules allow you to plan rotations into the future. You add
items and activities (e.g. Tape #I 000 1for Delivery) to the schedule. with much of
the samc inforination you put on a workorder. and include the day (and time, if
necessary) that the activity is to take place. This is the Review Date (and Review
Time). Then each day you can go into the Scheduler table and tell the system to
create workorders for items with a Review Date which matches today's.
8-4. Scheduling
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NOTK t he Review I)a t - c is a t erm t ha t is ba c kwa rd c ompa t ihle t o RS- Win's previous
kc t ent ion Sc hedule fea t ure, It is used a s t he da t e or t ime t ha t a n it em is due for
review or due t o ha ve a n a c t ion t a ke pla c e (dest ruc t ion, delivery, pic kup, et c . ). Use
t his da t e or t ime t o loa d it ems ont o t he Sc heduler t a ble t ha t need t o be delivered,
pic ked up. et c .
You c a n sc hedule it ems one a t a t ime. or in groups. Assigning a group of it ems t o a
Set is a ha ndy wa y t o ensure t ha t t he it ems st a y t oget her. Assign it ems t o a group in
t he It em (Cont a iner. Ta pe or Filefolder Filing) t a hle. hut be sure t ha t t he syst em
is sc t up t o a udit (II' set s t o ma ke sure t hey st a y t oget her (see RS-Wi n. i ni set up
sec t ion int his ma nua l).
You c a n a lso sc hedule just one a c t ivit y, or severa l. To sc hedule just one a c t ivit y for
one it em. see Scheduli ng Indi vi dual Acti vi ti es sec t ion a bove. To sc hedule one
a c t ivit y for ma ny it ems, follow t he inst ruc t ions below, but a djust t he da t es t o
enc ompa ss just one Review Da t e.
Crea t ing a rot a t ion sc hedule should be done wit h c a reful c onsidera t ion. Be sure you
know exa c t ly wha t it ems need t o he sc heduled. a nd wha t needs t o ha ppen t o t hem.
Assign set na mes in a dva nc e t o e, nsuret ha t a ll t he it ems t ha t need t o be on t he
sc hedule a re inc luded. You set up sc hedules by a c t ivit y. For exa mple, you sc hedule
deliveries f()(" a sc t 01" it ems 011 onc sc hedule a nd pic kups on a not her. You c a n't
c rea t c a pic kup a nd a delivery sc hedule a t t he sa me t imc . '
Let 's sa y t ha t XYZ c ompa ny ha s a rot a t ion sc hedule for 10t a pes t ha t requires t ha t
t hey he delivered c very Monda y morning a nd pic ked up every Thursda y morning.
They give you a list of t he t a pes t ha t a re t o be inc luded in (his rot a t ion .
Your first st ep is t o a ssign t hese t a pes t o a set . Go t o t he Ta pe t a ble. loa d a ll t he
t a pes for t his rot a t ion sc hedule ont o t he t a ble, a nd Globa l E dit Set Na me t o give
t hem a set na me t ha t is uniq~le for XYZ Compa ny. For t his exa mple, we will c a ll t he
set na me " Mon/Thurs" .
Now from t he Opera t ions progra m. Opt ions menu, selec t Sc heduling. The
Sc heduling t a ble a ppea rs. From t he Opt ion menu, selec t Long Term
Sc heduling . . . Ta pes. The Ta pe t a ble a ppea rs. Loa d a ll t he t a pes from t he set
" Monrrhurs" ont o t he t a ble. If not a ll t he t a pes from t he set a re loa ded, t he syst em
t ells you a nd offers t o a dd t he ot hers t o t he t a ble. Onc e a ll I 0 t a pes a re on t he t a ble.
be sure t ha t t hey a re ma rked a nd. from t he Opt ions menu. selec t Sc hedule It ems.
The Long Term Sc heduling dia log box a ppea rs.
Sc heduling. 8- 5
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Ol8uJe Account
level t [ ~ :
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Workordcr Account
H olidays
.~~n date fans~n a ho~id~
r: Add with nochanges
r Skip (00 nol . ddl
r;Add next day
r Add previous day
I 12: 1l0AM
! T I ""
j O.e.r.c'iptioll
,'.Oa.e.Range -:
lfv.'Y~ l~o_ . y _ ( S _ ) _ ~
T Era," 107 AI3/1991 I fA T hursday
, [01103/1997 10 T hursday
8-6 S cheduling
'T o(al .) umbo. of records (0add: 10
First let's create the schedule for Monday Deliveries,
Date Range: T hese fields determine how often theaction occurs and how long the
schedule continues, Since wewant these deliveries tohappen once a week, or every
7 days, you can fill in the first two fields tosay Every 7 Days or Every 1 Week.
T he From and T o dates establish thestart and ending dates of the schedule. I n our
instance, the From date also determines what day of theweek the delivery occurs on.
For our example, we need tomake sure that theFrom datefalls on a Monday.
Fill in the T o field with "thelast delivery your customer wants - or their contract
expiration date. I f the schedule's length is indefinite, please beaware of two things,
I ryou schedule deliveries (;11' into the ruture (say, to2(99) , you will generate nhuge
number or items 1'0 1' your system tokeep in hard disk space. Secondly, if you
schedule (I I ' just I year, or ror 6 months, you witlneed tocreate some sort offuture
check to remember when theschedule ends. Make surethat you don't miss a
delivery simply because your schedule ran out.
T ime I Description: I f your customer requires that you deliver the tapes before a
certain time, enter it here. Enter adescription for this schedule. You may want tocall
it "XYZ Monday T ape Deliveries" or something elsefairly descriptive. You can
generate searches on this field, sothe more information you hnve in your description
theeasier it will be to usc.
I tem: T he I tem box contains information needed for theworkorder that is generated
by this schedule, For this schedule, weenter Deliver as theaction - or type of
workorder - and whatever infonnation the customer requires for the Requestor,
Cost Center and Comments fields.
H olidays: T here will probably beoccasions where a scheduled delivery falls on a
holiday. I n our example this is pretty certain because thereareso many U.S. holidays
that are observed on Mondays (Presidents' birthdays, Memorial Day, L abor Day,
Veleran's Day) . Be sure tothink through this section carefully. You must set upa
holiday schedule f() r your customer, sobesure thnt they understand what will happen
with each of the options available here. You may:
choose to ignore theholiday and add theschedule anyway (there may
not beanyone at thecustomer's office todeliver to)
skip the delivery altogether (lhen therewon't beanything topick upon
T hursday in our example)



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add it t o t he schedule on t he following day (deliver on Tuesday
inst ead). or
add illo t he schedule on t he day before t he Iioliday (no good, XYZ is
closed on Sunday as well).
NOTE: The syst em cont inues t o move t he schedule dat e up (following day) or back
(day before t he holiday) unt il afree day is available. If we chose " add t o t he schedule
on t he day before t he Holiday," it would act ually schedule it for t he Friday before t he
scheduled dat e.
Wit h our example, t he best opt ion wOllidbe t o Add N-ext Day.
Workorder: This informat ion is t hesame as t hat on a \vorkorder. Ent er t he exact
Account Level informat ion t hat isrequired for t he workorders t hat are generat ed by
t his schedule.
Tot al number of records t o add: The syst em gives you t his number t o let you
know J he scope or yoIll" n: quesl. Iryou inadvcrt cnt ly cnt er ayear hlr int o t he fut ure,
or simply lell t oday's dat c in t he To field. t he number here informs you before you
save your schedule. This number is calculat ed as t he number of days added, t imes
t he number of marked it ems.
Click OK t o save your schedule ami" exit t he Tape t able. All of t he newly scheduled
review dat es appear on t hc Scheduling t able.
To s~arch on review dat es and creat e workorders, see t he Generaling Workordersfor
Scheduled Acli"il;!!.\"sect ion.
PDT3100 Commands
RS-SQL allows you t o place an it emon a schedule t hrough t he. PDT31 00 Rout e Ops
program. Say your driver is delivering five boxes t o a cust omer's sit e. While he is
unloading t he cont ainers, your cust omer asks him t o come back t o pick t hem up t he
following week. Normally your driver would have t o writ e himself a not e and pass it
on t o Cust omer Service t o creat e aworkorder - worse yet . he might t ell t he cust omer
t o call your office himself. However, wit h t he Scheduling funct ion and a PDT3100,
your driver can simply press a few but t ons and schedule t hose boxes t o be picked up
t he following week. RS-SQL reads t he infonnat ionduring wand 'communicat ions
and aut omat ically schedules t he ret urn t rip.
NOTE: Only one-t ime act ivit y schedules can be generat ed t his way: long t enl1
scheduling must be generat ed manuaJ ly t hrough t he RS-SQL program.
Scheduling a Return
Using our example abovc, once t herout e ops arc loaded ont o your PDT3 I 00, t he
procedure for scheduling a ret urn t rip t o t he cust omer's is easy. -
You can schedule alI it ems for aret urn or just a select few. When you have reached
t he cust omcr's facilit y, ent cr t he workorder number int o t he PDT3 100 t o validat e
t hat you arc delivering t he correct it ems. Scan any it ems t hat don't need t o be
scheduled for pickup right now. When you scan t he first it em t hat you want t o have
picked up next weeK, press Func U on t he PDT31 00 (hinl - t he box is making a U-
t urn). The following screen appears:
Scheduling. 8-7
Return Date
Date: rJ D0 8 / 1997
Time: 0 0 :0 0
llle de/ illlit date is today's. Notice that the first two numbers are highlighted. You
can change the month (or day -depending on your date fonllat) by entering anew
number into the PDT31 0 0 - with the keyboard, or by pressing the up or down arrow
keys. Move to the next field in,the date line by pressing the right arrow key and
incrcmcnt or dc<.:rclllcnt thc numbcr hy using the up and down arrow keys. In our
example. we would change t1~edate to the day next week when they want these
containers picked up. -
Press the Enter key to movc to thc Time line. Change the time in the same manner
to renect the pickup time requested by your customer. When you have J inished, press
Func S to save your input. You receivc the following screen: '
Apply to all itcllls'!
If you choose YES, the contaIner that you just scanned and any remaining containers
that you scan are scheduled for return. If you select YES. then exit from this screen.
the Apply to all Hcms setting is turned on~If you select NO, just the one you
.scanned before scheduling the retum is affected. .
Continue to scan the containers you are delivering.
Calculated Review Dates
There are Illany instances where you will want to generate aReviewDate, but not
necessarily a:Workorder. RS-SQL automatically schedules Review Dates for
Containers. Filefolders and Tapes. The data the system uses to create schedules
The To Date inthe Date Range field of the Container, Filefolder or
Tape AddlEdit dialog
The Content Category assigned to the Container, Filefolder or Tape in
the same Add/ Edit dialog
The Review Reason set up for the account which is given a number of
days and associates the To Date. the Content Category and the number
of days to calculate the next reviewdate for that item.
To view the calculated Review Dates for items. click Schedule at the bottom of the
Filefolder, Container or Tape Filing table. or query by Review Date in the
Scheduling table.
The SSIA keeps its Personnel files in your facility. In the Container Items
Add/ Edit dialog box the containers are assigned aContent Category of PERS-OJ,
which stands / t)r personnel/ iles. The SSIA keeps its personnel files for 10 years
from the employees' termination date. but they want to review the files after the first
year, and again after the fifth. To create the appropriate Review Schedule, you would
need to set up three Review Reasons for the SSIA's Personnel files. Review Reasons
are added to the system through the Administration program. Setup option. The
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Scheduling. 8-9
Help Cancel
I First Review
I YEft,R1
I , ft.dd
Review Reason
, Revie.. v Description
NOTE: If no Date Range has been entered for a Container belonging to the SSLA
that has Personnel files in it no Retention schedule is created.
.$tl $1 " ' : ' 1 , 1 "I\'ril1if~ttL~~~.wg~;.Ef;~T~~7:'Zf:~~,~",;~~,:;~:;~,"
('l<tl(lns Seal ch lIst fot1n~t; M.oJ ,r". Oe,y H~lp
r-----.-Account -----'''-'---''
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I ~ :.' ,::.I:::. ,I. I
i 1..,,,1.,, I I
L _ ".,,,,,. ,,. _ _ ,,_ ,, _ _ ,,_ _ ,. ,,,,,,.,, ....,, .."."..1
Category Code IpERS-(J 1 r r J
The dates are calculated from the date ranges established in the Container
Add/Edit table.
The second review reason set up could have a Review Description of Five-Year
Review, and would show 1825 days (five years). The third would reflect the lO-year
destruction date .
lirst one to add to the system would be for the first review which takes place one
year allcr the TOdate in the Date Range field.
W hen you look up one of the SSIA's Containers or Filefolders that has a PERS-O I
-Content Category code. click Schedule at the bottom of the t~ble to access a
Scheduling table that looks like this:
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Schedule Table
Editing a Schedule
So today when you go to the Scheduling table and create aquery to load all items
with a review date of today. the SSIA's items come up for 5year review. You talk to
your customer and determine that they want to view the contents of the containers.
So you mark all the items. and from the Options mcnu. select Global Edit.

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rCo$1 center I.
rQuarrtrty 1100
ti: l
IWOll<OlcJ er Number
I :J
When you enler the Schedule table either through the Scheduling function or
t"roll~', 11WmkOldl'l'!; . ill'lliS with lIl'lIkllllllnllcvicw dille llle illduded ill lillYqueries
just like Scheduled Activilies arc. Since these items don't have a standard service
activity associated with them. workorders cannot be generated for them. This is
particularly handy for sensitive items like destructions. We do not recommend that
you create standard schedules for destructions since a workorder could be generated
and followed through on without proper procedures being followed.
To continue with the SSI;\ example. once you have sci up the review schedule. when
you query li)r currently scheduled items in the Scheduling table. these items
appear. As mentioned be[i)re. you cannot create a workorder for these items without
editing them first. If you try. cxceptions are generated stating that no activity has
been associated with them.
rApply Charge lies m
rPermOut ~
rType ActionCocJ e IDELIVERY ill
r \VOfkOlder Account
Levell W
r.Review Date
8-10. Scheduling
If your customer has rotation schedules already created in a database, you can import
them into RS-SQL. Please refer to the Import chapter.
Importing Schedules
From this dialog box you can make the changes necessary to generate a workorder.
The only essential field to fill in is the WO Type Action Code. This determines the
type of workorder to be generated. Ours is a delivery workorder to send the
containers to the client's site.
See Also: Revi ew Reason and Content Category.
l ,
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Help I Cancel -I OI{
r: r------- ----ChmgeAccount . .
i -----'r71
! Levell W
i _----
! I. .,-O",!;-
!I_", '<: ',
L : -- --'-_. _. _. __ -- '". . . "
Scheduling. 8-11
CrsllteWorkorders fromSchedule>.:": . , . . 13
From the Scheduling Table
OK' -I
Cancel' I
rOa!e .' lill
.i I /lW 112:00AM I
r . !!sescheduled date/time
r . ~~~o~~~~~
. - r fre.Workorder
Target: RS-SQL allows you to create workorders or pre-workorders from
scheduled activities. Select theone you want. (For more information onpre-
workorders and thedifferences bet\veen themandregular workorders, see
Wor kor der chapter.)
Add to existing workorders in table: this option isonly available if you are
creating workorders through theWorkorder table.
I ntheOperations program. Options mcnu. select Scheduling. The
Scheduling table appears. To findtheitems that aredue for review, click Search
Load andcreate a quel:)' that finds all items witll a Review Date or Timethat
matches your needs. All items that meet thecritei-ia are loaded onto your table.
From theOptions menu. select Create Workorders. The following dialog box
Remote customers call create a schedule - either longterm. short ter'm. or with data
entry (calculating R-eview Dates wfthCategory Codes and Review Reasons) in
exactly thesame manner you do inyour offices. Besure that they fully understand
Once you have set up your schedules. therest iseasy. Each day (or whatever your
schedule demands) youcandetermine what items onthe schedule arcdueand create
workordcrs lor them. I rthere is more thanonescheduled itClil I ()rthesame company
that can beput onthesame workorder. thesystemdoes that For example. ifXYZ
Company has fivecontainers to bedelivered andeight tapes to pick up, all 13 items
appear ononeworkordeL I f there ,,'ere also seven items to beaccessed or received.
anadditional work order would begenerated.
I f you generate workorders through theworkorder function. theworkorders appear
ontheWorkorder tahleautomatically. I f yougenerate th<.:mthrough theScheduling
function. you must go to theWorkorder tableto view them or generate Picklists,
Route Ops, etc.
Generating Wprkorders for Scheduled Activi~ies
Remote Customers Creating a Schedule

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~ervice Priority: Thc schcduling priJ gram allows you to set the Service Priority for
Items and workorders when you ereate the workorders rather thari when you set up
the schedule. When you click the down arrow to the right of the field, a list of
Scrvice Priorities appears for you to select li'om, (If you are working with a ..
workorder that already exists. the Priority and Required By Date and Time can~lOt be
Required By: When you established the schedule. you entered the required by date
and time. This is the Review date/time we used to load the table, However, you can
usc a diffcrenl dale and time at this point. if the order has changed. Select Use
scheduled date/time l'Oleave the date and timc as they stand. Select the Date
(mUon and fill in a ncvvdale and time if you want.
(If you arc working wilh a workorder that already exists. the Priority and Required
13yDate and Time cannot be changed.)
When you click OK, the system generates as many workorders as are necessary.
If the system was not able lo place one or more'scheduled items on workorders. or if
one fell 011 an established holiday. you are notified that exceptions were generated.
Review exceptions through the Options menu in the Scheduling table. Each time
you generate workorders and exceptions occur. one line item appears in the
Exception table. To view the individual exceptions. highlight the line item and
click Detail at the bottom of the table. Following is a list of possible exceptions and
their explanations:
A workorder account is required: An item ID is required for all Access.
Delivery and Destruction workorders. The itefn that generated this error-was missing
a work order account.
Already 011 workorder: This item has already been added to the workorder.
An item is required: An itcm ID is required for Access. Dclivery and Destroy
work orders.
Could not create workorder: An error occurred while creating the workorder.
The error code conlains the rcason the work order could not be created.
Invalid charge account: The charge account does not belong to the workorder
account, an open subaccount or a linked account.
Item does not belong to the workorder account, an open subaccount, or
a linked account: The owner of the item is not valid for the account that the
work order was created under.
<Item 10> not added - <Item Type> <Item 10 or Container 10> <Status>
on MM/DO/YYYY: For example: 10000009(a filefolder) not added: Container
0004445 OUT on 07/16/1997. In this instance. the user was trying to add a
filefolder to aworkorder. but the container that the file is stored in was taken out on
J uly 16.
Workorder not found: This error should not normally occur. One possible
explanation is that the workordcr was deleted by another user while processing.
Workorder Type Required: The workorder Type Action Code field has not been
set to either Access. Delivery. Destroy. Pickup or Receive.
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From Workorder Table
NOTE: You may creat e pre- workorders from scheduled act ivit ies in exact ly t he
samc way you crealc workorders .
You 111a~' find it easiest t o generat e scheduled workorders fwm t he Workorder t able
ilsclt : To do t his, li'oll1t hc Operat ions program. Opt ions menu. select
Workorders. In t heWorkorder t able, Opt ions menu. select Scheduling. To
find t he it ems t hat are due lor review, click Search Load and creat e a que!)' t hat
t inds aliit eins wit h a Review Dat e of Today and. if necessary. a Review Time t hat
encompasses t he hours you require. All it ems t hat meet t he crit eria are loaded ont o
your t able.
From t he Opt ions mcnu. select C reat e Workorders. The following dialog box
C ancel
SelVice Priori~ ~[IJ
Hequlred by r . .!J sescheduled dat e/t ime
rOa!e I ~
I i, n;: 112:00AM I
Target : This opt ioll isonly availablc if you are creat ing work orders [roril t he
Scheduling t able.
Add t o exist ing workorders in t able: If you select t his box. t he workorders t hat
arc gencrat ed are loaded ont o t he work order. If t his is not select ed. t he workorders
are st ill generat ed, but are not loaded ont o t he t able.
Service Priorit y: The scheduling program allows you t o set t he Service Priorit y for
it cms and work orders whcll you creat e t he workorders rat her t han when you set up
t he schedule. When you click t he down arrow t o t he right of t he field, a list of
Service Priorit ies appears for you t o select from.
Required By: When you est ablished t he schedule, you ent ered t he required by dat e
and t ime. This is t he Review dat e/t ime we used t o load t he t able. However, you can
use a different dat e and t ime at t his point if t he order has changed. Select Use
scheduled dat e/t ime t o leave t he dat e and t imc as t hey st and. Selcct t he Dat e
but t on and fill in a ncw dat c and t imc if you want .
When you click OK. t he syst em generat es as many workorders as are necessary.
Exce ptions
If t he syst cm was not able t o place one or more scheduled it ems on workorders, an
except ion is generat ed. You can review except ions t hrough t he Opt ions menu in t he
Scheduling t able (t hrough eit her t he Scheduling funct ion or t hc Workorder
t able). Each t ime you gencrat e workorders and except ions occur. one line it em
Scheduling. 8-13
8-14. Scheduling
appears inthis table. To view theindividual exceptions. highlight thelineitem and
click Detail at thebollom of thetable.
Most companies shut down for a certainnull1ber of holidays each year. Your own
record center probably does. and certainly most of your customers do. Also. the
majority of companies close onweekends. RS-SQL allows youto create holiday
schedules 1(11' individual customers. andf(lI'across-the-board holidays (those in
which therecord center itself is closed). Setting up proper holiday schedules
eliminates therisk of inadyertently scheduling deliveries for days that either you or
your customer is closed. This is done through theAdmin program, Setup option
and Account option. (For moreinformuti()I1 onsetting up holidays. seetheSetup
andAccount Set Up chapters intheAdministration manual.)

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9. Wand Processing
RS-SQL interfac es with barc ode data c ollec tion devic es in order to ac c ommodate
rapid and ac c urate intc gration of large volumes of rec ord c enter operational
The data c ollec tion devic es supp0l1ed by RS-SQL are thc Symbol Da~awand lIb and
Symbol PDT31 00. The Datawand lib is a dumb data c ollec tion devic e. It is "dumb"
in the sense that it c annot be programmed and c onfigured with instruc tions and
information to aid the data c ollec tor in ac c urately performing his assigned tasks. It
c an only read and remember barc odes that it sc ans. On the other hand, the PDT31 00
is an intelligent data c ollec tion dc vic e. It c an be programmed and c onfigured to
provide a work struc ture for the data c ollec tor. It c an detec t many task-related c rrors
immediately. as well as c ollale inlill' J lIation. e.g..barc odes. into lists with spec ific
meanings. In addition. the PDT] 100 c an be extended to work with other devic es
suc h as the O' Neil mic roFlash pOl1able printer for printing c ustomer rec eipts.
Communic ation between the Datawand lib and RS-SQL is one way: RS-SQL
rec eives and proc esses whatever barc oded informatiOlithe Datawand lib passes to it.
Commwlic ation between the PDT31 00 and RS-SQL is two-way, or bi-direc tional.
For example, RS-SQL c an send the PDT31 00 infonnation about what things need to
be pic ked and delivc red and where they arc loc ated. If the warehouse operator makes
a mistake, suc h as trying to del ivel' a box to the wrong c ustomer, the programmed
intelligenc e inside the PDT3100 c an immediately detec t the mistake at the point of
delivery and thus prevent it from oc c urring.
The simplic ity of the Datawand lIb limits its usefulness to basic operational
func tions suc h as Adds. Refiles. or Moves. The PDT31 00. however. bec ause of the
flexibility provided by its programmability. c an handle not only Adds. Refiles and
Moves. but other points of operational ac tivity suc h as when and by whom a
Container on a pic ldist \Vaspic ked. and when and by whom a Filefolder on a
delivery workorder was delivered. Whc n this information is transmitted bac k to RS-
SQL and stored ilJ ' its database. it provides a c omplete history of all ac tivity
pc rformed on a c ustomer' s Containers. Filc folders and Tapc s.
Datawand lib and PDT] 100 data translCr c an be broken down into two distinc t
phases: Communic ating and Proc essing. Communic ating is simply the transfer of
data; Proc essing is the integration of the data into the RS-SQL database.
In this sec tion of the manual. we will disc uss c ommunic ations and proc essing for
both the PDT31 00 and the Datawand lIb. The differenc es in the PDT31 OO' s
Wand Proc essiJ :l9 9-1
processing will bc notcd. For fi.lrthcr information on the PDT3! OO'sprogramming
and usc sec WOl'kol'del's and PDT3/ 00 chapters.
. We use the term "Communicate" to describc what happcns when RS-SQL and thc
data collection devices transfer information.
To upload information from a data collection device to RS-SQL. through the
Operations program. Options mcnu. select the Datawand/PDT3100 submenu.
The Communication Sessions table appears. This table lists all communication
se~'Sions that have taken place (this is discussed later in this chapter). From the
Options menu in this table. choose eithcr Datawand or PDT3100. You receive a
submenu. If you choose Communicate and Process, both functions appear in
.the dialog. If you select just Communicate. the Communicate Only dialog
appears. The dialog shown below on the top is the Datawand Communicate
Only dialog: the one on the bottom is the PDT3100 Communicate Only dialog.
When onc ofthesc dialogs appcars. the sys'tem is ready to accept data from one of
the scanners.
The scanner you are dumping nceds to be told to dump. If you are using a Oatawand.
simply scan the Send Barcode on your Command Card. and then placc the wand into
the Oatawell. To prepare the POT3100, fr0111its Main menu. select Communicate
and place the device into its cradle. The PDT3! 00 asks you to press its ENTER key
when you arc ready to communicate.


. < t
. ( 1
' ( 1
9-2Wand Processing
Insert Datawand intowelt. ..
.Raw Data ... -.......... ...- ..
l 8arcodes received: 0
Dumps saved: 0
l... _ _ ._ _ _ ._ ........... .. _ _ .
I-Wand/PC Date and Time'''~--j
, I
I Difference inminutes: 0 I
L.~__ .__ ._._ .... _.__ ..__"__.J
Port setl~p...
ForRemote I
J i
\ ..:= .::~.
: : ( j )
WandProcessing. 9-3
Port Setup
For Remote r
Port setup ... I
1;,.I r":':',:mi"1
Action Sta~w;:
I nprogre:,s ...
Please insert PDT3100 into cradle ...
Successful Sessions: 0
ISend beqin
"'1 ReG'! F'[~t 310(1'!er;iol~'
I Rec'! comm~tl data
.._ ...... . ... r Rec~/'J pdaie(r~lick i~;~i'-'-'------
............................., .........1 ~ :~:~ : ~ ~ ~ : : : ~ ; ; t / : ~ ~ I i ~ ; ; i . . .
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.---..-- .-. I Rec~~pdaiedeViisi------'--
...--... ..... j ~:~~; ~~~:::~ ::t;~~}j;~t"
................... I s e;:;a clea;.= ...:..:~..::-.= .: ..
send barcode lenqths
._ -_ ._ - .._ ._ -- .._ -~.._ -_ .._ - _ . _ .< __ . _." __ '~-""--""' -= _ -._ --_ ._ ._ ---.....- .
. Send .
...--j--- ...... ----..... . ................ _ --._ ..
I Send Urgent listt, Object list
J .... _ _ '.. ... . ... --_ .. _ ...
I Send PC date and time
._. :-= -l~~~.di;:;(. _
..PD T31OOIPC Date and Time.----------.--,
Difference inminutes: . 0
. _ ..._ ._ ----_ ._ ----_ .-=----_ .._ --_ .-------- ... _ --_ . _ _ ------;-. _ _ 1
Both the Datawand lib and the PDT3100Communications dialogs have a
button called Port Setup. The dialog associated with this button allows you to
configure the port for the correct RS-232C communications parameters. In general,
you should use the defaults. If you connect your data collection device to COM2 .
you should change the setting to COM2. If you have problems cqmmunicating at
9600 baud. you might want to try 1200 baud for the Oatawand lib. or 4800 or 2400
for the PDT31 00. Not being able to communicate at 9600 baud rate in most cases
represents a problem or potential problem that should be corrected .
Ifthe user of the data collection device has failed to enter a user ill. or if the user ill
does not exist within RS-SQL you are prompted to enter a user ill immediately after
the start of the communications session. .
If you wait too long (several minutes) before selecting a user 10, the POT3100 may
go into sleep (power saving) mode. Since it cannot communicate while in sleep
mode. you must press the PWR button on the POT31 00 to bring it out of the sleep


~ .

t~ .



9-4Wand Processing
The dcf:\lIlt settings for the Datawand lib are 9600 baud, 7data ilits, I stop bit, and
~n~~ . !
The default settings for the P0T31 00 are 9600 baud, 8data bits. I stop bit, a~d no
Once you change'settings and save them. the settings remain for the workstation you
are currently using. Other workstations can have different settings. To restore the
defaults click Default Settings.
If you select the "Save all Transactions" check OOX, every tran~action is saved in
the Exception table - even transactions that arc not exceptions.
NOTE: The Save All Transactions defaults back to un-checked when you exit the
sollware. If you want to always save all transactions. you need to set this every time
you download.
Raw Data - Datawand
When the Datawand is placed into the datawell. the number next to Barcodes
Received increments to reflect the number of barcodes the datawand scanned. You
may choose to keep a record of every barcode processed in every dump (see
paragraph above). We do not recommend this.unless you need to audit it for some
reason. Normally RS-SQL only keeps arecord of barcode processing exceptions.
Saving all barcode processing records slows RS-SQL and can occupy a large amount
of space OIlyour hard disk.
Session - PDT3100
The hi-directional coilll1lunication hetween the 1'1)"1'3100 and RS-SQL is more
cOlllplex than RS-SQL's communication with the Datawand. Each time a
cOlllmunicati(in session is completed, it is recorded in the Session box. The number
of successful sessions increments each time a PDT31 00 communicates with the
Notice there are two columns. Status and Action. Each action that will take place
is listed down the right of the box. As each action takes place. its status is noted on
the lell. The messages under action may vary a little depending on what data is being
transmitted. Actions and their definitions are listed below:
Selld begill First, the system sends"a message to the POT3 100and tells it to begin
Receil'e PDT3100 versioll The POT3100 communicates what version it is running.
If it is not the same version or a compatible version as RS-SQL the communication
will not continue.
ReceiJ'e cOllllllolldata The POT3100 sends cross-reference lists. such as User lists
and Alternate IDs that may apply to Records Center Ops, Picklist or Route Ops.
Receive IIpt1atell pick list This entry tells you that at some point the POT31 00
received picklist data. The items have (probably) been picked, and now RS-SQL is
receiving an updated version of it I<)rvalidation. The data is /lowing from the
PIH3100 to RS-S(:)L.
Receive updated delivery list This entry tells you that at some point the PDT3l 00
received routeops. It is now sending the completed Route Ops information back to
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Receil' e flew pickup list A new pic kup list is ac o mplete list o f any items pic ked- up.
inc luding any Alternatc IDs.
Receive updat ed refile list An updated refile list is o ne that sho ws files and tapes that
have been refiled into their c o ntainers o r lo c atio ns .
Receive reconl cellt er ofls All barc o des that were rec o rded by the PDT3I 00 in the
Rec o rds Center Ops o ptio n o f the PDT31 00 are rec eived by RS- SQL.
Selld clear The system ac kno wledges that all info nnatio n has been rec eived, verifies
that it has been saved and sends a signal to the PDT3I 00 to c lear its memo ry. All
info rmatio n in the PDT3I 00 is erased.
Sem{ barcode lellgt lt s Onc e the PDT3I 00 has been c leared. the system sends setup
inlill"lllalio ll 10 it again. First. it sends all harc o de leuglh inlill"lnatio ll. This ensures
that the PDT31 00 kno ws that it is sc anning. say, a Filefo lder. when it reads a barc o de
that is the length yo u have set up fo r filefo lders. Sinc e this c an be c hanged o r edited
in the system (altho ugh rarely). it needs to be updated in the PDT31 00.
' Seml PC dat e alld t ime To ensure that the PDT3I 00 is always keeping the right
time. the PC' s date and time are sent to it every time a c o mmunic atio n o c c urs .
Selld elld Onc e the POT3I 00 and PC have finished transferring info rmatio n bac k
and fo rth, the PC sends a message to the PDT3100 telling it that the transmissio n is
c o mplete. .
II is impo rtant that yo u watc h the status fields to the leli o f the ac tio n c o lumn to be
sure that no c o mmunic atio ns erro r has o c c urred. If o ne do es o c c ur. it may be useful
to kno w where ill the c o mmunic atio ns pro c ess it o c c ulTed .
Scanner/PC pate and Time
Every time the system ac c epts info rmatio ll fro m a sc anner. it no tes the time and date
pro grammed into the sc anner. Any varianc es are sho wn Oil the sc reen in minutes. If
there is a disc repanc y in time. the system assumes that the sc anner is in erro r, and
adjusts the t!me- o f. - the sc ans to reflec t the system' s time.
RS- SOL tells the PDT3I 00 to adjust its time to the RS- SQL c o mputer time. So yo u
sho uld rarely see the PDT31 00 no t in sync with RS- SQL. Fo r the Datawand lIb yo u
sho uld set the time yo urself using the bac k o fthe c o mmand c ard if yo u see a
signific ant disc repanc y (say. 5 minutes o r mo re) between the Oatawand time and the
c o mputer time. While RS- SQL makes adjustments fo r any time differential. it is
generally ago o d po lic y to keep that adjustment as small as po ssible.
If yo u are do wnlo ading ' mo re than o ne PDT3l 00. yo u do n' t need to c lo se the
C ommunication windo w to transmit data fro m the additio nal PDT3l 00(5). Simply
press C ommunicate 011 the PDT3l 00, plac e it in the c radle and c lic k Retransmit.
For Remote
Clic ked this butto n o nly iryo ll arc using the Remo te Emplo yee o ptio n. This c auses
the pro gram to c reate a file (. j. >r expo rt to yo ur remo te site.
WandProcessing. 9-5
Order of Operation
If your record center has multiple data collection devices, either 1'0'1'31OO'sor
Oatawand lib's (as almost, you should take care that the collected information
within them is transferred to RS-SQL in an appropriate order.
For example, suppose Warehouseman Vic scans a new box into a location with his
1'01'3100 at 9:00a. At 9:30a Warehouseman J ohn moves the box that
Warehouseman Vic just added to adifferent location. The proper order of processing
is for Vic to dump his PDT31 00 before J ohn. Then theAdd is recorded before the
Move. ffyoulook at the Activity File IiiI'the Container, you will sec hoth steps - the
Add and the Move in-the COITcctchronological sequence.
If. however, J ohn dumps his PDT31 00 before Vic. RS-SQL must Add the Container
since it docs IIot exist on the system. So, what was in reality a move becomes an
Add. What happens when Vic dumps his PDT3100? RS-SQL sees that Vic's scan of
the box came before the activity date and time for the Add done by J ohn, and refuses
to do what would constitute a mo\'e back to the original Add Location - a place
where the hox docs not currently reside. RS-SQL generates aprocessing exception
and does not record the activity; While the current status and location of the
Container remain correct, a bit of the box's history has been lost. What should have
heen an Add--Move sequence to the box's current location is now simply an Add.
If nonc of the scanned item barcodes in one device (representing Records Center
operations) have been scanned by asecond device. the problem described above will
110tarise. You may dump such devices out of sequence or simultaneously. However,
if the work in the second device follows work on the same objects recorded in the
first, it is strongly recol11mended that you dUl11pthem in the correct chronological
RS-SQL allows you to upload barcodes frol11the data collection devices
simultaneously if you work in a multi-user, networked environment. It queues the
dumps for processing in the order received. However, only one workstation can
process the queued information. J fyou choose Process or Communicate and
Process, RS-SQL negotiates among all workstations that may potentially be
waiting to process. Only one workstation actually has the right to process at any
instant in time.
Communicate and Process does both communications and database processing ..
Within this option, RS-SQL processes if there is raw data to be processed and if no
other workstation is processing raw data into the database. You may interrupt the
. database processing with a data transmission from a data collection device at any
time. RS-SQL marks where it stopped processing data into the database and resumes
there once it has received all communications information.
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Process ~
Once informatioll has becn received by the system. it can beproccssed - incorporated.
into the system. From the Operations program. Options melll.l, select PDT3100 I ' .
Datawand. From the Options menu in the Communication Sessions table, :(j
select Process Only. The system looks l'or all information to be updated and ~;..'
processes it. This may take a while hccause a single scanncd barcode may causc
'several additiolls and changes to the database. (8
.'; (il
9-6Wand Processing
WandProcessing. 9-7
I .. Done Nadata 10 process.
r - Talai Dalabase Updales-
;.h:'r.' i
ConI FF Tape
0 0 0 ,
Refiles: 0 0
I,.loves: 0
(I 0
I )
.6 .1 1 Ids: . 0
Vals: 0 0 0
Objects: 0 nia 0
0 0 !
I NFs:
0 0
Re-as.: 0
n/a n/a
! Locales: nla
(I 0
I Reslores: n/a 0
Transactions ..
Exceptions: 0
Saves: 0
-"'<"-', - ..... ~~._ ._...~. ..._ 1
Total Database Updates
Transactions (not to be confused with Base and Account Transactions that are set up
lill' invoicing) show the total number of database updates and exceptions that have
been recorded in the Exception table for a dump file. Exceptions show the number
of transactions that the system recognized as discrepancies and saved to the
Exception table: Saves shows the number of transactions that were accepted by the
Alterllate IDs: The number or alternate identifiers that were scanned or entered into
the POT31 00. Allernate Identifiers can be entered into the system by computer
keyboard, by the keypad of a POT31 00. or by a Datawand with an alphabet/number
Validatiolls: The number of validations that took place - validated as picked.
validated on the truck. validated delivered. etc .
As the system proces~cs information. the numbers on the dialog above increment to
the appropriate levels.
.Adds: The number of new Containers. Filefolders and Tapes that entered the system
ReflIes: The number or Containers. Filefolders and Tapes that were returned to the
facility atler being out at the customers' sites
Moves: The number of moves that took place within the facility
IlIl'ellforied: The number of items that were scanned in their current locations

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9-8Wand Processing
system AND written to the Exception table anyway. This value increments only if
you have selected the check box "Save All Trausactions" in Port Setup.
When exceptions are generated in the communication process. they must be attended
to. You cannot erase an exception from the system until it has been recognized in
one way or another. To enter the Exception table. inthe Operations program.
Options menu~select Datawand I PDT31 00 and the Communication
~essions table appears. 1\11 communication sessions are listed on the table.
MU;Mttmtjdj_ltmtt1miIn1E1n~~~1~7':'.~~;:'-~' ~";:7'>:~,,; ",' ~ .
Option> SMrch fatmot Mor~ ("'or He~)
..- .- .... . "~'.
Dump Device Fir" UserCode
12"{.,.; !Reco,d CenterOp, iprj T 3100 !LY()IA I
....J . O'Yes iPickups' [PDT 3Hilj 'CM ._- - .._ .. 1
. ,. .... 0 iYes . ;R eco<dce,ile, tips !i='of 3100 tiX---j
... _ ; ...ij:\esWicl.j;;, Upd:;i
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............ .....11Ye; ipiCi~up; [pOt' 31i:ioT6A ,
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~'~::~-- 1 ~:~~:~f:~~ig~f.j ~+ ~i ~~.~:l~f-:~:~~ .. J ,
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O:Yes iContentValidilliori iPDT 3100 ,. !cf.i .. _ _.. ,,- - ;
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......... + .. .. .. . ih'es iPicHi, Update........, PO t 3i 00'-' - "- - "- '1 ~
Clonr. I ff11t I 1','I"'.i'
Communication Sessions Table
The Communication Sessions table shows all sf;ssions tha(have taken place,
regardless of the scanner involved. U nder the column header "U nreconciled," you
see the number of exceptions. If there is no nlllllber. good .. there are no exceptions
and R S- SQL allows you to delete this processing record when you want to.
Ifthere are exceptions, you can further research them inone of two ways. To view
exceptions from one communication session double- click on the row, or to view all
existing exceptions from all conuTIunications sessions click Sessions Exception
Detail or, from the Options menu, select Sessions Exception Detail. '
R egardless of whether you are viewing exceptions from one communication session
or multiple sessions, the table that appears is the Processing Exceptions table.
The table reached either way reacts the same.
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Eac h row of the table shows a transac tion that has not be e n ac c e pte dby the syste m
unle ss you se le c te d" Save All Transac tions. " in whic h c ase you se e more than just
the e xc e ptions. An e xc e ption c an be distinguishe d from a goodtransac tion by the
fac t that the e xc e ption doe s not have any te xt in the Process Codec olumn.
The Exc e ption Code te lls you why the e xc e ption was ge ne rate d. Exc e ption Code s are
de fine dbe low. The Proc e ss Code shows what you have done to re c onc ile the
e xc e ption. The othe r c olumns he lpyou to furthe r ide ntify the transac tion.
Onc e you have -de te rmine d the nature of the proble m, you c an take ste ps to c orre c t it.
The ste ps. of c ourse . de pe ndupon the proble m. A list of Exc e ption Code s. andwhat
ne e ds to be done 10 c orre c l lhc m. appe ars lale r in the c hapte r.
The buttons on the bottom are use dto c orre c t the proble m in the syste m_ Onc e a
Proc e ss Code has bc e n e nte re dby the syste m. you may de lc te the e rror or ke e pit
aroundfor audil/ re vie w purpose s .
Whe n information has not be e n ac c e pte d by RS-SQL. this button is available . The
transac tion must be Re proc e sse d in orde r to be ac c <:pte dby the syste m. Clic k this
button to try to re proc e ss the transac tion that c re ate dthe e xc e ption. I f the unde rlying
proble m that c ause dthe e xc e ption has be e n c orre c te d, the transac tion is ac c e pte dand
the Proc e ss Code c olumn shows what happe ne d, e . g. . Add. Re file . I f the unde rlying
proble m re mains unc hange d. RS-SQL te lls youthat the atte mpt to re proc e ss faile d_ I f
the original unde rlying proble m has be e n c orre c te d. but the re is ye t anothe r proble m
pre ve nting the transac tion from c omple ting suc c e ssfully. RS-SQL marks the original
transac tion e xc e ption as Re proc e sse d. but ge ne rate s a ne w e xc e ption for the ne wly
e nc ounte re d proble m.
Whe n a transac tion has heen ac c ept ed hy t he syst em but the syste m fe e ls you ne e dto
be made aware of the situation. you arc able to ac knowle dge the inc onsiste nc y and
ac c e pt it. Clie k this button to le t the systc m know you are aware of the inc onsiste nc y.
This button is not available if the proble m is one that must be fixe dto pre se rve the
inte grity of the syste m.
Example : I nto the data c olle c tion de vic e . yousc an a Loc ation that has not be e n
e nte re d into the RS-SQL table of Locations. You follow this Loc ation by sc anning
WandProcessing. 9-9
9-10. WandProcessing
two Containers. Then you download toRS-SQL and process. The system records a
"Location not found" exception foreach of the Containers it tried toprocess. The
buttons available toyou at thebottom of thetable areReprocess and Ack. (We
can ingeneral ignore the Edit buttoneven if it has not been removed from use by the
RS-SQL administrator.)
If theLocation isatrue Records Center Location, but has not been added to the
database, youl11ust first enter theLocation with theappropriate object type and
capacity intothe Location table. Uponreturning totheException table, click
Reproc (or Global Reprocess if you want todo it asabatch). Because the
location.exists now. RS-S<)L processes theLocation andtheContainer - whether an
add. move or rclile. and lells you what it has done intheProcess Code column.
I f: however. thelocation isnot. or'is nolonger. alegitimate rec(ird center location,
you want to,Icknowledge theerror without causing any dalabase changes tooccllr.
The Ack button (or the Global Acknowledge menu option) does this.
When you have anexception that offers only Acknowledge. thesystem sees the
transaction ascomplete. It d~es not need any more information tocomplete the
transaction. All thesystem requires isthat you acknowledge theexception. However,
topreserve theintegrity of your facility, you probably need tomake some physical
adj ustments.
Example: ABC returns afilefolder toyour facility, andyou scan it into City
Hospital's container. The system generates aFilefolder Changed Location exception.
The system accepts.the transaction. because afilefolder wasscanned into a
container. As far as the system isconcemed. you only needtoacknowledge the error.
It knows where the loldcr is, andyou can find it inthesystem if you need to. It isup
toyou todetermine that you donot want that lilefolder inthat parti~ular container.
As far astheintegrit}' of your facility isconcerned. you' need toscan the folder back
into AI3C's container, then download theinformati.on back into RS-SQL.
An Exception that needs tobereconciled has been accepted by the system, but has
len thesystem inan inconsistent state. This button (or theGlobal Reconcile menu
option) checks tosee if thecondition that caused thecurrent error still exists. If the
condition nolonger exists, theexception ismarked asreconciled. If thecondition
continues toexist, RS-SQL does nolmark theexception asreconciled and you must
take further action to resolve theproblem. Note that this isdifferent from
Acknowledge because Ack does nochecking toensurc that aproblem has been
resolved. And it isdifferent from Reprocess because Reproc tries todo again what
failed before. Before you can reconcile anexception. thecause of the exception must
bedealt with outside of the Exception table context.
Example: A Container isscanned intoaLocation exceeding theLocation's capacity.
RS-SQL PDT3 100 processing generates a"capacity exceeded" exception. The only
option available is"Reconcile." You try the Reconcile button, but you are told that
theover capacity problem still exists. You leave the Exceptiontable and move the
Container toanew Location where it does not exceed capacity (either through
scanning again or through container edit). You go back intotheException table
and click Reconcile for theOver Capacity exception. This timeRS-SQL marks the
exception asReconciled.
Do not use this function without the assistance of O'Neil's Support
department. You should never needtoedit anexception. It isrecommended that
you remove this button fi'oll1all users' access. It is provided asa"backdoor" for you,
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with the help of the O' Neil Support s talT. to fix or work around certain s ys tem
pl:( lblems .
Once an exception has bccn res olved. thc Delete button becomes available. and you
are able to delete the exception record. If the error has not been res olved, it cannot be
deleted .
Process Code
The Proces s Code s hows the res olution of the error ( or what has been done if you are
s aving all barcode s cans ). This field is blank until a res olution occurs . When the
prohlem is s olved or acknowledged. one or the following Proces s Codes appears in
this field.
Access Validat ed: The POT3 100 validated that an item was acces s ed by a cus tomer.
Ackllowledged: The s ys tem knows that you are aware of the s ituation .
Add: The problem has heen res olved and the item has been added to the s ys tem.
A/lemat e JD: The container!f1leloldcr/tapc' s Altemate 10 has been recorded.
Deliver y Validat ed: Thc delivery of an iten1was validated by the POT3 100.
Dest r oy Valhlat ed: The des truction of an item was validated by the PDT31 00.
!1Il' ellt or y: The item has been s canned into its s ame location .
1l1ove: The problem has been res olved and the item' s Location has changed .
Picklist Valhlat ed: A picklis t was uploaded to the PDT3100. All items were picked
and s canned by the PDT3100. then the pick lis t was downloaded back to the s ys tem .
PickufI Valida/ell: Hems that were picked lip were s canned by the PDT31on and the
inl( J rIuation' was downloaded baek to thes ys tcm. '
Receil' e Validat ed: Items that were received by the cus tomer at your facility were
acknowledged by the 1' 01' 3100.
Recollciled: RS- SQL has checked for the condition caus ing the original error and has
found that it no longer exis ts . '
Rejile: The problem has been res olved and the item has been refiled.
Repr ocessed: The s ys tem reproces s ed the trans action, but was unable to change the
Proces s Code to Add. Refile. Move. Altemate ill. or Inventory becaus e at leas t one
new exception was generated by the new circums tances . RS- SQL wams the operator
if, during the attempt to reproces s , anew exception is created. The ne\ \ ' exception
then appears at the end of the Exception table.
Tr uck Validat ed: The item being delivered was confirmed on the truck by the
Exception Codes
Exception Codes tell you what the error or incons is tency is . Below is a J is t of all
Exception Codes and how they can beres olved. Next to each Exception code. in
parenthes es , are the buttons that are available to this exception. Be aware that the
available res olutions ( Reproces s . Acknowledge or Reconcile) may change and others
become available depending on what you do to res olve the exception.
WandProces s ing. 9- 11
9-12 Wand Processing
Accounts 00Not Match (Reconcile)
This exception occurs when aLocation has been assigned specifically to one,'.
account, and a Container, Filefolder. or Tape belonging to another Account is placed
Sollitioll: Note that like in all cases where Reconcile is the only option available, RS-
SQL has gone ahead and done in the database what was apparently done on the
record center floor. Nothing physically prohibits a Warehouse Operator from
scanning aContainer into a Location specifically assigned to another account, so RS-
SQL goesahcad and records it as having occurred, but makes it an exception,
requiring that the exception condition be eliminated before the exception can be
marked as Reconciled in the Exception table.
Fix thc problcm by using a scanncr to move the item to an appropriate Location or
Container. Then click Reconcile to clear the exception.
Accounts Incompatible (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
When scanning unitemized pickups through the PDT to awork order. if the items
scanned do not belong to the workorder account. or any cross-linked account, an
exception "Accounts incompatible" is generated when the data is downloaded.
SO/litioll: The resolution to this problem depends on your situation.
\. I f the barcodes scanned were assigned to the \\Tong account, you
should correct the assignment of barcodes inthe Account Range
table and then Acknowledge the exception .
..2. If you scanned the,items to the \\Tong workorder and want the correct
workorder to be recorded for the validation records. you should re-scan
the items to the correct workorder. Download and process the data, and
then Acknowledge the original exception.
3. I f you scanned the items to the correct workorder however. this.
exception was generated because the workorder account and the item
-account were not cross linked. you can link the accounts and
Reprocess the exception. The items scanncd arc added to the
workorder. Validation records are generated for those items.
4. If you scanned items to the work order but do not want the pickups or
pickup validations recorded at all. you cnn Acknowledge this
exception. The items scanned nrc not added to the work order. No
validation records are generated for those items.
Alternate 10Changed (Acknowledge)
"Altemate 10 c1mngcd" is generated when the Alternate illof an item. that already
has an existing Alternate 10. has been changed using the PDT3l 00. The old
Alternate ID is recorded in the Exception Detail.
Sollltion: VeritY that the A1temate 10 should have been changed. and
Acknowledge the exception.
Alternate 10Exists (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
The Alternate 10 already exists for another Container. Filefolder, or Tape belonging
to this account. .
Solutio11: Check the datahase to verify that the existing A1temate ID is correct. If so.
edit the Alternate ID for the newly scanned item and Reprocess.


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Wand Processing. 9-13
Alternate IDReentered (Acknowledge)
Container Not Found (AcknoWledge / Reprocess)
Capacity Exceeded (Reconcile)
Alternate ill
AFXlOO 200000
Could Not Add Return Date to Schedule File
lffor any reason the schedule record could not be created. this exception is created.
Solution: Acknowledge only. The schedule record is not created.
When adding aContainer through PDT3100 Route Ops, Record Center Ops, or the
Reassign lCature. the lIser Illay scan abarcode that already exists as an alias of
another Container. This is not allowed .
This exception is vcry similar to "Filefolder not found" and "Tape not found" (see
below). However. in addition to the Alternate ID problem. it could also be a
Filefolder or Tape that cannot beput into aContainer because the scanned Container
was not processed into the RS-SQL database. In other words. theContainer
preceding the Filefolder or Tape is new to the system and for some other reason
caused an exception when RS-SQL tried to add/process it. This caused the Filefolder
or '[apc to gencrate an exception because of their dcpendencc onthe existence inthe
database of theContainer.
Solution: See "File(older not found" or "Tape not found" below. If you do not
choose to fix the prol?lem with the Container. you can Acknowledge the exception.
If you fix the underlying problcm. you can Reprocess.
Container Barcode Exists asAlias for Another Container
(Acknowledge / Reprocess)
This exception isjust awarning and can only be acknowledged. It is generated when
the Alternate illentered for an existing container is the same as the Alternate illin
the database tor that container. For example: The following container exists in the
SO/Iltion: Correct the discrepancy by editing or deleting the alias of the conflicting
Container ininventory. Then Reprocess. Or. Acknowledge tIleerror, then find..
re-barcode. and re-scan the Container that could not be j1focessed.
When Locations arc set up, acapacity is entered. If the system shows more items in
that Location than the assigned capacity allows, this error is generated.
SO/Iltioll: Either change the Location capacity to reflect the proper number, or move
items to other Locations and re-inventory. You can only Reconcile this exception.
In other words, you fix the problem and then the system checks to see ifthe .
exception condition sti11exists. Irnot. the system marks the exception as
"Reconciled." -
It goes out on aworkorder. and then it is picked up. Then. if the warehouse people
don't know if this is an Add or aRefile, they will probably reenter the Alternate ID
just inC~lseirs an Add: When the PDT3100 processes the dump, it generates th~new
exception to let you know that the Alternate ID exists in the database.
SO/Iltioll: Acknowledge only.
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Could Not Update Database (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
A database update error occurred. This could result from a multi-user resource
sharing conflict. or, more seriously, a corrupt database.
SO/Iltio,,: You should try to Reprocess this exception several times. If it calUlOtbe
successfully reprocessed aner several tries, try to get anyone else doing updates to
the database to stop momentarily while you try to reprocess. If the exception persists
after attempting to Reprocess, contact O'Neil Support for assistance.
You may also Acknowledge this exception if you know what caused it and can
take appropriate, correctivc action outside the Exception table.
Data Not Internally Consistent (Acknowledge)
Records received Ii'olll PDT31 00 contained corrupted data. This points to an intemal
problem in RS-SQL or the PDT31 00, or to a communication problem. This
exception is very rare.
SO/Illio,,: Acknowledge only.
Delete from Inventory Operation Failed (Acknowledge)
When deleting an item from inventory, this exception is generated if anyone of the
following rules is true:
1. The item was added over 7 days ago. (An item added over 7 days ago
should not be deleted, regardless of the presence of activity, or any
other condition.)
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2. There is activity for the item on any other workorder. (Activity on any
other workorder means that the item should not be de[eted.)@
9-14. WandProcessing
3. There is 'non-add' activity for the item that IS not associated with a
workorder. (Activity not associated with any workorder must be 'add'
activity; otherwise, the item should not be de[eted.) .
4 .. There is activity for the item on this workorder other than 'Access',
'De[ivery', 'Destroy'. or 'Penn Ouf. (If there is activity on this
workorder for the item, other than the four activities mentioned, then
the item should not be deleted.)
SO/Iltio,,: Acknowledge only. The item should not be deleted from inventory.
Delete from Workorder Operation Failed (Acknowledge)
When deleting an item from a work order. this exception is generated if there is a
validation record for the item on the workorder. (Any validation of the item means
the item should not be deleted from the workorder.)
SO/Illio,,: Acknowledge only. The item should not be deleted from the workorder.
Dump Skipped (Acknowledge)
This is generated when you attempt to process a file listed in the Communication
Sessions table but it cannot be accessed. The 'Processed' flag is set to 'YES', the
'Dump File Name' field is not cleated a!ld no attempt is made to delete the dump
SO/Illio,,: Acknowledge only.
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Filefolder Barcode Exists asAlias for Another Filefolder
(Acknowledge / Reprocess)
When adding a Filefolder through PDT31 00 Route Ops. Record Center Ops, or the
Reassign feature. the lIscr may scan abarcode that already exists as an alias of
another Filefolder. This is not allowed.
Soluti on: Correct the discrepancy by editing or deleting the alias of the conflicting
Filefolder in inventory. Then Reprocess. Or. Acknowledge the error, then find,
re- han::ode. HlldJ e- SClIll Ihe Filclilldcr thaI could 1I0theprocessed .

Filefolder Not Found (Acknowledge / Reprocess)

An Alternate ID for a Filcl()lder is to he processed, but the Filefolder that preceded
the Alternate ID is not in the database. This would occur if there had been an
exception in processing a new Filefolder. The new Filefolder was not added to the.
RS- SQL database, so its Alternate 10cannot be added either. .
Soluti ou: You can simply Acknowiedge this exception- - meaning that you know
about the problem but don't want to do anything about it. Or you can Reprocess
the exception. For the Reprocess. to be successful. you must have fixed the original
cause of the exception. In this case, you would have to get the Filefolder into the
database so that the Altelllate mfor it could be attached to it.
Filefolder Changed Location (Acknowledge) ....
A Filefolder has been scanned into aContainer/Location wherdt was not previously
located. This mayor may not be aproblem depending on yourinternal poli~ies. RS-
SQL issues this exception as a warning only.
Soluti on: Verify that the location change is correct, and Acknowledge the
Item Added Using Account Range (Acknowledge)
The workorder account and the account defined in the Account Range table for
this item are diflCre~lt. The software chose to record the validation add using the
account range- defined account. This is a warning only.
Soluti on: Acknowledge only.
Item Added Using Container Account, Not Account Range
In Record Center Ops. when scanning a new filefolder/tape into a container assigned
to an account different from the account range defined for filefolder/tape, this
exception is generated. This is a warning only.
Soluti on: Acknowledge only.
Item Has No Account (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
A Container, FilcliJ lder or Tape barcode has entered the facility. without having been
assigned to an Account. The transaction has not taken place.
Soluti on: Assign the barcode value to the appropriate Account by placing it within a
barcode range belonging to the Account (see Account Ranges chapter in
Administration manual). then Reprocess. You can also Acknowledge the
exception ifyou do not want the item entered in the RS- SQL database.
Wand Processing. 9- 15
9-16. WandProcessing
Item Not Refifed (Acknowledge)
A filefolder or tape that was on a refile list to berefiled by tl~e1'01'3100 has not
been scanned into a container.
SO/Iltioll: Acknowledge ouly. You should confirm that the file or tape was not put
into a container without being scanned. If you took the item out on the refile, but
didn't bring it back, find the container in which it belongs. If it is there, scan it into
its container. If it isn't. check the other boxes in thc ai'ca, 01' othcr boxes that were on
the rcfile lis( to sec il"il was accidcnlally pul inlo anolher file's Iwx.
Location Not Found (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
A I,ocation harcodc was scanned that has nol hccn set up in thc system. The
transaction has not takcn placc in thc systcm.
SO/Iltioll: Establish the Location in the Location area of the Administration
program. Then Reprocess the exception. Setting up Locations is described in the
Loca/ions chapter in the Administration manual. You can also Acknowledge the
exception iffor some reason you do not want the information entered in the RS-SQL
Move DESTROYEDItem. Status Not Changed
This exception occurs when an item that has been given a status ofOestroyed is
scanned to a new location. The item's status rcmains as Destroyed until you change
SO/Iltioll: Acknowledge only. You must decidc if the return of this item is a
mistake, or if its status of Destroyed 'was a mistake.
New Item to Outgoing Holding Area (Acknowledge)
An itcm that docs not exist in the system was scanned into an Outgoing Holding
area, or an itcm that has been added to the system through pickup validation is then
scanned into an outgoing holding area. This is a warning only.
Solution: Acknowledge only.
No Container (Acknowledge)
The current data is an Alternate ID, but no corresponding Container, Filefolder, or
Tape was scanned first.
So/utioll: Acknowledge only.
No Location (Acknowledge)
No Location barcode was scanned before aContainer, Filefolder. or Tape,
So/utioll: Acknowledge only, If the cause of the en'or is simply that the Location
was inadvertently not scanned, you can re-scan the Location barcode and any
subscquent barcodes lor Containcrs and/or Filelolders that were dependent on it.
Then upload to RS-SQL again and process again.
No Unitemized Items Picked Upor Received (Acknowledge)
The workorder specified the number of unitemized items (Cont/FFrrape) to pick up,
but no pickups were scanned to the workorder.
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Solutioll: Acknowledge only,
Not Validated (Acknowledge)
An item transmitted to the PDT31 00 for validation was not validated.
Solutioll: Acknowledge only .
No Workorder Number (Acknowledge)
No workorder was rec eived wilh this dala li'mll the I'DT31 ()().This points 10 an
internal problc m in RS-SQL or PUT3 100.
Solutioll: Acknowledge only
Object Type Changed (Acknowledge)
This indic ates that the objec t type for an item has c hanged from its base type
(CaNT AINER or TAPE) to asub-type. The objec t type c ount is inc remented. This is
awarning only.
Solutioll: Acknowledge only.
Object Type Not Fo~nd (Acknowledge)
An objec t sub-typc is c ntc rc d through the PDT3100. but when it is downloaded to
RS-SQL, the objec t type is. lor one reason or another. no longer a valid sub-type .
Solutio II: Acknowledge only.
Object Type Ignored (Acknowledge)
When an objec t sub-type is entered through the PDT3100. then sc anned to a loc ation
that is assigned a difTerent sub-type. this error oc c urs. The c ontainer 'takes on the
suh-type assigned to thc loc ation - not the onc c ntered iiI the'PDT31 00. '
Solutioll;-Ack-nowledge only .
Object Type Ignored Because ItemNot Found
(Acknowledge / Reprocess)
An objec t sub-type is entered through the PD1'3100, but when it is do\,,rnloaded to
RS-SQL. the itc m whic h has thc objc c t sub-type assigned. lor one reason or another.
does not exist.
Solutioll: If this item (Container. Filefolder, or Tape) should not exist in the
database, Acknowledge this exc eption. If this item should exist in the database,
add the item and Re'process. After reproc essing, the exc eption is marked as
reproc essed and the new exc eption rec ord " Objec t Type Changed" is c reated. This is
just awarning.
Pickup /tern Destroyed (Acknowledge)
An item with a status of Destroyed \Vas sc anned in apic kup or rec eive validation of
nOll-itemized pic kups or rc c eives on a work order.
Solulioll: Acknowledge only .
Pickup Item IN(Acknowledge)
An item with a status of IN was sc anned in apic kup or rec eive validation of non-
itemized pic kups or rec eives on a workorder.
Wand Processing. 9-17
9-18Wand Processing
Solutioll: Acknowledge (lflly.
Pickup or Receive Count Different (Acknowledge)
This happens when the Ilu;nber of NON-ITEMIZED pickups is different from the
number of items actually validated with the PDT3 100. For example, on a workorder
you have 5containers under the nOll-itemized pickup sectioll. At the customer site,
they decide to have you pickup 10 containers instead of the 5 indicated on the
workorder. You scan all 10(which you should). Upon uploading the informatioll to
the system, the exception is generated because the number of items you a:;tually
picked up is diffcren! li'OIIl what was indicated on the original workordeL
Sollltioll: The only way to recondle this is to Acknowledge if.
Post to Other Service Operation Failed (Acknowledge)
. .
This is most likely an unanticipated database error. Any failure to create the Other
Service infonllation would cause this exception to be generated, and these types of
failures would bevery rare.
Solutioll: Acknowledge the exception, and call O'Neil Support for assistance.
Post to Workorder Notes Operation Failed (Acknowledge)
This is most likely an unanticipated database error. Any failure to create the Note
Information would cause this exception to be generated, and these types of failures
would be very rare.
Solutioll: Acknowledge the exception, and call O'Neil Support for assistance.
Reassign Failed Because theItem Code Already Exists
(Acknowledge / Reprocess)
In PDT3100 when the Operator scans the "REASSIGN" barcode to reassign the item
barcode to adifferent barcode, if the new reassigned barcode were the barcode of
another item, this exception would be created.
Solutioll: Check the database to verif)' that the existing barcode is correct. If so,
reassign the scanned item to a different barcode and Acknowledge the exception.
Return DateF~lIs on aHoliday (Acknowledge)
When picking lipor delivering items for the Workorder, the operator may enter the
Retum Date for the item to retum to the customer or record center by pressing
FUNC_U. Using this information, RS-SQL creates the schedule record. Ifthe
Retum Date falls on a holiday, this exception is created and the schedule record is
not added to thedatabase.
Solutioll: Acknowledge the exception and re-enter the schedule record for another
Scanned Before Last Activity (Acknowledg~)
See the section above entitled "Order f?fOperafion" f(lr a description of this problem.
SolutiOIl: Acknowledge only.
Status of INto Outgoing Holding Area (Acknowledge)
An item with astatus of IN was scanned into an outgoing holding area. When items
leave the facility on a workorder. they already have a status of Out.
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So/utiau: Acknowledge only.
Status from PERM-OUT toIN(Acknowledge)
An ilcm with astatus of PcnH- Out rc- enters thelacility. The itemstatus changes to
IN ( this is considered a relile) .
Sa/utiau: Acknowledge only .
Tape Changed Location (Acknowledge)
A Tape has been scanned into a Container or Location where itwas notpreviously
locatcd. This Illay or may nothc a problcm depcnding on your internal policies. RS-
S<J I , itisues this exception as a waming only.
So/utialt: Acknowledge only.
Tape Barcode Exists as Alias for Another Tape
(Acknowledge / Reprocess)
When adding aTape through PDT31 00 Route Ops. Record Center Ops. or the
Reassign feature. the user may scan abarcode thatalready exists as an alias of
another Tape. This is notallowed.
So/utiolt: Correct the dis<.:repan<.:yby editing or dcleting the alias of the conllicting
Tape in inventory. Then Reprocess. Or. Acknowledge the error. then find, re-
barcode. and re- scan the Tape thatcould notbe processed .
Tape Not Found (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
A~l Altemate ID lor a tape is to be processed. butthe Tapc thatpreceded the
Alternate ID is notin the <.Iatabase. This would oceur'ifthere had been an cxccption
in processing. anew Tape. The new Tape was notadded to the RS- SQL database. so
its Alternate IDcailllot be added either.
Sa/utialt: You can simply Acknowledge this exception- - meaning thatyou know
about the problem butdon't wantto do an)1hing about it. Or you can Reprocess
the exception. For the Reprocess to be successful. you musthave fixed the original
cause of the exception. In this case. you would have to getthe Tape into the database
so thatthe Alternate ID for itcould be attached to it.
Types Different (Acknowledge)
A Container has been scanned into a Location for Containers ( move or refile) that
has a different Container Object Type than the previous Location. This may be a
mistake or acorrective action depending on the circumstances. Itis up to you to
detennine which. The change is made and RS- SQL issues this exception only as a
Sa/utialt: Acknowledge only. Vcrify thatthc Container was scanned to the correct
location. If not. you should re- scan to the correct location.
Types Incompatible (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
You ealllwtpla<.:ean itell\ or one type ( Container. Filcl( ,lder. or Tape) into a Location
of acompletely different type without gcnerating this exception.
SO/lItio1l: We suggest moving the item to a new location of the appropriate object
type, re- scanning. do\'mloading and processing the data, and clicking Reprocess.
You may Acknowledge to leave the data as is.
Wand Processing. 9-19
Undefined Length (Acknowledge)
Tile length of the barcode scanned has not been set up to represcnt an object or
SO/Iltioll: Acknowledge only. If the causc of the error is that a barcodc length has
not been established in the Barcode Length table. you must first establish the
length and its cOITesponding object. Then go back and repeat the scans that resulted
in exceptions because of the undefined barcode length.
Unexpected (Acknowledge)
This exception points to an intemal problem in RS-SQL or the PDT31 00.
SO/Iltioll: Acknowledge ollly. This exception should not occur very oftell if at all.
Iryou are getting this exception. contact O'Neil Support. '
Unknown User 10and No User 10Given (Acknowledge)
This exception is gencrated when data (i.e. picklist) is loaded into the PDT3100, but
nothing is scanned.
Remote Communications can also make this a common error. Since the remote
software does not have acccss to the User table, it must take for granted that a
barcode of the appropriate length is a valid user barcode. lfit is not valid, the
processing code at the home site flags it with this exception.
SO/Iltioll: Acknowledge Only.
Urgent Notification Scanned (Acknowledge)
An item that was on the Urgent Notification list (a filefolder, a container or atape)
has been scatUled.
SO/Iltion: Acknowledge only. Someonc in the lacility has bccn looking for this
item. Be sure that the person who placed it 011 the Urgent Notification list knows that
the item has been found and where it is. '
Workorder Not Found (Acknowledge / Reprocess)
This exception can occur if a user or driver out in the field types in a workorder
number that has not been delined in RS-SQ L or if aworkorder is deleted before its
validation data is processed.
SO/Iltion: Acknowledge or Reprocess. Create anew workorder encompassing
this transaction (with the number of items picked up), and re-scan the items to the
new (correct) workorder. Reprocess.
Using a Symbol Datawand lib and Datawell
The Datawand is'-one of the portable barcode readers available for use with RS-SQL.
By moving the tip 'of the Datawand over a barcode, the wand reads and stores that
narcode number in its mcmory. Data can bc collected throughout the day and
transmitted to the computer when convenicnt.
Data is transmitted directly to the computer by inserting the Wand into a device
ealled aDataweIl that is connected to the computer. The Datawell also charges the
Datawand when it is not in use.
To get started, you must first setup the Datawell.
9-20 Wand Processing
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Setting up the Datawell
The Datawell power sourc e is an AC power supply that is inc luded with your
Datawell. Plug the appropriate end of-t~leAC power supply into a 120v outlet and
tlie low voltage plug into the bac k of the Datawell. Take the c omputer c able that
c ame with the Well and plug the telephone-style plug into the matc hing plug on the
bac k of the Datawell. The larger RS232 plug should be inserted into one of the COM
ports on the bac k of your c omputer. Remember whic h port you use, as you will need
this when setting port spec ific ations in the system.
NOTE: Your c Olllputer may rc quirc a 9-j,in port (male). ~nthat c ase, you will need a
2S-pin to 9-pin adapter.
Charging the Datawand
Remove the Datawand from its pac kage. Remove the protec tive sleeve from the
small end of the Uatawand and insert that end firmly into the Datawell. If the red
Datawell light c omes on. the Datawell is c OIUlec tedto the power supply and the
Datawand is c harging properly.
When it is not in use, store the Datawand in the Datawell. Even though the Datawand
is not being used. its internal c loc k is c onsuming a small amount of power' when it is
not in the Datawell. When the Datawand is left out of the Datawell, its battery will
be drained in three or four days. If the wand ever bec omes c ompletely disc harged,
you must fully rec harge it and reset the wand parameters (see Resetting Wand
Poromet.ef:5 below). It takes approximately 14hours to fully c harge the wand.
The Six-Pack Charger
The Six-Pac k Charger is available for users who have more than one Datawand per
c omputer. It is similar to the Datawell in that it c harges wands, but it holds up to six
wands at a time and does not transfer data to the c omputer: it isjust ac harger.
Plugged into a wall outlet. the Six-Pac k c harger allows the Datawands to be c harged
without using the Datawell. In this manner. you c an keep several wands c harged
without purc hasing as many wells.
How to Use the Datawand
The protec tive sleeve must be in plac e when the Datawand is in use. This sleeve
protec ts the wand fromstatic elec tric ity. A static disc harge from your hand to the
metal c ontac ts on the tip of the wand c ould c ause a loss of stored data. The protec tive
sleeve should only be removed just prior to inserting the Datawand into the
Hold the Datawand like apenc il. Use your thumb to depress the switc h near the tip
of the wand. This switc h must be pressed when you sc an a barc ode. As you depress ".
the switc h. plac e the tip of the \\land at least 1/4inc h to one side of the barc ode.
Light pressure is adequate. Now move the Datawand rapidly ac ross the entire
barc ode, c nding at Ic asl 1/4 inc h past the last bar. J rthe Datawalld has read the
barc ode ac c urately, it beeps. I ryou don't hear a beep. try again.
Scanning Hints
Be sure to start well before the barc ode and sc an well past it.
The Datawand reads best within IS degrees of the perpendic ular.
Wand Processing. 9-21
Don't scan too slowly. A fast steady J llotion is best.
Make sure you depress theswitch lor the entire scan.
You don't have to prcss thetip down hard on the barcode: it rcads the
harcode using light. not contact.
If"your Uatawand seems to be responding,incorrectly. you may need to resct its
parameters (see Resetting Parameters section below).


Datawand Warning Tones
Thc Datawand cmits various hceps and tones in response t.oyour scanning attcmpts.
01' as warnings. They arc dcscribed helow: '
Medium length beep
Alternating high and lo~'{tone
Short. high-pitched, beep
Descending me
Low descending tone
I,oug hcep
Successful barcode scan. Data stored in
Incorrect scan - try again
Datawand memory almost full. only a few
scans are len (probably 5or 6). Transfer data to
thecomputer now
Memory is completely full: the wand will not
accept another scan. You must transfer data to
Datawand has low battcl)': charge wand soon
Transmission of"all data fi'<l111 wand to your
computer is complete
l '

Basic Scanning Rules
Resetting Datawand Parameters
If your Dataw3nd batteries become completely discharged. you can restore the
Datawand with two steps. First insert the Datawand into the Datawell or Six-Pack
charger and leave it for at least 14hours to fully recharge. Then Reset the Datawand
parameters by scanning the barcodes on the Reset Datawand Parameters card, which
was sent with your system. Make sure that you scan the barcodes in the order and
direction indicated on the card.
The basic rules of scanning items in the warehouse are:
IdentifY where you are by scanning the location barcode.
Idcntify what is there by scanning a container and then the filefolders or tapes in it.
Repeat this procedure for each item inthe location.
For items that require it. follow each itemscan with a customer number (alternate
ID) using the keypad (PDT3100) or thealphabet card (Datawand lib).
Note that when scanning containers and files or tapes into holding areas, you must be
aware of how the scanner reads the entries. An operator may be tempted to scan the
holding area location once. then proceed to scan all items in the area as follows:

\ .

\ ~
Incoming holding area
9-22Wand Processing
. - - - - - - - _ . _ -

: .
' : - . ,

; ~,
; - .
- .
c o .
: - . - ......
': 4 -

' ( e
; : .
c .
( .
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Conlainc r
1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Conlainc r
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l' ilc liJ lder
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1' i1c 1iJ lder
I OO( ) OOJ Conlainer
However. if sc anned in this order, the system sees the filefolders {IS being sc anned
inlo c ontainc rl 000002. To c nsure that the filc fiJ lders arc sc allllc d into the holding
area, you need to sc an the holding area. then the c ontainers. sc an the holding area
again, and then the files. Or you c ould simply sc an the holding area. then all the
filefolders, and then all the c ontainers. The same pertains to Tapes. They c an be
sc anned into c ontainers or individually. like files.
Sending Data to the Computer
Onc e barc odes have been rec orded. you c an send them to the c omputer using the
Datawell. This is done with the Command Card that c ame with your well.
The plastic - c oated Command Card is used to send data to the c omputer. Remember
the sc anning direc tions we disc ussed earlier. When the system is ready to rec eive
data, sc an the SEND barc ode at the top of the c ard and plac e the Datawand illto the.
Datawell. The data transmits to your c omputer. When the transfer is c omplete, you
hear a long bec p.
As the wand transmits data, the light on the Datawell flic kers. RS- SQL' s display
rec ords the transfers.
Onc c you have transferred the data in the Datawand to your c omputc r and the
inliJ l"llJ ation is heing proc essed. you c an dear the wand hy using the CLEAR barc ode
on the COll1mand Card. II c lears all dala in the Dalawand so that you c an begin
storing new data. ' rhe CLEAR barc ode is direc tly below the SEND barc ode.
Sc an the CLEAR barc ode twic e. This is a safety prec aution that elimJ J 1ates the
possibility of ac c idc ntally c learing the wand instead of sending data. and losing all
your data. Whc n you c lear your data. you hear a c hange in the beep. to a longer,
lower tone. ' whic h indic ates that the data is c learing properly.
IMPORTANT: The wand doc s not automatic ally c 1c ar itself after sending data to
the c omputer. You must c lear thc data by sc anning the CLEAR barc ode twic e.
r- : 'r
( .
: : '".

to: "
[ t '
: .
( .
{: ~.
f ~'
For more information on the PDT3100. please see PDT3100 c hapter of the manual.
Wand Processing. 9- 23

; : 1



\;:- ..

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-."; .'S ."
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{ .
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. -------


, . >: . . ~

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(. . . . . . .
'\. ': '
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t : " '
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"'~' . ::.-'
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( .
P ;:;'~~
10. PDT3100
The Symbol P DT3l 00 is used with RS-SQ to aid in the tracking of Containers,
Filefolders and Tapes. In nOlmal Record Center Operations. it functions exactly ljke
a Datawand, but that's where the similarities end. A Datawand is considered
unintelligent. It simply reads strings of numbers, then spits them back out. It doesl1't
know or care what the numbers ~epresenl. The Symbol P DT3106,however, is
intelligent. and can be downloaded with infonnation from your RS-SQL program so
that it knows what happened, when it happened, who did it; and it can. tell you if
you've made a mistake. .
The functions that are performed with the P DT31 00 to track items and actions in RS-
SQL include: Record Center Operations, Electronic P icklists, Route Operations and
Rcliling for Tapes and Filefolders. They are described in detail in this chapter.
The process to be followed in a delivery situation is this:
1. The workorder is generated in RS-SQL. .
2. The Electronic P ick list is downloaded to the P DT3100.
3. The items to be delivered are picked and scanned into the P DT31 00.
4. The completed picklist is uploaded back into RS-SQL.
5. The Route Ops information is downloaded into the P DT31 00.
6. All items to be taken out inthe truck are put together and their presence
is validated (each item is scanned by the P DT31 00). It can be validated
workorder by workorder, or all items on the truck caQbe scanned. The
P DT3100 tells you if you are missing any items for your delivery, or if
any are there in error.
7. The truck driver goes to acustomer site and delivers all items for a
workorder. He scans items as they are delivered. He enters the name of
the person receiving the items. lie prints a receipt with the microFlash
printer. and has the receiver sign it.
8. When the driver retullls to the f~leility, he uploads the P DT3100
in/i.lrI11ationhe received. and the activity file is updated with a
validation and a delivery for each item.
Now you know when an order was placed. who placed it and who took it. You know
whell it was picked. and who picked it. You know when it was loaded onto the truck,
POT3100 -10-1
PDT3100 FUl1ctions
and who loaded it. 'lOti know when it was delivered. who delivered it aridvvho
received it. ..
The SymbQ.I PDT31 00 ofTel'smultiple functions on a small. uncomplicated unit, but
there are several keys on the 3100 that you mu'st become famtliar with. Notice that
the full alphabet is represented on the keyboard. but that several of the letters share
keys with numbers. The others have 'shill functions' that allow other alphabetic
characters to be used.
10-2. PDT3100
FlINe- T
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Switches between primary and secondary keys. Primary keys are
printed in blue. secondary keys are printed in black.
Inserts a blank space.
Invokes third group keys.
Turns 310.0on and off and wakes it up from sleep mode.
Invokes any key that is printed ingreen.
In Record Center Ops and Scan Pickup Itcms. allows the user to
enter an Alternate II) for a container or ftIcfolder. In Electronic
Picklist allows the user to see the Alternate 10.
Pressing this combination after scanning an item displays all
known propertics liJr the item. This allows you to change a
property j.f necessary.
When scanning a lie\\' pickup item. press Func T to enter the
objccrs sub-type. While in the Enter Object Type screen. press
the up or dO\m arro\\' to view an object choice list.
Used during Route Ops or Record Center Ops. Schedules the item
to be retumed to the customer or to the records center.
Used in Electronic Picklist only. Press the Function key, then the
Up AITOWto move to the first item on your list that has not been
Used in Electronic Picklist only. Press the Function key with the
Down Arrow to move to the last itemon your list that has not
been scanned.
Control Key - not currently used.
Moves cursor to the right.
Moves cursor to the left.
Scrolls cursor up.
Scrolls cursor dO\\11.
Return to previous screen - same as ESC on a Pc.
Moves cursor hack one space to crase characters.
Saves entry and moves to the next screen.
Wanll boots the PDT31 00. Press PWR to tum off PDT3100.
Press and hold J and F keys. Press and release PWR. Release J
and F. Leaves both program and important data intact. Is useful
: .


, : , '

": , .

.' .


' .
( .
/ .
' .
' .... : -
~~. :
: .
' .
The scan head of the 1'1)'1'3100 can he tUl'lledtothe lell or right to he more
com(J rtahle Il)r you. You may also program either black trigger button to act as the
scan trigger by pressing the FUNC key dO\\11.then pressing the trigger button of
your choice. The opposite trigger button then acts as the SHIFT key.
Battery: During normal use. the cursor looks like a ). or a .(. If the cursor's shape
becomes a solid triangle shape, it indicates that thebaltery is low and needs to be
replaced, The PDT31 00 will operate with a standard 9-volt alkaline battery, but we
recommend a 9-vo\t NiMH battery that can be recharged.
." ~-~---_ ._ --"
.- .

'. '.

FlJ NC - Span' -
T:ri~gcl' Buttons
for restarting PDT3 100 if it is " hung," Ilowever, it is not
cutTcntly recol1ll11ended (J I' use hecause of erratic behavior
l(lllowing the Warm Boot.
Cold hoots the PDTJ 100. Press PWR to turn oil PDT31 00. Press
and hold FlJ Ne,Space and Mkeys. Press I'WR, then release.
Release FlINC, Space ilnd M. Erases all RS-SQI. data li'omthe
/'1) 13100 hul Iea\'es tile RS-SVI. program intact. Use lhis as a
lasl resort if Ihe 1'1)'1'. 1100 is nol responding. You lose all scanned
data hut the I'DT3! 00 functions correctly.
Pressing eithcr trigger button wakes the PDT3100 from sleep
l11ode. '
t. ~.
" ~CO.
f ' .
!: '.
~ .
( '.
( .
& ';:-::,
All of the options in the PDT3 100 are available through the Main menu. The options
are listed below and e<!choption is~cscribed in asection later in this chapter.
Electronic l'icklist
Records Center Ops
Route Ups
Sean Refile
Relile Folders List
Refile Tape List
Refile Container Lst
Commun icati ons
Each time anew User picks up a PDT31 00 to use, he must log in. Even if someone
else has been using it, the new user must register himself as the person now using it.
To login to the PDT3100, Irom the Main menu, highlight Login and press Enter.
The following prompt appears:
Your II) is thc barcode i'dentifier that represents you. You may cntcr it in with thc
kcypad, or you may scan your barcode when the cursor is in the 10field. You have
20 spaces in which to enter your own name. This name appears on delivcry receipts.
If at any timc during Record Center Operations a user barcode is scanned, the
PDT3100 asks if you want to change the User 10. If you respond with Yes, you are
taken to the Login screen, then returned to Records Center Ops. This is so that
people working in the warehouse can share a PDT31 00.
Electronic Picklist
As an allernative to carrying a hard copy of a picklist. RS-SQL allows you to
download an electronic picklist directly into your PDT3I 00. Then the PDT31 00
directs you through the warehouse and automatically 'checks oft' the containers and
files as you collect them. This allows RS-SQL to track actions associated with
Deliveries, Accesses and Destructions. When you scan the items as you take them
off the shelves, the PDT31 00 notes what was taken, when it was taken, and by
To download a picklist from RS-SQL. enter the Workorder table and mark thc
work orders whose contents need to be picked. Then, under the Options menu,
select Picklist, then All Items to PDT3100. (To select individual items from
workorders to place on picklists, see Workorders chapter.) The Communicate
Only dialog box appears (shown below) and you are instructed to insert the
PDT3100 into its well. On the PDT31 00, from the Main menu. highlight
Communications and press Enter. The scanner beeps and offers the following
Insert 1'1)'1'3100Into Cradic, Press ENTER key when ready
Put the PDT31 00 into its cradle and press its Enter key. You see the communication
process begin on thescreen of your Pc.
10-4. POT3100




f l .

" ./
( .

\ :'-t

, - 1 ' . "

Once the picklist is downloaded to the PDT31 00, the PDT31 00 leads you through
the warehouse, in Location order. to pick all the items on the list. From the Main
menu in the PDT3100, select Electronic Picklist. The first item to be scanned
appears on a screen similar to the one ShO\\'11below:
Every time RS-SQL communicates with the PDT3100, several communications
happen. Each 'packet' of infonllation that is transferred back and forth is listed on the
RS-SQL Communicate window, and its status is updated as the communications take
place. First, RS-SQL sends a start command to the PDT31 00. Wheli the PDT31 00
acknowledges it, communications begin and the other Actions on the list take place.
When the transmission is complete, the RS-SQL screen tells you that it has finished
communicating with the PDT31 00. and all Status fields show OK or
Port setup ... 1
. For Remote I
PO131aOlPC 0ate and Tirne
Difference inminutes: 4
Finished communicating with POT3100_
Successful Sessions:
Status ~Action.
OK I Send beqin
tiL"- ------ --- ---IRec'! PDT3100 versiQt:;--- - - ---
OK . - - - - - 1Rec\' common data- - - -
6Ic----------.l.Rec;;-l~pd;i~d.. plCi~:fl;\-.----.-.-.-
...... -.; ..-.- - - - - f -- - - - .. - -- ; ..... --: - ----- .
Ok I Rec\' updated reassign List
oI~.---------1 R -~c~,;l;pd,3ted deli::;er};iist----- ..
g t~... ~: ... ~.= .~~= ~= ~= -~.I~t~~ii;= ::~r~! [ I~;~:,~;= ~~~= ~-= -
(riC----.---iRec-:v;ll~ldated-refiie iIT--- .. --.- .
...... ; -- 1 - - -.- - .
Ok Rec\-' record center ops
__._- --_1 -.- __._-_.._-- .... _... . . . .
OK iFlee\-' updated 0/list
.::. ; -..--.-- - ..---.-- 1 -.- -.- - _ - ;.. - .
Uk Rec\' updated locate hst
OK.... -.---.. iF :e;;;/llpdatedres-iore.iiSi- .
b R - - - . .- - - - - . - . .j .. S.e;:;a-c:iear ..-------.---.----.- ..--- ....
OK------ i;3er:ld b,3icodeie;:;gihs ..--.--'- .
...' ._ _--------_. __._ ~~,~ _ _ .._ _., __ _ "._.-- .._ ..--_.._--- .._--.__.
OK ! Send company name
'T"F t6 .f~'s"t~:nt'f'E tl" TS .e.t~~d. 'F ~.i"( j ::. L i " s t _._.. . __ _._.
ij e- - . - - - - -. .- - -is e.;:.aU rge;r:;iiisi & b tTee:!-118 1------
. b R - - - . . . . . . . _- . - 1.S.e.~,d..F;C..daie ..a;1d i~r(Ie. --.- - --
..... --_. _ ...._._ _ _---_.\ _ -. _._ _ _---_ _._._--_. __ .
OI~ Send end
.... ........................................, . .. .. .


;:: . ,.


f .. -;:~~

( .
C e
( .
C .
fiT: 1334522 13
Sam shows where the barcode number is entered_ Loc is the location you are to go
to first. COil is the container you are to retrieve. FIT is the folder or tape you are to
i ,.
t ~ ~ .
'< .
10-6. PDT3100
retrievc. if applicable. The number in the right corner represents the number of items
you need t(! retrieve.
Go to the first Location listed. inthis case, 10005. Don't scan the location barcode,
but find the Container listed - 123403. Then find the Filefolder listed - 1334522 and
scan its barcode number by aiming the scan head at the barcode and pressing the
trigger. You will see a red horizontal line emit froll1the scan head. As it crosses the
barcode. the 1'01'3100 beeps. letting you know that the scan has been read. (If
nccessary. you may enter the barcode number with the keypad. When all digits have
bccn entered. press Enter.) The number at the bolloll1right of the screcn (13inour
example) decreases by one. and the next location to go to appears.
You may scroll through the picklist by pressing the Up and Down Arrow.keys. If
you want to move to the top orthe list. press the Function key and Up Arrow at
thc same timc. This docs no! take you to the vcry top ofthc list. but to the first item
on the list that has not yct been scanncd. When you reach thc very top of the list and
press the Up Arrow. the PDT3100 beeps. All itcms that have been scanned show an
asterisk (*) to the leli oUhe number. When all items on the picklist have been
scanned, the 1'01'3100 emits a long beep and it displays the f(}lIowing'message:
All Items Picked
Press ENTER to Con!.
When. you press Enter, you are returned to the Main menu. The next step is to
upload the confirmed picklist back to the system. To do thissimply follow the
Communicate and Process process below. .
For an item that has been picked. a pick validation record for that item 'is posted to
the activity file. Items on the picklist that were not picked create an exception in the
RS-SQL Processing Exception table (acknowledgeable only).
NOTI~: You cannot load Route Ups into a PDT3100that has a Picklist still in it. The
Picklist, confirmed or not must be uploaded back into RS-SQL.
Special Barcodes
Not Found
During the picklist process, you can scan a spccial O'Neil barcode that indicaies to
the PDT3100 that the item to be picked was Not Found. Once the barcode has been
scanned, you are prompted to confinn the Not Found status. When it is confirmed,
the barcode number appears on the Picklist with a question mark (?) next to it.
For example, the PDT3 100prompts you to pull a filefolder from a container. The
container code is 00000001. The filefolder code is TEMP00002. From the hard copy
of the picklist, you can see that the filefolder has a description of "Carter, Erica." you
find the container and open it. After a thorough search, the filefolder is not found.
You scan the Not Found barcode. The following PDT3100screen appears:
Not Found
FFrr: TEMPOO()02
Are you Sure? YIN
Press Y and the PDT3100 marks that filefolder as Not Found. When you scroll up to
see the item. you see it appear with a question mark as ShO\\'l1below:
c .
" '.
( ~
< t -
, , '.
toi. a
( .
, , " :"
C '
( ~
. . ~~:.:~:
" '. '" , -
c ( j
~ ~ ~ I
, $>:"

r .
:. :~
:' .
; '.

:' .
o .

( .
( . - '.; ,. .
( .
( .
( .
( .
f .
l .
Con: 00000001
?FF/T: TEMP00002
The question mar k lets you know that the filefo1der was Not Found. When the
PDT3100' is downloadecfto RS- SQL an entr y occur s on the Communication
Dur ing the piddist pr ( )( ;ess. you can now scan ",bar code that indicates to the
PDT3100 that thc itcm pickcd is to havc its bar code r eassigned to <lIlother number .
On<. :cthe spe<. :ialO' Neil bar code is scanned. you ar e pr ompted to scan the new
bar code and to enter Y or N to confir m or deny the new numbcr . Once you have
confir med the number with a Y. thenew bar code number appear s on the picklist
( 1' 0' 1' 3100 scr een) with an equal sign ( =) next to it.
For example, the PDT3 100 pr ompts you to pull a filefolder 1' 1' 0111 a container . The
cont,ainer code is 0000000 I. The filefolder code is TEMPOOOOI. Fr om the har d copy
of the picklist. you can see that the filefoldcr has a descr iption of "Welch. Laur en. "
You {indthe container and in it. you find the filefolder . You pull a new bar code label
fr om your supply. and attach it to the filefolder . Scan the Reassign bar code and then
scan the new bar code. The following PDT3 I 00 scr een appear s:
New: 123456789
Ar e you Sur e? YIN
Pr ess Y and the PDT3 100 mar ks that filefolder as r eassigned. When you scr oll up to
see the item. you will see it appear with an equal sign as shown below:
Loc: i\OOOOI
Con: 00000001
=FF/T: 123456789
The equal sign lets YOli know this filefolder has been r eassigned to the number
shown. When the PDT3 100 is dO\\' 1110adedto RS- SQL. you will see that a Re-
Assignment occur r ed in the Database Updates section of the Communicate
and Process dialog box.
Uploading a Picklist from the PDT3100 to RS-SQL
Once YOllhave finished picking all items that wer e on your PDT31 00 picklist, you
can upload the picklist back to RS- SQL. If YOlihave the PDT3100 validation option,
a r ecor d of the picking is posted to the activity file for the items you picked.
Fr om the PDT31 00 Main menu. select Communicate. In your PC. RS- SQL
Operations pr ogr am. selcct Datawand/PDT3100. Fr om the Communication
Sessions table. Options menu. select PDT3100. then Communicate and
Process ( you may choose Communicate Onl y if that is all you want to do at this
time). Communicate and Pr ocess' the data as dcscr ibed above.
PDT310( ).10-7
~~~~---- . . -. . . . . ~_. ~. ~,. ,~,-~~-~ -~~~-------~------------------
Record Center Operations
Everyday Record Center Operations can be perfonlled on the PDT3100 in the same
manner as they are performed with the Datawand. puring Record Center Operations.
the PDT31 OO'sscreen appears as shown below:
Basic scanning rules are this:
Identify where you are
Identify what is there -Container then filefolders or tapes within the

. ' . '
' .
. ~

' .

Alternate 10
When adding new Containers. Filefolders or Tapes to the system. you can add the
customer's Alternate ID when you scan the item onto the shelf. To do this. simply
scan the Location, nnd then scan the Container and/or Filefolder or Tape barcode.
Press the FUNC key and the A (Function key first) to access the Alternate 10 field
as shown below. One or tile f()lIowing screens appear. depending on whether you are
entering an Alternate 10 f<)ra Container or a Filefolder:
Enter the Alternate ID if applicable (see section below)
Scan a Location barcode nnd then scan everything that is being placed in that
Location. The system assumes that everything you scan is at that Location until you
scan another Location barcode. Examples of good scans would b~:
Location, Container. F:i1efolder. Filefolder. Filefolder. Container
Locatio.n. Container. Container. Tape. Tape
Location. Filef<)lder. Filcf()lder
In the first example. you would have filed two Containers. The lirst container had
three filel()lders placed in it. The second location had two contnincrs, the second of
which had (wo tapes placed into it.
If you scan out of order. the PDT31 00 does not accept the scan. When you scan a
barcode. the PDT31 00 confinlls its accuracy in the top lineofthe screen. where you
see the v. Then. once it d'etermines what type.ofbarcode it is. it places the barcode
number on the S('Teennext to the appropriate title. Let's say your locations have five
digit identifiers. When you scan a five-digit barcode. the 1'01'3100 acknowledges it.
and places the number next to the Loc title. When you scan the container that goes
into that location. the PDT31 00 acknO\vl,edges it. and places the number next to the
Con title.
If you scan a Container. Filefolder or Tape without scanning a Location, the
PDT3100 simply does not accept the scan.
10-8. PDT3100
Enter Alternate IIJ
Con: 1234567
Enter Alternate IIJ
Frr: 12345678
' fa
:: .
, < I

. ' .
( "
{ ::~.
' : "' .
' < . -
( .
e. I
"' : . "
-,,"' .
Press CLEAR to Exit
Confirm by Workorder
Validating your Load
Press ENTER To Save Press ENTER To Save
Highlight Confirm byWorkorder and press Enter. The following screen appears:
Notice that the barcode Iwmber for the item appears on the screen. Enter the
Altemate ID-with the keypad and press Enter to save it. It does not show on the
screen, but is saved in memory and is uploaded into RS-SQL. This option is also
available during Pickup. See Route Ops section.
To confirm your load by workorder. you enter each workorder number and then scan
all the items for that workorder. The I'DT31 00 tells you if there are any missing
items, or if an item was scanned that is not on the workorder.
The second l()()lprint in the RS-S<)I. validation process isconfi.nning the presence of
the item to be delivered on the truck that is delivering it. You may validate the items
by workorder. or you may simply scan everything on the truck and see if it is all
there. To validate your load. li'omthe Main menu of the POT3l 00 choose Route
Ops. From that menu. highlight Confirm Load and press Enter.
Route Ops lets you know whatti) do at each deli vel}' stop and verifies that all route
operations have been completed. Before you leave on your deliveries, it also allows
you to verify that you have all the Containers. Filefolders and Tapes you need to
ddiver. When you download Route Operations to the PDT3100 from the
Workorder table. each workorder you marked on the Workorder table is loaded
into its memory. As each delivery takes place, you confirm that it did by scanning all
the items delivered. Then you can print the customer areceipt confirming the action.
I I'acustomer has an unexpected pickup when you are there, you can either create a
new workorder or modify the existing one to include it.
To load Route Ops into your 1'01'3100. from the Workorder table, mark the
workorders that are being delivered and select Route Ops to PDT3100 from the
Options menu. The Communicate and Process dialog box appears. On the
1'01'3100, select Communications trom the Mainmenu. IllSert the PDT3l00 into
its cradle. When you are ready to begin communications, press the Enter key on the
Route Ops

,- .


i .
; : .
b ' .
' .
.: '..
:; :.
( .
r , : .

, .
( .
; :.
E .
(; ,:

( .
l. .
, .
I>: : .
( .
( e
,:; .:-:...
" . f; ~i~~:

~; ~:
You can enter a workorder number or press the Upor Down Arrow key to access a
list of all workorders on the Route. To select one. simply highlight it and press
Enter. You receive the following prompt:
Press CLEAR to Exit
10-10. PDT3100 .
Use the PDT3100 to scan all the items that you have for that wor kor der . When you
scan an item that the PDT3100 is expecting. it gives a beep. and the number scanned
appear s to the lell of the scr een. I I'you scan an item that is not on that wor kor der , the
PDT3 100gives an er r or tone and tells you that that number is an Invalid Item. It
does not accept the scan. and asks you to continue. J I'you scan the same number
twice. the PDT3100also lets you kno\\'. and does not accept the scan.
When YOll have scanned all the items you feel ar e on that wor kor der , pr ess CLEAR.
If you have scanned all appr opr iate items. the POT3100gives the following
r esponse:
All Items Scanncd
Pr ess CLEAR to Exit,
If all itcms ar c not scanncd and you pr css CLEAR the following scr een appear s:
Show Missing
Show All
Continue Scan
If you select Show Missing. you ar c pr ompted to Display them or Pr int them. If
you choose Display. all items that wer e not scanned but wer e expected appear in list
for m on the scr een of the PDT3100. You can scr oll thr ough the number s by pr essing
the Up and Down Ar r ow keys. If you choose to pr intthcm. you ar e asked to
connect your PDT31 a pr inter and pr ess the Enter key when you ar e r eady. The
list then pr ints lor you.
If you select Show AIL you r eceive the same Display or Pr int pr ompt. Either way .
.all itcms display or pr int and those that have. not been scanned ar c differ entiated.
When you r etur n to the list of wor kor der s to be validated, the one you completed has
an aster isk (*) next to it.
If you ar e in a hur r y to leave on your r ounds. and don't have time to separ ate items
by each wor kor der , you can validate them in any or der , and just scan all the items in
the tr uck at once. When you highlight and select Confir m by Tr uck fr om the
Confir m Load menu. you ar e jusf pr ompted to Scan All Items. Scan ever y item
in your tr uck
When you have scanned all the items in your tr uck. pr ess CLEAR. If you have
scanned all the items scheduled to go. the POT3100 gives the following r esponse:
Ailltems S~anned
Pr ess CLEAR to Exit
If all items ar e not scanned and you pr ess CLEAR the following scr een appear s:
Show Missing
Show All
Continue Scan
If you select Show Missing. you ar e pr ompted to Display them or Pr int them. If
you choose Display. all items that wer e not scanned but wer e expected appear in list
for m on the scr een of the POT3100. You can scr oll thr ough the number s by pr essing


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the Up and Down Arrow keys. I f you choose to print them, you are asked to
connect your PDT3 I 00 to a printer and press the Enter key when you are ready. The
list then prints for you.
I f you select Show AI L you receive the same Display or Print prompt. Either way,
all items display or print and those that have not been scanned are differentiated.
Vali date I Pi ckup
Nmv is I he time that YOI I aClually deliver the goods to I hecustomer. When you reach
the customer site, under the Route Ops menu in the PDT3100. select Validate I
Pickup. You arc prompted 10 ellicr a work order number. I f you don't want to
complete the entry by hand, you may press I he Up or Down Arrow key to generate
tlte lisl of workon!crs. I lighlighl the appropriate one :I nd press Enter. You receive
the 1l. I I lowingmenu:
Scan Delivery I tems
Print Delivery Rec.
Scan Pickup I tems
Print Pickup I tems
Scan Delivery Items
Once at the customer's site. take all the items to be delivered out of the truck, and
confirm that they are being delivered. To do this; select Scan'Delivery I tems'from
the Validate I Pickup menu. You are prompted to scan the items. Once all items
have been scanned, press Clear and you receive a prompt letting you know that all
items have been scanned. I f you have not scanned all items. you receive the
I (lllowing prompt:
I tems Missing
Show Missing
Show All
You can choose to sec all items that are missillg. or to see all items that are on the
workorder. All items that have already been scanned display with an asterisk (*) to
the len of the number. Once you have highlighted your choice and pressed Enter.
you can choose to Display or Print the list. I f you choose to print it. you must
connect your PDT3100 to a printer.
Print Delivery Receipt
Once all items have been delivered and validated. you can print a delivery receipt for
the customer if you have an O'NeilmicroFlash printer. Highlight Print Delivery
Rec fi'omthe Delivery I Pickup menu. and press Enter. You receive the
following prompt:
Received By
Press CLl~I \R To Exil
Enter the name of the person receiving the delivery. When you press Enter, the
PDT3l00 prompts you to connect a cable and press Enter when you are ready to
print. The receipt you print says DELI VER across the top. I t lists the workorder
PDT3100. 10-11
10-12. PDT3100
number. the date. and the time. It then lists all items that were scanned and gives a
total. Under that, it states: .
Delivery Electronically Verified
Delivered By: (Name you used to log in)
Received by: (Name entered above)
Under the names, there is aspace for the customer to sign. stating that all items were
received. and at the bottom of the receipt the lines you programmed in RS-SQL.
Admin program Record Center ,Configuration appears. These lines can be
ovcrwrillcn. For dclails. sce S('(/l1' scction of this dwpler.
When you upload the Route ()ps dala to RS-S()I., all of this inlilrlllation is
translllilled aud pt:Ocesscd into the RS-S()1. dalabase.
NOTE: When you enter the name of the person receiving the delivery, and the
information is downloaded to RS-SQL the Customer Contact column ot-the
Workorder table is updated to reflect the namc. (You can view this column by
using the Format mcnu. Columns option in thc Workorder tablc.)
.Pickup Items
If your workorder includes pickup items. they can be itemized. un-itemized. or the
workorder may include a selection oreach.
When there is an Itemized PickUp included on your workorder. the Pickup menu on
thc PDTJ \ 00 splits into two mcnus - Itemized PickUp and UnJ temized PickUp.
Itemized PickUp: Whcn you choose Itcmized Pickup. the PDTJ \00 cxpects you to
scan the items that have neen specified on the workorder. If you scan an item that is
not on the cxpected list. the PDTJ \ 00 asks you if you want to add this item to the
Unltcmizcd list.
Unltemized Pickup: When you choose the UIlJ temized Pickup option in the
PDT3 100. the PDT3 100expects to scan items that are not incl uded on the Itemized
PickUp list (if one exists). If an item is scanned that is included on the Itemized
PickUp list the PDT31 00nsks you if you want to validate this scanned item into the
Itemized List. If the workorder does not include an itemized pickup list. the Itemized
PickUp option is not available. and you can simply scan the items that you are
picking up.
Unitemized PickUps
When you pick up items at a customer site, you have the option to simply scan the
new items into the existing Delivery work order. or you can create a new workorder
in the PDT3l 00 (see section below). It doesn't matter to the PDT3] 00 if the
contail'lers are being returned to your facility. or if they are new ones. While in
Delivery I Pickup. select Scan Pickup Items. lfthere are no Itemized PickUp
items on the workorder. you arc prompted to scan the items being picked up. Press
Clear whell you have finished.
Alternate ID
When adding new Containers. Filefolders or Tapes to the system. you can add the
customer's Altemate IDwhen you pickup the item. To do this. simply scan the
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Create New Workorder
Pickup Item Receipts are printed in the same manner as Delivery Receipts,
rap: 123456789
Press (,I.EA R To Exit
.Enter Allernate 10
Press CI.EAR To F:-.:it
Enter Alternate II)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Press CIJ ~AR To E:-.:it
Con: 123456
NOTE: It is a good idea for drivers to carry a supply of Container and Filefolder
barcodes in case the customer doesn't have any. Then.he can place the barcodes on
the items and scan them. RS-SQL knows that the items belong to that customer,
because they are associated to their workordcr.
NOTE: If an item that does not exist in the RS-SQL system is scanned by the
PDT3100, the processing routine must add the itemto the database when the
PDT3100 downloads into RS-SQL. This generates an "add" activity for the item.
The status at this point is set to 'Out.' In the case of containers and tapes, the object
type isjust set to Container or 1'ape since the software does not yet know the
container or tape type (unless it was entered into the PDT3100by the driver). Then
the appropriate validation activity is generated: either Pickup Validation or Receive
Validation .
Print Pickup Items
Now, if you choose to create a new workordcr, instead of using an existing one,
press Clear until you are backed out to the Route Ops menu. Highlight Validate I
Pickup, and press Enter. When the PDT31 00 prompts you for a workoraer number, -
you can enter it with the keypad. You may need to call your office to make sure you
arc enterillg a worKordcr numher thai has not been issued already. tfyou do, have the
people at your offiee go ahead and create an empty workorder to reserve the number
lor you. Then when the PDT3100is uploaded, the information is automatically
placed into the workorder. When the PDT31 00 is given a workorder numher that it
doesn't have in its memory, it asks you if you want toAdd a Ne-w-P-ickllp Order?
Select Yes. You may then SC;Ul the items being picked up and print a Pickup
Notice that the barcode number for the item appears 011 the screen. Enter the
Allernale I[) with the keypad and press Enter to save it. II docs not show on the
screen, hut is saved in memory and is uploaded into RS-S<)L.
1~lIterAlternate II)
If the items you are picking up are new, or iryour pickup order is un-itemized. you
can enter the item subtyp'e through the PIJ T3100. For example, if you are picking up
10containers, and three of them are 2 Cube_ and seven arc 1.2Cube, you can enter
that information into the PDT3100. To do this. scan the item's barcode number, and
then press FUNC T on the PDT3100. Use the up and dOW11 arrow keys to show all
sub-object types available .
Entering Item Type
llllf('odl' on thl' ill'IIl, Ihcn press'lhl.' FUNC key, Ihell theA 10lIl'cess Ihe Altcnllllc II)
(ield liS shown hel 0 1\', ( )1Il' ol'lhe 1("lowing screens IIpl'l:ar.dl:pellding on ",Iwiller
you scanned an Allernate II) hlr aContainer. a FileJ (llder or aTu J e.
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Schedule a Return
When you arc del ivcring (or picking up) an itcmto (or fi.ol11)a customer. you can
schedule a retulll trip if necessary. For example, y~Hlcould be delivering a container
to a customer on Monday apd he asks you to come back and pick it up on Friday.
The PDT31 00 allows you to cnter the retu'rn date into the PDT31 00. Then when the
PDT3100 is downloaded into RS-SQL. the retUnI information is placed on the
Schedule (see Scheduling chapter).
When you scan the item being picked up or delivered, on the I'I>T3100 keyboard.
press CTRL U (think U-turn). ;\ screen appears that allows you to enter the
scheduled retunJ date and time (if necessary). For more infonnation, see the
Scheduling chapter.
Quick Check
There are times when you may want to confirm that you have the right containers
ready for delivery without officially validating them in the system. The Quick Check
option allows you to confirm that you have all the right items for a delivery without
creating a validation record. This can be particularly handy when you have a
customer who is 0)1the 1tth noor of a high-rise building. You certainly don't want to
get up there with your load of containers just to find that you forgot one!
From the Route Ops menu. highlight Quick Check and press Enter. You are
prompted to enter the workorder number. or you can select it from the workorder list
by pressing the Up or Down Arrow key. Then you can enter all the items you are
planning to take to the customer. If an)' items are missing, the PDT31 00 lets you
know the same way it did when yo.u Validated.
Refiling. Containers, Filefolders,' and Tapes
RS-SQL allows you to scan the barcodes of containers or filefolders/tapes that need
to be returned to containers and create a report that tells you where the container
belongs. or what containers the filefolders/tapes should be in. and where those
containers are cutTently located. This is called aRefile List. A refile tist can be
created for containers. filefolders. or tapes. You calUJ Otcreate a single report for
containers. filefolders. and tapes.
A Relile List can be printed out on paper. or you can load a Refile List into a
PDT3100 and it will lead you to each container and allow you to confirm that each
item has been refiled.
To generate arefile list you first need to scan all items to be rcfiled so you can load
them into their respective tables. Using a PDT31 00. choose Scan Refile from the
PDT3100's Main menu. The screen displays Scan Refile Items and you can begin
scanning barcodes for items that need to be refiled. You can scan different types of
items (containers. lilefolders, and tapes) at the same time if for operational reasons
this is practical.
While scanning. you can vic\\' which barcodcs have already becn scanned by
pressing thc up or down (lm)\v key on thc PDT3100. If more than one type of item
has been scanncd. the screen displays three options. Select Refile Container,
Refile Folder. or Refile Tape. If none of the selected item types have been
scanned, the screen displays "Empty File ... Press Enter to Cont." If that item type has
been scanned. the barcodes list on the screen and you can use the up and down arrow
keys to scroll through the list.
10-14. PDT3100
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W+J ilesc anning, you c an also view atotal c ount of items sc anned by pressing F2
(FUNC 2) on the PDT3100. If more than one type of item has been sc anned, the
sc rc c n displays three options. Selec t Refile Container, Refile Folder, or Refile
Tape. If none of the selec ted items have been sc anned, the sc reen displays "Empty
File. . . Press Enter to Cont. " If that item type has been sc anned, the type displays
along with the total number sc anned .
You c an download c ontainers. tapes and filefolders from the PDT31 00 to RS- SQL at
the same time, but you must generate separate refile lists for eac h. You c annot
download two refile lists - onc for tapes and one for filc foldc rs to a PDT31 00.
Load Ref il e List f romPDT3100
Onc e all itc ms are sc anned, they need to be loaded into the system. From the
Operations program, Options mc nll. selec t Filing and Container Items
(substitute Filefolder Items or Tape Items depending on whic h refile list YOli
want to load). The Container table appears. From the Options menu. Load
Refile List From submenu. selec t PDT3100. The PDT3100 Communic ate
Refile List dialog box appears.
NOTE: Support for the Datawand liB in the Container table. Options menu,
Load Refile List From option (whic h is c urrently available in the c orrespondillg
Filefolder and Tape tables) is not available for Containers.
Onc e the PDT3] 00 is- inthe Communic ate mode, insert it into its c radle and press its
Enter key. Communic ations begin. Whc n you c lose the dialog box. all c onwinc rs
that were sCalinc d apl'jear on thc Container tablc . Whc n you arc bac k atthc loaded
tahle. you c an re- . sort the table, save it for futllrc lise, print it. or sc nd it to the
1'1)'1'310( 1.
NOTE: The sc anllc d c ontainers must be loaded into thc Container tablc in order to
determine thc ir loc atiolls. Onc e the system has determined their loc ation, the retile
list ~an_besentoac k to the PDnt 00 for refiling.
To generate arefile list for filefolders or tapes, follow the instruc tions above for
generating arefile list for c ontainers. Simply substitute the Filefolder Items or
Tape Items table for Container Items table.
Ref il ing C ontainers, Fil ef ol ders, andTapes
To relilc ac ontainer you need to know where its original loc ation was. To refile
tapes and filefoldc (s bac k into their c ontainers. you need to know where their
c ontainers are. If you download the Refile List bac k into the PDT3100, it tells you
what c ontainers you nc ed to lind and whc re they are loc ated. It also validates that
you plac c d thc foldc rs in the c on'c c t c ontainers. -
Downloading the Refile List to the PDT3100
Onc e thc itc ms to be refilc d have been loadc d into the appropriate table. mark those
that are to bereliled. and under the Options menu. selc c t Refile List to
PDT3100. The Communic ation Only dialog box appears. Put your PDT3100
into the Communic ations modc and plac e it in the c radIc . Press the Enter key on the
PDT3100 to download the Rc lile List to the PDT3100. When c ommunic ations are
c omplc te, you may begin rc liling.
PDT3100. 10- 15
10-16. POT3100
- .....
Refifing Containers
From the Main menu of the PDT3100, select Refile Container Lst. The screen of
the PDT3100shows the first location and the container. Scan the location, then the
container. T-hePDT3l 00accepts the scan and displays the next location and
NOTE: I ran.item on therelile list is not scanned to a location, an exception is
generated stating "Item not refiled. "
When your reliling is complete, download the inl(lrI11ationback into RS-SQL using
standard communications procedures. .
Refifing Filefolders and Tapes
To Refile filefolders or tapes into containers in your warehouse, download the list to
the PDT3100as described above. From the Main menu of the PDT31DO, select
Refile Folders List or Refile Tape List. The screen of the PDT3100 shows the
first location to go to, the container to locate and the item to place into the container.
In the bottom right comer of the screen, the number of items to be refiled displays.
1. Scan the Location barcode shown on the screen and the PDT3100
accepts the scan. I ryou scan any other Location barcode, the PDT3100
asks if you want to move the itenl to the new location. When aLocation
has been accepted by the PDT3100. an asterisk (*) appears next to the
2. Scan the Container barcode shown on the screen and the PDT3100
accepts the scan. If you scan any other Container barcode. the
PDT3100 asks if yoIIwant to assign the item to the different container.
When a Container has been accepted by the PDT31 00, an asterisk (*)
appears next to the Container.
3. Scan the Filefolder or Tape that goes into this Container. If you scan
the expected liIefolder. the PDT3100accepts the scan and displays the
information for the next filefolder. The number at the bottom of the
screen decrements by one. If you scan any filefolder other than that
which is currently displayed, the P-DT3100will not accept the scan.
Ifthere is more than one filefolder to be placed in acontainer, you do not have to
scan the location and container for each filefolder. After the firs! filefolder has been
scanned into the container. just scan the second filelolder. It is recorded as being
filed in the same container.
When your refiling is complete, download the information back into RS-SQL using
standard conullunications procedures. through the Datawand/PDT31 00
Communicate and Process options in the Operations program (see Wand
Processing). When you do. RS-SQL processes the refile infonnation in two ways: a
Refile List Update and Record Center Ops. Your Communications Sessions
table shows two communications sessions for one dump (as shown in the screen
below). The Refile List Update records errors ifnot all oftl.le tapes or filefolders
were placed into containers. and the Record Center Ops session records any moves
that you may have recorded during reliling. It also records any errors such as filing a
filel()lder belonging to one account into a container belonging to another. A move is
recorded when you scan alocation or container other than that which was listed on
the refile report. and accept it as a new assigned location or container.
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The Setup arcaof the I 'DT31 00allows y{iuto configure the PDT3100 to suit your
needs. To set your own parameters, frolut!le Mainmenu, highlight Setupand press
Enter. You rcceive thc following'lnenu:
Company Name
Time Out
Barcode Accuracy
Beeper Tone
Whcn you wanl to start communications between RS-SQL and the PDT3100. simply
enter the areaofRS-SQL that you want dO\\11loaded(Wand Processing, Refiling
Tapes/Filefolders, or Workorders) and get the system completely ready for the
communications. The screen on the PC should be prompting you to put the PDT3100
into its cradle. Then, from the PDT3100's Main menu, select Communic ations.
The PDT3100 gives awarbling beep and tells you to insert it into the cradle and
press Enterwhen you are ready. I nsert the PDT31 00 into its cradle and press its
Enter key. -
I f the User I Ddialog box appears before communications begin, be sure to respond
to it quickly. before the PDT31 00falls into sleep mode. I f this does happen, awaken
the PDT3100before you respond to the User 10dialog box. Otherwise, RS-SQL
will not receive aresponse from thePDT3100 and will generate atime-out error.
Use the Communications option whenever you are communicating with RS-SQL.
This includes downloading infonnation from RS-SQL as well as uploading
information from the PDT31 00 back to RS-SQL. This option simply opens up the
communication process, so that RS-SQL can tell the PDT3100 what to do. Although
the PDT3100 is considered 'intelligent.' its memory is cleared eachtime it
commllllicates with RS-SQL and RS-SQL tells it what function it \vill be performing
il~the following session.
RS-SQL does not allow the PDT3100to hold an Electronic Picklist and Route Ops
in(mnatiOJ l at the samc timc. I t can. howcvcr. conduct Record Center Operations
while it has either aI 'icklist or aI \ollieschedllic in it. .
c . "

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10-18. PDT3100
Baud Rate
Available Space
Company Name
This is intended for your cOlllpany ml1m:. Since RS-SQI. deletes the PDT3] oO's
lIIemory each time they conl1l1ul1icate.the two lines you programllled in the Admin
program. Record Center Configuration area of RS-SQL are programmed to
print on the bottom of receipts. However. after communicating with RS-SQL. you
can override that by changing the inf<J rInation here. Anything typed here after
communication takes place takes precedence and prints at the bottom of your
To change an existing Company Name. from the Setup menu. highlight Company
Name and press Enter. Use the BK SP key to move the cursor backward to erase
the existing characters. Use the Alpha key to switch between alphabetic and .
numeric characters. Enter the text you want using the keypad. You may use up to 15
characters. including spaces. per line. Press Enter to save the text, or press Clear to
retum without saving your changes.
'Time Out
You may use this option to program your PDT3100 to 'go to sleep' after adetemlined
number of seconds of non-usc. The PDT31 00saves all information entered into it,
but the screen goes blank to save battery power. When the screen has gone blank.
just press PWR to 'wake it up.'
Fmm the Setup menu. highlight Time Out and press Enter. The f<IIlO\'iingappears
on your screen:
TIME OUT (Second)
The screen above shows 30seconds. You may delete the current setting by using the
BK SP key. Enter an appropriate number of seconds ,'iith the keypad. This number
will not be changed when the PDT31 00communicates with RS-SQL.
Barcode Accuracy
Each time the PDT31 00reads a barcode. it has the ability to read it anumber of
times and confinll that the same reading was taken each time. The more times the
barcode is read and compared, the higher the percentage of accuracy. The default
number is 4. This means that each time you push the trigger button to scan abarcode
the 1'01'3 100 actually reads the barcode four times and compares all the scans before
confirming the scan as ~orrect. You may set the number of reads up to nine, but keep
in mind that although the.reads will be more accurate with higher numbers, they will
also take longer.
To set the Barcode Accuracy. from the Setup menu, highlight Barcode Accuracy
and press Enter. The following prompt appears: .
Entcr Number Of
Identical Scans
Required for Good
. ( 1

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Press BK SP to c lear the c urrent setting. You may enter only numbers from 1to 9.
Prc ss Enter to savc your c nlry and return to thc Setup mc nu. Prc ss .Clear to rc turn
wilhout saving your. c hangc s .
Be e pe r T o ne
You may set the Beeper ( Ac c ept and Enor) tones to suit your purposes. The tones
may be made higher or lower. to be heard best inyour sumllltldings. To ac c ess the
Beeper Tones sc rc c n. 'hllll thc Setup mCIlU, highlight Beeper Tone undpress
Entor. You sc c the lilllowing prolllpt:
Use the Upand Down Arrow keys to sc roll up and down, press Enter to c hoose
Accept Tone or Error Tone. You rec eive the following prompt:
. : Higher
f/~ : Lower
Use the Upand Down Arrow keys to c hange the beeper tone. As you press the
keys. you will hear the tone go up and down. When you ac hieve the tone you desire,
press Enter to save and return to the Beeper Tone menu. Press Clear to return to
the Beeper Tone menu without saving the c hange.
P r i nt e r
There are three printer options that c an be used with the PDT31 00 and RS-SQL
programs. You may use the mic ro Flash Printer with ac able or the original O 'Neil
Rec eipt Printer ( with red boots). Infrared c ommunic ations require the optional
infrared module on the PDT31 00 and the infrared option inthe mic roFlash Printer.
The default printer selec tion is the mic roFlash Printer with ac able.
To reac h the Printer Setup selec tion. from the Setup menu. highlight Printer and
press Enter. Vou are offered the follO \ving selec tions:
Mic roFlash Cable
Mic roFlash Infrared
Red Rec eipt Printer
Use the Upand Down Arrow keys to sc roll up and down. Press Enter to selec t an
The Baud Rate is the speed at whic h the PDT31 00 and RS-SQL c onununic ate with
eac h other. Both systems must be set at the same speed. Chec k your RS-SQL
program for the setting it is using. (Ops program. Options menu.
Datawand/PDT31 00option. Options menu. PDT3100option. Communicate
Only option. When you reac h the Communicate Only dialog box. c lic k Port
PDT3100. 10-19
Setup. The Baud Rate setup in RS-SQL shows.) RS-SQL and the PDT3100 can
both conullu'nicate at arate of 9600. and wesuggest that setting.
In the PDT31 00. highlight Baud Rate fromthe Setup menu and press Enter.
Several options are available. Highlight the appropriate number and press Enter.
Available SpaceI Version
If you ever need to know how much space isavailable in your PDT31 00 or what
vcrsion it is running. you can chc<.:kit by selccting Available Space Ii'omthc
Setup menu. Whcn rherc is nothing more inthe PDT31 00 than barcode lengths sent
down from RS-SQL. there are approximately 390.000 bytes available. This decreases
as more data is stored.
Barcode Symbology
The PDT31 00 and RS-SQL read and recognize barcodes in Code 39. Code 128,
Code 125. CODABAR (the Start and End'characters are stripped after the barcode is
scanned). or any combination of the four. When you select Barcode Symbology
from the Setup menu. you can tell what symbology is turned on and what is turned
olI To change the status from ON to Off or OFF to ON. simply highlight the
symbology you want to change and press the Enter key. When you Exit this screen,
the symbology status is saved.
Test Scan
When you select Test Scan from the Setup mcnu you can scan any barcode to-
display thc entire scannahle bar<.:ode. It will display up to 40 charactcrs. including
hidden charaders. Whcn you scan a barcode. the entire barcodc-displays on thc
PDT] 100 s<;J 'cen. Below the bar<.:odc. thc symbology displays (Code 39, Codc 128,
NOTE: The symbology must be tumcd on inorder for the barcode to display (see
Barcode Symbology sectign above).
Warmand Cold Boot
The PDT3 100 can be reset by rebooting it inthe same manner as a personal
computer. There are two types of boots: Warm Boot and Cold Boot. A Warm Boot
resets the PDT3 100 but retains all the data inmemory. A Cold Boot clears all data
that you have scanned into the PDT3 100. but keeps the RS-SQL program.
To Warm Boot your PDT31 00. make sure theunit is turned off by pressing thePWR
key. At the same time, press and hold dO\,,! the J and the F keys. While they are
being pressed. press the PWR key and release it Then release the J and F. If you
listen carefully. you will hear a click when you press the PWR key. The PDT31 00
resets itscl C but no data is lost.
10-20. PDT3100
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Cold Boot
To reset your I' DT31 00 completely. you call give it aC old Boot. To C old Uoot your
I' DT3100. make sure your I' DT31 00 is turned off. Theil press and hold the FUNC .
. Space and Up Arrow keys. then press the PWR key and release it. Then release
the first three keys. If you listen carefully. you will hear a click when you press the
PWR key. The PDT3 WO resets itself. and all data you had in the memory of the
PDT3100 is lost and you will need to reload barcode information fi' omRS-SQL (see
Download Barcode L<'I1glh Lisl section).
Download Barcode Length List
When the PDT3100 has been resc!. or has had the batteries replaced. you will not be
able to use it until the Barcode Length List has been downloaded from RS-SQL.
Since the PDT3100 is an intelligent device. it is programmed to tell you if you do
something wrong. It can' t tell you if you' ve scanned something wrong unless it
knows what barcode lengths represent which items. To download barcode lengths to
the PDT3 100 without downloading Route Ops or Picklists. from the Options menu
in the Operation. s program in RS-SQL. select Datawandf. PDT3100. The
C ommunication Sessions table appears. From the Options menu. select
PDT3100 and C ommunicate Only. The C ommunic. ate Only dialog box
appears as shown below:
POT3100. 10-21
........... -..... _ . _ .... _ . _ _ .._ ..... _ _ . _ ..... _ ..._ .
:Send end
please insertPDT3100intocradle . . ; .
. Successful Sessions: I)



~ i .


~~.: .;'.'
. Donel
. For Remote
. . Port setup. . . ,
f:,.1i !,forti'. .,
Action Status
Inprogress. . . Send begin
R eev pbT3100version . "
, ~~ M.M _ 1 Recv c~;~~r,(,~1.-dat~ .....
'iRecv updaiedpicC iis l
_.)R ec'! updat'ed ~ea;signLis t.
--iR ec'! updated dei.very ils t
. . . . . --. _ . _ -. -. -. _ -. --. +Rec. vi:;e\~plcl~l;pTisi: . . . . . _ . --- . . _ .
-.. -.---.... --.- .Iiec;:.:,ten~~e-d'P 1C kl;pfiS i-----'
IR ec~.;~;p~jaiedrefiie lis t---"--'
. ._ . _ _ ~_ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ ----_ . -. --rR. e. c. ~::;. r. eco-rd. .ce. t:;ier ops - --- - ----.
.----. -----[ReC~;-llpdatedOTilst-------. - . .-
. . . . . . . . - . .-. . . --. .-----l. Rec~::-update_ cITocat;iiSt--. -. ----
. . . . . . . . . . . _ . -- -- lRec::;:. ;. ;~ldaied. reslore. . ii;t - _ .
. .--. . . . -. -. . . . . ------. -. --1Se;:;a. clear-. . --. -. ,. -. --------.
. . . . . . . . . .__. ._. _. i . _ ~ _M.M. __ _ . ,._.__ __.._._.M. ._.
ISend barcode lengths
------. -j5e;~'~rco~np:;~; na;:;;e--'---'-'
. . . . . . . . . - -. -. ---. _ -1Send'U 'rg e;1i"~s i'& o b jectT Is i -_.
--------- -1Se;:;dFt . dateatldliroe----. - ---
f POT31O O I P C 0ateand Time
I Oiffer~t~~~~~~~~~=-~~ 0
From your PDT3100's Main menu. highlight Communications and press' Enter.
You are instructed to insert the PDT31 00 into its cradle. Put the PDT31 00 into its
cradle and press its Enter key. Communications begin. and the Barcode length
infonnation is downloaded to the PDT3l 00. Before you use the PDT31 00, you must
login. When you download Route Ops()r an Electronic Picklist. the system .
automatically downloads the barcode lengths.
Your PDT3l 00 runs on aNickel Cadmium (NiMII) baltcry that is available through
O'Neil Sollware. Inc. It will also usc a standard 9-volt battery that you can get at any
hardware or grocery store. I[owcver. 9-volt b,itteries don't last very long. and cannot
be recharged like the NiMH can. When the batteries are running low. the PDT3100
lets you know hy chang. ing the cursor from an open I . or . f to a solid onc. When the
battery dies completcly. or is taken out to bechanged. the PUT31 OO'sintemal
lithium battery will hold thc information inthe unit for a short period of timc. This is
the same battery that keeps the clock and calendar going evcn when the unit is turned
olr It is unlikely that you will ever need to have the lithium battery changed, but if
you do. the unit will inform you before it is necessary.

e ) }
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10-22. P DT 3100

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Scan Techniques
The PDT31 00 'sees' barc odes with a red laser beam that emits from the sCan head at
the top of the unit. When you press the trigger. you will notic e that the laser beam
c an be seen on items that are c lose to it. This means that the sc anner c an read
barc odes without touc hing or being very c lose to them. It c an also read barc odes on
uneven surllic es.
Aim the PDT3100 so that the window of the sc an head is fac ing the barc ode. When
you press the trigger, the laser beam emits fromthe window'and the red light on the
bac k of the sc an head lights. This tells you that the unit is trying to read a barc ode.
Make sure that the laser beam fully enc ompasses the barc ode you are trying to read.
When a read has been c onfirmed. the green "Dec ode" light glows .
Warllillg: Do lIot/ook directly illto tile laser SCllIlller. This call calise eye damage.
When sc anning c ontainers and filefolders into generic loc ations and holding areas,
you must be aware of how the sc anner reads the entries. An operator may be tenipted
to sc an the holding area loc ation onc e. then proc eed to sc an all items in the area as'
900000 Inc oming holding area
1000001 Container
1000002 Container
20000001 Filefolder
10000002 Filefolder
1000003 Container
lIowever. ifseanned in this order. the system sees the lilc l()lders as being sc anllc d
into c ontainer 1000002. To ensure that the lilc folders arc sc anned into the holding
area, you need to sc an the holding area. then the c ontainers, sc an the holding area
again. and then the lilel()lders. Or you c ould simply sc an the holding area, then all
the filefolders. and then all the c ontainers .
Freezing P. DT3100
If you are in the PDT31 00 menu system and you inadvertently press the Alpha key,
when you try to sc roll through the menu system all you get is a beep. The highlight
bar won't sc roll. and it may look like the I'DT31DO is hung up or broken. Press the
Alpha key again to shill the keypad out of thealpha mode.
Updati~gYour PDT3100
O'Neil Software. Inc . has c reated a program that enables you to update your
I'DT3100 through your Pc . C1iminating the need to have it sent in to have the new
program loaded. The update utilizes a two-step proc ess. The lirst is ac ommunic ation
hetweenthe PDT3100 and your PC where the PC determines what version the
I'DT3100 is c urrc ntly running, and c Olllmunic ations are begun. The sec ond step is
the ac tual c onversion proc ess. Throughout most of the proc ess, instruc tions are
offered on the PC sc reen. Therefore, they will not be repeated in this doc ument.
PDT3100. 10-23
Your PDT3100 update is a separate program and is scntto you on the RS-SQL CD.
The first step is to copy the update program onto your C drive. Insert the CD into the
CD-ROM drive.
Make anew directory on your C drive to hold the update program. Name the
directory PDTUPDA T.
Copy all the files from the PDT31 00 subdirectory on the RS-SQL CD to the new
PBTUPDAT folder on your hard drive.
Rcmove the "Read Only" attribute on Ihose files by editing the propertics of the files
in Windows Explorer.
Remove the RS-SQL CD from your CD-ROM drivc.
Update Program
To start the update process, /i'OlJ lthe PDTlJ PDAT directory on your hard drive,
double-click PDTLJ PDAT.EXL This launches the update progralJ l.
The first screen you access shows all COM ports. Highlight the one you use for the
PDT3100 and press Enter.
Put the PDT3100 into its cradle and follow the instructions on the screen. If you
already have the PDT3 100 cradle set up, you won't need to complete instructions 5
through 8.
Follow all other instructions on the screen exactly in the order they are given.
When initial processing is complete, your PC displays an instruction screen. The first
section instructs you to put the PDT31 00 into a Conmland Mode. -You may remove
the PDT3100 from its cradle, since this procedure can be awkward. When you have
finished, place it back in its cradle. Follow all instructions exactly. When you reach
the bottom ofthe screen, press any key to continue to the next instruction screen.
When the upgrade is complete, your PC shows the Reboot PDT3100 screen.' If the
status on your PDT3! 00 screen is showing as 0000, cold boot by following the
instructions on the screen. You may remove the PDT3100 from its cradle to cold
boot it. The Main menu should display on the PDT3! 00 screen.
If at any time the PDT3! 00 does not respond in the expected manner, if the fmal
status is not 0000, or if power gets cut off in the middle of the process, call O'Neil
Support for assistance. 0
PDT3100 Scanning - Prefix/Suffix Option
You are accepting thousands of items into your record center. Each item is already
barcoded by the customer and your PDT31 00 scmmer is able to read their barcode
symbology. However, you know that if the customer's barcode numbers are not
unique inyour RS-SQL system, RS-SQL will not accept the items. If you could add
a p(efix or suffix to the Item Code. thebarcode would be unique to your RS-SQL
system. The Prefix/Suffix option in the PDT3l 00 scanllcr will allow you to scan
these itcms and automatically apply a prefix or sulTix to the barcode to make it
10-24. PDT3100


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Example One
Scanning Sequence
Prefix/Suffix Processing Rules
Estahlish th' pr'.lixl.\'I~flixvalue of XYZ.
Notice that alllhe YIN oplio11s are sello
"NO" until the first sco11l1'ith a prefix or
sl(fftx is needed.
PDT3100 10-25
Value: XYZ
Apply to All (YIN): N
I. The prefix/suflix feature applies to all or selected scans in the
PDT3100. The user turns the Prefix/Suffix option on or off depending
on which scan the prefix/suffix is to apply.
2. Thc user can enter prefix/suflix values and turn the prefix/suffix
functions on or ofT using the PDT keypad. FUNC-K, or by scanning
special barcodes to activate or deactivate the functions .
3. When \Ising the keY(J adto change values. press the BK SP (hackspace)
key to clem the field and then enter your data. h)r example, to change
Prefix option from ..y"to "N", press the BK SP key once and enter
4. The user may add a prefix or suffix value to a scan, but not both on the
same scan.
5. The value for the prefix or suffix can be from 1to 10 characters.
6. The prefix/suffix entered applies to all scans when the Prefix ON or
Suffix ON value is set to ;'YES" and the Apply To All value is set to
"YES'\ Note: Apply To All on the keypad does exactly the same
thing as the Default ON and Default OFF barcodes:.
7. The prefix/suffix entered appli.~s to only the next scan when Prefix
ON value is set to "YES" and the App'ly To All value is set to "NO".
8. If Prefix ON or Suffix ON is "YES", any scan ofa barcode where the
prefix/suffix is applied will. produce adouble becp,'
This example describes a Filefolder Refile List operation using the PDT3100.
Note that in this example we use keypad entry (FUNC-K) to establish the initial
settings and then use the prefix/suffix option barcodes to tum on and off the
application of a prefix/suffix to the scans,
1. The user dO\\1110adstheir refile list into the PDT31 00.
2. User enters FUNC-K on the PDT3100 keypad and then enters the
starting values (user entry is shown inbold type):
Prelix ON (YIN): N
Suffix ON (YIN): N
The Prefix/Suffix option can bc used to apply aprefix or suffix to most scans in
any of the PDT31 00 functions. The following examples describe how to use the
Prefix/Suffix options to control when the PDT will apply a prefix .or-suffix. The
concepts described here can be applifp to the other PDT31 00 functions like Record
Center Ops and Route Ops.
( .
C .
", : -
I "..: : : ; '

, : ' .

1' ...

.' .
; ' .
( .

~' .
' , .
f .
( .
"' : .
;.; ..- ~.,-
( : -
~' : ' ,
Scan Container barcode.
Scan J )enmlt ON barcode. Tum the pre.fixlsl!ffix back on/or all
subsequent scans.
3. The user selects Refile Folders List on the PDT31 00. The PDT
directs the user to the Location, Container, and Filefolder to put away
first. The user starts to relile the Filefolder:
Scan Location barcode.
2. User enters FUNC-K on the PDT3100 keypad and then enters the
starting values (user entry is shown in bold type):
Prefix ON (Y/N): N
Suffix ON (YIN): N

'. ~. . ~.



, . . , . . . . . I

, .
' . (t
. . . . -. ::
\:. :". -


I .
Tu1'll off the prefix/suffix for all subsequent
scans. The PDT still remembers the "value"
and that the value is a prefix (in this
Tu1'llthe pre.fix/suffix offlor all subsequent
Scan Filefolder barcode.
<COlltillll' scanning until
al/'file.lolders .for same
Container are refiled. >
Scan Default OFF
<Continue scanning until
allfile.foldel's .for same
Container are refiled. >
Scan Default OFF
Scan I,ocation barcode.
Scan Filefolder barcode.
Scan Filefolder barcode
Scan Container barcode.
Scan Prefix ON barcode. Idel1t(fj' the" Value" (XYZ, set abQve) as a
prefix or SI!{fiX. (Scan Sl![fix ON ((this value
shollld he a sl!flix.)
Scan J )el~1U1t ON barcode n1is tells the PDT3100 to app~j' 0_
prf{fix/suffix to all the following scans. This
is exact~l' the same as the "Apply to All"
setting IIllder FUNC-K. Note that if this
were left at NO it would only apply the
prefix/suffix to the next scan.
Scan Filefolder barcode. 711epre.fix or suffix is added to each of these
filefolder scalls.
This example describes a second way to complete a Filefolder Refile List
operation using the PDT31 00. In this example, we again use keypad entry (FUNC-
K) to establish the initial settings and then use the prefix/suffix option barcodes in a
different way to tum on and ofTthe application of a prefix/suffix to the scans.
I. The user downloads their rclile list into the I'D'I'3100.
Example Two
10-26. PDT3100
Value: XYZ
Apply to 1\11(YIN): N
Eslab/ish the pre/ix/suffix value 0/ XYZ.
Notice that all the Y/N options are set to
"N()" /I/ltil IIU'prst S("(//I1 1 ' ; 1 1 1 a IJ/'(:Iixor
S/lllix ;s /leetied.
3. The user selects Refile Folders List on the I'DT31 00. The POT
directs the user to the Location, Container, and Filcf()lder to put away
first. Thc user starts to relile the Filcl()lder:
Sean I.ocalioll b:m;ode.
Scan Container barcode.
Scali I'relix ON barcode.
Scan Filefolder barcode.
Scan Prefix ON barcode.
Sdlil Filelolder barcode.
ItimlifY Ille "Val /1(''' (XYZ. sel a!JOI'.c)as a
preJix or su.fjix. (Scal1 Su.fjix ON if Ihis value
should be a suffix.)
The prefix or suffix is added 1 0 Ihe file/older
scan. Noll': Ihe prefix or suffix will be
turned off/orlhe nexl scan.
Idenlify the" Value" (XYZ. set above) as a
prefix or s1!ffix. (Scan Suffix ON if this value
should be (/ SI!I{tX.)
The prefix or sui{tx is added to the file/older
scan. Nole: Ihe prefix or suffix will be
turned offlor the next scan.
( .
" . 0:

~. .
, .
' i...:.
( .
( .
{;i* :;
<Continue sC(l/Inil1g
Pre.fix ON (or Suffix ON)
and Ihen the.file/older
ul1l;1all.filefolders are
ref/led. >
In this example eliminate the use of the Default ON and Default OFF barcodes.
You sinply scan the Prefix ON or Silffix ON barcode before scanning the item to
which you want it added.
Special Barcodes
These barcodes will be available for the user to control prefix/suffix features by
Barcode value: PF+++
Human Readable: Prefix ON
Definition: Set "Prefix ON" to YES.
Note: "Suffix ON" will be set to NO. Does not change the prefix I
suffix value. Even ifvalue field is empty, setting is applied, but
special beep docs not occur on barcode scan,
Barcode value: SF+++
Human Readable: Suffix ON
Definition: Set "Suffix ON" to YES.
PDT3100 10-27
Note: "Prefix ON" will be set to NO. Does not change the prefix /
suffix value. Evcn if value field is cmpty, setting is applied, but
special beep does not occur on barcode scan. -
Barcode value: MD+++
Iluman Readable: Dcf:1U1tON
Definition: The prefix/suffix value will be applied to all scaiuwd barcodes
until explicitly tumed off. (See MD---.)
Barcode value: MD---
Human Readable: Def:1U1tOFF
Definition: Do not apply the suffix/prefix value to subsequent scans.
The user can create these barcodes to facilitate control of the prefix/suffix options by
scanning with the PD1'3100.
Barcode: +++<pl'ejix or suffix value>.
Example: "+++ABC". "+++AOOOI", "+++30000", "+++30001",
"+++0001", and "+++9000]".
Human Readable: The prefix or suffix, e.g., "ABC", "AOOOI"...
Definition: The prefix or sullix to append to the scan.
Note: This scls the prefix/suffix value. It docs not change the state of
"Prefix ON / Sullix ON". So. if "Prefix ON / Suffix ON" were
both NO. the value would be set but not applied to subsequent
scans until "Prefix ON / Suffix ON" becomes YES.
Barcode: PF+++<pl'ejix ,'allle>
Example: "PF+++ABC". "PF+++AOOOI ". and "PF+++30000"
Definition: S~t "Prefix ON" to YES and set the prefix value.
I-TumanReadable: "Prefix ON:<pl'efix ,'alue>"
Barcode: SF+++<sl!lfix \'Ollie>
Example: "SF+++XYZ". "SF+++ZOOOl". and "PF+++90000"
Definition: Set "Suffix ON" to YES and set the suffix value.
Human Readable: "Suffix ON:< suffix vallie >,.
LS4004 Tri-Optic Scanner Setup
While the "Prefix/Sullix" capability of the PD1'3100 has general utility, it was
created in response to a perceived need inthe user community for scanning Tri-Optic
barcodes attached to tape cartridges. To scan hi-Optic barcodes with the PDT3] 00,
10-28. PDT3100
- .


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, ~-: ': '_.

you need spec ial hardware, the Symbol LS4004i Tri-Optic Sc anner. Contac t O'Neil
Sottware, Inc ., for more information about this produc t.
Onc e you have ac quired the Symbol LS4004i Sc anner, follow the direc tions below
for c onfiguring it.
I. hlllow the instruc tioll manuals inc luded with your LS 4004i sc anner to
attac h the StdHlnerhardware c omponents .
2. Aller the sc anner hardware is c onnec ted, follow the standard
inslrnc lions ( 0download the RS-S()L 1'1)'1'3100 sc anner program into
theLS 4004i 'I'd-Optic Sc anner. (The RS-SQL I'DT3l 00 program is
c ompatible with the LS 4004i sc anner.)
3. On the LS 4004i sc anner selec t LOGIN so that the sc anner is waiting
for the user ID number.
4. Using the Symbol LS 4000i Series Product Reference Guide and
Synapse "Smart Cable" for Scanner/Wand Emulation Intelface
Guide sc an the following barc odes loc ated in the manual (some
barc odes are loc ated in both manuals):
Parameter Barc ode Names Symbol LS Synapse "Smart
4000i Series Cable" for
Produc t Sc annerlWand
Referenc e Emulation
Guide Interfac e Guide
"Set Synapse Emulation nla Page 4
"Send Bar Codes With Page 5-96 Page 15
Unknown Charac ters"
'"Enable Convert All to
nla _ Page 16
Code 39"
'"Enable Trioptic Code 39" Page 5-42 nla
"Enable Interleaved 2 of 5" Page 5-56 n/a
"12 of 5- An)' Length" Page 5-58 n/a
5, The LS 4004i sc anner is now setup for use.
PDT3100. 10-29

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PDT3100 Remote

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11. Remote Communications
The PDT31 00 Remot e program available wit h RS-SQL allows remot e users t o
ac c ess func t ions wit hin t he RS-SQL syst em.
Box St orage Company. Inc . has it s headquart ers on Main St reet . When t hey
expanded past t heir st orage c apac it y last yc ar. t hey ac quired a building a. round t he
c orner on West Avenue. They st ore c ont ainers for all c ust omers in bot h warehouses,
as spac e pCll11it s. All administ rat ive func t ions are st ill performed by Carol int he
Main St reet fac ilit y and Vic handles all warehouse func t ions in t he West Avenue
1:ICilit y.
Cit y Ilospit al request s a pic k up of 50 new c ont ainers. Onc e t he workorder is c reat ed
and saved. Carol downloads t he Rout e Ops for t hat workorder int o Ed' s ( t he driver)
PDT3100 and sends him out on rounds. Whc n Ed get s t o Cit y Hospit al, his PDT3100
t ells him t hat he needs t o rec eive 50 c ont ainers. He sc ans t he barc ode on eac h
c ont ainer as he loads it ont o t he t ruc k. print s Cit y Hospit al arec eipt , and heads t ot he
West Avenue Fac ilit y.
. When Ed get s t o Vic ' s fac ilit y, Vic sc ans all of t he c ont ainers ont o shelves wit h his
PDT3100. When he has finished. he downloads t he. dat a from t he PDT3100 t o a
t ransfer file. He t hen uses t he PTD31 00 Remot e program t o send t he file over t o t he
host c omput er at t he Main St reet fac ilit y.
Bac k on Main St reet . Carol proc esses t he informat ion from Vic ' s sc anner. All 50
c ont ainers arc added t o t he syst em. RS-SQL knows t hat t he c ont ainc rs are st andard
lile boxes bec ausc of t he loc at ions ont o whic h t hey were first sc annc d, and t hat t hey
belong t o Cit y Hospit al bec ause of t he barc ode numbers assigned t o t hem.
Remote Employee
Vic , as a Remot e Employee. is able t o use RS-SQL from his remot e sit c almost as if
he were in t he Main St reet warehouse. lie c an c all in t hrough a remot e c onnec t ion
and ac c ess t he full RS-SQL syst em wit hout having t he program inst alled at his
remot e sit e. He c an c onduc t daily warehouse operat ions wit h a PDT31 00 and
download t he informat ion t o a file t hat is t ransferred t o t he host for proc essing. He
c an also c reat e workorders and pic k list s as well as print or download t hose pic klist s
Remote Communications - 11- 1
_ ... _'
into his PDT3100. lie has full access capabilitics without having a system or
database installed on his computer.
Remote Employees are differentiated inthe system through the User Type field in
the User Setup area of the Administration program. Instead of being given a
status of Standard, they are given that of Remote Employee. You can then give them
access to functions that are appropriate for them, as you did with standard
Setting up Remote Users
To add a remote cmploycc to thc systcm, li'OIIl the Administration program,
Options mcnu, selcct User and Ii'omthe User submcnu, select Users. Click Add
and enter the information for your remote employee as you would for a standard
employee. The only difTerence would bethe User Type field, where you select
Remote Employee.
: < t
': .
.J ;: ll\
c : : t t
'fN;;iiii~itif();;-Addi;;;~;;; - ..- ._ ._ ---_ ...-
J Email 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NET SEND
.1cm;;;;tr,;;1;;I.;;;;;;;.-;;~--------. ".
;: .A~counl Accen list I ' < III AepOII FOImats ,
,I ,Function Access lid I [IJ Table Toolba, FOImat
;.j,'....:,.;;:-,,,. -----
"OOM');i@"'fJ ~J }.>,,.i>~~ ..~,,! _
I ~:::. i-~~ .... ' : ] 1 ... , ; H i .
1_ ~~:~~~_ t=:_ ~_ -I-,. ..),;"'. '-, -,;.>
r'~-: : ~yp: - ..-.~~mote"~mPIOyeem.
Use, Status IAclive IE;.
Account Accen IAll by del ault IJ ] .'
ItemSecu,ity Code ~.,: : ,'
OK Cancel I ! : ! elp
Adjust the Account Access for the employee and give access as appropriate.
When a user who is sct up as a Remote Employee logs into the system, the following
prompt appcars.
(~ Are you logging on froma remote site?
{ .
{: ','.
~( t
V: ~: .
Click Yes to log the user on as a Remote Employee.
11-2. Remote Communications
RemoteCommunications. 11-3
~lowse .... Cancel
Toinslalllo IIdifferentlolder.c6ck BlOwseend telect another
Toinslall Next.
, Destination Folder' --. .. ' - ,-- -_.o-
j C\...\RSSQLPDT3100Remote B!owse... I'
1__ " __ ~ ~_ - - - ---~
/.~ ;/:.. : ~ :. <-
Set u p w i l l i n s t al l PDT3100Rem o t e i n t h e f o l l o w i n g fot.d.~': '::
YOIJ can choose not toinstall PDT3100 Remote by clicking
Cancel toexitSetup.
Type the name of a program, folder. document, orJ nternet
resource, and Windows will open it for you .
:Ii ..-..m
.' ..Qpen: I E : \rscomm\setrJ p. exE1
.r::T Fii.m in DSr(lC'F.' ? : } : , : : ; r ; ;
Choose Destination Location; ';'< c." : ,....... ; " .: ...: ..,. : " 13
Select Program Folder dialog: The installation program places theprogram icon.
inthe RSSQL f(}lder. I fyoll would like toplace itelsewhere. select another folder.
Otherwise. elick Next.
E xit all programs onyour computer and insert theRS-SQL CD into theCD ROM
drive of your computer. From theStart menu. select Run. Click Browse and select
your CD ROM drive. therscomm folder and thesetup.exe program. Click OK,
and th~ PDT31 00 Remote I nstallation program runs.
Choose Destination Location dialog: Theinstallation program installs the
Remote PDT3 100program inthe default directory of C: \Program
Files\RSSQLPDT3100Remote. I f you would likethe program toreside
elsewhere. click Browse and select another destination. Otherwise, click Next.
In s t al l at i o n o n t h e Rem o t e Em p l o yee's Wo rks t at i o n

.': : .

< .

' i .

.;~~~..>: .
S"lup will add ~~I'~I~mkon~1(.the Plo';)fllm Foldclli~lad b~low,
'lOl.lIMI' 1.1'1'''' a MW 'old~l nM"". 01 ~~l~cl one hom Ihe ~xil'l"lQ
F, lIllo, ~lid ClII t. th..)(1tel c t"'ltlllllC'l
(!1ack Hex' >
ErOQI,~mrold r$:
' .

; " .

[ .
,: .
E~i:,ting Foldels:
:i\J;~';;; 10(4: Il'OlltffIOf-. I
(,hi,. : IC)\.CIt~r~
C1i~n',~I~3. 0
h1c.t..Iee Vi,usScan NT
Microsoft Dllice 97
hliclOsoll OfficeTool:
IAicrowlt SQL Server 7,0
,(. 6J J Yv. /HERE32

Start Copying Files dialog: This dialog simply allows you to confirm the".
Destination Folder and the Program Folder that you selected in the previous dialogs.
Click Next, and the installation process takes place..
S elup has enough informal.ionto slall copying the progrilmfilef, ,
If Y OIJ warl to ,eview or change any $ettings. click Back, If you '
ale cal.isfied with the setti1gs. click Next to begin copying files,
Cturent Setting..:
C:\PrO\;]lllrn F i1<os\RSSQ LPOT 31OORemote
. :_ > .._ ; ......... ,:_ ~_ .- .: ~._ ~ _ ._ ~
Setting the Remote Site Number
RSCOMM(16-bit Versions)
If on Windows NT workstation:
From the Start menu, select Settings. then Control Panel. Double- click the
System icon. Click the Environment tab. Type "RSREMOTE" for the Variable
and your site number for the Value. and click Set.
NOTE: The remote site number can have a maximum of two digits. It can be any
number between I and 99.
11-4. Remote Communications



C , : o

i~.'> .
":- ..:_ - ;
; '.
\:. ; :

\,- .":."


% 2: ;
. . .
Cancel . 1
User Profiles
. ;" . ;,.
.S~t I . Qetetej .
OK . Cancel "' 1 ' . !\rd,' FI
Hardware Profiles
IR5REf"1 0TE
1 0 1 1
: Value
C:\F'rogr.;m Files\Seagate Software\Open 0 .._
C:\"' . ,fIN 1 .1T\s'.'Slem32\cmd e:~e
C:\Plogr.3m Files\Micro:;olt Hardware
C: \I H Fl E St:1 T
fu' slem Variables:
Startupr' Sh' J tdown
General I
Variable [:!ame:
User Variables for Lariza:
Y. :3riill:ll' :l. . . . . . . . . _.:'yalu" ,
TH. . 1 P C:\TEMP
TMP C:\TH. . 1 P
NOTE: The above examples use the Remote Site 0 1 . You will want to change the
remote site number to correspond with your Remote Site.
~ariable: IRSREMOTE
VaJ ue: 1 0 1
If on Windows 2000 Professional workstation:
From the Start menu, select Settings and Control Panel. Double-click the
System icon. Click the Advanced tab. Click Environment Variables. I n the
top box (lI' the Uscr Variables I name] click New, and type in the Variable Name
of" RSREMOTE." I n the Variable Value box. type in your remote site number.

' .


i .
c .

' .

' .
RSCOMM32 (32-bit Version)
The environment variable RSREMOTE lI sed in the 1 6-bit application RSCOMM no
longer exists in the 32-bit application RSCOMM32.
When running RSCOMM32 under the Options menu,PDT31 0 0
Communication. if the Site Number does not exist or is equal to zero, the
Remote Site Number dialog appears,
Remote Communications. 1 1 -5

" .
i .

: .

: : .


: ; ,
:. -
. .-: .
. i ,

Site Number
Site Number
E ,gt
i' Remote~te Number. :'. ~,_ J ll~: :;
To reset the Remote Site Number, enter
the new one
Qptions t!elp
f!rowse Host and Remote Files
I: OT3100 Communication
Qatawand Communication
Remote Site Number has not been set.
Please enter it now
Change the Site Number and click OK to continuc.
When you select this menu option the same Remote Site Number dialog shown
above appears.
If the site number has bcen previously set. the dialog displays a different message,
allowing you to change the cunent site number.
E nter a valid site. number (range 1-99) and click OK. You can then proceed as
Vou can also set or reset the Remote Site Number in RSCOMM32. under the menu
option Remote Site Number.
NOTE : If the Remote Site Number is not set up. users of different languages will
only see E nglish.
11- 6. Remote Communications


. '

: .
c : .
, .
. ~

r .

( .
{,: :

~: --: '.".
~~: >
, .
~. .

C .
i~':::~ .~
-;'::':'. "
Terminal Server
Mic rosoft Windows 2000. Terminal Server Servic e (or Terminal Server for short) is
used to distribute Windows 2000 desktops to rc mote sites. The desktop on a remote
c omputer will appear as if it is running the software loc ally. however all applic ation
proc essing is ac tually happening at the Terminal Server. It allows aremote user to
open the host site's desktop right on top of their o\\'n and usethe software without
ac tually having it installed Oil their c omputer.
What the Host Site Can Do
Sending Picklists andRoute Ops to Remote Sites
Pieklists and Route Ops c an be.sent to aremote site through afile transfer.
NOTE: If you are sending data to multiple remote sites. c omplete the following
steps for eac h remote site. Remember to enter the c orrec t remote site number.
otherwise the pic klist or \Vorkorder that was intended for one remote site wiII be sent
to the wrong remote site.
To send apic klist to a remote the Workorders table. mark all workorders
you want to c reate a pic klist for.- (If you are c hoosing to Selec t Items' from
workorders. mark the items to be inc luded on this pic ldisl.) Under the Options
mc nu. selec t Pic klist. then All Items to PDT3100. and onc e inthe PDT3100
C ommunic ate Only dialog box.c lic k For Remote. The C reate Remote
C ommunic ations File dialog box appears asking you !{)ra2-digit number that
represents the remote site to whic h the pic klist needs to be transferred. C lic k OK and
the systc m tells you th: it it c rc ated a file f(J r transmission to the remote site. When
RS-SQL c reates a file f{)rtransfer. it gives the namc of the filea meaning that allows
the program at a remote site to rec ognize whic h files are intended for that site.
Route Ops
As with Pic c an send Route Ops for the PDT3 100to aremote site to
instruc t the employees there what to do on their rounds. Fromthe Workorder table.
mark the workorders to be downloaded to a PDT3 100 for delivery, and selec t Route
Ops to PDT3100. In the PDT C ommunic ate Only dialog box. c lic k For
Remote. The C reate Remote C ommunic ations File dialog box appears asking
you for a2-digit number that represents the remote site to whic h the Route Ops
needs to be transferred. C lic k OK and the system tells you that it c reated a file for
transmission to the remote site. When RS-SQL c reates afile for transfer. it gives the
name oUhc filc a mc aning that allows the program at a remote site to rec ognize
whic h files are intended for that site.
Processing Data fromRemote Sites
When aremote employee downloads data from a PDT3100. the system c reates a
transfer file that is sent to your host site using Terminal Server and aremote
c onnec tion. The information c an be proc essed at the host site.011 another
workstation. or the remote employee c an proc ess it through remote ac c ess.
Remote Communications. 11-7
NOTE: You will not be notified whcn data has been trans/erred to your host sitc. I t
will be necessary to complete a Process Only in ordcr to know if data has bcen
scnt to you.
,~ i:8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-What Remote Employees Do
Access and UseRS-SQL
As a rcmote employee, you may have full access to the RS-SQL program or as much
as you are given by the system administrator.
To access the host computer, and thereby enter the RS-SQL system, make sure that
your remote connection is available and open the terminal server program. Once
communication is established, your computer screen displays exactly what is .
showing on the host computer's screen. From this point, you can enter RS-SQL and
conduct business as you would at the host facility.
Logging In
When you log into the RS-SQL system and enter your namc and password, the
syslclll notlccs that you are a rcmote employee and asks iryou are logging on J j'OI l1a
remote site. Since you arc, click Yes. From this point on, you can usc RS-SQL
exactly as you do from the host site, except for downloading data from your
PDT3l00. For infonnation on downloading, sec the following sections.
Download Barcode Lengths to the PDT3100
NOTE: Barcode lengths only need to be downlo~ded if scanning boxes is the first
thing you will be doing with the PDT3 ]00. Once barcode lengths have been loaded,
they will not need to be reloaded again unless you cold boot your PDT3l 00. You do
not need to download barcode lengths if Route Ops, a picklist or arefile list has been
sent to the PDT3100. The barcode length infonllation is contained in these files.
From the Terminal Server session, login to Operations with a Remote
Employee's I D and password. You are prompted with a message asking if you are
logging on from a remote site. CIick Yes.
From the Options menu, select Datawand/PDT3100. Then from the Options
menu select PDT3100 and Communicate Only. The following dialog box
11-8. Remote Communications
' .
,@ l

i: 1
.. "
.~'": >.
Cancel' I_ _ O_ K_
Files tobe elCch<J Oged ----........ --.--: l
To Host I I 00 I I ~iie\'l Fill,s I I
FromHost . . ------.
'p[t'i.eaie..P[j 'fT :'I 'iej I
= ::::::::::::::.:.:.::::::.:::.:: .. :::::.:::::::'::':.::::::'.. _ _ ~._ ._ ._ _ ._ . _ _ .. J
Remote Directory
NOT E: I f this isthefirst time theremote employee istrans/erring communication
files, the remote sitenumber defaults to "~I" and theremote directory field isblank.
Enter your remote sitenumber and select your remote directory. T he remote
directory needs to bethedirectory where rscomm.exe \\'as installed. Click Browse
tolocate the directory. T hedj rectory, however, will not appear to beon thesame
driveas it was i'lstalled because you are browsing for it through a terminal server
session. T he terminal server session maps theremote workstation's drives to
diffcrent drives on theterminal scrver"{e: becomes V. D: becomcs U. and soon) .
T hedirectory that you will normally choose isV:\I 'rogram
Files\RSSQLPDT 3100Remote .
Remote Site Number 1
Transfer Options
. CI ~eckthe box next to --Create PDT 'nitia'ization File," and click OK.
You are prompted with thefilename that was created and has been automatically
transferred to the Remote Directory. Click OK.
T o upload the barcode lengths filc to the Remote Employee's PDT 31 00, run the
PDT 3100 Remote program from the local workstation.
Select Receive Only and click OK.
On thc PDT 3100. fromtheMain menu. highlight Communications and press
Enter. T he scanner becps and offcrs thc following message:
I nsert PDT 3100 into Cradle, Press ENT ER key when ready
I 'utthe I 'DT 31 00 into itscradic and press its Enter button. You will seethc
communication process begin on the screen of your Pc.
You arc promptcd whcn communication iscomplcte. Click OK. thcn Done toclose



( .:'
{ .
( : .
\~' '.
L .
Remote Communications. 11-9
" c p
Send Information from the PDT3100 to the
ROUTE OPS scanning. you will want to send that information from your PDT31 00
to the dalabase.
Run the PDT3100 Remote program on the local workstation. The following dialog
box appears:
hoose an option for communicating withthe PDT3100:
~~. I~~~=::::::~~G
Ilcccivc NewIlcfile lisls Only
Select Rec eive Only, and click OK to see the PDT3100 Communic ate Only
dialog box:
I;'h ..,
Please in'ert POT3100 into cradle ..
,Senion" _.... . _- _-_ .
\J !:l'
Send begin
Recv PDT3100 version
Recv common data
Recv updated pick list
Recv updated reassign lis
Recv updated delivery list
Recv new pickup list
Recv itemized pickup list .
Recv updated relile list
Recv record center ops
'Send clear
'Send barcode lengths
Send company name
Send PC date and time
Send end
Successful sessions:
, Progress:
In progress ...
'PDT3100lPC Date and Time"-'--'~-'-'-'---
Difference in minutes: .0 I
; ~__ ._. __ ._ __ ~., H_H ~. __ ., _ !
.' [~~l~;i~:~i:~ i i l l i ~ i i : a : ~ ~ I-:~.-._--_._--_._--_...--------
11-10. Remote Communic ations
Transf,;r Remote COmmunicatiori File. :;. ," ',-, ',' -. ., . ", ,; 13
Remote Site Number 1~1 ~
r!)eate POT Initialization File
To Host
..Files to be exchanged
'.-,'TransFer Options
:'d"jlueue [jI\~!m!r;m;:ifii
." , .
, < I . Remote Directory
L _ .
You sec the number or files to be trans(cn'cd to the host or transferred from the host
in this dialog box. Click OK.
This next step should only be perfonned by those designated to process
communication sessions. Under the Options menu. click Process Only.
Once your dump has been processed. you can view the results at the bottom of the
Communication Sessions table. You are able to see how many items were
scanned. and if there were any Exceptions.
Download the PDTJ IO(). and you receive a message saying "Created RSRxxx.RQI
(II' transmission to I [ost."' Click OK, and the download is completed. Click Done to
close the program .
If you are not already logged in. fFUmthe Terminal Server session login to
Operations with a Rcmote Employee's II) and password. You arc prompted with a
mcssage asking iryou arc logging on li'om a remote site. Click Yes .
From the Options menu. select Datawand/PDT31 00. Then from the Options
menu select PDT3100 and Communicate Only. The following dialog box


,- ..
" :'.
< 'e

, .
" .
C .
f ' .

, - , .
/ .
{ ~,
~., .'"
Send Information to the Remote PDT3100
Transmitting Workorders or aPickUst
If you are not already logged in. from the Terminal Server session login to
Operations with a Remote Employee's ID and password. You are prompted with a
message asking if you are logging on from a remote site. Click Yes.
Create your workorders or picklist. or query for the workorders if they have already
been created for you. '
Under the Options menu. select the proper option to send the information to a
Picklist, All Items to PDT3100
Route Ops to PDT3100
C .
Re mote Communications- 11- 11

' i '
Cancel OK
Files to be ellchanged
I ' .. 0
I 0
Remote Direclory
The following dialog box appears:
~~llll1nlrfi.~ti~;";"{i. ".l"'~',o.,
Remote Site Number 1_
.Transfer Options
Make sure that your Remote Site Number"appears.correctly. You should see the
number of files that will be transmitted to you from the host. click OK,
you are prompted that the Ii Iewas transmitted automatically to your local
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you enter the wrong remote site number. you wi-llnot
receive the liles that were created I(J r your re1l1otesite. VOl J CAN ONLV RECEIVE
enter the wrong site number by mistake. notify the record center immediately. Tell
them the number you entered for the site nU!llber. If you do not know the site number
you entered. you need to tell them the time that you entered the number. The file
needs to be deleted. and they will deed this infonnatioll to locate it
From your local workstation run the PDT3100 Remote program. If you received
an electronic picklisL the liJ llowing dialog box appears:
11-12. RemoteCommunications
PDTj100 Communicationi Options . ,-' .....:;. ".. '.-' .. " ." E 3

' .


hoose an option for communicating withthe PDT3100;
.R.~f..~'.Y .~.J !.~Iv. . . ! .. ,
Receive NewRefile Lists Only
Picklist 08/1512000 11: 19(rsh0895b.r05)
CQntents: .
If you received workorders. the following dialog box appears:
OK' . 1
~~. ,;': ",


. . ~:
C .
i. .
( .
. . . .
C .
hoose an option for communicating withthe PDT3100: I. . . _ _O_K __ . J
~:~~!~:2. :. ~ . . R;;f~i~T~~iso;:;ly -- - --..-- -- -- _ ! "I'Cancel I
Route Ops 08/1512000 12:38Irsh093f3.(05)
Y ou can select which files or individual items to send to the PDT3 100. This gives
you the ability to receive multiple files from the host computer and load them into
separate PDT3 100.s. Select the Picklist or Route Ops files that you created, and click
OK. Y ou receive the familiar PDT31 00Communication dialog box. Now you
are ready to put the PDT31 00 in the cradle and communicate.
On the PDT3 100. from the Main menu. highlight Communications and press
E nter. The scanner beeps and offers thefollowing message:
Insert PDT31 00into Cradle, Press E NTE Rkey when re~dy
Put the PDT3IOO into its cradle and press its E nter button. Y ou will see the
communication process begin on the screen of your PC.
Rcmember. communicating with the I'DT3100 automatically takes all data from the
PDT3100. This means that if you had scanned with the PDT3100 before placing it in
the cradle. the information would be taken from the PDT3 100 and sent to your
computer's hard disk. waiting to betransmitted to the database. (See Send
Information from the PDT31 00 to the Database section.)
Remote Communications. 1 1 -1 3
Creating aRefile List
Sean the Filcl'olders or Tapes that need to be refiled.
From your local workstation run the P DT31 00 Remote program. The following
dialog box appears:
~hoose an option for communicating with the POT3100:
Receive 0nlv
I Cancel I
Select Receive New Refile List Only, and click OK. The PDT3100
Communicate Only dialog box appears.
Download the PDT3100, receive-a message saying '-Created RSRxxx.RO I
for transmission to Host." Click OK, and the download is completed.
If you are not already logged in. frol11the Terminal Server session login to
Operations with aRemote Employee's ID and password. You are prompted with a
message asking if you arc logging on from aremote site. Click Yes.
From the Options menu. select Filing. then Filefolders or Tapes. Click the
Load Refile List from Remote Site tool bar button, and the following dialog box
appears: Q
",~~,~JI ;".i'>.' '.', 'l::E l
I[ = = :._ :! ! ~ ~ :::= \ I
Canc~(/ I
.khoose aRemote Refile list
;: Refile List 08/18/2000 14:32
\ .-, ~ ''
Select the Remote Reftle List. and click OK. After the file is loaded, the Filefolders
or Tapes appear on your table.
11-14. RemoteCommunications
I - Z'. ~ancel
'y'ie\'i Files
Files to beexchanged'
I 0
I 0
.R.~~.~j:~~Q.nly. _._ _ :;. j . , . 3 . . , .
Receive NewRefileLists Only
Refile List 08118/2000 14:47 (rshOae26.rOl)
'<!;hoosea~oPtion for communicating with thePOT3100:
Remote Communications" 11-15
Transfer Options
R emote Site Number 1~1 _
PDT3 100 Communications Options :;: . . . ' , . ", : . '. . ~~:. . 13
Remote Oircctwy
Transfer.Remote'.cClfnmunication Files.'~' '.-,",.<.: '..;.: ..... ~.:"','.' ". . 13
Select the Rcfile Lisl. and click OK. The POT3100Communicate Only dialog
hox appears. Put Ihe I'DT3 1 00 inlo Ihe cr:ldlc and COllllllunicate.
Once you have compleled rcliling Ihe Filell. llders or Tapes. you need 10send thai
in/ormalion 10 the dalabase. (See Send b!to1'motionji- 01I l the PDT3100 10 the
Database section. )
Click the Refile List to PDT3100 toolbar button. and the following dialog box
Click OK, and you receive a message saying "Created file RSHxXx. ROI in selected
directory. " The refile list is now on your local workstation waiting to be loaded to
your PDT3 100 .
Run the PDT3100 Remote program on your local workstation. The following
dialog box appears:



{ ~:-


< .

\ , -/
( .
z .
, .
Remote Reload Workorder
For Illore inl(lrlllation on reloading workorders. see the Reload frOIll PDT3} 00
section in the Work orders chapter.
. .
Reloading workorders from the Remote PDT3 100 to the Workorder table involves
three dinerent steps.
I. From your local workstation. run the Remote program to create an
RSWxxx.Rxx file.
2. TranslCr this lile to the host.
3. Reload the Workorders hom the RSWxxx.R.-..:x file.
The"following sections explain these steps in more detail.
Creating an RSWxxx.Rxx File
16-bit versions
From your local workstation. run the PDT3100 Remote program. Select Receive
and Reload Workorder and then click OK.
... .i'::' I
!:.hoosean optionlor communicating w;lhthe POT3100:
f.!~!'~'Y.!;.J !l]!v.......................
Receive NewRefile lists Only
Receive and Reload Vlorkorder
This will dump data cUlTently in the PDT31 00 and create an RSRxxx.Rxx file as
before. It will also RSWxxx.R:xx file, which contains all the Workorders
that need to be reloaded to the Workorder table. .
(DCreated RSW066DO.ROl for transmission to
Hos t .
Click OK to continuc. (You can run RSBROWSE. which is descrihed later in this
chapter. if you want to view the contellts of this file.)
11-16. Remote Communications
\ : ..

\ ::x .
Inthc 32-bit vcrsioll. RSCOMM and RSBROWSEarc combined: RSCOMM32. The
program works thesameasdescribed above. but you access thebptions inadifferent
way. RuntheRemote PDT Communications program..Under theOptions
menu. select PDT3100 Communication. The PDT3100 Communication
Options dialog appcars. Thcn continucthe samc as in thc 16-bitversion.
Select the Browse Host and Remote Files menu option tobrowsefiles.
Transferring~"Fileto Host
Youcan transfer Remotefiles using RS-SQL Operations. Log intoOperations as a
Remote User. FromtheOptions menu. select Datawand/PDT31 00. Theninthe
Communications Sessions table, under theOptions menu selectPDT3100,
then Communicate Only. The Transfer Remote Communication Files
dialog appears.
!!.irectories: c:\plOjects\rssql\rswins-l \run
Cancel j
Network.__ . 1
127 c:\
127 projects
127 rssql
127 RSWINS-l
LJ Encrvpt
II2l c:
List Files 01 Ivpe:
IWorkorder Files (RSW'.3]
Workordellile created 1/1512002 09:28
Workorder: 00000134
WOlkordel: 00000136
Workorder: 00000137
1 "5W(J (jwu. nUI
32-bit versions..



. ; '.

'". ( .
( .

< .
; .
G .
Remote Communications. 1 1 -1 7
Reloading Workorders From the RSWxxx.Rxx Files



, :'. ':. ::". "

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: . : :.
.! : : .

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r - '

i : '
t , .
\. . ::, '
( .
C .
( ~.
t ~:
~: ~
. Time~lampJ
Filename . '"
OK , . , " I
, Time~t ilmp I
2002/01/16 0805
2002/01/16 0805
2002/01/16 0805
2002/01/15 15 36
2002/01/15 15:36
2002/01/15 15:36
2002/01/16 08:05
Fil~l1~me .
RSROt. . 4CFR01
RSR06. 4D3. R01
RSROt. . 4D4R01
RSWU6. 4CB. R01
Te, Host
, Remote Site Number I FJ
'( Transfer ( I ~tions----'--"--'------"'" . .-. ,. . ---. --. -. -. ---. -. ---. --~-- . .
I Q u e' .i !;' iii<::, fef i'a~. I ~, i, , 1
I . 8emote Directory
I J ECTS\RSSQL \RS\, I /I NSQL32\RSCOt-AM32 !!rowse
I r- Files to be exehanged-----------. ---------. - ~' -
i !ToHost' ro. , . '. . " , ',
, I , r;:;- \}I Bi', ' F , I t::: , I .
I I ' jFrom Host I 0 . - . ',
l rCreate PDT I nitializationFile ' "
_ I _ ' , . -. -. -, --. = ~~= = = ~:= ::. = ::::: . .:~_ . . : _ ~= = _ = - : : = : = _ _ = _ _ ._ _ '. ._
r I nclude RSCOMM Te:-:tTranslation
I nOperat ions. Opt ions menu. select Workorder. The Workorder t able
appears. Select Opt ions. t hen Reload Workorder from PDT300. if t here are any
RSWxxx. Rxx files ill lhe cOlllmon direclory. t he followingdialog appears.
NOTE: Remot e files can also be t ransferred from t he Workorder t able. under t he
Opt ions menu. Reload Workorder from PDT3100. This brings up t he same
Transfer Remot e C ommunicat ion Files dialog shownabove.
Transferring remot e files (RSI b: : xx. llx. . x)t o t he C ommon direct ory on t he Host will
also t ransfer t he RSWxxx. Rxx files. C lick View Files t o show t he RSWxxx. I lxx
files as well.
11-18. Remote Communications
00 you wanllo reload fr~mfile?
The RSBROWSE Utilit~
There are remote file(s) lhal workorders
can be reloaded from
Files created at host site for transfer to remote
Files created at remote site for transfer to host
Example: Remole site 03 (i.e.: RSR*.R03. RSH*.R03)
Remote site 02 (i.e.: RSR*.R02. RSH*.R02)
Files nol processed. dumped at nclwork workstation or
converted fi'omremote dump to processing status
Type "C:\Program
Files\RSSQLPDT3100Remole\Rsbrowse.exe" and press
Select dalabase directory.
,You are able 10view contenIs of host and remote dump files THAT
Use the drop down alTow to select aremote file from the list of available files. Click
Yes to reload the workorders fromthe selected file. The Workorder table displays
with those workorders loaded. After the RSWxxx.Rxx file has been reloaded, it will
be deleted.
If you choose No, the Transfer Remote Communication Files dialog appears.
RSI3ROWSE isauti1ily that can he used to viQwthe contents ofColllll1unication
Session files before processing. To view these files:
From the Start menu, select Run,
PDT3100 Communication Session Files
; - .
' .


/ .



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Remote Communications. 11-19

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Sy.stem-Generated Reports

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12. Reporting
RS-SQL offers sets of canned reports to help you report on information that cannot
be accessed by printing tables (see Printing section). The report function also offers
. summary infi. mnation. and allows you to print container. lilcfi. )lder and tape contents
and descriptions. Reports are generated using Queries (for more information on
queries. see Que!)' section) to pull the information you need.
Through the Operations program, Options menu. there are five Report options:
Container Reports, Filefolder Reports, Tape Reports, Other Reports and
Custom Reports. Through the Administration program. Options menu you
can acccss Transaction reports which include Base Transactions and Account
Transaction Reports .
Container Reports avajlable include: Containcrs by Account. Containcr Activity.
Containcrs to be Destroycd. C< intainers Out of the Warehouse and Alternate ID
Cross Reference.
Filefolder Reports available include: Filefolders by Account. Filefolder Activity.
Filefolders to be Destroycd. and Filefolders Out of the Warehouse.
Tapes Reports available include: Tapes by Account. Tape Activity. Tapes to be
Destroyed, and Tapes Out of the Warehouse.
Other Reports include: Location Report and Contracts Expiring.
Custom Reports are available through O'Neil Software, Inc.
Transaction Reports include all [lase or Account Transactions that meet the
specified criteria.
When a desired report has been selected, adialog box similar to the one below
appears which allows you to determine printer specifications. and define the
appropriate query to access the information you need. You may select sort criteria
and choose any additional information that is available for that report.
Reporting. 12-1
------_ . ~

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c o .
t :.



-:. ::'

Setup Sort I
SetupCols I
Load '1
Save I
Cancel . ,
Help I
. . . . . . . . --. - . . . . . -. . . -----1
. . . ._ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ - _ . ._ _ . . 1
~:~a;ner'LeveI1 AccounlCode =,:~~- ;:~~ . . ~ . . . . . m ' I OK I
I Se1 u~Prinler I
I Setup Query I
r'Sort fields .
i f7 field 1 . A. cCOIJ nt Code
i r:- field 2 Code
f7 Field 3
rfield 4
Accourd Options
PCombineLevel 2 wtth Leve! 1
[". Prinler Informillion . . .
j Printer: Defautt Prin1 er (HP
U'$er,iel 5 o n
SC804674 _ P2)
r. Reporllnformalion
I. . . . . I
J r Summery Only
I . 'r Prinl Descriptions
Ie Print Conlerds
L. . _ .
!font 1 2. 0 pt Courier
I I MalQlns
! Lelt 0. 00I
i Right 0. 00
! I
I Top 0. 00 J
1 _ ==":'1
Report Print D. ialog
Printer Information
Yo u c an set up yo ur print er t o print yo ur repo rt in t he manner t hat best suit s yo ur
purpo ses. Thro ugh t his area yo u c an selec t a print er (any t hat are available t o . yo ur
c o mput er), a fo nt and it s size. as well as t he page margins. Clic k t he Setup Printer
but t o n o n t he left o f t he dialo g bo x t o ac c ess t he Print Setup dialo g bo x and c hange
any o ft he Print er lnfo nnat io n.
Print er selec t io n: Quit e o ft en. t he invo ic es yo u generat e in RS-SQL are print ed o n
do t mat rix print ers, bec ause yo u print o n mult i-part fo rms. Ho wever, RS-SQL allo ws
yo u t o easily c hange t he print er yo u are using. so yo u c an print t o whic hever print er
is mo re c o nvenient . Mo st repo rt s are set up t o be print ed o n a wide c arriage print er.
Ho wever, sinc e yo u c an no w c hange yo ur print er set up, yo u c an wo rk aro und t hat by
making t he fo nt size smaller o r set t ing t he print er t o print o ut in a ho rizo nt al, o r
landsc ape, o rient at io n. Clic k t he Setup Printer but t o n t o ac c ess available print ers
and print er o pt io ns.
Fo nt : If yo u are using a do t mat rix print er. we suggest yo u o nly use fo nt s t hat sho w a
print er ic o n next t o t hem. These fo nt s are read by yo ur print er as fo nt s - any o t hers
are read as graphic s. If yo u c ho o se ano t her fo nt . t he print er default s int o graphic s
mo de, slo wing t he print t ime dramat ic ally. (Iryo u are using a high-reso lut io n laser
print er, True Type fo nt s wo rk flue. ) If yo u aren't sure abo ut a fo nt . give it a t I)'. If t he
print er print s o nly o ne direc t io n. o r t ravels ac ro ss t he same line mo re t han o nc e, it is
ingraphic s mo de. Clic k t he Selec t Fo nt but t o n t o ac c ess available fo nt s and sizes.
Margins: Yo u c an det ermine t he margins fo r t he pages o f yo ur repo rt s. This is
helpful if yo u are go ing t o put t he repo rt s int o a binder: yo u c an set a wider margin
o n t he lell side where t he ho les will be punc hed. Ent er t he appro priat e margins, in
inc hes, in t he margin fields.

i .
(. :::'.
( '
1 2- 2 Reporting
. = ] 1
. - : . 1 1
. - : . 1 1
. - : . 1 1 ~
Cancel I. _ _ !!_ e_ IP _ _
p"Field 1
p"Field l
p"Field ;!
p" Field1
Reporting. 1 2- 3
You can set your report tosort inany order you like, with limits. When you click
Setup Sort, the following dialog box appears .
Sort Fields
Irthere arepredetermined sort' criteria. thefirst field or two are filled in, and you
won't beabletochange them. You can. however. choose tohave those or any field
sort by descending order by clearing thecheck box totheleft ofthe field, When you
click thearrow onthe right of thefields. you see what fields will show on thereport.
Through these fields. and thecheck boxes onthe left, you can choose which fields
thereport will besorted by.
Setup Columns
This function - accessed through theSetup Cols button ontheright of the Report
dialog. allows you tochange theway thecolumns appear onyour report. When you
click thebulton. a table appears which lists each column that nonnaHy appears on
this report.
The columns onthis table show you theoptions you have inprinting each field inthe
report, Each row onthe table represents acolumn onthereport. However, you have
many options available intheprinting of each column. To edit each column of the
report individually. highlight oneonthis table and click Edit. To change two or
more columns gl<lbally. mark them onthis table and select Global Edit from the
Options menu. The Global Edit dialog box offers thesame options, without the
individual editing available through theindividual Edit dialog box. Therefore, only
the Edit dialog box is discussed indetail here.
As mentioned beforc, each row intheSetup Report Columns table represents a
column inyour report. To change theway that c61 unm appears onthe report, click
the row tohighlight it, thcn click Edit. The following dialog box appears. This
dialog allows you todetermine exactly how thecolumn appears (or does not appear)
The Query helps limit theamount of data that appears onyour report. When you
define a query. only data that satisfies thequery is included onyour report. Keep in
mind that thetype of report already limits . thedata that is considered. For example, a
Container Report only includes data for container items, and a Filefolder Activity
Report only includes activity data for filefolders. The query serves,to further limit
the data, Click the Setup Query button onthe right ofthe Report dialog box to
access theQuery dinlog box. Sec Quel:I' section for detailed information oncreating
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If this box is checked, the column appears on the rep0l1. If it is not, the column does
not appear on thc report. regardless of any other setting on this dialog box. If the box
is grayed out. this field is required on the report and you can't tum it off.



; ::c.

. <1
( ',,121&
' C i P
r BightJustified
r ~enter wnh nelrt<olumn
rC~nterwtth next colURlfl i
r beft Justified
tleod/nlll/nc ; :
lIe.ding Une 1
i I!cat-Uno hurt
i wl!old
!".OctIllU fOf"ffiat ,. .. ~.
I ..rD la,:,~text on I'"cpeat
l:" '.l!.et8UFont I
Print Column
This is thc namc of thc RS-S()L licit! that is to hc printcd. If "custom" is entcred
here. it is a ficld that is gCllcratcd intcrnally by thc systcm and is not taken directly
from the datahase. Rcgardless. this field cannot be changed. In the dialog box above,
the report is Containers by Account. the field is Code. so thdnfomlation that is
represented in this column is the c:9ntainers' barcode nUl11be'rs.or Container lOs.
This is the number of characters available in this RS-SQL field. The actual width of
aprinted column varies, howe\ier depending on the width of your paper and the total
number of columns to be printed on the report. If your data does not use all the space
available (for example. if your container barcodes are only 8characters, you won't
need all 15available in the Container 10 field), you can change this number to allow
more space for other columns.
This is thc lIumbcr of blank spaces that appear before the current column prints. The
. first field printed in the report has this setting at zero and all other columns default at
one. You can set this to a higher number if you want more space between columns.
.< iJ
'. (~.
C ~

l '
12-4 Reporting
Heading Lines 1 and 2
These are the headings that appear across the top of each column in your report.
Some headings are long and therefore print on two lines (e.g. Category Code).
, e l '
C ( I
-:; <1
(':c'; ',
'~":; '
Center with next column.
Ifyou have two consecutive columns that are related, you can print either or both
heading lincs ccntcrcd bctwccnlhc two columns. For example, iryou arc printing the
Sequence Range Fromand Sequence Range Tofields next to each other, you
can have the words "Sequence Range" print just once and center them above "From"
and "To."
Sequence Range
The following screen captures show the heading formats necessary to complete this
heading formatting.
,-tkl.dklgFOfm": .
Htt.dktgllne 1
:, tt-dIOg lino t
!1~.dlng font 1
1....:11\,. ,~~ 11
( Sequence R","qc
IF7(.entef wtthnut colunwl
Ir~CfwfU'lne eoIumo
p - -
; DeC.nfOfm.t
rBhnt t.oxt onrap ea
j;<- :'~.A~"'I
Hal ijtjjt11'SjI.,1.
" !
p tr~~( ti~_'!~
c.w:ef I
~.' .HMding line 1
Hc.-dingllne 1
;.:~~ " ..
~ ~J r(.enllM wtlh",,( cOionn
-1'0-------, r<:t;nCetwtl..hne7.'lcolumn
i .

Heading Font
You can change the font for each column heading individually. If the heading font
field is blank, the system uses the default font specified in the main Rep ort Setup
dialog box, .
Bold, Italics, Underline (Heading Font)
Check these boxes to print your heading in bold, italic or underline,
Reporting. 12-5
Check these boxes to print the report detail in bold. italics or underlined font.
Report Heading
' ( .
r" :'- . ,'.
,. . .~::
~ . . ,.
( I I
( .
' .
' .
. ( t


i. :

:. ( 1)
Account 00 I
Account 002
Detail Font
To save a rcport lormat that you have just created. click Save. You are shown a
dialog box and can givc the I<lnnat a name. Once it is saved. click Load to recreate
the report as descrihcd ahovc.
The Load feature allows you to savc the setup in1<lnnation you have just established
to use again l'or lliture reports. If there is a speci fiereport that you create on arcgular
basis. you can save the sctup information and load it at a future timc. When you click
Load. a dialog box ajJpears where you c.anchoose from previously saved formats.
Select one and click OK. All the previously saved set up information appears on
your Report dialog.
You can change the lont for the data (report detail) that appears under the column
header. If the detail font is blank. the system uses the default font specified in the
main Report Setup dialog box.
Default J ustification, Left J ustified, Centered,Right
J ustified
This option allows you to give a title to this specific report. It can describe the report
or include the customer's name. The report automatically prints with the name of
Bold,Italics,Underline ( Detail Font)
BlankText onRepeat
If this column is repeated on consecutive lines. you can blank this column on the
second and any subsequent lines where the text is repeated. For example, if your
report is sorted by Account Level. the Level 1 account prints in the first line that
pertains to it. Then in the following lines that also pertain to that account the account
name does not appear. This can make a report easier to read - see the sample below:
Using defaultjustilicntion causes the report to left justify most columns. except
numeric. fields. which right justify. You can oven- ide this by choosing ajustification
.Jnanually. .
Click the OK button to save your formatting and return to the Report Print dialog
12-6 Reporting


,your company (as defined in Records Center Configuration). the title of the
report. and the date and time it was printed.
This information is report specific and varies with the report you are working on.
Options are describcd below.
Containers By Account
Container Reports
Account Options------,
oCombine Levell wtth Levell
oComhlne Level;!. with Level 2
oSl!llIm~'Y Only
oPrint I!escriptions
oPrint !;ontents
This report shows containers for a specinc account. The options available at the,
bottom of the dialog allow you to print just summary information. or you can choose
to include all data in the Container Descriptions. andlor Container Contents for each
container on the report. Keep in mind that this can make the report quite long. If no
options are chosen in the bottom of this dialog. just thc inl(J rInation for the containers
chosen by the query appear on the report.
Choosing "Combine I,evel J with I.evel raccounts takes all I.evel 3 containers and
combines them with (hose or Level 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Level I"
takes all Level 3 and Levcl 2containers and combincs thcm with Level I.'
" .



; .
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{. $; ,; . . ,
Container Activity
r-'Report Infonnation
Heading I I
oCont.lners Hefiled oContainers Des1royad oSl!mma'Y Only
Account 0p,tions
oCo~t.iners lidded .0Con1ainefS Delivered oPrint 1!000criptiens
oCornhlne L I Z with level,'1::
oContainers Acc~ed oPrtnt ~onten'"
oCombine t. l;}with'Level 2"
Information for this report is printed by Activity and Account. Each Activity for each
Account appears on apage. For instance. if you want activity for the Account
"jordan Apple Co." and "ABC Corp." a page prints for each Account and for each
Activity checked at the bottom oftli~ Report Information dialog box. One page
prints for J ordan showing all Containers Addcd through Wand. another with all
Containers Added Manually. one 1(11' all Containcrs Accessed. all Containers
Destroyed. etc. The samc pages print j{)r ABC .
Choosing "Combinc Level 3 with Level Taccounts takes all Level 3 containers and
combines them with those of Level 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Levell"
takes all Level 3 and Level 2 containers and combines them with Levell.
Reporting. 12- 7
Containers Out of the Warehouse
Alternate IDCross Reference
" , -
: , .

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(: .
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( .
; : : .
" " . : , . '
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: ( 1
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, .
, tt
: 11iIIl
. . ; \'!!J
Account Op1ions
oComhlne Le ve l ZwhhLe ve ll
oCOlllblne Le ve l J . withLe ve ll
ACCOUht Options
oCombln. Le ve l Zwith Le ve ll
oCombine Le ve l J . with Le ve ll
oPrlnll!e scrlp,lons
oPrint !: onte nls
H ~~d lng l == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
, ', . , ~~: , ~: ~: ~ ~~: : : . : ~: : ~; , ~: ; . . . . . ; 'f~~
.0Print !: o"te nts L-_ -'-' ---' ': ,,; -.
'; ; : ; ,: ; . : . ~; ." . . . .
This re port lists an Alte rnate ID. if any. for all containcrs that mce t the re port
crite ria. Choosing "Combine Le ve l 3 with Le ve l 2" accounts take s all Le ve l 3
containe rs and combine s the m with those of Le ve l 2. Choosing "Combine Le ve l 2
with Le ve ll" take s all Le ve l 3 and Le ve l 2 containe rs and combine s the m with
Le ve l I.
All containe rs that are not clllTe nlly inthe facility and me e t the chose n que ry crite ria
appe ar on this re port. Vou may choose toprint just summary information, or you
may choose toprint e ach containe r's Conte nts and /or De scriptions.
Choosing "Combine Le ve l 3 with Le ve l Taccounts take s all Le ve l 3 containe rs with
a status of "ouf' and combine s the m with those of Le ve l 2. Choosing "Combine
Le ve l 2 with Le ve l I" take s all Le ve l 3 and Le ve l 2 containe rs with astatus of out
and combine s the mwith Le ve ll.
Containers to be Destroyed
This re port g ive s a list of all containe rs that are up for d e struction, If a containe r has
not be e n issue d ad e struction d ate and if itme e ts the que ry crite ria. itappe ars on the
re port. You may choose to print the Conte nts and De scriptions for the containe rs on
the re port if you like . Be sure to includ e a d e struction d ate rang e inyour que ry.
Choosing "Combine Le ve l 3 with Le ve l Taccounts take s all Le ve l 3containe rs and
combine s the m with those of Le ve l 2. Choosing "Combine Le ve l 2 with Le ve ll"
take s all Le ve l 3and Le ve l 2 containe rs and combine s the m with Le ve l I.
12-8. Re porting ,

Filefolders by Account
.-nOfJ ort 1"'UlUlatlon ----~-
Iteedlny! ~-----------------------------'
.. " :
. \ ~.
oSummery Only
oPrillt Q.escff,l1ions
oPrint {;ontents
Aocount 011(lon5'-------,
oComhlno Lov.l Z wllh Levell
Combine Level 2 with Level 2
t. .< ..
i ..
( '.
This report lists filelolders for a specific account. The options available at the bottom 0
of the dialog allow you to print just summary information. or you can choose to .
include all data in the Filefolder Descriptions. and/or Filefolder Contents for each
Filetolder on the report. Keep in mind that this qmmake the report quite long. If no
options are chosen in the bottom of this dialog. just the infomlation for the filefolders
chosen by the query appear on the report. 0
Choosing "Combine Level 3 with Level 2" accounts takes all Level 3 Filefolders and
combines thcm with those of Level 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Level oJ "
takes all Level 3and Level 2 Filefolders and.combines them with Level 1.
Filefolder Activity
Roport Infonnation
lie.dillY I I
oFllelolders Remed oFllelelders DOSjroyed oSl!mmary Only
Account OpUons
oFUelolders Added oFUelolders Delivered. oPrlnt o.escrlptions
oCombine level Z with Levell
oFUelolders AcCl:ssed
oPrint 1:ontents 0
oCombine level 2with level 2
Information for this repOlt is printed by Activity and Account. Each Activity for each
Account appears on a page. For instance. if you want activity for the Account
nJ ordan Apple Co." and "ABC Corp." apage prints for each Account and for each
Filcfolder Activity checked at the bottom of the Report Information dialog box.
One page prints lor J ordan showing all Filefolders Added through Wand, another
with all Filcfolders Added Manually. one lor all Filefolders Accessed. all Filefolders
Destroyed. etc. The same pages print for ABC.
Choosing "Combine Level 3 with Level 2" accounts takes all Level 3 Filefolders and
combines them with those of Levcl 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Levell"
lakes all I ,evcl .1 and I.l~vcl 2 Filcf(llders :tnd emnhines Ihell1wilh I,evel 1,
Reporting. 12-9
Filefolders Out of the Warehouse
Filefolders to be Destroyed
Tapes by Account
t .
( .
( . ::.

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j - Account Opdons
i rComhlno love l2 wit h I . . vol'
i ,. . Comhlno luv. l J . wit h l. ve l 2
rSlI I nm. ,y Ooly
rPrlot 1 ) e ,ll'lloo.
rf',I lI t COllt e nt s
Itcport Information
l!9r= I
. .
oPrint Ilcscril,tions
- AccOun1 Options
oPrint bonlonls
o Combine level Z . with le ve l 1
oComhine le ve l J wit hle ve l 2 .
rRCIIon ."rorn.adou
He 8dil!9 I I
oSl!mma'Y Only
Account Options.
oPrint QcscrlpUons
oComhlne le ve l Zwit h le ve l 1
oComhlne le ve l J wit h le ve l 2
oPrint S:;oolools
~ Rel,ort Informallon .. I
lioadlllY 1. -----. ---. ---. :-- -- -- --- - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - '- - - - - ~. ll
. I
. ,
This re port list s t ape s for aspe cific account . The opt ions available at t he bot t om of
t he dialog allow you t o print just summary informat ion. or you can choose t o include
all dat a in t he Tape s De script ions. and/or Tape s Cont e nt s for e ach Tape on t he
This re port give s a list of all File folde rs t hat are up for de st ruct ion~ I r-aFile folde r h. as
not be e n issue d ade st ruct ion dat e and if it me e t s t he ot he r que ry crit e ria. it appe ars
on t he re port . You may choose t oprint t he Cont e nt s and De script ions for t he
File l()lde rs on t he re port . A de st ruct ion dat e range should be include d in t he que ry.
Choosing '-Combine Le ve l 3 wit h Le ve l raccount s t ake s all Le ve l 3 cont aine rs and
combine s t he m wit h t hose of Le ve l 2. Choosing "Combine Le ve l 2 wit h Le ve l I "
t ake s all Le ve l 3 amI Le ve l 2cont aine rs and combine s t he m wit h Le ve l I .
All File l()lde rs t hat have ast at us of "Out " and me e t t he choscn qucry crit e ria appe ar
on t his re port . This re port only se le ct s file t (J ldcrs t hat are individually t ake n out of
t he J llCilit y. I t will not re port on t ile folde rs whose cont aine rs are out of t he facilit y.
You may choose t o print just summary informat ion, or you may choose t o print e ach
File folde r's Cont e nt s and/or De script ions. Choosing "Combine Le ve l 3 wit h Le ve l 2"
account s t ake s all Le ve l 3 File folde rs and combine s t he mwit h t hose of Le ve l 2.
Choosing "Combine Le ve l 2 wit h Le ve l I " t ake s all Le ve l 3and Le ve l 2File folde rs
and combine s t he m wit h Le ve l I .
1 2- 1 0. Reporting
Tape Reports

rcport. Kccp ill milld lhnt this call Illake the report qllite IOllg. If 110 options arc
dl(ISell ill the (wUom of lhis dialog. jllsl the inl(J I'Illation till' the tapes chosen by the
qllery appear on the report.
('hoosing "( 'olll\lille Level .1with I.evel 2" :lccollnts takes all I.evel J tapes and
combines them with thosc of Level 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Level '"
takes all Level 3 and Level 2Tapes and combines them with Levell.
Tapes to be Destroyed
Act;uunt Optlom,
rComhlnolevel Z whh level 1
rComhlnelevel ;l wilh level 2
rPrint !::olltenls
r- Synmuuy Only '-la, , , , . DOfllroyod
rTapes Delivered
. UUfHlft InfUfnulf~on
lllfl.~IOg r
;r'lop flamad
! . rTollesAd~ed
! rTopes ACCllSSed
rPrlnl l!e.crlpllons
! . rPrlnl!;.ntenls
This report gives a list of all tapes that are up for destruction. If a tape has not been
issued a destruction date and if it meets the other query criteria. it appears on the
report. You may choose to print the Contents and Descriptions for the tapes on the
report. A destruction date range should be included in the query;
Choosing "Combine Level 3with Level 2" accounts takes all Level 3 containers and
combines them with those of Level 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Level 1"
takes all Level 3 and Level 2 tapes and combines them with Levell .
Tape Activity
, ';Report lnlormatlo" .'. ........ , --_ , ~ , :-, '.~"..,.., , -, -', "" ..~, .;., " ...., . _,
j:;~~a~;n~ I. " Ij
j": ~----------------------------'
Information for this report is printed by Activity and Account. Each Activity for each
Account appears on a page. For instance. if you want activity for the Account
".J ordan Apple Co." and "ABC Corp, " a page prints for each Account and for each
Tape Activity checked at the bOl!OI\lof the Report Information dialog box. One
.. page prints for J ordan showing all Tapes Added through Wand, another with all
Tapes Added Manually. one for all Tapes Accessed. all Tapes Destroyed, etc. The
same pages print for ABC.
Choosing "Combine I.evel 3 with.Level 2" aCGounts takes all Level 3 tapes and
combines them with those of Level 2. Choosing "Combine Level 2 with Level I"
takes all Level 3 and I.evel 21apes and combines them ~ith Level I.

< c. 0", "

r ,.

,( : .
f ...
. ,'. ,

1 ; :.,>
( .
( .
( it
i t~.
~. =. : .
Reporting. 12-11
Tapes Out of the Warehouse
Location Reports
. Contracts Expiring'


, '

c ' .
( : ' { j
. -
c I
' < I i
( ; ~.
Account Options
rCombinelevel?,. withlevel 1
rCOlllhlnelevel J withlevel 2
rSYI lI I lI ary Only
rPrint I !esc rlplions
rPrillt !:onten1S
Hepo,1. 'nformatlon
oPrint ~u"tDlnol"
oSUllI mary Onlv
RCIlort 'nfornl.ation
i\lltapc s that have a status of"OuC' and ll1eetthe c hosen query c riteria appear on
this report. This rep0l1 only selec ts tapes tha' t areindividually taken out of' the
f~I Cility. I t will not report on tapes whose c ontainers are out of the fac ility.
You may c hoose to print just summary information. or you may c hoose to print eac h
Tape' s Contents and/or Desc riptions. Choosing "Combine Level 3 with Level 2"
ac c ounts takes all Level 3tapes and c ombines themwith those of Level 2. Choosing
"Combine Level 2 with Lc vel I " takes all Level 3and Level 2 tapes and c ombines
themwith Levell' s.
This report lists all loc ations that meet the query spec ific ations, Vou may also
inc lude a list of all c ontainers ineac h loc ation.
All Ac c ounts whose c ontrac ts are expiring and who meet the query' s c riteria are
listed. Be sure to inc lude a Contrac t Expiring DateRange in your query.
Other Reports
Custom Reports
Custom Rc ports arc available li"omO' Neil Soliware, I nc . Upon rec eipt, they are
installed into the same direc tory as the RS-SQL database. Then, when the Custom
Reports option is selec ted fromthe Options menu of the Operations program, a
list of all c ustom reports available appears. Onc e ac ustom report is selec ted, the
standard Report Print dialog box appears, ollc ring appropriate options.
I f there is a report fonnat lhat you or your c ustomers require that c annot begenerated
fromthe supplied report fonnats or by printing tables, you c an order a c ustom report
to beprogrammed for you. I n addition. O' Neil Software, I nc . has a supply of c ustom
reports available for purc hase. Please c all the sales department for a list of available
options, or pric ing on your c ustom report needs,
12- 12 Reporting

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Transaction Reports
Tr ansac tion r e por ls ar c availahle thr ollgh the Administr ation pr ogr am lind display
all Tr ansadions, e ithe r Base or Ac c ount. that me e t the c r it.c r ia de fine d inthe
que r y. The only option available with the se r e por ts is the Heading, whic h is lIse r
de finable .
-IlO llO lt tu'nntHItlon .--------------
Ite .~' ngl ~ - - - '
Reporting. 12- 13
" .


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The Lists function allows you to load items onto atable and save them. You can then
load them again and the format matches the current table fonllat. You may load a list
from an ASCII file. You may compare two lists and load all matching items or all
items that don't match. Each table where Lists is available shows a menu item called
List. The options in this menu are: Load, Save, Load from File,Save to File, Load,
Similarities, Load Differences, and Exceptions.
Examples of Using Lists
Create a list of all containers picked up fi'OJ 11 one customer in a day. Save it and
cOlllpare it to a list of containers scanned onto shelves f()r that customer on the same
day. Load the differences to ensure that they were all put away and charged for.
Your customer gives you an ASCII list of containers that you are to pick up.
Compare it to the list of containers that you actually did pick up that day and load the
differences. You can work out any variances with your customers right away.
Create a list of containers to be destroyed this month for a customer, then compare it
to a list of their containers that had activity the previous month. Load the Similarities
from both lists and let the customer know that those containers are still active.
Loading a list
Once a list has been saved. you can load it any time from the same table from which
it was saved (Exception: See Query &Post Note below). From the List menu, select
Load. The Lists of Records table appears. All lists for this table that you (as a
user) have access to arc loaded onto the tahlc. This includcs all lists that you have
created and all lists that other people have crcated that they set up with Public
Access. The Lists of Records table tells you who crcated the list, what its name is,
and whcn it was last modified. If thc list was created by somcone else, its Public
Access is listed as Yes (you won't have access to other people's lists with Public
Access set at No. so they won't appear 011 the table). If a list was created by you, its
public access shows as what you set it to when you saved it.
To load a list onto your table; highlight it and click OK. The data saved on the list
appears on your table.
Lists. 13-1
13-2. Lists
NOT<:: Qucry & Post - \VOI'kordcrs
A list created ill the Container Items table call be loaded into the Container
Query &Post table through the Workorder function. The same holds true for
other objects (filefolders. tapes. materials. etc.). This allows you to create lists of
items that can then be posted to workorders.
Loading fromaFile
You can load a list (i'om all ASCII lile. This file can be one that you saved from RS-
SQL as a file instead of a list. or all ASCII file that your customer sent to you. To do
this. from the appropriate table. click the List menu and select Load from File. The,
following dialog box appears:
~~::;.~.i~'t\; (.... ~";.;i.;'~:,,".!.
Filename: I ' I .l O_K_--"
fields: I Code ..:J I
Enter the name of the List file. If you are'not sure of its name. click Browse. The
Browse List Files dialog box appears and you are able to view all List files (those
with a suffix of .1st) ill all drives and directories available to you. When you have
found the file you want to load. either double or highlight it and click OK.
The file name appears in the File Name field.
The Fields field represents the field or fields fi'om the ASCII filethat identitY the
item ill the database and associate it with a table. This field is not user definable in
most tables. Inthe Container or Filefolder Filing tables, you can choose between
Code (barcode number) or Account and Altemate ID. The system determines what
the Account is by the Code, or what the Code is by the Account andA~tcmate ID.
Receiving aList from your Customer
If you would like to offer a service to your customers where you can compare their
lists to your own, you can give them the following fonnat to follow. Or you may
want to give acustomer a list, let him edit the list to add items or remove items and
then reload the lIst into RS-SQL. Simply loading a list will never change data in the
ASCII Format for Lists
The data is saved to disk with a header that looks like this:
Group: "Account"
fields: Levell AccountCode Level2AccountCode Levcl3AccountCode
The header is optional when loading the list back into RS-SQL. The "Data:" line is
followed by data that looks like this:

' .

~ 1 ! J

."(1 ':".: :

..AlI ...,
{ c"
C .
, -Aiilh
I '-
4 .
" XYZ" ," " ,,,n
"XYZ", "2000" ,""
If someone creates a list from scratch (i.e. in Excel, exported in CSV format), the
header is not required.
The "Group:" line idcntifics the group oftahles frol11which this list could have been
gcncratcd. Il is a group oftahlcs because a list can be useful in more than one table.
For example. the "Account" group is used in at Icast two different tables:
Invoice Accounts
The "Fields:" line identifies the fields that are represented in the data. This is
important because, for example, the container list can be output in two ways:
AlternaleCode Level I AccountCode Level2AccountCode
and RS-SQL needs to know which of these ways was chosen.
Here's a list of groups and what fields can be included when saving a list to disk:
( .

! .
, . .
'. .
: .
. . .
E~"* "
Container Items
Container Items
Filefolder Items
Filelcllder Items
AlternateCode Levell AccountCode
. Level2AccountCode Level3AccOlintCode
AlternateCode LevellAccountCode
Level2AccountCode Level3AccountCode
Level I AccountCode Level2AccountCode
Lists. 13-3
"CITYHOSP" ,"A0002"
AlternateCode ="A0002" AND Levell AccountCode ="CITYHOSP" AND
ItemStatus =In
AlternateCode ="A I 002" AND Levell AccounlCode ="LINCOLN" AND
IlemStatus =In





i:." , ..
. . .~. : . .

I .even t\ccollntCode
Number Workorder
Reprint Invoice
Base Transactions
Account Transaction
ActionCode ObjectCode
ActionCode Object Code Levell AccountCode
.1.evcl2AccollnICode l,cvcl3AccounlCodc
Here are some more advanced ,header lines that are optional:
"LINCOLN",i'A 1002"
where these lines get translatcd into the qucries:
AlternaleCodc ="AOOOI" AN I) Levell AccountCode ="CITYIIOSP" AND
ltemStatus =In
Qucry: AHcmateCodc =?2 AND Level I t\ccountCodc =?I AND ItemStatus =In
Format: CSV
The "Query:" line lets users tell RS-SQL what each column of data means. In the
example above, every line in the list will be substituted into the "Quick Query"
where "? 1" means the data fr0111the first column. "?2" the second column, etc. So,
using the above "Query:" line in the header would aIlow a user to load the following
AlternateCode ="A0003" AND Level I AccountCode ="CITYHOSP" AND
ltemStatus =In
AlternateCode ="/\ 100I" AN I) Levell AccountCode ='" LINCOLN" ANI)
ltemStatus =In
An interesting property of this list is that each line can load multiple records. (For
had containers with Alternate I D AOOOI with a status of In. then all three container
records would be loaded with the first line.) If the list file includes a "Query:" line, it
should not include a "Fields:" line..
The "fonnat:" line only supports two values for now:
The value CSV stands for Comma Separated Values and SSV stands for Space
Separated Values. CSV is expected by default and all the examples above use this
format. SSV formats would look like this:
134. Lists
. I !.rowse
Format: SSV
Lists -13-5
"LI NCOLN" "" ""
"CI TYHOSP" "" 'lfl
"OAKMAPLE" "" ,I t,
"SANRIO" "" ""
"DFCORP" '''' ''''
"DELRI O" '''' ""
Group: "Account"
"XYZ" "2000" ''''
" XYZ" Ut t l l f l
"XYZ" "1000" ""
"LI NCOLN" "LOAN" ''''
!-list~a~e: .1_ A_ B _ C _ A_ c_ ct_ s~ ~1I
Enter a name f(lr yom. List. The List names I llust be unique only for each user. This
I lleans that Cathy call creatc a list called XYZ, and so can ROil. Uut ifCathy creates
another list and calls it XYZ it will overwrite her first one. Ron cannot overwrite
Cathy's list. I f both Ron's and Cathy's lists ar;eavailable for Public Ac~ess (see
below), they will both appear on the Lists of Records table. They can be
dincrentiated by the Uscr who created thcm.
To save a List, load the items for your list onto atable. Make sure they are all
marked. From the List menu, select Save. The following dialog box appears:
Saving aList


c .
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( .

, :,,:~ .
..~,' ..:..
;~;,_ ...

Public Access
The Public Access option allows you to spccify whether anyone but you can
access your list. If this optioll is not sclected. no one else is able to see or access your
List. If you selcct the Public Access checkbox. anyone looking for lists in this
table will be able to view your list or save it as another " name. However . they will not
be able to delete or over wr ite your list. To allow other s to have complete editing
capabilities with the list you cr eate, see the No Owner section below.
. . . ~

No Owner
If you mar k a list as "Public Access". the No Owner option becomes available. This
gives you lI,lC oppor tullity to cr eate a list that other s may load and delete.
To view a table of all lists cr eated thr ough your cur r ent table. click Br owse. The
Lists at Recor ds table appear s. You can click Load All or select the option fr om
the Sear ch menu. This causes all of your lists. and all other pr eviously saved Public
Access lists to appear on the table. You can also use the Quer y function to load just
the lists you want. Fr om this Lists at Recor ds table you can deter mine who saved
the list. what name it was saved under . whether or not it is public access (if it is
your s) and when it was last modified.
,: ; 91
' "
" 8
" 8
Saving to a File
Enter the name that you would like to save your list under .
. . ~
\ : .
' ~; .
( .
'?'~.'.. k I xl
OK "I.
Cancel . '.'I
!!.,owse . 1
, File name: 11 - - '1
- : J I
,. ,. ' .
"'[ields: " j Code
To save your list to a file. make sur e all data that you want on'the list is on the table
and is l~lar ked. Fr om the List menu. select Save to File. The following dialog box
appear s.
Once you have cr eated or r eceived lists fr om your clients, you can compar e two of
them. This function allows you to either load all items fr om the lists that ar e the same
- Load Similar ities - or to load the items fr om each list that don't appear on the other
list - Load Differ ences.
Comparing lists
1 3- 6. Lists
Load Similarities
To load the similar items hom two lists. enter the table that is appr opr iate to your
lists (Container s, Filefolder s. Accounts. etc.). Fr om the List menu. select Load
Similar ities. The following dialog box appear s:
( 9
t,: : ,' ,
( l i
<. <1
( 8)

; . : . . > : .
(.~: ..:
- ~: : Clf
,. List A .. . _ .


\ ...
c ; : 1~.~~'~.~~!~'.'.~.~'~1
r File List
t ,k!h}ltl!,~ I
Fidd~'. I , '",1" .. ,
I _ _ li_ ' _ , _ ;:i..~
.:J J
I nf(t\ ':l~C
.:J I
Cancel .,
.",:.~: .~
i ~::::
I ~
You specify aList A and aList B and the data' from them is compared. You need to
specify if the lists arc saved as Database lists within RS-SQL. or if they are from
liIes (A SCII). You may compare two database lists, two lile lists, or one ofeaeh.
Database Li sts
To specify aDatabasc list. ineither List A or List B; clickDatabase List. Then
click Browse. The Browse button allows you to' access the Lists of Records
table. Thenyou canload lists onto the table. highlight onc and click OK to cause that
list to appear inyour Database list Name field. TIleuser name automatically
appears inthe User field.
Fi le Li sts
If one of the Lists you are compa,tjng is aFile List. clickFile List. Click Browse.
This Browse button allows you to search your directories for saved List files. When
alist is saved. it is saved with the suffix '.Isf. The Browse function allows you to
find all such files throughout your Drives and Directories.
Once your File List is entered. you need to detennine what fields the lists use to
compare with each other. This depends onthe table you are bringing the list into. A
list of containers canbe compared by Barcode (Code) or by A lternate 10 and
A ccount Code. A list of workorders can only becompared by workorder number.
Once your Compare Lists for Similarities dialog is filled in, click 01'S. The
system determines which items are onboth lists and loads only those items onto your
Using Load Differences. you cancompare two lists and load only those items that do
not appear onboth lists. To do this. entcr the table that is appropriate to your lists
(Containcrs. Filcfolders. A ccounts. etc.). From the list mcnu, select Load
Differences. The following dialog box appears:
Lis~ -13-7
You specifY a List A and a List 13 and the items in those lists are compared. You
need to specify if the lists are saved as Database lists within RS-SQL. or if they are
fi'OIl1files (ASCII). You may compare two database lists. two file lists. or one of



t~:: '

; .
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01( " " ; 1
.- Cancer: . I
Browse 1-:
I~; {w}~(~
1 ,,'hI.. 111.d<: .::]
i List !l
I r. Database List
.("' File List
. . 1 fi!<:n; J u.c, , I:H!\" 'I'fG J I
L_ _ ._ ~~~~~~~_ I= ~= ::= ~:= := _ ._ = _ ._ = _ .= .._ .==...=... _ = . _ _ = _ ... =..._ = .._ = _ = .... =_ _=_ _ =_ _= ~= .. J _ ._ _ .._ ._ . . .1
Database List
To speci(y a Database list, in either List A or List B. click Database List. Then
click Browse. The Browse button allows you to access the Lists of Records
table. Then you can load lists ontp the table. highlight one and click OK to cause that
list to appear in your Database List Name field. The user nallle automatically
_ appears in the User field.
File Lists
If one of the Lists you are comparing is a File List, click File List ineither List A or
List 13. Click Browse. The browse function allows you to search your directories for
saved List files. When a list is saved. it is saved with the suffix '.1st'. The Browse
function allows you to find all such files throughout your drives and dire~tories.
Once Y{)lIrFile List is entered, you need to determine what fields the lists uses to
compare with each other. This depends on the table you are bringing the list into. A
list of containers can be compared by Barcode (Code) or by Altemate 10 and
Account Code. A list of work orders can only be compared by workorder number.
Once the Compare Lists for Differences dialog is filled in. click OK. The
. system compares both lists and loads all the items tl1<ltappear on only one list.
13-8. Lists

14. Customer Transmittal

The Customer Transmittal Module allows your customers to download container .
filefolder and tape information from their own tracking system into a file that is then
imported into RS-SQL. This eliminates much of your own data entry. saving your
timc and your customcrs' moncy,
When you receive containers. filefolders. and tapes from your customer, you must
first scan them into the system in the nonllalmanner. Then you can import the
following fields from your customer's data file:
C:onl~liner Infonnation
Filefolner Information
Tanl~Inlill'111:1' ion
Conlainer /)eserinlion text
Filefolder i1eserintion text
. T~J.e Oescrintion text
C:onl:liner C:onfents texl
Filefolder C:onfcnl<;text
Tane C:ontents text
C:on.ainer Oeserinlion Kevwords
Filefolner Oeserinlion Kevworrts
Tane Oeserin.ion Kevworos
C:on':liner' penerie 'ext (which Ill:Whe nut in'o rtescrintions or con'en's)
Filefolder penerie tex' (which Ill:!Vhe nllt into oescrinlions or contents)
Tane penerie tex' (which Illav he nnt into rteserintions or contents)
C:ont:!iner Re'ention Sehedllle
Filefolner Reten.ion Sehenllle
Tane Re'enlion Schedllle
Customcr Transmittal importing is very similar to Iinportillg. but some differences
are noted below:
I, The 2-character Record Types for Customer Transmittal are different
from those used for Import.
2. Records that are AddlEdit for Import are Edit Only for Customer
Customer Transmittal. 14-1
3. Containcrs. Filcfoldcrs and Tapcs are idcntificd in onc of two ways:
Container/Filelolder/Tape Code - If both the Container/Filefolder/Tape
Code and Alternate ID are given. the Container/Filefolder/Tape Code is
used to idcntify thc itcms and thc Alternate IJ ) for the item is edited
Account and Alternatc 10 - to idcntifya Container. Filclolder or Tape
by its Alternate ID. the Account must be included.
4. Customer Transmittal does not allow edits that would nonnally
generate Activity rccords. To ensurc this. the contcnts of some fields
arc ignorcd. Although the conlents of these fields areignored, the fields
must still he represented in the-data using padding or delimiters as
5. l3y dc1ault Containcr/FilefoldcrlTape Description/Contents Text lines
are appended to the end of existing text. There is an option to
Ovcrwritc existing text: when a containcr/fiIcfolder/tape is first
encountered. all existing lines of Text are deleted and the given line of
text is added. If the record that follo\'':s refers to the same
ContainerfFilefolder/Tape. then that line is also added. Text lines are
added until adifferent ContainerfFilefolder/Tape is encountered. This
gives the ability to add multi-line text entries when using the Overwrite
option. Sincc text data is deleted with the overwrite option. this option
should be used with care (see Ovel1lTite Rules below).
6. When using the Generic Text fonnat, the user gets to decide whether
the text goes to Description or Contents. Otherwise, it follows the same
rules as Customer Transmittal Description or Contents Text importing.
Importin.9 Data from Customer Transmittal
From the Operations program. Options menu. Filing submenu. select
Customer Transmittal. The Customer Transmittal Itemtable appears. This
table is unique in that Containers. Filefolders and Tapes can all appear on it -
whatever items are imported frolll your customers' files. There are no Query options
available with this table; items only appear on this table as they are imported.
Insert the diskette you received frolll your customer in the external drive of your
computer. You may copy the file onto your hard drive. or import directly from the
From the Options menu. select Import Transmittal List. The following dialog
box appears:
14-2. Customer Transmittal

; ~.
( .
" .
~':.-.~-._ -
; ~.
i: _
(" i
:"~.?f~rIUlt' ll':~Kl
c; - Ot; $~~ri,.}l(()n
rlJ "f"Wri~"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1
.\,.- nn!(:,,'''' I "'HI 1
.................. _ _ 1
I ' Datalorinal" ... . Accounl .... ,
.i'r- Fixed' I' ! level 1 rp!!
i rOelimited I I I I'
jDe!imilel: 0 II! ; .,:v"':' 1 =====1 !i
, _ "yetl. ~ i:
:.:, '1 ?, !~.tlc}h~.~, mlJ urpI'!i(; L.:::::::::::::.::::::-..::::':::-=:-:::-:::::::==:::::::':'::=::::=~
... J rinclude subaccounll
rAllowaccount edill
Transmillallmpolt: : ; :,.'- ,,- ,,:','; - ..' ~'. ..' .'. . . - . .- 1 3
Delimited with Quotation Marks
Customer Transmittal. 1 4- 3
NOTE: When using the fixed format - with or without quotation marks - if the last
fields are empty. it is not necessary todelineate them with delimiters. You can
simply start thenext line of data to savespace.
File Name
Data Format - Delimited
You may import your file in one of two formats: Fixed or Delimited. A Fixed'
format file establishes afixed nUlnber of spaces for each field. When there is no data
ina field. or if the field is not full. it isfilled with spaces. However. when using the
fixed format. if the last fields are empty. it is not necessary to pad them all. You can
simply start thenext linc or data. and save'spacc .
The path and name of the file that is being imported needs tobeentered into this
field. I f you aren't sure of the path. or don't want to type it out. you can click
Browse to search for the file.
A Delimited fonnat file uses adelimiter. acharacter never used within the data. to
mark fields. This generally reduces theimport file size considerably.
I n the delimited format. adelimiter must exist for each field. A delimiter merely
followed by another delimiter means that the field is to beignored, and any existing
data will remain. When you choose Delimited as your- fileformat. you need to let the
system know what the delimiter will be. The RS- SQL default isthevertical bar ( 1 ) .
since this character should never benecessary as part of thedata.
Data Format - Fixed
I n the Delimited with Quotes format. data fields are enclosed inquotation marks.
then delimited with adelimitcr. I\s intheease of the delimited 1 0n1 1 at.adelimiter
merely followed by another delimiter means that the field isto beignored - any
existing data wiI I remain. However. if thedelimiter is followed by apair of quotes
( l""1 ) the field isto be set to no value. or empty. This isonly pennitted in fields in
which data isnot required.
Within adelimited file. quotation marks can be used to define fields that might have
the delimiter inthem as acharacter. For example. if fields aredelimited by acomma.
:, .

- - .

, .
, .
~ .
0_ .
{.:- .-
'- .
J - ~'~'
.:.~.... ,


, -e

r .
( .
f .
r -:'-:,
~-:.., -...:

C -
t .
C .
( .
r -.
14-4. Customer Transmittal
lhe Description or Contents fields of lhe Container Items may conlainll
COlllnt:l.Iflhis field is ~eparated wilh {Illotatioll Illarb. the SYSll' lhe
l'(lllIllIll~1wililill Illl'l dlllll dlllllldt:I~;IIlldnol lklilllill'IS.
The Account Ocldis required for the import to begin. This is to ensure that data is
imported into the proper account's containers. filefolders. and/or tapes, You may
cnterjustthe Level I Account. then select Include Sub-accounts iryotl receive all of
one company's accounts in one liIe. Or, you can select one speci lic account level.
Include Subaccounts
The Include Subaccotlnts option allows you to import Customer Transmillalto all
subaccounts for a Level I Account. J ust enter the Level I account code, and then
click this box. RS-SQL assigns the containers to the correct sub-accounts if the
information is included in the imported data.
Allow Account Edits
This option enables the Customer Transmittal information to change the ovvnership
of an item from one subaccount to another. For example, you are importing
information for container 100001. which belongs to CITYHOSP/PA YROLL. The
information coming into the system shows that the container actually belongs to
CITYHOSP/EXECS. When you select this option. RS-SQL allows the ownership to
change. This can only be done within Level I Accounts. You cannot change the
Level I information through Customer Transmittal.
Contents Text
This box is only available if lhe liIe you have chosen includes Contents text. It
allows you to choose whether any text that is in the import file 101'Contents text is
added to any existing contents text (Append), or if the system deletes existing text
and copies the new text in its place (Overwrite).
Overwrite Rules
Use the Overwrite option with caution. When you choose to over~Tite existing text
you must ensure that the import file is clean. This means that a container should not
have Contents Text listed twice in the file.
For example. if you have an import file that has acontainer with 10 lines of Contents
text, and you choose oven';Tite, the system will delete any existing text in the
Contents file for that container. then will enter the first line of new Contents text. If
, the second line is directly after the first line. then the second line will be added after
the first line of text. and so on for all lines that are next to each other in the file.
However, if another Container is then listed in the file. then the first Container is
listed again with an 11th line of Contents text. the first 10 lines of Contents text will
be deleted and replaced \\~lh this last line.
Description Text
This box is only available if the file you have chosen contains Description text.
Description Text works exactly the same as Contents Text. You can choose to add
. < 1

: ~
f : " . ' ~ : > '
\ :.~.-
, , ( i
, <<t
', li
Generic Text
1-2.. /"-; :.::;;
3-17 C 1") G!
18-43 1<.. +0 AQ
Customer Transmittal. 14-5
Required For
Edit 2(YI)
26 alphanumeric
Code\Level3 AccountCode)
3 (YesfNo)
2 alphanumeric
15 alphanumeric
15 alphanumeric
10(Windows Int'I Date Format)
10(Windows Int'( Date Fonnat)
10(Windows Int'I Date Fonnat)
25 aiphanullleric
25 alphanumeric
25 alphanullleJ ic
25 alphanullleric
10(Windows Int'I Date Format)
To Date
Destroy Date
User Defined II I
User Defined #2
User Defined #3
User Defined #4
User Defined Date
any new Description text to existing Description text (Append), or to delete existing
text and copy the new text in its place (Ovenvrite). See Ol'el1l'rile Rules above.
Record Type
This box is only available irthe import file you have chosen contains Generic text. If
your customer's tracking sofiware has descriptive text that is not contained
specifically as Contents or Description text. it can be imported as 'Generic Text.'
Vou can then detel"lnine whether it should go into RS-SOL as Contents or
Description text. You can also determine whether it should Append existing text or
Overwrite it. See Overll'rile Rules above.
Importing the Customer's Files
Location Code
Item Status
Penn Flag
Altemate Code
Security Code
Category Code
Sequence Begin
Sequence End
From Date.
Once thq dialog is filled to match your import requirements. click OK. As the system
imports the data, it tells you how many records arc read. how many are updated and
how many exceptions are generated .
Vou can view exceptions by selecting the Exceptions option from lhe List menu.
For a list of all exceptions. see Importing chapter in Administration manual.
Container Item (Edit Only)
Field Name Format
.File Formats
, <;:, '.
t . .
It: , '
f '.
f ; .,: : :
c .

' .


.., .'
c .

" .
'~._, .
Container Description Text (Append/OvelWrite)
FIeldName Format RequiredFor Columns
Container Generic Text (Append/OvelWrite)
FieldName Format RequiredFor Columns
Container Description Keywords (Append/OvelWrite)
Field Name Format RequiredFor Columns

( i'
t , .
( .
. ".
. -
!... ". ,. .
' .

, i~.

' .
c, .
. ".


, .
) .
( i.
. Columns
, 1-2
J fno text is ~pecificd, a
blank line is imported.
/ 44-58
Irno text is specified. a 59-303
blank line is imported.
2( YK)
40 alphanumeric
2 (YN)
26 alphanul11eric
(Level I AccountCode\Levcl2AccountC
ode\Level3 Acco unt Code)
80 alphanul11cric
'26 alphanul11eric
(Levell AccountCode\Levcl2Acc
ountCode\Level3 Account Code)
15 alphanumeric
245 alphanumeric
2 ( YR)
2 (YT) Append/Overwrite
15 alphanumeric
26 alphanumeric
(Levell AccountCode\Level2Acco
untCode\Le vel3Account Code)
15alphanul11erk '.
80/245 alphanumeric Append/Overwrite
Record Type
Container Code 15 alphanul11eric
Account 26 Alphanumeric
Altemate ID 15 alphanumeric
Reeord Type
Item Code
Alternatc II)
Contcnts Text
Rccord Type
Containcr Code
A 1ternatcl ()
Desc. Text
Record Type
Container ID
Altemate ID
Container Contents Text (Append/OvelWrite)
Field Name Format RequiredFor
Container Retention Schedule (Add only)
Field Name Format RequiredFor
, Record Typc
Container Code
14-6. Customer Transmittal
Filefolder Contents Text (Appenc//OvelWrite)
FieldName Format Required For ,Columns
Accollnt 2(, all'han\lIllcric I K-4~
(I ,evd I AccollntCod<.:\Lel'c12Acco
lintCode\Levcl3 AccolintCode)
Altemate ID 13 alphanllmeric 44-58
Review Dale 10(Windows Int'l Date Format) Add 59-68
Description 25 alphanul11eric 69-93
Filefolder Item(Edit Only)
Field Name Format Required For Columns
Record Type 2 (ZI) Edit 1-2
Filefolder Code 15 alphanumeric 3-17
Account 26 alphanul11eric 18-43
(Levell AccountCode\Level2Acc
ountCode\Acco untLevel3 Code)
Location Code 15 alphanumeric Ignored 44-58
Container Code 15alphanumeric Ignored 59-73
Contained In 10 (Windows In!'1Date Fonnat) Ignored 74-83
Item Statlls 15 Ignored 84-98
Perm Flag 3 (Yes/No) 99-101
Altemate Code 15 alphanumeric 102-1\6
Description 40 alphanulIleric 117-156
Security Code 2 alphanumeric 157-158
Category Code R alphanulllerie 159-166
Ikslroy I late 10(Windows J nt'l Date FOIlllat) 167-176
User Defined III 25 alphanulIleric 177-201
User Defincd #2 25 alphanumeric 202-226
User Defincd #3 25 alphanumeric 227-251
User Defined #4 25 alphanumeric 252-276
User Defined 10 (Windows Int'! Date Fonuat) 277-286
Sequence Begin 15 alphanumeric 287-301
. "
Sequence End 15alphanumeric 302-316
From Date 10(Windows Int'l Date Fonnat) 317-326
To Date 10 (Windows In!'1Date Fonuat) -327-336
Ifno text is specified. a '. 59-138
blank line is imported.
Customer Transmittal- 14-7
- 3-17
2 (ZN) Append/Ovenvrite
15 alphanumeric
26 alphanumeric
unt Code\l_evcl3 Account Code)
15 alphanumeric
80 alphanumeric
Record Type
Filelolder ID
" " :
t ' .
" ' .
C .
~ J

{~. ),
< -.
~; .
" .

; .
T .
{ .
f, .
~; .
~; .
.-. ir---
" ' -:-x. -
( .
Filefolder Generic Text (Append/OvelWrite)
Field Name Format Required For Columns
Filefolder Description Text (Append/OvelWrite)
Field Name Format Required For Columns
:: .



, c.
" .

( .
(f .
~, o
\'. /

c .:"
( '
(~ .
t .
10(Windo ws Int 'l Dat e Fo rmat ) Add
25 aiphanullleric
Required For Columns
Append/Overwrit e 1-2
26 alphanumeric
(Levell Acco unt Co de\Level2Acc
o unt Co de\Level3 Acco unt Co de)
40 alphanumeric
.. Append/Overwrit e 59-98
Reco rd Type
Tape Co de
Review Dat e
Descript io n
Alt emat e ID
Reco rd Type 2(ZT)
Appelld/Overwrit e 1-2
Filcli.llder J l) 15alphanumeric
Acco unt 26 alphanumeric
(Levell Acco unt Co de\Level2Acc
o un! Co de\Leve13 ACcOlUlt Co de)
Alt ernat e 10 15alphanumeric
COllt ent s/Desc 80/245 alphanumeric
Append/Overwrit e 59-138/303
ript io n Text
Reco rd Type 2(ZO) Append/Overwrit e 1-2
Filefo lder ID 15alphanumeric
Acco unt 26 alphanumeric
(Level I Acco un!Co de\LeveI2Acco
unt Co de\Level3 Acco unt Co de)
Alt ernat e ID 15alph:lIlumeric
Dese. Text 245 alphanumeric
If no t ext is specified. a 59-303
blank line is impo rt ed.
TapeItem (Edit only)
Field Name Format
Reco rd Type
Filefo lder II)
Alt ernat e ID
Keywo rd
Acco unt
Filefolder Retention Schedule (Add only)
Field Name Format Required For
Reco rd Type 2(ZR) Add
It em Co de 15 alphanumcric
ACCOlU1t 26 alphanumeric
(Levell Acco unt Co de\Level2Acc
o unt Co de\Level3 Acco unt Co uc)
Filefolder Description Keywords (Append/Overwrite)
Field Name
14-8. Customer Transmittal
Customer Transmittal- 14-9
Accounl 26 alphanumeric 18-43
ounl Codc\Lcvel3Acco unICode)
Localion Codc 15 alphanulllcric Ignorcd 44-58
Conlaincr Codc 15alphanumeric Ignored 59-73
Conlained In 10(Windows Inl'l Dale fOl1l1at) 74-83
Item Slalus 15 Ignored 84-98
Pcnn Flag 3 (Yes/No) 99-101
Allemale Code 15 alphanumeric 102-Il6
Description 40 alphanumcric 117-156
Securily Code 2 alphanumeric 157-158
Category Code 8 alphanumeric 159-166
Sequence Bcgin 15alphanumeric 167-181
Sequencc End I 5 alphanumcric 182-196
From Dalc 10(Windows Inl'l Dale Fon11at) 197-206
To Date 10(Windows Inl'l Date Fon11al) 207-216
Destroy Datc I G(Windows Inl'l Datc Fon11al) 217-226
User Den ned #I I 5 alphanumcric 227-251
User Denned #2 IS alphanumcric 252-276
User Defined #3 15 alphanulllcric 277-301
Uscr Denned #4 IS alphanumeric 302-326
Uscr Defined 10 (Windows Int'l Dale Fonllat) 327-336
Tape Contents Text (Append/Overwrite)
FieldName Format RequiredFor
Tape Description Text (Append/Overwrite)
FieldName Format RequiredFor
3-17 "
If no text is specified. a
blank line is imported,
If no text is specified. a
blank line is imported.
2 (WN)
15 alphanumcric
26 alphanumeric
(Level I AccountCode\Level2Accou
nICodc\Lcvcl3Accounl Codc)
IS alphanumeric
245 alphanumeric
15 alphanumeric
26 alphanumeric
(Level I AccountCode\Level2Accou
15 alphanumeric
80 alphanumeric
Record Type
Tape ID
Altemate J D
Record Type
Tape II)
(" .
~._ .
r ' . ' :
" .

" ::" '"

~: : .
(: :
t: : : ..: .-
('. '.
~: ~.
t: .
f ~~.
J lf"

> .
! ,:.
~_ .
{ : .'
( : .
TapeDescription Keywords (Append/Overwrite)
FieldName Format RequiredFor Columns
Record Type 2 (WK) Appcnd/OverwTite 1-2
Tape 10 15aiphanulllcric 3-17
Account 26 alphanumeric 18-43
(Lcvell AccountCode\Level2Accoll
nlCo<!e\l ,evcI3Aecoulll( 'ode)
Alternalc II>. IS alph:ullllllerie .14-SR
Keyword 40 ;tlphanllllleric Appcnd/Overwrilc 59-98
Tape Generic Text (Append/Ovetwrite)
FieldName Format Required For
Tape'Retention Schedule (Add only)
FieldName Format Req~ired For
Record Typc 2 (WR) Add
Itclll Codc 15alphanulllcric

. . . .

r .
'-:. :;


\, .

. . . .

2 (WT) Append/Overwrite
26 alphanumeric _
(Levell AecountCode\LeveI2Accountt:o
de\Level3Accmlll tCode)
Record Type
Tapc 10
Altel11ate 10
Accounl 26 alphanulllcric
(Level I AccounlCode\Level2AccollntCo
Allernatc I D 15alphanulllcric
Review Dale 10(Windows Int'l Datc Fonnat)
Description 25 alphanumcric
14-10. Customer Transmittal
". '. "
RS-Web Overview
. -


' .
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s .
- .

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( .
t : . ' .

( .
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" .
~-= : : ~.: .
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. . : : <.
15. RS-Web
Us ing it S- Web, yo ur cus t o mers can place t heir 0\\~1o rders . They can o rder s ervices
(deliveries , pickups ). andmat erials , as well as co nduct t heir 0\\~1dat a ent ry.
Whenever o nc o f yo ur cus t o mers places an o rder 1'01' s ervices o r mat erials , t heo rder
appears o n t he Web Order Det ail t ablc, which canbe fo und int he Operat io ns
pro gram, Opt io ns menu,Web Orders o pt io n. When yo u o pcn t heWeb Order
Det ail t able, aquery is generat ed aut o mat ically t hat brings up all Web o rders t hat
areact ive (have ano rder s t at us o f s ubmit t cd but no t yet pro ces s ed inany way). Yo u
can qucry I(lr o rders t hat areno t act ive, but t hey do no t appear aut o mat ically.
If t heWeb Order Det ail t able is len o pen, it checks fo r new Web o rders every five
minut es , s o o rders appear as yo ur cus t o mers s ubmit t hem. When anew o rder co mes
in,a incs s age appears o nt hes creen:
Web Order ' . - ,' - " . " 13
You have 2 ne\>\'order( s) from t he web.
Tracking Numbers and Batch Numbers
Each o rder o n t heWeb Order Det ail t able has aTracking Number, and is as s igned
t o a Bat ch. The cus t o mer is info rmed, o n s ubmit t ing t heo rder, o f t heBat ch and
Tracking numbers .
Tracking Number: Each o rder has it s 0\\~1uniqueTracking number as s igned at t he
t ime it is s ubmit t ed byyo ur cus t o mer. It repres ent s o nly o ne t rans act io n. Only o ne
barco ded it emcan beco nt ained inan o rder. Only o net ype o f s ervice o r s upply can
beco nt ained inan o rder. Each o rder appears o nas eparat e line int he Web Order
Det ail t able.
Delivery o f co nt ainer 123456
Pickup o f 10filefo lders
RS-Web 15-1
Pickup or lilcf(llder 2223477
Sell of 100 empty archive boxes
Batch Number: Your customer can place any number of orders (with different
tracking numbers) into onc batch and the systcm assigns them one Batch number. In
our earlier example of ()ur orders. all the orders could be grouped together in one
batch or they could be grouped into two. three. or even four batches. The RS-Web
liseI' submitting the order decides. at the time of placing the order. how the items will
be grouped into batches. This is a useful tool for looking up and keeping track of a
group of orders.
I. The records clerk for a large corporation is charged with submitting
requests far 'all branches of t11ecorporation to the record center by
10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. dai~y. Throughout the morning requests
come into the records clerk's ollice from the various branches of the
corporation. The records clerk enters them through RS-Weband
submits all of the orders as one batch at 10:00 A.M. The orders within
this batch may be for several different accounts. Again at 2:00 P.M. the
records clerk submits all the afternoon orders as one batch. In this
example the records clerk submits two batches daily. This provides an
audit trail f()r the records clerk that closely matches the corporation's
OWII internal policies of submitting orders twice aday. The record
center, however, processes the orders onto workorders according to
their poliCies and agreement with the customer. In this case. since there
arc most likely several different accounts and delivery addresses
involved. the record center would create several workorders.
2. Sally. the office manager f()r a law firm with several attorneys, is in
charge of manag,ing records (or the various attorneys. As attorneys
sub~l1it requests f()r retrieval of files stored on~site, Sally groups the
requests by attorney. She uses RS-Web to submit the orders, creating
one batch for each attome)'. The record center knows that Sally would
like a separate workorder for each batch. as this is tlie arrangement they
have made with her. Sally assumes responsibility for grouping the
orders together.
3. J ohn is a manager for ahospital. As soon as he receives an order he
places it with the record center using RS-Web. J ohn is very busy and
docs not have time to pay attention to how hegroups his requests
within batches. The record center groups the orders onto workorders
based on the requesting account. as entered by J ohn.
Viewing Web Orders
To view an order double-click it or highlight it and click Edit at the bottom of the
Web Order Detail table. The Web Order Detail Add/Edit dialog box appears.
This dialog is divided into sections and appears differently depending on whether the
order is for an Item. Aggregate Service. Materials. or Other Services
15-2 RS-Web TM
, -.
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' .
" .
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C .
_ .
" .
\:.:. .~ -. '
< .
" .

Add/Edit Dialog for Item Related Order

Wod"oufm tnlQtflW'llOn
rc.q FuVill"t'II121J 012OOO t2:00f"t.C
R'l'q. AccCMM"t 1000
let I L ~o~_ : ": .- = - m.
(~d' I !}]j
" I 1/
. : O4tlcY(lI' I\ddfe i
Contact r~,~~~~.~_ .. J !
Mdr... ~f'~l",,~';"--"-"-'--'-"'-"-"'---"'-.---Ij
IH v , "" YOll. NY 112)1 k
I I.
I~i 1- '~~~.j'4]' ~.= ~~_ : .~~J .~.
rm:~~~J 2'j~ }.1
.: ..... _ .._ ".: ~: J ., "
. A' Codn
"....... ,_-_. __ .. - _t
._ , t, l.
~. (IMr.htnfmalion
L J r 8.""ch HumbO'f 9
C.eateOatl1 '212912000 9: 0A~
Ot<1cnc<lbt' A~w[1J
0--""""""" r, , ~L .. J
(; l3
- - - - .... ftr.CJ Uf!dtwfltt'tm
L J tn'" L nnt4Wtflt
C: (J o<M 'J .~nl

r .

1 .- . '.'
"'" .. " .


r .
c , ': ; .
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'-.\ e
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..: .-
: .
1) Batc h Inf ormation
Thebatch number. createdateandtime(submitted by theRS- Web user) andthe
loginname of the RS- Webuser creating theorder arereferenced- here.
2) Request Type
At thetime of creating theorder. theRS- Web user selected thetypeof serv ice
(Deliv ery, Pickup. Access. Receiv e. Destroy, etc.). This field cannot bec1ianged.
H owev er. you may choosetopost sev eral different request types to oneworkorder as
long as therequests arecompatible with theworkorder type. For example Deliv ery
andSell may beposted tothesamedeliv ery workorder.
3) Requested /tern
Thefields inthis box arethesame fields that y.our customer filled .outwhen
describing the itemhewants. Tills informati.ondoes notappear .ontheworkorder.
Theitemtype is arequired field. Thecust.omer cannot bypass this field whenplacing
theorder through RS- Web.
Code, ACCOUI/t, Alt Code amI Desc r iptiou
Ofthe .other fields inthis section. your customers shouldbeinstructed t.oc.omplete following.
Code (itembarcode)
OR .
Acc.ount AND Altemate Code
( .
{ ~.
f >:'.".
: : p
Atext descriptioll of what is being requested
RS-WebTM 15-3
:: .
' .
15-4- RS-WebTh1
4) Actual Item
RS-SQL tries to match the information entered in#3, above, with anactual item in
thedatabase. This information appears ontheworkorder.
RS-SQL uses theitemtype entered by theWeb user.
Item Code
Whcn requcsting acontaincr, filc or tapc theitemcode field inthis section MUST
contain an entry inorder to post the order toaworkorder or preworkordcr.
If the RS-Web usel' entered a valid item code or a valid account and alternate
code, thesystcmdisplays thc itcmcode inthis section. A validitcm code is a
barcode ot an itemthat currently exists intheRS-SQL database. A valid account and
altemate codeis onethat can bematched toan itemthat exists in theRS-SQL
database. The itemneed not belong to thc RS-Wcbuser's account nor is the RS-Web
user required tohave access to the iteminorder for this field to becompleted by the
system. Thc itemcode field in thi~section simply Icts you know if theitemrequested
exists inthedatabase. Checking for proper access is done inanother part of the Web
order process. *Note: Ifboth an itemcode and analtemate code and account are
entered by theRS-Web user, the system tries to resolve the itemcode and ignores the
account and altcrnate code.
If the RS-Web user did not enter either a valid barcode or a valid account and
alternate code, then the item code field inthis section does not contain ancntry.
This would bean indication to the record center that further research or dialog with
the customer isneeded inordcr to ide11tifythe itemrequested.
If the RS-Web user entered only a description in#3, above, the itemcode field in
this section does not contain an entry. The systemcannot match atext description
with an aeiual itcminthe databasc. Thc dcsniption can only hc used togivc thc
rccord ccntcr somc instruction or dcscription of thc'itemrequested. It is up to the
record center tointerpret this information and useit to identify. thespecific request.
For example aninexpcrienced RS-Web user may place this description intheir order:
"Send me all thebo.\:esI sent into you yesterday." It is up to therecord center to
understand what thecustomer is saying and to identify the items or service being
In the case where the item code is not matched to an actual item in the database,
the record center may manually enter theitemcode into this field. For examp,le,
Sally always leaves the leading zeros oflthe barcode when she orders. The system is
unable to match the itemcode entered by Sally with abarcode inthedatabase.
Therefore, theitemcode field inthis section remains empty. The record center
recognizes that thebarcode Sally entered is missing the leading zeros and types the
correct barcode into the itemcode field. This makes it possible for theWeb order to
be posted toaworkorder or preworkorder.
The pennout field must be marked by therecord center if the itemis to bepermcd
out. When theorder is posted to aworkorder theitemhas astatus of pemlOut and the
appropriate activity isgenerated inthedatabasc.
.5) Workorder Reference
If theRS-Web user entered arequestor, cost centcr or comment they appear here.
These fields canbeedited by the record center. They also print on theworkorder or
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6) Status
Tracking #
The unique t racking number assigned t o t heorder at t het ime it was submit t ed by t he
RS-Web user appears here. It cannot be changed or modified.
One of t he following ent ries appears int his field. Some st at uses are aut omat ically
generat ed by t hc syst em andot hers must beset by t herecord cent er.
81111111;((('d - When an order is placed,it is assigned ast at us of submit t ed by t he
syst em. All new Web orders haveast at us ofsubmiUed. An order must have ast at us
of submit t ed t o beeligible ( ill' post ing t o aworkorder or,preworkorder.
Work orde r - When an order ispost ed t o aworkorder. t hesyst em aut omat ically
assigns t his st at us t o t heorder.
Fulfille d - Aft er t he it emhas been validat ed wit hadelivery validat ion, pickup
validat ion. access validat ion. receive validat ion or dest ruct ion validat ion and t he
PDT3100 is communicat ed andprocessed t ot hedat abase,t he order is marked as
fulfilled. This st at us only applies t o it ems t hat canb~scanned. For example,aservice
or supply cannot be scanned and t herefore isnot marked by t he syst em as fulfilled. If
t herecord cent er chooses. t hey can manually mark t hoseorders ""lt hast at us of
fulfilled. The st at us will only bechanged t o fulfilled if t he following applies:
The Web order ismarked as beingont heworkorder being processed
For it emized pickup/recei\'e. deliv'ery.access,and dest roy it ems,t he
it emalso mat ches t he it emon t heWeb order.
Current st at us of t he Web order is"Workorder"
The Weh order request t ype mat ches t het ype of validat ion ( i.e.,a
delivery validat ion must have acorresponding deliver request for t he
Web order) .
Cance lle d - If t he record cent er cancels t he order for any reason. t hey need t o change
t his field t o reflect t he st at us of cancelled.
On-Hold - The record cent er may choose t o placet heorder ,onh01a:-llnhat caset hey
edit or global edit t his field t or-et lect t hest at us of on-hold. When t he order is t aken
off of hold,t he st at us canagain beset by t herecord cent er t o submit t ed,
Sche dule d - If t he order is scheduled. using t heschedule feat ure ofRS-SQL, t his
fieldshould reflect t hest at us of scheduled. Inversion 1.11of RS-Web t his field must
beset by t he user. Inl'ut ure versions O'Neil will addt heabilit y t o post anorder t oa
schedule and t his field will beaut omat ically updat ed by t hesyst em.
Statlls Date
The st at us dat e is aut omat ically recorded when t heuser submit s an order. It changes
each t ime t he st at us of t heorder changes. Not e: The St at us Dat elTime is t h~
dat e/t ime t he it em was scanned.
Re cord Ce l/te r Comme ttt
This box is used t o communicat e comment s t ot heRS-Web user. It is viewable by
t heRS-Web user when t hey check on t he st at us of t heorder. I f you had t o put t he
order on hold or cancel it for any reason. it 's agood ideat o ent er t hereason here.
RS- Web 15- 5
J V (/ r1w I'(ler
Whenlhe order is posled 10 aworkon!cr. Ihesyslemplaces Iheworkonler numher in
Ihis licld.
7) Workorder Inforl111tion
Req. Fulfillmellt
The Requested Fulfillment field indicales thedate and time the user requested for the
service. (( is up 10 therecord cenler to delermine if il is avalid dale and time.
Req. Accm;llt
This is theaecounl thaI IheRS- Web user enlered.
Actual Accoullt
The system identifies theactual account associaled with the order.
If the user entered avalid account to which they have access. theactual account
and delivery address arecompleted by thesystem.
If the user entered avalid account to which they do not have access, theactual
accounl appears: however. no address is completed. When the order isposted to a
workorder. therecord cenler receives notice Ihat Iheuser docs nol haveaccess to the
If the user entered an invalid account, no entry appears intheactual account or
delivery address fields.
8) Delivery Address
When avalid aecounl is entered. the default address for the accounl is filled inhere.
If the USCI' modilied lheaddress whe~l placing theorder. themodified address
When theorder is posted to awmkorder. therecord center receives notification if the
delivery address has been modifIed fromthedefault.
' .


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lnvft( 1 [~noo
Leyel2 1400 [ 41
level 3
I 1 ! 1
; Wod::.o,der
: Tlacking"
~; Sllitus
, Status Date
: Record Centcr
i Comment
-\Norkolder InfOfmation
. : Req. Fulfillment t2/30noOO12:00PM
! Req.Aceount 4000\400
Actual Account
.J I
i Detivef)' Add,eu'---'- _
Conlact IE.;nCohen I j
i Addreu :13:4:44:I:ly:.:liP:A:.:e:. :::::::::::::::::1, < ,' ,'
Wo.korde.Aefe.ence INew'on.NY34322 .
Rquesta< ----------1 i : =1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : =n
CostCen'e. ~ ~ I !! Phone 1212.323.0574
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 , ~Fox 1212-323-8566
i" Oatch Information
~Balch Numbef 8
Create Dole
I Ordered by
Aggregate Service Order
Insteadof itemrelated information on theleft portion of thedialog box, the
information relating to theAggregate Service requesteddisplays. This il1.fonnatiol1.
can bemodified bytherecordcenter.
All other information displayed follows thesamerulesasdiscussed earlier in the


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RS-Web TM 1 5-7
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c ' . '

: _ 1 _ 0_" __
: o J ; __ Can_c o _' _
12129/200010: 1G A M
r- Status
: T."diRfjIl
i Statue
i Status Dete
! R ec o . d eenl e. ,. ~
; Co mmo nl . l : J
!-WOfko rder : 1 : : : ~=_=_=~~---
; ' ' W' O(ko rdc r ' nfo rmatio n
! . R eq. F ul l il l menl l 2130nOOO12: 0OP M
i R eq. A c e: o un1 1000
A c tual A c c o unt i
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: i L ev o l 2 I I T ] t'
I : ..I"~"": H .m Ii,
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I. ==============J
! ,i_ !: : : : =: 2=w 5=: =: =. : =. 2=: ~=1=1=2=32==: : ; ---. . . . . . ,. -. ,. . l f
! F o x : 12: 12: . : 55: 5: . 3: 2: 5: 5: : : : : : : : : J ,;
. J J
M aterial
! ,.0atc h ' n' o rmatio n' , _. .,~. .
i .Datch Number 1 1
! C,eal o Date 1 2/29/20001 0: 1 GAM
j O,dc l l : d by R SWEO
! ,.. ' -- .." _ ., _. c . . . . . . _ .
rWo rko rder A e~l _er_e_nc _e_"_" ~
. 1 "Requestor : : : p =an=e========:
J Co rt Co nl o r I
I : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~
! Comment I ~
T his dial o g bo x issimil ar to theA ggregate Serv ic eedit dial o g exc ep t that itdisp l ays
thematerial o rderedandthequantity. T hese l iel dsean bel 110dil iedbytherec o rd
c enter.
Materials Order
NOT E: I no rder fo r amaterial to bev iew abl eto an R S. Web user, itmustbemarked
P ubl ic =Yes. T his al l o w stherec o rd c enter to c o ntro l w hic h material s c anbe. .
. o rdered v ia R S-Web.

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15-8R S-Web
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Report Order
This dialog box issimilar to lhc Aggregate Service Edit dialog exccpt thaI it
displays the information for the report ordered. These ficlds can bemodified by the
record cenler.
. : : J I Cancel
====- - - ~
, 'WOflotde.
WOlkordcf Information
i ~RCQ. fulfillment
, Req. Account
i ;"'Status
i : Tracking a
, . Status
: ; Status Date
l Rccord Centc.
j i. O~jive~yAddr~~~r ~ ~I ','. '.
1 i Contact I .
: Addle.. I I i
: ============~
= :, :::::::::::::::::1i
~I ~
; ! Actual Accounl
lj ~ lcvcl1 I
I ; i '.,.\(~l.' ~I ====~
! I ! l. . ! ~vd: 11~=====
;: L- --'
!Container Activity
1 J .;~_ ~.!" .i.- ' J I
I ' I
DiJ !,\';
nf.';~ri':J \'i~tl
Balch Infofmation .
oatch Number. . . (J -
Create Data
Ordered by
WOfkorder Reference . "'1
Aequestof _rl--------~I ;i
Cod C4'nttu I I ! Phone
Comment ~C::::::::::::::::~11; F~K
Request Type I Report Create : : J I
f: .


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NOTE: The deraulll'ublie selling for rcporls is Yes. If you do not want areporl to
be availablc 10 RS- Web users, you must changc ils Public field 10 No.
Create aReport within RS-SQL
To create arcport fromwi,thintheWeb Order Detail tablc. click Add. TheWeb
Order Detail Add/Edit dialog box above appears.
Inlhc Request Type liek!' click the drop dO\\11arrow and sclect Report Create.
The oplion fields l()rReporl Creatc appcar.
In the Report field. click the drop down arrow, and select one of the fivereports
The Quantity fieldis fixed at "1" and cannot bechangcd.
In theTitle field, enter thetitle you want to appear on the report.
In the User Context field, click the drop dO\\'l1arrow to sclcct the user whosc
securily contcxt isusedwhen the report is crcated. tor cxamplc. if user " J oe" only
has access to account " 1000" , then any report created with " J oc" selected undcr User
Context will only conlain results for account 1000.
Click Criteria tobringupadialog box thaI allows report paramelcrs to beset. Thc
ficlds presented inthis dialog box difTerby rcport type.
RS-Web1M 15-9
: .


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! { .
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', , "}.
. 3:56:15FlM 01/23/2001 . ., .Succeeded." 00:00:07 ...". "' ' , '. '- ..
Include Deliver ed
Summar y Only
Pr int Contents
. . 1[::=::::~~:::::::::!I
. Pr int Descr iption
'OK ...I Delete all
, ' 'Er r or s' and/or messages fr omtf- ie r un al3:56:15 PM 01/2312001:
Repor t was cr eated successfully. Pr ocess Exit Code O. The step succeeded.
Thc Histor y bullon isdisabled until ther cpor t has been r un. Aller that. thc success
or failur eof ther epor t cr eation isshO\\11in this dialog box. along with thecr cation
date and timc.
NOTE: Ther e isno limit to Thenumber of times that anyone r epor t can becr eated.
Notifications sent fr omthe lun at 3:56:15 PM 01/2312001:
;;('1 ' ..
15-10. RS-Web

<e .
Othe r Se rvice s Orde r
This dialog box is similar to the Aggregate Service Edit dialog except that it
displays the service ordered and the quantity. These fields can be modified by'the
record center.
WebDrdetDelailAddlEdil,~h"',-:' ,,' .. , .. -: .:' '.,' .... " .'. ..' . 13
NOTE: In order for an Othcr Service to be viewable to an RS-Web user, it must be
marked Public =Yes. This allows the record center to control which services can be
ordered via RS-Web.
I .
18 _ -~~.11 .' OI:-
I Submilted .:J I ' '. Cencel
\tImkorder Information .._.....
Req. Fuflillmenl 12/3012000 12:ooPM
Aeq.Accounl 1000
Actual Account
lev,,1 1 1
lil .
Level2 I ill
I", ,i: I ... 1
Doliver, Add,CSS, I '
Cont4ctJane Hutle, _
Addre.. 11234Pa,k Ave. I
INewYork. NY 11232 I
r - Statua .----- ... -
Tracking II
StatuI Dale
Re cord Ce nte r
Comme nt
r' Wmkordcr Re fe re nce
i Requeslo. IJane I i
1 . Cost Ce nte r I I ~
. Comment tPlcasc fax copy oll(u' 201de1. fax
t' Batch Information
! Balch Numbe. 13
I C.""le 0,,1,,'12129/2000 10:36AM
I O.d"red bV flS\lIED
, \.
Re que st Type I f.llhe l :;l~rYI ::!'", -=..1 1
: r~H"~'~'--"-----;";""'~'" ._... . ..... -.~.'_.,,_..._"
i Service I FAX I i I
I Quantity L~

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Posting We bOrde rs toWorkorde rs
(. '.
Once YOll have revicwcd an order, YOll can post it to an existing workorder or create
a ncwworkorder dircctly li'om the Web Order Detail table.
Cre ating aNe wWorkorde r
To create a new workorder with a Web order or a batch of orders, highlight the
order(s) you want posted to the new workorder. and from the Options menu, select
Global Post or to post a single order, highlight it and click Post at the bottom of
the table. The Post Web Order dialog box appears:
f .
-":.: ..
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I ;'
RS-We b -15-11
__ C_a_n_c_e_I ~~1
(.'WOI kOlder 1 1] ]
rEreworkorder ,= = = = = = = = = = r n
..0eliver.v -...---.---_.- -_.-.-_.
!lI om Code
1 1 0(1 (1
Ii;'iJ!J/ <'litH: I ;' U!!i'H
1 1 34528
'IBill II
1 = = = = = = = = 1 !
L-~c.......~ ._. ... ._._... _. . ... '_.-'
NOTE: I ryou arc completing a Glol1all'ost, the Delivery inl()I 'I llation section in the
screen above docs not appear.
[I 'the Account information is available. it appears on the Workorder dialog box.
Once you select an account (if necessary) and tab out of the Account fields, the rest
of the dialog box becomes available toyou. You.must complete the following fields:
.[fyou are posting a single order. the Delivery infonnation appears as shown above.
,To create a new workorder, be sure that the,Workorder option is selected. To ereate
a preworkorder, select that option. Then click Creafe. A Create Workorder
dialog box appears.


\ .
' ' i
, C I
-i I Save
. Ovenide .
rOvclfide delivm,/pickup chatge
i\{lIj1 1 jfl! HODI
Jane Hullel
1 234 Palk Ave.
New Yor k. NY 1 1 232
21 2.555.3242
21 2.555.3255 j
~-[h-o-o-.,,- ..-.-I--._-~d- ..~-~-: ...-.J -._-..-_-._._-_-_~_...;
Itemized Nolltemized Charge
Contai.ncn: U
[ilcfolders 0
Tape!. 0
Service Priority

_ -_",0'" "_ . ,_ , ._
; ': ~: : -'I; : : ; t ---.[~J-i1iAMrcn
I level2 I L~J ;1 i
~===~~-:::: !\ 1 Phone
I..= '~,,: ,~~ ..,-I_.-._---.. -,Lj! j ~aA
r'Stelus . ." ,... , j Route
Ir .lJ r H'n I!
I rPri
Ir ',1 I
irno!!\ c
1r'Oeliye. I
rClose -, ----I-a-. I
I' I1 2: 00AM I I
(smV ;;;;; Pr i~; i.; -'-'"-.1
. ~----~~f-.J : ' bv
I P,iori'l/. ,-I ---~~-" ! Dale '----16
t.__ mm ! Ti!!!e [hOllAM I'
, . \ ! P I
1 5-1 2 RS-Web
( .
Criteria for Eligible Workorders
Posting Orders to an Existing Workorder
Required by Date and Time .
Authorization - if required f(J r account user must be selected fi'omlist
Override Delivery/Pkk Up Charge - if applicable
Pickup/Delivery Address - record center must verify that correct
addrcss appcars
OR Item Account is
linked to the
The Account is a
Sub-Account of
the Workorder
OR Item Account
IS exactly the
same as the
Workorder has astatus other than Closed
Workorder create date is less than 7 days ago
Work order type is compatible with the Web Order
In order for a workorder to appcar on the list of eligible workorders. the Account
Inlormation for the workorder must match Account Information for the Web Order.
In addition. the workorder must be open. be less than' 7days old, and be a compatible
type (delivery. access. destruction. etc.). Below are eligibility requirements for item-
specific reque~ts and-non-item-specific requests.
Item-Specific Requests {barcoded items)
RS-SQL allows you to post a Web order to an existing workorder (or preworkorder)
as well. It gives you the opportunity to view any eligible workorders to which a Web
order(s) can be posted by clicking the down arrow next to the Workorder Number
field. In order to be an eligible workorder. it must meet criteria when compared to
the Web order(s) that is being posted (see below).
Once the workorder is selected. click Post to post the Web order to the workorder.
If the system encounters any problems posting the requested items to the workoooer,
you are notified at time. The Web order will be updated with the new status,
date. and time once it has been posted.
Work Ol-der Notes - if any
When you click Save. a workorder number is assigned and you return to the Post
Web Order dialog box above. The-workorder exists in theWorkorder table, buUt
has not been posted yet. Click Post. and the order is posted to the workorder you
just created. If the system encounters any problems posting the requested items to the
workorder, you are notified at this time. The Web order will be updated with the new
status. date. and time once it has been posted .
. . ."' .


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RS-Web -15-13
Acgn'cale, Material and Other SCl'viccs ReCJ uest (non-har-codcd items)
A dialog box appears that allows the date and time to be entered, Select the date and
time, and click OK.
NOTE: If a schedule already exists. the Add button changes to Edit and the date
and time can be edited if necessary.
Workordcr create date is less than 7 days ago
Work order type is compatible with the Web Order
. . .~

(J )
; ( 1

; .

, < i )
( ( i
( .
{. "
( ~ r : . ~ . :
f .
If the Web user did not designate
an account. or if they designated
one that doesn't exist. workorders
for all accounts that the Web user
can access arc eligible
Irthe Web user OR
designated an Order
Account that exists in the
system, only \Vorkorders
with that exact account
structure will be eligible
Workordcr has astatus other than Closed
, tone
. 1 [ ::::::::::! . ~:~::::~::::::J I _ _ C _ q _ ,h _ ~'_ c_ _
NOTE: If the CSR posting the orders does not have access to an accou~lt, no
workorders for that account appear on the eligible list. even if they meet all other
NOTE: Once the report mns successfully. the status of tireorder changes to
Fulfilled. However. the table will not be updated to reflect this until the display is
Ifan order is placed using RS-Web, it appears in the Web Order Detail table with
a status of Submitted. There are two ways to fulfill the order. First. you can click
Run Now at the'bottom of the Web Order Detail table. This creates the report
immediately and l11l.1kesit available to the Web user.
The second way to create the report is to schedule its creation for a later time by
clicking Sc h edule at the boltom of the Web Order Detail table. A dialog box
appears that displays any current schedule that has already been set up. If none is
showing, click Add to create one.
! ttU$! MtwPfu@~%! ~J ~t+; f~ . . ~~". I]]
Current Schedule
Fulfilling a Report Order~d by Web User
1 5- 1 4. RS- Web
r@ J l
i .

> '1 t
RS-Web 15-15
__ C_a_n_c_e_I_ .... t
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
:J l 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9: 00: [ i l l ] PM
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
23 24 25 26 27
28 2~ 30 31 I
G i
:1 I i! .1
-:;:;:."'"T. .43'" n1/??/?nn1
OK Cancel
Predefined Queries
The predcl incd queries t hat are avail abl e on t his t abl e incl ude:
zReport sDc1ivered - Loads al l report orders which have been run and
have been ret rieved from t he Web.
zRep0l 1sScheduied - Loads al l report orders which are schedul ed t o be
creat ed.
The Web Order Detail t abl e, l ike some ot her t abl es in RS-SQL. is programmed
wit h a set of predel incd queries t hat you might find useful . These queries are not
readil y avail abl e for you t o creat e on your own. so O'Neil ol Ters t hem t hrough t he
use of t he F6 key. Whcn you press F6 Ii'omt he Web Order Detail t abl e, t he
(l l l owing dial og box appears .
NOTE: Report s arc creat ed in t he Adobe PDF l i.>nl l at . Once areport has been
creat ed, t he user can ret rieve t he PDF fil e t hrough RS-Web, A l ink appears on t he
RS-Web side, which enabl es t he user t o downl oad t he PDF fil e.
When t he indicat ed dat e and t ime arrive, t he report is aut omat ical l y creat ed by t he
syst em and is made avail abl e t o t he Weh uscr. Schcdul ing al l ows pot ent ial l y l engt hy
report s t o be creat ed during ofr-peak hours.
i;. ';:Q~~r.vNam~
.I ~ -
;~~.: ":
6.:., . I ' :.. . ~t
zReporl sS ehedul ed
:- .

, .

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! --
. ,

Click Query to complete the quel)'.

When you select one of the options and click OK the Query dialog box appears
with lileuery already loaded.
. ~


.@ l'

. a D
, <!j
I [ . .:. . ':q~:~ri.: .. :: .. J I
Cancel . 1
Search results
Loads all report orders which have
been runANDhave been relrieved
/romthe Web.
DOOSi'~iii#i~it:f ii&i'l?5iM'6~.k'?l~1 xl
Query !emplate:
The procedure for setting up cmail for RS-SQL Monitors (see Monitors chapter in
Administration manual) also applies to RS-Web notification. Therefore.ifemail has
already been set up and functions properly with monitors, no furthcr configuration is
The email sent will contain the following information:
Subject: RSWeb report order now ready.
From: SQLMail (as long as mail was selup as described inthe User's Guide)
BO((I': RSWeb report order (tracking number 'x') is now available for download.
I I'an order is placed for a report using RS- Web, when that order is processed and the
report is ready to be downloaded. an email will automatically be sent to that
cuslomer. This eliminates the customer having to check the status in RS-Web to
determine if the report is ready yet. The email will only be sent if an email address
has been filled in for that web user in Administra tion.
RS~WebReport Order Email Notification
The system-wide RSWIN.INI file must be edited to include the following:
This INI setting. is not visible in the dialog box in RS-SQL. It can only be set by
editing RSWIN.lNI directly through a program such as Notepad. . .
1 5-1 6 RS-WebTM
i(: )

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16. Glossary of Terms
Access Count
The numbe r of time s a c ontaine r or file folde r has be e n ac c e sse d for the c ustome r
(se e C ontaine r Filing. File folde r Filing. Tape Filing).
Account Access
The abilityto ac c e ss an Ac c ount's infor mation (se e Se c ur ity/Use r Ac c e ss) .
Account Activity Sets
Ac tivitySe ts that ar e e stablishe d for an individual ac c ount. Ac c ount Ac tivity Se ts
ove n'ide Bnse Ac tivity Se ts (se e Acti r i t)" Sets)
Account Code
The 8-c har ac te r c ode that de fine s an ac c ount in the -syste m (se e Ac c ounts)
Account Information
The Ac c ount Add/Edit dialog thnt shows all administr ative and billing infor mation
for an ac c ount (se e Accoul1t Set Up, Wor kor der s).
Account Level
An ac c ount thnt has mor e than one de par tme nt. loc ation. or division c an be divide d
up into diffe r e nt. but c ombine d ac c ounts. Invoic ing c an be ge ne r ate d individually or
for all le ve ls at onc e (se e Account Set Up).
Account Name
The full name of an ac c ount. Use d in table s. wor kor de r s. invoic e s, r e por ts and
se ar c he s.
User' s Guide RS- SQLOperations
Glossary. 16- 1
16-2 Glossary
Account Ranges
Each account is assigned arange of barcode labels for containers, filefolders. and
tapes they will send to the record storage facility for storage (see Account Ranges).
Account Transactions
Transactions are theassociation of actions with the dollar amount to be charged for
the action. Account Transactions are established for individual accounts and override
Base Transactions (see Transactions).
When rates accul11ulat4:...youcharge each of the quantity break amounts for large
quantities of objects. When rates do not accumulate just the rate that applies to the
quantity purchased with be charged (see Transac.tions).
I,et's the system know thaI you are aware of an inconsistency that occurred during
wand processing and that you accept it (see PDT3100/Wand Processing).
Things that happen to objects in a record storage facility. These actions are recorded
in the Activity History file and associated with charges established in Transactions to
create invoices.
Activity History
The file that holds arecord of every activity that ever occurred for every container
and filefolder on the system (see Container Filing. File/older Filing, and Tape
Activity Set
Created in the Activity Sctmodule. Activity Sets combinc a~tions so that when one
action takes place. all actions in the activity set are recorded in the activity history
file (see Activi~r Sets).
Add (Item)
The action that is recorded when a container or filefolder is added to the system.
Add (Pushbutton)
The pushbutton at the bottom of most tables that allows you to add another item to
the system.
Add Date
The date that an itemwas added to the system. This field is available for viewing in
Container. Filefolder. and Tape tables.
User's Guide RS-SQLOperations
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User' s Guide RS- SQLOperations
Adjust Charges
To Adjust charge s. RS-SQL take s the monthly storage charge s and bre aks the m
down to a pe r day. charge . The n during months with 31 days. the syste m charge s for
an e xtra day (se e Account Set Up).
Whe n the barcod~labe l on a containe r or file folde r has be e n de stroye d an alias can
be assigne d to it and both numbe rs will be associate d with the ite m (se e Container
Filing. File/older Filing. Tape Filing).
Alphanumeric Locations
Location ide ntifie rs that have alphabe tical characte rs in the mgiving the m me aning
(se e Locations).
Alternate 10
The custome r's idcnti fie I' for a containe r. file foldcr. or tape . This can be se arche d on
(sec Container. File/older and Tape Filing).
Authorized List
:'. . .
A list of pe rsonne l in the custome r's office who are allowe d to orde r goods a{ld
se rvice s lI'omthe re cord storage facility. Passwords for e ach pe rson are include d for
prote ction (se e Work orders, Account Set Up).
Barcode Accuracy (PDT31 00)
Each time a PDT3 100 re ads a barcode , it can re ad it-a-Ilumbe r of time s to confiml its
accuracy (se e PDT3lJJO).
The numbe r of characte rs in e ach type of barcode (USCI', location. containe r.
file folde r. tape ).
Base Activity Sets
Activity Se ts that are e stablishe d for all accounts on the syste t'n that do not have an
ove rriding Account Activity Se t (se e Actil'it)' Sets).
Base Transactions
Transactions are the association of actions with the dollar amount to be charge d for
the action. Base Transactions are e stablishe d for all accounts. but can be ove rridde n
by Account Transactions till' individual accounts (se c Transactions).
Glossary. 16- 3
16-4 Glossary
Baud Rate
The speed at which infl.J rInation is transmitted between electronic devices. RS-SQL,
the PDT3100 and the Datawand can send information at arate of9600 (see
Bill Forward
Allows you to bill for storage in advance (see Account Set Up).
Billing Information
Pressing the Billing Information pushbutton at the bottom of the Account Add/Edit
dialog accesses all information you have set up for that account's invoicing (see
Account Set Up, Invoicing).
Billing Period
The time that is encompassed by an invoice. (See Invoicing).
To start a computer. On a DOS or Windows based system. pressing Ctrl. AIt,
Delete causes the system to reboot. The PDT3 100can be cold or warm rebooted.
Function available in some dialogs where a path and file name are required. When
you press the Browse button, a dialog appears that allows you to change drives and
directories and to vic\\' files by type.
Calculate (re-calculate I invoicing)
If changes have been made to information for an account during abilling period, the
existing invoice can be re-calculated to confirm correct numbers (see Invoicing).
From any Date Box in adialog, click on the date (15th) to the right of the date box to
access a calendar. From this calendar, you can use your mouse to select a date.
The number of containers that will fit in a location (see Locations).
CoA (Chart of Accounts)
Char1 of Accounts. This is a part of an Accounting Package. RS-SQL references the
Chart of Account accounts when it exports Invoice Data through the Financial
Export option (see FinGnc;alinjo Export).
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations

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Constant fields (query)

Used on the right side of a query. this is the constant that you are comparing the
Filet'Field to, It can be alphanumeric or adate (sec Queries),
A box stored inyour facility .
Container Filing
That area ofthe system where information cOllcerning all the containers in your
system is kept accessed and manipulated (see Container FIling) .
Container 10
The barcoQe identifier that represents acontainer.
Container Totals
The total number of each type of containcr that an Account has inthe system (see
.. Workorders),
Content Category
Content Categories classify containers and filefolders according to what is found
inside, They. along with Review Reasons and Date Ranges are accessed to create
Calculated Schedules.
Contents (containers, filefolders)
A free-text dialog that allows you to enter the items contained ina container or
filefolder (see Container Filing. File/older Filing. Tape Filing).
Controlled Text Boxes
Found in dialog boxes. they allow you to cnter information with the keyboard, btit it
must be in aspecific format or belonging to a particular list. They include an arrow
key that offers a list of acceptable entries.
The action of copying a block of data. The data is not erased from its original
position. This copy can thcn be 'pasted' into another area orthe system or into
another application, .
16-6 Glossary
Cradle (PDT3100)
The unit that holds the PDT3 100 and allows the transfer of data from it to RS-SQL.
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations--------------------------------------------
Charges & Credits
Dollar "mounts that can be added to or subtrncted from an invoicc (sce Workorders) .
. Chart of Accounts Cross Reference
This is a part of an ACGOtintingP"ckage. RS-SQL refercnccs the Chart of Account
accounts when it exports Invoice Data (see Fin.ancial !I?(a Export).
Clear (menu b-ar)
Menu accessed li'ol11the top mcnu bar on any tablc that allows you to rcmovc items
Ii'omthe table.
A customer or an Account.
Pushbutton at the bottom of tables and dialogs that allO\-.:syou to leave the currcnt
windo',"" without saving any input.
Cold Boot
Restarting a computer. On the PDT3 100. hold down the FUNC. Space and Up
Arrow keys (see PDT3/(0).
Columns (format menu)
Found on tables. each vertical column reprcsents a ficld of in/ormation. Each item on
the table is listed so that all columns are in order. Column order can be rearranged
through the Format Menu. Columns option.
Communicate (wand processing)
The transfer of data /i'mn one electronic device to another (see Wand Processing).
Communications (PDT3100)
.The function accessed on !lIePDT31 00 each time it is to communicate with the host
computer (see PDT3 1-00, Wand Processing).
Comparison Operator (query)
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User's Guide RS-SQL Operations

Used in queries. the comparison operator specifies how the left side of a term will be
compared to thc right side. They include: Equal to, Not equal to, Less than or equal
to, Greater than or equal to, Less than, Greater than, and Like (see Queries).
Glossary. 16-5
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Cubic Foot Storage
The process of charging storage per cubic foot of containers in storage (see Account
Se t Up, Tr ansact ions) .
Current Term (query)
Inthe QueI)' Text dialog the section of the quel)' that is in focus (see Que r ie s) .
Customer Service Instructions
Free text dialog accessed through .Accounts and Workorders that allows you to enter
instructions or infurmation regarding placing orders fur that account (see Account Se t
Up, Wor kor de r s) .
The action of taking a block of data fr0111one place. The infomlation can then be
'pasted' into another area of the system. or even into another application. Pasting
Illust be the next function perfolllled in the system or the data will be lost.
Database Drop-Down lists (dialogs)
Found irfdialog boxes and accessed by clicking on an arrow. drop-down lists show
availabl~ options for filling in a field .
A 'dumb' barcode reader that simply reads barcodes and transfers them to the system.
The device used with the Datawand that is connected to the computer and allows the
transfer of the data from the Datawand to the computer.
Date Boxes
Found in dialog boxes. the system uses this type of field to receive dates.
Date Range
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Found in the Container infolluation window, the date range defines the dates of the
contents of the item and is used in creating retention schedules (see Cont aine r
Fi li ng).
Default Settings
Information placed into fields by the system.
Definition File
The file that defines the invoice format.
User'sGuide RS-SQLOperations Glossary. 16-7
To remove hom the system. Items that. arc deleted cannot be retrieved.
Delimited (import file type)
A type of import file where fields are separated by adelimiter - seldom used
character (see Importing).
- Delimiter.
The character that is used in import files to separate fields of information. The
vertical bar ( I ) is used as the defiHlIl in RS-SQL (see Importing).
When you take a customer's containers. filefolders. or tapes to him.
Delivery Receipt
A piece of paper printed outlisling all containers and filefolders that were delivered
to the customer (see PDT3 f (0).
Description (Filefolder or Tape Name)
In the filefolder and Tape Infonnation window. the name of the file (see File/older
Filing). .
Description (Free text)
Free text box where you can enter a description of the contents of a tape, filefolder or
container. Key words can be marked for future searches (see Filing).
To physically remove an item frol11the facility and bum or shred the contents.

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16-8 Glossar y
A window that requests infonnation needed to complete an action, or that infonlls
YOll of the system's status.
To receive information from a device. e.g" "The computer downloaded the picklist
from RS-SQL to the PDT3100."
To change data in the system.
User 's Guide RS-SQL Oper ations
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Electronic Picklist
i\list of containers and filefolders downloaded from RS-SQL to the PDT3] 00 to
help the warehousemen find and pull items for delivery, access and destruction.
Exception Code (PDT3100 processing exception)
The code in the Exception table that tells the user why a transaction completed by a
PDT3100 was not acccpted by the system (see [,DT3100).
Exceptions (import)
. Pieces ()fthe import file that were not accepted hy RS-SQl. They are detailed in the
Exception table in the Administration program (see Importing).
Export Table
In any table in the system you have the ability to export the information to a text file.
Like an impOIi file. it can be delimited or fixed.
Filel\Field (query)
In the Query dialog. the Filel\Field fields show the visible files and fields within
those files that are available fiJ r creating the search (see Queries).
FileFolder Filing
That area of the system where information conceming all the filefolders in your
Systelll is kept. accessed and manipulated (see Filf.?folder Filing).
Find (menu option)
Found under the Search menu, this option allows you to search for an item using
information from any field.
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Fixed (import file type)

A type of import file in which every field is a fixed length. and any fields that are not
full are filled with spaces (see Importing). .
Flat Rate
In the Transaction window. when a Rate is marked as a Flat Rate, any number of
items within the quantity assigned would be charged the amount specified. If Flat
Rate is No. then each item is charged the amount individually (see Transactions).
Highlight. The focused item in a window is that which is highlighted or selected.
User'sGuideRS-SQLOperations Glossary. 16-9
Format (menu bar)
This menu option. found at the top of all tables allows you to change the order of the
columns of the table and to sort the items by any visible field.
Free Text Box
Found in dialogs. free text boxcs allow you to enter description from the keyboard.
I\ny combination of letters and numbcrs can be entered.
Function Access
The ability to do anything in the system. including adding. editing and deleting items
is function access. It can be limited per user (see Security/User Access).
Each pushbutton and menu option in the system represents a function. They include
adding. editing and deleting throughout the system.
Global Delete
Menu item that allows you to mark items on a table and delete them aiL This will
remove all traces of fhe items from the system.
Global Edit
Mcnu itcm that allows you to makc a change to every markcd item on a table.
Highwater Storage
Charges the customer for the highest quantit)'~of boxes in the record center" on any
given day of the billing period (see Account Set Up).
Holding Area
A location in the facility that has no item type. It is used to hold incoming and
outbound items (see Locations).
To add items to the database by loading a file with the information for the fields in a
specified order (sec Importing).
Import Format
The format that a file must be in in order for it to be properly imported into the RS-
SQL database. RS-SQL allows Fixed or Delimited formats.
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16- 10 Glossary
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itcms that don't l11atch. Each tablc where Lists is available will ~how a menu item
called List.
Load (to access query dialog)
Available through the Search menu of 1110sttables. this option allows you to access
the Query dialog to. load just the items you need onto the'table (see Quer ies) .
Load (to aCGesssaved format)
In the Query, Sort and Column dialogs, this pushbutton allows you to bring up a list
of previously saved formats (see User Int el/ace manual).
A place in the record storage facility that is identified by a barcode and holds
containers or filelolders (see Locat ions).
Mailing Address
The address to which acustomer's invoice is sent. It is found in the Account
information dialog (see Account Set Up).
Mark I Unmark
Each item that appears on a table can be marked or unmarked when the user clicks
on the button to the left of the item. Marked items will be affected by any global
actions that occur.
Items that you sell to your customers.
Menu Bar
Located at the top of a table, it list~all functions available, Clicking on each menu
item causes a drop dO\ \ 11list of all options to appear.
Menu Item
An item that is accessed through the menu bar at the top of a table. ,
A memo that is sent through a network to a system user.
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16-12 Glossary
The rugged, portable, receipt printer, made by O'Neil, that prints delivery and pickup
receipts using the ponl 00.
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
16-12 Glossary
items (hat dOIl't match. Each table where Lists is available will show a menu item
called List.
Load (toaccess query dialog)
Avai lable through the Search menu of most tabies. this option allows you to access
the Query dialog to loadjust the items you need onto the table (see Queries).
Load (toaccess saved format)
In the Query. Sort and Column dialogs. tl!is pushbutton allows you to bring up a list
ofprevi(llisly saved formats (sec User/lltefface manual). .
A place in the record storage facility that is identified by abarcode and holds
containcrs or IiIcfolders (see Locatiolls).
Mailing Address
Thc addrcss to which a customer's invoice is scnt. It is found inthe Account
in!i.lrInation dialog (sec Ac.;rVllI/t S.ct Up).
MarkI Unmark
Each item that appears on a table can be marked or unmarked ,vhen the user clicks
on the button to the len of the itcm. Marked items will be.affected by any global
actions that occur,
Hems that you sell j9 your customers.
Menu Bar
Located atthc top of a table. it lists all functions available. Clicking on each menu
item causes a drop down list of all options to appear.
Menu Item
An item that is accessed through the menu bar at the top of atable.
A memo that is sent through a network to a system user.
The rugged, portable. receipt printer. made by O'Neil, that prints delivery and pickup
receipts using the PDT3l 00. .
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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1 6-1 4 Glossary
Period Length
The time that is encompassed in an invoice. The period length is established in
Setting up Accounts (see Accouni Set Up).
Permanent Out
Status for a container that the customer has taken back to his facility and does not
plan on returning (sec COlltai ller Fi li ng. Workorders).
To take containers or filefolders off the shelf inpreparation for delivering or
destroying them. or making them available for the customer to receive.
A list or all items that need to be picked for workorders (see Workorders).
To go to the customers facility and pick up containers, filefolders, or tapes.
Pickup Address
The address to which the driver goes to deliver or pickup containers or filefolders
( see Account Set Up, Workorders).
Port Setup
The area of the system where you determine the parameters for PDT3l 00 processing
(see PDT3100).
To assign a container or filefolder to a workorder (see Work orders, Que!)' & Post
The Action that is assigned to a workorder to detemline how soon it needs to take
place. Priority status can beset up in the Actions area of the system (see
Workorders) . .
Process (PDT3100 processing) .
The integration of data into the system after receiving it from a PDT31 00 (See
Process On~l'section, PDT31 00).
User' s Guide RS-SQL Operations
User'sGuideRS-SQLOperations Glossary. 16-13
Minimum Charge
The minimum charge for any action. Set up through Transactions, you can establish
a minilllulll charge for invoices, deliveries/pickups, workorders and storage.
The action that occurs when you move an item from one location to another without
changing its status.
Multi-line Edit Dialog
A window where you can enter multiple lines of free text to better describe the
contents of acontainer or filefolder.
Function of Microsofi Windows@ that allows the user to have more than one
application open at a time and to toggle between them. Use Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Esc to
view all open applications and toggle between them.
An object is athing that is part of the records management business environment. It
includes customers, containers, filefolders, locations, materials and users.
Open Account.
Used when multiple levels are assigned to a customer. When a lower level account is
open, the upper level account has access to the lower level's containers and files (see
A CCOI/Ilt Sct Up).
Options Menu
Menu found on all tables. It is where most functions are accessed, and is found on
the far leffofthe top IllCllll bm.
Other Services
An action that can bc charged for, Other Services are user definable, and usually
include labor, faxing and copying (see Actions section).
A confidential alphanumeric group of characters. assigned to auser that. along with
his name. tells the system what items and accounts the user has access to (see
Security / User Access).
After cutting or copyi ng a block of data. it can be pasted into another area of the
system. or to another application altogether (see User/nte,jace manual).


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P.rocess Code (PDT31 00 processing exception)
Theresolution of an error that was gc nerated during PDT31 00 proc essing. This c ode
appears in theProc essing Exc eptions table onc e theexc eption has been resolved (see
PDT3/00) .
This hilling option :lllows you to c harge a c ustomer l'orjust thedays of!he billing
period that thec Ofltai-Herwas on thesystem. I fa c ontainc r entered your fac ility f'or
thefirst tinleon the20th of themonth. thec ustomer will just bec harged for 10or I I
days (seeAccoullt Set Up).
Protective Sleeve
Thesmall plastic piec ethat fits onto theend of theDatawand to protec t it fromstatic
c harges.
To takea c ontainer, lilc f(lldc r, or tapeoff theshelf inpreparation f'or delivery, ac c ess
or destruc tion. .
Bullons at thebottom of tables and in dialog boxes. Those that ac c ess func tions on
tables refer only to theitem that has sc reen foc us.
Quantity Break
Quantity breaks allow you to offer disc ounts to your c lients for providing them
storage or servic es in larger quantities (see Transact ions).
Quantity Break Rate
Thedollar amount that reflec ts thequantity amount in thequantity break (see
Transact ions. Quant it y Break sec tion).
Quantity Break Target
Thetarget of thequantity break - either theworkorder or theinvoic e. Thequantity
break will takeeffec t on quantities reflec ted in a singleworkorder, or for quantities
of all items reflec ted during a billing period.
A formula c reated by theuser with system provided c riteria options to load theexac t
items heneeds onto thetablec urrently on thesc reen (seeQueries).
User's GuideRS-SQL Operations
Glossary. 1 6-1 5
Query & Post
An option available in (hc workordcr arca that allows you to conduct a qucry, choose
con(aincrs, filefolders. or (apes from (hc results of thc query and post them (0the
currcn( workorder (scc Work orders, Query &Post section).
The words and symbols that make up a qucry. Found in (he (op Icft of the query
Quick Check (~DT3100)
Option allows you to verify that all items for a delivery are accounted for without
sending a verification activity to the system (see PDT3100, Route Ops section).
Random Access Memory. The intemal memory in your computer.
The price you charge for a service or action.
_Raw Data (wand processing)
Information that is d0\\'1110aded frolll the datawand before it is processed by the
computer (see Wand Proc('ssillg, f' DT3! ()().
A piece of paper printed out listing all containers. filefolders, and tapes that were
delivered to or received from the customer (see PDT3100, Route Ops section).
To accept containers. filefolders. or tapes from a customer.
Reconcile (PDT3100 processing exception)
This pushbutton (or Global Reconcile menu option) in the Processing Exceptions
table checks to see if a condition that caused the current error still exists. If the
condition no longer exists, thc exception is marked as reconciled. If the condition
continues to exist, RS-SOL will not Illark the exception as reconciled and you must
take fmiher action to resolve the problem.

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16-16 Glossary
Record Center Ops
Option in the PTD31 00 that allows you to conduct standard record center business
like recording moves, invenlories. refiles. elc. (see PDT3100. Record Center Ops).
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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Recurring. Services
User definc d ac tio ns that c an appc ar o n invo ic c s fo r whatevc r c usto mers they are sc t
up fo r.
To put an existing c o ntainc r o r file bac k o nto ashc lf after it has been ac c essed by the
c usto mer.
Refile List
A list generated by RS-SQL o f all files that need to be refiled, alo ng with the
c o ntainers they need.,lo go into . and the lo c atio ns that ho ld tho se c o ntainers .
Remote Customer
A user o f the system who is also ac usto mer o f the rec o rd sto rage fac ility. A remo te
c usto mer ac c esses RS-SQL thro ugh his o wn Pc . a mo dem and Remo te Custo mer
So ftware. He c an c reate wo rk o rders and repo rts with as muc h o r as little func tio n
ac c ess as is given to him by the rec o rd sto rage system administrato r (see Remote
C01111111mic ations ).
Remote Employee
An emplo yee o f the rec o rd sto rage fac ility who is a user o f the system, and who
generally ac c esses the system fro m a remo te fac ility. A remo te emplo yee ac c esses
RS-SQL thro ugh his o wn Pc . a mo dem and Rc mo te Emplo yee So ftware. He c an
c rc atc wo rko rdc rs and repo rts with as muc h o r as little func tio n ac c ess as is given to
him by the rc c o rd sto rage system administrato r (see Remote COI I /munic ations) .
In thc Pro c essing Exc c ptio ns table. this pushbutto n c auses RS-SQL to try to
repro c ess the transac tio n that c reated the exc eptio n. If the underlying pro blem that
c aused thc exc eptio n has been c o nec ted. thc transac tio n \"ill pro c ess and the Pro c ess
Co de c o lumn will sho w what happenc d. e.g., Add. Relilc . If thc underlying pro blc m
remains unc hanged. RseSQI. will tell yo u that the attempt to rc pro c c ss failed (see
Wand Proc essing. PDT3100).
The perso n fro m the c usto mer's o ffic e who is requesting go o ds o r servic es o n a
wo rko rder (see Workorders).
Retention Schedule
A c alc ulated review date c reated by thc systc m that pulls info nnatio n fro m Review
Reaso ns, Date Ranges. and Catego ry Co des and plac es the items o n the Sc heduling
table. Fro m this table yo u c an c reate repo rts o r wo rko rders (see Sc heduling) .
User'sGuideRS-SQLOperations Glossary. 16-17
16-18 Glossary
Review Reason
The reason ftl!' reviewing the (;onlenls of a (;ontainer or filcftllder. This, combined
with Category Codes and Date Ranges is accessed by the system to create Retention
Schedules (see Scheduling),
Route Ops
The area of the PDT31 00 system that is used during deliveries and pickups. Allows
you to verify loads and deliveries. create new workorders and print receipts (see
PDT3100. Route Ops section). .
The person in the record storage facility who services an account. A field in the
Account table that can be searched and reported upon (see Account Set Up).
To read abarcode 'with a scanning device such as the Datawand or PDT3! 00.
Scroll Bar
Shown on the bottom or right side of many tables, it represents where you are on the
table. Moving the scroll box up and down or right and left will move the window's
position on the table.
Search (menu bar)
Second menu item on the top menu bar. this option allows you to load all items onto
a table (Load AII...), generate a query (Load ... ) or find a specific item already loaded
onto the table.
Search Results
Whcn a qucry has becn generated and the system is looking for all the -items that
meetthe criteria, the system will tell you how many items were Considered, Matched
and Added. Items considered are all items that were considered for the search.
Matched shows all items that meet the criteria. and Added shows the number of
items that matched and were then added to the table (see Queries).
Security Codes
A two-digit number that can be applied to items and to users to allow access to the
items. A user's security code must beequal to or greater than the item's security code
for that user to have access to the item(see Security / User Access).
Action that encompasses all materials that you sell to your customers.
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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Separate Invoice
Whe n an ac c o unt is ge ne rat e d wit h diffe re nt le ve ls, yo u c an t e ll t he syst e m whe t he r
o r no t t o c re at e se parat e invo ic e s fo r t he diffe re nt le ve ls ( se e Ac c ount Set Up).
Sequence .Range
Numbe rs o r le t t e rs use d t o de sc ribe t he range o f t he c o nt e nt s o fa c o nt aine r. ( se e
Container Filing).
Serial Port
Out le t o n t he bac k o f yo ur c o mput e r int o whic h yo u may inse rt c able s fo r pe riphe ral
e quipme nt .
What 's dOlle t o c o nt aine rs and filc f( )lde rs. Sublist inc lude s Add, Re file , De st ro y,
Pe rmane nt Out , De live i')'. Ac c e ss, Pic kup, Pull, and No t in Co nt aine r ( se e Ac tions -
Sc r\'ic es se c t io n).
Session (PDT3100 processing)
Eac h t ime ' a bi- dire c t io nal c o mmunic at io n se ssio n happe ns be t we e n t he PDT3l 00
and RS- SQL. it is re c o rde d in t he Se ssio n bo x. The numbe r o f suc . c e ssful se ssio ns
will inc re me nt e ac h t ime aPDT3! 00 c o mmunic at e s \vit h t he syst e m .
This me nu it e m allo ws yo u t o so rt t he dat a o n yo ur t able by any visible fie ld ( se e
User In/elf ac e manual).
Standard User
A St andard use r is o ne who use s t he syst e m fro m t he lo c al. o r ho st , sit e .
Co de t hat re pre se nt s whe re t he c o nt aine r o r file fo lde r is. Can be In, Out , De st ro ye d.
Pe rmOut . e t c . ( se e COll/ailler Filing).
Status Change
Whe n an it e m's st at us c hange s. as whe n a wo rk o rde r is ge ne rat e d . .
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The ac t io n t hat de sc ribe s what is happe ning t o an it e m whe n it is sit t ing o n yo ur
she lf.
Use r'sGuide RS-SQLOpe rations Glossary. 16-19
16-20 Glossary
A list of items that further dcfincs a systcm supplied action or o~;ect.
An item in a sublisl.
Supplies (workorder)
Materials when ordered on a \Vorkorder (se~W(}l'kol'del:~).
A percentage amount that is applied to another amount. i.e. taxes.
A window where you can search the database for information, load it. sort it, add to
it. delete from it. make global or individual edits. export it or print it.
Table Specific Pushbuttons
Push buttons at the bottom of a table that are specific only to that table.
Table Specific Options
Menu options available only on specificd tablcs.
Tally (re-tally - invoicing)
The counting of items that takes place during invoicing (see invoicing).
Term Style (query)
The right side ofa ql~ery that can be aConstant or a Visible File"Field (see Queries).
One section of aquery statement (see Queries).
Text File
A type of file used for importing that includes only text and is not fomlatted or
intended for printing.
Text Search
To search for specified strings of characters in the Container and Filefolder
description areas (see Contailler and File/older Filillg).
User's GuideRS-SQL Operations
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Time Out (PDT3100)
Aller adetermined period of time the PDT31 00 will go to sleep to conserve battery
power (see PDT3/00) .
Keeping track of ftlefolders or tapes within containers .
Transactions are the association of actions with the dollar amount to be charged for
the action. Account Transactions arc establ ishcd for individual accounts and override
Base Transactions which apply to every account on the system without an account
transaction establfshed for it.
Transfer File
. A data file that is generated at one site (remote or host) and transferred to another for
processing. uploading to the PDT3100 or printing (see Remote Communications).
To transmit data from the computer to a device .
A person who uses the RS-SQL system (see SeC/lrit.1'/ User Access) .
User Access
The ability of a uscr to usc and access functions within the system (sce Security /
User Access).
User Defined Fields
Four character fields and one date field that can be established in the Container and
Filefolder information windo,ws. The field names are detenninedby the user (see
User Defined Fields).
To confirm through the PDT3! 00 that an item has been Picked, Loaded, Delivered or
Picked up - see Footsteps above.
Wand Processing
The transfer of data from the barcode reader to the computer and back again, and the
integration of that information into the database .
User'sGuideRS-SQl Operations Glossary. 16-21
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Workorder Accou nt
Generat ed whenever t he cust o mer request s go o ds o r services.
In Acco unt Links. t he Wo rko rder Acco unt is t he o ne t hat has access t o t he It em
Acco unt ' s it ems (see Account Links in Workorders).
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16-22 Glossary
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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User's Guide RS-SQL Operations

Abort button
Queries 1-17
Access Count
Container Filing 3-16
!~ilefolder Filing 4-13
Tape Filing 5-13 .
Access Workorder
Workorders 6-4
Account- Workorder
Workorders 6-5
Account code
Container Filing 3-14
Account Information
Workorders 6-31
Account Item Summary
Workorders 6-33
Account Links
Workorders 6-40
Accounts do not match
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-12
Accounts Incompatible
Wand Processing 9-12
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-9
Activity Button
Container Filing 1-10
Filefolder Filing 4-9
Tape Filing 5-9


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$inFilefolder Barcodes
FilefQlder Filing 4-14
9\lol! Baller)'
PDT3100 10-22
Activity file
Container Filing 3-10
File/older Filing 4-9
Tape Filing 5-9
Activity History - Service Priority
Workorders 6-\3
Add Alternate ID
PDT3100 10-8
Add Containers
Container Filing 3-14
Workorders 6-19
Add Date
Container Filing 3-16
Filefolder Filing 4-13
Tape Filing 5-13
Add Delivery Address
Workorders 6-1 I
Add Filef(llders
Filefolder Filing 4-10
Add Items On-the-Fly
Workorders 6-29 .
Add Services
Workorders 6-1<)
Add Tapes
Tape Filing 5- I 0
Queries 1-5
Adding Containers to a Workorder
Workorder 6-19
Adding Materials to a Workorder
Workorders 6-23
Adding Other Services to a Workorder
Workorders 6-24
Adding Supplies to a Workorder
Workorders 6-23
Adding Tapes to a Workorder
Workorders 6-2 I
Workorders 6-7
Address - Adding One
Workorders 6-1 I
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-7
Administrative Optiolls
Workorders 6-31
Container Filing 3- I 0
File/older Filing 4-10
Tape Filing 5-10
All Items to 1'01'3100 (picklist)
Workorders 6-36
Alpha Key
PDT3100 \0-2
Alternate Addresses
Workorders 6-10
I ndex . 17-1
Alternatc ID
Container Filing 3-14
Filefolder Filing 4-11
P0T3100 10-2, 10-8
T",'IpeFiling 5-11
Alternatc ID - Add
PDT3100 10-8
Alternate ID - Route Ops
P0T3100 10-12
Alternate lD changed
Wand Processing 9-12
Alternate ID cross reference
Reports 12-8
Alternate illExists
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-12
Alternate ID Reentered
Datawand/PDT3 100 Processing 9-13
Alternate (D's
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-7
AND / OR Operators
Queries 1-17
AND opcrator
Qucrics 1-4
Containcr fiiing 3-6
Apply Priority Service to Each Item on the Workordcr
Workorders 6-12
Apply Priority Service to the Workorder
Workorders 6-12
Arranging Columns
Printing fromTables 2-2
ASCII Format for Lists
Lists 13-2
Asterisk (*)
PDT3100 10-6
Authorized By
Workorders 6-5
Authorizcd field
Workorders 6-9
Auto-Incrementing Barcode Numbers
Workorders 6-29
Available Space
I'DT3100 10-20
Barcode Accuracy
Barcode Label - Replacing
Filefolder Filing 4-10
Tape Filing 5-10
Barcode Label - Tape 10
Tape Filing 5-11
Barcode Length Lisf
POT3100 10-21
17-2 Index
B;J rcode Symoology
I'D"I'3100 10-20
Barcode Veri ((cation
PDT3100 10-18
Barcodes - Replacing
Container Filing 3-10
RS-Web 15-1
Batch Information
RS-Weo 15-3
PDT3100 10-22
Baud Rate
PDT3100 10-19
Beeper Tones
1>D1'3100 10-19
Qucries 1-2
Billing Information
Workorders 6-32
Bill-To Account - Changing
Workordcrs 6-16
Hk Sp kcy (BackSpace)
1'])"1'3100 10- 2
I3lank Text on Repeat
Rcports 12-6
Lists 13-2. 13-6
Calculated Review Dates
Scheduling 8-8
Canned reports
Reports 12-1
Capacity Exceeded
Datawand / 1>DT31009- i3
Catcgory Code
Containcr filing 3-15
Filefoldcr Filing 4-13
Tapc Filing 5-13
Ccnter with Next Column
Reports 12-5
Changc Bill-To Account
Workorders 6-16
Workorders 6-20. 6-23 .
Charge Account Table
Workorders 6-17
Charge Detail
Workorders 6-14
Charge Detail Table
Workorders 6-18
Charge for Add
Container filing 3-17
Filefolder Filing 4-14
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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Index, 17-3
Queries 1-2
Constant Fields
Queries 1-17
Filefolder Filing 4-12
Tape Filing 5-12
Contained In Status
Filefolder Filing 4-12
Containee Type
Containcr Filing 3-15
Containcr Activity
Reports 12-7
Container Add
Container Filing 3-14
Container Contents
Container Filing 3-12
Container Description
Container Filing 3-11
Container Edit
Container Filing 3-14
Container Filing
Container Filing 3-1,
Container Items Query
Container Filing 3-12
Container not found
Datawand / PDT3100 9-13
Container Reports
Reports 12-7
Container Totals
Workorders 6-33
Containers - Adding to a Workorder
\Vorkorder 6-19
Containers by Account
Reports 12-7
Containers out of the Warehouse
Reports 12-8
Containers to he Destroyed
Reports 12-8
Container Filing 3-12
Filefolder Filing 4-8
Tape Filing 5-7
Contents - Global Edit
Container Filing 3-8
Filefolder filing 4-8
Tape Filing 5-7
Contents text
Customer Transmittal 14-4
Contracts Expiring
Reports 12-12
Convert Pre-Workorders
Workorders 6-2
ConvcI1ed Date
Workorders 6-2

User"sGuide RS-SQL Operations

Tape Filing 5-14
Charge liJ r Move
Container Filing 3-17
Filefolder Fi Iing 4-14
Tape Filing 5-14
Charge for Pickup or Receiving
Workorders 6-8
Charge for Status Change
Container Filing 3-17
Filefolder Filing 4-14
Tape Filing 5-14
Charges - Addiilg to a WorkOl'der
Workorders 6-24
Clear Key
PDT3 I 00 10-2
Client Object
Workorders 6-13
PDT3100 10-20
Code 128
PDT3100 10-20
Code 39
PDT3100 10-20
Cold boot
PDTJ lOO 10-20
Cold Boot
PDHI00 10-3, 1()-21
Column - Print
Reports 12-4
Column Order
Printing from Tables 2-2
Column Setup
Reports 12-3
Column Width
Rep0l1s 12-4
Combine Totals
Workorders 6-34
Workorders 6-24, 6-28
Datawand / PDT31 009-2
Communicate and Process
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-2
Workorders 6-36, 6-38
Communicate Only ,
Datawand / PPT3100 9-2
Communication Sessions
Datawand / PDT3 1()O 9-8
Datawand / PDT31 00 Processing 9-2
Company name
Compare Lists
Lists 13-6, 13-8
Comparison Operator
Queries 1-2, 1-17

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Could Itot Alid Retum [)ate to Sc lwdule File
[)atall'lI1lll/ PD 1'31()(J 9-13
Could not updatc databasc
Datawnnd / PD1'3I 009-14
Datawand / PD1'3100 9-2
Create a new workorder
PDT3100 10-9
Crente New Workordc r
PDT] 100 10-13
- Crc nte Workqrder
Workorders 6-5
Creating Queries
Quc ric s 1-2
Credits - Adding toa Workorder
Workorders 6-24
Current Date
Quc ries 1-4
Current Tc rm
Quc ric s 1-5
Current Timc
Quc ric s 1-4
P0T3100 10-3
Custom Reports
Reports 12-12
Customer Servic e Instruc tions
Workorders 6-33
Customer Transmittal
Customer Transmittal 14-1
Data Entry - Filefoldc rs
Filefolder Filing 4-10
Data Format
Customer Transmittal 14-3
Data not internally c onsistent
Datawand / PDT3100 9-14
Data onto Tables
Queries 1-1
Databasc List
Lists 13-7. 13-8
Datawand - Refile List
Tape Filing 5-3
Datawand lIb .
Datavvand / POT31 009-20
Datawand / PDT31 00 Proc essing 9-1
Datawand parameters
Datawand / PDT3100 9-22
Datawand / PDT3100 9-2,9-20
Date - Current
Queries 1-4
Date Range
Container Filing 3-16, 4-13
17-4 Index
Tnpe Filing 5-14
f)efnult J usti fic ntion
Reports 12-6
Defnult settings - Datawand lib
Dntnwand / PDT31 009-4
Default settings - PDT3100
Datawand / PDT31 009-4
Delete Exc eptions
Dntnwand / POT31 00 9-1I
Deleting.:ln Entire Workorder
Workorders 6-39
Deleting nn Item from a Workorder
Workorders 6-39
Delimited Format
Customer Transmittal 14-3
Delimited with Quota~ion Marks
Customer Transmittal 14-3
Customer Transmittal 14-3
Deliver Chc c k Box
Workordc rs 6-()
I )e1ivc r Itc llIs
PDT3100 10-11
Delivery Address
Workorders 6-7, 6-9
Delivery Address - Add
Workorders 6-11
Delivery Address table
Workorders 6-11
Delivery Rec c ipt
PDT3100 10-11
Delivery Workorder
Workorders 6-4
Desc ription
FilefolderJ Filing 4-8, 4-12
Tape Filing 5-8. 5-11
Desc ription - Global Edit
Filefolder Filing 4-6
Tape Filing 5-6
Desc ription Key Words
file folder Filing 4-9
Tape Filing 5-9
Desc ription Searc hing
Filefolder Filing 4-9
Tape Filing 5-9
Desc ription text
Customer Transmittal 14-4
Desc ription, Container
Container Filing 3-11
Desc riptions, Searc hing on
Container Filing 3-12
Destroy" Date
Container Filing 3-16
Filefolder Filing 4-13
Tape Filing 5-13
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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I kstl'o)' Workordcl'
W"r1,,,nh'nl ( , ", I
l)csll'lH.:liolls- Scheduling
Scheduling 8-8
Detail - Exceptions
Datawand/PDT3 100 Processing See
Detail - Workorder
Workol'ders 6-25
Delail Font
Reports 12-0
Queries 1-11
Down Arrow Key
PDT3! 00 !0-2
Download apicklist to the PDT3100
WOl'kol'ders 6-36
Download Barcode Length List
I'DT3100 10-21
Diunp Skipped
Datawand / PDT3100 Processing 9-14
Dynamic Field
Queries 1-11
Dynamic text
Queries 1-10
Edit Containers
, Container Filing 3-14
Edit Contents Globally'
Container Filing 3-8
rilefolder Filing 4-8
Tape Filing 5-7
Edit Description Globally
Container Filing 3-5
Filefolder Filing 4-6
Tape Filing 5-6
Edit Exceptions
Datawand / POT31009-1 0
Edit Filefolders
Filefolder Filing 4-10
Edit Tapes
Tape Filing 5-10
Editing aSchedule
Scheduling 8-10
Editor - Quick Query
Queries 1-10
Electronic Picklist
Workorders 6-36, 6-37
Electronic Transmittal
Customer Transmittal 14-1
PDT3100 10-2
Queries 1-2
User's GuideRS- SQLOperations
Fxccption - I'rc-Work orders.
\"'Odd. lllh, t ~I1,1
Exceptioll Codes
Datawand / pon 100 9-11
Oatawand / POT3100 9-8
Exceptions - Delete -
I )atawand / PDT3! 00 9-1I
Exceptions - Edit
Datawand / PDT3100 9-! 0
Exceptions - Processiilg
Datawand / pOT3I 00 9-8
Exceptions - Scheduling
Scheduling 8-12
Lists 13-3
Fields field
Lists 13-2
File List
Lists 13-7. 13-8
File Name
Lists 13-2
Filefolder Activity
Reports 12-9. 12-11
Filefolder Add
Filefoldel' Filing 4-10
Filefolder Contents
Filef()lder Filing 4-8
Filefolder Description
Fifefolder Filing 4-8, 4-12
Filefolder Edit
Filefolder Filing 4-10
Filefolder Filing
Filefolder Filing 4-1
Filefolder ids - Converting from DOS
, Filefolder Filing 4-14
Filclolder not found
Datawand / pOnI 00 9-15. 9-19
Filefolder Reports
Rep0'1s 12-9, 12-10
Filefolder Status
Filefolder Filing 4-13
Filelolders -Adding to a Workorder
Workorders 6-21
Filefolders by Account
Reports 12-9. 12-10
Filefolders out of the warehouse
Reports 12-10, 12-12
Filefolders to be destroyed
Reports 12-10,12-11
Container Filing 3-9
Index. 17- 5
Filing - Filerolder
filet()lder riling 4-1
riling - Tape
Tape Filing 5-1
Filing Containers
Container Filing 3-1
Filter - Query
Queries 1-9
Filter Style
Queries 1-I 0
Finding Items - Urgent Notification
Container Fililig 3-1
Fixed Format
Customer Transmittal 14-3
Flat rate for a workorder
Workorders 6-9
Folder changed location
Datawand / PDT31 009-15, 9-19
For Remote
Dataw3nd / PDT31 009-5
Force Authorization
Workorders 6-5
FOI'matting a Table
Printing from Tables 2-2
Freeze - PDT31 00
PD1'3 100 10-23
Func Key
PD1'3100 10-2
Generating Workorders from a Schedule
Scheduling 8-11
Generic text
Customer Transmittal 14-5
Global Edit Contents
Container Filing 3-8
Fi Icfolder riling 4-8
Tape Filing 5-7
Global Edit Description
Container Filing 3-5
Fi Icf()lder Filing 4-6
Tape Filing 5-6
Global Post
WorKorders 6-28
Global Reconcile
Datawand I PDT3100 9-10
Greater than "
Queries 1-2
Gl'cater than or equal to
Queries 1-2
Lists 13-3
17-6 Index
Lists 13-2
Header - report
Reports 12-6
Heading Font
Reports 12-5
Heading Lines
Reports 12-4
Holding Area Scanning
P0T3100 10-23
Scheduling 8-6
Import Customer Data
Customer Transmittal 14-1
Import Fomlat
Customer Transmittal 14-3
1mport type
Customer Transmittal 14-3
,Importing Customer Files
Customer Transmittal 14-5
Importing Data
Customer Transmittal 14-2
PDT3 \00 10-19
Instructi ons
WorKorders 6-33
Datawand / PD1'31 00 9-7
WorKorders 6-41
ItemAccount - Account LinKs
WorKorders 6-40
Itemadded using account range
\)atawand I PDT31009-15
Itemhas no account
Oatawand I PDT31 00 9-15
ItemNot Relilcd
Wand Processing 9-16
ItemProcess Control 7-1
ItemProcess Status 7-1
Workorders 6-20, 6-22
ItemSubtype - Entering
P0T3100 10-13
Itemized Pickup
Workorders 6-7
Itemized PickUp
P0T3100 10-12
Itemized PicKups
P0T3100 10-12
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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Index. 17-7
New itcm to outgoing holding area
Datawand I pOT3100 9-16
New \Vorkorder - Create
PDT3100 10-13
Nickel Cadmium bat~cry
PDT3100 10-22
Main Menu
Queries 1-5
Materials - Adding to a Workorder
Workorders 6-23
micro flash Printer
PDT3100 10-19
Data wand I P0T31 00 9-7
I ,(lad a l,ist
Lists 13-1
I,oad Di flcrenccs
Lists 13-7
Load 1'1'0111 an ASCII File
Lists 13-2
Load Queries
Queries 1-7
Load Refile List from Datawnd
Filefolder Filing 4-3
Load Refile List 1'1'0111 PDT31 00
Filefolder Filing 4-3
Load Refile List 1'1'0111 Remote Site
Filefolder Filing 3-3, 4-3, 5-3
Load report f0I111at
Rep0l1s 12-6
Load Similarities
Lists 13-6
Load Templates
Queries 1-12
Loading Formats
Printing (i-omTables 2-3.
Location Codc
Containcr Filing 3-15
Filefolder Filing 4-12
Tape Filing 5-12
Location not 10und
Datawand I ponl 00 9-16
Location Reports
Reports 12-12
PDT3100 10-3
Long Telll1 Rotation Schedules
Scheduling 8-4
Ilems added to the Scheduler
Scheduling 1\-2
J ustification
Reports 12-6
User's GuideRS-SOL Operations
Key word
Container Filing 3-13
Key Word
Container Filing 3-7
Key word search
Filefolder Filing 4-9
Tape Filing 5-9
Key word Se'arch
Container Filing 3-13
Key Word Search
Container Filing 3-9, 3-11
Filefolder Filing 4-7, 4-1{
Tape filing 5-6
Labor - Adding to a Workorder
Workorders 6-24
Left Arrow Key
PDT3 100 10-2
Len side
Queries 1-1
Less than
Queries 1-2
Less than or equal to
Queries 1-2
Like Operator
Queries 1-8
Linked Accounts - Posting Itcms
Workordcrs 6-41
Linking Accounts
Workorders 6-40
List - Urgcnt Notification
Container Filing 3-2
List file
Lists 13-2
List Name
Lists 13-5
Lists 13-1
Lists of Records
Lists 13-1
Qucries I-I
Reports 12-6 k .'
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No container
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-16
No location
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-16
No Owner
Lists 13-6
No workorder numher
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-17
Non-Itemized Pickup
Workorders .6-7
Not equal
Queries 1-2
Not validated
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-17
Workorders 6-24
Notice - Urgent
Container Filing 3-1
Filfolder Filing 4-1
Tape Filing 5-1
Notification - Urgent
Container Fil ing 3-f
Ohject Client"
Workorders 6-13
Object Code
Container Filing 3-15
Tape Filing 5-12
Object Type Changed
Wand Processing 9-17
Object Type Ignored
Wand Processing 9-17
Ohject Type not FOund
Wand Processing 9-17
Offset Columns
Reports 12-4
One Time Schedule
Scheduling 8-2
Workorders 6-29
Open - Workorder Status
Workorders 6-6
Queries 1-2
OR operator
Queries 1-4
Order of Operation
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-6
Othcr rcp0l1s
Reports 12-12
Other Services
Workordcrs 6-4
Other Services - Adding to a Workorder
Workorders 6-24
17-8 Index
Override Access / Receive Charge
Workorders 6-9. 6-14
Override Charges
Workorders 6-9. 6-14
OvelTide Delivery/Pickup Charge
Workorders 6-14
Override Destroy Charge
Workorders 6-9. 6-14
OverrideDe Iivery/Pi ckupCharge
Workorders 6-9
Overwrite Rules
Cl!stomer Transmittal 14-4
Parameters - Reseuing Datawand
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-22
Queries 1-17
Queries 1-5
Password - Authorized By
Workorders 6-6
Datawand / PDT31 00 Processing 9-1
Schedul ing 8-7
1'0'1'3100 - Freeze
PDT3100 10-23
PDT3100 - New Versions
PDT3100 10-23
PDT3 100- Relile List
Tape Filing 5-3
POT3 100- Route Ops
Workordei"s 6-38
POT3100 and Picklists
Workorders 6-37
PDT3100 not Responding
PDT3100 10-23
PDT3100 Relilc List
PDT3100 10-14
PDT3\ 00 Remote 11-\
PIH3100 Remote Installation 11~3
P0T3100 Validate Pickups
Workorders 6-8
Filefolder Filing 4-13
.Tape Filing 5-13
Permanent Status
Container Filing 3-16
Workorders 6-20. 6-23
Pick up / Receive
Workorders 6- 7
PDT3100 10-4
User's GuideRS-SQL Operations

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Index. 17-9
Print Rcfilc Lisl
Filel'older Filing 3-4, 4-4
Print Table Oplion
Printing 11'0111 Tables 2-1
Print Workorders
Workorders 6-39
PD'1'3I00 I0-19
Printer Setup
Workorders 6-39
Printing aTable
Prinling Ii'omtables 2-1
Workorders 6-7
Priority Service
Workorder 6-12
Priorily sublist
Workorders 6-7
Process Code
Dalawand I PDT3100 9-1I
Process Dala
I)alawandII'DT31 00 <)-6
Process Only
Datawand I PDT3I 00 9-6
Processing Exceptions
DatawandII' I)T3100 9-8
Processing Transactions
Datawand I PDT3100 9-7
Public Access
Lists 13-1, 13-6
Purge Workorders from theSystem
Workorders 6-39
Queries I-I
Queries - Creating
Queries 1-2
Queries - Saving
Queries 1-6
Reports 12-3
Query - Load
Queries 1-7
Query & Post
" Workorders 6-27
Query & Post - Linked Accounts
Workorders 6-42
Query Filter
Queries 1-9
Query parts
Queries I-I
Qucry Statcment
Queries 1-5
Workorders 6-35
Picklisl - Selecl Llems
Workorders 6-36
Pieklisl - Workorder St,ltus
Workorders 6-6
Picklisllo PDT3 100
PDT3100 10-4
Workorders 6-36
Pickup Address
WorkonJ crs 6-7, 6-9
Pickup item Destroyed
Wand Processing 9-17
Pickup item IN
Wand Processing 9-17
Pickup Item Receipts
PDT3IOO 10-13
Pickup items
PDT3100 10-12
Pi ckup Items
PDT3100 10-1I
Pickup or Receive Count Different
Wand Processing 9-11)
PorI Settings - Dalawand
Dalawand/PDT3100 9-4
Port Settings - PDT31 00
Dalawand/PDT3100 9-4
PorI Selup
Dalawand I PDT31 00 9-3
Filefolder Filing 4-5
Tape Filing 5-5
Post items to a Workorder
Workorders 6-28
Posting Items from Linked Accounts
Workorders 6-41
posting web order to existing workorder 15-13
Posting Web Orders to Workorders
RS-Web 15-11
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
PDT3100 10-22
Pre-work orders
Workorders 6-2
Prinl - Workorder Status
Workorders 6-6
Print All Items to Picklist
Workorders 6-35
Print Column
Reports 12-4
Print Delivery Receipt
PDT3 100 10-1I
Print Picklist
Workorders 6-35
Print Picklist - Workorder Status
Workorders 6-6
Print Pickup Items
PDT3100 10-13
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2 .
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Qucry tcxt box
Querics 1-2
Query Text Box
Queries 1-16
Quick Chcck
P0T3100 10-14
Quick Key
Queries 1-10
Quick Queries
Queries 1-) 0
Quick Query - Accessing
Queries 1-12
Quick Query A - 0
Queries )-10
Quick Query Template
Queries 1-10
Quotation Marks
Customcr Transmittal 14-3
Raw Data - Datawand
Dalawand / 1'01'3100 9-4
P0T3100 10-20
P01'3100 10-11
Receipts - Pickup Items
PDT3100 10-13
Rcceivc common data
Datawand / POT31 009-4
Receive new pickup list
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-5
Receive record center ops
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-5
Receive updated delivery list
Oatawalld / PDT31 00 9-4
Receive updated pick list
Data\vand / PDT31 009-4
Datawalld / P01'31 00 9-10
Record Center Operations
PDT3100 10-8
ReGIe List
Filefoldcr Filing 3~3, 4-2
PDT3100 IQ-14
Tape Filing 5-2
Refilc List - Save
filefolder Filing 3-4, 4-6
Tape Filing 5-6
ReGie List from Datawand
Filefolder Filing 4-3
Tape Filing 5-3
Refile list from PD1'31 00
Filefolder Filing 4-3
17-10. Index
Refile List frol11PDT3100
Tape Filing 5-3
Refile List from text file
Filefolder Filing 3-4,4-4
Tape Filing 5-4
Refile List to P0T31 00
POT3 100 10-14
Refile List Update
Replc Procedures
PDT3100 10-16
Datawand / PDT31 009-7
Refiling Filcfolders
Filefolder Filing 3-3,4-2
Refiling Files
PDT3100 10-16
Reload a Workorder to,PDT31 00
Workorders 6-39
Reload from PDT3 100
Workordcrs 0-38
Remote Communications
Datawand / PDT31 009-5
Remote employee 11-2
Remote site number 11-12
Containcr Filing 3-6
Replacing a Barcode
Filefoldcr Filing 4-10
Repl~,lCinga Barcode Label
Tape Filing 5-10
Replacing Barcodes
Container Filing 3-10
Report Header
Reports 12-0
Report information
Reports 12-7
Report print dialog
Rcports 12-2
Reports 12-1
Datawand / PDT3 1009-9
Workorders 0-20, 6-22
Dalawand / PDT31 009-5
Return Commands - PDT31 00
Scheduling 8-7
Return Trip - schedule
PD1'3100 10-14
Review Date
Scheduling 8-5
Right An-ow Key
PDT3 100 10-2
User's Guide RS-SQL Operations
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Index. 17-11
Schedule anaclivity
Schedul ing 8-2
Scheduling a Retunl
Scheduling 8-7
Scheduling Chapter
Scheduling 8-1
Scheduling \Vorkorders
Schedul ing 8-1I
Scarch - Key Word
Filclolder Filing 4-7
Tape Filing 5-6
Search Results
Queries 1-5
Searching for Key Words
Container Filing 3-9, 3-13
Filefolder Filing 4-8
Searching onDescriptions-
Container Filing 3-12
Filefolder Filing 4-9
Tape Filing 5-9
Security Code
Container Filing 3-15
Filefolder Filing 4-12
Tape Filing 5-13
Selected Items - Picklist
Workorders 6-36
Send Barcode
Datawand / PDT3100 9-2
SEND Barcode
Datawand / PDT3100 9-23
Send barcode lengths
Datawand / PDT3100 9-5
Send begin
Dataw<lHd/ PDT3 I00 9-4
Send clear
Datawand / PDT31009-5
Send end
J )atawand / PDT3l 009-5
Send PC date andtime
Datawand / PDT3100 9-5
Scqucncc rangc
Containcr Filing 3-16. 4-13
Tape Filing 5-13 .
Service Priority
Workorders 6-7,6-12
Services Workorder
Workorders 6-4
Session - PDT3100
Datawand / PDT3100 9-4
Sessions Detail
Datawand/PDT3100 Processing 9-8
Container Filing 3-16. 4-13, 5-13
Setting I3eeper Tones
PDT3100 10-19
User's GuideRS-SQl Operations
Save aList
Lists 13-5
Save All Transactions
Datawand / PDT3100 9-8
Save List to aFile
Lists 13-6
Save Qucries
Queries 1-6
Save Refile List
Filefolder Filing 3-4,4-6
Tape Filing 5-6
Save report format
Reports 12-6
Save Template
Queries 1-12
Saved Formats
Printing from Tables 2-3
Saving Table Data
Lists 13-1
Scan All Hems
PDT3 100 10-10
Scan Delivery Items
PDT31(}0 H)- I I
Scan Head
PDT3100 10-3
Scan order
Datawand / (>DT3100 9-6
Scan Pickup Items
PDT3100 10-12
Scan Techniques
PDT3100 10:23
Scanned before last activity
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-18
Datawand / PDT3100 9-22
Scanning hints
Datawand / PDT3100 9-21
Scanning Rules
PDT3100 10-8
Schedule a Return Trip
PDT3 I00 10- 14
RighI sidc
Queries 1-2
Rotation Schedules
Scheduling 8-4
Route - Workordcr Status
Workorders 6-6
Route Ops
PDT3 100 10-9
Workordcrs 6-38
RS-Web OVerview
RS-Web 15-1

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17-12-Index User's GuideRS-SQL Operations
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Undo - Download to 1'01'3100
Workordc rs 6-38
Tap es - Adding to a Workorder
Workorders (,-21
Task Assigned Date 7-1
Task Assigned Time 7-1
Task Comp leted Date 7-1
Task Comp leted Time 7-1
Temp late
Queries 1-10
Queries 1-4. 1-16
Tenll style
Queries 1-4
Term Style
Queries 1-16
Tenllinal Server 11-7
Test Button
Queries 1-12
Test Sean
1'01'3100 10-20
Text file - Refile list from
Filefolder Filing 3-4, 4-4
Tap e Filing 5-4
Text Searc h
Container Filing 3-7, 3-11
Time - Current
Queries 1-4
Time Oyt
PDT3100 10-18
Total Database Up dates
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-7
Totals - Container
Workorders 6-33
Trac king Number
RS-Web 15-1
Transac tion rep orts
Rep orts 12-13
- Transac tions
Workorders 6-33
Transac tions - Proc essing
J )atawand / PDT31 009-7
Transac tions for Priority Servic e Ac tions
Work orders 6-13
Transmittal imp 0l1ing
Customer l'nlnSIl1iual 14-1
Trigger buttons
PDT3100 10-3
Typ es different
Datawand / PDT3100 9-19
Typ es inc omp atible
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-19
PD'I'3 100 10-17
Setup Columns
Rep orts 12-3
Six-Pac k Charger
I)ataw<lnd / PDT31 009-21
Sleep Mode
PDT31110 10-18
Sort Fields
Rep orts 12-3
Sorting Data
Printing fi'om Tables 2-3
COlltainer Filing 3-16
Filefolder Filing 4-13
Tap e Filing 5-13
Status - Workordc r
Workorders 6-6
Status Date
Container Filing 3-16
Filefoldc r Filing 4- I3
T,.tp eFiling 5-13
Status fh1l11 Destroyed to In
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-16
Status of In to Outgoing holding area
Datawand / 1'01'3100 9-18
Status of l~rmout to In
Datawand / PDT31 00 9-19
Queries 1-8
Substring 1-2 .
Sup p lies - Adding to a Workorder
Workorders 6-23
Symbol PDT3 100
Datawand / PDT31 00 Proc essing 9-1
Symbology, Barc ode
PDT3 100 10-20
Tables - Sorting Data
Printing from Tables 2-3
Tally Data
Workorders 6-34
Tap e Add
Tap e Filing 5-.10
Tap e Contents
Tap e Filillg 5-7
Tap e Desc rip tion
Tap e Filing 5-8, 5-11
Tap e Edit
Tap e Filing 5-10
Tap e Filing
Tap e Filing 5-1
Tap e Status
Tap e Filing 5-13
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Unitemized Pic kups
POT3100 10- 12
Unknown user ID
Datawand/PDT3 100 Proc essing 9- 20
Unmark Fail ing Rows ~.
Queries 1- 10
Unmark Passing Rows
Queries 1- 10
Up Arrow key
PDT3100 1tl - 2
Update Workorder Priority
Workorders 6- 14,6- 39
Updating your PDT31 00
P0T3100 \0- 23
Upl oad
Datawand / PDT3 100 9- 2
Upl oad apic kl ist to RSWin
PDT3100 10- 7
Urgent Notific ation
Containc r Fil ing 3- I
Fil c fol der Fil ing 4- 1
Tape Fil ing 5- 1 ,
Urgc nt Notific ation List
Fil efol der Fil ing 4- 2
Tape Fil ing 5- 2
User Defined Fiel ds
Container Fil ing 3- 16
Fil efol der Fil ing 4- 14
Tape Fil ing 5- 14
Sc hedul ing 8- 7
Val idate by Truc k
PD1'3100 10- 10
Val idate by workorder
PDT3100 10- 9
V. l l idatc Load
PDT3 100 10- 9
View Ac c ount Information
Workorders 6- 31
View Transac tions
Workorders 6- 33
view web order 15- 2
Viewing al l Hel )l SPosted to A Workorder
Workorders 6- 25
Visibl e Fiel d
Quc ries 1- 2
Visibl e Fic l ds
Quc ric s 1- 3. 1- 16
Visibl e Fil e
Queries 1- 2. 1- 3. 1- 16
User' s Guide RS-SOL Operations
Wand Proc essing
Datawand/PDT31 00 9- I
Warm boot
PDnl OO 10- 20
'Nann Boot
PD1'3100 10- 2, 10- 20
Waming tones
Oatawund / POD I 009- 22
Web Order Dc tail Tabl e
RS- Web 15- 1 .
Web Orders to Workorders
RS- Web 15- 11
Web RepOl t EI11Hil Notific ation 15- 16
Width of Col uinn
Reports 12- 4
Wil dc ard Charac ters
Queries 1- 8
Word Searc h
Fil efol der Fil ing 4- 7,4- 8
. Tape Fil ing 5- 6
Workorder - Create new
PDT3100 10- 9
Workorder Ac c ount
Work orders 6- 41
Workordc r Ac c ount - Ac c ount Links
Workorders 6- 40
Workorder Detail
Workorders 6: 25
Workorder not found
Datawand / rDDOO 9- 20
Workorder Note
Workorders 6- 24
Workorder Number
Work orders 6- 5
Workorder Priority - Update
Workorders 6- 14, 6- 39
Workorder status
Workorders 6
Workorder Tabl e
Workordc rs 6- 1. 6- 3
Workorders - Creating from a Sc hedul e
Sc hedul ing 8- 1 I
Index. 17- 13
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