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CHAPTER 1: INVITATION TO BIOLOGY Emergent property - A characteristic of a system that does not appear in any of the system's component

parts. LIFE ORGANIZATION Atom- fundamental unit of all substances Molecule - atoms joined in chemical bonds. Cell - smallest unit of life. Tissue - Organized array of cells and substances that interact in a collective task. Organ - structural unit of interacting tissues. Organ system - a set of interacting organs. Multicelled organism - individual that consists of different types of cells Population - group of the same species in a given area. Community - all population of all species in a specified area. Ecosystem - A community interacting with its environment through transfer of energy and materials. Biosphere - the sum of all ecosystems. Characteristics of Life 1. Organisms require energy and nutrients. energy - the capacity to do work. nutrient - substance needed for survival but cannot be produced by organism itself. producer - organism that makes its own food using energy and raw materials from environment. photosynthesis - process by which producers use light energy to make sugars from carbon dioxide and water. consumer - organism that gets energy and nutrients by feeding on tissues, wastes, or remains of other organisms 2. Organisms sense and respond to change homeostasis -set of processes by which an organism keeps internal conditions within tolerable ranges. 3. Organisms use DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid - carries hereditary information that guides growth and development.

HOW LIVING THINGS DIFFER biodiversity - variation among living organisms. nucleus - double membraned sac that encloses the DNA. DOMAIN a) Bacteria - single cell, no nucleus, ancient lineage. b) Archaea - single cell, no nucleus, evolutionarily closer to eukaryotes than bacteria. c) Eukarya - eukaryotic (has true nucleus) -can be single celled or multicellular. - protists, plants, animals K (ing) KINGDOM P (hillip)PHYLUM C (ame)CLASS O (ver) ORDER F (or)FAMILY G (ood)GENUS S (teak)SPECIES SCIENTIFIC METHOD Hypothesis - testable explanation of a natural phenomenon. Prediction - statement based on the hypothesis, about a condition that should exist if hypothesis is correct. Experiment - a test designed to support or falsify the prediction. Conclusion - derived from data gathered. -nullify or support hypothesis. ---------------------------------------------------------------Science - systematic study of the observable world. Inductive reasoning - drawing a conclusion based on observation. Deductive reasoning - using a general idea to make a conclusion about a specific idea. Model - analogous system used for testing hypotheses.

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