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Assessment for Nutrition Lecture Name : Student ID: 1 A B C D 2 A B C D 3 A B C D 4 A B C D 5 A B C D 6 A B C D 7 A B C D Questions The fastest growth period is during Puberty Infancy

Pregnancy All stages in life cycle 1 Maternal iron deficiency can increase the risk of: Delivery of Low birth weight baby Childhood asthma Gestational diabetes Maternal obesity 2 Iron requirement during pregnancy: Is not the same with non pregnant woman during the first trimester Can be fulfilled by increased dietary intake Gradually increase throughout the pregnancy Rapidly increase in the late trimesters 3 The energy and nutrient gap should be fulfilled by: Increase frequency of breast feeding Exclusive breast feeding Complementary feeding Increased gastric capacity 4 The following condition reflects chronic undernutrition problem: Thinness Stunting Underweight Obesity 5 Nutrition intervention in elderly can have the following benefits except: Delay the onset of vicious cycle between malnutrition and impaired immune response Improved nutritional status Increase productivity for the country Successful aging 6 Complementary feeding Breast feeding should be continued 2 year or more The nutrient gap is higher for vitamin A than iron Breast milk can fulfill more than 50% of energy requirement after one year All statements are true 7 Date: Answer

8 A B C D 9 A B C D 10 A B C D 11 A B C D 12 A B C D 13 A B C D 14 A B C D 15 A B C D

Which anthropometric index is preferred to assess chronic undernutrition? Weight for age Height for age Weight for Height All answers A,B,C 8 During infections and inflammation, serum retinol concentration may Increase Decrease Not change All answers are wrong 9 For the study dietary fiber intake and the colorectal cancer risk, it refers to Level 1 objective Level 2 objective Level 1 and 2 objective Level 4 objective 10 The study suggests dietary fiber intake Increase the risk of colorectal cancer reduce the risk of colorectal cancer show similar effect in both men and women Has no relationship to colorectal cancer 11 The following nutritional problems are common around 1950 except Beriberi Nutritional blindness Zinc deficiency Anemia 12 Nutrigenetic studies The effect of diet on body metabolism The role of nutrients on gene expression The influence of life style on gene expression The influence of genotype on nutritionally related diseases 13 In biochemical assessment of nutritional status, Measuring one biomarker is sufficient to detect all stage of deficiency Convalescence stage is not associated with serum level of biomarkers Serum retinol level is often increased during period of infections None of the statement is true 14 Which of the following statement is true? Risks for cardiovascular disease is the same for Asian and European Abdominal circumference represents total body weight BMI measurement can predict disease risk better than abdominal circumference None of the above statement is true 15

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