Anda di halaman 1dari 9

-Enlerprise Business u Unit, Plonning Business

B S N LC o r p o r o t e O f f i c e


$ t{{f,

l}ff$ffg 'rrf[{ Ffrfq 'i

! ' i ) i ' ti ) : )" 'i 1';:"'r :r)r'rir'rre '1"rr:.ri,

BhorotsonchorBhowon, Floor, 7th

lonpoth, New Delhi 1 I O0O'l

# "


Fox:23765467 Ph.23765451,

F i l eN o . r r r - o 6 / ? o t z - t s P Ent Subject:

:ot3 D r t c d : z - F e l r r t r a r:J Data

of tariff of IDC services to be offered from Internet Revision up on reYenue sharing basis with m/s Dimension Data. set Centres

1. BSNI- has setup six datl centres at Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Ludhiana, Ahrncdabad, , l l i p u r 3 n d M u m b a i t o p r o v i d e I D C s e n . i c e sn i t h M / s D i u r e u s i o u D a t a a s p a r t n e r ( c a l l c d l)ata Cerrtre Sen'ice Provider, D(lSP) on fcvellltc sharing basis. tl-re alttlvementionetlsix data centresin The tariffs for follolving Il)(l scn'iccsplovideclfron-r z. II I L r . v i t hM / s I ) i m e n s i o nl ) a t a u ' t : r ei s s u c dv i c i cc i r c r t l a t ' o fN o . 1 1 1 - : / z o r t - I D C / 1 1 ' / V O associatiou datcd 3q=]?.anttancltt.or.zotz: Managed Co-locatiotr Sctwices Ilostcd F)xchange Services H osted Vicle<lConfcrctrcing Scrviccs & Hostcd Compute Services of thc altrtvcnicnticlnecl Revised tariff for abovc rncntionccl scrvices: in supcrscssicln :]. is rtviscd iis follorvsu'ith the aplrltlvalof sctric't.s rrcntionecl the taliff o1'therrbove trvotarifTcit'cslars, atrtholitr'. thc compett-r.rt

4. 4.1

C O L O C A T I OS N ERVICES: MANAGED Prices: Service RackCo-location

Service Specification Details Packages

Rack Spacc

Va tsq"k

I l\rll Raqk

L;-" ("itt' t "

I P,r*.. rnclusiirns l'ower Av:rilability (+qfUe!!a.Us) , ' lMini'- um C<rirt.act l )uratiotr


Inclusion for Standard Co-location offerings pon'crsupplvn'ill bc'plovicled a. Racksof t9 inchcs,4: ll rack r'vithcir.ral (SinglePhast') is proviclecl as stanclat'tl b. Riitedporvcl of 13KVA c. per rack Up to t6 x 2 x 5 Amp polveroutletscan be made available sen'iceprovider connectivitv d. 2 copperlinks to Mux loom will be proiided for banclu,idth lockablerack is made available to ftill rack clientsonlv e. Standalci


(Rack units wise)

Mumbai Ahmedabad




Ghaziabad Faridabad

4,33,ooo rr , o o o 36,

* One time Caging Chargcs u oulcl be cxtra, baseclon cttstonler reqtlircments. Aluminr-rm Mesh, rvith Sliding cloor'& Lock rvorrld bc chargeclat INR l33o /sqft

#'fhe|e rvoulcl lte pricc escalirtion ()f toTu otl \'car on Voar basis


Space Co-locationCharges:

extr.a.(Please |ct'cr the tablc belon) pr.orisionccliincl cha| Alumintlm Mesh, , One timc Caging Charges rvorrki be exlr'a, baseclot.tcttstontcL re'clttircments. Lrechalgctl lt IN I{ l;i;jt I /st1ft' Slicling cloor'& Lotrk r,r,,ith "r'ottlcl 'l'hcre rt'oulclbc prir:t' r.scillati0n ol't()% on Ycilf on r,eal'llasis. #


AdditionalCo-locationResources: P l o w e rC h a r g e s . 4.3.1 Additiona

S. No Datacenter Location Mumba Ahmedabad Power Charges Per Power Charges per KVA ( INR per Annum)

o.5KVA (INR Per Annum)


3. 4.
5. 6.

Ghaziabad Faridabad Ludhiana


4 . 3 . 2 R e m o t eH a n d( R H )S u P P o r t '

Charges per 5 Hours 5500 89oo

Price (in INR)


Remote Hand SPecifications t'f ecl"ripment c1'cling Rebootingor i)o\t''er l i e n ts e t t t p t t o d c r i t ' c e x t e l n a I Connect sesslon Resetfrozenremote to check physical rtetu'orkconnectir''it1' Reqr.rests b1'client port for lemote management a console in to t'lug LED/ other indicatorson sen'crs to checkthe ph1'sical I{ecf,-rests Other phvsicathelp ncttreclriringloggingittto setlet'/ devicc 4.3.3 Seating Space Reiluirements

Activities lncluded

(i INI{ 8ll',lloo pt'r Mottth Llechalg,ecl Seating spac,'r,r'ottld


R a c k i n g& S t a c k i n gS u p p o r t( O n eT i m e c h a r g e s ) :

4.4.2 Warm Hand Support(for Racking/Stacking): j cltargc: p:" t Hours (lhargcs pcr 4 Hrs i




l l



Inter Rack Cabling (betweenServerto Network Racks):


DatacenterConsulting & ConsolidationCharges:

Services Coverage P ' ' ; . .i r n t N t t l aiI m ent to p rot'ide cle't Virl ualization ass('ss netrvolk and stot'age of sen't'r', etssessment Assessment Data CentcrConsolidation I cal to r''irlual t ansfbrmation Assessment Ph1'si BusinessContinuitr & Disastet'I{ccol'ery'

Charges per Week (5 Working days



RoofRightGharges(TopSpace)formountingcustomerRFEquipments' etc: equiPment, Wireless Antennas,

/ o t h e r T e l e c o mo p e r a t o re q u i p m e n t customer o f B S N Lf o r p u t t i n g rultngs A s p e rt h e e x i s t i n g o n B S N Lr o o f

5. 5.1

I TS E R V I C E S : & MANAGED HOSTING MANAGED - 1 CPUMachines: Packages ServerHostingStandard

EXPRESS l e ' C P U , 4( ) o t ' e GB 5oo GB SA'fA STANDARD SinsleCPU,4 Core BGB zxSoo (lB Sl!'A
Ir.rclucled Includecl,1S4
One-tinre SetuP Irce
r !r rvs Period 4Lr vlrrrar Contract rvtttl. Min.

] I I
J ycitt s _


Prices per Month !:l N_9



Server Hosting Standard Packages 2 CPU Machines:


. 1( r r r . r , , . l r t . l r , 1( ' o | c c l r t . l r , 6 ( ' o r r . t ' l r t ' l r (r('orc etclt t{ ( o - l,' c - encll' ,

PI'tlcessol' Pr'Ocessor


-:,iT,",,i: o 'a:ii |+llil-' 1...l!*" Ilfill: straredNetwo.k

3: ()li
,'r) I l^,rrtr .rwr,r'r(ll{ l-.",

]+!11'"''!!!r-4-qqfc8 (]l] o,t" i '

I-tt' t;tl |


:: C;tl
f ' f fq n '

Portsllnclutled Shared Irirewall (5o Inclrrtlcd nclutlccl I Mbps Thro

T ,-. ,

,.-..',,,',.,, i r.^r,,,ro,r I t,.'"r''d",lI


d j tn,,lu, Include

I I gre11*. !".ll ll.. I vIitr. cort.".i I i Period [-rr.rn pr.icrsper

rnclrrrtcrl ,*,,",,r.

f u+*w-1 [u*,n.. ] ,'.ttt<*-rnucea

rncludecl Iruludecl1 lnqluclqf I I .t,"n.. ,, t'"^r, 'cars I ,, :.t Incltrdcct1 als 3 \,(r

Inclucled cl I Inclucled Inc'lude Incltrde I I

Incltrdecl ] I


(OS)option( sL i c e n s e s ) : System Operation

MS-Windows zooS Standard Edition (Single Monthlv License Price MS-Windows zooS Standard Edition (Dual

Edition OS - Standard Windows 5.3.1 Microsoft

Edition: OS - Enterprise Windows 5 . 3 . 2 Microsoft

Entcrprise Edition (Per CPU License)

WtS-WindowszooS Enterprise Bdition (Per CPU License

& (License sS u p p o r t ) : ' - - " - T t inux -* 5 . 3 . 3 R e d h aL -in INR charges Yearly n"arrut n'aiti-''s Specifications S"N" I I --:;.
Ited Hat Dntclplise Linrrx Sen'et"


* S t r n d|f l l c|l

necit ttit l,r'tterpl'iseLi rl r LxSctlct' # l)I't.nittttt -,,,-,r;rr* i ' r - , r c ^ r ' k i . t s )( r n r t o t g t t t : s t )I I ' c a t '


ScoPe of suPPort: 4 Ilottrs respclnsc *Standard : gx5 llusinessIIorrr Phor-rc/ wcb'l'echnicalStrpport, Suppotl, 4 Iloltrs response, lrhone/ Web'l'echnical # premium : z4x7 B'siness I lor-rl thour Criticalsr.t1l1>ort 5.4 Database options (Microsoft SOL) Licenses: S t a n d a r d F , d i t i o r l( p c r , CPU Liceltsc)
-l (), l( )( )

MS-sOL2orls @

Iintcrprrsc t';dlnon (Pcr CP[] Licensc)

I Monthlv Licerlscs Priccs

i lell4slenc_c (in lNlt)_l

5.5 Shared FirewallServices:


I q"u.tity Network options DescriPtion Nexus to(]ig - Fiber ( with MM S|I']) MM t(] - I r i b e r ' ( w i t h Nexus/Catalyst SFP)
Catall'strG CoPPer Monthly INR Charges 666c)

Server Management: 1 . " . 11 Server Physical - 4CPUor less of Support Levels in INRfor respective Prices Monthly Metric CoverageDefinition Level2 ]fevefSl Is hardware I PerPhysical Server Smailer


500 1 720 I - with CPUs 4 ortess

830 I

I Server

I 4cPU

P h y s i c aS l erver I - Greater than I



- I Per Physical - ^ I L a r q " r S e r v e rh a r d w a r e 11 6 u I w i t i m o r et h a n4 C P U s I Server

7110 E . q . S u n C l u s t e r 'R e d H a t I D o . q o ^ r n " " CMP HP Clu i sst te err A I X - H A U ; r; - ,t " r ;r;q r e r

j Server Cluster


-r Virtualization

Cluster :-'Windows Cluster, --=l-=-ffi-*"';:tffi

\ I

,rrO ----

MS I Virtualization VCenter, 11,670| rO,OzO ] rdX S"ru"r. Engine I!!qq!99l!e! server I __

Storage Management:
Su up pp po orrtt L e v e l so f ,S lo M on ntth hlly yP r i c e si n I N R f o r r e s p e c t i v e -Level 1 SANor N4SSAN Replication L


p e r 1 0r b v t e ; , , ^i1u T n ^ r n i r instqlled l/ |o'" I :lq"gTtfacity I .^r I Per

leve11l!"93 L_!g9'aq"!gI!""L 1 g rMc NetApp-total


I No oi nePlicatron, i I l or TrueCopy I Replication zegO 16/0 I LSnapshot I I I instances -_fQnePlhqlqst

OS Management:

Level 1

17 8 0

13 3 0


Management: & Middleware Database

DB Primary \ DB Standby _!ptqnce Database Cluster

ZArc 2220 890

5 . 1 1 B a c k u pM a n a g e m e n t :
of Support Levels in INRfor respective Prices Monthlv
Definitions Coverage
Por trlomcnt l

r ^

n u m b e ro f B a c k u P

BacKUp M e d i aS e r v e r

Servers Management ls solutlon lf thebackuP

I r



Network & Security Management: MonthlyPricesiqllB fot

Level 1 Large Network Element

1280 10 5 0 1280

Network EleEel! Network Security Element 5.13

Secure DedicatedMessaging Service:

Service Levels I|XPRESS*

26() 5On i veafs
1o 1


PO\^/ER* 69()
5Oo j veafs 10

tt"ice INR)



5Oo 3 ) cafs

:]\'rilrS 1C)

Comtnitmcnt Minimr.rn'r (M r r i l l r o x t ' s ) MininrtrmCommitment ( P t ' r i o t)l _ Ilmail AttachmentSizc (MB) (GB) MailboxSiz.c POP3 SMTP Outlook Web Access(OWA) Mail folclcls Personal Contacts Personal
Pt rsonal 'l'asks I'crsonal Calenclat' Personal Dorlain

Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs Ycs Yes Yes Yes Yc's Ycs
I tr>

Ye-s Yes Yes Yes Yes Ycs Ycs

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Ycs

Yes Yes Ycs Yc-s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Yes Ycs Ycs Yes Yes Yes

List (GAL) GlobalAcldress Email Disclaimer' Antl-spam Antiiirus Folders Pr.rblic SharedFolders Tasks Shared

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Shared Calendar

Yes Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

I tr>

Group Scheduling Mobile Deuce Access MAPI Protocol Rich Client SttPPotl Blackberry'

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

-Mai|boxBackupChargesifrequiredWou|dbeadditiona|. (for 1'3'5 or 7 Years)can - Mailbox requirements the complrance for meeting Archival charges. at addittonal be orovided 5.14 Hosted Video ConferencingServices:

BridgePort Charges:


l ll::::---"--'-

Minin-nrrnPotls Cotnmitmcrrt --

I --


__l _.;Yj^.. __!_jl!T' Ly,--yryry,*..'1g',loa) ('1t*9+_'51.5,'___+_

["rll I ' eM | onth
I .njq:lS (inINil) I I'erMonth _
Recording Option

_ !!!'

_ |


Recording oPtion Charges:

r I rug --t-- l-Ptf".

p"" ln"tttrt ltrurr'!r ff" rrvni-l Ptr

+41O I

gp t i o n : E n d p o i np t r o v i s i o n i no End point 9fti9n_

CISCOSXzo, SingleDispiirvwith Prcmirtnt olltion Resolution

i ""tT

Price per Month (in INR)

Bandwidth Charges:

Charges Ilanciu.iclth 6. Bandwidth Charges / Data Transfer Charges:

Adciitional at actr-riils

the IDC, the bandwidth trill be chargedat to access banclrviclth If the customer hircs cleclit,rrted as pef delegated pou'ers' The the standard BSNI, tariff n'ith lpplopriate Enterprise cliscortnts the IDC the ctlstomeraccesses if tlolvet'er, D-SP. l,r'iththe chargesare not to be sltareci banclwiclth Data will charge BSNL then IDC, the of tronnectiYitv provicled ll.L BSNL through lnterne"tr.rsing DCSP)' n'ith the shared (i.e. be to not BSNL to fi'tl1.belong rvill also rnhic,ii Charges i.un-r?.. 6.t plans tbr the Data Transfer charges. follorving The competentauthoritv hrrsapprovecl


Monthlv Plans 'l Data ransfer (OUT + IN) allrlwed per month too CIB I -, es in INR Monthly ' Charg " 7o,t

Plan r


data transfer (OUT + IN) - Rs. 7.5o per GB

Charges for additional 6.:l '5ata Per GB Plan

-T -Charees

Trallsfer flotrr t t)Cl f-lflilr*l,,arl l--iIr rrr-r^^l^ w.t r l N ( U p l o a dt o I D C )

Bllls', cEl{s.4 pcr-(ill

l)ata Transfer Chargesplan shall be applicablefor all IDC senices where the Data Tl-rese 6,4 using Internet through the IISNL proridccl ILL connectivitl'of thc Data Centcr, Ccntre is accessecl ta|iff for' abovein para 4 & 5 and alsothc belou'mentionedsen'ices, iccs mentionecl sen inclgcling the vidc No. trt-o6/zcl rz-BPI}rt dated 18.r-16.2012: u,hichrvasissueci Secure [,-mail Filtering Scrviccs Secure Web lriltering Scrvices 7. 7.r 7.2 73 7'; 7.;

Other terms and conditions o1tht'taxes and dttties. al'eexcltrsil-e All the pt'ices 'l'hi' taxcsto be plicl extt'ltat the timc of thc billing applicablc of rr:cciptof inrrricc. nithin iio <lavs lrayment'ferms- Quarlcrlv in ac\'ance, u'ith thc client orclelform. (if itnr ) arc. to be paid in aclvttnce Applicableonc timc charges t h t h e c l i c n t a l o n gr v i t ht h e n r t r t t r a l h ' d i s c u s su c'i d b e s n c ic r , ' r < l i t i c i n s . " r ' i l l S i i a n d o t h c r . t c r . ma
ttllotl. DCISI'ancl agt-cecl trp to to% on thc priceras given CGMs of t[e leslteciir.c circlt,s arc autholized tcl givc ciistrtlul-tts l3usiness/stltrtcgic relationship of volirme the on clepencling in thc tariff .^r,ito thc customers more thatr rrl%nir-rspecific cases, CGMs of the rvith the crLlstomer.Fo1 cxtt'1cli1g cliscoru-rt.s to corporate ofTicefbl'p|ior apPI'oval. rcspectir.ecilclcs shall lefcl lhc (excellt those at para Thc lates mcntignecl ir.rthe rrltoyetarifl'cald are fol tht' Il)C setvices onlv rate ftlr thc cttstomers.'['he of reqttileurent banrlw'idth firl incluclc chalges not 6 aito'e) ancl clo as per thc the banclwicltl"rltortior-r sh1[ bi olTelccl bv I]SNL antl cilcle shall c1-totetht'nr plevailing practicc at that pt 'int <lftin'rc. back to i l e f o r c s u f m i s s i o n o f p r o j r , , s a l t o e n r l c u s t o m e r s b 1 ' B S N L , i t s h a l l b e e n s t t t ' e dt h a t cr.lstomer. lespective for the l)ata Dimctrsion M/s flom is ar ailablc technicral back 1rru1r,,rn1 bv BtsNW issr'red Other commciciai conclitions and rcvr.rluc sharc cletails etc. will be samc as Circle and I'l'-CIrA. Head of Accc)trntfor IDC sc|r'ices wi]l be issued by the CA se'ction.


2.8 7.q 7.tO


para z.t & z'z On apploval and issue of thc roised tariff the taliff circulars mentioneclin t aboi'ewill stand u'ithcirarvrl. f,


(Devendia Yadav) DGM (BP.B) To / ITPC t. All CGMs Telecom Circles / Metro Districts / Mtcc. Rcgions / BBI{\ Circle / (IlR-City) GM (Enterprise) Circle z. All GM / Copy to: BSNL Board/ A1lED BSNL to CMD BSNL / All Dirctrtors r. PPS/PS z'Sr.GM/GMEB-I/EB.IIlIT_CFA/Fin-Ent/CA/TP-RA'/CITBSNLCo :. M/s DimensionData

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