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TWe Imca Empire Cki^istian Mission


"Jhe oxf& of Chn'stConstratneirk us..ii coft. 5; 14-

9 70

The last


of 19^9

On Docembcr 7 wc wore blossod

with the arrival of a now mission

Braniff Airlines ended its flights, to Antofagasta. Braniff use to

ary hero in Anto.




bring in part of our mail from the States along with a Chilean
airline. But since Braniff ended

Glon Andrew Myors (Andy)



its flights we will only be get ting our mail one day a week now and our mail will only go out one

arrivod at tho hospital Sunday aftornopn at 3^20. Most people have already heard about him but for those who have not; he weighed

8 pounds


should make a very

day a week (on Mondays).

We men

floot-footod halfback.

tion this because some people do write requesting a return letter with special information as so.on

Wo wunt to thank all of those

as possible.




who sent us greetings

Christmas so-TSon.

during the

that W3 can get a letter back to you will be about two weeks so if you have something special planned please .allow us enough time to
answer or ws will not be ablo

Wo are

receiving some
still be getting
at Easter time.

and will probably

Christm-is cards

to provide tho infonnation for you in time. Write o^rly and wg

might also add, write often.

Wo regret that wc will not bo able to send a personal answer

to each card but time d oes not

permit it.




Such an odd feeling I iiXreryone

talking a mile a minute! I couldn't

understand a word! What a relief

Yes, we had a very delightful Christmas here but one thing that made it extra pleasing was that
on the i7th of December we made

at the airport to see Jeff and Judy

who could do my talking for me.

Arriving on Sunday, we attend

ed services at church that evening. And there I felt a gift of tongues would havebeenvery helpful. How
ever much satisfaction can be de rived from the friendliness gn the

our last payment on the car. This will lighten our financial load
so that wo can do other things ir

the field of evangelism northern part of Chile.




hearty singing


the Chileans.

To be without assistc.nce in find

There are so many discourage ments in the work that is being

done for the Lord. Satan is work

ing the Scripture in English as well as the page number of songs would be -:?n impossible situation.
One cnn, from following the text in English, wtch the speaker and h^5ve p vsgMQ idea as to wh-'^t is "being said from the body, h^nd, and faci'il expressions.
I was cautioned
the door while

ing overtime here. Wo were hoping

to announce two more souls hadbeen

added to the kingdom but the day that they wore to bo baptized they called and said that they were going to be busy and i t would have to wait We are hoping that this
will not'bo the ond of their want

not to open

home "lone.

while Judy was in the hospital ^nd Jeff was gone, the doorbell r^ng. Looking out the window, I s-^w two

ing to accept Christ but many peo ple just keep saying, "Tomorrow."


Of course



find out wh-?t they wanted but then couldn't find the key to open the door. 3y much hand siennling they
understood that I couldn't open the door and so we talked through
a >ri.ndow. I took their message

Judy's Mother will be leaving on January 5th so any questions you havo about the work hero, di rect to her when she gets home. She is an authority on northern Chile now. We hope she doesn't
have to go homo by way of Havana.

in Spanish

as they wrote it on a





w?jnt Jeff for major crime, they were just informing him to ^ppe^-^r
for some more work
nent residence visa.

. We daily continue to distri

bute magazines from house to house.

on his perm-*^-

Wo have 8,000


loft of

the now edition.

Carl Paschal and

Chile re-'^iry' brings b^ck me mories of childhood. _Much is as it was fifty ye-^rs ago, however
-there is much mo'dern slso.

I both think that this is money well spent and our best moans of evangelism in trying to reach tho people in now areas.



"Oh, but you should hold your baby in your arms and not put him. over your shpuldor."

"Cover his head up, don't you know you'll give him a cold if you carry him like that?" "But ho is so young to have
out like this!"

We finally have the printing plates ready so that we can start production of the VBS booklets, host people in the States are like us, use to just filling out an
order blank when the time draws

These were

just a few of tho

as my Mom,

Gommonts wo recoivcd

Andy and I did tho grocery shop ping for tho week, liy Mom was
at them

Andy and



approached her,
smiled also and




nodded her head.

near for V3S. But this year we had no one to produce our materi als. Producing the booklets in volves finding acceptable mate rials, transl-^ting, doing artwork, typing, -^nd running the booklets on the presses. Each of us, Carl, Debbie, Judy, and I, has had a job for

told them, "My

which we were responsible and now

we have everything ready. We are going to have booklets for three age levels, a training booklet for
toachcrs and an extra book section

Mother doesn' t understand SpnnishV Why go into detail trying to ex

plain to them thnt it really won't

ruin a baby's face to carry him across your shoulder, leaving a baby's head uncovered won't give
him a cold and babies don't have

for teachers


the an

to questions

in the work

books and presenting

the lessons.

the aims of

to be kept home

for. tho


throe months or so.

As you can well imagine I've

Besides the booklets we have worked on different hand crafts

been very thankful to have an old

hand like my Mom on the scene. They really do have
our babies

to be used by the teachers.

Our tentative d"tc for VBS


has made it a lot easier to just shrug off all the advice given.

will bo the first week of February for Calama and Antofagasta, and
then at later dates, one week in
land in Toconao -^nd one week at

hard time


we don't wr-^p it is unbear

in two or three blan

the church at the now property in

Antof agast-".


even though

ably hot. Their babies just don't

break out viith heat rash.

I hope

thnt by the time


Mom does leave I will haye learned

enough to be able to carry on by myself. If not, I'll just have

to follow some of this advice that

There '-re 9>500,000 people in Chile. of the population is under tho age of 21 . Of tho

remaining 55^ (over 21) only ^ 2,600,000 have jobs. Most people
hero in the north have to work in
stores or in offices.

keeps coming my way from the well

moranir^ Chilean women.





is a

A LOOK AT FINANCiiS Since New li^ear's is time for

special time in the churches here

just as i t is in the States. The

Calama church prepared and pre sented its own Christm^is program
this year as there were no mis

rememberir^ the past and looking forward to the_ future we're doing that with our partners. For those who h^ve f.-^ithfully supported us through the past ye^r ^nd for those
nev; ones, who h'^ve only recently helped meet our financial needs, we
are indeed thankful nnd trustful for the future. Gifts this month

sionaries there to help. Reports from there say that it wqs very good ^nd we ^re encouraged e^ch day by the progress of the church
there. The Anto. church lso had 9

c^^me from: Mr.-M rs, T.W. Kitchen

Mr, & Mrs. Danny Thurston

Mount Gilefld Church Women

Christmas program this year-. Cgrl helped the young people form chorus for singing enrols but the church people did most of the work in decorating the chapel and de veloping the program. The play was l^f*3sented on Christmas Sve. Since ' i t was not announced to the

Junior Church of Springfield Senior Clas^ of Corinth, Ky.

Suncoast Christian Youth, Florida

people in the ^rsa, the crowd was

not too large but there were quite a few present. The next d^^y as we were celebrating Christmas with

Bell Church and Willing Workers Bladensbur^ Church of Christ Bridgetown Church of Christ Burnt Pines Church, Indiana Centcrburg Church of Christ
Croton Church of Christ Iden Church of Christ Koath Church of Christ Howard Church of Christ Johnstovm Church of Christ

the Paschals, some church people cnme by ^nd s-'id that the people in the are^ wanted to see the pro
gram. They hadn't known about it the night before. So ^g^^in on Christmas night we showed the story of tha-birth of Jesus. Th-nt night we really had j^m-pqcked

Licking Valley Church of Christ M-irtinsburg Church of Christ

Mount Gilead Church of Christ Northside Church of Christ

Rocky Fork Church of Christ

Uticq Church and Loyal Bereans Wsllsbixrg Church of Christ, Ky, Walnut St. Church of Christ,
Portland, Ind.

Mrs Warren Myers, Forw-'-rding Agent

Route 2, Utica, Ohio

^3^80 ^1-3080.

Mailed by Utica Church of Christ

115 N Central, Uticq, Ohio


Qtic-*', Ohio
Permit No. 7

Ozark Bible College

1111 N. Kain Joplin

-Form 35^7 Requested

t 2(1 'H



i- -'AiH JC:



Tke lnca Empire CWi^istiaii MissioK


'7Ate tove. of Chrt'stConstraiyieiA us...
n COR., b: 1+

February 6, 1970

When any person becomes a Christian, good Christian book's

help to strengthen him in tho

REVIVAL .PREPARATIONS One reason that we don't re

port, a big number now in the new church started here is that we are


One facet that is lacking

is that we have

in our churches

not concentrating our efforts to win children. You may think that

few books for the people and even

in order to buy the books, these .people have to have dollars which they cannot get,
In order to make available

this approach is wrong but we are

aiming our efforts towards adults.

If you win the parents,

the children,
not true here.

you have


vice versa is

to the people some good Christian

books, I've started in collecting literature in Spanish and hope to soon have a traveling and a
correspondence library. It is now partially in operation. It

We have been using our days recently in preparation for a


of revival meetings


we will be having both here and in Calama. Alberto Gonzalez and his
wife Mary, missionaries from Osor-

has never really been attempted before, so we are working at it slowly so as not to get a lot of
money invested and then have the



are helping

in this






This first week of February

we are holding services at the new church. The second week will be spent at Calama and then the third

books destroyed. If you know of"any publish ing houses that produce Spanish
materials, send me their names.

(Cont. on last page)

THi: FiMININS Vl;^} can remember when I


used to

A permanent


in our

lie in bed on Sunday mornings and wish that I didn't have to get up

nevjsletter seems to be an article

so early to go to church. I never thought it would be so good to get

back into the habit of Sunday morn

about how we're doing in the dis tribution of the magazines. The
reason for this is that i t is one

ing services. But after over a year of just having Sund^^y evening
services to attend, i t is a big

event to be able to begin the Lord's d-'^y by being in Us house since we

now have morning services.

of the biggest projects that we have inourwork. i average spend ing each month a hundred dollars for the magazines and many more hours distributing them.
Carl and I decided that i t

would bo



not hr-ve


There -sre many other activities on Sundoymorning besides worship ing God. For many it is the s-*^me

as any other day so they do their marketing for the d=iy. Children play in.the streets. V^irious soc cer te^ms compete. Older folks sit at the doorstep and watch it all. One Activity thst is related to Sunday and that many faithfully observe is going to the cemetery to visit the grave or graves of
loved ones. A lonely m^n carries

preachers here paid with American funds because i t just didn't seem to work. The first of January the AmGriC'-^n salaries of the preachers ended. Wc encour^^ged them to get jobs nnd lso v/ork in the church TS they could. This meant that we had two less workers to help vdth the magazine distribution. We have recently hired 9 high school boy part-time for the sum
mer to work with us. Carl and I

a large bunch of flowers into the cemetery. He is all dressed up in his Sunday best-Suit and tie with shoes recently polished. A whole family dressed in thoir best walks into the cemetery. As the mother carries a broom to sweep around the
loved one's grave, the children carry flowers and water to put on flowers planted there. . Flower
stands are numerous around the

take turns vjorking with Lucho and find th-?t this gives us added help plus no real commitment as ho works on a d-^y by day basis only as we need him.

In nn effort to get the peo ple to study the Bible in their

homes we h.-^ve introduced p program of correspondence work. These
courses that weh?ve now are basic Bible fundementals. New courses

gates of the cemetery. They always have plenty of customers to buy

their flowers.


we are planning
How to live the

to develop

The day is now long past when I'll wish I could sleep a little longer on Sunday mornings rather
than attend church services!

life, Bible Study (book by book),

Personal evangelism, and Preacher trr-ining. Presently there are about twenty five people studying.



The question is always asked, "How are the rritigazines doing?" One day when Carl and I were working in a housing development passing out magazines, a man came

Carl and I are both studying courses in printing through a correspondence school in Chicago.

As we work more with the presses and study more about the princi
ples of printing, our materials
continue to look better.

up" and asked,

"Is that the Star

magazine? If it is, I'd like to have a copy of it. I did read the
first issue from cover ta cover

We finished the VBS booklets

and enjoyed it very much." After we gave out magazines in a section very distant from the

and I sent a sample copy to one of our missionaries in Santiago just

that he might see it. He wrote

chapels, a lady vrho has been going to church regi:Q.arly passed by

Carl's house. She knocked and ex

saying he would like to have fifty booklets of each of the three age
groups and so we are in business. As soon as we have the time

citedly said, "Look, wh-nt I got under ny door today." It was one

we are going to reprint the book

let that Bertrand Smith translated,

"Ten Lessons about Salvation."

of the magazines. Another young lady was helping clean the house
that day and since the tv70 were friends they started to talk. Be fore long, the conversation turned to the contents of the magazine and the lady who goes to church,

The plates are all ready. We have the paper and the covering for the

outside bought. ther Spiith

so many of them.

The advantage of
Previously he

us doing the printing is that Bro

"vTill not have to buy

but isn't a Christian, was explain

ing to the other about faith and
the other articles.

had a printer do it but had to buy

thousands of them, but now he.can buy a few and later we can re-use

One night


and I


riding the bus home from Carl's at about 11:30 P.M. (The car was at, home recovering from minor sur

the plates to print more. One thing that will help us

very much now both in the churches

and in the printing is that we did

gery. )

A lady stepped on.the bus

I strained to see but I

the paperwork

and received per

and Judy remarked, "Isn't that one of our magazines she has in her

couldn't. As we got off "of the bus I took a quick look and sure enough she had a Star magazine
in her hand.

mission to buy paper products for about 50:^ of the cost that we have been paying which in turn means that we can produce materials for about 50% of what it used to cost.

How are the magazines doing? We think they are doing very v;ell
but i t will take time to see de
finite results.

Revivals, VBS and moving in

to a new house! V/e are busier

than ever now. Our mailing address

is still at Casilla 1297.

(revival preparations,



week of February we will be back in Antof agasta at the church on the hill. We are planning on having meetings in one place or another every night for three weeks# It will be tiring but I think also rewarding because we pray that many might come to know Jesus as their

Because of your loyal support and regular gifts sent with yoiir prayers for His work, we are able to carry on all these phases of work here in Northern Chile. Many
thanks to all these who have shared

in our expenses this past month:

Mrs. Ethel Blackburn Mrs. Greathouse Mr, & Mrs. Robert Lederer

We have been cluded in our

doing much work were

in preparing for the meetings. In


finishing the block laying on the building in Calama, getting the new
church ready and distributing about 5000 handbills advertising the

Sunbeam Class, Springfield Okolona Christian, Louisville, Ky. Junior Church of Springfield Senior Class of Corinth, Ky.'
Miss Janet Turner

Suncoast Christian Youth, Florida


The 5OOO leaflets passed

out house to house does not in clude the 2000 that the Calama and

Bell Church and Willing Workers Bladensburg Church- of Christ

Burnt Pines Church, Indiana

the Antofagasta church on the hill

have to pass out also. We will have to ask you
wait until next month

Centerburg Church of Christ

Croton Church of Christ iiden Church of Christ Heath Church of Christ Howard Church of Christ Johnstown Church of Christ


to find out

how things turn out but ,we mention

our plans that you might pray for specific aspects in the work. Pray
that souls will be added to the

Licking Valley Church of Christ Martinsburg Church of Christ

Mount Gilead Church of Christ North Side Church of Christ


Rocky Fork Church of Christ Mrs Warren Myers, Fowwarding Agent

Utica Church and Loyal Bereans

Route 2, Utica, Ohio


Wellsburg Church of Christ, Ky.


Mailed by Utica Church of Christ

115 N Central, Utica, Ohio

Ozai'k Bible College 111! Ni Main


Utica, Ohio Permit No, 7




Form 3547 Requested

V:"' >

: ^

TWe Inca Ewapire CKi^istiaia Mission

'J/te ov& of Christ Constrainetk us,.^
n COB.. 5:14-

March 13 1970



ministry has


another step forwarti.



and the churches in

During the final week of the revival meetings we went to the area where the newest congregation
will be in Anto, From the back of the truck and v/ith the use of the

Santiago have started bujdng the Sunday school lessons thatwepro-^. duce. We hope that all of the
Churches of Christ in Chile will

amplifier system

we held nightly

On Saturday

start using the lessons and we hope to expand our ministry into
other churches also.

when we concluded the service the

Since Judy, Andy and I changed

houses we had to find a new loca

tion for

our printing equipment.

In the other house we had a large room that was used entirely for printing. Now we have part of the equipment at our house, some at
Carl Paschal's house and some at

people asked, "Will you be back tomorrow night?" Regretfully we said no as everyone was exhausted. Then they asked, "How about next Sunday?" We answered, "If we do come, will you?" They answered in.
the affirmative and so until we

finish the chapel,

we are having-




We would
at this

like to move i t all to the church



we cannot

time because of the problem


services at 9:00 on Sunday night. The people have the choice of bringing their own chairs, stand ing, or sitting on the ground. According to US standards this is a crude method but people are res ponding and hearing the Gospel.



, ;


The ztto^iqf F#i^a|^ hep

?T^v^ m^etingi^i Th&' fiip^t we

The second week

of February

"we continued the reviv^" meetings, in- G^amai~ When Aibertcf GonzalTez i _

;^ad lightly services, at ou^ loca-r ?=tiQn smr'Col-oiiifejSa Stit^ M-ai^Cfie^r ^oglie caBie ' i:;^ he^ the iftusic; vi^ the'.religipiis fi^stri;^ ^d to: po6c*$ ^message prociaimed

mission^y from Qsornaj' Chile,


answered our inviiatioii to

preach in the North: he said that

hj A|^:4iP Ggnh?aaleZ:^~^^lAltho^^ 110 .

week we feel ihat seedwas planted

_he could preach aftd sing every night for a month The only thingwas that he _had. never been %& the

o^ne Gane f'o^aM di^iaig tMc.fl^st

North. ( Diiidng the week in Calama; . the cold dry desert air really

4A^'i^e l^at we h^e^opepv^

-ferviQ^ we: ha^e a pa^fel^nr with

worked on his voic^, Bespite any pi^pblems >he might ha^^e hak with
his.voice he continued to p^ocl^tim, God's word in a wonderful, way.,
' Tlie Sunday ^terndon before the revival started a man-wanted

Vtoi^s^i fh^ J^f^t we^ of r^i'vfe^

, a$# a ;&epta3in' -^ame ^elmiy
night J.he fir^t part c^ the w^^k,.-

ligihfe; he apf^ea#!^ me
s^d>i - "IWe 3rau ; -iip ti

to be baptized so the church peo-ple went to th,e river and'brother Andrew was jbaptized into Christ., -

^^gialarly I^wf; i^^n etoingf IV^ve'


to^id^ . thdre. W mo'ne^ repli'^; "I- have an ;

a cS^e and I'll contilna^ to 1t'he--^estc-^;0f~Uihe- we,^l^r' f- I-:

M-s decision 1^ the, w^ to a -great we^k r lora-^ig the week 'seven /

. more made confessions ,6f faith, '

juestaon ,to' ask t;qm@i?ro.y. Sive me * dime: fnd asfe it. " I repeatied tharl' th^e,%;|s 110 monej^. He di^'^t pefe^ of l^e "i^emalin^g Some ^p^pl^ . wili cosine ^^s as pass
little money. But since we want to be. a)Sle to le^ye th work


again: went

to the

river and five of these seven wer baptized. The other two must l^aVe
needed more time .to -think about

their deciM?n because they didn-*t =

come, We^ tjiat they wiir

still follow up-on their decision for the Lord. We encourage the ' people to ":^hink and: coui^ the cost before they are baptized because
it is a promise to God and not a matter to" be taken, lightly,

in.% few ye^Srj we don't practice giving money to people to encourage

them to attend servicies . -

. vT




. ^

Let me tell you something if you don't already know it. Three weeks

. -Our final week oi re"v4vis wa spent back in Antofagaslsa with the con/ gregation onthiehiil. Here .. the average attendance was about 100' each night , peapie accepted Christ during the invitations that Were, offered and
agailS' -oih. iSat^day we held a -baptismal, service, this-time at^.theNOc^an., '

reviV^ meetings- -in the opfn .^-r will almoft.-kill anyone, "

N ..

' fHi Hovi-ng Chilean styl,e is





so: diffGPorrt but tho^efi^e

M^ican house 3^t


J was hoping to ^^dunce that one Week's time we ibc(^t J:he
hew. chapel at our* neWest locatidh

as we moved into i t waS'

; else i /ihet hous^ %duid

with piy

- in the section of town.;Gaiied "La Portada." As liiuch as. it hurts' my

pride tP .aay It, we dii^' t get it

whisn: the peeplo smfe, tiere they do

i^lu^ ,j3^ain ^ds t l^^ght fi^ ^lAiresif^i tha^t wa^ Xefi^ w^e h^e ^he>iie, ear pdrt aa^- even the
%aii3ia plants

^d "aveitj^J^^"

done. The butside walls are f^n; ^ished with part of the ^dof dpne The chap^ . _ will m^aswe 15 *: ^by


^sesi:^ Kitcherr e^iiaeta,. . tj^^

.iocation and then jset it up^ '

WQjprefabricated it at. the

the fixtiH^e if we want to move the

yard.V_,We^^ Jiple ^out

t# find a ty 2^* ^idoinefoot^

from- the 'flight

building,.. all that we h^-^e."to do is rempve/ the bolts move the. .building since .we are waiting 'for.

dei^ where th#y:had taJcen- out the

dirt,. ^ We #^n thoi^ht the rfpm^r

occupants were go3mg to take one of
the fatiGets but they returned it,

: the goveri^eint tp,grWtthe cht^ch

Sl small piece " of lahd. . Ohtil we

get the ',iand wewill be using-^thia

...The ojp,y thl^ that Was left Was , a sta^;:_o.|' .:g:arb4g;e,l as xt; is^oi^
-collected ti^jice a week /' and the

teraporaiy structure pn-a smal i part

of the land-.o.Tmed by a lady, in the
ehu-rch. By jstarting now- we: mil ^ave a good following when we have the opportunity to build a
in the ne^ future.

forifter occup^ts didn''t ha^e tMe ^ tb set i t out before we ;moved in..Mken the electric compare Game and

cut oif the ^sectricity ; we", also

/ leaiTied thatt a tiwo^ month ele6|,ric
.bill had been left which we had to

pay b^ore .-jp could get^ the powefr


In t^e,,January issue - of the "Radi^t Be^s" we mmtipned' two

- ladies who wanted" to b.e bap-Qzed
then' decided .gainst i't when

- t%ned back on.v.We were reimbursed, for this however. . % ': "

> the

came for' theM to be bkp^

We entitled the article

to. get orgcmized in dw hew house.,. jUpstairs^ we have t^ee^ bedrooms

with closet in each, a bath and a

-, '^S-atan Wins Temporarily"- ,^d 0nded' byv.^stating that we' hpj^ed the women would not loose their desire

' utility closet, ih the h;^!....I^w^r-st^rs: we h#e a hal^^ ath, a kit-.

>chen and- a combination laving and

4% accept, Christ,; Jpy overflowed

desire to be baptized during our

when one of the ladies reiieWeC ker..

dini-i^ -room>

The rooms" a^e sma^

' and we are (piter happy witji .it -T-

but tMs' is typical of the housies in GhjLle. 0ur new house is a big imprp^e^ae^t over what we ^d haye

reviv^ m@9^iag^ was among -the eleven . that were, baptized' dui&iaig-

; this time. The p#wer of ifed caii win 9ver SataJ5f. all- the timre if' we only belieye aiiC trust in HSais,; '

.1) -



Hello everyone! Since my Mom and Dad have gotten so many re

Most revivals

that are held

quests to hear more about me I get

to have my own few comments each
month. I am a big boy now, 25" was

long andweighing 6 kilos (l31bs).

The other day a little girl

here in Chile are healing cam paigns, Ours was merely an evan gelistic revival. One night a woman came forward with her daugh, tor, both of thorn crying, scroam...

admiring me (I really like all of

that attention!) when she noticed

ing and shouting. IVhen they got to the pulpit the mother laid down
in the dirt and rolled that the around. mother ,

my eyes .(deep, deep blue). "Look,.

Mama," she said, "His eyes are




quieted down




I guess she was so use

wanted him

to heal her daughter.

to seeing just brown or blflck eyes that mine really looked different.
A man at church asked Debbie Pas

Alberto said that he h;^d no heal ing, powers but he asked everyone to pray that the young -lady might
be -healed. Later in the week the

chal why she didn't shave her baby's head like rr.y Mom did rcine,

(Some people
to. I get

do that here.)
laughed at


I don't have any hair

for my Mom
a lot bo,

young lady came forward to make the good confession but sad to sayshe wsis one of the two in Calama

to shave off even if she did want

cause I am so bald.

who didn't show up the day-of thebaptismal service.


Support this past month c^mo from: Mrs. Willard How^^rth', Mr. & Mrs. Danny Riggen, Mr-. & Mrs, T.W. Kitchen, Mr. &Mrs. Jay Fopham, Buzay
Bees Class of Milliard, Martinsburg Teens, Junior Church of Springfield,

Senior Class of Corinth (Ky,),

Suncoast Christian Youth

of Florida,

Loyal Bcrean Class of Utica,

Willing Workers Class of Bell,


Churches of Christ: Boll, Bladcnsburg, Burnt Pines (Ind.), Centcrburg,

Croton', Eden, Heath, Howard, Johnstown, Licking Valley, Martinsburg,

Mount Gilead, North Side, Rocky Fork, Utica, and Wellsburg (Ky.).
Send gifts to; .Mrs. Warren Myers, Forwarding Agent

Route 2, Utica, Ohio




Hailed by Utica Church of Christ


UUca, Ohio ' 43080

UTICA, OHIO Permit No. ?

Ozark Bible College


Fona 35^7 Requested

Hp 2ij 70



TWe lnca Empire ChKistiaki Mission


\ Ohe ove of Christ Constratfaeth us,.TL COR.. 5; 14V


Our evangelist for th revival

meetings during Februiiry was Al berto Gonzalez. .. A1 and his wife,

Mary, are missionaries to Osorno

in southern


In I-iay


will be going to the States on furlought A1 and iiary are both

hard workers but have been limited in their work for the Lord because

We certainly appreciate re ceiving the church newsletters from the churches at Portland, In dian?!; Utica, Ohio? Croton, Ohio? and Heath, Ohio. We thank you for remembering usi

they do not have enough support.

We would like to recommend A1




that we

didn*t get one single wee envelope

fxill of cards from an individual?

and Hary to the churches as ones who have proven themselves on the

field and worthy of your support.

They will be in the United St?tes

We did get several letters saying they wouldn't send any as we would probably be getting too many any
way, If you have 'used* cards of any type, cut the fronts off and

from liay, 197O, until about hay of 1971. Won't you give them an op
portunity to present their needs
Contact either to the churches?

put them in a manilla envelope and

mail them directly to us here in

Alberto Gonzalez,
Osorno, Chile;

Casills 10^5,

or i-irs. iiuth Sid-

ridge, Box I68, Baxter, Kansas,

Help make their second term of
service here in Chile even better!

Anto, Dd not include anything in th envelope but cards, mark the envelope "Printed Matter' and send it for printed matter r=>te. The cost will b less than 25$^. Per haps yours are already on the way.



I was reading one newsletter thst sounded as if some churches

We like to keep the churches

back home informed about how the

were questioning the certainty of

whst the missionary himself was

churches are doing here.

The church in Calama continues

doii^. It seems the problem had arisen because he was reporting he

did works that other missionaries

to show growth.




completely by Chileans. Several men in the congregation take turns

were also reporting th<?.t they didi

We continually mention that the work we are doing is done in conjunction with the Cprl Paschal far,lily. If you read in a copy of
their own newsletter, "The Desert

preaching and directing singing. Presently the Sunday service is averaging about 50 with about 30
of these adults.

The church


the hill


Anto has started to show signs of

Fishermen", some information that is the same as in this paper, do not be alarmed that we're report ing the work of others. As a team
we can do twice as much work. P-.S. 3e Careful th?5t after resid

life. The Sunday service averages

about 35 in attendance with about

half of these adults. Carl Paschal

helps here on Sunday evenings,

The church on Colombia has a

Sunday morning and a Sunday evening

service. On Sunday morning the
Christians from all the churches come together for a common sei^vice.

ing "The Desert Fishermen" you do not lay our paper aside unread.

In the evening we usually have

a.bout 10 in attendance, Carl and

' KiNDA' coimsim

Now that we do have two new

I take turns preaching on Sunday

morning and I am then responsible


in Anto,

I can imagine

th-r?.t our readers might

newest church.

get mixed

for the work in the evenings,

v'l/hen we finish

up when we refer to the churches

as the old church, new church and
So from now onv/o

the services

will refer to them as

the church

on the hill (the oldest congrega tion in Anto), the church on Col

ombia. (the property thatweboMght and are still paying for,, the new
church), and the church in "La Portada" (the newest congregation where we are building a building
on the land of one of the church

at these two locations mentioned above we then go to the church in "La Portada" for a late service. Services start about 9:00 p.i^i. T]?ere are usually about 50 or 60 in attendance with more than half of these being adults.

On March 23 Judy, Andy and I m^de a trip to Calaraa. The day


The chapel

is not com

pleted yet but will be soon, iieanwhile we have services outside in

the open air.).

Was the 93?d anniversary of the city of Calama. We went to see the displays and to visit with some of the church people.


knew that he needed to be baptized

but they wouldn't allow him to be baptized because he had to work on Saturday and the Adventist

Many people


to know,

"What are the people like whom you

baptize? Are they all old, youi^,

rich or poor? vJhat type of work do they do?" I thought i t would be interesting to tell the first name, age, occupation and reli gious background of some of those who were baptized during the re vival meetings in February.

Church will not baptize a person who does not respect what they call "Holy Saturday", One lady who was baptized with her two daughters was studying
to be a Jehovah's Witness but de

Jose is 18 years old and is a painter and a night student. He has no religious background. He
was a bit hostile toward the Church

cided they were teaching several errors. She is 35 years old and
-? house'5'dfe who comes from a back-

groxmd of searching for the truth.


at first becauae he thought thst all Christians were hypocrites. He had seen so manj'* that said one thing and did another. Luiz, 20 years old, student

It's glways rough on us sin gle guys the whole world over. '/Jhat I mean is they also have lot of people here in Chile who

and helper in the distribution of ; the. "Star" magazines is "a close

friend of Jose. He also had no

like to play "cupid". So I now have a "girlfriend" even though I hsven't had a lot to say about it.
But she is real cute. Her name

religious background# His step mother recently became a Christ ian and she has had a big influ ence upon Luiz. A 20 year old maid with no religious background moved to Anto s?0t long ago and a long story that involves her sister*sbabybrought her to hear and accept the Gospel.
Her name is i-lolvi?.

is Cynthis Paschal.

VJe now have the needed equip ment for presenting filmstrips and
preaching in the streets. Our aim is to go to mnny different sec

tions of town to preach God's Word

in this way.

Ana is ^0 years old, a house

wife, and an occasional attender

We also show Bible stuc^ filmstrips in the homes when the chance arises. I just finished a one week meeting in the home of the

of church several years ago. But she never made any committment
with her life. Since she was bap
tized she hasn't missed a service.


Fifty year old Andres who in the Chuquicamata Copper

Company had been a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Ch\irch, He (Cont. next column)

family where I buy my newspapers, /ie had hoped to import some more filmstrips in Spanish but as this is an election year the govern ment has tightened its censorship of filais. Presently it's impossi

ble to import films of any type.



Last year ^>bout this same time

NOW Remember to send your re

quests for our VBS mission lesson packet as well as slides and dis

of the year we cancelled the ra dio program *'The Voice of the

Christian Work" here in Anto, In cluded among the reasons for this were: poortimei poor service (they

plays to




Mrs. Warren r-iyers Route 2, Utica, Ohio

only played it part of the time but we were charged for the times that it wasn't played too), and a
tight budget that wouldn't let us
carry on with it.


This month we send our thanks

for support to!

Junior I Class of Utica

Recently when Alberto Gonzalez, the producer of the program, was

here in Anto he went'to find out if there was a station that would give us a good hour and a contract

Ladies f-issionsry Group, Rocky Fork

Family of ?'>s. Bertha Richardson Fairfield Church, Lancaster These fiithful Churches of Christ:
Sell Johnstown

for playing the program. The very

first station manager liked the
tape and said that we could have

31'^densburg 3urnt Pines,Ind.

Croton Eden

Licking Valley Il^rtinsburg

i^ount Gile^d North Side

Sunday morning at 9:30 A.h. for the program, It is a good time

and a good situation because this

Rocky Fork

station doesn't have many otheij religious programs on Sunday. With Carl Paschal and myself
splitting the bill, the cost will

He^th Kow'^rd

b^ellsburg, Kyt-

Junior Church, Springfield Senior Class of Corinth, Ky.

Suncoast Christian Youth, Florida Loyal 3erean Class of Utica Willing Workers Class of Sell

only average about $7 per month a piece to have the program each


vie pray the results might

Value the cost.

Mailed by Utica Church of Christ 115 Central Avenue Utica, Ohio ^1-3080



Form 35^7 Requested

Ozark Bible College 1111 N. Main




m !S '!


TWe Inca Empire Chi^istiaKi Mission

of Chn'stConstrametk us...
n COR.. 5:1-*-

1, 1970


Last October, after complet

ing one year in Chile, we did all


Did you ever hear the saying,

the paper work for our permanent resident visas. This visa gives
us more rights in Chile. It allows

"I'll be rich when my ship comes in" or was that before your time? The ship that V7as carr;>'lng all of
the mail since last December fi

us to leave the country

and come

nally arrived.


couldn't get

back in mthout any complications.

It also makes it so that we will not be the first to be kicked out
if there should be a decision to

our post office box emptied fast enough before they would have it
filled again. In our April newsletter we

"export" all foreigners.

wrote that we didn't get any used

Christmas cards but several pack ages came in on that ship. So I guess we just didn't allow enough time for delivery. V/e do want to
thank those who sent them.

After five months the p?.pers returned from Santiago and granted us the-visas, '.-/e were happy that
they were given to us and with a

minimum amount of problems.


our only problem is that they did not return our passport and so we

Also in this shipment we got about 10,000 Star magazines. The

post office clerks were shocked

either have to get someone living

in Santiago to get it for us or

when we told them we wanted all of

we have to make a trip to Santiago ourselves, (The trip from Anto.

to Santiago compares to the dis tance from New York to St. Ibuis,)

the magazines. They only got about 2500 magazines processed each day so it took us about a week to get
all of them.



One day
were downtown.

Cc-irl P^ischel

and I

Since the first of this yesr

C?rl said that he

would go check the mail while I went to psy the rent so we each

fourteen people here in the Ivorth have accepted Christ with several others that are right on the verge

went our sep-'^rate way. As I was returning to the car I w^s walking
dox-jn the sidewalk in front of the Catholic church. Beside the church

of acceptance. This number equals

the number that were bj^ptized all
of last year
the work

in no^-:hern Chile.
in the North is



is bhe houso

where the

nuns and pi-iests live. Since tlij garbage can was set out for the garbage collection, and I '-m 'curious Ai7iericsn I passed near the can and looked in to see what they might be throT^dng away. Right on top of everything was one of our "Star" sines. I thought, "It
has been better than a month since

fairly new we see the results ol the preaching and literatur:> dis tribution as each year Kicre com'D to believe in Jesus as Lord and

Saviour. Doors are slowly opcnirri:

for evangelism and tho churches continue to go forward.

we put one under their door so maybe i t made the rounds." Then I
crossed-the street and waited at the car for Carl to return so I

know this rules of the Bibls

is ona of the but what is a

little fellovf supposed to do when

he just doesn't have any hair at

all and people laugh at him a lot? We have a young man at chui-ch who really hgsalo t of hair and he used
cane up to where my r.araa was hold

could show him the magazine. As I was standing there a man about fifty years old and well-dressed walked by the garbage can. As he walked by he looked in. He stop ped, looked both ways, and then took out his handkerchief, as if

to we^ir it "hippie" ntyle long and bushy. One Sunday morning he

ing me and I just couldn't tcke my

eyes off of him. Some of theie

to blow his nose.. But no, he drop

ped his handkerchief and as he bent down to pick it up he re'-^ched into the garbage can with his other

Chilesns are really t,rise guys, one of them noticed me watching our
looks with envy at him because he

"hippie" friend and said,


hand and picked up the "Star." Walking down the street reading it he must have thought he had a good
piece of Catholic literature.

has so much hair and Andy doesn't have any," Well, that's just life here in Chile. So long,


Here in Chile there are 31 telephones for every

1000 inhabitants.

There is one automobile for every 83 Chileans and the ma jority of workers make $38 a month or Xess, Since last December the cost of cheese has

gone up 100;6, meat 50>S, milk 30>, bread 30'^, and butter may go up 100^.


The other night when we were

sleeping (the bedroom is on the second floor), robbers broke into our house, -iVe've finally decided that it .happened this way: they

That is only half of the sad storyll I went to the police de partment to reprt the robbery and they thought of it about like a


They said that they would

send out detectives around 10:30

first broke into our neighbor's house (it is connected to ours)

through their kitchen window, I guess they were really hungry be cause they ate everything they had in their refrigerator and carried off another ten pounds of meat
that Was in the freezer. Then the


(there were fingerprints all

but they never did come.
called and the man told

At 12:00 I

me they would come right away but still tney didn't come. Again at 3:00 I went to the police station and they told no they would be there at 5:30 Again they did not
come, l^ext morning I went back
and this time the detectives final-

key was left

in the door

on the

inside and so these robbers


took the key, along with the other things, and then climbed over the

ly came.

But they




wall separating our houses, They tried the key from our neighbor's door and it opened our kitchen
door. They then made a search

neighbor's house and never c-sme to ours. Finally in the afternoon I

took the vjindow out and took i t

through our house downstairs. Very luckily they didn't have a vehicle and so they only took stuff that they could carry in their hands and pockets. They took all. of the
records out of their covers and

and the records to the police sta tion. I then had to spend two of my mornings in the court trjring to

get a court order so that the po

lice could take the case,

'.fnile talking vjith the lady where I buy the paper I mentioned
that my watch had been stolen and some of our other things gnd she said, "That was your watch] I.; -,-.: in the market this morning when a young man came by wanting to sell a Watch. I thought I had seen n
watch like i t before! And now I

scattered them all over the living room. They carried Judy's purse into the front yard where there is light from the street light and emptied it, taking the money and throvTing everything else on the ground. All of this happened with out us, our neighbors whcwj2.i o also robbed, or any of our other neigh bors knovTing it. They managed to

rob some money,

electric shaver

both of our pre

my watch,
and ten rolls of


film. They didn't know what a Polaroid film was so they took a pack of i t and pulled all of the pictures out and wasted i t all.

knov7 where." I took the lady to the police department to tell them about the incident and they said to bring her back in a week. The only type of justice here in a robbery is to find the things yourself. Once you've been robbed you just count the things as gone because they never catch the rob bers even when they have left be

hind their fingerprints=



We rejoice with the --ingels that another fgmily added to

There's still time to send re

quests for


This is

the church. Brother Joseph, his wife, ^3nd his oldest daughter all
made their confession of f2ith and

one way your congregation can learn

more of the work in Chile and create

were baptized in the ocean on Sat urday, April They are now members of the confjreggtion .^t "L? PortadT." The membership there now stands t

a desire in the hearts of young people to sorvo the Lord. Lessons,

slides, rnd displays ^vnilablo,

i'/rite hrs. W-^rren'Myers, F, Agent

Route 2, Utica, Ohio

four which is pretty good since the building isn't even done yet
Brother Joseph works for n construction company th-it*sbuild

Our thanks for the memorial to hrs. Bertha Richardson

ing a new. housing development near

the church property. These houses
5re nice ones of cement block. Sister Bertrina is a housewife

(Judy's Grandmother) by the Serthg Tudor Family. We are ever grateful for prayers
and continuous support from:
i-ir. & i'lrs. Harold Van Winkle

first-class as she stays home all

d-?y with their more than ten child ren. Nancy, the daughter, is about

Junior Church, Springfield

Senior Class of Corinth, Kentucky

Suncoast Christian Youth, Florida
Loyal 3erean Class of Utica

thirteen years old

and also very

interested in the Christian life.

./illing Workers Class of Bell

When Brother Joe first step ped forward to tell us that he wanted to accept Christ he asked, "Is there' a quota that I have to pay before I can become a Christ ian?" Wg told him that his quota wns paid a long time ago on an old
wooden cross outside of Jerusalem.

And loyal Churches of Christ at:

Bell Johnstown

Bladensburg Licking Valley Burnt Pines, Indi i'iartinsburg Centerburg Mount Gilead
Croton Eden Heath Howard

North Side

Rocky Fork

Wellsburg, Ky.

hailed by Utica Church of Christ

115 N Central Avenue

Utica, Ohio



PErti^ilT rJO. 7
Ozt 11:

Form 35^7 Requested

JL -

Je3 70

The luca Empire Christian MissioK

Vhe oi'e of ChnstConstraiyieth us...
U COR.. E: 14-

June 1, 1970

OH, YEAHtl OH, YEAHll Lucho and I were distributing the "Star" magazine. As always some people who are walking by ask


Since many of the Christians

of the churches of Christ in Anto

did not know each other, we had a

for a copy.

special service

at the church on

A drunk
hadn't been

approached me (he
drinking much) and
Since the

the hill.

Here Christians became

asked for the "Star".

better acquainted during a time of fellowship and refreshments aftera short devotional. Our plans are to have get-togethers for both the adults and the young people of the
different churches each month.

Lord took the Gospel to all men we try to do the same. I gave him one. He then saidi "I'm going to
read i t from cover to cover and

then let my kids read it. I am a good Catholic. As a matter of fact, I have the Lord right here." He then started looking in his


pockets and inside his shirt for some type of medallion. He said,
"He's here somewhere. I know he


I just can't




How can we ever say enough "Thank You's" to so many individ uals and groups? After our saying that we didn't receive one package of Christmas cards we really had
to eat our words. We now have a

What a lessoni i'l^'ny times we




of them plus we

get involved in the cares of the world and misplace the One who al ways should be first in our lives.

took some to Calama for use in the

Sunday school. We appreciate yoxir response to our appeal.

"So we r
rooin^ e were

^ a^ange^; awd ev^ ^st^ed lap 102^^ fo^ 3m jitst to ig^ our ^ ^e a^ daA^iiea?tJI^^ IB; |Ji6


1^# a^ !^Me:^^rritoo^i jio^K^ b^?t^x^&rf in. sMM ^ ' a^0#'ss* you l;ha#c3Mg> ^ mov^d quilQ; to use-eg^tli^e^ Jut i^^s i .g<5^g ^ get wy me

^Jiyi jvtsl. .^#-1




/ '.- ":

I-^^ :


I Afiaily ended up u^sing, Pasghai^*'s; i|as: tpve toj

(tsi^?^t; ^ the ^piteitenl^l E jiiySl

siiiee W




Ijowi^^p^^nt iiff ^

a^ fi6^4s ;G|i^k|n^: ^ 3ip)aded IJiinps t^f liem ti . to 4o<^^ i.^@fep|fc|ty tsDif Ofi,, so wa-j^ioaded^efve^ tiiailg;, ' Ko^^om^ tafeen ^^te fea^sk In t&e ^4u^e
Me l^eglly^h?4' a TJfi.e p<^ef'
o n - . ; ; . '
" ^:

^ ^ itjihanr


- 4^de .starting the radio pro

I^e studjBj^


he hgd loiSt Ms

and: i^^t

gram o^ aa|0i,H *

h^e^ had^few

w^t to attend^ -^S'

li^e ;s0meon^ s^ay^fj^

not want ^ go W
^iiiause there? afCl^o

c'hui?eft ^epause ^Ifogg nf slnn^^s in the' #^?!thr.:


nta^ f Aa%- x.

%? "^e o^^ .ior a ^rejS /Kew 'ipe^a^ anS a oia^^gpo^^

: h%p3^^? see iefeigli^'%xif the

i; ChupGh. ' :

res^ondence QQ\xrse: &.the wife of

the pr^eaehfer of the hetho^st

l^a "^pef
.: Mf

^ ; . : " pG '"

,V% aimost had t^ Mi^jossihie.
i-n Antofagasts Here

-"feiit^oir of the seo^ iss^e; oi the "Siiry> ^' h|iS' means tha| ^ ifer^
|)iut @,;000; into ho^s h^e


s^G^d: |issu^ we ^Ip'fed A-^n'^iS^' .ihi^; l:su,e;.r


jtn MW 'and the ]&ipjgii|^%^y

:His W&bd, -


area . ihe-

in the driest des&rt "tn; the world they almost had to icaneel the Sun^ : -

o|f ani on throuih&ut , the moa^wg '


g^e because of raihi It drizz3ie.

d^ afternoon pppf^s'sionai soccer

finely stopped- befoie gaine

, tine. " .:.'

. "

'. ^'L'^- "'' \

me^ |t|^ei b^.

fia tire


;,- ^: .1 j^aily. da 1^ to igo sbeip^

#ajjff^ sbe^^te

; ; / . "-AW, eepp^

(1^3^ of ^^iii33?^s: 't^h<^ !h#ve

bad.a wbolf'sta^

pi$de,,r ^

i^o'ifot: ann6tufee

V^Q|4e bTJ^- tQ(

faStb tKat

to demonstra^ !Eha% we are sa^vfjig;

new"broffehers an^ .sis1?er&-^



l^ine bec^^i sbe'ooii:^^ ge^^^ tMng done, i l^ed it-tboro^

eviK^ stol^e ^ i!e^ M ' ^-

sb@ i^sbed sfe.^4 1^1


^eii^ sif


"fep 'i^Paw3i i

"wide, power o#^^ ^0 spei. ^ Brot^r J^n ttay b^ oM in ye^s o|,d):^ buii fte~ rMs. fiiOu4 ^5 inon^oid ^ "^e
^Ofdf Sroliber .^an

T^tb me rath#p tbaiai toj aoeiii^a^^

V^nti^ to biasr#;


mw te4Q|^ng,:pe^
3it^ & a bit^

bUpe# Tif -^s#i$we3?^

^e-^s baptized
went ^


-^1 pwfc ifie in; ipy iii^tle ioow^ i^o^ ^aj^p^^ to ke^ me o^t of t|iiays.
1 oant* t; wait iint3^ f
o^ of

but I am leaping..;

fbejT' ba^

pi; "La Portada^'Wh4n

ibie^ sor^ce- iwith its.'

is "we were l^vijig be said, "It's

W^i^e ^e
iir#'<pd refHd?n; 1^- "Ib^t

have; liair ,:#fe^b |s;ibaia', e^ but ^6w nefe dooi^ ''"bi3lls

ine "th;B fat one'*! _
V TO .


I 'do#*t

ffl^e ^p^h^r trip to tMs ^ot." bis li#e 13?^

sajSe sj^t 'Itol.jb# oo^c3;^be b^t^aed'

^iiitoT eiWsti

w^ptid t4 Wbiii ^e dj#t*1i sibow ^ 'v% '^e appointed

ii^ so 5^ Gotildn't be

pern's of age, ^

iigtSiia? we leaded ibat borb^ywks" ba^ial^ ^


t^t^ta^^^^ wo^i'^
i&e:. fe $0.a^ed

r ^^ rtissioj^it^ of tran;ila%ln a book b^)ofe . B: #3i^igp iLa^giyi^ I ,We.en tryiS^ to'^fc^e;^^ %0 f a^e but I doubt tba^i| tb#e wSj^

,bo mU0b of a ma33]N^ ^cxr ^ ^

)ieeause' of i p^tioi^aa^ tio^ worte^^^.^^

and ^03^ ag^i^ '^he

Se de-^

-bpm^ , Jut il^ is %ot a ve^^ transiaj^n.; - : . , ^ ,

- We bave twg smalS ;' eleOtr|e ;

i^-aBl" oJ a

to ^ liaft w^a s^ an^ pi^ ItSii^ ^ sa^^ r@6^e^^ %|iia ^ a o%rm" and^o 1^

df#^s filre, in tbe iKp^ byt -lio one ;^ii r ead MtiSiio ; f am^ trans^^

lining tbe nof-es _t&/ M

tbe= bast^


to i^ett^rs toinateh.

0Mjeim^ of sir# andjfe-'g^l" ititC

Jifesi; of "Ibe orgaU'rv so. tbe people:

'Oai^ afidTlli^it
''" of notesb- "



. ^op: HELFER& AT 014E \

.ti^u to support, iili sb' and WB. ask thrat -^olSlpi^^- -fgfe us
' Oig?p thai&s now to: ' ' '

- We ^9^ xn4^^.^thlnld^^ 'oBu3tch0S aiid in^^dT^siwhp apn-^y

kdv^ to An:te: f jed# %li#

ko^theri^ pa^t

#ii3;W He is a
%y :!f|nf i?Of|c
ebme to; t|i^#0a^th

"^fe- 4

.." ^-

v^ ^ i n the chupcfe

was: -

#fi^b|i.of"Cl^st. ;_ ;> >J-Bladonstat^g Ghitoht bf fhrist .

_:. '0^drnp-^ fe


^nd tp fa^




ovpaitt of^

vIfll^N vsp^^ tme

tifnliefb^ff^h^Gl^ ^Ad^na^iiaii.^]^^ o?

;^^t, 'ter& iernSntr*^ Xn^a^

, __

tiS ^fetO "^110 ^?0t

f&ei% is, a



Ojf- ^i^t

th^ liViftR on thi0 church


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-jj Ozark Bible College

jia^s JpFjS

r. s,.

. yticar Foi^i

P-^ :. UTICAi;

I 1111 N. Main
s Joplin,

1^. 7




TWe Inca Empire Christian Mission


"Jhe ove. of Christ Cortstrainetft us...
n COR.. 5:1+

July 1, 1970

Kany times as young people W9 don't like it to be said, "you're so and so's boy, aren*t you?" Ir>stead we like to be called by our
names. Wives, too, many times fit into the category of "so and so's


The get-together for the young

people in the month of June was quite a success. The theme was "Obeying the Laws, Those of the Country and Those of God." A iiiert-

ber of the church who is a police

man was the featured speaker for

One day Judy was holding Andy

and waiting for me letters. They were sida of the building was. Suddenly a lady to mail some on the other from where I Lho works in

the evening. young people

There were about 50 (over 11 years old)

three churches

present from the

the post office said, "i\y, what a cute baby youhavel He looks just like his daddy," Judy looked a
little puzzled because she didn't

in Ante. Af'ber the games and de votional many young people tasted
toasted marshmellows for the first

know the lady. The lady, noting the question, "Kow do you know
that he looks like his dad?" in


Judy's eyes, quickly added, "Xou do belong to the guy who belongs
to post you? " office box 1297 don't

Try driving a $3000 automo bile without insurance in a country that has the highest death

rate (^iccording

to the number of

cars and drivers) in the world in traffic accidents. That is one problem that always faces us here.



We continue to thjjnk all you

good people for sending your used

Christmas c?rds. We're still re

We continue to encoui'sge the church members to study from God's

Word, the Bible.

and am now

Recently I fin

ceiving them. One dgy as I w^s in the post office I received s notice in rx box to pick up a package. Since

ished teaching a study of the book

of I-Iark in the Colombia St. church

using the same course

on the hill. The

in the church

we get




church in Calama has finished the

plus other printed iter.s (includ

ing Christmas cards) through this department I know the people fairly
well vJho woi'k there.

study of Iv^rk and is now doing the

course on the book of Jchn: KNOW ^OUR BIBLE

On this particular day a new lady came to the window to wait on.
me. She brought out several more



about tho

spiritual growth of the Christians,

we have started 3 Bible memorisa

packages of Christmas cards. "I don't mean to be nosey," she said, "3ut I have a question. I h;sve been in this department for only a short time and yet I have seen package pfter package of Christmas cards for you. Here in Chile each family sends only one card to an other family. I was wondering if in the Ststes each family sends a whole package of cards to another family?"
I told her that I was a mis

tion program.


do not vrant it

to be a contest, but we do reward

those who learn certain passages of Scripture. Right now the prize is a bookmark, but first the per son ha3 to learn the Scripture passage written on the back. This usually involves learning about seven verses. V/e are now planning
to include the booklets "Visual ized Life of Christ" for memoriza


and we used the pictures

from the cards in the hand crafts

for the children in Sunday School.

She wondered how

tion of an entire chapter and wo have plans to give a Bible for longer passages. All of the re citing is done during the service and in front of the congregation.
SHAKEN [IP do not knoxrT how much camc


so I took some and showed her how wq make

pictures for the wall or glue them on to cans to make pencil holders, etc. She started looking through
the cards then and said, "With

out in the newspapers about th^ earthquake in Peru and the strong
tremors that we had here in Chile,

this one you co^d do this." She was quite excited about it so I gave her a handful of cards and we both went merrily on our v;ays. People here really like the beautif^ol pictures on your cards.

But I might say that we have had no damage here in Anto. from these tremors. A city one hundred miles
to the north of us suffered dam

ages of broken windows and cracked

walls but we only felt the shaking.

HOPEFULLY NO KOKS WATEK PHDBLEI-IS, The nevj filter plant is now

THE FSJilHINE VIEIV One afternoon while we still

operating and apparently doing Its

lived in our other house I was busy

typing letters when the doorbell rang. Answering the door I found
five of the dirtiest-faced little

job so we are now drinking clean,^

almost arsenic-free water straight

from the tap.

A FLOOR FOR THE CHAPEL In the section of town where the church.of "La Fortada" is lo

boys you would ever want to see.

"Do you have any bread? We TTill clean the sidewalk for you," The first time they had come there
had only been three of them and Jeff told them they had to work a little and they had to say "please" and "thank you," They didn't re

cated there are no electricity or water lines. After the chapel was
finished V70 had to decide between a wooden floor and a cement one^ A cement floor would cost half the

member to Say it this time'either

but they did with a little remind

price of a wooden one. But since the Water must be carried from a


In no time at all

they had
And then


we vrere afraid

the people

the sidewalk

would be angry

if we used

did they ever enjoy the butter and

jam on a piece of breadl
V7e used to have a lot of bums who came to the door. We seldom

from their tank. After tal-king with many nf the people living in this area, we decided to go ahead and'put in the cement floor.
iVhen we were about half fin

ished vTith the floor

Came up to Carl had reported us

a young man

and said that he to the x-zater de

partment for using drinking water for construction purposes. He, said they were going to fine us
about 5200< Carl told him he was

gave them anything though as this is just their occupation. They don't even pretend to work. They just go fi'om door to door asking for money. If they get money, they buy vdne. If they get bread, chances are they will throw it
aV7ay unless they are hungry. 3ut

a coward for not telling us if it ";.'as illegal before he reported us. The man then said that ho really hadn't reported us. Ke only came to cause problems and when he saw that we were not going to start a
fight, he left.
We finished the floor without

hew do you turn down youngsters whose parents send them out every day to scrounge up what they can?
Or maybe some of them don't even have parents. They just roara the

streets all day

parks at night

and sleep in the

or wherever they

Can find a place to sleep.

Since we have moved x^e have

any more difficulties and now the

next project is the painting of the building. We will do this

some Saturday afternoon when all

of the church people can help.

hod very fev people coming to the door a,king for food or money. V/hen they do have real need we do help them that they might later be able to help themselves.




are not


l?h)o this

newsletter material vxill reach our

We are ever thankful for your support of the work here by your
prayers, letters, and finances. May God bless each one for their concern for the unsaved. Those who

forwarding agent. The aeronautic engineers havebeen on strike since

the 12th of June and there is no

settlement in sight.

We are not

have sent gifts the past month are:

B. G. 3anks Family
Mrs. Willard Howarth Mr. d-Mrs. Bert Peirce Mr. & Mrs. Harold Van V/inkle

sure howmuch of our mail is reach

ing the States as there are pre sently no planes leaving Anto. Possibly the mail goes to Santiago
by bus and then from there to the

Ebrcas Council, Springfield

Suncoast Christi-^n Youth, Florida

States by plane. If you don't re

ceive this newsletter you vdH know our mail isn't making iti

Senior Class, Corinth, Ky.

Loyal Berean Class, Utica Willing Workers Class, Bell

Judy remarked the other day, "I think this house is just as
cold as the other one x^ras with i t s

Junior Church, Springfield Bladensburg Vacation Bible School

Mt. Gilead Vacation Bible School Adena Roqd Church, Chillicothe
Bell Church of Christ

high ceilings." VJhile we visited friends recently one of them said,

"I think this is the coldest vdn-

ter in the history of Anto, Other years people swim during June and part of July but not this year! " The temperature has been av eraging in the low forties during the night and in the high fifties
or Icn-r sixties during the day. As

Bladensburg Church of Christ Burnt Pines, North Vernon, Ind. Centerburg Church of Christ
Croton Church of Christ Eden Church of Christ

Fairfield Church, Lancaster

Heath Church of Christ Howard Church of Christ Johnstown Church of Christ

the houses are not equipped with heating units, many people go to
bed soon after sunset.

Licking Valley Church of Christ Martinsburg Church of Christ

Mount Giload Church of Christ Horth Side Church of Christ

Mrs Jiarren Myers,Fowrarding Agent rtoute 2, Utica, Ohio ^3080 Hailed by:
Utica Church of Christ

Hocky Fork Church of Christ

Utica Church of Christ

Wellsburg Church of Christ, Ky,


115 N Central Avenue

Utica, Ohio


Form 35^7 Requested

Ozark Bible College 1111 N. Main



PSHi'ilT I.7





(G 1! 'M



Tke Inca Empire Christian Missiow


O'/te .o\>e of ChHstConstraiyieth us...
TL COfV.. b: 1-+-

August 17, 1970


Our progr-im of Bible memori

zation has turned out to be much more of a success than I, ever




plus the

"Plan of Salvation"

ready to sell

to the churches in

dreamed possible.

As I mentioned

Chile, course and a

-I am now working

on the

translation of anew correspondence

for the "Star" magazine "Faithful Living" course
for use in the churches.
STATE OF ffliEi?GENCY We have been under a state

last monthI for the learning of about seven verses a person can
win a bookmark; for an entire chapter, booklets like ".Visualized
Life of Christ" and then for mem

orizing about three or four chap ters the person can win the Bible
of his choice.

of emergency for the past month. The university.students started rioting all over this country.
After three or four were killed, they decided to close down all of

Would you believe it? I had to order more of the bookmarks be cause I am about to run out. The

people are
supply of



for my

"Life of Christ."

the schools for a couple of weeks.

The government says that if there is anymore trouble they are going
to close all schools for the rest

it looks as though in the coming days there are going to be" three
people to ^,;in Bibles of their


Two are going


to recite

of the year and everyone (includ ing elementary atudents)will lose

this year of studies.

Katthew 5-7.

Sermon on the

i-'iount," and one is going to recite

Katthew 27-28.


VJhen we finished the floor in the church at "L^t Portndg,"

NOLVIA'S predicai^isnt ~


people s^id

that all it was

Not long after the 3ible mem orization program was begun, Kolvia, one of the young ladies at
church evening announced at Wednesday service that she would

lackir^ was some pgint, V/e told them that if they wanted paint on the building we would buy it but

they would have

ing. vJhist a

to do the paint

have part of one of the longer passages of Scripture ready to re

cite by Sunday. She "had misunder
stood and didn't realize that she had to recite .-.all three of her


that Was when we all got together

to paint the building: Since most of the people had no ideg at all


at one time.



was told this,

she was quite up

how to use a paint brush (they seldom paint their houses in this
section of town), the first day vras a'day of learning. There were so many who wanted to use the side
of the bristles instead of the end

and threw up

her hands She

she just couldn't

possibly do it.

was really

disturbed, about the whole thing.

But then Judy suggested that she just go shead and learn one chap
ter for this week, then next week

of the brush to paint. The wooden

building was made from chepp pine v;hich was so dry thst it almost

she could learn



and the third week she could learn

grabbed the brush out of your hand so there was no problem with the paint running. The folloviing Sat
urday we finished ^'/ith the second

the fin?l chapter.

Then when she

had them all memorized she could recite them at one time. So when

she heard this, Nolvia brightened

coat of paint and now the building is very attractive. Everyone is proud of it because they helped
to build and paint it. The offerings from the Sunday
services will be used to finish the inside of the building. The


and beamed

from ear to ear.

"You mean I

can do i t like that?"

she asked. "I thought I had to be able to recite all three chap
ters by 4his Sunday!"

So Nolvia is working hard on her three chapters to win a 3ible.

But in the meantime she has still

people want to put up wall board. V'Je haye found that they will let
us do i t all and them not do any

been working away on the bookmarks

and now has five of them collected

thing if we let them.

So we will

from reciting five different pas


let this be their project. Last month we made the statement


"If you don't receive this news

letter you will know our mail isn't making it." Wellll, would you believe
that last week when I was ready to write this newsletter, thepostoffice
announced a 72 hour strike which carried through until Saturday. So our

mail missed the boat (or should I say plane) ando\ir newsletter is late.


I like to make lot of noise,

especially during church services!1i

I'm not sure why i-Iama tries to keep me quiet after all the singing, that guy up there in front always gffts to make a lot of noise. But one Sunday
evening I tried to humor her so I was really being good. 3ut then the

most embarrassing thing happened.

I got the hiccups!I

I just sat real

quiet and pretended it was some' one else besides me making such an ugly
sjunding "aauupphh" every five seconds. Just as I thought I had everyone fooled, this big brawny man sitting infrontof us turned aroundi He is
one of tho policemen here in Anto and he must be at least ten feet tall

as well as being so big and muscular.

I was just sure he was going to (Chilean custom for curing

slap handcuffs on me or something, but no, all he did was lick a little

piece of paper and stick it on my forehead

Carl Paschal and I have been

hiccups), hy hiccups went away but only because ^ scared me soj

PfiDGRESS ON COLO]-iBIA STREET The church on Colombia Street

dividing our efforts to try to get more done and eispecially to

get pending matters finished be

has made some significant progress

since Brother Hector Villalobos Came to work x-ath it. He is now

fore the Paschals go home on fur lough next kay, Carl has been
spending a lot of time on the Calama building. Last week I went up to help him finish the walls,

preaching full-time

for the con

gregation plus they now have a Thursday evening 3ible study which
he directs. The members decided

to give the Sunday night offering

to Brother Hector for his services which he renders to the church.


steel around the top and

getting it ready for the rood. Our next job is the roof which we
are going to build hsre and then haul the assembled rafters in

At the present time he is still being helped some so that he can

give all of his time to the church

trucks and finish assembling the roof when we get everything up to


but we hope

and pray



the congregation
The church

will be able to
will in soon have

take over paying his entire salary.

the first baptistry of all of the
Churches of Christ northern

/ilso in the wqy of construct tion I just finished building two pulpits for the churches on Co
lombia Street and "La Portada." I

in Anto.

It is nearly finished and

Baptizing in the ocean

had the choice of either drawing a detailed blue print of the pul
pits for the carpenter or building the pulpits myself and so I chose the latter. The carpenter had no
idea at all what I wanted when I told him I wanted him to build a

i t will servo all of the churches

when i t is in the fifties and low

sixties is very hard on the health


of the people and also there are no dressing rooms. ( During the winter months I encourage the Chileans to do the baptizing.)



Miss Marcie Wilson i'dss Connie Thomas :

lay neighbor toldme the other day that next year Chile is going to have a new export item. They have so much of it that they are going to start sending red tape
to countries all over the world,

i'ir. & Krs. Ray Holbert

i-ir. & Mrs. Danny Riggen Mr. & Mrs. F. William Kay
Kr. <3: Mrs. William Oliver i'lr. & Hrs. Harold Van Winkle

Ron and Csralyn Clark,


Priscilla Council, First Christian, Esther Council Springfield, Ohio

Ladies Circle, Rittman Church

sionary replacements for Alberto and Kary Gonzalez from Osorno, Chile, v;rote telling us they were
coming to visit us. I t*ote back

Conyers Christian Church, Georgia

Wellsburg, Ky. Vacation Bible School Rocky Fork Vacation 3ible School Walnut St. Church, Portland, Ind.

that we alw.*3ys showed the goodol*

Cincinnati Bible Senmi^ry

freshman -class' at CBS),


Sell Church and Willing Workers

Bladensburg Church of Christ

-talit5r^;(;t'l^na['i.-..were^inthe s^'riie

you knov; it,. they .alrlost di^^'t'


Burnt Pines Church, North Vernon,I}i

Centerburg Church of Christ.
Croton Church of Christ Sden Church of Christ

get a welcome at alL They arrived at ^.tOO A. one Tuesday morning x-dthout notice. They hgd hoped tp arrive earlier but their plane
Was delayed for three hours. Ron helped us with several

Adena Road Church, Chillicothe Fairfield Church, Lancaster .

Heath Church of Christ Howard Church of Christ Johnstown Church of Christ



the printing

and with Carl's radio

we use



stayed for a week

for Osorno.

and then left

Licking Valley Church of Christ liartinsburg Chiirch of Christ Kount Gile.'>d. Church of Christ Horth Side Church of Christ Rocky Fork Church of Christ
Utica Church of Christ

Krs V/arren i-Iyers, Forwarding Agent

Route 2, Utica, Ohio ii-3080 hailed by Utica Church of Christ 115 N Central, Utics, Ohio ^3080

Wellsburg Church of Chritit, Ky.


U, S. Postage



Peruiit ilo. 7

Ozark Bible College

1111 N.

Joplii^ I



NOV 1 6 19


The Inca Empire CWristian Mission


ove. of Christ Constraj*^e{h us...
u coBw. e : 14-

November.!, 1970


Last Wednesday night after church the family that was living in the church property on the

I think
more material

they must be using

to make a man's

tie now

than they use to m.?ke a

hill was having marital problems.

Since we didn't want the church

woman's skirt.

to get

a bad name

from it,



to solve the problem^'

the young man



went with

to his

in-laws' house where his wife was

On of the hardest job^ to do is to win a young person whoso

parents aron't Christians. Wo have had two ' rocont casos in

staying. The family refused en trance to the boy so we went

in to see what wo could do. While we were inside talk

which two,young ladies (about 13

or 1^) felt thoir noed for accopting Josus and being baptized. When they told thoir parents about thoir decision, tho parents
were definitely against i t and so tho girls have not been back to church sinco. Pray that these young girls might continuo to
have tho dosire to render thoir livos unto Christ and to live for

ing, one of the wife's brothers approached the boy outside and
told him that he'd better take

his Gringo (slang for North Amer ican) friends and get out of
there or they wcro going to run a knife through us all. At that point a fight started outside and since we didn't want the po
lice to bo called, boy and loft. we took the

ffi.m despite the oppression thoir parents.




;i/hon I got back horo to Anto

I found that thoro weren't vory

As I visited with many of the

churches, I found that there are

m.'^.ny letters. So in the moments when I st-'irted getting lonesome I just dug out some old letters
and road them as if they were ones that had just arrived. Wo have received many letters from youngsters and, although I don*t Want to hurt any feelings, I have enjoyed those so much and want to
share some of them

many people who do not receive our newsletter. Missionary committGomer. got on the ball =ind got these names sent to our agent. We want,all who are giving money for the work
horo in Chilo to know what wo are

doing and to fool free to write and question us about the work at any

all of

and Saw you you

One letter says: "Dear Jeff Judy, We got your firm ^nd them they ro good, I hope like your woke. How long nro going to,work in Chile. Now

time. Wo try to answer all ques tions in the newsletter so thnt you will find it informative nd maybe even onjoyr>bl,o once in a whilo.


for the climate we hi>vc boon hav

PLEASE W Christmas cards

m SEND ANYI40RE for craft use as

ing cool WG-ither. How .^re you I hope fine. I am fine. Has thoir been any sickness in tho'f.imily." Another one reads: "My name

wx> will bo charged duty.


to you we're well supplied for now.

is Debbie. I'm in the 6th gmde.

I thought that you might want to know who you were writing to and
all. I livo on a six acre farm.


As a groat man onco , said, "Why is i t that vacation time

passes so quickly?" States.

I cort.^inly is that

Wo own five cows, two ponies, two Cats, two dogs, , and I h^vo one
mother and father." The final one reads:

did onjoyriy Vacation time in the

The only problem

i t seemed so very, very short. I enjoyed getting to see most of

Jeff and Judy, My name is Candaco and my church teachcs me many things about God. I hoar you are missionary. 'Vhat kind of work do you do? Maybe some day I would like to be a missionary to holp old people. What is your missionary nil about? I-h?ivo
never been to Chile or out of the state of Ohio. Please write

the people from our supporting churches, and I would ospocially

like to thank the Heath, Ohio,

church for having the get-together

for .-ill of the area churches while

we wore at homo.
got around

I was hoping


to visit

all of these

churches but time didn't permit i t so I hope that the churchos that we
wore not able to visit will under

about i t and let mo no, friend, Candace"


stand tho problem apologies.

and accept our


The situation here in Chile i s one of wait ^nd see. From


vVhon we arrived here in Ante


i\^c weren't concerned.



we wo^d

the iunbassador of the USA to. al

find as far as the churches were

most nil of the Chileans, every one is saying, "We don't know what is to happen," So far there has only been
one act of violence. The head of

On Wednesday when we

went to the service at the church on the hill there must have been a record crowd for a midweek ser
vice, The Christians didn't know that wo were back and there were some there v^ho hadn't been there

the Army was shot and killed this past week. The assassins had hoped to capture the general and exchange him for the Prosidoncy. But when tha general refused-to go with them they, shot him. Dur ing the three- days of nourning

for over-a year. The church had done well in o'ur absenee. We ex pected great things for Sunday

but were disappointed

are several

when many

didn't return for Sunday.

who will come

the country has been very quiet,

In the search for the murderers

there are no ibiericans there but

the police discovered several largo supplies of arms. At the

same time "the. President-elect, Dr. Allende, has received notes

they will not come to church when

wo are there.

The church on Colombia street

showed signs of life.

Our pro

threatening his life, .

The President is to toko

blem thereis that Brother Villa-

lobes , the preacher, has inherit

ed a fortune from the death of his father but since he is the

office oh Nov. . . Dr. Allende, the Communist candidate, wasr^t-


by Congress


Oct. 24,

oldest, he has to settle the es

He neodod. a 75^ vote of Congress

(151 votes) and


recoived 153
35 votes for to under

tate. This is months

going, to take and ho is going

the other ccindidatc.

to have to remain in southern Chile for some time to do i t ,

We want everyone

V/e hope

and pray that about the

stand that right now _wg arc in no physical danger. Although the
people here want the /jnericans to leave, they are not any more anti-Amorican than they wore be
fore wo wont home on vacation.

middle of next year he and his family i-dll once again bo back to help in the work here.
The church in LaPortada had

a good crowd Sunday but in a very strong Communist section

so there are several who will come when there is no American there but don't come when wo are

Pray for the country of Chilo_ and for its new President that the people might remain froo and that the churchcs might-bo able to continue to give alle
giance to God.


We hope to turn over the

to one of the Christians

soon so that we won't be running Cont, next page

tho work thoro. Thon I fool that


will grow

much more rapidly is th^jt sit the

than i t is with us working as tho

THANKS TO YOU FOR YDUR SUPPORT Miss Jqnet Turner Mrs, Helen Pate

diroctors. Tho

Tho problem yoiing poople

Mrs. Ruth Taylor Hines

Mrs. Ethel Blackburn

somoono must bo trained first.

church on the hill have oontinuod

Mr. & Mrs. Danny Riggen

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mack Mr. ic Mrs. Richard Crothers & Rick Mr. & Mrs, Carl Jacobus Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Harold VanWinkle Junior II Class of Utica Church

with thoir guit^qr lessons in our

absonco and now aro ablo to.load

singing and have specials during tho service. We hope to hove the
same music teacher work with tho

young Christians in they too can pl??y during tho sorvicos

Port^idg so tho guitars and so that

Ruth Council of Springfield Church

Adena Road Church, Chillicothe

Boll Church and Willing Workers

Bladensburg Church of Christ Contorburg Church of Christ

wo can havo street moetings.

Corinth Senior Class, Kentucky


Can you imagine?

tho doctor's office

Wo wont to
and whon h'o

Croton Church of Christ Sdon Church of Christ

Fairfield Church of Christ, LancosHo.^th Church of Christ

Howard Church of Christ Johnstown Church of Christ

weighed mo in, there weren't even any broad crumbs on tho scales! That sure is different from being Weighed i-n on a bread scales! All the ad^stments I've had to make! I now have to say "byebye" because no one underst-^nds my "choa". Seems to mo there are
an awful lot of blondes, redheads
and such around too. Used to be


Licking Valley Church of Christ Martinsburg. Church of Christ

Mount Gilead Church of Christ NorthSido Church of Christ

Rocky Fork Church & Sunday School

Suncoast Christian Zouth, Florida Utica Church and Loyal Beroan ClassWalnut St. Church, Portland, Ind.
Wollsburg Church of Christ

I didn't have any trouble at all knowing who was my mom because

everyone else had black hair.

MrsWarron Myers, Forwarding Agent Route 2, Utica, Ohio /1-3080
Mailed by Utica Church of Christ 115 N Central* Utica, Ohio
Ozark Bible College 1111 N Main -

UTICA, OHIO Permit No,7




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