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Notes on the Myhology of the Celts.

The popular religion of the Celtic people includes what is popularly known as Druidism. Druid= Dru (intensive particle)+ vid (to see; wisdom )

The Megalithic (Greek: megas, great ; lithos, stone) People. Their religion as most of primitive peoples center on, or take their rise from, rites and practices connected with the burial of the dead. They were the builders of dolmens, cromlechs, and chambered tumuli. Dolmen. Upright stones with one on top. Cromlech. Circular arrangement of standing stones, often with a dolmen in their misdst. Celts believed in the transmigration of the soul. The soul does not perish upon death but passes from one body to another.

Ceasar says: "The celts discuss and impart to the youth many things respecting the stars and their motions respecting the extent of the universe and of our earth, respecting the nature of things, respecting the powe and the majesty of the immortal gods."

There is evidence of human sacrifice. For example prisoners and criminals were encased, numbers at a tim in huge frames of wickerwork, and there burned alive to win the favour of the gods. The ancient tract "Dinnsenchus" preserved in the "Book of Leinster" states that on Moyslaught (The Plain Adoration) there stood a great idol, Crom Cruach (The bloody Crescent).

"You [Celts] who by cruel blood outpoured think to appease the pitiless TEUTATES, the horrid AESUS with h barbarous altars, and TARANUS whose worship is no gentler than that of the Scythian Diana, to whom captives were offered up" (Lucan,"Pharsalia" i.444) The Powers of Darkness. Aesus, Taranus, Teutates, Dis (Pluto, god of the underworld from whom the Celts claimed they descended), Balor and the Fomorians. The God of Light. Lugh or Lugus (son Ethlinn dauther of Balor) The Five Factors in Ancient Celtic Culture 1. The mass of popular superstitions and of magical observances, including human sacrifice. 2.A philosophic creed having as its central object the worship of the Sun. Its central doctrine was the immortality of the soul. 3.The worship of the personified deities. Aesus, teutates, Taranus, Lugh, etc. representing natural forces. 4.The existence amongs the Druids of a body of teaching of a quasi-scientific nature about natural phenomena and the constitution of the universe. 5.The prevalence of a sacerdotal organization, which was the sovereign power. The Cycles of Irish Legend. 1. Mythological Cycle or Cycle of the Invasions. i. The coming of Partholan into Ireland. ii. The coming of Nemed into Ireland. iii. The coming of the Firbologs into Ireland.

iv. Invasion of the Tuatha De Danann. v. Invasions of the Milesians. 2. Ultonian or Conorian Cycle. 3. Ossianic or Fenian Cycle. 4. Miscellaneus tales and legends.

Partholan came from the West. His father was Sera. His wife was Dealgnaid. The Partholians fought the Fomorians, a huge, missshapen, violent , and cruel race. They died in the Old Plain (Senmag) when burying their dead The Legend of Tuan mac Carell found in the circa 1100 a.d. manuscript Book of the Dun Cow. Tuan tells the story to a xtian monk named Finnen. After the Partrholans disappeared Ireland was desolate. Nemed son of Agnoman took possesion. Agnoman is the brother of Carell. The Nemedians sailed for Ireland in a fleet of 32 barks, 30 persons per bark. Were in the sea for 1 years and most died except 9 ( Nemed, 4 men and 4 women). In Ireland they increased their numbers to 8060 men and women and then died. Tuan witness all this by reincarnating. man to wild boar. Then Semion son of Stariat settled Ireland from whom the Firbologs descended. Tuan reincarnates from boar into sea-eagle. The People of Dana arrive Tuan reincarnates into a salmon that is eaten by his mother-to-be (The wife of Carell)

Nemedians fought the Fomorians who had 2 kings Morc and Conann. The Fomorians oppress the Nemedians who led by 3 chiefs land on Tory Island (The stronghold of the Fomorians) capture Conanns Tower, and Connan himself is killed by the Nemedian Fergus. But Morc comes into battle and kills all the Nemedians except 30. they leave Ireland with their chief Britan then return as the Firbologs and people of Dana.

Firbologs. (Fir-bolog, Fir-Domnan, and Galioin) came from Spain. Their king Eochy mac Erc married Taltiu o Telta.

The folk of the god whose mother is Dana (Brigit) Tuatha De Danann. They sprang from 4 great heavenly cities. Falias, Gorias, Finias, and Murias. From Falias came the Stone of Destiny( Stone of Scone), Lia Fail. (From Tara to Scotland for the coronation of Fergus the Great, son of Erc, borrowed from his brother Murtagh mac Erc then Edward I in 1297 took it to England, Coronation Stone in Westminster Abbey). Invincible Sword of Lugh of the Long Arm from the city of Gorias. Magic Spear from Finias. Cauldron of the Dagda from Murias.

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