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Invierta en Chile


Invest in Chile

Chile is not only Latin America's best evaluated economy but also one of the best evaluated emerging economies internationally. Its hallmark stability, transparency, competitiveness and excellent business prospects position the country not only as the best destination for foreign investment in Latin America but also as one of the world's leading destinations. This is re ected in the global foreign direct investment (FDI) gures published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), according to which Chile was among the seven economies in which inbound FDI showed the highest growth in 2012. This reached a new record of US$30,323 million, positioning the country for the rst time as Latin America's second largest FDI recipient.

Chile es la economa emergente mejor evaluada de la regin latinoamericana y una de las ms reconocidas a nivel mundial. Sus caractersticas: estabilidad, transparencia, competitividad y excelentes proyecciones de negocios, lo transforman en el mejor destino para las inversiones extranjeras de Latinoamrica y uno de los ms destacados del orbe, lo que se vio re ejado en las cifras de 2012 entregadas por la UNCTAD. Segn el organismo, Chile estuvo entre las siete economas cuyo ujo de recepcin de inversin extranjera directa (IED) creci ms durante el ao. US$30.323 millones ingresaron al pas durante 2012, anotando un rcord histrico que ubic a Chile por primera vez como el segundo mayor receptor de IED en Latinoamrica.

Chile was among the seven economies in which inbound FDI showed the highest growth in 2012.

million inbound FDI in 2012.









7,0 9

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Source: Central Bank of Chile (











FDI in Chile, 2003-2012 (US$ million)


Invest in Chile


About investors in Chile

Quines invierten en Chile y dnde lo hacen? FDI IN CHILE, 2009-2012 (By sector)
Transport & communications

FDI IN CHILE, 2009-2012 (By country of origin)



Agriculture & shing United Kingdom






Switzerland France


Electricity, gas & water

3.0% 3.3% 6.1%









United States

Cayman Islands Services

Source: Central Bank of Chile (

British Virgin Islands


Source: Central Bank of Chile (



Invest in Chile

Why invest in Chile?

Por qu invertir en Chile?

A competitive country
In the 2012 World Competitiveness Yearbook published by the Institute for Management Development (IMD), Chile took 28th place out of 59 economies, ahead of all other Latin American countries.

A reliable country
Chile is a safe place in which to do business as borne out by risk ratings agencies which have increased or maintained their high ratings for the country, highlighting its low level of public debt, the health of its nancial system and its solid institutions.

Un pas competitivo
En el Informe Mundial de Competitividad 2012, publicado por el Institute for Management Development (IMD), Chile se ubic en el lugar 28 entre 59 pases, liderando Latinoamrica.

Un pas con able

Chile es un lugar seguro para hacer negocios y as lo aseguran las agencias clasi cadoras de riesgo, que han elevado y mantenido los altos ratings del pas, enfatizando sus bajos niveles de deuda pblica, la salud de su sistema nanciero y la solidez de sus instituciones.

An attractive business climate

According to the World Bank's Doing Business 2013 report, Chile is the easiest Latin American economy in which to do business, ranking 60 positions above the regional average.

Un atractivo ambiente de negocios

Segn el informe Haciendo Negocios 2013 , publicado por el Banco Mundial, Chile es la economa de Amrica Latina donde es ms fcil hacer negocios. El pas se ubica 60 puestos ms arriba del promedio regional.

A transparent country
In Transparency International's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, Chile obtained a score of 72 points, ranking among the 20 best-placed economies out of the 176 countries included in the Index and ahead of all other Latin American countries.

Un pas transparente
En el ndice de Percepcin de la Corrupcin 2012, publicado por Transparencia Internacional, Chile obtuvo 72 puntos, situndose entre las 20 economas mejor evaluadas de un total de 176 pases analizados en el estudio, y liderando Latinoamrica.

A country to live in
The capital Santiago is Latin America's second most liveable city, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and the country is also well evaluated in studies such as the Global Peace Index which, in 2012, ranked it 30th out of 158 countries.

Un pas para vivir

La ciudad de Santiago de Chile es la segunda urbe ms habitable de Amrica Latina, segn Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Chile est bien evaluado adems por estudios como el ndice Global de Paz, que en su versin 2012 lo ubic en el puesto 30 del ranking entre 158 naciones.

Invest in Chile


A globally connected country

Chile has world-class highways and telecommunications services, with a high penetration of technology and excellent connectivity. In the Networked Readiness Index 2012 published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), it took 39th place out of 142 economies, ranking rst in Latin America.

A country with talent

Chile stands out not only for its high-standard professionals but also as the home of two of the universities that, according to the latest Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), are among the top seven in Latin America. In addition, it took 31st place out of 60 economies in the Global Talent Index 2011-2015 of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Un pas con talento Un pas conectado

Chile posee carreteras y telecomunicaciones de nivel mundial, con alta penetracin de tecnologa y gran conectividad. El pas se ubic en el lugar 39 entre 142 pases, encabezando Latinoamrica, en el ndice de Preparacin Tecnolgica 2012 del Foro Econmico Mundial (FMI). Adems de poseer profesionales de alto nivel, Chile destaca por tener dos universidades entre las 7 mejores de Latinoamrica, segn el ms reciente Ranking Acadmico de Universidades del Mundo (ARWU), y por ubicarse en el lugar 31 entre 60 economas en el ndice Global de Talento 2011-2015 que publica Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Headquarters in Chile
Santiago offers overseas companies some of the world's most attractive installation costs. In its Prices and Earnings report for 2012, the UBS investment bank gave Chile's capital a score of 52.8 points and 60th position out of 72 cities in a ranking where rst place indicates the most expensive city (Oslo) and New York is the base of comparison with 100 points.

An internationally integrated country

Chile has signed 22 trade agreements with 60 countries, expanding its domestic market of 16.6 million inhabitants to one of over 4,302 million potential consumers around the world (representing 85.7% of global GDP and 62% of the world's population).

Un pas integrado al mundo

Chile ha suscrito 22 acuerdos comerciales con 60 pases, los que han expandido el tamao del mercado chileno de sus 16,6 millones de habitantes a ms de 4.302 millones de potenciales consumidores en todo el mundo (un 85,7% del PIB y un 62% de la poblacin mundial).

Headquarters en Chile
Santiago de Chile es una de las ciudades ms convenientes del mundo para la instalacin de las empresas extranjeras. En su informe Precios y Salarios actualizado a 2012, el banco de inversin UBS otorg a la capital de Chile 52,8 puntos y la ubic en el lugar 60 entre 72 ciudades, en una escala donde la nmero 1 (Oslo) es la urbe ms cara y Nueva York es la base de comparacin con 100 puntos.


Invest in Chile

Investment opportunities
Oportunidades de inversin

Chile is a leading player in the international mining industry and the world's largest copper producer. Mining companies are forecast to invest US$104,000 million in Chile over the next eight years.

Chile es un actor a nivel mundial y lder en produccin de cobre. Se estima que las compaas mineras invertirn US$104 mil millones en los prximos 8 aos.

This sector offers opportunities in fruit farming and agriculture, wine and other grape products, olives, meat and dairy products, salmon, support industries, processed foods and biotechnology applied to the food industry.

Oportunidades en la industria de la fruta y el agro; vino y subproductos de la uva; oliva; subproductos de la carne y la leche; salmn; industria auxiliar; alimentos elaborados; y biotecnologa aplicada a la industria alimentaria.

Demand for electricity is forecast to grow at an annual rate of between 6% and 7% through to 2020, calling for 8,000 MW in new projects or, in other words, a 50% increase in existing installed capacity. Chile has hydroelectric potential in the south, a favorable climate for solar plants in the north and ideal natural conditions for renewable energies as well as the need to diversify its matrix and increase energy independence.

Se proyecta un crecimiento de la demanda elctrica de 6% a 7% al ao 2020, lo que requerir inyectar 8.000 MW en nuevos proyectos, incrementando en un 50% la capacidad instalada actual de generacin. Existe potencial hdrico en el sur y clima propicio para plantas solares en el norte, condiciones naturales ideales para las energas renovables, adems de las necesidades de diversi car la matriz y tener independencia energtica.

Concessions projects in public works, including highways, ports and railways, represent a total potential investment of US$7,900 million.

Chile tiene un potencial de inversin de US$7,9 mil millones a concesionar por el Estado en obras civiles, viales, portuarias y ferroviarias.

Invest in Chile


Companies that have already invested in Chile

Ellos ya invirtieron en Chile
Chinese investors are not very assiduous in investing in sectors without a reliable track record and that's why I think that mining in Chile, with its already established name within the industry, is a good starting point for our business in the region.
Liu Wenfeng President and Founder Hebei Wenfeng Iron and Steel Company

Los inversionistas chinos no son muy asiduos a emprender en sectores de la industria sin trayectoria con able, por eso creo que la minera chilena ya tiene un nombre posicionado en el sector y es un buen punto de partida para nuestros negocios en la regin .
Liu Wenfeng Presidente y fundador Hebei Wenfeng Iron and Steel Company

Chile is an attractive region for Mainstream because of its favorable investment environment, active participation in international trade, sustained economic growth and growing energy market."
Jos Ignacio Escobar General Manager Mainstream Renewable Power

Chile es una atractiva regin para Mainstream debido a que tiene un ambiente favorable para la inversin, una activa participacin en el comercio internacional, un crecimiento econmico continuo y un mercado energtico en crecimiento .
Jos Ignacio Escobar Gerente General Mainstream Renewable Power

There are three things that are key: the availability of talent, economic and political stability and infrastructure. Chile was well evaluated in these areas which is what we were looking for in order to invest.
Hiep Dang Director McAfee Labs

Hay tres temas que son clave: la disponibilidad de talento, la estabilidad econmica y poltica, y la infraestructura. Chile result bien evaluado en estos aspectos, que era lo que estbamos buscando para invertir .
Hiep Dang Director McAfee Labs

"As well as for its political and economic stability, Chile was chosen because it has a quite advanced food industry as well as a network of universities that positions it as one of the most advanced in Latin America as regards scienti c research."
Pablo Devoto Executive President Nestl Chile

Chile, adems de su estabilidad poltica y econmica, fue elegido por tener una industria alimentaria bastante avanzada as como una red de universidades que ponen al pas dentro de los ms avanzados a nivel de investigacin cient ca en Amrica Latina .
Pablo Devoto Presidente Ejecutivo Nestl Chile

he Foreign Investment Committee (CIEChile) is the agency that represents the State of Chile in its dealings with foreign investors and helps to position Chile as a highly attractive destination for foreign investment and international business through its role in matters related to the administration and communication of the corresponding l eg a l n o r m s , t h e d ev e l o p m e n t o f promotional activities of different types and the preparation of information concerning foreign investment for investors and potential investors.
What can CIEChile do for you?

El Comit de Inversiones Extranjeras (CIEChile) es el organismo que representa al Estado de Chile en sus tratos con los inversionistas extranjeros y apoya el posicionamiento de Chile como plaza de alto atractivo para la inversin extranjera y los negocios internacionales, actuando en materias relacionadas con la administracin y difusin de la normativa legal pertinente, el desarrollo de actividades de promocin de diversa ndole y la elaboracin de informacin relevante en materia de inversin extranjera, para inversionistas extranjeros y potenciales inversionistas.
Qu puede hacer CIEChile por usted?

Provide you with information about Chile's business climate and the investment opportunities offered by different sectors in Spanish, English or Chinese. Supply you with a portfolio of public and private investment projects. Provide you with legal advice for the signing of an investment contract with the State of Chile. Help you in preparing schedules of meetings with relevant players. Guide you in presenting queries to different government services. Respond to your enquiries and requests in the shortest possible time. For further information, please visit

Entregarle informacin sobre el clima de negocios del pas y las oportunidades de inversin en los distintos sectores productivos del pas en espaol, ingls o chino. Entregarle una cartera de proyectos de inversin pblicos y privados. Brindarle asesora legal para la rma de un contrato de inversin con el Estado. Asistirlo en la elaboracin de agendas de reuniones con actores relevantes. Guiar sus consultas a los distintos servicios pblicos. Responder sus consultas y solicitudes en el menor tiempo posible.

Para mayor informacin, por favor visite

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Printed in Chile, May 2013

| Impreso en Chile, mayo 2013

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