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Parshas Vaetchanan

Shabbos nachamu

The weekly

V O L U M E 7 ,


h s a r c



This week we asked a random 1000000 E.G.P. Bochurim

Week in review
Wow another week in review already, I just did one like ten minutes ago, oh well here goes Erev tishaa bav was action packed with learning class (yeah!) then sports and BUCK BUCK, (yeah Esagui we know its you) woohoo fresh chicken, the buchrim enjoyed skinning, cleaning, gutting, and salting the freshly shechted chickens. Next stop, Eicha, where obviously there was NO THROWING BEANS( Mehl!!!), and then once again BUCK BUCK!!! This time it was the buchrim who soared through the air land on their friends, trying to knock them over. Special shout out to Gabe whos horizontal jump was about 42 feet 387 inches long. TISHAA BAV DAY. We all woke up just in time to finish kinus (snicker snicker) after which we watched videos in zal and the buchrim got destroyed by the staff in baseball, ( hmm seems to be a recurring theme in EGP this year) anyway thankfully the fast is over, may it be the last time we ever fast again and may tishaa bav be a yom tov next year. Wednesday: Well first was laundry and then LASER TAG!!!! First we were treated to the respect song (nu feh kol isha!!!) that lady was wacky, then.. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! Each bochur got tokens and we all watched Levi Posner destroy Yossi Rodal well at everything. BBQ next (till the cops came that is) and when we got back the buchrim each got a midnight snack of chicken wings and corn. Yum yum. gnight EGP. Other highlights: Tackle steal the salami (ohalei torah chai) Yossi gershovitzs bus rocked the house (sing me this song just one more time) Whew that was a crazy week, till next time, signing off, your friend, Totally Wrecked and totally psyched (pronounced siickt for all our dear ohalei torahnicks) Have a great Shabbos!!!

dose egp have color war?

99% egp never had color war 65% It's always second month 54% This year the staff are too lazy 33% what is Shloimy Rutman 45% No one is fit to be A General

TZH General's

Weekly story
In the Rebbes spiritual universe, there are no strangers to the Source of Life. It is not a place that is discovered, or that you come to as a tourist. There is only return. Reconnection. The soul begins in an intimate, essential bond with a Source Beyond All Things. Even as she invests herself into a material world, into a human form, that primordial bond remains imprinted deep within her. It is that bond that pulls her constantly to return, like a magnet pulling its lost other half. All the searching of Man, all his spiritual striving, all is only an expression of this dynamic, this thirst to return. The desire to return is innate, but it must be awakened. The soul must first realize she is distant. Return in all its strength and passion is found, therefore, in the soul who has wandered far from her true self and then awakened to recognize she is lost. We are like the child being pushed on a swing by her father the further our souls are thrust away, the greater the force of our return. As well, the drive to return is G-ds fishing net. For in its search to reunite with Him, the soul finds G-d in all the matters of this world. And so, these too are pulled in. And the deeper the descent, the greater the treasure.

A message from the underground

So here I am again writing this telegram. And I cant believe that Im still not in the greatest camp in the world. Im in Africa right now; its actually a funny story! So I was walking on this huge piece off ice in Antarctica when suddenly I hear a big ROAR!! So I turned around and about five feet in front of me is this huge white polar bear! So I start Davening to Hashem and saying Shema !

But I was shaking so hard that the polar bear started laughing and instead of the polar beard biting me he licks my pinky toe and that made me really happy. So I decided to take the polar bear for a ride. So I took my raccoon and I jump on the polar bear and we started going really fast! But since the polar bear is so soft and fluffy I fell asleep. But when I woke up I was in middle of a field full off trees.

Weekly interview
Weekly interview with HaTomim Amichai Chodaytov

TWCH: What is the most adventurous part of the day? Amichai: Wake up time and reveille TWCH: Who is your counselor and how does he wake you up? Amichai: My counselor is Avremy Mehl. And each day is a different wake up. TWCH: What was the worst wake up you ever had from your counselor? Amichai: When he flipped my mattress TWCH: What are some other tactics that he used before? Amichai: Chickens, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, cow bells, whistles, bouncing ball, flute and many more. TWCH: If you can choose to be in any learning class, which one would you choose? Amichai: Kusy's learning class; he is either late or doesn't show up.

Quote of the week: Can I also move to Mendy Cohens learning class?

A message from the underground continuation

So I walked over to one of the trees and I saw that there was money growing on them, so I thought that MOSHIACH came! So I started dancing with my raccoon and he knows how to dance, but I was dancing so hard that my raccoon feel into a pool of mud, so I had to clean him with one of my socks. so now I only have 2 socks left! Then I see this man walking over to me and he says abuyama mikar ardu luki but I had no idea what he was saying, so I said I dont speak French. So he looked at me and said are you crazy? I said why so he said because you are in Africa! I said Africa!?!?!?!?!??!?!? How did I get hear? so he told me that the polar bear dropped me off. So I asked him is MOSHIACH here? And he said no but hes coming soon! (I think he thinks Im talking about his friend) anyway I found out that he put his money on the trees to dry off because they also fell into the mud! So I took my raccoon and put him on the tree! I have to go now but ill see you with the help of g-d next week, good Shabbos!

A Word From our CBD director

This week a lot of Bochurim were involved, filling out their Duchs, participating and being involved in learning classes, making weekly Hachlotos and BH everyone saw all the great prizes which they earned some getting 3x extra tokens by the laser tag place, ice cream and milk shakes, Chayolei Beis Dovid weekly BBQs, a snack and can of soda on trips and many other amazing prizes all for being involved. The point of Chayolei Beis Dovid here in camp is to show the individual Bochur that he is capable of doing all these things which connect us to the Rebbe and that when he goes to Yeshiva next year he can start adding them to his daily routine. Tanya Bal Peh the last three weeks was very successful almost all the Bochurim spent the whole hour and a half finishing their quota which is based on their capabilities, so Chevreh Give it all ya got and keep on trucking! Have a Great Shabbos and for all those that are leaving camp after the first month (either for smart reasons or even not) make sure to keep in touch. Levi, CBD Director

p.s. the man is helping me find a way to get to EGP


HEY GUYS! Another crazy week is in the books! Im still getting over the blasting music from the bus!! I don't know how the program directors hooked up so many tokens, but wow , it was pretty cool. Another thing that stands out in my mind are the chickens. Some of you may not know, but there are 4 chickens which escaped death and were in a little box on mine and ashers porch for like 5 days. Yeah, thats right. It smelled to high heaven. K, not as bad as bunk 4, but it was still pretty bad. Anyway, one night at around 3 in the morning (uziel had just finished his nightly exercises), I heard scrathing on the window. I called out whos there, but no answer I decided we had to get rid of them. So the next night, I picked up the box to move it outside.and then...the whole box split open. Chickens, chicken junk, old bread, you name it. And of coursew, we had just put all our food and drinks we had bought right there. oh well. Anyway, right then sgp staff saved them, and to this day, they can be found in a little chicken coop outside the sgp bunks. I don't like them. Have a great AND WELL BEHAVED SHABBOS! Remember its Shabbos nachamu, be holy today.

Line of the week: it couldn't have happened without sholli

Pictures of the week

Pick a Caption

Is that who I think it is? Is he still wearing the same hat? Where is the white shirt? No waaaay!

Mazal Tov
We would like to wish a massive Mazal Tov to our dear waiter Akiva Druin. HE constantly makes sure to keep us happy and full. May Hashem fill his life with only good things in a revealed way. Happy birthday to HaBochur Hatomim Levi Mishulovin. May you merit to see the other person whose birthday you share Moshiach Tzidkeinu!!!

We would like to give a big Mazel Tov to our Dear HC Chatan Hageula On the occasion of his engagement May they have a binyan adei ad..

Qustion of the week: if a man says something in a forest, and there's no woman there to hear, is he still wrong?

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