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Mastering Relationships

The Mastering Relationships nine steps, is a service to others method, while reaping the mutual energetic benefits of experiencing more spiritual connection, and increased love and appreciation returning back from others to you. Without attachment or expectation this happens naturally when you follow some basic guidelines. In certain areas where we have asked for spiritual growth beyond anything else, we may have periods where we are undergoing deep testing to our personal truth and personal beliefs. Eventually we all are able to be in this world, yet not of it, and have fulfilling, loving and appreciative bonds shared with others, whether in groups or personal relationships. Improving our compassionate communication with others, improving our relating skills, personally and in group dynamics, is a skill set that will go a long way to serve your mission. With that in mind we set forth a few guidelines to remember when communicating with others or relating with others. 1. Self-Responsibility Being able to own your own emotional conflicts without blame, guilt or projection upon another person, by making it their fault. Do not assume that you know anything about that person that can be judged for what you cannot see or really know, as you have not walked in their shoes. When feeling upset, restore balance to your heart and aura, by lovingly holding your boundaries without violating others boundaries by expecting them to resolve your conflict. Be willing and open to learn what the real issue is, which most of the time not what it appears to be. Going deeper and reflecting on forgiveness of yourself and others, allowing time, neutralizes the conflict. Conservation Being able to discern the Right Use of Action harnesses precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful. Cultivate the wisdom in when to engage and learn when not to engage with others or conflicting circumstances. No person needs to justify their existence to another or to care what people think of them. Staying clear of emotional tantrums and dramas and not engaging means you do not feed the drama to escalate into chaos. Dark Forces use drama to instigate schisms and chaos between yourself and others, making us less effective and scattering our energies. Conserving energy means a stronger focus, and one becomes more effective and productive. When we learn this skill, we gain more resources, and connection with our spiritual sources. If we waste time and energy, we reach an energy threshold that cannot be increased, draining us, and therefore dissipates its positive influence. 3. Respond In the moment, learn how to choose your response rather than react to life events, people and circumstances. Reaction is subconscious programming and mostly operated from preconceived ideas, fear or mind control. Observe your reaction and ask your body to show you the story or memory behind the reaction. As one learns to inquire about the reactions you generate , much is learned about your body consciousness and can effectively be healed and cleared from continuing the reaction. Emotional catharsis techniques ( ES Core Triad Practice includes them) help to release the story from the body so it can return to a new pattern free of the reactive pain. Choosing forgiveness, kindness, compassion and self-love, is all a decision one has the power to make in every moment, by choosing your response to self and others. 4. Reverence All beings have the right to exist and co-exist. By learning there are mutual benefits present in all relationships, and by respecting each persons right to exist, is a demonstration of reverence for life force in all of its aspects and permutations. Avoid behaviors of criticism, presumptions, disrespectful or harmful accusations, controlling or manipulating others, giving unsolicited advice or placing demands. Live and Let Live.


5. Humility By knowing and accepting your place in the Universe and the role you play, one acts in humility knowing All is a part of the God Source. All is equal in the Love of God, and no being is judged better, higher or valued more than another. By acting from humility and in spiritual service, when you are called upon to do something as an action of stewardship, even if its cleaning toilets, in humility, you accept the job given. There is no self-entitlement given in spiritual service. Entitlement is a distortion of spiritual ambition and negative ego, and if left unchecked, will result in a root downfall. 6. Discernment Without using ego judgment , test the personal resonance of people and events you choose to engage or exchange with, as in which is either aligned to your resonance or not aligned to your resonance, in that moment. There is no right or wrong, only personal resonance. That answer may change continually in different timelines, depending on when you ask for discernment. Learning personal discernment builds your necessary boundaries to discover what is productive and supportive for fulfilling your soul path, or not. Discernment allows for the continual productive growth and the effective use of your personal energies and focused attention. Uphold your personal boundaries by applying discernment towards all things you focus energy or attention upon. 7. Direct Knowing By feeling in the moment what the energy is communicating to you, suspend linear thought and surrender mental chatter to feeling what you know in that present moment. Breathing in the moment and feeling the energy signature in the environment, will open your senses to allow the energy to give your body impressions and information without words. Higher knowing becomes present and connected with you at all times. What you know now, is all you will ever need. Breathe and take in what is in front of you now as direct knowing. Every moment in the feeling the direct knowing will be present. You know more in the feeling, than you mentally acknowledge yourself for. What does Now Feel Like? Let the energy and feeling respond to your heart. 8. Surrender By being present in the moment and surrendering to the now, judgments and future expectations of others are dissolved. Every connection or contact holds an opportunity for growth and learning, attempt to neutralize polarity thinking, by asking for the deeper meaning, the needed change or lesson of growth inherent in the circumstance. Surrendering to the now, and feeling the feelings while holding unconditional love, allows greater acceptance to neutralize painful or confusing situations. If we constrict in a position and hold on to defend the situation, it amplifies the negativity of the situation to be vulnerable to interference and superimposed wills. Let Go and Let God. 9. Be True to You Honor your entire being and life force. Inquire and know the contents of your heart, and only really give to others what feels joyful and aligned for your person. Do not bargain or sacrifice your truth; however do not avoid tasks that build discipline of the personal character. Ask your multidimensional selves what they need to feel balanced and happy, pay attention to your energetic and physical well-being and generate love and kindness to yourself. As a loving but firm, self-parent; give generously to the inner child with acknowledgement and loving appreciation.

The Indigo Neurology

14 July 2007 Lisa Renee At this time of accelerated evolution, it is required for some Indigos undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field. The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic "switchboard" for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be more easily calibrated to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring will hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual's body with minimum discomfort. Etheric Surgery will be an emerging career, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time of human transition. In my session experiences, I have witnessed that the Indigo Races energetic field matrice is much more highly sensitized and developed. They are much more pre-wired into naturally being in a developed state of Higher Sensory Perception and multidimensional awareness. Indigos process information and data much differently than most third dimensional humans. Their mode of information processing is not in a linear sequence but in a multidimensional state. They tend to read a page or book from the middle of the page or at the end of the book, not reading to absorb the material from book cover to finish as do most humans. They can scan a large field of material and pluck out specific data that is of direct interest to them and discard the rest. They can have a huge scope and breadth to their ability to absorb various amounts of information. They are not interested in absorbing anything that is not pertinent to them or of interest to them, hence school studies of minutia is a nightmare for most of these Indigo students. Their cognitive abilities are different and many times they are not recognized and supported within their creative genius. If their immense potential is not cultivated, they may be considered impaired by the third dimensional standards. However, they are highly advanced and require new methods of learning and accessing their creative potential and soul purpose. Indigos have highly developed senses in different areas, acute hearing, sight or sensitivity to smell, sounds and food. This can also develop into allergic responses to many environmental synthetics, pollutants and preservatives in food. Anything inorganic is an insult to their nervous system and may become intolerable for them. Also, many Indigos are fully telepathic. If they are exposed to certain qualities of energy fields not in resonance to their personal vibration, it can feel excruciating to them. I have found that many Adult Indigos over time, have self medicated their sensitivity with drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Since childhood, they were emotionally overwhelmed from the tremendous input and array of external energies. Many times unaware they were an empath and that they would absorb the feelings, thoughts and energies of people around them. Over time this phenomena would feel painfully dense for them. In my energetic practice, I have facilitated neurological structure upgrades at the energetic template level for Indigos. This is a type of etheric surgery that upgrades the nadis structures and the energetic blueprint for the nervous system to be calibrated into harmony with the current vibration level of the soul essence housing the body(ies). I have facilitated this for Adults and children. In most cases the client feels more comfortable in a variety of ways. Many times nutrients and supplements are also requested to support the physical body with its neurological structure. As the nerve synapses fire energetic frequency it can burn through the neurotransmitter supply and specific tissue salts and minerals. Once these nutrients are replaced the Indigo feels much less anxiety or as highly sensitized when exposed to discordant frequencies.

We are going through a cycle of massive acceleration of frequency activation. We need to prepare our bodies and use all tools given to us to make this as smooth as possible. I highly encourage, as you are guided, to utilize the tools and begin to inquire within what is needed for you personally. Ask to be guided to the right healers, for information, or direct healing from your Ascension Teams and Indigo Star Families. I offer this as information that has been provided to me during many of my etheric healing sessions. At this time it is difficult to quantify scientifically, as this data has been compiled through cultivating an multidimensional awareness over the past few years of my personal Ascension process. I genuinely hope this will help parents of Indigo Children and Adult Indigos alike to discern better their own multidimensional energy anatomy and find solutions to allow them more comfort during this special time on the planet. I have provided many tools on this website and its internet community. These invocational commands are called the Indigo Calibration Tool. As you are guided, please facilitate for yourself as needed and for your Indigo children. You may need to develop a program and do them repeatedly as this assists the inner plane healers and Master Guides supporting your evolution to get more accurate and specific in fine tuning the neurological structure upgrades. Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One! Love. Lisa

The Law of One

1. PRACTICE ONE: UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS - The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator, or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as, the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. The Inner Light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human. Practice Unity Consciousness and One is directly reflecting the image of Gods Love, and is eternally protected. Be At One with All, as One is All with God. 2. PRACTICE TWO: LOVE YOURSELF Apply the practice of Unity with All-One as an extension towards loving, honoring and respecting yourself. Acknowledge the precious life force within by holding reverence and respect for yourself in all ways. Loving yourself is the action of Self Sovereignty, which is the natural state of embodying Gods Eternal Love. As a manifestation of Gods eternal spirit of Love, one has the ability to choose to create personal freedom without harming others. Have courage to remove the obstacles of pain and fear to become embodied Love, as Gods spirit is always found within. 3. PRACTICE THREE: LOVE OTHERS As you learn to love yourself, love others. Acknowledge the precious life force in others by holding love, reverence and respect for others. Loving others as you love yourself, is the natural state of Self Sovereignty as you give others the same reverence for their life, as you give your own life. Through practicing self-love and loving others, no approval, worth or esteem issues come into question, as all is loved equally.

4. PRACTICE FOUR: LOVE EARTH AND NATURE - Loving the Earth and all her creations, the kingdoms of nature, plants, animals and mineral, which are all alive, conscious and intelligent energy beings. Acknowledge the precious life force present in all of Gods creation, by holding reverence and respect for nature. Doing so restores balance and harmony to nature, and the intelligent energy of all of earths creations will respond to cooperate with humankind. Humans living in discord with nature create many events that are considered to be at the mercy of the untamed forces. As humans learn to live in harmony with earth and the nature kingdom, the natural creatures will align to be in harmony and cooperation with all inhabitants. 5. PRACTICE FIVE: SERVICE TO OTHERS Upon firmly loving yourself and honoring your path, find methods to be of service to others that do not overstep personal boundaries of discernment. Being of service to others does not include consumptive modeling, such as victimvictimizer, parasitism or emotional vampirism. Being of service does not hold an ego perspective of entitlement, expectation or attachment. Practice being of service with unconditional love, and naturally flowing in the moment. The energy exchange made between participants being of service to others, amplifies and expands consciousness growth like no other method. The more you amplify the energetic field of being in service to others, the more joy, harmony and gifts will be brought into your life. The more service you dedicate to Gods plan, the Law of One, the more spiritual support and spiritual presence one can exchange with God Force. 6. PRACTICE SIX: CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION Learn to develop inner clarity and spiritual integrity by intending to develop personal consciousness and/or spiritual identity. To embody ones spiritual identity, ones mind must be initiated and disciplined. If the ego is in authority of the body it will repel the spiritual identity from embodiment. If the mental body creates obstacles to the spiritual identity, the spiritual identity, therefore the consciousness, will not be experienced. The first step to consciousness expansion is becoming aware of mind control and the quality content of thoughts and belief systems. The second step is to cooperate with the process of mental and physical discomfort by having patience and waiting in the void of silence. Learn to quiet the mind, sublimate the ego and be still. Once stillness, mental discipline and ego sublimation has been achieved, listen to your inner spirit to receive guidance. Inner Guidance will always lead to the process of re-education to experience continual consciousness expansion free of fear and dogma. The Inner Christos always guides one towards choosing more love and peace via consciousness expansion of the spiritual identity. 7. PRACTICE SEVEN: RESPONSIBLE CO-CREATION As one becomes more infused with the eternal love of the spiritual identity, the intelligent blueprint activates the divine purpose of being as a co-creator with God. The spiritual identity and the intelligent blueprint of divine purpose are one and the same. Clarity of purpose and direction becomes clearer and clearer as one commits to live in service to the principles of All-ONE or Christ spirit. Knowing and Living our purpose brings joy, peace and fulfillment, even when facing adversity or challenges. Once we achieve knowing, we are responsible for that knowing, and practice responsible co-creation with the AllOne. A responsible co-creator knows all manifestations are in partnership with the All-One. We do not possess or control anything, so needs, desires and superimposing will, should be avoided. We are stewards of God Spirit to Serve Others in responsible co-creation with All-One. From this knowing, and living this principle, we are eternally free of karmic exchanges.

Personal Power
Dear Family, I have been guided to write about this topic especially at this particular time. Many of us are at an all time high of stress, confusion, emotional intensity and instability in our lives. It is becoming increasingly important to learn how to create balance in your life in the midst of the escalating external chaos and major life altering changes. We will need further tools to learn how to connect to our Higher Self, manage our emotions and learn how to control our negative ego. It will take some investment of time to learn about your Multidimensional Anatomy and to learn to discipline your thoughts and control your emotional body. This is absolutely a Key of achieving Spiritual and Psychological Health as you become more Multidimensional. As you direct your personal intention and will to discipline your ego to the subservience to the Higher Self and Higher Mind you will be relieved of suffering. Whenever we are out of balance, the Negative Ego is always the cause. We must learn to discern WHICH voice to listen to and decide whom we will serve. To regain control over our non reasoning mind, the subconscious, we must retain our personal power and resist using it in service to the Negative Ego. I genuinely hope this information proves useful and it is with gratitude I share this with you. Ascension Dynamics As the planet is accelerating into the higher reality fields and their higher resonating frequency patterns, it is clear that many of us are experiencing a densification and magnification of our 3rd dimensional reality. I have been speaking of the demarcation point between these reality systems, the 3rd Dimensional and Multidimensional realities, as being incredibly amplified especially now. This will continue onward and it is best to prepare ourselves and learn the tools of managing our ego system and our mind fields. This is why comprehending our multidimensional anatomy is crucial as once you are aware of the levels of your own being, it becomes clear on how to manage your ego and the subconscious mind. We cannot be on auto-pilot with our consciousness anymore without paying the energetic price. There are NO Neutral thoughts and this new energy cycle will prove this to us, time and time again. Much of what I talk about is to prepare people for this Ascension Cycle (Paradigm Shift) by comprehending that we are leaving the physics and attributes of the natural energetic laws of the 3rd dimension and moving into the next octaves of dimensional reality. That means that ALL we have done in the past, all we have attached to as an identity and its related structures do not feel right for us anymore. At a certain point in our personal evolution these structures will then start to be dismantled in our lives. We are then subject to new energetic laws and the physics governing the new time and space of these higher reality systems. When our old reality starts to be dismantled, all the patterns, behaviors and beliefs that held us in that 3rd dimensional identity structure crumbles along with it. To have our ego and its beliefs dismantled by the transformational forces of change is rather frightening for many of us. Once you understand these forces and why they are transitioning during this time cycle, it may help you to create a framework for yourself to navigate and work with these forces rather than resist them. It is clear to many of us that the critical mass of transformation is here, as we watch our old reality, its circumstances, our jobs, friends and surroundings completely shift. Many times this means completion and endings in many of the old circumstances, which may leave us feeling sad at their departure. We are experiencing feelings of loss as we leave the third dimension and it is important to recognize and honor that in your being. It is important to remember Ascension is 99% emotional purification and learn the tools to assist our ego in navigating these new changes happening in our lives. As we are being disconnected from the old paradigms and its reality systems we are now being

reconnected to a new unexplored authentic soul identity. This is like a clean slate being presented to us to express our newly revealed creative potentials. As we move into this new space, and way of being, it is extremely important to remain in positive thought as the new energies manifest much more quickly than when we were existing in the 3rd dimension. Our thoughts do shape and create our reality and in the new energies we will see direct correlation to our thoughts and emotional state as to what level of accuracy it manifests. This is what is spawning a new series of which I aspire to support you with the tools to understand your PERSONAL POWER. This is KEY to understanding that it is your Personal Power that will assist you in Spiritualizing your Emotions and assisting you in an Integrated Ascension. With this understanding you will be liberated from the control of your Negative ego and with practice and reprogramming, be relieved of the suffering that it causes. Balance A balanced or integrated person is a calm person, one who has achieved inner peace and serenity. We must be right in the relationship to ourselves before we are in alignment and in right relationship to God and to other people. Maintaining this balance with yourself does take some discipline in the beginning stages of ego reprogramming. As you train your body to the new responses and ways of being it then becomes easier to make the micro-adjustments daily to maintain that level of balance that feels empowering and supportive to your being. Your inner barometer becomes set and then it becomes clear to you when you start to go off alignment or off track. By recognizing this imbalance and discerning it, you then can make the correction by gently steering yourself back to the midpoint. This is also what it means to remain in the flow of energy and adaptable to change. This is so your energetic being remains expansive to accept and receive the natural state of abundance the Universe brings to you. If we constrict we block the natural flow of energy, therefore blocking our natural state of abundance. So the question becomes to ask yourself if you are willing to make the decision to be of service to your soul for the purpose of your own evolution and further contribution to the greater whole? This is in effect the decision of what leads us to further levels of enlightenment and/or God Realization. Will we serve the Negative Ego or will we serve the Higher Mind, the Christ Mind? It is up to us. Personal Power Personal Power or Will is the guiding force of a healthy and balanced personality. Personal power is a mental attitude and outlook that we have. We can choose to enforce our positive mental attitude every day when we wake up. As we make this a practice, it reinforces our decision to be in our personal power and choose to be in positive emotions. This increases our likelihood of experiencing a positive smooth flowing day as we create that possibility with our intention. Our personal power is the energy we use to enforce our decisions. Our Personal power is very much tied into our ability to be in a fully present now moment awareness and make decisions based in the moment utilizing your intuitive discernment. Trusting that you will know when you need to know and allowing yourself to be in the flow making decisions as they are presented to you is very much about being in your personal god power. If you are not in present moment awareness and allow yourself to go on auto-pilot then you have lost your personal power. If you do not own your power, then you end up giving it to others or to the automatic reactions of your subconscious mind. As you learn to stay present in the now consciousness you can channel energy in your own physical body and subconscious mind to navigate your life smoothly. When you have maintained this state of being over a long period of time, you have developed a level of discipline that creates liberation from the egos grip over you. It no longer has control over your thoughts and emotions as you are clearly discerning the Higher voice within you. As you strengthen in this way you will not experience the emotional overwhelm by the same external events or what is appearing in your environment. You are able to see the underlying mechanism of

truth beyond the illusion and deception of the ego minds perceptual filter. Your Power is your tool to align you to what is positive and to revalue the negative. What has been perceived as negative loses its emotional charge and trigger as it once was. At this level of reality we have experienced a game of polarity as a part of our soul agreement. This has given us a human experience of two main opposing forces in this reality, illusion and truth, dark and light, ego and higher mind. In the next installment of this series we will go into detail to understand how your subconscious mind, conscious mind, and superconscious mind (Higher Self) work with your levels of Multidimensionality. Understanding these mind fields you possess and how they work is taking the first steps to increase your own personal power and be freed of the bondage of the negative ego. Until next, I have included some Affirmation exercises and suggestions. When working with ego reprogramming, keeping vigilance for a consecutive 21 days will reprogram your subconscious mind into a new positive habit. As you reprogram your mental attitude you will experience more positive emotions and be able to maintain a positive emotional state for longer periods of time. Disidentification Exercises The following should be read as a daily affirmation. It is recommended that the following be memorized, so that it becomes part of your "fabric" and can be utilized at a deeper level, anytime, anywhere. I have a body, but I am not my Body. My body may find itself in different conditions of health and sickness. This has nothing to do with the real self, the eternal self. I have a behavior, but I am not my behavior. All my behavior comes from my thoughts. If I have not developed self-mastery and am operating on auto-pilot, I sometimes behave out of harmony with my true self. Even though I behave well or poorly, I am not my behavior. This has nothing to do with my real self, the eternal self. I have emotions but I am not my emotions. If I have not yet developed self-mastery my emotions are sometimes negative and sometimes positive. As I become more of a master of my life, this will change. Though a wave of emotion may overtake me, I know I am not my emotions. My true nature is unchangeable I am the Eternal self. I have a mind but I am not my mind. My mind is a tool for creating my emotions, behavior and body as well as what I attract into my life. If I have not yet developed self mastery, my mind sometimes runs me, instead of letting me control my mind. My mind is a valuable tool, but it is not my real self. I AM the power, master and cause of my attitudes, emotions and behavior. I AM powerful, whole and complete within myself. I have preferences and not attachments. I AM 100% invulnerable to other people's negative energy. Other people's negative energy is repelled from me like two magnets repelling one another. I choose to never be affected by outside negative energy ever again. Divine Light Shield Every Morning- Claim your personal power by choosing every day to affirm that you have it. Create a personal shield of protection and invulnerability personal to you. Suggestion: Visualize a Platinum net, Silver Rain or Pale Silver Pillar of light encasing your entire being. AS suggested in previous material use the 12th Dimensional Shield and connect to the 12D frequency Hubs. Use your Multidimensional grounding technique through your still point. Absolute Orientation

Go deep inside and connect with the inner Absolute being. Become the Absolute being with the understanding that you were not created, nor can be destroyed, that nothing can effect or change the Absolute. From this orientation manifest your Absolute will that your physical being, the representation of the Absolute in human form, be free from anything not in the higher good of the Absolute including pain, emotional blockages, miasmas, disease. Stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path. We are here as One! Love, Lisa

Nature and The Elemental Kingdom

Ascension Tools Series This month we are exploring Nature spirits and the Elemental Kingdom. In May we discussed the Devic Kingdom and nature spirits that comprise the M.A.P. healing teams. This will explore further more of the hierarchies that exist in these realms. Last week I met a new friend that is a medical intuitive and she does similar healing work as I do. She described to me as a child listening to the orchestral movements of nature, how the blades of grass would sing to her, how the trees moved in beautiful melodies and that walking outside was like sitting in the middle of a beautiful Symphony. This inspired me to write in more detail about the nature spirits and elementals. Most of us humans have been disconnected from sensing this exquisite level of reality, one that is teaming with consciousness, life and beauty. The Earth and her kingdoms are very much alive and interconnected with all life forms and human beings. They are very much impacted by humanities evolution and all are simultaneously evolving with us. When working with the nature realms and the earth kingdoms, it is suggested to learn how to 12D shield your personal aura and learn to create 12D session space first. When one is holding a loving but neutral polarity, being of service to the nature realms is productive ad amplified through a clear exchange of intention to serve the highest expression in divine will for all parties involved. Nature Devas There are many types of Devas both working at subhuman and superhuman levels. Each group of Devas has specific work and methods to attain their goals and evolutionary purposes. The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with evolution of the human family. As humans learn to work more closely with the Devic evolution, they will learn how to heal and control their etheric bodies to a greater degree. They hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet. That includes the mineral, plants, and animal kingdom's as well as the elements of fire, air, earth and water. Human bodies are governed by nature spirits where they are the spiritual equivalent of the cell, organisms and microorganisms that work together to make organs, tissues and glands function properly. Devas and nature spirits must be distinguished from each other. Devas are the architects that guide forces to give form, structure and energy to the plant world. They carry the archetypal patterns for each of the material forms. The nature spirits actually do the work of building the plants. They channel the etheric forces they receive into physically constructing the particular plant patterns they are receiving from the Deva. Nature spirits are like the physical workers who carry out the architects blueprint. They vary in size from an inch to three or 4 ft. tall; the nature spirits are mostly composed of the etheric matter. Very few people on the planet have been able to fully visualize them. Most of the written account of detailed communication with nature spirits has been documented by a spiritual community in Scotland called Findhorn. Quite a few of the well known spiritual leaders and metaphysical speakers, such as Caroline Myss, have spent time there.

Have you ever stopped to think what causes a flower or plant to bloom or how it has a certain color or a certain fragrance? There is a level of consciousness of tiny etheric beings who work to manifest these qualities. Apparently the plant kingdom on planet Earth is one of the most advanced in this galaxy. We have an amazing array of nature spirits and elementals in very complex formation to provide so many variations of flora fauna, that we as humans get to experience. The Elemental Kingdom Within each of the four elements are nature spirits that are the spiritual essence of the element. Nature spirits of earth are called Gnomes. The nature spirits of water are called Undines. The nature spirits of fire are called Salamanders. The nature spirits of air are called Sylphs. These beings are made up of etheric substance that is unique and specific to their particular element. They are living entities inhabiting worlds of their own. They have the power to change size and appearance at will. They cannot however change the foundational law or characteristic of the element they work with, nor work in another element realm. The atmosphere that humanity has created is poisonous and toxic to the nature spirits. As humanity became industrialized we destroyed much of nature in its natural abundance. Many of the nature spirits withdrew into areas of seclusion or left entirely. Slowly humanity is waking up to the fact that the world we created is not only poisonous to nature but to ourselves as well. As we transition into this New Energy, new alternatives to environmentally benign products and ways to work in harmony with nature will become apparent and necessary. The ecological and sustainable freedom movement is already beginning a trend in our transition as it is now become an economical imperative. The ultimate spiritual maturity of humanity is to take responsible environmental action and take all kingdoms of earth into our awareness, working in conscious cooperation with these nature kingdoms. It is time for these evolutions to work in mutual love, trust and cooperation. There are many kinds of Gnomes, each working with a particular part of the Earth, such as the mineral and gem kingdom's. It is interesting that gnomes have been a part of collective humanities supposed mythology, whereas we can go to the garden supply store or Home Depot and get one of those red hat plaster gnomes for the garden. Little did we know the truth in that reality! Gnomes work with a hierarchy of minerals and gemstones. People have a hard time realizing that minerals are alive. The signature of life in the mineral kingdom is the crystal formation the Gnome has created. In reality the mineral kingdom is most important to life. It makes up the crust of the earth upon which humans and animals live. The mineral kingdom provides the basic source of nutrients in that plants are rooted in the mineral soil, plants then nourish the physical bodies of humans and animals, animals then being a food source for humans as well. Without the mineral kingdom, the plant, animal and human kingdom could not survive. The Undines are the elementals that compose water. Etheric in nature they exist within the water itself and why they cannot be seen with normal physical vision. It has been interesting to see recently the popularity of the body of work by Dr. Masuro Emoto with his book, The Hidden Messages of Water. Dr. Masuro has gained international notoriety for his groundbreaking work regarding the effect of words/thoughts and feelings on the water and it's crystallized forms. He discovered that crystals formed in frozen water change when specific thoughts are directed towards them. Dr. Masuro has stated he believes water is the messenger of God and that he has further documented this in his research scientifically. Clearly water is only one of the many messenger's of God, it just so happens one human being was able to find a way to physically document the impact human thoughts and words have upon another life form, such as water. In the near future we will further our scientific research to find more discoveries within our world, and nature, that it is teaming with conscious awareness and fully responds to human interaction. This begins the era of humanities new awareness of the responsibilities of our impact with all living creatures and the realization that many of these life forms are under our care as the stewards of this planet. The Salamanders are the spirits of fire. Fire would not exist without these beings present. Some people have seen them as small balls of light, usually they are perceived in a lizard-like shape.

Salamanders have the ability to extend their size or diminish it. If you ever need to light a campfire in the wilderness, call to the salamanders and they will help you! They are greatly affected, as with all nature spirits, by human thinking and thought forms. Inharmonious conditions in a home or area can cause these beings to act. They are like children in that they don't fully understand the result of their action. Many of the indigenous cultures considered fire the strongest and most powerful of all elements. Fire and flame is greatly purifying and powerful for those who use fire in a ritual setting. We have lit candles in memory of others, to evoke powers in our self, to call upon the saints, as offerings to the gods. Fire amplifies the power of our own intention when focused upon. Always use fire with the highest intention for the highest good. The Sylphs are air spirits. Their element has the highest vibration rate of the four elements. They are volatile and changeable, the wind is their particular vehicle. They work through the gasses and ethers of the stratospheres of Earth. The air spirits are associated with mental aspects, one of their functions is to help humans receive inspiration. The Sylphs are drawn to those using their minds in the creative arts. They can be called upon for creative inspiration in this way. Negative Elementals There are other types of elementals that are different from the ones described above. They are created by thought forms from elemental essence. They are one of the reasons it is so important for humans to control their negative thoughts. Negative thoughts such as fear, violence or sadness create these little beings which are called astral elementals. They get lodged and create energetic blocks in the human aura or Energy Field. It is important that human beings refrain from the manipulation of these elemental forces until self mastery and consciousness of the soul has attained a certain level. If a person has a victim consciousness, he or she is easily manipulated by these elementals of lower order and vibration. One way to create negative elementals is to drink too much alcohol, or take drugs or be in prolonged negative emotion states. The buildup of these toxic thoughts and substances weaken the energetic field, and eventually created imbalance in the bodies that lead to disease. Despite our best efforts, just the process of living upon this planet we are exposed to many negative influences. There are many ways to clear them from your Energy Field. It just takes awareness, intention and focus. Specific Healing Tool: Work with the process of creating your personal 12 D Shield with platinum liquid light. Once in your shield you may call upon other modalities to work with aligning healthful frequencies in your body. If you're having any health challenges with a nonspecific body part or internal organ, you can ask the elementals to livewithin that organ, within the tissue, and work to repair and restore the organ to its perfect representation of the divine blueprint. Ask your God source to send the Aurora Light elementals to the organ and tissue you need to repaired. Give them permission to live inside your organ to heal it fully, completely and totally. It is best to work in co-creation and focus with the elementals on visualizing your body part completely restored and full of healing liquid light, a least the first few times when making your request. As long as it's in harmony, they may stay there for as long as necessary. You may feel them as these tiny little assembly-line workers, you can feel the activity and the buzzing energy of it. It reminds me of the sound of a hummingbird or bumblebee buzzing. You can perceive the tiny-ness, yet profound quality of the interaction as you hone your ability to perceive these energies. Healing Suggestions to Attune to the Elemental Earth: Activities to help you attune with our Mother Earth include: Carrying your 12 D shield and expanding it to harmonize with the earth. Sitting or sleeping directly on the ground, walking barefoot, gardening, camping, hiking, anything that allows you to see, hear, especially feel, the Earth. While doing any of these things, focus on bonding, and becoming one

with the Earth Mother. Attempt a regular interaction with nature as its very healing and supportive for us. Stay in the luminosity of your heart and soul path! We are here as ONE! Blessings ! Lisa Renee

Trinity Source of the Godhead

Think of the three sources of the original primal sounds of universal creation The Threefold Flame. The first unit, as an energy matrix unit is a tri-wave, that which contains potentials for all polarities or no polarity. This is the neutral charge, or zero point, the God Head is that field which this planet is moving into. The Three Flames are all One, yet they are distinct tones on their own. This is the paradox of Trinity Source of the God Head. The Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Son (Christos) are all One as the Godhead, however the Mother is not the Father, nor the Son. There is an energy matrix comprised of frequency that is a tri-wave tone, this tone is inter-dimensional and also a part of the core substance of our universal matrix. Another word for tri is omniit is omni-directional, that which moves in any and all directions, within it contains all potentialities, polarity or not. These units vibrate energy that perpetually cycle back and forth between this state of bi-polar light radiation. The tri is three, while the bi is two. At this time on earth we are leaving the bi-wave polarity (Electromagnetism) and evolving into the potential of the tri-wave. (Zero point) When we come into understanding bipolar radiation; we understand the original trinity and completion of the source projecting out its consciousness units into a bi-wave polarity, which is the pair of opposites that manifest matter creations, the masculine and feminine principles. The electromagnetic principles reflect the gender pairs, and this helps us understand the core manifestation structure from which all matter manifestation is built. In working with that bi polar wave, it is the radiation unit that forms the electromagnetic scalar standing wave. All matter forms have a manifestation blueprint which is built upon the scalar standing wave patterns that are immovable. It appears to move but does not move. Like Christmas tree lights, they flash on and off into the continuation and traction and expansion of the fission and fusion between the anti-particle and particle units that create the manifestation blueprints of form, as we know it. From the quantum mechanics of the instruction sets of the blueprint fields, the laws of energy are reversed from the measurements of matter of which current science produces. This is because all matter forms at the quantum level have a projected negative which is the energetic blueprint form holder of the actual matter form. This is similar to seeing undeveloped camera film, the photo negative of the film before it is processed into an actual photographic picture. This is actually a blueprint of the developed picture and by looking at the reversed negative, one can see how the actual picture will develop. The same happens for all manifested matter bodies, everything that is in a form, has an instruction set or blueprint negative. This is also a construct of the spiritual light bodies, which are intelligence bodies holding instruction sets. These instruction sets are also called morphogenetic fields. (as coined by Rupert Sheldrake.) We could say the bi polar wave is the sub tone of the tri tone wave. Through that bi polar light wave projection, is the electromagnetism that creates the particle and anti particle template of our universal structure. The particle unit represents the contraction phase of that tri wave energy unit. Thinking of a big circle which contain all potentials and using the example of in breath and its outbreath of source, the particle unit is represented as the in breath of the energy that is contracted and received by that omni polar or tri tone state, the complete energy matrix. This is the base magnetic tone of that tri tone energy unit. The anti-particle unit represents the outbreath or

expansion phase of anti matter or anti particle energy and is considered the base electrical. Together, we know these units function as the female and masculine principles of energy. This is to help you to understand that this is much more than gender as we think of it, but that gender principles have relevancy in the core mechanics of creation that is based on electromagnetic energy. Gender principles, through the pair of opposites, create the continuing cycle of this tri tone energy unit, projecting itself into a bi polar spectrum of light. The energy thrust expands into an anti-particle vibration point as an electrical force that contracts into a particle vibration point, creating the magnetic pole and that is third vibration or tone of the tri tone wave that draws the entire composite energy back into the source. When the energy is drawn back into the source, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during these end cycle times is to create the tri-tone (neutral field) that draws the composite energy back into the zero point as a feedback loop, back into the source of all creation. This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies. This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos light and the trinity principle. (Source: Transcript July 2008)

Acting Is Over
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Who are you if you never really die? How would you live right now? We have been many different identities that have lived through many different memories over many lifetimes on the earth. Like the best actors and actresses in a blockbuster movie, we have experienced many identity archetypes in so many different cultures with many variations of language. We have worn the hats made from many other peoples definition and expectation of who they think we are, such as the roles of mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, etc. When we are playing out these identity roles so convincingly, it is believed that life has a beginning and an end, a birth and a death. So as the actors play is ending, as it is now, many levels of identity are scared to death of its own annihilation. These actors that did not know they were play acting in these chosen roles are getting the cattle prod to awaken to a new version of the self. This new version of the self is co-creative and developing into group awareness and cosmic consciousness. This new self can consciously choose to interact freely with its creative expressions without being suppressed or automatically run by others fears or mind enslavement agendas. To shed the skin of old identities we may feel intense pressure or undergo great changes in our lifestyle now. The degree of inner imbalance between the self and the soul expression reflects the energetic pressure (or dismantling) that one is experiencing at this time. The further away one is "acting out" from the real inner self, the harder its becoming to maintain that comfort zone of a normal life. The acting out of identities is over and one must get to the real inner content, to shed the mask or psychological defense mechanism they had been wearing. Taking that mask off in its many layers is a process that can feel raw, vulnerable and well, uncomfortable. This is a time we are getting stretched beyond our comfort zone. However the mask is peeling away leaving us with a new sense of freedom. This gives another level of clarity about the new self direction that is forming so that we are able to freely express the new chapter in our lives. This is the real hidden gift inside dismantling! We are preparing for a great change. Even if you do not think you have a choice about some pressurized situation in your life, ask your inner self to show you where you do actually have choice. One always has a choice in the perceptions they have. This process is leading us to the good stuff, a time on this planet where the external support can happen organically for people to be the authentic self they always wanted to be. No matter how weird you may think you are, the Universe will support authenticity

proportionate to the way a person is congruent and accepting of the real inner self. This selfacceptance is always reflected in how we love and treat others. This is why the mind has to let go of any need to analyze these experiences, as it must be felt internally. If you are feeling pain or getting squirmy, you are feeling something. And feeling something deeply and going deeper to recognize the content is very positive for transformation. This deep feeling process is the only way to get know the real self again and to remember the right questions to ask. How much influence does the external world have on your self-esteem and worth? This inquiry is necessitated in the self-definition and spiritual development process. We can get beyond others opinions of us, however, what about influences of cultural perception, ancestral perception, language perception, religious perception? What if there are no more of these influences or boundaries to define you any longer as a person, who are you now? Can you be comfortable with that? Controlling vs. Dependent Most of humanity has major issues with oscillating between the states of aggression and/or passivity. If you are too aggressive and controlling you are getting the two by four to sit this one out and learn to listen and be passive. If you are too passive and dependent, you are getting circumstances to light a fire under your rear to get it moving along. In this way we learn how to come into better energetic balance with the application of right action and right will, to go beyond personality preferences and complacency. Our personality weakness can get in the way to block our higher spiritual essence from embodying. As anyone firmly on the Ascension pathway knows, none of the evolution process is about personality preferences. It makes our life much easier if we can get the personality self out of the way. Try not to mistake difficulties as becoming the unwanted red-headed step-child of the Universe. All that discomfort is to raise you beyond your comfort zone, as the only way to reach for the stars is to actually do it. We leave the limitation of what we have known as the benchmark for who we think we are, in order to be stretched beyond any current parameters of self-recognition. When we are stretched beyond limitation, we can find our inner genius which is our soul expression. Many of us as recovering egos in a world run by automated mind control programs are trying to find our bearings in this new energetic terrain. We can free our mind to experience energetic freedom that exists outside of the bondage run by automated ego machinery. The choice to experience other identities and frequencies is possible whenever there is a shift in mental focus to experience feeling and perceptive consciousness. Once we can perceive what is running programs inside of us, we can be freed of their constructs and their vampires. As the Defenders of the Law of One have returned to restore freedom to this planet, these are the opportunities made available to every human being that is willing to choose it. This brings another big question to the forefront for our self-inquiry. Who is Running You and What do you Run Away From? As we move into 2013, this is the time to take a deep look inside. To achieve inner clarity one has to stop allowing external programs and other peoples expectations to run and pressurize their life. When one learns to create the space inside to communicate clearly and embody ones spiritual source, one can begin the road to personal freedom and permanent release of suffering. (Source: Newsletter February 2012)

Quick Map to Unity

The Noble Eightfold Path is a foundation guideline of which may help one to delineate a way to discipline the mind and accelerate personal focus to a direct alignment to the Unity Source Field. This is a Quick Map to lead you into experiencing spiritual support pronto. This guideline is a core practice that is developed for the newly initiated and leads all the way to the advanced meditator. Acquired factors 1. Superior Right Knowledge 2. Superior Right Liberation Wisdom (Third Triad Practice) 1. Right understanding 2. Right intention Ethical conduct (Second triad Practice) 3. Right speech 4. Right action 5. Right livelihood Meditation (First Triad Practice) 6. Right effort 7. Right mindfulness 8. Right meditation FIRST TRIAD: MEDITATION: Being newly awakened, the first triad to focus upon is building your spiritual house by laying the base foundation. To begin to build your spiritual house, the commitment is to the Meditation practice with a focus on Right Effort (discipline your will and be consistent), Right Mindfulness (take the ego out of the driver seat and clear fear programs), and Right Meditation (how this is achieved). This first step is generally when a person is working within the 4-5-6D lightbody functions and anchoring that frequency quotient fully into the physical body. The majority of humanity is at this frequency level now. A consistent and true desire to align with your soul will yield great results very quickly in the new energy. You will experience a significant burst of transformational energies, assigned guidance and inner change if you commit to this as a lifestyle. The 12 D practice is an excellent technique to lay your foundational meditation practice. View the 12D Video Here. SECOND TRIAD: ETHICAL CONDUCT: When you have mastered the first level foundation practice, then move onto the second triad. Apply Ethical Conduct as the core life principle to add to your Meditation practice. As you spiritually evolve being ethical is not an effort any longer, it just becomes organic to everything you naturally already are. Since there is no fear controlling you, choices are made to encourage life force to be available for everyone. Introduce the principle to assimilate Right Speech (speaking compassionately for all life), Right Action (surrendering to divine order rather than reacting to human order), Right Livelihood (based on inner alignment and not a fear based manipulation to make money). As you meditate or reflect on what these three principles of Ethical Conduct mean to you, you will naturally attract clear and loving support to manifest their essence into your life. THIRD TRIAD: WISDOM: For the advanced spiritual initiate, in many cases this level appears where energetic stewardship by default (leadership assigned by Source) starts to become apparent in

the outward manifestation. The third triad is assimilating Wisdom into the other core practices. By now all the other practices are a complete lifestyle and no effort is required or existing to direct energy. All exists in the Now moment. Spiritual consciousness becomes defined as the least effort is learned to maximize the sphere of Gods Influential Light into the World. Right Intention becomes developed as a part of being fully in service and in devotion to Gods Living Light. Right Understanding is then made clear to dissolve all errors in perception that had once created ego fear and self deception. Right knowledge is the gift given which includes that true knowledge is the act of being harmless to all beings. (Knowledge without God consciousness is black magic and creates karmic imbalances of pain and suffering in the world) This true knowledge then gives the being Ultimate Liberation, as death, pain and suffering all become meaningless in the overall picture. Right Liberation is a complete and abiding peace, experiencing your direct safety and connection is At One with God Source. Unity becomes the natural state of being. "Wisdom" (praj / pa), sometimes translated as "discernment" at its preparatory role, provides the sense of direction with its conceptual understanding of reality. It is designed to awaken the faculty of penetrative understanding to see things as they really are. At a later stage, when the mind has been refined by training in moral discipline and concentration, and with the gradual arising of right knowledge, it will arrive at a superior right view and right intention. If this feels resonant to your process as a means of support on your ascension journey, please revisit the weblink at: (Source: Oct. 2011 Newsletter and Wikipedia)

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