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Ho me

Q uran

B o o ks

Le ct ure s

Vid e o s

C o nt act
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' Aq e e d ah Q ur' n Had t h N o n Muslims N e w Muslims Wo rship Inno vat io ns Fat aawaa Manhaj Le arning Arab ic K no wle d g e Fo r B ro t he rs Fo r Sist e rs Fo r T he Yo ut h He art & So ul Family & So cie t y Pe rso nalit y C urre nt Af f airs G ro up s & Se ct s Misce llane o us


In the Name of Allh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Ibn Qayyim | Ibn T aymiyyah | Ibn Kat hir | Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali | Ibn Ut haymeen | S alih Al-Munajjid | Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi | ibn Abd Al-Wahhab | Bilal Philips | Umar al-Ashqar | S ayyid Qut b | Muhammad Al-Jibaly | Abdullah Az z am | Husayn al-Awaayishah | Aaidh al-Qarni | Ali M. As-S allabi | Mit walli Al-S harawi | C lassical

End of the World

Sahih Muslim Imam Muslim Arab ic Lang uag e Iz z ath Uroosa Sahih Al- B ukhari Imam al- Bukhari T he K halif ahs Jalaluddin As- Suyuti Fo ur Princip le s O f Shirk ibn Abdul Wahhab C lash o f C ivilisat io ns Bilal Philips Essay o n t he Jinn Ibn Taymiyah T he Tre e o f Fait h Abdur Rahman al- Sa'di C o nt e mp o rary D awah Muhammad al- Abdah ' Ali ib n Ab i Talib Muhammad Sallaabee Te xt b o o k o f Had it h Hashim Kamali Sunan An- N asa' i Imam An- Nasai D ajjal T he False Me ssiah Ibn Kathir O sama B in Lad e n Michael Scheuer 1001 Inve nt io ns Salim T. S. al- Hassani Purif icat io n o f t he So ul Dr. Muhammad Adb Al-Rahman Al-Arifi This is an exquis ite c o llec tio n o f inc idents fro m the life o f the Pro phet In rec ent times things have bec o me very c o nfus ing and we have begun to s ee in bo o k s to res and o n webs ites s pec ulatio ns abo ut future events , bas ed o n ayah and hadeeths whic h refer to thes e future events c o nc erning the s igns o f the Ho ur. So metimes yo u hear abo ut the appearanc e o f the Mahdi, s o metimes yo u hear that the final battle between the Go o d and the Evil is c lo s e at hand, o ther time yo u hear s o me thing happening in the Eas t o r in the Wes t. So , learn abo ut the Final ho ur and it s igns by reading this bo o k whic h is bac ked by pro o fs fro m Quran and Hadith. D o wnlo ad

Enjoy Your Life

So ul Jamaal al- Din Z araboz o Sunan Ib n Majah Muhammad ibn Majah

Ot her Languages:

(S), s to ries fro m o ur Is lamic Heritage, and tho ught-pro vo king anec do tes fro m the life o f the autho r. The aim o f the bo o k is to train the reader to enjo y living his life by prac tic ing vario us s elf-develo pment and interpers o nal s kills . What is s o c o mpelling and ins piring abo ut this bo o k is that, in o rder to highlight the benefit o f us ing s o c ial s kills , the autho r draws fro m the lives o f the Pro phet (S) and his Co mpanio ns . This bo o k is bo th a prac tic al s ys tematic guide to s elf-impro vement and a treas ure tro ve o f his to ric al inc idents . It inc reas es s elf-awarenes s , whils t nurturing the s o ul and s trengthening the s pirit. The bo o k's autho r is a pro minent figure in the field o f Is lamic Da'wah and has autho red mo re than twenty publis hed wo rks . D o wnlo ad

Atlas of the Quran

By: Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil. An Authentic Co llec tio n o f the Qur'anic Info rmatio n with Maps , Tables and Pic tures This Atlas is new in its s ubjec t, a s ubjec t that has no t been to uc hed befo re. It helps who ever rec ites the Qur'an o r s tudies it to s pec ify the lo c atio ns mentio ned by the No ble Vers es , and to mark tho s e plac es o f anc ient peo ple mentio ned in the Qur'Gn. This is bes ides lo c ating areas where the inc idents o f the pro phetic Seerah o c c urred. Eventually the diligent reader will eas ily rec o gniz e tho s e plac es , learn abo ut them, and take heed o f them while rec iting. D o wnlo ad

Don't Be Sad

Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni At a time in whic h the Mus lims are bes et with trials fro m every periphery and within, c o mes this heartening bo o k ro o ted in the c o mmandments o f Allah (s wt), the Sunnah and the exc ellent guidanc e and examples o f the Mus lims that have c o me befo re us . Do n't Be Sad is an abs o lute mus t-read fo r all peo ple. It is full o f prac tic al advic e o n ho w to replac e s adnes s with a pragmatic and ultimately s atis fying Is lamic o utlo o k o n life. It expo s es to the mo dern reader ho w Is lam teac hes us to deal with the tes ts and tribulatio ns o f this wo rld. So , take heart and ho ld firmly o nto the ro pe o f Allah (s wt). D o wnlo ad [15.1 MB] Purchase At S imply Islam

T he Islamic Awakening

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen The Mus lim Natio n to day is experienc ing a bles s ed awakening in all as pec ts o f its affairs ; o ne that has been aro us ed by the effo rts o f the Mus lim yo uth. Ho wever, the as tute o bs erver o f this awakening will find that there are many pro blems that hinder its pro gres s ; pro blems that have pro mpted s o me s c ho lars , c allers to Is lam, and s tudents o f kno wledge to lay do wn s o me guidelines that the yo uth o f this bles s ed awakening s ho uld adhere to and fo llo w. Witho ut a do ubt, the enemies fro m witho ut the Jews , Chris tians , and o thers have tried to put a s to p to this awakening, s imply bec aus e they fear the res ults o f its s uc c es s and bec aus e they kno w that, if it s trengthens , s preads , and s uc c eeds in ac hieving its aims , it will s ignal the end o f their do minanc e. D o wnlo ad

Al-Wala wal-Bara

Shaykh Muhammad Saeed al-Qahtani This bo o k was o riginally s ubmitted in the fo rm o f a thes is fo r a Mas ter?s Degree to the Department o f Aqeedah o f the Umm al-Qo rah Univers ity in Makka, ?Saudi? Arabia. The examining c o mmittee c o mpris ed the fo llo wing: Muhammad Qutb, the s upervis o r, as c hairman; Shaykh Abdur Raz z aq Afifi as a member; and Dr. Abdul Az eez Obeid as a member. The autho r was granted a Mas ter?s Degree, with exc ellenc e, o n Saturday evening, the 4th o f Shaban 1401. I am grateful to Shaykh Abdur Raz z aq Afifi fo r writing the Fo rewo rd to this bo o k. Thank yo u. Muhammad Saeed al-Qahtani Dhul-Hijjah 1413 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Purchase At Kit aabun

T he Jinn & Human Sickness

The s ubjec t o f the jinn is o ne whic h is o f interes t to many peo ple. Fo lk s to ries abo und, and many s upers titio us prac tic es have aris en in Mus lim c ultures with regard to pro tec tio n agains t the jinn. Many myths s urro und the ideas o f the evil eye and envy, and there are many s trange no tio ns s urro unding illnes s es s uc h as epileps y and mental illnes s , whic h are o ften tho ught o f as being c aus ed by the jinn. This bo o k c uts thro ugh all the c o nfus io n and identifies c o rrec t Is lamic teac hings o n all thes e s ubjec ts . The jinn are real and they c an indeed harm humans , but this bo o k will teac h yo u ho w to pro tec t yo urs elf in the manner taught by the Pro phet (peac e be upo n him). Break free fro m fear, s upers titio n and fairy s to ries , and familiariz e yo urs elf with the teac hings o f Is lam o n thes e impo rtant as pec ts o f s pirituality whic h the autho r pres ents here, drawing o n the texts o f the Qur'an and Sunnah and the writings o f the res pec ted s c ho lars o f Is lam.

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How To Protect Yourself From Jinn & Shaytaan

By: Waheed Abdus s alam Baly. This bo o k firs t c o nfirms the exis tenc e o f Jinn, as pec ts o f their exis tenc e, and the effec ts o f their ac tivities , their lifes tyle, fo r bo th go o d and evil, benefit and harm. Sec o ndly, it explains ho w to s eek refuge with Allah in o rder to treat po s s es s io n by Jinn and Shaytaan, it o ffers an explanatio n o f the malady and ho w to c ure it. A great dis tinc tive wo rk and o ne fo r every believer to o wn. Chapters Heading Inc lude: Chapter 1 - Jinn: A Reality, No t an Illus io n Chapter 2 Po s s es s io n (by Jinn): Its Fac t and Treatment Chapter 3 - The Appearanc e o f Shaytaan to the Pro phets Chapter 4 - Shaytaan's c o ntac t with Mankind Chapter 5 - Shaytaan's Co nduc t to Co rrupt Hearts Finally Yo u Sho uld Kno w Yo ur Enemy D o wnlo ad (14 MB)

T he Journey to Allah

By al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. Bukhari rec o rds o n the autho rity o f Abu Hurayrah that the Pro phet (pbuh) s aid, 'Yo ur ac tio ns alo ne will no t s ave any o f yo u.' They as ked, 'Mes s enger o f Allah, no t even yo u?', He replied, 'No t even me, unles s , Allah were to envelo p me in His merc y. Be firm; s teadfas t and balanc ed; and jo urney [to Allah] in the beginning o f the day, the end o f the day, and a po rtio n o f the latter part o f the night. Mo deratio n, mo deratio n! Thro ugh this yo u will attain yo ur go al!" He als o rec o rded this hadith in ano ther plac e with the wo rding, 'This religio n is eas y, no ne makes it hard upo n hims elf exc ept that it o verwhelms him; therefo re be firm, s teadfas t, and balanc ed; upo n whic h have glad tidings ! Seek help in this by jo urneying [to Allah] at the beginning o f the day, at the end o f the day, and a po rtio n o f the latter part o f night.' D o wnlo ad Purchase At Kit aabun

Return of the Pharaoh: Memoirs in Nasirs Prison

By Zainab al Ghaz ali. Return o f the Pharo ah relates ho w, fals ley ac c us ed o f c o ns piring to kill Jamal Abd An Nas r, the autho r was arres ted and impris o ned. While awaiting trial s he was s ubjec ted to the mo s t teribble and inhumane to rture. This bo o k des c ribes in a c aptiviating manner the o rdeal whic h this Mus lim ac tivis t went thro ugh in the no to rio us Egyptian pris o ns . This bo o k des c ribes in a c aptivating manner the o rdeal whic h this Mus lim ac tivis t went tho rugh in the no to rio us Egyptian pris o n. Ins tead o f dampering her enthus ias am fo r Is lam and the Is lamic mo vement , the afflic atio ns and s avageries in Nas ir 's pris o ns inc reas ed her c o mmitment and dedic atio n to the c aus e o f Is lam. This auto bio graphic al wo rk c an be c o ns idered a his to ric do c ument in that its autho r was an aac tive withnes s to o ne o f the mo s t vo latile perio ds o f Egypt's c o ntempo rary his to ry. D o wnlo ad [39 MB]

T he Spiritual Cure

The Spiritual Cure, An Explanatio n To Surah Al Fatihah, A s ummary o f Numero us Clas s ic al Co mmentaries o f The Quran The underlying theme o f al fatihah is o ne o f c o ntemplatio n and s erenity; po ndering the Names and Attributes o f Allah, po ndering the c reatio n and ac kno wledging that He alo ne des erves prais e and wo rs hip, that He alo ne s ho uld be as ked fo r help, that He alo ne s ho uld be feared and ho ped in that He alo ne s ho uld be invo ked that there is indeed a Day o f Judgement and that guidanc e has c o me to us and we are required to fo llo w it. It c alls us to c arefully s c rutinis e o ur relatio ns hip with o ur Lo rd: are we living ac c o rding to the dic tates o f 'no ne has the right to be wo rs hipped s ave o f Allah' o r no t? This o pening c hapter, des pite its brevity, c alls man to fulfil the rights o f Tawhid, the right that Allah has o ver us to wo rs hip Him alo ne witho ut any partners , in thirty plac es . This c hapter s ummaris es s uc c inc tly the mes s age o f the who le Quran Clic k to enlarge D o wnlo ad Purchase At Kit aabun

Men and T he Universe

Reflec tio ns o f Ibn Al-Qayyem. This bo o k was o riginally a s ec tio n o f Ibn Al-Qayyim's bo o k Miftaahu Daar is -Sa'aadah (Key to the Abo de o f Happines s ). This s ec tio n was extrac ted fro m it due to its dis c us s io n o f s o me o f the Signs o f Allah in the human beings and the univers e. Als o , Ibn Al-Qayyim's bo o k was c ho s en due to its perc eptive and meaningful wis do m. Ano ther o uts tanding c harac teris tic o f this bo o k is that Ibn-AlQayyim c alls fo r the us e o f the intellec t and s elf-intro s pec tio n. He enc o urages the reader to deeply think abo ut the c reatio n o f Allah, the Mo s t High -- in the human being, exis tenc e, animals and nature. The c o mplier, Capt. Anas Abdul-Hameed Al-Qo z , s uppo rts the writing o f Ibn Al-Qayyim by mentio ning mo dern s c ientific dis c o veries , us eful no tes and benefic ial pic tures that help ac hieve the o bjec tive. Thus , this bo o k is a c o ntinuo us and ac tive c all to all o f mankind to lo o k and reflec t upo n the Signs o f Allah if they want the truth and s inc erely wis h to fo llo w it. We will s ho w them Our Signs in the univers e and in thems elves until it bec o mes c lear to them that it is the truth. D o wnlo ad [31 MB] Purchase At Darus S alam

Stories of the Prophets (Ibn Kathir)

In this bo o k, the s to ries o f the pro phets have been c o mpiled fro m 'AlBidayah wan-Nihayah' (The Beginning and the End) whic h is a great wo rk o f the famo us Mus lim exegete and his to rian Ibn Kathir and has a pro minent plac e in the Is lamic literature. The s to ries o f the pro phets and all the events in their lives have been s uppo rted by the Qur'anic Vers es and the Sunnah (traditio ns ) o f the Pro phet (S). Wherever it was nec es s ary, o ther s o urc es have als o been repo rted fo r the s ake o f his to ric al ac c o unts , but o n s uc h plac es a c o mparative s tudy has been made to pro ve the authentic ity o f the s o urc es . Ibn Kathir has repro duc ed the views and interpretatio ns o f all the great exegetes o f the Qur'an o f his time. The s ys temic narratives o f the Sto ries o f the Pro phets have been written in c hro no lo gic al o rder whic h renders a his to ric al s tyle to the bo o k. D o wnlo ad Purchase At Ast ro labe

Men Around T he Messenger

While reading this bo o k, we c anno t help but be mo ved by the lives o f the Co mpanio ns herein depic ted. Ho w we lo ng to have their awe and reverenc e fo r Allah! Ho w we lo ng to s pend the s ame ho urs in wo rs hip as they! Ho w we lo ng to be as brave as they were in the fac e o f danger! Ho w we lo ng to be as patient as they were under to rture! This bo o k fulfills the need fo r the Englis h-s peaking Mus lim to learn mo re abo ut that firs t generatio n o f Mus lims . Indeed the Co mpanio ns -- the men who were c o ntempo raries with the Pro phet Muhammad (pbuh) -- ins pire and enc o urage us . D o wnlo ad Purchase At Kit aabun

T he Exquisite Pearl

By Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sa'di

The Exquis ite Pearl : The Jo urney to Allah and the Ho me o f the Hereafter . Of all the fac ulties man has been endo wed with, no ne exc els the heart in impo rtanc e and no bility. Fo r the heart is bo th the s eat o f intelligenc e and unders tanding, and the lo c us o f faith and s pirituality; it is the quintes s ential fac ulty by whic h man may c o me to kno w his c reato r, and s eek nearnes s and intimac y with Him. The heart's s piritual s us tenanc e lies in its being rec eptive to the effus io ns o f divine grac e and guidanc e, witho ut whic h the veils that c o ver it will c o ntinue to c o rrupt its primo rdial purity, gradually rendering it dys func tio nal! Eac h veil- a metapho r fo r heedles s nes s , s ins and dis trac tio n- that is melted away by the rays o f faith and s piritual endeavo ur, allo ws vital qualities s uc h as lo ve o f Allah, as well as ho pe, fear, remembranc e, and relianc e upo n Him, are referred to in the religio us vo c abulary as s piritual s tatio ns ; o nly when the heart embrac es thes e s tatio ns is it s aid to be truly s o und. The Majes tic Qur'an info rms : 'The day when wealth and s o ns avail no t, s ave him who brings to Allah a heart that is s o und.' D o wnlo ad

Book of the End - Great Trials & Tribulations

Like everything, the pres ent univers e will als o c o me to an end, and it is a part o f o ur faith to believe in the Las t Day. The s igns o f the Day o f Judgment have been fo reto ld by o ur Pro phet (S). Ibn Kathir has c o llec ted all the pro phes ies o f the Pro phet (S) in his bo o k Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah. In this vo lume, we have pres ented fro m them the s igns o f the Ho ur and the events that are yet to take plac e, altho ugh

mentio ning very few examples o f tho s e pro phes ies that have already been realiz ed. D o wnlo ad

Provisions for the Hereafter (Z aad Al-Ma'ad)

by Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawz iyyah. Allah has s ent the Mes s enger (S) with guidanc e and the Religio n o f Truth. Stric t adherenc e to the guidanc e o f His Pro phet (S) is required fro m the fo llo wers o f Is lam. The s c ho lars o f the Is lamic c o mmunity have attac hed great impo rtanc e to it and pro duc ed texts regarding the Ac ts o f Wo rs hip, Dealings and Habits in the light o f the Divine guidanc e. This bo o k is o ne o f the mo s t famo us wo rks written o n this s ubjec t. This bo o k is o ne o f the impo rtant res o urc es o f kno wledge fo r tho s e who s eek to kno w the Seerah o f their Pro phet (PBUH) as well as , the Fiqh learned fro m it. This is a bo o k that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah thro ugh the Seerah and the Seerah thro ugh the Sunnah. D o wnlo ad [22 MB] Purchase At Dar-Us-S alam

Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawz iyah Healing with the Medic ine o f the Pro phet is the panac ea fo r tho s e in s earc h o f go o d health. Altho ugh it was written by the autho r, Ibn AlQayyim, o ver s ix hundred and fifty years ago , it is extremely timely wo rk fo r o ur generatio n in whic h health and natural health c are pro duc ts have bec o me an impo rtant as pec t o f the lives o f s o many. The autho r pres ents the guidanc e o f the Pro phet in dealing with a variety o f health is s ues , inc luding treatment o f ailment and preventive remedies to keep the bo dy fit. As the Qur'an and Sunnah are the main s o urc es o f Is lamic lifes tyle, it o nly s tands to reas o n that they s ho uld likewis e be referred to in the matters o f health and fitnes s . This is the appro ac h taken by Ibn AlQayyim as he pres ents Vers es o f the Qur'an and s tatements o f the Pro phet as his main referenc e in thes e is s ues o f health and medic ines . The final c hapters the this wo rk inc lude an extremely benefic ial glo s s ary o f remedies , herbs , fo o ds and o ther natural s ubs tanc es that aid in the jo urney to wards better health. D o wnlo ad [17.9 MB] Purchase At DarusS alam

Great Women of Islam

By: Mahmo o d Ahmad Ghadanfar This bo o k is abo ut the life s to ries o f the Mo thers o f the Believers and 16 o ther Sahabyat who had been given the go o d news o f the paradis e in this wo rld by Pro phet Muhammad (S). There are go o d examples in the lifes tyle o f the Mo thers o f the believers and wo men Co mpanio ns es pec ially fo r the Mus lim wo men. It is nec es s ary fo r all o f us to s tudy the Seerah o f thes e no ble and fo rtunate wo men. Bes ides the Mo thers o f the believers , the c o mpiler o f the bo o k has inc luded the des c riptio n o f tho s e s ixteen wo men who had been given the go o d News o f the Paradis e in this wo rld by the Pro phet Muhammad (S). Altho ugh the o riginal bo o k is in the Urdu language but the effo rts o f the trans lato r had made it mo re benefic ial fo r the readers . D o wnlo ad (13 MB) Purchase at Darus S alam

Patience and Gratitude

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawz iyah This is an abridged trans latio n o f Uddat as -Sabrin wa dhakhirat as hs hakrin by Ibn Qayyim. The autho r explains the Is lamic c o nc ept o f s abr (patienc e) and its c o unter part s hakr (gratitude), in a prac tic al fas hio n. D o wnlo ad

Al-Fawaid (A Collection Of Wise Sayings)

Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawz iyah This bo o k, AI-Fawaid: A Co llec tio n o f Wis e Sayings is o ne o f the wellkno wn c o mpilatio ns o f Imam Shams Ad-Dm Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawz iyyah, who is well kno wn by the name Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have merc y upo n him). This bles s ed bo o k is no t like o thers that s imply c o ntain s ec tio ns , c hapters and themes , but it c o ns is ts o f the elevated tho ughts that Allah, Exalted be He, bes to ws upo n s o me o f His s ervants as He

wills . So whenever any o f thes e s c attered pearls o f wis do m o c c urred to the Imam, he wo uld immediately rec o rd them. I am s ure that he did no t s it do wn and write this bo o k in o ne o r two weeks , but s urely it was develo ped o ver a lo ng perio d o f time. Whenever s o mething c ame to his mind, he wo uld rec o rd it, and whenever he learnt a les s o n o r anything c ruc ial in his life, he wo uld illuminate the lines o f his page with the ink o f his pen. D o wnlo ad [12 MB]

T he Path to Guidance - Ibnul-Qayyim

This is a bo o k whic h the Shaikh, the Imaam, the ?Allaamah, the Shaikh o f Is laam and the Muftee o f the Mus lims , Abo o ?Abdullaah Muhammad the s o n o f Abo o Bakr - better kno wn as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawz iyyah - may Allaah the Exalted have merc y upo n him, s ent to o ne o f his bro thers . D o wnlo ad

In the Early Hours: Reflections on Spiritual and Self Development

In the Early Ho urs is a c o llec tio n o f ins piratio nal advic e by a dear and belo ved teac her, Us tadh Khurram Murad o n the s ubjec t o f s piritual and s elf develo pment. In it he s ets o ut the go al o f the Believer - the s ingle minded des ire to s eek the go o d pleas ure o f Go d. He then o utlines the metho ds and ins truments whic h mus t be us ed in the attainment o f that ultimate go al. This bo o k, we ho pe, will s erve as a us eful c o mpanio n o n yo ur jo urney to wards the meeting with yo ur Lo rd. D o wnlo ad Purchase At Islamic S t o re

Kitab At-Tauhid

Kitab At-Tauhid is o ne o f the bes t bo o ks o n the s ubjec t o f Tauhid (Mo no theis m) and ranks high in authentic ity. In this bo o k all the relevant vers es o f the Qur'an have been dis c us s ed reas o nably, ratio nally, and

s inc erely. The es s enc e o f the Qur'an and Sunnah is plac ed in a very s imple manner in this bo o k. D o wnlo ad Purchase At Dar-us-S alam

Fortress of the Muslim (Hisnul-Muslim)

Invo c atio ns fro m the Qur'an & Sunnah. Trans latio n o f His nul-Mus lim. (aka 'Citadel o f the Believer') This is a very beautiful bo o klet c o ns is ting o f many authentic Dua's (s upplic atio ns ) fo r a Mus lim to s upplic ate o n a daily bas is and o n s pec ial o c c as io ns . Autho r's No te... This bo o k is an abridgment o f my earlier wo rk entitled, Adh-Dhikr wad-Du'a wal-'llaj birRuqyah mina'-Kitab was -Sunnah. In o rder to make it s mall and eas ily po rtable, I have c ho s en o nly the s ec tio n o n wo rds o f remembranc e fo r this abridgment. To ac hieve this , I o nly mentio ned the text o f the wo rds o f remembranc e ins tead o f the entire Hadith. I als o limited mys elf to mentio ning o nly o ne o r two referenc es fro m the o riginal bo o k fo r eac h Hadith. Who ever wo uld like to kno w abo ut the Co mpanio n who related a partic ular Hadith, o r mo re info rmatio n abo ut where it is rec o rded, s ho uld refer to the o riginal wo rk (mentio ned abo ve). I as k Allah the Glo rio us , the Mighty, by His beautiful Names and by His s ublime Attributes to ac c ept this as having been do ne s inc erely fo r His s ake alo ne. I as k Him to bring me its benefits during my lifetime and after my death. May tho s e who read it, tho s e who print it, o r have had any ro le in dis tributing it, benefit fro m it als o . Surely He, glo ry be unto Him, is Capable o f all things . May the peac e and bles s ings o f Allah be upo n o ur Pro phet, Muhammad, and upo n his family and Co mpanio ns and who ever fo llo ws them in piety until the Day o f Judgment. Said bin Ali bin Wahaf AlQahtani, Safar,1409

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Major Sins (Al Kaba'ir)

The majo r s ins are tho s e ac ts whic h have been fo rbidden by Allah in the Quran and by His Mes s enger (SAW) in the Sunnah (prac tis e o f the Pro phet), and whic h have been made c lear by the ac tio ns o f o f the firs t righteo us generatio n o f Mus lims , the Co mpanio ns o f the Pro phet (SAW) There is s o me differenc e o f o pinio n amo ng s c ho lars in this regard. So me s ay thes e majo r s ins are s even, and in s uppo rt o f their po s itio n they quo te the traditio n: 'Avo id the s even no xio us things '- and after having s aid this , the pro phet (SAW) mentio ned them: 'as s o c iating anything with Allah; magic ; killing o ne who m Allah has dec lared invio late witho ut a jus t c as e, c o ns uming the pro perty o f an o rphan, devo uring us ury, turning bac k when the army advanc es , and s landering c has te wo men who are believers but indis c reet.' (Bukhari and Mus lim) 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas s aid: 'Seventy is c lo s er to their number than s even,' and in this bo o k Imam Dhabi go es thro ugh the 70 Majo r Sins Suppo rted by the Qur'an and the Sunnah o f the Pro phet Muhammad (SAW) The Autho r Muhammad bin Ahmad bin `Uthman bin Qaymaz at Turkamani, Shams alDin al-Dimas hqi al-Dhahabi al-Shafi`i (673-748 AH), the imam, Shaykh al-Is lam, head o f hadith mas ters , c ritic and expert examiner o f the hadith, enc yc lo pedic his to rian and bio grapher, and fo remo s t autho rity in the c ano nic al readings o f the Qur'an. Bo rn in Damas c us where his family lived fro m the time o f his grandfather `Uthman, he s o metimes identified hims elf as Ibn al-Dhahabi - s o n o f the go lds mith - in referenc e to his father's pro fes s io n.

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T his is our Aqeedah

This is o ur Aqidah . Who ever po s s es s es two eyes then let him read and who ever po s s es s es hearing then let him lis ten!? All prais e is fo r Allah, the Lo rd o f the wo rlds , the Mo s t Co mpas s io nate, the Mo s t Merc iful, the Mas ter o f the Day o f Judgment. May the s alah and the s alam be upo n the s eal o f the Pro phets and Mes s engers and upo n all o f his family and c o mpanio ns . To pro c eed: This is a s ummary o f what we believe in and what we wo rs hip Allah with fro m the mo s t impo rtant areas o f the din . I wro te it in my jail c ell after it had reac hed me that there were s o me peo ple who were as c ribing things to us and putting wo rds in o ur mo uths that we have never s aid; in partic ular, in the areas o f kufr and iman . Befo re this , I was never c o nc erned with writing abo ut the likes o f this s ubjec t. That is bec aus e o ur s c ho lars have s uffic ed and fulfilled in that. D o wnlo ad


Few thinkers have had s uc h an influenc e o n the c o ntempo rary Is lamic tho ught as as h-s haheed Sayyid Qutb. Sinc e his exec utio n in 1964 in Cairo , his death bec ame the perfec t illus tratio n o f o ne o f the pro c es s es thro ugh whic h a human being bec o mes part o f the revo lutio nary mo vement aimed at c hanging the wo rld and bringing in a new ethic al mo ral o rder bas ed o n freedo m, bro therho o d, and jus tic e fo r all. Is lam s tands fo r c hange. It s eeks to c hange the individual and the s o c iety. This c hange c o vers every as pec t o f human life: fo rm pers o nal mo rality to bus ines s ec o no mic s and po litic s . It is o nly natural that Is lam s ho uld be fo ught b tho s e who want to keep the s tatus quo . This is the way it has always been thro ugho ut his to ry: Adam to Nuh, Ibrahrim, Mus a, Is a, and Muahmmad (peac e be upo n them). It will happen to anyo ne who wants to s tand up and pro c laim the true mes s age o f Is lam to the wo rld. D o wnlo ad Sp e cial Ed it io n

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

This intro duc to ry bo o k o n Is lam s erves as a go o d da'wah to o l, explaining s o me o f the fundamentals o f Is lam, as well s ignifying vers es o f the Qur'an and ho w they relate to s c ienc e and the wo rld aro und us . D o wnlo ad Purchase At Islam-Guide

In Pursuit of Allahs Pleasure

By Dr.Naaha Ibrahim, As im Abdul Maajid & Es s am-ud-Deen Darbaalah. In this bo o k the autho rs o utlined a c o mplete metho do lo gy fo r Is lamic wo rk in this day. Fro m Aqeedah to Dawah to Jihad to Khilafah and Taqwa to Sabr, they have explained ho w all o f thes e parts c o me to gether fo r the s o le o bjec tive o f every Mus lim to s eek the pleas ure o f Allah. D o wnlo ad

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Tafsir Ibn Kathir

The Qur'an is the revelatio n o f Allah's Own Wo rds fo r the guidanc e o f His c reatures . Sinc e the Qur'an is the primary s o urc e o f Is lamic teac hings , the c o rrec t unders tanding fo r the Qur'an is nec es s ary fo r every Mus lim. The Tafs ir o f Ibn Kathir is amo ng the mo s t reno wned and ac c epted explanatio n o f the Qur'an in the entire wo rld. In it o ne finds the bes t pres entatio n o f Hadiths , his to ry, and s c ho larly c o mmentary. D o wnlo ad Purchase At Dar-us-S alam

Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (T he Sealed Nectar)

By Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri The heart o f every Mus lim is filled with the lo ve the las t Pro phet Muhammad (SAWS) and the lo ve o f the Mes s enger o f Allah is an as s et fo r any Mus lim. This bo o k a bio graphy go es into the details o f the lineage o f the Pro phet (SAWS) his mes s age, his jihad and his s o c ial interac tio n. D o wnlo ad Purchase At Dar-us-S alam

Hayatus Sahabah

By Muhammad Yus uf Khandalwi. Hayatus Sahabah is a mas terpiec e. A Large Co llec tio n o f events and inc idents invo lving the Pro phet (SAW) and the Sahabah (RA), metic ulo us ly c atego riz ed by the c o mmo n les s o ns and mo rals thes e inc idents s ymbo lis e. Metic ulo us ly c atego riz ed by the

c o mmo n les s o ns and mo rals thes e inc idents s ymbo lis e. The autho r has o rganis ed to gether a vas t amo unt o f info rmatio n to paint a vivid pic ture o f the Sahabah, and their training by the Pro phet (SAW), a mus t fo r every Mus lim, and every reader o f His to ry. Vo l 1 | Vo l 2 | Vo l 3 |

Khalid Bin Al-Waleed (Sword of Allah)

Khalid bin Al-Waleed was o ne o f the greates t generals in his to ry, and o ne o f the greates t hero es o f Is lam. Bes ides him, Genghis Khan was the o nly o ther general to remain undefeated in his entire military life. A meas ure o f Khalid's genius is that he was the o nly pers o n to inflic t a (tempo rary) defeat o n the Pro phet Muhammad, (may Allah bles s him and grant him peac e).The o riginal title o f the bo o k, "The Swo rd o f Allah: Khalid bin Al-Waleed, His Life and Campaigns " was written by the late Lieutenant-General A.I. Akram o f the Pakis tan Army, in Oc to ber 1969. The autho r learnt Arabic in o rder to draw o n the earlies t his to ric al s o urc es and he vis ited every o ne o f Khalid's battlefields in o rder to draw analys es fro m the viewpo int o f military s trategy, inc luding rec o nc iling c o nflic ting his to rians ' ac c o unts . The bo o k was o riginally publis hed by the Army Educ atio n Pres s , Rawalpindi, Pakis tan and printed by Fero z e So ns Publis hers in Laho re, Pakis tan. The exc ellenc e o f the bo o k was s uc h that it has been trans lated fro m Englis h into Arabic and is c urrently s o ld in bo o ks ho ps thro ugho ut the Arab Wo rld. D o wnlo ad PD F D o wnlo ad C HM

Defence of the Muslim Lands

'Defenc e o f the Mus lim Lands ' has bec o me a c las s ic al Is lamic text s tudying the legal implic atio ns o f when and under what c o nditio ns Jihad is permitted under the Shariah. Dr. Abdullah Az z am dis c us s es many c ritic al ques tio ns relating to the types o f Jihad, the c o nditio ns under whic h Jihad bec o mes an o bligatio n upo n all Mus lims , parents permis s io n, fighting in the abs enc e o f the Is lamic State and peac e treaties with the enemy. This new editio n c o ntains o ver 150 fo o tno tes and a 's c ho lars bas e' whic h give brief details o f eac h o f the fifty o r s o s c ho lars mentio ned in the text. D o wnlo ad

Ka l a mul l a h.Co m Ho me | Q ura n | Bo o k s | Le ct ure s | Vi de o s | Co nt a ct

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