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(An Astrological Treatise) By Chandra kant R. Bhatt B. A.,LL.H.

I ;hri Vivek Education Trust, Ahmedabad-8

Forward Shri Chandrakan t R. Bhatt B.A.LL.B. is a zealous resea rch student o f Astro logy. He has writt en severa l books on Astrology. Origill:1l1y he was an advocate of Sayana system of Astrology popularly known as Weste rn system , Some seven yea rs back during his frequ ent visits to me, we had a good deal o f d iscussion about the heauties and accuracy of Nirayana system of Astrology or Indian Astrol ogy. He gradually turned his a ttention to the study of Nirayaml s ystem of Astrology and to- day he has become an ardent advocate o f Hind u Astro logy. 'Nakshatra Chimamani' is his further contribution in the field of Astro lo gy. Nakshatras (Conste llations) play important role in tho;: lie ld of, not onl y pred icti ve si de of Astrology bu t also in all the rd igious ce remonies of the Hi ndus. The Vimshotlllry Dasha system in tim ing events advocated by the g reat Parash ar is based on constellat ion and its sub di visions. For pe rfectly j udging the st rength or weak ness of a house and it s lo rd the Astrologer ha s to ta ke into consideration the sign and the constellation and it s sub di vis ion, for then only he can evaluate the physical (Sthula) , the astral (Sukshma ) and Casual (Karan) strength and weak ness of the s ign and its lord. Thus the 1 2 signs of the Zodiac arc divided into 249 divisions of the 27 constellations. T he (:ffec! of any planet can be judge d well if we know the place ment in tf ~ h oroscope, o f the lord of the house, the lord o f the conste~' ati o n and the l ord of the sub division of the constellation it is placed in. Thus a planet is c ontrolled by the lord of the sign, the lord of the constellation and the lord of the sub division of the constellation. For the last thousa nd years or mo re th e Northern part of India was constantl y invaded by the invaders from Central As ia. Greal centres of learning in the North were plundered and valuable literatur es were reduced t o ashes. F ortunately the remote Southern part of India was sa ved from the plunders of these invade rs and the families of the great scholars of th e South preserved the rich heritage of knowledge including knowledge of As trol ogy propounded by great Rishes of India.

II With th e passage of lime consteli a tion;}1 Astrology bc(.'a m(' a fam ily secr et of t he A!;troiogcrs in the Soul h and th ere wa s lill ie li te rature in th e form of books available fo r t he general mass of the st udents of Astro logy. Sh ri Gopa l Krishna Rao of Madras has written three parts of Nad i Astrology. Shri Seetaram Sharma of Bangalore has also writlen a hoo k entitled ' A GatCII'O Y (0 Astrology'. The fam il y members of the great Shri 8. Suryana rayana Raa of Bangalorc the found er o f 'A s trological lvfagad ll(!' and pa r ticularly Shr i B. V. Raman the prince a mong A ~ t ro l ogers and the prese nt edito r of 'A strological Maga~ille ' who has established the genuineness of ~Iin d ll Astro l ogy ,IS a perfect sc ience not only in Ind ia but a lso in the world h;lVc broug ht Astrol ogy to the reach of the stU{h.:nt ~ of Astrology. The late Jyotish Mar tand Shri K. S. Krishnamurti of Madr as has also eOnlributcd greatly to the spre ad of the knowledge or wnstclla l ionnl A~tmlogy not only by publishing boo ks a nd Ihi! maga zine' ASfrolflgy and Alhrisllto' hut also by moving in evc ry impo rtant corne r of India and lec turing on cons tell at io n:d Asr ro los-y. He ha s termed thi s conslellation al Astro logy as Krishn:nllu rti Paddhati and which according to him is thc on ly pe rfect Paddhati (system). This cla im of the la te J yo tish Mart and Silri K. S. Kri shnamurti has created a good deal o f cont roversy rcg:Hd ing its efficacy and perfectness . But in my humble opinion th e Pacldhati (method) is the accumulation of the essential preachings (,r th e gr:. !!tt Paf:l~ her . Gai mini, Ma ntreshwar. G ancsh Divagn". Ramuaya lu Varahm ihi r. Kalidas and host of other astro loge rs of the pa~t a nd il d eserves conside rations a nd furlher research 10 eradi clII C its short com ings. Much hidden kn owletige of Astrol ogy yet rema ins to be dug. out. Shri B. V. Raman. the lea rn ed and th e world renowned editor of ' Astrological Magazine' has been d o ing g reat service to t he wo rld of Atrology by procuring manusc ripts oC thi5 sCIence and making them public.

III Shri Chundr3kant R . Bh:.\H inspile of his failing heal th has bo!ell ~~ asclcss ly researching on the constellat ional Astrology and thi s boo k Nakshalra Chinta molli' is the fruit of his sincere la bour anrl resea rch. He has evolved and di scussed only those pri.dples of predi cting which he has fou nd wo rkable in giv ing correct predicti ons. II is for the readers to judge lhe merit or otherwise of this book. ShTj Vivek Ed ucation Trust, M a ninagar, Ahmedabad has underta ke n to publi sh this book with a n humble view to contribute to the ~ pread of kn owledge of Astrology whi ch h:IS its roolS in Vedas. We o nly request the readers neither to accept nor reject the principles of pred ict ing discussed by Shri Bhatt in this book hLll examine th em. 2&-3- 1975 C/o Shri Sardar Pa tel & Swami Vivckanand High Scho ol, Maninagar. Ahmedabad 8. Shambhuprasad M. Patel B.A .,M.Ed. Managing Trustee Shri Vivek Education Tru st.

Preface There is ample lite rat ure publi shed on Hindu Astrology depicting various sy$tems of pred iction by learned As trologe rs. Bll t every s tuden t of Astrology has his own li kes and dislikes, he therefo re foll ows the predicti ve system of his choice. Each syst em of prediction has il ~ own pecul ia rity and merits too. So far as [ am com:crncd, [ li ked the sub dL'position theory of prediction in the Nakshatra di spos ilor system of As trology. Acco rd ingly I ha ve selec ted some typica l birth horoscopes and example horary maps o n different important topks of life as experienced and observed h y me and I hll ve in thi s book made an humble atlempt to discu s~ these horoscopes on the prac t ica l applicati on of this s ub disposit ion theo ry o f predic tio n, for the know ledge of the reader who desi re!' to know a hout it. 2. Th is boo k is mea nt fo r the reade r who is conversa nt with the basic principles of Hin du Astro logy. It is expectt:d that tht: reader should know how to ma ke use of Raphael" s Table s of H O ll ~ e s and Ephemerides. He shou ld posseo;s the knowl edge of Casling the Ho roscope. He sho uld know about the Characteristic!i of Signs, Pl ane ts, Ho uses, Plancts in S igns , P!allets in Houses. Gene ral Principles of Judgment, Judgment of 1h e 12 Hou ~ e s , Calculation of Vinshottari Da~ ha (per iod ) rulers Sub period rulers, Inter period rlilers <l nd Soo kshma period ru l ers and their j udgment ( Hindu Predicrire A .~frol/J~y by Pandit GopeshKuma r O jha, 9:\, Oa ryaganj, Delhi 6 . and A Sruden's' Tex ' Book of Astrology b y Vi v ian E. Robson arc worth reading for th e basic knowledge of Astro log.y). 3 (a) Th e origi nal Hindu method is what is known as the equa l house di vision. Th e sign ascending is the first hOllse and an y planct therein i.. sa id t o be in the fi rst house . The sign next to the a seen din~ s ign will constilute t he s econd ho use and any pla ne t therein wil1 be said to be in the 2nd house and so on. This is the princ iple foll owed by the old Hindu Astrologers. Thus the sig n and th e house werc deemed synonym ous. (b) (n \Vestern Astro logy Ih ~ c us p of a hou!'c is the comme nc ing point a nd the first house is consti t uted h y space coveri ng about ~O' heyond the cus p: but in Hindu Astro logy the cusp is the mid point or the ce ntre o f th e hOtlSe an d extends tn ( 5~ o n either si ct ~.

v (e) In this book first o f all you have to ereCl a ho roscope according to the W este rn (Sayana) sys tem wit h the aid of Raph ad's Tables of Ho uses and Epheme ri s. Then YOLt have to deduc t ayanamsa fo r the required year fr om Sayana pos itio ns of the ("IISI'S and planets: a nd you wi ll gc l Ni ra yana positions of lhe c usps and planet s. You should write the cu sps and ~' Ianet s in the mann er of a Weste rn Horoscope. For the purposes of this book the c usp of a house i s to be considered a ~ the com mencing point. FurtlIer it may h e remcmb<:red lh at the question of ayan amsa is a controversial suhject. bu t for the subject ma lle r of this book ayanamsa ado pted for each A. D. year is given on page 168. ( d) In the Western syste m it is usua l to write down signs Ulld d egrees on the cusps of th e houses in a circ ular blank map a nd to pl ace th e planets in th e map in their co rrect positions. For the pLLr pose~ of thi s boo k and for the sa ke of convenience L have made a dev ice to writ e till: horoscope in the for m of a ladder b y draw ing one verticle line in the middle and five hor izont:!] lines intersecting Ihe verticle line. The ends of Ihe ve rticle line and the en ds of th.:: horizontal lines will serve liS the c usps of houses and the !'igns have been wrineR th ereon ~ l1d th e plane ts hav: been wrilen either helo w or a bove the c uspal s ign as the case may be. 4. The Zodiac o f 360 ' is di vided into 27 Nakshatras o r Constellations or Stnrs for the purpose of Astrology. Ea ch Nakshatra contai ns 13" 20'. It begins from 0 0 Ari es. It is s ubd ivided in to 9 parts totalling 243 lind eae h sub divisio n is know n as S ub Nakshatra or Sub Constell a tion or Sub Star or Su b. So each deg ree a nd minute of tile Zo d iac is jointl y ruled by three plane ts out (If which one beco mes the sign lo rd, the o ther is the star lord Hnd th e third is the sub lord . The sum and s u bstance of the sub dis position theory of prediction is that t he c uspal sub lo rd of a IlOu se indicates whether tile matter sign ified by the Ilou se is prom ised or den ied. If th e cuspal sub lord promises. then onl y during Ih ~ j oint pe riod o f th ~ significators of that matte r the res uh ~ of that matte r are expe rienced: otherwise no t. The s ignificato r pla ne t alwa ys gives the res ults of the house occupied and owned by its star lord during the signiFtcator p lan et' s per iod. suh period and inter pe riod. If the sub lord of the signific ator

VI Jlbnet i~ harnl()nloU~ \0 the matters indicated by tIll' Shir lord, [he signifk: _lIor planet gives fa',;ourah\c result~. This system equally applies bmh to the \lirth hOfO<;copes artd horary maps. The detail-.; arc illustratively explained in the book. Whatever IS essential to know prior (0 the pnlctical application or the principles h<l" been explained by way of illustrations. Each topic has been methodically pres-cnted m nUl ~he!l, according to, my view pJinl and observatio n in several cases . Jt is in the manner I wish the reader to understand the sub ject matter. So it needs little mention that the presentation, cx!)reSSiOll and interpretation may vary with personal eqllalion. Conclusions drawll life logical and natural. They arc neitbo;:r nbrupt nor twisted . There is no sham show of p redicting an evellt correct to the datI!. " , , 6. Tn my humble opinion, the ~cicllCe of A!ltrology is best. h:arnt by exoperien ce and observation. The marc you ob~ervc the marc is the scope for modification. The main object of thig book is to make this system of prediction easily access ible to every student of Astrology who only ponesses workable knowledge of the E nglish language. So the language used is simple and lucid. This book is only ill ustrative and not exhaustive. Lovers of Astrology in different regions of the CO Ulltry may publish this book in their own regional language for the b::ne!lt of the student world of Astrology if they so desire: and thi!Y would he rendering s ervices in the cause of the wide sprcad of this Nakshatra system of Astrology. 7 . My friend ShTi S. M. Patel made me switch over to this Naksllatra sy;;tem of A strology. He constantly inspired me to write this book in English. He moved the board of Trustees of Shri Vivek Educat ion Trust to bring out this publication a nd to give me patronage. I therefore 0\\1,: a J::ep debt of gratilud:: to thc::n all. I hope all my readers will enjoy this 2~~3 ~ 1975 l~x t book. 64, Jayanagar SocIety Ahmedabad 22. Chllfldmkant ilatrlcs\l\'t'ar UhaU

Contents I 8ask Principles t. Horoscope explained. 2. Sub ill Nak shatra system . J. Groupi ng of houses. 4 . Significators. S. Significfttors in their o rd e r. 6 . Rail\! & Ketu and thei r significance. 7. G eneral strength of a planet. 8. A planet' or hOll se 'c onn ected with', 9. A planet or house harmo n ioHS N detrimental. to. Significalor a nd its sub lo rd. [I. A pl a net or h o use lind its two sided erfecl. J 2. Elim ination of signiflcato rs. 13. Cusp:!1 sub lord and i;s s ubject malter. 14. Joint period rul ers. 15. Tran sit and Joint period rulers. 16. Cuspal mauer and Joint period rulers. 17. Cusp and As;!s. I~ . Sub sub in c:lch sub. II Mystery of Ruling Planets I. Ruling planct~ 43 -55 2. Rulin!!. planets 8< Rectific:nion o r birth time J . Ruling pl a nets and sigllificalors _. I) Signi!ku lors and Ru ling plan e t ~ at the time of juugmenl, '2:1 Signific<l tors and Ru ling pla nets at the time or c\ent . J) Ruli ng pl a nets at the t i me o f j udgment and event. 4) Joi nt peri od r u 1er ~ of one and Ihe Ruling pl anets of ,iIl. o th er. S) Rul ing planet s and Affinity. 4 . Ruling planets and F ulfi lment of a q ue'lion . I (( Planets in Tr:msil Transit in NJkshalr,l l) r ~ I .I . Trall ~ il in sub N .l k, lu tra or ; ~ ub , Effects of Iransining plan e!li in th e ':-:<. lImple birth Iloroscop : nil. . I . IV Example Nathities: ~O-99 Good or bad s ub pcril\u, Lonf!.o:\ ity. Eye sight. AUcmpt 10 commit suicide. Ed uca t ion . Sch olarsh ip. Earning, Ttansfe r in Servi Ce, From Oa r 10 Judici a ry, Parttlership business . Purcha5ing the building, Mystery of 6. H & 12, Ma rr i a!:c and Di v{Jf (;C, Foreiill Truvd. Ch ild birth.

V!JJ V Example Horar)' Maps IOO - I~~ Erect ing the Ho ra ry ma p. Judging t he Ho w!> about the miss ing wife. Publicat ion of ing. Selli ng the ho u!>c. Lease Licence for Sc holarship. Employment. Lea ving the job. verscas for Studies. Foreign Travel. Ret urn C ricket Matc h. Pregnancy. Tablc- Sta rs , 1901- 1999). [rralunl Page 166 J ACO ffeC I 2. Silb Kefil SlJb Sub .~ Correct 2. Sub Kefll Me -- ---19 13 22 ~ b S ub "u Me 19 ._ ._ - -19 13 23 19 20 20 20 00 ra ry ma p. Longevit y, Disease, Ne a boo k. Constr uct ing the bu il d M ines. Success in Ex amina tio ll. Indepe ndent business. Marriage . O of Abscond illg Son. LoM Documenls. subs an d s u.b s ub~ . Aya namsa (

I Basic Principles 1. Horo3cope explained f: xample Birth Horoscope No. 1 Mll e. Birth Date 7-7- 1912. Sunday: 8- 42 P.M. I.S.T; 23 N 2', 72" E 35'; Ayana ms3 12" 32', Abhre,iutions S. Sun, M. Moun. l\1:I. 1\.1(\r5. Me. Me rc ury, J . J upiter, V. Venus, Sa. Sat urn , R. ICl llu. K. Ket u, AT. Aries. Tr. , Taurus, Gm. Gemini, en. Ca llcer, L~ . Leo, Vg. Virgo. Li, Libra. Sc. Scorpio, Sg. Sagittarius, Cpo Cap rico rn , Aq . Aqua ri us. P i. Pisces.

2 Ayan.msa First of all a horoscope for the lime of birth should be erected accord ing to the Western (Sayana) system with the aid of Raphael's Ephemeris and Table of Houses. Deduct ayanamsa for the required yea r of birth [ro m the Sayana pos itio ns of Ihe cusps of the houses and from those of the plane t,-, So th e! the birt~ ho roscope according \ 0 the India n (Nirayana J system will be prepared. This horoscope should be wrin cll ill the manl"'er of a Western Horoscope. 23 ' , Th e n go on adding 50 seconds every year and you will get Ihe a yanamsa for a ny required yea r VIZ. Ayanamsa adopted for the A. D. year 1901 " n Year Ayanam~a 1901 1911 1921 193 1 23' 31 22 39 22 . 48 22' 22 Year 1941 195 1 1961 Ayanam sn 22' 23 56' 1971 23 23 04 I3 21 Year 198\ [991 A y anam ~ a 2001 20 11 23 ' 23 23 23 29' J8 46 54 Inscrtlne .be Signs and the PJllnel'i

I. The beginning point or each house is called the Cusp . The signs and degrees sh ould be written down on the emps or the houses in the blank map. In the examp le birth horoscopc no. I Cnpricorn 12" 25' is placed on the cusp or the 1st hous c i.e. Asc. Aquarius 19 ~ 44' on the cusp or the 21ld house and so o n . In thi s Wly the s igns and degree s on all the 12 cust'S or the houses hJ.Ve heen wri tten d n '.\':l. 2. (a) The cusp of the 3rd house begin~ with Pisces 250 44', nut th e longitudcs or Moon and Rahu in Pisces are 2J ~ 49 ' and 24" 36' respectively. They are les s than the cuspal degree o f the 3rd house. So the y are pJ~ced beh ind the cusp a! degrce of the 3rd house a nd they ma y be considered as posited in the 2nd ho use. If a planet is within 5" of the cuspal degree of a housc, it exerts its inf luence on both th e houses. In this c<l se M oon ane'! Rahu are with in 5" of th e cuspal degree o f the 3rd h ouse. So they can be SOlid to be on the cusp of th e 3rd hotlse and they will exert so me influence both on the 2nd and the 3rd hous e.

3 Similarly Saturn in Taurus 7 30' is placed behind Taurus 21 28' th e cusp o f the 5th house and it is said to be in the 4th -house . Ma rs in Leo 140' is placed b ehind Leo 1944' the cusp of the 8th house and it is said to be in the 7th house. Kctu in Virgo 2436' is placed behind Virgo 2544' the cusp of of the 9th house and it is on the cusp of the 91h house. So Ketu will exert some 'influence on the 8t h ho use and some on the 91h ho use. Jupiter in' Scorpio 14"2' R is placed behin d Scorpio 21 28' the cu sp of the I Ith house and it. is said to be in the 10th h ou ie. (b) The cusp of the 6th ho use begins Wilh Gemini 1544', But the longitude s of Sun and Venus in Gemini are 2r 3J' and 2300' respecti vely. They are grea te r t h ~ n the cuspal degree of the 61h house . So they are placed in fro nt o f Gemini 1 5-~ 44 ' and they are sa id to be in th e 6th house. Similarly Mercury in Cancer I r2' is placed in front of Cancer 12"25' the cusp of the 7th hou se a nd it is said to be in the 7th house, 3. All th e houses in the horoscope a re n ot of equal dimensions. The house may be less or greater t han 30 degrees. Somet ime s one house may contain more than olle sign. Such a sign is termed as 'Intc: rcepled. In til e example birih horoscope no. I the 5th house commences from Taur us 2 1 28' and ex tends uplO G emini 15 44'. So the 5th house is of 24 16' dimensio n. . T he 71h house begins with Cancer 12 25' and e nd ~ at Leo 19 44'. So the 7th hous e consists of 37 19' and so on with ot her houses. Particulars in the cXllmple bi rth horm'Copc no. 1. House Cuspo/ Sign Sign owner Plontt A" 2 Cp p; M Sa Aq Sa J V Sun Moon Sign occupied Gm p; House occllpied owned 3 4 5 Tr

Gm Ma 6 7 8 Cn Le S Me M Jup Von Sat Mer Mars Cn S, p; Le 6 2/3 7 7 10 6 4 Tr Gm 10 11 9 L; Vg 12 Sc Sg J Ma V Me Rahu Ketu Vg

2/3 8/9 8 7 4,11 6,9 3,12 5,10 1,2 3,12 6,9

4 Rahu in Pisces represents Jupite r and Ketu in Virgo represents Mercury. Planets in Housn Angles: Saturn in the 4th, Mercury and Mars in the 7th and Jupiter in the 10th a re placed in th e Angles o r Angular hou "c~ . Suc('f'edent Houses : Moon and Rahu in the 2nd, and Ketu in the 8th are in the S ucccerleflt h o use~. Codellt Houses: -Sun and Vellus in the 6th are il\ the Cad ", nt houses. Moon an d Rahu on the cusp of the 3rd and Ketu Oil th e cusp of the 9th , Aspects Hindu astrology aspects a re count ed fro m sign 10 sign. All pl:mets aspect the 71 h sign count ed fro m the sign.. occupied by them. In addition Mars as pects the 4th and the 8th sign, Jupiter aspects the 5th and the 9th s ign. wh ile Sat urn aspects the 3rd and the 10th sign counted fr o m t~. e sign occupied by it. Sun in Gemini is in conjunct ion (Conj .) wil h Venus. It .1150 aspec ts the 121 h c usp by its 7th a s ~ecl, Moon in Pisces is in Conj. with Rah u. It also aspe cts Ketu In Virgo by ils 7t h aspect . Mar$ in Leo aspects Jupiter in Scorpio by its 41h a ~ p e cl. II aspects the 2nd cusp hy ils 71h aspect. It aha aspec ls Rah u and Moon in Pi!>ccs by its 81h aspect. Mercury in Cancer aspects the Asc b y its 7th 3S j):cL Jupiter in Scorpio aspects Satu rn in Taurus by its 7th a ~ p ect . If aspects Rahu and Moon in Pisces by its Sth aspect a nd it a~ peC B Mer cuh in Cance r by its 9th aspe ct. It also aspeo;:ls til .;: Sth cu,p by its 7th aspect a nd aspects t he 3rd cusp by it s 51h aspect. Vcnm in Gemini i~ in Conj . with Sun find it aspects the c usp by its 7th aspect. 12th In Satu iter pect born rn in Taurus aspects Merc ury in Cancer by it.. 3rd 3specl. It aspects Ju p in Scorpio b y its 7th ;;\spec l. It li Speets the 2nd cusp by it s 10th as and th e 11th cu!>p by its 7th asoec t. In this horosco'Je the nati ve was durin!?, the period o r Mercu ry with baJance of lOY 5M 6D . -

5 2. Sub in Nakshtra Sy.tem The Zodiac of 360a is divided int o three eq ual parts. Each part con tain s 120 ", It consists of nine equal Sectio ns. Each !'ection contains ]) 0 20' o r 800' , I t begins fr om 0" Aries. Each section is kn("wn as Naksha tra or Constella t io n or Slar. There are 27 Naksha tras or Constell a tions or Sta rs in the whol e Zodiac. According to Vimshollari D as ha System each Nak shatra or Constellati o n o r Star is ruled in turn hy the nine pla nets in the order of Ke1U, Venus. SUll, Moon. M a rs. Rahu. Jupiter, Saturn and Me rcury. This order is fixed and not cl1:Ingeable. E:tch planet rules three Nakshatras or Constellations o r Star s and the ruling planet is callrd the Nuks hatra lord or Constellation l ord or St ar lord . In s hari we may usc the term ' Star' instead of 'St:lr lord' e tc th rough o ut this book. In Nakshatra sys tem each N<lk shatra or Conslcll;Jl io n o r Star i ~ subdi vided lnl l) nin e parts. This Subdivision i ~ called ' Sub ', I! is based on the ro llowing formul a : " Dasha )'f.'OI' oj each planet..;. The (ufal number of Vimsho ttari Dasha ycars " S tar orea = The longituae or ext ent or area of the Suh for each plt/l1et ill a,,), 5wr or emU/el/alioll or Noksi lolro" The planet ruling the lo ngitude o r ex te nt or area of the 'sub' in any "Jaksh:Hra o r Constellation or Slar is called th e Sub Nakshatra Lord o r Sub Conste llatio n Lord or Sub Star Lord or Sub Lo rd. In short we may usc th e t e rm 'Sub' inst ead of Sub Lord through out this book. The above Kctu Venus Son for mul~ of deriving the "sub" is illustrated as unde r : Sob M.. 7/ 120 ,,800' _ 20/ 120 ,, 800' = 6/120 x 800' 10/ 120 x 800' 7{120 " 800' 0 46' 40 I 06 Moon o 46 Mars 18/ 120 x 800' 2 00 Rahu I 46 Ju p iter 16/ 120 x 800' Sa lurn 19/120 x 800' 2 06 Me rc ury 17/ 120 x 800' I 53 13 20 00 The order of subs in each star is shown in the accompanYing Tables A, S, C, and D, on page 6, 7, 8,a nd 9. Each table shows the star lord and the sub lord for et ch degree of th e Zodia c. T he star lord is s imilar to the Da ~ ha (pe riod ) Ruler, while the su b lord corre spo nds to th e Sub- p:=rio d Ruler. o 2 13 40" 20 00 40 40 00 40 40 20

, 6 Table A Star area in Aries or Lo or Sagillarius 0" 0' to 13" 20' Ketu Venus 13 20 to 26 40 0 Sun 26 40 to 30 2 3 I Star LfJrd Sub Lord Sign, Sign Lord & Serialll U. 0' ~ 4 Commencing Position ~ . _ A f1e s Leo Sagitta rius Jupiter " " 0 0 -', Mars , Sun 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 D Ketu M S 0 40 0 0 40 20 20 0 40 0 20 20 0 40 40 20 0 20 0 0 40 20 0 " I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 . . .. .. .. " " Ketu Ven.

Sun Moon Mars Rahu lup. SaL Mer, Ven. 0 0 3 3 4 5 7 9 II 0 46 0 40 46 176 177 178 Venus " 33 33 20 26 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .. .. Sun Moo n 1 00 101 102 103 104 105 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 " .. " ,, Mars Rahu Jup. Sat . " Sun .. Mer. Kclu Sun .. .. Moon Mars

Rahu 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 13 20 6 6 53 0 53 40 20 26 13 0

7 Table B Star area in Taurus or V irgo or Capricorn Sun 00 0' Moon to 0 Mars 23 20 I I. I. I. 100 0' 23 20 30 0 2 Slar Lord 3 Sub Lord 4 Commencing Sigll, Sign Lord If S{'riai no. .., Z 0 ~ Ta urus Virgo e Capricorn Saturn Position D " 0 ..J Venus Mercury M S 0 20 0 40 0 40 0 40 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 106 107 1 08 109 11 0 II I 189 190 191 192 193 194 '195 Sun Rahu

Jup. 0 I .." . ., Sat. Mer. Ketu Ven. Moon 112 \13 Moon " 3 5 7 7 \0 41 114 115 11 6 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 " Man; Rahu ,. " " " " Jup. Sat. Mer. .. " " " Ketu Ven. 11 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 23 0 13 0 6 0 46 0 6 53 53 40 46 40 20 0 40 0 40 26 40 " Mars

Sun Mars Rahu Jup. Sat. 205 206 207 24 26 27 30 20 6 6 53 0 0 0 40 40 20 0

8 Table C Slar area m Gemini or Libra or Aquarius 0" O to 6" 40' Mars Rahu 6 40 to 20 0 Ju p. 20 0 to 30 0 1 Sign, Sign Lord & Serial No. ~ ~ 2 Star Lml 3 Sub Lord 4 Commencing Position. D M " ~ Gemini Libra Aquarius Saturil , -' 0 Mercury Venus S c Z 42 43 44 4< 46 47 48 125 208 209 210 211 212 Man. Mer. Ketu Yen. SUll 0 I 0 53 40 53 33 0

126 127 m 129 130 131 213 214 215 Rahu " " " " 20 0 2 4 5 49 50 -, ,53 51 D2 133 134 135 136 216 2J7 218 " " " " Moon Rahu Jup. Sat. Mer. Ketti 6 g 10 12 54 55 137 138 139 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 140 141 142 143 219 220 221 222 223 "24

, " ' ,. Jupiter " " " 144 145 225 226 2'22?i " ,. -, .. " Yen. Sun Moon Mars Jup. Sat. Mer. Ketu Ven . Sun Moon 14 15 17 40 40 26 33 26 Ll 20 20 0 0 40 20 40 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 26 6 13 0 46 53 46 33 46 26 0 20 40 40 20 0 40 20 40 20 40 40 0

9 Tahle 0 Star area in Cancer o r Sco rpio o r Pi sces. 0' O to 3' 20' Jup. Sat. 3 20 to 16 40 Me r. 16 40 to 30 0 I Sign, Sign Lunl &. Serial /10 , 2 3 S/fir urc/ SlIb Lord 4 Commtncing ....> ~. < ~ ~ Cancer Scorpio Ma r~ Piscc!<o Jupi te r Posit ion " 1>.'l oon 0 c . D JupiLcr M S Z (,3 64 65 (,6 146 229 67 68 69 147 148 149 150 I5 I 152

230 231 232 233 Saturn 70 71 72 153 I ~4 73 74 75 76 77 7H 79 80 81 82 83 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 23. 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 Mercury . . .. .. . . .. . ... Moo n Mars Rahu Sal. Mer. 0 0 I 3 Ketu Ven. Sun M oo n 5 7 8 10 II 12 Mars Rah u Jup . Mer. Ketu Ve n. 12 14 .. .. . ... 16 18 19 2i 0 33 20 20 26 20 6 20 0 6 53 53 40 33

0 20 0 20 33 Sun Moo n . .. .. Mars Rahu Jup. Sat. 22 23 24 26 27 30 13 20 6 6 0 40 0 40 0 0 40 20 20 0 20 0 20 20 00 53 0 40 40 20 0 2

10 Tables A, B, C & 0 explained The table A is In eant for Aries, Leo a nd Sagi narius; the ta b le fo r Tau rus , Virgo and Capricorn : th e (ahle C for Gem ini, Li b r:l and Aqua ri us and th e tahle 0 f0r Ca ncer, Scorpio a nd Pi sces. In the heginning o f ea ch table Ih ~ St Ul' area o f each p lanet in each sign is given e .g. in the ta ble A Ketu Slar area e xte nd s fro m 0'" to 13" 20' in Aries or Leo or Sagi tt a ri us a n d in the ta bles B a n j C Ma rs star a rca extcilds fro m 23'2)' Taurus or Virgo or Capric()fIl to 6"40' Gemini o r Li bra or Aquarius and so 0 11 with o ther H a l" areas. Each table contains fo ur main columns. The c o lumn I contains Sign , Sign Lo rd & Serial no . Sign viz. Aries is written fi rst. Sign Lord viz. Mar s is marked be lo w Aries . Se ria l no. v iz. I \(J 22 is me ntioned belo w Mar s and so o n with the o ther Si ltn. Silln l ord & Serial no .. The Colu mn 2 sh ows th e Star Lo rd. The Colu lllil 3 the Sub Lo rd and the Column 4 cOllta ins Ihe commencing posit io n o r each S ub l ord in the Star a rea or each planet . Ex ample. In the t able A in the Star area Ketu in Aries or Leo o r Sagitta riu s the Sub or Ketu begins from O~ 0 ' 0" and ends al O ~ 46' 40 ". So the Sub or Venus start s a t 0 46' 40" , add 2 13' 20" (Sub a n~ a or Venus) and yo u gel the starting position of Sun Sub at r 0 ' 00" , add 0 ' 40' 0 " (Sub area or Sun), ,hen the Sub of Moon ~ tarts at 3" 40' 0" in Aries or Leo or Sagiuarius. Re peat thi.. procedure a nd the . ::ommencing I)os ition ror all Subs in ea ch st ar i n cach Sign will be obtained . 149 Subs and 'hdr Serial I/O .S 27 stars have been sub divided into 243 subs. Rerer to the rabi es A , B. C and D : in six cases the same sta r and the same sub will b .:: fo und in the adjoin ing signs e .g. Sun Sta r Rah u Sub in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius 29 ~ 13' 20" to 30" (Ta ble A) cont inue in Taurus or Virgo o r Ca pricorn upto 10 13' 20" (T able B). Jupiter stilT Moon s ub in Ge mini o r libra o r AqUar ius 29" 26 ' 40 " to 30~ (Table C) co ntinue in Cance r or Scorpio o r Pisces upto 0" 33' 20" (T,bl, DJ . T ake these si.'( subdivisio ns in to (lCcou nt and you will get ::!49 s ubdi vi sions in a ll. T hus th e Zod iac is divided into 249 parts . Eac h part has bee n given a ser ial num be r. 1n Aries the seria l no. starts rrom 1 and ends a t 22; in Tau rus from 23 to 41 ; in Gemini rro m 42 to 62: in Canc er from 63 to 8 3 and 111 Leo from 84 to 105 and so on. Each seri a l no. mentions the sign. the sign lord . the star lord , the sub lord and the commenciAg pOii tion of eac h sub. The sig n lord re mains constan t fo r the who le "ign. These no .s arc ver y useful ill erecting hora ry maps. This wi ll oe discussed later on.

11 From these tables you can say that each degree and minute of the Zodiac is ruled by the sign lord. the star lord and the sub lord . IL\ othe r word~ . it can be sa id that each degree and minute is jointly ruled. governed or o perated by th ree planeu. out of which one becomes the sign lord , the other is the star lord and the third is the sub lord . For instance in the Table A Ih.e s! rial no. 6 s hows that Aries 5 ~ 33' 20" is joi ntly ruled or governed or operated by Mars (a s the sign lord); by Ketu (as the star lord) and by Ranu (a~ the sub lord) , The serial no. 98 indicates that Leo 20" 6' 40" is jointly operated by Sun {as the sign lo rdi, by Vellu,> (a.s the star lord) and. by Jupiter (as the sub lo rd I. , The seri,d no. 187 deMt es t hat S3gitr:triu~ 28 0 26' 40" is jointly go\cmed by Jupiter (as Ihe sign lord), by Sun (as the star lord) by Mars (as the sub lo rd). The serial IIO .S ill th.:: Tables B, C and D may be undctstood in the same way as explained abo ve. I Example birth horoscope uo. I . .l 4 5 6 7 8 25 25 2[ Tc Gm [5 Pi M 44 44 Me V Le Me Mer. V [ 40 Cn [3 2 28 44 M R Cn L, Vg Li Sc [2 [9 9 [0 I[ 25 25 21

15 25 44 44 44 28 44 Sa V Ma J Jup . R Se V Ven . Gm Ma Sat. Tc R Rallu Pi R Ketu Vg 14 2J 7 2R 00 30 36 36 24 24 12 Sg Me V Me V S

12 3. Grouping of houses Longe\'ity 1. Consider tJle houses I, 8 and 3 for longeviiy. 2 (a) Maraka houses. The 12th to ally particular house denotes nOll-existence of the matter signified by that particular house. So the houses 12 (12th to I), 7 (12th to 8) and 2 (12th to 3) are known <IS the Maraka (death dealing) houses. (h) Badhaka houses. The hOllse II is hadhaka (h:Jrmfu i \0 l ik) to those born in Movable signs as their Ascendants; the 91h for those b orn in Fixed signs and the 7th for those born in Common signs. 3. Dealh. The Bad haka houses are more harmful than the Maraka houses. So for death consider first the Badhaka house and then the Maraka houses. Saturn is the chief governor of l ongevity. Health Consider the Ascendant for health. Disease and Cure Consider the house 6 for sickness or disease. For eure eonsider the houses I. 5 and II (1st. health, 5th is 12th to 6. absence of sickness, 11t h is 12th to 12. absence of bedridden sickness) . Accident Consider the houses 8 and 12 for accident (8th-serious illncss. accident, suicide; 12th-self-undoing, confinement in bed or hospital). Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu cause an accident. Education (a) Consider the houses 4, 9 and I J for education (4th is the main h ouse for education, it denotes preparation for examinations, academic qualificat tons, regular attendance in school or college; 9thdeep study and higher educatio n; 11th-fulfilment of desires). The 6th house shows Competitive examination (it is 12th from 7 i.e. lo~s to others and gain to you). (b) Completion of education : Consider the houses 3, 5 and 8 (being 12th from 4. 6 and 9 respectively). Merc ury and Jupiter are the ch ief governo rs of education. Building or land (a) Con sider the houses 4. 11 and 12 for purchase or construction of a building (4th is the main house for building, 11 th gain, 12th payment to the seller of the buildi ng or investment of money). (b) Consider the houses 3, 5 and 10 for disposing of the building

13 or selling it (3rd is 12th from the 4th i.('. losing the house; 5th is 11th from the 7th i.e. gain to the purchaser ; 10th is 4th fr o m the 71h i.e. building t o the purch a,s er) Mars is the natural significator of buil dings and Salurn is that - land , mines and es tate s . of Marriage (a) Consider the houses 2. 7 and II fo r marriage p nd- add ition to th e family ; 7th- wife or hu sband, legal tic. It is the main hOllse for marriage; ! llh- pe rmanent tie of friend ship). (b) Consider the houses I. 6 and 10 fo r separation or divorce {being 12th from 2, 7 and 11 resp;!cl ively). These house s dCllOtc ..:lbsence of married li fe Vt!llUS is the chief governor of marriage. Cilildren (a) Conside r t he houscs 2. S and II for c hild birth (2ndincrease in Ihe number of th e m!mh!r.", of fam ily due to birth of a child: 5th. fir st co ncepti on or pregnancy, progeny or child; 11th is the 5th from the 7t h). The. 5( h for fema les and the 11th for males are imponant. (b) Conside r the ho uses I , 4 and 10 fo r absence of children or for separation from the children (bein g 12th fr o m 2, 5 and 11 respectively). Jupiter is the natural s ignifieator o f ehild birth . in fe males Moon is fe rt ilit y and Mars is mens tru a tion. In males Venus is fertility and Sun is vitality. Foreign Trlnels (a) Consider the ho uses 3. 9 and 12 for fore ign travel s (3rd is 121h from the 4 t h i.e. away fro rn the p~rman e nt place: 9th-long journey, foreign travel. 12111- life in a n unkno wn place or completely unfamiliar atmosphere) (b) Consider the houses 3. 9 and I I for re turning to home -country from forei gn land ( 1IIh- meeting on e's own kit h and kin, reunion of rehlli ves) Moo n is the chi ef govern o r of journey. Finance and Prosperity I. (0) ProfessionJsenice : Cons ide r the houses 2, 6 and 10 (2nd-bank balance, se lf-acqui si tion: 6th- services rendered, day to day attendance ,on duty and thereby earning: being 12th from the 7th denotes loss La others and gain to self, hence receiving money rrom others: IOthproress ion, either in independe nt vocation or in service). Sun is the chief governor o f profe ss ion.

14 (b) Consider the houses I, 5 and 9th for change of profession or service (being 12th from 2. 6 and \0 respectively), (c) Consider the ho uses 2. 6, 10 and I t f or promotion, Tl se career or fortune; or for re-instatement in se rvice. . In . (d) Consider the houses 3, 10 and 12 for transfer m serv ice with cha ... ge of place (l Td- journey; being 12t h from the 4th shows abse nce of the present res idence i.t.'. change of - place; 101hcmploymcrll ; 12th- life in com pletely unf a miliar atmosphe re ). (el Consi der the ho uses r, 8, (1st is 12th from the 2nd- absence is olle form of penalty; 9th is status, pos it ion, power and name: 9 &12 fo r s u ~ pension from se rvice of se lf earning; 8th- suspcltsiOIl 12th fronl Ihe IOth- absc llce of 12th- loss in general). 12 for ret ire ment from service or di smissa l: o r lo lk of lifc (5t h is the 12t h fro m 6 i.e. abse nce o f ty); a lso con. ~idc r the house 8 if the 1 ativc comes atui ty and provident fund. 2 (0) Finance." Considcr the n(J\L:;'cs 2. 6 and 11 for In ( f) Cons ider the hou ses 1. . 5: 9 and any nHHU1Cr. (b) Cons ider the ho uses 2. 3. 6 ,l1ld (3rd - lo Hcry and help fro m o thers ). (~) J I for gain of lo ttery Co nsider the hou ses 2. 5, 6 and II for gain from speculation and race (5th- in clination for specu lation). Jupiter i~ the chief governo r ()f money. 3. JlUiepelldl'lIl bll.sille.{$ : COIIs ider the houses 2, 7 and 10 (7th dealing .s wit h others, purch;\s.:: and sa le of production: it is the main house fo r business). 4. Significators Th e affairs or mailers s ignified by any ho use arc judged from (he sigl1ificat o rs of that ho use. So the occu pant. the owner. a planet in the sta r o f Ihe occupant and a planet in the SlOr or Ihc owner or lhat hou se become the s ignif icalors o f that. house. He nce notc" th e signific<lt o rs. Exn mple birth horoscope no. I The sig nifLcators of each house are :abl cs A. B a nd C. ShOW1\ in the accompanying ss of Sta tus in an y wa regular attendance on du , under the scheme of gr gain of mo ney

15 Plan et Sun Occupant of th e house 6 Table A Owner o f Slar the hou se Lord 8 Jup. Occupant of the ho use 10 Owner o ' the house J. 12 Moo n 2 1 Me r. 7 6, 9 Mars 7 4, 11 Kctu 8 6. 9 Mer. 7 6, 9 Sal. 4 I, 2 Ju p. 10 3, 12 Sal. 4 I. 2 Yen . 6 5, 10 Jup. [0 3, [2 Sat. 4 I, 2 Sun fi 8 Rahu 2/ 3 3, 12 Mer. 7 6, 9 Kelu 8/9 6, 9 M llrs 7 4, 11 Explanatio/l : Sun is the occupant of 6, the owner o f 8: Sun is in the Slar Jupiter Ihe occupant of 10 and Ihe own er of 3 and 12. So Sun is Ihe significalor of the hou ses 6, 8; to, 3 alld 12; i t 'Signifies the matters of these houses and 50 on with other planets . Table 8 Hou se Significalor Planets S, I Mo, J, 2 M, Mo , J , Sa, R J, V, R 3 S, 4 Ma , Mo, J , Sa, K 5 V 6 S, M, Ma, Me, V, R, 7 M, Ma, Mo, R, K 8 S, Ma , Sa, K 9 M, Ma , Me, R, K 10 S, J, V II Ma, K 12 S, V, J. R Table C Planet Ho uses signified 6, 8. 10, 3. 12, S" M oo n 2. 7. 6, 9 Mars 7, 4 , II , 8, 6, 9, Me r. 7, 6, 9 , 4, I , 2, Jup. 10, 3, 12, 4, I , 2, K Yen . 6, 5 , 10, J , 12 Sat. 4, I. 2, 6, 8 Rahu 2, 3. 12, 7, 6, 9 Ketu 8, 6. 9, 7, 4, II Explanation : The tables Band C have been prepared from the table A. The table B shows the signifieators for eac h of the 12 houses. The significators of Ihe ho use I a re Me . J, Sa . The significalors of the house 6 are S, M, Ma, Me, v, R, Ki hence Ihey signify th e matt e rs of Ihat house and so on for other hou ses. The table C shows the houses signified by each of the 9 planets. Moon is the si gnificator of the houses 2, 7, 6, 9. Sat urn is the -significator of the houses 4, 1.2, 6,8; hence it signifies the matte rs -of these houscs and so o n for o t her plancts.

16 5. SignitL:.~ators in thdr order In th~ horoscope the sign is on the cusp of each house. i\ planet always occ upi es the Sig ll and it~ strength is determined lu:cording as it occupiL:s its OWI1 sign. exalted sign or debi li ta ted sign. So the occllpanl in a sign is strong er than the owner of the sign. The sign i:o, the 1/12111 pari or the Zodiac, whi le the Constellation or Star is the 1/27lh pan of the Zodiac. So the Constellati on or Star is stronger than the s ig)]. Hence the planet in the: star is sll"O l lger than ils Star lord (which may be either the ocCupall( Of ilh~ owner of the sign) , The occupant (planet) in ;! sign mostly gives the results of till: hOlls e occupied hy it . So the planet in the star b(,ttcr gives the results of the hO llse oculpied hy its star lord. Keeping these principles ill mind the order or s trength of the signilieators of each house should bc determined as under: Pl:mct in the oC~lIpant's star A p!a l'e\ in the star or [he llCCllP:~I1. t of a house is stronger than the occ upant. So it should be giv.::n tirsl preference as a significHtol" of that house. because it is strongest to give the results of the house occLlpicd by its Star lord. Tile occlIplmt remaills as a weak signili cHtor of that hOllse. In the example birth horoscope no. I. S:,\UrIl is thc occu pant or the 4th house. Mercury and Jl1piter arc in the star of Saturn the occupa nt. So they aTe stronger than their star lo rd Saturn. because they are the stro ngest to give the results of the 4th house. Hence Mercury and JlIpiter an:: thc strong signifieators of the 4th and Saturn is a weak significator. Occupant If there is no planet ill the occupant's Star. the occupant becomcs the strong signifk:ltor of th at hOllse ilnd it is strong to give tllc results of t hat hOllse. So the second preferencc shou ld be given tothe occupant of that hou sc. In the ex<\mpk birth horoscope no. I, Moon and Rahu arc till: occupants of t he 2nd house. Thcrl: is no planct in their stars. So they arc the strong signifi ,:ators oC the 2nd house and they ar..:; strong to give the results of IIll: 2nd house. oi a house is strongcr tha n the owner. So it becomes a strong signifieat or of that house and it is strong to give the results of that housc. Hence the t hird preference should be given to thc planct in the owner' s star and the owner remains a weak signifieator of that hOlls.:.'. 01),'11Cr Planet in the owner's star If the hOllse is VaCallt, thc planet in the star of t he

17 Tn the example birth horosco pe no. I, the ltd and the 12th houses are vacant. J upiter is the owner of these houses. Sun and Venus the star of Jupiter th e owner. So they are stro nger than their Star lord Jupiter to give the tesults of the led and the 12th. Hence Sun and Venus are the strong significators of the houses 3 and 12, while Jupiter is a weak significator. Owaer If the house is vacant and if there is no planet in the owner's star, the owner itself becomes the strong significator of that house a nd it is strong to give the results of that house. So the 4th preference should be given to the own er of that house. In the example birth horoscope no. I, the 5th house is vacant. Venus is the owne r of the 5th.. There is no planet in the star of Venus the owner. So Venus becom es the strong significat or of the 5th house and it is strong to give the result s of the 5th ho use. Planet Ja Conj. or Aspect (a) A planet in conj. or association with, or aspected by a significator gives the results of the house or houses denoted by that sign ificator . So the last preference should be given to the pl anet in conj . or as pect with that significator. In the example birth horoscope no . I, Sun is in conj. with Venus the significat or of the 5th ho use (as discussed above). So Sun \Io'il\ give the results of th e Sth house as denoted by Venus the significator. Moo n and Rahu are aspected by Jupiter the significato r of the 4th house (as already discussed). So botb Moon and Rahu will give the results of the 4th house as denoted by the significator Jupiter. (b) A planet aspecting the house may be considered as the significator o f that house. In the examp.le birth horoscope no. I, Saturn aspects the 7th, I I th and 2nd cusps. So it becomes the significator of these houses. Similarly Ju piter aspects the lrd, Sth and 7th cusps. So it becomes the significator of thes e houses and so on with other planets. Hence it may be said that planets e.g. Me rcury and Jupiter in the ' Star of Saturn will indicate the matters of 2, 7 and 11 and so o n with other planets.

18 Example Birth Horoscope No.1. Table-House wise Signijico{ors ill Ilre;r order This table is prepared according to the rules discussed above. It is self explanatory as under I House Planet in the Occupant Planet in Owner Planet ill Con}. or occupant's oJtI,e Ihe owner's oj the aspect with tfre slar house star house strong significator (a) I 2 3 4 5 Asc None None (Me, J) Sa -; Sa, M, R 2 None (M, R) Me, J Sa K' - ', 3 None None (S, V) J 4 (Me, J) Sa K Ma - ; Sa, M, R 5 None None None (V) S (Sa) S 6 Me,J Non e (V) M, R Me S 7 (M, R Me K , -' ' , (K) M. None M 8 (Ma) K Sa S J , M, R 9 Non e No ne (M, R) Me K; - ; 10 (S, V) J None V "II None None (K) Ma 12 None None (S , V) J Explanation.' The planets in (Italics) are the strong signiflcators of th e house shown against them in the column (a), while the other planets remain as weak significators of that h Ollse; e.g. (S, V) are the strong significatof5 o f the houses 3, 10 and 12. So they a rc strong . to give {he result s of these houses and so on. lh~ir 6. Rahu & Ketu and significance 1. Rahu-Ketu as agent Rahu or Ketu is not allotted the ownership of any sign. It o nly occupies the sign in a house. So Rahu or Ketu works as an agent or representativ e of : (a) the planet with whom it is in conj. or aspect. (b) the owner of tbe sign in whicb it is placed. Example birth horoscope no. 1 . ' (a) Rahu occupies the hOllse 2, it is in conj. with Moon which owns 7 and occu pies 2. So it will work as an agent cf Moon and it will signify the matters of t he houses 2 and ,7. . . Rahu is aspected by Mars which owns 4, 11 and occupies 7 . So if will indicate the matters of the houses 4, 7 and II as all agent of Mars .

19 Rahu occupies Pi, ces the sign owned by Jupiter and it is also 3spected by Jupit er which owns 3, 12 and occupies 10. So as an agcnl of Jupiter it will denote th e matters of 3, 10 and 12 . (b) Ketti occ upies the house 8, it is aspeeted by Moon which owns 7 and occupie s 2. So it will signify the matters of 2 and :7 as an a!cnt of Moon and also of 8 . ~ Ketu occupies Virgo the sigll oWlled by Mercury which owns 6, 9 and occ upies 7. So it will sign ify the mailers of 6, 7 and 9 as an agent of Mercury. 2. Rahu-Kctu as )'Iane( Kee ping in view the above rule and the rule that a plallet gives th e re sult s indicated by its Star lord , \',Ie may say th ilt Rahu or Kctu gives firstl y, the re s ults of the planet in c o nj. with it; second ly. t he re sults o f t he planet as pcc t ing it : thirdl y, the res ults or it s o wn star lo rd an d fo urth ly, the re sults of the owner o f the sign occ up ied by il. Example birtl/ horoscope 110 . I : (a) As Rahu is ill conj. with Moo n, it \vi l l firstl y d e no te the res ults o f Moon i.e. the mallers signified hy the hOL lses 2 a nd 7. Suppose Rahu is not in conj. or aspect with any planet, then Rahll will indicate the res lilts of its Star lord Mercury i.e. the malle rs signified by the house s 6, 7 and 9. (h) Kelu is not in conj. with any planet, bul it is aspected by Mo on. So it will give the resu lt s of Moon. 3. Rallu-Ketu as Star lord If any planet is in the Star of Rahu or Ketu, thai planet will sigllify the matt ers of the house occupied by Rahu or Ketu; that planet will indica Ie the matter s of the house owned and occupied by the Star lord of Rahu or Ketu ; that planet will denote the matters of the house occupied and owned by the owner of the sig n occupied by Rabu or Ketu. Example birth horoscope 110. 1 .' (al The planet Mars is in the star of Ketu whi ch occupies 8. So Mars will give the results of the house 8. (b) The Star lord of Ketu is Mars which occupies 7, owns )~ and 11. So the plane t Mars will give the results of the houses 4, 7 and 11. :y.3 (c) Ketu occupies V irgo the sign owned by Mercury wh' h occupies 7, owns 6 and 9. So the planet Mar s will give the re!l1~ '/0 10 ofr: tlr& lhouses 6, 7 and 9.

20 4. Rahu-Keta as SigaifiClltor Rahu or Keto is stronger than any planet. So, if R ahu or Ketu represents any significator planet, Rahu-Ketu should be given first preference as a significator in place of that significator planet. Example birth horoscope no. J: Rahu represents Moon, Mars and Jupiter. So when we have to con sider Moon, Mars or Jupiter as a significator of the matter under consideration, Rahu should be given first preference as a significator in place of Moon, Mars or Jupiter. Similarly, Ketu represents Moon and Mercury. So Ketu should be prefe rred as a significator in place of the significator Moon or Mercury. 5. Rahu and Ketu are not to be treated as retrograded planets, bec~use their natural moveme nt is in the opposite direction. 7. General Strength of a Planet Strength by house I. A planet mostly gives the results of the house occupied by it and its owner comes next in order. 2, Of the houses the angles stand first in strength, next the succeedents and then the cadents. 3. The owner of the house 6, 8 or 12 (as counted from any particular house to be judged) becomes weak, evi l or malefic in effects. Strength by sign . I. A planet is strong when it is in its own or exalted sign. It is weak or afflicted in its detriment or fall (debil itated) sign. 2. The nature of the sign (e.g. cardinal or movable, fixed, or com mon or mutable; fiery, earthy, airy or watery; fruitful or barren; human or best ial; mute or voice; masculine or feminine etc) on the cusp and that occupied by a planet influences the affairs of the house and the planet. StrenJth by aspeel I. . A planet in conj. or aSSOCiation with, or aspected by a alefic (i.e. the ow ner of 6, 8 or 12) becomes weak or afflicted. 2. An aspecting planet modifies th e results of the hous~ matters according as it is a natural benefic or malefic, friendly or inimical. Example birth horoscope no. 1. I. In the horoscope where t he results of a house are to be offer~d by an occupant or owner itself, the stre ngth of the occupant or owner may be examined, and where the results of a house are

21 to be offered by the planet in the occupant's or owner's star, the strength of t he star lord may be examined. 2. Sun and Venus are in the star Jupiter which is in the 10th angle. So Sun and Venus become strong by house and they are powerful to give the result s or' their star lord Jupiter. The results of the 2nd house are to be offered by the occupant Moon (because there is no planet in Moon's sta r). Moon is in conj. with the natural malefic Rabu and it is aspected by the own er of 12 (Jupiter). So Moon becomes weak in offering good results of the 2nd hOl lse to the extent desi red . 8. A planet or house 'Connected With' 1. A planet tonnected with another planet (a) Suppose Jupiter occupies Capricorn o r Aquarius; or (b) it is in the star or sub of Saturn; or (c) it is in conj. with or aspected by Saturn, then it may be said that Jupiter is connected with Saturn . 2. A planet connected with any house (a) Suppose Jupiter is the owner or Star lo rd or Sub lord of the ascending degree (the cusp of the 15t house or Asc); or (b ) it occupies the I st house; or (c) it aspects the 1st house; or (d) it is in t he star or sub of th e occupant o f the 1st house: o r (e) it is in the star or sub of the owner of the 1st house: or (0 it is in conj. with o r aspected by the owner of the l SI house, then it may be saia that Jupiter is connec ted with th e 1st house. 3. A house or its owner connecled with Ihe house 6, 8 or 12. (a) Suppose t!>e ow ner of 6, 8 or 12 occupies or aspects the 4th house, then ii may be said that th e 4th house ;s connected with the house 6, 8 or 12. (b) I. Suppose the ow ner of the 4th house occupies the hp use 6. 8 or 12; or 2. it is in the star of the ow ner of the ho use 6, 8 or 12; or 3. it is in cQnj . with or aspeeted by the owner of the house 6, 8 or 12, then it may be said that the owner oi the 4th is conne cteJ with the house 6, 8 or 12. . Thus the term 'Connected with ill any manner' is very widt in its meaning.

22 4~Example birth horoscope no. 1. ' . Generally speaking the occupant or owner of the house , theplanet in the star of the occupant or owner of the house anq the planet in conj. or in aspect with the significator of that house come under the category o f the ~ignificators of that house and these significators are termed as connecte d whh that house . . In this birth map Jupit,er is the occupant of 10 and the ow ner of 3 and 12; the planet Sun is in the star of Jupiter the occupant of 10 and the owner of 3 and 12; and the planet Venus is in conj. with the significator o f 10, 3 and 12 (Sun). Thus Jupiter, the planet Sun and the planet Venus come und er the category of the significators of 10, 3 and 12. So they are termd as 'conn ected with' the houses. 10, 3 and 12. The term 'connected with' has been used in this sense throughout the book. _ Broadly speaking Jupiter, the planet Sun and the planet Venus are the significators of 10, 3 and 12, but strictly speaking th e planet Sun (which has to give the results of its star lord Jupiter) is the sig nificator of 10, 3 and 12. However, the term 'significator' has been used in bot h the sense according as the case may be throughout th~ book. ' ,--:, , Lastly, Sun is in the star Jupiter owning 3, 12 and occupying 10; it is in the sub Satur n owning 1, 2 and occupying 4. Now to facilitate distinction between the matters of the star lord and that of the sU;b ~ord, it may be said that Sun is the sign ificato!" of 10. 3 and 12; and connected with 1, 2 and 4. This procedure may be adopted for all planets. ) , ~" '''9. A planet or house harmonious or detrimental , :fI.armonious and ' Detrimental Houses for different matt'ers are shown below : ,'i subject , Subject ~rlj 2:tO!lq 2E 1 0 '1. LongevIty 2. ea} h . e~1! rl:liV<,. b!7jo~l!.rno~, 2 :Ji'.IJ oIl , 2')1':1 " nJ> Houses Harmonious ' Detrimental 8 1, , 3 2 7, 12, Badhaka j r 'or)lfI~~ ~il'Hon 11 li- :;) ,

,. .t " 1 ~,1ff 'v' ~ 4. Education -m Cdnsulkd'oItlM'(W travel 1 5f1 WO ~~ 01'11 '10 , 'jfl \V O ~11t).1l1b ; fJ 2 14J;!V{'l, ~r~ 10 l El a orll '(d b~ :;cFJ; 1,\) fLl iw .t4~o ~ 16 4, 9, 11 6, 8, 12 6, 8, 12 3, 8 _ . 3'jlJ 5~1 1'0 ' I i . f. , 3, od '{dIp j~,rt~ .~[ 108,0 9, 12 SI l O 2, J}8 ;1 ;~lJbrl :J ill rlliw

It wilL be clear from the above table that the hou1ies (~ Be - onsidered for a pa rticular subject matter are " harmeniom1 ;:; mnc that subject matter,. e.g. the houses .2, 6 and 10 are harrn{)ni~ to the matters of. serVIce. and soon wIth oth er houses. 1)101 'tS 12 ~ rl J Similarly the houses which denote negatip;t\ or d enial~f'the ~Jters of the houses to . be considered are 'detrimental' to th~~lIs~ j;t~tt>:e .conside,red, e.g. the hous~s 1, 5 and 9 being. l~th fr, ffi ~ iPrand 0 ~espectIvely denote negatIOn of the. matterssIgmfied. . ~ 1::JI \)1(1) . So th e house~ 1, 5 and 9 are 'detrImental' to the ho~s~.~, L" an ; l~ I ~ "J , I .and so on wIth other houses . '. . . '. . ' . / lim!; . ~ .\) b o h.~q A planet har monious or detrimental . . . .12 2ti ,1o!soil ingiz 1. A planet harmonious to an y house ;' . In '6itlw,!1tfrl2tIU1 abQte table the occupant or owner of 2, 6 or 10, theJ2plan~b m uthf ~"'ar of the occupant or owner of 2, 6 or 10 'n conj . . -or in aspect with the significator of 2, 6 or 1 the category of the significato rs of 2, 6 harmonious to the houses 2, 6 and 10; and ~ib~H.{Jd II} J d ~[qmcx~~ 2. A planet detrimental to any house : (a)JJlp.~H~y!ruw..bQ\)~wner of 1, 5 or 9, the planet in the star of the . ta f -of 1, 5 or 9 and the planet in conj. or in tll . of 1, 5 or 9 which come under the ca ?l 1, 5 and 9 . show negation of the matters So the significators of I, 5 and 9 are te 110uses 2, ' 6 and to. ' . . ' ITrSX5 . A ..a'li gmc:u,q . '.. , . . ' )IiBnI u 21 (b) A planet 111 6, 8 or 12 sign (hol}~Jo~ qsmp1iru!r~Th ib'bi'B'(fn sign (house) becomes detrimental tO j .t~'l:,11.~ ttt;.r.s .of.1that hQu se 1 . d b tl I t) ' .so-ffl n,. <. :Lll 21 U i ,ll>1 I.(l) .( owne . y 1e pane ' . rlw I.Hls5I o2I 21 r!l ol d ut>. 2H . (c) A planet pl aced j n 6, 8 or J g~ a!iJ rHol!j~9Hfr}111t ~"'f; \!o~e under consid. e ration becomes detri~1tt~~~ilf:Mzl:h~ni:wnf:i1s 2RtJ2~\1e house under considera tion . .' ,EQ l 1E:)( 5lh ni wsJ ni 2:}ibuJ2 (d) The owner of the house 6, 8 or 12 alf rldIuil!Oeltlon~qndlthe house under consideration becom~~ ~ rifM~~1 tIl j ~b{2 Illf.tterS(~:pf of the house under consideratiol1}mqu:J:;o :;ri! 10 1 S1Z 5I h ni ili 1 0 , . .' . .' 'lo iJdlingi2 ~rlt rIJiw to~q2 n i 10 Q ,t.> 10 21(;lilI ; ITr ~ rll o j h;Jn5mi1 t~ b 311 11 10 . U;12 $d:l o i 2i : .. ' . -. . . . .Biw to!:lq2S oi 10 . ifioo SIgmficance of the SIgmflcato\,! !.lfiJ oj ;,woinonnsrt "0 1: The significator show t1 an(tiusow!e)Pf bt\:)~~uJijorM matters especially o f the house or hbn~ . ~votaBiA1lt~ iSEJP1pf 2. The significator gives the results of its star lhhlQISb Qj;hi; s~r lord becomes the indicato.~:>t'MIgimattter8i df l41l1t):hda~f IPccupled and owned by it andals)) bru,itbe Jho~It~sttql:ol't~ abH efII :;i,h (jJ

24 3. (a) The sub lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding the mat ters of the star lord. (b) If the sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicate d by the star lord, the significator gives favourable results. (c) If the sub lo rd is detrimental to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator gi ves unfavourable results. 4. The significator gives during its period, sub perio d or inter period the results of its star lord. Or, the results of the star lord are experienced during the joint period (i.e. during the period, sub period and inter period) of the significator, its star lord and its sub lord, S. In short, the significator denotes the time when it will give the results of its star lor d. The sub lord of the significator shows whether theSe results will be favourab le or unfavourabie. Example bi. th horoscope no. 1 Education. The houses 4, 9 an O II are for education or studies; while 3 and 8 for completion or negation or d enial of studies. (a) Moon is the significator of 9 (in the Star Mercury owning 9). Its Sub lord Sun is the owner of 8 (12th from 9), so it is detrimental to th e matters of 4, 9 and 11. Hence the significator Moon cannot give favourable res ults regarding studies. Thus the native after passing his B.A. examination in th e year 1934-35 during the joint period of Venus and Moon, gave up his studies (b ) Rahu is the significator of 9 (in the Star Mercury owning 9). Its sub lord is also Rahu which is harmonious to the matters of 4, 9 and 11, Hence the .ignifica tor Rahu will give favourable results regarding studies. Thus the native prosecu ted his further studies in Law in the year 1939 during the period of Venus in th e sub period of Rahu. (c) In short if the sub lord is the owner or occupant of 3 or 8; or is in the star of the occupant or owner of 3 or 8; or is in conj. or i n aspect with the significator of 3 or 8, it is said to be detrimental to the ma tters of 4, 9 and 11. If the sub lord is the occupant or owner of 4, 9 or 11; or is in the star of the occupant or owner of 4. 9 and 11; or is in conj. or in as pect with the significator of 4. 9 or 11, it is said to be harmonious to the mat ters of 4, 9 and 11. In other words, if the sub lord is the significator of 4, 9 or 11 it is said to be harmonious to and connected with the matters of 4, 9 and 11. If the sub lord is the significator of 3 or 8 it is detrimental to the matt ers of 4,9 and II and it is said to be connected with 3 and 8.

25 Marriage. The houses 2, 7 anei 11 are for and to marriage; while 1, 6 for denial of marriHge. (a) Moon is the significator of 7 (in the Star Mercury in 7). Its sub lord Sun o ccupie. 6 (121h from 7), so it is detrimental to Ihe matters of 2, 7 and 11. Hen ce the significator Moon cannot give favourable results regarding marriage. Tl1u s the native could not marry during the joint period of Venu s and Moon. (b) Rahu is the signifieator of 7 (in the Star Merc ury in 7). Its sub lord i~ a l so R:.lhu which is harmoniou'\ to the matters of 2, 7 and II. Hence the signif iealol' Rahu will give favourable result s regarding marriage. Thus the native c ould marry in tile year 1937 during the period of Venu s in the sub period of Ra hu . (c) In short if Ihe sub lord is the significator of I, 6 or 10 it is detrim ental (0 the matt e rs of 2, 7 and II and it is said to be connected with 1 6 an d 10. ., Jf the sub lord is the signilicator of 2. 7 or II it is said to be harm onious to and connccted with the matters of 2, 7 and 1J. Goverllmelll loan . The houses 2, 6 and 11 are for gain any manner; while 8 and in 12 for repaymenl of money or loss of or money mo ney Ln any manrlcr. Moon ow ns 7 (Gov!. 01' Co -o perative Society).lt is the the significatol' of 6 (receipt of loan) and 7 (money lender), because it is in th e star M erc ury ow ni ng 6 and occ upying 7. The star lord rvlercury is aspeclcd by Saturn owning 2 (money) and Jupiter owning 12 (investment or rCptt ynlcnt o f money). So Mercur y is conllccted with 2 and 12. Hence Moon signifies the matters of 2, 6,7 aRd 12. Its slib lord Sun own s 8 (repayment o f loan) and occupies 6 (receipt of loan). So ~un is harmonious to the malters of 2, 6, 7 and 12 as indicaled by lhe sta r lord Mercury. Hence the significator Moon shows Govt. or Co- operative Society as the so urce of an event and it will give during its period favourable results of the star lo rd. Thus during the period of Moon in Ihe year 1958- 59 the native could receive loan fro m Gavt. through the Co-operative Society for constructing a building o n the plot of the Society subject to it s repayment. ReNremellt from Service .' The houses I, 5, 9 and 12 are for retirement from se rvice. The native retired f rom seTvice on 8-6-1.970 during the joint period of Mars, Mercury and Saturn the significators of 1, 5. 9 and 12.

26 Sub lord Star lort! Planet Period ruler Ma. owning II K.represents Me. owning 9 V. owning 5 R.represents Sub Period ruler Me. owning 6 Sa. owning 1 J.owning 12 K. denotes9 Inter Period ruler Sa.ownillg 2 S. conj. V. owning 5 Thus the joint period rulers Mars, Mercury and Saturn are respectively the owner s of II, 6 and 2. So they denote service as the source of retirement. The period ruler Mars is the significator of 9, the sub period ruler Mercury is the signif icator of I and the inter period ruler Saturn is the significalor of 5. Their Su b lords arC also the sigllificalors of 5, 12 and 9 respectively . So they arc ha rmonious to the matters indicated by the star lords Hence the significators Mars , Mercury and Saturn could during their joint period effect the event of retirem ent. 11. A planet or house and its two sided effect A planet ravourable to one and adverse to another The native of the example birt h horoscope no . I was gradu ally promoted to higher posts in service during the period of Sun (13-12-1949 to 13-12-1955). So Sun proved a benefic planet to him ; while Sun proved a malefic planet to his father because it caused his death d uring its period on 1-10-1955. I. 2. (a) The houses 2, 6 and 10 are for se rvice. Sun is in the star Jupiter in th e 10th. So it is the signifLcato r of 10 (promotion in service and status) the h ouse of desirable or agreeable matters to the native . Its sub lord Saturn owns 2 and it is harmonious to the matters indicated by the star lord (Jupiter). Henc e Sun gave favourable results in service during its period and proved bene fic 1 0 the nati ve. (b) The badhaka and maraka houses show death . Counted from the 9 th cusp (Asc for the native', father) Sun is in the star Jupiter which becomes t he owner of the badhaka and maraka house 7 and the occupant of the maraka house 2. So Sun becomes the significator of the badhaka and maraka houses for tl,e nat ive's father: these houses signify undesirable and adverse matters to the father . Its sub lord Saturn becomes the owner of 6 (sickness) and the occupant of 8 (d eath) and the significator of tbe maraka house 12 (being in the star Sun owning 12) as counted from the 9th cusp so it is connected with the matters of the badh aka and maraka hou~es to the father as

27 indicated by the sla r lord (Jupiter). Hence Sun gave adverse res uh s in respec t of longevi ty du ring its period and proved malefic to the native's falher. 3 . Thus il may be sa id that the significator which is favourab le to you, may pr ove unfavourable or malefic to your father, mother or children etc. Similarly Ih e ho use which shows desirable, agreeable or favourable matters to you, may deno te undesirabl e, adverse or unfavourable matters to your father. mothe r or chil dren etc. A planet both favourable and adverse to the native l. In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the nativc suffered from chronic asthama tic condition every now and then during the whole period of Moon (13-121955 to 13 -12-1965). So it proved malefic in respecl of health ; while it proved benefic i n service because the nat ive was promoted to the highest pos t carrying respons ibilities, slatus and pos itio n with powers during hi s service career in thi s period of Meon . 2. (a) The house 6 denotes sickness and disease. Moon is in the sta r Mercu ry w hich OWI1S 6 and occupies 7 (maraka). So it is the significator of 6 and 7 Ihe h o uses of undesirable and adverse matters in respecl of health. Its sub lord Sun owns 8 (chronic ailment and tro ubles) and occupies 6. So Sun is connected with the matters indicated by the slar lord (Mercury). Hence Moon gave unfavourable result s in respect of heallh and proved malefic . (b) The house 6 also shows service matters. Moon js in the star Mercury which ow ns 6. So it is lhe s ignifica lo r of 6 the house of des irable, ag reea ble or advantageous matters to the native. lts sub lo rd Sun occ upies 6 and it is the significalor of 10 (being in the Star Jupiter in 10). So Sun is harmonious to th e matters of the slar lo rd (Mercury) . Hence M oon gave favourable res ult s in respect of service and proved benefic 3. Thus it may be said that ne ithor any planet no r any house is wholly benefic or wholly malefic. But a pl a net is benefic to you if it is in the star of the occupant or owner of the house signifying desirable matters which you expect; a nd if its sub lo rd is connected with with th e matters of that house. so that y ou may enjoy the re sull s in full. 12. Elimination of Significators I. An event happens during the joint period (i.e. during the period, sub period, inter period and sookshma period) of Ihe significators of the houses under cons ideration.

28 2. Tn cases where the signiftcators of the houses under consideration exceed mor e than four, the unimportant s ignificators s hould tie eliminated as under: (a) Preference should be given to Rahu any significator. Of Kclu if it represents . (b) The planet whose sublord is the significator of detrimental to the hOllse or houses under consideration eliminated first. the house sho uld be 3. The order of the period rulers becomes fixed according to the s ign pos itio n of Moon al the time of birth in each casco So one cannot avoid thi s. Hence if the period ruler is in any manner connected whh the matter of the hou se under consideration o r if it be the chief governor of the matter under cOJ1siderattOl i., it is to be considered as all j m paTtant s ign ifica tor or the matter unde r co nsidcra t ion. Example birth horoscope Longe~'ity (~llhe 110. 1 Planet in conj. or aspect with significator K S. House 2 5 10 3 flative's mother Planet in Occupant oceupanes star None None M,R (11 frol114 ) (2 from 4) (7 from 4) (12 from 4) S,v None None J None Planet in owner s star Me , .r None None S,V Owner Sa I! V J As Ketu repre s. nts !'vlaon, omit Mo o n and ret a in Ketu. As Suns c sublard Sa turn occupies the 151 house of the 1111)ther omit it. So Ketll, Venus "nd Rahu b ecome the final significators of the badhaka and ma rakH houses as counted fro m the 4th for the native's mother. The native' s mother died on 1-11 - 1923 durin g the joint period of Ketu. Venus and Rahu . Marriar.:.e , House Planet in occupant's star None M,R K None Occupant M,R Me Ma None

Planet in ow ner's star Me,J None K Owner Sa M Ma 2 7 II Planet in conj. or aspect with significalor K K Moon is in the sub Sun which occupies the 6th, so omit it. Mercury, Ketu, Rahu a nd Jupiter are in the s llb Rahu which occupies the 2nd and which is the signifi cator of the 7th. So retain them .

29 II may he nOled lha l th e nati ve passe d the pe ri ods o f M e rc ury ;,,,d Ke tu in hi s child hood . The peri od of Rohu wi ll s tart in hi s "Id age and the re is n o , cope fo r th e p e riod of Ju piter. So these ~ i gnifi cator plane ts will wo rk ~l S s ub pe ri od , inl e r period or sooks hma period rulers. Th e nati ve was ru nning th e peri o d o f Ve n us si1\\:c 13 - 1- 1929 a nd it c o ntinu ed up to 13- 1- 1949. Ve nu s is th e c hi e f governor of marriage. It is in the !H a r of Jupiter a nd in t he sub Sa tLLrn owning 2. Th e star lord J upit e r as pects th e 7t h c usp. Moo n owning 7 . Mercury in 7 a nd Ra hu in 2 . So Ven us is a stro ng significat o r of marriage. The nati ve got m a rried o n 13- 12- 1937 du ring th e joint of Venu s, R ahu , Jup iter a nd Ra h u. pe r iod 13. Cuspal sublord and its Subject matter Significance of the cuspal sub lord The c us pa l sublord o f a hOllse indicatc :-; wh e th e r signifi ed by t ha t ho use is nrom iscd or de ni ed. the matter If t he cus pal s ub lo rd of t hal ho use ;s th e signi licn t o r of th a t hO llse o r an yo ne o f th e h Ollses unde r conside ra ti o n , the matter signi fied by th a t hou se will be pro mi sed . As eac h house deno tes severa l pn rti c ul a r ma n e rs, the c hjef governor o f th e ma tt er to be ju dged, may be ta ke n in to con side ra t ion. If' it be eo nn cc tc u v.,: jlh t he h o u ~e o r a nyo ne o f the hou ses u nd er co nsidc r:Hioll . cs peci;.dl y with the st a r lo rd th e c lispal su blord , it is de sira ble. or The princ ip le rcgar<iillg th e s ignifi cal o rs c.xpla ined in the c hapte r. . Sigll[(icQrors in their (lr(/er' sho uld al ways be kept in mind. Time of e"ent If ho u se, matter results th e cu spal s ub lo rd of a hOll se p romises then o nl y during the joint peri od o f th e sig nified by the house o r hou ses und er o f that ma tter arc expe rienced ; o lherwise tllC ma tter of that significato rs o f th'e consideration, the not.

30 Table For reference in the example birth horoscope no. I. Cusp Asc Sub R Ma R Me Planet Hotlse Significator oJ 2 3 4 6 5 7 V V Ma R R 8 9 II 10 V S Me 12 Houses In owns In owns In owns. 6 8 J 10 3.12 Sa 4 1,2 Sun Me 7 7 Mars 7 4, I I K 8 6,9 V 6 5, I0 7 6,9 Sa 4 1,2 R 2 3, 12 Mer 1,2 R 2 3,12 Ven 6 5,10 J 10 3.12 Sa 4 1,2 4 1,2 S 6 8 K 8 6,9 6,9 R 2 3, 12 Rahu 8 6,9 Ma 7 4,11 R 2 3, 12 Ketu Rahu being in denotes the house 7; it bemg aspected by Mars denotes 4, 7 and s pee ted by Jupiter denotes 10. Slar Connected witir Sub Houses Ketu being aspected by Moon denotes the houses 2 and 7. Cusp and subject matters Longevity : I. If the sublord of the Asc (ascending degree) is the owner of :(a) the hou se 6, 8 or 12 a sho rt life (up to 33 years) is indica 6,9 S 6 8 Moon 2 Jup 10 3,12 Sa 4 Sat 2 3,12 Me 7 conj . with Moon I I; and being a

ted. (b) the house I, 5, 9 or 10 a long life (beyond 66 years); (c) the house 6, 8 cr 12 and I , 5, 9 or 10 a middle life (up to 66 years) is denoted. Besides, if this sublord is the significator (i.e. in the star of tho occupant or owner) o f the badhaka and the mara ka houses , it is. not a good sign for long life. Lik ewise, consider the sublords of the 3 I'd and ti,e 8th cusps al so. 2. (a) In th e example birth horoscope no . I, the longevity of the na tive's mother may be e xamined. Consider the sublord of the 4th cusp (the Asc for the mother). Its subl ord Mercury is the owner of' the 6th counted from the 4th cu sp. It is in the st ar of Saturn which is the owner of the badhaka house II counted from the 4th cus p. So the sublord of the mother's Asc (Mercury) is the significator of the badha ka house. Hence the longevity of the nati ve's mother is short . (b) Venus is th e sublord both of the 8th and the 3rd cusps. co unted from the 4th cusp. It is i n the star of Jupiter which is the owner of the maraka house 12 and which is the occupant of the

31 maraka house 7 counted from the 4th cusp. So Venus is th significator of the mar aka houses for the mother. Hence the life of the nathe's mother is short. (c) Th e native's mother died on 1-11-1923 during the joint period of Ketu, Venus and R ahu the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses as the counted from the 4 th cusp. Health: If the sublord of the Asc (ascending degree) is in the star of the occupant of the house I or II, health is normal. If it is in the star of the occupant or owner of 6 (sickness Of disease). S(danger to life) or 12(bed ridden sickness). it is not good for healt h. In the example birth horoscope no. I the sub lord of the Asc is Rahu. It is i n the star of Mercury owning 6 and occupying 7. So it becomes the significator o f 6 and 7 (maraka). Hence the native will suffer from disease or sickness. Disea se: If the sublord of the 6th cusp is in the star of the occupant or owner of 6 or 1 the native may suffer from disease. (a) [n the example birth horoscope no. I cusp is Venus. It occupies the 6th (there is so it is the strong significator of 6). 1t is in the Ase. Hence it is the significator of 1 and suffer from disea se. the sublord of the 6th no planet in its star, the sub Saturn owning 6. So th e native \vill (b) The native became susceptible 10 asthamatic condition since 1951 in the join t period of Sun and Rahu. The sub periods of Moon, Rahu and Saturn indicate illhealth, because they are the significators of 6 and connected with I. 8 and 12. 1n fact they proved evil to the native for health. Accident: If the sublord of the Asc or of the Hlh eusp is in the star of the occ upant or o\vner of the 8th or 12th the native will meet \vith an accident. If the sub lord is in the star of the occupant or owner of 8, 7 or 2 the acciden t will prove fatal. If it is in the star of the occupant or o\vner of 2 or 7 and 11 the native will survive. [n the example birth horoscope no. I the sub lord of the Ascand of the 8th cusp is Rahu. It is not iu the star of the occupant or owner of 8 or 12. So the nativ e will not meet with any accident in life . sub lord of the 4th cusp is Mercury or JupIter; or If It ]S 10 the star of the occupant or owner of 4, 9 or II a~d i f its star lord is connected with Mercury and/or Jupiter the natIve will get aca demic qualifications. . Education :' If the

32 (a> In the example birth horoscope no . I the sub lord of the 4th cusp is Mercur y owning 9. Moreover this sub lord j, in the star Saturn which occupies the 4th. so if is the significator of the 4th and its star lord (Sa turn) aspects both M ercury and Jupiter. hence the star lord (Saturn) is connected with them . The na tive will therefore get academic qualifications. (b) The nati ve could receive education during the periods of' Mercury, Ketu and Venus the significatiors of 4 and II lip to 1941. He got degrees ii, the sub pe riods of Moon and Jupiter the significators of 4 and 9 during the period of Venu s. cusp is in the star of" the occupant or owner of 4, 11 or 12 and Mars or SatufJl is, connected \vith this house , the native will have hi s own building. (a) In the exa mple birth horoscope no, I the sub lord of the 4th cusp is Mercury . It i!\ in the star Saturn which is in the 4th. So it is the significator of the 4t h. Hence a resid ential house of hi s own is promised to the native. (b) Mercury owns 6 (loan) and occupies 7 (Government or Co-operative Soci ety). Its star lo rd Saturn occupies 4 (land o r building). owns 2 (money) and I (self). Its sub i ord Rahu occupies 2; Rahu is in conj. with M oo n owning 7, is aspccted by Mars owning 4 and II, is as pee ted by Jupiter owning 12 (investment). Mercury is the source of an event i. c . loan from Government or B,~lding : I. If the sub lord of the 4th Co-operative Socie ty will be the so urce. Its star lord Saturn indicates the results regarding money and land or building for self. Its sub lord Rah u being connectd with 2, 4, 7, II a nd 12 (the same ma~tcrs of the sta rlord) shows that the rc su lts\vill be favou rable . In short, Merc ury indicates that th e na ti ve will gel money as loan from Govt . o r Co-operative Societ y. and will in ves t it in const ructing a building for him, (c) The native could occupy his newly constructed building during the joint peri od of Moon, Ju pi ter and Mercury the significators of 4, liar 12 in 1959. 2. If the sub lord of the 10th cusp is the signifLcator of 3 or 10 the native will be required to sell his building. In the example birth horosco pe no. I th e sub lord of the 10th cu.:; p is Merc. uT:Y, It is not 5n~ .t~e star of the . occupant or,_.~ner . of 3 or 10. So It IS n ot the s lgn lficator ' of 3 or 10. Hence t7' " native will not be required to se ll his building. / ' .

33 Marriage: If the ~:iub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator or 2, 7 or 11 the native will marry. If' it is the ~'.igniflcator of 1, 6 or 10 the native will not marry. (a) In the example birth horoscope no. I the sub lord of the 7111 CllSp is Mars. It occupies the 7th. It is in the star Ketu; Ketll represents Moon owning 7, Me rcury in 7 and its star lord Mars ()\Vlling 11 and in 7; thus KetLl has to give the results of 7 and II. Iknee Mars is the signirkator of 7 and 11. So marriage is promised to the native. (b) The native got married all 13-12-1937 during the joint period of Venus, Rahu and Jupiter the significators of 2, 7 and 11. Childr cn : If the _"lib lord of the 5th cusp is the significator of 2. 5 or II child b irth i:~ promised. If it is the signiticalor of 1, 4 or 10 child birth is not pr omised. In case or f~malC's the 5th hOllse and in case or male,> the 11th house should br2 examined t-irst. (a) In the example birth horoscope: no, I the native IS male. The sub lord of the It tit cusp is Venus. It is the owner of the 5th. There is no planet in it'> ~,t:\r and the 5th hOllse is vacant. So it i . . the St'-Ul1g signiflc<ltor or the 5th. Further Venus is ill the s.tar Jupiler the chief governor or child . ',o,c,t: hirlh ,mel .""I'):!"I " ' , J . . the .5th e us!"!. Hence Venus prom !ses i l.~ child bti"th. (b) Tile ~ub lord of the Sih CLlSP is :t\so Venus. (c) The birth o r children took p1acl": during the joint period of th'2 sigllillcators of 2. 5 o r 11 Vcnu:i, tv1ercLlry and !\'1ercury in 1946; v. .:11 tiS, Ketu and MJL; in 19 49; Sun, .Jupiter and Kett! in 1952; and Moon, Moon and Jupiter in 1956. Profession/Service: If tlF:: sub lord 0[' th e 10lh cusp or the 6th \.:ll~p is the significator of 2, 6 or 10 th(~ native \vi ll c:un money either in profession or service. (a) In the example birth ho;os::o pe 11:).! the sublord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. It is in the slar Saturn owni ng 2. So it is the sigldficator of 2. Hence the native will earn. (b) The sublor d of the 6th cusp is Venus. It occupies the 6th alld owns the 10th. There is no planet in its star. So it is the 5

34 strollg sigllificator of 6 and it being in the star Jupiter in 10, is the strong significator of 10 also. Hence service is promised . . ' (c) The native got his fim employment during the joint period of Venus, Mars and Rahu the significator s of 2, 6, 10 or II in 1936. .. Lottery: If the sub lord of the II th cusp is in the star of the occupant or owner of 2, 6 or 11 and not in the star of the I,>c cupant or owner of 8, 12 or 5 (i.e. 2, 6 and 11 from the 7th gain to the opposit e party) and if it is connected with the house 3 the Il1tive will gain through l ottery . . In the example birth horoscope no, 1 the sub lord of the 11th \,usp.i s Venus. It is not in the star of the occupant or owner of 2, 6 or II. On the co ntrary it is the owner of 5, the house 5 is vacant, there is no planet in the st ar of Venus, so Venus is the strong significator of 5. Venus is in the star of J upiter owning 12 which is vacant. So it is the strong significator of 12. Hence there is no likelihood' of winning lottery. 'Significator. The phrase 'a particu lar planet is tho significatOl of a particular house is commonly used throughout the book. In stellar astrology a planet has to give the results of its star lor d. So the term 'significator' in its strict sense is to be understood as a plane t in the star of the occupant or owner ofa house under consideration. General Instructions pertaining to any particular house, bear in mind the general principle that a pl anet gives the results of its star lord. 2. Give importance to the cuspal sublor d of the house to be judged; treat it as an ordinary planet. 3. Note its star lo rd, note the sign and the house occupied by the star lord. 4. Remember the gener al rule that each sign corresponds to a particular . house e.g. Aries to the 1st house, Cancer to the 4th and so on. Also bear in mind that each house correspon ds to a particular sign e.g. the 1st house represents Aries, the 6th house to Vi rgo and so Oil. 5. Remember the characteristics e.g. personal appearance, I. For judging any matter in the horoscope

35 dispositi o n, disease. occ upation and matters governed or dominated by eac h s ign and planet. 6. Combine the influence of the star lord, that of the sign occu pied by it and al so of the house occupied h y it suitably as the case may be; a nd foll ow the suit in respect of the cuspal sublord also. 7. The stren gth of t he c uspal sub lo rd of a house should also be examined for the affairs or matte rs of that house, ] 4. Joint Period Rulers I. The period or sub period ruler gives the results according to its natural rul ership over certain affairs o f life e.g. Venus is the chief governor of peace o r harmo ny. marriage, vehicle or happiness etc. 2. It gives favourable o r unfav o urable results of its star lord according as ir s suh lo rd is favo urable or unfavourable . 3. The period rul er, the s ub period rul er o r the int er perio d rul er each may signify matte rs of different houses i.e . different subject m atte rs both desirabl e and unde sirable. So during their joint period th ey wil l give the res ults of th e common subject matter either des ira ble o r undesir able as the case may be. Suppose th e period rukr is the sigllificalor of 2, 5 o r 11 and I , 4 o r 10 (child birth and also its denial), the n during the sub pe ri od of the sig nificato r of I , 4 or 10 there will be no child birth and if t here be any child a lread y, se parat io n fro m the c hild is likel y: and duri ng the suh period of th e significator of 2, 5 or II the hirth of a child will t ake place. 4. If the star lord (of the period rul er etc) occ Lipies 6, 8 o r 12 as co unted from its own sign (house), th en the period or sub period rule r wi ll no t give favourable results of this ho use (owned by its star lord ). 5. If the planet a nd its sta r lord arc in 6, 8 or 12 sign from each othe r, the nat ive will not g~t results to a desired extent during their joint period. I n the example birth horosco pe no . l. the pla nets (Sun and Venus) and their star lor d (Jupiter) arc in the 8th and 6th sign from each other. So du ring the joint pe riod of Venus and Jupiter (13-2-1940 to 13-1 0-1942) and during th e jo int peri od of Sun and Jupiter (1-1-1952 to 19-10-1952) the nati ve got only an ordinary temporary rise in service and not a good rise to a desired ex tent.

36 6. If the star lord of the period or sub p., iotl ruler he retrograd e , the nal ive will experience lipS and downs in general. In the example birth horoscope no. I, Sun and Venus are in the star Jupiter in t he 10th, so the native was gradually promoted to higher posts carrying position and powers . But the star lo rd Jupiter is retrograde, so reversions and promotions continued till he retired fr om service. 7. The joint period rulers generally give the re sults of the house or houses ow ned by their star lords, so their strength will depend on the strength of their star lords. 8. If the joint period rulers are in reception (in each other's sign ). in conj. or as pec t with each other, they influence the affairs of each othe r. This is based on the principle that a planet in conj. with or aspected by a s ignificator gives the rcsuhs or the hOllse or houses denoted by that sig nificat or. Tn the example birth horosco pe no. I. tl1e period ruler M ars is the sig ni ficator of printing and public:l!iol1 of books on astro logy (Mars is in the sta r Ketti on the cusp of 9 and in the sub Venu s owning 10. Ketu in 9 denotes astr ology, it being in Virgo represents Merc ury which shows .."riting'. it also r(: p rcse nt s its star lord Mars w hich indic iJtes printing. Venus be ing in the s tar Jupit er o\,.,lling 3 in 10 is the sig nificato r of publications). The gu b peri od rul e r Rahu is a spected by Mars . So Rahu \\ill give the rc s uits. indicat ed by Mars. In vicw' of this. during the joint period of Mars and Rahu t he native' s book on astro logy was printed and published i,t the year 1966-67. The activity of writing books on astrology a nd their publi ca:ioll'\ was con ti nu ed throughout the period of Mars and it was also being continued during the p eriod of Rahu which commenced on 13-12-19 72. During tile joint period of Rahu, Rahtl and Kcttl, the printing of this book was started from 3-9-1i74. Ketu being in the star Mars and in the s ub Rahu is also the s ignificator pri nting and p ubli cation. or Rahu is in the star Mercury owning 9 and ill its own s ub . The star lord Mercur y is .speeted by Jupiter owning 3 and the s tlb lo rd Rahu is aspected both by M ars and Jupiter. ,

37 J 5. Transit and Joint Period Rulers I . Arr everrt ge nerall y happens during the joi nt peri o d of t he significal ors whe n th e trans it agrees. 2. At the time of eve nt Sun, Moon o r/a nd jo i n t perio d rulers a re ge nerally fo und to be transilting in the star or s ub of the same joint period ruler or rulers (i.e. in the sta r or sub or the period , s ub period, inter period orja lld sookshma period ruk r. ) Example birth horo scope No.1. : <a) The na tives llIother died on }111923 at about 20 P.M. I.S.T duri ng the jo int perio d o f Ketu , Venus, Rahu and Jupit er. At that time SUll was transitting ill Libra 15 21' in the sta r Rahu (the inter period ruler): Moo n i n Ca ncer 8' 49' in the s ub Venu s (the sub period rul er); Ketu in Aquarius 153 2' in the star Rahu ; Ven us in Libra 2846' in the stur Jupiter (t he sookshma pe riod ruler); Rahu in Leo 1532' in the star Venus; Jupiter in Scor pio 2"8 ' in it s ow n star. (b) Th e native s fath er di ed o n 11 01 955 a t 730 P. M. I.S.T d urin g th e j o int pe riod of Sun , Venus, Saturn and Jupiter . At lhat tim e Sun sooks hm 3 period r period ruler): rul er) and Sa t I. 16. Clispa l i\1atter ami Joint Period Rulers Ca l In th c cX"lllpl e birth horo sco pe no. I, t he slib lord or the 2nd ClI Sp is Mars. It is in the star Ketu ,1l1U in the sub Venlls. After rc tir eme /lt fron1 ~.: r vic::: the n'ltive r~ ce i\' ('d a uood r1mOllnt to wards pe r iod Ma rs , K.etu grn tlil ty 011 27-6-J 970 during the j oin t - or and Ven us. (b) The iloll ses 2, 6 and II arc fo r mo netar}' gai n. No w the c uspal subl o rd or the 2nd (Milrs) is th e O\\lnc r of th e 11th hOll se w hich is vacant. I( s sta r lord Kel U repr ese n ts Moon in 2. 'M ercur y owning 6 and Ma r!'> (Ke tu 's Sl ct r lord) own ing 11 : so Mars is co nnected with 2, 0 a nd II and it rro mise'; 1inance to th e nati ve. I.ts s ubl ord Venus o\. . ns 10 and occupie s 6; so it is harmo niou s to the matters indi cated b y the star lord ( Kctu) . Hence Ma rs will in its period give 1110nerary ga in to t he nati ve; and it m ay be ro!alised d uring the j o int period of t he plan et Mars, Ihc sta r lord K etu and th e sublord Venus. was transitt ing in Virgo 14"29' in th e s ub Jupit e r (th e ruler); Moon in Pisces 11 ~ 30' in the sta r Sa turn (the inte Venll s in Virgo 22"]7' ill the sub Ven us (th e sub pe rio ti urn in Libra 2Y'27 ' in th e s ta r Jupiter.

38 (c) It may therefore be said that if the cilspal sub lord of a house is the sign ificator of the matter signified by that house, this matter will be materialised during the period etc of this cuspal sublord. (d) On 27-6-1970 Moon was transit ting in Pisces 24' 0' in the sub Mus (the period ruler), Venus in Cancer 19' 0' in the sub Ketu (the sub period ruler) and Ketu in Leo 12' 33 ' in its own star. 2. (a) In the example birth horoscope no. I, the Asc is jointly ruled by Saturn , Moon and Rahu. They all are the signjficators of I and 6 (Saturn owning 1 in s tar Sun in 6; Moon and Rahu both arc in star Mercury which owns 6 and aspects th e Asc). So the native suffered from asthamatic condition and kept bad health dur ing the joint period of Moon, Ranu and Saturn (16-10-1957 to 12-1-1968), also du ring the joint period of Moon. Saturn and Rahu (1-5-1961 to 28-7-1961), (b) It m ay therefore be said that if the joint rulers of the cusp of any house are the s ignificators of the matter signified by that house, the combined period of thesc joint rulers inter se gives the results of the same matter. (c) The native may suffer from sickness or disease during the sub periods of the significators of I and 6 or 1 and 8 or 1 and 12 in the period of the signiitcator of 6. He recover s during the sub periods of the significators of I, 5 or I\, He becomes a victim to to the disease in the sub pcriods of the significators of the badhaka and ma raka hOllses. The sign and house occupied by the star lord of the sub period rul er show the sensitive part of the body and the nature of the disease. In thc exa m pIc birth horoscope no. I, the period ruler is Moon and the sub period ruler R ahu is in the star Mercury in Cancer; while the sub period ruler Saturn is in the star Sun in G emini. Gemini governs lungs, it shows bronchitis and asthama etc. Cancer denotes stomach. it is a wate ry sign, so it indicates weak digestive power, cold, cough and asthama etc. 17. CUSp and Aspects Asc. (a) In the example birth horoscope no. I, the Asc is in apposition (180) asp ect to Mercury the owner of 6. So the planet in the star of Mercury will cause s ickness to the nalive. Both Moon and Rahu are in the star of Mercury. So during the sub periods of Moon and Rahu the health of the native was much disturbed eve ry now and then.

39 (b) The A,c is in trine (120) aspect to Saturn and in sextile ( 60) aspect to Jupi ter. So the planets in the star of Saturn and Jupiter will protect the health of the native . Both Mercury and Jupiter are in the star of Saturn: \\'hile both S un and Venus are in the star of JU')iter. So during the sub periods of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus an.d Sun the Ilative could mai ntain h is health. Me. The Mc ( 10 th cusp) is in trin e aspect to bOlh Venu s and Sun. So the planet in the star o f Venus and Sun will be favourable to the nali ve in maintaining his position in servi ce. There is no planet in the star of Venus. but Saturn is in the star of Sun. Hence during the sub periods of Saturn and Venus the native could maintain hi s position in service. 18. Sub sub in each Sub 1. Formula of Sub sub (a) Each 'sub ' is further divided into nine parts. Thi s sub divi s ion is term ed as 'sub sub'. It is based on the following formula:"Dasha years oj each plane t -+- the total number of Vimsllolfari dasha years x F.ach sub area = The longit ude or extent or area of . Suh sub' Jur each planet ill each 'Sub'," (b) The above fo rmula of derivin g 'S ub sub' in each 'Suo' is illustrated as u nder ;I. The sub area of Ketu is 0" '46' 40 " =..!. ., ' . In sub Ketll -4::_~ A rea of sub suh Ketti Area f~() x 0 l.~.'.!.' ;::: 0 2' 43 11 so 2. The sub area of Sun is 0 40' 0 " = 40'. In s ub Sun Area of .wl} .wl, S"" (j ~, -1-0 0 ' 2' 0" , r:!u "'<' - r Area of suh sub Jupiter /dh X J;~ ~ 0 5 20 ami so 0/ slIb suh Vel/tis 14 " T":! li X - -:~- ;:: "0 0 7 47 lIlIt I OIl. 011, 3. The sub area Rah u is 2" 0' 0" = 120'. In s ub Rahu Area of sub sub SatUI'l/ i~% X ..!. I :.!. = 0 ' 19' 0"

Area Area 01" 'J sub suh :}{en'l/rll . 11 I'! u v -T- " 1 :). 0 0 17 ~ O() 21' 0 alld so 011 . 4. Th e su b area or Sa t urn 1 140011 is 2 ' 6' 4 0":=..:i "!.!.. . 11\ sub Saturn of suh .H1h Venus l-l~) x .l~!.2. . .. 7" 011. Area of sub sub Tl'2~hx~j~~;:: 0 1033 Gild so Obtain the area of 'Sub sub ' for all pla nets in eac h ' slI b' in th is way. A table -; how ing 'S ub su b arl!a' in each 'sub a re a' is give n he re UItacr :

40 Table 1. Sub Ketll Sub sub area D M S V 0 2 6 00 0 20 00 sub sub K V D M S S M Ma R J Sa lI1 e

Area in each Sub 2. Sub Venus 3. Sub Sun Area Area sub sub sub D M S sub 00 0 22 12 S 0 06 40 0 3 20 S M M 0 II 07 Ma 0 2 20 Ma 0 07 47 R 0 J 0 5 20 R J 0 17 47 Sa 0 6 20

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 43 7 47 2 20 J 0 54 2 7 6 7 (, 43 00 13 23 37 Sa Me K 0 21 07 0 18 53 0 07 47 13 20 5. Sub Mor s 2 Area Me K V 0 46 40 4. Slib M ooll Area 0 0 0 0 5 40 2 20 6 40 40 00 6. Sub Ra/III Area sub sub

sub D M M Ma R .1 Sa K V S 0 0 0 0 Me 0 0 0 0 0 I sub sub .I Sa 05 33 03 54 10 00 08 10 33 09 2G 03 5, ' I I 07 03 20 06 40 S sub Ma R DM S 2 0 7 0 6 0 7 0 6 0 2 0 7 0 2 0 3 0 46 0 Area 43 suh sub R J D M S 00 1,7 43 47 20 54 40 01 -. " Sa Me K V J 13

Sa K V Me S 0 0 0 0 0 ,. v 0 0 () J\-'1 'vi Ma 7 . 0 2 18 16 19 I7 07 20 06 10 07 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 00 0 7. Slib Jup iter Area D 8 Sub Salllfll " S lib t\fercury An::a M S Me K V S 0 0 0 0 0 0 M R

Ma 0 0 0 I 14 14 16 53 15 07 06 13 17 47 05 20 08 53 06 13 16 00 46 40 sub sub Sa Me K V S D M 0 20 () 17 0 07 0 21 0 06 0 10 () 07 0 19 0 16 " " 06 5 II b S 03 sub Me K V S D M S Ivl Ma R J 58 23 07 20 33 23 00 53 40 M Ma R J Sa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 16 06 18 05 09 06 17 15 17 53 02 37 53 40 26 37 00 07 5S 20

41 Table explained In the Chapter 2. 'Sub in Nakshatra system' the tables of subs a n: give n. So refer to the table D on page 9, yo u will find that Mercury sta r a re a CX lelld s from 16 40' to 30' 0' ill Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces; and in t he sta r of Mercury th e sub of Mercury com mences from 16" 40 ' and it ex te n d s uplO [ 8 ' 33' 20" . Now the longitudes of Sub sub for all planets in the s ub Merc ury in th e star Mercury are ex pl a ined bel ow : Sign Area SlarAfNclIry COI/(,N Of Scorpio or PiSCl! .; 16 ' 40' Ofr I() 3(} ' 00' 00" 16" 40' 00" IV / 8 ' 33' 20" S"h- Mercllrr " " " In Ihe ~ ub a rea of Merc ur y in Cam:.:r or Sco rpio o r Pisces the Sub sub of Mercury co ml11:: m:es from 16 0 40' 00" , add 0" 16' 02" (sub s ub area of Merc ury ) and yo u wi ll get Ihe commencing position or lhe Sub su b o f Kelu al 16 ' 56' 02". Repeat Ihi s procedure and Ihe co mme ncing position 01' Ihe Sub sub for all planct s ill the Sub or Mercury in lhe sl ar of Mercury in Cancer or Scorpio o r Pisces wi ll be obtained tilus , Sill> slih ill ,l'IIh M I'rcurr Sigl/ Cancer or Scofpio or P is('cs COllllllencillg positioll Area of sub sub ill .I'll" MercurI ' K V M" ,. ,' .. S M Ma R ,". ,, ., , J . S" 1(,' 16 17 17 17 17 J7 Iii l!i I~ 40' 56 02 21 27 36 43 00 15 33 00" 02

.. 0 39 32 12 0 0 0 () 3g 15 15 22 2() 0 0 0 0 I 16' 06 1!) 05 09 Oc, 17 IS 17 53 02 ,. 37 53 40 26 37 00 07 5~ - -20 From th e above lable it will app~ar th :1 1 th-: Subs ub of :\.1ercury co nces at 16' 40 ' 00 " anti C.ltl .; at 16 5 ~, ' 02" . T he Subsub of Kctu s al 16" 56' O?" anti eXlencis upto I T' 02' 39" and so on. Now prepare II ailed lahl e for th e l o ngitud e~ or Subsub for a ll planets in all nine in each Slar ror all ninc Star lords in thi s manner. ml11e begin d e t Subs

42 3. Significance of Sub sub ( 1) In Vimshottari dasha system the Star lord of Moon denotes the Period 1 uler , its Sub lord shows the Sub period ruler and its 'Sub sub' indicates the Inler period ruler. In the example birth horoscope no. 1, Moon is. in Pisces 21" 49', So it is ruled by the star lord Mercury, the sub lord SUll and the' Subsub' Jupi ter. Hence it may be s<lid that the natlve was born during the period of Mercury , in the sub p:riod of Sun Jnd in the inter period of Jupiter. (2 ) When two pla nets arc in the same sign and/or have the same Starlord and the sam~ Sublord. it happen'> that the period and sub period of one proves fortul1ate, while that of the other planet is not fortunate. In slIch cases the 'Sub sub' of these t\\"o planets will help us in kno\\ing \vhi<:h of the two planets \V'ill be fortunate. In the example birth horoscope no. 1, Sun and Venus both arc in the samc sign G emini 22 ) 33r and 23 00' respectively. They have the same star lord Jupiter and the same sub lord Saturn, Out of them Sun proves favourable. while Venus docs no t prove to be so. Because Sun is in the' Sub sub' of Venus \vhich 0\\"11" good h ouses 5 and 10: while Venus is in the . Sub sub' of Sun \vhich is the owner of a n evil hom:c 8. Hence the native prospci'cd more during the period of Sun than i n the period of Venus. Similarly, Mercury is in Cancer lr 2! and Jupiter is in S corriJ 14 2'. Both have the same Star lord Saturn and the same Sub lord Rahu. Mer cury is in the' Sub sub' Rahu in the 2nd( being in conj. W:(:l Moon the owner of 7 represents !\fooa). So Mercury gave mo:'c concrete monetary benefits during i ts sub p~riods, than Jupitcr which is in the' Sub sub' Mercury the owner of 6. ( 3) The Sub sub is very useful in finding out the day or hour or minute of an eve nt. , Ascendant takes about two hours to move from one sign to the other. It rem ains in one star for about 52 minutes. It rennins in one sub for about 5 to 8 mi nutes. So the exact minute can be noted with the help of the Subsub, Moon takes about 24 hours to move frol11 one star to the other. It remains in one' Sub' for about three hours. So the ex act hour can be noted with the help of ' Sub sub',

43 II Mystery of Ruling Planets J. Ruling Planets Note the time and day wile n .1 quC'stion is pLlt to yotl or when you wkc the ho roscope f l lr analysis and judgnlc nL The d ay begins I"r0111 Sll nr i~c . Sun gover ns Sunday. Moon M o nda y. Mars Tuesda y, Me rcu ry ~' edllcsda y , Jupiter Thursday, of the Asc, the s ign lord a/' Moo n. the star lord of Moon at the time of query Of judgmellt and thl: day lo rd are ca lled the 'Ruling Planets', If R,lIw o r Ketu is in conj. o r aspect w ith the ruling planet; or if it occ u pies the s ign owned by th e ru ling planet, Rahu or K e tu Venu s Friday and Saturn ru le s Saturday. Th e sign lord of th e A ,e. the star lord should be in<.: ludcd as th e ruling planel. The ruling plal'el which is in {he slar o r suh of a retrograde planet sho uld be omitted. Among the ruling p!Ullct s til..: A"c' s star lo rd ; t he A ~ c:'s sign lord, Moon 's, star lord, Moon' s s ig n lord and the day lo rd arc in order or p:'efcrcllce 2. Rulinl! Planet. & Rectificatioll of Birth time I Th e ruling pl a ne ts at t il<': ti me or judg ment co rre spond or a g.! l~1..' or tall y with : (i) t he rul ing pianc1 s at th e hi rt h ~ or (ii) th e sign lord. $t ~\ r to rd, sub lord and sub sub lord or the '-\ :-,c a t th e birth . Th e siun lord, star h1rd. suh lord , and su b S tl ~) lo rd or tIle Asc a t the b irlh an; found ei th er or planet s at the tim e or in th~ star o r s ub or the ruling pianl.:!t judgment. Cram"le: ' l.:. ' 7_ 0: .) :') '

~I a l c. Il irth 7- 7- 191 2. S unda y; X42 P.M. I. S.T; 'J' N2 ', lit Rulin g plane ls th e birth Day lord Sun Sign lord Star lo rd Dav . SlIl1dav A. sc. Capricorn 12 25' Sat. Moon Moon . Pisces 21 " 49 ' Jup . Me r. Raltu in Pisces represents Jupiter. Ketu in Virgo represents Mercury. so the ruling planets are Sun. Moon, ~ercury. JlIpiter~ Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

44 Time of Judgment: 8-9-1969, Monday, 7- 45 A.M. I.S.T; 23 oN 2', 72'E35'. Ruling planets at the Lime of judgment Sun Mer. Mo o n Sat. At this moment Rahu was in Aquarius. So it rep resents Satu rn. Ketu was in Leo. So it represents Sun, Hence the ruling planets are Sun, Moo n~ Mercury. Saturn , Rahu a nd Ketti. The ruling planet s al th e birth tall y w i th th e ruling planets at the time of judgment. Jup iter at the birt h is in t h e s tar of Saturn the ruling pl anet at the time or juJ,gmenL Asc. al Ihe birt h is Caprico rn [2'; 25', it is joilllly rul ed as und e r : Sign lord Sat. SI:H hlru Moon Sub lord Rahu Sub Sub k~ru Jup. Day. Monday Asc. Virgo 8' 41' Moon. Cancer 9' 58' Day lord Moon Sign lord Slar lord The sign lo rd, star lord and sub lord or the Ase at th e birth ugrcc with the r uling planet s at the time of judgment : \v hile th e sub sub lord of th e Asc ~ tt the birth is in the star of Saturn the ruling: planc t at the tim e of judgme nt. Thll s in thi s case the r uling planets both at the tim e o f judgm !: nl a nd birth tally. Thc j oint rulers of the Ase at the birth al so eorrcsponJ to th e ruling: p lanets at th e lim e ofjudgmcnr. So th e b irth tim e j" Corret't. 2, Tn doubtful <.:asl'S \",he re two till1c~ fII j" Ihe birth arc proceed t hu s : (a) No te the sign lord , star lord. s ub lo rd and sub s u b lord of the Ase at the birth for two ,!!:iven times . ( b) The case in which th e sign lo rd. s tar lord . sub lord and su h s ub lo rd o f the Ase ngrcc with the ruling planet s at the time of judgment , accept t he time in that case as rhe corrc(,,'t time : of birth and reject the other. Example: Male. Birlh 15- 6-1944. Thursday; 9- 0 A.:v1 . I.S.T. (New) or 9-0 A.M. I.S.T. (Old); 22" N 44', 72' E 29'. At this time due 10 Ihe 2nd worl d war, Ihe Indian Siandard lime was made faster by one hour and it was called th e New Indian Standard time. The birth time was 9- 0 A.M., but it was not certain wbether it was recorded according 10 the new I,S.T. or Ihe old I.S.T.

45 Sign lord Birth , Asc Gemin i Mer. Time 28 ;) 7 ' 9.0 A. M . I.S.T . (New) Cance r Moon 9-0 A.M. Il o I M ' I.S.T. (Old) Star lord Jup. Sub lord Yen. Sub s ub lord Sat. Sat. Moon Rahu Time of judgment. 31 - 7-1970, Friday ; 10- 30 P. M. I.S .T; 23 ' N2', 72' E 35', Ruling planets at the lime o f jud g ment Day l{lrd Sig n itl rJ . Sta r lord Day _ Frida y Asc. Pisces 15" .2 :)' M oon . Gemini 27 a 49' Ven Sat. JUI>_ Jup. M ~ r. Thu s the rulin g planets ar c Mer c ur y . J u piter, vell.lI s and Salurn, The si gn Jorel . s tar lo rd , s ub lo rd a nd s ub sub lo rd of th e A sc Gemini 28' 7' for 9- 0 A .M. I. S.T. ( N ew) agre e w ilh the ruling planets at th e li me of judgment. So take 9- 0 A.M . I.S .T . ( New) a s the co rrect time o f bir th a nd reje c t 9-0 A.M. I.S.T. (Old). 3. In cases whe re th e approx imat e in LCf V;-)l of birth tim e viz . 2 AM to 3 A.M., 10 ,-\ . \1 . t o 11 noon: 7 P.M . to ~ P . M. a nd so o n IS g iven , prol'o,!cti as unde r: (a) No te th e ruling planets at th e lim e o f judgme nt . (b) Acco rding to th e dClte o f hirth, you s hould Ii,the pro bable s ign o f th e /\ sc in \\-hic h binh co uld ha ve taken place. G enerall y th e sign o wned by a ny onc of the ruling rlancl s will be ri s ing in the /\ s c~ o r th e s ig n occ upied by Rnh u o r Ketti if ir is a ruling plane t , will be ri ~ i n g in t he J\ sc. (c) Th en select thc slarlord and sub lo rd etc. . ~ uitable to Ihis sign from th e rul in,g: planets . Bcar in mind the order of pre fere nce among the ruling planet s! also the importance of Rahu o r Ketu. (d) Find Ollr t he sensitive degre e of thi s sign on which the sign lord, s tar lord, ::. ub lo rd and s ub s lIb lo rd operate jointly. This degree will s how the e xact po, i tion o f the Ascendant at the birth. The time whe n Ihi s degree risl.!s in th e

Asc. should be considered as the correct time or birlh. (e) It s hould be remem bered that each pla"et governs three Nakshatra s, Constellation" or Stars e, g. Venus governs 13" 20'(0 26 40 J ill Aries, Leo and Sagittarius as its Stars. So the r-liHng

46 pl,mel of any particular momenl will operale as a star lord in three different s igns. So it will be difficult as to which sigll should be selected for fixing th e time of birth. Hence it is necessary lhat lhe approximate time of birth sho ul d be ascertained as to whether it is between the Sun ri sc and Noon or between N oen and the Sun set or bct\vecn tile Sun set anu Midni~ht or between Midnight an d and the Sun ri sc, (f) At the time of judgmel\t if any planet is found in lhe <l::iccnding sign or if it is in opposition to the Asc. then this planet plays a n important rol e in fixjng the lime of birth. It should be given important:c as a ruling planet , especially if that planet bein conj. with or a~pected by any ruling planet. Of course, discretion has to be used in such cases. Example: Male . Birth 23- 11-1911. Thursday; 22 ' N 46', 73 E 40'. It was sa id that the asce n ding sign at the time of birth is Gemini and the approximate time is between 7-3 0 p.m. I,S.T. and 8-30p.m.I.S.T. Time of judgment. 31 - 1-1970, Saturday; 4-15 p .m. I.S.T; 23 ' N2', 72' E35'. Ruling planets colt th e lime of judgment Day. Saturday Mooll . Libra 28 ~ 7 I As\: . Gemini 19" 17' Day Ion.! Sal. Sign k: J m Ven. SC;'lr lord Jup _ Mer. Hahu At this time Rahu was in Aquarius . So it repre se nts Saturn. Hence Rahu may be prefe rred to Saturn. Thus the flIling planets arc M ercu ry , Rahu , Jupiter a nd Venu s. At the time of judgment the Ase is Gemini. So it is certain hcyond tl oubt lh:'ll the ascending s ign at the time or birth i ~ Gemini. Now we have onl y to fix the degrees and minutes in Gemini. Out of the ruling planets Mercu ry h JS alr eady bec o me the sigll lord. So we h::lVC 11 0',1,1 to select the star l o rd, sub lord and sub sub lord out of Rahu , Jupiter and Venus. In Gemini Mars, Rahu and Jupiter can become the star lord s. Mars is not th e ruling planet. So it is to be rejected. Hence the selection is to be made out of Rahu and Jupilcr . Rahu or Kctu is to be considered stronger than any planet. So take Rahu as the st:lr lord. Then out of Jupiter al)d Venus we have to select the sub lord. Jllp iter is the star lord of Moon, while Venus is the sign lord of Moon. So select J upiter as the sub lord.

47 Venus automatically becomes the sub sub lord. Nuw find Ollt the uegree and minut e in Gemini ell which ail these rulin g plands viz. Mercury, Rahu. Jupiter and V enus operate jointly. Gemini 9 32' 27 11 to 9 50' i4 " is the area on which all th e ruling planets oreral!;: jointly viz. Mercury becomes the sign lo rd , Rahu th e star lord, JUDiter th e sub lo rd a nd Venus the sub sub lord . O!! the dale o f birth, the time at which th is degree of Gemini ri ses on the Asc shou ld he t aken as the correct time of birth. On 23- 11-191 I, ThursJay: 22' N 46', 73' E 4 0' at 7-57 p.m. I.S.T. Gemini 9<" 33' rise s on the Asc. So this tjme sho uld be taken as the correct time of birth. R e-vc rifieation : On 13- 7- 19 70, Monua y: at 5- 45 I,.m. I.S.T. , 23 N 2', 72" E 35' th e re was a keen de sire 10 fe-ve rifv t he above ) time. Ruling planets at that time were as under. na y: M o nday M0011 : Libra l r 7' ;\ S(.: : S"gittariu~ 3" 56 1 Day lord Moon Sign lord St<lr lord Yen. Rahll Ketti ./up. Thus the ruling planel s are Moon, Jupiter. Venu s, Rahu and Kctll. The Slar lor d Rahu , th e su b lord Jupiter and the s ub sub lo rd Ve nu s of ihe Ase Gemini 9" 33' at the tim e of birth correspond 10 th e ruling planet s at the tim.: of re - ver ification. Hence 7-57 p.m. I.S .T. Ihe time of birth which is fi xed i s c o rrect beyond do ubt. Obtaining time from the ascending degree Male, Birth 2311i911, Thursdav: 22"N46', 73 ' E40': Asc. Geminj 9:1 33'. (a) Birth Asc (a) Gem ini 9 ' 33 ' Add avanamsa for 1911 and eet + 22 31 Cancer Refer to Raphael' s Table of Hou ses and ope n the page of La!. 22' N 33' for the birth place Lat 22' N 46' . (b) Birth Asc Cancer 2' 4 ' falls (b) betwe en: (i) Sidereal Times 23" 26 M 56 s 23" 30M 37 s (ii) Ascending degrees in the Tabl" of Houses Cancer Cancer

48 (c) Subtract the lesser from the (c) greater shown in (b) and reduce the differe nce to m1l1ut~s seco nds and respectivel y. Cancer Cancer 23 H 23 30 M 375 26 56 5 --o 3 57 - -2' 1 41=221 44' o (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Subtract the le sser Asc in the table of h o uses sho wn in (b) (ii) from the bi rth Ase:. shown in (a) and reduce the difference to minut es. Obtain the proport ionate movement for the Sidereal time by the Rule o f Three from (c) and (d). Ad d thi s propor C lOnate mo vement of (e) to the le sser Sidereal time in the tab le of hou ses shown in (b) (i) ;1I1d get the Siderea l lim e at the bil lh. Get the Sidere 31 tim e at the birth place 73 0E 40' for the Noon 0:1 23- 11-1911. S ubtract the Sidereai time of the birth place shown in ( g) from the Si dereal ti me at the birlh shown in(f). Deduct the co rrect io n o f tim e at the rate of 1 0 seconds for every hour from ( h). (d ) Cancer Cancer 2' I 47=47' 4' 57 7 o (c) = 7' 47':7'::221 5 =33 5 (f) + 23 H 26 M 0 23

o 27 56 5 33 29 (g) 16 H 23 H 16 7 4M 27M 4 22 33 5 29 5 33 56 (h) (i) (i) o 7 7H 22M 01 56 5 14 42 to birt h 21 This tim e is ime of birth. rs and in the 7H 21M 425 is th. the int erva l betwee n Inc noon previous and th e loea I m ea n t Tn the case of p.m. birth th is interval will be le ss than 12 hou case of a.m. birth this interval will be more than 12 hours. Here P.M. local me an time of the birth and it is the exact time of bir

49 (j) Add difference in time for 73'40' to the local mean time o f birth (j) 7H +0 21M 35 A2s 20 57 2 in (i) a nd get the birth time 7 in l.S.T. Thus the birth time for the Asc. Gemini 9 33' on 23-11-19! I IS 7 H 57M 2 P.M. I.S.T. 3. Ruling Planets and Signi ficators Male. Birth 22-61916 Thursday; 12-3-0 P.M. I.S.T; 23' N 2', 72' E 35 '; Ayanamsa 22' 35', v Asc Leo 29- 4 Mars 1 ~- 5 9 VI 2 Virgo VII 3 Libra 28.6 28.6 - Leo 0.6 KclU 7, 59 12 11 IV III Callcer 0.6 Ven Sat Sun 25.11 R 24 .55 7.S. Gem ini Vill 4 IX X 5 6 S corpio 29.6 Sagillorius Capricorll 0.6 Rahu 7.59 - Taurus 29.6 10 Mer 18.50

II Father"s Asc Aries Jup 28.6 6.49 9 I 8 XII Aquarius 0.6 Pisces 28.6 Moon 4.24 Aquarius 29.4 7 XI (I ) Significators and Ruling Planets at tbe time of judgment Elimination o f Signifieators : If the birth boroscope or a horary map indicate s more lhan th ree or four significators regarding the matter to be judged, unimportant signifi cators may be eliminated with the aid of the ruling planets. Note the ruling pla nets of the moment when you begin to analyse anI! judge the horocope. The common planets between tbe signiricators (of the matter to be judged) and the ruling p lanets may be considered as tbe final 7 significators and the rest ma y be elimi nated

50 the 28 are the Father's death : In this birth horoscope we may judge death of the native's father. Consider the 9\h house cusp Aries 6' as the Asc. for the fathe r. For convenience the roman letters given to each house counted from the 9th cu sp. Now find out significators of the badhaka and maraka houses fat the father. Significators of death Planet ill the occupant's star Mer House Occupallt Moon Sun Ven Plallet ill the owne,'s star Ketu Owner )U Badhaka II Maraka Sa. Ven Rahu Mars Kctu Mars Sa. None Jup Mars Vcn, Sat VII " None Ven, Sat XlI" Ven Jup So the significators are Mercury. Rahu, Mars, Ketu, Venus and Saturn, Rahu in Capricorn represents Saturn. Ruling planets at the time of judgm e.1t This birth horoscope was taken up for analysis on 13-3-1972 Monday at 3- 50 p.m. I.S.T., 23N 2' , 72 E 35'. Day. Monday Asc. Cancer 20 JO' Moon . Aquarius I:) 41 ' Day lord Moon Sign lord .Star lord Mercury Mars

Moon Saturn Rahu in Capricorn represents Saturn. Ketu in Cancer represents Moon and as Ketu is aspected by f\ifars , it represents Mars. So take . Rahu arid Ketu in place o f Moon . . Mars and Saturn. Thus the ruling planels will be Mercury, Rahu and Kc tu. The common planets .between the significators of death and the ruling planet s are Mercury, Kelll and Rahu. So they may be considered as the final signiflcat ors of death alld .he rest may be eliminated. . . . . Joint Period. The native w as born wilh balance of Saturn dasha 17 Y "SM 23D, 'liis falher died during the joint period of Mercury (the . . . period ruler), Ketu (the sub period ruler) an d Rahu (the inter period . r.uler) on l - lI - 1936. . . Transit. On that day Su n was tran~itting in Libra 16~ in the star of Rahu (the inter period ruler); Rah u. 'in Sagittarius ' 3" 52'" i~ the star of Ketu(the sub period ruler) and Ketu in Gemini the sign owned by Mercury (Ihe period ruler), ;. -- .. _ . . .. .

51 Conclusion. From the above it will be clear that the ruling planets at the momen t of judgment agree or tally with the significators of the matter under judgment or consideration. (2) Significators and Rilling Planets at the time of event In this case the father of the native died at about 9.30 p.m. I.S.T. on Sunday 1-1 1-1936; 23' H 2', n'E 35'. Ruling planets at the time of death Day , Sunday Day lo rdSun Sign lord Star lord Asc. Gemini 10 I)' Moon. Taurus 200 50' Mercury Venus Rahu Moon At this moment Ketu was in Gemini. So it represents Mercury. Hence the ruling pl anets are Mercury, Rahu, Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon. Out of them Mercury, Ketu an d Rahu are the significators of death during whose joint period the event of dea th occurred. Thus it may be said that the ruling planets at the time of event wi ll tally or agree with the significators of that event. (3) Ruling Planots at th e tim. of judgment and event From the above it may also be concluded that the ru ling planets at the time of eve nt will be the same as at the time of judgment. (4) Joint period rulers of ene and the Ruling planets of another (a) Example bir th horoscope No.1: The native of this horoscope came in contact with one genius friend for the first time on 17-10- 1973 during the joint period of Rahu , Rahu (the period and sub period ruler) and Saturn (the inter period ruler). (b) Rulin g planets at Ihe birth of the friend This friend was born on 26-7-1925 at about 5H 2M A.M. I,S.T. before Sun rise on Sunday (i.e. Saturday); 22' N 41 ', n ' E 5 5'. Day. Sa turday Asc. Gemini 24 c 52' Moon. Virgo 5'" 45' Day lord Saturn Sign lord Star lord Jupiter Sun Mercury Mercury At the moment of birth Rahu in Cancer was in conj. with Sun and aspected by Satu rn in Libra. So Rahu represents both Sun and Saturn. Ketu is in Capricorn and as pected by Sun. So Ketu also represents botb Sun and Saturn. Hence the ruling pla nets are Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Out of them Rabu and Satu rn agree or tally with the joint period rulers in the native's horoscope.

52 Hence it may be said that the ruling planets at the moment of birth of your marr ied partner or your child or your friend or Y Ollr business partner etc., will a gree with yo ur joint period rulers (i.e. the period, sub period and inter perio d rulers) during which you got married or you got a child or you met a friend fo r the first time or you joined in the partnership business . These ruling planet s may either be in the star or sub of, o r be in conj . or a,pect with the joint period rulers in yo ur horoscope. (5) Ruling Planets and Affinity If the ruling planets of one be the d .. nifica tors of 6, 8.or 12 and not of I, 5 or II in t he horoscope of the .ot her, then during tlie period of the significators of 6, 8 or 12, the latter will not feel happy wi th the former. But during the period of the significators of 1, 5 or 11 , the latter will feel amicable with the form er. fn this case the friend ' s ruling planets c.g. Rahu and Saturn become the significa tors or 6 and 8 in the native's horoscope ; whil e the remaining ruling planets are not so. The native was running the joint period of Kahll, Rahu and Saturn fr om 18-9-1973 to 22-2-1974. So in February 1974 an atmosphere of ill feeling hctween the t\\'o was. created. But the joint peri od of Rahu , Rahu a nd Mercury (the significator of I) commenced on 22- 2- 1974 and subsequentl y amicability was restored. 4. Ruling Planets and Fulfilment of a Q uestioa . (a) At times (not always) in horary the ruling planets show the time o f ful filment of a question asked . The question may relate to a minor o r major event, it matters 1ittle. Whe n there is a strong des ire , keennes s, anxiolls ness, ea~crness or urge from \v!l hin to know the result about any matter, then 31.1d then o nl y YO ll may pred ic t wi th the he lp or ruling planets alone; and yo u ma y pro ve correct. The ruling -llanets which are in the star or sub of retrograde pl ilne t~ shoul d be avoided. . . .A. re trograde ruling planet . hall give the results onl y wi len it becomes .direct in motion .. . . The se nsiti ve dcg ~ c c of" arty Zodiacal sig n in which ail th e ruling planet s jointly o perate i ~ impo rt ~mt for fl!lfilment of any -qu estion.

53 The questi o n is fulfilled at the time when all the ruling planets operate join tly. In joint operation one of the ruling planets becomes the Sign lord, the oth er one becomes the Star lord, the third one the Sub lord and the fourth one beco mes the Sub sub lord. (b) If an event is likely to happen within 24 hours take t he transit of the Ase. and count from the ascending degree of the moment of the q uery. 1f it is to happen within a month consider the transit of Moon and count f rom the Sign transilted by Moon at the moment of the query. If it is to happen a fter a month but within a year look to the trans it of Sun and count from the si gn tra nsitted by Sun at the moment of the query. Generall y ruling planets nrc fi\le in number. The thr ee ruling planets which you come across earlier in join t operation shou ld be considered first. From the re st of the two that which is carlier in joint operation s hould be considered as the Sub sub lord. Of cou rs e, no hard and fast rul e ca n be give n. The read er may form his own rules acc ording to hi s experience. Examples : (I) Question - When shall we stop dis c us s ing the subject " Time of j udgment- 28-8-1969, Thursd ay; 3-25 P .M. 1ST,: c 23 N2', 72"E35'. Ruling Planets Day lor d Day: Thur..;day Moo n; Aqua ri us 24 47' Asc ; Sagillarius 13 20 J Jupiter Si gn lord Star lord Saturn Jupiter J up iter Venus At th: s momen t Rahu was in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Thus the ruling planets arc Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and R&illi. As the quest.ion is a minor one, it is a matte r 10 be fulfilled within a few minutes o'r an h our. So take the t ransit o f the Ase. and count from (he asce nding d egree of the moment i.e. Sag ittarius 13' 20' and get the dog,ee o n whi ch all the ruling planets operate jo int ly . . Sagittaril1 s 18" 6' 40 " ~o 20" 6' 40 r! is the area on which Jupite r, Venus a nd" Rahu jointly.

54 on \\' hich air Sagittarius 18' 40' 40" to 18 59' 40" is the area the ruling planets viz . Jupiter (as sign lo rd), Venus (as star lord ) .. Rahu (as sub lord) and Saturn (as sub sub lord) operate jointly. So at the time when Sagittarius 18 40 ' 40 11 rises in the Asc .. the discuss ion will be stopped . This degree was on the Asc. at about 3-50 P.M . l.S.T. and and we stopped immediatel y a female relative ente red the house th e discussion. early morning. They have not yet returned come back? (2) Question - Two of my children have gone to the hospital in the home, when wi ll they Time of judgment. 10-4- 1970, Friday; 11 -7 A.M. l.S.T; 23 ' N t, n E 35'. Day lo rd Ruling Planet s Sign lord Star lord Day: Frida y Moon: Taurus 17 47' Asc : Gemini 11 0 4' Venus Venus Moon Mer. Rahu Thus the ruling planets are Mercury, Rahu, Venus and Moon. As the question is a minor one, take the transit of the Asc. and count from the ascending degree of t he moment i.e. Gemini 11 4' and get the degree on which all the ruling planets o perate jointly. Gemini 15 13' 20" to 17 26' 40" is the area on which Mercury, Rahu and Venus operate jointly. Gemini 15 42' 12" to 15 53' 19" is the area on which a ll the ruling planets viz. Mercury (as sign lord), Rahu (as star lord), Venus (a s sub lord) and Moon (as sub sub lord) operate jointly. So at the time when Gemi ni 15 42' 12" ri ses in the Asc. both the children might have returned home . Thi s degree was on the Asc. at about 11- 30-8 A.M. I.S.T. It was 11-32 A.M. I.S.T. when both the children returned home.

55 (3) Question - Probable date when the examination res ults will be declared. Tim e of Judgment- 22- 11-1969, Saturday; 6-28 P.M.' r.S.T; 23' N 2', 72 E 35'. Rulin g Planets Day: Saturday Moon : Aries 19 40' Asc. : Tauru s 16 )0' Day lord Sat. Sign lord Mars Vcn. Yen. Star lord Moon At that moment Rahu was in Aq uarius. So it represents Saturn. Hence prefer Rahu to Saturn. Thus the ruling planets arc Venus, Mars, Rahu and Moon. As the matte r is to happen within a week or so, take the transit of Moon and count fr om the sign transilted by Moon at the moment i.e. Aries 19' 40' and get the degree on which all the ruling planets operate jointly. . Taurus II 6' 40" to 11 ' 53' 20" is the area on which Venus Moon and Mars operate jointly. But this degree is no t fav ourable, because Moon is in conj. with Saturn at the moment of judgment. T he matter will therefore be dclayed and we have to reject this degree. Taurus 24 6' 40 '1 to 26 6' 40" is tbe area o n which Venus, Mars and Rahu operate jointly, Taorus 25 49' 40" to 25' 59' 40" is the area on which all the ruling planc ts viz . Venus (as sign lord), Mars (as star lord), Rahll <as sllb lord) and Moon (as s llb sub lord ) operate jointly. So at the rime when Moon transits Taurus. 25 49 ' 40 11 , the examination results will be declared . Moon was transitting this de gree on 25-11-1969, Tue sday at a bout 3- 30 P.M. I.S.T. and the examination res ults were received in the press after that time and the querent could know his r esult. . ..

56 III Planets in Transit Transit in Nakshatra or Star The slow moving planets in transit denote the period in general . e.g. Saturn ta kes about 13 months in one Nakshatra or Constellation or Star; Rahu or Ketu 8 mon[I" while Jupi[er takes about 5 months ,s; and 10 day s. Mars sign ifies a fe \v days viz. 20 days or so. Mercury and Venus are not un iform in their motion. Sun is very regular in motion and slays in one Nakshatm o r Constellation or Star for about 13 days. Moon takes about 24 hours in one Star . Hence the effects of Sun and Moon in transit should be observed in the first i nstance for future gu idance, because they show day to day result Transit ill Suh Nakshatra or Sah Amongst the slow moving planets Saturn while tran , itting thr ough one Nakshatra or Star remains in one Sub Nakshatra or Sub for many weeks. J upiter, Rahu and Ketu remain in one Sub for many days. So their effects will be felt in general during these times. Sun remains in one Sub for a period from one to three days; while Moon for about three hours. Sun and Moon show specific eff ects for a particular day and hour. So they are most important. Example Birth Ho roscope DO. " 1 We may now observe the effects of the transitting planets in this birth map. The table showing the significator planets for each house and that showing the hous es signified by each planet are given all the page 15. 2. III this birth map Sun is the significator of 6, 8, 10,3 and 12. So whenever any planet transits 1. in the star area of Sun (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius 26 40' to Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn 10 0'), it will influence the ma tlers signified by the houses 6, 8, 10, 3 and 12; and so on with other significators as shown in the following table.

57 0' 0' - 13 ' 20' Kctll R, 6. 9. 7, 4, II 13 20 - 26 40 Ven. 6.5, 10,3 . 12 6, g, 10,3. 12 2640 - 30 0 S un .> , ., Taurus, Vi rgo or Capri co rn o 0 - 10 0 10 O 23 20 Moo n 2, 7. (" 9 4. ., 23 20 - 30 0 Mars 7,4, 11 ,8.6 . 9 5. " Gemini , Li h ra or Aqu a riu s o 0 - 6 40 6 40 - 20 0 Rah u 2,3 ,12 , 7, 6, 9 6. " 10.3, 1 2.4, I , 2 20 0 30 0 .l lI p. 7. ,. ,. " Cnnc<.:r. Sco r pio o r Pi sces o 0- 32 0 3 20 - 16 40 Sal. H. ,. 4,1 , 2. 6,8 " 9. 1640- 30 0 Mer. 7, 6, 9, 4, I, 2 " " Explanation. \\-'he n ~ll1 y planet transist s in the star area of Ketu as show n in column I. it will influence the houses sho \"ln in column 2 ag aIn st K ct u. \Vhcn an y planet tr a nsists in the sla r a rea o f Sa rurn as show n in co lu mn 1. it wi ll influen ce the ho uses sho wn in co lu mn 2 ~g.t in st Satu r ll and so on. 3 (a) 111 thi s birth ho ros co pe genera l bad hen lth is indicat ed; and Mo o n. Rahu and Saturn nrc th e S ign ilknLO rs o f ill hea lth (i.e . of the hOllse 6). So th e planets tran sitling in th e star ar ea o f Moo n, Ra hu o r/and Saturn \vi ll affect the hea lth of the natiye . (b) In this b irth h o roscope Moon . Saturn a nd Rahu are lb e significators of ill health and their Sub lords ar c al so makfic in effect ( be ing con necteu with the ho uses 6 o r S). So Mo on. Sa t'urn a nd Rahu a re s trotl!21 v evi l fo r hea lh. Hence th e planet s tr:l nsitling in the star a rea of M oon. Saturn or/ and R ahu wi ll ha ve wo rse ctrccts o n th e heal th of the nati ve. (c) In thi s birt h ho ros co[1c the nati ve is running the j o int period o f R :.lhu , Rah u and Sat urn fr o m 18-9- 1973 and it co ntinues upto 22-2- 1974. So th e plane ts transiltin g in the sta r a rea of Rahu or/and Saturn will gi ve th e same res ults as indi cated by th e joint period o f Rahu. Rahu and Saturn . if th e Sub lo rds of th ese transitting ria n els are not d e trimental to the matte rs indicated by the j oi nt 8 I. Slnr Area ~ . A ries, L <.:o o r Sag ittarius 2. , " , Slnr 2. H ()lIses .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. ..

58 pe ri od Rahu and Saturn is no t favo urahl e fo r the health o f the nati ve . I-I ence between 20-11-1973 a nd 2-12-1 973 when Sun was tran si n ig in Scor pi o') 20' t o 1640' in th e Star of Saturn a nd in the Subs o f Sat urn (the sig nificator of 0 and S), Mercury ( th e signi ca to r of ! an d G) a nd Kettt (the significato r o r th e mara ka hOll se 7 a nd th e bad hil kn hou se ll ), the native On 23 11-1 973 at til t! tim!.: whe n M ou n wa s transitting in Lib ra 2 2 3 41' in th e S ub or Sa t urn a nd on wa rd th e n:l li ve s uffered from ac ute a sth a m31ic co ndit io n . It contin ued till M oo n in Scorpio cross ed t he ~ t a r a re a of Saturn . Further ns SOO n a s S un in Sco rpio c rossed the s t a r a rea o f Sa tu r n and e nt e red the st ~l r mea o f l\.1 c rcu ry em 2-1 2- 1973 the n a ti ve was ge lling be tt e r. (J ) In lili s birth horo scope t he ,,;H ive is r unning the j 0 int peri od rule r::; ; e.g . the j oi nt p eri od of Ra hu. s uffe red mu ch fro m <Jstham atk co nditi on. of Ruhll , Ra ilu a nd Kettt fro m 10-7-1 974 II p!n 7-9-19 74, So (he pl a n e ls l ran s itllng in the sta r of Ra hu o r/ a nd K e tll \\ ill give th e sam e re s ult s as in li ica ted by the joi nt pC'ri od o f R a ltu Rahu and Ketti , if t he S ub l.x d . ; of t h..::s~ rr ai l .s i tt~ n g pla ne ts a re n o t. dctriment a l 10 the matt ers in(irc 'lt cu ~! .Y the joi n t pe rj od fukr !.; c .g. l hese jo int pe ri od r u le rs inJ icilc Ihe pri n ti ng ~I IHj pu blicali o n wo rk . I-Ience th e ~ p rinting wo r k o r t hi s boo k.. w_,", s taned o n 3-,}-1974 durin g th e jo int pe riod o f R a hu . R a h u , Ketu a nd Jvl c rc ur y. On that ' day the po siti o n of some pl a n e ts in tr uns it was as Im d cr Planet Mars Jup. Ven . R ahu M oo n S i '. ~n Star Sub Rahu Virgo Aqu a riu s 0' 19 37 47 31 3I Leo Scor pio 0 :2 I y Sun Rahu Ketu Mer . Mars Ketu Ven.

~1 c r. Pisc es 8 Sa t. The abo ve l ra ns inin g pia nel S arc eit her ill t he Sta r or Su b o f the period. s lI b pe riod. int(':~ pe riod or sookshma pe riod ru ler. None of the above pl" 110ts is in the Sub of " pbnct which is detrimental t o th e 1natter (printing and pu bli c ation) indi ca ted by the j o int poriod rulers .

59 4. It may he remembered t hat th e sub lord o f the Ira nsilti ng plnnet s ho ul d be cOI!ncctcd with or it ~ h oli ld not b ~ dCHimc llt ni to th e matters indi cated by til e star lo rd o f the tr ans itt ing p la ne t. (n) 1n this birth horoscope it was obse rved th a t wheneve r the native receivcd Inoncy from o th ers Sun o r/ a nd 1\10011 we re transitting in the St;IT :lrca of l\1crcury or/~lI1d hl pi l cr (the si gniflcators of 2). a nd aJ:w K ctu ( th(; sig nificater ar 11 ). These lu mi nar ies were at tha t time in the sub arca of M e rc ury' o r J upite r or Ketti o r anv co nn ec ted with t he maHer or the houses 2. (i, 10 or II. p lan e t (h) In thi s binh hnroscop~ it wa.;; observed in the past that \vhcnevcr lhe wor k or writing boo!.: s was go in g on , the planets were trans ilting in the slar area of rV10011 or/ and Rahu (the s ignificaLO rs o f 9). 1t W: IS a lso co nti nued during th e time when th e planets were t r:lIlsi tti ng in t he s tar are a o f Venus or/ and Sun ( th e signifieD-t o rs o r 3. 10 a nd 12). The work or "'ritt inn was activc during th c days when Sun or . nd Moo n \\ere I r ~," s itting in the s tar a re n of 'tvloon o r / a nd R ah u la ~ comm tlni etlt i0ns and co ntacts with difTcrent persons . . Wc r (: 1l1~II.k d llri[} !~ 1he davs when SUll orland Moon \vc re tran sltllng . in lhe s tar :ire a Venu s o ria nd Sun ( Ihl: significfl tors of 3 and 10). Man y or It A\aS nho ob:>e rvcu th at. whe n til e printing \\ork of b ooks was going on, the planet s \'crC transi lting in the s tar area of Ketu or i and MaTS (the s ign iiiento rs of 9 and II ). S un or/ and Moon we re transitting in th e s tar area o f Ketti orl Hn d Mars d uring th e da ys when the printing work was in full swing . (c) 10 thi s hirlh,. ho rosco pe it was obse rv ed that when ever the heahh was bad the ptanets were t rans itt iog in th e star area of Mo o n or / a nd Rahu n nd in th e s u b area of Saturn . It was es peci all y so wh en Sun or/ emu 1\. 1 000 were tran sitting in the sta r area o f M oon / Rah u and in the s. ub are a o f Saturn . Sun or/and Mo o n s:cncrally tra nsittcd in th e s tar and sub ar ea of Saturn when the heahh \.... as worse .

60 IV Example Nativities Good or Bad Sub Period Male. Birth 9-4- 1949 Saturday; I. 18 P.M. l. S . T.; 23 ' N 2' 72' E 35'Ayanams a 23' 3". VA se C ancer 10.1 0 Pluto 21. 8 R Moo n Leo SaL V i rI:'O Ncp 2 . 17 VI ? 4.48 6AI R ~ Gcll1ini Vii 3 3.48 20. 36R Uriln _ Taurus 10.48 4 .0 8.48 12 II IV III VIII 4 Kct L1 Libra 3. 7 5.48 - .1 _ Arics 5.48 3.7 10 IJ Rahu Sun Ven Mer 26.5 24.8 21.48 21. I I 3.48

I IX X Mar s Fa ther' s 5 Scorpio 6 Sagittari ll S 8.4 8 ._I_ Pisces . 10 .d8 _. I_ A quanus J u l' 6.33 9 4.4 8 8 I A se X II Capricorn 10.10 . 7 XI Thi s native wa s bo rn during the period of Ketu with balance of 5 Y 9 M 18 0 T he perio d o f Venus staned fr o m 27-1-1955. So the effect of the inter period of each planet during th e s ub period of Venu s were observed for future enlight e nment of th e ha ppenings that migh t o ccur durin g the sub period of the same inter period ruler in the major perio d of Venus .

61 These effec ts were observed co nc c:-ning the future of the Native 's fath e r . It \-vas found th<lt if the inter period rul er show ed favourable result s, say fo r service. th en during the ~ub period o f th e same planet (in ler perio~ ruler) f~ \'oura b lc results in resptct of service were expaicnced t o n g re ater ex te nt and de gree. Similarly if the inter peri od rukr pro\'cd unfavourable. S3Y rega rding health or disease , then the s ub period of the sa m e p hlnet (inle r period ruler) proved wor se rega r d ing hC'3.lth and di sea se. A co mpa rative nOlC of eve nt s of h :l pp~ n e d ( I) during the inter perio d of each p lan e t in the sub per iod of venus , and (2 ) during the sub period. of th e S;.ll11e planet (us in the int er period) in th e major period o f Vell lls is givC"n h e re under ror guidance . In thi s b ir th c ha rt consider the 9 th Cli S p Pisce 3 ~ 48' as ihc for th e na l i\i.~ s Luher a nd Ju ~ : ge lhe hO lls es ~H.:co rd i ng; ly. For convenience th e roman kttc iS an: given to each hOllse counted from the 9th CllSp ~Inu a table s ho w ing the signiik ato rs in respect of the nalivc' s father is :IS under: I/ollse 111 O \I "IIS Sigl1ijicafor of COlll1eClcd \rilh S rar {II Houses 0\\:1/5 Sub JII R I It I V I V I S I Me , I R I Houses OI\'/1S \' en. Su n [Vloon I I V Mars l{ a ilu J 1I r, Sat I I X III. VI V I I, II , J VIII \ Ic_

\1 e, K ,, 'X IX X X II Me, K S K VI XI. VII VII I V I I 1I1 VIII iV, VII I VII II I. V I[I [ VI VlI II I, VI II J IV, IV, II, II , II I, 111, VI IV, II , IX IX V II I VIII VII IX Ketu being aspectc:d by Saturn den o tc s VI. XI IV XlI; and be in g aspected hy Moe" M ars ~1e!" c ur y, Ketu denotes I, 11 & IX, Venus anu Sun are in eonj. w! th onc another, so each of them de no tes, I, lU l l , IV, Vll , V III & IX,

Planet :Signifies the matters of houses Ven . IV Land , buildin g ~vent happened durIng Sub Period Inter Period 21-1-19 55 to 17 - ~ -1 955 Movement to purchase land fo r building 17-8 - 1955 to 17- 10- 1955 Ditto 27- 1-1 955 to 27-5-1958 Purcha sed th e plot in 19 56 Sun Ditto 27-5- 1958 to 27-5- 1959 Cons truc ted a building an d occ upied in 1959 27-5-19 59 to 27-1 - 1961 Co nstan tl y snffcrcd f rom asthamatic conditio n 27- 1- 196 1 to 27-1-1962 Appoi nt ed permencntly o n thi s ve ry pos t in January 1962 27 - 3- 1962 to 27-}-65 A rro in tct! on a fu rthe r higher poSt th a n th at h eld durin g the s ub per iod of Mars, \\ il h grea t powers a nd hi gh sa lar ies, as good as per manen t jn June 1262. M oo n VI Sickness VIIJ Seve!"e sick nes VII , XII Ma ra k. Mars II Mone y V I S ervice 17-10-1955 to 27-1- 1956 suffered frol11 sc\'cre att ack of Asthama 27-1-1956 to 7- 4- 1956 Promoted to a hi gher post in service on te mpora ry ba sis 7- 4- 195 6 to 7- 19- 1956 Further promoted tempora ril y to a post higJlgr than th e pe r man e nt pos t Rahu II Mo ne y XI Ga in

Planet Signifies the mati('fS of h,n'sl's Jup. VI Service X Position 7-10-1956 Event Inter Pt.'rind t(1 happened durillg Sub Period 17- 3-1957 ContiJllJed Oil the nost held , during the inter period uf Rahu 27-3 - 1965 to 27-11-1967 Continued on the higher post of honour held during the sub period of R~lhll. 2'i -1 11967 to 27-1-1971 III November 19 6o, \\'a~; rever ted 10 the next Jo\\'cr post than the hiul1er o post held dLlijllg the sub peri() C\s of Rahu ;:nd Jucitn; Proceeded on ieave: Suffered from Retired from service dnc to superannuation: asthal~la: . Sat. VII B,\dluka VIII Severe sickness Providcnt fund 8.: gratuity on retirement from sep/lCC 17-3-1957 [0 27-9-1957 Reverted from the higher post held dL!ring the inter period of JVlars, to thc origin,:l ,., " L .ll.v\"'~ post _. 11,1 Sli1",c.I,~1; p~rlllancllt fl"llr l . III Shifting from the asthamalic condition . existing position 111 serVIce IX Ch ange of posit ion proceeding , on leCive II Money ali ~-61970 Received !2;ratult',' fund money. ~ and provident The native of this horoscope is a qualified M.B.B.S Doctor and he fLlns

his O\vn dispensary.

64 Longevity Female ) Birth 19-9-1973 Wednesdoy: 7-50 .... M. I.S . T : 23N 51': 72 ' 10 '; Ay anarn sa 23 23' . Ur~tn Ven Asc Virgo 20.15 28,21 Mer PhILo 13. 18 Sun I 15.43 10. 33 2.37 22.26 21.26 20.26 10.38 10,2 25.4 19.26 19. 26 15.53 12 II 2 3 4 Libra Nep . Scorpio Rahu Sagitlarius 19.26 _ __ _ Le o 11.36 19,26 ~_ Cancer 10.2 20.26_ _ ~ Gemini Sat Ketu 10 5 Jup. Capricorn 6 Aquarius Moon 9.2R 21.26 _ __ Tauru s 22.2L_ _ _Aries Mars Pisces 20. I 5 9 8 7 P1allet SUIl Star S Ma. V Moon Mars Sub J R S Plallet Mer. Jup. Ven. Slar Sub

Sa. V Me . Plallet Sat. Rahu Ketu Star R K R M S Sub Sa. Sa. R J Hints ff the eusp. 1 Sub lord of the Asc. be the significato r of th e badhaka and mar aka houses , there is danger to the life during the joint period of the signific ators of th e badhaka and maroka h ou ses , If the se significators be the cu sp a l jo int rulers of the A sc. or th e Sth cusp, their joint period is very crit ical. Cuspal S ub lord Asc. (a) The cuspal sub lord of the A sc . is Ketu. It is in the star Rahu (whieh is the significator o f the badhaka house 7 and the own ing 7. So Ketu is the significator of the badhaka and maraka houses.

65 (b) We may also examine the strength of Ketu's star lord Rahu and its sub lord J upiter. Rahu is the significator of the badhaka and maraka house. Jupiter owning 7 is in the srar Sun owning and occupying 12, and in the sub Venus owning 2; so it is also tbe si.nificator of the maraka house 12 and connected witb the marak a house 2 and the badhaka house 7. Thus both Rahu and Jupiter are evil. Conseque ntly, the cus~al sub lord oftbe Asc. Ketu becomes evil and it denotes short life . 8th Cusp and Joint Period Rulers I. In this birth map th e 8th cusp is jointly ru led by Mars (s i!',1l lord), Venus (star lord) and Rahu (sub lord). From the very birth this child is running the joint period of Mars (the cuspal sign lord of 8) and Rahu (the cuspal sub lord of 8); and the joint period o f Mars, Rahu and Venus (the cuspal star lord of 8) will be current from 20\11973 upto 2311974. So there is danger to its life if lh!y or" the signifi cators of the badhaka and maraka ho use s. 2 (a) The cuspal sign lord of 8 Mars occupies 7. It is in the star Venus owning 2. It is in the sub Sun owning and occ upying 12. So Mars is the significator of the maraka house 2 and connected with the badhaka house 7 and the maraka house 12. (b) The cuspal star lord of 8 Venus owns 2. It i. in tbe star Rahu (being in Sagittarius represents Jupiter owning 7 and being aspected represents Saturn wh ich aspects 7 and 12 and owns 6). It is in the sub Mercury in 12. So Venus is th e signilicator of 7 the badhaka house and the maraka house 12 and connected with 12 and 2 the maraka houses. (c) The cuspal sub lord of 8 Rahu is in the star Ke tu (being in Gemini represents Mercury in 12 and being in conj. represents Satur n which aspects 7 and 12 and owns 6). It is in the sub Saturn. So Rahu is the si gnificator of the badhaka house 7 and the maraka house 12 and connected with the same bouses. (d) Thus the cuspal joint rulers of the 8th bouse are the signific ators of the badhaka anel maraka bouses and tbey are the joint period rulers cur rent from 20\11973 to 2311974. So tbis time is very critical for its life; because t he cuspal sub lord of tbe Ase. denotes sbort life. 9

66 3. Further all these three jo int period rulers are inter related. The period ru ler Mars is in the star of and in aspect with the inter period ruler Venus . The inter period ruler Venus is in the star of the sub period ruler Rabu. The sub p eriod ruler Rahu is in the star of the euspal sub lord of the Ase . Ketu . This is the strongest testimony which points out that the child will not at all surviv e this joint period of Mars, Rahu and Venus. Transit This child died on 10--12-1 973 at 7- 0 p.m. I .S.T. At that time Sun was transitting in Scorpio 24 56' in th e Sub Rahu (the sub period ruler) ; Moon in Gemini 1 57' in the Star Mars (the pe riod ruler); Mars in its own sign Aries 3 IS'; Rahu in Sagittarius 5, 41' in its o wn Sub; and Venus in Capricorn go 3~' in its own Sub Venus (the inter period rul er). Thus the tran,il agre" with the joint period rulers. Eye Sight Male: Birth 12-1-1918, Saturday; 7- 40-0 A . M . l.S.T.; n OE 35'; Ayanamasa 22' 37'. Asc Capricorn 1.43 Uran 29. 19 Sun Mo on 28.28 17 . 12 23' N2', Yen. 4.34 Mer. Rahu 11.13R. 7.50 2 Aquarius 3 4 Pisces Aries J lip. 7.36 14.36 15.36 9.12 R Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo Ma rs 6.36 1/.36 15.36 14.36 7.34 12 II 10 5

6 Taurus Gemini Ketu 11.36 9 6.36 7.50 Leo 7.36 8 ' I Sa <. Nep. 13.'}I} R ~O. I R Planet Sun Moon Mars Star S V S Sub Ma. M. . K Cancer 1.43 7 Plan et Star Sub Mer. K Sa. J 1I p. S V Ven . Ma. V Plan et Star Sub Sal . MeR V Rahu K J KCLU R R '

67 Hinf, 1. Sun, Moon and Venus denote vision; while Mercury gO'\;~1l1S the nervous system. 2. Consider the hOll,es 2 (vision, right eye), 12 (left eye; defect), 6 (disease) and 8 (danger). 3. 12th cusp. If the sub lord 0f the 12th cusp be the significator of 6, g or 12, then only during the joint period of the significat ors of 2 and 12 the eye sight becomes defective. 4. If Sun, Moon or Venus be : ( a) the sub lord of the 12th cusp '''lcl (b) the significator of 2 or 12 there is a greater possibility or defective vision. 5. Eye sight may be lost during the periods of Sun, Moon or Venus if: (a) Sun , Moon or VClllb be the significator o f 2 or 12, and (b) its sub lord is the occupant or owner of 12, and (c) its sub lord is connected with SUIl, Moon or Venus. 6. Eye sight may be lost during the periods of a planet A if: (<1) its star lord be Sun. Moon or Venus, and (b) its sub lord is the occupant or owner of 12, and (c) its sub lord is connected \vith Sun, Moon or Venus. Cuspal sub lord 12th Cusp. The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Rahll. Its star lord Ketu is in 6, it being aspected represents Sun, Moon and M ercury which are in 12. So Rahu is the significator of 6 <lnd 12. Significators of 2 and 12 All planets expect Venus are the significators of 2 or 12. So select the significators which are in the sub of the occupant or owner of 2 or 12. Thu s Moon (in its own sub in 12), Mercury (in the sub Saturn owning 2). Rahu (in th e sub Jupiter owning 12) and Ketll (in the sub Rahu in 12) may be considered as the final significators of 2 and 12. Joint period 1. As the cuspal sub lord of 1 2 (Rahu) is the significator of 6 and 12, the joint period of the significators of 2 and 12 (Moon, Rahu, Mercury and Ketu) will cause defect in eye sight or vis ion.

68 2. The native was bont during the period of Venus ",ith 14 Y 2M 12 0 in balance. During the period of Moon (24-3 - 1938 to 24-3-1948). in the s ub periods of Rahu (24- 8- 1939 to 24- 2- 1941), Mercury (21 1- 19'1 to 24-6-194 5) and Ketu (24 -6- 1945 to 24-1 - 1946) h is eye sight was gradually getting we aker. 1 ne period ruler Moon is the cuspal s ub lord of II (cure) and it is a ls o the sign ificator of I and 5 (being in the sta r Venus in 1 and own ;'1g 5). T h;s den otc~ remedi;-d me asures nnd hence hi s eye sigh t did not become worse during the period of Moon. (a) During th e period of Rahu (2~ 3- 1955 to 24- 3- 1973), in the sub f."iods of Rahu (24-3- 1955 to 6- 12- 1957). Mercury (6-3-1963 to 2-' J- 1965), Ketu (24-9 -1965 L 12-10-1966) and Moon O (6 9- 1970 to (-' 1972) he was gradually los ing hi s vis ion. 3 12 and it is the sigllificator of 6 and 12. llli s denotes disease and defect in \ :sion and hence t": s is a vcr; ' bad peri od for eyesig:lt. (b) The period I Jler R'lhu is the cu sp,' : sub lo rd of (c) Moon i s the sigl1ificator of 12, it s star lord is with a nd Venus , its sublord is the occupant of 12 and cu nn ectcd Hence dllI;ng the joint period oJ' R ahu Mooll. So the Moon he lo, t sub period of Moon will prove dangc rOll s for vision. vision in the year 1971, due to detachment or Reti na. (d) I Jtll Cusp (cure). M oo n is the c LI,pol sublord of II and it is the significator of I "~d 5. So it denoLes rem edial measures for impro\<j ng the Retina! detachment. He nce in lhis very sub period of Moon be will get treatment for re ga ining vision. Moon is in its 0\\.1 Sub and it is aspected by Mars (operalion) owning II (remedy) an d occupying 8 (surgery). So eyes will be operated and he will get vision.

11', (e) The period ruler Rahu is in tiIe s LIb Jupiter whic h owns 12 and aspects Mars. Hence Rah u i nd ica tes hospitalisation and surgical opera tion ror curing eyesight. His eyes were operated th rice

69 during the joint period of Rahu and Moon on 28' and 2- 2-1972. He regained a sli ght vision in one eye is without vision because of the Cataract. 4 Jupiter. (a) [t ~ 1971. 4-8-1971 other eye, the 8th Cusp (danger). The sublord of the 8th cusp is occupying Jupiter o\vns 12, it is in the Star SUIl owing 8 and 12. it is in the Sub Venus owing 5 and occupying 1. significator of g, 12 and co nnected with 1 and 5. So it is the Hence shows danger, defect and cure. Further its starlord SUIl is aspectccl by Mars o\\/ning 11 and occup ying 8; while its sublord Venus is in the Star Mars. So ./upiter also denotes operation and cure. (b) In view of this he will lose eyesight during Ie the i"int "0 period of Rahu. Moon and Jupiter (13-2-1971 25-4-19711 2()O lost vision on 10-4-1971 when Sun was transiUing in Pisces its own Star (the sub period ruler); Rahu in C(lpricorn the Sub Jupiter. 5. His eye was operated duri ng the joint p~ riod 8' in the Sut, Jupiter (the inter period ruler); Moon in Virgo 17 0' in 27 22' in of Rahu, Moon and Saturn on 28-4-1971. Saturn owns 2 (vision). it is in the Star MereUlj (nerves i. c. Retina) owning 6 (disease) and occupying 12 (hospitalisation). it is in the Sub Venus owning 5 and occupying I (cure). So Saturn is the significat

or of 6. 12 and connected with 2; I and 5. Further its starlord Mercury its subl ord Venus is in the Retinal operation for cure. Transit. is aspected by Mars and Hence Saturn shows Star Mars. On 28 4-1971 Sun was transitting of Mars (operation). in the Star of In Aries (eyes). the sign Moon III Venus (vision); Taurus 23 in the Star of Moon (the sub period ruler); Saturn in Taurus 0 5' in the Sub Rahu (the period ruler).

70' Attempt to Commit Suicide Female :- Birth 26-2-1945 Monday, 5- 0 P. M. I. S. T. 22' "43', 74' E 39', Ayana msa 22' 59'. Asc Cancer 10-59 2 (New): Leo Moon Jup. Rahu 6.1 8. 10 22.50 Gemini Sat //.1 \0.54 R. 16.10 12 1.29 R 3 4 Virgo Nep 5.1 12.48 R - -Uran Taurus 10.1 7.1 28 .53 11 10 Libra Scorpio 7.1 /0.1 Aries Ven

5 6 --Pisces Sun 5.1 14.30 12.32 9 Mer Sagitlm'ills //.1 22.50 Aquarius Mars 6.1 8 Ketu 16 20 Capricorn 7 10.59 Plauet Star Sat. Sun R Mer. Sa. Moon .K Rahu Jup. S Sa. Mars M Ven. Me. Ketu Sa. Cuspal Subl ord. Asc. (a) The Ase. i, joinlly ruled by Moon, Saturn and Sun . Moon is thc si gnificator of 6 (sickness or disease- being in the Star Ketu in 6 which also rep resents Jupiter owing 6). The starlord of the Ase. is Saturn which owns 8. It de notes long lire. The sublord of the Ase. is Sun which owns 2. Hence life is lo n g. (b) The mental trend of the native is shown by the cuspal sublord of the Asc. which is Sun. Sun occupies 8 (suicide), it is in conj . with Mercury the chief governor of reaso n and the owner of 12 (self- undoing) and aspected by Moon the owner of the Asc. (self) and the chief governor of mind. This denotes self undo ing nature and s ui cidal mentalit y. Sub K J Sa. Plal/et Star R Sub Sa. J Sa.

Plal/et Smr R J V Sub

71 (c) Sun the sub lord o f the Asc. is in the star Rahu in 12 (repre senting Satur n owning 8 o n the cusp of 12) and in the sub Ketu (representing the aspecting S aturn). Thus the s ub lord of tbe Asc . is the significator of 8 a nd 12. ~o it denotes an accident. 81h Cusp . The sub lord of the 8th cu s p is Moon. It owns the A sc. (self), it is in Leo (fiery sign), it is aspected by Mars (accident by burn ing or fire ). Its sta r lord Ketu is in Sagittarius (fiery sign), it repr esents Sa turn owning 8 on the 12th C us p. Ketu denotes an accident by burning. Thus the sub lo rd of the 8th c usp is connected with 8 and 12; f iery sign and a n accident by burning. Significators of Accident I . In this case the c uspa l sub lord of the Ase. denotes suicidal mentality and & accident; while the cu s pal sub lord of the 8th n shows an accide nt by burning. 2. An accid ent generally happens du ri ng the joint period of th e significator s of 8 a nd 12. If the cuspal sub lord of the Asc, 8 or 12; or if the cus"al jo int rulers o f a ny of these ho uses be the significators of X a nd 12, the acci dent occurs during the ir joint period . In cases o f sick ness, disease , seri o LI S injuries o r acc ident the joint pe riod rul er o r rulers fo rm an ev il aspec t by Square o r o pposi tio n to the Ase; or forms sex tile o r trine to the 6th, 8th o r 12th c usp ; o r to the owne r o f 6, 8 o r 12; or to the pl a net in 6, 8 o r 12. 3. In thi s case Sun and Me rc u ry are in the star R ahu in 12 (represe nting S a turn owning H). They are th e s ignifi cato rs of 8 and 12. Ma rs is in the sub Saturn ow ning 8 a nd on the cusp of the 12th , so it is a lso the significa to r o f 8 a nd 12. (M ,or s is in the star Moon whi eh is aspec ted by the significa to rs of 8 and 12 i.e. Sun , Mercu ry and Saturn, hen ce Mars is th e strongest significator of 8 and 12). Sun and Merc ury a re in tr ine bo th to the 12th cusp and Saturn o wning H. Mars is in o ppositio n to th e A sc .. Sun. Mercury a nd Mars are "s pec t ing the owner o f the Asc . and the cuspal s ub lord, of 8 (M oon) . 4 . Hence an accident wi ll occ ur during th e jo int period of Sun, !'..1crcli ry and Ma rs.

72 Joint period This native was born during the period o f Ketll with 1-9-1971. balance of 2 Y 8M 17 0 . The joint period of Sun and Mercury will start from In this case the nati ve attempted to commit suicide . So tlte and accident occurred during the joint period of Sun, Mercury denotes Sun (Sun is the sub lord of the Asc. and it the native herself and her own initiation) which commenced from 23- 12- 1971. As she burnt herself the accident happened in the Sookshma period of Mars (the star lord of t he 8th cusp) whi ch commenced on 25-12-1971. Hence she attempted to commit suici de by pouring kerosene over her body and she suffered severe burns during the jo int period of Sun, Mercury, Sun and Mars on 25-12-1971 Saturday at 9- 15 p.m. l. S.T. Transit At that time Sun was transitting in Sagittarius 9" 51 ' the fiery s ign through the 6th house; Moon in Pisces 17' 42' in the star Mercury (the sub period ruler); Mercury in Scorpio 19 12' in its own star. Thus t he transit agreed with t~e joint period ruler at the time of the event. Reco,ery In this case Ketu is the sub lord 11th cusp (recovery), it of the period- inter period the ruler Sun, it represents Jupiter (being in Sagittarius) which aspects the also r epresents Venus (its star lord) owner of II. The sookshma period ruler Mars owns 5 (recovery), So the life wos saved, it is in trine to the 11th cusp and sextile to the 5th cusp. native could recove r from serious injuries and her because tbe Asc. promises long life as already d iscussed, -

73 Education n " Femalc. Birth 20]-1956 We d nes d oy: I - I' P . MIS.T : ?VN 2'. J . . . _ . 'E 35'; Ayanomsa 23 ' 9 '. Asc Gemini 29.20 Uran 5AR 2 Cancer Jup PlutO 23-38 2~.58 R - - Taurus Kctu Ven 28.5 1 18. 19 :!11.31 12 J. "'0 R 3 4 Leo 20.38 - - Aries Vir 00 22-38 - - Pisces ~ 26.38 2238 14 ,2X IJ 10 Sun l\ cp ~ l () c tl 6. J 9R 6. 3 1 Mer . 5A 1 5 L ihra

SaL !C\ Illi 26.38 \.) . ~Mt !(-;.]\) - ;/qlmrills 2U.38 y (> SCOf/'io 28.51 j\1a r s "lS.::!4 Sa'..!. i Ifar i us I Cal'ricol'il l .U 8 b 79. 20 S'!l h Plall(!{ Sial' 7 P/cmel Sun Moon Mars S tar Sa. ~Vh . " SlIt! K Plaut't M, r. . .'. J II p. Star Sub V Sa. iI'I c .

\1 ;\l e. Sa. Sat. Rahll Kc{ II V iv'. ,., . \te n. S R Sa. Me: . 1>' Me. Mc. Cuspal Suh lord 4th Cusp : T he su b lord of th e 41h cu ~ p is Venus , it occlIpic:o. the 11th, It is in thl: 51a;: Su n \vhich occlIpi:.:s the 9 th an d which is in conj . wi l h M e rcu ry th e..: 0\\ ncr or th e 4th. Thus Venu s is connected with 4, 9 a nd i 1. So I he native will acquire sc ho ol as wL!1 as t:o ll cge education du ring the pe riod s or the s ignif1c~ttors or 4.9 and I I . Joint I)criod. peri od of rvlars with balance o r 29 Jays. T hen run .. th e period or Rahu fro m 27-4- 1956 3nd (a) the conl inu -.: s upto 27-4-1974. From 27 -<".- 1974 the pe ri o d of Ju p i ter th e 4 th ~Tld The native wa s born dur ing begins. Raltll is in tile Sla r and Sub Mercury the owner and thl' occupa nt o f l ll..: 9t1 1 So it is the s igl1ifi cal 0r . COllllcct~d \\ itll 4 and 9 , or of 4, 9 10

74 Jupiter is a lso in the St ar of M ercur y in 9 and owning 4, it is in the Sub S aturn owning 9 in 5. So it is al so th e s ignificato r of 4, 9 and connected wi th 5 and 9. Hence the native has to receive education during the periods of Rahu a nd Jupiter. (b) The nati ve will complete he r st udi es duri ng the joint pe riod of Jupit er (th e significator of 5) ~ nd Saturn the significat or of 5 (be ing in its own Star in 5 and in the Sub Venus owning 5). Scholarship Female. Birth 23-2- 1946 Saturday; 72" 35'; Ayanas m a 23' 0'. Asc Cancer 9.59 Pluto 17.IOR Sat Mars 2S.3 1 R 21. 7 4- 15 P .M . I.S.T. , 23 ' ~2' , 2 Leo 4.34 Gemini Rahu /0 .34 3.39 12 U ran 20 .25 3 Virgo Nep Ju p 3.34 -I-Taurus .lS.6R 4. 8R 8. 34 II 4 Libra M oon 5.34 - - Aries 4.S 5.34

10 5 Scorp io 8.34 Pisces Mee Y en 3.34 2 1.3 0 9 Ketu 3.:\9 S un 16.32 11.13 6 Sag illarius 10.34 - - Aqllarills Capricorn 9.59 4.34 S Planet Sun Moon Mars Star R Sa. J Sub Sa. Sa. 1 7 Planet Mer. lup, Ven. Star J Ma . R Sub J V V Planet Sat . Rahu Ketu Star J Ma. K Sub Me. V S

75 Hints If the cusp"l sub lord of the 11 th is the significator of 2 (money), 6 (s cholarship) or II (gain) and connected with the house 4 (studies) , the native g ets the scholarship for studies during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and II which are connected with the 4th. Cuspal Sub lord 11lh Cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. It owns 4 and II; its star lo rd Rahu is in 11 ; its sub lord is Venus itself. The star lord Rahu and the sub lord Venus both are aspected by Jupiter \. . hich is on the 4th cusp and owns 6. The sub i0rd Venus is in conj. with Sun owning 2. So the cuspal sub lord of Il is the significator of 11. 4. 6 and connected with 2, 4, 6 and II. Thus the scho larship for studies is promised to the native and she will get it during the joi nt period of the significators of 2, 6 and 11. Joint period The native was born during the period of Saturn with balance 01' 17 Y 11M 5 D . During hcr studies she used to getthe scholarship in thc joint poriod of Saturn and Jupiter (16-7-1961 to 28-1-1964) and in the joint period of Mcrcury and Merc ury (28-1-1964 to 5-7-1966). Saturn is in the star Jupiter which is Oil the 4th cusp, owns 6, aspects Venus o\vning 4 and 11 and Sun owning 2; it is in the sub Mercury (the significator of 2, 4, 6 and 11). So Saturn is the significator of 2 , 4. 6, II and connected with 2, 4, 6 and II. Jupiter is in the star Mars and in the sub Venus owning 4 and 11. The star lord Mars and the sub lord Venus both a re aspected by Jupiter owning 6 and on the 4th cusp. The sub lord Venus is in co nj. with Sun owning 2. So Jupiter is connected with 2, 4, 6 and 11. Mercury is i n the Star and Sub Jupiter which is on the 4th cusp, owns 6. aspects Venus ownin g 4 and 11 and Sun owning 2. So Mercury is the significator of 2. 4. 6, II and c onnected with 2,4, 6 and 11.

76 61" cusp (scholarship) . ft is jointly operated by Jupiler, Ketu and Salurn. Sat u rn and Jupiter are the signific?L tors of and connected \I'ilh 2, 4, 6 and II as discussed above . We have seen that the native used to get the ~ chola rshjp during the joint pe riod of Saturn and Jupi te r. So it ma y be said that if the cuspal joint rulers of the 6th house be the significators of scholarship. the nat ive gets scholarship during the joint period of these clispal joint rulers. Earning Female . Birth 17- 5- 1952 Saturday; 7- 39 Asc p.m . I .S.T: 23"N2', Scorpio 2 Sagittarius 9.41 15. 19 11.46R 9.19- -Libra Mars 12 Ncp 26. 20R 3 Capricorn Rahu II. /9- - Virgo Sat I 7.19 15.35 R II 3.6 4 Aquarius Moon 15.1916.15 Leo K etu [' IUlO 15.19 J,(,

26. -i 10 ) Pisces J up. ~ 1 er 17. 19- - -Cancer I J.20 r 1 1. 19 9 1.25 li f J 11 18.21 (1.1 6 Aries Ven SUIl 15. 19- - Gemil1i 23.10 3.31 9 g Taunts Pfand Slar 9.4 1 Sun Moon Mars S R R Sub Sa. V Sa. P/O/wl 7 Slar K K

IVl er. lup. Veil. SlIh Sa. Sa. P/Wlet Sal. Rahu Star M SlIb J V Ma. K V s" . Ketu S

77 C usp.1 Sub lord 6 1h & 10th (,liSpS. The s uh l o rd of the 6th a nd th e 10th cusps is Venl ls. It is in it s ow n star Venus in 6 and in the sub Saturn in 10 . So VCI1US is the sigllili cator or 6 (serv ice or llloncy from oth ers) and co nnected wilh 10 (occLlp:1tion). H" cncc the sub lord of th e 6tll a nd the 10th Cli SpS pl om i ~ e s earning to the na ti ve. 2nd cusp. The s ub lord o f the 2 nd Cli SP is Jupiter. It is in the star Kd u (be ing in Leo rcp rescllls Sun in 6 o \vning to) and ill t he ~ ub Sa t urn in 10. So Jupite r h th e signiflcalor o~ 6, 10 and {'o nl1 eCled with 10. Hence the sub lord of the 2nd C li Sp p rom ises ean1ing to the Ilati vc. Signifieators of 2, 610 and II. H ouse P/onel ill rhe S((fr OC ClIpallt Plall et ill ' he sfar Owner oj occllpan t of OIl'l1er No ne No ne No ne J II p. (, Sun Mars Sun Rahu Ve n. Ven. S. tl. Sun 10 None Sun II Rahu \'1a rs Mer. None Ju pi le r. Sun, Venus . SHtLlrn and Rahu are the ~ igni fi cators o f money or se rvice . Amo ng t hem Sun and Venus a rc in the su h Sa turn in lO; Rahu is in ihc s ub Venus in 6. So Sun, Venu s li nd R.lhu 'H e st ro ng, signi licalors; a mo ng them Rahu is st ronger th a n Vcnu s. Joint perio d T his nat ive was b o rn during the pe r iod of Rahu with balance of 51' 23 D . The period 01 Jupiter \\"i ll , [a rt fro lll 106- 19 57 and will continue upto 1 0- 6- 19 73 . .I ul)i tcr i s the cuspal suh lord o f 2 and it is lhe s ignitl c ato r or 2. () and 10 a s discussed ahove . So th e n mive will be abl e to ea r n d urin g it s pe riod . Rahu is aJl10n~! th e s jl.!l1 j 1lc~< t o rs or !Ho n ey, SO It should be give n prererence ove r other s ign iflca to rs. I knce Ra h u sh o uld be "cil.' ct cd as the .<.,uh p.::riod rul e r. Venus is Hmong the st ro ng signi1k ators und it is ti1c cll ~ pa l , ub lord G a nd 10 . So it s ho u ld be se lecte d as the inter pe ri od ru I cr. T hu s during th e jo int per io d o f Jup it er. Rnhu and Venu s (:;0 - 7- 1972 to 2~ -12- 19 72) the nm ivc will ~cl se rvice and will - . ~1 t: !.!, 1ll to ea rn . or. or -

78 Transit The native got her first employment on 12- 10-1972, when Sun was transilting in Virgo 25 24' in the sub Rahu (the sub period ruler); Moon in Scorpio 19 20' in the sub Venus (the inter period ruler); Jupiter in Sagittarius 8 29' in its own sub Jupiter (the perio d mler); Rahu in Sagittarius the sign owned by Jupiter; Venus in Leo 14" i 8' in lhe s lar and sub of Venus itself. Thus the trans il agrees with the joint period rulers. Transfer in Service Male. Birth 10-11-1932 Thursday; 9-0 p. m. I.S .T: 23 ' N2', 72E 35 ; Aya namsa 2 2 49'. Asc Gemini 12.5 2 Cancer 6.2 1Taurlls 10.2 I 12 1I , 0 L eo Mars Nep Ketu JlIp 1.21 - -Aries 5.35 17.5 20.4 9 25.31 Uran Muon 5. ? I 27.33R 26.14 4 Virgo Ven \.2117.20 Pisces Rahu . 1. 2 1 20.49 JO 5 6 Libra Sun 5.21 25.14

-A quarius Sat 1.21 (,.32 9 Scorpio Mer 10.2117.16 Capricorn 6.2 1 8 Sagillarius 12.5 7 Planet Sun Moon Mars Star J Me. K Sub Me. Planer Mer. Jup. Ven. Star !\1e. V M J R Sub Me. Me. Sa. Plane I Sat. Rahu Kelu Star S J V Sub Me. J J

79 Hints If the c uspa l s ub l o rd of 3 o r 12 be the significator of 3 or 12 and con ne cted with 10, th e na ti ve if in sc::rvice, will gel trans ferred from the prese nt place to another place during the joint period of th e significator s of 3, 10 and 12. Cuspal Sub lord 3rt! cusp. The sub lord of the 3rd cusp is Ve nus. It owns 12; it s star lo rd Moon is in \0 and as pected by the owne r of 12 (Ve nus); its sub lo rd Saturn. (being in the sta r Sun owning 3) is the signif icator of 3. So the cuspal sub lord of 3 (Ven us) is the signifi cator of 10, 12 a nd con nected with 3 and 12. 12th cusp. The su b lord of the 12th cusp is Moo n. It is in 10; its star lord Merc ury is in 6 and aspects th e 12th and aspeete d by th e occupant of 3 ( Mars); its s ub l o rd Jupiter ow ns 10 and occupics 3 . So the cuspal s ub lord of 12 (Moon) is the significaior of 6, 12, 3 and co nn e cted with 3 and 10. 10th cusp. The s ub lord of th e 10th cusp is Rahu.]t is i n the star and s ub Jupiter ow nin g 10 and occ upying 3. So the cuspal s ub lor d o f 10 (Rahu) i, th e significator o f 3, 10 and co nnected wi th 3 'Illd 10. Joint Period The native was born d urin g th e period o f Mercury wit h balance of";'v 9 M 19 D SO he has to pass th e pe ri od s of Ketu , Venus, Sun, \110011 and so on, The pe ri ods of Mercur y, K Cl u <.l li.d Ve nu s were passed in early years of life . He started hi s career Juring the period o f Sun (29R1 9E't to 2981970). Sun is 110 t among the c uspal sllb lords of 3. 10 a nd 12. Th en start s the per i od of Moon (29 ~~ ~1970 to 29~81980) . Moon. Ra hu and Venus are the c llspal sli b lord s of 12, 10 and 3 respecti ve ly. T hey are the significator, of and conn ected with 3, 10 and 12. The nati ve is an officer in the Bank a t Ahmedabed. Now in the perio d of Moon, the sub period of Rahu will start earlier than Venu s (29 1~1972 to 29-7-1973). So during the period of Moon. in the slib period ofRahli and in the inter period of Venus (16-1-1973 to 164-19 73), he will be transferred to some other city. Ac tually he was transfe rred to th e Bombay o ffice in the month of March 1973.

80 Transit He took charge in the Bombav office on 15-3-1973. On that day . Sun was transitting in Pisces \' O' all the cusp of the 10th; Moon in Cancer 13' 0' in t he sub Rahu (the sub period ruler) and it was in sextile to the 12th cusp as wel l as the owner of 12 (Venus- change of place in new environments); Rahu in Sagit tarius 20 0' in the star Venus (the inter period ruler); and Venus was in Aquariu s. 24' 21' in the 9th in trine to ~un owning 3 (change of place). From Bar to Judiciary Male. Birth 6-12-1931 Sunday; 10.55 A.M. T.S.T.; 23'N 2', 72' 35; Aj!anamsa 22Q 48'. Asc CapricornlS./3 Sat. 28.8 2 A (jl/ariliS 23.12 Sagittarius Ven. Ml.'r. M""" -.,,/S.12 12.50 11.12 4 16 Rahu Uran 8.50 22.4SR . Pisces 28./2 Scorpio Sun 23.17 20.20 II Aries 21! .12 Libra ],v10 (1 11 28.12 7.1 Il) , 6

Taurus 23.12 Virao Ketu .28./2 X.50 9 Gemilli ]8.1' 1 Leo Nep. 23.12 I 5.11 " v J up_ 29.-1.9 COl/eel' 15.13 Planet Sun !\1oon Star Me. R K Mars Sub V R M Plaller Il'!er. ] II p. 7 Star K '~vl L' Yen. I( Sub Sa. Sa. \'1e.

Plai1et Sat. Rahll ,)'Iar Slib Kctu S Sa. S M V \

81 Cuspal S ub lord 101h CliSP (a) If the sublord of the 10th cusp is the s igllifi cator of 2.7 or 10. a n indepe ndent profess io n is promised during the joinl p eriod of th e s ignifica tors of 2, 7 a nd 10 . I n this map the CLlSp.l1 sub lord of 10 is Venus. It is in the s ta r Kctu whi ch rcp rc:s~nts Sun ill 10 (KC1U being in the sta r Sun) . 1t is in the s.ub M e rc ury in 11. So Venu s is the significator of 10 and conne ..::tcd wi th 11 . H ence it rromi~e 5 a n ind c pcndant profl.':ssion dur ing the joim pe ri od of the s ig ni fica tors of 2, 7 and 10. (b) The 10th cu , p is jo intiy opcwted b y Venus (,i~n lord), Ju~iter (star lo rd) and Venus (s ub lo rd). The professio n in (his case will be s hown by the co mbination or J UpitCi and Venu s . Ju pi te r denotes legal pl'ofl!ssion: while Venu s deals with the function of a Judg \! who h afmonises law. He nce the na ti ve may p rac tise as a L awye r o r serve as a J udgc. Joint Period (a) This native was born during the pe ri od of R a hu with balance of i7 Y 6" 10 0 The period of Jupiter was current I'rom 16-6 -1949 u pto 16-6-1 965. (b) He complet ed his s tudies in Law in the monthof Feb ruary 1953 dur!llg th e j o int peri od of Jupi te r. Saturn a nd Moon the s ign ificators of 3 ami S. (c) He sta rted his ca reer as a Lawyer in the month o f J une 1953 during the joint peri od of Jupit e r ~ Saturn and Rahu the significalo rs of 2, 10 and II. The pe ri od ruler Jupite r gove rns la w and dignity. It d ocs no t like subord ina tion , So it denotes an ind epe ndent prac t ice as a L awyer. Jupiter owns 3, so the intellec tu al abilities of th e n at ive will ser ve as the source. Irs st a r lord Mercury in 11 is in associ<:!tion with Mars ow ning lI , Venus ow ning 10 and Satu rn owning 2. Its sub lord Saturn owns 2. So Jup iter is the s ignifica to r of 2, 10 and II . (d) The influen ce of the sub periods is to b e interpreted in Concurrence with th e influence of the period r uler. In this case the s ub period ruler Saturn and the inter period ruler Rahu both are in humony with Jupiter th e period ruler. Further, the n ext fo llowi n g sub pe riod rul e rs current during th e peri od of Jupiter concur with Jupite r, because they all are connected with 2, ]() or II. Hen ce he II

82 successfully practised as a Lawyer througho ut the period of Jupiter upto 16-6-1 965 _ (e) The period of Saturn started from 16-6-1965_ The houses I, 5 and 9 den ote any sort of change in the professional activities. Saturn ow ns I (change) a nd 2 (income); so the change in income will be the source. It is in the star Su n (Gov!.) in 10 (professional activities). It is in the sub Moon owning 7 (contr act or deatings with Govt.) and occupying 9 (change in the existing set up of activities). So Saturn is the significator of 10 and connected with 7, 9: I and 2. Thus Saturn indicates that the professional activities of the nat ive will bc connected with Go vl. by way of contractual dealings and he will der ive income thereby. This amounts to to entering into a new sphere. (f) Further, Saturn denotes permanency, steadines s, responsibilities and inclination for service. So during the joint period of Saturn, Saturn and Saturn in the month of OClOber 1965, the native was appointed as a Special Gov!. Pleader in addition 10 his pri vate practice. Thus Saturn effected a change in the professional activities of the native. (g) Now in the period of Saturn the sub period of Merc ur y wi ll be in progress from 19-6-1968 Upto 28-2-1971. Mercury owns 6 (service) and 9 (change). So anot her change in the professional act ivities in the form of service wi ll become the cause of an event in the life of the native. It is in the s tar Ketu (being in the star Sun) representing Sun in 10 (Govt). It is in the sub Saturn owning 1 and 2. So Mercu ry is the significator of 10 (position & power) and connected with I (c hange), 2 (income), 6 (service) and 9 (change). The influence of the sub period ruler Me rcury is to be construed in concurrence service, po~ition, with the influence of the peri e d ruler Saturn as discussed above. So ~aturn and Mercury both indicate thereby. p ower, relations with Ga vt. and income Hence it may be inferred that the native might accept a post in Govt service car rying position and power during the sub period of Mercury. (h) Mercury is contro lled by its sub lord Saturn which is both tbe period ruler and also the cuspal s ub lord of 2 (income), 3 and 9 (change). So the jo int period of Saturn, Mercury

and Saturn (25-9-1970 to 28-2-1971) indicates that the native will give up the the independent practice as a Lawyer and he will join Govl. service. (i) In fact he w", offered the post of a Judge in the Small Causes Court ciuring this lime. He aCccDt eo it and he took charge of the post on 19-12-1970 during thejoint period of Saturn, Mercury,

83 Saturn and Sun. Sun is in 10 (Govt., position, power); it is in the star Mercury owning 6, 9 and occupying 11; it is in the sub Venus owning 5. 10 and occupying 11. The star lord Mercury is in association with Saturn owning I. 2; Mars ownin g 11 and Venus. So Sun is the significator of 6 (service), 9 (change from a Lawy er to a Judge), 11 (success. prospects) and connected with 5 (change in activiti es), 10 (pos ition, power); I (change of profession) and 2 (income from G ov t.) . Thus the native ceased to be a Lawyer and becamc a Judge in Govt. judicial ser vice. Transit. On 19-12-1970 Sun was transitting in Sagittarius 3 30' in the sub Sun (the Sookshma period ruler) ; Moon in Leo 16 0 0' in the sub Sun and Saturn in Aries 23 8' R in its own sub (the period and inler period ruler). Thus the tra nsit agrees with the joint period rulers. Partnership Business Male. Birth 13-10-1935; 72"E 35'; Ayanamsa 22" 51 '. Sundav' . 1-51 A.M. I.S.T; 23N 2', Asc Cancer 20-33 .3 Ketu 24.19 Leo Ven. Nep. 15.59 16.50 22.42 - Gemi"i 20.59 12 Virgo Sun M~r. /5.59 25.43 7.3 R -ITaurus 19.59 11 4

Libra 17.59 Aries Uran. Moon 17.59 11.l6R 4.54 10 Jup. 1.24 5 Scorpio Mars 19.59 25.31 Pisces 15.59 9 6 Sagittarius Rahu 20.59 24.19 -,20.33 Aquarius Sat 15.59 11.14 R 8 CapricOTII 7

84 Planet House III Owns Sigllifieotor oj House Star Ma. II V K In 01l'IIS Con/leeted With HOllse III Ou'ns Sub Sun Ven. Moon 3 2 9 2 4, I 5 2 5, 4, 10 II R M Ma. 6 2 9 6, 4, I 9 II 12 3, 4 Sat. 7 7, 8 R 6 2 6, 6,

4, 12 51 51 II 5 7 5, 7, 10 Sa. 8 Ketu 4 6, 51 Me. 3 3, 12 12 3, 12 J Rahu represents its star lord Venus in 2, ow ning 4, J 1; Ketu represents its star lord Jupiter in 4, owning 6, 51. Balance o f Ket.u Dasha 4 Y 5 M 4 0 J. Cuspal Sub lord 2nd Cusp (self-earning). I. If the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd be the significator of2, 6, 10 or II, the native will have an independent earning during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6, 10 and II. 2 (a) In this map the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Sun. As seen fro m the above table it is the significator of 5 (betting, gambling, ri sky enterpr ise), 10 (ambitions, business activities) and connected with 2 (se lf-earning), 4 (land, factory, possessiollS), 6 (/oans, debts. gain from others), 9 (changes in business activities i.e. more than one bu, iness), II (friends, supporters. g ain, success) and 3 (self-abilities). Hence the native will earn in so many ways as mentioned. (b) As the cuspal sub lord of 2 (Sun) is the s ignificator of 2, 6, 10 and 11 , he will cam money during the period of Sun from 17-3-15160 to 173-1966. (c) The 2nd cusp is jointly ruled by Sun, Venus and Sun. As seen from th e above table Venus is al so the significator of 2 and 11. So during tile joint period of Sun and Venus from 17-3-1965 to 17-3-15166, he will earn much. 7111 Cu sp (bu siness). I . If the cuspal s ub lord of the 7th bo the significator o f 2 , 10 or II , the nat ive will gain in busi ness during the joint period of the s ignificators of 2, 10 and II.

85 2 (a) In this map the sub lo rd of the 7th cusp IS Venus. As seen from the above table it is Ih. significator of 2 (self-earning), 4 (land, factory, possessions), II (gain) and connected with 1 (self) and 9 (cha nges. in business activities i.c. more than one business). So the native will do many Iypes of business Venus is the significator of 2 (17-3-1965 to (b) The cuspal sub lord of 7 and II; it is also the sta r lord of the 2nd cusp. So he will gain in business d uring the joint :,.riod of Sun and Venus 17-3-1966). Joint Period In view of this the native started an independent business during the oeriod of Sun the significator of 2, 6, 10 and 11 (17-3-1960 to 17-3-1966) his 17-3- 1966) and he earned much during this time. In the sub period of Venus the significator of 2 and II (17-3-1965 to earning was substanti al and to his satisruction. 2. Cuspal Sub lord 71h CIiSP (partncrship busine ss) . I. If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th be the significator of 8 or 12, the nativc will lose in bus iness during the joint period of the significators of 8 and 12. 2. In this map the cuspal su b lord of 7 (Venus) is no doubt the significator of 2 and J I. But its star lord (Venus) and sub lord (Moon) are aspected by the owner of 8 (misfortune) and the natural malefic Sa~urn which owns and occupies 7 (partnership bUSiness). Moreover, the sub lore! Moon is also .spected by the OlVller of 12 (loss) Mercur y. Thus the CllSP'" sub lo rd of 7 Venus is connected with 7, 8 and 12 and it de notes loss in the parlnership business. So the native will lose ill the partnership business during the joim period of the sign ifieators of 8 and 12.

86 /llh CIiSP (out come). The sub lord of the! IIh cusp As seen from the above table it is the significator is Ketu. of 6 (debts, separation of the partner) and connected with separating from the partnership, l iabilities). So 12 (loss, native the cuspal sub lord of 11 denotes loss and separ.tion of the partners. This will happen during the joint period of the significators of 6, 8 and 12. Joint Period The 7th cusp is jointly ruled by Saturn, Moon and Venus; while the 11th ellsp is jointly gove rned by Venus, Moon and Ketu. As seen from the above table and as already discus sed in the previous paras Moon, Venus, Saturn and Ketu are connected with 6, 7, 8 and 12. Saturn is the significator of 6 and connected sub lord with 7 and 8. M oon is the significator of 12; its Mars is aspected by Saturn, so Mars is connected with 7 and Moon is said to be connected with 7 and 8. 8', conseq "ently The next after Sun the period of Moon starts from 17-6-1970. In the sub period o f Saturn the inter period 17-3-1966 of Ketu and the sub period of Saturn commences (earlier than Venus) from begins (earlier than Venus) from 8-12-1970. All these three planets are the significators of an d connected with 6, 7, 8 and 12_ So during the joint periud of Moon, Saturn and Ketu (8-12-1970 to 11 - 1-1971) both the partnership and the partnership busines s will come to an end due to loss, heavy debts and increased liabilities when th e transit agrees. Transit The native closed the partnership business in the last week Sagittarius of December 1970. By this time Sun was transitting in r to 11 0 in the star Ketu (the inter period ruler); Saturn in Aries period ruler) ; 22' 59'R to 22' 44' R in the sub of Saturn (the sub Ketu in Leo 3' 11' to 3' 0' in its own star.

87 Purchasing the Building Male. Birth 9-12-1922 Saturday; 0-45 A.M. I.S .T. 22' N 10'; 71' E 42' Ayanamsa 22' 40' . Ase Leo 11.45 ROlhu 2.55 Nep. Moon 25 .26R ,6. 14 2 Virgo Sat. 9.20 25.8 _. - Cancer 12.20 12 3 Libra Jup. 9.20 16.20 2.51R - - Gemini 12.20 II Yen. 4 S corpio Sun 11.20 23.16 - - Taurus 11.20 10 Mer. 24.23

5 6 Sa gitlarius Capricorn 12.20 12.20 -A ries 9.20 9.20 2.55 9 8 - - Pisces Ketu Mars 5.20 Uran t 7. 10 Aquarius 11.45 7 Plallet Sun Moo n Mars Slar Me. Sa. Ma. Sub M 1 S Planet Mer. Jup. Ven. Slar Sub Me. R V R R J Planet Slar Sub Ma. R Sat. J S Rahu R J Ketu Hint. If the cuspal sub lord of the 4th be the significator of 4, II or 12 and if Mars or Saturn is connected with the house 4, then of the the native will have his own building during the joint period significators of 4, II and 12.

88 Cuspal Sublord 4111 CliSP (a) The sub lord or the 4th cusp is Moon. It owns I~ . Its star lord Saturn aspects the 4th and II th and is aspeeted by Mars owning 4 . Its sub lord Jupiter aspects the lIth and Mars both . So Moon is th e sigl1ifi cator of 4, II and co nnected wilh 4, II, 12 and M'ars. Hence the cus fJa l sub lord or 4 promis es the native a building of hi' own to dwell in. (b) The euspal s ub lord of 4 Moo n owns 12. It is in the star Saturn owning 6. 7 and occupyin g 2. It is in the sub Jupi te r owning 8 and occupying 3. So Moon is the signifi cator of 2 (money), 6 (money by loan or in any ma nner), 7 (money lender o r ban k or the transacting perso n) and co nnected with 3 (bargain), 8 (sudden gain) a nd 12 (investment). He nce the sub lord of the 4th cus p promise s that the nati ve will have a sudden gain of money. He will bargain with the transacting perso n in connectiion with the bu ilding (because th e star lo rd Saturn and the sub lo rd Jupiter both arc in aspect with Mars owning 4) and will get money. He will also borrow money from the money lender i.e. Bank and he will spend money for p urchasing a building. 2nd CliSp. As the cuspal sub lord of 4 shows sudden gain o f money, the 2nd cusp which is the principal house for mone y should be examined . It is jointly ruled by Mercury (sign lord), Sun (star lonl) and Venu s (sub lo rd). Mercury is in its own star owning 2 and 11 in 4. So it is the significator of 2, 4 and II. Sun is in the star Mercury owning 2 and II in 4 and in the sub M oon owning and occupying 12. So it is the significator of 2, 4 and II; and conne cted with 12. Venus is in the star Jupiter owning 8 and occupyi ng 3 and aspecti ng II and Mars owning 4. It is in the sub Rahu (Rabu in Virgo represents Mercury ow ning 2, II a nd occupying 4; it is in association with Saturn owning 6. 7 an d occupying 2; it is aspected by Mars owning 4 and occupying 6). So Venus is the strong significator of 3, 8, II and connected with 2, 4, 6, 7, 11 and Mars. Hen ce the cuspal s ub lord of 2 promises an unexpec ted gain of money by way of ba rgain in connection with the building.

89 Joint Period , (a) In this map the native was born during tfi~ period or-Saturn with balance of oy 7 M 12 D , The s ign lord. star lord and sub lord of the 2nd cu sp (i,e. Mcrclt ry~ Sun and Venus rc~p cc th'ely) all these three arc the s ignificator s or 2. 4 and 11. Among them Sun is the strongest s ignificator of 2. 4. II and connecled w,illl 12: and its period star ts from 21-7-1967 and continues upt o 21,7-1973. (b) So during the period of Sua he will gain money in co nnection "itll th e building, he will take a 10 al1 fr om the Bank and he will Jomt ha ve hi s own buil d ing. Thi s will happen duriltg the of Sun an.d Me rcu ry: and Sun and Venlls. paiod (C) In facl, during: the joint period of Sun. Mercuryand Moon in OctObe r 1971: and during the period o f Sun and Venus in 1972 he got more than o ne lac of rup ees in all fro m IllS land lord vacating the building in which he resided as a t enant. for (d) He could purchase a ne w building with this money du ring the same ioin t pe riod of SLin and Venu s in "1972. He occupied the building in O ctoher 1972 during th e joint period of Sun. Ve nus and Sun. (e) He al "'0 received a loan from lh"-" Bank: in connc ::tl O.l with this building during the joint period of Sun. in June 19n . Occup3.tion. Venus and Nh: r.;ury

In this map th e s ub lord or the lOth c usp is M a r> ( printing). Its sta :- lord (Mars) is aspected c upi es the 6th and aspec ts th e n). Lts sub lo rd Sun (lhe c hi ef e rcury (paper) the o wner of 2 in by " Ma rs). 'So the sub lord of th e 10th cusp is closely connected';"ith . . i f\lars, Mercury. Jupiter and also lhe ho uses of occupation. Hene.: lhis native i s a printer and he runs his own printing press. 12 by Jupiter ( pu hlicatio ll,s) : a nd Mil" oc 2nd & the 10th cusps (the houses of occupatio nor or occu pation) is in c onj. wit h M Scorp'i o (own.ed

90 Mystery of 6, 8 aud 12 Male. Birth 24-2-1908 Monday; 2-10 A.M. n'E 35'; Ayanamsa 22' 29'. Asc Scorpio 2 2.57 Ketu Uran 19.10 23.4 I.S.T; 23'N 2' , 2 Sagittarius 23.31 Libra Moon 29.31 25.37 12 3 Capricorn Sun Mer 27.31-t-Libra Aquarius 11.23 21.21R 2.31 II 4 Pisces Sat 1.314.30 Virgo 1.31 10 Ven 5 19.14 Leo Aries Mars 2.318.1

Cancer Jup. 27.31 13.2R 9 6 Aries 29.31 Gemini Nep Rahu 23.31 19.49 19.10 8 Taurus 22.57 7 Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Sun R Sa. Mer. JR JR Sal. Sa. Sa. Moon JR MeR JUPR Sa. R Rahu R M Mars K JR Ven. MeR K Ketu V R 1 . The nalive of this horoscope is a double graduale, a very intelligent and a wi dely read man. But he is penniless and not steady in life. Because the planets a re peculiarly connected with the houses 6, 8 and 12 in general. We will discuss some planets dealing with the houses 2 and 10.

91 2. The planet Moon is in the star Jupiter which owns the 2nd, occupies the 8th a nd is retrograde. It is in the sub Mercury which owns 8 and is retrograde. Thus Moon is the significator of 2 and 8 and connected with 8. The star lord Jupiter occupies the 8th from its 0\'1'11 Sign Sag;;ttarius which is on the 2nd cusp. So Jupiter becomes weak to give the results of the 2nd house. Hence the planet Moo n automatically becomes \\'cak to give the results of the 2nd house. Moreover it s sub lord Mercury owns ~s. consequently the planet Moon cannot give desirable r esults regarding money matters. 3. The planet Mercury is in the star and sub of Jupiter. So it is the signiticator of 2 and 8; and as discussed above Mercury is also unable to improve the monetary condition of the native. 4. The planet Venu s is in the star Mercury \Vllich owns 10 and 8 and is retrograde. 1t is in the s ub Ketu (which being in the star Venus owning 12 represents Venus) in I. Thus th e planet Venus is the significator of 8, 10 and connected with 1 and 12. The sta r lord Mercury occupies the 6th from its own sign Virgo which is on the 10th cus p. So Mercury becomes weak to give the results of the 10th house. Hence the plan et Venus automatically becomes wee',,: to give the results of the 10th house. Mo reover its sub lord Ketu being connected with 12, the planet Venus. cannot give desirable results regarding advancement in service or profession, status or hono urable living etc. 5. [n this horoscope Rahu in Gemini represents Mercury the ow ner of 8; and Ketu represents Venus the owner of 12. Except Saturn all the plane ts have to givc the results of 8 and 12. because they arC either in the star or sub of Rahu. Ketu. Mercury or Venus. So they bring poverty. 6. The native was bo rn durin!! the period of Jupiter with balance of 9 y 3 M 4 D At present he is ru nnig the period of Venus since 28-5 - 19 60. [n fact in the periods of Saturn. ~ 1ercury, Ketu and Venus during the sub periods of Moon and Mercury the native su ffered hardships in finance and during the sub periods of Venus he could not bui ld his career, but. he experienced difficulties and he is a pauper throughout hi s life. ~ ~

92 Parental building sold off I (a) The 4th house is occupied by the owner of 12 (V enus). The owner of 4 (Jupiter) occupies the 8th and it house 4 is is as pee ted the by the the owner of 1 and 6 (Mars). So the connected with house 12 (loss) and the owner of 4 is connected with house 1 (self), 6 (debt) and 8 (gain to others). This denotes that the native will ha ve to lose the building on account of debt. (b) The sub is Jupiter. Jupiter and in the sub it being buyer); 2. lord of the owns 4, it Rahu and 10th is in cusp ( building to the the buyer) 3 star Saturn owning (representing Mercury which owns 10 and connected with 3 & 10 (building to the occupies 3). So Jupiter is the significator of 3 (absence of building, 12 to 4) and it indicates se\ling away of the building. The star lord The building was so ld off during the period of Vellus the sub in Saturn is in conj. with the owner of 12 (Venus-losing the building). 1960 or so. Venus owns the .12th and occupies the 4th, it is in the star Mercury owning 10 and occupying 3; and in Ketu (representing Venus owning 12) . So Venus is the si gnificator of 3, 10 and connected with 12. Hence the native los t hi s building. Characteristics The ascending sign Scorpio (wh ich house ), its owner Ma rs < in jn 8), it s star lord Mercur)'R corresnands to and the 8th the star K ctu rcpresentlng JupiterR the sub (owns 8. ill th e star JupiterR in 8) and its sub lord M.oon (in the star JupiterR ow ning S) are closely connec ted hi s way of life house. So he of arch itect and in 8 with hi s a and in the sub MercurY R

the house 8. His out look ~ habby 01\ lif<, his mentality, personal attributes centre round the 8th a nd uncleanlv life a nd he m isfort un e. lcads is the hi s own

93 M arri age and Divorce Female. Birih 30- 4- 1951 Mond.\y; 7-30 13 ~ p .m. I.S.T.; 13' :'-J 2', 72E 35; Ayanamsa .r Libra 22.24 2 Scorpio 21.46 - - Virgo :\Iep 26.46 24.31 R 3.'1 R 12 Sal 3 Sagilfarius 22.46 _. - Leo K etu 26.46 23 .23 11 4 Capricorn M oon Rahu 24.46 11 .:0 23.23 2~.46 COll cer 24.46 10 5 Aquarius

--. GanilJl' Ur;,l0 22.46 13. 17 ::!4.51 9 .I up ~. 54 Yen 6 Pisces ",t er. Sun Mar s 26.46 - -' _. Taurus 7.3 6R I fl. ::! ! ., 1.48 2J .46 Aries .; ." 01-1 Sui) 7 P1allet S Iar Mer. J V SaR V R J up. SaR SClR Ven . Ma. R V Mars SaR Cuspal Sub lord 7th CU.'i P (Marriage) . Thl.! :'llb lord of (h~ 7t h CliSP is Saturn. H is in the s t a r Su n owning I I and occupying 6. It 'is in the sub Saturn owning 5 and occu pyi ng I I . So is t he significat or of I I (pe rma nen t friendsh ip), 6 (separation) and connected wi th 5 (love affai r) and I I. Hence the clIspa l s ub lord of t he 7th (Saturn) Sun Moon Sub M SaR J P/{illC'l

S tar K Planet Star Sat R S Rahu J Keltl V SlIb promi"cs marriage but denotes separation.

94 IIlh CIISP (Permanent relatiollShip) . The sub lord of the lIth cusp is Sun. It is in the star Venus owning 1 a nd 8 and occupying . . 8. It is in th e sub Moon owning 10. So Sun is the significator of I (se paration), 8 (disappointment) and connected with \0 (separation). Helice the cuspal sub lord of the II th (Sun) denotes disappointment and separat ion in married life. 5th ClISp (Love affair). The suh lord o f the 5th cusp is Venus. It is in the st ar Mars owning 2, 7 and occupying 6. 11 is in the sub Rahu representing Moon (being in conj.) owning 10 and occupying 4. So Venus is t he s ignificator of 2, 7 (marriage), 6 (sepa ration) and connected with 4 (disap pointment in love-it being 12 to 5) and 10 (separation)_ Hence the cuspal s ub l o rd of the 5th (Venus) denotes choice marriage but indicates disappointment and separatIon in married life. Significators of Moniage House 2 7 II Planet il1 th e Occupant's s tar None None O('cupant Planet ill the Ou'ner'.Ii star Owner Ma. Ma. S None None Sa R J V V Sa R Thus Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the st rong significators of marriage . Hence marriage wi ll ta ke place during their joint period . Join! Period The native was bo rn during th e per,iod of Rahu with balance of lOy 4 M 6 D . The pe riod of Jupiter starts from 6-9- 1961. Jupiter which causes delay. - -So is _ spected by Sat urn a natural malefic a there is no possibilit y of marriage

during the joint period . of Jupiter and Saturn. Hence marriage will take rlac e during tbe joint period of Ju pite r_ Venus and Saturn which will commence' from 4- 4- 1971 and will continue upto 6-9-1971. The nati ve will get married when the transit agrees with the joint period ruler or rulers within thi s time.

95 Transit. Sun will transit in the star Venus in Aries Sun was from 28-4-1971 19' 0' upto 12- 5- 1971. This is a favourable period for marriage. Actually marriage to ok place on 3-5-1971 when in Aries in the star Venus (the sub peri od ruler); Ju piter in Scorpi o 10' 42'R in the star Saturn (the inter period ruler). Separation <a) Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are both the significators of marriage (2, 7 and I I) and sepa ration or divorce (I , 6 and 10). Venu s and Sa turn have been di scussed earlier; while Jupiter owns 6, it is in the sub Venus owning I and so it is the significator of I and 6. (h) The cuspal sub lords of t he 7th and j Ith denote separation in married life. So during the joint period of the significators of I, 6 and 10 (Jupiter, Venus and Saturn the same planets and during the same time from 4-4-19 71 to 6-9-1971 as previously di scussed), the husband suspected the character of the native; her own way. Hence Transit sep~ration and she was asked to leave the hou se of the husband on 15-7-1971 and to have in married life. On that day Sun was transitting in Gemini 28' 32' in the star Jupiter (the perio d ruler); Moon in Pisces 27' 0' in the sub Jupiter; Jupiter in Scorpio 3' 24'R i n tbe star Saturn (th e inter period ruler); Venus in Gemini 16' 32' in the sub Venus Divorce (the sub period ruler) and Saturn in Taurus 9' 34' in the sub Venus. During the joint peri od of

Jupiter and Moon its sub lord Saturn the signifieator of 6) in (the significato rthe )'ear 1973, of 6 and 10; its star lord Rahu in cODj. with Moon owning 10 andseparation resul ted into divorce.

96 Foreign Travel female. Birth 16-3- \941. Sunday' 5- 25-0 A.M. I.S.T.: 72 35'; Ayanamsa 22 56'. Asc Aquarius 4.6 Mer Yen 7.1 23 .21 . .. Sun Ketu 2.5 9.20 2 Pisces 12.34--+- Capricom 3.34 12 L'r"n 0 .5 4 Taurus 13.34- - - S corp io 'Ml il 1O 13.34 to 7.2 5 Gemini 7.34- 1 Uhra ' ' .' ..'4 - - , .. Il'go Rahu ~cp 16.34 9 12.34 Y. 20 " ConceI' "

8 . .3. I 6 Leo . ~ , 4.6. ., ' Planet SUll Moon Mars Star J R V Sub R R Me . Pian l' l Mer. Sial' R \' J Sub }{ Plallet Sat. Rahll Kelu Slar V .. , Sub . ... . " R Jup. Ven. J Sa. s Sa. V : ;: .. .. v.... '1'

Hints If Ihe sub lord of ihe 12th cusp is the significator 12 and especially of 9 the joint period of the foreign travel will be significat ors of 3. 9 and of}~ 9 'o r promised during n. '."....

97 Cusp"1 Sub lo rd /'2(h tllsl'. In lhi ~ birth map the s ub lo rd of' the 12111 C lISp is Saturn. It ow ns 12 and occupies 3. It i ~ in the star of Ven us which O \\'I1S 9. So Saturn is th e s il!n ific al or of 9 a nd cO llnec ted wit.h -' an d 12. Hence it pro mi ses fore ign travel to th e na t ive . Significators of 3. 9 .md 12 . J/ ollse Plane' I ill tlie O ( 'C' III)II!JI"S sIal' Oal/pall! Planel in fIl e OIl'lIef'S sla,. , .' K Sa. .I Nonc Ma .. J , Sa. Ma. V S. V 9 12 So th e NOl1~ M None s i g nifl ('a l lH '~ No ne K Sa. arc S un , Mars. Jupit e r. Veil LI S. Saturn anti K CllI. O ut of them Jupiter i ~ ill its own s ub in 3: Venus is in the suh Sa turn ill 3 and Ketti is in the sub Venus owning 9. Hence sckc t Jupiter , Vcnu s and Kctu as the strong s ig n ificato rs of foreign tnlvcl. The nat ive will go abroad during lh t! joint peri od o f these th ree planets . Joint Period Til e nali vo,; was horl1 duri ng th e period of Rahu with balance of 17 Y OM 20 . Th ~ joi nt pe ri od of Jupitcr. Venus and Ketu will start fro m 4-2- 1969 a

nd w ill co ntinue uplO 30- 3- \969. so s he wi ll go a hr oad durin g til is pe riod when the tran sit agrees with the joint p cri~)d ruler or ruler s. Tr4lnsil Sun will tran s it in A qu:lriu!\ in th e sta r Jupiter from 4- 3- 1969 upt o Jh- .1- J969 rInd Vellus \\ ill tr ans it in A ri es in the star KClu fro m 5- 3-1 9()9, S~l ~ hl.; \\ill be ilbl <: [0 go ~lhroadl' befo rc 16- 3- 1969 . Act ual] \, silt,,; !o!lartcd J"u r LOIl:Jo n h\' :teropJanc 011 14- 3--1969 at about 1 0 A.M . 1. 5.T. Friday . A t this lillle:: Sun was in Aquarius 29 ~ 44' i n th e sta r Jupi te r (t he period rul er ): Moon in Ca pricorn T" 43' in the s uh Jupit er; Jup iter;:in Vir go go 53' in the su b Venu s (the s u b perio d ru ler); Ve nus in Aries 3' 4' in the s tar Ketu (the int er period ruler) ; r nel K etti was in Virgo 7 30' in its own sub. 13

98 Child brith Female. Birth 11 - 9- 1941 Tillmd" y: 6- 0 /\.M. I.S .T: 22' N 41 '. 72' E 55': Ayanamsa 22' 56'. Asc 1.<'0 111.45 Sun :!4.57 29.5U Rahu Nep Mer I 4 .9 18.25 , 3 Virgo 16.39 - Callcer 1)lu 19.39 I ~. II n Ven 2.10 Lihm 17.39Jup 19.39 27.M " 10 4 Scorpio IU9 - Taurus Uran Sat Moon 18.3Y 7.24R 5.37

24.25 5 Sagillarflls 1939- -Aries Mar ~ 17.39 O.39R 9 6 Caprico,." 19.39 --'- Pisces Kdu 16.39 29 .50 8 Aquarills 7 18.45 Pla".t SUIl Star V V Sub Me. Me. P/allet Mer. Jup. Ven. Star Slib Plallet Sal. Star Sub Me M R J

S S Moon MaR MaR Rahu KelU R MarSR K K K J M

99 Cuspal Sub lord 51h CIISp. The sub lord of the 5th cusp . IS Rahu . Rahu is restrictive and Jl rnal~!ic: it oL:cupies the barren sign Leo in the lst: is in the star Sun \vhieh owns and occupies thc 1st in Leo; it is conj. with SUIl. So Rahu is lhe in its own sub Rahu \,,/hi_ is in eh significator of sub lord all I (absence of child birth), Rahu, its star lord barren sign docs and in and these three arc in the ,~r the 1st. lienee the ellspal binh to (he native. sub lord :1 (Rahu)

nor promise child 11th SI/Sp. The sub lnr:! of the 11th cusp is Mars. . IS . 111 Mars is a natural malefic planeL it occupies the harren sign Aries in the 8th: it IS T 111 the star and su b or KClll. Ketu . the 7th, It hcin aspcl'lcd bv the owner of the 1st e results of SUIl. SUIl 111 Leo. has to gtve the IS Til LIS the ClLSP" I

sub lord or I I (Ma!".;) connected is both wi th the . barren the 1st house and Kc[u ( which preventive and malefic): so it docs not promise child birth to the native. Period Planets The native was born during the ncriod , or::;y 4 M ISD. ThL' period of M;tr", \\i.\S or Venus with balance from 16--1--1961 to ClilTCIH 16-1-J96S. But there was no birth o:~ a child during this lime, because Mars as mentioned above is noL favlHlrable for child birth. The period or Rahu is current rrom 16-1-1968, It also docs not there is no promIse ch_ild birth as ::tlread\' discussed above. Hence possibility of any chi

ld birth.

100 v . Example Rorary Maps Erecting the Horary Map (a) When a person consults you, ask him to give a number out of I to 249. The nu mber givelt is takelt as the Asc. Then from the number find out the :.ign, star and sub. Note the commencing position in degree, minute and second of this numbe r. You have to erect the map altd calculate the other II cusps for the latitude of the place from where you Judge the query. Work out the position of the planet s for the time at which you start erocting the map for judgment, The method of f inding out the position of the other II CllSPS of the houses is expla ined in th e example given here under. (b) If you do not want to erect a horary map accordi ng to the number out of 249 subs, you may cast a horary map for the moment of ju dgment in the usual manner of an ordin ary horoscope. This horary map should be erccled for the latitude of the place of judgment and it may be judged according to the rules given in this section. Example Suppose you want to find out the position of the cusps of the houses for the nll mber 145 out of 249 for the year 1970. !'Jow look to the Table C for Subs in the chapter '2. Sub in Nakshatra System' on page 8. Note the particulars abo lit th e No. 145 as under: Serial No. Sign Sign lord star lord Sub lord Commenclng position 145 Libra Venus Jupitar Moon 29 0 26 M 40 s Take 29 ' 26' 40" Libra as the Asc, according to th e Nirayana System, We have to calculate the other II cusps for the latitude of the place fr om where we judge the querY, from Raphael's Table of Houses which is according t o the Sayana system. So proceed as under:

(a) Asc, 1'01' the No. 145 Add Ayanamsa for 1970 and get Th e Sa vilna Asc . (il) 29 ' 26' 40" + 23 20 . 00 _ Scorpi o 12 46 40 Libra Refer to Raphael's Table of HOllscs and opell th e page of Lat. 23' N 12' for Ah medabad 23 -N 2' the place of j udgment. (b) Asc. Scorpio 22' 46' 40" falls betw een the asce nding degrees. Writ e down the cusps glven oR' Scorpio 23' 19 ' and 22 (b) Scorpio Scorpio 10 le. 22" 2g ' 23 ' II Yn 19' 12 Li . 2W J7 01 GO' A sl' ( e) 111 the row of (e) ~. Se. 1J ' 11 ... Subtract the lesse r from the greater and redu ce the difference to minutes. 27 ' - 26 _. 29 78 01 60'

19' 2 Sg. ;'.3 ' .' Cpo 24') 0 -28 51 S1. 22 .01 60 ' 23 01 0 01 (d) 60 ' 60' Subtract the lesser Asc. in the table of houses shown in (b) from the rcquired A sc. s hown in (a) and reduce the ditTerence to minutes, (d) Sco rpio - Scorpio J? .- ' 46' 72 2g 18 00 -

40" 00 40 =19'

(0) Get the proportionate movement for the other cu'ps (except the Asc. ) from (c) a nd (d) by the rule of Three. (e) 51' : 19' : : 60' :: 22' (f) Add the proportionate movement of (e) to the degre e of each cusp of the bouses (except the Asc.) corrosponding to the lesseer Asc. in the t a ble of hOllses sh own in (c). (fl 10 Le, + I1 12 Asc . 2. 3 Cpo Vg. Li. S8. 26 00' 28' 00' 27 00' - 22 00' 23 00' 22' 0 22 22 2 2 0 22 o 26 22' 28' 22' 27"22' There are the Sayana cusps for the number. Prepare CliSPS of 12 hou ses for ever y number between 1 and 249 in tbis manner. These CliSPS will be the Sayana cusps for the houses 10. II, 12, 2 and 3. So far as the Asc. 'is concerned keep the c ommencing position of the Sub according to the Nirayana System as it is e. g, fo r the number 145 keep Libra 29' 26' 40" as it IS, , ---o o 2222' 2322' i3 Tbe Savana cusps (for the hou ses 10, II, 12, 2 and 3) for all 249 numbers will remain constant for any )'ear. For ge tting the Nirayun3 cusps you have only to deduct the Ayanarn sa for the required year. So It is desirable to keep a ready reckoner for the plac e of your permanent stay . This will save much of your tim e .

(g) Deduct Ayanamsa 23' 20' from the Sayanrl Cusps shown 111 (f) and !!ct the Nira). ' ana Cusps. (g) 10 Le. II 12 Li. 27 :22' A ~ I.: . Sg. 0 .1 , 26 ' 22 ' 23 20 23 20 - OJ' 2g' -V!!. 23 20 -_.. Cpo 22' 22' 2r 22" ) ' _ 0 20 2.1 20 10 Le. 3' 2' II Vg . 5 ' 2' As!.: . Li . 4' 2' 29 ' 26' 40 " 12 Li. 0 Se. Cpo 29 -2' 0' 2' 0 , (b)

The remallling Cusps will bear the same degree of the opposite sings in each cas e. (il) , 4 ) 6 ? -' 7 AI'. 8 Tr. 9 Cn. o 2' w 0 Aq . Pi. I -' 3 J' Ar. 4 ' 2' 29' 26' 40 ' 29 ' 2' TlIesc are the Nirayana Cusps or 12 hOllses for tile numba 145. Thus a horary map of the Cus ps is read y. You have only to work out the po sition of the plane IS for the time of jndging the query and to insert (hem in ( Ile map. Then (he horary map is ready for judgment.

104 Judging the Horary Map Moon and the Qucrent's Mind Moon is the mind. So in the horary map the mind of t he querent is shown by the position of Moon and it helps in knowing the nature o f the question asked. Oenerally Moon or its Star lord or its Sub lord occupies o r owus the house under query; or M aon is connected wit h the house of query by conj. or association with, or by aspect. from the owner or occupant of that hous e or from the chief gove rnor of the mattcr asked. Fulfilment of a Query Plane( direct or re(rograde. Ordinarily in the homry map a planet in direct motion give s results, so a retrograde planet can give results only when it gets direct in m otion and when it crosses the point from where it turned retrograde. However thi s is subject to modification according to experience in individual cases. Furthe r, the meaning of a retrograde planets is to be interpreted according to the nat ure of a query in ~ch case . Ct/spa/ Sub lord. 1. (a) The cllspal sub loard of a hOllse lInder query indicates whether the matter signfied by that house is prom ised or not. (b) The matter is promised if the cuspal sub lord is the significat or (i. e. in the star of the occupant or owner) of that house or anyone 9f the h ouses under consideration. (c) If. the cuspal sub lord or its sub star loard is retrograde : the matter is promised when they get direct in molion. (d) If the S tar lord (of this Cuspal Sub lord) is retrograde. the malter is not denied but i t will not materialise during the period, subperiod or inter pe:iod of this cusp al sub lord . However it materialises during the period, subperiod or iu ter per iod of another signficator (of the matter under query) whose star lord is direct in motion. (e) As each house denotes severa l particular malters, the chief gov ernor of the malter under query may be taken into account and it should be conne cted with the st", lord of the cuspal sub lord of the house under query.

105 2. In th e ho mry map the Ase . indicates the efforts of the querent; while tIle 11th cusp sho ws the fulfilment of desires or success in ge neral. So if the c lispal su b lord of the Asc . or the 11th cusp be the signilicat o r o f th e ma ller asked, the querent gets success in general. I f th e cuspa l s ub lo rd of the Asc. o r the 11th cus p be the occupa nt of th e hou se I. 2, 3. 6. 10 or II ; o r if it is in the star o f th e occupa nt of the hOllse I, 2, 3. 6. 10 o r II the querent gets success. 1n all unde rta kings (The Asc. denotes. success in one~ s effo rt s; ~ nd . monetary gain; 3rd . help fro m others: 6th. being 12 to 7 loss to the o th e r and gain to th e querent : 10th. re putation and II tho s tands fo r pro fi t. So these ho uses arc be neficial to the que rent in ge ne ra l). Sign;jicolors. 1. The significat o rs show the time of an e vent. 2. So no te th e sig nift ca tors o f the ho use or ho uses which signi fy th e ma ll er asked . 3. Rej ec t that si gni ficator v.:hi ch is in the sta r of a r etrograde pl ~\ nC l (beca use it canno t dur ing. its period o r sub period etc., give th e res ults of its star lo rd). 4, Ou t or th ese significators g ive prefere nce t o th ose s igni fica tors wh ich are fOlllld among the foll o wing planets : (a) Ruling Planets. (bl Ti,e sign lord, sta r lo rd and s ub lo rd of the cus p o f the house under qu cry. (c) Th e cuspal sub lo rds o f t he houses under co nsi deration. C ) The j o int period rulers a t the time of judg ment. Discretion d sho Lild be used while se lecting the signifi ca to rs fro m th e above pI a net s. 5. Th e qu c ry w ill matcrialise during the jo!nt period of these signi fi calO rs whe n th e trans il ag rcc5. Trallsit. At the time of eve nt Sun, Moo n and/ or the peri od rul ers will be f o und in th e sta r or s ub o f the same pe ri o ~ rule r o r rulers. joint joint The rule s fo r judgmcnt given in the previous chapters may be applied also in t he ho rary map . 14

,. " ,. lC6 , , , " ; Longevity < "; ., . , I '. , f> Ques/iol'l.: ;When will iny. son recover from bad health? .. Number. 119 (out of 249) ~1f,ce , ofJudgment. 23N 2', 72E 35'. , " ' T,~1t1e.~ :of Judgnlent .., 23-3 -1970, Monday; 10-25 p.m. I.S~T. IX Ase ' " , . ,. .1 ' , , , '. . , " , Virgo 2Q. 26. 40 ., Jup. Moon ' )J.7R ' X2 o , Libra

_. i 19.30 --Leo Ketu h O! ' .' .' . ~ ': ," XI 3 Scorpio 19.30 _ , Cancer _I-Gemini 21.30 20.30 11 10 VII XII 4 Sagittarius ' '20.30 Sons' Ase I 5 .,, ' , , , , .. t . , VI Capricorn Rahu 21.30 17.38 --Taurus 19.30 9 V , .. , 1 : .

II 6 Aquarius , 22.30 - -Aries Mars Sat, 19.30 18.3) 13'.48 23.15 8 IV , Sun , Mer. 9.18 9.25 Yen. (Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub ': Sun Sa. ' Mars V Ketu V Ma. Hints . ' . ,' .If the ignificator .. of the badhaka : and mara'ka spal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord e 8th,' cusp be the . significators of the period , is very critical for life. L , ' V Sat. V V Moon M Sa. Rahu R S .. 'R cuspal sub lord of the Asc. be the s houses, the life is short. If the cu and sub lord) of.. the, ,Asc. or ,th badhaka and maraka houses, their joint

Pisces 20. 26. 40 7IIJ Planet Star Sub V Mer. Sa. R Sa. JUPR Ven. Me. M , ,

. \1oon . , .. [n this horary map the lIlother "ked the que,tio,i abouthet ! , ; on. Moon occupies the 12th (worries to the quercnt ). So considel' Ihe 5th cusp as the Asc. for the son and proceed. For convenieric~ the roman letter !~ gh" to each house counted from the Sth cusp. cn . . .. . Moon is .spected by the owner of V1II .(S.un) and the : owner o f VI (Mercury). It is in its own ,tar owning VII and occupying VIII . It is in the s ub Saturn o wning I the Asc. of the SO il and II, .. and occupying TIl. So Moon is the s ign ificato[ of VII (",araka), " .. VIII (Iongevit v) and connected with I (health). 11 (maraka), HI (longevity) and VJ (sickness). Thus Moon clearly indicates that the q uerent is worried anout lhe health. s ickness and longevitv ' of" her e . sou. Son's Asc. . , I! is jointly rukd by Satufll (sign lord), Moon (star lord) and Venus (sub lord) . The sub lo rd of th e Asc. is Venus. It is. in . .the - ' star Mercury owning VI and occupying II. It is in the sub Moon owning VII" and occupying VlIl. So it is the s ignificalOr of the maraka house II and connected with the maraka house VJ1. ~ . ' "", \Ve may now examine the strength of the star lord and tJl~ sub lord of Venus. Vc nus's s.tar lord Mercury is in conj, with the owner of V.III (Sun) and as pected by the owner of the marale:' bOllse VI( (Moon) . Venus:s sub lo rd Moo n is the signif1caLOr of the maraka house!'- as disclI!sed above. Thu s both the star lor d and the sub lord of Vcntl~ are cvi~. Co nsequently, the cus pa! sub lord of th e son's Asc. (Venu s) becomes evil for the so n's lo ngevitv and it j enotes sho rt life. - . Cusp VI1I It is jointly operated b~ ~t!n (sign lord ). Venus (star lord) and ," turn (s lih lord). (a) The c lispa l sign lord of VIII Stln is in the star Saturn owning he so n's Asc. and II; it is in the s ub Venus which is the maraka ,ignificator. So !')un is the significator Dr the maraka houses II and Ill, Sun's sta r lont Saturn is in co nj. with Mar:; the owner of the

badhaka house XI and aspecled by the owner of XII (Jupiter);' " sci' Saturn beco mes evil. Sun's sub lord Venus iS'in association With the owner pf .vI ,(Mercury ) and the owner of VlIf (Sun); so Venus , becomes evil. , J ' '" , , , , Consequently, the cuspal 'sign lord of VIII Sun becomes , connected ",ith the ' blidlial<a and maraka houses; and it becomes , .\'it for th e son's ' Idngevity; " , I m~flika , , (b) The c~spai star lord of VHIVenus is the significator of the , ..". houses U . . .' : ' and VI[ as pr~viously discussed. so , , (0) The cuspal sub lord of VIn Saturn is in the star and sub', of Venus wbicb is tbe maraka significator of II and VII; Saturn is tbe maraka si gnificator. Thus, tbe sign lord. star lord, and sub lord , , of VIII c'usp ali the three are the significators of tbe badba ka and maraka houses. JoiJaj period ,

, , At the ,time of judgment (Moon ,Dasha balance 5Y 1M 19 0 ) the , querent's son . is 'running the joint period of Moon (the star lord of the son's Asc.), Saturn ( the sign, lord of the son's Asc. and the sub lord Asc. and of V,III cusp) and Ve nus (the sub lord of the son's tbe star lord of VIII cusp). This period expires on of the maraka houses as discussed above. So tbey denote danger to tbe son's life . Now the joint period of Moon, Saturn and Sun (the sign lord 1161970. Tbey all are the significators . , of VIII cusp) starts from 11-6-1970 and lasts upto 9-7-1970. Moon and Saturn are the maraka significators; while Sun is both the badbaka and moraka significator as Transit previously discussed. So this period will prove fatal to the life of tbe qucrent's son. The qU,erent's son expired on 186-1970 during this very joint period of Moon, Sat urn and Sun, Moon was transitting in Scorpio \'2' 54' in the star Saturn (the pe riod ruler),

109 Disease Questioll. J am bed ridden sinee long, when will there be an cnd to my disease . ~ Number. 90 (out of 249) Place 0/ Judgmell1. 23N 2', n eE 35' Time of Judgmenf . 17- 5-1971. Monday, 8-30-0 P.M. I.S.T. Asc Leo 7.33.20 3 4 ., Ketti 2S.:B Virgo Libra Scorpio Jup. 4.55 4.55 6.55 H .S9R - Cancer Gemini 8.39 7.55 12 II Taurus Sun 6.55 2.42 2.35 7.33 5.33 10 Sat Mer. Yen. 5 6 Sagil tarius COPy it'om Mars Rahu Moon 7.55 Aries Pisces 4.55 4.55

9 8 8.39 13.28 25.23 21) . 5~ Planet Sun Moon Sa. Ma. Rahu R \, 1 Mars R Ketu Me. R Hints If the cuspaJ su b :ord of the 6th be the s igninc3t o r o f 5 o r 11 the d isease is c ured during the j oi n! period of the si gnificators of 5 and )!. Moon In thi s horary m.lp }.Ioon o cc upies the Mh. It is i ll the star l'v1ars 0 \\ ning 1hc b a d h ,l ka house 9 a ll d o ~ C'~J;"yin g 6 " it is jn the Star S Ma. Sub JR Aquarius 7.33.20 7 Planet Sub Star Mer. K R Sa. v JUP.R Yen. K Ma. Plane I Sat. Star S Sub JR

dlO .. , , ' sub Saturn owning 6 and 7. So Moon, is the significator of 6 (sickn~~ ; _ ' J ~ ~ ,;I ,. r disease), 9 . . (dange,r . . , to life) . nd connected with 6 and . 7 ( manika) .. a ' . , " ' Thus Moon indicates that the query refers to the serious 'sicknes~; . .. , or disease. " ". Cuspal Sub lord '" " , . '. . "! 6th cusP". T he ~yb, lord of the 6i\1 cusp is Ve~~s : ', 1t otcup'le~. the badhaka house 9. I t is in the star Ketu in 12 and in tbe sub Mars owning 9 and occupyin!! 'Ii. So Venus is' the significator of 12 and connected' with 6,.and 9, It i~ not the sig nificator' of 5 or 11. He!)ce the cure of the" pisease is not promised. '. 11th CIISp. The sub lord of thd 11th cusp is Rahu. It occupies 6. It ; s in ' the sta r .. Mars owning 9 and, . occupying 6. It is in its own sub in 6. So the significator of 6, 9 and connected- with 6. If. 'is' ~ot the~ignificator' of 5 or II. H'';nce ~ the disease wili not be cured. '. , , Disease , 6th cusp. The c usl'ill sub lord of 6 is Venus. Venus occupies the movable sign Arie ~." Its sta r lord Ketn also occupies the movable sign Cancer. The mov'Ible sign governs hea <.l; stomach; kidney, 'skin and the functional system of the body. So these part s of the body will ' be affected by the'.disease. ' .. The cuspal sub lord of 6 ( Venus) is in 'Conj. with Mercury; so the disease will be of the complicated na,t ure. It is aspected by , . -. Mars; so the disease will be acute, inflammatory a nd painful. Venus's star lord Ketu is aspected ,by Saturn; so the disease will b e chronic in its nature . It IS also aspected by Mars; S0 there will be painful , acute, sudden an<;l '.inflammato ry diseases . ' :' In this case the querent g irl was suffering from many. diseases viz. kidney , was not functioning" the who le body was getting swelled and so o n. ,Even the expert, D octors could not dia gnose the diseas,,!, '.-,. , Longevity ." Asc. The sub lord of the Ase. is Jupit er. It is retrograde . and owns the 8th. It is in the star Saturn owning the mar aka house 7 and occupying the badhaka house 9. It is in the sub Venus in 9. So J upiter is the significator of the badhaka and maraka house and connected with th e 8t h and the badhaka house 9. Hence the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. denotes sh ort life . . ,

111 Now we may examine the slrcngth of the star lord and the sub Jord of Jupiter. The star lord Saturn is aspeeted by the owner of the 8th (Jupiter); it is tile signifiealor of the b"clhaka house 9; so it becomes evi l for longevity_ The s ub lord Venu s is aspc:cted by the owner of the badhaka ho use 9 (Mars); it is the signifieator of the maraka house 12; also becomes evi l ror longe vity . so n It 1'S 80th the star lord and the s ub lord or Jupilcr are evi l? so nalural that the cuspal sub lord of Ihe Asc. (Jupiter) becomes evi 1 for Jong...:vity. Thus. the life of the qucrent is too short. Rulin~ Planets Day lord Day . Mondcty Sign lord Srar lord Moon Mars Saturn ;v1er~l1ry Asc. Scorpio 19 ' Mooll. Capricorn 29 ' 53' :vla rs Rahu in Carril'orn and in conj . with !Vloon and f\'lars represent s

Saturn. Moon and <lnt! Mars repre ed. Tilus the ru Significators of or retrograde Mars, ar~ ~vloon , House 2 7 9

Mars. respectively . Kdu being aspect cd hy Moon se nts them hoth. Saturn being in the sub Jupiter ma y be omitt li ng plan ets Men.:ur y. Rahu and Ketu. Dcath

P/tIIlt!( ill llie O a LlIUII II' ,'i s tar Plall('1 in me O :l'Ilcr 7"\ I..)H e K ~'I e. JR K Sa. \ ,Ia . \ 10 . V R, M 12 JR S , Sa . V , \,1 c. S,1. S K M

112 The common planets between the ruling planets and, the plan~t significators are Moon, Mars, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. Out of them Mars is in the !lnd Rahu respectively. So Mars sub of the ruling Rahu; and Mercury is in the s tar and sub of the ruling planets viz. Ketu and Mercury are to be given preferen ce over other significators and they should be considered as the final significa tors for death. Joint Period At the time 'of judgment (Mars Dasha balance 3y 6M 220) the querent is running the expires on 9-6-1971As discussed above the joint period querent when the transit agrees. Transit Sun will be transitting in Tauru s 24' 11' to the star Mars (the period ruler) from Gemini 6' 39' in 9-6-1971 to 22- 6- 1971 and joint period of Mars and' . Saturn which ,, . ,. Mercury of Mars, and Mercury (9-6-1971 to 29-7-1971) will prove fatal to the life of the Mars will transit in Capricorn 23' 20' and forward in its own star (Mars) from 1 1-6-1971, so the querent will not survive this period. The querent girl died on 14- 6- 1971 Monday at 1-0 A.M. LS.T.. . At that time Sun was in Taurus 28' 47'; Moon in Capricorn 29' 23' and Mars in Capricorn 24' 11 ' , all these three sub M ercury (the sub and inter period ruler). It may be noted that in this horary map Pisces is on the cusp were in the star Mars (the period ruler). Mercury was in Taurus 19' 36' in its own of the Sth; while at the time of death the Asc. was also in Pisces 2' 2S'. At th e time of judgment Moon was in Capricorn 29' 53' and at the time of death also M oon was in Capricorn 29' 23' .

113 News About The Missing Wife Question. 'M" wife \\en t to the m~!rktt on. 3- 11 - 1974. She is IOlissing si n ce then . 1- s Ill: a li ve (lr dead. When sha!! I get the news about her? Nllmb er. 185 (out of 249) Place (If Jud~m el/l . 23 ' l'\ 2', 7")"E 35' Tillie 0/ Jll dglllf! nt . ~- 11 - 1974 , Friday; 4- 0 p .m. I.S.T. A se VI[ Sagillarius 26.40 Capricorn VIII 2 Aquarius JUl' . ~ . 31 1 4_ ~ ~ - SagillariliS 1.31 12 Vi Rub l.! 18.l IX 3 PiSCeS & - - Scorpii, .31 Y~n ~ 7.3 1 '24' 22.14 14.7 II V .10 Sun Mars A 4 r .4 1"" ie~.. ; 10.3 1- Libra Mer

10.31 3.Z9 IV 1II XI ) Taurus Ket ti 7.3 / -1I-Virgo 1 ~ .1 8.31 9 M oon 9.41 XII Gemilli 1.31 - - Leo 2S.27R 2.31 Il s :u Cancel' 26.40 Gemini 7 I Ase of wife! Planet Sun Star Suh Moon Mars J K R Sa R

SaR Me. P/an('! Mer. Jup. Ven . Star Ma. R Sun V Planer S:IlR Sr(/!' J Sub K SaR Rahu Mt!. M J Ketu Me. Me. Me. 15

114 lliots If the cuspal .sub lord of 3 (news) is the significator (i. e. III the . star of tbe occupant or owner) of 3 and II the querent wilI hear the news. The q uerent will hear the news when the tramitting Moon passes over the same degrees as . that of the significato rs of 3 and 11; also when Moon trcsits the same deg rees as that of the significator of the 3rd house of. the ,missing person. MOOD In this horary map the husband put the query abollt his wife. So consider the 7t h cusp as the Asc. for the wife and proceed. For convenience the roman letter is given to each house counted from the 7th cusp. Moon is as pee ted by Jupiter fr om VIII. Its sub lord Saturn wbich owns VIII (life) is in XII (missing) and on t he cusp of the wife's Asc. Thus it clearly shows that the query is about the wif e who is missing and it is about her life. Cuspal Sublord Wife'S Asc. The cuspal sub lord of the wife' s Asc. is Venus. It is in the star Jupiter owning VI!. So it is the significator boUl'of the badhaka and maraka house . This means that t he wife of the querent is dead . Querelll's 3rd CUSp. The cuspal sub lord of the querent's 3rd house is Venus. It is in the sta r Jupiter owning 3. So it is the significator of 3. Further, this star lord Jupiter aspects the owner of II (Mar s) and the cuspal sub lord Venus is in conj. with the owner of II (Mars). Thus th e cuspal sub lord of the 3rd house Venus is connected also with the house II. He nce the querent will hear the news about his wife. . Querent's Significators of 3 and 11 , . Sun, Venus and Saturn (being in the star Jupiter owning 3) are the s ignificators of 3, . Mars .and Jupiter (being in the s tar Rahu. in I I) are the signi~cators of II, Wife's Sigoificator of III . ~ahu ' (being in the star Merc ury owning and occupying III) is the significator of Ill. '. .

li5 Transit of Moon The qllcrent will hear the tran sitting Moon passes o vcr SUIl a nd Vellu s a ll 13- 11 - 1974 over the same degree s as that of the qucrcnt. On 15111974 wife was dead. ne ws llUtI hi ~ wife is dead when the the same degress as th at of Mars. o r on 15- 11 - 1974 when Moon passes o f Rah u which is in the 11th house the querenl go t the news that his Publication of a Book Ques rion . Whell will my boo k be publishe d '! N umber . 97 (o ut of 249) Plac e (if Judgment. 23' N 2'.72' E 35' Time " f Judgmelll . 6111970, Friday; 455 p.m. I .S .T . Ase Leo 2 , 18.6.40 Kc tu 5.34 ' .'irg" M,H" 15 .58 - -Cancer 17.29 18 .58 12 .' Libra Sun Jup 16.58 20.1 9 22.32 -Gemini 18.58 I1 Me r Ye n 26.28 2U2R 4 Scorpio I 7.58-

- T Gums Sat 17.58 26.141<. 10 5 6 SaKirtarius Capricorn Moon Rallll 18.58 - - Aries 16.58 15 .58 9 8 18.5819 .34 Pisces 5. 34 Aquarius I B.6. 40 7 Planet Sun SIal' SuI> P/al/er Moon Murf, J M M J Me. Mer. 1up . VenR Star J J Sa R J

Sub K SaR K Planet Sat.R Rahu Ketu Star VR Ma. K Sub K M R

116 Hints (a) Consider the houses 3 and II for writing and of books. (b) If tbe cusp al sub lord of 3 and II be Mercury (writings) or Jupiter (publications) or if it be the si~nificator of 3 and 11 and if the star lord of this cuspal sub lord be connected with Mercury publication and Jupiter the querent can wrile a book and publish it. (c) During the j o int period of the significators o f 3 and II the book will be written and published. These significators are generally connected with Mercury, Jupiter and Mars (pri nting). Moon In this horary map (writings), it owns the 11th sub lord of and Moo n IS Mercury the Hence 3rd it his the (sucess) occupies (publications). So Moon is connected with 3 writtings publisbed. Cuspa\ Sub lord and II. in indicates that the querent desires to have success getting 3rd Cusp. The sub lord of the 3rd cusp is Venu s. It is in the star Jupiter (publications) in 3. The star lord Jupiter is in conj. with Mercury and Venus owning 3. So Venus is the strong of 3. But as the cuspal sub lord of 3 (Venus) significator the after is retrograde, made on ly movement for publication of a book

wi ll be 3-12- 1970 when Venus gets direct in motion . I It" cusp. n,e sub lord of the 11th cusp is Moon. It is in the Jupiter, the OWne r of 3 (Venus) a nd Sun (name) . with in Me rcury his sub Mercury; Mercury is direct in motion, it owns II (success), it is in conj. w ith .", Tbus Moon is connected with 3 and II; a nd also ' , and Jupiter. Hence the querent will be success ful getting book publi shed;

117 ,Ruling Plancts Dar ford Sir.;11 funl SlIb lord Day. F ri day Ycnu sR \1 ars Kelu \1o ~) n A SC . Af(J{H1 . I\rics " - I I Caprico rn 19 ' .I . ~. SaturnR Mars is in the sub oC rClro~r i\(k Saturn. S:llurn i:; - planets 11lc ruling .Juint Period in till! star H'::il C0 or rClrt) !.!radc Venus. So 1\1 a 1':; and :II"C S<ltUrIl ma y be: omitted. ;v'l oon, Venus and Kctll . /\t lhc tim e of judgment t \t ol1n D~l s ha \nlanc~ 2.Y '.J M 27 0 ) th,,;: qunCI11 is running thu joint period ()f

Moo n and Vell u ~ :\'tc rcu ry whi c h c:xpires 0 11 3-12- 1970. plane ts . V IZ Th e ruling , rvloon and :HC (hI! c lIspal su b lords of 11 and 3 re spcc tiv~l y: ~lnd th ey arc also the strung significators of 3 and II as. p revioll s l y the joint rJ i SC ll :,~cd. So the boo;";: will be \\'hi c h published durin g peri od nf ~doon and Venus

commen ces fr om 3-7- 197 1. Ve nu s is very s trong., s o it') inLer period w hich co ntinue s upt o J3-1 0- J971 wi JI bt! vc ry favourable. Hence d uring Lhe joinL period of be publis hed. \100:1 , V~ nu s anti Vel1u~ the book will Transit The quercnt"ti b ook was Cl1!ll ph!tcly !I) 71 when Su n ,' CI1US printed during [J1 Scplcmb.::r 111 and Ve nu s b o t h \\ (: re lransini ng Th~ Leo Wi!" the st a r (t he s ub a 11d. I n t cr period rukr). book pubii sheJ 111 I u ri ng O c lo bcr 1971 when Sun Wil'i trallsitl in u in Virgo th e star

\1 00 11 (the period rul er).

118 Constructing The Building Questton. Will I be successful in constructing a building in a Co-operative soci ety? Number. 15 (out of 249) Place of Judgment. 23N 2', 72E 35'. Time of Judgment. 26-5- 1971, Wednesday; 8-46 A.M. I.S.T. Asc Aries 20.6.40 Mer Ven 17.3 15.51 Sat Sun 3.45 10.54 2 Taurus Moon 18.24- -Pisces .1 .57 11.24 12 3 Gem;n; 13.24- - .Aquarius Rallli 6.24 24.55 11 Mars 17.18 4 Cancer . Keto 8.2424.55 Capricorn 8.24 10 5 Leo Virgo

6.24Sagittarius 13.24 9 18.24 6 11.24- - Scorpio Jup 8 7.53R Libra 20.6.40 7 . Planet Star Sub Plallet Star Sub Planet Star' Sub V Sat Sun M M Mer. M S Sa. ' R aHu Ma. 'R Moon Ma. K JUPR Sa. K S , ;Ketu Sa. Ven. V Me. R Mars M Hints .. If th e cuspal sub lord of the 4th be the significatox of 4. 11 or 12 one will have his own building during the joint period of the significators of 4, 11 and 12.

119 Moon , The qucrent wa5 trying to have ,1 plot in a Co-operative society but he was hesi tating 10 ilL\'t.~)t money in the socictv. Hence he made a query. In (his horary map \10011 0\\115 4; its star lord \1ars aspects the 4th; its sub lord Ketu is i n 4. So .\10011 is the significator of 4 (huilding) and connected with Mars (lan d or building) and 4. Hence it clearly shows that the query is regarding the bui lding or hOllse. Cuspal Sub lord The house J I dcnotcs society. So if its sub lord is connected \\illl the 4th hO llse, the qucrent will he successful in constructing a building in the Co-operat ive society. ClUp Illh The sub lord of the 11th cusp is \!oon. 1t is the significator of 4 a-.; mention ed above. [h ",tar lord Mars is direct in Illotion. Moon is the fastest l11o\ing nlanet. So the querent \ViII be succesful 111 constructing hi", building in the Co-operative society very SOOI1. 4lh cusp. The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Venus. It is in its own star Venus in 12 and as pee ted bv ~:far5. It is in the sub Sun the signifka tor of 4 (being in the star Moon o\vning 4) \vhich is aspected by the owner of 1 2 (Jupiter). So Venus is the significator of 12 (investment) and connected \vith Mars (land or building), 4 (house or building) and 12. Neither the cllspal sub lord Venus nor its star lord is retrograde. So it promises a building to the quc rent. Ruling Planets Day lord Mercury Sign lord \1ercury Mercury Slar lord Roi1u Day Asc. -".looll Wednesday Gemini 19' 16' lJemllll 1 ' 57' ~ !V1ars

120 Ketu being aspected represents Mars. None of them is in the star or sub of a ret rograde planet. So the ruling planets are Mars. Mercury, Rahu, and Ketu. Signifi cators of 4, 11 and 12. All these ruling planets arc the significators of 4. II and 12. Mars is in the s tar Moon owning 4. Mercury is in the star Venus in 12. Rahu is in the star Mars (land). Ketu is in tbe star Mercury in 12. All these planets are in cardinal or movable signs. So they will hasten the matter of construction during their joint period. Joint Period At the time of judgment (Mars Dashl balance 2Y 5M 21 D) tb e querent is running the joint period of Mars, Ketu and Venus. All these planets are the significators for investment of money in constructing the house as discu!sed above. 11ars and Ketu are among the ruling p lanets. Ketu is the sub period ruler and its sub period has started from 14- 5- 1971 and continues upto 11-10-1971. In betwee n this time the inter periods of Mars, Rahu and Mercury will pass through. Rahu being stronger planet should be considered as the inter period ruler. than any t o the Mars" Ketu and Rahu will jointly operate from 15-7- 1971 7-8-1971. So tbe queren t will be successful in conqructing house in the Cooperative Society during this time. Transit By this time Sun will be transitting ill Cancer through the 4tl1 , house and Mars will be in Capricorn 28 ' 31'R to own star Mars (the period ruler ), It was learnt from 24' 3i 'R 1971 that . Itl , ItS. the querent in August the construction work of the house had reached upto the plinth level. ,

121 Selling The House Oil,. NIIII/her. Place of" Jllligl1lC'II!. 1i"1l!(, (I( lioll. shall I b~ able 10 ,ell mv hOll se ? . 25 (out of 249 ) Wh~n Jllligllll:'II! . 22' N 41 ', 72' E 55'. 24- 1-1972. M o nday: 4-35 p.l11. I.S.T. Asc 7{{// rII.\ :;.0 Sat (\. 16R M(.)nn :!4 . 1:1 Aries ~ Tallrlls 2'1.48 _ P isc('s .Mar,; 25 .41:1 25.22 12 11 Gemini K ;:t tt 23.48 12.1 - A ifill/rillS Veil. 19.48

16. 14 4 Cancer 19.48 ..- - Capricortl Rahu Sun 19.48 12.1 10.14 24.58 10 Mer. 5 19.48 l-Sagittarills J LIp. 23.48 4.1 9 Vir!? (J c 25.48 . -Scorpio 29.48 Libra Scorpio 3.0 Plane! SIal" SlIb Sun Moon Mar; Hints M V Me . M Me . R Plane! Mer. 7 Star SlIb Mc. M

Planet Jup. Ven. V K R Sat R Rahu Ketll v SllIr S !'VI SUR Sllb Me. R M If the cuspal sub lord o f 10 be the signilicalor (i. e. in the Slar of the occu pant or owne.) of 3 or 10 the hOllse can be sold olT during the .ioint period o f the significators of 3, 5 and 10. 16

122 Moon In Ihis horary map Moon owns 4 and occupies 12. It is in Ihe Slar Venus owning I, 2 and occupying 10; and in the slJb Mercury ownmg 3 and 6. So Moon is the significator of I (self), 2 (money), 10 (house to the buyer) and connected with 3 (parting with the house), 6 (gain from others), 4 (house) and 1 2 (losing the house). Hence it clearly indicates that the querent intends to sel l his house and to gain money therefrom by parting with the house. CuspaI Sub lo rd ; JOth Cusp. The sub lord of the 10th cusp IS Ketu. Ketu occupies 3. It is in the star Saturn owning 10. So Ketu is the significator' of 10 and connected with 3; and it promises the sale of the house. As the star lord Saturn is re,rograde, Ke tu (if it be among Ihe joint ~eriod rulers of th~ ,;gnificato~s of 3: 5 and ' 10 ) ~annot give the results of its star lord rcgar, ing the sale of the house. d S o let us make sure by examining the Asc. (efforts by the querent), the I Ith cus p (success or fulfilment ~ f desire) and th~ 4th cusp (building of the que rent) , if they prqmise the sale of the house. Asc. The sub ' iord of the Ase. i~ Satur n. It is in the star Sun owning 5 and in the sub Mercur..I Owning 3. So Saturn i s the significator, of 5 and connected . with 3. Henae the querent is sure to sel l his house. . . ," ,. , ", But Saturn the sub lord of the jAsc. is retrograde. So the querent has to wait. till Saturn gC.ts motion , anp Crosses the original point of retrogr" datioll ffilm ,,:here, it turned retrograde . Saturn turned retrograde on 13' I I' 'Taurus and it crosses this point on 5-5-1972 by direct motion . Hence the ev ent of sale will happen only after5-5-1972 during ,-he joint period of the signi ficators of 3; 5 aDd 10. . .. '; , . ' 11th Cusp. The sub lord ,of the ' J Ith C U,s p is Mllrs. It cis in the . star Mercury owning -3 and in the sub Rahu (r~pr esenting.. Saturn-,' owning 10 and Sun owning 5 because Rahll lis in conj. Sun in Capricorn). So Mars is the significator of 3 and connected w,i. ,tIt 5 and 10. Hence the querent will be able to fulfil his desire by " , seIling 'the" house. ' ; 1- ~th ,Cu$p. The 4th cusp i~ joinil y rUJ.e~ by , MOOD _'(sign lord) . ' Mercury (star lord) and Ven'us (sub lord). Moon is the significaror of 3 and 10 as previously discussed. Mercury is in the star Venus

123 in 10 and in its own sub (Mercu ry owning 3) . So it is al ~H' t he s ig nifka t or of 10 and connected with :3. Venti:' is in t he star Rahu (rcprcoicnting Satu rn owning 10 and Sun owning 5) and in its ow n s ub (Venus in 10). So it is a ls o the s igniticator or 5, 10 and connected with 10. All the,e three planets indi cate the disp",al of the house. Rulin~ Planets Day lord Sigl/ lord SIal' lord Monday Moon Gemini IS' 28' Mercury Rahu Aries 24" 13' Mars Ve nus , Kent is in C ancer. so It represents Moon. Thus the rulin g planets are Moon. Mars . Mcrcury/ Venus, Rahu and Ketti. Dar. lIsc o Moon S ignificators of 3, 5 and 10. , Moon. Mars. Merc ury. Venus ~ and Ketu are the s ignificators of 3. 5 and 10 as discLissed abov~. Ketu being in th e sta r of re trograde Saturn Tllay be o mille q. Mars being in the sub Rahu which is not a sign itkato r of 3. 5- or 10 mav be omitted. Thus Moon. Mercury and Venus remain a s th e final s ignificators of 3 , 5 and 10 . , Joint Period At the time of judgment ( balance dash a of Venus 3y 8M 3 D ) the quen:nt is run nin g the joint period of Ven us, Merc ury and Mercurv the significators of 3. 5 and 10. As seen from the ea rli er paragraph s the event of sa le is to occur o nly after 5-5- 1972 . So by this time the joint period of Venu s. Mercury and Ve nus will b~ current from 2 1-4- 1972 upto 1- 10- 1972 and du ri ng thi s inter v a l the sooks hma period of Moon the sign ifi cato r co mmen ces on 27- 5-1972 a mi lasts upto 12- 6- 1972. Hen ce the qucrcnt wi ll be able 10 sell his house du r ing the se Jay s when the transit agrees \\ith th e joinl period rul er or ru lers. Transit he received a cheque of full amount from the bu . r on Zg- 5- 19T' durin~ th e o int period Ye , . . . of V,l'.nus , Mercury . .. Vcnll~ and Moon. Oll that S_ w~. ) trans itting !n Taurus 14c in the star un Moon (th e sookshma period ukr); Moon in Scorpio 18' in the star Me rc ur y ( th e sub period ruler) a nd ercury in Taurus 5 15 ' in its own sub . It j day r M

\lia S learnt from the qllcrenl th at -

124 Lease Licence for Mines Question. When shall I get the lease licence , State Govt. ? , " , for ,, . . ffimes trom the ' , , , , . , Number . 86 (out of 249) Place of Judgment. 23N 2', n O 35'. E -, Time of Judgmcnt. 13-8-1973, Monday; Asc 3/) Leo Sun Mer. 8-10 p.m. J.S.T. , . '. ..

, , :n.18 9.13 ," 12 ) 2 Virgo Yen 0.1 0.7 - Cancer , Ketu Sat 4.1 , 11.59 '7:50 , 3 , Libra 0.1 , -Gemini -'-Taurus Mars

3.37 2.1 , II .tl ';' , , , , " 'H I" 4" ' . S carpIO ' . , , , 2.1 10 ,. 5 Sagittarius , , .' 3.37 6,59 O~ I . ,- , , . , , , Aries

9 , , .. Rahu ., 11.59 , , , .. 6 Capricorn . Jup 4.1 12.3R 21.49 Pisces 0.1 . 8 Moon , ' I Aquarius 7 3.0 ,

Planet 'Sun Star Me. Sub Planet ' Star Mer. J.UPR Sub V R R Planet Sat. Rahu Ketu Siar R Sub R JR Moon M , ' V Mars K R Sa. M K R Me. Yen. S Sa.

125 Hints The house 6 denote:;. a tenant or k ssec: the 121h shows p<lrting with the possession of land o r building or minl..":s and the 111h jndicatcs success 0 f fult1l111cr (If desire or gail\. So for ge~ting the lea se of mines from the oI lier perso n, cons i d~r th e house II from the Asc .; and 6 and 12 a . .; CO ll lllr.=d from th e 7th (the o th e r person's Asc). clIs pal "lib ln rd of th e A sc. ;'lIl(1 /~)(' t he II th is t he significat or of 6, II or 12. you can beco me a Jessee during the joint period of the signilkators o f 6, 11 and 12 . Moon In thi s hor~lry map Moon i'\ in its own s l ~l r ow ning 12 (illh from 7 i.e. k ssee) and occ upying 6 (l21h from 7 i.e. parting with the possession l)f mines hy Govt.). it is aspec tcd by the owner of ! J (Merc ury). So T\.1oon L, the s i gni ficator 12. 6 and I I. Thus It indicatl:s that thl: quercnl de ~;j1",!s to be come tilt! lessee to Govt. I r the or Cuspal Sub lord Asc. The s ub lord or lilt! Asc. is Sun, it oc'-.: upic s l2. It is in the s tar Mercury ow niJlg II :lnd occupyin g 12; it is in the sub Jupiter in 6. So Sun is the significator of II . 12 and connected with 6 altd I: !. Its s ub lord Jupit e r in (, denot es wi th the possession of mines by Govt. But it is retrograde, so the lea se liccm:c from GOV l. \vill he promi sed only when Jupiter becomes direct in Illation i.c. after 29 -9 - 197~. Th o clI'pal sub lorJ of the II th is Venus. It is in the ~ ttlr SUll \\"hich is in conj. wi th Ihe owner of II (MerclIry) in the 12th. It is in th e ~ lIb Rahu (bein.g aspccled represent s Saturn in II and owning 6). So Venus is the sig ni fkal o r of II. 12 and connected with 11 and 6. Hen ce the que rent wi ll s Llre l y get the lease licence of mines from Govt. (US!,. 11,11 Ruling Planets Day lord Day. As!'. ,HuOIl. Sigll lord Star lord Rahu \-'onday Aquarius 16:;> 27' Capricorn 21 :l 49' ~fool1 ',-1oon -

116 None of them is in 'he star or sub of a retrograde planet. So the ruling planets are Moon, Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is in the star , " and sub of the ruling plan et (Rahu), so Saturn gets stronger than Rahu. Moon and Saturn are the significat ors of 6 and II. . ,., , , , ' Joint Period , .. At the time of judgment (Moon Dasha balance IV 1M 19 0 ) the querent IS running the joint period' of Moon, Venus 'and "Jupiter. . , The period ruler Moon is among th~ , ~uling . planets, and , the significat or of 6, II and 12 as previously discussed. ' ' ,'" . ' . I The sub period ruler .... Venus is the cuspal sub lord .of II and , . . it is al so the significator of 6, II and 12. ,as discussed ;earlie'r. , ', ' , So the joint ' period of Moon and Venus is to be as f.\Vour,ble for getting the lease licence. .. ,I , , considered _ . , The inter period ruler Jupiter is retrograde and as discussed earlier we have to omit Jupiter. The next after . Jupite~ ,! the~ inter period o f Saturn will start from 27-8-1973 arid 'will ' continue up to " " " .' 2-':12-1973. Saturn is ,among the ruling signiftcator of , 6 and II. , , "

planets and , ' it is also the Hence during the joint period of Moon, Venus and Saturn , thl> querent will get ,the lease 'licence afte~. 29-9T1973 when the transi t; agrees. , " Transit ., . ., " !' I'. ", .. ' ' ' . S' ~n will transit in Virgo from 12' to 23 in 'the star Moon': (the period ,rl!ler):.f~om 29-9~ 1973 to I \,10-~973; Scorpio 4 to 9 in the star S aturn (th,e . , llter . period i Saturn in Gemini 11 to 11 20' in its own sub que rent wil) get the lease licence before 11-10-1973. . ' . \ . Venus . viYllge)n \",-, ,L~ le~); .a)1<\ ! Sat~~I1" , . ,So ,Jp.", It was learnt from t.he querent that he could secure : the lease\ licence of min es from, Gov!. before 11-10-1973. No exact " date was , mentioned , in the letter .by the que r.ent. , .' ,'. -.' 0'

127 Success in Examination Question. Will niy son get slIccess at the examination in \1. B. B.S. ? Number. 5 (out of 249) Place of Judgmellt. 23"N 2', 72E 35' Time o(judgmellt 13-4-1971, T uesday; 6-12-0 P.:\1. I.S.T. IX Asc Aries 4. 46. 40 \1..::r. Sat. 9 40R 28.1 R Sun 29.34 _ J "6 . 1Pisces X 1 Taurus 6.27-- --Aquarius Yen. Rahu 12 VII! 24,29 27.11 XI XII 3 Gemilli Gcmini '] .27- ---Capricofll 26.27 - --Sagittarius \lars 23.27 26.27 25.34 II IU VII VI Sons' /\SC I 5

Cal/cer Kctu 23.27 - -SuRillarills 27 _II .lup. 2.27 12.'5R 9 V II , (, Leo 26.15- - Scorpio Virf!() \h)(}J1 6.27 20.44 X IV Libra Planet SUIl 4. 46. 40 7m Moon Sub MeR Sa. M JR SIal' P/mu-'1 Star MerR K Sa. JR JUPR Ven. Sub Sa, Ma, Mea -IvIars Hints

V MeR Planet Star Sat. S Rahu Ma. Ketu :\fe R Sub M JR JR If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is the signiticator 0 f 4, 9 or 11, the success in examination is promised, \vhen at the time of examination (i. e. during the d ays of examination) the joint period of the significators of 4, 9 and 11 is curr ent.

128 Moon , , , ., , In this horary map the fatbe, put the query about his so,l}. So consider the 5 th cusp as the son's Asc. and proceed. , for, convenience the roman letter is gi v1 en to e,!-cf} , house COUI~,t~d frot'\1 the 5th cusp. . . . Moon is in the ' star Jupiter in IV. So it is the significatoi' of IV (examinations). Moon is asp ected ' by Mercury owning XI (success) and occupying IX (higher ' studies). Thus Moon clearly indicates that the query refers to the examination resuhs of the q uerent's son. i Cuspal Sub lord ! Cusp IV. The sub lord of IV cusp is Mercury. I t is in IX and in I and in the sub. Saturn , retrograde. It is in the star Ke(u IX . So Mercury . is the significator of I and connected with IX. I The examinat ion of the quoten!'s son commenced on 124-1971 ! a"d it is to continue upto 23+1 971. The cuspal sub lord of IV (Mercury) remains in retrograde, motion d"ring th ese I days. So the querent's son will not get SllCC~SS in the e.<amination for t he time . , being. , , ' Cusp Xl. The sub. lord of XI cusp is Ketu. It is in the star Mercury owning XI and occupying IX. 11 is in the sub Jupiter in IV, So it is the ,significator of IX, XI and connected with IV. , But both the star lord a nd the sub lord of this cuspal sub lord remain in retrograde motion d,)ring the days of the examination. So the querent's son will not get success in the examin ation for the time being. . . Joint Period i, At the time of judgment an~, durin g the days of the examination (Jupiter Dasha balance 4Y 3M 25 0 ) lhe queren!'s son IS runnlllg the joint period of Jupiter, Moon and Rahu. All these three plan ets are the significators of IV, IX and Xl. o. , But Jupiter the period ruler, J upiter the star lord of the sub period ruler {Moon) and Jupiter th<,slib lord of the interp,, ,,od ',ruler (Rahu) remairis in . retrograde motion' during the da ys of the exa'm ination. So the queren!'s son ' will ,not get success in the exa minatio'n for the time being. .:! 1 .. Thus, in this case the point ,of retrogra dation comes in the way of success in the examination at every stage. J The resu lts. . of the examination were declar.ed on 27-:S-1971" 'a nd ' l . unluckily th e queren!'s son ,failed in the M.B.B.S, exammanorr: " . , ' . '" I '. .. .. , .

129 Scholarship Question. Xllmhcr. Place Fill/(' Vh!1 Ill) son gel ~cholarship ,) 45 (Ollt nf 249) Judgmellf. (d' 72 E 35". or Judgmenl. 19-1-1970, Monelay; 10-17 A.M. I.S.T. IX Ase GCIII;'li 4.53.20 2S.S]' X Gemini r.,loon 28.54- -- -TalfI'IIS Sat 1.54 8.57 12 V[[[ XI , .' Aries Cal/rel' K..::lu 23.54- . - Pisces Mars 20.51:-; 26.54 ? -. 2, 22.54 ?0.58 II VI! XII

4 Lco 22.54---- A ({uorills Rahu 10 VI Son's Asc I 5 Viru(j " 26.54- - -Capric()!'ll Lilna Sun 23.54 5.~2 9 V Jup 11.8 Ven 4.1 II Mcr 28.54 22.-t5R IV Sagilforills 4.53.20 7 PllIJ/u Sun 5;/a/" I fI Slih Planer

\;l1..'rR Star V 5;/fh SCl. 5'1. Planct Sal Star , Sub S ~vl~! . Me. K J V J J \It (ll' 11 \;1 a rs Sa. R J 11 p. V en. R Railu Ketu .I S Sa. J 17

130 " ' Hints If the cuspal sublord of the 11 th be the significa tor of 2 (money), 6 (sc hola rship) or II (gain) and connected with the house 4 (studies), one get s scholarship for studies during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 a nd I L If the cuspal joint rul ers (the sign lord , star lord and sub lord) of t he 6th and/or 11th. be the significa tors of 2, 6 and I I a nd connected with th e 4th, one gets scholarship during their joint period. Moon In this ho rary map the 'falher as ked the question about hk son. Moon is in 12 (worries to the quer ent), Consider the 5th cusp as the Asc. for the SOil and proceed. For convenienc e the ro man letter is given to each house co unted from the 5th cusp. , Moon ow ns XI, its star lOrd Mars owns II and occupies VI. I So Moon is , the significat or ' of ,-II (money to the son), VI (scholarship ~o the son) and 'connected with XI (gain to the son). , Hence ~1.o o n clearly indicates that the querent is wo rried about the scholarship to his son', ' Cusp XI , The sub lord of XI cusp is Mars, It owns II and occupies VI; it is direct in' motio'n. Its star, lord Jupi ter is direct in motion, it owns IV alld occupies the Asd, of ,the SOil. 1Is sub lord Rahu , (being in Aquarius) represents , Saturn owning VI. So Mars is the , significator of IV and connected with II and V~. Hence the , , scholarship for studies is prorrlised to the querent's son, , Cusp VI It is jointly governed by Saturn (sign lord), Jupiter (star lord) and Saturn (sub lord), Saturn owns VI; i t is in the star Ketu in XI and in the sub Jupiter owning IV; so Saturn is the s ignifica to r of XI and connected with IV and VI. Jupiter owns IV; it is in the star Rahu which represents Saturn owning VI and in the sub Saturn: so Jupiter is the significator of VI and connected wit.hlV and VI. Thus Mars (tbe sub lord of XI cusp), Jupiter (the star lo rd of VI cusp) and Saturn (the sub lord of VI cu sp) are the significators o f 'and connected with II, IV, VI and XI. , ,. , . ') ~

131 Ruling Planets Dal lord , 1\(')' L-' , ' . SiZIl lord , Star lord Jupiter Asc. /v1()(JIl. Monda\' 'J Aquarius -..;; '. 9' -., Taurus 2X :'-1.' .. Moon Saturn Venus Mars None of these planets is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet. So the rulin g ~)Iancts are Moon. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The common planets between the ruling planets and the significators of 11, IV. VI and X I (mentioned above ) are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Joint Period (a) At the time or judgment (Mars Dasha balance 4 Y 1M 10 ) the querent's son is running the joint period of Mars and Saturn. They both are the ruling planets a s well as the significators of scholarship. So it is certain that the son will g et scholarship during their joint period. The final significators as disclIssed above arc Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. So the son will get his scholarship during t he JOint period of Mars. Saturn and Jupiter (27-6-1970 to 20-R 1970), (b) The sub lord of VI cusp (scholarship) is Saturn. It IS a ~ lo\',; moving pla net. So he wil] receive the full amount of scholarship gradually. Actually', he first received a part amount of scholarship on 19- 2-1970 when Moo n \vas transitting in Cancer In tne slar of Saturn (the sub period rukr). There after, he received part amounts of scholarship rcgularly everv 1110nth and the I lnal amount- was received in the month of July 1970 during the ioint period of M ars, Saturn and Jupiter. Transit In July 1970 Sun was lransittillg in Gemini in the star Jupiter inter period ruler); Mars in Canc(.,"T in the star Saturn (the sub period ruler) and Jupiter in Libra in the star Mars (the period rukr!. (th~

I ."") Employment ,. . '. Question. ' When shall I get a' job 1 , Number. , 4 (out of ,249) : .. . . .l r Time o]'irulgl1ie1lf. ,; 22- 5- 1970,' triday; 7-15 'A .M'. I.S.T. ,, , I . I. , , , - . Mer .Asc . 3'40 Aries , .' . .,

., I ., (. Sat 19.52 21.18 Pisces , , , ,'"'' ,'.' , 2 .. , Taurus ,r Sun 39 -'l--Aquarius, , 24.39 Rahu 14.29 12 .,, . Mars 7.14 29.13

3 '. Gemini Yen t ' " 1.39'-I-- Capricom .. 6.3 . . ,. . 25.39 22.39 11 I 4 Gemini , 'Sagittarius 25.39 10 9 5 . .6 Callcer Ketu 22.39- ,. .S agitia riu$ ' 14.29 1.39 19.16 Moon ,

, Leo , . 24.39 . -Scorpio Virgo Jup. 5..39 4.13R. Libra 3.40 7 I ': ~ I Planet . , ,. Star Sub Plallet Star Sub ~ V Plallet Star ., Sub .Sun , ' MoQn S Me. Ma. K K Sa.

Mer. v Ma. Sat. . V JUPR Yen. Rahu Ketu R V Mars Ma. M

Hint"i , ]f 11o~ sicnifica lo r 2, 6 o r IO ..;::rv i~.,; t': ( .:'T: !I1!! is p,0 I i'l i~c d dur ing the of t! -J;.: ... i ~n i n\..' :I: l.H' ~i { 20 '1 . !lHi 10. or joi n.t period " ., ,." " .. , -,, .. .: ... .. ~ '1 I '.' ", :" the 2nd (Sun A , . . . . 1. MO '. 1ll .-I,- .', rl ,' ;., t I;..... ., 1 ' ':. ,:.".. , ~ .. i~ ;t'ipc..:t cd by the occupants or ~ , ~ thr.:: 1)\\'111::r ()f th~ 6tl1 (Sun). Thu s t he query rc (~rs to scrvkc o r jo b for mone\. Cuspill ~uh tord lo rJ Venlls ownillu 2 is abo ~ will h~ i,rt1mi..., e d mo\ ing pJ. JilCt. ~l,h)1l hI IIlI! qllerLllt hecau se i\'1c-rcury . IS a I~ l:i l -

Cusp j Jfft T he ...,ub hHd Il l' the II th ClISP is Vellus. Il is direct in li:.ot i o l1, Its . . t~ !r h)rd ~1ars the nct.'\tp~,n l or the 2nJ is abo dir('d. 50 V(,I1I1 .' is the :~ igni!]( i.I \,)r l)r 2. lIenL"c the qucrcnt' s dl :sirc will he J"ul11lkd ~\) ..)il l, C...';! U..., c Vel1 u:,> is J. fa.:;t mo v ing planet. Ruling planets Si'.!, l1 lord Slar /(JI"d Day . /lsc. ~;i d~I 'I Venus T.w n!" .Venus \la .. ; ~1 crcun ' :"\faro; retro ~rade Mars .1'P":=': B f\.Cil!. S0 Ketti p i:! net 5 ,:r ~ :'t.:prc5~nt5 :'''lr~ .

T hlls the '\]er..:ur y, \ ';.::r:us J lh.i f\.("tu.

134 Significators of 2, 6 and 10 House 2 Occupant Plallet ill Occupa"I's slor ~ Plane t ill Owner's star Me, Sa, K Owner V 6 10 Ma, JR , V None None S Ma None None i . S None " ; " , Ketu in Leo lepresents Sun, so take Ketu in stead of Sun. planets and : till' The common planets between the ruling significators are Mercury, Venus and Ketu. In this case Ketu is a significator and is only considered as a ruling planet (representing Mars); while Mercury and Venus are the significators , the ruling planets and also the cuspal sub lords ' the o'f houses 2, 6, 10 and! 1. So Mercury and Venus may be as the final significators. Joint Period conoidered , ., At the time of judgmem (Mercury Dasha bala nge 138M 7Q) the querent is runnin g the joint period of Mercury and Ketu. The

o , sub poriod of Venus -.yill commence frllm 23-6-1970. So the querent will get ser vice during the joint period of Mercury, ,Venus, Venus and Venus at the earliest t.e, between 23-6-1970 a nd 21-7-1970. The reason is that both are connected wi th the 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th cusps; both are the ruling planets and both are f ast moving planets . . 'Fransit . ! The querent got his first service on 10-7-1970 when Sun was transitting in Gemini 24 0' in the sub Mercury (the period ruler); Moon in Virgo 6 0' in the sub Mercury; and Mercury in Gemini 27 0' in the sub Venus (the s ub, i nter d sookhmana period ruler). ,

135 Leaving the Job Question. \Vhe-tht:r I shall bl.! able t l) , kaye the j o b, if so when? Number. 135 (out of 249) Place of Judglllent. 23 N 2',72' E 35' Time (~f Judgment . 19-4~1972. Vlcdnesda y; 3-55 p .m. I.S.T. Libra 2 Scorp io .)(} t,' I (I (l r 111,1,' ~ Asc 15.11.20 12 J ,)'.4U 14.4()-- Virgo 14.4U 14.54 7.2X 3 . . -Leo J1 J up Rahu 4 Capricorn 1t).4(}--Cal1cef Kc \ u \ 11')('11 16.4/J 7.28 22.14 10 5 Aquar;lU 18 .40- -Gemini M::I r~

14.4U 21.4 7 21.:.!2 ~'1cr I I. 30 18.4/J ~ V en 6 Pisce,f Sun -Taurus Sat 14.40 11.21 8 6.1 0 Aries Plallet Sun 15.U.21i 7 Star K J \I Moon Mars Hints Sub R Sa. V Planet Mer. Jup. Ven. Star Sa. V M Sub M V V Plallel Sat. Rahu Kclu Slar M S Sa. Sub Ma, K K If the sub lord 01'

Ihe 10th or 6th cusp be the significator of 1, 5 or 9, the querent can leave service during the joint period of the signific ators or I, 5 and 9. These significalors are gene rally connecled wilh the house s of service 2, 6 or 10.

136 Moon , , The querent desires to leave service because he does not keep good health. In th is horary map Moo n occupies the 9th and owns , . , !lie 10th. It is in the star Jupiter owning 3. 6 and occupying 3. It is in the sub Saturn O\vning S. So it i s the sign ificator of 3 (cliange), 6 (service) and connected with 5 (absence of se rvice), 9 (absencc of occupation) and lO (occiJpation). Thus Moon clearly ind icates that the query refers tp -leaving o f se rvice or occupation. F urther Mo on is aspected by Jupiter the owner of 6. So it indicates ill health. , , , Cuspal Sub lord I 10th Cusp. The sub lord of Iho'lOth cusp is Mercury. It is direct in motion. It occupies 5. ~ ts star lord Saturn is direct in motion, it owns 5. Its sub lord f '1oon occupies 9. So Mercury is the significator of 5 and ... . connected with 5 and 9. Hence it signifies \ leaving of service . . , 6th Cusp. The s ub lord of ti,e 6th cusp is Ketu. It occupies 9. Its star lord Saturn is direct ! in motio n, it owns 5. It is in its own sub. So Keiu is the significator, of 5 imd connec ted with 9. , . , Hence it denotes lea ving 'serv?ce. 11th Cusp. The s ub lord o f ihe 11th cusp is Rahu. Its star lord Sun owns II and occupies -'6. Its s ub lo 'rd Ketu occupies 9. So Rahu is the significator of 6, I I' 'a nd connected with 9 . Hence the querent's desire to leave service on account of ill health will , . be fulfilled . .... . .. , ,' ., , , , ." or ... " Ruling Planets I. ,I I ( : .. '

. Day lord .' Sign lord Slar lord ~'lercury Day. Wednesday .. Sun Ase. Leo .24 40' ,Mercury MQ@n. Gemini 220 34' , None of them is . in the star 'or s\lb of a .ret~,ograde :- ' I, r Venus Ju pit<;r \ pl~net. .so the rulin g planet s. are ,Sun, Mercury, Jup iter and :Venus. ..

.Joint P('riod (a) At the time or judgm;' ll L (Jupiter Uasha balance l:?:~ I tr Jl I D) period of Jupiter, Saturn and t 11 <.: qucrent is funning the joint Venu s. . , . Jupiter owns 6, I t 15 111 the star and s u h Venus O\\'ning 1 . . '. vhich is. in conJ. \Vi t h Saturn owntllQ 5. So i t IS the signilicator of l. 5 an d connecte d with L 5 and 6. Saturn is in the star Moon owning 10 an d OccL!p y.'ing 9; it is in the suh rvlars owning 2 ill conj. with Saturn owning 5 and Ve nus owning I. So it is the ~ignificalor of 9, 10 and connected \\"ith I. 2 and 5 . Venus is in the star Moon owni ng 10 ~!nd occupying 9; it is in its own sub Ve nu s owning I in coni. \vith Mars owning 2 and Saturn owning 5. So it is the sig nif-icator of9, 10 and connected with j, 2 and 5. (b) Jupiter ar'cl Venus are am ong the ruling planets and Saturn being in conj. with the ruling planet (Venus) is connected with the ruling planet Venus. (e) These joint period rulers are the significators of 1, 5 and 9. Thev all arc connected with the houses of service and also with the fuli ng planets. So the querent will leave service during thei r joint period (5-4-1972 to 7-9-1972) berorc 7-9 -1972, (d) The querent is a teac her in the school. So he can leave , service at the beginning of the term \\,'hc n thc school reopens 111 , the month of June 1972 after summer vacation, The soo kshma period of Rahu stans from 30-5-1972 and lasts upto 22- 6-1972. Rahu is the cu s pal sub lord or II and denotes the fulfilment of the qucrent's desire as p reviously disclIsscd. So the quercnt will leave service before 22-6-1972 during the joint paiod of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Rahu. ~ ~ Transit The quercnt len service nn 15 6--1972. 011 that day Moon was transitting i n Cancer 20 0' in the sub Venus (the inter period rul er); Venus in Gemini 4' 46 1 in its own sub Venus: and Jupiter in S~lgittarius 1 [ '- 20' in the sub Saturn (the sub period ruler). 1~

138 Independent Business Question . Shall I be successful in an independent business? Number. 125 (out of 249) Place of Judgment. Time of Judgment. 23N 2', n OE 35'. 26-7-1970, Sunday; Asc 10-50 A.M. r.S.T. ' Libra lup Libra , 4.19 29.18 --Virgo Ven Ketu I 0.0.0 2.18 22.10 11.1 12 3 Scorpio 29.18 --Leo Sagittarius Mer. 2.18 11 Mars Sun 28.40 11.8 9.29 , 4 Capricorn 0.18 - - Cancer , 0.18 10

5 Aquarius Rahu Gemini 2.18 --Taurus 11.1 . 29.18 9 6 " , Pisces r, 2.18-_ Aries Sat M oon 29.18 27.54 19,1 8 " Aries 7 0.0,0 Planet .star Sun Moon S.a. Sub y , , Planet Mer. " Jup. Ven. Star Me. Ma. V Sub Sa. y Sa. Planet Sat. Rahu Ketu Star S R K

Sub M Sa. Sa. ' .' . V" R M , II 'SMars , .

139 Hints If the cuspal su b lord of the 10th be the significator of 2, 7 or lOan independent bus iness or profession is promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and 10. If the cuspa1 sub lord of the 7th be the si gnificator of 2, 10 or II gain in business is promised during the joint period o f the significators of 2, 10 and II. Moon rn this ho rary map MOOD occupies the 7th (business) and owns the 10th (profession). It is in tbe star Venus which own s the Asc, 2 aDd occupies II. So it is the significator of the Asc (self), 2 (se lf-earning) and 11 (gain and fulfilment of desire). Thus Moon clearly shows that the query refers to self earning, profession or busilless dealings with others and gain there from to fulfil the desire of the querent . Cuspal Sub lord 10th Cusp. The sub lord of the 10th cusp is M oon. Its star lord Venus is direct . It is the significator of 2 and II as discussed above. Hence an independent bu siness is promised. 7th Cusp. The sub lord of th e 7th cusp is Ketu. It is in it s own star Ketu which is in conj. with Venus owning 2 and occupying 11. So Ketu represents Venus and it has to give the results of Venus. Hence the cuspal sub l ord of 7 (Ketu) is the significator of 2 ano II and it shows gain in business. 1 1 til Cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. It is the significator of 2 and II being in its own star. Hence the que rent's desire will be fulfilled. 7th House Moon the owner o f 10 (profession) is in conj. with Saturn the delayin g planet in 7 (business). It is in applying conj.. So this position deno tes th at the querent has to keep patience for long.

140 But Moon is the significator of 2 and I I; a nd Saturn is the significator of 10 and II. So the querent will be successful in the "\19 'I . , .. . I _. asha Period , , ,. I : 'N ,Wf '. . r ., 1 1jm~ ljr . j~ dgme p.t the querent is runnin g the period of Venus with 1J Y 5M 21 D in balmce. , All the planets are the significators of 2, 7, 10 o r II ; and t\l~ , joint peri od of Venus, Rahu and Mercury is current from 14-7-1970 .ane;! c, ntinues "upto 17-12-1970. So tbe qu. rent will begin his o . business' activities during this very period. business 'In the montb of November 1970: ~.<I 'f Acttlally he started his sub lord of II and thi ~ wi ll continue hi,s ", The p~ \jpd ruler, Venus is the cuspal period, c.15p.linues" upto 17-'1- 1982. So the querent business activities throu ghout this period . He has to pass the sub periods of Rahu, Mercury and Ketu in the period of Venus. I Jupiter, Saturn j

. :/J I L.. Rahu, Me ~cu~.y, ~et"J a~d)lynus are in the the querent's progr.ess will .be slow and steady. , , sub Saturn. S.o , So thei! sub periods (17-3-1972 to 17-1- 1978) " ,, Ju'piter I is in the 'sub Venus and .Saturn is in the ' sub 'Moo n. . . - . r ' ';-, .' . . wi ll be favo urable , , . for making progress in bus,iness. Ketu is t?~ ~,u~ 10,rd of the 7tp cusp a nd its sub, period starts . from 17-1- 1980 and' co ntinues upto 17- 1- 1982. As Ketu has to give lhe result s of Venus owning 2 a nd occupying than other sub period rulers. I I . it will be better It was learnt from the querent slow progress. . in the month or ,.. December 1'~7'4 ! that h ~ was 'conducting his business on a sma ll scale \vit h a

, _

14 1 -' Jurri age {) lIes/ion. \Vh e ll \\'i ll 11',y daughter get marri ed? 145 lo u t or 249) VWllhel' . P/a(,l: (~f' Judgl11('lJ{. 23 'N :r. 72' E 35' Fillle o/ .Iudgll1(,11f 27 () 1970. Saturday; 5- :-;0 P. M. I.S.T. IX Uhra X 1 /\sc 29. 26. 40 Scorpio 29.2 -Libra I J up. , 4.2 2.46 12 Vlll Sa g illorius XI XII \ ~l' . .' , Capricllrn 0.2 - . _ . Vir"o .' Kelu 5.2

I ~ .33 I I VII 10 .-f Ijuarius !Z ; \ 3.2 - - Lco 12.33 ., .1 ) vr V hu 1 Fi.\'(('s \-hl \' 11 J. . _ 2'1. ~ , ~ Ven. 1,) ,I R -- em/cel' 0.2 23 . 1.1 12.5 n. S(, 9 IhlU"hft.'r " ,. M" r:-. Sun j\le r . (/(,lIIilli Ti.flII'II S

I ' II (, .-1ties Sa l. 4.2 1 1 )C). :2 IV _ ) . 2 (1 I . f rie,\' 29. 26 . ./0 7 III Suh Plaller : :'lIn S,ur It \-lo . I Suh P/UI/C! Star llil a . P/alle! Sat. R:dHl St{//" Sub

Sa. Sa. Sa . \kr. \1e . V K V Me . Sa . ~Il \ l oo n J u p. \' ~I~. Ma . :-.. fa r:-. "k . Kc [ u K c. ...,"

142 Hints If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th be the significator of 2, 7 or II marriage tak es place during the joint period of tbe significators of 2, 7 and 11. Moon In this horary map the father put the query about the marriage of his daugh ter. So consider the 5th house as the Asc. for the daugbter and proceed. For con venience tbe roman letter is given to each house counted from the 5tb cusp. Moon occupies the Asc. of the daughter. It is in the star Mercury owning VII and in the sub Saturn owning XI and occupying II. So it is the significator of VII (mar riage of tbe daughter) and connected witb II (family life) and XI (permanent rel ationship). Thus Moon clearly indicates that the query refers to the marriage of the querent's daughter. Cuspal Sub lord Cusp VII. The sub lord of VII cusp is Saturn. It owns XI and occupies II. It is in the star Venus (the natural significator of marriage) and in the sub Mercury owning VII. So Saturn is connected with II, VII and XI. The cuspal sub lord Satu rn and its star lord Venus both are direct in motion. Hence the queren!'s daught er will get married Ruling Planets Day lord Sign lord Star lord Saturday Saturn Day. Asc. Scorpio 16 42' Mars Mercur y Moon. Pisces 29 3' Jupiter Mercury Rahu in Aquarius represents Saturn. So the r uling planets are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. None of them is in th e star or sub of u retrograde planet.

143 Signifieators of Marriage /iouse Planet in Occupant occlipam's slar Planet ill owner's star None Sa. Me, J Ma. VII Ma. 1 Me. M. V XI None None Sa. None Rahu represents Satu rn. So take it as the significator. The common plane!s between the ruling pla ne ts and the significato rs are Mars, Mercury. Jupiter, Saturn and Rainl. Joint Period II At the time of judgment (r-fercury Dasha balance I Y 2M 16 D) the qucrenfs daugh t er is running the joint period of Mercury and Saturn. They are among th e significators. Now we have to the inter period ruler out of th! remaining significators select Mars , Jupiter and Rahu. Rahu being stronger than any significator should be considered as the inter period ruler. Thus we have to consider th e joint period of Mercury, Saturn and Rahu which starts from 8-12 - 1970 and lasts upto 3-5-1971. Mercury owns VII, Saturn is the clIspal s ub lord of VII and Rahu is the clIspal sub lord of XI. So the querenfs daughter will get married during their j o int period when the transit agrees. Transit During the time from 8-12- 1970 to 3-5- 1971 transit in the star of Rahu rrom 19- 2 - 1971. first So the mafriage will Sun will take placc in the month of February 197J. Act ually the q uerenl's daughter got married on J 9- 2-1971, when Sun \v C!s trans ilting in A qu ari us 6 50' in the sta r Rahu (the int er period ruler); Moon in Scorpio 18" 0' in the star Mercury (the period ful e r); Mercury in Capricorn 24 ~ 58' in the s ub R~\hu ; Saturn in Aries 23 0 19' in its own s ub Saturn (tile sub pe riod ruler); and in Capricorn 29 59' in the sub Saturn.

144 Overseas For Studies Question. When shall I be able to go to America for st udies ? Number. 56 (out o f 249) Place of Judgment. 23 N 2/, 72E 35 /. , . Time of Judgment. 17-5-1970, Sund ay; 8-30 A.M. I.S.T. Asc Gemini 20.0.0 , Yen. 0.5 25.55 Mars 2 Cancer 14:9 - -Taurus Sun 19.9 2.28 20.50R 20.38 12 Mer. Sat 3 Leo Ketu 10.9 14.44 - -Aries I-Pisces 15.9 11 4 Virgo Moon 11.9 13.23 4.44R

11.9 10 Jup. Rahu 14.44 5 6 Libra Scorpio 15.9 /9.9 - -Aquarius 10.9 9 8 Planet SUD Star S Moon Mars M Ma. R 14.9 - Capricorn Sagittarius 20.0.0 7 Star Planet Planet V Sat. MerR . Rahu Ma. JUPR Ma. Ketu Yen. Star V R V V Hiots If the cuspal sub lord of the 12th be the significator of 3, 9 or 12 the f oreign travel is promised during the joint period of the significators of 3, 9 a nd 12. Moon In this horary map the sub lord of Moon (Rahu) occupies the 9th. Thu ~ Moon in 4 shows that 'Ylle query refers to the foreign travel and studies.

145 CU.I'pa I Sub lord 1'211I ClIS/,. The sub lord r~ tr()gr,dc. or the 12th cusp is Mercury. 'I t is but it g~t s di rec t in llIotion from 2:?- S- 19 70 and c rosses Aries 29 ' 9' th e point from Idle rc it turne d retrograd e . on 7-6- 1970 . Ir s ~ ( a r lor d Vt.!l1l1S is dir ect in m Oli o n. it o'rv ns and occ upies the 12th. So Mercu ry is th e sign iti cHtor o r 12. He lice th e roreign travel b pro mi sed and t h e querent "ill go abroad art er 7--6- 1970 as the c uspal sub lord Mercury is a r~l s t m ovi ng planet. I/liI Cusp. The s ub lo rd of Ihe 11th cusp is Venus. It IS direct in mo tion. I t occ upi es th e 12 th. Its st ar lo rd Mars is direct in mot ion . it owns II and occllpie'::l l~ . So Venus is t il(! significato r o f [I and 12. He nc e th e quercnt"s desire t o gD abroad will be fulHll e d Soon because Venus is also a fast moving planet. Joint Period At the time o f judgment ( Moon D as ha balan ce ]V 5M 16D) tllC qllc:ren t is running the joint p~riod ,,If ~1oon. Rahu and V enus. This peri od continues upt o 20- 6 - 1970. The qu e rent desires to go to Ameri cl for higher s tudie s. So Ihe j o int pe riod rule rs at th e timc of ju dgmenl shou ld be the s ignificators of J, 9. 12 and Ihey should be connecled wi th 4. 9 a nd II. If so, Ih e querenl will be able to go abroad for sludies . The period rul~r Moon is in its own star(Moon) in 4 and in the sub Rahu ill 9 .( Ra h u in Aquarius represents Saturn owning 9 and occupying II; it being a speeted represeht s Jupiter in 4). So Moon is the signilicalOr or 4 and connected wilh 4 , 9 and II . The sub perio d ruicr Rahu is in its oll'n s tar ( Railu ) in 9 and in lhe sub Ketu in 3. So Rahu is the s ignificator or 9 and connected with 3 an d also with 4 and 11 as discussed above . The inter period ruler Venus is in the star ivlars. o\'v'ning II and occupying 12 and in the sub Mercury owning 4 and occupying II. So Venus is the significalor o f II , 12 and connecled with 4 and II. Thus th e joint period rukrs at the time o f judgment are the s igl~ificalOr s of roreign travel and also of higher studies. So ~he querent will go abroad af ter 7-6- 1970 and before 20-6- 1970 during this very joint period of Moon, Rahu and Venus . when the transit 19 agrees .

146 Transit Actually he started for America by aeroplane on 10-6- 1970 at 1-0 A. M. I. S. T. At that time Sun was transitting in Taurus 25, 12' in the sub Rahu (the sub period ruler); Moon in Cancer in its own sign; Rahu in Aquarius 13 7' in its own star; Venus in Gemini 28 28' in the sub Venus (the inter period ruler). Foreign Travel Question. When shall I go to Chicago. U.S.A. ? Number. 51 '(out of 249) Place of Judgment. 23N 2', 72E 35'. 'Time of Judgment. 10-11-1973, Saturday; 2-42 P.M. I.S .T. Ase Gemini 14.'26.40 Sal Kelu 10.S0R 7.16 2 Cancer 8.21 Taurus Moon 12.36 , 21.30 12 3 Leo 4.21 - -Aries Mars 8.2/ 3.33R 11 , . 5 ,, Virgo Libra Sun 4.2/ 8.21

24.27 24.34R Pisces 4.21 4.21 10 - -Aquarius Jup. 9 Mer. 11.48 6 Scorpio 12.36 -Capricorn 8.21 8

147 \'lOOD In this horary map Moon is in the ,tar Venus owning 12 and occupying 6. It is in the sub Jupiter owning 10. So it i, tile significator of 6 (employment ), 12 (s tay in foreign land) and connected with 10 (prospect'). Thus MODIl indicates tha t the qllcrcnt desires to go (lbroad for hetter prospects in employment. Cuspal Sub lord 12111 Cusp. The sub lord of ;he i 2th cusp is Rahu . It is in the star KetLl in 12 (being in conj. represents Saturn owning 9) and in it s own sub (Rah u) in 6. So it is the s ignificator of 9. 12 and . . connected \\ ilh 6. Hence R ahu pro mI ses gOlllg abroad and staying there for a job . 11111 CIIS!'. The suh lord of the II ih CLlSp is Jupiter. It is in the ~tar Moo n ow ning 2 and occup ying II. (Moon being aspccted by Sun owning 3 is co nn ec ted with 3). It is in i.hc sub Mars o\\ning 6. II and occ upy ing 10. So it is the significator of 2, 11 ant.! conn ected with 3. 6. 10 and 11 . Hence Jupiter promises the fuliilll1 c nt of the qucrcnt':. desire for financial pro!' pe C' t s in foreign Lind. Joi nt Period At the time of judgment (VenLls Dasha balance 7 Y 9'" 0 0 ) the qucrcn t is running the joint period of Venu s and Jupiter which continue s upto 10 - 6 - 1974. (a) Venu s (the period ruler) is the s ub lord of the 9th cusp (foreign \ravel). It is in the star K e tu in 12 (representing Saturn o\\ning 9). It is i n the S llb Macury: the s lIb lord Mercury i.-; in conj . with Sun ow ning 3. an d aspectcd by Moon o\\:ning 2 and by Mars owning 6 nnd II . so Mercury is co nne cted with 2. 3, 6 and II . Thus Venu s is the s;gnificator of 9. 12 and connecte d with 2. 3. 6 and II. So the period 01 Venu s is fa vo urable for foreign (ra ve l and financial prospects. But Venus is in lhe: sub of retrograde I'vlercury , M ercury gets direct in motion on 17 15 ' Libra from 20- 11 - 1973 and it crosses the original point of retrogradation (i. e . Scorpio 3' 13') on 6-12- 1973. So a fter thi s date Venu s will begin to manifest its favour~tbl~ influence.

148 (b) The sub period ruler Jupiter as discu ssed above is favourable for" fulfilling the quer.n!'s desire before 10- 6- 1974. , . , Now Jupiter is in the s ub of retrograde Mar>; Ma rs gets direct in motion on I ' 55' Aries from 26~ 1 1-1973 and it crosses the original point of retrogradation (i. e. Aries 15 53') on 18- 1-1974. So the querent will be able to go abroad betw een 18-1 - 1974 and 10-6--1974. (c) During this time the inter period of Rahu wi ll be in progress (16--1-1974 to 10-6-1974). Rahu as already discussed will be m ost congenial for foreign travel and stay at abroad when the transit agrees. (d) In this case Venus (the euspal sub lord of 9), Jupiter (the cuspal sub lord of I I ) and Rahu (the cuspal sub lord of 12) are the signifiea tors of and connected with foreign travel and financial prospects. So their joint period is fruitful for foreign tra" J. Moreover~ the querent is running the joint period o f the sa me planets viz, Venus a nd Jupiter at the tim.; of judgment. IoTransit Rahu in transit will mov, from 3' 40' Sagittariu s to 26 3' Scorpio between 16-11974 and 10-6-1974, and it will pass through the sub of Jupiter between 7-5-1974 and 9-6-1974. Jupiter in transit will move from 18 55' to 23'1 16' in Aquariu s between 7-5-1974 and 9-6-1974, and it will pass thr o ugh the stars of Rahu and Jupiter. So "the querent will go to Chicago during this joint period of Venus, J upiter and Rahu. Actually he started for Chicago on 8-6-1974 at 1-30 A. M. 1. S. T. by aeroplane. At thlt time Sun wa, transitting in Taurus 23 20' from the 12th house in the star Mars (the sookshma period ruler); Moon in Sagittarius 25 ' II ' in the star Venus (the period ruler); Venus in Aries IS' 30' in its own star: Jupiter in Aquarius 23 5' in its own star Jupiter (the sub period ruler); and Rahu in Scorpio 26' 9' in the sub Jupiter. time, in the

149 Return of Absconding Son Qllesfitw. NUlllher. 'I y SO il has absconded, when \V iII he return "? 9 1 (o ut of 249) Place of Jlldglllell'. Tillie (~( .JUdgllle'lIt ,-, 1"N _ ' , 72 ' E .,) ? _ .l . 21 - 10 1972, Saturday; 9-50 A.M. I.S.T. IX Asc Leo Yell. }5 3 Y.20 x 1 , .. , If'Jc) 0. 6.55 - - Cal/cer Y.55 12 VI II XI ~ , Sun ~ . JO Lihrn ~ I cr . f/ .5523.55 Kctll - Celll illi 27 .42 9.55 ~" . 54 R II VII

Sat. Xli -l So n' s 0\ , .; Scurpio J ill' 8.55- .- Tauru s '.>. 52 8 .55 10 VI J ) Sagillilritls Rah ll ('11]11 9.5527.42 - Aries \1 "o n ~ .55 9 V 15. 1 3 II 11 iI'orl/ 9.55- - Pisces A'luarills Y .~I) f).5 5 IV 7 "I !'liJl1d Sf,:/" S~I I) 1'/<111<'1

Slar Suh 'fe. P/o/lel SatR S'/lr Sub J Sun !.-fo n Mars \1" . S;IR V .I '\ler. .Iup. .I Ma. K Y SaR Rahu Ketu S M V \1 K Ven. !vle. J Hinls Consider I he hOllses 3, 9 and 12 fo r Ihe missIng person co untin g from hi ., Asc. and the ho uses 2, 8 a nd II (being 12 to 3, 9 and 12) fo r retu rni Ilg ho me wa rd s.

150 If the cuspal sublord of 12 be the significator of 3, 9 or 12 a person runs away during the joint period of the significators of 3,9 and 12. If the cuspal sublo rd of II be the significator of 2, 8 or II a person returns home during the join t period of the significators of 2, 8 and II. Moon In this horary map the father asked the query about his son. So consider the 5th cusp as the Asc. of the son and proceed. For convenience the roman letter is gi ven to each house counted from . the 5th cusp. Moon is in the star Saturn owning II and III; it is in the sub Jupiter owning and. occupying the, cusp of the son 's Asc. So Moon is the significator' of II (return of the son), III (running awa y of the son) and connected with the son's Asc. Hence Moon clearly shows that th e query is regardinll the return of the son who ran away from home. Cusp XI It i s jointly ruled by Venus , (sign lord), Rahu (star lord) and Rahu (sub lord). Ve nus is in its own star Venus owning XI and occupying IX; it is in the sub Mercur y owning VII and occupying Xl. So Venus is the significator of XI (reunion); IX (long tour) and connected with VII (breaking journey) and XI (reunion). This mea ns that the son must come from long tour by breaking journey towards home for re union. Rahu is ilt"'lte star Sun on XI cusp and in the sub Moon owning VIII. So Rahu is the significator of Xl and connected with VIII. This promises the return of the son for reunion. Son's Ase. I! is jointly operated by Jupiter (sign lord ), Ketu (star lord) and Saturn (sub lord). The sign lord of the son's Asc. Jupit er is in the star Ketu in VII (being in Gemini represents Mercury in XI); it is in the sub Saturn owning II. So Jupiter is the significator . ()f va, XI and con nected with II. Hence the son is on his way to home by breaking journey. Jupiter 's sub . lord Saturn b,ing retrograde the son cannot run away but return homewar ds. .

151 The star lo rd o f the son's A sc. Ketu occ upies VII; it is in the s ta r Jupit er ow n ing and occ upying the Asc. I; it is in the sub Venus ownin g. XI and oc c upying IX. So KCLU is (he significalor of J and connec ted ,,;th IX , X I a nd VII. Hen ce tile son is on hi s way t o home from lo ng tour by breaking journey , The suh lo rd of the SO il 'S ;\5C . Saturn ow ns II ; it is in the 51;11" Mar s owning X II ; it is in the s ub Jupiter owning and occ upying the Asc. I. So i t i:, the s ignificato r of XII and connected with I. This I11C ,l",> that the s o n had run away from home at the time o f j udgment. As Saturn is ret rograde t he so n canllot abscond a ny further, but he Illu st turn bat::k. Cusps 1\ .nd V 111 The sub lord of hoth the se c usps is al so Venu s whic h is the sign ifi cato r of Xl as prc\'ious ly di~cussed. Thus XI cu s p, the son ' s Asc ., II and VIII cus ps all prOl11Jse rdurn of the son for rClInion. Joint Pe riod At the lim~ of judgment (Saturn Da sha balance 2 V OM 24 0 ) the q uc rent' s so n is funning the joi nt period of Saturn , Juriter, Sa turn ,lnd KCLU whi<. :h expires on 27- 10- )972. These jo int period rulers are Ihe significalOrs of J1 aad XI and they arc the c lIspal joint rulers of the son's Asc. Sat urn the s ub lord of the ~ on's A sc. and the inter period rure r is retrogradr... So the so n is returning homewards from 10ng tour :I , jndi c ~llcJ hy KClU the sookshm a period ruler as IJfcvioUGl y disc ussed . After Ketti lhe sookshl11a pt:riod o f Venus follows from 27- 10 - 1972 and lasts UpID 21 -- 11-1972. Venus is the st rong s il1iIiciLlor of XI as already mentioned in th e earlier paragraphs. Moreov er, il is th e star lo rd of XI cusp and the SlIb lo rd of II and V111. So the q u~renl ' s son must return home du ring the joint period of Salurn, Jupiter, Sat urn and Venus. Transit It \Va.;; l ea rnt from the querent that his s on returne d home on 2-11-1972 Thur;da y at 11 -45 A. M . I.S.T .. At time SUIl was

152 , , ,. transiting in Libra 16' 33' in Ihe sub Venus (the sookshma peri9d ruler); Moon i n Virgo 4 28 ' in the sub' Saturn (the period and inter period ruler); and Venus in Virgo 9' 9' in its own sub Venus. .' Lost Documents '. . Questioll. Shall I get my documents back? I have los! them at any !,iace. Number . 210 (out of 249) I1lace of Judgment. 23' N 2', 72E 35' Time of Judgment. 4- 61973, Monday; 10- 35 A .M. I.S.T, Asc Aquarius 2.40 Mars 25.38 Jup. 18.43R 2 Pisces 11 ,26- -Capricorn Rahu 2.26 12 15,42 3 4 Aries Taurus Sun Sal Ven 15.I --Sagillarius 6.26 12.26--Scorpio 20.20 29.19 , II '., ,'

12.26 10 5.1 5 Gemini Mer Ketu 6,26- -Libra 7.9 15.42 15.1 , 9 , 6 Cancel' Moon 2.26-,- Virgo 2.32 11.26 8 Leo 2.40 7 Star Planet Sub Star Planet Sub Planet Sub , Mer. K R SaL Ma. Sa. Sun R R Me. Rahu S Moon M V ' JUPR S . Ketu .. R ' V Me. Ven. Ma. Mars Hints . If Ihe cuspal sub lo rd of 2 or II be the significator ' of 2 (movable article which is lost or stolen ), Ii (loss to the thief. : being 12 to the 7th-thief) or II (regaining);- movab le p,roperty will be regained during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and ll.

153 ~oon III this horary map Moon is in the star Jupiter in 12 owning ~ and II. So Moon i s the significator of 12 (loss), 2 (lost thing) lIld II (regain). Thlls it clear ly indicates that the query refers to th e :oss of documents and their regaining . I Jt.h cusp The II the cu~p is jointly ruled by Jupiter (sign lord), Ketu (sia l' lord) .Ind Rahu (sub lord). Jupiter is in the 12th, the 121h house denotes , osing or passing away of a thing. But a~ Jupiter in the 121h is retrograde, it i ndicates that the thing cannot be lost. Jupiter is in the star Moon owning and o ccupying 6; it is in th e iub Mercury the signi ft cator o f II (being in the st a r Rahu in II). So Jupiter is the significator of 6 and connected with II. Ketu is in the star Ra hu in II; it is in the sub Venus which !spects the Illh cusp. So Ketu is the sign iri cator of II ant! ~o nnected with II. Rahu is in II, it is in the star Venus which aspects the III h cusp; it is in the sub Slin the sig nificator of 6 (being in the star Moon in 6). So Rahu is th~ significator of II and connected with (, a nd I I . Thus the cllspal JOint rulers of th e 11th are th e signi fica to r; :J f 6 and II. So th; lost docume nts will be regained. ~ul ing Planets Day lord SIal' lor d Moon Day. Monday Asc. Cancer 21 ' 53' Moon Merc ury Moon. Cancer 2'"' 32 ' Moon JupiterR Moon is in the slar of retrog rade Jupi ter. So it may be omitted . Ketu in Gemini represe nts Mercury; and Rahu in Sagi ttari u, "c presents Jupiter. Hence th e ruling planets arc Mercury, Jupiter. IR ahu and Ketu . .Ioint Period At the time of judgment (J upiter Dasha balance oy 11 M 16 D ) th e querent is funning th e joint. period of Jupiter. Rahu and Ket u . All th ese three planets are among the ruling planets. They arc th ~ cllspal joint rulcrs of the II th house. They are the sign ificators "r (, and (l. So t he qu ere nt will receive back hi s lost documents during their joint period whi ch lasts uptD 1- 7- 1973. 20

154 Transit The inter period ruler Ketu will be transitting in Gemini from 15 13' to 14 27' in its own sub Ketu from 13-6- 1973 upto 2.1-6-1973. So the querent will r egain his documents by tbis time. It was learnt from the querent that he receive d back his d ocuments on 20- 6-1973 at 2- 10 P. M. I. S. T. from the host of the place where he forgot them. At that time Moon was transitting in Capricorn 25 ' 1' in the sub Rahu (the sub period ruler). Cricket Match Question. Whether India will win the 1st Gricke.t Test . Match against West Indi es which is being piayed at Bangalore in India? (Query on behalf of India). Numb er. 65 (out of 249) Place of Judgment. 23N2',72E 35' . Tim e of Judgment. 22-11-197 ~. Friday; 12- 35 P.M. I.S.T. India Asc VII Cancer 1.20 I VIII 2 Sat 25.4R Cancer 26.8 -!-Gemini Ketu 1.8 ) 7.17 12 VI IX X 3 Leo Taurus 23.8 - -Aries 29.8 25.8 11 . 10 V IV 4 Virgo Mer Mars 25.8 21.11 23.37 Pisces

XI 5 Libra Sun Ven Rahu 29.8 6.11 10.8 17.17 Aqllarius Jup 23.8 15.12 lQ.2 9 III Scorpio Moon XII 6 Sagittarius 1.8 -Capricorn 26.8 8 II Capricorn 7 1.20 Asc. West Indies

155 l'lints ]n cases of competition and contest between two rival lk of life viz. cricket malch etc., if 'he cuspal sub lord of and that of the 6th (defea, to 'he rival) occupy the house I 1 and bt! in the star of th!.! occupant of the house I, 2. 3, earn under query win win tbe cricket match. West Indies Cricket Team Cusp XI. The sub lord of XI cusp is Sun . It occupies

parti es in any wa the 11th (success) , 2, 3, 6, 10 or 1 6. 10 or II Ih e l

is in the star Saturn the occupant of VL; and it is Mercury the occ.:upant of X. So it is the significator XI. I t in Ihe sub of VI and connected with X and XL Hence it is favour ab le to the West Indies Team. CIISP VI. The sub lord of VI cusp is Mer cory the occupant of X. It is in thc st ar and sub Jupiler the occu.pant of II . So it IS Ihe significalOr of " and conn ected with X. Hen,c it IS a dvantageous to the West Indies Team. Indian Cricket Te am 11th CIISp. The sub lord of th c 11th c usp is Mars . It llCcuprcs the 4th. I t is in the star Jupiter the occupant of the ~th and il is ill the sub Saturn th c occupant of the 12th. So it is the 5ignificator of 8 and conllccted with 4 and 12 . Thus it is unfavourable t :) Lhl! I ndian Team . 6th Cusp. The sub lord of the 61h cusp is Venus the Occupant of the 5th. It is in the star Saturn lhe occ upant of lhe 12[h and it is in its own sub. So il is th e ~j gniflcator of 12 an d con nect ed with 5. Thus j[' is disadvarHagl:ou ~ to the Indi a n T ea m. In v iew of the ahovc position the We.t Indies Cricket T e am \\ill win the 1st Crick et Te~t Match against the Indian Cricket Team. In fact the Wes t Indies Cricket Team won the match whit.:h \\'.15 being played at Rangalore in India. f ro m 2211 -- 1974 ttl 27- 11 - 1974 :'IIute In this case Sun (the cuspal sub lord of XI) It1 the IS significator of VI th e ~lar of retrograde Saturn. But Sun is the house under con<;;ideration. So the po int or rctro ~~!'a dation does n ol come in the way of promising the matter sign ificj by VI.

156 Pregnancy Question. Whether my cousin sister is pregnant ? .. " Number. 101 (out of 249) , , ," I. , " Place of Judgment. 23"N 2', 72"E 35'. , Time of Judgment. 2- 2-1971, Tuesday; S-U' ~.M ... I.S,l'. , , , , , :' , , XI Ase Leo , . , I 25.53.20

, , , .' Ketu '0 .54 XII 2 ' Virgo Asc I 3 t r 24.52 cancer , .. , 26.52 ' 12X , Libra Jup. Mar\! 24.52 - "':"'Gemtni ' 9.36 12.58 25 ~ 52 1! 26.52 .. 11 IX , '. , ,. , II 4 Scorpio , ..... TauruJ , ,.. . Arie5 ' 15.52 \ ! ' 10 VII! '

.. ," Yen. ' Mer,. ' 2.50 ' IllS Sagittarius 26.51 28.30 . Sat Moon '.22.35 ' , , 24.S-Z 12.58 . 9 VII ,' Sun 19.16 IV 6 Capricorn , ,.' 26.52 Rahw 0.54 . . P1JceJ , " . 24.S2 .. 8

VI 1 , " , Aquarius 25.53.20 . " 7V , , ' , , , ,, , " , " , , " , , ,

157 Hints If the cuspal sub lord of the 5th: (a) occupies the fruitful sign Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and (b) is the significator of 2, 5 or II the woman concerned is pregnant. I. 2. If the cuspal sub lord of the 5th: (a> occupies the barren sign Aries, Gemini . Leo or Virgo and (b) is in the star of the planet in the barren sign, then the woman concerned is not pregnant. Moon The querent put the query for his uncle's (his father's younger brother's) daugh ter. The 9th house denotes the queren!'s father, the II th his uncle; so the 3rd house become< the Ase. of the cousin sister. For convenience the roman letter i s given to each house counted from the 3rd cusp , so proceed accordingly. In thi s horary map Moon is in conj . with Saturn owning V (pregnancy to the sister). T hus it clearly shows that the query refers to the pregnancy of the sister. Cuspa l sub lord Cusp V. The sub lord of V cusp is Ketu. It is in its own star (Ketu> which is in the barren sign Leo in X. So Ketu is the Significator of X. Ketu as the sub lor d of V cusp and as its own star lord is in the barren sign. Moreover Ketu itself is not favourable , . slster IS not pregnant . for conception. Hence the q ucre nt s CQU S1O. at the time of judgment. In females Moon denotes fertility . In this case Moon is in conj. with Saturn th e obstructer in the barren sign Aries. So the querent's cousin sister is not pre gnant at the time of judgment. Later on, in the medical examination it was revea led that she was not pregnant.

158 Table. Stars, Subs and Sub subs Star. Ketu : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 00 00' to 13 20' 1. Sub KefU 2. Sub Venus . 3 . Sub Sun Sub Sub Sub Sub 1)0' Sub Sub K . V O 0 \)2 S 0 10 M O l : 1. Ma 0 16 R 0 19 J 0 26 Sa 0 32 Me 0 40 00" 43 30 50 44 27 27 V 40 04 40 0 46' S 1 08 MIlS Ma 1 26 R 1 34 J 1 54 Sa 2 12 Me 2 33 K 2 52 3 00 40" 52 32 39 26 26 13 20 13 00 S M Ma R J Sa Me K V 3 3 3 3 .3 3 .3 3 3 00' 02 05 07 13 19 25 31. , 33 00" 00 20 40 40 00 .20 00 20 00 46 4. Sub Moon Sub Sub o 3 3 5. Sub Mars . Sub . Sub . 3 40 6. Sub Rahu Sub Sub M Ma' R '" 3

J Sa M. 3 4 4 K V S 4 4 4 40' 45 49 59 08 18 28 32 43 33 27 I 27 . 20 53 00" Ma R J Sa Me K 19' 13 20 40 V S M 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 46' . 40" 49 23 23 56 02 36 09 .59 16 \36 19 19 27 06 29 26 20 R J Sa Me K V S _ M Ma 4 46 7. Sub Jupiter Sub Sub 33 5 , 8. Sub Saturn Sub Sub - 7 - - - -20 33 5 5 .6 . 6 6 6 7 7 '7 33' 5) 07 26 43 50 10 16 26 01. ' 20" 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20'

9. Sub Mercury Sub Sub ' J Sa, 7 7 Me }( V 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 :. M Ma R 33' . 47 04 19' 25 43 48 57 04 20 20" 3~ 27 34 47 34 54 47 00 00 Sa Me K '. .w, 9 10 10 10 10 1 0 II II 20' 00" Me 11 03 01 24 31 :'51 24 57 . 47 40 v S M Ma R J 58 05 26 32 43 50 09 26 K . V S 1\.1 Ma R II 11 12 12 12 12 J 12 ' Sa 13 13 26' 40" 42 42 49 19 . 08 12 13 52 23 18 29 . 55 46 ' 55 02 ' 02 20 00

159 2 , Star : Venus : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 13 " 20 ' to 26' 40' J, Sub Venus 2. Sub SI//I 3. Sub Monn Su b Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub V 13' S M 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 Ma R J Sa Me K 20' 42 48 59 07 27 45 06 25 33 00" 12 51 59 46 46 33 04 33 20 S M Ma R J Sa Me K V 15" 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 33 ' 35 38 41 47 52 58 04 06 1320" 20 40 00 00 20 40 20 40 --':-:20M Ma R J Sa Me K V S 16' 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 I7 13 ' 18 22 32 41 52 01 05 16 20 20" 53 47 47 40 13 39 33 40 00 4. Sub Mars

Sub Sub 5. Sub Rahu Sub Sub 6. Sub Jupiter Sub Sub Ma R J Sa Me K V S M IT 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 20' 22 29 35 43 49 52 00 02 06 00" 43 43 56 19 50 39 R J Sa Me 26 46 40 -18" 18 18 18 K 19 V 19 S 19 M 19 Ma 19 20 06' 24 40 59 16 23 43 49 59 06 40 " 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 J Sa Me K V S M Ma R 20' 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 06' 20 37 52 59 16 40 54 47 54 07 54 14 07 20 20 22 31 37 53 7. Sub Salurn Sub Sub 8. Sub Mercury Sub Sub 9. Sub Kelu Sub Sub

Sa Me K V S M Ma R J 21 ' 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 53 ' 13 31 38 59 06 16 24 43 00 20" 23 21 44 51 II 44 07 07 00 Me 24' K 24 V 24 S 24 M 24 Ma 24 R 25 J 25 Sa 25 25 00' 16 22 41 47 56 03 20 35 53 00 " 02 39 32 K V S M 12 38 15 15 22 20 Ma R J Sa Me 25 ' 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 53 ' 56 03 06 10 12 19 26 33 40 20" 03 50 10 04 47 47 00 23 00

160 3. Star, Sun: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 26 40' to 30 00' .Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 0 0 00' to 10 00' I. Sub Sun 2, Sub Moon 3, Sub Mars ~JI.? Sub ' Slib Sub " Sub Sub , S ;, ~ . 1'18 J J~ , Sa ' M~ l' R K V" I 27 26 40' 26. " 42 26 45 2.6 47 26 53 , 26 59 21 07 27 11 21 13 20 00" 00 20 40 40 00 20 M Ma R J Sa Me K 00 20 00 V S , 27 20' 00" 27 25 33 27 29 27 27 39 27 27 48 20 27 58 . 53 19 28 08 28 12 13 28 23 20 28 26 --4~0 ," Ma R J Sa Me K V S M 28' 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 26' , 29 36 42 49 56 59 07 09 40" 23 23 36 59 36 19 06 26 20

4, Sub Rahu Sub Sub .' _ 5, Sub Jupiter Sub sub , 13 29 6, Sub Saturn Sub Sub it I. JU Sal, 29 29 29 Me K I' V SI- ' 0 o 0' M , Ma o 1 o 20 tl 31 20 47 20 06 . 20 23 20 30 20 50 20 56 20 06 20 13' J Sa Me K V S M Ma R 1 I I I 2 2 2 2 13' 20 tl Sa 27 ,, 34 Me 44 27 , K V 59 34 05 47 . S 23 '3 4 M 28 54 Ma 37 . 47 R J , 3 3 00' 20 38' 45 00" O~ 3

3 4 4 4 4 4 OQ 12 23 30 49 , , 01 24 31 51 24 47 47 1 13 20 7, Sub M ereur~ Sub Sub 8, Sub K'etu Sub Sub . , 06 5 9 , Sub Venus Sub Sub . 40 ' , Nie i " V)' S '~ M il 5 , 5 5 5 5' Ma R ' J Sa' I ., 6 6 6. (, 7', 06' 22 29 48 53 03 09 26 42 00 40 '" 42 19 12 52 18 55 55 02 00 K V S M ' 7 , 7 7 7 ' . OU' 02 10 12 16 19 26 32 40 46 00" 43 30 50

V , S M Ma Sa 7 8 !l ' 8' Ma R J Sa Me . 7 , . 7 : 7 7 7 . 7 , 44 R j 8, i7 40 03 40 27. Ii 9 9 9 10 Me K 46' 08 15 26 34 54 12 33 52 00 40" 52 32, 39 26 26 13 20 13 00

161 4. Star. Moon. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 10' 00' to 23' 20' 2, Sub Mars 3. Sub Ra llIl I. Sub Moon Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub M Ma R J la' IO 00' 00" Sa Me K 10 10 10 10 IO \0 II V S 11 4. Sub Jupiter Sub Sub 05 09 19 28 38 48 52 03 06 :n 27 27 20 53 19 13 30 40 20" 34 27 34 47 34 54 47 00 Ma R J II ' 11 11 Sa Me K V S M II 11 II I1 II II \I Sub Sub 06' 09 16 22 29 36 39 47 49 53 40' 00 18 25 46 52 03 40" 23 23 36 59 36 19 06 26 20 R J Sa Me K II ' 12 12 12 13 13 13 53'

11 27 46 03 IO V S M Ma 13 13 13 17' 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 22' 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 30 36 46 53 46' 02 09 20" 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40" 42 19 12 52 18 55 55 02 00 00" 00 20 40 40 00 5. Sub Salurn 6. Sub Mercury Sub Sub J Sa Me K V S M Ma R 13' 14 14 14 14 I5 15 15 15 15 53' 07 24 39 54 03 08 17 24 40 Sa Me K V S M Ma R J IS' 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 00 7. Sub Kelu Sub Sub 17 8. Sub Venus Sub sub 00" 03 01 24 31 51 24 IO 47 29 47 46 40 40 '1 Me K

V S M Ma R J Sa 28 33 43 49 06 22 40 40' 42 45 47 53 59 05 11 9. Sub Sun sub sub K V S M Ma R J Sa Me 19' 40' 00" 19 42 43 19 50 30 19 52 50 19 56 44 19 59 27 20 06 27 20 12 40 2(1 2 0 03 20 26 40 V S M Ma R J Sa Me K 20' 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 26' 48 55 06 14 34 52 13 32 40 52 32 39 26 26 13 20 13 00 S M Ma R J Sa Me K V 13 20 20 00 20 00

162 5, Star. Mars: Taurus. Virgo, Capricorn 23' 20' to 30 00' Gemini, Libra, Aquarius" 00' 00 ' to 06' 40' 0 , ,. Ii I. Sub Mars sub sub , .. ' 2. Sub Railu sub sub 3. Sub Jupiter sub sub Ma R J Sa Me K V S M 23 20' 23 22 23 29 23 35 23 43 23 49 23 52 24 00 24 02 24 00" 43 43 56 19 56 39 R J Sa , Me K 26 46 V S M Ma 24' 06' 40", 24 24 40 24 40 40 24 59 40 25 16 40 25 23 40 25 43 40 25 49 41) 25 59 40 26 06 40 J Sa Me K V .S M .M. R

26' , . 06' 26 20 . 26 37. 26 52 26 59 27 . 16 27 22 27 31 27 37 . " 1 ~4 47 54 .07 54 14 07 20 . 06 40 53' 20" 13 23 31 21 38 44 S9 51 06 11' 16 44 24 07" 43 07 00 00 27 53 20 20" 4, Sub Saturn Sub Sub Sa Me K V S M Ma R J 27' 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 S. Sub Mercury ' Sub Sub ' Me 0' 00' 00" K 0 16 02' 6. Sub Ketu Sub Sub I ' 53' K 0 S 0 M 0 Ma ' 0 V R J I Sa 1 1 1 22 '41 47 56 03 20 3S . 39' 32 12 3"8 IS V S M Ma R 15 22 J Sa Me

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 56 03 06 JO ;03 50 10 12 19 26 33 04 47 '47 'IDO 23 , 7. Sub Venus Sub Sub . " S3 20 , 8. Sub Sun Sub ubb 40 33 38 ' ,00 . , 9. Sub Moon V S M Ma R J 2' 3 3 3 Sa Me K 40' 00" " 12 02 08 52 19 59 27 . .46 3 , 3 47 ' 46 4 ' 05 33 , 4 26 40 4 45 33 , 4 53 20 S M Ma R J Sa Me

K V , ' ,. 4' 53' 4 55 4 58 5 01 5 07 5 12 5 18 5 24 5 ' 26 5 33 to" 46 . 20 M Ma R Sub Sub .. 00 00 20 ,. 40 20 40 20 J Sa Me K V S 5' . 5 5 S 6 6 6' , 6 6 6 20" 53 42 I "17 52 " 47 01 '40 12 13 , 21 39 " 25 "'33 36 40 40 00

163 6. Star : Rahu : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 06 40' to 20 00' 1. Sub Rahu Sub Sub ,... , , 2. Sub Jupiler Sub Sub 3. Sub Saturn Sub Sub 6 40' 00" () J 6 58 00 r Sa 7 14 bO Me ( r 7 ' 33 ' 00 K , 7 50 ' 00 V 7 57 00 8 17 00 S M n, 8 23 00 . Ma 8 33 00 8 40 00 f', R J Sa Me K V S M Ma R 8 40' 00" 8 54 14 9 11 07 , 9 26 14 '9 32 27 9 50 14 9 55 34 27 IO 04 10 10 40 10 26 40 Sa Me K V 10 10 11 11 11 11 II 11 S M Ma R J I 12 ' 12 26' 40" 46 43 04 41 12 04 33 11 39 31 50 04 57 27 16 27 . 33 20 4. S kb Mercury 5, Sub Ketu 6. Sub Venus K V

Sub Sub Me ( 12 33 ' 20" J Sub Sub K Sub Sub 40" 23 12 ( 12 S 'b M I 13 Ma 13 R 13 J 13 Sa r 14 14 49 22 55 59 14 '52 20 32 29 58 36 " 35 53 35 08 42 ( .. 14 26' IS M Ma R J V Sa Me 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 29 37 39 43 46 53 59 06 V IO 30 24 07 07 20 43 20 S M Ma 'R J I 15 IS 15 15 16 16 16 17 17

J Sa Me K 13' 35 42 53 01 21 38 00 20" 32 12 ,19 , 06 06 53 00 18 26 53 40 26 40 15 13 8. Sub Moon Sub Sub I 17 7. Sub SUIl Sub Sub 9. Sub Mars Sub Sub 17 26' S M / 17 28 Ma 17 ;32 17 17 Sa I 17 Me ,1 17 K 11 17 V 18 18 R J 34 40 45 52 57 00 06 40" 40 00 20 20 110 00 40 00 M 18 06' Ma 18 12 18 J 18 Sa 18 Me 18 K 18 18 ' V. S 19 19 R / 40" 13 Ma R J 19 16 26 35 45 , 54 58 10 13 40

07 07 00 33 59 53 , 00 20 Sa Me K V S M 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 13' 16 23 29 36 43 45 53 ~6 20" 03 03 16 39 16 59 46 06 00 00

164 7. Star. Jupiter; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 20 00' to 30 00' Cancer. Scorpio, Pisces 00 00' to 03 20' J. Sub Jupiter 2. Sub Saturn 3. Sub Mercury Sub Sub J 20 00' Sa 20 14 Me 20 31 K 20 46 V 20 52 If) S 21 M 21 15 Ma 21 24 R 21 30 21 46 4. Sub Ketu Sub Sub K 25 46' V 25 49 Sub Sub 00" Sa 21 14 Me 22 07 K 22 14 V 22 27 S 22 14 M 22 34 Ma 23 27 R 23 40 J 23 40 V Sub Sub 46' 40" Me 23 53' 06 43 K 24 09 24 41 V 24 15 32 04 S 24 34 24 40 53 11 M Ma 24 49 59 31 10 04 R 24 56 13 17 27 J 25 Sa 36 57 25 28 53 20 25 46 6. Sub Sun Sub Sub S 28 46' 20" 22 59 52 32 58 35 35 42 23 26 S 26 M 27 Ma 27 R 27 J 27 Sa 27 Me 28 28 K 40 40 '1 5. Sub Venus Sub Sub 40" 23 IO S M Ma R J Sa Me 25 57 25 59 26 03 26 06 26 , 13 26 19 26 26 26 33 33 24 07 07 20 43 20 33' 55 02 13 21 41 58 20 38 20" 32 12 19 06 06 53 00 53 M Ma R J Sa Me K V 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 48 52 54 00

05 12 17 20 40 00 20 20 40 00 40 00 40 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. Sub Moon Sub Sub M 29 26' 29 32 Ma 29 36 R J 29 46 Sa 29 55 Me 0 05 K 0 14 V 0 18 0 30 S 0 33 28 46 40 8. Sub Mars Sub Sub 40" Ma 0 33' 20 / 1 R 13 0 36 03 07 J 0 43 03 0 49 0 7 Sa 16 00 Me 0 56 39 33 K 1 03 16 I 59 V 05 59 53 S I I3 46 00 M 16 06 I 20 1 29 26 Sub Ralzu Sub Sub R 1 20' J 1 38 Sa I . 54 Me 2 13 2 30 K V 2 37 S 2 57 M 3 03 Ma 3 13 3 20 20 00 0

165 l. Star. Saturn I. Sub Saturn , ,a Me Cancer, Scorpio. Pisces 03 20' to 16" 40' 2. Sub M erc ury 3. Sub Ketu Sub Sub ,ub Sub Sub Sub K , , V 3" 3 3 4 4 4 lO' 40 58 05 26 .). M Ma R '0 4 4 J 5 ) 43 50 09 26 06' 28 35 00" 03 01 24 31 51 24 47 47 40 40" 52 32 39 26 26 13 20 13 ~'Ie 5" ) K V S 'vi Ma R J 5 6 6

6 6 Sa 6 7 26' 40" 4) 42 49 19 08 12 13 52 23 18 29 55 46 55 02 02 00 K V S M Ma R J Sa Me 7" 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 20' 22 30 32 36 39 46 22 00 AD" 43 34 50 44 27 27 40 03 40 00" 8' 4. Sub Venus 7 20 5. Sub SUII Sub Sub 8 06 6. Sub Mooll Sub Sub Sub Sub V S M Ma R J 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 46 54 14 ') 0_ ) .' , 10" S M 10 Ma 10 R 10 .I 10 Sa \1e

-, Sa Me K V K 10 10 12 20 06 . 10 10 10 10 20' 00" 22 00 ), 20 -. 27 40 33 40 39 00 45 20 51 00 53 20 00 20 ' M Ma R 11 II II II II 11 II 1I 0 J Sa Me K V 00' 05 09 19 28 38 48 )33 27 27 20 " 19 .0 -J 13 S 12 03 20 00 40 " 7. Sub Mars Ma 12" I I 00 Ii. Sub Railu Sub Sub

12 06 40 9. Sub Jupiter Sub Sub Sub Sub R J Sa Me K V S M 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 09 16 22 29 23 23 ' .' 6 59 36 36 39 47 49 53 19 06 26 20 12 ' 53' .I 13 II Sa 13 17 Me 13 46 K 14 03 V 14 10 14 30 S 14 36 M Ma 14 46 R 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 .I Sa Me K V S M Ma R 14" 53' 15 07 15 24 15 39 15 45 16 ,03 16 08 16 17 16 24 16 40 20 34 27 34 47 34 54 47 00 14 53 00

[66 8. Star. Mercury: Cancer, Scorpio. Pisces 16' 40' to 30' 00' , I. Sub Mercury 2. Sub Ketu , 3. S"b Venus Sub Sub 00" Sub Sub Sub Sub Me ' K V S M ' Ma R J ' '. Sa ' , 16 , 40' 16 56 17 02 17 21 17 27 17 36 18 00 18 00 18 15 18 ' . 00" 02 39 32 12 38 15 15 22 18' V 1'8 S 18 M 18 Ma 18 R 18 J ' 18 K Sa 19 Me 19 33' '36 43 46 50 52 59 06 13 20 11 03 50 10 04 '17 47 00 21> 19' 19 S M 19 Ma 19 R 20 J 20 Sa 20 Me 21 . K 21 V 20' 42 ' 48 59 07 . 27 45 .. 06 25 33 12 52 59 / 46 ' 46 33 40 ; 33 20 33 20 19'. Sub Sub ', 20 4. Sub Sun Sub Sub .'il , 5. Sub Moon 20"

, 00 21 Sub Sub 6. Sub Mars ' Ma R J Sa Me , S . . 21 M ' 21 I Ma 21 , , 33' , 35 ' 38, ' R ,c 21 J. " 21 Sa 21 Me 21 K 22 V 22 " r 41 47 52 58 04 06 13 20, 4Q 00, 90 20 40 20 40 20 I ' M, . 22 Ma 22 R.. 22 J 22 22 Sa Me 22 , , 13' 20" , 18 '53 ,22 , K V S 23 23 23 , 32 ,41 52 01 05 16 20 47 47 40 13 "39 33 40 K V S M OO'~ 23' 20' , 23 22 43 23 29 ' 43t ' 56' 23 35 23 43 , 19"' 23 59 56 23 52 39 2 4 00 26 24 02 46

, ," 22 , 7. Sub Rahu Sub Sub , 23 Sub Sub 00 24 Sub Sub 06 40 8, Sub Jupiter 9. Sub Saturn R J Sa Me K V S M Ma 24' 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 06' 24 40 59 16 23 43 49 59 06 40" 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 J 26 . ' Sa 26 Me . 26 :K 26 V 26 S 27 M 27 Ma 27 27 R 27 06' 20 37 52 59 16 22 31 37 53 "40" 54 . 47 54 07 54 14 07 20 20 , Sa Me K V S M Ma R J 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 53' 13 31 38 49 06 16 24 43 0000 20" 23 21 44 51 11. 44, 07 07

, , , , Explanation I' I ,. ., , , , (,a,) See page '1'60. Suppose a pla)let . ,say, l'yIoon o9\lupies ap.y( d egree' " in the area . between .( 2.6 40' Aries or lLep or Sagittari.llS aq.d j l it' 0' Ta urus or Virgo or Capricorn, it may be said th"'! Moon pis , ill. the star- of Sun. [f M'o on occupies any degree in t'he arei ,r- between 29 13' 2d" Aries or Leo or Sagittarius and 10 fJ' 20'" . Taurus o r- Vigro lor r) " , C apr icorn. it may be said that Moon' is in the star of S~n and'1in , , 1 ' , II the sub of Rahu (see 4. Sub Railu) , ,, If Moon ttarius n is in 'I (see occupies an y degree in the area between 29 47' 2~" AI:ies or Leo or Sagi and 0 06' 20" Taurus or Virgo Jpr Capricorn,.' it ma y be said thfJ.t Moo the star of sun, in t~e sU.b of Rahu and ini the sub ,sub of Saturn , ' 4. Sub Rahu Sa 29 47' ,20" Me 0 0 06' 20") . ,. 'I

The area of sub sub for Saturn' commences at 29 47' zu" A~ries or Leo or Sa~ittar il1s and ends at 0 06; 20" Taurus or Vi~go t\' I I a ( Capric.orn and so on. ' ' II OJ' \" I 'I;' ;..'" r ,\.. - I , (b) Suppose MaTS is in,. 1.eo 1 40:. This longitude is covered lin the area . b etween 4 34' ,26" and 10 54' ~ i16" whic/l is join\ly governed r by the staI lord Ketu, the ,sub lord, Venus anp the (sub s)lb lord , .. Rahu, So it may" be said tIiat ,Ma\.s is in the star Kptu, . in . the sub', Venus '!.'ld in t he-s ub su b , Rahu (p,~ge 158.2 ,.sub ven~! .) :-!. Suppose Sun i~ -in Ge~i~i

22 33' ~ This lo ngitude is coveredrln tli e a(ea 'b ;i'een 22 32' 4'\ - and 22"53' 11' \Vhich is jointly meed by the star lord JUpit,,';; tI1';- ('sti b lord ISa'turn di-Jd the sub sub io ra Venus . So it may be said that Sun is in the star Jupiter, in the sub Saturn and in the su b sub Venus (page 164. 2 Sub Saturn) t This table showing the star lords, the sub lords and the sub sub lords should be understood as explained above.

Ayanamsa (A. D. years 1901-1999) Yrs. D 1901 22 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 M 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1925 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 42 22 43 Yrs. 1926 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 . 45 46 47 48 49 1950 D M 44 22 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 59 23 00 01 02 03 23 04 Yrs. D M 1951 23 04 52 05 53 06 07 54 55 08 56 09 57 09 10 58 59 11 60 12 61 13 14 62 14 63 64 15 65 16 17 66 18 67 19 68 69 19 70 20 71 21 72 22 73 23 74 24 19 75 23 24 Yrs D M 1976 23 25 26 77 27 78 28 79 29 80 29 81 82 30 31 83 84 32 85 33 86 34 8 7 34 88 35 89 36 90 37 91 38 92 39 39 93 94 40 41 95 96 42 43 97 44 98 1999 23 4 4 . -- e- -e

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