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Activity Attendance Soap and jelly State/details U6C 23 children attended Bible classes, worshipped God and praised and learned Bible lessons and participated games We provided soap, jelly and toothpaste. This improved childrens physical appearance and good oral and overall body health. Three children were visited as follows:

Remarks 92% attended the project which enhances child growth in Christ. Children and their parents were happy. We too appreciate this support. Angela is doing well. She helps her mother to cut grasses for cows and washing utensils once she gets back from school. Debora Tenga always play with her brother. She is doing very well too. Debora Aminiel is doing well although she always feels shy and she is polite. I found her giving their chickens water.

Home visit

Angela wilson Pallagyo

Debora Erick Tenga

Debora aminiel Kaaya

Any special case

Pastor Wariaeli with some of the secondary students sharing the word of God. He urged them to work hard in accademic.

Pastor taught them how to use golden chances they have as that is a grace to them. So they must use it effectively because misusing this grace is losing fortune in life. God saw them before they were born and knew that they will pass through PUNCHMI and one day they will be great people over Nations.

The pastor taught them that there is time for everything i.e. time for studying, time to work and time to rest. So each should use the appropriate time properly and effectively. I as social worker tried to share with them good conducts they should have such as One of the students reading a verse to the rest of discipline, wisdom and fear the class in Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in of God since this is a hyper the womb I knew you, before you were born I set grace to them as PUNCHMI you a part; I appointed you as a prophet to the provide an opportunity for Nations. project child to attend best schools compared to other international organizations that support children. Saturday Meeting Project widows met twice this month and shared the word of God, prayed with each other and sung praise songs. Ten widows went to hospital due to malaria, They continued praying for each other to stand firm and depend on God. All were treated and

Health issues

backache, legs pain and chest problems. Individual project

I visited Patricia Stephen and Maria Paulo

healed. Their livestock are doing well since there is still plenty of pasture.

Any other special case

Joyceline Elivaret, one of the project widows is has eye problems since she is HIV +ve so her body has insufficient immunity over invasion by diseases. As a social worker I console her and advise her to believe in God in everything.

I attended one HIV campaign workshop and its theme was for every participating institution to elucidate how they help HIV +ve people. I tried to clarify the way we help this group. The challenge noted is that majority of the people have not turn up to test their status. The District HIV campaigner complimented PUMCHMI for the effort they are doing to support this group.

Home visit

Lets pray for her to come to Jesus since her faith in Christ is still shilly- shallying. Sarah sikorei She is the oldest widow we have. She is unable to attend the project due to her age. Patricia is doing well with her livestock Patricia stephen

Maria Paulo is doing well too with her poultry

Maria paulo Income Generating Activities Chicken project This project is progressing well since up to Through chicken project now we have sold 15 cocks and we spare the child learn a lot regarding hens to continue reproducing. poultry keeping.

Agriculture Goats, cows, oxen and chicken Any other Project Meetings Other special cases

We anticipate to harvest in the next month

Rains have not been ample so harvest may not be much. We thank God for this grace. The garden is promising to be continuous.

They are still growing well since feeding is still not a problem We are continuing with our garden.

Fathers They met twice this month. They shared the word of God with each other.

We continue with their program

None this month

We thank God for everything.

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