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Impact of Customer Scattering on Distribution System Reliability with Distributed Generation

Nuntiya Chaiyabut
Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University Bangkok, Thailand Email:

Parnjit Damrongkulkamjorn
Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University Bangkok, Thailand Email:

AbstractThis paper proposes the impact of customer scattering on reliability level of distribution system with distributed generation (DG). Variations of customer scattering are formed into six cases. Each customer scattering case is analyzed for nding the reliability indices of the system when there is no DG, and when DG unit is installed at various locations along the feeder. In addition, the algorithm for restoration time assessment of load point is presented when DG unit is installed. The reliability of distribution system is presented in reliability indices that include SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ENS and AENS. The proposed algorithm is tested on a simple radial system with 9 load points. The results when DG is installed at various locations for variations of customer scattering are shown and compared with those of the system without DG. The results show that the customer scattering and restoration time effect the optimal location of DG unit in terms of system reliability. Index Termsreliability; distributed generation; customer scattering; distribution system.

I. I NTRODUCTION In recent years, Distributed Generation (DG) has rapidly become an attractive option for alternative electrical power resources due to its environmental and economical advantages. However, the installations of DGs in electric power systems have been known to have several impacts on the systems. Those impacts include voltage regulations, system losses, power quality, protection schemes and system reliability. From all those impacts, system reliability plays an important role in distribution systems since it has been reported that more than 80% of all customer interruptions occurred due to failures in the distribution systems [1]. Several studies have been illustrated the impacts of the installing DG units on distribution systems reliability [2], [3]. The methods for evaluating distribution system reliability could be categorized into two groups: analytical methods; and simulation methods. In analytical methods, the system is presented in a mathematical model and reliability indices are evaluated from this model [4], [5], [6] and [7]. In simulation methods, the actual processes and system behaviors are simulated for estimating the reliability indices [8], [9].
1 Nuntiya Chaiyabut is currently pursuing Ph.D. Degree at Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University. She recieved scholarship (faculty developement program) from School of Engineering, Bangkok University.

In distribution systems, DG units could be considered as backup generators [4], [5]. The authors in [4] suggested that system reliability indices depended on locations of DG units, the number of DG units at each location and the availability of DG units. In [5], the authors showed the reliability impact of installing a large-scale DG vs. installing several small-scale DG units. Moreover, they calculated the system reliability of placing DG unit at various distances from the substation, where the best location for the DG placement, in terms of reliability improvement, was at the end of line. In [6], the authors presented an analytical method to calculate the system reliability indices with several DG units. The paper showed that system reliability depended on location of DG unit and DG capacity. In addition, DG should be installed at the end of feeder and the DG small size capacity should be installed at the upstream side of the DG with large capacity. In [7], the authors presented an interval algorithm to deal with the uncertainty of component data to calculate the interval system reliability indices. The paper showed comparison of the interval system reliability indices when DG unit connected in difference locations on distribution system. In [8], the authors presented the Depth-First Search algorithm to divide distribution system into several the smallest unit and used the Monte Carlo simulation method to simulate the running status of distribution system with DG unit. The paper compared the reliability indices of the original system to those of the system with additional DG unit. In [9], the authors presented a method that combined the load duration curve with the characteristics of DG operation mode in order to evaluate the reliability. The paper showed the error of reliability indices based on the Monte Carlo simulation method. In this paper, the analytical method based on [10] is used to evaluate reliability indices, including SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ENS and AENS, in a radial distribution system, with and without DG installation. Restoration time assessment of each load point is presented when DG unit is installed along the distribution feeder. The DG is assumed to be operating as backup unit for the system. The test system can be studied in six different cases based on different customer scattering patterns. In each customer scattering pattern, the reliability indices are evaluated on the system without DG unit, and with DG unit being installed at various locations along the feeder.

978-1-4244-6890-4/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE













II. R ELIABILITY A SSESSMENT A. Denitions For the purposeLP1 of this is LP2 study, LP3 the LP4 distribution LP5 LP6 system LP7 LP8 classied into three parts: sections; lateral distributors; and load points as shown in Fig. 1 [10].

customers during the year, which can be computed as: SAIDI =


Us Ns s Ns

(hours/customer year)


CAIDI (Customer Average Interruption Duration Index) is the average value of outage duration time in the system that effects customers per interruption, which can be computed as: CAIDI =

Us Ns s s Ns

(hours/customer interruption)


Fig. 1.

Denitions of sections, laterals and load points

3) Energy Oriented Indices: Energy oriented indices are used to measure the reliability of the system. In this study, these indices include ENS and AENS. For the calculation of these indices, average annual outage time, customer and load information are required. ENS (Energy Not Supplied index) is total energy not supplied by the system during the year. ENS =

Restoration time is the time for load re-service after protection device operates to clear a fault. However, restoration time of each load point depends on location of DG and fault location. B. Reliability Indices Reliability indices reect the reliability level of the power system. In this study, distribution system reliability is classied into three types: load point indices; customer oriented indices; and energy oriented indices [10]. 1) Load Point Indices: Load point indices are used to measure the reliability of each load point in the system. These indices include average failure rate (s ), average outage time (rs ), and average annual outage time (Us ), at any load point s. For the calculation of these indices, failure rate (i ) and repair time (ri ) of each component in the system are required. Load point indices calculation are shown in (1)-(3). s Us rs =

Ls Us



AENS (Average Energy Not Supplied index) is the average value of energy not supplied by the system that effects customers during the year. AENS =

Ls Us s Ns

(kWh/customer year)


C. Evaluation technique This paper proposes the evaluation of reliability indices of distribution system with one DG installed at any load point along the feeder line, considering the different patterns of customers scattering. The customer scattering patterns determined in this study are uniform distribution, normal distribution, skewed to the right and skewed to the left distributions, as shown in Fig. 2. Note that the total number of customers and the average number of customers of all load points are the same.

i i ri

(failures/year) (hours/year)

(1) (2) (3)

Fig. 2.

= =

Us = s

i ri i i


2) Customer Oriented Indices: Customer oriented indices are used to measure the reliability of the system. These indices are SAIFI, SAIDI and CAIDI. For the calculation of these indices, average failure rate, average annual outage time and customer information are required. SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) is the average value of interruption frequency in the system that effects customers during the year, which can be computed as: SAIFI =

Different types of customer scattering patterns

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9

s Ns s Ns

(interruptions/customer year)


SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) is the average value of outage duration time in the system that effects

substation In this paper, reliability assessment also considers restoration time calculation for each load point with additional DG, which depends on DG location and fault location. When a fault occurs in any the distribution LP1 LP2 LP3 section LP4 LP5 of LP6 LP7 LP8 LP9 feeder (see Fig.1), the main circuit breaker is automatically opened and steps of the restoration process are: Step 1: Find the location of the fault; Step 2: If the fault occurs on the upstream side of DG, nd the numbers and locations of load points to be served by backup DG;


Step 3: Clear the fault from the system by the isolated switches (upstream and downstream of the fault); Step 4: Operate the isolated switches in order to eliminate the other load points that DG can not serve; Step 5: Start up the DG unit to serve load points found in Step 2; Step 6: Close the main circuit breaker. The restoration time of the above process is given by: F LT + SW T, F LT + SW T + DG SU T , = F LT + SW T + RP T, if LP L < F L if LP L > F L Otherwise (9)




















Fig. 3.

Test system

RTLP Where


is is is is is is is is

the the the the the the the the

repair time of a load point, average fault location time, average switching time, DG unit start up time, average repair time, load point location, load point location restored by DG, fault location.

The proposed algorithm for reliability assessment can be described as follows: Step 1: Input system parameters. Set DG location index DGL = 1; Step 2: Set failure section index F s = 1; Step 3: Calculate failure rate (i ), restoration time (RTLP ) and average annual outage time (Ui = i RTLP ) of affected load points from the section failure; Step 4: If failure section index is less than the number of total sections, increase the index, F s, by 1 and go to Step 3; Step 5: Set failure lateral index F l = 1; Step 6: Calculate i , RTLP and Ui of affected load points from the lateral failure; Step 7: If failure lateral index is less than the number of total laterals, increase the index, F l, by 1 and go to Step 6; Step 8: Calculate average failure rate (s ) and average annual outage time (Us ) at every load point; Step 9: Calculate system reliability indices; Step 10: If DG location index is less than the number of total sections, increase the index DGL by 1 and go to Step 2. III. C ASE S TUDY The conguration of the distribution system used to illustrate the proposed technique for reliability assessment is shown in Fig. 3. The length of this main feeder and each lateral distributor are 45 km and 10 km, respectively. The system has 9 load points which are distributed evenly along the length of the feeder. The total number of customers for this system is 603 with the total load of 1,800 kW.

For the analysis, operating conditions of the components and their parameters are assumed as follows: A single DG unit is installed as backup generator, where the unit capacity is 20% of feeder load, and its operational availability is 100%. Circuit breaker, disconnecting switches and fuses have the operational availability of 100%. The failure rate of each section is 0.1 f/km-yr, and that of each lateral distributor is 0.2 f/km-yr. The average repair time of each section is 2 hours, and that of each lateral distributor is 4 hours. The average switching time, average fault location time and DG unit start up time are 0.25, 0.5 and 0.0333 hours, No DG 49.00 respectively. 48.50 Sect.1 The important feature for reliability evaluation in this study 48.00 Sect.2 47.50 is the customer scattering. In this paper, six Sect.3 patterns of 47.00 customer scattering are considered, by distributing Sect.4 the number 46.50 Sect.5 46.00at each load point as shown in Fig. 4. All six of customers Sect.6 45.50 Sect.7 cases have the 45.00 same total number of customers of 603 with the Sect.8 average value of 67. Table IDGshows the number of customers Location Sect.9 at each load point for every case.

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6

Fig. 4.
3.00 2.50 hr/ 2.00 1.50

Patterns of customer scattering

No DG Sect.1 Sect.2

TABLE I N UMBER OF CUSTOMER IN SIX CASES Case 3 Case 4 40 20 70 40 101 Case3 Case4 80 Case5 121 101 101 121 80 101 50 80 30 40 10 20 603 603 Case 5 10 20 35 Case6 55 80 101 121 101 80 603

Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.5 6 Case Sect.6 15 Sect.7 20 Sect.8 36 Sect.9 57 70 85 100 120 100 603

LP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total

1.00 1 Case Case 2 0.50 67 100 67 120 0.00 67 Case1 100 Case2 67 85 67 70 67 57 67 36 67 20 67 15 603 603


14.40 14.30

Sect.6 Sect.7

DG Location

Sect.8 Sect.9

IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS The proposed algorithm is applied to the test system with and without additional DG for different customer scattering patterns. The results of reliability indices are shown and discussed below. A. SAIFI The results show that the system SAIFI is equal to 6.5 interruptions/customer year for every location of an additional DG and every pattern of customer scattering.

15.80 15.60
hr/cust. yr

mean = 15.3773 max = 15.6174 min = 15.0727

No DG Sect.1 Sect.2 Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.5 Sect.6 Sect.7

15.40 15.20 15.00 14.80

DG Location

Sect.8 Sect.9

Fig. 7.

SAIDI for Customer Scattering Case 3

B. SAIDI The values of system SAIDI calculated for different locations of an additional DG and different customer scattering cases are shown in Table II, where the plots are shown in Fig. 5-10.
TABLE II S YSTEM AVERAGE I NTERRUPTION D URATION I NDEX (SAIDI) DG location No DG Sect. 1 Sect. 2 Sect. 3 Sect. 4 Sect. 5 Sect. 6 Sect. 7 Sect. 8 Sect. 9 Case 1 16.2500 16.2500 16.2519 16.1426 16.0333 15.9241 15.8148 15.7055 15.5963 15.4870 Case 2 14.9299 14.9299 14.8385 14.7081 14.6184 14.5776 14.5694 14.6820 14.8059 14.8385 Case 3 15.6148 15.6148 15.6174 15.4021 15.1396 15.0727 15.0792 15.2423 15.3891 15.6011 Case 4 16.2500 16.2500 16.3056 16.1099 15.8767 15.5816 15.5473 15.5881 15.9142 16.1099 Case 5 17.4789 17.4789 17.5692 17.4876 17.3327 17.0799 16.7782 16.4178 16.4488 16.5581 Case 6 17.5701 17.5701 17.6593 17.5745 17.4131 17.2353 16.9989 16.7135 16.3221 16.3873
16.40 16.40 16.40 16.20 16.20 16.20 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.80 15.80 15.80 15.60 15.60 15.60 15.40 15.40 15.40 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.00 15.00 15.00

hr/cust. yr yr hr/cust.

mean = 15.9533 mean mean= =15.9533 15.9533 max = 16.3056 max max = =16.3056 16.3056 min = 15.5473 min min = =15.5473 15.5473

DG Location DG DGLocation Location

No DG No NoDG DG Sect.1 Sect.1 Sect.1 Sect.2 Sect.2 Sect.2 Sect.3 Sect.3 Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.4 Sect.4 Sect.5 Sect.5 Sect.5 Sect.6 Sect.6 Sect.6 Sect.7 Sect.7 Sect.7 Sect.8 Sect.8 Sect.8 Sect.9 Sect.9 Sect.9

Fig. 8.

SAIDI for Customer Scattering Case 4

Fig. 5.
15.00 14.90 14.80 15.00 14.70 14.90 14.60 14.80 14.50 14.70 14.40 14.60 14.30 14.50 14.40 14.30

DG Location SAIDI for Customer Scattering Case 1

Sect.7 Sect.9 Sect.8 Sect.9

hr/cust. yr hr/cust. yr

mean = 14.7498 max = 14.9299 min ==14.7498 14.5694 mean max = 14.9299 min = 14.5694

No DG Sect.1 No DG Sect.2 Sect.1 Sect.3

Sect.2 Sect.4 Sect.3 Sect.5 Sect.4 Sect.6 Sect.5 Sect.7

hr/cust. yr yr hr/cust. hr/cust. yr

16.40 16.20 16.00 16.40 15.80 16.20 15.60 16.00 15.40 15.80 15.60 15.20 15.40 15.00 15.20 15.00

hr/cust. yrhr/cust. yr

mean = 15.9456 max = 16.2500 min = = 15.9456 15.4870 mean max = 16.2500 min = 15.4870

No DG Sect.1
No DG Sect.2 Sect.1 Sect.3 Sect.2 Sect.4 Sect.3 Sect.5 Sect.4 Sect.6 Sect.5 Sect.7 Sect.6 Sect.8

18.00 18.00 18.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.50 15.50 15.50

mean = 17.0630 mean mean= 17.0630 max = 17.0630 17.5692 min 16.4178 max max = =17.5692 17.5692 min min = =16.4178 16.4178

DG Location DG DGLocation Location

SAIDI for Customer Scattering Case 5

No DG No NoDG DG Sect.1 Sect.1 Sect.1 Sect.2 Sect.2 Sect.2 Sect.3 Sect.3 Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.4 Sect.4 Sect.5 Sect.5 Sect.5 Sect.6 Sect.6 Sect.6 Sect.7 Sect.7 Sect.7 Sect.8 Sect.8 Sect.8 Sect.9 Sect.9 Sect.9

hr/cust. yr yr hr/cust.

Fig. 9.
18.00 18.00 18.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.50 15.50 15.50

DG Location

mean = 17.1444 mean max 17.6593 mean= =17.1444 17.1444 min 16.3221 max max = =17.6593 17.6593 min min = =16.3221 16.3221

DG Location DG DGLocation Location

No DG NoDG DG No Sect.1 Sect.1 Sect.1 Sect.2 Sect.2 Sect.2 Sect.3 Sect.3 Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.4 Sect.4 Sect.5 Sect.5 Sect.5 Sect.6 Sect.6 Sect.6 Sect.7 Sect.7 Sect.7 Sect.8 Sect.8 Sect.8 Sect 9 Sect 9 Sect.9

Fig. 10.

SAIDI for Customer Scattering Case 6

DG Location
DG Location

Sect.6 Sect.8 Sect.7 Sect.9 Sect.8 Sect.9 No DG

hr/cust. yr hr/cust. yr

mean = 15.3773 15.80 max = 15.6174 Fig. 6. SAIDI for Customer Case 2 min =Scattering 15.0727 15.60 mean = 15.3773 15.80 max = 15.6174 15.40 min = 15.0727 15.60
15.20 15.40 15.00 15.20 14.80 15.00

DG Location

Sect.1 No DG Sect.2 Sect.1 Sect.3 Sect.2 Sect.4 Sect.3 Sect.5 Sect.4 Sect.6 Sect.5 Sect.7 Sect.6 Sect.8 Sect.7

Note from Fig. 5-10 that the values and trends of SAIDI vary with the patterns of customer scattering and DG locations, which can be summarized as follows: In case that the pattern of customer scattering is uniformly distributed (case 1), SAIDI decreases when the DG location is far from substation. If the number of customers are high around the front


20 0 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6

half of system feeder (cases 2 and 3), the best values of SAIDI occur when DG is installed around the middle of the feeder. If the pattern of customer scattering is a normal distribution (case 4), the best value of SAIDI does not occur when DG is installed at the middle section where the number of customers are the highest. Instead, it occurs when DG is installed at the next section. If the number of customers are high around the back half of system feeder (cases 5 and 6), the best values of SAIDI occur when DG is installed at the locations with highest numbers of customers. The comparison of SAIDI when DG is installed at various locations and when there is no DG, for every pattern of customer scattering, is shown in Table III.
TABLE III T HE COMPARISION OF SAIDI WITH DG AND WITHOUT DG DG location Sect. 1 Sect. 2 Sect. 3 Sect. 5 Sect. 5 Sect. 6 Sect. 7 Sect. 8 Sect. 9 Case 1 0 -0.01% 0.66% 1.33% 2.01% 2.68% 3.35% 4.02% 4.70% Case 2 0 0.61% 1.49% 2.07% 2.36% 2.41% 1.66% 0.83% 0.61% Case 3 0 -0.02% 1.36% 3.04% 3.47% 3.43% 2.39% 1.45% 0.09% Case 4 0 -0.34% 0.86% 2.30% 4.11% 4.32% 4.07% 2.07% 0.86% Case 5 0 -0.52% -0.05% 0.84% 2.28% 4.01% 6.07% 5.89% 5.27% Case 6 0 -0.51% -0.03% 0.89% 1.91% 3.25% 4.88% 7.10% 6.73%

3.00 2.50 hr/ 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Case1 Case2 Case3 Case4 Case5 Case6

Fig. 11.

Patterns of CAIDI

The patterns of CAIDI are exactly the same as those of SAIDI even though the values are different. Therefore, the discussion for CAIDI would be similar to the discussion for SAIDI in the former subsection. Moreover, the comparison of CAIDI with DG installation and CAIDI without DG is the same as that of SAIDI, which can be shown in Table V
TABLE V T HE COMPATISION OF CAIDI WITH DG AND WITHOUT DG DG location Sect. 1 Sect. 2 Sect. 3 Sect. 5 Sect. 5 Sect. 6 Sect. 7 Sect. 8 Sect. 9 Case 1 0 -0.01% 0.66% 1.33% 2.00% 2.68% 3.35% 4.02% 4.70% Case 2 0 0.61% 1.48% 2.09% 2.36% 2.41% 1.66% 0.83% 0.61% Case 3 0 -0.02% 1.36% 3.04% 3.47% 3.43% 2.39% 1.44% 0.09% Case 4 0 -0.34% 0.86% 2.30% 4.11% 4.32% 4.07% 2.07% 0.86% Case 5 0 -0.51% -0.05% 0.84% 2.28% 4.01% 6.07% 5.89% 5.27% Case 6 0 -0.51% -0.03% 0.90% 1.91% 3.25% 4.88% 7.10% 6.73%

Note from Table III that, for each case of customer scattering, the maximum improvement of SAIDI occurs at difference DG locations. The maximum improvements considering DG locations for each case of customer scattering are: 4.70% at the last section for case 1; 2.41% at the sixth section for case 2; 3.47% at the fth section for case 3; 4.32% at the sixth section for case 4; 6.07% at the seventh section for case 5; and 7.10% at eighth section for case 6. In somes customer scattering patterns, installing DG at some particular locations, especially closed to the substation, might not improve SAIDI. This is illustrated by the negative numbers in Table III. C. CAIDI CAIDI from the calculation are shown in Table IV. Plots of the CAIDI results in all cases are shown in Fig. 11.
TABLE IV C USTOMER AVERAGE I NTERRUPTION D URATION I NDEX (CAIDI) DG location No DG Sect. 1 Sect. 2 Sect. 3 Sect. 4 Sect. 5 Sect. 6 Sect. 7 Sect. 8 Sect. 9 Case 1 2.5000 2.5000 2.5003 2.4835 2.4667 2.4499 2.4330 2.4162 2.3994 2.3826 Case 2 2.2969 2.2969 2.2828 2.2628 2.2490 2.2427 2.2415 2.2588 2.2778 2.2828 Case 3 2.4023 2.4023 2.3027 2.3696 2.3292 2.3189 2.3199 2.3450 2.3676 2.4002 Case 4 2.5000 2.5000 2.5086 2.4785 2.4426 2.3972 2.3919 2.3982 2.4483 2.4785 Case 5 2.6891 2.6891 2.7029 2.6904 2.6666 2.6277 2.5813 2.5258 2.5306 2.5474 Case 6 2.7031 2.7031 2.7168 2.7038 2.6789 2.6516 2.6152 2.5713 2.5111 2.5211

D. ENS and AENS For each DG location, the ENS as well as the AENS values are the same for every case of customer scattering. The results of ENS and AENS for different DG locations are shown in Table VI, where the plots of ENS and AENS are shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, respectively. The values of ENS and AENS tend to decrease when DG locations are further down the feeder, which result from restoration time assessment.
TABLE VI E NERGY N OT S UPPLIED (ENS) AND AVERAGE E NERGY N OT S UPPLIED (AENS) DG location No DG Sect. 1 Sect. 2 Sect. 3 Sect. 4 Sect. 5 Sect. 6 Sect. 7 Sect. 8 Sect. 9 ENS 29,250 29,250 29,253 29,057 28,860 28,663 28,467 28,270 28,073 27,877 AENS 48.5075 48.5075 48.5130 43.1868 47.8607 47.5345 47.2084 46.8822 46.5561 46.2299

Finally, the comparison of ENS as well as AENS when DG is installed at various locations and when there is no DG is shown in Table VII.


29,500 29,000 28,500 28,000 27,500 27,000

No DG Sect.1 Sect.2 Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.5 Sect.6 Sect.7 Sect.8 Sect.9

of customer scattering. Their best values are at the last section of the system feeder. This study can be used to identify the optimal location of DG used as backup generator in a distribution system in order to improve reliability indices based on customer scattering. R EFERENCES
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DG Location

Fig. 12.
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Case 1 Case 2
49.00 48.50 48.00 47.50 47.00 46.50 46.00 45.50 45.00

Trend of ENS

No DG Sect.1 Sect.2 Sect.3 Sect.4 Sect.5 Sect.6 Sect.7 Sect.8 Sect.9

DG Location Case 3 Case 4 Case 5

Case 6

Fig. 13.
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Case 1

Trend of AENS

hr/ 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00

DG location Sect. 1 Sect. 2 Sect. 3 Sect. 4 Sect. 5 6 Case1 Sect. Case2 Sect. 7 Sect. 8 Case 2 Sect. 9 Case 3

ENS AENS 0 0 -0.01% -0.01% 0.66% 0.66% 1.33% 1.33% 2.01% 2.01% 2.68% Case4 2.68% Case5 Case3 3.35% 3.35% 4.02% 4.02% 4.69% Case 4 4.70% Case 5


Case 6


3.00 The maximum improvements of both ENS and AENS in Sect.1 all cases2.50 of customer scattering occur at the last location Sect.2 of DG unit.2.00 The maximum improvements of ENS and AENS Sect.3 are 1.50 4.70%, respective. Sect.4 4.69% and 1.00 0.50 0.00




Sect.7 This paper proposed the restoration time assessment and Sect.8 Case2 scattering Case3 Case4 Case5 Case6 system the impact ofCase1 customer on distribution reSect.9 liability when DG unit is installed at various locations. The system reliability indices evaluated by the proposed algorithm included SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ENS and AENS for 6 cases of customer scattering and 9 possible locations for DG. The results showed the optimal location of DG unit for each pattern of customer scattering in terms of reliability assessment. For all patterns of customer scattering, SAIFI is constant because restoration time assessment do not affect the interruption frequency of the distribution system. The best DG locations for SAIDI and CAIDI maximum improvement varied with the patterns of customer scattering. The ENS and AENS depended only on the locations of DG and not on the patterns


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