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Group 1: Data Collection Phase 1. Call your patients to see their availability.

Tell them the first few (2-3) appointments will be data collection, which is a one time fee of $45 dollars. 2. Then plan your codes, New Patient Macro 3. Then plan your appointment (we will show you how), **You need to make sure you move over the D0150 code which is the one that actually charges them. **They may say they already paid $35, but that was just for screening to become a patient. Also if they are giving you a hard time about $45 dollars this should be a red flag! Visit 1 - After you done the Medical history and have updated the Update Medical History Tab, and have been START CHECKED.try to do your FMX first. ****There is a new policy in radiology, you have to have the code planned and you have to make an appointment at the window in the front, at booths 1013. ***Look at the pano first, if the patient only has 10 teeth, then you do not need a full FMX, you need a partial FMX, make sure you plan the correct one and have it approved by your team leader before you make the appointment. assuming they have space for you in radiology, leave 1hr to do a full FMX. Once that is done then you can move onto paperwork.

-Next do the Clinical Exam form , both the intraoral extraoral and the additional diagnostics -Next see if an assistant is around to help you take intraoral/ extraoral pictures. You have to sign up at dispensing first. (we will show you where). -Now, ideally you would like to take your impressions. At least attempt them if you have time (mornings may be more difficult). -In our group it is okay to use stock trays, but add red rope wax to the margins of the tray if needed (Dr. Notzers preferred technique) -If the patient has mostly all their teeth then you can hand articulate to mount, if not then just take the impressions and be done for now.

Assuming all goes to plan then this should be the end of the first appointment. Complete the appropriate codes, especially D0150. ***Between your first and second data collection appointments you must complete the radiology report (you need to fill that out by yourself and then make an appointment in radiology for them to go over it with you). You CANNOT enter an odont until the report is done. ***Also pour and hopefully mount your casts. Visit 2 - After doing Update Medical History and get START CHECKED , then start with the Odont (where you go tooth by tooth and enter in pre-existing fillings, cavities, crowns, etc. It is best to get the form located on the far end of the clinic near endo. You could also just grab a piece of paper and write it down on that (this is just for your reference). once you are done with that call over faculty and have them review the odont with you and make appropriate changes and note questionable teeth that may need a consultation.

-you can then enter that in the computer at that time or wait until after the patient leaves (make sure you have proper notes). -Then you must sign up to do perio. The perio department in the clinic is probably the best, but they will ask you questions. Know how to present a case: My patient is a 46 year old, African American male who presents to the clinic for data collection. He is currently taking x,y,z medications for x,y,z diseases/ conditions. He has a social history of previous tobacco use which he quit 6 months ago. -Then they will give you a start check for perio, more than likely after asking you questions about the meds and conditions and their relationship to perio. -Do perio exam with an assistant, A complete exam including plaque score, oral hygiene instructions, PD, BOP, mobility, recession, furction (have your Nabers probe!!). -Once that is done, then you must fill out a perio exam note (there is a template). -Then you can get the faculty and present the perio findings. -From this information you can then fill out the Caries Risk Assessment Form, which has two pages. On the second page there are no NOs. Only yes or unanswered. -Lastly get any consults you need and then you are done with data collection.

Visit 3: Treatment Plan Presentation *between visit 2 and 3 you need to create a treatment plan, as you were data collecting you needed to get a good idea of the route your patient wants to go both financially and dentally. This will help guide your plan. The plan has to be approved by a Periodontist and your team leader. -When you present that plan never show them the final amount. The PCC can print a copy for you, but you hold it and go through the plan step by step. Then assuming they accept, it would be a good idea to do your cleaning at the same appointment (unless they need SRPs, in which case that is up to you).

-This would be how I ideally like to do data collection. Obviously not everyone is going to be able to take the FMX first. Thats fine, just do something different, like the odont (just dont enter if before you do the consult) or perio or whatever you have time for. What if my patient has no posterior teeth?? 1. In your first appointment take impressions and get them poured. 2. In between your next appointments you need to make a record base wherever there is no posteriors as well as wax rims (NO ALLUWAX IN GROUP 1 IF WORKING WITH DR. NOTZER) 3. Bring that to your next appointment so you can Facebow and do jaw relations. a. Have ready your casts, rims, torch, spatula, buffalo knife b. Get from dispensing: Fox Plane and Blue Mousse and 3 tips c. Dr. Notzer or one of use will show you how to do everything d. This is also the set up she likes for any removable you do Restorative -try to work with Dr. Gonzalez or Dr. Schuima, but most restorative faculty is good. Try to have an assistant for your first few times so you arent concerned with the water. Fixed -Work with Dr. Notzer or Guerrero for your first fixed case and then branch out. The clinic provides you with burs. There is a lot of ahead of time lab work. Too much to write now. Removable whoever you start with is who you finish with!!! Dr. Despaigne and Jay are great resources but will always be in QA so its best to find them when not with a patient.

Endo -Endo is awesome in clinic because the residents and faculty are super helpful, and it is just like sim lab -There is a MILLION papers that need to be filled out before you can actually do the endo so do the paperwork ahead of time (patient needs to be in the chair). -You need to bring your motor, handpiece, touch a heat tip (not a destroyed one), clear rubber dam frame, operative and endo cassettes, endo burs, operative burs. I think thats all, the school will you give you everything else. Plan for 2 appointments after the paperwork is done to complete an endo. Perio - If you are not perio charting, then you only have to deal with the hygienists. Make sure you have your sharpening stone and that blue stick thing. For the first few months, every time a periodontist sits in your chair, they will most likely grill you. Be prepared. You need to take a SRP comp so keep that in mind because you will do a ton of perio in the beginning and very little come winter semester when you can actually take your comp. Find out what you need and if it is close to the winter semester then hold off and take it then.

Implants - Dr. Hervas is the only guy for implant consultations. If your patient wants an implant and they have an edentulous space you need to duplicate your diagnostic cast (or hope he doesnt ask if you did) and remount and add a denture tooth using pink wax to the space until the tooth is in occlusion. You then can show this to Hervas and he will do your consult. This is the only way to start the implant process. - **Do not have pink wax everywhere, only enough to hold the tooth on. *Be nice to the PCCs *Cancel patients properly (send amail to pre-doc pccs) *Drop bad patients immediately, dont wait because it looks like they may have good stuff *Dont forget that anytime you write a note, a code must be completed along with it ******All pros procedures have step cards associated with it, they are located in group 8! Dont forget *talk financials for the beginning of data collection, determine if they are a good fit for you and vice versa *Tell your patients to expect long appointments and that we are a school and things take time! *Learn from Jay! Ask about the lab procedures

*Nothing really makes sense until you have done it yourself, dont worry if you feel lost , thats normal *The dentistry is easy, Axium is hard

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