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So, what is a debilitated planet? It certainly doesnt sound very good, does it?

Debilitation is part of what is called dignity. This is a way to evaluate the relative strength of a planet. Actually, it goes most directly to the level of intelligence and consciousness coming from the planet. There are group of classifications in astrology called Avasthas, which measure different properties and principles of the planets. When a planet is debilitated it is in an unconscious state in Sushupti Avastha. It is often surprising for astrology students to realize that even a planet in an unconscious state may produce good results. For instance, debilitated Jupiter may give us a lot of money. Debilitated Saturn may give us a great career for a long time. However, the feeling and the level of consciousness operating with that money or in that career will still be seen by the dignity of the planet. For instance, we may get a lot of money, but not be able to enjoy it or be able to connect to the true nature of that Jupiter, which is to expand our mind toward greater wisdom and meaning. We may have a great career, and be very successful. Yet, have no fulfillment, and be a domineering tyrants, or just clutching to a shallow form of worldly power that hides our deeper fear of being authentic / Taking a risk / following our heart. Case study on debilitated Mars: Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan, the great athlete, has a debilitated Mars. This may surprise

you, given what you think about Mars and its connection to athletics and competition. As was said, we cannot make a hasty decision about a planet based on one thing. In the chart of Michael Jordan, Mars is not only debilitated, it is his ruling planet. Which means, it does form a Raja yoga (A Royal Association), and basically defines his nature. In his case it was even more powerful, being joined Rahu who also forms Raja yoga, aspect of by Saturn which also forms Raja yoga, etc. But lets examine this a little further. It would be easy to say that Michael Jordans debilitated Mars doesnt work in his case, because he was able to defeat his adversaries and win, a big Mars goal. But when we look a little deeper into Mars, something else is revealed. The True Nature of Mars

Mars is not about continually competing against our adversaries, and being driven to win at all costs ( regardless of whether we win or not). That is a dysfunctional Mars. The true nature of Mars is to fight our inner battles and fight the good fight. The reason Michael Jordans Mars allowed him to win and be a ruthless competitor, is because of its debilitation. In fact, it is a function of its debilitation. Even after everyone declared Michael Jordan to be the best basketball player ever, ( including his peers) he was still not satisfied. He had to try another comeback, at an advanced age, to prove himself still again. Even at his Hall of Fame acceptance speech, he was still competing, trying to avenge old grudges. In fact, its pretty sad to watch, Especially in comparison to other athletes and their gracious acceptance speeches. Google Michael Jordan Hall of Fame Acceptance Speech to see what I mean. Debilitated Venus and Mars Disrupting Relationships Mainly When Venus is debilitated we have a hard time enjoying what we have. We may be a bit nitpicky and find fault with a lot of things. As Venus is our capacity for happiness, and its better when were easily pleased, ( as shown by Venus exalted in Pisces). Venus in Virgo is not so easily pleased. Mars debilitated in Cancer brings a lot of emotions into our sense of discipline and structure. Often We vacillate between being overly aggressive (in order to prove ourselves) or an undisciplined mess. Our emotions in the moment (Cancer) are not the best support for actions (Mars). Its very easy to experience emotional rustration when Mars is weakened. Mars and Venus are important in romantic relationships, as they rule the self (Mars) and compromising with the other (Venus). When one is very strong or very weak, it is usually a good time to emphasize the other. For example, with Venus debilitated, it is better to emphasize more Mars actions in your relationship, more individuality, pursuing your separate goals. When Mars is weak, its better to pursue more Venus stuff, compromise, lovey-dovey stuff, etc. However, when both are weak, our sense of individuality feels weak, so we try to compromise with the other which also doesnt feel so good - as they get on our nerves. So now what to do?Well, I dont know! The best thing is to realize you may be kind of fussy and hard to please and just accept that. Also, a good sense of humor never hurt anyone or any relationship. Realize that you may that kind of lazy and be sliding on your discipline. Be careful blaming others for it and nitpicking them over it. Before you start blaming the other person and nitpicking them, look at yourself. Thats about the best advice I can give. Ill even try to put it into practice myself

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