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HISTORIA DE LA CULTURA HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN I Segundo ao Carga horaria: tres horas semanales. Materia anual OBJETIVOS DE LA ASIGNATURA -lograr que los alumnos: * conozcan y comprendan los procesos polticos, econmicos, sociales y culturales de la historia de Gran Bretaa desde las primeras oleadas migratorias hasta 1603 * analicen los cambios estructurales en la relacin Estado-sociedad a partir de las temticas seleccionadas * desarrollen habilidades como pensar crticamente y comparar * puedan leer y expresarse en forma oral y escrita con correccin en idioma ingls. UNIDADES TEMTICAS UNIT I: BRITAIN IN EARLY TIMES Prehistory of Britain. The Celtic tribes. The Roman Conquest. Britain under the Late Empire: Roman institutions, everyday life, urban development, Christianity. The end of Roman rule. UNIT II: THE AGE OF SETTLEMENTS The invasions and migrations of Saxons, Angles, and Jutes. The Heptarchy. The Anglo Saxon society. Christianity. The Viking Invasions (Norwegians and Danes). Alfred the Great and consequences of the Danish invasions. Edgard from the House of Wessex. The return of the Vikings: The Danish conquest. King Cnut. The end of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Edward the Confessor. UNIT III: THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES The Norman Conquest. Feudalism. Social structure. Political structure. Law and justice. Church and religion. Economy. UNIT IV: THE CRUSADES AND ITS CONSEQUENCES Loss of the French possessions. Position of the Church. The Magna Charta. Parliamentary origins. Political struggles. Urban revival. Trade and commerce. UNIT V: ENGLAND AT WAR The Hundred Years War. The Black Death. A significant transformation: wealth, population, and social change. Commerce: wages and prices. The rise of Parliament. UNIT VI: STILL AT WAR Social uprisings and spiritual unrest. The Hundred Years War II. The Wars of the Roses. Towards a Nation. UNIT VII: THE TUDOR AGE Henry VII. The reign of Henry VIII: the Reformation in England. The Counter-Reformation. The struggle with Spain. The Elizabethan Age. Social developments in Elizabethan England. BIBLIOGRAFA OBLIGATORIA BSICA y DE CONSULTA -ALCOCK, Leslie, Arthurs Britain: History and Archeology: AD 367-634, The Penguin Press, 1972 -BARLOW, Frank, The Feudal Kingdom of England 1042-1216, Longman, 1979. -BINDOFF, S.T., Tudor England, Penguin Books, [1963] 1991.

-BRIGGS, A, A Social History of England, Penguin, 1987. -BURNS, William E., A Brief History of Great Britain, New York, Facts on File, 2010. -CHIBNALL, Marjorie, The Debate on the Norman Conquest, Manchester University Press, 1999. -COLLINGWOOD, R.G., Roman Britain and the English Settlements, Clarendon Press, 1956. -FISHER, D.J.V., The Anglo Saxon Age, c 400-1042, Longman, 1978. -HADLEY, D. M., The Vikings in England. Settlement, Society and Culture, Manchester University Press, 2006. -HEALE, Martin, translated and annotated by, Monasticism in Late Medieval England, c. 1300- 1535, Manchester University Press, 2009. -JONES, John, The Medieval World, Macmillan Education, [1979], 1985. -LEYSER, Henriette, Medieval Women. A Social History of Women in England, 450-1500, Phoenix Press, [1995] 2003. nd -LOTHERINGTON, J., ed., The Tudor Years, London , Hodder Murray, [1994] 2 edition 2003. -Mc GURK, J., The Tudor Monarchies 1485-1603, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, th [1999] 5 . Printing 2006. -MACKEY, A. and DITCHBURN, D., Atlas of Medieval Europe, Routledge, 1998. -MORGAN, Kenneth, ed., The Oxford History of Britain, Oxford University Press, 2001 -----, The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Oxford, Oxford University Press, [1984] 2000. -MORRIS, A.R., Europe and England in the XVI Century, Routledge, 1998. -MYERS, A.R., England in the Late Middle Ages 1317-1536, Penguin Books. -PICKERING, Andrew, Lancastrian to Tudors England, 1450-1509, Cambridge University Press, 2000. -RICHMON, I. A., Roman Britain, Penguin Books, [1963], 1995. -ROGERSON, David, ELLSMORE, Samantha, HUDSON, David, The Early Tudors, 14651558, John Murray, 2001. -SCARISBRICK, J. J., Henry VIII, Metuen Paperbacks, 1976. -SHULTZ, Harold, British History, Harpercollins College Outline, Harper Perennial, 4 ed., 1992. STAUTON, Michael, The Lives of Thomas Becket, Manchester University Press, 2001. -STENTON, Doris, English Society in the Early Middle Ages, 1066-1307, Penguin Books. -STRONG, Roy, The Story of Britain. A Peoples History, [1996] Pimlico, London, 1998. -THOMAS, Paul, Authority and Disorder in Tudor Times 1485-1603, Cambridge University Press, 1999. -TREVELYAN, G.M., English Social History. A Survey of Six Centuries, Penguin, 1986. -TREVELYAN, G. M., History of England, Longman, 1964. -WARNER, G., MARTEN, H., MUIR, D., The New Groundwork of British History, Blackie, 1962. -WILKINSON, G. M., History of England, Longman, 1964. -WILLIAMSON, James, The Tudor Age, Longman. PRUEBAS PARCIALES, MONOGRAFA Y PRESENTACIONES La materia es promocionable Se evaluar a los alumnos a travs de: Dos pruebas parciales se agregar un tercer examen parcial para los alumnos que estn en condiciones de promocionar la materia-, un trabajo monogrfico y la presentacin oral de diversos temas que se irn asignando durante el ao. EVALUACIN FINAL Los alumnos que no promocionen la materia debern rendir un examen final oral.

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