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Core Strength & Diastasis Recti

What Is Diast asis Rect i? How Do I Know If I Have a Diast asis? Is It Possible To Improve My Diast asis Or Make It Less Likely To Occur In The First Place?

What Is Diastasis Recti?

The term "diastasis recti" refers to the separatio n o f the o utermo st layer o f the abdo minal muscles, the rectus abdo minis, o r recti (what we co mmo nly refer to as the "six pack" muscle). The recti muscles are a pair o f muscles that are jo ined to gether by co nnective tissue called the linea alba. During pregnancy, the pressure o f the expanding uterus pushing against the abdo minal wall causes this co nnective tissue to stretch, thereby causing the recti to spread apart. The mo re the co nnective tissue stretches and the recti muscles separate, the weaker the suppo rt system fo r the back and o rgans beco me. With the co re in this weakened state, pregnant wo men and mo ms beco me mo re susceptible to many injuries and po tentially serio us medical co nditio ns.

How Do I Know If I Have a Diastasis?

Yo u can check yo urself fo r a diastasis bo th during and after pregnancy. Yo u will be checking the distance between the recti muscles, as well as the co nditio n o f the co nnective tissue that jo ins these muscles to gether. Lie o n yo ur back with yo ur knees bent. With yo ur middle three fingers pressed to gether, place these fingers o n yo ur belly butto n with yo ur hand resting o n yo ur sto mach. Yo ur fingers sho uld be po inting do wn to wards yo ur to es. Relax yo ur abdo minal muscles (do no t co ntract o r ho ld them in) and slo wly start to lift yo ur head slightly o ff the flo o r as yo u press yo ur fingers into yo ur sto mach. Do yo u feel a gap between yo ur muscles? Yo u are checking to see ho w many fingers yo u can fit in between the two halves o f the recti muscle when yo ur head is lifted o nly slightly o ff the flo o r. Yo ur separatio n may be less than 3 finger widths, so yo u may o nly fit 2 fingers between the muscles. If yo u do n't feel the sides o f the recti muscles against yo ur fingers when pressing into yo ur sto mach, yo u may have to add in yo ur pinky and fingers fro m yo ur o ther hand. The recti muscles will co me clo ser to gether the higher yo u lift yo ur head, so fo r an accurate measurement make sure no t to raise the head up to o high. Yo u may have to raise and lo wer yo ur head a few times while pressing into yo ur sto mach in o rder to figure o ut exactly where each side o f the recti muscle is. Also no te ho w deep yo ur fingers go to wards yo ur spine when yo u press into yo ur sto mach. The further in yo u can press yo ur fingers, the weaker the co nnective tissue is. It's co mmo n to also have so me separatio n abo ut an inch abo ve and an inch belo w the belly butto n, so be sure to check fo r a diastasis in these areas as well.

Is It Possible To Improve My Diastasis Or Make It Less Likely To Occur In The First Place?
Yes! Whether yo u are pregnant, co nsidering getting pregnant, o r many years po stpartum, o ur Co re Strength & Diastasis Recti Pro gram can be used to bo th minimize the o ccurrence o f abdo minal separatio n prio r to and during pregnancy, and impro ve an existing diastasis regardless o f ho w lo ng ago it was created. Yo u need to learn the pro per exercises to strengthen the transverse abdo minis muscle (the innermo st layer o f the abdo minal muscles that draws in the recti muscles) and ho w to engage this muscle pro perly in functio nal mo vements and exercises. Equally impo rtant, many every-day mo vements must be mo dified o r avo ided so yo u do n't help create a diastasis o r make an existing separatio n even wo rse. This can substantially help reduce o r prevent a "mummy tummy," and mo re impo rtantly, reduce o r prevent lo wer back pain, sciatica, sacro iliac (SI) jo int pain, and o ther po tentially serio us medical co nditio ns. Fit no t ic's Co re St re ngt h & Diast asis Re ct i Pro gram is available t hro ugh privat e inst ruct io n o r as an o nline pro gram . Ple ase co nt act us f o r m o re inf o rm at io n.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Web site content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to offer medical advice, or replace the recommendations of your doctor, midwife, or physical therapist. Always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

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Fitnotic LLC

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