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Sri Lanka Society for

Medical Laboratory Science

No: 128/3, Ruhunupura, Robert Gunawardana Road, Battaramulla E mail: / +94 77 3077717 / Fax: 0112689254

Contribution of Medical Laboratory Professionals for NCD Prevention in Sri Lanka

1:1 Justification and background
Sri Lanka is being experienced disease transition from communicable diseases to non communicable diseases since last decade. WHO reports have shown that dramatic increase of non communicable diseases during last few years. And also Sri Lanka has achieved the targets of health status with enhanced life expectancy resulting aging population. On other hand communicable disease could be controlled successfully resulting reduced motility rate due to communicable diseases. As a result of all these reason the non communicable diseases have become a burden in country health. It was evident with having more than 60% deaths subjected to NCD and its complications. Hence Sri Lanka should take immediate action to control NCD through sustainable NCD prevention programme. Sri Lanka is already being worked with NCD policy. Sri Lanka Society for Medical Laboratory Science represents the lawfully qualified medical laboratory professionals who analyzed the NCD policy of Sri Lanka and identified the role of medical laboratory in NCD prevention. The analysis emphasized the importance of community awareness and encouragement of community for preventive measures of NCD such as periodical health checkups and life style for wellness with few recommendations to encourage the community for periodical personal health evaluation.

Establishment laboratory facilities for common NCD screening such as diabetis and hyper cholesteriamia which relates to the severe NCD s Influence the community for NCD screening through availability investigations at low cost and abundance of service centers Health education to encourage the community for health screening for NCDs

Registered under TU ordinance | TU No; 8205

Sri Lanka Society of Medical Laboratory Practitioners and Independent Medical Laboratory Associations represent lawfully qualified MLTT which are collaborated with Sri Lanka Society for Medical Laboratory Science. These two professional bodies have island wide laboratory network function with lawfully qualified medical laboratory professionals who are responsible to the ministry of health for quality and reliable medical laboratory evidences all the time. Therefore SLSMLS could evaluate their potential to contribute for NCD prevention in Sri Lanka overcoming constrains of laboratory facilities and professional involvement.

2:1 General Objective:

Fulfill the availability of laboratory investigations influencing the community for NCD prevention.

2:2 Specific Objectives:

1. Provide medical laboratory facilities on NCD for the whole community island wide which is unable to fulfill through state hospital laboratories 2. Avoid the constrain of high cost for laboratory investigations on NCD 3. Provide medical laboratory facilities in their home town with reasonable price and reliability 4. Provision the service of qualified professionals to whole community which cannot be provided for the whole community through state hospital laboratories

3:1 Methodology
3:1:1 Laboratory facility
Private medical Laboratories which are under lawfully qualified medical laboratory technologists registered at SLSMLP and IMLA will provide their laboratory facility for NCD screening process with basis of voluntary service.

3:1:2: Reagents
Reagent cost will be calculated per test and claimed by the person who is tested for NCD. If the reagent cost is afforded by sponsor test will be provided free of charge.

Registered under TU ordinance | TU No; 8205

3:1:3 professional charges

Members of SLSMLP, IMLA and SLSMLS will provide their service on voluntary basis.

3:1:4 Reporting
Reports will be issued with the responsibility of SLMC registered professionals of SLSMLP, IMLA and SLSMLS.

3:1:5 Quality Controls

Inter laboratory comparisons will be carried out periodically (once a quarter). Precision will be tested daily for a particular sample of the days collection.

3:1:6 Documentation
Records will be maintained for regular screeners or patients on their test results.

3:1:6 Data collection

This project is expected to continue with surveillance value through a continuous data receiving system to the SLSLMLS research team. It will issue a annual surveillance report to the ministry of health. Additionally annual statistical data analysis report will be provided by SLSMLS to the Ministry of Health.

Registered under TU ordinance | TU No; 8205

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