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AIM: The aim is what you will obtain (i) (ii)

Name Grade

To determine the acceleration of an object in free-fall due to gravity by using SUVAT and the calculation of a gradient from velocity values. Compare these results with the theoretical value.

HYPOTHESIS: Here you are expected to say what are the results that you expect to obtain REMEMBER that you have to support your hypothesis with your knowledge, not just state what you think will happen. EXPERIMENT: Variables, materials, process/method and raw data expected may be included here. The expectations are that after reading this section anybody could repeat the experiment. Try to use the minimum space by doing some of the following things: List the variables in three columns IF the space needed for each of the columns is approximately the same. If not, just use bullet points for them: Variables: INDEPENDEND DEPENDENT CONTROL Is what YOU WILL CHANGE to see This is the variable that changes due These are the variables that you will how the dependent is affected due to to the independent variable variation. keep constant to guarantee that the the change dependent variation is only changing because the independent change. Height of the mass Time to reach the floor Mass of the object Remember that these are the VARIABLES that you are taking into account. That means that using the same ruler, stopwatch or wall is irrelevant in this section. List the materials in columns: Materials: Mass Tape Stopwatch Ruler Pen Show the set up with a picture at one side and use the rest of the space in describing the experiment. This will make the understanding easier and save space Method: 1. Set materials 2. Using pieces of tape mark in the wall from a starting height of 0.5m to a final height of 2.25m with variations of 0.25m. 3. Place your object, so the base (bottom) it is level with the 0.5 m mark. Start the timer when the ball is dropped and stop it when it has hit the ground (use the same timer for the entire experiment). 4. Repeat step 2 two more times (for a total of 3) while recording each trial. Record your results in a table with similar headings. Raw data expected You are expected to show that you know what and how many data are you expecting to obtain: One time measured variables: Is the data that will not change through the experiment but you will need to make calculations. In some cases are the initial amounts of water, masses of the objects, lengths, etc. Page 1 of 3



In this lab we dont have constant data to measure. Multiple time measured variables: Here you explain what data you need to measure several times. Its expected that you plan to do some analysis with it (plotting, averaging, etc.). You need to explain how many columns you will need to include all the MEASURED data. Dont forget one column to enumerate each data set. We will measure three times per height, thus our table heading will look like Time (s) ( uncertainty) Height (m) # ( uncertainty) Trial 1 Trial 2 In total, this table will have 8 rows.

Trial 3

EXPERIMENT RESULTS In this section you are expected to show your raw data as well as the work that you made with it to accomplish your aim and check if your hypothesis was correct. Raw Data: Insert your results here, check all units are in agreement with the heading. DO NOT add units in the cells, remember you state units in the heading. Data processing: Explain HOW and WHY you process your data to obtain what you were looking for. You are expected to show your calculations ONLY ONCE and after this show all the results in a suitable table. To do this clearly you may show: The theory that explains data analysis. Obtaining formulas (from theory) to get final data (that will accomplish the aim). Show ONE step by step data processing with the raw data. Show a suitable table with all the processed data. (With name, units and, when you learn how in IB, uncertainties). When necessary, use the results from the table to make a plot and USE the plot to get new information. Remember to label each plot with a number, e.g. Plot 1: Displacement vs. Time. In this lab you were asked to make two plots: d vs. t and v vs. t. In only ONE of these plots you can get extra NUMERICAL information and from the other you can make an important conclusion. When you have a value to compare with, you may include a percentage error that compares your results from the theory. Percentage error is calculated by the formula: Since in this experiment you get to accelerations, you may have one percentage error per experiment. | | In IB, processed data uncertainties

CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION In this section you are expected to show what you are able to conclude from your results, how accurate was your hypothesis and how could you modify your experiment to obtain better results. Conclusions: The basic conclusions may include: 1. What you expected to obtain from your aim. In this experiment that includes two different results for gravity: a. One from SUVAT equations and one from the gradient of one plot, e.g. the acceleration obtained from SUVAT is: ____ b. The other from the gradient of one of the plots: e.g.The acceleration obtained from gradient is:_____ 2. Analyse the percentage errors that you obtained Page 2 of 3



3. Make a qualitative conclusion of EVERY plot you made, if there is nothing you can say about the plot, you may not include it, e.g. we were expecting a parabolic shape in the . plot 4. Effect of the errors in the experiment on the results 5. In IB, analysis for the processed data uncertainties. Evaluation: This section includes two parts: 1. What procedures on the method were problematic in obtaining good results and WHY. 2. HOW you can solve these problems You can show this two sections in a suitable table like this: Problem State a problem regarding: - collection of data - reliability of equipment / results - procedure Effect Recommended Improvement State the significance of this State a recommendation or problem. change that could improve THIS problem.

State HOW each problem affected your answer. E.g. HOW - error of equipment significant were the human error (Do NOT TALK ABOUT MISTAKES YOU in your data. Significance means MADE because if you make a mistake that you try to explain if these error (in the previous column) you should fix it!) makes the result change A LOT or A FEW and try to calculate HOW MUCH. But if one column becomes too long, use bullet points for every problem Stating each section: Problem #1: BLA BLA BLA The problem was .. The effect on the final result was. BECAUSE .. To improve this problem we could change the design/process by doing.. Problem #2: BLA BLA BLA The problem was .. The effect on the final result was. BECAUSE .. To improve this problem we could change the design/process by doing..

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