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CURRICULUM VITAE Alfonso Gmez-Lobo, Dr. phil. PRESENT APPOINTMENT Georgetown University Ryan Professor of Metaphysiscs and Moral Philosophy The White House Member, Presidents Council on Bioethics

Office address Department of Philosophy Georgetown University Washington, D.C. 20057-0001, USA Telephone (202) 687 7584, Fax (202) 687 4493 E-mail: Home address 11709 Enid Drive Potomac, MD 20854 Telephone and fax (301) 983 2902 PERSONAL AND FAMILY INFORMATION Born Jan. 1, 1940 in Via del Mar, Chile Married, four children, three grandchildren Naturalized U.S. citizen EDUCATION Undergraduate and graduate Catholic University, Valparaso, Chile Philosophy, Greek and Latin (1957-1958) University of Athens, Greece Philosophy, Ancient and Modern Greek (1958-1959) University of Munich, Germany Philosophy, Greek and Latin, Theology (1959-1961) Catholic University, Valparaiso, Chile Philosophy, Greek and Latin (1961-1962) Doctoral University of Tbingen, Germany Philosophy, Greek, Ancient History (1963-1964) University of Munich, Germany

2 Philosophy, Greek, Ancient History (1964-1966) Post-doctoral University of Heidelberg Research in Philosophy (1970-1972) Pennsylvania State University Interdisciplinary research (1976-1977) HONORS Typaldos Scholarship, Athens, Greece (1958-1959) Scholarship of the Bavarian State Department for Education, Munich (1960-1961) Scholarship of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn (1963-1966) Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn (1970-1972) Fulbright-Hays Travel Award for University Lecturing in USA (1974) Award of the Humboldt Foundation for Congress Participation and University Lecturing in the. Federal Republic of Germany (1976) Fellowship, Interdisciplinary Program Pennsylvania State University (1976-1977) Summer Academic Research Grants Georgetown University (1979,1981,1984,1986,1987, 1991) Research Fellowship Guggenheim Foundation, New York (1986) Appointment to the Ryan Chair Georgetown University (1996) Prize for contributions to Greek culture Embassy of Greece (1998) CERTIFICATION Licenciado en Filosofa y Educacin Catholic University of Valparaso (1963) Dr. phil., University of Munich (Philosophy, Classics, Ancient History) magna cum laude (1966)

APPOINTMENTS AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE Catholic University of Valparaso, Chile Instructor in Philosophy and Ancient History (1963); Lecturer in Philosophy (1966-1970); Chairman ad interim (1969-1969); Professor of Philosophy (1972-1973). Part-time appointments at the State University of Chile, Valparaso, and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago (1967-70, 1972-73). University of Puerto Rico Visiting appointment (Jan. -Dec. 1974 ) Pennsylvania State University Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Philosophy (1975-1977), Dept. of Classics (1976). Georgetown University Assistant Professor of Philosophy (1977-1979) Associate Professor of Philosophy (1979-1986) Professor of Philosophy (1986) Director, Greece Program (1981-1997) Ryan Professorship (1996) LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Spanish, Ancient Greek and Latin, English, German Modern Greek, French, Italian AREAS OF COMPETENCE Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas Ethics, Metaphysics, Basic Mathematical Logic, Frege Ancient Greek, Greek History, Greek Literature, Herodotus, Thucydides MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Philosophical Association, Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, American Catholic Philosophical Association, Advisory Committee of the Latinamerican Journal of Philosophy, Sociedad Filosofica Ibero-Americana, Board of Analogia. LECTURES AND PAPERS Pennsylvania State University (Dec. 1974) Duquesne University (Dec. 1974) Hiram College (Oct. 1975) American Philological Association (Dec. 1975) University of Heidelberg (Oct. 1976) University of Frankfurt (Oct. 1976)

4 Oriel College, Oxford (Oct. 1976) American Philosophical Association (Dec. 1976) American Philological Association (Dec. 1976) Stanford University (Jan. 1977) Georgetown University (Jan. 1977) Catholic University of America (Feb. 1977) American University (Mar. 1978) Aristotle World Congress, Greece (Aug. 1978) Catholic University of America (Oct. 1978) Bryn Mawr College (Mar. 1979) Pennsylvania State University (Feb. 1980) Washington Philosophy Club (April 1980) Goethe Institut, Chile (Aug. 1981) Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile (Aug. 1981) X Interamerican Congress of Philosophy,Tallahassee (Oct.1981) University of Iowa (Sept. 1982) Georgetown University, The President's Lectures (Jan.1982) XVII World Congress of Philosophy, Montreal (Aug. 1983) Goethe Institut, Chile (Nov. 1983) Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile (Nov. 1983) Am. Catholic Philosophical Association, (Mar.1984) University of Kentucky (April 1984) National University of Mexico (June 1984) University of Tuebingen (Oct. 1984) University of Notre Dame (March 1985) Am. Catholic Philosophical Association,(April 1985) XI Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Guadalajara (Nov. 1985) University of Valparaiso, Chile (April 1986) Catholic University of Chile, Santiago (May 1986) University of Chile, Santiago (May 1986) University of La Plata, Argentina (June 1986) University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (June 1986) National University of Mexico (July 1986) George Washington University (April 1987) University of Mnster, Germany (Sept. 1987) Hampden-Sydney College (Oct. 1987) University of Dayton, Ohio (Nov. 1987) Soc. for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Cincinnati (April 1988) University of Buenos Aires (July 1989) Catholic University of Chile (August, 1989) National University of Mexico (Nov. 1989) Catholic University of America (March 1990) University of Puerto Rico (March 1991) Am. Catholic Philosophical Association, Boston (April 1991) National University of Mexico (Oct. 1991) Law School, Diego Portales University, Santiago (April 1992) Cath. University of Chile (June 1992) Jesuit Central American University, El Salvador (Oct. 1992) Jesuit Central American University, El Salvador (Oct. 1993) Georgetown University (Nov. 1993) George Washington University (Feb. 1994) XIII Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Bogot (July 1994) Center for Hellenic Studies of Harvard University (Jan. 1996) Colgate University (March 1996) Center for Public Policy, Santiago, Chile (August 1996)

5 Universidad Jesuita Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile, (August 1998) Universidad de Valparaso, Chile (August 1998) Universidad Complutense, Madrid (September 1998) Johns Hopkins, Odyssey Program (Oct. 1998) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Sept. 1998) Universidad de Navarra (May 1999) Universidad de Barcelona (June 1999) XIV Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Puebla (Aug. 1999) Hellenic Society, Washington DC (Jan. 2000) International Socrates Congress, Athens and Delphi, Greece (July 2001) University of Rochester, New York (Oct. 2001) Hellenic Society, NY (with Prof. A. Nehamas, Princeton) (Oct. 2002) University of Michigan (Sept. 2003) Hillsdale College (Oct. 2003) Georgetown Medical School (Dec. 2003)

Alfonso Gmez-Lobo PUBLICATIONS Dissertation Symbebekos in der Metaphysik des Aristoteles , Mnchen: Ch. Schoen, 1966. Books Gottlob Frege, Lgica y Semntica introduccin, traduccin y seleccin bibliogrfica de Alfonso Gmez-Lobo, Valparaso: Ediciones Universitarias, 1972 (Spanish edition of the basic writings of the founder of modern mathematical logic). Parmnides , Texto, traduccin y comentario, Buenos Aires: Editorial Charcas, 1985 (an edition of the Greek text of Parmenides with Spanish translation and running commentary). La Etica de Scrates , Mxico: Fondo de Cultura Econmica, 1989; 2nd ed. Santiago: Editorial Andrs Bello, 1999. The Foundations of Socratic Ethics, Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 1994. (translated into English and partly rewritten by the author) Les Fondements de L'Ethique Socratique, Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1996 (translated into French by N. Ooms, with a preface by Michael Frede, Oxford). Platn, Eutifrn, Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1996 (translated from Greek into Spanish with introduction, analyses and notes). Platn, Critn, Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1998 (translated from Greek into Spanish with introduction, analyses and notes). El Poema de Parmnides, Texto griego, traduccin y comentario, 2nd. ed., Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1999. Morality and the Human Goods, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2001. Platn, Menn , Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 2002 (translated from Greek into Spanish with introduction, analyses and notes) Book chapters Antropologa Filosfica y Etica, in Rafael Sevilla (ed), La Evolucin, el Hombre y lo Humano , Tbingen, 1986, pp. 200-213. Autopredicacin, in C. Eggers Lan (ed.), Platn: Los Dilogos Tardos Actas del Symposium Platonicum de 1986, Mxico: UNAM, 1987, 103-123. Aristotle's Ethics in R. Cavalier, J. Guinlock and J. Sterba (eds), Ethics in the History of Western Philosophy, London: Macmillan/New York: St. Martin's, 1989.

Zur Logik und Ethik der Folter, in F. Inciarte & B. Wald (eds.) Menschenrechte und Entwicklung , Frankfurt/Main, 1992, pp. 49 - 59. El Nuevo Rostro del Iusnaturalismo in A.Squella (ed.), Positivismo Jurdico y Doctrinas del Derecho Natural, Valparaso: Universidad de Valparaso, 1998. El Bien y lo Recto en Aristteles in Carlos Garca Gual (ed.), Historia de la Filosofa Antigua, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, 1997. Aristteles y el Aristotelismo Antiguo in Jorge Gracia (ed.), Concepciones de la Metafsica, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, 1998. Articles "Aristteles y la actividad filosfica", Revista de Filosofa (Chile) 11 (1964): 67-74. "Aristteles en Cinco Lecciones de Filosofa de Xavier Zubiri", Revista de Filosofa (Chile) 12 (1965): 241-245. La Experiencia Filosfica en Plotino y San Agustn , Monografas de la Universidad Catlica de Valparaso, 1969 El Problema de la Verdad en la Metafsica de Aristteles , Monografas de la Universidad Catlica de Valparaso, 1970. "Platn, Sofista 244b 6 - d 13", Dilogos (Puerto Rico) 26 (1974): 131-137. "Trasmaco y el derecho en la Repblica de Platn", Teora (Chile) 1 (1975): 3-10. "Sobre 'lo que es en cuanto es' en Aristteles", Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 2 (1976): 19-26. "Martin Heidegger", Mensaje (Chile), 255 (1976): 623-629 "Nota crtica sobre la hermenutica", Escritos de Teora (Chile) 1 (1976):45-53. "Parmnides: Las Puertas del Da y de la Noche", Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 3 (1977): 185-188. "Las vas de Parmnides", Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 3 (1977): 269-281. "Filosofa Analtica", Mensaje 273 (1978): 649-652. "Plato's description of dialectic in the Sophist 253d" Phronesis 22 (1977): 29-47. "Aristotle's hypotheses and the Euclidean postulates", Review of Metaphysics (1977): 430-439. 30

"Aristotle's First Philosophy and the principles of particular disciplines", Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung 32 (1978): 183-194. "Platn, Sofista 256e 5 - 6", Crtica (Mxico) 11 (1979) 3-13.

"The so-called questions of existence in Aristotle, Posterior Analytics II. 1-2", Review of Metaphysics 34 (1980): 71-89. "Aristotle, Metaphysics H.2", Dilogos (Puerto Rico) 38 (1981): 7-12. "Dialectic in the Sophist . A reply to Waletzki", Phronesis 26 (1981): 80-83. "Retractacin sobre el proemio de Parmnides", Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 7 (1981): 253-260. "Definitions in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics " in Dominic O'Meara (ed), Studies in Aristotle , Washington, D.C., 1981, pp.25-46. "Deliberacin y razonamiento moral en Aristteles", Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 10 (1984): 253-260, reprinted in Anuario de Filosofa Jurdica y Social No 2, Estudios en memoria de Jorge Millas, Valparaso, 1984, 105-114. "El Proemio de Parmnides y sus intrpretes alemanes", Revista de Filosofa (Chile) 23-24 (1984): 59-76. "Etica de Scrates", Revista Universitaria (Universidad Catlica de Chile) 14 (1985): 8-11. "Es la metafsica aristotlica una ciencia buscada?", Revista de Filosofa (Chile) 25/26 (1985): 45-50. "Sobre la inferencia de la definicin aristotlica de la felicidad", Revista de Filosofa (Chile) 27/28 (1986): 15-23 "Etica Aristotlica Hoy", Philosophy and Culture , Proceedings of the XVII World Congress of Philosophy (Montreal, Aug. 1983), Vol. IV, Montreal, 1988, "Natural Law and Naturalism", Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 56 (1984): 232-249. "Derecho Natural: Un Anlisis Contemporneo de sus Fundamentos", Anuario de Filosofia Jurdica y Social (Valparaso, 1985): 177-198, reprinted in Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 12 (1986): 143-160. "Anotaciones crticas a la Apologa y Critn de la Biblioteca Clsica Gredos", Methexis 1 (1988): 89-95. "The ergon inference", Phronesis 34 (1989): 170-184, reprinted with changes in J.P. Anton & A. Preus, Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy , Vol. IV, Albany, 1991, pp. 43 57. "Philosophical remarks on Thucydides' Melian Dialogue", Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy , Vol. V, Lanham, 1991, pp. 181 - 203. "El dilogo de Melos y la visin histrica de Tucdides", Nova Tellus (UNAM, Mxico) 7 (1989):9 - 31, reprinted in Estudios Pblicos 44 (1991) 247-273. "Los axiomas de la tica socrtica", Methexis, 3 (1990): 1-13.

9 "La fundamentacin de la tica aristotlica," Dinoia (Mxico) 37 (1991): 1 - 15. Reprinted in Anuario Filosfico (University of Navarra) 32 (1999): 17 - 37. "Gregory Vlastos. In memoriam." Methexis 5 (1992): 123 - 128. "Problemas actuales en la fundamentacin de la tica," Persona y Sociedad (1992): 15 - 26. 6

"Un conjunto razonable de axiomas para la tica," Persona y Sociedad 6 (1992): 27 - 37. "Etica y Empresa", Administracin y Economa UC. (1992) 35-37. "Irona socrtica" Festschrift Filosofa 19 (1993) 189-202. for Ezequiel de Olaso, Revista Latinoamericana de

"Escritos polticos de Platn", Estudios Pblicos 51 (1993): 337-410. "Textos escogidos de la Etica Nicomaquea de Aristteles", Estudios Pblicos (1994): 273-326. 56

"Platn contra Tucdides", Carlos B. Gutirrez (ed.), El Trabajo Filosfico de Hoy en el Continente (Proceedings of the XIII Interamerican Congress of Philosophy) Bogot, 1995, 83 - 96. "Las intenciones de Herdoto", Estudios Pblicos 59 (1995): 65-80. "Scrates: Filsofo en el lmite?, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa 21 (1995): 159 - 165. "Aristotle's right reason" en R. Bosley, R. Shiner, J. Sisson (eds), Aristotle, Virtue and the Mean, (Supplementary Volume of Apeiron ) Edmonston, 1995, pp. 15 - 34. "Exposicin breve de la metafsica aristotlica", Estudios Pblicos 62 (1996): 309 327. "Seleccin de textos histrico-polticos de Tucdides", Estudios Pblicos 64 (1996): 225 - 330. "Las olimpadas en el mundo antiguo", Estudios Pblicos 65 (1996): 81 - 101. "Exposicin breve de la tica aristotlica", Estudios Pblicos 71 (1998) 297 - 319. [Publications between 1999 and 2003 are missing] Translations G. Frege, "Sobre sentido y denotacion", Dilogos 22 (1972)147-170 (from German into Spanish) "La digresion filosofica de la Carta VII de Platon", Dilogos 26 (1974) 119-129 (from Greek into Spanish) Joachim Ritter, "On the foundations of practical philosophy in Aristotle",

10 Contemporary German Philosophy 2 (1983) 39-58 (from German into English) Bibliography "Platon, El Sofista. Una seleccion bibliografica", Dialogos 28 (1975) 141-151 (includes over 100 titles of editions, trans., books and articles on the Sophist , with brief introduction and notes) Book reviews E. Tugendhat, TI KATA TINOS, Eine Untersuchung zu Struktur und Ursprung aristotelischer Grundbegriffe, Freiburg, 1958, Revista de Filosofia (Chile) 8 (1961) 129-130 Aristotle, De Anima , ed. with intr. and comm. by Sir David Ross, Oxford, 1961, Anales de la Universidad de Chile 140 (1966) 268-270 O. Pggeler, Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers , Pfullingen, 1963, Anales de la Universidad de Chile 145 (1868) 159-162 Idee und Zahl , Studien zur platonischen Philosophie, Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, 1968, Dialogos 17 (1969) 119-122 Aristoteles, De Anima , trad. y notas por A.Llanos, Buenos Aires, 1969, Dialogos 17 (1969) 122-124 Aristoteles, Metaphysik, uebers.von H. Bonitz, hrsg. von H. Carvallo und E. Grassi, Hamburg, 1966, Dialogos 17 (1969) 124-126 H. Gundert, Der platonische Dialog , Heidelberg, 1968 , Dialogos 17 (1969) 126-128 G.W.F. Hegel, Werke, Frankfurt/Main, 1969-1971, Dialogos 22 (1972) 201-204 G. Frege, Nachgelassene Schriften , Hamburg, 1969, Dialogos 23 (1972) 187-190 L. Routila, Die aristotelische Idee der ersten Philosophie, Amsterdam, 1969, Dialogos 25 (1973) 174-177 J.L. Blasco, Lenguaje, Filosofia y Conocimiento , Barcelona, 1973, Dialogos 27 (1974) 141-144 T.M. Simpson (ed), Semantica Filosofica: Problemas y Discusiones, Buenos Aires, 1973, Dialogos 27 (1974) 144-146 G. Vlastos (ed), Plato I: Metaphysics and Epistemology , Garden City, N.Y., 1970, Dialogos 27 (1974) 174-176 G. Vlastos, Platonic Studies , Princeton, 1973, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 1 (1975) 254-265 R.A. Orayen, La Ontologa de Frege , La Plata, Dialogos 28 (1975) 157-163

11 Aristote, thique a Eudeme , intr., traduction, notes et indices par V. Dcarie, Paris/Montreal, 1978, Review of Metaphysics 32 (1979) 735-736 W.D.Ross, Aristoteles , Buenos Aires, 1981, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, 7 (1981) 284-286 J. Finnis, Natural Law and Natural Rights , Oxford, 1980, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 8 (1982) 282-284 G.S. Kirk, J.E. Raven and M. Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers , Second Edition, Cambridge, 1983, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 11 (1985) 189-191 H. Flashar (hrsg), Aeltere Akademie-Aristoteles-Peripatos , (Ueberweg, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie , Die Philosophie der Antike, Band 3), Basel/Stuttgart, 1983, Journal of the History of Philosophy , 24 (1986) 403-407 E. Lled, La Memoria del Logos , Madrid, 1984, Archiv fr Geschichte der Philosophie 70 (1988): 103 - 104. A. Cappelletti, Las Teoras del Sueo en la Filosofa Antigua, Mxico, 1989, Ancient Philosophy 11 (1991): 445 - 447. M. Isnardi Parente, Stoichi Antichi, Filosofa 17 (1991): 357 - 358. Torino, 1989, Revista Latinoamericana de Ithaka, 1991, Methexis 5

G. Vlastos, Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher, (1992): 163 - 166.

S. Broadie, Ethics with Aristotle, Oxford, 1991, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research , 55 (Sept. 1995): 728 - 731.

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