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___Advanced Health____

Health Career Project Guidelines

This is the formal quarter assessment for the second half of the course and should be treated (think time, effort, and attention to details/rubric) as the final for the course. The purpose of this project is to assist you in outlining information and skills needed by an individual looking into pursuing a health related career of your choosing. Ideally this option would be something you have a genuine interest in and looking into pursuing as it is intended to serve as a stepping stone to the important decisions you will be making shortly regarding your education. This may include: Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners (i.e. Surgeons, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Veterinarians, Psychiatrists) Associate Health Careers Related to Medicine and Dentistry (i.e. Dental Hygienist, Dietitian, Nurselicensed practitioner, Personal Trainer) Adjunctive Health Careers (Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T.), Medical Technician, Anesthesiologist Assistant, Radiologist, etc.) Rehabilitation Careers (i.e. Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Respiratory Therapist, etc) Alternative Medicine (i.e. Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, Acupuncture, Radiology, etc.) Education (i.e. Teaching, Community-Based Health) Public Health (i.e. Epidemiology, Research) Resources for researching possible health careers: 1. (Occupational Outlook Handbook) 2. (Vocational Information Center: Health Career Guide) 3. 4. (O*Net Online) Your task is to research the career, interview a professional and then present the career to our class. You will have over two months to complete this project and several days of class time in the lab. Step 1: Pick a career and utilizing the internet; research basic information about the health career. Consult at least 3 sources with 2 sources being entirely different. Cite (M.L.A.) all 3 or more of your resources on your attached outline. Step 2: Create a one page occupational fact sheet integrating the most pertinent information related to the career (see rubric for specifics). You will be expected to email me your fact sheet at least a week before the project is due. Step 3: Find individuals in the surrounding communities that may serve as contacts and set up an interview. Possible interview questions are on the following page. Cross reference your fact sheet and ask about any discrepancies. Make sure you acquire some proof of contact (business card, email, and signed note from guardian). Honors students will be expected to demonstrate a skill related to the field (conduct a sobriety test, prepare nutritious meal, fill out a professional document, show correct method for performing exercises, etc.) this is something that your interviewer may be able to assist you with. Step 4: Complete an outline/typed copy of your interview as well as a summary (overview of what you did) and reaction (feedback regarding the experience) and also write a thank you letter/email to the individual. Step 5: Make any changes in your fact sheet that you learned from your interview and organize your presentation. Email me your presentation if you are utilizing an electronic form (suggested).

___Advanced Health____
Health Career Project (Honors Option) Rubric
Name: _____________________________________
Technological Component (Expected to Present Utilizing Prezi, PPT,or SlideRocket) Overview of Career Information (Same Info as Fact Sheet Below) Overview of Interview (Summary/Reaction, Lessons Learned, Discrepancies) Career Plan and Philosophy (Path, Plan of Action, Career Philosophy Statement) Demonstration of skill related to field (Specific Application, Newly Acquired Skill) Conclusion (Career Philosophy Statement and General Overview of Project/Career)

Career: ____________________________
(Part of Preparation , Organization and Overall Grade) Email Presentation if Using Technology Email Fact Sheet 1 Week Before Due Date Hard Copy of (Separate Documents): Fact Sheet, Interview, Summary, Career Goals Document, Resources/Bib, Proof of Thank You

I. GRADED CRITERIA A. Fact Sheet Possible ___/13 1. Definition of Occupation 1 2. Nature of Work (Day to Day Activities, Environment, Conditions, Hours) 1 3. Skills/Abilities Required (Personal, Technical, Aptitude for Content) 1 4. Training/Education Required (Degrees, Certification, etc.) 1 5. Earnings (Yearly Expected Income) 1 6. Job Outlook (Future Expected Growth or Decline, Explanation to Change) 1 7. Expectations (Travel?, Stress Level, Flexibility) 1 8. Organization of Fact Sheet (Headings, Bullets, Ease of Reading, etc.) 2 9. Creativity (Pictures, Formatting, etc.) 2 10. Prepared (Emailed to Me Before Due Date) 2 B. Professional Interview & Summary Possible ___ /27 1. Typed Interview a. Questions Regarding the Job (See Suggestions) 10 b. Questions Regarding the Individual (See Suggestions) 10 2. General Overview (Summary and Reaction) 7 a. Summary (The 5 Ws) b. Reaction (Expected vs. Learned Info, Rx to Person/Career, Overall Lessons) C. Career Plan and Philosophy Possible ___ /20 1. Your Career Path (or Typical Path) and Plan of Action 10 a. Universities or Schools Offering Degree/Certification (Cost, Length of Program) b. Specific Requirements to Attain Degree/Certification (Courses, Clinical Work) c. Questions or Points to Consider in Selection Process 2. Career Philosophy Statement 10 a. What You Will Bring to the Profession, How Your Values Fit the Career. b. Your Personal Approach/Perspective to Career w/ 5, 10, 15 Year and Career Goals. D. Demonstration of Skill Related to Field Possible ___/10 1. Specific application (To Chosen Career) 2. Newly acquired skill (Above Common Knowledge) 3. Demo Presentation (Preparation, Organization, Explained Application and Intended Use) E. Complete List of Resources Possible ___/10 1. Typed Bibliography (MLA Citation of at least 3 Sources) 3 2. Proof of Contact (Business Card/Signed Note from Parent) 4 3. Proof of Thank You Note or Email (Photocopy or Print Email) 3 II. Presentation Grading Criteria Possible ___/20 Poor Average Excellent A. Prep. & Organ. 1 2 3 4 5 B. Creative/ Interesting 1 2 3 4 5 C. Thorough/Complete 1 2 3 4 5 D. Demonstrate Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5

Total: ____/100 Comments:

___Advanced Health____
Health Career Project (Non-Honors) Rubric
Name: _____________________________________
EXPECTED PRESENTATION CONTENT Technological Component (Not Mandatory But Will Greatly Facilitate Presentation) Overview of Career Information (Same Info as Fact Sheet Below) Overview of Interview (Summary/Reaction, Lessons Learned, Discrepancies) Career Goals (Short Term, Midrange and Long Term Goals with ) Conclusion (General Overview of Project/Career)

Career: ____________________________


(Part of Preparation , Organization and Overall Grade) Email Presentation if Using Technology Email Fact Sheet 1 Week Before Due Date Hard Copy of (Separate Documents): Fact Sheet, Interview, Summary, Career Goals Document, Resources/Bib, Proof of Thank You

II. GRADED CRITERIA A. Fact Sheet Possible ___/15 1. Definition of Occupation 1 2. Nature of Work (Day to Day Activities, Environment, Conditions, Hours) 1 3. Skills/Abilities Required (Personal, Technical, Aptitude for Content) 1 4. Training/Education Required (Degrees, Certification, etc.) 1 5. Earnings (Yearly Expected Income) 1 6. Job Outlook (Future Expected Growth or Decline, Explanation to Change) 1 7. Organization of Fact Sheet (Headings, Bullets, Ease of Reading, etc.) 3 8. Creativity (Pictures, Formatting, etc.) 3 9. Prepared (Emailed to Me Before Due Date) 3
B. Professional Interview & Summary Possible ___ /30 1. Typed Interview a. Questions Regarding the Job (See Suggestions) 10 b. Questions Regarding the Individual (See Suggestions) 10 2. General Overview (Summary and Reaction) 10 a. Summary (The 5 Ws) b. Reaction (Expected vs. Learned Info, Rx to Person/Career, Overall Lessons) C. Career Goals Possible /20 1. Short-Term Goals (These Should be Goals For Next Year or Two) 5 a. What You Need to Do in High School to Set You Up for Success 2. Midrange Goals (Next 4-6 Year Goals) 5 a. College or Professional Training (Different Colleges/Majors, etc.) 3. Long-Range Goals (Long Term Career Goal; Where Do You Want to End Up) 5 4. Identify Specific Steps Required to Achieve Each Goal (Timeline, Benchmarks, etc) 5 D. Complete List of Resources 1. Typed Bibliography (MLA Citation of at least 3 Sources) 2. Proof of Contact (Business Card/Signed Note from Parent) 3. Proof of Thank You Note or Email (Photocopy or Print Email) III. Presentation Grading Criteria Poor A. Prep. & Organ. 1 B. Creative/ Interesting 1 C. Thorough/Complete 1 D. Demonstrate Knowledge1 Average 3 3 3 3 Possible ___/15 5 5 5 Possible ___/20 Excellent 5 5 5 5

2 2 2 2

4 4 4 4

Total: ____/100 Comments:

___Advanced Health____
Health Career Project Potential Questions/Fact Sheet Information
About the person: 1. Name. 2. Title and Company. 3. Contact Information. 4. How long have you worked at the company? 5. How long have you worked in in the field? 6. How did you get started in this field? 7. What are your future career plans? 8. What job(s) did you have prior to this position? 9. What is your educational background? 10. What courses were most useful to you? Which courses would you recommend? 11. What specific advice would you give to someone entering this field? About the job: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define the occupation. Describe the principle activity? Nature of Work? Work commitment (full-time/part time), how many hours typically worked? What is a typical workday like? How would you describe the work environment? What aspects of your job take the most time? What do you like the most about your job? What do you like the least about your job? What skills/abilities are most important to succeed in this job? a. General People Skills: b. Listening Skills: c. Oral Skills d. Writing Skills e. Computer/Technology Skills f. Organizational Skills 10. What is the path of career advancement in this field? 11. What type of continuing education is required or may be necessary later in this career? 12. What is the work environment like regarding overtime, hours of work, vacation, office attire? 13. What can I expect in terms of salary for entry level and long term? Tips for the interview: 1. This would be a great opportunity to ask about the skill demonstration component. They will have an idea to assist you with this. 2. Enjoy talking with the person. It's a great opportunity to learn a lot of valuable information. Remember that this person is taking time out of their busy schedule for you! 3. Review your notes after the interview, taking time to process. What was your impression?

4. Clarify your reactions to the interviewee vs. the occupation. If you left the interview feeling discouraged, was it because of what you learned or the person you spoke with? 5. Try to envision yourself in this occupation. 6. Let the person know if he or she confirmed your interest in their career. 7. Keep in touch-he or she may be a valuable resource when you begin your job search!

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