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2013 APA Annual Convention

Copyright 2013 American Psychological Association. All Rights Reserved

Presentation Guidelines for Speakers

This guide has been designed to help you prepare for your presentation. Below are some guidelines, tips, and advice to follow in preparation for a successful presentation at the 2013 APA Annual Convention. The presentation you are about to give may be recorded, including video, audio, photographs and whatever you show on the projection screen. To ensure we obtain the best footage and create a top-quality product, there are a several guidelines we ask you to follow prior to and throughout your presentation. This document also contains advice on how to use the 2013 APA Annual Convention PowerPoint template. The PowerPoint template should be used in conjunction with this guide when developing your presentation.

1. Do Not Use Copyrighted Materials. o This includes unpublished results or any other material you are not comfortable sharing publicly. 2. Prior to Your Presentation, Check to Ensure You Are Using 4:3 Slide Formats. o The projectors are formatted for 4:3 slides. If you use 16:9 formats, the slides will not look as good in the room or online. 3. Use the Provided House Microphone or and/or Wireless Lapel Microphone. 4. Remember to Make Direct Eye Contact With the Audience and Camera. o This makes for a very engaging presentation both for your live audience and those who will be watching the video. 5. Repeat Audience Questions Prior to Answering. o This ensures that we capture both the question and answer.


We recommend that you use the provided PowerPoint template. 1. Open the PowerPoint template distributed with these guidelines. 2. Save the file with the following naming convention Last Name-Session-Name.ppt (for example Johnson-Opening-Session.ppt). We use this naming convention to manage a number of presentations scheduled for the convention.

2013 APA Annual Convention

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Presentation Guidelines for Speakers

This shows the title of your presentation. Add your full name, title, and institution or company name If you have a co-speaker, please add them on a second line Please insert your institution or company logo if applicable This must be slide one.

Shows the topics you plan to cover during your presentation Avoid using 2nd-level bullets Consider coming back to this slide during a long presentation as this will explain where you are in the presentation flow

2013 APA Annual Convention

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Presentation Guidelines for Speakers

Please summarize your presentation Recap the main points you want attendees to take away with them Audiences do not typically retain more than four key points

This should be the final slide in the slideshow Include your full name, title, institution or company name, web site, email, and phone Include your institution or company logo again, if you prefer

2013 APA Annual Convention

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