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Frank & fldna Horii Caixa Postal 801 j3Glem, Para BraziX



Forwarding Secretary; Miss Bessio Wilson Box 333 Crossvillc, Tennessee


March 196^

Dear Christian Friends,

v/ith the lord's help V7c will do our best for the Home, The Homo was founded through the love that Christ inspires for the less fortunate... and it is this same love that wo try
to instill in the children.

viith a new year concs .^any opportunities, new possibilites, and responsibilities.


v'/e had a wonderful Christmas, nil of the children received gifts of clothing and Stan and Donna ./ohlenhaus are nev? missionaries here and with their family Dick,

and Sarah Robison joined us and all the children at Christmas dinner.

'.ie want to thanlc all who sent cards, letters, and money for Christmas. It is so nice to get mail and hear news from home, n'o used the money to buy some netr clothes for the
family .and to help trith our trip to Belo for the conference.

V/e left Belem for Brazilia at 10:35 on January 33^d and landed in Belem at 11 :00 A. l. with magnito trouble. vJe then took off again at ^:30 P. M., after the office

workers telling us for 5| hours that we would not need to wait any time at all before taking off again. V/e finally landed in Brazilia at 9:35 F, M. Bill Metz, Bill Loft, and \ Jim korcland met us. The officials had told Bill Loft at that our plane would no 1 longer bo coming in, but would v'ait until the next day. He found out tliat we were coming ' : in tnat night, I5 minutes before we landed and had about I5 miles to go to get to the airport. It took us about 10 minutes to got off the plane, so they got there before we
got to tho airport.

printing shop for the literature of the Churches of Christ, Christian Churches, in Brazil, ^'"ie spoke with iiid I'^nowlos and looked over the shop. The equipment is an intertype,
shop needs more funds so that they can hire more workers and be able to print more material. Printing is behind schedule because of the lack of workers.

Goias^on Saturday the to.

i'le stayed with Bill Heta in Gama section of Brazilia Friday night, and went to Goinia;,

There we saw the printing set up of ".VPLIC," which is our

Hidleberg printing press, electric paper cutter, a whole lot of type, book stapler, pcrferator, folder, and electric melter for lead. I think this is'all they have. The
We returned to j^rasilia on Saturday night, stopping over in jmapolis, Goias to sec

^e Cass and Ficrce families.


On Sunday we X'rent to church in Gama and i.minha with

The majority of the people in Brasilia are living in temporary houses until they can get
The area is very promising in prospects for Christ.

He has buxlt a chapol in Garcia and put up a board hut in Gaminha for church services.

The people have been uprooted from their old homes and arc thus more easily turned tovrard Christ as nou they do not worry what their neighbors may think of them as they are all
strangers to each other.

some permanent buildings of brick.

tes (in the state of i-iinas Gerias) for the Ilissionary Conference. We left Brasilia at
ters and we drome 11 of these with water in the gasoline.

On Monday and Tuesday wo were busy getting ready to go from Brasilia to Belo Horizon- j
It took about an hour to cover

about 11:00 ... H, and arrivad in Iblo about 9:00 P, H. This is a distance of 720 kilome

the church every for our sessions. The afternoon and evening sessions wore held in the hotel. Those were very inspiring and thought provoking. \h have many new ideas
which wc can use in the Belem area for the advancement of Christ,

that distance to the nejzt filling station. I'/e vrere driving Bill Metz's car. In Belo, wo stayed, in the Hotel Sao i-lgucl and rode the city buses back and forth to
I believe that if some

of the those practices were put in in some of the congregations that are sleeping, they would soon become on fire for Christ, For the answer to any question we go more and

more to the Bible and find that it gives the answer to all of the questions in church


control and discipline,

'./o returned to Brasilia on January I6th.

On Friday and Saturday, Bill Motz and 1 attempted to get better prepared for the

meeting which began on Sunday, January 19th and ended on Friday the 24th,
every night of the meeting, which cut the attendance to a certain extend. night there were three, women who came fon-rard and made their confessions.
the Lord adds to His Church as He sees fit and in His own tirao.

It rained
On Friday V/e feel that

This is evidence of the

working of the Lord.

On Sunday the 26th, I preached in Taguatinga and had one come forward, making his
confession and iras baptized iriimediately.
making transfer of memberships.

There were also four others vrho came forx-rard,

On i/cdnesday the 29th, I preached in Piano Piloto and had one come forward and re
affirm his faith in Clirist. Tlio workings of the Lord are marvelous in all His wayn. Those three churches are in moro or less a triangle, vrith them being about 20 miles apart, rlano. Filoto is the center of Brasilia, and' Taguatinga and Gama are two of the satellites gathered around the center on the outside. There are several other satellites.

On February 1st, we arrived back in Bolem about 8 P, li, v/o took a taxi from the airport to the house. It cost .65 to come a little over 10 miles. -Jo had worldnen viorking on the house all the time wc vjore gone and had hoped to bo able to move in immediately, but they wore hindered by mai^ things. We have no lights except for kerosene so they could, not vrork after dark. *nothcr things is that the mater ial does not alxTays arrive when it is promised. The wood and cement that had been prom ised for deliver^'- the week after wo left for Brasilia did not arrive, so the x-rorkmen did
not get done all that could have been done because the material was not available. Before wo can move in they must put doim the floors in two bedrooms and part of the living room. ^Jlso the plumbing must be finished in the kitchen and bathrooms.

School opened liarch 2nd, however, all public schools will open the 15th, The only reason for their later opening' is that the registration is too low to justify opening sooner. In Brazil there is no requirement that all children attend school. The only
ones who attend ?.re those whoso parents s send them and make them study. So if ones parents do not send them to public school, nor have money for a private school, then they do not learn to read and write. Some .
KSmu BY:


try to got work at a very early age to help with family expenses, but really xrorlf vory
l i t t l e as there is not much incentive,


Non Profit Organ, [J. S. Postage Pd, GROVE CHRISTI..N CHURCH Strawberry Plains ronncssee - 37871 Mrs, Harold StJilor
PlLiii'IIT i'lUI'lBSR 2

R, D. 4 - Patty Road
Knoxville, Tonnessoe

i..nyone wishing to send money to us,

please mark it for missions, house, person al, or whatever is desired, and mail it
to I-iiss Bessie l/ilson at the above address.

V/rite a note todajri

It Trill mean


so much to us and the children of the

Home to hear from you. xJ.1 of us send you aux regards and may the Lord bless you.

5'lorence Douglas

-Flora, Illinois

Property of LIBBABT
OZAKK lir--



W~7 K

MAZOia VALLEY HOME Frank and Edna Horn Caixa Postal 801

BgIgiu, Para, Brazil



t'iiss Bossio Wilson

Box 333

Cro s s vi11g, Tonno s so e

I b



. 7 '
y "t


with thoiii and helped them find us, Wc wore so happy

1 oth.

plane an American x-roman missionary who got in a taxi

did not knoxf that they wore coming because: their let ters arrived after,they did. . Thus, we did not meet ' them at the airport. Hov^ever, there was on their

Frank's parents arrived in Bolon. on Iferch 5th, Wd

to see them after more than 3 years. They left 14arch

:q.uipi^ent arrives

to Erazil with the- Stan i^olhenhaus family in November. We got the small one out of customs in January (this
cratc contained a washing machine and our Christmas
that Franl<' s parents arrived I

grader blades for the tractor. He and Frank*s brother packed ohem in a crate with some popcorn and other things for us, Hiis crate and another smaller one came

Frank's father bought a plow, mowing machine, and

presents), but the other came out on mrch 5th-.the day

shipping to Mew York, and then arrived here in Brazil in time to unpack it and help use it a little bit.

Horn paid for the equipment, packed it, paid

Frank's parents also shelled the popcorn and wo and all the children of the Home had a nice big pop
corn party,

ditches with the plow, so this equipment has already

been put to good use,

Frank has been mowing and has also cleaned some

: March 9th was the opening day for the school here .at the Homo. This is a primary school for the children

Clodinca (the girls' Housemother), and our primary

school secretary who also lives with the girls.

of the Home and also neighboring children. The High School students go to Icoarci. Four young, women from the Home attend hig^ school. They are two of the girl who grew hero in the Home, the adopted daughter of

The opening day for Para Bible Institute was also March 9th, Frank is now teaching Christian Doctrino

at the Institute on V/ednesclay and Friday mornings.


is happy to have this opportunity to teach.

-J* " -

April was a i^nth of revival for this area of Brazil. ifcariMa'Church-April 19-25Bill Loft (Brazilia) Evan gelist; Outcria Church-April 26-I4ay" 3-Jim. Horeland (tlo- capa) Evangelist, Wc took the children of the Home in
groups--not all at one time all had a wonderful


Some of the children sang specials and k were It was

baptized, Frank had the privilege of baptizing'them, '/Jo had an afternoon mooting at Outcria on April 26,
There Wore 325 present and 15 were -baptized.
really a happy day,
SI ^xs

Sill loft arrived on April l6th with 3 now boys for

the Homo, Thoy are from Toguatinga, Brasilia. Their ages are 11, 9| and 0,- Thoy are brothers whose father abandondcd the family. Their mother is very poor and still has some children at homo to try to take care of,

V/e were not able to accopt the whole family.

Pray for these ncvr boys and for all of us. have 25 boys and 6 girls.
We have 3 scrviccs a week here at the Homo vrith

Wo now

Frank in chargc of each one. They are: Sunday morning , and Wednesday 9-11 A. il,, Sunday afternoon 45 P
7:30-8:30 P. M,

Hic offerings go "to various missionary projects,

such as APLIC (literature association),SEVIC (Evangel izing Association in Bolem), and some of the congrega
tions in this area, >fc viant the children to learn to . .

share with others and have the missionary spirit.

FACE ^JT FOR DORIHTORY MD TRUCK The dormitory was in need of repair, so we began by putting brick and ccmcnt pillars undor it to roplace
the old wooden ones.

The truck really did got a face-lifting. It has been repaired and painted. On each door is painted the Homo's name and address in Portuguese.
uoyim?_ Please notify us as soon as you knovr what the now address is. Each return is 0^, and you can save us that expense, r-irs, Harold A, Sv7ilcr,Rt,4,ICnoxville,Tonn.


' -

Please do not send money in any fom directly to Brazil. Thoro is too nuch danger of it getting lost, Wo know of some letters, that have been lost in the mailalso some monoy.

Bessie Wilson, then none will be lost. Our money is handlcd_like this: Sent to Kiiss Bessie Wilson; she de posits it in the banlc and sends us the report of money
vlHo bank. Mss Bessie is a volunteer worker, receiv ing no py for her work. It is Christian work she is performing. If someone wants to send a personal gift (aside from mission giving) it should be sent to l-Iiss Bessie and marked "Personal" for "Birthday" (for exam ple) and she will note that in her report to us. V/o
need and appreciate all contributions,

If people will send all contributions to Miss


Then we write checks down here on the' Cross-

truly blessed us. with good health, Brenda is growing and learning now things every d 7. She still has very little haijj and no tooth yet, but Grandma and Grandpa
thought she 'was great any^'fay.

^^ F^LY Wo arc so thankful that we are all well,

God has

Grandma and Grandpa bought I-Iichacl a toy tractor

to ride so ho is really happy playing that ho docs what
daddy does with his real tractor.

llo do enjoy hearing from you, so please write to us soon. All of us send our regards and may the Lord
bless all of you as you vjork for Him.

R. D, ^ - Patty Road Knoxville, Tennessee

c/o tirs, H. A. SvJilor


U.S. Postage Pd,


Non Profit Organ." Strawberry Plains Tennossoo - 3787I

POSTD'IASTER: Return requested

if undoliverable.

florence Douglas
-^Ibora, Illinois

A- v

Frank and Edna Horn

U,S.A.- Rt. 1

Brazil - Caixa Postal 801

Howard, Ohio

Belein, ParsT, Brazil




Mrs. F. M. Setser 2835 Hackman Street

Knoxviile, Tennessee 37920

Frank was born on November 28, 1934, the first of two boys,
and was reared on a farm near Howard, Ohio. I was immersed

in April, 1943 and became a member of the Howard Church of Christ. I graduated from Howard High School in 1952 and from Johnson Bible College in 1957. Besides student ministeries, 1 have served the Milford Church of Christ (Christian, Centerburg, Ohio.
On November 23, 1938 Edna Joan Adcock was born in De

troit, Michigan, the last of four children. At the age of thirteen

she moved to Thorn Grove, Tennessee where she was immersed

and became interested in specialized Christian service. In 1955 she moved to Morristown, Tennessee and moved her membership to the First Christian Church. She graduated from Morristo^

High School in 1956 and from Johnson Bible College in 1960.

We met at J. B. C. and were married on August 1, 1958. Michael Irvin was born on September 2, 1960, just a few months
before we left for Brazil. And Brenda Jeannette was born on

August 5, 1963 while we were in Brazil. The Lord has greatly blessed us with these two fine, healthy children.
We arrived in Brazil on February 5, 1961 and docked in

Ico^acit We went to the Amazon Valley Christian Home for

Children and worked there until our return to the states on

June 17, 1964. During this time we worked in many facets of the Home. We have been in charge of the girls, some of the

boys, over the whole Home, taken care of the school program,
and have been responsible for the church services. I have taught one semester in the Para Bible Institute, which is our

preacher training school and have helped organize SEVIC.

SEVIC was organized to evangelize the Belem areSi through a library, reading room, radio, newspapers, and correspondence

While we were in Brazil we enjoyed working with the Brazil ians. There are many things which make spreading the gospel of Christ a challenging task. One of the hardest things to deal with is that 90% of the people in that area are illiterate. They are a people who need very much to learn about Jesus Christ and His

The communists decided to take over Brazil on May 1, 1964.

In order to do so they decided to get the country into as much

confusion as possible. It was begun by strikes and shortages of all kinds. We had a bread and gasoline shortage and then ziiany strikes tied up all means of public transportation and commun

ication. They believed that after a month of this kind of confusion,

the Brazilians (army and all) would be in such a turmoil that they could easily take over the country. They made people quit working and stirred up confusion of any kind to achieve their aim. They were going to use the communist guns and ammunition which were hidden throughout the nation to conquer it from within, as the revolution was to be an internal one. The army found 6000 ma chine guns plus other ammunition about five miles from where we
were living.

If we will compare the known conmiunist demonstrations of

Brazil before the revolution with the strikes, demonstrations,

etc. which are being carried on here in the U. S., we can tell just

how great an inroad the communists have made here. We xnust get down on our knees and really pray that God will take charge
of our hearts and lives so the communists will not be able to
take over our nation.

Since our return to the U. S. we have been traveling and tell

ing many of the churches about the work in Brazil so they will be
better able to understand that which the Lord wants done for Him

and His Kingdom. At the present we have $95.00 pledged support

and need a total of $500.00 per month to take care of our expenses,

this next term. Three hundred of this is for salary and the other '
two hundred is for service link.

The Lord willing, we will return to Brazil after Christmas to take over the directorship of the home. 1 also hope tQ work with the Bible Institute and SEVIC as well as being the preacher

for the Home congregation. Edna will be taking care of our fam ily and helping with as much mission work as she can.
We thank all of you who have prayed for and supported us
while we were in Brazil. Please continue. We also want to ex

press our appreciation to Miss Bessie for being our forwarding secretary for the past four years. We are sorry that because of other responsibilities she is unable to continue in this capacity. However, we are thankful that Mrs. Setser of the Woodlawn con

gregation has volunteered to continue where Miss Bessie left off.

Miss Bessie did not and Mrs. Setser will not receive any salary for these services. They do it to the glory of Qod. Thank you.

Will you $END or END the Gospel? These are the only two
choices please make the right onel Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scatter-

eth.* (Mt. 12:30) there is no middle road> Jesus said, "So

then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will

spue thee out of my mouth." (Rev. 3:16).

Those who do not know Christ are lost. "He that believeth

and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be

damned;" (Mk. 16:16). But they can be saved! "For whosoever

shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then

shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ? and how shall they preach, except they be sent?" (Rm. 10:13-15a). You cannot be a Christian unless you are willing to help others learn of Christ.

Please support missions for the sake of your own soul and the
souls <rf others. Please support with concern, prayer, and money.


. ..RMiT #55

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