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political socialization the process by which we develop our political values and opinions throughout our lives -begins

in childhood: parents, schools -generates participation


agents of socialization the individuals, organizations and institutions that facilitate the acquisition of political views 1. family 2. media (social norms, core values, national agenda) 3. schools (patriotism) 4. churches 5. peers and group norms 6. political leaders (their priorities=ours) 7. demographic characteristics

gender gap the measurable difference in the way women and men vote for candidates and in the way they view political issues

generational effect the impact of an important external event in shaping the views of a generation

public opinion the public's expressed views about an issue at a specific point in time -linked to ideology

public opinion poll a survey of a given population's opinion on an issue or a candidate at a particular point in time

straw poll a poll conducted in an unscientific manner, used to predict election outcomes by Library Digest -error of the casual mind -Gallup miscalculated Dewey and Truman presidency outcomes

population in a poll, the group of people whose opinions are of interest and or about whom information is desired

random sampling a scientific method of selection for a poll in which each member of the population has equal chance at being included in the sample -quota sampling- a method by which pollsters structure a sample so that it is representative of the characteristic of the target population -stratified sampling- a process of random sampling in which the national population is divided into fourts and certain areas within these regions are selected as a representative of national population (Best Way)

sampling error "Margin of Error" statistical calculation of the difference in results between a poll of randomly drawn sample and a poll of the entire population


tracking poll polls that measure changes in public opinion over the court of days, weeks or months by repeatedly asking respondents the same questions and measuring changes in their responses

push polls a special type of poll that both provides information to campaigns about candidate strength and weaknesses and attempts to skew public opinion about a candidate -show voter priorities

exit polls polls conducted at polling places on Election Day to project the winner of an election before polls close -explain why voters voted the way they did

interest groups organizations that seek to achieve some of their goals by influencing government decision making

social capital the many ways in which our lives are improved by social connections -relationships that improve our lives by giving us social connections, which solves common problems -Putman: improves life, happiness, health, communities= efficacy increases= gov't officials respond= more likely to influence again

pluralist theory a theory that holds that policy making is a competition among diverse interest groups that ensure the representation of individual interests. -importance of large numbers of diverse groups that rep. a variety of views -interest groups essential to democracy/ structure for political participation

elite theory a theory that holds that a group of wealthy, educated individuals wields most political power -elites use power to protect economic interests -elites control major policies -can attain power through education (elites hold power, but are checked by interest groups)

interests groups... 1. educate public about issues 2. provide citizens with access to activism 3. mobilize citizens and stimulate participation 4. perform electoral functions 5. provide info. and expertise to policy makers 6. integral part of gov'ts checks and balances

"quasi public" -political party tax payers don't own political parties but they have to justify what they do, and must answer votes

disturbance theory groups form when relationships get disturbed -individuals (Mother's against drunk driving) -diversity of society (groups form for interests) -threatened interests (neighborhood watch after someone breaks in)

economic interest group groups with economic/ business interests EX: Chamber of Commerce and Better Business Bureau

citizen interest groups groups that form around an interests not related to their profession (working for common good) EX: women's rights, ACLU, NRA, charities

professional interest groups forms around interests relating to members profession EX: Medical Association, Bar Association *white collar

labor unions groups that form to protect the interests of workers EX: UFCW, CTA, Auto Workers *blue collar

government interest groups units of government who lobby other parts of government EX: SANDAG and mayors council in SD

interest groups... 1. provide benefits (purposive, solidary, material) 2. influence behavior 3. influence elections (independent expenditures, bundling, endorsements)

purposive (interest groups) relating to a reason group exists (ex. labor unions get laborers more $) -minimum benefits

solidary (interest groups) social standing/ street credit for being associated with an interest group

material (interest groups)

tangible and financial benefits (ex. discounts, free shirt) -leads to free-riders

independent expeditures making their own commercials for candidates so that money amount doesn't have to be regulated *eliminates donation limit

bundling piling or collecting all donations at one time so that candidates recognizes a "Big stack" of checks -makes candidate recognize group more= answer their needs

endorsements people approve or promote candidates at little or no cost Ex: blog


solidary incentives motivation to join an interest group based on the companionship and satisfaction derived from socializing with others that it offers

purposive incentives motivation to join an interest group based on the belief in the group's cause from an ideological or a moral standpoint

economic incentives motivation to join an interest group because the group works for policies that will provide members with material benefits

political action committee a group that raises and spends money to influence the outcome of an election

umbrella organization interest groups that represent collective groups or corporations


collective goods outcomes shared by the general public "public goods"


free rider problem the phenomenon of someone deriving benefits from others' actions

rational choice theory the idea that from an economic perspective it is not rational for people to participate in collective action when they can secure the collective good without participating

lobby to communicate directly with policy makers on an interest group's behalf


issue network the fluid web of connections among those concerned about a policy and those who create and administer the policy

iron triangle the interaction of mutual interests among members of Congress, executive agencies, and organized interests during policy making

climate control the practice of using public outreach to build favorable public opinion of an organization

electioneering working to influence the elections of candidates who support the organization's issues

political party an organization that recruits, nominates, and elects party members to office in order to control the government

platform the formal statements of a party's principles and policy objectives


grassroots organizing tasks that involve direct contact with voters or potential voters

responsible party model political scientists' view that a function of a party is to offer a clear choice to voters by establishing priorities or policy stances different from those of rival parties

party in the electorate individuals who identify with or tend to support a party

party identifiers individuals who identify themselves as member of one party or the other

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