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Category One -- Winds 74-95 miles per hour Category Two -- Winds 96-110 miles per hour Category Three -- Winds 111-130 miles per hour Category Four -- Winds 131-155 miles per hour Category Five -- Winds greater than 155 miles per hour

Hurricanes can destroy buildings, vehicles and lives. We have had many devastating hurricanes in the past such as: Carla-1961; Betsy-1965; Camille 1969; Celia1970; Gilbert-1988; Andrew-1992; Floyd-1999; Katrina-2005

SOURCES icane.htm er-hurricane.htm Classroom notes

One of Natures Disasters!

By Kwanesha Parker

Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone

How do Hurricanes form?

Hurricanes only form over warm ocean water of 80F or warmer. The wind must be blowing in the same direction and the same speed to force air upward from the ocean surface. Winds flow outward above the storm allowing the air below to rise.

the future need to be more accurate earlier on in the forecasting process. This will give people more time to secure their property and evacuate safely.

How can you prepare for a Hurricane?

You prepare for a hurricane by planning ahead. You should make sure you have a good food supply. Your home should be secured. You should make sure your insurance is in order (you will want no surprises).

What is a Hurricane?
A hurricane is a huge storm. It can be up to 600 miles across, and have strong winds spiraling inward and upward at speeds of 75 to 200mph! Hurricanes take up heat and energy through the warm ocean water. Evaporation from the sea water increases the hurricanes power. Hurricanes rotate in a counterclockwise direction around an eye. The center of the storm is called the eye which is the calmest part of the storm. Basically a hurricane is heavy rain and strong winds.

The Atlantic Hurricane season is from June 1st to November 30th, most hurricanes occur during the fall months.

How is a Hurricane predicted?

A hurricane prediction has two categories: seasonal probabilities and the track of a current hurricane. Predicting the weather has come a long way but there still is a lot to do. One major concern is accuracy. Hurricane predictions in

If your home is safe (nonevacuated area) stay put. Stay away from windows and keep to the downwind side of the house (change if wind change). Do not go outside. Keep a battery operated radio (fully charged) in a safe place. You will want to listen to this during your seclusion. Once it is announced that you can return to normal

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