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Adenosine does what? What is the half life of Adenosine?

Slows conduction throughthe AV node, Restores sinus rythum. 5 seconds SVT (Supra Ventricular Tachycardia) Doesn't work on poision or drug induced Tachy and 2nd / 3rd degree block. Flushing, Chest pain / tightness, Bradycardia, Vasodilation, Hypotension, Up to 15 seconds of asystole B-blocker and Ca channel like effects on SA and AV nodes. 40 days. V.Fib unresponsive to other meds, V.Tach, pulseless. Hypotension Blocks Acetylcholine: increases HR and CO. Works at SA node. Symptomatic bradycardia, AV nodal block, Ventricular asystole, Nerve gas agent poisoning Hypotension, Palpitation, Flushing, Pupil changes, Paradoxical bradycardia with low doses. Stimulates adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. Bradycardia (after Atropine), Hypotension (SBP < 70-100)

Adenosine is used for what condition?

What are some side effects of Adenosine?

Amiodarone does what? What is the half life of Amiodarone? Amiodarone is used for what condition? What are some side effects of Amiodarone? Atropine does what?

Atropine is used for what condition?

What are some side effects of Atropine? Dopamine does what? Dopamine is used for what condition? What drug is not mixed with sodium bicarb?


Hypertension, Ectopic heart beats, What are some side effects of Dopamine? Angina-like pain, Palpitation Where do you give dopamine through and Central line because its costic to the veins. why? Epinephrine does what? Beta and Alpha agonist, stimulates the heart by increasing HR and BP.

Epinephrine is used for what condition?

V.Fib, Pulseless V.Tach, PEA, Bradycardia, Severe hypotension, Anaphylaxis Suppresses automaticity of conduction - Slows down the heart. Dysrhythmias caused by MI, Alternative to Amiodarone in V.Fib and V.Tach Peripheral vasoconstrictor. Alternative to Epi in asystole and PEA, Vasodilatory shock Sedation, Confusion, Seizures, Coma, Respiratory arrest Responsive patients with CAD and ischemia. Dilates coronary arteries Treatment of choice in Angina. Hypotension, Flushing, Headache Cardiac arrest caused by Tarasdes de Pointes. Hypotension, Hypermagnesemia

Lidocaine does what? Lidocaine is used for what condition? Vasopressin does what? Vasopressin is used for what condition?

What are some side effects of Vasopressin? Vasopressin is contraindicated in patients with? Nitroglycerine does what? Nitroglycerine is used for what condition? What are some side effects of Nitroglycerine? Magnesium Sulfate is used for what condition? What are some side effects of Magnesium Sulfate?

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