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Thread: AP1A Lab Exam info

Week One Lab Homework

MET(Red Book): Chapter 1: Find the primary and secondary pulse, determine whether the music is in triple or duple time, conduct along with the music. Examples 1.1-1.5, Use protonotation to dictate the rhythm of the following examples: 1.9, 1.10 MET(Red Book): Chapter 2: Find do and then write the solmization for the following examples: 2.6, 2.7, 2.8

Week Two Lab Homework AP1A 17-3-13

Review Chapters 1-3 Three Steps for Chapter Three:

Hear the Music: Focus your attention on the music as it sounds. This means excluding all distractions. Musicians must be able to focus their complete attention on the music at hand. Remember the Music. Remember what you have heard, or nothing you do beyond this point will matter. One of the best tests of your memory of a melody is to sing it. You must also be able to auralise it. Understand the Music. determine the pulse. determine the metre- is it duple or triple? write the metre using the vertical lines of protonotation. determine the rhythms of the notes in relation to the pulse and the metre. Find 1/do determine the scale degree of the starting note, and work out the subsequent scale degrees. Write the scale degrees above the rhythm lines in your protonotation.

Do exercises- 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

Week Three Lab Homework

Review Chapters 8 and 9. Do the following melodic dictations from each chapter: 8.5-8.7, 9.5-9.8

Chapter 8: Revise strategy on how to find do. Practice playing the tonic chord first, then without. Think in solfege and even sing the example first. Listen for the so-do relationship Chapter 9: Combine rhythm and pitch. Firstly do the first example 3-4 times and then do the next few examples and try and achieve the answer in 2 listenings . Write
annotations as to how you found your answers.

Week Four Lab Homework

Revise Chapters 11 and 12 and other work from Weeks 1 to 4 Please dictate the following examples: 11.5-10, 12.5-9 Next week there will also be a short quiz covering the work from the first 4 weeks & will include a test on intervals. The quiz will contribute to ur marks 4 the semester.

Week Five Lab Homework

Review Chapters 14 and 16. Do examples 14.6-14.9 and 16.4-16.8

Week Nine Lab Homework

Review Chapter 20- in MET Focus on establishing the pulse. This will help when determining the duplets from the triplets. When inferring pitch collections- determine where the tones and semitones occur in the key. Do you hear the minor 3rd or major 3rd, minor 6th or major 6th? These questions will help you find the tonal quality of the key.

Do examples 20.5-20.9 Try and do examples in 6 playings or less. Finish examples in Chapter 18 and 19 if you haven't already done so.

Week Ten Lab Homework

Review Chapter 22- in MET Try the following steps: Focus on establishing the pulse listen for doh, establish the tonic try to memorise the melody focus on the quadruple subdivision of the beat. Do examples 22.6-22.10 Try and do examples in 6 playings or less. Start reviewing previous work in preparation for exam.

Week Eleven Lab Homework

Review Chapter 25- in MET Try the following steps: Focus on establishing the pulse listen for doh, establish the tonic try to memorise the melody Make sure you identify where the chords I and V occur in the melodic dictation Read Chapter 21-MET for information on transcribing melodies. Importantly listen and take note of the distinctive and differing timbres for each instrument. Do examples 25.6-25.10, 21.1, 21.6, 21.7, 21.8(repertoire examples) Also look up the practice Lab exam on the website and in the library. Try and do examples in 6 playings or less. Start reviewing previous work in preparation for exam. Short Quiz next week.

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