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The Constitution of The Bowling Green State University Collegiate Chorale

Drafted May 30th, 2006

drafted by the director of Collegiate Chorale. The officers assume the responsibility for organizational aspects of such performances as assigned by the director.

Article IV
Membership within Organization
Membership in Collegiate Chorale is comprised of students or faculty at Bowling Green State University who are selected by audition and register for the course MUSP 4780E/5780E.

Article I
The organization shall be known as the Bowling Green State University Collegiate Chorale (known hereafter as Collegiate Chorale). Collegiate Chorale shall be a choir chartered as a student organization.

Article V
Section 1. The officers in this organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, and Historian. These officers shall comprise the Executive Board of Collegiate Chorale. The chain of command shall follow the order listed. Section 2. Officers shall be elected according to the procedure outlines in the By-Laws of the Collegiate Chorale Constitution Section 3. Officers shall be full-time students of Bowling Green State University with a minimum grade point average of 2.25. Officers will be members of Collegiate Chorale.

Article II
The purpose of Collegiate Chorale shall be to support the goals and activities of course: MUSP 4780E/5780E.

Article III
The director of Collegiate Chorale has the right to determine the concert schedule for the given academic period of enrollment. Such performances will be detailed in a syllabus

Section 4. The term of an officer shall be one academic year. Section 5. Officers shall assume their duties following completion of election. Officers must fulfill a full term. Section 6. No member may hold the same office for more than two terms. Section 7. In the event of vacancy in the office of President, the VicePresident shall assume his/her duties for the remainder of the term. Vacancies in any other office shall be filled immediately by following procedures outlines in the Collegiate Chorale Constitution By-Laws. Section 8. Any officer visibly negligent in fulfilling his/her duties shall be subject to impeachment. The President must give at least oneweek notice to the officer subject to impeachment. In the event of a presidential impeachment, the advisor must give the officer a one week notice. The officer in question will be allowed at least one week to explain the reason for their negligence prior to the impeachment vote. The officers and advisor of Collegiate Chorale shall verbally vote for impeachment following chain of command and concluding with the advisors vote. Impeachment requires a minimum of five (5) assenting votes. If the officer in question is impeached, the vacant office shall be filled immediately by following procedures outlined in Collegiate Chorale Constitution ByLaws.

Article VI
The advisor of Collegiate Chorale shall be the full-time Director of Collegiate Chorale. If necessary, this position may be filled by another individual appointed by the director. The advisor shall serve as the official faculty contact between the organization and Bowling Green State University.

Article VII
Executive Board Meetings
Officers of Collegiate Chorale shall meet weekly unless a majority of the officers agree that it is not necessary to hold a meeting. No more than two weeks may pass between meetings. Members of Collegiate Chorale must be aware of the time and location of regularly schedules officer meetings. All meetings shall be open to members unless a meeting is designated as closed. The President has executive privilege and may call any meeting temporarily closed at any time.

Article VIII
General Meetings
Section 1. General meetings shall be defined as a scheduled gathering of Collegiate Chorale membership in which attendance fulfills quorum. Section 2. Quorum shall consist of one-half of total membership not including the presiding officer. Section 3. The President or Vice-President must be present to serve as the presiding officer of the general meeting.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall compile a complete yearly budget for the organization at the close of his/her term, and this budget shall serves as a fiscal review, separate from those reviews required by Bowling Green State University.

Article X
Section 1. Any member of Collegiate Chorale may propose an amendment to this Constitution or By-Laws by submitting such amendments in writing to the Collegiate Chorale Executive Board. Amendments will be approved by a majority vote of the executive board, and following approval, the proposed amendment shall be voted upon by the general membership. Section 2. Upon submission to the Executive Board, the officers shall have ten days to approve or deny the proposed amendment for consideration by the organizations members. If approved for consideration, the organization shall be notified at least seven days before the vote is to occur. Section 3. Any constitutional amendment required a two-thirds majority vote during a regular meeting.

Article IX
Section 1. All money shall appear in the chapter budget and shall pass the ledger as kept by the Treasurer. The ledger must be available to the Advisor and officers at any time. Section 2. Any cash flow in regard to fundraisers, merchandise sales, programs, recordings, private donations, corporate sponsors, or any other activities shall be reported directly to the Treasurer.

Article XI
Outside Contractors
The officers of Collegiate Chorale may enter into agreements with outside consultants or members of Bowling Green State University staff to assist in production of CDs, merchandise paraphernalia, media outlets for web page maintenance, or event planning.

Original Construction created May 30th, 2006 Drafted by Kurt P. Vandock

President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Publicity Coordinator: Director/Advisor: Jami L. Haswell Kurt P. Vandock Matthew Zwyer Kurt F. Speltz Benjamin Fidler Dr. William Skoog

Article XII
This Constitution shall be adopted when approved by a threefourths vote of the general membership. Notification of the ratification proceedings shall be made at least one week in advance. This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon approval and shall serve as the primary legislative document governing Collegiate Chorale.

Revised April, 2012, 2012 Drafted by Megan B. Link

President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Publicity Coordinator: Historian: Director/Advisor: Rachel Kowalski Brittany Belew Megan Link Amanda Reisner Victoria Recker Sheridyn Gasser Professor Timothy Cloeter

Article XIII
All revisions must be noted as well as the officers involved with revision. Date of approval of the revision shall also be noted.

Bowling Green State University Collegiate Chorale Constitutional By-Laws

Number 1. Membership Rights and Responsibilities
A. Each member shall be responsible for his/her concert attires and music. Attire and music shall be outlines in the course syllabus. B. Each member will have the right to vote on any business conducted in a general business meeting. C. Each member must abide by the rules and regulations stated in the Bowling Green State University Student handbook and Code of Conduct.

3. The individuals who accepted nominations for office will be added to the slate and considered for the office. 4. Nominees may submit a written statement of credentials to the president for distribution to the membership prior to the election. 5. Two days must pass between the opening of nominations and the beginning of elections. 6. Nominations shall remain open for each office until
just prior to the nominee speeches for that office. Just before the nominee speeches begin for a particular office, the nominations for that office must be closed by a motion, a second, and a simple majority vote

Number 2. Election Procedure

A. At the conclusion of the spring semester the order of elections shall be the President and Treasurer. At the beginning of the fall semester the order of elections shall be the Vice President, Secretary, Fundraising Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, and Historian. B. Officers shall be elected according to the following procedure: 1. A motion to open nominations for a particular office
must be made following the order stated in By-Law Number 2, Section A.

2. Nominations for the specific office must be accepted or declined by the individual being nominated.

7. After nominations for a particular office have closed, candidates for that office will each have one minute thirty seconds for a speech followed by a two minute question and answer session. All candidates except the candidate who has the floor shall be excused from the room. 8. Upon the conclusion of all candidates floor time, the Collegiate Chorale will hold discussion for a period of five minutes. Discussion may be extended by two minutes with a motions, second, and majority vote by the membership present. No candidates may be present during discussion. 9. Voting for candidates shall be conducted by raised hands with concealed eyes for discretion. Offices must be won by a margin of at least 51%. If at least 51% margin has not been achieves following the initial vote, then the members shall votes between whichever two candidates received the most votes. The

nominee that receives at least 51% of the votes shall be declared the winner. C. In the event that one person is nominated for an office, a vote must still occur. The candidate is allowed their floor time, and discussion is to occur. The candidate must receive at least 51% of the votes to win their respective office. D. In the event of a mid-year vacancy, a re-election shall take place following the same procedure listed above, with the exception of a presidential vacancy. In the event of presidential duties being relieved, the vice president shall serve as the acting president for the remainder of the year and a new vice president shall be elected. E. Elections shall be moderated by the current President, and parliamentary procedure shall be the responsibility of the Vice-President.

B. Vice-Presidents Responsibilities: 1. Assist the President in any way needed. 2. In absence of President take on Presidential duties. 3. Plan any social events. 4. Help organize the set-up and strike of all performances and tour stops. 5. Assist all other officers. 6. Plan and execute a formal end of year banquet. C. Secretarys Responsibilities: 1. Arrange an alphabetized list of members with addresses (both school and home) for programs. 2. Prepare a phone list each semester for all members, including e-mail address, phone number, and college of affiliation. 3. Take neat, concise, and detailed minutes at weekly executive committee meetings and distribute to members. 4. Work with Advisor/Director in planning Tour. 5. Coordinate all logistics for tour at the request of the director (housing lists, hotels accommodations for bus driver/director host families, meals, travel time, thank-you notes, and attractions). 6. Be familiar with Constitution, By-Laws, and Roberts Rules of Order- Newly Revised. D. Treasurers Responsibilities: 1. Keep records of choir finances and accounts. 2. Maintain finances on tour. 3. Record all funds received/spent by the organization.

Number 3. Duties of the Officers

A. Presidents Responsibilities 1. Insure clear communications between Advisor/Director, officers, and members. 2. Oversee operations of the choir. 3. Discipline the choir. 4. Appoint a spokesman for all public appearances. 5. Know all members and boost morale. 6. Delegate and oversee all officer responsibilities. 7. Preside over general assemblies and meetings of the executive committee. 8. Vote only in the occurrence of a tie.

4. Keep ledger current and available for an advisor or officer request within three business days. 5. Pay bills and collect receipts. E. Fundraiser Coordinators Responsibilities: 1. Manage merchandise and inventory. 2. Oversee the production of yearly tour shirt, or other needed apparel. 3. Maintain records of personal fundraising accounts. 4. Organize and Coordinate two (2) large scale fundraisers per year. 5. Plan and execute monthly small fundraisers F. Publicity Coordinators Responsibilities: 1. Provided publicity for tours and concerts using posters and press releases. 2. Work with secretary to establish public relations with contacts on tours. 3. See that all publicity is consistent with tour itinerary. 4. Publicize fundraisers by contacting all local media outlets, print, radio, and television via detailed press releases. 5. Oversee the design of yearly tour shirt, or other needed apparel. 6. Provide graphics and press releases to the historian for website updates. 7. Maintain bulletin board.

G. Historians Responsibilities: 1. Maintain an accurate database of all alumni. 2. Take pictures and keep a digital scrapbook. 3. Maintain and update detailed accurate archives. 4. Work with publicity coordinator to ensure all alumni are invited to concerts/events. 5. Update and maintain website. 6. Collect and post current pictures and biographies of officers. 7. Record, edit and design tour/banquet video.

Number 4. Parliamentary Procedure

The president and/or his/her designate, shall preside at all executive committee meetings and general assemblies. All parliamentary procedure shall follow Roberts Rules of OrderNewly Revised.

Number 5. Revisions
All revisions must be noted as well as the officers involved with revision. Date of approval of the revision shall also be noted.

Original By-Laws created May 31st, 2006

Drafted by Kurt P. Vandock President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Publicity Coordinator: Director/Advisor: Jami L. Haswell Kurt P. Vandock Matthew Zwyer Kurt F. Speltz Benjamin Fidler Dr. William Skoog

Revised April, 2012

Drafted by Megan B. Link President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Publicity Coordinator: Historian: Director/Advisor: Rachel Kowalski Brittany Belew Megan Link Amanda Reisner Victoria Recker Sheridyn Gasser Professor Timothy Cloeter

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