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We, business students of the University of the East, taking up Taxation and
Business Law subjects, realizing the need for an academic, non-sectarian organization
which shall embody our physical, intellectual and spiritual ideals and aspirations,
promote goodwill, unity and cooperation, recognize outstanding achievements and
contributions, strive for quality education, and serve the needs and interests of Business
Administration students in general Accounting majors in particular, do hereby form the
Association of Taxation and Law Students (ATLAS) and adopt this Constitution.
Section 1. Official Name
The organization shall be officially known as the Association of Taxation
and Law Students (ATLAS).
Section 2. Official Domicile
The office of ATLAS shall be at the lJE-Caloocan Campus.
Sectic ,: 3. Ofi1c1a1 Logo
The official logo of the organization shall be that which would be
approved by the first batch of officers and members of this organization, subject to
appropriate alteration duly approved later.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
It shall promote goodwill, unity, cooperation and friendship among '
It shall recognize outstanding contributions and achievements in the :fields
of Taxation and Business Law.
It shall strive for the promotion of quality of education.
It shall serve the needs and interests of the Business Administration
students in general and Accounting majors in particular.
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Section 5.
It shall always acknowledge the blessings and guidance of Almighty God
in its undertakings.
Section 1. Qualifications
Applicants to the ATLAS must possess the following qualifications:
a. A bonafide student of the university.
b. Enrolled in Business Administration.
c. Dedicated, patient, hardworking and willing to sacrifice some of his/her time
for the organization. '
d. And others as may be required by the ATLAS.
Section 2. Classification
1. Resident Members
a. Resident members are undergraduate members who are Accounting majors
and those majoring in other business fields.
b. Honorary members are members who have graduated, former officers of this
organization and those who maybe conferred as such by the Executive Board.
Section 1. Rights of Resident Members
1. To carry the name of the organization and represent it, and to use the official
2. To avail of the services of the organization.
3. To vote.
4. To be accorded due process before any disciplinary action is taken aga,inst
5. To participate in all activities of the organization.
Section 2. Duties of Resident Members
1. To know and obey the constitution and by-laws of the organization.
2. To attend assemblies and meetings of the organization and to propose measures
for its welfare.
3. To vote when called for.
4. To meet the financial obligations promptly.
5. To render service to the organization, engage in committee work and participate
actively in all its undertakings.
6. To perform diligently any job that may be assigned to him/her immediate superior
of the organization.
7. To disseminate information regarding the affairs of the organization.
8. To abide to the rules and regulations of each committee.
Section 1. The Elected Officers
1. The elected officers of the organization shall consist of a President, a Vice
President for Internal Affairs, a Vice President for External Affairs, a Secretary, a
Treasurer, an Auditor and a Public Relation Officer.
2. The elected officers shall be elected from the'tGeneral Membership for a term of
one ( 1) year.
3. The term of the General Officers shall officially start on the day of their oath-
taking and shall continue until the election and oath-taking of their successors.
Section 2. The Appointive Officers
The Executive Committee shall appoint such other officers who may be needed to
head special and temporary committees.
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Section 3. The Faculty Advisers
The Executive Committee shall elect two (2) faculty advisers from the
Department of Law and Taxation. In case of resignation, the Executive Committee shall
immediately elect replacement.
Section 1. The President
1. He shall head the organization.
2. He shall be the chairman of the Executive Committee, convene and preside in all
its meetings and the meetings of the General Assembly.
3. He shall coordinate all committee works.
4. He shall approve all undertakings together with the Executive Committee, and
shall accept donations in behalf of the organization.
5. He shall sign all correspondence and similar instruments together with the
6. He shall sign all correspondence and similar instruments together , with' the
7. He shall exercise other powers and perform other duties that the Executive
Committee or the General Assembly may assign him.
Section 2. The Vice President for Internal Affairs
1. ae shall assume the powers and duties of the President in the latter absence or
2. He shall be the property custodian of the organization.
3. He shall head the Internal Committee.
4. He shall preside in all hearing of disciplinary action.
5. He shall preside in all elections and shall appoint commissioners for it.
6. He shall be the vanguard of the constitution.
7. He shall exercise other powers and perform other duties that the Executive
Committee or the General Assembly may assign him.
Section 3. The Vice President for External Affairs
He shall assume the powers and duties of the President cases when the President
and the Vice President Internal are absent or incapacitated.
He shall head the External Committee.
He shall be in-charge of all publications, publicities, public relations, sponsorship,
and other promotions related activities relevant to the undertakings .
He shall exercise other powers and perform other duties that the Executive
Committee or the General Assembly may assign him.
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Section 5. The Secretary
1. He shall be the custodian of the seal and records of the organization.
2. He shall be responsible for all correspondence handled by the organization.
3. He shall head the Secretarial Committee.
4. He shall maintain an up-to-date records of all members.
Section 6. The Treasurer
1. He shall collect all fees and be the custodian of the funds or the organizations.
2. He shall be responsible for all disbursements.
3. He shall sign all financial documents and reports together with the and
4. He shall head the Finance Committee.
Section 7. The Auditor
l. He shall check and approve all disbursements of the organizations.
2. He shall check all financial and property records of the organization.
3. He shall be the Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee.
Section 8. The Public Relation Officer
1. He shall be in charge with the maintenance of order in all meetings of the
2. He shall attest to all certificates of membership and leaves of absence, and ,all
recommendations for disciplinary actions against any member.
3. He shall act as prosecuting officer together with the President in all hearings for
disciplinary actions.
4. He shall be the Vice Chairman of the Membership Committee.
Section 9. The Appointive Officers
They shall function in accordance with the duties and obligations laid 'OUt for
them by the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Composition
The Executive shall be composed of all the elected officers.
Section 2. Powers and Duties
1. The Executive Committee is the highest policy-making body of the organiZation.
It shall formulate, approved and take charge of all activities and undertakings of
the organization, and shall appropriate funds as may be necessary for their
2. It shall appoint of the members of the Membership Committee.
3. It shall create Special Committee when the need arises and shall appoint the
chairman of the said committee.
4. It shall approve the acceptance of a new members.
5. It shall be the jury and decide on all cases of disciplinary actions.
Section 3. Meetings
I. It shall meet regularly every other week. A quorum of five ( 5) shall be necessary
to transact business and create policies, a majority vote being required for the
approval of any motion.
2. Special meetings maybe called by the President if and when the need arises and
shall have the same requirements and binding effect of the regular meeting ..
Section 1. Introduction
1. All the standing committees shall have a maximum of five (5) members each
iPcluding the respective committee chairman, with the exception of the Secretarial
Committee which shall have a maximum membership of three (3) persons
including the Secretary, unless specified otherwise.
2. All committee chairman shall appoint Vice-Chairman for their respective
3. The Vice Chairman shall represent the Committee Chairman during the latter's
absence. In case the chairman are present, the Chairman shall function as
ordinary members.
Section 2. The Internal Committee
1. It shall be responsible for the management of all internal affairs or activities ot1 the
2. It shall be responsible for the procurement of all supplies needed by the
3. It shall be responsible for the maintenance of the domicile and all things within its
4. It shall handle all revisions of the Constitution.
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Section 3 The External Committee
1. It shall be responsible for establishing contracts with persons, agencies, and
organizations outside of the organization.
2. It shall coordinate promotions activities.
3. It shall handle all dissemination of information regarding the organization and its
external activities.
4. It shall handle and take charge of teach-ins and seminars and symposia.
Section 4. The Secretarial Committee
1. It shall assists the secretary in all her functions.
2. It shall have three (3) members including the secretary.
Section 6. The Finance Committee
1. It shall assist the treasurer in collection of dues from the members and making
financial statements and reports.
2. It shall conduct feasibility studies regarding any activities that the organization
may wish to undertake.
Section 7. The Membership Committee
1. It shall formulate the rules and program activities for the application and
acceptance of membership.
2. It shall assist the Promotional Vice President in his functions.
Section 9. The Special Committees
I. They shall be chaired by persons appointed by the Executive Committee.
2. They shall be composed and function in accordance with guidelines laid out by
the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Composition
The General Assembly shall be composed of the entire registered membership 'of
the organization.
Section 2. Powers and Duties
I. The Supreme authority of the organization is vested in the General Assembly.
2. It shall elect the general officer of the organization.
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3. It reverse any decisions or po;icies made by the Executive Committee'or any
standing committee by a majority vote of all its members in attendance.
Section 3. Meeting
1. The General Assembly shall convene regularly on first Friday, first month of
each semester. An attendance of 50% plus one (1) shall constitute a quorum
except in cases when there are unexcused absences, without which there will be a
quorum, wherein all in attendance will actually be deemed as , constituting a
quorum regardless of the number of members present.
2. Special meetings may be called by the President of any member of the Executive
Committee, or upon petition by at least 115 member of the General Assembly and
shall have the same requirements and authority of the general meeting.
3. Election shall be considered as a regular meeting with the same requirementsand
Section 1. Tardiness
l . All tardiness due to reasons beyond a member's control shall be considered
excused upon presentation of evidence. ___ ... ..
2. A grace period of th!rJ:xQOO rninutA:s HSIJt :JJ8.TH&:lDPf, flMBI - ...
be for late comers.
Section 2. Absences
I. All absences due to reasons beyond a member's control shall be considered
excused upon presentation of evidence.
2. Three (3) unexcused tardiness shall be considered an absence.
3. Three (3) unexcused absences shall warrant a warning from the Internal Vice
4. Four (4) unexcused absences shall warrant a reprimand from the Internal' Vice
5. Five (5) unexcused absences shall warrant a recommendation for suspension: from
the Internal Vice-President to the Executive Committee.
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2. Any member upon his third suspension will be subject to automatic expulsion
from the organization.
Section 6. Impeachment
1. Any officer maybe impeached for any of the following reasons:
a. Using the name of ATLAS or his office in bad faith and unauthorized
representation of the ATLAS.
b. Malversation of funds;
c. Negligence of duties;
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