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Literature and Lessons: Putting it All Together Through Writers Workshop 3-Column Lesson Planning Menu-Hillsborough County Public

Schools-2008 What real writers do Craft Genres

Sensory Details Specific Details Vivid Verbs Simile Metaphor Purposeful Dialogue Alliteration Purposeful Repetition Strong Nouns Personification Onomatopoeia Use of facts Hyperbole/Exaggeration Golden Thread Attributes -size, shape, color, number, -temperature, location -direction, weight, texture -symmetry, movement -composition, function, -habitat, orientation, age Sentence Variety -dash, comma, phrase, -semi-colon, colon, ellipsis, -parenthesis, conjunctions, (Length, Style, Structure) Voice -turn of phrase, -humorous word choice, -clich, caps, bold text, -ellipsis, word choice, -dialogue, thoughtshot, -parenthesis or dash to add Opinion or sidebar idea -slang, hyperbole, -hyphenate to s-p-e-l-l Transitions -time, connections, events -setting, cause & effect, -comparisons, differences, -alternatives, emphasis, -location, direction Advertisements Advice Column Autobiography Acceptance Speech Biography Book Jackets Book Reviews Cards/Greetings Cartoons Commercials Debates Diary Entries Fables Fairy Tales Fictional Narratives Free Verse Poetry Games- how-to, reviews Guide Books Instructions/Rules Interviews Invitations Letters Lyrics Magazine Article Memoirs Menus Messages/Notes Newsletter News Broadcast Script Personal Narratives Plays/Skits Post Cards Questionnaires/Surveys Quizzes Recipes Science Fiction Summary Tall Tales Travel Brochures Want Ads Writing Process Elaborate Use a notebook for ideas Focus on a topic Prewrite/Plan Organize/Sequence Beginning, Middle, End Plot Pace/Rhythm Humor Suspense Re-read Use of technology Presentation Character Descriptions Setting Descriptions Object Descriptions Emotion Descriptions Action Descriptions Event Descriptions Leads Endings Circular Endings Subject/Verb Agreement Edit Capitalization Punctuation Spelling Indentation Audience Purpose Point of view REVISE Snapshot Explode a Moment Small Moment Magnified Moment

This menu of lesson planning ideas is not a scope and sequence. It is not meant to be followed in order vertically or matched together horizontally. Ideas shown should be used strictly based on the needs of your young authors. June 2008Hillsborough County Public Schools

Literature and Lessons: Putting it All Together Through Writers Workshop 3-Column Lesson Planning Menu-Hillsborough County Public Schools-2008

This menu of lesson planning ideas is not a scope and sequence. It is not meant to be followed in order vertically or matched together horizontally. Ideas shown should be used strictly based on the needs of your young authors. June 2008Hillsborough County Public Schools

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