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Thing 7

1. Pre-Assessment
Not to be completed

2. Website Evaluation
Ban DHMO Webpage


Thing 7

Evaluation and Reflection: It is clear from the CARRDSS evaluation that this webpage is not a reliable or reputable resource, but it does have some uses for the classroom. Pages such as this are an excellent example of how data and facts can be manipulated. Technically, the facts they are presenting are true, they just are misrepresented. Although this is an absurd example, it serves as a jumping off point for a discussion of academic and scientific integrity. Science teachers could talk about how, if one is attempting to support a hypothesis, a there are plenty of ways to present the data in such a way that it appears to go along with what you intended to find. If, however, you set out to disprove your hypothesis, you are less likely to accidentally misrepresent or misinterpret data in your favor. CARRDSS evaluation of

Horrid credibility. All sources cited do not exist. The links are either dead (though they were probably dead from the beginning) or direct one to the site of a legitimate news agency, where one cannot find the article supposed to exist.

What is written is true, but very misleading. My AP Chemistry teacher used this very webpage as a fun addition to our section on naming compounds. It didn't take long to realize DHMO is really H2O.

The absurdly long link posted in the list of bogus web pages makes it clear this site is bogus. Although the alternate .org URL makes it appear trustworthy, the amateur appearance degrades its credibility.

People should be aware of dangerous chemicals we are exposed to without our knowledge, but this sight is better suited to be an example of how facts can be manipulated to suit an absurd argument. One can even find a similar page touting the dangers of bread consumption.

Although supposedly updated twice a year, none of the information is dated or appears to have been updated since the sites creation in the 90's.

The source is supposedly an organization called Coalition to Ban DHMO. Thus any information would already be biased towards their argument even if it wasn't ridiculous.

The goal is to inspire people to write their congressmen, demonstrate, and in other ways work to ban DHMO. Since DHMO is water, the site was likely designed to see how far the creators could take their joke.

Thing 7

Critical Evaluation of Burmese Mountain Dog website

Did you mean Bernese Mountain Dog... URL:

Evaluation and Reflection: This seems like one of those websites created to frustrate those poor internet users who fall victim to typos or an inability to spell. Thankfully, the webpage is so poorly put together, that even an infrequent internet user should have some red flags raised by the site. The most unfortunate aspect of this site is that it contains links to some sites where users reported picking up viruses.

Thing 7

The site's appearance is amateur and unfinished. The links go to untrustworthy sites or are dead. Plus, anyone familiar with dogs can tell that the images on the site are of German Shepherds. It should also be obvious that the name Burmese is very close to the Bernese Mountain Dog breed.

The information is completely false. The appearance standards may be accurate for German Shepherds, but, since there is no such thing as a Burmese Mountain Dog, none of the information about the breed can be founded in fact.

The URL contains no reference to the page's content, a dead giveaway of a bogus website. Although the alternate .info URL attempts to give the page an appearance of reliability, the site's worthlessness is obvious once one has followed the link.

Researching breeds is often a key part of the decision making process involved in adding a dog to the family, but researching a breed that doesn't exist is a pointless exercise.

The site may have been believable at one point, but it now appears very outdated. Despite claiming to be updated biannually, the formatting and content appears to have remained the same since its creation in 1994.

The source is supposedly created by Dr. Charlie White, Ph.D., DVM., AECT, but a quick web search for this person only reveals numerous references to his fake webpage for Burmese Mountain Dogs.

The webpage provides information on the history, appearance, and temperament of an imaginary dog breed, the Burmese Mountain Dog.

CARRDSS Evaluation

3. Cyber-Education for Students

Netiquette (lesson imbedded in regular coursework): In this digital age, many students are well drilled in the basics of internet use. The refrain of "never give out your real name; never tell someone where you live; never give someone your phone number; never meet someone you met online in person without someone else present..." is repeated often enough from multiple directions that, by the time students reach high school, they consider themselves wellversed enough to be beyond internet education. Unfortunately, this comfort level also predis-

Thing 7

poses teens to overshare on social media sites and forget many common sense rules about online etiquette. Students must learn what is appropriate behavior for a mature individual online and how their actions online can impact life in the real world. A foreign language classroom, however, can easily incorporate a lesson on netiquette into the curriculum. Students can be given print outs of three hypothetical Facebook pages for German teens. After reading through the posts on the pages, whose posts could easily be edited to emphasis any particular portion of grammar or usage one desires, students could be tasked to evaluate the pages as if they were a prospective employer looking to hire the student (perhaps as a nanny or in an office). Guided by a series of questions about the pages ("Who do you think would be most responsible and why?" for example), students would learn to think about the impression posts on Facebook create. Students could then be tasked with creating their own Facebook page for either the worst possible applicant or the best applicant. This lesson would be preceded by technology and internet oriented vocabulary, and modern German music could easily be imbedded into it. Thus, students would learn vocabulary, practice reading comprehension, practice writing, receive cultural exposure, and learn internet etiquette in one single lesson.

Proper Internet Use and Personal Information Online: Oftentimes students fail to realize how much information about them is available online. A lesson reminding students of the information that should and should not be online and the dangers too much online information can pose is well served at every grade level, but is especially important among teenagers who, their

Thing 7

online activities rarely checked or controlled, are capable of unthinkingly or unintentionally sharing such information. Students could begin the lesson with a discussion of who it is appropriate to share certain information (address, home phone or cell phone numbers, birthday, age, pictures, full name, social security number, bank account numbers, etc.) with, online and off, how information could be misused in the wrong hands, ways others can attempt to locate and find this information online, and the most secure way of sharing information. Students would then be asked what information about them could be found online. After making their conjecture, students would be partnered up and challenged to see how much information about their partner they are able to find online (during class or that evening). Students would later compare what information they believed to be available with what was actually found. Through class discussion and a written reflection, each student would be asked to consider whether these results were surprising, how easy it was to find information about their classmate, and ways they can protect their information online.

4. Post-Assessment
Not to be completed

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