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The new

words on
everyone’s lips

Language has always been the social medium
most strongly impacted by shifts in society.

No matter how large or small, people are constantly coming

up with terms to describe the cultural phenomena that
surround them. The world can change in a year, a month,
or even a week, and words we use in conversation often
act as a cultural barometer for our common emotions.
And since the so-called keepers of our lexicon aren’t
quite keeping up (looking at you, Merriam-Webster),
we bring you our Cultural Dictionary, chock-full of fun
words and slang that we’ve heard within the past year.

Plus with “Change” in the air, we decided to not

only highlight new fun words, but to connect
those words to emerging trends that will continue
to impact our culture in the years to come.

6 –9
10 – 13
14 – 16
17 – 20
21 – 23
24 – 26
Renewed citizenry: A new-found pride in the
democratic process in which Americans began to feel
a personal responsibility to speak up
and be heard, via voting. Voicing
choice, rallying for candidates
and proudly wearing an
“I Voted” sticker are all
demonstrations of what
it means to be an
American citizen.

Blurring party lines:
During the 2008 election, there
was a shift among the masses from
party allegiance to ideological alignment. It didn’t matter
if you were a Democrat or a Republican, it was how each
respective candidate inspired and motivated you as an
American—each of us putting “country,” not “party,” first.

Actorvist (n)  A politically involved actor.
Caribou Barbie (n)  A nickname for former vice-
presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska.
Cybercitizen (n)  A person actively involved in online
communities. While the term has been around since the
late nineties, the term became re-popularized to describe
campaigners and contributors who voiced their support of
Obama online during his campaign.
Digital Prez-ence (n)  President Obama has earned
the moniker of the first “Digital President,” thanks to an
Gov. Sarah Palin
administration that burst onto the social media scene and
successfully leveraged YouTube, dedicated websites,
Facebook, etc. throughout the campaign.
Generation O (n)  The generation of people approximately
18 to 35 years old who voted for or supported Barack Obama
in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.
Joe-everyman (n)  A term used to represent the needs of an average
middle-class American. Popularized via Joe the Plumber and John McCain
in the third presidential debate.
Micro-donor (n)  A person who donates a small amount of money
to a political campaign or other cause.

Obamanation (n)  One of several terms referencing the excitement
and dominance of Barack Obama’s presidential election. Other terms:
Bamelot, Baraccoli, Baracked, Barackintosh, Baracklamation, Barackstar,
Barackupied, Barackwurst, Nobama, Obamacam, Obamacize, Obamafy,
Obamalicious, Obamalujah, Obamamatopoeia, Obamamentum, Obamanos,
Obamaphoria, Obamarama, Obamascope, Obamatopia, Obamatose, Obamazon.
Obama/Not Obama (adj)  London street reporters proclaim that
our new President has become synonymous with “cool.”
Press the flesh (v)  To shake hands and mingle with many people,
especially while campaigning for public office.
Reverse Bradley Effect (n)  Declaring publicly that one cannot
vote for a candidate because of his or her race, but then voting for that
candidate in the secrecy of the ballot booth; voting for a candidate because
of his or her race.
Sheeple (n)  Submissive citizens.
Slacktivism (n)  Activism which requires little effort.
Tech czar (n)  The nickname used by the press for the chief technology
officer position President Obama created for his White House staff.

Fall from grace: In the midst of the
hope-based election came a slew of
once-respected bad boys, who not only
made poor decisions, but got publicly
shamed when caught. Once holding a
position of pride and power, these guilty
parties found out what it feels like to fall
from the public’s good graces in the most
disastrous way.

Saving grace: As powerful
companies fall and trusted leaders
disappoint, Americans are more
inclined to idolize champions of
morality than of big business.
The new view of an American
hero does not include immense
wealth or super powers, but
simply a firm moral code and
the ability to act in line with
those beliefs.

Baling out (v)  When someone’s stress level
explodes to an epic proportion and a five-
minute f-bomb-laden tirade is unleashed on @!#?@!
the unlucky soul who was in the wrong place
at the wrong time— much like Christian Bale
on the Terminator 4 set.
Blago (n)  Derived from former Illinois Governor
Rod Blagojevich. An expletive used when one has ruined baling out
something horribly (e.g., an attempt to sell a vacant seat
in the Senate to the highest bidder).
Goldman Sacked (v)  How fired investment bankers were referred
to after the downfall of many of the large banks during October 2008.
Land it like Sully (v)  To prevent a disaster by finding an unusual
solution to your problem. US Airways pilot Chesley Sullenberger landed a
crippled plane in the Hudson River, resulting in few injuries and no deaths.
Madoffing (v)  To scam and completely screw over someone financially.
Officiaposter (n)  A rent-a-cop on a power trip, often found at airports
and in office buildings.
Spitzer’d (v)  Like Punk’d. Getting caught for doing hypocritical actions.
Comes from a married government official who gets caught offering
substantial amounts of money to have sex with a prostitute.

The Economy
Common centsible: From mortgage meltdowns to
food shortages, consumers are coping with an economic
picture that seems to get drearier
every day. Today’s consumers
are recalibrating
expectations and
aspirations to match
tough times and
tight budgets. Today,
more families are altering their American dream to
more appropriately reflect the reality of their world as it is.
Value rather than cheapness will define the way consumers
choose to purchase brands.

Sin-and-salvation spending: Consumers are bored
with the middle. Instead they are switching between heritage
high-end brands and cheap chic newcomer brands. They are
becoming more selective with purchases by shifting to the
cheaper brands of most products, but still splurging on the
products that matter most to them. It’s balancing between
being fiscally healthy and fiscally hopeful.

201(k) (n)  The new name for 401(k) account, since many people have lost
the bulk of what they used to have.
Black Friday (n)  The Friday after Thanksgiving when stores open
at dawn and offer immense sales to start the Christmas shopping season.
Brickor mortis (n)  Property market where few homes are being sold.
Cashtration (n)  The act of tying up cash
in funds/assets that have tanked, but not wanting
to sell belongings until the assets have regained
their value.
Daylighting (v)  Working a second job
while holding a primary full-time job.
Econnoisseur (n)  One who insists
on the highest quality at the lowest price.
Enoughism (n)  The creed that holds that
we over-consume, amass far too much “stuff ” that only
ever provides a fleeting pleasure, and ought to cry “Enough!”.
Extended financial families (n)  Several generations of the
same family living in one home. Love and devotion might be the glue that
keeps them together, but it’s more likely the need for care or child minding,
with the added benefit of cash savings.
Fakeaway (n)  A homemade meal that is similar to a takeaway
or to-go meal purchased from a restaurant.

Flexinomics (n)  Keeping spending and consuming flexible by renting
homes, TVs and entertainment systems, or by leasing cars and reducing
spending to the necessities until the economy is strong again.
Frugalista (n)  A person who is frugal but fashionable.
HENRY (n)  A person with a substantial income, but who is not yet
wealthy. Derived from the phrase “High Earner, Not Rich Yet.”
Homedulgence (n)  The tendency for recession-savvy consumers to
prefer home-based indulgences, such as cocktail parties and dinner parties.
Lehman sisters (n)  Wives/girlfriends of fired Lehman Brothers
executives, who bond over their fall down the socio-economic ladder.
Moneymoon (n)  The time after your purchase of a good or service
and before “buyer’s remorse” happens.
Neo-haggler (n)  An empowered consumer who feels fine about
bargaining. As opposed to shopping cheaply, these consumers see
themselves as smart shoppers who are getting what they want during
one of the most unsettling economic periods in decades.
Ostrich effect (n)  A term used to describe investors who stick their
heads in the sand during lousy markets.
Perkonomics (n)  Small add-on benefits offered by firms to get or
retain your business.
Pinkwashers (n)  Certain companies who specifically use support
for breast cancer research to promote products or services.

Povo (adj)  Spawned from the increasing
popularity of new HBO series Summer
Heights High, the Aussie slang for
“poor” has infiltrated the vocabulary
of recessionistas everywhere.
Precession (n)  The better economic
times before the current recession.
Returnment (n)  The act of returning
to work after having retired.
Rumourtage (n)  The practice of spreading
false or misleading information about a company
to take advantage of the subsequent move in the
company’s stock price. pinkwashers

Stealth wealth (n)  In these recessionary times, it seems vulgar to

flaunt one’s luxurious lifestyle. And so the wealthy are going bling-less
and eschewing the spending sprees. Across America’s upper strata,
rich folks are experiencing an unfamiliar emotion: luxury shame.
Zombie bank (n)  Coined in the 1980s—but relevant today. A bank
with a net worth less than zero, but that continues to operate because of
implicit or explicit government guarantee.

Mainstream green: The greening concern we saw in
2007 became action-oriented in 2008 and continues into 2009.
People are no longer repairing the long-term
damage pollution has caused the planet,
but are taking preventative measures
to leave a better world for the next
generation. They’re realizing
they’re stewards—not just
users—of the planet.

Eco-fatigue: Independent
and experienced consumers
are fed up with being
told what to do, or, more
specifically, told what not to
do. The eco-fatigued increasingly
rebel against the green movement’s
obsession with “no” and find that
green considerations come second
in times of financial crisis.

Bootleg trail (n)  A walking path or track worn into the ground
by habitual human passage rather than by design.
Carborexic (n)  A person who is obsessed with minimizing
his or her use of carbon.
Carbon trading (n)  A system where countries and organizations
are given permits to produce a certain amount of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases, which they may trade with each other.
Chemical equator (n)  A 31-mile-wide atmospheric barrier
between Earth’s hemispheres, formed by weather patterns.
Dinosaur wine (n)  Petroleum or its derivatives.
Eco-embedded (adj)  The idea that business- and government-
adopted eco-friendly practices leave the consumer with no choice.
Ecoflation (n)  The rising cost of doing business in a world
with a changing climate.
Ecomodding (v)  Modifying a car to maximize fuel economy.
Ecosexuals (n)  Individuals who select their partner based on
their shared environmental concerns.
Edible estates (n)  Front lawns that are dug up and replaced with
something you can eat. This was coined by U.S. campaigner Fritz Haeg.
Energyexia (n)  A combination of energy and anorexia. The term refers
to a situation in which people follow an extremely strict carbon-footprint-
shrinking regimen.

Freedomlawn (n)  Residential land permitted to or designed to
contain a variety of plants other than manicured grass, especially when
containing plant life that occurs without cultivation, chemicals or cutting.
Gashole (n)  A person who uses unnecessarily large amounts of gasoline
to move from point A to point B, typically found driving SUVs.
Gas sipper (n)  The opposite of gas guzzler. Though more than
30 years old, the term took on new significance as gasoline prices rose
to record highs in the summer of 2008.
Green audit (n)  An assessment of a business regarding its observance
of practices that seek to minimize harm to the environment.
Green-collar (v)  A term used to describe workers employed
in positions that focus on sustainability and/or the environment.
Greenprint (n)  A government’s or community’s environmental plan,
especially one concerned with parks, forests, waterways, greenways, and
other shared spaces. Also as verb, to make such a plan.
Greyjing (n)  A nickname for Beijing, where
the skies are cloudy and grey with pollution,
given much international attention in the
run-up to the 2008 Olympic Games.
Nano-solar (n)  The increasingly
popular smaller, thinner, energy-
absorbing solar panels. These can be
found on everything from windows and
roofs, to backpacks and hats. gas sipper

Natural capitalism (n)  An economic theory
or practice which assigns a financial cost to the use,
maintenance, abuse, or depletion of natural
resources and ecosystems.
Negawatts (n)  The latest word for energy
efficiency, coined by Amory Lovins.
Popcorn storm (n)  A brief, unexpected rain
shower or thunderstorm.
Precycling (v)  Purchasing products based on how nano-solar
recyclable they are.
Rewilding (v)  The process of returning an area to its original
wild state with native flora and fauna.
Ruralpolitan (n)  An urban dweller who moves to a rural area.
Scuppie (n)  An urban professional who is socially conscious.
SRLI (n)  The Sampled Red List Index. An index for tracking the threat
status of worldwide biodiversity.
Upcycle (v)  To give an object a better, more upscale existence.
Witches’ knickers (n)  Plastic bags that have caught
in trees or bushes.

Tech-induced ADD: The availability of faster, better,
and easier technology has shaped the way we live our
lives, do our jobs, and view the world. We are living
in a turned-on, plugged-in, linked-up technological
world, and we always demand the latest and greatest.

Unplugging: Consumers are
beginning to realize that the time
they spend online is no substitute
for living in the real world.
These tech-obsessed consumers
are surrendering their online
acquaintances for more human
contact, reclaiming personal
or family time. They have put
themselves on a digital diet,
and possibly even cultivated
an interest in things without
keypads, such as other people.

Blackburied (adj)  Feeling inundated and exhausted
from trying to be on top of all your emails and contacts
24/7 via your handheld mobile device.
Brickberry (n)  An old version of a cell phone.
A phone that doesn’t have the cool features.
Digital cliff (n)  The date when analog signals will
cease broadcasting (possibly) on June 12th, 2009.
Digi-necker (n)  A driver who, when passing a road
accident, whips out their mobile and takes a picture.
Epic fail (n)  A frequently used term in the video game community
that quite simply means you really messed up and/or something/someone
is an utter failure.
Geo-fencing (v)  Setting a physical boundary, via a GPS system or
mobile phone, to where someone can roam. If the boundary is exceeded,
the roamer gets a warning.
Ghost call (n)  A silent phone call received from a person who has
inadvertently dialed or selected the number on their mobile phone.
iCrime (n)  The theft of a personal media device, particularly an iPod
or iPhone.
Mug-me earphones (n)  The distinctive white cord and earbuds
associated with the often-stolen Apple iPod digital music player.

Pwn (v)  To “own” something or someone. Derived years ago from
World of Warcraft smack talk, this slang has been adopted throughout
other online games and has since surfaced in the mainstream real world.
Self-tracker (n)  A person who uses websites or other technologies
to meticulously track various aspects of his or her body, mental state,
and activities.
Shypod (adj)  When one is hesitant about sharing the contents
of his or her iPod.
Slip of the thumb (v)  When sending a text message and the
recipient of the message was not the intended recipient. Message is often
private and/or personal in nature.
Telepresence (n)  Fancy word for video conferencing. A few firms
now have special rooms where life-sized images of off-site participants
allow a meeting that satisfies every sense except that of touch.
TiVo tension (n)  Stress caused by a digital recording device filling up
and the inability to catch up on recorded TV shows in a timely manner.
Update mandate (n)  Consumers are becoming fatigued
as they’re faced with the downside of living in a constantly evolving,
24/7 world. It’s becoming nearly impossible to stay up to speed with
the latest in both the physical (e.g., latest versions) and immaterial
(e.g., latest information) worlds.
Yellular (n)  The loudness one adopts in response to bad
cell-phone connections, in the misguided hope that talking
louder will improve the connection.

Social Networking
Social thriving: We are on a reciprocal information diet,
in which we are feeding and being fed a constant stream of
updates as to where, what and with whom our friends are
currently engaging. Consumers today love to find ways to
share how smart, interesting and well-informed they are to
anyone and everyone who will listen.

Off gridding: Constantly being
informed has proven to be too much
for some people, and in an act of
rebellion, they have removed
themselves from their
social networks and
instant messaging
services. This liberation
from social constraints
allows them to revel in the
inability to be reached.

BlackBerry prayer (n)  The hunched-over, self-absorbed
pose adopted by those fingering their BlackBerry or texting on their
mobile, often accompanied by facial expressions to match tenor
of the message being sent.
Cewebrity (n)  An internet personality who has attained celebrity.
Crowdfunding (v)  Financing of ventures or projects by a number of
individuals brought together, usually via the Internet. Examples: Disaster
relief funds, ArtistShare, BeerBankroll, Kiva and
Digipreneur (n)  A tech-savvy entrepreneur who leverages the power
of social networking and social media to power their Internet-based business.
Disemvowel (v)  To remove the vowels from
a piece of text as a form of censure in order to
render the piece more difficult to read; generally
done by the moderator of an online community.
FMI (prep)  For My Information: Used to gain
personal information as opposed to impart it.
Derived from FYI, or “For Your Information.”
FTW (n)  An acronym used on Twitter that disemvowel
means “for the win.”
Gr7 (adj)  A little less than gr8 (great) but still better than just good.
Hashtag (n)  The name of the # when used in a Tweet. You can
track a word by using a “hashtag” in front of it.

Instapreneurship (n)  Instant entrepreneurship, via online
shops and selling services, allowing anyone with something to
sell— even a design or idea— to go into business right now. Examples: and
Micro-boredom (n)  What we used to call downtime is now
increasingly filled by fiddling with mobiles or BlackBerrys. Those who
market these devices, or the services they use, see it as an opportunity
to sell us something.
Mullet strategy (n)  A website design where a site’s
main or most visible pages are professionally written, edited
and laid out, while the rest of the site relies on content
supplied by volunteers and site visitors.
Murketing (n)  A form of marketing where the mullet strategy
product or service is not mentioned or shown.
Myselfish (adj)  A term used to describe seeking recognition and self-
fulfillment via the Internet. This is accomplished with incessant Facebook
status updates and TMI-Twitter feeds, and serves the purpose of making
one feel important and/or noticed.
Nutworking (n)  A form of job search or career advice common among
unemployed professionals who aggressively seek job help from former
colleagues, friends and even complete strangers using every type of social
network available. Nutworking often results in the requester appearing to
be more of a crazy pest than a professional.

Netography (n)  Online in-depth ethnographic interview
as it applies to one’s online life.
Netroots (n)  A grassroots movement that uses the Internet to
communicate, organize and raise money.
OLO (n)  “Only laughed once.”
Online analyst (n)  People hired by companies like Coca-Cola
and AT&T to monitor what’s being said about them on social networks
and blogs. They use the Internet as a vast unpaid focus group.
Sexting (v)  Sending sexually explicit text messages or photos (a “sext”).
Social network fatigue (n)  The ennui induced by persistent
solicitations to join new social networks. It is especially acute in those
who are already members of more MySpaces than they can remember.
Social notworking (v)  Surfing a social networking site
instead of working.
Textually frustrated (adj)  When texting with someone over IM
or SMS takes too long, leaving you frustrated while waiting for a reply.
Tweet-up (n)  A real-world meeting between two or more people who
know each other through the online service Twitter.
Twitterrhea (n)  Waaaaay too much Twitter.
Y/Y (adv)  Stands for “yes/yes”; used instead of “y/n” (“yes/no”)
as a joke where “yes” is the only answer possible.

Personalities & Relationships
The alter-e: Technology has shaped not only the manner
in which we communicate, but also what and with whom
we correspond. We have the ability to find best friends,
gurus and relationships without ever meeting face to face.
In this fast-paced world where relationships form and change
in the blink of an eye, it’s the little things that make
all the difference in how we perceive and evaluate
our relationships and ourselves.

Flesh-and-blood friend
(also, see Unplugging): When life
around us is uncertain, we want authenticity
to give us a sense of safety and control.
Authentic people, uncomplicated products,
tradition and nothing flashy. Now, more
than ever, consumers want to be true to
themselves; they are getting back in touch
with what they really want, not what they feel
they should desire. In this complicated time, ease,
transparency and comfort become paramount when
assessing the importance of their relationships.

Adorkable (adj)  Delightful and charming in a socially awkward way.
Baby goggles (n)  A phenomenon where the parents of an ugly baby
think their baby is adorable and no one else does.
Cupcake (v)  To stay home with your boyfriend/girlfriend to cuddle.
Ex-hole (n)  Your ex boyfriend/girlfriend who dumped you via
Post-it/text/drop-off-the-face-of-the-earth-disappearing-act and who
is now flouncing around town with a new love interest.
Fauxmosexual (n)  A person who pretends to be gay, particularly
as a way of garnering attention; a person who mistakenly believes he
or she is gay.
FoM (n)  “Friends of Mom” are Mom’s collection of single and partnered
best buds who remember and support her pre-mom self.
Framily (n)  A person’s closest friends,
particularly those who feel like part
of the family. I
Gequals (n)  Two people who are equal
in their depth of arcane knowledge.
Hipocrite (n)  A person who engages in the
same behaviors/trends he condemns others for,
simply because he wants to take part in the social
fad of the moment.

Hot room (n)  A social setting that involves a mix of people whose
relationships to each other are, well, complicated.
Junior moment (n)  Flip-side of a senior moment. Can be
committed by adults, with a sudden lapse into immaturity, or by youth,
displaying the lack of thoughtfulness, sense or self-preservation the
old-timers associate with them.
Kindergarchy (n)  Rule or domination by children; the belief
that children’s needs and preferences take precedence over those
of their parents or other adults.
Niche dating (n)  Dating people based on a single characteristics,
or on a very limited set of characteristics.
Precop (n) abbr. (Pre-copulation)  A mutually binding agreement (usually
verbal) by and between consenting adults prior to engaging in casual sex.
The agreement stipulates that all involved parties are exonerated from
emotional attachment, post-coital contact and any promise of future sex.
Relafriendship (n)  A relationship between two people that has
“extra” benefits but doesn’t constitute a true commitment to each other. Both
parties can act as though a real relationship is underway and even have
feelings towards each other, but it can also end at any time without ties.

Stress & Life
Stresserated: Macro issues such as the state of the
economy and environment are influencing Americans’
emotional and physical health. In a recent poll, more than
half of the U.S. population
reported irritability or anger,
fatigue and sleeplessness, and
almost half said they self-
medicate by overeating or
indulging in unhealthy foods.
Today it’s not about whether
you are stressed, it’s about
how you address and cope.

Lighten up: In a world
where there is just too much
to worry about, people begin
to realize that they need to
lighten up and not
take themselves or
life too seriously.

Carcolepsy (n)  The act of a passenger falling asleep as soon as
the car starts moving.
Cheese and rice (n)  A less offensive way of saying “Jesus Christ.”
Co-rumination (n)  Excessive chattering about problems, real and
imagined. Leads to the amplification of real anxieties and the creation of
new ones. Has increased markedly in recent years, as email, messaging,
texting and Facebook have given the self-obsessed a multitude of outlets.
Deja-moo (n)  The feeling that you have heard this bull before.
Foot-in-mouth disease (n)  The habit of putting one’s foot in
one’s mouth.
Foul-weather friend (n)  The opposite of a fair-weather friend,
a foul-weather friend only seeks you out if they have a problem.
Hate-cation (n)  Taking a vacation from being a hater, where you
are committed to not saying anything bad about anyone or anything;
synonymous with “moral cleanse.”
Hecticvity (n)  Hectic activity.
Kitchenheimer’s (n)  When you’re in the kitchen going around
in circles because you can’t remember what you were doing there.
Laundry limbo (n)  Intentionally rewashing clothing simply
because you don’t feel like putting it away.
Presponse (n)  To respond to a question before it is finished,
often confusing the asker.

Resolution rush (n)  The rush of people who swarm the gym,
and other exercise places, in the weeks after the New Year. This usually
subsides quickly.
Retox (v)  To go back on your New Year’s resolutions and do the
opposite of the goals you set for yourself.
Self-helpless (adj)  The condition of somebody who is unable
to deal with life, usually found sitting around a neglected
apartment with bad hair and a bad outfit.
Semisomnia (n)  Mild but chronic exhaustion
caused by poor sleep habits.
SEP (n)  Someone else’s problem. Example:
“I thought we would have problems with that
project, but it’s SEP now that the manager
has been fired.” semisomnia
Smashed potatoes (adj)  Drunk, inebriated; similar to
the term “hot mess.”
Stressage (n)  A message that causes stress.
Stress puppy (n)  A person who thrives on being
stressed-out and whiny.
Whole grazer (n)  A Whole Foods patron who believes the store
is too costly, so in an effort to get their full money’s worth, they have
to try every sample in the store, often multiple times.

Street Slang/Others

Chairdrobe (n)  Piling clothes on a chair to be used in place

of a closet or dresser.
Commit suey (v)  To eat way too much Chinese food, which often
causes indigestion or nausea.
Good push (n)  A tip of the hat, if you will, after a bystander
passes gas in an egregious manner. Basically it is your vote of approval
during post-flatulence that the individual did indeed go above and
beyond the normal farting standards.
Groceraunt (n)  The combination of a grocery store and a restaurant.
Edupunk (n)  One who avoids mainstream teaching tools like
PowerPoint and Blackboard. Edupunks bring the rebellious attitude
and DIY ethos of ’70s bands like the Clash to the classroom.
Neologasm (n)  The pleasurable feeling from having coined a new word.
Combination of “neologism” and “orgasm.”
Slow travel (v)  Getting from point A to point B at a leisurely pace.
Slow travelers, who prefer trains and boats to cars and jets, brag that they
take as much pleasure in the journey as in the destination.
Leanover (n)  A small-sized hangover, usually comes with merely a mild
headache, a vague fatigue, and little or no sense of regret and/or shame.


©2009 Cramer-Krasselt

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