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Introduction to embedded system Small embedded system design Address and data line explanation with ALE Introduction to numbering system Hexa octal and decimal numbering system Memory calculation methods Fundamentals of C Data types and Constants Storage Classes Scope and Life Automatic Static External Register Functions Role of Functions Pass by value / reference Returning values from Functions Arrays Defining initializing and using arrays Multi Dimensional Arrays Arrays of Characters and Strings Arrays and Pointers Passing arrays to functions String handling with and without library functions Pointers The purpose of pointers Defining pointers The & and * operators Pointer Assignment Pointer Arithmetic Multiple indirections Advanced pointer types Generic and Null Pointer Function Pointers Pointers to Arrays and Strings Array of Pointers Pointers to Structure and Union Pointers to Dynamic memory Dynamic Memory Allocation Malloc() Calloc() Realloc() Free() Structures & Unions What structures are for Declaration initialization Embedded System Course Content

... Accessing like objects Nested Structures Array of Structures Passing structures through functions Allocation of memory and holes Structure Comparison Structure bit operation Type def for portability Unions Overlapping members Enumerated data types Enum Indexing enum Vs #define Bit Operations AND ( & ) OR ( | ) XOR ( ^ ) Compliment ( ~ ) Left-Shift ( << ) Right Shift ( >> ) Masking Setting Clearing and Testing of Bit / Bits Data Structures Linear & non-linear Homogeneous & non-homogeneous Static & Dynamic Linked Lists Stacks Queue Microcontroller (8 bit) Introduction Microprocessor vs Microcontroller CISC vs RISC Overview of Architecture 8 BIT MICROCONTROLLERS Processor Core and Functional Block Diagram Description of memory organization Overview of ALL SFRs and their basic functionality Low-level Programming Concepts Addressing Modes Instruction Set and Assembly Language (ALP) Developing Building and Debugging ALPs On-Chip Peripherals Ports: Input/output Timers & Counters Polling and Interrupts UART

Embedded System Course Content

... External Interfaces LEDS Switches (Momentary type Toggle type) Seven Segment Display: (Normal mode BCD mode Internal Multiplexing & External Multiplexing) LCD (4bit 8bit Busy Flag Custom Character Generation) Keypad Matrix Adc interface(08040808spi ) Protocols I2C (EEPROM) SPI (EEPROM) CANMotor controls Dc motor control Stepper motor control Ac motor control RTOS CONCEPTS Overview Specifications Single-Tasking Programs Multi-Tasking Programs RTX51 Tiny Programs theory of Operation Timer Tick Interrupt Task Management & Scheduler Events Round-Robin & Co-operative Task Switching Priority based pre emption Idle Task Signal Semaphore Shared memory Implementation Examples Microcontroller (32 bit) ARM7Architecture: Introduction Pipeline Registers Exception modes Instruction sets ARM PROG: General Purpose I/Os LED program Embedded System Course Content

... LPC Board Details Interrupts: Interrupt Structure FIQ Interrupt Vectored IRQ Non-Vectored IRQ Programs Serial Communication: UART0 UART1 Baud Rate Calculation Auto Baud Rate Interrupt Interfacings: Writing program for LCD. Timers & PWM: Timer0 Match Mode Capture Mode PWM I2C: I2C BASICS Master Mode Slave Mode Hardware Interfacings ADC Overview Registers Programming sending value through serial Introduction to Linux History of Linux Linux Kernel Versions Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux Features of Linux Linux Kernel Architecture Linux command set (popular 50) General purpose commands File system commands File handling commands Compressing and archiving files Simple filters User & System Mode File Management Embedded System Course Content

... Inter Process Communication concepts Files Pipes FIFO Message Queues Shared Memory Semaphore Signals Makefile Virtual File System VFS Architecture Introduction to EXT2FS / EXT3FS. An introduction to device drivers Role of the Device Drivers Character Device Drivers File operations The file structure Block Device Drivers Block drivers structures Introduction to ARM9 Tool chain Components Building Tool chain Build Systems for compiling tool chain Bootloader Architecture U-Boot Bootloader U-Boot Commands Bootloader commands and usage Bootloader code customization Using SD-Card for rootfs. TFTP Linux Kernel Architecture. Root file system. Building Root file system and booting the Linux Kernel Cross compilation of libraries for target. Application development and Cross compilation.

Embedded System Course Content

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