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Scripture : Matthew 16:13-16, DO YOU KNOW JESUS, HES NO SURPRISE Everybody likes surprises.

s. Am I right about it Whats in your Box ? Whats in your package ? Shake it up You know we have a prize that is accessable to us at all times in Jesus but its not a surprise. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore Dont lose focus on this message because youre wondering whats in my box, what is my prize Its kinda like a Christmas present, right ? You know its something in there but you dont know what youre getting until you open the package You experience so many emotions, excitement and anticipation Wouldnt it be great if you had that same anticipation,

same excitement, that same inquisitiveness about the package that Jesus left for you on that Golgotha hill, way back on Calvary. That package of salvation, that package that dwells inside your soul, the Holy Spirit. You see you dont have to guess and wonder what youre getting with that package, in that box. Because the word lets us know for sure whats in that package. It tells us that we have eternal life in that package, Everything we need, in that package V 13 says Jesus asked His disciples, What do people say about the son of man ? Here Jesus is acknowledging that He knows everybody is not accepting, nor recognizing Him for who He really is. Not buying into the vision that He is the Messiah that the prophets had spoken of. That is that He is fully man yet fully God. See He knew that they

had issues with this, which accounts for the disciples answer in V 14. Lets read V 14 again. In Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah had prophesied about the coming of this Son of God. Turn to John 1:20-23, John the Baptist makes it clear that He s not the one . You see, the people were willing to admit that Jesus was not just ordinary, that there was something special about Him, all they called Him were honorable, but they just couldnt bring themselves to admit that He was the Messiah, the promised one. Is that the way we are today, Jesus is this, but not all that. Hes your Lord, but not your Savior. Do you really know the man. Some of us have an identity crisis. How can we know who Jesus is, when we dont know who we really are. And not only that we dont know whose we really are. Are you of

the world or of the Spirit. One day youre on the left and the next day youre on the right, double minded, and a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. See the word tells us to not to be conformed to this world but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. It didnt matter that they had seen Him performing all these miracles and healing all theses people, It didnt matter that He had fed 5 thousand with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread, no, none of that mattered. They still didnt know who He really was. But you see Jesus wasnt really that concerned about who the world thought He was, those people, those Saducees, and Pharasees. He could have just come out and told them. But He wanted them to recognize Him through His works, that they might believe. He probably told the disciples

something like He told His Mother in Genesis, I cant be worried about all that, I got to focus on my Fathers business. Thats the way we ought to be today, focused on what Jesus would have us to do, on getting to know Him better. See one day somebody, just,may be surprised because He said everyone that calls Lord, Lord will not enter into His kingdom. Thats why we need to be like Paul and strive for the prize of the high calling. Oh, I know it gets hard some times because even Paul said that when He try to do the right thing evil is always present and not only that but when the spirit is willing the flesh is sometimes weak. V15 Jesus says to them, But whom do you say that I am ? Now this was the question. He really wanted to know if the disciples knew Him, that all His efforts had not been

in vain, that surely they didnt have it twisted. He says, Ive, been walking with you, talking with you for a while now, preaching and teaching and telling you all those parables trying to make it plain, get you to understand some things. Did you hear the words that came out of my mouth ? You saw me change the water into wine, calm the sea, even walked on the sea, cast out demons, raise the dead, What about you , who do you say that I am. You see they had witnessed all these things and they surely should have known who He was. There should not have been any doubt in their mind. Has He done anything for you lately? Do you know who He is. There ought not be any doubt in your mind. Has everything Hes done for you been in vain ? There is no doubt

in my mind, I know without a shadow of a doubt , that He is my Lord and Savior Oh if you really recognized Him for everything He is to you, you would be leaping for joy, you wouldnt be able to hold your peace, You would be like Jeremiah said, Its like fire shut up in my bones. In other words everytime I think about His goodness and all Hes done for me my soul cries out Hallelujah. I m glad I know Him today, Oh I appreciate your testimonies and everything but Im just glad I know Him for myself, you see Hes done so many wonderful and marvelous things for me. I cant even tell it all. You know how the song goes, you dont know like I know what Hes done for me. Jesus dont pull any punches, aint no suprises in His goodness. You can expect it. You know what youre getting every time. When He says Hes all that you need,

thats exactly what youre going to get. He says I Am that I Am. In the book of John there are seven statements made by Jesus Himself where He calls Himself I Am. 1. In John 6:35, 41, 48, & 51 He says I am the bread of life. After Jesus fed the five thousand, the people wanted more free food. As bread sustains our physical life, Jesus offers and sustains our spiritual life. The nourishment and satisfaction He offers are permanent. In other words, once youre fed by Him, you dont hunger anymore 2. In John 8:12 He says I am the light of the world. During the feast of the tabernacles they lit a big candelabra on the Temple to remind the Israelites of the pillar of fire that guided their ancestors while they were wandering around in the wilderness. To a world stumbling about in the darkness, Jesus offers

Himself as a constant guide. We dont have to walk in darkness because He is the true light. 3. In John 10:7,& 9 He says I am the door of the sheep He was dealing with the religious leaders of Israel and in essence telling them they were unfit shepherds of the nation. Shepherds guided their flocks into stone enclosures each night to protect them. These structures had no doors. The shepherd would sit or lie in the opening to prevent predators from attacking. This is how Jesus describes His care and constant devotion to those who are His. Arent you glad that Jesus lies at your door and keeps your enemies from attacking, ptotects you from hurt, harm, and danger 4. John 10:11 & 14 says I am the good shepherd Jesus is committed to caring for and keeping watch over His people. Thats what a good shepherd does 5. John 11:25 He says I am the resurrection and the life

This He said after Lazarus had died. Jesus is the Lord of all life and possesses the power to raise the dead. Death is not the final word. For all who are in Christ will live forever. 6. John 14:16 Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life He was explaining heaven to the disciples Jesus is the only on,e and the only way to the Father. He is the source of all knowledge about God. He offers to spiritually dead people the very life of God. 7. John 15:1 & 5 He says I am the true vine During a time when there was such unfruitfulness, Jesus came to fulfill Gods plan. He explains to the disciples the relationship between the divine and the human. He uses the image of the vine and the branch, Jesus being the main vine and the disciples being the branches that are tended to by the Father, like a gardener.

By attaching ourselves to Christ, we enable His life to flow in and through us. Then we cannot help but bear fruit that will honor the Father. He has let us know exactly who He is to us but yet we still act surprised. There used to be a toy that kids played with; its out dated now but it was called the Jack In the Box. This is how it worked. Why are we surprised when Jesus shows up every time, didnt He say He would be with us always, that He would never leave us nor forsake us, provide our every need. Were you surprised that He watched over you all night long, woke you up this morning. Were you really surprised ? Some of us do Jesus just like we do Jack in the Box Some of us need to let Jesus out of the box today so He can do His thing, so He can have His way in your life. Be all that He can be. Stop limiting Jesus. Dont just let Him out when you need Him, let Him out daily so He can

lead and guide you, then maybe you wont get into so many things that you need Him to get you out of. Jesus is crying out to us today, Let me out, do you know who I am V 16 We see Peter answered and said Thou art the Son of the living God. Peter knew this because Jesus had just a while before bid Peter to walk on water and Peter came to trust Him, to really know Him. He had had a personal encounter. Is that who you know Him to be, the Son of the living God ? Have you learned how to lean and depend on Him? Have you had a personal encounter? V 17 Jesus tells Peter that this wasnt revealed to Him by flesh and blood but by His Father which is in heaven. It was a result of Spiritual insight and since the Spirit dwells in all believers we all have a right to know Jesus for who

He really is, not the teacher, not the prophet, but the Son of the living God the one who promises to be every thing we need The Samaritan woman that Jesus met at the well came to know who He was when He gave Her that living water after He read her mail, told her all about herself. When Daniel was in the Lions den he knew Him as the lion tamer . The 3 Hebrew boys when they were in that fiery furnace knew Him as the fire fighter, The woman with the issue of blood knew Him as the healer. And what about that adulterous woman that they were about to stone to death surely she knew He was her savior. You dont just come to know Jesus just because, You come to know who He is because of all He has done for you. How He protects and provides for you, After, You have a spiritual connection like Peter did. I know Big Mama Nem told us who He was , but we have

to know Him for our selves, We have to have a personal relationship with Him I know some things about Jesus too. I know that every time I turn around Hes making a way and Im not surprised, because He does it over and over again. I know that when ever I need Him Hes always there. I know Him as my All And All. Some say Michael Jackson could not sleep. .Maybe if Michael Jackson had known Him as His comforter, He might have let Him rock Him to sleep instead of using the wrong medicine. Some said Steve McNair had a void in His life since He was no longer playing football. Maybe if Steve McNair had known Him as his company keeper and the prince of peace, He would have let Him fill that void instead of looking for love in all the wrong places.

They might have been surprised at just how God could handle all their problems. But dont you be surprised today. Get to know Him for who He really is. Hes all that you need. Then get ready to receive your prize of eternal life with Him.

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