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Uche Onyekwelu CCE

The early life of Israel in Egypt, the early life of
Moses, the call of Moses, the Plagues of Egypt, the
Passover, infact the high expectancy of deliverance
from Egypt as the supreme act of God’s power and
love were the events that emerged which led to
Israel’s movement “from Etham to the Sea of Reeds”
in chapter 14 and the “Song of Victory” in chap 15.

The first convergent point of chap 14 and 15 was
seen in the moving of Pharaoh and his army into the
sea- 14:26-29; 15:4. Also, both chapters mentioned
Yahweh as God which seen in the sentences like-
“and they’ll know that I’m Yahweh”, or Yahweh is his
name”. More so, they mentioned the name of the sea
in question- “the sea of Reeds”. Also they bear the
incident of the waters piling high and firm wind in
the crossing of the sea event. There’s also the
mentioning of the sea becoming a firm or dry
ground. Issues like, the threat of the enemy to catch
and destroy the Israelites- cf. Ex 14: 15; 15:9- and
that Yahweh wrapped the sea over Pharaoh and his
army by Moses’ instrumentality- cf. Ex 14:26; 15:10-
were extant.

On a meticulous study, one discovers that there
are many divergent points (that is, points found in
chap 14 which are not in chap 15). They are as
follows: (i) The pitching of Israel’s camp at Pi-Hiroth
between Migdol and the sea facing Baal Zephon as
seen in Ex. 14:2. (ii) The decision of Yahweh to
harden Pharaoh’s heart as seen in Ex. 14:17. (iii)
That six hundred of best chariots were used by
Pharaoh against Israel as seen in Ex 14:17. (iv)
Israel’s fear and complaints at the advent of the
Egyptians towards them as seen in Ex. 14:11-12. (v)
The assurance given to them by Moses as regards
Yahweh’s omnipotence and victory over the war as
seen in Ex 14:13-14. (vi) The reverence of Israel on
God and Moses with there subsequent faith in them
as seen in Ex. 14:3.
Furthermore, the divergencies extend to: (i) The
celebration of the glory and majesty of God after the
deliverance of the Israelites from the hand of
Egyptians as seen in Ex. 15:1; 7. (ii) The fall of
Pharaoh and his soldiers which is compared to a
stone thrown into water and settles at the bottom of
the sea as seen in Ex. 15:5. (iii) God’s use of his
breath to control the rhythm of the sea as seen in Ex.
15:10. (iv) The fear of Phillistia, Edom, Moab and all
inhabitants of Canaan over God’s wonders for Israel
as seen in 15: 14-15. (v) The motion that Yahweh will
bring his people to his dwelling place, and reign as
king as seen in EX. 15: 18. (vi) Out of joy, Aaron’s
sister- Miriam- took up a tambourine and every other
woman followed her suite, as EX. 15: 20 testifies.

By exigencies here we mean certain common
relatedness between chap 14 and 15. Infact we have
to know that chap 14 would not have been too
significant if not for the undeniable content of chap
15 that made chap 14 profound. Likewise the 14th
chapter renders chap 15 relevant by being the seed
ground for its relevance too. A practical instance of
this was seen in some issues emphasized by chap.15
in chap.14, they are as follows: (i) the mentioning of
God as using breath to control the sea to Israel’s
favour, and to the detriment of the Egyptian. (ii) The
enemies’ regret to have left Israel to go and later
pursued them. (iii) The assertion of Yahweh.
However, another serious issue is that of knowing
which of the two came first in composition. Even
though this was not told in the biblical narrative
itself, our class discussion explains that Ex. 15 may
have been the first because of its credence as one of
the oldest poetry in the Bible.

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