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You have been sadlyneglected, but now I'd like to bring you up to date
on what the Lord is doing in this part of Thailand. The rainy season always brings floods and this year is no exception. In Chiengkam we have had no

August 20, 2005^

problem. I've only had my yard flooded for 2-3 days, but in ChiangMai, the largest city in northern Thailand, they had a major flood, the worst in 40 years Praise the Lord the boys in the Home of Blessing got moved to a new

July 30'*^. The house father barbecued a pig and invited the steering committee
and some of the Christians from the local church to share the joy of the boys as
the home was dedicated. The new location is great. The house is surrounded

rental house before the big storm hit. They had an open house the evening of

by trees with lots of room for the pigs and chickens and a garden space behind the trees. The pigs looked very happy with their new quarters that were dry
and clean and room to roam a bit instead of the yard full of mud and sometimes under water. The house is high enough for 2 stories with a cemented area underneath. This had been converted into an open air kitchen

and the bunk beds for the boys were arranged in another room and the big room. There is still plenty of room for the boys to study, have meetings, etc. Also there is room for a computer that a young man, a former Chiangkham
dorm student, gave the home. When some of the women from the church

and dining room and a closed in room where the boys can keep their clothes and change after their shower. Upstairs the house father's family has 2 rooms

from broken homes due to death, divorce or prison. Only Christ can bring
these kids. Only by God's grace can victory be won.

joined us for dinner we had a chance to talk with them, and they thanked us for letting the boys come to the Bible school classes and youth meetings at the church. They really appreciate the boys. The boys are very happy with their new home and its proximity to the grade school and church. The older boys make good use of their bicycles as they have farther to go to school. There are 18 Hmong boys in the home this year with 5 new boys in the 5^ grade. The Chiangkham dormitories have 28 boys and 29 girls. Many come

there are successes and failures, but God does undertake in response to your prayers. Satan is very active and there are so many temptations surrounding
from the government that covered her expenses so she moved out to a

healing, hope, and give meaning to their lives. As in any real life situations

had 15 girls when school opened. But one of the girls received ascholarship

The Home of Refuge, for girls in danger of being sold into prostitution,

dormitory near the school. She did not like the discipline and not being able to go out with the boys any time and as late as she wanted to. After attending a birthday party and not returning till the next day. Unwilling to accept discipline she was dismissed into the care of her relatives. She never made any
the father 65 years old and too old to work or care for the children. The next 2 girls had been abandoned. Sasina was .13 and had been left with an older married sister who had a 9 year old child. The husband died of Aids. The wife had a baby and remarried when the baby was 3 months old. She left the 2

was sent to home in Chiangrai. The 2"'^ girl's mother was in jail for 7years and

profession of faith. There are 14 girls in the home now, 5 of them new. The first new girl was taken in immediately after her sister was raped. The sister

children with Sasina to care for alone. Later the mother came begging us to take all 3children. We arranged for the baby to go to a home caring for children of Aids patients. We could take Sasina in the Home of Refuge but no
place could be found for the 9year old so the Home of Refuge has become a

refuge for her. Pray for the house parents and the girls that they nfiay come to know Christ and grow in Him. Pray also for sufficient funding for this home.
September 8, 2005 two young women will be coming to assist with an English program for the Home and Refuge, the Chiangkham dorm, and mission

staff. Emily and Katie will be living at Dorothy's home for 6 months. Pray that
their lives will be a blessing and that they will be blessed in their service and making adjustments to new food, customs, etc. Pray for Dorothy that she will be a blessing to them and also make necessary adjustments. May the Lord bless you all and burden you to pray for the work in

Yours in the Lord's service,

Dorothy Uhlig

P.S. I would like to express my appreciation of the members of Rrst Christian Church who have given support and encouragement since I first came to

Thailand in 1951. An era has ended and they have sold their building so in the future Shasta Way Christian church has graciously offered to serve as
forwarding church.

Checks may be made out to: Shasta Way Christian Church (if you want a
receipt for IRS)

Or to: Dorothy Uhlig or ACCM * (No IRS receipt)

Send all correspondence and contributions to: Mrs. Arlene Lundgren
3500 Summers Lane #28

Klamath Falls, OR 97603

* ACCM American Church of Christ Mission to Thailand (Registered in


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